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Godslayer In the Comic World

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Ang suddenly finds himself transported to the "Simple and Honest Gotham City," making a cameo as...
Chapter 1: Picking Up a Heroine
"Change the batch!"
"Alright!" The nightclub owner looked at Ang, flashing a flattering smile.

Before long, a group of giggling and vivacious young women approached the table.
Ang casually selected two appealing ones and had them sit down. With beautiful women in his arms, he savored imported liquor costing hundreds of dollars per bottle while listening to the sultry Euro-American voice of the voluptuous beauty on the stage, dressed like a canary with waves in her hair. A classic hit played – Britney Spears' "3."
Under the neon lights, the alluring voice stirred the hormones within the young women on the dance floor, as they enthusiastically swayed their waists, displaying their seductive bodies, and occasionally casting flirtatious glances at the wealthy gentlemen in the booths.
Ang felt content.

Not far away, a mirror reflected his own image, leading Ang into a moment of contemplation.
The person in the mirror was a young man under twenty, dressed in an expensive custom-made black suit, wearing a Patek Philippe watch, and sporting a thumb-thick gold chain. He had a dragon-like yellow skin tone and a handsome face that could belong to a lead actor in a movie.
The features were still his own, but they seemed to have undergone some cosmetic enhancement, making him handsome enough to drive most women crazy and make them shout "gigie."
He had crossed over.
But his luck was too good, wasn't it?
Just after crossing over, he found that the original owner of this body had died drunk in a very clean and upscale restroom.
That wasn't important; what was important was that the back of the black and gold-bordered bank card in his pocket bore the signature of 'himself.'
According to the vague remnants of memory, this card seemed to have no spending limit.
Next, the fawning face of the nightclub owner who came over to attend to him confirmed his memory was correct.
He was someone who spent a fortune regularly.
Moreover, he was accompanied by two hulking bodyguards dressed in black, visibly carrying weapons at their waists.
Ang had initially wanted to ask himself where he had crossed over to.
Now it seemed, that wasn't important.
Since one billion was already a small goal, he might as well enjoy it!

Ang raised his glass and shouted excitedly, "Drink! Let's all drink! No one's leaving tonight without getting drunk! The drinks are on me—"
As soon as that last sentence was spoken, the whole room buzzed with activity.
Men cheered, women screamed.
Men cast envious and jealous glances.
Women wished they could devour Ang on the spot.

Late at night, Ang slipped out of the back door of the nightclub to smoke a cigarette.
"Louie, I want to be alone," he instructed the bodyguards.
"Alright, Boss!" The two bodyguards walked to the end of the alley, about ten meters away from Ang, occasionally turning their heads to glance at him.

Just then, a flash appeared behind Ang's head, and a graceful figure dropped out of it.
This wasn't an inflatable wife or a paper person.
A beautiful girl!
Ang widened his hazy eyes, unable to see clearly, yet he felt that this girl was a hundred times more beautiful than those alluring vixens inside.
He pondered about picking up this girl.
Too heavy, couldn't lift her.
"Clang!" The crisp sound of metal echoed in the alley.
Hearing the commotion, the two bodyguards hurried over, and then Louie flashed a knowing smile, "Boss, your taste is indeed impeccable!"
"Of course! My taste has always been exceptional." Ang replied, slightly drunk.
Louie winked at the other bodyguard, who understood and went to get the car.
Regarding the girl's golden armor, Ang felt somewhat strange, but as a bodyguard, the most crucial thing was to keep his mouth shut.
This was a nightclub, after all!
What kind of girls wouldn't be wearing cosplay outfits?
Nurse uniforms, maid costumes, and the like.
The day before, he had even seen someone wearing a skintight suit with cat ears and a full-face mask. To be honest, this girl had a really great figure.
"Uh, why is she cosplaying in armor? Is this the real deal?"
"She's really willing to spend."
The two bodyguards whispered, and they carefully lifted the beautiful girl into Ang's extended Lincoln limousine and quickly returned to Ang's house in the outskirts.
Opening the front door of the villa, after half a minute, they arrived at a mansion with an extremely modern abstract style, filled with metallic curved structures.
Servants came over to carry Ang, as well as to place the beautiful girl in Ang's bedroom.
Unfortunately, Ang had had too much to drink and fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

"Huh! Huh—"
Upon waking up in the morning, what caught Ang's eye was the face of a fairy-like beautiful woman, exquisite to the point of being almost an artwork, with water droplets falling, making her even more enticing. Unlike those makeup-covered internet-famous women, her purity was accompanied by an aura of loftiness that couldn't be imitated.
Who was she!?
Ang, who hadn't anticipated this scene, was dumbfounded on the spot.
Only after struggling to remember what ridiculous things he had done while drunk did he realize that something wasn't right.

Even more unsettling was that as he carefully examined her stunning appearance, his heart involuntarily started to beat faster.
Not due to excitement, but fear.
Did I really pick up Wonder Woman last night!?
How was that possible?
"Am I watching TV?"
Seemingly triggered by the word "TV," the intelligent devices in the room responded, and the 150-inch television in Ang's bedroom turned itself on, broadcasting the morning news.
On the 8K high-resolution TV screen, Ang saw a face that made him want to cry.
The voice from the TV said, "Gotham City Morning News—Stark Industries displays astonishing power comparable to Wayne Enterprises, with its arms sales..."

The morning breeze was a bit chilly.
So was Ang's heart.
Did I cross over to 'Gotham City with simple folk'!?
Not only Gotham City, but also the core of both the DC and Marvel universes?
He meowed that he was destined for trouble and calamity!
Ang's hands were trembling slightly.
The sleeping face of the Wonder Woman next to him was not calm at all. It seemed she was tormented by some dreadful extraordinary power, her eyelids and facial muscles twitching constantly, her unconscious hands tearing the bedsheets to shreds. She looked quite agonized.
Ang called her a few times, but there was no response.

"This is a big deal! Something's definitely not right." As a transmigrator, Ang knew about Wonder Woman's performance in the two movies, and he had never heard of her experiencing this kind of suffering.
Just as Ang was focusing on Wonder Woman's face, a semi-transparent light screen appeared in the center of his field of vision:
Name: Diana * Prince.
Alias: Wonder Woman.
Status: Unconscious due to divine power depletion.

"Divine power depletion?" Ang was stupefied. "Wonder Woman's in trouble, and this is Gotham City. Well, Batman or the other members of the Justice League, come save the day!"
He turned his head, intending to make a Bat-signal or call for a metahuman with powers, and then he unintentionally caught sight of several picture frames in his room.
There was a picture of the deceased ghost Ang, as well as a half-size photo of Ang and a girl.
The original owner's mother was a very attractive dragon descendant woman, but as he looked and looked, Ang felt that something was off.
A single mother?
Where's the original owner's father?
Could it be that his dad was one of those inscrutable gods who went to remote areas and couldn't be found even if you begged? Those kinds of guys had a 'pleasant' nickname—"Wild Dad!"

As for who his wild dad was, Ang scoured all of the original owner's memories, but he really didn't know.
"Well, who wouldn't want to find a dad on their own head when they're free?"
Shaking his head, Ang's attention returned to Wonder Woman. Suddenly, he had a malicious thought, "Hehehe! Miss Heroine! You don't want your boyfriend Steve to know that I picked you up as a corpse last night, right?"
Being cheeky was fun in the moment, but immediately afterward, Ang regretted it.
He wasn't sure about which period's Wonder Woman this was. Generally speaking, any Amazon who left Paradise Island could be considered experienced in life.
It wasn't that he was afraid, but rather, if he angered Wonder Woman, and she threw a punch, he might—no, he'd definitely die.
So, what should he do?

Just then, the TV suddenly interrupted with a news report.
"Special report: Last night, it is suspected that Batman and the Penguin's gang fought fiercely, and there were loud explosions at the scene, with bloodstains found in multiple locations. Witnesses also claimed to have seen a Bat-plane crash."
Ang: "..."

Even Batman has unreliable moments!
Ang realized he had too little information at his disposal. He wasn't sure what Gotham City's current situation was like.
Batman getting injured was a common occurrence.
After all, he was just a regular human.

Looking at Wonder Woman in her leather armor, Ang wasn't entirely certain whether she had started fighting crime and stirring up trouble in Gotham City, offending a bunch of criminals.
Undoubtedly, Wonder Woman was a hot potato at his place.

Just then, the system suddenly popped up with a message: [Key Talent Activation Detected... Mandatory Task Issued—Protect Wonder Woman until she regains consciousness. Task failure will result in the permanent closure of this system. Due to the host's current physical condition, closing the system will lead to the host's death. Successfully protecting Diana, Wonder Woman, may grant the host an opportunity to obtain a unique universe-level talent.]

Who needed to choose? Ang immediately got to work, snapping his fingers with a "snap." The intelligent system started summoning based on settings, and a few seconds later, a silver-haired butler in a well-fitted suit appeared on the videophone screen by the door.
"Master Ang, did you call for me?"
"Frank, get ready. I'm going out to sea today."

In Gotham City, the wealthy always had various methods to protect themselves. The chaos and crime in the slums seemed to have nothing to do with the affluent districts. It was as if God had placed both heaven and hell in Gotham City simultaneously.

As a mysterious heir of a rich family, Ang had a 100-foot yacht named the "Berenhill."
In his memory, the previous owner had never missed throwing parties with beautiful women on it.
Before long, the butler Frank arrived, holding a tablet computer.
Unexpectedly, Ang waved him off, "I'm going out to sea with Miss Prince today. Have Louie and the others come over."

When the bodyguards found out that their young master wanted them to carry the girl he'd picked up last night onto the yacht again, their expressions became strange.
Last night was picking up a corpse, what was today?


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Chapter 2: If Nothing Unexpected Happens
The happiness of the wealthy is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The reverse is also true.

Last night, he couldn't hide the fact that he was collecting a corpse in front of the bodyguards, the household butler, and the maids. And today? Louis and the others weren't talking, but their strange expressions all seemed to ask: Are we going to sink the body into the sea? Boss, is this a seduction followed by a kill? You used to be just reckless, and now you've finally taken that step, right?

Or maybe the housekeeper in his fifties was pretty sharp. He silently closed his tablet computer, where the 'List of Beauties' flashed briefly and then disappeared. He straightened his posture, cast a glance at both Louis and the other person, and said, "What are you thinking? This young lady just seems a bit off."

Ange, feeling a tingling sensation on his scalp, struggled for a while before managing to say, "It's not what you think. She, she's an extraordinary person like Batman. I intend to have her stay at my island vacation home."


The three of them instantly revealed relieved expressions.

Having a timed bomb-like character at home, you never know when they'll explode. It's better to get rid of her sooner rather than later.

If handling things casually was yesterday, today Louis and the others' attitude became much more formal. They first called for the maid, who helped lift the unconscious Wonder Woman onto a beach chair acting as a makeshift stretcher. Then, they carried her down to the extended Lincoln downstairs.

The butler, Frank, quietly opened the tablet computer again, revealing the 'List of Beauties' inside. "Young Master, I don't have the right to question your decisions, but I think a mortal girl might suit you better."

Under normal circumstances, Ange wouldn't have missed the chance to exclaim, "Ah! This tablet computer is so sleek, no, so big!"

But now, with two lines of black forming on his forehead, Ange stammered, "I, uh..."

He seemed like a person with a twisted colon who hasn't gone to the toilet after eating something difficult to digest; no matter what he says, it won't make any sense.

Holding his breath, he decided not to respond and walked downstairs with large strides.

From behind came the voice of the butler, "Young Master, I'll have the vacation house on the island prepared for you."

Ange's mind was a mess.

As a core member of the Justice League, Wonder Woman was top-notch both in character and combat power. He had no reason to sell her off.

Wonder Woman was stunningly beautiful, incredibly loyal, and the only downside was that whoever became her husband would have to prepare for two hiccups.

What a chilling joke!

As Ange drove, he even forgot to appreciate the interior of his luxury car and the surrounding scenery.

For safety reasons, the butler had sent all the bodyguards by his side, and two bulletproof SUVs were guarding in front and behind the extended Lincoln.

Eight bodyguards in total, armed with legally modified M4 automatic rifles equipped with 100-round drum magazines.

This was quite necessary in the relatively safe Gotham City.

Still, Ange felt uneasy.

Having financial means could lead to a comfortable life in most worlds, but in Gotham, you needed to have the ability to develop black technology at least to stay alive.

This lineup could deal with the Penguin's henchmen, but if any formidable opponent like Wonder Woman showed up, he would be in trouble.

Calling the police? Forget about it.

Other cities' police departments might be a bit corrupt, but the Gotham Police Department was practically submerged in mud. Except for Commissioner Gordon, who knew if anyone else was clean.

In fact, before leaving, Ange had considered being discreet. Unfortunately, this was Gotham City, where Murphy's Law was in full effect—whatever could go wrong would go wrong.

Ange decided to arm himself to the teeth.

His convoy had just left his suburban mansion and was barely ten minutes away from the edge of Gotham City when he suddenly felt a shiver down his spine.

Instinctively thinking it was just a figment of his imagination, he turned to look, but the three-story high abandoned building with only its frame left seemed deserted.

If he felt nothing, then there had to be something!

Ange clenched his teeth. "Everyone, stay vigilant. We're being watched."

Louis and the others instantly became tense, their fingers resting on the safeties of their rifles.

As the convoy moved out of sight, a figure emerged from behind the three-story building's iron frame.

She had a stunning figure, dressed in black leather and fishnet stockings. If Ange had seen her, he would've recognized her as the beautiful singer from the nightclub last night.

She put on an earpiece and whispered, "Boss, it seems like my tail has been spotted. The target has decent firepower. I've counted at least five heavy weapons."

A low, indifferent voice came from the other end, "Doesn't matter, Miss Lancelot. Continue tailing."

"Yes, Boss!"

Two minutes later, Ange in the car received an incoming call from an "Unknown Number."

He knew he had to answer this call. "Hello!"

On the other end of the line, a cold, sinister male voice said, "No one can take away what doesn't belong to them from the Black Mask Club."

Ange felt a chill run down his spine, from his tailbone to the back of his head. He felt frozen all over.


How much of an idiot was the previous owner of this body? He actually ran to Gotham City to enjoy himself in the territory of one of Gotham's top underworld bosses, Roman Sionis, also known as the Black Mask?

Not to mention the critical mission he had now, even if he just arrived in Gotham and didn't understand its current situation, he couldn't sell Wonder Woman. It was a matter of principle.

Moreover, who the hell was the Black Mask?

Ange responded with a serious tone, "That's not something you can just call 'stuff.' That lady is a guest of Mr. Bruce Wayne. Mr. Sionis, are you sure you want to go against the Wayne family?"

Ange wasn't sure if the Justice League had been formed at this point.

If you claim to be Gotham's protector, Mr. Wayne, then this mess isn't yours, whose is it?

Ange's manipulation, pointing out the other party's identity and even invoking Mr. Wayne's name, immediately made the Black Mask Mr. Sionis hesitate.

The dark world and the wealthy were intricately linked.

To make a fortune, you first needed money.

Without so many wealthy individuals, where would they get their loot from?

Not to mention Ange leveraging his asymmetric information as a transmigrator to directly expose the other party's identity and bring up Mr. Wayne's reputation.

This left Mr. Sionis quite tangled. The opponent knew his secrets while he knew nothing about them. As a careful underworld boss, he had to consider more factors and started becoming wary, quietly ending the call.

On the other end, Mr. Sionis was extremely agitated. He snapped at his assistant, "Haven't you found out anything about that kid?"

"I can't find anything. I can only confirm that he has a black platinum-level bank card at Wayne Bank, and his credit rating is four A's."

"What the hell?"

"Uh, this level of customer information is treated as top-secret by the bank and is highly protected."

"Anything else?"

"The usage permissions of this black card are a bit odd. It doesn't allow any investments or access to casinos, only daily expenses for the cardholder."

"What in the world is this setup? Could he be Mr. Bruce Wayne's illegitimate child?"

The assistant shrunk his neck, clearly indicating that he'd said too much.

Meanwhile, on Ange's side, listening to the busy tone on the phone, he couldn't help but smile.

Seated across from Ange, the bodyguard Louis looked at Wonder Woman, who was occasionally frowning on the genuine leather sofa, and then at his own boss. He swallowed hard and said in a changed tone, "Is this lady really Mr. Wayne's guest?"

"Of course. However, Mr. Wayne is currently occupied, so we are temporarily responsible for protecting her."

The bodyguards let out a sigh of relief.

Having scared away the Black Mask, Ange didn't let his guard down. He looked at the projection on his retina, where he could see Wonder Woman emanating a faint aura of power.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this might not mean much, but to someone like Ange, she was like a lighthouse in the darkness, radiating with incredible brilliance.

"Damn it." Ange complained to himself, "Does my 'Golden Finger' only have a useless display function?"

As if mocking someone, his retina suddenly highlighted one of his skills:

[Basic Marksmanship Level 5]!

As a playboy of Gotham City, he often shot at shooting ranges in his spare time. This was pretty 'beaver' of him.

Based on his memories, Ange silently opened a hidden compartment beside his seat, taking out a compact MP5K submachine gun that was about thirty centimeters long.

In urban warfare, this thing provided unparalleled flexibility.

He checked the thirty-round magazine, then hesitated before replacing it with a crazy 120-round drum magazine.

But that wasn't all. He also quietly put on a bulletproof vest.

His actions made the faces of the two bodyguards even paler.

But there's more.

Ange took out two grenades, hiding them in his inner pants pockets, and said with a smirk, "As an honest and law-abiding citizen, it's perfectly reasonable to store grenades in your pants, right?"

Louis forced a laugh, "Absolutely! Absolutely!"

As they spoke, both of them added bulletproof metal inserts to their vests and put on tactical helmets.

And then...

If nothing unexpected happened, something unexpected was about to happen.

Just as the convoy passed by an abandoned factory, several heads suddenly popped out from behind a pile of scrap metal. Then, a few sparks of fire appeared.

Louis was so frightened he turned pale, lunging at Ange while yelling in a distorted voice, "Chicken—"

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