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To the Other Path
by fallacies

Bereft the sword he was to wield, Emiya Shirou strayed from the...
SABER : Astolfo Alter
SABER : Astolfo Alter
Male : Lawful Neutral : 164cm : 56kg


Mana B
Luck C​

:. Class Skills
  • Thaumaturgical Resistance : A
  • Riding : A
:. Personal Skills
  • Monstrous Strength : C
  • Evaporation of Rationality : —
:. Noble Phantasms

Down With A Touch!
: Trap of Argalia
Rank D : Anti-Unit

The jousting lance of the knight Argalia. Bears a tip of gold.
Though its lethality is certainly inferior, with a mere wound would it be possible to render an opponent's legs to spiritualization; or to otherwise fell them.
Being as restoration from such a fall would require a LCK check, in the circumstance that [a saving throw] is failed, the Bad Status 「Fallen」 persists.
However, being that for every 1 turn, LCK is [in this capacity] upwards-revised, success becomes more probable.
Phantasmal Horse Not Of This World : Hippogriff
Rank B+ : Anti-Army

Said to [bear] the forebody of a griffin and the hindbody of a horse, a Phantasmal Beast of an existence that was in the first place 「inconceivable」.
Though he would be inferior in Rank to the beast of the Age of Gods that is the Griffin, the pulverizing attack come of his charge is comparable to a physical attack of a Rank of A.
However, the true worth of this Phantasmal Beast does not lie there.
Being that it came about as a half-breed between a horse and a griffin originally rendered as 「inconceivable」, his existence is extremely indefinite, and he is for just a moment capable of consigning himself to the interstice of (between?) the Dimensions.
In consequence, he is capable of phasing through all manner of attacks.
Hooked Dragnet of Fortuity : Vulcano Caligorant
Rank B (EX) : Anti-Unit

A net laid forth by the giant Caligorant, capable even of capturing a God.
... but be that as it may, by Astolfo's horn did Caligorant fall to a panic and take flight.
In self-destruction [was he] captured within this net.
Per various vicissitudes, the net was as of the change in Astolfo's Saint Graph which rendered him to the Saber Class reforged as a sword.
Called as a whip sword or a jabara-ken (蛇腹剣, "snake-belly sword"; 蛇腹, commonly "bellows" as in an accordion), it is as a romantic weapon for all warriors. (Declaration)
Indiscriminate Idol Rampage : Crazy-Trip Drive-Idol
Rank B+ : Anti-Unit (Self)

Something come of activating the power of the Hippogriff.
Extant everywhere and nowhere, he becomes as an existence wrought of Imaginary Numbers, plunging enemy formations to chaos.
To speak it in more concrete terms, beyond [the circumstance] that Astolfo is rendered to multiple bunshin, irrelevant of whether the legitimate article is present or absent, attacks are not received.
Worse, after the passage of a certain amount of time, Astolfo proliferates as per the manner of a doubling game.
A rampage of near a hundred Astolfos incessantly chattering is said to be something akin to a nightmare to certain Servants.
All-Purpose Thaumaturgical Subjugation Manual : Luna Break Manual
Rank C : Anti-Unit (Self)

A volume inherited from a certain witch, which records therein the procedures by which to shatter every thaumaturgy.
Merely by the possession of such, it is possible to automatically cancel all thaumaturgy beneath a Rank of A.
Though Reality Marbles or Grand Thaumaturgies asymptotic to such are without the boundaries of this [effect], if in such a circumstance, the True Name [of the Noble Phantasm] is released, by way of reading and comprehending the book, the possibility of the shattering of such may likewise be grasped.
... however, Astolfo has completely forgotten [the book's] True Name.
"All-Purpose Thaumaturgical Subjugation Manual" is likewise [just] a name attached of suitability.
The Noble Phantasm Name is in actuality 「Abolition Proclamation」 — Casseur de Logistille, it is said.
The Magic Horn That Calls Forth Panic : La Black Luna
Rank C : Anti-Army

A horn that emits an aberrant noise akin to the roar of a Dragon, or the neighing of a Divine Horse.
Existences within range are assaulted with the impact of an explosive noise.
In the circumstance that a target's HP is exceeded by the damage, they disperse to dust.
Granted to Astolfo by the good witch Logistilla, it was used to drive off a large flock of harpies.
Though under normal circumstances, it's of such a size [as to permit] that it can affixed below the waist, in use, it expands to such a size as to encircle Astolfo.
The Small World Enclosed By the Azure Skies : Akhilleus Kosmos
Rank A+ : Boundary Field

A Boundary Field Noble Phantasm of the variety of defensive armaments, comparable to『the Seven Rings That Cover the Heavens』.
A shield said to have been crafted by Hephaistos, the God of the Forge.
A Projection of the very World that Achilles witnessed, its periphery swirls with ocean currents come of the God of the Sea.
To oppose this shield is to make an opponent of a World — and if activated, it wholly obstructs Anti-Fortress; Anti-Nation; and even Anti-Divinity Noble Phantasms.​
"Shirou is excessively OP in this fic!"
Capabilities attributed to Shirou in this fic, to present:

Chapter I -
  • Projection of Rule Breaker; Reinforcing it as an arrow

  • Projection of an incomplete replica of the Jeweled Sword of Zelretch, based on blueprints provided by Rin and the memories of Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern, supplied by Illya; deriving from observing Kojirou's Tsubame Gaeshi a rudimentary comprehension of Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon

  • Deployment of Unlimited Blade Works; intentional exception of a nearby person from inclusion into the territory

  • Reclaiming Projections within Unlimited Blade Works as mana

  • Projection of Vulcano Caligorant x2

  • Imitation of Emiya's skill in wielding Kanshou and Bakuya in Overedge

  • Imitation of Astolfo's skill in wielding Vulcano Caligorant; applying it to Kanshou and Bakuya

  • Deriving the history of Vulcano Caligorant

  • Reinforcement of own physical performance

  • True Name Release of Vulcano Caligorant, binding all Astolfo clones created in his deployment of Indiscriminate Idol Rampage

  • Utilizing Unlimited Blade Works to analyze Astolfo's deployment of Indiscriminate Idol Rampage; identifying the clone most associated with Astolfo by tie of Nidana

  • Projection of Bicchuu Aoe

  • Utilizing the nature of Unlimited Blade Works as a World to observe Adjacent timelines within its context

  • Imperfectly imitating Kojirou's skill with Tsubame Gaeshi to circumvent Akhilleus Kosmos; making use of a rudimentary comprehension of Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon and the observation of Unlimited Blade Works to cut at Astolfo in multiple Adjacent timelines
Chapter II -
  • Altered Projection of Vulcano Caligorant, per Caladbolg II; the Diktuon Amphigyeis

  • Projection of Rule Breaker; severing of the transplanted portion of Rin's Crest from Rin
"Shirou is excessively OP in this fic!"

Yes, he is. Because, I couldn't stand that all the Shirou-wank fics out there wank him so poorly.
That said, quite a number of the feats that I attribute to him are in fact canonical, or nearly so.
SABER : Astolfo Alter : Historical Personage
SABER : Astolfo Alter

:. Historical Personage

A fictitious paladin of Charlemagne, attested in the Matter of France and related literature.

In Canto VI of Orlando Furioso, Astolfo is given as a prince of England, son to a king by the name of Otho or Otto. This is likely Offa of Mercia (? - 796) — a contemporary of Charles the Great (748 - 814).

However, Offa's only son, Ecgfrith (? - 796), matches little of Astolfo's figure in legend, and was notable only inasmuch that he was the first English king consecrated at coronation; a man rejected by Charles I as a betrothed to his daughter Bertha (779 – 826). Following his father's death, he was seated as a king of Mercia for a mere 141 days before dying himself to unknown illness.

Offa's queen, Cynethryth — attested to in Beowulf as a reformed sinner by the name of Thryth or Thritha; the only Anglo-Saxon queen known to have coinage issued in her name — isn't of known descent, but Vitae duorum Offarum poses that she may have been of the continent; set adrift at sea for unspecified crimes. Making landfall in Wales, she was brought to Offa, and eventually wedded to him — bearing to him a son, Ecgfrith, and several daughters.

Amongst Offa's daughters, Aelfthrith (? - c. 835) was once engaged to Aethelberht II (? - 794) of the Kingdom of East Anglia — then a client state of Mercia. For reasons uncertain, relations abruptly soured, and Offa ordered Aethelberht's death — arranging for the young man to be beheaded when he came to visit his betrothed.

Medieval accounts of this event give that Cynethryth may have either personally performed the assassination, or otherwise influenced Offa to order the death; but recent archaeological evidence paints a rather different picture. In particular, the existence of coinage issued in the name of Aethelberht II suggests that prior his execution, he had plans to maneuver East Anglia toward a political independence.

Circa 794, Aelfthrith is said to have retired to the marshland of Crowland Abbey, where she was built into a cell — living there as a recluse to the end of her life, circa 835. In death, she was beatified as a virgin saint by the Roman Catholic Church; but in 870 — only a few decades subsequent — all relics that remained of her were lost to a Danish raid upon the monastery. In modernity, no evidence remains of the cell she inhabited in Crowland —

— if in fact she was ever there at all.

Let us for a brief moment entertain a Fantasy entirely unjustified in historical fact:

Ecgfrith was the first-born son to a royal house in a turbulent era — strictly raised from birth to fulfill his duty as an heir to the Mercian throne. Of a maternal love, had Cynethryth bore to Offa another son, she might have desired to spare him a similar fate — perhaps obtaining from her husband consent to raise the child as a girl.

If at his coming of age, there was then an expectation within the court that a daughter should be married off as to further bind a political ally, Cynethryth would to preserve her child's secret seek for him a husband firmly obligated to the royal house of Mercia — for example, the king of a neighboring client state.

Polygamy once allowed that a single barren wife wouldn't conclude a chain of succession. However, with the gradual adoption of Christianity across the British Isles, such a practice was no longer permissible. To a Christian king suborned as a vassal on the threat of military force, commandment by a political patron to take a man as his bride wouldn't have merely been an insult. It would've been tantamount to an ordered termination of lineage.

But such a situation could be turned around. For example, if it came to the attention of the Holy See that Mercia intended to make a mockery of the sacred institution of marriage by forcing upon the monarch of a client state a man as a bride, censure was certain to come. And if in arrogance, the vassal king thought to so extort the Crown of Mercia; to threaten them with embarrassment before the Pope —

— why, it wouldn't be strange at all if they ordered him beheaded; making use of his death as a pretense to retire their child to a convent — away from the machinations of their court.

At Crowland Abbey in the final years of the 9th century, perhaps there stood an empty cell — never once inhabited.

And perhaps in distant lands, riding free upon a hippogriff's back, a nameless knight sought his fame and fortune ...
Figures of Marginal Import in 1st Century Rome
Claudia Augusta (January 63 – April 63)

Daughter to the Roman Emperor Nero (37 - 68) and his wife, Poppaea Sabina (30 - 65); the last known direct descendant of the Julio-Claudian dynasty of Rome. A sickly child said to have died of illness a matter of months after her birth. Thereafter, Nero declared her a goddess.

Supposing, however, that Nero was in fact a woman, it's a mystery as to who Claudia Augusta's father might've been, as her physical traits are said to have reflected Poppaea Sabina ... ?

Sporus (? - 69)

A freedman; formerly a puer delicatus. Said to have borne a close resemblance to Poppaea Sabina. On account of this physical similarity, Nero arranged after Poppaea Sabina's death that Sporus be castrated — taking him as a wife.

At Nero's death, Sporus entered into the care of several men — including Nymphidius Sabinus (c. 35 - 68), who'd persuaded the Praetorian Guard to abandon Nero to suicide; and Otho (32 - 69) — the 2nd of the Four Emperors, and Poppaea Sabina's former husband. At Otho's death, the 3rd of the Four Emperors, Vitellius (15 - 69), expressed his intent to make use of Sporus as a victim in a gladiatorial reenactment of The Rape of Proserpina. To avoid such a fate, Sporus committed suicide.

Sporus' name derives of the Greek spora, which refers to "seed" or "sowing."

Maes Titianus

A traveling merchant of Roman and Macedonian extraction, documented to have been granted audience with Emperor He of the Han Dynasty (88 - 106), circa the year 100. The travels of Maes Titianus attest to the existence of Sino-Roman contact in the approximate era of Nero.
Reference Image for TtOP "Shiro"

Not with that particular outfit, or that precise coloration, but basically Okita Alter.
Avesta as a Perfect Record of the World
In modern psychoanalysis, neurosis designates the category of psychiatric conditions whereby ego defenses are expressed in response to trauma absent of a complete incapacity to functionally model reality. Ergo, in Freudian terms, the mature ego is still intact, and the boundary between the self and the other is maintained.

By contrast, psychosis designates the category of conditions where capacity to functionally model reality is noticeably compromised. If in Freudian terms, the solidification of the ego — of the distinction between the self and the other — is comprehended as a milestone in the growth of the mind out of infantility, psychosis comes about by way of a regression backwards through that threshold, to an infantile state of mental functioning. Thus, when psychiatrists speak of a 'psychotic break,' what's 'breaking' is in a sense the solidified ego of maturity. Psychotic behaviors are therefore not to be designated as mechanisms of 'ego defense,' as the condition of their manifestation is the collapse of a functional ego.

Per the context above, catatonia is in some schools of psychoanalytic theory comprehended as a psychotic response wherein the absence of distinction between the self and other prevents the individual from acting at all. To rephrase, the catatonic isn't able to move because they can no longer recognize the distinction between themselves and the environment. They themselves have become one with the world.

Clinical psychology recognizes that catatonia may arise of a number of different causes, including drug use, physical injury to the brain, and schizophrenia. However, psychogenic catatonia appears with some frequency in response to traumatic loss of control over one's life or environment. As an example, resignation syndrome — apparently endemic to Sweden — is a condition resembling catatonia that generally manifests in "traumatized children and adolescents in the midst of a strenuous and lengthy migration process."

... thus, existences recorded to the Avesta cannot be externalized to the World without.
Circuitous Coronary Corridor
Randomly, in reference to the crater of the Greater Grail in Fuyuki:
HF - Day 16 - 16 said:
The Circuitous (円, en, "circular") Coronary (冠, kan, "crown") Corridor (回廊, kairou, "cloistered corridor"; typically "circuitous"); the Cardial Realm (心臓世界, shinzou sekai, "world of the heart") of Ten-no-Sakazuki (テンノサカズキ).
The Circuitous Coronary Corridor; the Cardial Realm of Ten-no-Sakazuki.
Ten-no-Sakazuki (テンノサカズキ) can render as:
  • 天ノ杯 - The Cup of Heaven
  • 天ノ逆月 - The Reverse Moon of the Heavens
MirrorMoon said:
The circular circuit, the world of heart, Heavens Feel.
Clarification on the Primordial Curse of Verg Avesta
Grand Order Material III said:


the False Inscription of the Ten Thousand Phenomena

Rank : D​
Type : Anti-Unit​
Range : Unlimited​
Targets : 1​

Verg Avesta.
A forgery of the scriptures of Zoroastrianism, the Avesta.
A Primordial Curse that reflects the injury [Avenger] sustains unto an opponent, exactly as is.
... but though such [a thing] sounds fine, as the individual himself could on sustaining an injury unto death die before the activation of the Noble Phantasm,
he doesn't activate it if he cannot 「sustain an injury that just barely fails to kill him」.
Avenger alone cannot prevail against an enemy, [as] subsequent [the use] of this Noble Phantasm, a partner as to defeat the enemy in his place is necessary. [He's] truly the weakest.
As a clarification, "sustaining an injury that just barely fails to kill" is not an absolute condition to Angra Mainyu's use of the Verg Avesta. Merely, use of the Noble Phantasm isn't particularly meaningful unless it's specifically made to act against the opponent's strongest attack.

For the purposes of this fic, not necessarily applicable to the canon:

The Primordial Curse of the Verg Avesta colors an opponent's flesh almost instantaneously, but this hasn't any obvious function aside from rendering the bounds of the target's anatomy as a canvas for the reenactment of Angra Mainyu's injury. In the case that injury is rendered by a Noble Phantasm, what's reenacted is effectively the outcome of the use of the Noble Phantasm, rather than the Noble Phantasm itself.

The coloration of the Primordial Curse is an extension of Verg Avesta's [RUBY=territory]jurisdiction[/RUBY], distinct from the World without. Whereas the True Name Release of a Noble Phantasm would typically require explicit acknowledgement from the Human Order, as in the manner of Emiya Kiritsugu's Time Alter, Verg Avesta strictly acts within the bounds of its domain — circumventing the necessity of eliciting the World's recognition. Furthermore, though outcomes are reenacted, it's explicitly the case that nothing is extruded from the records of the False Inscription.

Comparatively, the Primordial Curse of Shiro's Verg Avesta reenacts the very existence of the assorted phenomena committed to record. Thus, if a mundane sword were to be Projected forth, the Curse would move to actualize the physicality of the sword as of the World without.

This variation in performance comes of the fact that Shiro isn't directly an iteration of the Heroic Spirit Angra Mainyu. Rather, the doll of mud that was Emiya Shirou was an organism born of the God That Was Wished For — invested not with the faith of a single people, but the Curses of humanity as a whole.

That is to say, 「Unlimited Blade Works」 has in a certain sense always exceeded 「the Verg Avesta」.
Reference images for Chapter IX
:. Marisbury Animusphere


:. Scandinavia Peperoncino


:. Reference image for "the Tuner of the Einzberns"


Source is Princess Principal.

:. Reference image for "Nona"


Source is Persona 5.

:. Reference image for the Spiritron Calculation Engine TRISMEGISTOS


TRI-HERMES, the predecessor to Finis-Chaldea's yet-to-be-completed supercomputer, the TRISMEGISTOS.
Situated in the Academy at Atlas.

:. Klein Coffins


The versions used for rayshifting are perpendicular.
The one used by Animusphere in this chapter is an older model, which more resembles the cryofreeze beds from Passenger (2016). Rather standing upright, they're positioned at an incline.
Last edited:
Scandinavia Peperoncino & the Abhijñā
Shugendou (修験道) is a Buddhist ascetic practice that originates of Japan — possibly descended of pre-Buddhist traditions. Scandinavia Peperoncino is a practitioner of such.

In the context of Buddhism, the Abhijñā (神通, jintsuu) — "the Divine Comprehensions" — are a set of six capabilities that approximate the 'Divine Authorities' acquired by those of substantial attainment upon the path to Enlightenment. Please note that 'Divine' doesn't here refer to actual divine beings, but rather to Buddhas and Bodhisattva.

The three Abhijñā attained by Scandinavia Peperoncino are as follows:
  • 神足通 (Jinsoku-Tsuu):the Comprehension of the Divine Foot : Iddhi-vidha-ñāṇa
    A supernatural motility, which can in some circumstances become tantamount to teleportation. Used by Peperoncino to circumvent his own annihilation in Arjuna Alter's cycling of the Mahapralaya; and possibly to independently escape the collapse of the Lostbelt of Olympus.

  • 他人通 (Tajin-Tsuu):the Comprehension of the Hearts of Others : Ceto-pariya-ñāṇa
    An instantaneous reading of intent, even from inhuman existences. Peperoncino claims that he's only able to distinguish surface-level emotions in an individual he's interacting with — but combined with cold reading, his accuracy in determining the thoughts of others is extremely high.

  • 漏尽通 (Rojin-Tsuu):the Comprehension of the Extinction of Poisons : Āsavakkhaya-ñāṇa
    An intimate comprehension of one's own state of being — of one's eventual annihilation; though, in Buddhist literature, it's rather described as "a complete freedom from preoccupations," attained upon arriving at Buddhahood. Also, apparently the capacity to remove oneself from the cycle of reincarnation.
It's said that practitioners of Buddhist ascetic traditions can bring themselves closer to enlightenment; but if in so doing, they mire themselves in the attainment of supernatural cultivation — for example, in acquirement of the Abhijñā — they run the risk of falling outside of the Six Paths of Incarnation, to "the Path of the Tengu" (天狗道, Tengu-dou) — an immortality without salvation; without the possibility of reincarnation unto the eventual objective of Nirvana.

In this fic, it's presumed that the Comprehension of the Divine Foot is conditional to the self-awareness obtained as of the Comprehension of the Extinction of Poisons. That to say, the supernatural motility that Peperoncino exhibits is in essence rendered by way of "observing" himself unto a destination. Further, it's presumed that Chaldea's rayshifting functions on a similar basis — or perhaps, that it's founded on something akin to the Comprehension of the Hearts of Others ...
Timeline : Section B : 2004
12/?? ??? - Heracles summoned
01/12 Mon - Medea summoned
01/23 Fri - Cu summoned
01/26 Mon - Kojirou summoned
01/?? ??? - Medusa summoned
01/31 Sat - EMIYA summoned
02/02 Mon - Astolfo summoned

02/15 Sun - Chapter I-VII
02/21 Sat - Chapter VIII
02/?? ??? - Chapter IX

03/23 Tue - End of 2nd Year, 3rd Trimester for Shirou & Rin
04/01 Thu - Beginning of 3rd Year, 1st Trimester for Shirou & Rin
Timeline : Section C : 2005-2006 & Notes
2005 Mar - Rin & Shirou graduate from Homurahara
2005 Apr - Beginning of 3rd Year for Sakura
2006 Mar - Sakura graduates from Homurahara
2006 Sep - Rin & Sakura enroll at Clock Tower; Chapter X

Michaelmas refers to the Feast of Michael, or the Feast of the Archangels — a Christian festival held on 29 September. In the United Kingdom, Michaelmas term is the autumn term in an academic year.


Unrelatedly, in Fate Zero, the identification arranged by Kiritsugu for Saber included an American passport:


Elise Watoson, age 15.
Clarification regarding Shiro's Mystic Code
The Mystic Code that Rin prepared for Shiro after Chapter VIII was a gemstone pendant that interferes with the minds of those who observe her.

Supposing that the Mystic Code is active, and Shiro enters into an observer's field of awareness, the gemstone declares to the observer that Shiro's perceptual characteristics are those of Emiya Shirou — enforcing that the elements that comprise her image are superseded; overpainted by the image of her former self. The observer's unconscious mind accordingly adjusts their percepts of environmental detail for consistency — automatically; independent of the Mystic Code's interference.

That is to say, the Mystic Code isn't at all involved in correcting the minutiae of an observer's perceived environment. Rather, the majority of its resources are expended as to identify and target human observers that establish line of sight with Shiro — even across fairly long distances.

To further explicate, if an observer were to witness Shiro carrying a grocery bag, the declaration of the Mystic Code would render that they perceive the person carrying the bag to match the characteristics of Emiya Shirou — glossing over differences of figure, limb proportion, attire, and even pitch of voice. However, the Emiya Shirou within the observer's percepts would roughly match the posture and gait that Shiro expresses — down to the manner in which her fingers grasp the grocery bag.

Despite the recent change in her center of weight, Shiro consciously maintains a masculine gait when using her Mystic Code. If the Mystic Code isn't engaged, however, she naturally defaults to walking in a feminine manner.

That said, the two options for "choice of attire" pre-set within the Mystic Code at its time of creation were "casual wear" and "student uniform."
Timeline : Section A : 1960's-1980's & Notes
Dates are as applicable to the continuity of this fic alone.

1963 - Birth of Aozaki Touko
1965 - Birth of Emiya Kiritsugu
1967 - Birth of Aozaki Aoko

1977 - Death of Emiya Norikata

1983 - Death of Natalia Kaminski
1984 - Events of Mahou Tsukai no Yoru
1985 - Emiya Kiritsugu enters into the service of the Einzberns
1986 - Birth of Illyasviel von Einzbern

1994 - Events of Fate/Zero
1999 - Death of Emiya Kiritsugu (age 34)



Touko smokes a particular brand of cigarette manufactured in Taiwan.
It isn't in the novel, but in the anime of Fate Zero, Natalia somehow smokes the exact same brand.

Mahoyo is given to be set in the late 80's by Takeuchi, but he refuses to confirm the exact year. In this fic, Mahoyo is assumed to have occurred in 1984.
Touko is stated to be 4 years older than Aoko in Mahoyo.
Timeline : Section D : Grand Order Canon
Completion of the Phenomenon Recording Cyber-Daemon LAPLACE

Announcement of the completion of the Proximate Terrestrial Environmental Model CHALDEAS

Lev Lainur formally enters into employment at Finis-Chaldea​
Completes the Near-Future Observation Lens SHEBA

Mashu Kyrielight is born​

1st Grail War of Fuyuki​
Subsequent to eliminating the 6 other Masters, Marisbury Animusphere — the Master of Caster Solomon — becomes the victor of the Grail,​
Subsequent to Animusphere's acquisition of funds via his wish upon the Grail, the Proximate Terrestrial Environmental Model CHALDEAS reaches its actual completion​
Announcement of the completion of the Guardian Hero Summoning System FATE
Allegedly, Solomon becomes the first Servant to be summoned via FATE​

Romani Archaman enters into employment at Finis-Chaldea​

Galahad is summoned via FATE, and made to inhabit Mashu Kyrielight​
Roman learns of Chaldea's Demi-Servant project, and encounters Mashu for the first time​

The actual completion date of the Guardian Hero Summoning System FATE
Leonardo da Vinci is summoned​
Marisbury Animusphere dies​

Olgamarie Animusphere becomes the Director of Finis-Chaldea​

The approximate projected year of Marisbury Animusphere's death, forecast as of 2004 (at latest)​
Mashu Kyrielight is named as a Master candidate, designated for the A Team​
Lev Lainur becomes Mashu's instructor in thaumaturgy​
Fou-kun appears in Chaldea's Antarctic Observatory​

Completion of the Spiritron Calculation Engine TRISMEGISTOS
Fate / Grand Order begins​
RIDER : Aelfthrith
RIDER : Aelfthrith
Androgyne : Chaotic Neutral : 188cm : 76kg


Mana EX
Luck EX​

:. Class Skills

Thaumaturgical Resistance : A

A resistance with regard to magecraft; a nullification of magecraft unto a certain Rank, and a mitigation of the effects of that which exceeds said Rank. If the Skill is suspended per the will of the Servant themselves, thaumaturgical effects of benefit may also be received. The effect of the Skill is inapplicable to physical attacks as rendered by implements rendered to Reinforcement by the use of magecraft, or implements fabricated by the use of magecraft.
Whereas Aelfthrith would have originally held the Skill a Rank of D, per the perpetual activation of the Noble Phantasm 「Abolition Proclamation」, she expresses the Skill at a Rank of A. In practice, this renders a nullification of all modern magecraft. However, on account that effect of the Skill is ultimately just an aversion of a spell effect, in the circumstance that she is subject to a wide-area thaumaturgical attack, it is Aelfthrith alone that would stand unharmed.
Riding : A+

An ability as to skillfully maneuver a means of transport. Being that the Skill is in practice exercised against the Concept of 「a means of transportation」, existences that so qualify are subject to the Servant's stewardship, irrespective of animate or inanimate status. As of a Rank of A+, all manner of vehicles and beasts may freely utilized for transport — solely excepting creatures that belong of Dragon-kind.
Independent Action : EX

The ability of a Servant to persist in manifestation to the World at length, even in the circumstance that the ties that anchor them to a Master are severed; a Skill as to mitigate 「the compulsion from the World」 that obstructs the capacity as to linger as of manifest reality in the absence of an anchor and the provision of mana.
Though as a Rank of EX, a Servant is capable of indefinitely persisting in the absence of a Master, in the circumstance that actions are pursued that alike to the exercise of Noble Phantasm demand a sizable expenditure of mana, a ready supply of energy and the support of a Master become as necessary.
In Aelfthrith's circumstance, this Skill manifests at a Rank of EX on account of bearing「the Mark of the Grail」.

:. Personal Skills

A Countenance of Beauty : D

Coupled with manner of attire, the endowment of an atmosphere of beauty that obstructs discrimination of gender.
In Aelfthrith's circumstance, the Skill does at a Rank of D confer an upwards revision of checks in the pursuit of negotiations with females. Further — though as of a higher Rank, the Skill would permit that effects which target a particular gender are disregarded, Aelfthrith receives no such benefit, and is instead subject to gendered targeting in both categories.
Monstrous Strength : B

A disposition to offensive actions generally restricted to monsters. Confers at activation a single Rank of escalation in Strength, which persists for a duration dependent on the Rank of the Skill.
Whereas Aelfthrith is distinctly not of monstrous descent, the Skill is obtained at special exception per an application of the limiter-release come of 「Evaporation of Rationality」 to the bearing of a 「Corpus of a Natural Constitution」. However, the demerit exists that damage is incurred against her body with every Turn that the Skill is active.
Evaporation of Rationality : E

Owing to an evaporation of rationality, an involuntary incapacity to preserve the secrecy of information held in confidence. At a Rank of E, the effect of the Skill is under normal circumstances seemingly slight — but if operating at lowered inhibition as per the effect of alcohol, Aelfthrith is prone to carelessly divulge at little prompting the True Names and weaknesses of allies; or to forget matters of importance and so forth.
Per the demerits conferred, the Skill is already proximate to a Curse; but in application to combat, it expresses the effect of 「Instinct」 at an equivalent Rank, allowing that Aelfthrith grasps to a certain extent the optimal course of action in the pursuit of an opponent's defeat. Further, at a voluntary lowering of inhibitions, she is temporarily freed from the self-imposed limiters generally come of human rationality.
This Skill is sealed in the event that the Servant is blackened by the Mud of the Grail.
Golden Rule : EX

Refers not to a golden proportion of the flesh, but as of the context of a lifetime, to a fate whereby wealth arrives at hand at whatever quantity necessary. Though this would appear to be a Skill absent of application in combat, it in fact serves a role in furnishing its bearer with armaments.
Though subsequent her departure from a childhood as a royal scion, it cannot be said that Aelfthrith lived a life of fabulous wealth, the short-term acquisition of wealth was in her adulthood never a matter of difficulty — even that on account of her many vices, coin was oft to deplete as easily as it came.
On the other hand, subsequent her claiming of 「the Key of the King's Rule」, she quickly lost count of the priceless treasures that entered to her possession ...
Corpus of a Natural Constitution (Body) : A

A Conceptual resemblance to the corpus borne by Adam Ha-Rishon. In the capacity of a living organism, an absoluteness of the flesh borne of birth — allowing that the Servant can apply at will a persistent enhancement of Strength up to a single Rank at escalation.
Aside that even absent physical training, a notable muscularity of the flesh is acquired and maintained, a holder of the Skill shall not vary in physique regardless the volume of their caloric intake. Furthermore, whereas the Skill primarily denotes a feature of the corpus, it additionally expresses a function akin to a Skill of 「Enticement」 at a Rank of C.
Though Aelfthrith deems her perfect metabolism rather convenient, owing to her personal preferences with regard to the female form, the muscularity that she acquired in adulthood is persistently a minor source of insecurity.
Collector : EX

A talent as to acquire items of superior quality; the accumulate and manage articles of value. Though the Skill expresses a Luck as even to acquire rare items at notable frequency, being as the effect holds application only to the Servant, it grants no benefit to their Master.
Incidentally, though a Rank of EX would normally imply a standing without the normal parameters, it here comes of Aelfthrith's propensity to count as already being amongst her collection every treasure beneath the skies — applying a logic of 「what's yours is also mine」.
Mark of the Grail : A+

A Skill that expresses the love borne to Aelfthrith by the Grail of a certain era and locale — proximate a Curse unmatched in all the World. Per the existence of the Skill, her natural Luck — already at a Rank of EX — is unreasonably escalated to further heights; allowing even that opponents conditionally unassailable can be overcome absent of fulfilling the conditions that render them vulnerable.
However, by this blessing bestowed does Aelfthrith mercilessly steal away the happiness of others.

:. Noble Phantasms

Phantasmal Horse Not Of This World : Hippogriff
Rank B+ : Anti-Army

Said to [bear] the forebody of a griffin and the hindbody of a horse, a Phantasmal Beast of an existence that was in the first place 「inconceivable」.
Though he would be inferior in Rank to the beast of the Age of Gods that is the Griffin, the pulverizing attack come of his charge is comparable to a physical attack of a Rank of A.
However, the true worth of this Phantasmal Beast does not lie there.
Being that it came about as a half-breed between a horse and a griffin originally rendered as 「inconceivable」, his existence is extremely indefinite, and he is for just a moment capable of consigning himself to the interstice without the Worlds.
In consequence, he is capable of phasing through all manner of attacks.
Utilized by Aelfthrith to traverse assorted the histories.
Hooked Dragnet of Fortuity : Vulcano Caligorant
Rank B (EX) : Anti-Unit

A net laid forth by the giant Caligorant, capable even of capturing a God.
... but be that as it may, by Aelfthrith's horn did Caligorant fall to a panic and take flight.
In self-destruction [was he] captured within this net.
Per various vicissitudes, the net was by the hand of the hermit Völundr reforged as a sword.
Abolition Proclamation : Casseur de Logistille
Rank EX : Anti-Unit (Self)

A tome inherited from a distant relative, which records therein the procedures by which to shatter every thaumaturgy.
Merely by the possession of such, it is possible to automatically cancel all thaumaturgy beneath a Rank of A.
Though Reality Marbles or Grand Thaumaturgies asymptotic to such are without the boundaries of this [effect], if in such a circumstance, the True Name [of the Noble Phantasm] is released, by way of reading and comprehending the book, the possibility of the shattering of such may likewise be grasped.
Key of the King's Rule : Bab-Ilu : Hero's Inventory
Rank E→A++ : Anti-Unit

A key-blade connected unto Babel the Great — the Golden City of Sin.
By the joining of space can the tools within the Hero's Inventory be freely brought to bear — becoming as an attack that scales in potency to the wealth of the holder of the key.
Irrelevant of distance, articles once consigned to Inventory are automatically reclaimed.
As of the Age of the Gods, where once the Realm of Man was restricted yet, a certain King did all the treasures upon the Earth amass, constructing thereon a vault within which to store them. Such were the archetypes of the assorted treasures that came to be born of the World thereafter — a testament as to confirm the Knowledge of Man; the Wisdom of Man. This did the people praise as 「the Gate of the Gods」 — and it was well and truly so; for the 「vault」 to which the treasures were collected became itself a Mystery to exceed the treasures it contained.
The key to the vault could be wielded only by the King alone; for ever incessantly did the cast of key reshape, and ever did the vault's inventory continue to proliferate — unto this very day. Should the limitless wisdom as to grasp its contents forthwith cease to be, it's said, the key shall not the vault bring to open.
However, if it be that the rationality of Man cannot intuit the contents of the vault, one need only cast aside the shackles of rationality —​

This profile is best understood if read in direct comparison to that of Astolfo Alter.
BEAST I : the Maiden of the Purest White
BEAST I : the Maiden of the Purest White : the Sword of Logos
Androgyne : Lawful Good / Chaotic Evil : 165cm : 52kg


Mana EX
Luck E​

:. Class Skills

Territory Creation : EX

The ability to establish an 「atelier」 as a territory favorable to oneself in one's capacity as a magus. As of a Rank of A or higher, it becomes as possible to construct a 「temple」 that exceeds the functionality of an 「atelier」.
In the circumstance of the Maiden, this Skill is obtained as of a Rank of EX not on account of qualification as a proper Caster, but per 「the False Inscription of the Ten Thousand Phenomena」 — an expression of her capacity to instantaneous deploy an Inherent Bounded Field.
Item Creation (False) : EX

The fabrication of items and instruments borne of thaumaturgical energy or capability. However, on account that the individual in question fails to properly qualify to the Caster Class, the Class Skill of 「Item Creation」 cannot be acquired. 「Item Creation (False)」 is thus a Skill obtained in the condition that abilities borne by the individual in life permit for the emulation of the Class Skill. In excess of a Rank of A, the fabrication of an Elixir of Quasi-Immortality becomes as possible.
Though in the circumstance of the Maiden, an ability is borne as to instantaneously manufacture a vast array of highly potent thaumaturgical implements, said implements are one and all as replicas of existences legitimately extant within the records of the Human Order — Projected forth from 「the False Inscription of the Ten Thousand Phenomena」.
Oblivion Correction : EX

Whereas humans are inevitably beholden to oblivion, the Maiden shall certainly not forget. Even that she alone is able to recall, the beauty and the ugliness that once within the World existed are forevermore committed to memory.​

:. Personal Skills

Eye of the Mind (True) : —

A perceptiveness cultivated of training and discipline. A principle of combat permitting that even in a difficult situation, an individual is able both to calmly grasp their circumstances and their opponent's capabilities; and to derive thereof whatever path to survival that remains. Even that there exists only a 1% probability of overturning a predicament, the chance is by the strategy so implemented drawn to hand.
Long ago did the Maiden attain the beginnings of this Skill, but relevant progress was sealed with the acquisition of 「Nega-Klesha」.
Deathwish : A

A behavior of subsistence wherein the possibility of death is not eschewed. A pursuit of objectives in disregard of the limits of the corpus. Encompasses the features of 「the Comprehension of the Extinction of Poisons」.
If it comes to pass that self-annihilation is confirmed as a matter of course, briefly — in just the final moments before her death — the Maiden attains a capacity to exchange blows with the 「○○○○」 on equal footing.
Divine Core of the Goddess : EX

Expressing the standing of a being as a perfected Goddess, a composite Skill inclusive of the status of 「Divinity」 — unconditionally asserting an absoluteness of the flesh and psyche. Interference of a psychic nature is in every variety so repelled, and the growth of the flesh is ceased — rendering regardless the volume of caloric intake an invariable physique.
As in the bearing of 「Divinity」, a holder of the Skill is per a greater disposition or standing as a Divine Spirit accorded a proportional escalation in resilience of constitution. Further conferred is a proportional capacity to negate the defensive evaluation of 「Purge Resistance」 (粛清防禦, shukusei bougyo), and the ability to overcome the defensive effects of 「Enlightenment of the Sacred Fig」 and 「Protection of the Faith」.
Though as a figure originated of modernity, the Maiden should rightly fail to qualify as a proper Goddess, she acquires 「Divinity」 on account that in the imaginary histories transiently extant as of the probabilistic haze of the Kingdom Come, there exists in common to every nation and era subsequent the unification of the Surface a worship of her person as a messianic savior. For this reason, her capabilities would seem to hold basis in concepts that derive of an assortment of cultural spheres.
Being that as an 「Incarnated Demon」 obtained of flesh per the 3rd Magic, the Maiden isn't therefore manifest as a Pseudo-Servant or merely the bunrei of a Goddess, she obtains 「the Divine Core of the Goddess」 at its highest possible Rank.
Note that in the particular circumstance of the Maiden, 「the Divine Core of the Goddess」 further incorporates her nature as an iteration of 「the Evil Dragon Phenomenon」 — consolidating within her being a spiritual structure alike in form and function to a 「Dragon's Core」, which as a mana reactor provides to her a functionally ceaseless supply of thaumaturgical energy.
All the Evils of the Eternal World : EX

A Skill that expresses the Maiden's standing as a Grail; as a Primordial Curse consigned to Incarnation by the Heaven's Feel. Encompasses the features of 「the Comprehension of the Empyrean Auricle」.
Whereas Curses are as mortal existences generally sustained upon the ideations of Man, as in the case of a certain 「Mixed Blood」 Incubus, the Maiden would irrelevant her immortality redundantly derive of her Incarnation alone the capacity to indefinitely supply herself the ideations necessary to persist as a Curse.
Further — being as Curses are fundamentally phenomena that render to reality the desires of Man — as a persistent reiteration of the entity held in Zoroastrianism as a hypostasis of the poisons of the mind; the unnecessary desires that plague the human condition, the Maiden inevitably becomes as a repository to all the wishes of Man — acquiring a nature akin to the Beast III/L's 「Constitution as Accepts the Ten Thousand Desires」.
On this account does she embark to answer the cries for salvation come of every era — maturing in her capacity as a Sovereign amongst Demon-kind; as a Queen of Demons beholden to eight billion prayers.
Nega-Klesha : EX

「Malice Liner」; a composite of 「the Comprehension of the Hearts of Others」 and 「the Comprehension of the Empyrean Eye」.
An omniscience of Klesha inherent the Beast what is as 「All the Evils of the Eternal World」 — allowing that she accurately forecast the actions that would consequently precipitate, and to derive thereon a countermeasure.
Here, 「Klesha」 refers to the self-serving proclivities of ignorance, attachment, and aversion — the triviṣa, conceived of in Buddhism as the basis from which spring forth the array of negativities that poison the mind; that engender all the tragedies of the World.
In practical function, 「Nega-Klesha」 is a composite Skill that encompasses the features of 「Thousand-League Eyes」, 「Discernment of the Poor」, and 「Boundless Arms Mastery」 — comprising thus a martial art; a method of combat built upon an intrinsic comprehension of an opponent's character and capabilities; a grasp of their present bearing and course of action, irrelevant of distance in time and space.
Only those of acting in the absence of Klesha can escape the Maiden's sight.
Independent Manifestation:A

「The Mark of the Beast」; an expanded variant of 「the Comprehension of the Divine Foot」.
A Skill as to autonomously iterate to manifest reality — entirely mitigating the requirement for an anchor or a supply of energy as to persist in materialization. A higher-order iteration of 「Independent Action」.
Being that per this Skill, a manner of being such that a given entity is 「already extant irrelevant of position in space-time」 is expressed, an absolute nullification is bestowed with regard to offensive actions effected per temporal manipulation, paradox incurred by time travel, and the instantaneous rendition of death. Furthermore, a holder of this Skill is impermeable to the influence of large-scale redefinitions applied to the paradigm of the Human Order — permitted to iteration so long as certain conditions are met.
Though particular to the Maiden, protection against temporal invalidation comes of her nature as a Grail — as a 「Mobile Singularity」 — 「Independent Manifestation」 is as a means of transport conferred per an extended application of 「the False Inscription of the Ten Thousand Phenomena」, which originally served in part as to falsify to confirmation her claim to Noble Phantasms per the records of the Human Order.
However, if as of the acknowledgement of the World itself, she could the legends of yore legitimately lay claim, it logically followed that she could at redundancy inscribe herself to the past outright — even that every iteration so generated was herself in truth, and therefore another point of vulnerability.
In any timeline, only a single iteration of the Maiden is able to manifest at any given point.
Soil of the Underworld : Ruler of Man : A

A Skill that expresses rendition in the faith of Man as an impartial judge of the dead; who dispenses unto the living the justice and the mercy of the Heavens.
However, the Maiden was as of the imaginary histories of the Kingdom Come submitted to the shared unconscious of Man in the capacity of a proxy to the Gods that fell silent with the unification of the Surface — akin, perhaps, to a newly employed servitor acting in lieu of her absent mistress.
「Fiat justitia ruat caelum」 (Let justice be done though the Heavens fall).
Today as well does the Maiden take up her mistress' Sword and Scales.​

:. Noble Phantasms

The Proliferation of False Idols : Et Adinventio Illorum Corruptio Vitae Est (And Their Invention Was the Corruption of Life)
Rank B : Anti-Unit (Self)

Acting in imitation of 「the Phantasmal Horse Not Of This World」, the Maiden becomes herself an existence of Imaginary Numbers — optionally proliferating to a multiplicity of doppelgangers intangible to damage, yet capable nevertheless of offensive actions per the wielding of armaments Projected forth from 「the False Inscription of the Ten Thousand Phenomena」.
Alternatively, at the cost of offensive capability, obscuration from all means of discernment can be effected.
With the activation of the Noble Phantasm, there exists as of the local space-time only a single iteration of the Maiden in truth.
Further, irrelevant the Maiden's visibility, use of the Noble Phantasm confers to her a capability to circumvent the majority of obstructions — physical or implemented of Mystery — excluding the boundaries of a World.
The False Inscription of the Ten Thousand Phenomena : Verg Avesta
Rank E→A++ : Anti-Unit

Verg Avesta; a forgery of the scriptures of Zoroastrianism, the Avesta.
Perhaps an Inherent Bounded Field, within which is committed to record a reflection of the World without.
Perhaps a Primordial Curse, which to the Laws of the Human Order substantiates the Maiden's right of claim to all existences upon the unified Surface; to all the fruits born of the Wisdom of Man.
Whatever the case, the treasures of every nation; every age are brought to array in a boundless Arsenal — letting that the Curse of the Maiden iterates to manifestation implements indistinguishable from articles writ as of the memories of the World itself.
If the Maiden so wills it, the Arsenal may itself be brought to iteration — of a temporary basis, drawing subjects in the vicinity to a motionless sea of mud that unto the horizons extend; upon whose mirror-like surface the armaments of countless Heroes stand as graves beneath the light of a full Moon; beneath vast gears silently revolving.
Within this realm can the Maiden reenact at will those processes by which forgeries are manufactured.​

:. Standard Armaments

Riding boots. A long dress of dark fabric. A white apron.
The sword and scales of the Goddess of Justice.​
The Six Abhijñā
As a quick reference, the full list of the six Abhijñā (神通, jintsuu) previously mentioned in the explanation of Scandinavia Peperoncino's capabilities.
  • 天耳通 (Tenni-Tsuu) : the Comprehension of the Empyrean Auricle : Dibba-sota-ñāṇa
    Ears by which to inventory all the sounds and voices in the World; to comprehend and individually distinguish them.

  • 天眼通 (Tengen-Tsuu) : the Comprehension of the Empyrean Eye : Dibba-cakkhu-ñāṇa
    Eyes by which to grasp the paths laid forth by volitional karma, be it unto life or death; to observe the revolutions of the Saṃsāra.

  • 宿命通 (Shukumyou-Tsuu) : the Comprehension of Former Abodes : Pubbe-nivāsānussati-ñāṇa
    An intuition as to discern the prior incarnations of oneself and others.

  • 神足通 (Jinsoku-Tsuu) : the Comprehension of the Divine Foot : Iddhi-vidha-ñāṇa
    A supernatural motility, which can in some circumstances become tantamount to teleportation.

  • 他人通 (Tajin-Tsuu) : the Comprehension of the Hearts of Others : Ceto-pariya-ñāṇa
    An instantaneous reading of intent, even from inhuman existences.

  • 漏盡通 (Rojin-Tsuu) : the Comprehension of the Extinction of Poisons : Āsavakkhaya-ñāṇa
    An intimate comprehension of one's own state of being — of one's eventual annihilation; though, in Buddhist literature, it's rather described as "a complete freedom from preoccupations," attained upon arriving at Buddha-hood. Also, the capacity to remove oneself from the cycle of reincarnation.
Comparison between Mashiro & the Maiden
At a glance, a comparison of Mashiro's abilities with the Maiden of the Purest White, as of Chapter 12 in the story as it currently stands:
  • Territory Creation : EX
  • Item Creation (False) : EX
  • ×Oblivion Correction : EX
  • Eye of the Mind (True) : — → D
  • ×Deathwish : A
  • Divine Core of the Goddess : EX → C
  • All the Evils of the Eternal World : EX → A
  • ×Nega-Klesha : EX
  • Independent Manifestation:A →
  • ×Soil of the Underworld : Ruler of Man : A
  • The Proliferation of False Idols : [RUBY=And Their Invention Was the Corruption of Life ]Et Adinventio Illorum Corruptio Vitae Est[/RUBY] : B
  • The False Inscription of the Ten Thousand Phenomena : Verg Avesta : E→A++
She may or may not possess other abilities unaccounted for in the Beast's build. Also, ability descriptions may vary.
Sheet comparison by number of abilities
In this fic:
  • Astolfo Alter : 2 Class Skills, 2 Personal Skills (1 defunct), 7 Noble Phantasms
    → 4 Skills + 7 NPs = 11 Total

  • Aelfthrith : 3 Class Skills, 7 Personal Skills, 4 Noble Phantasms
    → 10 Skills + 4 NPs = 14 Total

  • Maiden of the Purest White : 3 Class Skills, 7 Personal Skills (1 defunct), 2 Noble Phantasms
    → 10 Skills + 2 NPs = 12 Total

  • Mashiro (Current) : 2 Class Skills, 4 Personal Skills (1 defunct), 2 Noble Phantasms
    → 6 Skills + 2 NPs = 8 Total
For comparison:
  • Tiamat : 3 Class Skills, 4 Personal Skills, 0 Noble Phantasms
    → 7 Skills Total

  • Goetia : 3 Class Skills, 6 Personal Skills (1 defunct), 3 Noble Phantasms (1 defunct)
    → 9 Skills + 3 NPs = 12 Total

  • III/R : 4 Class Skills, 9 Personal Skills, 2 Noble Phantasm
    → 13 Skills + 2 NPs = 15 Total

  • III/L : 4 Class Skills, 3 Personal Skills, 1 Noble Phantasm
    → 7 Skills + 1 NPs = 8 Total

  • Astolfo : 3 Class Skills, 3 Personal Skills, 3 Noble Phantasms
    → 6 Skills + 3 NPs = 9 Total

  • Astolfo (Saber) : (In-Game) 2 Class Skills, 3 Personal Skills, 2 Noble Phantasms
    → 5 Skills + 2 NPs = 7 Total

  • Elizabeth : 2 Class Skills, 2 Personal Skills, 1 Noble Phantasms
    → 4 Skills + 1 NPs = 5 Total

  • Elizabeth (Halloween) : 2 Class Skills, 3 Personal Skills, 1 Noble Phantasms
    → 5 Skills + 1 NPs = 6 Total

  • Elizabeth (Brave) : 3 Class Skills (1 defunct), 3 Personal Skills, 1 Noble Phantasms
    → 6 Skills + 1 NPs = 7 Total
Kiara has the biggest sheet among those listed above.