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General Music Recommendations (?)

Hidden One

Not the Boss. Possibly a Playa.
Jun 21, 2019
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I looked arround and searching for "general music" and "music thread" didn't yield results or I may be way more sleep deprieved then I thought.
So, if this already exists in some form, please point me at it?

If not.. welcome to the land of music recommendations.
Let me start by tossing out some information on a multi-artist music compilation album project.
Chiptunes = WIN , to be specific their bandcamp page where you can grab the albums for free if you want to.

They even let streamers use the albums for free, check the project page the bandcamp page links to if you need details on that.

If the name didn't clue you in, theese people mostly make chiptune music. All kinds, so instrumental and vocal tracks appear on the albums. I have theese on often, when I do some writing or chores or whatever. They are usally so good that some of their stuff has been in playlists of mine for years.

If you explore the albums you may find artists you know from somewhere else, this project is kind of big in the chiptune circles. Enjoy~
A thread for music? Cool!

I've been listening to the Scorpions today, and paid a bit of attention to the lyrics for the first time. They have a lot of sexual references and innuendo included in their songs.

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