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Out of all the fire teams in the Last City, there is one rather...infamous for how they get...


Know what you're doing yet?
Sep 23, 2017
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Out of all the fire teams in the Last City, there is one rather...infamous for how they get things done....or sometimes don't and just get fucked by whatever they were fighting. This is the introduction to fire team 69. A group of female gaurdians, the Exo Vixen, the human Tatiana, the awkoen Raya and the Eliksni Sifkiy, who either take down every foe in front of them or get fucked by them. Depends on how the dice are feeling that day.

Main tags: non con, mind break, beastilty, monster on girl, dice mechanics

Fire team 69:


Note: this is nothing more than an introduction to the team of sixty nine. The rest of the stories will not be like this. No sex this chapter :p

Fire team 69:


As a guardian, constantly protecting the City from dangers such as the Cabal, Fallen, Vex, and whatever else with an ugly face out there in the galaxy that wishes to pick a fight, it is the norm to be put in rapid fire dangerous situations back to back or suddenly with no warning.

As such you and the guardians got code words for quick understanding of the situations you land yourself in on a daily basis.

If you're facing a group of vex, you call it a ''fucking headache'.

If you're fighting a bunch of fallen, you call it a ''God damn it''.

And currently, as you duck your head behind the stone pillar, you are dealing with a 'God damn it! A fucking headache!'

"Watch your six!" You hear your squad leader shout as you roll over to your side and turn to fire your rifle at the vex goblin that had crept up on you. The time bending hellion sputters out its white blood as the light leaves its eyes from the several bullets you pumped into its head.

Cursing, seeing the position being compromised you vanish in a puff of purple smoke, reloading your magazine as you slam your back into the stone wall. Taking only a few clips of bullet and laser fire on your armor as the ceaseless hailstorm of gunfire refused to pause.

It was a simple job. Investigate some Fallen in the area. Fallen are in the area. Take out the fallen in the area. One plus one equals two. It is so uncomplicated of a job, that you and the squad took it as a teaser for a real mission later in the day.

"Fuck you! You four armed bastards!" You heard your sniper's voice roar out through the coms as she fired armor piercing round through the minotaur that stomped the flaming bullet storm of a battlefield. The first three shots took out its eyes and left arm while the fourth took out the fallen grunt that was sprinting towards the sniper's position. Only for the grunt to be sent flipping backwards, headless, from the force of the concussive shot that finally got the minotaur to kneel.

No one on your team expected the vex to suddenly appear from, judging from your communications before they got cut off, a misplaced time jump.

You jump from your cover, firing hot lead into three vex goblins from your rifle. Three shots of the head of the first, four for the second that tried to gun you down right in it's chest, and one between the eyes of the one that rushed you from the side. Twirling two daggers you spin and cut down two more before slamming your back into another broken pillar.

How in the world that the vex, these so called hyper smart machines that can use time travel mis jump, and land in the middle of a firefight between your team and a whole house of fallen boggles your mind. And pisses you off as you blast the head off of dreg soldier your rifle and turn around to backhand the Vex goblin that tried to sneak up on you.

As it reels and sparks from the blow, you take your pistol and fire off a single shot in it's eye. And turn back to ducking under the hail of laser fire.

"Ragh!" Your titian captain took out their frustrations with her warhammer slamming into the minotaur Vex stomping the area. Knocking it back into the hoard of Fallen behind it but it stood up looking only slightly damaged and more than a little annoyed as it aimed its laser rifle at her.

"Fuck off!" That was smashed out of its arm by the brutal hammer smashing down on it and then crushing its mid-section from back swing coated in fire.

Though it seemed no matter how many of the bastards you kill they keep coming back up as more gun fire peppered your captain's armor. Forcing her to sprint back behind cover, firing rounds from her pistol.

You are not afraid of death. Being a guardian, you and your team treat death like a friend you meet at a bar every now and then.

That said being shot in the face, having your heart explode or your body ripped in half is fun the tenth or millionth time.

So, death is more like a friend you see at the bar, and you get so hammered the next morning that you regret every moment of it.

"Ok Tatiana light em up!" You and your whole squad hear a peppy voice over your coms and suddenly a figure booms overhead and slams down into the group of enemies. An eruption of fire and smoke roared from the ground as seemingly a metro of fire slammed into the middle of the hoard.

In the middle of it is a titan classed guardian. Towering over the drags and many of the Vex with her curvy frame. Something that is shockingly able to fit in the flexible skintight nano tech body armor that hugged her body so well, you can see the flex and bounce of her large rear as she stood up from her crouched position. Her black and white, wolf embroidered chest plate curved in the round shape of her head sized breast that seemed to strain the armor but not shake and bounce. Even though it only covered the top half of her chest. Giving her a healthy amount of guard under mountainous breasts.

The horned helmet pointed up like the horns of a devil, and one in the middle of her helmet with a black visor covering her eyes. Her greaves and gauntlets are of the same make, with deep blue lights traveling along them. Her battle skirt is a half one that hangs on her right side.

Out of the back of the helmet is a long braid ponytail that whipped around the massive woman like tail of a beast. Not hidden by the black cloak on her left shoulder.

"Raya. Do it."

"And here's comes the big boom!" That same peppy voice over your coms took over and you could see a purple flash zip by overhead so fast that your sensors could not pick up on it until the woman stopped with hands crackling with lighting and, to your surprise, fire.

"Die spectacularly!" The woman shouted as she shot out her hand a blitzkrieg of fire and thunder. Red and purple screaming and roaring down on the enemies that popped and exploded just from the force of the blast alone. Others that did not perish from that were burnt alive and electrocuted at the same time.

The awoken woman's hip length braided ghost white hair whipped around her as channeled her powers. Her half skirt leotard fluttered from the wind of her explosion. It gave a rather deep look into her modest cleavage and her bare hips from the high rise of her arm with tight thigh high greaves that squeezed her full legs.

"Heads up!"

You were so engrossed in watching the sexual feast for the eyes, that you did not notice the fallen rushing behind you until your captain shouted at you through your coms. You fumbled with reloading your rifle but he was already on you with his daggers right at your throat.

Until a gunshot fire through his neck. Taking it clean off.

"I know they got nice butt." The sultry robotic voice and the clicking of heels made your head snap to the left to see an exo swaying her hips towards you.

"It can be desecrating. So just let us handle this." Though she talked about her teammates behind, the exo woman's own rear is quite…well calling it a fat ass would be crude but not enough to truly give candace to its hefty and bounce. Her figure is slim with a healthy chest, though not as big as the titan captain, held in her short top that stopped just over her chest. It was so tightly held to her chest her nipples could easily be seen poking through the nano tech shirt. A dusty brown cropped jacket that stopped a little longer than her shirt. She does have a similar black nano tech body suit, but it looked like a leotard as it bent between her legs and in her shorts. Showing off her generous dark blue hips. Her rear is tightly held in the extremely short black leather shorts that you get a few peeks as her cloak flutters in the wind.

And you can swear that, even though she is an exo and meant to have a soft, but still steel body, there was the faintest jiggle in her hips. Something that is not very common for them.

"Just enjoy every moment of us blowing off their heads~." The exo woman said and you can hear the smirk on her mechanical face as she cocked her lovely hips to the side.

"Vixen. Enough talking. Go kill something already." You hear the voice of another woman over the comms as soon as three sniper shots rang out. You can only see the smoke trails of the armor piercing bullets and the falling husk of the Vex minotaur, the fallen captain and vex goblin.

"You never learn to lighten up huh Sif?" The exo woman shrugged before she vanished in a flash of movement. Dashing down right into the hell storm of bullets and laser fire that, to your shock, bounced off her cloak that whipped and flapped and giving her you and a very good look at her impressive ass. And the stylish tramp stamp just above her rear.

Twirling the two guns she let loose a storm of gunfire of her own even as she got close, zooming a drag's guard her gun hit home as she punched it under the alien's chin and shot a single bullet. Her two guns already aimed that dreg aiming her shot him right through the head.

"I suggest you and your team take a step back." While you were trying your best, but failing, not to gawk at the exo woman's perfectly plump derriere dancing along the battlefield, and eliknkis captain sunk up on you as you could see her armored leg step next to you.

For a moment you almost reached for your gun until her ghost floated past your face. You followed it to, a very big shock to you, a Kell Eliksni. A rather voluptuous one from her beasts that you can lose your head in as they are nearly the size of your head; the same size as that titan woman who is currently using her battle axe to cleave through throngs of foes.

They are, like the rest of her body held in a tight black nano suit that is a second skin to her chitinous form. So much so that every moment she made it, her large bosom, with prominent nipples, shook a little. It was barely hidden under her black and red cloak, hood, and cap combination. Her four arms and shoulders are armored in sliver pieces with very little scuff on them. In two of her hands she held a sniper rifle while the other held a short sword.

The bottom half of light armor is similar to the hip hugging shorts of the exo woman but armored and not attempting to show off her rather healthy hips. Though that is an impossibility with wide they are. Held up by her equally armored strong, thick legs that walked past you as she kneeled in position. Allowing you to get a peek under her hood, seeing the long bushy mane of, perhaps hair, under her helmet. A sharp, near pitch black, save for the four glowing lights of her eyes, a helm that looked more like an aircraft than a helmet but is what you've come to expect from eliksni armor.

"We can handle everything from hear." The eliksni woman says calmly as she reloads her rifle, aiming down it's sight and firing a single shot.

That soared through three heads.

She stood up and advanced closer to the main battlefield as quietly as she came. Leaving you blinking at all this perplexed. As well as having a hard time glancing at the curvaceous rears and shaking chests from this team as they proceeded to cut down the dual hoard of a god damn fucking headache.

"Ah…looks like we can take it easy now." Your captain comes up beside you with a long sigh under her mask.

You give her a raised brow in utter confusion.

"Oh 69 is here? Great needed a damn smoke." Your hunter friend sighed as he let the lower part of his mask drop so he could pop the cigarette in his mouth and give a long drag of it.

All the while you are trying to figure out who in the world would call their team sixty nine without the obvious implications as you give everyone a look of bemusement as the sound of explosions and gunfire roars in front of you all.

"Ah right. This your first time seeing them, eh?" Your captain said as she shouldered her Warhammer.

"Fire team 69 rapture. One of the best fire teams we've got."

"Though they are a little. Unconventional…." Your hunter friend said with a drag of his cigarette. And watching the exo girl swing her legs around the head of a dreg and toss him to the ground as she fired a shot in his head. Giving everyone a very good look at her ass as she spun around.

You ask what you mean as they seem to be doing as well as most skilled guardian's.

The tone of voice from her your friend hinted at their blushing face. "Yeah, enemies like to well…"

"Let go ya perv!"

Vixen's voice drags you out of your thoughts as you turn and see a blushing sight. The woman is being held by a fallen with his four arms roaming her body.

You look as one of goblin Vex's actually start groping one of the members as a white….thing…formed between it's legs. It looked like cock, same mushroom shape but it is ghostly white and seemed to wiggle like a tentacle. Impressively thick too.

You blinked as you did not expect Vex to even have genitalia let alone a sex drive but there between its legs looks to be a dick. Or maybe you've been reading way too many porno mags….

"They don't have actual sex drives. However, from what I hear, it's less for pleasure and finding compatible bodies to turn into breeding factories or right up virus to spread their influence." The hunter said far too calmly.

You…are going to have nightmares about that for a bit.

"Yeah…for some reason…" Your captain looks at Tatiana's bouncing chest for a moment. "Ok for some really understandable reasons, enemies rather fuck this crew than actually kill them."

"It's nothing too crazy to be honest. Happens from time to time." The hunter shrugged. "Me and a few fallen ladies treat it like a game sometimes. They beat me, they get to take me for a ride for a few hours. I beat them, and they all bend over for me to do whatever. Not a bad deal and honestly, better than killing everyone."

"But for some reason, this crew get's it the most and the roughest." The warlock on your team grunted as he rolled his shoulders from all the fighting. "So hard in fact that their ghost treats it as a death state and basically reset them."

You snap your head away from Raya's rear flying by with another bemused look.

"Yeah it's nuts. I went on a job with them once. Saw Tatiana get a whole train of Kabal legionary run on her." The hunter blew out a puff of smoke. "It was hard, seriously not making a joke here, not to watch because she seemed to have lost her damn mind in the middle of it. Never seen a woman take such much dick with a smile like that on her face. Either way, her getting raw dogged like that allowed the rest of the team to take out the encampment."

"Her ghost," The hunter continued. "Then beamed her right back up. I didn't know it could do that."

"Could have used that a few times…the fucking I've taken sometimes…"

"You're a masochist." The warlock on your team snapped. "You aren't exactly the norm, just like that team."

"But yeah that's fire team 69. They didn't choose the name because of well…how their missions end sometimes, but it was just cause."

You watch the team kick back at the hoard of machines and fallen. Tatiana's armor barely hanging on as her large breast, bare to the world jiggled and shook as she swung her axe and took down another twenty foes. The exo woman's large rear is, a soft looking dark sliver color, shook in the string of black thong vanishing between her cheeks as she fired shot after shot from the cover of a pillar. The awakened warlock woman still kept in the air, fire lighting down on the hoard, giving you a nice peak under her clothes as she flew by.

The Eskini woman, Sif, finally stood up to fire her rifle down at the at the group. Her shots hit their mark with each loud force of her gun firing. Shacking her form, the recoil, and making the rings on her nipples jingle with her shapely body. Something she can thank a very lewd dreg who is now lying next to her with a knife in his skull.

You can't help but turn a little red at the idea of these women being entangled in lust with your enemies.

"I'd prefer it honestly. I'd rather take a Krog dick to the face than another bullet."

You leaned back to give your warlock a raised, and curious brow. Joined by your other hunter friends with his cigarette in his mouth. Your captain and other hunter also joined you.

The fallen captain being sent flying over your crew is completely ignored.
Fire team 69: Ch1 Breaking up a party Part 1
Fire team 69:


Breaking up a party

Part 1

Summary: A routine scouting mission turns sour as the fire team stumbles on a meeting between the Sangheili and the Cabal.

Tags: dice rolling, mind break, rough sex, bestiality

Breaking up a party

Part 1​

"Nothing three clicks to west."

Sifkiy's voice revibrated off Raya's com device as she floated through the trees ahead of her squad. The sound of her eliksni comrade clicking her mandible in frustration was all the awoken woman got in response.

"Don't know they sent us scouting out here. Nothing but rocks and tree here." Sifkiy grumbled as she used two of her four arms to adjust her sniper rifle with the others pushing back some overgrown leaves in the dimly lit forest that once belonged to an old city.

Vixen shrugged with her hands in her pockets. Treating the trek through the tangled woods like a lovely stroll. "Could be something with up the Vargr. Heard that Manar 'Bekovai chick has been up to something."

"That fleabag is always planning something horrible…" Sifkiy snorted.

"…Hold." Tatiana raised her arm up. Stopping her crew as her fingers hovered over the handle of her battle axe.

"Something wrong Tat?" Raya asked with her eyes darting through the trees. Lighting arcing between her fingers.

"…We are being watched." The grip on the captain's axe grew tighter.

"Shit! Your six!" Sifkiy's voice rang out as soon as her fingers pulled the trigger on her sniper and Tatiana jumped to avoid the fangs of a war beast.

The sniper's bullet pierced the beast, hitting through its armor but all it did was knock the creature down as it rolled back onto its feet and snarled at the towering woman.

"Damn guardians!" A raging Sangheili came storming out with his energy blade cackling as he jumped to slice down at Raya from the air.

"Whoa!?" Raya flew up to avoid it and the hail of gunfire roared through the trees.

"What are the Sangheili and Cabal doing together?" Raya shouted as she took cover behind a tree. Wincing as a spray of tree bark grazed past her face.

"Can't be good for us that's what." Vixen snapped as she twirled her pistols while she ducked under a log.

The bullets bounced off Tatiana's armor as she glared through her helmet. Her axe leaving her sheath with a dark shriek.

"Mount up."

"Right!" The team shouted as they got ready for combat.


Weapons: Sturm and Drang/the enigma

Class: hunter

Skills: plus 4 to hit all foes

Plus 2 lust damage form all foes, plus 3 when dealt anal lust damage, but minus 4 lust damage from other machine types

Strength: 12

Lust limit: 0/160


Class: Titan

Weapons: iron battle axe/ Sweet business machine rifle

Skills: beast foes have a plus 1 to grapple her

Re-roll one grapple check per fight plus 3 to attacks

Strength: 15

Lust limit: 0/180


Class: warlock

Weapons: lightning/7th seraph officer revolver

Skills: re-roll 1 mind break check per fight

If grabbed by one she takes minus 3 lust damage, more then one she takes plus 3 lust damage, plus 3 to attack

Strength: 11

Lust limit: 0/150


HP: 3/3

Strength: 12

Armor: 8

Lust damage: 11

Lust attack: 3

Lust limit: 0/80

Skill: plus 1 to grapple checks

Grunts (x3)

HP: 2/2

Strength: 9

Armor: 7

Lust damage: 12

Lust attack: 2

Lust limit: 0/70

Skill: deals an extra 5 Lust damage to characters 6ft and/or taller

War Beast

HP: 2/2

Strength: 10

Armor: 6

Lust damage: 13

Lust attack: 1

Lust limit: 0/70

Skill: deals an extra 3 damage in doggy style and 2 during climaxes

(Turn order rolls: war beast 17, unggoy 1,10, unggoy 2,1 7, Unggoy 3,11, Sangheili 1, 3, Sangheili 2 12, Vixen, 3, Tatiana 3, Raya 7, Sifkiy 16

Turn order: Unggoy 2, warbeast, Sifkiy, unggoy 3, Sangheili 2, Unggoy 1, Raya, Vixen, Tatiana, Sangheili 1)


Turn 1

Unggoy rolls to grab:

Result: 3 miss

The Unggoy are a slippery bunch as one of them slipped past the legs of the Sangheili to fire a shot at Tatiana that actually hit home on her helmet.

"Ha ha! I got-"

Only for the smoke to disparate and Tatiana titled her head curiously.

"….Oooohh. Shit." Rightfully the little alien ran.

Vixen on the other hand back peddled as she gave cover fire. Her mix of stranded bullets and her custom bullets, this one of boiling fire, rained down on the aliens to keep them pinned behind cover.

War beast rolls to grab:

Result: 4 miss

The war beast however hot on her heels as it snarled and tried to drag her down with his fangs on her legs.

Only for her foot to crack it in the jaw firm the swift kick she gave it.

Sifkiy rolls to attack twice:



The Unggoy running from Tatiana was suddenly flown back by a sniper shoot to his chest. And before he could bring his head up, another took his head off.

"One down." Sifkiy whispered in her coms as she reloaded another shot with the casing of the bullet being ejected from her gun.

Sangheili rolls to grab: 17 pass

Tatiana rolls to defend: 18 pass

"Ragh!" The Sangheili grunted as he clashed blades with Tatiana her battle axe sparking against the heated blade of the energy sword. The titan classed guardian swung her axe to parry the downward swipe of the elite's blade. Neither of them gaining an inch on each other as their weapons sparked.

Unggoy 1 rolls to grab Raya: 4 miss

Raya rolls to attack: 17 hit

Seeing the head of his friend explode the other Unggoy panicked, and dashed around the battlefield trying to hit any target with his gun.

"Whoa little guy!" Almost barreling over Raya as he surprised her. And got fired by a bolt of lightning that arched from her fingertips. His body lighting up in a flash of purple before collapsing in a twitching smoldering husk.

"Never really get why they bring those little guys on the battle field…" Raya sighed as let lighting crackle between her fingers. She let the lighting blot fly freely to shook and electrify the war beast hounding Vixen.

Vixen rolls to attack: 17 hit

It allowed the exo to fire a single shot between the creature's eyes to kill it in an instant.

Tatiana attacks:

Results: 18 hit

Sangheili rolls to grab Tatiana:

Result: 18 pass

Tatiana rolls to defend:

Result: 7

Fail she is grabbed

Position roll: 7 full nelson

Penetration: 1 vaginal

Tatiana takes 23 lust damage

Tatiana pushed back the Sangheili with her battle axe and hit him in his helmet with the end of her weapon. Causing him to stagger but not fall. Snarling in rage he redoubled his efforts into bringing Tatiana down with a savage rising swing from his sword that Tatiana met with a brutal swing of her axe.

Though their weapons clashed fiercely, the Sangheili speed was getting to the axe whiling woman. His attacks cut a few pieces of her armor, even letting her massive bare breast bounce freely as they sprung from their tight confined. Twice the size of a man's had the cloud white tits, dotted cutely with freckles coated in sweat from hours of being stuck in her breastplate. Her nipples, large and a bright vibrant pink, pointed at the alien with as much ferocity as she swung her axe.

"You humans at least have something going for you…" The alien taunted as he gazed perversely at the heavy set of breasts bouncing in his face.

Tatiana ignored him and raised her axe to strike him down. But the alien was quick to parry the blow, sending the axe up as he ducked to catch the handle of the weapon between his sword. It knocked Tatiana off balance enough for the alien to snake behind her and lock her legs above her head. He bend them up as he captured her arms too, showing her bushy pubic hair and dripping pussy to the same forest air.

With her axe in the ground, Tatiana was stuck in the tight grip of the alien as his cock glided against her bare pussy. Making her shiver in her armor as the heat of the slimy dark red shaft with its bulbous head poked at her cunt.

"You humans make good fuck holes at least." The Sangheili smirked as he pushed his cock into the tall woman's pussy with a brutal rude thrust that made her nearly howl in delight under her helmet. The meaty reptilian cock completely fulfilled her womb in the single thrust he took inside her and the many that came after it. His shaft pounding into her at a blurring rough pace that made her pussy squirt and tingle in delight. Enjoying the familiar sensation of being used as bitch in heat, her pussy clamped down and sent lighting blots of pleasure through her body.




Weapons: Sturm and Drang/the enigma

Class: hunter

Skills: plus 4 to hit all foes

Plus 2 lust damage form all foes, plus 3 when dealt anal lust damage, but minus 4 lust damage from other machine types

Strength: 12

Lust limit: 0/160


Class: Titan

Weapons: iron battle axe/ Sweet business machine rifle

Skills: beast foes have a plus 1 to grapple her

Re-roll one grapple check per fight plus 3 to attacks

Strength: 15

Lust limit: 23/180


Class: warlock

Weapons: lightning/7th seraph officer revolver

Skills: re-roll 1 mind break check per fight

If grabbed by one she takes minus 3 lust damage, more then one she takes plus 3 lust damage, plus 3 to attack

Strength: 11

Lust limit: 0/150


HP: 2/3

Strength: 12

Armor: 8

Lust damage: 11

Lust attack: 3

Lust limit: 0/80

Skill: plus 1 to grapple checks

Grunts (x2)

HP: 2/2

Strength: 9

Armor: 7

Lust damage: 12

Lust attack: 2

Lust limit: 0/70

Skill: deals an extra 5 Lust damage to characters 6ft and/or taller

War Beast

HP: 0/2

Strength: 10

Armor: 6

Lust damage: 13

Lust attack: 1

Lust limit: 0/70

Skill: deals an extra 3 damage in doggy style and 2 during climaxes

Sifkiy rolls to attack Unggoy:

Results: 17 9


Sifkiy was not too worried about their captain as she watched the towering woman get bounced on her enemy's cock. The woman has taken bigger dicks in worst places. The eliksni focuses on thing the ranks of the ambushers as she lined up her sniper rifle at the running Unggoy.

"Guwaha!?" The little alien did not even notice the second shot going through his head after the first sent him flying back.

Unggoy rolls to grab Sifkiy: 3


"Ah! you monster! The last Unggoy of the ambush finally spotted Sifkiy in the bushes and rushed at her with his blaster raging shot after shot.

"….Really?" Which all missed.

Vixen rolls to attack: 8 miss

Vixen ducked and danced under the slashes of the Sangheili who snarled at her as her bullets grazed his armor.

In his rage, he went for a wide cutting slice with his blade, until his back was suddenly on fire from the heated blaze.

Raya rolls to attack: 6


He was just lucky enough to avoid a slash at his neck with a knife from Vixen as he patted his back to put out the fire.

"Got a problem big guy?" Raya smirked as the Sangheili noticed he was dragged into a trap.

Tatiana takes: 23 lust damage

23/180 LL

The Sangheili holding Tatiana grunted in satisfaction at the feeling of his shaft being sucked into so easily. Her growled in delight as the sight of her muscular woman's massive chest bounce and shake from his ruthless, heartless pounding. His cock is swiftly coated in her lust, making it all the easier to enjoy her sweet moans from every hard slam.

Tatiana rolls to escape: 17


Sangheili rolls to keep her pinned:

10 fail

However, he was too caught up in his enjoyment to notice the elbow cracking his face plate.

"Grah!?" He shouted in pain and stumbled back as Tatiana rolled to grab her battle axe and cut at his armor. It sparked and flashed as his chest bled a little from the attack.

"Hmph. I had bigger." Tatiana said honestly as he rolled her neck.




Weapons: Sturm and Drang/the enigma

Class: hunter

Skills: plus 4 to hit all foes

Plus 2 lust damage from all foes, plus 3 when dealt anal lust damage, but minus 4 lust damage from other machine types

Strength: 12

Lust limit: 0/160


Class: Titan

Weapons: iron battle axe/ Sweet business machine rifle

Skills: beast foes have a plus 1 to grapple her

Re-roll one grapple check per fight plus 3 to attacks

Strength: 15

Lust limit: 46/180


Class: warlock

Weapons: lightning/7th seraph officer revolver

Skills: re-roll 1 mind break check per fight

If grabbed by one she takes minus 3 lust damage, more then one she takes plus 3 lust damage, plus 3 to attack

Strength: 11

Lust limit: 0/150


HP: 1/3

Strength: 12

Armor: 8

Lust damage: 11

Lust attack: 3

Lust limit: 0/80

Skill: plus 1 to grapple checks

Grunts (x1)

HP: 2/2

Strength: 9

Armor: 7

Lust damage: 12

Lust attack: 2

Lust limit: 0/70

Skill: deals an extra 5 Lust damage to characters 6ft and/or taller

War Beast

HP: 0/2

Strength: 10

Armor: 6

Lust damage: 13

Lust attack: 1

Lust limit: 0/70

Skill: deals an extra 3 damage in doggy style and 2 during climaxes

"I'll kill you! You monstrous bimbo you killed Jerry!"

Sifkiy looked down at the little alien cursing her name and blood. His gun firing in pure, raw rage as he made every shot a kill shot.

Unggoy rolls to grab: 4 miss

That kept missing.


Sifkiy rolls to attack:

10 and 13


The eliksni grumbled. Rolling her eyes as she took out her pistol and shot him twice in the head.

'Seriously why do they bring these idiots…'

Vixen rolls to attack: 7 miss

"Tch. Do not think you'll win with such cowardly tactics!" The Sangheili caught between Vixen and Raya snarled as he ducked from the bullets of the exo and just barely avoided the lighting from Raya's fingertips.

"I don't know buddy. You seem pretty jerkish with you bastards jumping up." Raya taunted as she spun out of reach of the Sangaheili's blade and claws.

Sangheili rolls to grab Raya: 17


Raya rolls to defend: 12

Fail she is grabbed.

Position roll: 7

Full nelson

Penetration: 4


"Hmph!" However, he predicted Vixen lunge at him with her blades and surprise her with a back kick to her chest. Sending her flying into a tree and leaving Raya to herself as the Sangheili was gaining ground against her quick movements. Ducking under her lighting strikes and blasts of fire as he closed in on her. His blade slashed at her armor as he closed in on her. Showing the dark violet skin of the awoken woman as her groin is now naked to towards the raging and lustful alien.

Raya cursed but was too slow to avoid the alien grabbed her smaller body. Bending her body upwards as his cock poked at her asshole. He did not give her a chance and like Tatiana slammed his reptilian cock into her. With violent pression and a speed, his hips rampaged in and out of the awoken woman. His shaft creating a small lump in her stomach as he let loose rapid blinding thrusts in and out of her.

"Not so cocky now, are you?" The alien taunted as with his member throbbing in her ass.

Raya rolls to escape: nat 20

"Nope. But I am shockingly composed!" Raya said as she reached behind him and let a massive arch of lighting rush through them. Lighting up their body in a bright spray of purple.

"Zraaagh!?" The Sangheili roared in pain as his body was locked up by the thousands of boats running through him.

"Take him down!" Raya shouted as Vixen twirled her dual pistols, firing four shots into his chest, while Sifkiy fired a shot that took out his left leg. Forcing him to take a knee as his body is ravaged by bullets.

When the hail storm of attacks finally ended, Tatiana's axe rested under his chin.

"What were you here for?" The muffled voice behind the helmet asked coldly.

"…To fuck human whores like you." The Sangheili smirked in the face of his executioner.

Who sliced their axe upwards to take his head clean off.

"Ok so that's not good right?" Raya asked as she adjusted her clothes.

"They had a war beast with them meaning."

"They are working with the cabal." Tatiana surmised.

"I am getting something." Sifkiy said in their earpieces with her gun pointed in the distance of the woods. "A small compound. A few energy signatures as well."

"Well, boss what you say? Should we break up the party?" Vixen twirled her guns as she looked at Tatiana.

Tatiana let out a short nod.


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Fire team 69 Ch.2 Breaking up the party part two New
Fire team 69


Breaking up the party part two

Summary: The fire team finds out just where the two enemies of the last city were meeting

Tags: non-con, mind break, gangbang, monster girl, rough sex, dice rolling

Fire team 69

Ch.2 Breaking up the party part two

With the sun dipping low into the sky, kissing the horizon, the large abandoned stadium from a centuries long past looked mystical bathed in the mix of orange and blue. A forest of green grows from the top of what was once chairs and seats for crowds to scream and cheer. The only entrance being the front guarded by a cabal and a jackal. A bad sign already.

Regardless, the fire team steadily made their way in with quite steps. Sliding in form the trees, ducking between the leaves and landing in the old bleachers. Peaking from behind the broken chairs mixed into the brush of bushes of flowers they could see in the center of the stadium of a captain and a Sangheili talking with one another.

"Fuck." Sifkiy cursed under her breath as she took note of the targets in there though the sights of her rifle. A cabal legionary and a Sangheili chatting a bit too causally around crates of supplies and tools of each other respective groups. War beast slept and roamed the area freely with jackals standing guard along with a few grunts.

"Not good huh?" Vixen said as she quietly reloaded her gun. Knowing exactly what was about to happen next.

"If we let them live yeah. You guys got a visual?" The eliksni ask as she leaned against the wall, checking her rifle and getting ready to use this area as a sniping position.

"Not…yeah fuck is right." Raya cursed as she peeked around the corner to see the aggravating sight of them and chatting with one another calmly and, from what little they all could hear form their whispers, an alliance between the two groups. Something the last city does not need.

"Them joining up is not a good thing." Vixen grumbled as she snapped her gun closed.

"Think this is just a onetime deal between those two or for their whole group?" Raya whispered as she light a small ball of fire in her hands.

"Don't know or care either or." Sifkiy chirped as she laid on her stomach. Her sights on the jackal leaning on the crats.

"Then let's be a third wheel." Tatiana rolled the grenade between her fingers for ten more seconds than she should have.

And then tossed it.

"wha-" The blast tore through armor and rumbled the ground. Sending bodies dead and leaves flying into the air. The crates, filled with ammunition, added to explosion and the ones that did not burst into fire and metal were sent tumbling in the area around everyone.

"Were under fire!"

"Blasted guardian's! I'll tear you apart!" The rest of the small group that were still standing readied their weapons and opened fire at Tatiana, Raya and Vixen leaping form their hiding spot in the bleachers.

"Take em out!" Raya shouted as she shot out a wave of fire towards the ground to give her allies some cover.


Weapons: Sturm and Drang/the enigma

Class: hunter

Skills: plus 4 to hit all foes

Plus 2 lust damage form all foes, plus 3 when dealt anal lust damage, but minus 4 lust damage from other machine types

Strength: 12

Lust limit: 0/160


Class: Titan

Weapons: iron battle axe/ Sweet business machine rifle

Skills: beast foes have a plus 1 to grapple her

Re-roll one grapple check per fight plus 3 to attacks

Strength: 15

Lust limit: 0/180


Class: warlock

Weapons: lightning/7th seraph officer revolver

Skills: re-roll 1 mind break check per fight

If grabbed by one she takes minus 3 lust damage, more than one she takes plus 3 lust damage, plus 3 to attack

Strength: 11

Lust limit: 0/150



HP: 3/3

Strength: 12

Armor: 8

Lust damage: 11

Lust attack: 3

Lust limit: 0/80

Skill: plus 1 to grapple checks

Kig-Yar (x2)

HP: 3/3

Strength: 13

Armor: 5

Lust damage: 10

Lust attack: 4

Lust limit: 0/70

Skills: Plus 1 to grapple checks



Strength: 14

Armor: 9

Lust damage: 12

Lsut attack: 5

Lust limit: 0/80


HP: 4/4

Strength: 15

Armor: 9

Lust damage: 13

Lust attack: 4

Lust limit: 0/80

(Turn order rolls: Sif-kiy 10, Tatiana, Raya, Vixen 10, Centurion 17, Legionary 1, legionary 2 8, Kig-yar 15, kig-yar 2 16, Sangheili 4)

Turn order: Centurion Kig-yar 2 Sifkiy Vixen Legionary 2 Tatiana Raya Kig-yar 1 Legionary 1 Sangheili captain)


Turn 1

Centurion rolls to grab Vixen:



Ki-yar rolls to grab Vixen:

17 pass

Vixen rolls to defend:

10 fail

Position roll: 5 doggy style

Penetration: 1


Vixen takes: 24 lust damge

The battle started off faster than Vixen could react to as when she dashed forward to take cover the legionary threw out a chain and to try and grabbed the exo but Her he jumped over the hulking monsters attack. That, however, was not fast enough to avoid the deft claws of the kig-yar as he shoulders checked her into a pile of crates. Making her tumble and fall over them and before the exo could even stand back up a foot pinned her face into the steel crate she was pinned her down by the kig-yar pushing her face into the steel with his boot as he forced her ass in the air.

"You're going to pay for that." The alien snarled as his claws tore at her shorts that barely held in her large ass, making her cheeks shake a little from the force, and tore off just enough to let her genitals free. Her pussy, though mechanical, still looks warm and inviting as it twitched at the heat of the ikd stadium. A deep blue hole under a dark one that is meant to be her asshole. In a all, her fat rear is a enticing sight to the bird like alien.

Vixen struggled to try and get out of the alien's grip but the Ka-ri took a sharp spank on her ass. Snickering at the gasp of pleasure from the exo and the feeling of her firm cheeks against his palm.

The alien pulled out his member, a large, girthy cock coated in round spines with a tapered head and shoved his meaty cock into her cunt with no care for her other then turning her into a pleasure driven whore. His hips bursting out in a blur of speed with brutal thrusting. Pouring the exo slut's slit with ruthless aggression. Enjoy the way her cheeks rippled and shook with every rocking thrust. The short grunts the curvy robotic woman let out as she tried to hide her moans and push him off.

Sifkiy fires twice at the Centurion:

Result: 17 15


Centurion takes 2 damage

Sifkiy fired two shots at the massive alien, knocking him back but mostly gaining a glare from him as she revealed her location to him.

Centurion rolls to grab Tatiana:

18 pass

Tatiana rolls to defend:

10 fail

Position roll:

Pile driver

Penetration roll: 2


Tatiana takes 24 lust damage

Tatiana shoulder charge the centurion after Sifkiy shot to knock him down. But he was faster than she expected and side stepped her charge, grabbed her face plate and slammed her back into the ground with a loud crash that spilt the stone underneath them.

"You damned humans" the centurion scoffed as kept Tatiana pinned down with a hard grip around her neck. Forcing her legs to bend down to her head as he pulled out his own shaft. The dark red, wortty cock with a heavy, batter ram of a mushroom shaped tip, slapped down on the titan woman's groin.

"You make better fuck holes then adversaries." The alien sneered as he rises his hips and pushed his cock into her rear with a steady force. Enjoying the soft, whorish gasps from inside the helmet with every inch that entered Tatiana's asshole. It was not until he completely bottomed out that he began his rampaging thrusts into her. Squeezing her throat with every brutal slam down in her. Making her squeak out happily, slutty gasps.

Tatiana rolls to escape:

Nat 20

Centurion takes 1 damage

However, as delightful as it felt for the monster's cock to pound down into her, Tatiana slammed her fist into his face with enough force to knock him out of her. Making him stumble back and rub his chin.

"You didn't choke me hard enough." Tatiana grumbled as she pointed her axe at him.

Raya rolls to attack the centurion:



Raya took the chance to fire a blot of lighting at him but the centurion knocked the blast back with the back his hand and hid back into cover. The storm of bullets form Tatiana's gun battering the crate he hid behind to readjust.

Raya however did not notice the stealthy Ki-yar behind her. He's eye focused on her swaying ass as she blasted an arch of lighting.

Ki-yar rolls to grab Raya: 17


Raya rolls to defend:



Position roll: 7 full nelson



Raya takes: 30 lust damage

It all happened in a instant. the alien jumped and warped her legs up to her head and bent RayR's legs to her head. His cock, far faster than the eye could catch, plunged through her leotard and tights. In a single motion, pushing his fat shaft into womb with a single stroke.

"Guuaahh~!" was all Raya could say as her eyes crossed. The alien's cock plunging into her depths as he held her smaller frame up with blinding speed as her did not give a chance to react much. She for her arms lunching behind her to grip at the bird like alien's arm but her moans and bulging stomach stopped her firm doing anything more than that.

Legionary tires to grab Tatiana:



The legionary, seeing Tatiana turn her attention to Raya, used that chance time to fire a barrage of bullets at her.

"Hmph!" the titian woman's axe slammed down into the ground to effortlessly blocked the hailstorm of gun fire. Smoke billowing around her as he continued his onslaught until his clip was empty.

As the smoke cleared Tatiana stood her armor a little cracked but utterly unharmed as she glared at the legionary.

The Sangheili captain rushed past Tatina as he saw the real threat in the fire teams sniper he found hidden in the trees above. Using his agility, he slide under Tatiana and bounded from branch to branch towards Sifkiy.

Sangheili rolls to grab Sifkiy:



Sifkiy rolls to defend



Sifkiy is grabbed

Position rolls: 7 full nelson

Penetration: vaginal

Sifkiy takes: 28 lust damage

"Shit!" Sifkiy curses she fired shot after shot at the reptilian alien yet he dodged each one, bouncing from branch to branch, using the trunks of the trees as cover until he was right into her guard. Wrestling her to the ground, ripping her gun away as long, even with her four arms, behind caught by surprised left Sifkiy defenseless against the quick hands of the Sangheili who was able to bind her arms behind her with on hand and grope at her body with the other.

"I you can take a dick as well as you can shoot slut." The captain chuckled as he tore off her tights to push his finger in her cunt. Teasing her muff as she snarled and grunted in his grip.

When she felt his cock slide between her large, full thighs she glared at him. "You-I'll kill you!"

"You'll be drooling over my dick instead." The captain taunted as he lifted the fallen woman up. Even with her four arms she could not break his grip nor stop him from slamming his prick up her meaty pussy. Sifkiy did not give her opponent the satisfaction of her hearing her moan as she felt his cock punch deep into her. Her fuckhole did the talking for her as it soaked the shaft in her lust, and squeezed it in delight as the captain rammed his hips up into her whole dropping the towering sniper on his shaft. Enjoying the soft grunts she released at every full thrust into her.

End turn one

Start turn 2

Centurion rolls to grab Tatiana

Result: 16


Tatiana rolls to defend



The centurion tried his hands at Tatiana again as he leaped over the crate, trying to run her down while her back was turned. But this time she is ready for him as she spun back with a roaring back fist that forced the alien to block the blow and fall back.

The kig-yar drooled as he enjoys the firm flesh of Vixen's smooth ass. His claws buried into her ass and smacking against ther rear as her grunts grew louder with his rampant, harsh thrusting.

"Stupid sex bot!" The Alien taunted as he gave another rude slap on her rear.

Vixen takes 27 lust damage

Vixen rolls to escape


Kig-yar rolls to keep her pinned



However his gripped slipped on her arm and the quick hand exo was able to pull out her pistol and blast the alien in the shoulder. Getting him to roar and pain and let go off her.

Sifkiy rolls to escape

Nat 20


"Let go!" Sifkiy snarled as used her claws to cut at the arm of the Sangheili. Making him loss his grip so she could take out a knife to stab him in the chest.

"Grah!? Damned whore!" The alien roared in pain as he pulled the knife out.

Legionary rolls to grab Vixen



Vixen rolls to defend



However while Vixen sighed, trying to get up as she regained her breath, a foot pushed her face back into her ground. She felt something heavy slap between her ass and an even harder hand slap her cheeks to keep her pinned. This time she actually did moan from the rude hit as her lust was starting to get to her.

"Stupid bastards could never break a whore right." The legionary snorted as he took the position of the failing Ki-yar behind her. Spreading her pussy with his thumb as he positioned his meaty, long horse like cock; heavy with hearty veins and is thicker than Vixen's wrist, and pushed his shaft inside of her with a ruthless uncaring shove. Pinning vixen's head with his as he plundered her fat round rear. Getting the woman to moan outwardly now as he treated the exo like a common whore. Crashing his hips down into her, with a meaty, possessive grip on her ass. Taunting her with harsh rude slaps on her rear, making her pussy tighten up on his cock in delight, as she squealed under him.

Tatiana rolls to attack



Tatiana charged at the centurion with her gun screaming bullets at him and unlike her, he was not quick enough to bring up a shield and was peppered with gunfire until his slide behind cover. His armor dented with blood as bullets seared through his armor. It was just enough of a pause for Tatiana's raging shoulder charge to actually connect this time and send the centurion rocketing backwards.

Raya tries to escape

Result 4


She takes 27 lust damage

Raya struggled in the grip of the horny alien but all it did was get him to thrust harder in her. Getting a sudden moan form her lips as she felt the dick pierced her womb and glide around the right spot to get her pussy to squirt its juices in the air in delight.

And her moans attracted the attention of the legionary.

Legionary rolls to grab 14


Raya rolls to defend



Penetration: Vaginal

Raya takes 27 lust damage

"G-Get back!" Raya tried to snarl to keep the beast away, struggling in the ground of the kar-yar but the legionary was not put off by her moaned growls as he pulled his cock out and like the other legendary his shaft is equine shaped but with a few bumps along its demonic length. With the help of the Ka-jar holding Raya in place, the massive alien pushed his cock into her dripping pussy with a steady pace at first. Getting Raya's grunts to turn into shallow moans with every inch stretching her pussy open. Her stomach flexing to accommodate the large prick.

It was not until the legionary felt comfortable enough in the awoken woman's tight cunt that him and smaller ally sawed their cocks in and out of Raya at a blinding place. Making her moans loud cries of wanted delight as the dual thrusting of their cocks ravaged her fuck holes.

Sifkiy rolls to attack:



Seeing as Sifkiy was stronger pray than he thought, the Sangheili tried to back away as the sniper adjusted herself and aim toward the distracted titan captain.

"Don't try it!" The eliksni woman snarled as she through a dagger at his legs.

The Sangheili fell on his face as the blade hit home. Glaring at the eliknkis woman as she vanished from his sight. Already looking for another sniping point.

End turn 2

Start turn 3

Centurion rolls to grab Tatiana



Tatiana rolls to attack



Sifkiy rolls to attack



Centurion is down

The centurion turned to consider targeting the fallen captain as she dealt with the Sangheili. Peaking his head over the cover of his crate to see if he could get a good shot at her.

"Guagh!?" Only to get two bullets in the head courtesy of Sifkiy and Tatiana firing at him.

Ki-yar rolls to grab Sif-Kiy

14 pass

Sifkiy rolls to defend



A quick footed Ki-yar was a bit more luck as he used the confusion toe duck between the trees in the rafters to get closer to the sniper who had perched herself between the bushes. Not even the muzzle of her gun could be seen but her large fat ass did shale and ripple with every powerful shot of her gun as she laid prone on the ground.

"Gah!?" The little alien grabbed Sif-ky around her large ass. Buring his face into her cheeks, his hands sinking in two the soft, wobblily flesh.

"Let go!" Yet he paid for it by having two arms smack his helmet and knock him off of her.

Vixen rolls to escape



Legionary rolls to keep her pinned



She escapes

"Getting sick of this-!" Vixen growled as she reached for her pistol again and fired, this time right at the helmet of the legionary. Striking his eye and forcing him to release her as he stumbled back in pain.

Sangheili rolls to grab Tatiana



"Shit!" The Sangheili captain yelped as he rolled out of the way just in time to avoid the killer axe of Titiana's swing. The woman relentless even though her pussy dripping her lust all over the floor her movements are still as deft and quick as any skilled warrior. Making it hard for anyone to step onto her guard without losing a head.

Raya rolls to escape



Legionary rolls to keep her pinned



Raya gained some ground against her two assailants as she was able to slip her arm free fire a blast of lighting in the at the legionary's face, forcing him to stumble out of her.

But the kig-yar was not able to let her run so easily as he gripped her neck with his claws and slammed Raya on her shoulders. Pinning her down as he drove his shaft down into her at a blistering pace. His cock roaring in and out of her asshole, dragging out list crazed moans form Raya ad her ass shook form each rapid fore blow.

Kig-yar deals 27 lust damage

Raya climaxes

She rolls her mind break dice



She has one dice left

The combination of the lack of air and the dual cocks slamming inside her made her orgasm nearly knock her unconscious. Her pussy spraying out her lust over herself. Her eyes spinning upwards as she moaned wildly and the Kar-yar merely laughed as gave one heavy thrust into her and let his cock fire of a thick load of semen. His cum, a gooey white discharge thicker the honey, plowed into Raya. Extended her orgasm as her body nearly went limp. Her tongue hanging out of her mouth as the kar-yar threw his hips into her. Continuously pumping his hips through his own orgasm.

"Now you'll be our cumdump!" The alien laughed. Not caring that Raya could not hear him as he pulled the cock dazed woman into his lap.

Legonary rolls to grab Raya



Raya rolls to defend



Legionary penetrates her pussy

He deals 27 lust damage

The legionary stood up from the burn on his mask and helped the kar-yar push Raya forward ok her knees. Taking a position behind her, groping her hearty rear before plunging his cock onto her asshole. Joining his ally as the rocked the cock dazed woman back and forth, up and down their cocks. The legionary giving a shape tug at Raya's hair. Getting the lust to moan awake from her stupor.

The two aliens chuckled as they took turns playing and slapping Raya's ass. All the while the mage could do nothing but moan.

The Sangheili captain twisted and turned as he avoid Tatiana's maddening swings. Finally gaining some ground against her as they danced in between bleachers. Tatiana's blade cut through tree vine old chairs and the very air. But the Sangheili was able to just barely see the gaps in her swing s to avoid them.

Ducking under her attacks or parrying them with his own blade. However their repeated clashes causes sparks and small slashes of And that's where the alien saw his moment.

Sangheili rolls to to grab Sif-kiy



Sif-kiy rolls to defend



Position roll: 4

Standing split




She takes 24 lust damage

"Hn!" The alien kicked the titan woman off the railing. Sending her crashing to the ground and let him sprint up to Sifkiy as she fended off the ki-yar. Finally kicking the little alien buried in her ass.

Only for the Sangheili to grab her.

Sifkiy struggled against the grip on the reptilian alien as bind her arms behind her back and pushed her into a standing spilt. Holding her face against the steel of a beam, his cock slammed back into her slick pussy getting an actual moan form the chitinus woman.

"Here's that cock you miss so much." The elite captain chuckled as he bend her back up and resume trying to break the fallen woman. His cock pounding into her with no remorse, each slam into her womb part of his revenge for the knife that was embedded in his leg.

End turn 3

Start turn 4

The ki-yar licked is maw as he saw Tatiana on her back. Her legs spread wide open, showing off her dripping twitching pussy. A healthy pink coloring topped with a clean bush of pubic hair. Her small clit standing tall with arousal and anyone willing.

Not letting such a easy target get away he leaped at her.

Ki-yar rolls to grab Taitiana



"Ugh!?" only for a metal hand to grab his neck and fling him across the room.

Tatiana shaking her head from the fall to gather her senses. While the Kig-Yar she threw into a wall slowly fell back to the floor.

Moans of her team filling her ears. Vixen's eyes flickering with hearts as she pinned into the ground while Raya does not even sound human anymore. Sifkiy is starting to sound like Tatiana herself during her nightly visits to the resident wolf pack it was music to the woman's ears. It's a rarity that sh can even see the stoic eliksni let loose. Sifkiy would always return down her offers for a 'girls' night' with her and Vixen. Tatiana was starting to worry she did not have any sort of social life knowing how hard it is sometimes for eliknkis to mingle in the last city.

So she wanted to just enjoy the way the Sangheili man handles her. Making each thrust cause a cry of delight form the towering woman. All four of her eyes twisted in delight as the softer parts of her chintuos body shook and quivered in delight. Tatiana wondered if the Sangheili could ever get her tongue to roll out of her mouth.

Still she has a job to do and she needed to help one of her allies so she aimed at Sifkiy. Knowing how skilled her sniper is, she's the one that needs the be freed the most. No matter how cute her moans are. Picking up her axe she hoped Vixen can hold out just a little longer.

Vixen rolls to escape



She takes 24 lust damage

"Haaa~! Ngahh~!" Vixen drooled from the legionary's cock pounded in her cunt. Her machinists tongue used to stimulate the tastes of food could only taste gravel as it hung and drooled out of her face. The massive man treating her like a fuck puppet. Railing into her without a care of the exo woman's criticus nearly ferrying form the pleasure. Numbers and data that was meant to translate into words only came out as gurgling moans as the beefy member slammed into her nonstop. Not once pausing in it restless onslaught of her ass that shook and wobbled with every rapid fire collision.

"Weak to dick like women~." The legionary said with a hard slap on her ass. Getting a frustrated grunt form the exo woman who could barely struggle to get free.

Sangheili delas 23 lust damage to Sif-kiy

"You'll be a nice whore for the pack of hounds." The Sangheili gave a sneering chuckled as Sifkiy gritted moans were become more and more easy to get. His cock slamming into her fuck hole with little remorse or care. Getting her large breast to jiggle and sway with every harsh slam into her. Her nipples as stiff as possible as slowly but surely her grunts of aggravation were turning into sweet moans. Her claws struggled to find pushed in the Sangheili's grip but only able to scratch at his armor before a sharp thrust would make her back arch in pleasure against.

Taitiana rolls to attack



"Gawh!?" And then she was suddenly dropped to the ground as the Sangheili suddenly fell backwards. Bleeding from his back from multiple bullet holes.

Panting to catch her breath, Sif-kiy looked down to see her captain nod at her with smoke whispering from her gun.

Raya takes 32 lust damage

The fight in Raya's eyes was barely there as the two alien rutted in and out of her body. Pulling aet her hair to bring her hips back into his meaty cock, the legionary kept a vice grip on her ass. Only letting it go to give it a sharp spank while the kag-yir under her spread her asshole opened for their cocks to easily piston in and out of her. Raya could not think let alone try and fight back against their rampaging lust.

End turn 4

Start turn 5

The kig-yar shook his head as he was flung across the room. Waking up from his attempt to grab Tatiana he saw the massive woman start takes steps towards his two comrades railing the awoken woman. Seeing his chance with her back turned her sprinted over to her.

Sif-kiy rolls to attack twice




"Gah!?" only for as soon as he took as step a bullet slam into his shoulder.

"Piss off." The two shoots echoed out into the room as Skiffy pulled her trigger to pin the aggravating little alien down.

Vixen rolls to attack



Finally free getting the feelings in her arms again, vixen takes her gun and shoots at the legionary with hail of bullets. Her bullets pierced his armor but he continued to ram into Raya unperturbed by the bullets.

Tatiana rolls to attack Legionary



Tatiana rushed in and finished off the last legionary with her axe. Taking his gun fire to her armor as she takes his head.

Raya rolls to escape

3 fail

She take 32 lust damage

Raya's eyes crossed as she moaned and wailed form the brutal slamming into her holes with zero care for the awoken woman's safety. Their shafts battering her fuck holes with gut punching force as Raya could only drool dumbly with very little fight left in her unfocused eyes. The legionary gave tight rough pulls of her hair back into him as he rushed his hips forward. His cock a sung fit in Raya's asshole as her rear rippled into his waist. The ka-yar under her pulled her around ass downwards onto his bitch breaker of a cock. Taking the main role of squeezing and slapping her cheeks a dark red as he rocketed his hips up into her.

"Tight your stupid fuck holes slut." The aliens taunted her as they slapped her ass and pulled at her bouncing chest. All the while Raya's pussy betraying her as her lust flooded the kar-yin's armor and the floor under them. The tow cocks rocking into her in tandem, thundering at the same time as Raya could feel their orgasm stampeding forth. All she could do is moan out a desperate lustful cry.

At the same time the two aliens launched a deluge of thick gooey white cum, heavier than tar, deep into Raya battered holes. Their sed gushed out of the seal of Raya's asshole and cunt as their first shots filled her immediately. The force of their seed of her their seed in her crushed her womb and sent a shockwave of pleasure that finally made her snap.

Raya takes double lust damage


She climaxes

She rolls her mind break dice



She is mind broken

The unearthly wail she made convulse with her orgasm that bent her back as she went limp with pleasure. Becoming nothing but a fuck doll as the cocks continued to pump their hearty seed in her. Lurching, deep jumps of the cocks and her shivering orgasm was the only thing that made her over stimulate body move. She shuddered and shook form her climax that seemed endless from the deep pumping of the cocks in her.

"Heh. I'll come back this bitch later. She makes a good cum rag." The legionary grunted as he pulled his cock out Raya's gripping asshole. Popping his cock out and letting his seed slowly oozed out of her while the kar-yar followed suit with a bit more trouble as Raya's pussy is still a ravenous glutton. Holding on with a vice grip to his cock and not even gaping form the brutal pounding it received. The only sigh of his seed filled her was a small amount oozed out of the twitching cunt. They dropped the cock hungry slut on the ground, they're cum pooling out form her twitching broken body but their shafts still stiff and ready as they turned their attention to the rest of the fire team.

End turn 5

Start turn 6

Ki-yar rolls to grab Vixen

2 fail

The kt-yar wanting a tastes of Vixen rear again lunged at her, but she kicked him back as she finally was able to stand up since the start of the fight. Twirling her guns and firing off a storm of angry bullets at the scurrying alien who could only bring up his energy shield as he took cover.

Sifkiy fired a shot at the legionary only for him to duck behind cover just in time for her bullet ot only hit steel. He tried to fire back but the sniper had already moved and it was not because she was re positioning as Tatiana was storming towards his position.

Tatiana rolls to attack



Leaping over his cover with a flip she cleaved him his arm and the crate he was hiding behind in two pieces with her axe.

Legionary rolls to grab sif-kiy



The last of the legionary leaped up at the rafters as Sif-kiy was dashing through the trees. Jumping off a branch is planned to bring his fist down on the fallen woman to grab her but eh only cracked the ground as Sifkiy slide from his attack. Spinning on her heel she fired off two rounds of her pistol from her two smaller arms as her main arms reloaded her rifle. Keeping him pinned as she kept falling back into the shadows of the trees.

End turn 6

Start Turn 7

Ki-yar rolls to grab Sif-kiy



Sif-kiy rolls to defend



Position roll:






She takes

23 lust damage

She climaxes

She rolls her mind break dice



However, the fallen woman was so busy watching her left she forgot her back as the ki-kyar that's been hounding her this whole time finally got the upper hand and pushed her to the ground. Though his body was smaller than her own, with his own weight and sold trust, the ki-yar was able to keep Sifkiy flat on the ground so he could lay into her fat ass with maddening lust. His hips a blur as he finally got to teach the sneaky sniper a lesson in being a bitch.

"Hiiii~!" The slutty howl form Sif-kiy was shameful but her body could not help but enjoy the feeling to her alien crashing his cock into her. Her pussy betraying her as she unleashed a shaking orgasm form the monster's maddening thrusting in her cunt. Her tongue lewdly poking out of her mandibles as she squealed like the slut her body demands her to be.

Sif-kiy rolls to escape

Nat 20

Deals 1 damage

Ki-yar is down

Still, as she saw stars, and her body quivering, she was able to push him off with a painful elbow to the face.

"B-Barely felt that…."

End turn 7

Start Turn 8

Taitiana rolls to attack legionary



Tatiana was able to slice off the head of the last legionary while Sif-kiy finished off the ki-yar with a single shot off her pistol to his head. The towering woman letting out an uncharacteristic listless sigh for her mouth.

"Clear." Was Tatiana's voice echoing through everyone's coms as the fighting finally stopped. Everyone letting a listless sigh of relief from the long fought battle. Their bodies hot in more ways than one.

"Going to need a good long book and some 'help' tonight." Vixen sigh as she felt her groin do nothing but tingle.

"I-"at the

"That dose not mean get my back blown out by some asshole in an alley way." Vixen sighed and turned down Tatiana's suggestion before she could even say it. "At least not tonight."

Sif-kiy rolled her eyes at the happy nod from her captain.

"Haa…" A dizzying moan brought everyone to look down at Raya's cock broken body.

"Ahh…We'll deal with her later. Better repot back first." Vixen rubbed the back of her head.


Fire team's victory

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