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Green Haired Greek In Brockton Bay (Worm CYOA v3)

Sorry I forgot to explain, but this is a quote from SV when someone asked the thing about mana.
ItzNarcotic said:
The ROB didn't give her shard access to mana, but made it so that Achilles could use Taylor's shard as a Mana source by transmuting her shards life cycle to mana. It still is a shard and is not giving Scion mana, but it's using it's own life force to give Achilles mana.
Pretty much, Rider will never fade away unless Taylor dies or he doesn't get enough Mana when he gets wounded. iirc then he pretty much will be able to stay alive for a while unless someone extremely dangerous comes across him. (Gray Boy, Doormaker, etc etc.)

Also, I am working on a chapter but RL stuff is seriously impeding my progress. I'm currently 30-45%~ complete with the next chapter so it should be out soon.
Don't necro. This is against Rule 7.
This used to be the shit to read when im bored sed it ded
Well, after two cases of thread necromancy I say we lock this thread for now. PM a mod (or report the first post of thread and ask for it to be unlocked) when you want it unlocked, ItzNarcotic.

Jeff, the next time you perform thread necromancy you will be given a harsher punishment.

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