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Harry Potter & the Shipgirls

[Bunker] Hoppou vs Mini-Gashadokuro

Well, the action might be over now, but I figure I might as well post this, give people a glimpse of what our favorite little sister was doing as she helped carve the path to Harry and the others.


Hoppou stared up impassively at the monstrous thing standing over her. At least seven feet tall, bound up in thick leather hide and plate armoring, the skeleton wielded a sword nearly twice as long as she was tall.

She remembered this thing... at least, she remembered something like it. The Gashadokuro, the skeleton kaiju that had threatened her family, her home, in the distant past. A creation of pure malice... hundreds, if not thousands of souls, tortured and fused together create an abomination that could only destroy everything it came into contact with.

Hoppou could tell that this thing was similar, albeit much smaller; far fewer souls powering it.

And as she stared at it, she had an idea.

The skeletal demon let out a deathly rattle as it flared down at the tiny girl in front of it. It didn't care about the near-singularity of darkness she emanated—she was just another intruder, another pest to be eliminated. It raised its sword high over its head and swung straight down, hoping to cleave the girl in twain where she stood.

If the demon had been capable of any sort of emotion other than hate, it might have been surprised when the little girl raised an arm.. and caught the blade with her bare hand.

The temperature in the chamber suddenly began to plummet. Clutching the blade in her small fingers, refusing to let her foe pull away, Hoppou's hand began to glow. Tendrils of star-filled voids and pure white nothingness grew over the Princess's arm as she focused her strength into that hand, pooling so much Abyssal power that it became visible to the naked eye. Licks of unholy flame rose from the hand burning with not-light, and wrapped themselves around the skeleton's blade; within seconds, the metal glowed white-hot, before abruptly dissolving away... leaving the flames to crawl up the hilt and onto its arm.

The skeleton staggered back, flailing wildly at the blue-white fire that began rapidly spreading over its body. Everything the fire touched began to burn—leather crumbling, armor melting into slag and falling away, until all that remained was the undead abomination beneath. It seemed like this fire burned hot enough that everything around the skeleton should have been set on fire by convection alone... but against all logic, the temperature of the entire chamber instead fell to near-freezing levels. To the members of the rescue group present, it felt like they were suddenly standing at the very bottom of the ocean... chilled to the bone, darkness surrounding them, crushing them.

Consumed by blackness and impossibly-cold flames, the miniature Gashadokuro let out a final unearthly screech... and then Hoppou reached out, clenched a fist, and yanked it back.

The skeleton's face seemed to explode outward, releasing a wave of glowing mist that rapidly dissipated into nothingness, leaving a white void where its eyes used to be. Any onmyoji and wizards present would immediately recognize the mist for what it was: the tortured souls that powered the skeletal demon. They had been set free... forcibly purged from their physical form. Without the spirits that powered it, held it together, the skeleton should have instantly broken down, disintegrated into dust...

but it continued to stand, twitching and jerking erratically, as the unholy flames stubbornly clung to its bones.

The Princess turned away, satisfied; her imps now had total control of the skeleton. The husk would last maybe a minute more, before the magic holding it together burned out... but that was plenty of time for her.

She looked back to the front, to the remaining evil spirits that blocked the path to her big brother. Raising her glowing hand, she pointed to them and uttered two words:

"Break them."

And her thrall obeyed.

A Trip To Passel House

A.N.-The first part is a follow-up and builds upon the events of A Parting at Malfoy House

A Trip To Passel House

5 July 2014

Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire

Spoiler: A Chat Between Cousins

Ehren du Chasteler smiled shyly at Draco Malfoy as the cousins rendered their final farewells. "I wish that I could go visit the Giant's Causeway with you this summer, but I fear that Mutti has other obligations. She plans to take us to Japan later this year to meet Norimune's family once matters are resolved with the ICW." Her cheeks heated slightly despite her best efforts as a result of the twinkle in her cousin's gray eyes.

Draco nodded, "I see. You will send photographs and video footage of your vacation there, yes?"

Ehren's smile widened and grew warmer, "And souvenirs, I suspect. We plan to visit Toku at the shrine, and she enchants prayer charms for good luck in school studies. I will personally deliver one to you when we meet at Hogsmeade Weekends for you and your friends."

She turned at a tap on the shoulder to see the grinning face of Draco's younger fraternal twin sister Nimue. "Hey, Brother, I need to steal Ehren from you for some private farewells."

Draco nodded, then leaned forward to give Ehren a hug. "Thank you for coming, Ehren."

Ehren returned the hug, "The pleasure was all mine." She blinked as Nimue then steered her past where her mother and Claire were talking to Lucius and Narcissa. "Nimue, what is it?"

The blonde Malfoy girl flicked her fingers in the pattern of a privacy ward and then gave her a knowing conspiratorial smile. "Sooo, did you confess to Draco when you called him to the Egyptian Room last night?"

Ehren's cheeks flamed as she gasped, remembering her private chat where she had explained to Draco about her crush on the young man, and how she would set it aside for honor's sake so as not to ruin the relationship he had with the trio of shipgirls after him. "I-i-i-i" she stammered. Then her blush redoubled at Nimue's next words.

"Did you kiss my brother?" Nimue leaned in and winked. "I hear from Johnston that he's a good kisser."

Ehren gulped, and nodded hesitantly, driven by her sense of honesty. "J-ja, just as f-friends though. He t-told me that I should have m-my first kiss with him. I would never interfere...."

"Oh? So, actually my brother kissed you instead of the other way around?" Nimue chuckled, her tone conveying the promise of much sisterly trolling for Draco. "To think he thought to keep that detail from me..." Nimue then leaned in and hugged the flustered German dagger spirit. "You make a cute couple with him, and I'm sure Cleo, Johnston, and Niobe will welcome you, Ehren."

Ehren shook her head in sharp negation. "It's not that. I have responsibilities... obligations... " Her voice cracked slightly, "He deserves better... He already has better...."

Nimue sighed as she read her cousin's clear distress, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have put you on the spot with him. I'll just have to make up for it by trolling my big brother. Ehren... If that is your decision then?"

Ehren nodded glumly with her cheeks flaming. "Ja. It is what I must do for honor's sake. I... gave my word to not pursue him and remain a friend and guardian of his happiness. Just like I shall guard you as a friend and a cousin should."

Nimue hugged Ehren, "I see. Well, if that is what you want, I will help you with it. After all, family supports family."

Ehren returned the hug. "Ja. Family supports family." She then glanced at the knot of farewells. "I shall miss you, Cousin Nimue, even though we shall talk and write. I hope to see you soon. The band... I had fun singing, and we should continue."

Nimue grinned, "Oh, I have plans for Stahlhexe. I'll let you and Claire know them when you get home. Be good, or at least don't get caught, Ehren!"

As the cousins rejoined the others, Nimue caught the eye of Ehren's older sister Claire and gave the piano spirit a nod that was returned as the final farewells were made.


Colombe looked at Ehren as they walked to the car to leave Malfoy Manor. "Right, so next stop is Passel House?"

Ehren smiled and nodded. "Ja, Mutti. Passel House in Hampshire near Bishop's Waltham." she checked her phone. "I have the map function downloaded for you."

Colombe laughed. "I shouldn't need that. I've been there before after all."

Ehren blinked in surprise and spoke slowly. "So you know Ronald Weasley?"

Colombe shook her head and opened the door to the back of the car for Ehren and Claire. "Non. I was there in 1899 for a dinner party. It... was quite a spectacular series of events, and I believe the talk of society for a few years. I met Lyra there, which was the best part of it all."

"A dinner party like in the Jane Austen books, Mother?" Claire asked eagerly as she got into the car, straightening out her black dress with a smile.

Colombe grinned smugly, "Only if they include a duel of honor over the dessert, my dear!"

Spoiler: Preparations For A Visit

Meanwhile At Passel House

Victoria Passel, the spirit of the residence, was gravely concerned.

Guests were coming over so she was making an effort to put her best foot forward as was only right and proper.

Linens had to be freshened and folded for their rooms. A supply of groceries to handle the household and the guests had to be procured, stored and prepared. The rooms had to likewise be cleaned and dusted.

All this was secondary to her larger concerns about the aforementioned guests.

She had been a year too young to manifest when THAT WOMAN had been a guest before in May of 1899. However, even though she had yet to fully awaken, the events of THAT WEEKEND caused her cheeks to flame. The scandal of a duel challenge at the dinner table, the poor Colonel having a fatal heart attack, and THAT WOMAN seducing another man's wife (plus cross-dressing and fencing, the shame!) had sent tongues wagging in every residence in the Wizarding World for months.

And everyone knew where it had happened.

On whose watch that it had happened.

And she respected Young Master Weasley far too much to allow for THAT WOMAN to wreck his reputation and family name.

Even if he was making a terrible error when he had overruled her concerns about having the Du Chastelers over for the weekend to meet him and the household.

The Young Master had rescued her from neglect, ruin, and a slow death, and was a promising young man who Lady Warspite and Lady Duke were molding into a fine gentleman (with her assistance and support) with an eye to make theirs in the bonds of matrimony one day when he was of age. Victoria could ask for nothing more from that quarter no matter what a few of her books implied.

Lady Warspite in particular was a dream come true for Victoria since she understood in her bones The Way Matters Should Be Done as someone else born at the height of the British Empire. Victoria could ask for none better to serve as Lady of the Estate, and only regretted that Warspite's duties and responsibilities for the Admiralty kept her out of the house for long stretches.

Lady Duke was an able understudy for Lady Warspite, and her foibles such as the 'special coffeepot' reserved for her and even her swordsmanship as an officer of the Queen were well within the bounds of current propriety. Victoria reflected that she had to fan herself a bit on a sofa when she found out that Lady Duke had been awarded the Order of the Garter by Her Majesty since that was quite a feather in the cap for her family. If the Queen approved of Lady Duke's sword practice and service, who was she to object?

Miss Summer was coming along nicely and would be when the time came a suitable hostess and lady of the household if Victoria had anything to say of it. Which Victoria of course did have much to say on such matters. The Abyssal Installation was such a sweet dear and simply adorable.

Miss Angie was another who Victoria had little to object to. While she was like a middle-class tradesman in a few ways, she was serving the Navy ably and well as a floating dry-dock. Victoria could scarcely fault her for her labors in repairing the injured and helping them heal in the special guest wing and baths that had been set up as part of the War Effort, which Victoria fully supported.

Acasta and Ardent were both cute as buttons and well mannered young ladies -- for destroyers. They certainly deserved the treats that Victoria supplied them periodically as practice for when the nursery would be filled after the wedding that Victoria was already mentally planning to host (and gloat about to the neighbors). Even their mischief was well within acceptable bounds, not that Victoria would dare admit it when she 'caught' them playing tag through the upstairs.

Lara and Xath were a treasure as well. Lara was serving quite nicely as a maid and her family's Yorkshire Pudding recipe was simply a rare delight. Meanwhile Xath slowly but surely was restoring the grounds, gardens, and Orangery into what they should be, with the addition of some exotic magical plants to boot. Victoria was already scheming to host a garden party once the gardens were finally finished and she found a source for proper furnishings to replace those that had been sold off when her old family fell into hard times.

Even Brigid was coming along slowly but surely under her guidance thanks to the use of carrots in the forms of books and cookies for good behavior along with the stick of the Battleship Princess earning Miss Summer's ire once more. She was willing to be taught if handled with the right level of patient guidance, which was no small thing and it was hardly her fault to be so unfortunate to be born a benighted Abyssal rather than English.

But there was a fly in this ointment the size of a Manticore.

Master Weasley also had mutual feelings with the French battleship Jean Bart.

A Continental brazen hussy, Victoria's lips twisted as she amended that Miss Bart at least was being broken of some of her licentious shameless habits under Victoria's careful guidance, who wore shorts that showed entirely too much leg, favored motorcycle racing, and worst of all was French. Something could be made of Jean Bart, perhaps, at least she was responding well to keeping the proprieties and had spent the last few months assisting Miss Summer with her self confidence by discussing the uses of radar in shore defenses and antiaircraft tactics. Victoria regretted the necessity of such things, but admitted to herself that the Abyssals started it and one must make lemonade when life served up lemons.

However, Jean Bart had met the younger Miss Du Chasteler while they were participating in one of those illegal and illicit street races that Jean Bart enjoyed and that Victoria had yet to persuade her to avoid.

Miss Du Chasteler, who was of the right age to cause Young Master Weasley to fall into sin and scandal, along with her older sister Claire who was also single and French. Worst of all, they were the daughters of THAT WOMAN, who was hiding her decadent and licentious French heart behind her too well-preserved face.

Victoria paused as she took the tray of chocolate chip cookies out of the oven to cool and nodded with a determined look upon her face.

If these French Tarts thought they could cause another scandal this time to blacken the name of herself and her family, they were gravely misinformed. This time, Victoria stood ready to defend her family from their attempts to entrap the residents of Passel House in their shameless and shocking 'customs'.
Poi-chan [WarThunder]

Feeling War Thunder inspired, so have another War Thunder omake.


Edit: 18/12/2019: Redid the chat quote boxes.


It was a quiet night in the shared Officer Dormitory of the Fubuki household. In one room were Fu-chan and her sisters, long since tucked into bed a few hours ago. In another room next to Fu-chan's, however, the quiet was broken by the sound of keys tapping on a keyboard.

A certain blonde destroyer stared at the screen of the monitor with an almost bored look as the steel hull of herself cut through the waves, zigzagging with lazy adjustment of her rudders. Eyeing the distant smudge of pixels and then the heading of her hull, she put her torpedo launchers' tubes at a point ahead of the enemy destroyer.

Double checking that her firing lane was indeed clear, Yuudachi held down the spacebar and two spreads of four Type 93 oxygen torpedoes dropped two by two into the water in four chuffs of smoke. She was turning away from the enemy when an orange flashing icon caught her attention.

Someone sent a Private Message to her.

That had to wait though as red tracers straddled her steel hull, erupting in several large splashes amidships while Yuudachi zigzagged away from the enemy behind a smokescreen. She was rewarded with a 'ding' a few minutes as high explosive shells continued raining upon her from the teammate of the player she just killed with her torpedoes.
NightmarePartyPoi: Poi~​

She swore she could hear someone cursing 'Poi' in response. Rude.

Several minutes and three more kills from her Type 93 torpedoes later Yuudachi was looking at her First Place on the result screen. Nine Kills and two Assists, not bad for a decent battle. Now, she turned her attention to the lit speech bubble icon. A click on the icon brought up the chat window:
PoiPoiChan: {Kaa-san!}​

Yuudachi narrowed her eyes. This was new. Usually, it was another fan—who else could it be with a name like 'PoiPoiChan'—sending a fellow 'fan' a drive-by Poi. Well, that or some Russian player cursing her in… Russian. Or broken English. But none had called her Kaa-san before. Her hair flaps twitched as she tapped on the keyboard.
NightmarePartyPoi: {Who is this, poi?}
PoiPoiChan: {JS Yuudachi, poi!}​

Yuudachi's eyes narrowed further, her red eyes glowing. Claiming to be my little Poi, poi?
NightmarePartyPoi: {Prove it, or I'll give you a Nightmare Party, poi.}​

The reply was swift and rather lengthy. Yuudachi raised an eyebrow, and then the other. And then her cheeks flushed red. No one knew about what went down in the engine room during JS Yuudachi's commissioning ceremony… except for her daughter, that was.
NightmarePartyPoi: {Poi-chan, it's really you, poi!}
{Wait, how did you get online?}
PoiPoiChan: {Through my data network, poi!}​

Poi-chan then launched into a mini-lecture about her special radio that could somehow connect to a 'battlespace network' and exchange data with JS Fubuki and JS Mutsuki without the human crew actually talking to each other and somehow Poi-chan could use it to connect to the Internet and it made Yuudachi's head hurt. Since when did radios become so complicated, poi?!

Yuudachi shook her head, trying to get rid of the headache to no avail.
NightmarePartyPoi: {Uh… okay? Anyway Poi-chan, wanna squad up?}​

The reply came back immediately:
PoiPoiChan: {Of course, that's why Poi-chan is looking for Kaa-san after all!}​

A predatory grin split Yuudachi's face.
NightmarePartyPoi: {Let's have the best Nightmare Party, poi!}
PoiPoiChan: {Poi~!}​

Elsewhere in the cold and rainy Scotland, Cyrus Greengrass felt a sudden chill, as though not one, but two certain Nightmare boat just walked over his grave… He shook his head. Probably just the wind. He stood, walked over and closed the slightly opened window.

Where no wind had been blowing.

A/N: What is this? Continuity in my omakes?

Yuudachi don't need no silly lead guides to aim her torps, just her eyes and experience will do.

Yuudachi also does not get Networked Communications. Since when did radios become so complicated?


Also, huzzah, the Poi has been doubled!

What went down in JS Yuudachi's engine room? Just
lots and lots of Poi and Momboating. Or Momboating and Poi. Hmm…

Not story related, but War Thunder completely unlocked the vertical angle of the aiming for naval mode last week and it's made shooting so much easier. Now aiming doesn't require me to pull my mouse down so much that I can't even see the ship I'm shooting at or stuck shooting at the waterline. I'm so happy.
[China]The Mandate 2


The Mandate Pt.2

but more terrible…is to admit it…

Western Theater Command
Chengdu, PRC

General Zu Li Shang watched the company of Type 88s as they eased back into their maintenance bays. These relics were the best he could scrape up from the various depots for the defense of the Western Theater, a majority of the PLA dying in droves pushing the Abyssal threat from the shores of the Middle Kingdom. Despite this, he did his best to defend the Theater from an increasingly non-existent threat.


He turned his seat towards his desk.

"What is the word from Colonel Zhang?"

"Sir, Colonel Zhang has agreed to your…suggestions."

Li Shang ran a hand through his close-cropped salt and pepper hair. While family lineage was frowned upon in the Party, it, like so many other aspects of traditional Chinese culture, remained hidden in plain sight as it were. And his family was an old one. He remembered the stories of Paladins, Demon Hunters, Holy Monks, and the ancient schools of martial arts.

And he learned that many of those ancient tales were true.

He stood and walked to the map on the largest wall of his office. Most of the coastal areas had black marks of them, places that were lost in the opening stages of the Abyssal War. Other parts of the map showed the numerous refugee camps that were struggling to maintain order as the Orders from Beijing were often conflicted and to say the least, odd. To the north, in the ruins of Dalian, the Abyssal Princess known as the Fortress Queen, and to the south, the city of Nanjing played host to Abyssal Princess called the Tears of Blood. Other places had smaller Abyssal presences, and each marked a failure of Central Command. Worst part was the rumors of a resurgence of the old Taipingists in Tianjing. If Beijing was oblivious to this then things were much worse than he feared. All of the signs were in place. Even the rebels on Taiwan could read those signs.

"And the others?"

"All commanders are in agreement General."

Taiwan was a wildcard. They were holding their own against the darkness, aided by the Japanese of all people, and with some support from the Americans.

But hope was not lost. There was a way to restore China, and by the grace of the Gods, he would seize it.

"Has Professor Xue made any progress?"

"Yes sir, she has."

The door to the office opened, revealing his secretary. "General, forgive the intrusion, but your visitors are here."

"Hao. Thank You zhong shi. Please show them in."

The two PLA officers watched the most eclectic group of individuals enter. Men and women both.

And the last of the Jianghu.

Ministry of Culture

Cai Wu listened absently as the reports regarding the recovery of China's cultural treasures were read by a seemingly endless stream of aides. He had read some of the reports from the 'Shadow' Ministry regarding the recovery of certain artifacts that could quite well spell a true rebirth of the Middle Kingdom. He had, in the past, wondered why that woman carried that old rake, but that one document, that one tale, opened his eyes. If the Mandate was truly lost. If the Mandate was up for grabs, all it needed was for someone to take charge and grab it.

He was not a vain man, nor was he inconsiderate of the realities of the situation. He gained his post through a meticulous, if detached and dispassionate, work ethic, and while many thought his lack of manliness and asexual outlook was a detriment, it served him well in navigating the politics of the Party.

"Yes yes yes," He dismissed his aides. "We have done quite well in the recovery efforts thus far, but we all have much to do to ensure our culture is not forgotten."
"Of course Minister," His senior most aide bobbed his head.

"For our next course of action I need a thorough examination and catalogue of all the records, artifacts, and rituals used in the selection of Emperors from the First Qin Emperor to the fall of the Qing Dynasty."

He held up a hand to stifle the groans he was sure to be uttered.

"Now now, together we will accomplish this," He spoke. "But tonight we will enjoy the fruits of our recovery efforts and tomorrow begin anew. Please make contact with Professor Xue and ask her to report her findings as well."

Chenzhou, Hunan Province

Xiao Chaogui sat in the darkness, his hands continually stroking the wooden box that sat in his lap. Before him knelt his three 'Angels', each quietly awaiting his commands. The Demon had made her move in an unexpected way, and the shockwaves of her declaration to the so called 'Magicals' had sent everyone scurrying. She was a wily and cunning foe, but she was a child compared to his magnificence. He would have finally passed on had it not been for the Artifact, and his curse was still coursing through his spirit. He damned the Qin again. And that peasant sorcerer. And that loud mouthed American. San Francisco was a disaster.

"Give me your report my…angels."

"Lord, we have been consolidating our gains amongst the populous in your old holdings."

"What of the PLA?"

"They are being reorganized and consolidated to recover from their losses that have building during their last offensive at Nanjing. A majority of the units have been cycling through Chengdu."

"Chengdu?" Chaogui's hands paused. "Have they come down from their mountains?"

"I do not know Lord," One of the three spoke. "We have been unable to get anyone close to General Zu for quite some time. He is very guarded."

"My Ascension is at hand," The 'Messiah' reborn spoke. "There will be nothing that will stop me from regaining my flesh. I want our followers to find out what our enemies are doing, and let nothing stop our kingdom on earth from reigning for all time."

She dreamed.

Steam rose from the waters, carrying the scent of lavender and mint. Candles burned in the hundreds, each flame casting dancing shadows across the silk drapes.

Ying sighed, the warmth from the pool eased her weary body, but yet her mind was active. Things in China were getting progressively worse to the point the Japanese and Koreans were taking serious note. The west remained unconcerned at this, but as Napoleon once said, 'China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will tremble the world'.

And there were signs that the sleeper was waking.

She rubbed the oils into her arms as she bathed, a gift from her father, and laid back against the smooth stone of the pool.
The silk fluttered.

You seek…you desire…you want…

She glanced about.

What do you desire…

Justice, she thought to herself.

"Justice is a word of men."

She turned. A woman's shape was blurred behind the silk.

"Do you think there is justice?"

The shape moved slowly beyond the silk.

"Yes." Ying replied without hesitation.


A soft breeze blew through the room, sending the silk dancing.

"And was there justice when the communists came? When they claimed the Mandate?"

Ying frowned, her body tensing.

The waters parted. A brush against Ying's ear.

Ying spun around.

"If I told you there was a way to bring about justice, not only for yourself, but for all of those who have been crushed beneath an uncaring heel? Empires rise and fall according to the Celestial Order…"

A whisper in her ear. She spins around to face a hauntingly beautiful woman with a sharply angled face, raven hair floated around her like a fan. Wisps of steam rose from the waters, each finger slowly encircling the woman, almost like shapes. A spear. A face. A part of the Menshen. A hand that brushed the delicate caligraphy on her blade that dedicated her to her lord.

"The wheel has turned," The woman spoke. "The Mandate is lost."

Ying's voice caught. How did she not sense this? Behind the woman her shadow seemed to split.

"Join me Wei Ying. Together we will restore the glory that has been lost."

"Who are you?" Ying stammered. "You….you are the one I was told of."

"Say my name." She eased closer, nearly touching.


"Say. My. Name."





The voice was both a whisper and a shout, yet her expression remained serene.

Fear gripped Ying's voice, a shudder as she inhaled.


Ying awoke, her heart racing. Immediately she looked to the west. There was a massive flare of power, sending ripples across the world, and yet, the epicenter did not seem to be China, but Japan. She quickly dressed and checked her messages. The Statute was holding, if barely, and the Magical Diet seemed to be dragging their heels as usual to the point where Magical Kyoto was taking charge of the event. The sheer numbers of her kin involved shocked her to no end. With nervous hands she cast the T'ang Dynasty Coins. Even the musical notes of the coins against the hollow echo of the tortoise shell brought no succor. With her bottom lip firmly between her teeth she read the I Ching. She would journey to the West. The RCMMP trusted her enough to know that she would be needed in the Middle Kingdom.

The woman knelt in the darkness. A tear slid down her face and impacted with a thunderclap on the mat. The fragment she felt was gone. Not lost, but reborn anew. This child. This girl. She would know this young one's measure. The blood of the Fox ran strong in the land of the Rising Sun, and she would test her. Should the blood prove strong enough, should the Will be iron, this one might serve a much greater purpose. Across the sea to the East she could feel the old blood stirring again, an ancient bloodline that could perhaps one day take the throne anew. But for now. For this one moment in silence and darkness, she would mourn this loss, and she would rejoice in the glorious rebirth to come.

"Heavenly court your humble servant beseeches thee…"
[Bunker] The Moments After 2
Harry Leferts

Laying back in the hospital bed, Harry let out a small huff before Natsumi shifted a bit beside where he laid. Just like him, she had bandages in various places to cover various cuts and scrapes that were too small for the Healers to really bother with due to the amount of injuries various others had gotten. Looking up at him, she raised one eyebrow above which was a square bandage, "You okay, Harry-Chan?"

With a small shrug, which brought a small wince from him, he let out a sigh, "About as okay as I could be..." Harry then gave her a smile, "Which is a lot as you're here with me."

Despite understanding the underlaying message, Natsumi huffed and looked away from him with a blush appearing on her cheek, "Baka, saying such things."

Lips twitching, Harry reached up with his good hand and tapped her on the nose, "And you like it when I say such things. Don't deny it, Natsumi-Chan." Getting grumbles and her blush deepening, he chuckled, "So adorable when you're acting like a tsundere~"

Now really blushing, the Kitsune gave him a glare, "S-shut up. If you were not so hurt, I would bop you on the head for that! I am not a tsundere."

All Harry did was laugh at that before wincing and giving a hiss, "Ow... forgot it hurts to laugh right now."

Rolling her eyes, Natsumi sighed, "And you deserve it." She then perked up a bit and looked to the door, "I think that the others are back from their examinations."

Sure enough, moments later the door opened and Nobu was wheeled in with a grin on her face as she waved, "Hello my friends, my friends hello! The Demon has returned in good health!"

Uesugi snorted a little bit as she adjusted her glasses, one bandage going up her cheek near her ear, "If one with all your injuries could be considered to be in good health, than I do not wish to see what you consider ill health to be."

Before Nobu could shoot back, Okita, who had one arm wrapped up as well as another bandage on her neck near the back snorted, "Nobu-Chan is well enough to act out, so she's well enough." Ignoring said girl whining about her being mean, she turned to Harry as the others walked in, "How are you doing, Harry-Kun?"

The boy in question gave a small shrug and smile before flinching a little, "I'm... doing well enough, considering."

A frown on her face from the flinch, Nobu wheeled forward and narrowed her eyes, "That bad?"

With a sigh, Harry frowned slightly, "Well... do you know about skelegrow?"

Eyebrow raised, the former Head of the Oda Clan said, "Hai, they actually gave me a few sips." She grimaced some and rubbed at her chest, bandages apparent under her shirt, "Mitsuhide broke at least three ribs. So they had me take some to speed up the healing after they fixed my internal injuries and vanished any blood that had leaked out." Then Nobu stuck her tongue out, "Tasted disgusting."

Snorting, Harry shook his head, "You're lucky then."

At the questioning looks, he turned towards his busted hand. All of those there noted that it had been healed of the wounds from the broken bones having pierced through the skin. That was until they realized something else that Usagi noted outloud, "Why... does it look like it's deflated?"

Unknown to her, Harry was already looking forward to their reactions, "Mainly because they removed all the bones in it. That's what happens when they do so after all."
For several moments everyone sort of stared at them, which the thirteen year old wizard smugly took in, enjoying every last bit. Finally, Uesugi reached up and wiggled a finger in her ear with a small frown on her face, "Did you say that they..."

Chuckling, Harry grinned and gave a nod, "Removed all the bones in my hand? Hai, because that is what they did..." Pausing for a moment, he shook his head, "Well, that and my wrist. Because apparently they were all shattered and it was easier to just remove and regrow them rather than try and get them all back together."

It took a few second for Rika to realize what he meant and she winced, "In other words, they gave you skelegrow to regrow the bones of your hand?" At his nod, she hissed, "Ouch..."

With one raised eyebrow as she glanced at her, Nobu turned back to Harry, "How bad is it?"

Once more, the teenage wizard had a small flinch, though they realized that throughout their conversation at times he had a small twitch in his eyelid, "Well... because there's no bones, instead the potion forms small splinters of bone in their place. And those splinters, via magic, start moving around in their position seeking other splinters to join with. Which themselves become bigger splinters that move until they join with others. All to form the new bone... and I am unable to have painkillers because that could interfere with the potion. Same with potions that could knock me out."

Everyone besides Natsumi winced at that with Nobu shaking her head as she rubbed her ribs, "That definitely makes me feel better about my ribs. It hurts a little, but not like that."

Lips pressing thinly together, they could see two long objects inside one of his fingers move together and stop moving. Grunting, Harry gave a nod, "Trust me, you got no idea..." With a sigh, he laid his head back some, "Still better than when I had all the bones in my arm vanished accidentally and had to have them regrown."

Now it was Asuka who was giving him a look of utter disbelief, "How the heck can you accidentally vanish all the bones in your whole arm?! That shouldn't be possible!"

From where she laid beside Harry, Natsumi snorted, "In his case? His DADA teacher was... not quite what he claimed. To make a long story short, someone cursed a bludger to follow him and keep trying to hit him. When it did, it broke his arm and said teacher attempted a spell that was supposed to vanish any splinters to prevent further injury when a student knocked him to the side to take a picture... and messed up the spell meaning all the bones in his arm were vanished."

It was then that she noticed that Usagi's eyebrow was twitching and she had closed both eyes while having a scary smile, "I see... so a student interrupted a medical procedure just to take a picture? And what happened to him afterwards as punishment?"

Suddenly remembering that the Inaba was someone trained in First Aid and had admitted down in the underground complex that she was being taught some things about being a healer, Harry coughed into one hand, "He, uh... got petrified that night by a Basilisk. Trying to bring a gift basket up to the Hospital wing?"

When Usagi asked what had happened after he was unpetrified, neither Harry nor Natsumi were able to give an answer. Slowly, the Rabbit Yokai gave a nod, "I see..."

Both teens in the bed shared a glance before Natsumi spoke up, "Right! Not to change the subject and prevent a murder or something... are all of you assigned to the hospital room here as well?"

Okita gave a darkly muttering Usagi a wide berth before sitting on one of the beds, "Hai, all of us were assigned to this room or the one next door while we heal up." Glancing at the others, she gave a small shrug, "We've always been told that everything that happened was classified to the highest levels. Our parents are also on the way as well."

Curious as she also sat down, Ayaka cocked her head to the side, "What is that like?" Seeing the confusion, she waved at the three reincarnated people, "Having parents and such after..."

The three teenage girls glanced at each other before humming. With a small shrug, Okita looked back at her, "I don't mind it too much since in this life I have had an Otou-San. He's rather understanding about me being... what I am. Same with my current Okaa-San."

For her part, Uesugi gave a nod of agreement before they turned to the last member of their trio. Nobu blinked before giving a chuckle, "I like this life's parents more than my original. I don't have my Otou-San continually harping on me that my literal bastard of a brother was better at everything and how he wished that he could take over the clan." A somber look came over her face before letting out a small sigh, "I... suspect that my Imouto was also reborn in this life as my current one and this time..." Nobu clenched her fists tight enough that they shook, "I swear that she will get the life that she deserved, one with happiness."

Each of those who knew some of the history there simply nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, there was a tapping at the window and they turned to find a snowy owl sitting on top of a box. Blinking, Uesugi raised an eyebrow at it, "Is... that your owl, Harry-Kun?"

With a slight smile, Harry nodded some, "Hai, that would be Hedwig." Tilting his head to the side, his eyes widened slightly as did his smile, "And she's bringing some treats and games as well to help time pass."

Eyebrow raised, Nobu looked at him, "How did you even know that?"

Amused, the teenage wizard tapped the side of his head with a finger on his good hand, "Hedwig is my familiar now, sort of... like a Shikigami, I suppose. But different as well, so we can hear each others thoughts and such if we want. I can even see out of her eyes and use her senses."

Rubbing her chin, Uesugi had a thoughtful look on her face, 'If she could appear as a more normal owl... that would have been truly useful for spying.' Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Nobu nodding as did Okita. Understanding that they had the same thought as her, Uesugi walked over to the bed and let Hedwig in, though his eyes widened as she transformed into a winged woman, "Well... that is different."

Head cocked to the side, Hedwig smiled at her, "Never saw an owl before?"

With a chuckle, Kaku shook his head some, "Not one that can transform anyways I suspect." Interested in the package, he gestured at it, "What's inside there?"

The familiar looked towards her master who only nodded in reply. Opening it, she brought out a small box and set it aside, "Some sweets from Honeydukes as well as the local sweet shop." Another box joined the first, "Some of the fruit cheese buns from Kushiro that Harry-Wizard enjoys, sent by Akebono. And... a wizard chess set."
Intrigued, Uesugi adjusted her glasses some, "Wizard chess? How is that different from normal chess?"

Glancing at her as Hedwig placed one box on his lap, Harry gave a small shrug, "Well..." Pausing, he gave her a questioning look, "Do you play chess?"

Lips twitching, the Dragon of Echigo nodded a little, "As a matter of fact, I have learned how. It is not Go, but it is still an interesting game." She gestured at Nobu who wheeled herself over to Harry's bed, "Sometimes, Nobu-Chan and myself play it against one another. She was the one who got me to learn how to play it."

When everyone looked at her, Nobu shrugged, "I thought it interesting and wanted something different from Go and Shogi." At their nods, she leaned to look at the open box in Harry's lap, "So... fruit cheese buns?"

Harry chuckled and took what looked like a rounded bun of bread out, "They're bread buns, but the inside has cream cheese with fruit preserves on top." Taking a bite, he chewed and swallowed before turning the bun to show them, "See? Besides, I need the calcium in the cheese."

Arms crossed, the former Uniter of Japan nodded, "I see, I see. Sounds interesting, so could I please have one?" When one of the uneaten ones was placed into her hand, Nobu examined it before shrugging and taking a bite. Chewing slowly, she hummed before swallowing, "Ah, not bad."

Even as Nobu continued to eat hers, and offering one to Okita, Harry turned back to Uesugi, "Anyways, the difference with Wizard's chess is that the pieces are magically animated. So you can command them like you would soldiers on a battlefield." Upon seeng Uesugi and Nobu perk up at that and glance at one another, he smirked, "Go ahead and play yourselves if you want. Just don't mind if some get mouthy."

That made the two former warlords snort, but soon enough they had the board set up on a table with sweets and such beside it with the pieces out on the board. Within moments, the two were embroiled in a battle with one another across the chessboard, grins and smirks on their faces as they ordered their "Armies" in their attacks. Rather amused, Okita leaned towards Harry who was eating another bun, one in her own hands, "You realize that you're unlikely to get a chance to play with the two of them like that."

Smirking, Harry chuckled and gave a shrug, "Can't be helped!" At Okita's snicker, he gave her a look, "I know that there's at least some Yokai developing a sort of game of Risk using figurines and such. You can play as historical armies and they're magically animated... pretty sure that they have a Nobunaga Army for instance."

Hand shooting into the air, and not bothering to look away from the game, Nobu pointed at a chuckling Harry, "I want it."

Across from her, Uesugi snorted a bit, "And I shall want an Uesugi army if they have such."

Only rolling her eyes at the two as they once more became embroiled in their game, Ayaka glanced at the two cuddling teens that were Harry and Natsumi. After a few moments, she gave them a smile, "So... what happens next?"

Just shrugging, the thirteen year old wizard shook his head, "Heal up, probably write a report on what happened, do interviews... that sort of thing. Though in a few days, we're supposed to go to Shiromizu's village up in the mountains. They're going to be enshrining her."

Each of the others gave a nod and soon their talk turned to other things such as Okita trying various wizarding treats or Asuka and Hedwig discussing things related to flight. Once more, they were just teens having some fun, not warriors fighting in life or death battles. Nightmares would come, they were certain of that. But... right now was time for healing, to relax in each others company.

Later, when she left to go and get some dinner, Natsumi blinked as Ayaka followed her. But for once, the Inugami was uncharacteristically silent. Once they were far enough from the room, Ayaka placed a hand on Natsumi's shoulder making the Kitsune turn to her, "Ayaka-Chan? What's-" It went without saying that Natsumi was utterly shocked as Ayaka pulled her into a hug, "Ayaka-Chan?"

Tightening the hug, the Inugami sniffled a bit, "I... was worried. When I saw what the pelt did to you."

Her eyes softening, Natsumi gave a nod, "You weren't the only one. I... honestly thought that I was going to die there for a bit." The hug tightened a bit, "But I'm glad that I didn't."

Unable to help herself, something between a sniffle and a laugh escaped from Ayaka, "I'm... I'm glad too, Natsumi-Chan. While Inugami and Kitsune have had issues, I..." Trailing off, she took a deep breath and let it out, "You're a friend, I don't care about any of that besides wanting to be your rival, your friend. Seeing you get annoyed and flustered when I tease you about Harry-Kun and the like? It makes me laugh and the like, especially when you fight back. But I don't want..."

Leaning her head against her friend's, the Kitsune nodded, "Hai, I know. And I always knew, Ayaka-Chan, that you are a friend. Never doubt that, ever. There are few that I would want at my side in a fight, but you're one of them. Because I trust you to keep an eye on my back and protect it. Who cares what the old timers think about Inugami and Kitsune, they're old fools and our families, they don't care about that."

After a few more moments, the two pulled apart and shared a smile as well as a nod before they wiped their eyes.

With that done, they continued their walk towards the cafeteria before Natsumi snorted some. At the look from Ayaka, she shrugged, "I don't know why, but I just had the image in my head of our children marrying. Or you marrying one of my sons."

Barking out a laugh, Ayaka shook her head and punched her friend in the arm, "Not likely..." Suddenly, she grinned a bit, "Well, unless they look a little like Harry-Kun. Then I would not mind at all having them join the family, either through me or my children."

Only rolling her eyes, the Kitsune shook her head as they walked.
[Puella Magi]A Brief Respite
After To serve and protect

A brief respite
Orochi Bunker June 2014

"So what did you do wrong?" Jin growled.

"I…I didn't tell you where I was." Ishikki muttered.

"Damn right you didn't. I nearly freaked out when you weren't at your post. Didn't have time to go find you until after we cleared the bunker." Jin clarified. "Now I find out not only did you get roped in at the medical tent, but also went and fought the enemy when I explicitly told you I didn't want you on the frontlines."

"Wasn't on the frontlines…" Ishikki muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing at all." Ishikki squeaked. "I'm sorry for not telling you."

The mizuchi sighed, "Look bratling, I know I sound harsh…but…like…I was really worried for you. For all I knew, you were with the Guard and the special forces who got pummeled by the Orochi. And…I can't have you dying on me ok?"

Ishikki sighed as she turned to leave, "Right…so when are we getting out of here?"

To her surprise, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her chest. "Ishikki, it pains me a bit, but…I'm proud of you. You protected the wounded and bought time for the shipgirls to arrive. G-good job."

Ishikki felt her cheeks reddening, "It-it's nothing. They needed help…and I would have felt bad if I hadn't helped."

"Even so, that was very brave of you Ishikki."

Her face heating up, Ishikki broke free of the mizuchi's hug and stormed off. "Anyways, I'm cold, wet, and miserable. Can we go home now?"

Jin watched the girl walk off and smirked. "Soon bratling. Soon."

Yokosuka Hospital June 2014

Ishikki peaked into the room. "Hello?"

Harry looked up from his game of wizzarding chess. "Tamaki! Thanks for visiting."

The rest of the residents of the room looked up. "Hey Tamaki, praise the Dark One!" Natsumi greeted cheekily.

Nobu gave a smirk. "Hey edge lord!"

Okita sighed as she put down her book. "Hello Tamaki. Didn't know you were cleared to visit us."

Ishikki rolled her eyes. "The boss sent me. Brought drinks."

Unslinging her bag, she pulled out several glass bottles. "Ramune anyone?"

Asuka's eyes widened. "Wait, you got more?"

"Praise the Dark One." Ishikki sarcastically quipped, handing the tengu a bottle.

Ayaka frowned, "I feel like there's a joke I'm missing."

Natsumi smirked, "Praise the Dark One."

The other residents stared at the girl in confusion. "Wait, how are you allowed to be here?"

Ishikki shrugged, "Not really. But it's not like guards and security means much to me. Jin said we needed to get rid of the stock and so here I am."

"Wait, you snuck your way here? But how?" Okita boggled in confusion.

Harry gave a smug chuckled, "You see my dear Okita-Chan, Tamaki-san is my personal magical girl."

"I don't work for you." Ishikki shot back. "Just because you made the Kyubey doesn't mean I serve you."

"She's a what?" Ayaka shouted in disbelief.

"Dad's going to have an aneurism." Usagi muttered.

Harry threw his arms up…and winced. "Pan paka pan! Magical girls are real! And it's all my fault!"

Natsumi sighed, "Yes, we know. Anyways, thanks Tamaki for the drinks. How are you doing? Obaa-san mentioned that you were at the bunker."

Ishikki rolled her eyes, "It was nothing. I just shot a few of those warriors that came from behind. Not like what you dealt with."

"Oh?" Harry raised her brow.

"J-Jin told me what you've been dealing with over the past few years. And…I owe you an…an apology." Ishikki muttered, fidgeting with her hands, "You guys deal with a lot…magical or not, you guys got it rough too. So…sorry."

Harry turned to Natsumi. "Natsumi, can I hug her?"

Natsumi pondered the thought but Nobu beat her to it.

"Cute girl hug!" Nobu shouted as she tackled the pink haired magical girl.

"Argh, get off of me you damn chuuni."

"Actually…" Harry smirked, "She's not a chuuni. Tamaki, meet Nobu, the actual reincarnated Oda Nobunaga."

Ishikki's eyes widened, "You're joking!"

Nobu rubbed her head against Ishikki's stomach as she giggled, "Tis true! It is I, the unifier of Japan in the flesh, and about to enjoy this cute fles-ITAHH!"

"That's enough," Okita grabbed the warlord and dragged her off the magical girl. "Sorry about that. And thank you for your assistance Tamaki. If you ever need a kendo instructor, I'd be happy to help you."

Ishikki was still dealing with the previous development, her head trying to wrap itself around her new reality. She slowly got up, her back to the window.

Ayaka turned to Harry. "So there's more magical girls?"

Harry grinned, "Yep. There's another magical girl I know who's really nice and looks just like Hamakaze-"

At that moment, the window blew open and a silver and white angel flew through the window, only to crash into the pink haired magical girl.

"Ouch…sorry about that." Shima apologized. "Ahh Harry, Hamakaze said you were hurt in a fight, but wouldn't tell me more. Are you ok?"

Harry looked down at the now flattened magical girl, "umm…"

The silver haired magical girl looked down at the pink haired magical girl.



"I'm really sorry about that." Shima bowed earnestly. "I wasn't paying attention and was just worried about Harry."

Ishikki tried to scowl at the older girl but it more looked like an injured kitten than an angry lion. "I said it's fine ok? Just…be more careful."

Shima bowed again, "Th-thank you. So…"

Harry grinned, "Perfect timing. Shima, meet Ishikki. You're both magical girls."

Shima's eyes widened. "You're a magical girl too?"

"There are more of us?" Ishikki raised her brow.

"Yep!" Harry grinned. "Now I want you two to get along ok?"

As the two gave each other cautious gazes, Natsumi scooted up to Harry. "You're right Harry, she really does look like Hamakaze. A smaller Hamakaze."

Harry smirked, "Dess! And that's not the best part! She's also a shipgirl expert like myself."

Natsumi raised her brow in interest. "Oh? How's her skill?"

The wizard grinned, "Watch. Hey Shima!"


"Poi, poi poi poi!"

Shima froze, her brain trying to calculate all the various nuances and subtle hand gestures and glints of Harry's glasses into a sentence. "Umm…I didn't quite get the last part but…poi, poi~, Poi!"

Harry sighed, "Almost Shima. Almost. You need to practice your hair tuffs a bit more and you'll get it."

"H-Hai! I mean Poi!"

Asuka turned to Natsumi, "Did you get it?"

The kitsune nodded, "I understood about 80 percent of Shima's. Naturally I understand 100 percent of Harry's poi though. Consider me impressed Harry, Shima-san."

"Th-thank you."

Ishikki stared at the interaction with concerned eyes. "You guys are loonies, all of you."

Kaku groaned, "Welcome to the club, Tamaki. Not a day goes by when we aren't trying to grasp what new and absurd method those two find to make us go nuts."

Ishikki sighed, "Anyways…I guess you're my magical girl senpai?"

Shima frowned, "I guess so…how long have you been a magical girl?"

"Two and a half years."

The entire room froze. Harry turned to the pink haired girl in question. "Tamaki, you've been a magical girl for over two years?"

"Yeah. Why?" Ishikki shrugged.

"You might be the oldest magical girl we know." Harry muttered.

"I only contracted a year and a half ago." Shima admitted, before her eyes widened. "Wait, that's terrible. You don't know about the side effects!"

Ishikki froze. "What side effects?"

Harry's face went grim. "Tamaki, I need to apologize. We didn't know when Kyubey first started its contracting spree but…there's a very bad side effect for all that magic power."

"If you use too much of your power, your magic reserves will dry out and cripple you." Shima explained. "We need to get you to Shimazu Sensei asap. She can help you."

Ishikki froze, her mind trying to process what she had just discovered. "Wait…so…my magic is hurting me?"

Shima winced. "Sorta…it's better when Sensei explains it. When are you free to visit Kyoto?"

Ishikki shrugged. "I'll have to check in with my boss. Maybe she knows your Sensei."

Harry nodded, "Please do. I completely forgot to mention this earlier. I'm…I'm sorry."

The magical girl paused. "Well…the contract was my choice anyways. Kyubey saved me from some bad aurors. So…I'd say it was worth the contract. Anyways, I gotta go. I'll…try to reach out to your Sensei about finding out the side effects."

Shima nodded, "H-Hai! Here's my number just in case."

"Thanks." With that, she opened the window and popped out, vanishing into the night.

Shima sighed, "I hope she's ok."

Harry nodded, "I think she'll be ok."

Nobu smirked, "So you're a magical girl too?"

Shima spun around and noticed the rest of the teens in the hospital room. "Oh, hi. Y-yes, I'm a magical girl."

"Show us some magic!"

"Do you have a transformation sequence?"

"How many super villains have you put down?"

"What is your magical weapon?"

"What's your theme song?"

Shima's eyes spiraled as she began to feel overwhelmed.

Sasebo Naval Base July 2014

"So…what am I looking at?" Admiral Richardson looked over the files.

The police investigator pointed at various folders, "These are the files of the victims we've found so far."

"And you can't find any cause of death."

"Y-yes. We began to suspect something…supernatural was at stake."

"Which is why you came to the Navy because of our shipgirls." Richardson muttered, "Well…I don't know anything, but I can consult some magic specialists and such and-"

"Hey daddy!"

The admiral and investigator were interrupted as a teenage girl poked on. "Sorry to bother you, but Mutsu mama says she wants you home early tonight for a special dinner."

Richardson nodded, "I see. Thank you Jane. As you can see here, I'm meeting with investigator Takehashi right now and-"

Without asking Jane gave the files a brief glance through before freezing. "Daddy…"

John winced. This was definitely stuff a teenage girl should be looking at. "Jane sweetie, this is a bit too-"

"Why am I looking at lifeless Puella Magi?"

The room went deadly silent.

"I'm sorry," the investigator spoke, "Puella Magi?"

"You know, Magical girls." Jane offered. "They make contracts with an evil being called the incubator, who takes their souls out of their bodies and makes them witch out in despair. The report you have matches what they show in the anime."

Richardson gave his daughter a very stern look. "Jane, I don't appreciate joking around and stuff-"

"Hold on." The investigator interrupted, "You're saying that magical girls are real?"

Jane nodded, "There's been some talk about them recently."

"Well…we have been having some strange reports about vigilante activities by young women…and if magical girls are real…" the investigator mused. "Can I get in contact with a magical girl? Maybe they can help our investigation."

John groaned, "Look, this is quite a stretch and-"

"Can do." Jane saluted. "Cus mentioned that there's a magical girl who lives here in Sasebo. I'll ask him to give us her contact info."

"Thank you Miss. You've been most helpful." The investigator left the office, leaving Jane and her father alone.

"Jane…did you really-"

"Daddy, can you trust me on this one?" Jane's voice had gone icy cold. "There's…I've got a hunch ok? That this is part of something a lot bigger than just some magical vigilantes."

"O-ok then." The admiral nodded, "So…Mutsu has something special planned?"

Jane resumed her cheery demeanor. "That's right! She said she had something really really special planned for tonight!"

Sasebo July 2014

Mitsune Miwa stumbled her way down an alleyway.

"Just a bit longer." She muttered, her breath short. "Just a little bit longer."

She focused her magic a bit harder. She needed to keep everyone away from her. They needed to stay safe. Away from her, away from the next disaster.

"Just a little bit longer." She muttered, her eyes focused on her darkening ring. "Just hang in there a little bit longer."
[Puella Magi]Mentors
takes place after A brief respite

Norimune put down her hand. "I want one! Give me one."

Toku stared with a horrified expression. "Excuse me?"

Several hours earlier

Kamakura July 2014

Noriume peeked her head into the shrine's dojo. "Anyone home?"

Seeing the area being empty, she crept into the dojo, taking care to remove her shoes before she went inside. "Toku? You there?"

"Can I help you?" A voice came from behind.

Looking back, Norimune agreed that she over reacted. However, at the time, she felt like it was an appropriate response. She pulled her bear mace out of her back pocket and sprayed the green haired girl right in the face.

"Ahh!! My eyes! It burns!" Kako Natsume screamed as she collapsed on the floor in pain.

"Don't scare me like that!" The Muramasa cried out in frustration.

"What's going on here?" Three girls ran onto the scene.

Akira took one look at the writhing girl on the floor and the empty bottle of bear mace in the woman's hand and instantly made the connect. "Kako! You'll pay for this!"

"Intruder! Sound the alarm!" Nanaka instructed, transforming.

Norimune's eyes widened as she recognized the transformation. "Wait are you Toku's magi-"

"This is for Kako!" Akira yelled as she rushed the blonde, her brass knuckles ready.

"Hey I'm not done talking!" Norimune shot back as she dodged the girl's strike. But just as she stepped back to dodge, her instincts alerted her to duck, just as a steel claw swiped where her head had been.

Meiyui cursed as she fell back after her initial surprise attack failed. Nanaka's eyes observed the situation before she she pointed her finger. "Meiyui, take the flank, I'll support Akira from the rear. Just as we practiced."


Norimune's eyes widened as her guard was relentlessly harassed by the magical girl trio, weaving their attacks in fluid and deadly precision. However, she noticed the attacks felt like it was off a beat, as though there there was a gap in their strikes, an opening that normally should be filled. Ahh that was it, the girl who she knocked out was that missing piece, the filler in the relentless attack style. This meant that their teamwork, while strong…was flawed.

Norimune waited for the next gap before striking. She reached out and grabbed the brawler's wrist, pulling her around and throwing her into the blunette trying to get her from behind.

"Ahh!" The two girls collided into each other. The cherry haired girl struck, trying to take advantage of the blonde's blind spot but Norimune had seen that coming from miles away. Her other hand caught the katana with two fingers.

Nanaka's eyes widened before Norimune's free hand chopped her on the head, causing her to collapse oh the floor.

Panting a bit, Normimune glanced around. Four teenage girls lay on the ground around her. It was also at that moment that Masamune no Toku rushed in. "I heard sounds of fighting, is everyone ok?"

She looked down at the girls, then at Norimune. The blonde chuckled awkwardly. "Hey Toku…I swear this isn't what it looks like."


"So you wished to speak with me…but instead you decided to harass my students and utterly humiliate them?"

Norimune scratched her head. "I said I was sorry about that. The first one caught me off guard and I panicked."

"By spraying a 12 year old with bear mace. Kako is going to have serious trauma over this." Toku remarked dryly. "She's very skittish at times…and now you've pretty much terrified her."

"Ugh. Why can't I make a good impression on magical girls?" Norimune groaned.

"That's a good point." Toku recalled, "You and Jin met that other magical girl, right?"

"Ishikki. Yeah, you missed her at the Bunker. But she's more Jin's errand girl than mine." Norimune offhandedly commented. "Still though, she's very resourceful for a kid. And apparently she actually gave Jin's cult a run for their money."

Toku giggled softly. "I see. It's not every day a young magical can put an abyssal in their place. Still though, the idea that magical girls are real is quite an amusing thought. Had I not met my girls I never would have believed it."

"Yeah, though they're kinda aggressive and violent." Norimune added.

"They're simply misguided." Toku answered, "All four of my girls had lost their way and needed purpose, wisdom, and guidance. I'm proud of the growth they've shown over the past six months. And apparently Shimazu has had success with her girls as well."

"Shimazu has magical girls as well?" Norimune raised her brow in surprise. "That's the first I've heard of them."

"Yes. She's been a great resource for me to learn how to teach and guide my four. What the incubator did to them is both a blessing and a curse." Toku sipped her tea. "I've seen the dangers that magical girl powers can pose. But at the same time, for girls who have never had the privilege to pick up a wand or sword before, is it not a blessing as well? This is why I still teach them, why I still instruct them, that they can take the gifts given to them and harness them with wisdom and maturity."

Norimune sighed. "Raising kids huh? I guess I sorta skipped that part of the process. Colombe, Jackie, and Del are already adults…and Erhen and Claire act like adults most of the time. So I don't really have a kid to raise and disciple…"

"I'm sorry you missed those years with them. It sounded like they were quite the children."

"That's it!"

Toku put down her tea. "What is it?"

Norimune put down her hand. "I want one! Give me one."

Toku stared with a horrified expression. "Excuse me?"

"One of your girls. I want a magical girl." Norimune blissfully imagined, "I would mentor her, raise her, show her all my tricks and tips for surviving on the battlefield. Then we'd go on adventures and hunt down evildoers together. So which one can I have?"

"None of them!" Toku shrieked in abhorrer. "They're not just things to be given! And plus…they're a group. I can't just split them up!"

"Oh? So you see them as your children huh?" Norimune teased, "Preparing for your own kids with Colombe are you?"

Toku's face turned bright red. "Th-that has nothing to do with it. And besides, they're not my kids. They're my students."

"The way you dote on them tells me otherwise."

Toku took a deep breath before letting out slowly. "These girls are my pupils and no one will be changing that. If you want a magical girl, go get your own."

"Maybe I will." Norimune smirked. "Just you wait, I'll have the most badass magical as my pupil and you'll be super jealous."

Banbanzai Kyoto

"Achoo!" Florence Mitsuki sneezed as she paused, trying to figure out how why she had sneezed.

"Flo, get your ass moving! We have customers to serve!" Tsukune's voice called from the kitchen.

"Coming!" Florence retorted, grumbling as she picked up a tray of food.
[Select] Creepy Lady Can Fix Nameless

We interrupt your scheduled discussion on trade and economics to bring you... THE DRAMATIC CHIPMUNK!

I don't even know why I did that. But seriously, here's a thing. It's called...
Breathing quietly, Reiko glanced down at her erstwhile ally. The woman—Miss Diehl—looked back up at her and rolled her eyes in a "why so worried" fashion. It would have looked humorous on Benio, but all the snake-ish blonde accomplished was bored irritation. Reiko huffed quietly and continued affixing her ofuda to the ceiling.

It was the same tone with which they had formed their agreement.

("I can't run from here—if I do, that old guy will just get away again! I have a way to block teleportation spells…"

"How interesting. In that case, let's see what we can get up to.")

It didn't seem quite the best way to join forces, to Reiko, and something about Miss Diehl just screamed disturbing, but in her position? Beggars couldn't be choosers. Besides, it seemed to have worked over the past hour—Miss Diehl surreptitiously covering her tracks while she planted each and every one of the reproduced ofuda necessary to keep the old man in one place. She hadn't been jumped from behind or anything. The human woman was probably just one of those people who were creepy by nature.

(This house was also much too big for Reiko's tastes, but that wasn't so much a complaint as an observation.)

"Done," she whispered, leaning away from her work. Miss Diehl nodded, and raised her wand. The plaster, peeled back from its place, reformed over the ofuda, hiding it from anyone who wasn't supposed to know it was there. "Where else?"

"Just a hallway or two on the way back to the kitchen door," Miss Diehl replied casually. "We'll be out the door in maybe twenty or so minutes."

"You shouldn't say that," Reiko hissed.

The witch raised a puzzled eyebrow in response. "Why not? I'm only stating a fact. Let's keep moving, I don't want to be in there when your friends arrive."

It had taken a while for McKay to calm down completely. Tatsuya wasn't certain whether or not she was asleep, but she had finally stopped bawling, and her breathing was steady and normal. She sat slouched over the small diner table, face down and hidden to the world. Tatsuya glanced between her, Benio sitting across from him and close by her, and Tonbo, at his side, glaring impatiently at nothing. Sam had followed DuBois as he talked to the girl at the counter about setting them up with something to eat (coming to a restaurant and just standing around might make them stand out), and Phoebe surveyed the tableau sternly.

He wasn't certain about her yet—too different from Miyuki for that—but Tatsuya had a feeling that he could trust the Shipgirl. She had taken a few minutes to suss out the fact that everyone was determined not to be in the place where the battle had just taken place, but once she understood she had hustled them here—a small, family-owned establishment that she was claimed was at a slow point in the day. Whether or not that held true remained to be seen, but if that bridge needed to be crossed then they would cross it at the proper time.

"You okay over there?" Benio asked, glancing over at Tonbo. The wakizashi gave her a tired look. "What? You've got the 'tortured anti-hero on a mission look.' Tatsuya's already gone through that phase, and I don't want to deal with that mess ever again."

That, at least, roused a snort from the other girl. "I'm fine," she said reassuringly. "Just… antsy, for the waiting. You two sure you're not coming?"

Benio glanced at Tatsuya. "Yeah," he confirmed. "This… This is you and your sisters. And the Masamunes, I guess. Honjo was pretty clear on that part." He frowned. "That's not going to be a problem, is it?"

"No, no," Tonbo laughed. "Just… Nah. Don't really know what I'm thinking. This guy, he just needs to be gone. Thought that you'd want to be there, make sure."

"We trust you," Benio pointed out.

Tonbo glanced away, but Tatsuya thought he noticed the ghost of a smile on her face before she did.

Sam skidded to a stop by their table, accompanied by a shout of "oi! Don't run!" from the girl at the counter.

"Our food's going to be out in a little while," she announced, glancing back and forth between the two sides of the table. Tonbo slid out of the booth, and Sam hopped into her place obligingly. "I wanted to just get fish and chips for everyone because I've never had fish and chips before, but Jeff says we should try for at least a little variety—"

McKay groaned, shuffling away slightly.

"So, is she really okay?" Sam continued, uncaringly. "Shouldn't we call her parents or something?"

"Noo poin'," the Scottish girl said, voice a near whisper.

Everyone went still. Benio, who had been just about to respond, glanced at the girl beside her and gingerly reached for her shoulder. Tatsuya glanced at Phoebe—the Shipgirl had a thoughtful look on her face.

"Ma's gone. Gran sen' Da 'way. All 'lone," McKay continued.


"What were their names?"

Tatsuya's mouth clicked shut. He turned to face DuBois. "What are you doing?"

The American had already pulled his phone out, and was bringing up a search engine. "Just thinking of some old cases, some details that—"

"Tha's nae wha' HAPPENED!" McKay shrieked, pushing herself bolt upright.

"And that's all she wrote," Miss Diehl observed as Reiko dropped down from the ceiling.

"We were here before, weren't we?" Reiko asked, glancing around suspiciously. "Did we just cover it twice?"

"No, I just pulled you through into another room," her companion replied. "Good job keeping track, though. Do you remember which way the kitchen is?" Reiko frowned, then pointed. "Very good job. Let's go."

The silence that rested between the two of them only lasted a scant few seconds as they dodged into the dining room.

"By the way, I wanted to ask—your brushes—"

"It's very high quality dog hair," Reiko hissed. Miss Diehl cocked an eyebrow again.

"Get that one a lot, do you?"

"I'd imagine so," a new voice said as they rounded through into the kitchen. "Dog hair—I don't think that's common for calligraphy sets." Reiko spun, ofuda at the ready, but paused when Miss Diehl waved her back. The young man—short brown hair, glasses, slightly befuddled look to him—gave her a disappointed sigh. "Scylla… what exactly are you doing?"

"Taking my leave," Miss Diehl replied with a short, mocking bow. "I thank you for your hospitality, but it seems that I left some samples at home that are trying to conquer the greenhouse. The matter requires my immediate attention, so if you'll excuse me…"

"I've known you since we could walk, Scylla," the man replied darkly. "I know you're deflecting."

"In that case, Dewey, mind yourself." The response was curt, surprisingly venomous for the woman's usual disinterested tone. "Dewey" looked like he was about to stumble away in shock, but he stood his ground.

"I'm more interested in your friend, myself," a reedy voice piped up from across the room, and Reiko whipped around again.

The man standing about a meter away from the door was… well, she wasn't entirely sure how to describe him. Lex Luthor with all the air taken out, she supposed. His eyes shone with a malevolent light—like he was dissecting her, because she was a thing and he was interested in what was inside her.

This… this is him, she realized, a pit opening in her stomach. This is the one who hurt Nameless. It was her first proper look at him. She hadn't realized how… viscerally unsettling he would be even before she realized his identity.

"She is, of course, the one who's been tampering magically with the house?" he continued. "It's simply fascinating—no matter what we do, analysis and tracking the source doesn't work. It's as if the ofuda are actively hiding by their own will." His mouth cracked into a smile that set Reiko's gut churning. "I'm ever so curious as to how it works."

"Don't be," she replied just to set herself at ease. "You're gonna find out personally in just a few seconds."

The old man rolled his eyes. "Young people today," he grumbled, "so impatient, so uncooperative. Nothing like the help back in the old days."

His wand flicked out.

And suddenly, Reiko felt a hand in the center of her back, pushing her down. She glanced back up to see Miss Diehl jerk once, as if someone had poured snow down her back.

"Ih' was th' WOLF, th' one they KILT, GREYBACK! Da tried t'…"

Just as quickly as McKay had found the energy, it left her. She slumped back onto the table. "Da tried t' take me way. Tried t'… save me. An' then Gran sen' 'im away, where 'e couldn'."

All around the small circle, Tatsuya could almost see the wheels turning in everyone's heads, putting the story together—everyone except Sam, who just looked kind of bewildered. But the rest…

"Do you think that there's any way we could get some look at some legal records?"

It was at that lucky moment that Tatsuya's phone went off again. As everyone began debating and planning (or maybe debating about planning, or some other combination of the words—Tatsuya had never figured out all the right ways to do so), he took it out and pulled up the message.

He tapped Tonbo on the shoulder and showed it to her.

"And now you've hit Scylla. Just lovely," Dewey complained.

"As if she wasn't just about to betray us," the old man replied flatly. "Don't be such a child, boy."

"No, no, I'm not, it's just…" Dewey groaned. "She could have gotten us past—"

"Oh…. Ugh…"

The two of them trailed off, glancing at Scylla in confusion. The mad scientist ignored them, instead simply clutching her hand to her head and groaning again. "This is why I don't like to field test spells," she groaned. "You can never tell… one moment." She slashed the air with her wand, then straightened. "There. Hangover like you wouldn't believe."

"What did you just do?" the old man hissed.

Scylla looked at him blankly in return. "I just dealt with the side-effect of an untested spell—very unpleasant, let me tell you—"

"You should be little better than a human puppet right now!" he cried, cutting her off. Really, how rude. You weren't supposed to do that unless it was an emergency.

"Yes, well, you let me look at your notes," Scylla spelled out patiently. "I was able to use them to develop defenses against your little Jedi mind tricks. Here, I'll prove it worked. Scylla Diehl, twenty-three years old, Ravenclaw, showed an aptitude for the magical arts from an early age—"

"Those notes were altered! You shouldn't be able to defend against anything!" Scylla sighed. He hadn't even let her get to the part where Dewey's father murdered her parents, or all the antics she had gotten up to in her seventh year at Hogwarts.

"I noticed that they were altered," she replied. The old man's eyes were boring into her, and she could feel Dewey's from behind. "The brain chemistry, the math, the little bits in the margins… you were subtle, I'll give you that. But when you add point four and point three, and end up with point six, you start to look for the inconsistencies." She grinned cheekily. "It was hilariously easy to reverse engineer your work from the scant bits you left in for realism's sake. I enjoyed myself ever so much."

"That's. Impossible."

"We're mad scientists, you old git. Impossible just makes it a challenge."

And with that, something sticky snagged Scylla's leg—Miss Kumogai, bless her spidery heart—and she went flying for the door, wand snapping out to deflect a second attempt with the memory magic. The door slammed closed, and Scylla pounded her wand into the heel of her palm, melting the doorknob into a solid mess of metal. She repeated the gesture over and over again, each window and door slagging itself into an unopenable barrier.

And Dewey had them all reinforced so as not to let any test subjects out, she thought with an almost gleeful irony.

"Miss Diehl! You—you know the mind stuff that he did too?"

Scylla glanced down at the wide-eyed yokai girl. "Yes, I do," she confirmed, "and he was so focused on how I could that he never even looked at you—not bad at—"

"No, no, not that!" the girl cut her off frantically. Rude, but she seemed to think this was an emergency. Then again, maybe the old man had as well. "You can protect against it—do you think you could fix someone who'd been hit by it? Like, a sword spirit?"

Scylla frowned. "You mean heal someone previously affected? Hmm…" It would take observation, possibly over months, just to figure out what she was dealing with. Some more time with the old man's notes. But how to reverse damage had been one of the first things that she'd made sure to figure out… "With time and effort, I suppose."

Miss Kumogai's eyes lit up with glee before she whipped out her phone again. Her poor, enchanted friend, perhaps? How interesting.

And, she reflected humorously, covering the last two halls and the brief confrontation had taken the two of them just under twenty-one minutes. Odd how that worked out, wasn't it.


"We're keeping her," Benio said, leaning over Tatsuya's shoulder to examine the text. "You do realize that we're keeping her."

"I thought it was implied," Tatsuya responded blithely. He glanced over at Tonbo.

The wakizashi stared down at the small screen for another few seconds. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, filling her lungs before slowly breathing out. The worry that had rested on her face faded away. A brief flicker of relief was there, which vanished into rage, which melted into… well, Tatsuya couldn't really say what. It wasn't calm, that was certain, but resolved didn't seem to describe it either. It looked like…

Like certainty.

A deep, irrefutable knowledge.

Knowledge that, tonight, a man would die at her hands and the hands of her companions.

A shudder ran down his spine, and Tatsuya's hand came around to grip Benio's.

He could only imagine what Honjo would be thinking.

Yeah, probably not the best it could be, but I promise that the thing with Diehl was in the cards from the beginning.

Well what do you think, sirs?
A Second Chance To Make A Butterknife Impression 1

A Second Chance To Make A Butterknife Impression (I)

5 July 2014

Passel House, Hampshire

Spoiler: Meeting The Weasley Squadron

In the front seat of her 1928 Mercedes Nurburg Sedan Colombe smiled as she made the turnoff for the drive up to Passel House. While she had not been in the best state of mind when she rode a carriage here from London in 1899, she had been paying attention to the last part of the trip from the local village to this manor house.

With that she pulled up to the closed gate. As she waited for it to open, she turned to the girls in the back seat and spoke in a weary maternal tone. "Yes, we are there now."

After a minute or two the gate opened, and Colombe's eyebrow raised.

Someone must have enchanted it in the last century plus.

With that pleasant thought, she parked the car next to the carriage house, that looked to be some kind of workshop now. As she parked, the front door opened, and a quartet of figures appeared.

Ehren opened the door and hopped out of the car, smiling happily at the redheaded young man in the lead, flanked on either side by tall women - one blonde, one brunette - with an apparent maid standing by the door surveying the scene. Colombe followed suit and gave Ehren a look to remember her manners as she extended her hand for Claire.

Ehren, to her credit, did as she had been taught and curtsied politely. "Guten Tag, Ronald, Jean Bart. May I introduce my Mutti, Colombe du Chasteler and my older sister Claire du Chasteler?"

Ronald, the young man, smiled and extended his hand, which Ehren shook, followed by the brunette called Jean Bart -- now where had she heard the name before? -- who gave Ehren a handshake and a broad grin. Claire meanwhile gave the welcoming party a shy smile and wave as Colombe curtsied in turn. "Thank you for having us over, Monseuir Ronald."

Colombe felt a chill run down her spine as she spoke, and sighed mentally as the maid gave her a chilly stare.

She had seen that woman someplace, she knew it.

Ronald half turned and waved the blonde woman with the long ponytail over. "May I introduce HMS Duke of York who wished to meet you, Miss Colombe?"

Colombe automatically curtsied to Duke, measuring her up. She blinked and a smug smile flickered around her lips at the sight of the sword the shipgirl had as part of her uniform. "Enchantée. Do you fence, perchance, Mademoiselle Duke?"

The maid stiffened slightly and shot Colombe a disapproving look as the British battleship smiled slightly. "Indeed I do. Yourself?"

Colombe grinned and snapped her fingers, summoning her rapier body to herself from the luggage in the trunk of the car. "In a real sense, swordplay is my life." She buckled the sword belt to her waist over her traveling coat, and idly caressed her hilt.

Jean Bart joined in their conversation as Ehren and Ron spoke about the upcoming Chudley Cannons match and Claire gave the maid a smile and then walked over to speak to her quietly. "That is a beautiful blade, Madame du Chasteler. That is the one that we saw in the wizarding papers when they published the photographs from Verdun, I believe. May I see it?" The French battleship asked with eagerness in her voice.

Colombe grinned, and then carefully drew it for examination by the battleships. Duke's eyes widened at the wood grain pattern of her Muramasa steel blade and waved to Ron. "Ron, please come over and see this. I have never seen anything like it in a sword before and want some expert analysis."

Ron came over and his eyes narrowed as he looked analytically at the Muramasa jewel steel. "I have. One of the weapon spirits hanging around Harry has a sword patterned like that. Except hers is Japanese."

Colombe smirked. "Probably my aunt Juuchi Yosamu. I am the daughter of her older sister Muramasa-no-Norimune and Julie d'Aubigny in 1707."

Jean Bart blinked and spoke in a shocked voice. "Wait, THE Julie d'Aubigny? The legendary swordswoman from the time of Louis XIV? You do not look three centuries old!"

"One and the same." Colombe smugged, "I'm the spirit of my rapier here. And since that cat is out of the bag, Ehren is my youngest daughter and the spirit of her German dagger, while Claire, is the spirit of her Austrian piano. Claire is looking forward to playing for the family, just as swordplay is my life, so music is hers."

Ron's face fell and he spoke glumly, "Unfortunately that got auctioned off when the estate fell into receivership."

Ehren smiled slightly from her unobtrusive position at Ron's elbow. "With your permission I shall unpack Claire's keyboard then, Ronald, Mutti?"

Ron nodded and Colombe smirked. "Make it so, Ehren."

"Zu Befehl, Mutti!" Ehren snapped to attention and then opened the trunk of the car. Duke's eyes narrowed at the clear Prussian mannerisms of the young girl.

Claire skipped over and gave her mother a hug, which Colombe automatically reciprocated. "Thank you Mother. Miss Victoria said that she would show me where I can play. She's nice!" The piano said in her shy gentle voice.

Colombe smiled and ruffled Claire's ebony hair. "Good girl. Help Ehren unpack and then she will help you get your keyboard set up. You can play after you are all ready, dear."

The rapier's smile widened as Claire joined her sister, soon to joined by Jean Bart who was speaking to Ehren as she put their luggage in her hold. "She really is a treasure. Ahh, I hope that you have no objections to piano music?"

Duke smiled slightly and spoke quietly, "Not in the least, and since I have the weekend on shore leave, with your permission I would like to indulge you in a little bout of swordplay. For honour's sake and the joy of the art." Duke's voice warmed slightly. "The Admiralty has quite a file on you and your activities and I would like to see how much of it is true for myself."

Colombe grinned back. "Of course. After all I owe you and your crew for the fire support in Oran in 1942 when the Allies landed to liberate Algeria."

Duke blinked as on board her bridge, her gunnery officer spoke up with his memories of Operation TORCH. "Wait, you were Agent KNAVE who were calling in special fire support orders inshore as the troops landed?"

Colombe chuckled, "Indeed I was." Her voice became more professional as she spoke from memory, "'KNAVE to DUCHESS, one platoon German tanks in Grid square Lima one seven, ranging shot request'. Thank you for dropping those shells on the Boche who were there back then. Although to be fair it wasn't tanks Del and I were calling shellfire in on back then but something far uglier." She scowled at the memories from seventy years in the past.

Duke gave a small smile and spoke in a low voice, "Dare I inquire what I actually destroyed? We heard rumours of some special activities back during the War. After I came back Admiralty House has been piecing together what was going on behind the scenes back then with the magical world."

Colombe shrugged expressively, "Old news now and it is probably in the files someplace if you know where to look with clearance. Suffice it to say that as you suspected back then, there's a parallel world to the mundane one, and World War Two was fought not just in the theaters you served in but also with magic in the shadows. The Boche had a... factory... I suppose you could call it to manufacture what they called Vargr and we called Wulfen. Insanely fast blood mad werewolves under the control of an officer to unleash the pack. That was what we needed you to get rid of before they could convert the people they were keeping in the nearby jail into berserk freakishly fast murder machines to face the landing." The Muramasa rapier smirked. "The problem that they had was that while they had charms up to render it overlooked by muggles, like the wards on Passel House that I drove through, those do not work as well on magicals like myself and Del, and if we could see it and direct your shellfire, well you were just destroying an area we designated with naval artillery."

Duke smiled. "Thank you. I always wondered about that fire mission considering the sealed orders from London telling me to support a special agent on the ground during the landing with utmost priority. It is good to hear about what happened after all. I take it you fought alongside us as part of the Free Nations contingent back then?"

Colombe nodded as they walked inside the house. "I got out of Belgium in 1940 one step ahead of the Boche as part of the evacuation at Dunkirk and served in the magical branch of Special Operations Executive until Germany fell, when I returned to private life. Del, my sister and partner in crime, who was the one relaying the shot corrections joined up in 1941, she's American you see."

Duke smiled as they took a seat in the parlor. "If she's still around, let her know that if we ever meet I owe her a pint for her service. You as well of course after we spar. So you fought in the Second World War?"

Colombe spoke somberly with shadowed eyes. "And the Great War for the Allies which is where I helped seal Verdun in 1919." Her voice perked up as she continued. "As I said, I was born in 1707 and have been acting as a mercenary and adventuress since I turned eighteen, more or less. It is a bit of a family tradition to get into trouble and fights, you see."

Duke chuckled as Victoria appeared with a tray of petit-fours and tea. "That explains why the Admiralty's brief on you mentioned that you were a subject matter expert on Verdun and had an impressive listing of activities you were involved in when we looked you up after your daughter met Ron. I confess to wanting to swap stories with someone who faced Napoleon, Bismarck, Wilhelm the Second, and Hitler for four."

Colombe nodded her head at Victoria as the tea was served. "Thank you for the tea, Miss...? Forgive me but you look quite familiar."
Homecoming from the Reserves
Harry Leferts

With a deep breath, Tsukada Miho looked around the small hut that had been hers and her husband's home for the past eight years. Eight years of being stuck in the Reserve for the "Crime" of having brought their best friends through the Floo to safety. A crime because they had been non-magical and having been Obliviated of such...

A decision that, despite everything, she did not regret in the slightest nor did her husband.

Miho just hoped that her friend was alright, that they had survived what she now knew to be called "Blood Week" and the days after. Every day, she prayed to the Kami that her friends were alright, as was her daughter. Her... poor daughter, who was likely dead. After all, she had been left behind on a tour boat to another island and since the enemy came from the sea...

Quickly, she shook her head away from such thoughts, especially as her mind drifted to what had happened. Being stuck in a holding cell for hours until they heard running and shouting. Which was followed by the entire building shaking with chunks of ceiling falling and the sound of explosions. She could remember not even hearing her own screams as Genji, her husband, covered her with his own body and one of the mattresses. It took hours before anyone came to look in the holding cells, and she could remember the sneer on the Auror's face before ordering them sent to one of the Reserves.

Just sighing, she filled the small bag with everything that she owned, which was not much. What was left was mostly items like a straw futon and the like. Items that could do more good for someone else in the Reserve. With a small nod, she walked out of the hut and closed the door behind her before facing her husband, "I'm ready, Genji-Kun."

Her husband gave a small smile before nodding, "Hai, same here. Time to start our... new lives."

Expression softening, Miho gave a nod of understanding. Both of them had been missing for almost a decade in the non-Magical world. More than that, it was highly likely that someone would be watching to see if they would be contacting their own, non-magical friends. And if they did... most likely throwing them back into the Reserve.


Both Genji and Miho looked down at the little five year old Kitsune who was looking up at them, confusion in his eyes. Crouching down, Miho smiled at him, "Hai, Atsushi-Chan? What is it?"

Cocking his head to the side, her son frowned a bit, "Are we going to be seeing Ellen-Oba-Chan, and Ken-Oji-Chan?"

Once more, both parents shared a small look that their son, born three years after the loss of their daughter, didn't understand yet. With a small smile, Miho nodded, "Perhaps we will, Atsushi-Chan." Holding out her hand, she waited for him to take it after he adjusted the small bag on his shoulders, "Now, we should be going."

With a happy hum, Atsusho took his mother's hand and began to skip a bit as his parents smiled. Yes, he had only known the Reserve, and was a bit scared of the outside world as much as he wanted to see it from all the stories of his parents, but he was also excited. His parents had put it as a great adventure after all! And he could not wait to get going and explore!

Though... he hoped that he would be able to contact his friends again one day.

However, that was something to worry about another day as he held his parents' hands in his as they swung him slightly. As they walked towards the guard station that they were supposed to report to, they waved to some of their fellow Yokai. A number of whom looked happy for them though some looked grumpy or unhappy. Atsushi remember his mother commenting that they were unhappy because they wanted their turn, though he overheard his father tell her that it was also because some of them didn't want people to leave the Reserve for some reason.

It did not take them long though to reach the small guard station and walk inside. After his parents showed their paperwork to a grimacing guard, who glanced at a young woman nearby who raised her eyebrow at him. He quickly waved them through and the young woman smiled before bowing slightly, "I am Miyata Naomi, you are Tsukada Miho, Genji, and Atsushi?"

Eyes narrowed slightly, Miho returned the bow alongside the rest of her family, "Hai, I am as a matter of fact. Is there an issue with our paperwork?"

Much to her confusion, Naomi only looked at the guards with a cold smile at which they winced, "Only that it took so long for it to go through, I am afraid. And oddly, there was not much reason for why they placed you into a Reserve as you had your paperwork filed and the... incident was worthy of at most a fine, especially considering the circumstances." With a shake of her head, she guided them towards the Floo, "Now, if you'll follow me, I'll be making sure that your paperwork is complete before you leave for your destination."

Still suspicious, they followed her through the Floo and to a desk in the Diet. Part of the two adult Kitsune noted that there was an underlying whiff of concern, fear, and some panic, all of which made them wonder what was going on exactly. But they pushed that to the side for the moment to complete their paperwork. The whole time, Naomi stayed by them and kept an eye on their surroundings.

Once, they caught sight of the Auror who had ordered them to be tossed to the Reserves notice them. For a few moments he looked like he was trying to place who they were through his disgust until, suddenly, he did and he stomped forward... only for Naomi to walk up to him with a smile and whisper something into his ear. The man went pale, red, and back to a blotchy sort of red-pale as the witch pulled away with a smile on her face. With a last glare at them, he stomped off.

After that, it did not take them very long at all to complete their paperwork at all and soon the three were guided out of the Diet on the Non-Magical side of the property much to their confusion. Something that stopped as they noticed a car there open it's door, and Ellen walked out with a bright smile on her face as she soon as she caught sight of them. Tears in her eyes, the American rushed over and grabbed her friend in a hug, "Miho... you're finally out of that place."

Robotically, and in shock, Miho brought her arms up and hugged the other woman. At the same time, her nose twitched some as she took in her friend's scent before relaxing at realizing it did not have any of the signs of Polyjuice or other form of magical transformation. Tightening the hug, she whispered into Ellen's ear, "H-how are you...?"

Pulling back a little, Ellen rubbed the back of her head as she glanced at her husband before catching sight of her son. Briefly, the American's eyes widened before she became thoughtful and turned back to Miho, "Well... I don't quite remember what happened that day. But... I know enough." With a glance towards Naomi, she bowed some, "Thank you and whoever else helped make this happen."

Naomi just smiled at her and nodded as she bowed back, "You are very welcome." She glanced at the door behind her before nodding though she noted the shipgirl not far away, "I would advise you all to leave though before someone else comes through this door. It could be... awkward."

Just nodding, the English teacher guided her friends to her car and they got in, though much to her amusement the young boy seemed unsure about it. But once they were inside, Ellen began to drive off, relaxing the further they got from the Diet exit. Glancing in the mirror, she took a deep breath, "I... have some things to explain, Miho. About what is going on here..."

Frowning, Miho gave a slight sigh even as she scratched her head and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "That would be nice, Ellen-Chan. Because at the moment, I am completely lost."

Also nodding from where he sat on the otherside of his son to his wife, Genji frowned, "As am I, especially as we were certain that we would never be able to see you again." Seeing her frown in the mirror, he shook his head, "We were concerned that the Diet could be watching and if they saw us contact you..."

With a soft snort, Ellen smiled a little bit, "Well, there's no real worries about that. I'm immune to memory charms now." Upon seeing their surprised looks, she smirked, "One of the perks of working with shipgirls."

Rapidly blinking, the female of the group of Kitsune stared at her friend, "You work with shipgirls?"

Lightly laughing, Ellen nodded a little, "Among other things anyways. But yes, some of the shipgirls are pursuing their education so I've been helping there alongside my regular teaching job." Pausing, she continued as she made a turn, "Besides which... the Diet won't be much of an issue for too long seeing as it is apparently failing at the moment and no one expects it to last more than a few months."

Genji crossed his arms and became slightly thoughtful as he came to a realization, "That was why everyone at the Diet seemed in such a rush. It's... dying, and they don't quite know what to do."

In the mirror, the American nodded, "That is what is happening. We... contacted some people and got them to move you out of the Reserve. Mainly to get you away from whatever might happen in the next few months and for a few other reasons."

Thoughtful, Miho chewed her lip as she looked at her husband, "That... does make quite a bit of sense, I suppose. But how? You're, um..."

Once more, Ellen glanced at the mirror and smiled, "A No-Maj? I am as a matter of fact. But... I know some people and they pulled some strings. Though I can't take all the credit as..." Voice trailing off, she took a deep breath, "Give my just a moment."

Much to the Kitsune's confusion, she pulled into a parking lot and came to a stop. Ellen kept her hands on the steering wheel for a few moments before Miho reached over and grasped her shoulder, "Ellen-Chan? What's wrong?"

Watery smile on her face, Ellen wiped away a few tears, "Nothing, especially now that you're out of that place." Turning in her seat, she placed a hand on Miho's, "Miho-Chan... I don't know how to break this gently, so I'm not. After all, I'm American."

That made Miho laugh a bit at the old joke that being American made the English teacher blunt, "Well then, just say it."

Out of all the things she had expected, it was not what Ellen said next, "Miho-Chan... Sora-Chan's alive. She's alive and so are my children, and they're home waiting for you."

Upon hearing that, the two older Kitsune were shocked into silence. But it was Atsushi who came to a conclusion first and his expression lit up, "Wait... my Onee-Chan is alive! Really!?" Then he connected a few more dots, "Wait, you must be Ellen-Oba-Chan!"

Blinking, Ellen glanced at her friends who were still utterly stunned and gave the young Kitsune a small smile, "That's right, I'm Baker Ellen and a very good friend of your Okaa-San's. And yes, your Onee-Chan is alive and well for the most part. I take it that you're her new Otouto?"

Rapidly nodding, Atsushi puffed out his chest, "Hai! I'm Atsushi and I'm five years old!"

Eyes going wide, the lone human nodded, "Five years old? Well, you're becoming a very fine young man it seems."

If anything, that only made the five year old Kitsune all the happier and prouder. After all, his Oba-Chan, who his parents had told him all about, called him a 'Man'! It was then though that Genji snapped out of his shock and gave her a disbelieving look, "Our... our daughter is really alive, Ellen-Chan? I mean... w-we hoped, b-but..."

Just reaching into her pocket, Ellen pulled out her cellphone and showed them a picture of a young, twenty year old Kitsune woman. She greatly resembled Miho in a number of ways and had a soft smile on her face. Bringing her hands to her mouth, tears began to gather in Miho's eyes as she stared at the picture, "Sora-Chan... our Sora-Chan is... alive? A-and she's..."

Awed, Atsushi stared at his sister with wide eyes, "Onee-Chan is so pretty..."

Chewing her lip, Ellen took a deep breath before letting it out, "She... she survived on Torishima for the past few years with Sam and Eric until... until they were able to make it off and towards the mainland just a few weeks ago. I..." With a swallow, she hung her head, "I'm sorry, Miho-Chan. I'm so, so sorry that I was unable to take care of her if something happened to you like I promised and-"

Before she could say much else, Miho moved and squeezed herself between the front seats to pull Ellen into a hug. Softly, the Kitsune spoke as she shook her head, "No, you have no reason to be sorry, Ellen-Chan. None at all... our children are home and safe. And you have been taking care of Sora-Chan since then. That... that is all that we could have asked for, Ellen-Chan. And now we have the chance to hold her in our arms once more."

Sobs escaped from the English teacher as she clutched her friend close to her, both women crying as they did so, "Thank you... thank you, Miho-Chan... my sister from another mother and father."

Gently, Miho just stroked her friend's hair as she nodded before kissing Ellen's cheek, "I feel the same way, Ellen-Chan." Pulling back, she smiled a little, "But don't ever think that you need to be sorry, because you don't."

Ellen just nodded before sniffling a bit and grabbing a kleenix. Blowing her nose, she handed another to Miho who took it and gave one to her also crying husband. With a deep breath, the American scratched her neck, "There is also something else about Sora-Chan..."

A smirk on his face, Genji raised one eyebrow, "Her and your son are together?"

Unable to help herself, Ellen's next words placed a smile on the two adult Kitsune's faces, "Well, besides that." She then continued after a few seconds, "Well, as it turns out... Sora-Chan is a shipgirl, a Natural Born..."

Hearing that, the two Kitsune's eyes widened as Ellen continued to explain...
Family reunions
Harry Leferts

Standing at the counter, Sora looked down at the applesauce cake before her. Even now, her nose twitched a bit at the smell as her tails swished in the air behind her. It sat before her covered in icing and with dried slices of apple on top. Sora could remember having cakes like it, baked by Ellen, many times growing up before that day. However... this cake was not baked by Ellen, but rather Sora herself which she was rather proud of. In fact, she had put her own little twist on it using the dried apple slices which were placed on top of the icing. Something that Ellen had complimented her on thinking of. It was something that she was proud of due to the work she put into it for the reason that was happening...

Because her mother and father were finally coming home...

That, of course, brought with it various worries to the now twenty year old Kitsune/Battleship. Such as what her parents would think of her now, what with being a shipgirl? Would they accept her? Would they be angry? Or perhaps even... jealous due to her being a Kyuubi? Not to mention her current relationship and everything else...

While she did not notice her breath quickening, but someone else did. Moments later, Eric wrapped his lone arm around her waist and pulled her close with her relaxing almost immediately, "Sora... just relax some. Everything will be fine."

Just wiping at her eyes, the Battleship gave him a nod and a smile, though said smile looked somewhat brittle, "I know, Eric-Kun, but... it's just..." Reaching down, she placed her hand over his, thumb rubbing along his knuckles, "I know that it is silly, but still! I'm worried about how Kaa-Chan and Tou-Chan will react. And..."

Gently, a hand placed itself on her shoulder and she looked over to where Kensuke was giving her a smile even as he leant her support, "I know both Genji-Kun and Miho-Chan, Sora-Chan. Trust me when I say that they will not care about such things and be happy that you are alive and well. That is what is most important to them."

Simply nodding, Sora's smile became watery, "Hai, thank you, Ken-Oji-San."

Only patting her shoulder, Ken nodded towards one of the chairs around the large dining table, "How about you go and sit down, hmm? Take a small break and compose yourself."

Allowing for herself to be pulled to a chair, she waited until Eric sat down before doing the same... right in his lap. His lone arm went around her waist even as she wrapped her tails around him. Something that soon had him imprisoned in a cell of fluff. Not that her boyfriend complained too much about that fact. Quite the opposite as he nuzzled between her shoulder blades and what he could reach of her neck, "Now this is nice... so nice, warm, and soft."

Despite herself, Sora giggled a little and smiled, unknown to her being exactly what Eric wanted, "I'm glad that you enjoy it, Eric-Kun."

Getting a small squeeze of her waist by his arm, Sora took a deep, calming breath as she looked around their... home, as it was and her mind went back to shortly after things had settled down some.

Despite their ages, neither Samantha or Eric wanted to leave their parents. Not after all the years that they went without. And from what they had heard, both Yumiko and Hinata were much the same way with them mostly staying with their parents. It was easier for Hinata to get back and forth to work however seeing as her family lived in Yokohama whole Yumiko's lived in Tokyo. Though their Tanuki friend had put in an order for an "Owl Box" which would allow for her to travel back and forth between Yokosuka and Tokyo with little issue.

From what she had overheard, they were going to try and convince the people who made them to have at least one move to Japan.

But, for their family they all lived in Yokosuka. However, staying with the older Bakers meant that their little apartment was not able to handle their larger family now. Especially with the plans in place for her parents to join them at least until they could get their feet under them. Part of Sora's heart broke that day remembering that all her stuff was likely gone... until Ellen revealed that she and her husband had placed it into storage, not willing to get rid of it. Which meant a trip to the storage yard where they were and for Sora to get what she could. Mostly toys which after a few days she handed down to the Midget Submarines along with her old clothes, now far too small for her, which they appreciated. It made her glad to see her old toys and such being used once more after being gently cleaned. And they could do so at least until she and Eric had some little kits of their own...

The idea of which made her being one hand to her firm, muscular stomach as she imagined it growing with new life, life made by her and the man she loved now that she knew it would be possible whenever she wanted them...

Pushing that thought aside for now, as much as she wanted to consider it more, she turned her mind back to the house. Due to their apartment not being big enough, they decided to check out the on-base housing and found the one that they were currently in. Four bedrooms, two full bathrooms and one with just a toilet, a full downstairs with living room, kitchen, dining room, family room, and laundry room. To someone who lived most of their life in either an apartment or in some ruins, it was pure luxury.

The Master Bedroom, with some fighting on the children's part, went to the older Bakers despite them wanting it for Sora and Eric. One of the other rooms was claimed by Samantha and the Midget Submarines with them sharing a bed in one giant pile, and another was taken by Sora and Eric with locks of course. Granted, the silencing spells she could have her fairies cast helped with making sure that they did not disturb anyone. Though somehow, Ellen always seemed to know and give them knowing smirks that made both young adults feel like they were naughty children caught at something.

Meanwhile, the final room had been set aside for her parents as they would need a place to stay.

Since moving in, however, they had started filling up the house with various things and furniture. Among other things, framed photographs now hung on the walls. Some were from both households showing Sora as a child as well as her parents, and some were of the Bakers. A few were more recent, as in the last few weeks. One was of Ellen and Ken with their new daughters, the Midget Submarines all smiling for the camera, some of the girls dressed like Ellen herself much to the American's amusement. There was also another picture of the older Baker couple with their children and Sora. Pictures like that made Sora want to put up pictures of her parents with the her that she was now along with Eric.

As well, there were some photos of them and their fellow survivors. At that reminder, Sora turned to the wall by the table where there was a framed photograph. Sora and Sam were on either side of Eric in it with Yumiko beside Sam and Hinata beside the Kitsune. Briefly, her eyes flicked over to Hinata's image and wondered what her newest friend was doing at that moment. Though another part considered seeing if perhaps they should find a way to visit her family restaurant. Once things settled down again.

Due to being so deep in her thoughts, Sora didn't notice time passing before, suddenly, her ears perked up at the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. As well, she could hear various voices outside, though she was a bit puzzled at one that sounded like a young boy's. Did Ellen give a pick up to someone?

Just shaking that thought off, Sora stood with a slight tremble to her. One that calmed down some as Eric gently grasped her hand with his thumb rubbing along her knuckles, "It'll be okay, Sora. I'm right here and I am not going to leave your side, not at all."

Lips trembling and feeling her eyes water, she gave his hand a slight squeeze, "Hai, I know..." With a deep breath, Sora rose to her feet while Eric did the same before taking her hand, "Let's do this."

Only nodding, and giving her hand a squeeze, the two walked towards the hallway and stopped near the stairs even as the voices got louder. Finally, the door opened to reveal Ellen standing there with a smile. Nodding slightly, the American stepped to the side revealing two adult Kitsune whose eyes widened, "Like I said, here's Sora."

Everything seemed to freeze in place as the Kitsune stared at each other drinking in what they could see. On the breeze that came from the door, Sora could smell her mother and father as well as another scent that seemed strangely familiar. Both of the Kitsune were exactly as she remembered them, though dressed in slightly dirty, and very worn, clothing. But... they were her parents and even as she watched, their eyes lit up with joy and tears came to their eyes even as Sora found her vision blurring for some strange reason.

Her parents, meanwhile, just drank in the sight of their daughter, alive and whole. One of the first things that the two noted was that she was tall, taller than either of them. If Ellen had been right when she had told them, and they believed her, their daughter was well over six feet tall while Genji barely broke 5'8". There were a few other differences as well, such as how in her yellow shirt, they could tell that she was bustier than her mother. More shocking, in some ways, were the nine, bushy tails that they could see waving behind her. Something that should be impossible, but was true, they could see it now. But neither parent could find it in themselves to care.

When last they had seen her, she was just a young girl becoming a teen. Yet now, she stood in front of them as a young woman, beautiful and strong in their eyes though they could see that she was a bit sickly. However, they could still see their little girl in her. The young kit that sometimes sought refuge in their arms and tails when scared from a bad dream. A child that they had given up hope on ever seeing again in this life. Hand covering her mouth as tears fell and left trails on her cheeks, Miho's voice came out as a whisper, thick with emotion, "Sora-Chan..."

It seemed that was enough to break the floodgates and Sora let go of Eric's hand to rush towards her parents, who also began to run towards her. They met in the middle of the hallway, tightly grabbing hold of each other as they cried and sobbed. Tails coming up and entwining with her parents, Sora blubbered as she buried her face in their necks, "Kaa-Chan! T-Tou-Chan!"

Rapidly blinking, Genji placed a hand on her head and stroked her long hair as he kissed her on the brow, "My daughter... my beautiful, wonderful daughter."

Wailing, Miho clutched onto her, as if afraid that she would disappear at a moment's notice, "MY BABY! YOU'RE ALIVE! K-KAA-CHAN'S FINALLY HERE!"

Sora's shoulders shook as she was wracked by sobs as she continually turned from one parent to the other, "Yo-you're here... you're here... I-I'm so, so sorry... I thought that you were dead and... and..."

Pulling back a bit, her mother kissed her on the top of the head, "No, we're the ones who should be sorry. We... we gave up getting out of the Reserve after a few years. Thought that you were dead for all this time. W-we missed so many years of your life. C-can you forgive us...?"

In return, Sora laughed lightly, "What is there to forgive... as long as you do the same for me."

Both Kitsune just nodded and pulled her back into their embrace with Miho smiling, "Then we shall have to say the same to you, Sora-Chan. For you have done nothing wrong." Hearing a slight shuffle, her mother smiled, "There is one last person for you to meet, Sora-Chan. Someone important who has wanted to meet you for a very long time."

To the Kitsune shipgirl's confusion, her parents moved aside a little only for her to blink at the sight of a shy looking Kitsune boy. One who could not be much more than five years old. Unsure expression on his face, he waved at her, "U-um... hi..."

A scent hit her then and her eyes widened a touch before turning to her parents, "Is... is he?"

Lips curling into a smile, Genji gave a slight nod, "Hai, meet your Otouto, Atsushi. He was born five years ago, almost four after we were put into the Reserve."

Just blinking, Sora stared at her parents before turning to her... little brother. There was a small, traitorous thought in her mind that he was replacement... right before she squashed that with all the might of her horsepower and tonnage. Not saying anything, she examined the fidgety, unsure five year old Kitsune. He had slightly unkept hair with bangs that shaded his eyes and a small ponytail of all things. There was also a somewhat lean look to him. But... his brown eyes met hers and she smiled before opening her arms, "Come here... Otouto."

Eyes tearing up, Atsushi launched himself at his sister. The girl he had only been told tales about and seen in an old, faded and torn picture that his parents were able to keep. More than once, he had wondered about having an older sibling from watching others in the Reserve. Seeing all those fellow youngsters with their big brothers and sisters... it made him jealous, wanting that his own was still alive. And here she was... and as her arms enclosed around him, he could feel that she was just as strong as she was pretty. At the same time, as tears ran down his cheeks, he sobbed as his wish came true at last, he had his Onee-Chan. His big sister, "ONEE-CHAN!"

Softly smiling, Sora nuzzled her little brother's head as she nodded. Right then, as she had when their eyes met, she swore that no one would ever harm him. Because otherwise they would be facing the might of her guns and bash themselves against her armour and 79,000 ton hull before she would let them harm even a hair. Shaking with emotions, Sora sniffled, "Hai... Onee-Chan is here... Onee-Chan is finally here, Otouto."

If anything, that made him clutch onto her even more as their parents joined the hug. Their family reunited at last.
The sister he never knew
Harry Leferts

Wrapped in his Onee-Chan's strong, warm arms as well as tails, Atsushi let out tears which were only partially happiness, and partially relief. During the ride, after being told that his big sister was alive, he had begun to worry and fret a little. After all, they had never met each other before, and his Onee-Chan didn't even know he existed! Would... would she like him? Would she not like him? Hate him?

He wasn't sure and that scared him a little bit.

Upon seeing what his Onee-Chan looked like, Atsushi had his jaw drop a little bit. She was tall! Taller even than his Tou-San who was one of the tallest Kitsune in the Reserve and as tall as some of the Oni that lived there. Granted, a small part of his mind noted that she also seemed bigger than his Okaa-San in other ways because he often overheard some of the older boys in the Reserve talking about that sort of thing. He didn't see the big deal himself to be honest, besides the fact that maybe if they ever laid on the grass he might have comfy pillows.

Later, he also did not understand why his Onee-Chan went all red in the face while her boyfriend/husband laughed and his mother pinched her nose. Or how Ellen-Oba-Chan's shoulders were shaking as she buried her face into her husband's arms. When he had asked Samantha-Onee-Chan, she just coughed and looked away while telling him that she would let him know later in life... while having something of a Kitsune gleam in her eye for pranking.

Adults were weird...

But that was later, right now? Atsushi began to take in the rest of how his Onee-Chan looked as she hugged their parents crying. She had long, brown hair that reached to her waist and was dressed in a yellow shirt as well as blue jeans. He had heard of that from some of those in the Reserve, where most wore what his mother called "Old fashioned clothing from decades ago". Granted, he had seen some examples before from Yokai who entered the Reserve, including once at night.

When he had told him, his father took him aside and told him it was best to forget what he had seen and never mention it to anyone. Because then mean people might well come and take him away from them. Also, they kept a closer eye on him from then on and made sure that he could not sneak out.

Right then though, his nose twitched a little as he caught some strange scents coming from his sister. There was steel, and what he guessed was seawater since he had smelt the sea for the first time just over an hour ago when the car Ellen Chan drove made it's way along the ocean. He had never seen such a large amount of water in his life! And he could not wait to go and play in it, which his Ellen-Oba-Chan promised would happen soon!

Though he was confused as to why his sister smelt like that.

Shuffling a bit, he paused when his Kaa-Chan moved away from his Onee-Chan and gestured to them before telling her who he was. For a few moments, no one said anything at all before his Onee-Chan took a few steps forward and kneeled so that she was his height. Then... she opened her arms and called him "Otouto". Unable to help himself, Atsushi practically flung himself into those arms while crying. Said arms enclosed him tightly, but not too tightly, while her tails surrounded him in soft fluff.

Despite sobbing into her neck as she held him, Atsushi felt safe in that moment. Somehow, he knew, nothing would ever hurt him as long as his Onee-Chan was there, that she would stop anything from doing so. It was safe and warm in those strong arms and tails, and he knew at that moment that it would always be so. Her whispering into his ears that it was okay, that she was there and sorry that she was not before, only made him cry more as he shook his head, "T-that's okay, Onee-Chan... b-because i-it is not your fault..."

Just pulling away slightly, Sora gave him a look of pure sibling love that if he was not crying already, he would have been. Gently, she brushed aside his bangs and softly kissed his forehead, "Thank you, Otouto." Eyes identicle to his own scanned his face before her smile seemed to brighten and she giggled, "I'm going to have to get used to having such a handsome Otouto, I think."

If he could have, Atsushi would have covered his face as he blushed from embarrassment... and happiness as his tail wagged behind him, "R-really?"

Humming, his older sister tapped his nose and made him scrunch it while his eyes crossed, "Of course! And don't let anyone tell you otherwise, okay?" At his unsure nod, she pulled back a bit as did his parents and stood. Something that made him crane his neck a little as he looked at her in awe and caused her to blink, "Is something wrong, Atsushi-Kun?"

Those words made his heart pound in his chest so much that it hurt as she delivered them in a voice full of love for him, despite just meeting him. But Atsushi spoke without thinking, "Tall..."

Lightly blushing, Sora had an embarrassed smile on her face as she scratched the back of her neck, "H-hai, I guess that I am pretty tall..."

Right then, Eric came up and kissed her on the cheek with a small smile, "And you're all the more beautiful for it." Turning towards Atsushi who was looking at him curiously, he smiled, "Hey there, Atsushi-Kun, I'm Eric and... your Onee-Chan's boyfriend."

Cocking his head to the side, Atsushi examined him before smiling, "So you're my Onii-Chan then? Since you're going to marry Onee-Chan?"

Much to the youngster's confusion, both young adults blushed at that for some reason. However, Eric soon laughed it off and rubbed the back of his neck, "I guess so... and I don't mind being your Onii-Chan either... Otouto."

Eyes widening for a moment, Atsushi smiled brightly as he gave a cheer, "Yay! I get an Onii-Chan as well as getting my Onee-Chan back!"

Of course, right then there was a small growl that made everyone look at the young Kit. Atsushi, for his part, blushed as he placed his hands on his stomach before Sora gave her mother a raised eyebrow. In reply, Miho gave a small shrug, "He was so excited to get out of the Reserve that, well... he didn't eat much."

Noting the small pain in her mother's eyes, as well as how the two adults were slightly thinner than she remembered, Sora narrowed her eyes before she was all smiles again while cursing whoever put her parents into, and kept them in as well as her brother, the Reserve. And also promising that they better never meet her or else she would be generating some paperwork. Outwardly, she just nodded with a chuckle, "Well, good thing that we have plenty of food cooked up for a welcome dinner."

Then, in one smooth and quick movment, she swept up her squealing little brother into the crook of one arm. Wide eyed briefly, Atsushi nonetheless leaned against his sister as she carried him into the dining room where he looked around in awe. He had never seen a table so big and shiny! Still in the crook of his Onee-Chan's arm, he found her sitting in a chair with a small smile. Confused, he looked over at her while furrowing his eyebrows, "Onee-Chan?"

Amused, she tapped his nose making him go crosseyed, "Sorry, I just want to keep holding my cute little Otouto."

Considering that for a few moments, the young Kitsune shrugged and grinned, "I don't mind." Leaning to the side, he sighed, "I don't mind at all."

Various adults shared smiles with each other and laughed lightly much to Atsushi's confusion, but he shrugged it off. After all, he was with his Onee-Chan now and that was all that mattered. Before he could think much on it, various little girls came out of the kitchen with plates of food in their hands and set them down in front of them. Atsushi's nose twitched madly at the smell of cooked meat, something that while they had it in the Reserve was not in any great amount. And usually not beef, like he could smell and made his mouth water.

Unnoticed by him, Sora's lips were twitching as she looked at her little brother obviously wanting to eat. Placing it in front of him, she gave him a nod as she picked up her own fork before showing him how to use it. On either side of her, both Miho and Genji watched with happy expressions on their faces as their children began to bond. With a look at each other and a nod, they began to eat themselves, happy with being able to eat substantially once more though they raised an eyebrow at the amount that their daughter was putting away.

Eating, the two adults began to chat once more with their friends about various things. For Ellen and Miho, it was mostly about things regarding the school and the like. But for Genji and Ken, it soon turned towards work with the male Kitsune blinking, "Wait, you think that can get me a job?"

Just swallowing his own food, Ken gave a small nod, "Hai, I take it that Ellen-Chan told you about how the Statute is coming down?" At the acknowledgement from his friend, he continued, "Well... the non-magical government is planning things with regards to the Reserves. Mainly about how to... well, take them apart to let people leave while making those that might remain for various reasons have a decent life."

While happy about how his friends referred to Yokai as "People", Genji rubbed his chin in thought, "So you already know that a number of Yokai won't leave where the Reserves are then? For various reasons like some are afraid of the outside world and the like."

Only nodding, his friend frowned, "That... is basically what we were thinking. We already guessed that various people would not want to leave. Some for fear, others because it was the only life they knew, some because they liked where they were living. But the government can't let them continue to live the way that they have been either. So... we need to build them up infrastructure wise. Clean water, sewage, electricity, proper homes... turn them into actual communities where people can live."

Slowly chewing the hamburg steak, something that was a favorite of both his wife and himself, Genji considered the question and nodded to himself. While he did hate the Reserves even before being tossed into one, he knew that there was no easy fix. But what was being told to him was something that would help out a lot, so he gave a nod, "I can see it, and you're right that it would go far, perhaps a lot further than you might think." Frowning, he gave his friend a look, "Not sure how getting myself a job with you comes into this... unless it has to do with my recent 'experience'?"

Much to his confusion, Ken chuckled a little, "I will admit, that could help with getting you a job. But what I meant was how you were a mechanic. Remember how you used to sometimes help fix cars and such on worksites?"

That made the male Kitsune snort, "Hai, of course I do. I worked as a mechanic back in the late 1940s right up until I 'retired' from that job in the 1980s. Did some in the years afterwards as well. But what..." Pausing, Genji raised an eyebrow, "Right, infrastructure needs machines to build it..."

Lips curling into a smirk, Ken gave a nod, "Exactly, and I know that you're able to pull it off." He hummed a little while taking another bite of his meal, "Though there was one idea that I want to run by you to help..."

It went without saying that Genji gave his friend a very interested look at that. Meanwhile, a similar conversation was happening with Ellen who was mentioning that she could find her friend a job as well. Especially as the school did have a number of Yokai students and they wanted to expand the atheletics department. All conversations that went over the heads of the younger children while said little ones just enjoyed their meal.

When Ellen brought out the cake, she saw the older Kitsunes' eyes light up. Upon seeing that, the American's lips twitched and she placed it down on the table, "Sora did a great job making this cake, so you should enjoy it." Ignoring the surprised looks on her friends' faces, she looked at the blushing Kitsune shipgirl's face, "The dried, sliced apples is a very good addition for it."

Eyes wide, Miho turned to her daughter in surprise, "You made this, Sora-Chan?"

Just nodding, Sora softly smiled, "Hai, I... wanted to make you something special. And Ellen-Oba-Chan taught me how to make it, so..." She gave said English teacher a small glare, but all Ellen did was smirk back, 'I have to wonder if she has Kitsune blood in her somewhere...'

Meanwhile, the elder female Kitsune looked at her friend who gave a slight nod and she brightly smiled as she understood what the meaning was behind teaching her daughter how to make a family recipe, "Oh, Sora-Chan..." Hugging her daughter, she kissed her cheek, "Thank you." Accepting a slice, Miho took a bite before happily humming as her tails wagged behind her, "Mmm... delicious."

Needless to say, it was a very happy Sora who watched as her family, and that is what she saw everyone there as, enjoy the cake that she had made. Something that caused her boilers to run a bit hotter as well before she turned to her own cake slice though not without looking towards the ceiling with a smile, 'Thank you... thank you so much whoever made sure that this would happen.'

Granted, she was a bit confused as she could have sworn her radio crackled with a "Wan" coming over it, but shrugged it off.

Later that night, Genji softly sighed as he looked over the bedroom that currently him, his wife, and son shared. Neither him nor Miho would ever be able to thank their friends enough for this and would always remember it. He had already seen Ken and Ellen as brothers and sister to him and his wife, but this solidified it. They were family.

Sitting on the bed, he looked at his softly sleeping son with a smile, "He's exhausted."

With a small snort, Miho looked over at her husband, "With all the excitement of meeting his Onee-Chan for the first time? And meeting Ellen-Chan's children as well as the Midget Submarines and such? Is it any real surprise?"

Only chuckling, Genji shook his head, "No, not really. Not in the slightest." Hearing a tap on the door, he turned and smiled, "You can come in, Sora-Chan."

Moments later, the door opened to reveal said Kitsune in her sleepwear walk in, "Tou-Chan? Kaa-Chan? I... I know that I am a bit old, but..."

In reply, all Miho did was open her arms, "Come here, Sora-Chan." Both women smiled as they embraced before the older of the two chuckled, "What about Eric-Kun by the way?"

Sora gave a hum as she enjoyed the hug from her mother before shrugging, "He noticed that I was somewhat... nervous and told me to come."

Eyes bright, her mother gave a nod, "Ah, did he now? Well, I always knew that he was a good choice."

Happily humming as her tails swished, Sora leaned into Miho, "Hai." Looking at her little brother, she stroked his hair softly, "I still can't believe that I am an Onee-Chan... it... it is so wonderful."

Gently kissing the top of her head, Genji smiled, "And you've already shown that you will be doing a wonderful job of it." Pulling back a little, he glanced around the bedroom and gave a small chuckle, "Though as much as I am happy we have this bedroom, I think that I am even more happy that as soon as we buy some items, we can turn that storeroom down the hall into a room just for Atsushi. He's excited about having his own room."

Remembering the reaction said five year old had, Sora giggled madly, "Hai." Tilting her head some, she looked down at the young Kit, "Though... soon myself and Eric will need to have the basement finished into another room. Especially once we tell Ellen-Oba-Chan the news."

Unable to help herself, Miho snickered a bit, "Hai, especially with how Ellen-Chan's scent changed. I recognize what that scent means and she has to be almost a month along, so she'll realize soon enough anyways." She grinned a little bit, "Though her reaction when we tell her..."

All three adult Kitsune either lightly laughed or giggled at what the likely reaction would be before they laid down, one happy family reunited...
[turkey] Plans to stop an army
Lord Khuzdul

A few minutes later, an ancient, whale of a Mercedes pulled in front of the coffee shop. Korkut, waiting at the window, whistled. "Well, can't say Yavuz does not travel in style. Though you cannot scream 'Mafia' any harder if you hung a placard on it."

Hamidiye laughed. "Well, for some reason she fell in love with the ugly thing at first sight. Can't get her to use anything else." She got up. "Well, time to face the music."
Spoiler: Yavuz's Car

Yes, this is a 1989 Mercedes Benz 300 SEL. Yes, Hamidiye has shit taste in cars.

The car's doors opened, and four shipgirls came out. From the front passenger seat, came a sight that made Hamidiye groan. Mecidiye was a striking contrast to Hamidiye - while the protected cruisers were superficially similar, the attitudes were night and day. Dark haired, dark eyed, tomboyish Hamidiye was all Mediterranean passion, while the American-built Mecidiye was light complexioned, red haired, and looked much more demure and ladylike. She caught Hamidiye's eyes, and her face took the expression of a put-upon babysitter. From the driver's side, came a stout pre-dreadnought. Light brown haired, stocky Barbaros Hayreddin rarely smiled, and the most recent mess did not encourage her to smile either.

From the left passenger side door, jumped out the customary destroyer escorting the larger ships. However, the identity of today's escort made Hamidiye raise an eyebrow. "Okay, Yavuz is intending to get into the thick of things," she said, glancing back. At Hızır's raised eyebrow, she shrugged. "She brought Muavenet. She only lets her out if she expects to break some legs." The small destroyer, with an irreverent smirk very out of place on her round and adorable, at most seven year old face, ran around the car, her black braids whipping around as she reached the other door.

Korkut and Hamidiye unconsciously straightened as The Battleship stepped out of the car. Yavuz had the tall, lean, swimmer's build of her battlecruiser breed. She had the sharp features, fair hair and blue eyes of her Germanic heritage. However, she carried a Turkish Navy officer's jacket over her shoulders, and as usual when she decided to make a statement, carried a folded, Independence War-style black sheepskin kalpak under a shoulder strap.

As Yavuz and her entourage walked into the coffee house, Hamidiye and Demirhisar leapt to their feet and saluted, followed by Sinbad. Hızır also stood up, and walked to Yavuz, extending a hand.

Yavuz gave Hızır a firm handshake and a small smile. "My apologies for not contacting you before," she said, looking around the room. "I was aware of your presence here, but... well, you know the little surveillance problem we have at the base. Ali does what he can, so do the others, but we need to be circumspect as much as possible." At Hızır's smile, she turned to the others. "Well, seems we have a problem. Demirhisar's radio room gave me the reports so far. So at this point, I only have one question to ask: what's the plan?"

Hamidiye spoke up. "We were thinking about sending in a small team. Try to pick off Enver, and then use me to 'convince' the undead army to go back to rest."

Yavuz looked at the faces around her, and then focused on Hızır. "You don't seem very keen on that one?"

Hızır looked over the map once again. "It seems to be our best option, but one thing bugs me - the undead were already moving before, according to what we have discerned, Enver's bones got stolen. So... picking off Enver might not have the effect we think it would."

Korkut scratched his chin. "What else then? They either listen to someone and go back, or we have to put them down the regular way, which would be an unholy mess. Besides, babaerenler are barely holding. Can we even cover up something like what will be needed to put them down?"

Yavuz looked up, thinking. "Besides, I don't know if picking off Enver is viable. You are probably thinking of what happened in Verdun..." At the surprised looks around her, she smirked. "I do keep up with the magical world. It is not hard. Victory and Mikasa are gossipy bints." She looked down. "Two problems though. From what I have been told, I can tell that we are lacking two things Verdun had. In Verdun, there was a clear objective - the monument. We have no idea where Enver's headquarters is. Also, according to reports, in Verdun the undead were fighting each other even more than they were fighting the strike team. Here, we have them acting and moving as an unified army under one command. So no. I don't think a strike team going in like in Verdun is the solution we need here."

Ali frowned. "Then what? I don't see how we can get an army to counter it."

Yavuz shook her head. "Not an army, no. But we do need someone who can actually wade through the army with as little risk as possible." She looked around. "You are not the ones who can do that. But we are."

Hızır shook his head. "I thought of that, but we need to uphold secrecy a while longer yet. I don't think we can cover up your guns firing."

Yavuz smirked. She reached to the wall, and picked off one of the stones mortared to it as decoration. She tossed the fist sized stone up a couple of times, then without even a blink, crushed it into fine powder with a twitch of her fingers. "Our guns are not our only option." She turned to Barbaros. "Get Turgut Reis here. And inform the Scrap Iron Flotilla." She then looked back at Hızır. "Just find us a way to get us to Sarıkamış through magical means, as regular travel is not an option."

Hamidiye smirked. "So we are not taking the whale? That's a relief."

Yavuz glared at her. "Hamidiye?"

Hamidiye gave her an impudent grin. "Yes?"

"You drive a Peugeot. So shut up."


As others went back to their phones to arrange things, Yavuz pulled Hızır and Korkut aside alongside Hamidiye. Her face was utterly serious, and her voice low. "You know what I am planning?"

Korkut chuckled. "We would have been blind not to. I am just surprised you have not acted already."

Yavuz frowned. "There have been complications. And that's what I wanted to talk to you two. I need a serious divination."

"Divination? Why?" asked Korkut.

"I... wanted to hedge my bets. So I discreetly performed two summoning ceremonies. To get two very specific ships. Bandırma and Savarona."

Korkut's eyes grew. "So you have him?"

Yavuz shook her head in frustration. "That's the problem. I don't have him."

Hızır sighed. "It seems just being a passenger was not enough of an imprint then?"

Yavuz shook her head again. "No. Both of them said he should have been on them. He is in their logs and register and all. It is just that... he just isn't there."

Hızır and Korkut glanced at each other, thoughtful. Finally, Korkut asked. "How, wouldn't that mean he is... but isn't that impossible?"

Yavuz sighed. "That's what I don't know. And we are not allowed anywhere near his tomb. Thus, you."

"I'll arrange a sheep then. I really hope it is not..."

"So do I... believe me, so do I."
A Second Chance To Make A Butterknife Impression 2

A.N.-And the Butterknife returns to the Scene of the Crime. For context, read the Dove At A Dinner Party arc

A Second Chance To Make A Butterknife Impression (II)

5 July 2014

Passel House, Hampshire

Spoiler: A Matter Of Honor

Colombe d'Aubigny du Chasteler(-Muramasa) blinked at the chambermaid who had just served tea to herself and Duke of York and asked in a curious tone as she nodded her head. "Thank you for the tea, Miss...? Forgive me but you look quite familiar."

Distinctly chilly brown eyes met her crystal blue as the maid spoke in a voice that was clearly on the icy side of polite and professional, "Ms. Victoria Passel, the spirit of the residence. I am surprised that you remember me, what with all the other matters that transpired when you were a visitor in the house last, Miss Du Chasteler."

Colombe winced at the tone of disapproval in Victoria's voice, her mind running back over the last time that she had sat in this parlor a hundred and fifteen years ago. Then the light bulb visibly came on as she remembered the apparent ghost of a chambermaid that she had seen several times. "Ahh! Then the ghost that I saw dusting the sitting room and then with a bedpan entering the guest chamber was you?! I thought that I was going mad back then."

"Yes. It was me. I was, to my undying regret, unable to intervene in the events of that disastrous weekend. Something that you can be assured that shall not have a recurrence on my watch, Miss du Chasteler." Duke's eyes widened at the quiet determined air that Victoria was radiating.

Colombe nodded slowly as more memories filled her mind. "And you were at dinner too when Colonel Gamp passed away, poor man."

"Thanks to the strain you and your fellow French Cad inflicted upon him with your scandalous behavior that day, yes." Victoria's voice became more icily formal.

Colombe sighed. "Indeed, indeed. I have wronged you gravely, and must make amends. If I may request your indulgence, Ms. Passel, can you please call Master Weasley to stand witness as the lord of the household. Also please tell my daughter Ehren to attend me, since she is my selected heir and I have the duty to educate her properly in the responsibilities of nobility."

Victoria gave Colombe an unreadable look and then vanished from sight. Colombe turned to Duke and the rapier rubbed her temples. "My apologies for the delay in discussing what I did in the Second World War with you, but honor demands."

Duke nodded, her ponytail swishing. "Indeed it does. Whatever happened between you and Victoria before must have been quite something."

Colombe nodded absently as Ron appeared in his shirtsleeves. "Hullo, Victoria said that I was needed here." The redheaded young man spoke around a chocolate chip cookie.

Colombe gave Ron a curtsy then she took off her traveling coat and folded it over the chair back, leaving her in her dress. "I shall explain more when Ehren is here to witness matters. Suffice it to say for now, there is matter that I must be resolved between myself and Ms. Passel, to my shame."

Ehren appeared in the door with Victoria trailing "You needed me, Mutti?"

Colombe nodded and pointed to the chair that she had vacated. "Indeed I do, Ehren. Please sit and observe how I discharge my obligations and responsibilities."

Ehren obediently sat, then watched as Colombe turned to Victoria, who was giving Colombe a distinctly frigid look. The French rapier curtsied to the maid and spoke. "To explain to Master Weasley, Miss Duke, and my daughter, this is not the first time that I have visited Passel House. I was an invited guest in May of 1899 at the request of Colonel Gamp, the then-master of the house for a dinner party. During that weekend, several incidents that I was part and party to happened that led to scandal and disrepute being placed upon the family resident at the time and their residence."

All eyes in the room turned to the house spirit who was staring daggers at Colombe. "Specifically, Colonel Gamp died of a heart attack brought on by his age and ill-health but exacerbated by my actions in publicly challenging that lecherous low-born swine Corvus Lestrange to a duel of honor at the dinner table." Colombe's own voice became controlled and filled with a seething venomous hatred, "Lestrange was a business partner with my bâtard of a great-grandnephew Hippolyte du Chasteler who had attempted to have me murdered by base treachery twice and had killed poor Julien, Raoul, and Ida-Helene du Chasteler through various means including Dark Magic. Regardless of my more than valid reasons to call Lestrange out in the duel, I brought the Gamps into scandal in the doing and for that, you and your residence have my sincere and utter apology."

Victoria nodded sharply and spoke in that icy voice. "And the stories in the library, Miss du Chasteler."

Colombe curtsied again to Victoria. "In addition, I shared certain stories of my prior adventures in India and the Near East with Mrs. Lyra Potter in the presence of Ms. Passel which I should not have bruited about in public." The French rapier paused, visibly running through her memories of the visit and comparing them to the customs of the Victorian age. "The cross-dressing?"

Victoria spoke like a judge pronouncing sentence. "The cross-dressing. I saw you tempt and seduce a married woman into sin then."

Colombe blinked and spoke in shock, "Lyra seduced me! Wait... you saw what happened in the Orangery when I went there for fencing practice?"

"I did." Ice filled Victoria's disapproving tone.

"In addition, I bent to the point of breaking outright the mourning customs of the era and dressed in a man's clothing for fencing practice in the Orangery, which Lyra later told me was when she saw me first." Colombe then gave Victoria a challenging stare as steel filled her voice. "Just count your good fortune that you never met Hippolyte, or you would know why the only regret I shall ever have in his death was that it did not happen thirty years earlier when I could have perhaps saved other members of my family that fell to his treachery. I mourn for many many friends, lovers and family members who I have buried in my lifetime, Lyra and Ian Potter not least among their ranks. Hippolyte du Chasteler shall never get a tear from me."

Ehren spoke, "What did he do, Mutti?"

Colombe sighed and spoke bitterly. "He hired some thugs to kill his older brother Raoul in 1854, then shortly before I returned home from China used Dark Magic to kill his parents Julien and Ida-Helene while concealing their deaths as a cholera epidemic in 1865. When I showed up, he tried to get control of the family and family fortunes from me. The first time he tried to have me killed was in 1870, when he talked me into fighting in the Franco-Prussian War, then hired a hit wizard to try to kill me when I was in Paris fighting the Commune in 1871. Then he adulterated the healing potions I was using to convalesce from the Dark Curse that nearly did me in then. Finally he tried again in 1895 by sending me to check on some investments he had the family make in the Belgian Congo. Along with hiring an assassin team and also sending letters to the colonial authorities there to have me executed on sight. I had to walk out to Nairobi after the trap closed on me that time, although I did finally realize his treachery as a result."

Duke blanched and spoke, "That's halfway across Africa! Through the largest jungle on the Dark Continent and a mountain range!"

Colombe's eyes were shadowed as she spoke quietly, "Yes. When I managed to get back to civilization several years later, I dealt with him. So no, I do not mourn his death, save that it took me so long to carve out the dishonor of my family."

With that she turned to Victoria and Ron. "Regardless, my conduct in my last visit was inexcusable. I am held to a higher standard, as I should be as the head of House Du Chasteler and Marchioness of Chasteler and Moulbaix. To that end in addition to my apology to yourself as the head of the family and to Ms. Passel as a witness to the scandal that resulted, I shall tender my apology in spirit, word, and deed." Again, she bowed. "Perhaps... would a selection of furnishings from my own estate, chosen by yourselves from a list of what I have available as well as transported and refurbished out of my pocket suffice as recompense for the damage dealt by me and mine to you and yours?"

Ron blinked. "Um, yes, but you don't need to do all that." Victoria gave Colombe a shocked look as she visibly thought.

Colombe shook her head in negation at Ron's words. "I do. Honor demands no less from me." Her voice was firm and unyielding as her steel.

In the distance someone began to play La Marseillaise on keyboard. Ehren's lips quirked as she spoke into the resulting silence. "Include a piano. Otherwise Claire will pout, Mutti. She was most upset to find that 'this wonderful house' did not have a piano to make it a Happy Home."

Colombe had a fond smile tug at her lips. "Ahh yes. I shall include my 1842 Boisselot et fils piano with the caveat that Claire is allowed to play it if and when she visits in the future. Is that acceptable Ms. Passel?"

Victoria gave Colombe a thoughtful look and finally nodded slowly. "Acceptable, Miss du Chasteler."

"Bon. I shall write a letter to Kasuyu tonight to send a list of what we have that you can select to refurnish the household. Once you make your choices, please let me know and I shall then proceed to render the tokens of my apology." Colombe spoke formally to Victoria and Ron, after doing so she turned to Ehren. "I trust you understand the importance of discharging a noble's debts of honor in full and total now, my daughter?"

Ehren nodded. "Understood, Mutti."

"Good. At least something good came of my mistakes here if you can learn from them, Ehren. Please go tend to whatever matter that I pulled you from now." Colombe spoke to Ehren, who clicked her heels together and rendered her farewell to the room. Ron followed suit, leaving Victoria, Duke, and Colombe in the parlor once more.

Duke looked at the door that Ehren departed through and murmured. "I was unaware that Belgians could be so Prussian."

Colombe sighed as she sat and picked up her teacup. "She takes after her father in that regard, I fear. He did not survive the War when he fought on Germany's side. Now, you wished to know what I could tell you about what us magicals did in the Second World War?"

Duke smiled and sipped her tea. "Along with the First of course. I am personally interested in how much was going on behind the scenes that later got covered up."

Colombe nodded. "Fair enough. I suppose I need to tell you about Grindelwald to set the scene for the events of the Second World War..."
Stuffing the cult of the DARK ONE (BEHOLD!)
Harry Leferts

Riding along on his bike as it was too nice a day for his velomobile, Harry blinked as he looked at Junyou who was easily keeping up with him, "Um..."

Eyebrow raising in amusement, the Carrier chuckled at him, "Is something wrong, Harry-Chan? You seem curious about something."

A frown on his face, he scratched his cheek, "Well... I overheard some stuff from Niiyodo-Chan. About something that happened yesterday. Ooyodo-Oba seemed, well, kind of annoyed."

That caused Junyou to blink a little in confusion, "Yesterday...?"

Slowly nodding, Harry gave her a curious look, "Hai, something about a wall? I think?"

Frowning, she hummed a little as she thought back to the previous day, "Hmm... yesterday and a wall?"


Laughing lightly as she took a swing of sake, Junyou sighed some, "Ah, I'm telling you Ryuujou-Chan! You have got to try the drinks at this one Yokai bar on the outskirts. They are amazing. All from brewers who have been working their craft for centuries."

Only rolling her eyes, Ryuujou snorted a little bit, "Really now? Is tha' so?"

With a small shrug, the other Light Carrier shook her head, "Of course! You know me and drinks after all, Ryuujou-Chan." Snickering, she tapped the side of her own head before flicking her finger, "Maybe bring your boyfriend there."

More amused than anything else, Ryuujou snorted some, "Well, Ah reckon' tha' I could... After some rest since tha' was a very long patrol out there. Ugh."

Junyou gave a grimace of her own as she nodded, "Hai, three weeks at sea will do that to you. Me? I'm going to relax after getting home later with a nice meal, a good bottle of sake, and some bodice rippers from the United States."

Her friend only shook her head at that. Reaching the quarters that she shared with said boyfriend, Ryuujou smiled a little, "As to th' drinks? Maybe Ah'll do that." Unlocking the door, she walked in followed by Junyou with a sigh, "I'm home." A delicious scent wafted by and she hummed in happiness, "Mmm... somethin' sure smells good!"

From out of sight there was a chuckle, "Hai, I made you some of your favorites. Though do you want dinner first? Perhaps a bath? Or maybe..." He then stepped into view wearing an apron, "Or maybe me?"

There was a pause as Ryuujou blinked alongside Junyou, Takaru slowly going red as he realized that Ryuujou was not alone. Glancing at her fellow Light Carrier, Junyou hum as she took a sip of her drink and then made a show of her eyes trailing along the form of the young man before her before smirking, "Nice." Looking at Ryuujou, she grinned, "Heh, you got good taste~"

Not even a second later, the door opened and Junyou was flung across the hall with her head impacting the wall and leaving a small crater. Completely unphased, Junyou took another sip as she could hear Ryuujou give a perverted giggle in the apartment as the door closed, "Well, Ah could think of some things, Ta-ka-ru-kun~"

Amused, Junyou pulled herself free of the wall before chuckling, "Well, someone is going to have a good night..."


In the present, Junyou hummed a bit before shrugging, "Eh, nothing that important. Just sort of tripped over something, that's all."

While he understood that there was more to the story than that, Harry shrugged it off. Something about the tone told him that he was better off not knowing. Instead, he chatted with her for a little bit before they split. Reaching the gate to the base, he came to a stop and looked at the guard there who was looking very much bemused at the sight in front of him, "Huh, so they are still here."

The guard looked at him and gave a chuckle, "Hai, they are kiddo." Looking at the trailer, he raised an eyebrow in amusement, "So you're here for them?"

Just nodding, Harry grinned, "That's right."

Getting a wave to motion on, he rode to the nearby area were a number of people were crowded around an area. Thankfully, everyone moved away so that he could get to the center... where one could find Hoppou blinking curiously at the sight of Jin's cultists trying to hide behind both her and Shiromizu, "PRAISE BE TO THE DARK ONE, WHO SAVES US FROM THE PURE ONE!"

From the other Abyssals rose a roar, "PRAISE BE TO THE DARK ONE!"



Only shaking his head, Harry got off his bike and paused for a moment before frowning as he looked at a nearby tree, 'What was that...?' Eyes narrowing briefly, he shook it off before grabbing the boxes and walking over to where Shiromizu and the others were, "Hey."

Sighing, Shiromizu looked relieved to see him, "Hello, Harry."

Lips twitching, the thirteen year old wizard glanced at his sister and tapped her on the head, "Hoppou, you are being nice to them, right?"

Pout on her face, Hoppou huffed a bit, "Hoppou was just coming home from Asuka-Chan's and Rei-Chan's since we had friends! And Hoppou saw Shiromizu and wanted to say hello, with them acting like this."

With a light laugh, Harry ruffled her hair, "Well, you do look scary first thing in the morning after waking up. Especially if you pulled a long night, Little Sister." Ignoring the mutters about how he was able to say what he did to "The Pure One", he turned to Jin, "Sorry about this... anyways, I brought some stuff if it helps."

Now chuckling, the undead Mizuchi grinned, "Sounds good." She jerked her thumb at them, "This bunch has only been dumpster diving for food. So something in their stomaches sounds about right."

For some reason, when Harry gave turned to them, the Abyssal Cultists trembled at the look on his face. There was something... terrifying in the sympathy and the gleam in his eyes, "I see... how sad, but that is what I am here for." Pulling open the box, he grinned, "Barbecue bologna sandwiches!"

Upon seeing the wide eyes of her cultists, Jin facepalmed, "Oh for..." Grabbing one, she grinned before scarfing it down, "Mmm... this shit is good as always-Ow!"

Seemingly from nowhere, Harry pulled out a wooden spoon and brought it down on Jin's head, "Manners! Learn them!" Getting a grumble, he turned to the stunned Abyssals and held out the sandwiches, "Here you go." With a glance at Hoshi, he frowned, "And you should leave some for them as well, Hoshi-San. But you can have some... but get too greedy and I shall cut off your peanut butter treats."

Hoshi shuddered a little at that, "Don't worry, Harry-San, I'll be good, trust me. I know better than to anger those who bring treats and good food."

With a small nod, the teenage wizard turned to the Abyssals who seemed torn between shock and thoughtfulness. Then, they trembled at the look in his eyes, "And now to stuff you all with barbecue bologna sandwiches! And brownies afterwards!"

And tremble they did as Harry showed them why he was the Duck stuffing Champion of Yokosuka as both Hoshi and Jin encouraged him as did Shiromizu...

Later as he headed back with empty boxes in the trailer as well as Hoppou who was munching on another sandwich. On Harry's face was another smile as he had struck yet another deadly blow against what he considered one of the greatest enemies he had ever faced. Greater than Voldemort or Tamamo's pelt.

Defeating hunger in all it's forms.

Harry hummed a little before looking over his shoulders, "So, something happen, Hoppou?"

In reply, Hoppou held up one mittened hand before finishing off her sandwich with a happy expression, "Thank you, Big Brother. Hoppou really likes your cooking." That got her a chuckle and Harry saying that she was welcome. After a few moments, she considered his question before nodding, "Hoppou is just worried about Sunny and others. Remember how Hoppou mentioned that they were going to see Porta lady?"

Slowly nodding, the thirteen year old frowned, "I do as a matter of fact... did something happen to them, Hoppou?"

Frowning in thought, Hoppou shook her head, "Hoppou is not sure, Big Brother. They were attacked by a fleet from what they think was Research Princess, but they're alright. But... Sunny captured Re-Class who was... remotely scuttled, but still found something inside her. Something strange."

Now frowning himself, Harry gave her a glance, "They found something inside her? Something strange, Hoppou?" At her nod, he frowned, "That... does not sound good."

Only shaking her head, the small Abyssal looked at the horizon, "Hoppou agrees, Big Brother. According to Sunny, thing looks like a tumour which makes no sense to Hoppou. But she's sending it from Pearl so that Hoppou can better look at it and Hoppou is taking all precautions, so it should be alright... but Hoppou won't take any chances." With a frown, she tapped her chin, "But it will arrive next week."

Considering that, Harry gave a nod, "Huh, well you know better than I would and-" Suddenly stopping, he twisted and looked at a nearby alley between two buildings, "Wait a second..."

While confused, Hoppou turned in the same direction, "Something wrong, Big Brother?"

Eyebrows furrowing, he scratched his neck and glanced around, "Not really? Just that I swear that I have been seeing things out of the corner of my eye and there's this wierd feeling of being watched. But no one's been able to actually catch anyone at all."

Hoppou was now concerned and also glanced around as she swore that now he mentioned it, there was a feeling of being watched. Yet, all her senses confirmed that there was no one in the area. It was... unsettling. Both adopted siblings shared a look and continued on their way...

Meanwhile, in the shadows, a shutter of a camera snapped shut, taking a picture before the owner climbed up the warehouse within seconds reaching the room and running over them, easily leaping over the gaps. Every once in a while, they snuck into shadows and cracks before hiding. At one point, they took a picture of Harry serving the various shipgirls from a vent in the cafeteria before vanishing. Once the teenage wizard was asleep, the shadow took another picture from his window before leaping back, feet landing near soundlessly on the grass despite it being a fall of three stories.

Quickly dodging around patrols, and making it seem easy as they used camera blindspots and such to their advantage, they slipped their equipment into a sealed bag and leapt into the harbour. An hour later found them coming out of the water on the other side before entering a nondescript van and the driver taking off. By the time mid morning of the next day arrived, so did the team of people clad in black at a compound on a mountain. All of them entered into a darkened room and crouched down into a bow before the one who had taken the pictures spoke, "Chichi-ue, we have brought back the information that you have wished for."

Reaching into the bag, she pulled out a folder as well as various pictures before handing them to another person who walked up to someone seated in a chair. Gently taking them in an aged hand, the man opened the folder to reveal various wizarding pictures. Some showed Harry at Bokken practice in the morning from a distance. Others showed him feeding the various Abyssals as well as shipgirls, and one was of him on his bike with Hoppou, "Interesting..." In the shadows, he raised his head, "And you have confirmed the rest?"

Another folder joined the first revealing reports in regards to both the battle against Kuroshi as well as in the Sub-Unit-943 Bunker. Not much, but there was still quite an amount of information. There was also recordings of people chatting about it as well. Slowly, the man worked his way through it.

When he was finally done, the man nodded, "Very interesting Potter-San is." Suddenly, he was wracked with coughs before groaning as another female clad in black beside him held out a vial, "Thank you." Draining it, he sighed a little before taking a breath, "Keep an observation on him for now, but let none see you. We shall take measure of the boy and see if he could well fit our needs. I assign this to all of you..."

Both the team in front of him as well as a number of others in the shadows bowed before they vanished as one could swear they heard clicks.

Hand trembling, the man coughed a bit before summoning some tea brought to him, "Perhaps you could be of help, Potter-San for my plans... you and my grandson... to save my grand project that I have been working on for so very long..."
Dougiri the storyteller

Well, following an idea that popped up in my mind, I offer you the first part of a story.

August 2005

It was a nice day in Tokio, where in the national museum a guide was explaining the legend of one of the swords exposed there to their visitors.

"And this is how finishes the legend about how Minamoto-no-Yorimitsu and his companions beheaded the evil Oni Shuten-Douji with the emperor's mandate. Here concludes today's guided visit, thank you for listening" said the guide bowing to the listeners.

While the visitors were heading to the exit, a woman was waiting for the room to be empty. "Do you never get bored of retelling the same story over and over again Do.."she shut her mouth as there were people still in the room. "Sorry; Yasutsune-San?"

Waiting until there were any people left, Yasutsune conjured some privacy wards for caution. "That's why I switch stories, I tell sometimes Kintaro's legend or Tsuchigumo's; but this is my favourite, who would tire of telling how someone got its name, Tsubaki-Chan?"

"And I'm very thankful for that, you know how I feel about my parents, Doujigiri-San." said shrugging a bit.

"Did you know? The people who really knows who we are find very strange that we get along so well, Tsubaki-Douji."

Tsubaki laught out loud. "In the beginning, neither did I, but after what we did together at the Meireki no taika look at us, two friends telling stories from when we were younger."She then snapped her fingers."By the way, I was on my way to the port's bar, some friends invited me for a few rounds, do you wanna come?"

"Hmm" said Douji "The museum closes in half an hour and I need a drink, I have a bad feeling from some time ago, like something big has to happen, but I don't know what, so it will help me relax a bit."

"Good" Tsubaki nodded. "I will be at the door in forty, is that enough?"

"Yes." said Douji. "I need to warn the director that I will be out and will come back in the morning."

"Really?" Tsubaki asked unbelieving "Do you always have to warn the director of your departures?"

Douji chucked a bit. "Only if I carry my true body. I am a National Treasure of Japan after all."

"Right, someday you have to tell me the story of why did you decide to stay here almost isolated from the magic world"

"Maybe someday, but not today"


"Ahh, this hits the spot" said Tsubaki with an empty beer jar in her hand.

"This bar isn't bad at all, I need to record it in my visit list" said Douji drinking a soda.

"Don't you really want anything to drink?"

"Not now, sorry, I don't have as much endurance as you, so I don't want to be smashed before you do."

"Well, it's your loss; Waiter!" yelled Tsubaki "Another beer plea... What was that?"

And hell came from the sky.
Restoring Kensho
Harry Leferts

Humming a bit as he heard the rain outside patter against the window, Harry continued to cook a little bit of breakfast for himself. Right now, he was the only one in the apartment as everyone else was out and about. Nagato was helping out with some of the aspects of the "Battle of the Bunker" from what he heard, while Hoppou was preparing a warehouse for whatever Sunny was sending her. Shiromizu, meanwhile, was once more out with Jin as the two organized things for Shiromizu's enshrinement. Juuchi was... somewhere, likely eating blood oranges and he didn't have any idea where Hedwig was.

Thus, besides Scruffles and Barghast, who were both lounging on the couch, it was just him.

Which was not to say that Harry was bothered that much by being alone, as it gave him some time to himself. After all, over the past week he had a number of people hovering over him for one reason or another. Not that he really blamed them as he could understand where they were coming from. But... he had a plan for how to spend the day.

Placing the now cooked eggs onto a plate with some toast and sasauge, Harry was about to pick it up when he heard a knock at the door and blinked, "Hmm? Wonder who that might be..." Walking over to the door, he opened it only to blink at the three weapon spirits there, "Tsukiakari? Xing? Feng? What are you doing here?"

Lightly blushing, the Kyu-Gunto looked at the other two and coughed a little, "Um, actually Master? We thought that we could come over and keep a little bit of an eye on you?"

Xing's lips twitched a bit at Tsukiakari before she turned to Harry, "And also spend a little time with you as well, Master."

Nodding, Harry suddenly paused as he realized that the three were soaking wet from the rain, "Wait right here!" Rushing for the linen closet, he pulled out three large towels and brought them over, "Here you go, before you get sick!"

Both Chinese blades had amused looks on their faces as they, along with Tsukiakari, took the towels and began to dry themselves off. Feng chuckled a little as he gave Harry a look, "I do not think that we really need to worry about getting sick, Master. After all, I have never heard of a Tsukumogami like us becoming ill."

All Harry did though was give them a look and a frown, "Just the same, I don't want to chance it, alright." He paused for a moment and frowned more, "Did any of you eat? I could cook up something quick."

Tsukiakari smiled down at him and nodded, "Sheff-Kun actually made us some food, but we would not say no to a small snack." It was just a few minutes later that the three found a breakfast sandwich in front of them consisting of toast with eggs and some bacon between the two slices. Humming, the Japanese sword spirit happily smiled as she bit into her bit of food, "Mmm..."

Lightly laughing as he watched, the thirteen year old shook his head, "I'm glad that you're enjoying it." Head tilted to the side, he tapped his finger against his chin as he turned to the two Chinese blades, "Maybe later I'll cook up some of that food I told you about."

Remembering what he meant, Feng shared a look with Xing and nodded, "I think that we would like that, Master. Though we wonder if you had some plans for today?"

Just chewing some of his eggs, Harry considered the question before giving a small shrug, "I was going to start work on a small project today, but if you have something else, I am willing to go along with it. Mainly because, well... it would likely be boring for you since it is going to be a lot of work."

The two Chinese blades just smiled at him and shook their heads before Xing spoke, "Actually, we do not mind, Master. In fact, would it be okay if we watch?" At his surprise as he nodded, she smiled, 'After all, we can learn quite a bit about you simply by watching you work.'

Once they were done with their meals, Harry gathered up the plates and washed them all down. The cast iron skillet just being rinsed with some course salt being rubbed into it for cleaning. With everything put away, the four of them entered Harry's room and the two Chinese blade spirits looked around curiously. They did want to learn more about their new Master after all, and there was quite a bit that they could learn from his current room. For example, on one wall there was a plaque with the Basilisk fang mounted on it. There were also two bookcases, one with magical books and one without.

Much to their amusement they noted there were a few books on maintaining blades and the like.

Each of the three weapon spirits sat down and watched as Harry went to work quickly. A large, white bristol board was stuck onto the wall using sticky tack before he set up his laptop with a projector and adding what looked like another device before he got up and walked to his desk. Curious, Xing cleared her throat a little, "If I may ask what that is, Master?"

Noticing that she was pointing at the other device, Harry gave a small nod, "It's a microscope actually. I can hook it up to the laptop and use the projector to blow up the image so that I can see better." He reached in and pulled out a small wooden box before opening it. Inside, it was revealed to contain the Kogatana he had gotten from the Bunker. It was not very big, about the size of a pocket knife, "I want to examine this little fellow... and see if some of my suspicions are right."

Concerned, Tsukiakari watched as he placed the small blade under the microscope before turning it all on, "Suspicions, Master? What sort of suspicions?"

A grimace on his face, the wizard shook his head, "Nothing really bad, well... for me. But I noticed something and want to check it out."

When he turned on the microscope and the image was projected onto the bristol board, Feng leaned forward with his eyebrows furrowing, "You're right, Master. There is something wrong with the blade, right there along the top."

Harry frowned a little as he took a pair of tweezers, "Yeah, there's something about that." Using the small tweezers, he grasped the small blade and tilted it onto the edge to see the top better. As soon as he did, he could hear the hisses of horror from the three weapon spirits at what was revealed even as he winced, "Bloody hell..."

Choking a bit, Tsukiakari looked a bit green, "I-it looks like someone used a grinder along the top to even it out! I... why would you do that!"

Sure enough, along the top edge of the blade one could see the marks used by some sort of tool like a grinder that been used there. Just sucking his teeth, Harry shook his head, "I don't know, then again industry at the time was not great considering it was mostly focused on the war. Still though..." Using the tweezers, he moved the blade back onto the side and slowly moved it until they got to the tang and he grimaced, "Yeah, that was what I thought."

On Xing's face was a sickened look as she took it in, "That... that was not part of the blade originally. Someone... someone welded a tang onto it..."

For his part, Harry took some pictures of the blade from various angles before nodding, "Spot welded it, I think. Maybe with a wand since you can do that..." Gently laying it back down, he became thoughtful before turning to the three Tsukumogami that was there, "I... I'm not positive, but I know this is bad. Just how much though?"

No one spoke for almost a minute before Feng took a deep breath, "Master? To a blade spirit this damage would be... bad. The closest that I could come to what it would feel is like how someone with very deep, bad burns, would suffer pain from the scars for a long time afterwards. Except it would stay there in the case of the blade. It would be, in some ways, excruciating and some might think that they were better off being... melted down for scrap."

Biting his thumb, the thirteen year old wizard considered what he had just been told before taking a deep breath and letting it out, "I'm not about to melt them down though, it would be unfair." Looking at the projected image, he chewed his lip some before nodding, "I think that I have an idea or two."

Curious, Xing watched as Harry walked over to his desk and took out another small box, "Really, Master? How so?"

Glancing at her, Harry set the box down beside him and opened it, "Well, sometimes when shipgirls are repaired, their rigging has parts cut away and such. No one really does much with the shavings, but... I got some swarf from Akashi-Oba to experiment with. But small bits and pieces of metal are sort of hard to work with, so I used some transfiguration to make it into this block." What came out of the box was a block of metal about the size of a large Lego brick, "It's not much, but... it's very good steel and I can take a shaving from it. Using that? My skill with transfiguration is good enough that I should be able to merge it with the steel of the blade at the top to get rid of the damage from the grinding tool. And I can do the same with the tang as well." Turning, Harry gave them an unsure look, "Do you think that would work?"

Thoughtful, the three looked at each other in a silent conversation. Finally, Tsukiakari nodded as she looked towards their Master, "I think that would work very well, master. I've seen your work and how you can merge two different materials together without a seam."

With a small nod, Harry stretched out a little, "Okay... this is going to take a bit then. Though thankfully, the microscope can help." Looking at the small blade, he gave a smile, "Just... hold on. It will get better."

Unnoticed by him, the sword spirits all smiled at that before looking at the small blade themselves.

Now, when they focused, they could feel the distress it was under as well as an nervous, almost unsure feeling. Like it felt that it was unsure it could trust Harry, because it had been so hurt before. And yet... there was a small bit of hope there as well. That maybe this time, it would not be hurt and would get some help.

But they simply watched instead of saying anything as Harry did take a small shaving off the block of metal. Placing the shaving under the microscope, Harry used clips to hold the blade in place as he handled the tweezers to line the straightened shaving up with the top, or back of, the blade. Once the two pieces of metal were close enough, he took a deep breath, "Okay... let's do this."

Instead of using the bristol board projection, Harry used the eyepiece as he brought out his wand. On the projection, Tsukiakari and the others watched as the top of his wand appeared in the field of view and glowed very slightly. Slowly, the metal from the shaving attached itself to the blade at one end. Harry did not move the process very fast, but performed it slowly as the two pieces of metal first attached themselves bit by bit, but then also began to merge. The lines between them blurring until they disappeared and it all looked like one piece of metal under the microscope.

Each of the Potter weapon spirits there widened their eyes as they realized what Harry was doing. Instead of merely attaching the piece of metal, he was actually transfiguring the metal into the main blade until there was no difference at the top and within. Every few minutes, Harry took a break to either wipe at his forehead due to the sweat from the concentration, or to take a few moments to rest and sometimes have a drink. Finally, after four hours, he was done and took in his work with a small smile as he flipped the blade onto the edge...

And saw unmarked steel looking like it belonged there on the projection.

Looking at the screen, they could all tell that one would be unable to tell that they had been two pieces of different metal at all rather than one piece The blade itself seemed to shine a bit brighter in itself. Stretching a bit, Harry grunted as his back popped before nodding, "Okay, time for a bit of lunch and then onto the rest."

Happily smiling as she followed Harry out of his room, Tsukiakari nodded at him, "You did a very good job, Master. Excellent in fact."

Sheepishly smiling, Harry scratched his neck, "Um, thanks, Tsukiakari. I'm just happy that it worked is all." Rolling his shoulders at her smile, he nodded, "Now, time for some lunch before we continue..."

Roughly an hour later found them back in the room with Harry moving the small blade until it was showing where the "Tang" attached to the rest of the blade. Increasing the magnification, he clicked his tongue as there was an ugly ridge there and it was obvious that any real movement of the blade would cause it to snap. Turning it onto the side, he opened a book beside him and examined the pictures and groaned.

With a blink, Xing looked over his shoulder at the book and grimaced as she looked between the picture and what was projected, "That... is far too thin."

Just sighing as he rubbed the side of his head, the teenage wizard cursed whoever did the work before him, "That is putting it mildly. Even if I was to add an handle, that would snap right off the bat. What sort of moron..." Only shaking his head, Harry turned back to the block of metal and took some small shavings from it, "Let's see what I can do..."

Once more putting his eye to the eyepiece and having secured the blade, he began his work. Tsukiakari and the others watched as he placed one shaving on top of the tang and began to motion with his wand. Before their eyes, the metal seemed to melt into the tang until there was no difference between them. Then, he brought his wand to the weld point and began to work. As before, he took short breaks after a couple of minutes of work due to the concentration as well as for bathroom breaks. But, slowly, the weld line began to first smooth out with the metal flowing under his guidance.

Then, once that was done, the metal from both sides of the line began to flow into each other, mixing with one another. Slowly, the differences began to disappear as the weld line blurred and disappeared. After three more hours, there was no way for one to ever tell that they were different pieces of metal if one looked. Smiling, Harry began to nod only to pause and blink before looking over his shoulder in confusion. For some odd reason he could almost swear that someone was looking at his work in pride and approval.

Scratching the side of his head in confusion, he shrugged it off before getting up and grabbing a cold butterbeer. As he re-entered the room, he popped the cap and set it aside for Hoppou or another member of the household to use as a small snack, "Well, now that the hard parts are done... time for the easier parts. The handle and sheath..."

Feng watched in interest as Harry pulled out another box which revealed the two items in question. Both pieces were done in ivory, which made him nod in appreciation. While the handle was rather plain with what looked fish though, the sheath had what looked like a picture of a woman in an odd dress with a wide brimmed hat as well as an odd, orb like object attached to her with string with a heart made from it, "Hmm... I don't recognize who that is? Some mythological figure?"

Lightly blushing, Harry chuckled weakly as he scratched his cheek, "Actually, um... it is supposed to be Komeji Koishi." At the blinks from the two Chinese blades, he blushed, "I don't know why, but... I had this feeling about how that would fit. Not sure how though, but..." He gave a shrug, "Had Natsumi draw the picture though so it looks realistic and then used transfiguration to put it on the sheath."

Just nodding, Tsukiakari gave him a smile, "I think that it looks nice." Looking closer at the handle, she tilted her head some, 'I wonder why he chose goldfish though...?'

Meanwhile, the teenage wizard got to work putting it all together using his skills at transfiguration to slip the tang into the handle properly as well as make the slit to store the knife in it. When he was finally done after two more hours, Harry yawned as he was exhausted, but raised the finished product in pride, twisting the sheathed blade this way and that before drawing it.

When he did so, the light seemed to gleam off it and he smiled, "I think that's about it, and it does look good."

Each of the weapon spirits leaned in to examine the blade and nodded in agreement. Seeing him yawn again, Xing smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Master? How about you lay down for a short nap. Feng and I shall make some dinner for you in the meanwhile."

Rubbing his face, Harry gave a hum, "Yeah, that sounds good. Sorry for not really talking with you that much, it had to have been boring and bothersome."

However, much to his surprise, the two Chinese blades shared a look before turning back to him, "No, Master, quite the opposite. We enjoyed today and actually found out quite a bit." Looking at the small blade, she smiled, 'Especially what it told us about you as due to all the work and energy you spent fixing our newest member."

Feng smiled a bit as Harry laid down in his futon, "By the way, Master... what is their name?"

Blinking as he could already feel himself falling asleep, the teen hummed, "Name? You mean the blade?" At their nods, he gave another yawn as his eyes closed, "Well, for right now in my head I'm thinking... Kenshō."

As he fell asleep, Tsukiakari frowned a little, "Do you think he means it in 'Understanding the inner self', or the idea of it being 'Emptiness'?"

The two Chinese blades simply shook their heads before raising upwards, with Xing chuckling, "Who knows with Master? But let us leave him rest, he has worked hard. Meanwhile, we shall make him some dinner."

Later that night, Harry kicked off his blankets in his sleep while muttering. Until, that was, there was the patter of small footsteps and two tiny hands grabbed the blanket and pulled it up and over him, "There we go, Master... mou... why did he kick them off? Though I am happy to have a Master, a real one! And my first, though... where is Kaa-Chan? Maybe Master can help me find her... mou..."
Hidden in Skirts

Six pages behind, but this omake-bunny won't let go of my brain. PREPARE FOR CUTES!


Miho looked up, to see Sora entering the room, walking... rather oddly. "Yes, Sora-chan?"

"Have you seen Atsushi-chan?" the Kyuubi-shipgirl asked. "I just can't seem to find him anywhere."

Miho blinked, and bent sideways in her chair to get better look behind her daughter. Unusually, Sora had all nine tails out. Also unusual was the fact that she was carrying said tails almost horizontally -- in fact, below waist level, making a sort of low-hanging "cloud" of furriness. And even more unusual was the fact that said cloud had... apparently sprouted a clump of small feet. Familiar small feet.

Mother and daughter made eye contact, and shared a moment of desperately trying to keep their faces straight. "Have you looked for the mini-subs?" Miho managed to choke out. "You know how they seem to always get into mischief together."

"Oh, dear," Sora intoned melodramatically. "I haven't been able to find them, either. I do so hope they haven't gotten up to anything naughty."

"Well, why don't you check the back yard, dear?"

"That's a good idea!"

Miho was quite proud of herself for not falling on the floor laughing as she watched her eldest carefully maneuver around in the doorway (rather like a large truck in a small driveway) without dislodging her "tail cloud." Both women carefully ignored the giggling and whispers emanating from Sora's tails.

It was only after Sora had sailed, stately as a Standard, down the hall and out the back door, that Miho realized she had completely forgotten to capture the moment on her phone, and used several words she would never have uttered in the little ones' hearing.


"Sora, love," Eric said grimly, "I'm afraid you may have an infestation of gigglesprites."

Sora rounded her eyes at him. "Gigglesprites? What are those?"

"I was reading about them in this British magical cryptozooological journal that I borrowed from Harry-kun, the 'Quibbler.' Apparently, they infest the tails of magical beings that have thick, bushy tail-fur."

"Oh dear! What do we do?"

Eric eyed the sudden lack of motion in the lumps that had been moving about in Sora's tails. "Well, I may have to dive in and dig through your tails. According to the Quibbler, the only cure for gigglesprites is to grab them, and then tickle them until they die of laughter. It'll be tough with just one arm, but please bear with me!"


"I have to say," Harry said warmly as he waved at "Baker Fleet" walking down the opposite sidewalk, "it's certainly nice that youkai don't have to hide their nature on-base."

"It's nice to walk down the street without having to hold onto my human form," Natsumi agreed, also waving. "I'm sure Sora-san especially appreciates it, what with having nine tails... speaking of which, what in the world is....?"

Harry had, in the Yank vernacular, seen some shit. But nothing that had quite prepared him for... for the sight of a kyuubi kitsune walking down the sidewalk, tails floating behind her in a low dense cloud... and a number of small feet protruding from the bottom of said cloud and scuttling busily along to keep pace with the utterly oblivious kitsune.

An "urk!" was Harry's only warning. "Hoppou-chan!"

There was the sound of a battleship falling keel-first into a dry dock, and he turned to see Hoppou holding up a practically comatose Nagato, whose eyes had turned into little swirly spirals.

"Well, Mum's out for an hour or so," he said dryly. "But, you know...." He stared at the receding forms of Sora, her family, and her... tag-alongs. Then turned to look at Natsumi, the Patented Potter "I Love Trouble And Trouble Loves Me" grin spreading across his face.

"Harry-chan, no!"

"Harry-chan, dess!"

"Harry-chan, you're too tall! And-- no, Hoppou-chan, not you too! Not the DD Eyes! Come on, I don't have enough tails to pull that off!"

Harry rubbed his chin. "Hmmm... think we could talk Hoshi-san into it? Or your grandparents?"

Natsumi's own grin grew to match his. "If we get my imouto to help us...."


Harry had never seen Hoshi actively blushing before. He took a moment to savor the sight before moving in for the kill.

"Hoshi-san? What happened to make your tails get so much bigger?"

His kyuubi combat instructor blinked at him, then craned her head around to look over her shoulder. "What do you mean, Harry-chan?"

Butter would not have melted in Harry's mouth. "Well, they've suddenly grown about a dozen feet...."

(during their next training session, Hoshi proceeded to demonstrate just how she could weaponize her "fluffy tails," and Harry picked up an entirely new set of bruises in the process. But it was, in his smug opinion, totally worth it)
Concert for ButterKlavier and Audience 1

A.N.-Now it's time for the moment all the Cinnamon Roll fans have been waiting for. Prepare thine Pancreases.

Concert for ButterKlavier and Audience #1 "Abyssale"

5 July 2014

Passel House, Hampshire, England

It's really interesting how music can knock down a wall and be an open connection between you and someone else where something else can't. When music comes along, it just opens your heart a little more-Phillip Sweet (American musician)
Spoiler: The Sound Of Elan

Jean Bart smiled at the brunette girl playing the just set up keyboard system. Claire had shyly asked her help to complete the setup after Ehren had been called away by Victoria. Jean Bart had happily agreed to since it was something that she could do for the house guests in her half-built state.

Claire had then asked her quietly "what kind of music she liked?" and Jean Bart had responded instantly "Musique militaire française, s'il vous plaît!"

Jean Bart had been shocked by Claire's skill -- nay genius! -- at composition and arrangement. She felt her boilers burn hotter and fiercer as La Marseillaise segued into Le Régiment de Sambre et Meuse. As the march reached the refrain, she began to joyfully sing along the words engraved on her spirit to the stirring notes that exemplified her French pride, honor, and elan.

"Le régiment de Sambre-et-Meuse
Marchait toujours
Au cri de liberté
Cherchant la route glorieuse
Qui l'a conduit à l'immortalité!

Saltwater tears filled her eyes as she promised herself yet again that one day soon with the help of Ronald, her sister Richelieu, and her friends such as Warspite and Duke, she would prove to the world what she was made of. Unbidden, a smile curled her lips as she pictured herself sailing back into port under her tricolor naval ensign, proudly showing her scars from the battles that she had just triumphed in as her band played Sambre et Meuse to the cheering crowd lining the seawall toi see the conquering heroine.

One Day.....

Jean Bart reminded herself that she was making headway toward her goal as she listened to Claire play from memory. She then grinned ear to ear as Claire finished with a flourish. "Magnifique! Merveilleux!" Impulsively she strode over and hugged the blushing piano spirit, producing a happy squeak of joy as Claire returned the hug..

A cough interrupted her and she turned to see Angie waiting for her. "Ron and Ehren are waiting for you to go over the shell hoist design enchantments with them." The happy smile on the weathered veteran drydock's face took any sting out of her words.

Jean Bart blinked and then smiled down at Claire. "I will be back as soon as I can to listen to more of your wonderful playing, chère." Claire smiled happily and hugged Jean Bart in farewell before Jean Bart began to head for her planned design consultation.


Claire hummed happily as she turned back to her keyboard in the now-deserted music room where she had been asked to set up her keyboard by Miss Victoria. In the depths of her dark mahogany eyes, her spirit pondered as her fingers caressed her keys lightly and gently while she sat alone in thought.

Perhaps something nice and moody to liven up the house as she played for the unseen ears of any audience within hearing range?


Spoiler: Claire Takes Flight

With that her fingers began to dance across her keys in intricate bass melodies as her spirit spread its wings of music and flew to the sudden tune inspiring her mind and soul.

Claire's eyes closed in bliss and she swayed back and forth in time with the metronome of her heart and the impulses of her spirit as she released the music overflowing from her heart and soul to fill the house with her voice.

She never noticed the hushed gasp of shock coming from the room next to her through the open door connecting the music room to the library.

Nor the gasp of gentle breath in awe or the widening of glowing blue Abyssal eyes inside the door to the music room that she had claimed as a towering pale giantess entered in a trance.

She equally would never notice the moment in the kitchen when the spirit of the residence felt her own eyes fill with tears of joy as she paused in preparing dinner for her family.

To Claire nothing else existed in her universe but the Music, for the Music was Her and She was the Music.

She invited her unseen but enchanted audience to travel with her to a place that they never dreamed existed before that moment. Forging a pathway with her music as it touched something hidden and well buried deep inside the secret inmost heart of three residents of Passel House

Summer sat down in the chair that Jean Bart had vacated and pulled a drafting pad of paper and a pencil out from her office. Her hands moved in a blur with the music filling her soul and inspiring her as her mind filled with images, blueprints, dreams to be made whole one day by herself and Her Yardmaster in Abyssal steel, iron, and bronze. She could visualize every last rivet, nut and bolt in her mind as clearly as if it were being inspected by her staff. She nibbled her lip absently in diamond-hard concentration with the joy of creation of a future daughter to serve Her Yardmaster and her as her pencil danced in time with Claire's melody and the matching thudding of her power plant.

Victoria's own hands moved in the kitchen as she moved in counterpoint to the melody filling her true body with light and life and joy. Automatically she reached for the spices and sprinkled a pinch of cinnamon in the dough for the cake that she was feeling inspired to bake. Part of her mind automatically recorded this new recipe that she had just realized that she could cook for her family. Her voice hummed a happy tune from her long-distant youth in counterpoint to the sounds of the piano inspiring her culinary magic with spice and dough, pot and pan, oven and icing.

And in the next room over from where Claire played her enchanted melody, a second Abyssal Princess froze in the act of pulling another book by the noted comedy writer (for a human) Edgar Allen Poe from the library. In her wildest, fondest dreams, she had never imagined what was happening to her.

Brigid told herself that she was only being prudent as she was keeping a weather eye on the Abyssal Installation who was acting so strangely as Summer wrote and drew while staring vacantly at the dark-haired human girl who was making those oddly interesting sounds. She may even have believed that explanation -- on the surface -- but she felt the pain in her keel fade as part of her deep down exulted in being unshackled and unleashed to roam the seas again to crush the enemies in her path. She suddenly knew deep down that there existed a pathway to making that fond dream of dark delight and bliss under the command of a leader who was worthy to stand beside her if she was brave and bold enough to take the steps needed to make her dream a reality.

Her glowing scarlet eyes half-hooded as she shivered in keel-deep ecstacy and promised herself that she would do what it took to achieve her dreams. No matter what it took, she would find a way to once more sail the seas that were her domain.
Dougiri in Blood Week

As promised, I bring you the second part of the story.


"We are under attack! But who? We aren't at war with anyone!"

"That doesn't matter now, we have to help to evacuate the people inland, the attack came from the sea, we have to hurry before..." Whatever she would say was cut short as a projectile impacted some distance from them, destroying some buildings. "Shit! We have to move, now!" said Douji running towards the street with Tsubaki and her friends.

As they were helping and directing the people, suddenly Douji turned to look towards the sea, narrowing her eyes she said "Oh, no."

"What's up Douji-San?" said Tsubaki, knowing by her tone that whatever it was she wasn't going to like it.

"Something is coming here, and it's powerful. I'm afraid if it's part of this offensive, whatever it is, it would be difficult for me to contain it."

"Oh, fuck" said amazed the concealed Oni. "And the SoS doesn't let us act in No-Mag presence. This is a very serious problem."

"It is, but I have an idea. You and your friends evacuate the people while I hold the line as a master swordswoman." said the blade spirit unwrapping the package at her back. "I'm glad I assembled my hilt and guard before just in case. Let me know when this zone is evacuated" finishing adjusting her true body, she went to the port.

There was fire and smoke all over the place, people running at all directions searching shelter, collapsed buildings and a lot of chaos, but she was calm, focusing in whatever was in the water.

'Seems like it has stopped half a kilometer from the land for now, but we don't know what it will do next' but as soon as she thought that, she saw nebulous transports reaching and unloading what seemed to be troops.

They were like shadows of humans with WWI uniforms and weapons, she sensed that they had some type of spiritual power. 'Twisted humans?' When the shadows spotted the civilians, they began to shoot at them, trying to kill as many as possible; viewing this Douji sprinted towards them and quickly cut their weapons in half.

"You are in time to safe your lifes, surrender peacefully and you will be spared." said Douji sheathing her edge.

"You will Die! All humans will die at our hands!" said with anger who looked like the leader of this group, pouncing on her.

'It seems they aren't human' she thought dodging him. "This is your final warning, don't make me cut off your extremities."

"Don't evade me and let me kill you damned human!"

"Don't say I didn't warn you." dodging him again she unsheathed her true form and with a move she cut the legs of the strange being.

As if she was dancing, she was dodging and disabling those who tried to reach her, until she was the only one standing surrounded by whimpering and writhing soldiers.

"Damned bitch! Wait until we..." he stopped talking and made a face as he was listening something, gradually transitioning into a grimace of terror. "Don't do it! Give us another chance, please!"

'It seems like they are talking with the thing at the bay.'

Suddenly her senses warned her and jumped back some meters just before an explosion wiped out everything in the zone she stood before, including the shadows she left alive.

'What a cruel superior!, looks like the thing at the bay is coming here'

From the sea at the smoke a shape was taking form, something human-like but with 2 big bulges instead of arms approached her.

"So you are the one dismembering my underlings." said an ominous voice from the shape "My congratulations on winning the lowest existing riff-raff."

Now that it was closer Douji saw it more clearly, 'she' was mostly like a female human with pale skin and white hair with very little clothing; her shoes were dispaired, on the right foot she wore a metal heel and in the left she wore a high metal boot with strange mechanisms; but the most puzzling were her arms, or what replaced them, two grotesque masses of metal with mouths and miniature artillery.

"Because of that I'll let you choose how you will die, shooted down or crushed." a sinister smile crossed her face "But if you lick my boots I may let you live as my personal pet" said laughing.

If that angered her, she didn't show any sign in her reply. "I'm afraid I have to decline, If I die it will be against you in battle."

Then the albino woman laught out loud "Do you really think you can kill me? I'm a princess, someone much superior to any of you, but if you want to die so much, be my guest!" said while aiming at the woman.

"So be it" said while thinking 'I hope Tsubaki finishes soon, otherwise I won't stand a chance'

Luckily for Douji it seemed that in such short distances she couldn't aim well at the fast sword who defended herself dodging while trying to cut her opponent with no luck, since she barely made a dent in the strange metal of her arms.

"Do you think a little sword can cut me? Don't make me laugh!" said throwing a 'punch' at her.

'Shit! I can't dodge it!' "Protego Maxima" whispered while she defended with her sword.

The impact surprised her, it felt like a battleship at full speed hitted her, witch made her fly backwards until she hit a wall.

"Gah!" mumbled while she spat some blood. 'I'm sure I can't beat her like this'

"Hahaha, where is that bravery now? If you can't go on stay still and your suffering will be... Ouch!" She cried out as a car impacted against her face.

"Douji-San!" called a voice she knew well.

Looking at her right, she saw Tsubaki running towards her without her disguise. "We've just finished the evacuation of this zone, but there were so many killed..." she shook her head. "Anyways now we can fight this... thing." said while she looked at their enemy, now facing her undisguised friends.

"It's useless" said Douji getting up. "She has more spiritual weight than your father, I don't know If I could defeat her even if my master was here."

"It's worse than you think, I've heard on the radio that this is happening all over the world, widespread attacks against big cities of the coast, this side is fine, but other Tokio districts face a worse fate than this one." said Tsubaki with a strange expression on her face.

"Then the least we can do is to buy time to let the population flee inland." she opened her eyes as she remembered something "The Imperial Palace and the Magical Diet is not very far from here,we can only hope to delay her enough for them to make a good defense.". Taking out a little box from her pants she said "There is no better death than to die protecting innocents who don't have any guilt. Don't you agree?" leaving the box on the floor, she ripped the ofuda wrapping it.

The box grew until it transformed into a trunk that she opened without difficulty, revealing insida a plumed diadem, a red and golden shoulder pads for covering the entire arm, long black gloves, black thigh straps, sandals and a black belt with a sheath and two thick ropes.

"Of course there are worse deaths... huh?" said Tsubaki looking at the smoke covered sky "Was that thunder?" but when she looked down the woman's facade was down; she had discarded the museum guide who had began working not long ago, in her place stood the legendary sword's personificacion, clad in purple.

"Let's go, we'll fight for our honor as defenders of Japan."

The battle had escalated, six Oni and a sword versus the self-styled 'Princess'; but it didn't seem the princess was worried, in fact she enjoyed looking at the despair in her opponents when they didn't make any dent in her. "HAHAHA, go on, throw me all you have, you can't beat me!"

Getting punched again, Douji backed off a bit, but thanks to her magical armor she could cushion the blow better than last time.

'She is right, she is toying with us, but I don't know if I should use that, if it doesn't work we'll be at her mercy' but as she was getting up she heard a boy crying.

"Who's there?" she yelled with the hope that someone answered her.

"Y-Yasutsune-Sama? Is that you?" said a voice belonging to another kid.

'Oh shit! Well, it can't be helped.' "Yes, it is me, come out whenever you are." said in the direction she heard the voice.

From behind some concrete blocks, 2 kids came out, a 10 years old looking boy that she recognised and a little girl who had around 5 years old.

"Oh, you are Matsudaira-San right? Where are your parents?" she cursed herself as soon as the words came out of her mouth.

The boy who looked at the breaking point of tears answered. "They were at home when an explosion collapsed it, then we were bombed and i didn't know what to do, so I went looking for help, but no one helped me, so I went to my cousin's house, but it was hit too, my auntie was at the door, she was hit by a block in the back, and my cousin here was trying to move away the block with no luck" he paused as he was trying not to weep. "I tried to help, but my auntie said that I had to take my cousin away and flee as far as I could so we can live, that we couldn't help her, So I fled until we reached here and I saw you fighting that monster with Minamoto-no-Raikou's legendary sword; you are using it so you can defeat it and save us all, right? said while he looked at her with eyes that poured hope and trust.

Something hit her, some memories of her past; The kids of the Minamoto Clan looking with the same look when she was teaching them how to handle a weapon, their expectation as she told them her stories; and that made her remember the words her master said to her when they walked down Mount Ooe."I'm proud of you, thanks to you we protected countless women from that drunken Oni."

To Protect.

The thing for she was forged, the core of her being.

"It's true, I have forgotten, I don't have to try beating her, I MUST defeat her to protect the future of this kids." she said getting up with a determined expression on her face "Don't worry, I will defeat her and I will save you, but whatever happens, you have to obey that red Oni, she is a good Oni and a friend of mine."

"Thank you!" said the kid whose eyes were almost shining "We will stay hidden while you beat the bad monster."

"Good kids." heading to the battle she yelled "Tsubaki! I need that you entertain the 'Princess' a while"

"You won't be mad if we defeat her, right?" said while blocking a princess' punch with her arms 'She hits very hard'.

"Of course not" she said.

'Kami, please help me defeat this monster' closing her eyes she focused on herself, reaching her inner depths, where 4 spirit shards where resting, shards voluntarily given to her before their owners died. Feeling a twinge of pain and anguish she walked towards them.
Spoiler: It begins

With a hand she reached the seal under they rested.

And shattered it.

Tendrils of energy surged from the shard towards her, and she kindly let them join her for letting a part of them come to life at the expense of her own energy.

On the outside things looked bad for the Oni, one laid badly injured at some distance, two had a broken arm and they could do little more.

'Shit Douji' thought Tsubaki 'If you are going to do something do it now' looking towards her, she was standing still, with her blade in horizontal position in front of her closed eyes.

Suddenly four rays impacted near Douji, causing the dust to rise, concealing where she was from sight.

"Hahaha, surely she is dead now, what a stupid form to die, being hit by rays, now it's your turn!"

'They don't affect her, but why did she do that?' thought Tsubaki as the dust began to settle.

"Do you really think that a ray can kill me?" said Douji from the dust cloud's inside, but her voice sounded strange, it was like she had echo.

"Whatever you do you can't kill mYIARRRGGGG!" she screamed in pain with an arrow stuck in her eye.

'She is the spirit of a blade, how did she shoot... an ... arrow' her thoughts came to a stop as the dust fade away.

Where before stood a blade's spirit, now there was 5 identicas spirits, each one of them with a different weapon, but what amazed her the most was that she knew those weapons.

A golden axe, a red sword, a blue naginata, a red and black bow and the Yasutsuna Doujigiri.

"Shiten'no" Whispered Tsubaki with respect.

"DAMNED PEST! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" said the princess charging towards them.

The bow began to shoot wind imbued arrows aiming her body, where they got stuck, making her slower, the earth infused axe and the fire infused sword cut the back of her legs, making her fall forward, where the water infused naginata impaled her.


"And this is how your threat ends" said who was wielding herself imbued with the power of lightning, making her fall onto the Princess neck, beheading her cleanly.

For an instant the world looked like it has stopped, to resume when the 'clones' vanished as Douji slumped on the floor.

"NO!" said Tsubaki running to her. "Are you okay?" she asked her lifting her torso. "That was... incredible."

She weakly laughted, but she quickly got serious. "Listen to me Tsubaki, I have almost depleted my energy and I need to rest, but I need you to do me some favours, pointing to the site the kids were hiding she said, "There are two kids hiding, I need you to take them to a safe place, I will rest inside my blade, so pack my armor in the trunk and carry it to the museum with me, the director knows where to put it; and for last, go to Magical Chiyoda and warn the Diet that this can't continue like this, we need a Yokai Police or that thing will wipe out humanity, sorry for not helping you more, but I really need to rest." she said as she vanished, making the armor she wore hit the floor.

"You have helped more than enough, you have saved our lives, my friend".
Thank you for reading. What are your thoughts about this? I hope that at least you liked it.
Owari clan Ninja 2

Next part of the misadventures of the Spanish-German-Japanese quartet. Okayed by our Kaiju overlord.

"Ship of the Line Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad, but you can call me Trinidad." Trini said, "And, well, ahh..."

"Why am I in a wheelchair despite magical healing?" Carmen said, understanding what she was trying to say without offend her, "Don't worry, I'm used to that. Magical healing has its limits, especially if the wound is caused by a curse."

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't worry; I have made peace with it. But there is no time to dawdle. We are in a quite tight schedule as it is." Carmen said, and then pointed to a small sculpture in a corner of the room, "That's the portkey. It will leave you, close to..."

"Kamakura. We'll appear close to my brother-in-law old home." Sakura supplied with a grimace.

Trini was about to ask what happened when she saw the female sword spirit shaking her head. She wondered what had happened, but she ground her curiosity down. This was not the time, something that was emphasized as Sakura produced a wand from somewhere and changed her clothes from Goth-style clubbing wear to something more practical, black shirt, black jeans and black leather boots.

"I have called my sister, she'll be waiting for us with her car." Sakura said, conversationally as she walked toward the Portkey, the others following.

"How does this work? Do we have to do some spell or something?" Trini asked.

"Nah, just needs for somebody to grab it for a short period of time, and they are transported." Carmen said, "Just a warning, long distance portkeys are not very comfortable."

"It can't be worse that a storm in the Pacific." Trini said, before touching the sculpture at the same time the others did.
Near Kamakura. June 16 2014

Trini stumbled after the portkey deposited them into an overgrown path, just before the ruins of one of those Japanese gates. From the corner of her eye she could see that the others weren't much better, except for Sakura who seemed to have weathered the transit well, only to look to what lay beyond the gates with a frown.

"What...?" she started to say but a gesture from Sakura quieted her, before she produced again her wand on one hand and a piece of paper on the other. She made a few gestures with the wand, as she murmured a few words, only for her frown to deepen. As she put the wand back from where she had taken hit she held the piece of paper in front of her and chanted in Japanese, before leaving the piece of paper, that she realized now had some Japanese characters written on it, on the ruins of the gate.

"It'll have to suffice by now." Sakura said.

"I thought that you said it was dormant." the sword spirit said.

"It was, something must have awakened the grudge." Sakura answered, and then looked to Trini, "I'll explain later, in the car."

"...Very well." Trini said. The truth was that once the dizziness from the transit had vanished she had started to feel that going there was something watching them, something that didn't have their best interests in mind. The feeling had attenuated, but not completely vanished once that Sakura had done her bit.

They walked down the badly overgrown path until reached a dirt road where a small van was waiting for them, with a woman that greatly resembled Sakura waiting for them, before them. She told Sakura something in Japanese with a smile, which quickly vanished when Sakura answered curtly, her expression now mirroring Sakura's frown. A talk in rapid-fire Japanese followed before the other woman nodded, and Sakura turned to face them.

"Everybody, this is my sister Ichika." she said in English.
Wildlife Preserve

Harry Leferts said:
You would not get tiltrotors until the 1970s tech at the very least.​
Hm... autogyros, maybe? Although I'm not sure they really fill any niches that floatplanes or CV-based planes don't already fill well enough.
Gmergurrl99 said:
Well, if you depending on how you look at? Claire just performed some magic of her own. It's not battle magic, or performing miracles, but its more in line with some versions of magic that utilize bardic magic as a support to buff team members and allies in various series and franchises. In this case, her "magic" was powerful enough to inspire the listeners and open them up to possibilities using music as a vehicle and emotional trigger and is something innately natural to her as a skilled musician and piano spirit....
Yellowhammer said:
Indeed she is developing her magical gift that Wolf-Mother saw in her. Just like a bard or shamaness should.

And yes, her song called to inspire those around her to develop their own talents.​
Well, Claire is obviously a Bard.

Verdun has become something of a wildlife refuge....

Claire wandered through the trees, letting the lurking wolves show her the safe paths between the lingering deadly remnants of the war that had left such deep wounds on her mother's spirit. Wounds that Claire knew she truly wasn't equipped to understand, and that her family was determined that she never be in a position to understand. For which she was grateful.

But understanding was not a prerequisite for empathy. Or for healing.

All around her, the song of the land was wounded as her mother's soul, and her beloved younger sister's, and even Miss Toku. But where her loved ones were single instruments, this was an orchestra of orchestras, pain and anger and darker things sounding discordantly around isolated pools of hope, forgiveness, and healing. It made her want to cry and run away to the shelter of Moulbaix and her family, where she wouldnd't have to feel such horrid things.

But if her family could face this sprawling, hungry nightmare when it was awake and devouring all before it, with the steel of their souls defiantly bared... then Claire could not run away from it in its restless slumber. Her own steel was no lesser alloy than her family's, and for all that Ehren was their mother's heir, she was not the only du Chasteler daughter who had listened to Colombe's lessons on noblesse oblige and taken them to heart.

Even if she could not stand beside her family in their battles, even if she was ill-equipped to be more than a liability in most of the "situations" they found themselves often enmeshed in... there was still something she could do. A small, tiny thing, but it was hers. And if her family could do what they did almost every day, how could Claire in conscience not add her pittance to the effort, no matter how insignificant?

The wolves lead her out of the treeline onto the crest of a small hillock, overlooking a mass of overgrown depressions in the ground. She winced -- this was nearly the center of an especially harsh discord in the symphony, full of rage and pain reaching out to claw at her, suck her in, hurt her the way that the restless dead on this spot had been hurt.

Claire truly couldn't understand that, the idea of being in pain and desiring to make others feel that same pain. It made her cringe to suspect that Mother, and Ehren, probably did understand it. But... perhaps that was why they could not be here... and why she could.

She summoned her true self with a bang of displaced air, seated herself on her bench, closed her eyes, and... listened. Forced herself to search through the midden of ugly music for the scant remaining handful of bright notes -- a bit of peace here, a hint of forgiveness there, a faint wisp of hope nearly lost in the black fog of disharmony. In her mind, she arranged the pathetic scattering across the empty staffs of a fresh musical sheet, and considered them carefully. There was far more blank space than notes, but this probably belonged here, and she could create a bridge to there, and the broken leitmotif probably looked something like this....

Fingers on her keys, Claire du Chasteler reached for the broken instruments in the orchestra of the land that would respond to her touch, and began to play.

It must have been hours later when she opened her eyes, to moonlight across her mahogany and ivory, and the Wolf Mother's head lying in her lap. Claire reached down and gently scratched the perked canine ears, despite the cramping in her fingers.

Around her, the symphony was... slightly better. Where there had been only tiny, isolated islands of harmony nearly drowned in dark, discordant noise, now thing, fragile threads linked them together, like a dew-bejewled spider web -- as beautiful, and nearly as fragile. The sight forced a sigh from her. "I wish I could do more... but this is all I can do."

The Wolf Mother whuffed at her silliness, and nuzzled the piano-spirit's face until she had to giggle. "All right, yes, I know -- the point is to do what I can, not worry about what I can't." Her face fell a bit. "I still wish I could do more, though."

That got her a determined face-washing and the message, in no uncertain terms, that that desire was what made her worthy of the task. Then the huge wolf took Claire's sleeve in her teeth and began tugging with a determination that conveyed in no uncertain terms that resistance was futile. Claire giggled again, stood up, and found herself wobbling on her feet, feeling as if she had... emptied part of herself. She leaned gratefully on the Wolf Mother as the ancient being escorted her home, folding the intervening space to make a walk of days into minutes.

They parted ways in the garden, the Wolf Mother departing to tend to her own duties. In the light of Moubaix' windows, Claire could feel the empty place inside herself ease. She wasn't surprised when the door opened before she reached it, to reveal her little sister. Ehren had always displayed a keen sense of Claire's moods and needs, after all.

The immediate, intense hug was no surprise either, and Claire could feel the empty place inside herself begin to refill. Ehren leaned back to make eye contact without letting go. "Are you well, Claire? You were out so long, we began to worry."

"Just tired," Claire replied honestly. "But it was a good day overall, I think. I took a nice walk in the country, and made some new compositions."

Ehren searched her sister's eyes for a moment, then nodded. "Sehr gut. You are just in time to wash up for dinner -- Kasuyu is trying his hand at Japanese, tonight."

Later, on a cratered hillside near Verdun, a piano surrounded by an honor guard of local wolves suddenly vanished from its pool of moonlight with a bang of displaced air. Duty discharged, the wolves took to their paws and headed off into the woods to hunt their evening's meal.

And around that hill, anyone present with the necessary perception, might have seen a fragile spiderweb of silvery strands running through the land. And the slender strands, oh so slowly, gradually becoming thicker. Stronger.

The mightiest oaks begin from the tiniest of acorns, after all.
Harry Leferts said:
Eh, Kyoshu's appearance is pretty much locked now. Their appearance only really changes when their in the "Formation" stage of their avatar (as in, right as a few years before to just after they manifest). Technically, Chibi-Kyo shouldn't be able to manifest... if not for the amount of spiritual weight that she now has.​
I imagine that Kensho-chan inherited a fair amount of spiritual "weight" from Kyoshu. That plus seventy years of being a separate entity probably would have been enough for her to manifest on her own, if she hadn't been crippled by 942's sloppy workmanship.

And since Harry was the one to bring her over the finish line, so to speak, I'm sure that he's left a mark on her appearance.
Harry Leferts said:
Well... there is very likely a number of hints she now has from Harry. Such as messy hair and either green or green speckled eyes.​
Yeah, like that. Probably not enough for random passerby to notice the family resemblance, but I could see someone who knows both Kyoshu and Harry well (like, say, Juuchi) having a spit-take on first sight.

Harry Leferts said:
In any case, she is now a very happy blade. Especially as she has found who she considers to be a true master for her. Part of this is, well... she actually remembers being "Separated" from her mother. Another part is that she has felt nothing but close to agony for nearly seventy years due to the piss poor job done on her. So what Harry did? It makes her utterly loyal to him and she wants to make her Mama proud. Oh... and on her tang? If someone was to look you would see a nearly microscopic Muramasa signature along with one for Harry. And no, said teenage boy does not know about that little bit of respect...​
...when I said Harry had "left a mark", I didn't mean literally!

So, did anyone hear a Mad Smith murmuring hints and encouragement into Harry's ear while he was working?

I suppose this adds a whole new dimension to "Pottering."

Yellowhammer said:
Toku: **Stares at Kensho-chan. Stares at Nameless. Mugs Musashi for money to clean out a bar to get blind drunk**​
Nori: "Wait for me!"
Umi: "...fuck headache potions, I'm getting blind stinking drunk!"
Kyoshu (holding Na-chan on her lap, with Kensho-chan on Na-chan's lap): "Mou, why is everyone acting so strange?"
Nameless: strokes Kensho-chan's hair and just looks generally smug.
Yellowhammer said:
Indeed she is. And she has attracted another cinnamon roll to visit her.​
The planet can't withstand a Cinnamon Singularity of this magnitude!
{Kyoshu] It Doesn't Hurt Anymore
Spectral Waltz

This might be completely non-canon, but in the midst of working on the Fudo dark times, I found myself inspired by the discussions around Kenshō.

- - - - -

Despite the way her actions appeared, Umitsubame had realized in caring for the damaged spirit that Kyoshu was not actually all that clumsy. She could forget where things were, and still caused accidents in her absentmindedness, but when she was aware of her surroundings she was quite coordinated, and Nameless' presence had only improved things with time. So when the two were baking cookies together only for a loud crash and rattling to suddenly resound from the kitchen, the waterwitch blade found herself quite alarmed at the unexpectedness of it.

The goldfish blade was standing in the middle of the room, a dropped tray of cookies at her feet, only she was wearing the oven gloves, and she had a strange expression on her face, confusion and... Happiness?

"It doesn't hurt any more..." She whispered, so quiet it would have surely been inaudible but for the deafening silence that had fallen.

"Kyoshu?" Umi ventured cautiously, spotting Nameless standing on a nearby chair like a startled cat in the corner of her eye.

The blade in question turned to face her sister, her eyes filling with tears yet with a happy smile on her lips. "The hurting stopped." There's a ponderous pause, but those three words seem to be enough to trigger more. "Kyoshu thought it would never go away, but now it's fading." She'd been hurting? But she'd never mentioned any pain, and it was clear that she wasn't talking about grabbing a cookie tray without protection...

Kyoshu had raised one hand, and tapped her breastbone. "Right there..."

Silence reigned, Nameless slowly stepping down from the chair as Umitsubame tried to understand what she was being told, before realizing that the mere fact of the telling was significant in and of itself. It was the longest coherent single thought any of them had seen Kyoshu string together in years.

Then the spell was broken as Nameless tapped Kyoshu on the shoulder to draw attention before reaching around to hug her from behind. With her arms extending into her fellow blade's vision she then pointed down at the spilled cookies. "Eh? Na-chan I don't hurt! Isn't it great? Oh!" She followed the indicating digit and perked up, "Cookies! Na-chan did you make cookies?" She felt the blade shake her head. "No? Mou... Did I make cookies?" She pondered for a moment, then blinked at Umitsubame. "Umi-nee! Isn't it great? It doesn't hurt any more so we can have cookies to celebrate!"

- - - - -

Don't mind me, just playing around with cute possibilities. I thought that if Kyoshu had those parts amputated, she might feel some phantom limb pain still lingering, an ache that she's so used to that it's part of her normal, Until Harry healed the pieces, and the pain might have just faded away...
Concert for ButterKlavier and Audience 2

Concert for ButterKlavier and Audience #2 "Brioche à la cannelle"

5 July 2014

Passel House, Hampshire, England

What [the] music I love expresses to me, are not thoughts that are too indefinite for me to put into words, but on the contrary, too definite.-Felix Mendelssohn

Claire du Chasteler finally slowed her playing and opened her mahogany-brown eyes. She sighed happily, still ignorant of the enthralled Abyssal Installation Princess behind her, and hummed thoughtfully as she stretched.

"M-more, p-please?" came from behind her in a gentle shy voice with a hidden energy in it that made Claire think of a slumbering dragon. Claire blinked as she turned to see the giantess sitting in the chair.

Claire gave a shy smile at the blue eyed and snow-white girl looking at her eagerly, "Of course, what do you like?"

A massive foot scuffed the hardwood. "Um... I d-don't know..."

Claire smiled. "Well I know enough music for both of us. Oh! I forgot my manners, I'm Claire du Chasteler."

"S-Summer." Came as a shy whisper as one room over Brigid's scarlet eyes widened at the Installation acting so oddly. Almost like how she reacted around the human she called the Yardmaster, so she would need to be careful.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Victoria sighed as she slid the cake into the oven to begin to bake. Clearly she needed to lay off the candies, since she could feel her teeth rotting from what she was witnessing in the Music Room.

Unknowing of the thoughts of the hidden witnesses, Claire visibly lit up like a spotlight. "Oh! Summer like Vivaldi!"
Spoiler: Summer!

With that her fingers began to dance across the keys to make the sounds of a summer thunderstorm as envisioned by one of the greatest Baroque composers. The piano spirit hummed and swayed happily in counterpoint to the magnificent music that she was making. The sparkle in her eyes and smile of joy on her lips were a clear invitation to Summer to enjoy it.

Across the room, Summer's glowing blue eyes widened comically and she blushed a pale rose. She could almost hear the wind rustling the leaves in the trees in her administration and housing facilities, and hear the booming of the waves on her harbor's seawall in the sounds of the music that Claire was making for her. She whispered to herself as she stored the design notes for her future daughter in the safe in her Yardmaster's office,"It is like the wind and water. Like an ocean except I'm hearing it!"

Claire grinned happily as the brief piano piece came to an end. "Oh yes, although if you want the open ocean, you need Mendelssohn more than Vivaldi. Specifically his Opus 26, Die Hebridien."
Spoiler: Finegal's Cave

With that Claire began to glow silver as she closed her eyes and concentrated. Gradually her form began to blur and then her shadow formed into a transparent ghostly double of herself that sat on the bench next to her. At an unspoken signal, four identical hands found the keys and Claire began to play a piano duet version of one of the most famous Romantic pieces of the 19th Century.

Still out of sight, Brigid gasped, as she could almost feel the booming of waves against her hull in the sounds of the music.

An albatross screamed its joyful cry over her head as it flew by on the winds that were billowing the sea around her.

Her bow lifted for an instant at the crest of one of the great waves of the North Atlantic.

Foaming green-gray water crowned with white swirled in her path as she reached the top.

Then she plunged down with a mighty crash, cleaving the water like an unstoppable axe to send diamond sparkles of salt spray glimmering in the storm-shrouded sunlight to either side of her bow railings.

Around and behind her, her escorting fleet, her comrades, even perhaps some that she might have called friends steamed in her wake as she surveyed all the watery domain that she had been born to rule.

Her crimson eyes stung as she remembered moments like this before her capture. Before coming here.

And she wished with all her heart to experience another moment such as this on a perfect fall day off the Outer Hebrides of Scotland as a storm whipped up the waters of one of the greatest of the world's oceans into a suitable backdrop for her power and majesty and might.

Presently the music came to an end, and Summer clapped happily. "That was amazing! The whooshing and the noises and the ocean sounds and everything!"

Claire smiled happily. "Music is more fun with an audience, or playing with another person like my best little sister. Or Mother."

Summer blinked and spoke softly. "I wish that I could do those things."

Claire's smile widened. "You don't know until you try. Come on sit with me and I can teach you how to play."

"M-me?!?" Summer gasped in awed surprise before accepting the invitation as Claire scooted to one end of the bench.

Unfortunately, the bench that Claire was sitting on was not designed for someone of Summer's size and displacement and began to tilt alarmingly under Summer's weight, lifting the end with Claire up into the air.

(In the kitchen, Victoria started to giggle uncontrollably, producing an odd look from Lara as the werewolf maid placed cookies on a tray to run to the Franco-Prusso-British Magical Design Committee's deliberations in Ron's study.)

"N-no this won't work!" Summer declared.

The Abyssal Installation then picked Claire up suddenly. Summer plopped the piano in her lap like a young kitten as she took over the bench. The apparent resemblance of the Muramasa piano to a kitten was heightened by the shocked squeak Claire gave as she was Summer-handled into position in the giantess's lap.

This produced a wheezing cough from the library next door as Brigid reacted to the unplanned comedy floor show.

Glowing blue eyes looked her way with an unspoken message involving a breaking yard for any Abyssals foolish enough to comment on such matters.

Brigid hastily grabbed the first book at hand and fled the scene of the crime at her best speed rather than press her luck while dealing with suspicious wheezes from her uptakes.

Meanwhile, Summer watched the Meanie Princess leave her and her new friend in peace and then looked down at Claire. "S-so now what?"

Claire guided Summer's fingers to the keyboard and showed her how to play a simple backing bass melody. "You just play like that and I'll do the rest atop your foundation Summer. We are going to play one of my most favorite pieces, which was written in 1818 in Oberndorf-bei-Salzburg in my birthplace of Austria for Christmas Eve. The church organ had been damaged in a flood, so they had to compose this as a carol for the service."

With that, Summer and Claire began to play a duet....

A.N.-Merry Christmas to all!
Concert for ButterKlavier and Audience 3

Concert for ButterKlavier and Audience #3 "Joyeux Noël!"

5 July 2014

Passel House, Hampshire, England

Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.-Martin Luther

Ehren du Chasteler sipped her mug of tea thoughtfully and then tapped the notes on the planned layered enchantments on Jean Bart's shell hoists for her main and secondary batteries with one finger. "This appears to be a good pathway forward. I do recommend doing so on a working scale model first to insure that there are no unforeseen interactions between the necessary spells we plan to use to reduce wear and friction in the hoisting mechanism with self-repair, lower the weight of the shells being transported, and reduce the chance of flash fires from the various magical traditions that I have looked into. Before I awakened, Mutti used me as a test bed for enchantments and charms to be applied to her own body for that reason, so that she would know what to expect when she added an additional African spell to the European, Arabian, Hindu, and Chinese enchantments that had come before. Your thoughts, my friends?"

Across the table in his workroom, Ron gestured with the half-eaten cookie that he had been nibbling on. "I agree, Ehren. We are doing something that no one has done before, so we need to do things right, and take precautions to prevent a breakdown that would cause more problems than it solves. Since this is your hull that we are speaking of, Jean Bart, what do you think of what we have come up with for your construction?"

The French battleships' spirit grinned and leaned forward. "I like it! A vaincre sans péril, on triomphe sans gloire. A victory without risk is a triumph without glory, Ron. And if it succeeds for me, it can then be used to help Warspite, Duke, Richelieu, and others. But we shall be the first ones to blaze the trail and known accordingly."

Ehren took the last of the cookies. "Agreed. Now that we have disposed of one of the reasons that you two wished to see me as your chief magical researcher in Mutti's library, along with the rest of my family, to the next item on the agenda. The Cannons are playing who tomorrow?"

Ron sighed. "The Ballycastle Bats. It is a home game, but we are going to be invaded by their supporters. Black and red for acres and acres, especially since Ireland is doing so well in the regional qualifying to the Quiddich World Cup this year. They are one of the pre-tournament favorites along with Bulgaria, Peru, Japan, and Uganda."

Jean Bart cocked her head. "France has a team, oui?" She spoke curiously.

Ron nodded and finished his cookie. "Yes, and Germany does as well. They stand a good chance to get in from their group play later this month."

Ehren smiled. "Perhaps we can watch a few of the matches together. I shall, of course, have to cheer on my country's team, as is only right and proper."

Ron grinned at the German dagger, "Of course. And I will let you cry on my shoulder when England whomps them."

Jean Bart laughed delightedly. "Is that before or after you both fall to La Patrie's team?"

Ehren giggled, and then cocked her head at the sounds of piano playing. "Perhaps we should head downstairs to pick up the conversation to the sound of Claire's music?"

Ron nodded and assembled his notes, then waved his wand to create copies for Ehren and Jean Bart's reference. "I'm curious to hear Claire play, since you have spoken so highly of her, Ehren."

Jean Bart laughed happily as she placed her copy on file in her chief engineer's cabin. "Trust me, Ron, the reality far outstrips the stories of her abilities."

As they reached the door to the music room, the piano playing turned into an instantly familiar tune for the trio of friends. Ehren's face lit up with a warm, happy smile and her rich soprano voice soared in joy-filled song alongside her sister's powerful melodic voice as they joined together in Silent Night.
Spoiler: Ehren Sings Silent Night...

"Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht,
Alles schläft; einsam wacht
Nur das traute hochheilige Paar.
Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar,
Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh!
Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh!"

Ehren then stopped dead in the door in shock at the sight of Claire sitting in the lap of a massive pale-skinned Abyssal Princess who was carefully and gently playing the bass part of their duet. Tears of joy filled her eyes at the sight of the clear friendship of the comparatively tiny piano spirit and the giantess.

Beside her, Ron rubbed his eyes and muttered in a surprised voice. "Summer?" Jean Bart boggled beside him at the sight.

Ehren's lips curled in smug anticipation as she finished singing the hymn and then grinned knowingly. "Claire, play Les Anges dans nos campagnes for Jean Bart to enjoy."

Claire smiled happily as her eyes twinkled. She then guided Summer to begin a slightly faster paced backing melody. As Ron stared in shock at the scene, Claire and Summer started to play the ancient French hymn.

Jean Bart joined her voice to Ehren as the two sang a vocal duet in French to Claire and Summer's playing.
Spoiler: ...And Angels We Have Heard On High...

"Les anges dans nos campagnes
Ont entonné l'hymne des cieux,
Et l'écho de nos montagnes
Redit ce chant mélodieux
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!"

The French Battleship and the German Dagger's voices joined as one. Both created to fight in the Second World War, now unified in friendship based on fighting to overcome the failures and regrets of their past to become what they should have been all along.

As the second hymn finished, Summer squeaked as she returned to herself from wherever she had been transported by the joy of music. "Y-Yardmaster!" she gasped out as she blushed cutely.

Ron applauded, "That was amazing! Summer, can you play more for us?"

Summer nodded eagerly then stage whispered to Claire. "Um maybe that Mendel-person with the ocean and the swoosh? I really liked him."

Claire smiled smugly and whispered back. "Well Mendelssohn did write a famous Christmas Carol sooo..."
Spoiler: ...To Wish Harry And The Shipgirls A Very Merry Christmas!

With that she adjusted some controls to make her keyboard sound like a pipe organ and once more guided Summer's hands to provide backing. Victoria, Lara, and Angie appeared behind Ehren, Jean Bart, and Ron and began to sing along with all present as tears of joy filled everyone's eyes.

Hark! The herald-angels sing
"Glory to the newborn king;
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled"
Joyful all ye nations rise,
Join the triumph of the skies
With the angelic host proclaim
"Christ is born in Bethlehem"

Hark! The herald-angels sing
"Glory to the new-born king!"
Tsubaki in Blood Week

And with this one, the arc is finished:


An hour has passed since the battle at Tokyo bay when Tsubaki reached magical Chiyoda, she expected heavy movement, but at her arriving she only encountered some light Auror movement.

'What are they doing?' thought Tsubaki 'They should be preparing to help the people, but I don't see any preparations'.
Approaching the Diet building she has stopped by the door's guard.

"Stop, name and motive of visit."

"Tsubaki-Douji, I have come to meet with someone who can help with the current attack to civilians"

"Please wait a moment" the guard took his wand and enchanted a paper page, who travelled inside the building; after a while it came back with the response.

"Floor 3 cubicle 3-24, I wish you luck"

"Why?" inquired Tsubaki.

"He is a renowed anti-yokai politician, so if I were you I won't expect any success."

"There isn't anyone more?"

"I guess, but I'm afraid that he is the one answering almost all yokai requests, as the others pass the ball between them."

Facepalming Tsubaki said "Politicians".

"Elevators are down the hall, right side."

'Here goes nothing, I have to try at least' thought Tsubaki as she entered the Diet.

There were people busy inside, half of them were foreigner mages in file to catch the International Floo to their origin countries, as well as some more people complaining about the situation. Reaching the elevators she went to the designated floor.

'Now where is the cubicle 3-24?'

Approaching a cubicle where two womans were chatting, a diet employee with brown hair and a foreigner with green-tinted blond hair. "Excuse me, oh, sorry" she lowered the voice when she saw two babies at one side of the cubicle, sleeping.

"Don't worry." Said the employee. "They have muting spells around them for them not listening us, I haven't found any baby-sitter today, so I had to bring her here, same with her; so what do you want?"

"Well, where is cubicle 3-24?" asked Tsubaki.

"This is hall 1, cross 2 halls more and it's the last one."

"Thank you and have a good day, but I recommend you to evacuate inland just in case." suggested Tsubaki.

"We'll think about it, thanks for the advice."

Waving goodbye to them, she followed the directions provided until she reached the cubicle mentioned.

"Good day Douji-San, my name is Kagetora Itosu, please take a seat" said the employee inside.

"Tsubaki-San is fine, Kagetora-San" said the Oni sitting down.

"No, Douji-San, I have to keep the formality, now what is your problem?" said Kagetora.

Tsubaki's face twitched. "I come with a formal request to create a Yokai police to protect Japan and its inhabitants against the things that attacked us a while ago, they want to kill us all so if we don't do anything, we have a lot of casualities."

The man responded almost immediately. "I'm afraid we can't do that, what if someone sees you? If that happens we need to dispatch Aurors to oblibiate the no-mag, so the response is no."

Tsubaki's anger was rising. "So are you telling me that the SoS is held in a higher stand than the lifes of the civilians?"

"Of course, the Statute has to be maintained at all costs, Douji-San, and if I were the Minister all of you would be held at the reserves, without exception."

What angered Tsubaki the most wasn't what he said; it was the absolute belief of was said. Dark thoughts began to circle her head, most of then breaking him in half, but she punched them down, it she was to do that, it would be a stain on HIS honor, and that is a thing that she couldn't do to who she considered at all effects her father except in blood.

Then she saw his smile and realized that this was his game, to anger her so much that she tried to kill him, only to be arrested.

"Those are your thoughts, but not mine and, luckily, most of the people" answered Tsubaki as she got up from the chair.

"Are you leaving? Good, I have a meeting soon with more of your 'kind' to discuss something about your 'rights'; Heh, as if you deserved some." said the man visibly relieved.

With her anger still boiling, she got to the elevator and went down to the ground floor, but as she was reaching the exit she saw someone familiar entering the building.

"Hokubu-Sama" said Tsubaki bowing.

"Ah, Tsubaki-San, It's good to see you, but you have bruises all over you, have you fought these things?" said Hobuku Tsumemaru.

"Yes I did, Doujigiri-San, five Oni friends and me battled one of her 'princess' as she referred herself, if it wasn't for Douji, we would have died there." said Tsubaki.

"I see, and your face tells me that what have you come here to do has been unsuccessfull." he guessed.

"Indeed, I got here to discuss the creation of a Yokai force to counter them, but I was attended by that ... failure of a man that is Kagetora Itosu, and of course he didn't pass the chance of rub in my face his opinions about the yokai." answered Tsubaki with a tint of anger in her voice.

"Ah yes, him. He will be a tough nut to crack, as we are meeting with him among others in a while; so why don't you leave this matter to us? We will talk about it in the meeting."

"Thank you Hokubu-Sama. I'm in your debt." she bowed to him.

He laughted. "It you think you are in my debt, why don't you start by referring to me with my name?"

"If that is what you want, I'll oblige you, Tsumemaru-Sama."

"That's better, go to your house and rest, Tsubaki-San, let us win this battle."

"I will do that, I have to invite you to a drink tomorrow." said jokingly Tsubaki.

"And I'll accept, thanks for the invitation."

"Good bye and see you tomorrow." said Tsubaki exiting the Diet.

Unfortunately this was a promise that couldn't be fulfilled.

Thanks to all who have read the three parts, especially Harry Leferts for letting me use Tsubaki.
I hope you have enjoyed it, your comments will be appreciated.
A Lesson Under The Trees [2036]

A.N.-Well, a little mother/daughter bonding in the far future demanded to be written.... Reference here to Taube: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/harry-and-the-shipgirls-goblet-of-feels-a-hp-kancolle-snippet-collection.772633/page-528#post-63343379

A Lesson Under The Trees

Schloss Waldhain, Elbląg County, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland (formerly East Prussia)

August 28th, 2036

Spoiler: Mother and Daughter

"First aid kit. Wölfinwelpe." The statement was commanding in a cool soprano voice.

"Check." The white-blond young woman said with a put-upon voice at the cutesy childhood nickname of Wolf Puppy. The tone of voice was clearly that of a child who was letting a beloved parent know that their eighth birthday was a decade in the past.

"Wand." The wheat-blonde woman dressed in hunting clothes and boots suitable for a walk in the woods issued the command then checked her own wand.

One slender hand touched her custom-made ash wand (13 inches gnarled but supple, core of wolf fur that Aunt Claire had procured for her from some mysterious source, and the wood was from an ancient tree growing outside Mutti's ancestral estate). "Check." she slid it into the well-worn wrist holster that she had gotten as a present six years ago when she left for Hogwarts.

Ehren du Chasteler finally buckled her dagger body to her side opposite the pistol she was carrying to ward off hostile wildlife. "Hirschfänger."

Taube du Chasteler narrowed her amber eyes, and caressed the snarling wolf's head on the pommel of her hunting dagger true body as she spoke in a dry voice. "I am manifested here, am I not, Mutti?"

Ehren smiled wryly at her eldest child. "Ja, still Proper Procedure...."

"...Prevents Poor Performance." Taube finished in a weary tone of voice. "Yes, yes, I knew and understood those words before I learned to walk."

Ehren walked over and hugged her daughter. "I know, it is just habits save lives. They have saved my own life time and again over the last three decades, along with your Vati."

Taube returned the hug. "You can be the most annoying person I know, Mutti."

Ehren laughed as she released her daughter. "So I have been told and I am led to believe. It runs in my side of the family, Claire is the only one who is not annoying at times. No, that is not true, she can still gore my ox if she wishes to. Ready?"

Taube nodded and opened the door to the outside from the entrance hall of the two-story half-timbered manor house that looked like a scene from Grimm's Fairy Tales. "I do wonder why you asked me to come out here, Mutti. You have never invited us children to your country house."

Ehren's lips quirked as they walked down the grassy path. "As to why you were invited, a puzzle for you, O Prefect of Slytherin, from a Hufflepuff Prefect. You are cunning and observant, as a true hunter should be, ja?"

Taube nodded, running her fingers through her mane of silver-blond hair. "That is what I have been taught and learned, yes. Along with the importance of hard work and applying myself in all that I do to fulfill my ambitions in life."

Ehren gave an inward smile and minute nod of approval at her daughter's words. "Just so. The reason that my estate in Ostpreussen is normally private is related to the fact that you were born nine months after your father and I visited it." Idly her thumb gently caressed the natural pearl, gold, and diamonds of her wedding ring.

Taube stared at her subtly smirking mother as her cheeks heated. "Here!?"

Ehren nodded sharply. "Ja. You are no longer a girl but a woman now, Taube, and you should be aware that as long as you keep your true self safely sheathed you cannot become with child no matter what you do. Just be warned that the pains of unfulfilled love and mistakes made in romance as a foolish girl can cut deeper and sharper than our true bodies and take longer to heal. I... found that out when I was your age."

She took Taube's elbow and guided her along a pathway shaded by copper beech saplings. "But that relates to what we are to do here. You are a woman now, not a child, and you have a woman's duties to be aware of as well as a woman's pleasures."

With that she reached a moss-covered stone wall and gestured with her wand. Under her spell the head-high stones warped to form an archway. Ehren turned to Taube at the threshold and snapped out a question in an officer's command voice to a cadet. "{What is the first duty, Daughter?}"

Taube automatically braced to rigid attention under the demanding gaze of her mother's chilly steel-blue eyes. Unbidden, her thumb ran across the pommel of her true body, gently touching the golden Baltic amber of the eyes of the goblin silver wolf's head on her pommel. "{Family supports family with faithful honorable service. Mother,}" she responded instantly with unshakable conviction in her voice.

Ehren gave a sharp nod and a visible smile of approval for the answer. Her daughter blushed with pride, knowing full well what her strict but loving mother truly meant by that visible display of emotions. "Sehr gut. But it is not just standing up to others who imperil us, but also if required and if one of our family performs actions that threaten the family as a whole, to deal with them for the good of our family and our kin. That is why I and others have taught you ethics and honor, so that when the rot creeps in as it ever will do since we are fallible, that it can be cut out." With that she took Taube's elbow and guided her through the arch.

Taube blinked thoughtfully at the gravity in her mother's words then her eyes widened as she looked at the mist shrouded cemetery that they were standing in. "Mother, this is?"

Ehren paused, and took a deep breath as unshed tears shimmered in her eyes. Her hand found her pommel and gently touched the Du Chasteler arms on her hilt. "You know the proud and noble histories of the du Chasteler-Muramasas of my mother's family. This is where my father's family lies in the land that they conquered eight centuries before you stand upon it. A land that they ruled, guarded, and stood in vigil over certain powers that the Old Prussians worshiped in these woods around our estate before our ancestors fought with the Teutonic Knights to drive back the darkness with fire and iron, sword and spell and prayer."

She turned to her oldest daughter and looked deep into her amber eyes. "Back then we were known as the Ulv family when our ancestors sailed across the Baltic from Scandinavia as raiders, traders, and warriors going a-Viking. Over time, that became the Wolff family as we settled and ruled the lands that we had hewed out of the wilderness, hemming in a shrine to the Old Gods of Prussia nearby. Fighting in the wars of the Teutonic Order, and then the Kingdom of Prussia as soldiers."

Ehren finished, clearly bracing herself for something and then gestured sharply for Taube to follow her. They passed crumbling gravestones glimmering with cleaning and protective charms under the ivy and moss in the shade of a grove of ancient ash trees. Taube's eyebrows raised as she saw not just Fraktur script inscriptions, but also some worn and near illegible runic inscriptions.

Ehren eventually reached a black slate cross, with an inscription etched on it overlooking a grave in the shade of a massive ash tree. With a gesture of Ehren's wand, a single lily floated to rest upon the grave, laying atop the withered remains of nearly two dozen other flowers from years in the past.

Taube looked at the cross and slowly read the hand-carved inscription. "Helmar Wolff 1917-2014?"

Ehren nodded soberly and spoke in a quiet voice filled with deep emotions as she looked at the grave. "Yes. He was the man I was crafted to serve in 1937 as a weapon that would be personally presented by Adolf Hitler to the top graduate of the SS-Junkerschule at Bad Tölz. He loved and cared for me and what I represented to him, and from him I learned about honor, loyalty, diligence, devotion, and self-sacrifice for an ideal. I am Mutti's child, yes, but I have much of Helmar in me as well, I have realized."

Ehren's voice broke as her tears began to flow. Her daughter stared at her normally cool and composed mother in disbelief as Ehren wept openly as her walls crumbled. "In his hand, I was used upon and nearly killed my Mutti in 1942 when she and he fought over custody of me. He believed with all his heart and soul in National Socialism, in the vile racial theories of the greatest monster in human history."

Ehren knelt and gently touched the grave with trembling fingertips. Her tears watered the grave as she finished in a choked heartbroken whisper. "He was my First Master. He was my Vati. And I had to execute the maddened rabid monster that he was at the end to save our family and countless innocents from his evil. I brought you here to listen to me as I tell you the tale of my Vati and Mutti and I about the importance of accepting the costs that our honor demands of us."
Juuchi Meets Kensho
Harry Leferts

Sitting at the table, Harry watched in amusement as Kansha flipped through one of the old Potter cookbooks as they waited for the brownies that they had made to be done. Lips twitching as he noted the knife set tilt his head at one page, the thirteen year old chuckled, "Found something that caught your interest?"

With a glance at Harry, the Muramasa nodded, "Sort of, in a way. It's about a... game pie?"

Now perking up, the thirteen year old smiled, "I've cooked some of those, they were pretty big hits." At Kansha's look, he shrugged, "Back before convoys became regular, you got meat where you could. And, well... Yokosuka stew was one example since it used mutton. But I also made some game pie as there were deer and the like that some of the shipgirls hunted and brought back to the base to be cooked. Same with quail and the like."

Amused a little bit, Kansha shook his head, "I'll have to look up what you cooked then if you wrote down the recipe. But... I don't think that it is the same thing in this case." His tone then became dry, "Unless you're taking about taking a boned pigeon and placing it within a boned partridge, which itself is placed inside a boned fowl, which is inside a boned duck, and finally that is inside a boned goose. All with gravy between the layers and covered in pastry to look like a live goose."

For a few moments, Harry considered that and how that recipe sounded in thought. Lips curling into a smile, he chuckled, "No, not quite the same. But..." Tapping his chin, he hummed, "I wonder if I could make something similar using other birds? Obviously not a pigeon, but maybe a boned quail..."

Kansha gave him a look at that before smirking, "The Duckies?"

His Master smirked right back and nodded, "The Duckies." Both of them laughed at the thought before Harry sighed a bit and shook his head, "You know that I don't need a watcher, right?"

With a small shrug, Kansha began flipping one of the knives that made his true form in one hand as he turned a page, "Hai, I do. But that does not mean that someone shouldn't be here just in case as you are still recovering. Besides, it gives me some time to look at some of the old recipies that you have in these books. Some of which I can't wait to spring on the others."

Just snorting at that, Harry shook his head some before glancing at Kansha's true forms. There was something about them... Suddenly, he blinked and got up only to wave the look from the knife spirit off, "Give me a second..." Walking over to where Kansha's other knives were, he pulled one out and looked at it more closely before furrowing his eyebrows. After a few seconds, his eyes widened and he boggled for a moment and held up his finger, "I... want to check something right quick."

The Muramasa blinked as the thirteen year old quickly made his way into his bedroom, "Okay...?" When he returned, it was with the small Kogatana he had in one hand and a small magnifying glass in the other, "What's with that?"

Glancing at Kansha, Harry frowned, "Just... something that I realized."

Unsheathing the Kogatana, he examined the blade with the eyepiece in thought before picking up Kansha's blade and doing the same. For nearly five minutes, he did that, going back and forth as Kansha watched in some curiosity and interest. However, eventually he did clear his throat, "Found something with Kenshō, Master?"

Not saying anything, Harry looked at the Kogatana and frowned, "Kansha? Did you ever have a sibling who was a Kogatana?"

That made Kansha stop flipping the knife he held in his hand and frown as he thought back, "Maybe? They were not exactly uncommon and I know that the Old Man sometimes had his apprentices make some to sharpen their skills when they started out. Haven't really met any of them and they were not really all that impressive. Though one of them, Yaeba, was really good at carving. Haven't seen them in about three decades or so since they mostly spend their time in the woods close to their source of material." Rubbing his chin, he got up, "Might get in contact with them to see if I can't get you a gift from them."

Harry gave him a smile at that before turning back to the Kogatana and frowning, "So... do you recognize this one?"

Pulling out his phone, he showed some pictures he had taken and the blade spirit looked from the phone to the Kogatana with a frown, "Off hand? No... granted, right now I want to filete whoever did that to a blade. But..." Frowning, he gave some thought, "There is something familiar about Kenshō's blade, now that you mention it. Why though? And for some reason I know that it was not from a Kogatana..."

Eyes widening, Harry looked at the Kogatana stared for a few moments as some pieces that had been floating around in his head suddenly snapped together, "Kansha... according to one of the files in that bunker where I got them, they had a piece of Kyoshu-San, a shard of her blade. One that they were going to use... what would you do to such a shard to make it easier to handle?"

Kansha was quiet for a few moments as he came to the same realization and internally cursed, "... That does look identicle to Kyoshu-Nee's blade. But much, much smaller..."

Part of him was frightened of the idea that it could have something of his sister, the old Kyoshu and not the person she currently was. Before he could do much, however, Harry held up one hand as he looked at the small blade and softly spoke, "There's nothing to be afraid of, no one here will hurt you Little One. You've been hurt far too much as it is already."

That made Kansha blink and look at the blade and his eyes widened a touch as he noted there was a small shiver to it. One which was already calming as Harry spoke to it with a soft, understanding tone, 'What in the world...' He continued watching as Harry walked over to the fridge and took two of the double chocolate cookies from it and placed them on a plate. A plate that he put into the microwave to warm before filling a glass with chocolate milk. Both the plate and the milk were places close to the blade and he gestured for Kansha to back up along with him, which made the Muramasa stare, 'He can't be serious...'

However it seemed that Harry was serious as once they were a short distance away, he gave a small nod, "You can come out now, Kenshō. I promise, none of us will hurt you and we'd like to meet you."

Both of them watched as sparkles seemed to rise from the blade and gather behind the counter. Then, a childish voice spoke up, "R-really? H-he won't hurt me like the bad people hurt Kaa-San? Hurt me?"

Realizing what she meant, Kansha took a deep breath before letting it out and smiling, "I promise, I won't hurt you. After all, you're my niece."

They waited a few moments before a head covered in greyish, somewhat messy hair poked up behind the counter while two golden eyes speckled with green in them peered at them. Said eyes glanced at Kansha in with an unsure look, before turning to Harry. The older Muramasa recognized that in those eyes, there was utter trust for Harry which made him relax.

Slowly, Kenshō's avatar stepped out from behind the counter and Kansha coughed a little bit. While sometimes Kyoshu acted like a child, she had never looked like one. This, however, was almost exactly how he would have imagined she would have looked like as one. She was, in a word, utterly adorable as she looked between Harry and Kansha with one finger in her mouth while upon her head was greyish-white hair that was quite fluffy in a somewhat messy way. Then, before the Muramasa kitchen knife spirit could react, she rushed over and hid behind Harry's legs, "... Don't stare."

Unable to help himself, Kansha chuckled and crouched down to her level, "Sorry about that, just never saw something as cute as you." Glancing at Harry, he jerked his thumb at the cookies, "How about we have some cookies and talk, hmm? And you can have a brownie after they're done."

Glancing up at Harry, Kenshō gave a nod but kept one hand on Harry's pants as the three headed over to the counter. Soon enough, though, she was kicking her feet back and forth as she munched on a nice, warm, chocolately treat...


Juuchi stretched a little and sighed as she walked up to where the apartment was alongside Tsukiakari. Most of the day had been spent doing various things such as meeting with the other Potter weapons, then seeing her sisters. That last one was the most tiring what with Kyoshu around. Part of her still expected Kyoshu to leap out and do something horrific to her. But instead, all said blade did was go around looking for Mizuchi, playing with people's hair with "Na-Chan", and eat sweets. All the while often forgetting partway through what she had been doing.

It... still bothered her greatly to see her sister, the one that she had feared for so long, acting like that.

Within her head there was a massive disconnect between the old Kyoshu and the new one. A disconnect that caused her to do things like flinch whenever said childish blade attempted to hug her and nearly go for her own sword. But, she liked to think that she was getting better at it over time. Thus, coming home, all she wanted to do was munch on some blood oranges and maybe go online to school some n00bs, listen to them declare that they will kill her for their honour, and then school them some more while listening to their shouts of rage...

And maybe play World of Warships against that one guy who hated Poi. That was always fun to do, especially if she managed to rope someone into it alongside her. Ah... that one time she had five or six players all with Shiratsuyu class. His explosion after his Battleship was sunk and they spammed the chat with "Poi" was truly something that amused her.

Thus, she just wanted to get home and raised her hand to open the door, when suddenly it was yanked open and Kansha was there. Any smug reply was cut off as her younger brother shut the door behind him, making her blink in confusion. Said confusion only grew as Kansha looked up at her, "Nee-San. Before you can come inside, I need you to promise two things to me."

Raising an eyebrow, she hummed before giving a slight shrug, "Very well, what would that be?"

Inside her, Juuchi wondered a bit about how Kansha was reacting, with her confusion increasing as he spoke, "First, I need you to promise that no matter what you see, you will take a moment before reacting to actually think." When his older sister nodded, Kansha continued, "The second is that you give me your true self."

Needless to say, that second made the older Muramasa blink, "I'm sorry, you wish to give my true self... to you. Why?"

Her younger brother was unable to look at her directly, "Because while Master is safe, you might well react badly to what is inside there. And... Master would be displeased if you do so, thus we need you to not do that."

More confused and lost than ever, Juuchi opened her mouth when the door cracked open and Harry was there, "Juuchi, trust me, please... This is rather... sensitive and regards Kenshō as she manifested an avatar."

That made Juuchi blink, but then she nodded and handed not Kansha, but Harry himself her true self, "Very well, though I don't see why this would be needed."

Both males shared a look before they opened the door and Juuchi strode in only to blink at the child that was sitting on a chair eating a brownie happily, "..." Eyebrow twitching, she raised her finger and pointed, "Is that... that looks like... Kyoshu as a child..."

Laughing nervously, Harry scratched the back of his neck, "Well... remember that Kogatana I found? Kenshō? It... turns out that she may have been made from a piece of your sister..."

It was then that Kenshō finished off her brownie and noticed Juuchi. For a few moments, the two Muramasas stared at each other as Juuchi tried to figure out what was going on exactly. And, not seeing any reaction, Kenshō whimpered a bit before glancing at Harry. Shyly, she walked up and looked up at the older blade for a few seconds before hugging her, "H-hello, Oba-Chan... p-please don't hate me."

Completely and utterly lost, Juuchi patted her on the shoulder while robotically turning her head to look at Harry, "Master...? What is happening...?"

With a sigh, though there was a part of him that wanted to laugh at her expression and the whine in her voice, Harry gave a slight shrug, "The... short version is that she is that shard of Kyoshu that Sub-Unit-942 had in the bunker. They made it into a Kogatana to better use it, a really... really bad version of one. She was in a lot of pain until I fixed her and now, well..."

He gestured at her and the oldest of the three Muramasas turned to the nervous Kogatana, "... I take it that she has the exact same powers as my... sister, then?"

Flinching, Kansha sucked his teeth a bit, "Hai, she apparently has the exact same powers. And can use them as well, but..."

Juuchi slowly blinked at that and gave Harry a look of concern even as her mind whirled and her hand itched to have her true self in it, "So said powers could be used against you, Master-" She didn't get any further when there was a scream of horror from the little version of her reviled sister, "What-"

Said blade spirit was shaking her head rapidly, face pale and expression one of despair and horror, "No, no, I-I don't want to be used against Master! Please, please don't use me against Master! N-no, don't use me like that! Master! Master don't forget me! Please! S-some one stop them! Master no! I don't want you forgotten or for you to forget, Master! No no no nononononono!"

And, with a final screech of despair, she seemed to fade from existence as did her true form on the table with everyone staring. After a few moments, Juuchi wondered why she was trying to see something on the table when it clicked and she looked around, "Where is she?"

Eyebrows furrowed, Harry blinked a bit before groaning as he rubbed the side of his head, "Right... ugh, I hate when she does that. Let me guess, you forgot that she was here, right?"

Just blinking, the Muramasa looked at her brother who was frowning in confusion, "Yes? How..."

Now looking around, Harry frowned a little, "Right, well... apparently one of her abilities is to make people forget that she was there. For some odd reason, I am the only one that actually remembers unless the person focuses really hard on that fact. Kansha thinks that it is some sort of... evolution of her Mother's powers brought on by either my magic fixing her or the shipgirl steel used." At the shocked look, he gave a shrug, "She really reacts badly at the idea of being used against me for any reason."

Mouth opening and closing, Juuchi boggled at him, "... I see..."

It was then that a groan made her look at Kansha who remembered what had just happened, "Nee-San? Do you know part of the story behind Kyoshu?" At the grimace, he figured that she didn't, "Right, well, this was back after stuff... happened... to my old family and I was without an owner. I stumbled across her in the streets completely out of it. Apparently, someone was trying to come up with a way to get around her memory powers, she heard of it, and showed up. Except said guy had a bunch of reagents that caught fire with illegal opium right above. So she was out of it."

Voice dry, Juuchi raised an eyebrow at him, "You mean high."

With a snort, Kansha gave her a look. "Higher than the Moon. She was sort of all over me and... told me some things. Apparently, her first Master used her against the apprentice of the Old Man who made her, which we knew. Except, at some point someone grabbed her and used her against her Master and made him forget everything. And it did not stop there as often each person who took her, erased the memories of her previous one or of their existence. She had one or two who she loved, but... either jealous family members or rivals would steal her and use her against them. Hence why none of us knew who had used her besides broadstrokes that someone did. And she remembered all their names..."

Pieces began to fell into place and the older of the two Muramasa frowned in thought, "Hence why she always targeted our Masters and not ourselves. And often not facing us in a fight either..."

Humming, Kansha shoved his hands into his pockets, "Pretty much. Of course, when Kyoshu figured out that I knew, well... there's reasons why I stayed away from everyone until after the war and I found out what happened to her. Let's just say that tossing my true self off a bridge happened so that I could escape."

Eyes closed and biting her thumb, Juuchi hummed, "Yes, because you knew something about her that the rest did not. And for that to have happened... she would have considered it a weakness. I take it that Kagotsuruhe knows this?" At his nod, she pulled out her phone and dialed said sister before asking her. Within less than a minute, it was confirmed and Juuchi bid her goodbye while telling her to gather the others the next day. Rubbing the side of her head, she looked around with a sigh, "And I take it that the idea of being used against Master..."

A grimace on his face, Kansha nodded, "Horrifies her completely and causes her to freak out while reliving, to some extent, what happened to her mother? Got it in one." Looking around, he frowned, "About the only one who does not get affected is Master because she refuses to use her... new abilities on him. Unfortunately, that means that she is somewhere around hiding."

With a sigh, Juuchi nodded with a grimace, "Very well, then we shall find her..." Internally, she tilted her head some, 'And judge by her reaction whether or not it is truthful...'

For the next two hours, they seached the apartment from top to bottom looking for Kenshō, but could find neither hide nor hair of her. Until, that was, Juuchi was once more looking in her Master's bedroom and noticed he had his folded clothes on top of his dresser which she was about to dismiss before thinking on it. Walking over to said dresser, she placed a hand on it as she leaned as if thinking, and felt a tremble in it.

Slowly, she ran her hand down the side until she came to the drawer with the most trembling could be felt and opened it to reveal Kenshō curled up shaking like a leaf whimpering. Almost a minute passed, during which Juuchi simply watched and listened as the seemingly five year old girl softly cried and pleaded not to hurt her Master with her. A few memories bubbled up inside of Juuchi's mind of various youngsters she had known over her long life. Including a few abused ones that the Potters had taken in.

Then, she kneeled down and took the smaller blade into her arms. Feeling Kenshō flinch at the touch, she paused for a few moments before continuing to lift her up and out of the drawer... Before, gently, pulling the smaller avatar to her own in a comforting hug. Lightly, she ran a hand down her... niece's back, making comforting sounds. Even when Kenshō hugged her tightly enough it hurt, she didn't react, simply doing much the same as the young girl sobbed into her clothes.

Peeking in, Harry and Kansha looked at each other before entering themselves and kneeling beside Juuchi and adding their own hugs to Juuchi's embrace which calmed down the young blade until she was lulled to sleep.
Kensho meets the butterknives
Harry Leferts

Pedalling along in his velomobile, Harry hummed a little bit as the breeze from the open window moved his hair and the radio played softly. At hearing a rattle, however, he glanced in the rearview mirror at Juuchi who currently had her avatar dismissed and was in the back, "You got no right to complain, Juuchi. Unless you have a vehicle of your own?" When she stayed silent, he smirked a little, "Exactly."

He could hear another rattle, this time from the sheathed knife that belonged to Kansha. Somehow, though not sure how, Harry just knew he was making some sort of snarky comment to his older sister. One that was answered back a few moments later with a rattle and angry smug.

Rolling his eyes, Harry sighed a little bit, "Then get yourself a car or a bike, Juuchi. You wanted a ride, well, I'm it unless you want to buy bus fare. No? Well, get used to it." While he had heard the sound before from their avatars, never before had he heard an actual sword grumble. Something that made him blink a little, 'Huh...'

It was not long after that they reached the house that the JNHRO had basically taken over in Zuchi and pulled into the small parking lot that they had there.

With a sigh, Harry moved his velomobile and parked it before opening it. Almost immediately, Juuchi as well as Kansha manifested outside. Stretching a little, the older of the two Muramasas manifested sighed, "Finally."

Only giving her a look, Harry blinked slowly, "I know, right? It was like I had an antsy cat in my vehicle."

As a reply, Juuchi only smugged at him before pulling him into a hug and pressing her cheek to his as she rubbed them. Then she pushed him away slightly with a smirk, "I have no idea what you mean, Master."

Unnoticed by her, the thirteen year old wizard pulled out his wand and made a motion with it before putting it back into his sleeve with a smirk, 'I am happy that it was confirmed that no one can sense magic in the area anymore.' Glancing at Kansha who was attempting to keep a straight face even as his shoulders shook as the cat ears on Juuchi's head twitched, Harry winked, "Right, time to meet the family for Kenshō." Feeling a vibration in his pocket, he pulled out said blade and looked at her, "Hmm? It's fine, Kenshō. No one is going to harm you."

Kansha glanced at her and slowly blinked, "Kenshō-Chan, listen to me for a moment." He waited until he knew she was listening to continue, "I have only known you little more than a day, but if someone was to try and harm you? I would render down every single person involved in it to giblets and feed them to pigs, render those down, and toss them to the fish."

Eyebrow raised, Juuchi looked at him, "Isn't the joke supposed to be-"

Now looking at her, the knife set smiled thinly, "Nee-San... Did I just freaking stutter?"

All the other Muramasa did was wave it off, though she did raise an eyebrow at Harry giving a closed eye smile, "Ara~ Ara~, if someone was to hurt my precious Kenshō-Chan, I would be most upset with them~"

Slowly blinking, Juuchi turned with a slight frown, "One of these days, Master, I shall find out how you manage to pronounce tildes. And then I shall use such knowledge to drive Honjo and my sisters up the wall."

Just shrugging, Harry followed her up to the door and knocked on it only to blink at who answered it, "Asuka-San?"

The Tengu blinked for a moment and gave him a slight smile, "Hey, Harry-San. What are you doing here?"

His eyes narrowing slightly at the tired look on her face as well as the bags under her eyes, he jerked his thumb at Juuchi, "Mainly for a meeting with the Butterknives." Ignoring the snort of amusement from Kansha, and the slight shudder from Kenshō that he knew were giggles, he continued with a slight frown on his face, "Nightmares?"

Blinking, Asuka nodded with a sigh, "Hai... they're not as bad as they were, but..." Moments later, she felt Harry giving her a hug which made her blink even as she leaned into it, "Harry-San?"

For a moment or two, Harry kept the embrace before pulling back, "Asuka-San, know that no matter what, if you ever need to talk with someone? I'll always be there for my friends when needed." Pausing, he chewed his lips before taking a breath, "Unless-"

Right then, before he could get any further, the Yokai placed a finger against his lips with a glare, "Natsumi-San already warned us all that you might say something like that, Harry-San. That we might not wish to be friends and let me tell you... don't be a Baka and think that. You are a friend and that is all there is too it, we were right beside you of our own choice." Her expression softened some as she pulled her finger away with a small smile, "But... I would not mind someone to talk to about things my own age. Who understands."

In return, Harry simply nodded and smiled in agreement. With one last hug, Asuka let them in and guided the group to where the Muramasas were waiting. Glancing around, the thirteen year old noted Jin, Koga, and some of the others talking in one corner of the room and put up a silencing charm. Seeing the confusion from Asuka, he cupped his hands around his mouth and gave her a quick explanation which made her grin in return and nod.

Granted, he could see that it made those not in the know curious, but neither of the teens said anything as he took down the privacy charms, though they grinned widely.

Eyebrow raised at that, Umitsubame turned to Juuchi with a tired expression on her face as she sighed, "So, Kagotsuruhe mentioned that you wanted to meet all of us today, Juuchi?"

However, before she could get any further, Kyoshu gave a cheer, "YAY! JUUCHI-CHAN! AND..." Furrowing her eyebrows, she blinked once or twice before gasping, "AND THE MUFFIN MAN!"

Lips twitching, Harry snickered as Juuchi pinched the bridge of her nose, "Hey there, Kyoshu-Chan. And no, no muffins today..." Getting a pout, he pulled out a box, "But what about some brownies with frosting?"

Clapping her hands, the Sword of Faded Memories gave another cheer and bounded over, "Na-Chan! Na-Chan! Look! The Muffin Man brought brownies!" Then she blinked before frowning at the look from her friend before nodding with wide eyes with more than one of her sisters snapping their heads around to stare at her next words, "Oooh! Right, his name is Harry!"

Moments later, she glomped Harry before bounding off to sit in Nameless' lap and opening to box. Taking out one of the brownies, she chomped down on it with happy sounds as the Masamune pulled out a cloth and wiped her friend's mouth every so often... before sneaking a brownie of her own.

For a few moments, Juuchi stared at that before smugging as Umitsubame grumbled about Kyoshu on sugar. Catching the look from her younger sister, the Potter Blade smirked a bit, "Ah, right, what I am here for." Rocking back and forth on her heels, she smirked even more smugly, "I found out yesterday that we have a new niece as a matter of fact."

Nearly as one, everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to Norimune. Even Kyoshu paused in her eating brownies to do that as did the other members of the JNHRO. It took a few seconds for the Unrepentant Blade to realize what they were doing, but she glared at them, "Why are you all looking at me for!?"

Tone completely dry, Suisei looked at her, "Gee, I wonder why exactly we would all wonder why it might be from you. What with you going unsheathed all the damn time."

Eyebrow twitching, Norimune growled a bit, "Fuck you, all of you. Every one of you suck!"

Arms crossed, Kansha smirked a little, "Well, it could not be Akutoku as she is a virgin still, the only one among us I believe outside of maybe Tonbo-Chan."

In reply, he got the middle finger from the blushing Blade of Corruption which only made him smirk more before she realized something, "Wait, what? When did you-and, wait, what the hell about Tonbo!?"

Still smirking, Kansha chuckled a bit, "Wouldn't you like to know? But that is not what is important, and rather the fact that we have a niece." Turning, he gave a nod towards Harry, "If you would, Master? I believe that it is time for Kenshō to meet her Oba-Sans and Okaa-San."

Only nodding in reply, Harry pulled out the Kogatana and showed it which made all of them look intently at the sheathed blade. Finger on her chin, Chisuheri raised an eyebrow, "Kenshō? As in the the idea of seeing one's true nature and emptiness?"

With a small hum, the thirteen year old smiled, "That's right."

From where she was, Tonbo blinked a bit at the carvings, "Uh, is that design on the sheath that one character from Touhou? The Satori one with the closed eye?" At the looks, she blushed a little, "Benio introduced me to the series."

Lips twitching, Harry chuckled a little, "Actually? Yes, I did create the hilt and sheath for her seeing that, well... she was just a blade and tang when I found her." Part of him noted that all the others seemed angered by the fact that she was a naked blade when found, so he continued, "Anyways... Kenshō? Please come out and meet your Oba-Chans... and Kaa-Chan."

Sparkles drifted from the blade before a form of a five year old girl faded into existence. All those not in the know just froze at the deeply tanned skin she had, golden speckled eyes, and greyish white hair. Because they recognized exactly who she looked like at that moment as she gasped. Opening her mouth as the little girl hopped in their direction, Akutoku took a breath, "What the fu-" When the girl faded away partway through her leap, she blinked, "-ck? Wait, why am I surprised about something?"

Utterly lost, Norimune scratched her head, "Uh, I don't know? Were we just told something-" Right then, Kenshō faded into view at the foot of Kyoshu's chair, "Wait, our niece? How the hell...?!"

Tears in her eyes, Kenshō looked up into the face near identicle to hers. There was confusion there in the adult of the two, but the five year old looking girl sniffled, "Kaa-Chan?"

Just blinking, Kyoshu set aside the box and held open her arms which the smaller blade leapt into crying as she was hugged. Head tilted to the side, it took a few moments before Kyoshu gasped and turned towards the spear of the group, "UMITSUBAME! UMITSUBAME! I'M A KAA-SAN!" She then blinked, "Mou... I'm a Kaa-San? How am I a Kaa-San?" Looking around, the Blade of Faded memories frowned, "Why doesn't anyone tell me these things?" Then feeling Kenshō tighten the hug, she looked down and did the same as she teared up, "I'm a Kaa-San..."

Meanwhile, Umitsubame just twitched even as Nameless smiled and patted Kenshō on the head making the small blade smile happily.

Unnoticed by them, Harry, Juuchi, Kansha, and Asuka were all taking video and pictures of their reactions. All four having looks of amusement, though the Tengu was especially amused by how Kiba and the others were reacting. Jin, in particular, had a literal dropped jaw.

Finally, Norimune took a deep breath before letting it out as she shook off her shock at what had happened, "Okay... now, can someone please explain what the fuck-"

She was cut off as Kyoshu gasped and placed hands on her daughter's ears as Nameless glared, "Norimune! Umitsubame! Umitsubame! Norimune said a bad word in front of my daughter!" She frowned a little, "Mou... you shouldn't say bad words like that."

Everyone just sort of stared at her before Umitsubame lifted her true self up and whacked her sister, Norimune, upside the head with the flat of it, "She's... right."

Rolling her eyes, Norimune snorted, "Whatever... now can someone explain what the frick is going on?! How does the Goldfish have a daughter!? And if I don't like the reason..." She flicked her blade free of the sheath a little, "I am going to kill someone."

A sigh made them turn to the lone thirteen year old wizard, "Trust me, you won't like it at all..."

Before he could say anymore, Kenshō sniffled a bit as she buried her face into Kyoshu's chest, "T-the bad men took me from Kaa-Chan's blade. And... and hurt me... made me do things... I-I remember Kaa-Chan w-wanting... wanting to... to just..."

Gently, Kagotsuruhe placed a hand on her niece's hair and softly stroked it, "You were one of the pieces cut off from Kyoshu's blade, weren't you?" When she got a nod, she put a slight frown upon her face, "I see."

When every one turned to Harry, he pulled out a folder and held it, "This... these are pictures of Kenshō before and after I repaired her. It's not pretty, but from what I can see? They took the shard of Kyoshu-San's blade they had and turned it into a Kogatana for better handling. Mainly by grinding the top part as smooth as they could and welding a tang onto the back using what I think was chips of her original steel."

Jin hissed a little bit at that, "Oh fuck... that had to be..."

Taking the folder, Suisei made sure that it was not visible to either Kyoshu or Kenshō before opening it. Each of the Muramasa there reacted with horror at what they were seeing in regards to the blade. It even provoked a slight bit of a reaction from Kagotsuruhe as well as she widened her eyes a little. But they looked at Umitsubame who was now staring at Kyoshu, "'It doesn't hurt anymore...'"

Confused, Tonbo tore her eyes away from the horrific pictures to stare at her sister, "What? What doesn't hurt?"

Not looking at her, Umitsubame turned to Harry, "Was it two or so days ago that you repaired her?" At Harry's nod, she ran a hand through her hair, "Two days ago, in the kitchen, Kyoshu gasped and dropped a tray of cookies. But not because she was burned, but... she said that 'It doesn't hurt anymore', but didn't say what 'it' was. If... if Kenshō-Chan was like this since the war, and Kyoshu could sense it..."

Each of her siblings winced at that and looked at the reunited mother and child. And then blinked as Kenshō looked at them and faded from view with them forgetting why they were looking at Kyoshu until she reappeared beside Umitsubame, whom she then hugged, "It's okay, Oba-Chan. Master fixed me and made the pain go away."

Slowly blinking, the Waterwitch Blade looked down at her before crouching and pulling her into a hug, "And I'm glad for that, honey. So very glad that you are no longer in pain and that you found a Master."

Brightly smiling, Kenshō nodded before hugging Harry and going back to her mother for another hug with the two chattering with each other. Looking at the two, Norimune turned towards Juuchi, "Huh, aren't you worried about her using her powers to-"

And before she could get any further, both Juuchi and Kansha slapped their hands over her mouth. Looking at Kenshō who had not noticed, the Knife set brought his voice down to a whisper, "Do not mention that idea to her, she freaks out every time with the mere thought of being used like that." Glancing at Kagotsuruhe, he pulled his hand away, "She sort of remembers what happened to Kyoshu's various Masters before she manifested."

Thoughtful, Kagotsuruhe tilted her head as she looked at the two cuddling blades. After a few moments, she gave a nod, "Yes, that is one of her deepest, darkest fears. To be used against her Master and make him either forget, or for him to be forgotten." A slight smirk crossed her face as she remembered some of what had happened and she placed it on as the actor she was, "Yet, somehow, I very much doubt that will happen."

Scowling, Suisei crossed her arms, "Damn straight. I'm going to stab whoever even tries."

Meanwhile, Akutoku had a frown on her face as she looked at the pictures before turning to the ones afterwards. Pictures that made her eyebrows raise, "Wait, how did you fix her? This barely even looks like the same blade!"

Looking over her shoulder, Umitsubame's eyebrows rose, "No, no it does not." She then turned towards Harry, "How?"

In return, Harry gave a small shrug, "Well... one of the things I became skilled with is transfiguration to some degree. Changing the shape that a material has, like flowing rock crystal around something, or manipulating it into what looks like a figurine. So... I did something similar here." Motioning with a hand, he shook his head, "I had some left off swarf from shipgirl repairs and such which I made a block composed out of it. Then, I took some shavings from it and placed them along the top and back of her blade as well as the tang before merging the metal. I also made it all one piece as well... after which, I added the handle and sheath."

For several moments, the collective Muramasas just sort of stared at him as did those within hearing range. Norimune had a thoughtful look on her face after a few moments, "Shipgirl steel, huh? Wonder if that is why she seems to have some kind of new power that Goldfish over there doesn't."

Each of those there blinked before Tonbo frowned a little, "It's... possible, I guess? I mean, never heard of something like this before, but that does make a bit of sense."
After a little bit of thought though, they turned to where Kyoshu was feeding her daughter with a brownie as they sat in Nameless' lap, all three looking happy just to be there.

When it came time to leave a few hours later, Kyoshu was crying as much as her daughter were, but Kenshō promised to come back to see her soon. And Harry also stated that he would make sure to get an Owl Box just for Kenshō to travel back and forth to meet her mother. But Kyoshu still continued waving even as they disappeared around the corner, though Nameless hugged her from behind.

But much to Umitsubame's surprise, the next morning when she woke, Nameless was still asleep while Kyoshu was in the kitchen. Confused, the spear tilted her head, "Kyoshu? What are you doing?"

Kyoshu blinked a bit and frowned, "Mou... what am I doing?" Looking down at the oven, she gasped and smiled, "I'm making cupcakes for Kenshō-Chan! I think that she said she likes cupcakes so I'm going to make her some and send them to her!" Tilting her head, the "Blade of Goldfish Memories" looked at her sister in confusion, "Mou... is something wrong, Umitsubame?"

Utterly shocked at what just happened, it took a few seconds for Umitsubame to reply. But when she did so, it was with a smile on her face and a small tear in her eye, "It's nothing, Kyoshu. Want some help?"

The other Muramasa furrowed her eyebrows, "Help?" Then she looked at the oven, "Oh! Cupcakes! I'm making cupcakes for Kenshō-Chan! Umitsubame! Umitsubame! Want to help me make some cupcakes for her? Mou... why are you crying, Umitsubame? Are you hurt? Na-Chan! You're crying too!? Why is everyone crying? Are there onion ninjas here...? Mou... I'm making cupcakes so why are there onion ninjas..."
[China]The Mandate 3

I decided to call the Omake arc I have been working on 'The Mandate'. This is part 3, with kind assistance of Yellowhammer for writing the Ying & Delilah meeting.

The Mandate Pt.3
"But you will forget this. Your mind is worse than the others, so open, so trusting. Your feelings for her are your weakness."

Sichuan University, Chengdu

Professor Xuē closed her laptop and leaned back. The document was…troubling. She had thought the original texts lost, with only fragments remaining from the Summer Palace. General Zu's patronage was most welcome, especially in gaining access to some of the more off the book sites. She stood and stretched, wishing that her husband was here to give her shoulders a good massage. She looked down at the Yarrow Sticks again. Always the same.

Three of the treasures were already in play.

And she was under no illusions that the good General was maneuvering his own pieces to either acquire one of the five treasures, or steal one of the others. The Sect Leaders had gathered to speak to the General, and despite the General's lack of…training, they were impressed with his frankness and desire to protect the people. Orders from the Central Committee of late had been problematic to say the least, and while she was officially registered with the Ministry of Internal Enlightenment, her contacts in the magical world all spoke of great things from the new Minister, and the path she was forging promised great things for the beleaguered nation. Of course, she wasn't blind. She knew exactly who the new Minister was.

Whomever this fool was that uploaded the texts to the Dark Web was certain to cause a stir, and while she was keenly aware of the location of two of the Treasures, two of them remained hidden by their guardians or some other force, and the last was a complete mystery. A part of her wondered if that strange foreigner had somehow acquired the Coins and carried them off to a distant land. Even auguries from the Celestial Court could only reveal that the Coins still existed. The Rake was in her possession and proudly displayed for any to see like it was some cheap trophy, and the Seal in the possession of that cursed fool. In some ways she lamented her loss, the old powers that would have allowed for a clear insight into the true locations of the Treasures, but she would not trade her Scholar for anything. If battle came he would fight as he did in the past, she knew this, and feared it. Some battles should not be fought.

"Professor, you have a message from Minister Cai."

She sighed. For as long as she lived, she never like eunuchs. And this one styled himself like the old breed.

Western Theater Command HQ, Chengdu

"I was always curious," General Zu spoke. "The Curse of the Dragon, is it real?"

One of the Sect Elders, Master of the Jiàn Fēng, frowned. "There are such curses, but if you refer to what happened to Lee Jun-fan, that was an accident. Western medicine is no good for one who has lived our lifestyle."
"Thank you," Zu sipped his tea. "While my curiosity has been indulged by my esteemed guests, I must ask if you have all given thought as to my proposal."

The eldest of the Sect Elders stoked his beard. "We have General. While we have removed ourselves from the sight of the world for many years now, the Veil that has shielded the masses is wearing thin. We know this and have read the signs. But we are hesitant to commit at this time. There is one in the Imperial City who weaves many webs, and to confront her directly can cost us dearly."

"You refer to the Minister of Internal Enlightenment?"

He nodded. "It is good that you do not speak her name, for even a whisper can draw her eyes to you. Be cautious General. Should you succeed in your quest, and ascend Tai Shan, the Jiang Hu will acknowledge and pledge our fealty to the new Emperor."

Zu paused for a moment before sipping his tea. Emperor. He was born in the ashes of the Cultural Revolution and worked hard to gain his position in both the PLA and the Party. It was a jarring dichotomy, a pragmatic modern Chinese man and the pull of the ancient ways. Blood Week and the Abyssal War saw horrific battles and changes to the Middle Kingdom, and while not formally authorized by the Central Committee, he had erected a monument to those that fought and died during that week of hell. There was talk in Beijing of erecting a great monument to the spirit of the people, to show that China would not be cowed into submission and that the people would triumph, but he knew them for empty words. Even during his morning walk he could see the weariness and despair in some of the faces of his soldiers. The old. The young. All were worn from nearly constant battle to the west. The ruins of Nanjing where there was more blood than soil in the ground, where every day was the constant fear one of the monsters would come up the Yangtze and attack.

Even Army units that were securing Tibet were withdrawn for the simple reason that the ancient feuds between the two countries were of lesser importance at the moment. Right now it was more important to make sure that China would survive.

"You are of the Old Blood," the sole woman, a beauty with snow white hair, in the group spoke. "This is good, but you must take care General, for she is the most cunning of adversaries, but also an agent of the Celestial Court whether she acknowledges it or not. She will test you. She will tempt you. Let your will be as the blade of the finest Jian. Strong, yet flexible. Hold to your morals and the Dragon Throne will have a true Emperor once again."

A Taste of Qom Restaurant, Houston, Texas

Wei Ying entered the small family restaurant and raised a mental eyebrow behind her impassive face at the buzzing in the back of her mind that signified subtle but powerful wards nearby. A bearded young man nodded to her. "Welcome, welcome, how can we help you?"

Ying smiled politely. "I am here at the request of Delilah de Breuil for lunch."

She mentally thought back to the crystal ball call after she had woken from that alarming dream of Su Daji. Her long-time school rival, almost as long time recently discovered aunt ally south of the border, and recently discovered to be her aunt had frowned at her mention that she was desperately needed in China and then told her that this conversation needed to be handled face to face in a secure place.

Which led her to this kebab shop. The young man's eyes widened and he stepped back behind the counter to speak in Farsi with a more elderly man in the kitchen, clearly the father of the waiter. She mentally nodded approvingly, since in her experience, family, and family ties were among the strongest bonds in the world.

"She shall arrive shortly. If you shall follow me, I shall take you to the private room that she booked." The young man said in a clearly respectful voice to her.

Ying bowed in response. "Thank you very much."

The magically warded private room she was escorted to had a low table which was covered by an intricately embroidered tablecloth. There were no chairs but instead a very elaborate and beautiful carpet with cushions. "Tea?"

Ying's face lit up as she seated herself after removing her shoes. "Yes, please." Her smile widened and she tapped her fingers to give thanks as a cup of black tea was poured for her, then sighed happily at the taste.

She was savoring her second cup of tea when Delilah entered with Zamarad alongside her as they spoke to their waiter in Farsi. "Delilah, Zamarad, it is good to see you."

"Likewise, Ying." Delilah said as she seated herself and put a sugar cube in her mouth before sipping the offered cup of tea. "Quave Tork for us both, please."

Once the waiter left after serving the requested Turkish coffee and food orders, Delilah and Ying both pulled out their wands and reinforced the wards, layering additional privacy wards on the room. Zamarad ignited a flame on her fingertip and scribed a series of Arabic calligraphic prayers in turn. "Clear. What's the crisis, Ying?" Delilah asked her niece.

Ying paused then raised a hand. "I do not want to mention her name, even here and even now. She knows of me, and is powerful enough to magically spy if she hears it pass our lips. But I have reason to believe one of the most powerful, and most blood-soaked figures in Magical Chinese history is stirring again." With that she wrote the hanzi logograms for Su Daji and followed it with the words in English in a piece of paper before passing it to Delilah.

Delilah looked at the name and frowned. "It does not ring a bell, but I never studied China in any depth, Ying. My interests in East Asia were in Japan."

Ying nodded slowly. "She is linked with the Japanese legend of Tamamo-no-Mae and it is... not impossible... that she may be one and the same as Tamamo." Delilah blanched. "What we do know is that according to the legends compiled in the Investiture of the Gods she was a Thousand-Year-Old Vixen sent by the Goddess Nuwa to put an end to the Shang Dynasty for their impieties and failings."

Ying sighed. "Which she did. In spectacularly bloody and debauched fashion. One of her favorite entertainments was forcing people to walk barefoot on a heated bronze cylinder covered with oil above a roaring fire until they slipped and fell as it was heated red-hot. For her pleasure, along with the Emperor who she seduced and entrapped before destroying."

Delilah blanched. "So this person is on the loose in China then?"

Ying nodded. "Yes, and matters are..." She paused and gave Zamarad a suspicious stare. "Forgive me, I cannot speak of it in front of non-family."

Delilah blinked and then grinned as she interlaced her fingers with the Ifrit. "Actually Zamarad and I have been married since 1946.."

Ying boggled for a moment then her eyes narrowed and she cast a truth spell on the room. "Truly?"

Zamarad nodded happily and kissed Delilah. "Truly."

Ying rubbed her temples. "You sneaky little round-eyed bitch pulling that over on me! To more important matters though. The person who I am talking of was sent in large part because the Shang Dynasty lost the Mandate of Heaven. In the Middle Kingdom, all dynasties and true Emperors are empowered by the Supreme Jade Emperor and the Celestial Court to rule. When a dynasty loses their way, and oppresses the people, grows weak and arrogant and corrupt, the Mandate is withdrawn until the next First Emperor is selected by the Gods to found his own dynasty."

Delilah nodded along as she sipped her Turkish coffee. "This sounds more than historical interest, or something in a book."

Ying sighed. "Oh yes. In brief, there are five magical artifacts that have been passed down from Dynasty to Dynasty, from guardian to guardian to be used to petition heaven to appoint the new Emperor and call the mandate down upon him. One for each of the five castes of the State."

Ying leaned forward and raised her forefinger. "The Nine-Toothed-Rake of the Nong, the Farmers, which was later used by Zhu Wuneng in Journey To The West."

Her middle finger was raised. "The Imperial Dragon Seal of the Artisans of the Gong, which the muggles know as the Heirloom Seal of the Realm of the first Qin emperor, although it is far, far older than him."

Her ring finger was raised in turn. "The Ten-Thousand-Coin-Gold-Cash String of the Shang Traders and Merchants. The first coins ever minted in China."

Her pinkie finger joined the other three. "The Dragon-and-Tiger-Subduing-Sword of the Junren Soldiers. Bronze forged by Erlang Shen in the flames of a river dragon and quenched in the blood of a great tiger who he slew to cleave through steel as if it was water with the power of the floods."

She then sighed as she extended her thumb. "And most relevant for this, the Writing Set of the Shi Scholars and Gentry. Used by Master Kong to write the Book of Rites to provide instruction for the people and to rectify names. Which is relevant because each of these I listed have a family line of Guardians assigned to protect and preserve their Treasure until the time comes to select the new Emperor." Her eyes stared into Delilah's. "Suffice it to say, the last human Guardian of the Writing Set died THE day of the first meeting of my parents as my father saved my mother as she fled the only home that she knew. An untested young woman in desperate need of a hero of legend in a time of great peril when fate hung in the balance. I cannot say more, not even to my father's youngest sister."

She saw in Delilah's eyes the moment when her aunt made the necessary connections. "Then Sis...?"

"Does not know the truth of the great service she did for the Middle Kingdom unknowingly by helping Mother escape those who would have attempted to forcibly and falsely claim the Mandate against the wishes of the Court. I did not know before my fourteenth birthday when I was consecrated to Guan Yu. I do know that Mother wishes with all her heart that she was free to wed father and then have a conversation much like the one that I am able to have with my blood kin and kinswoman by marriage." Ying sighed. "But all the signs are clear. The Treasures shall be needed in the near-future in the Middle Kingdom."

Delilah nodded slowly. "Hence you asking me to see if MACUSA has a way to get you inside subtly."

"Yes. The Floo Network and similar are strictly regulated by the Hidden Ministry as you might imagine. And I have reasons to believe that she of whom I dare not speak has subverted the topmost ranks of such. So my arriving in Beijing, int he heart of the spider's web is... not ideal." Ying scowled, "the ICW has little power there, and less since the divinations are clear that she has proclaimed that the Mandate is lost. So every ambitious soul wishing to establish a dynasty will be on the move seeking the Treasures whether or not they know it."

Delilah rubbed her chin. "I can get you to Japan easily enough, and I know a person here who I helped get his family out in 1979 who makes flying carpets. Some of which have stealth charms far exceeding the norm off the books. So then you can perhaps fly in directly or head to Taiwan and then from there... yes. I will also throw in an emergency long-range portkey to a safehouse back here in America should you need to get out of Dodge City in a hurry."

Ying smiled slightly. "Good. That will be helpful, since the most recent magical spike in Japan had a transitory signature matching she of whom I fear. Perhaps I can learn more there of her plans and schemes. I suspect that she has at least one if not more of the other four Treasures in her paws. She had to in order to send that sending into my dreams to attempt to suborn me."

Delilah nodded thoughtfully. "If you stay in Japan for a while to do the background check, I'll get you an Owl Box. That saved my and Zamarad's life in 1942 since if you put your true body in it, you can transport yourself from Africa to England, or similar. That will let me relay whatever I dig up from MACUSA's sources plus Sis and your mother. She knows, right?"

Ying grinned humorlessly. "Oh yes, Mother certainly knows. Thank you for your help, Aunt."

Delilah smugged and then picked up a skewer of lamb and rice. "What is family for, apart from pissing each other off? I'll be very busy here trying to keep things from coming apart, but don't hesitate to ask if you need backup and I will come running, round eyes and all."

Ying laughed and began to eat lunch. "So how did you and Zamarad meet? Father was slightly vague on it all and I obviously never suspected."

Delilah grinned. "Well some of it is highly classified and will remain so forever, you know how certain things are too dangerous to reveal ever. The unclassified story starts in December 1941 when I got off the Floo in London to coordinate with the Brits. You can imagine my surprise when I wound up assigned to work alongside your father Colombe who was busy with British Magical Intelligence..."

Court of Inner Harmony, Beijing

Spoiler: Daji playing

Daji picked the Guzheng gently, allowing the music to calm her. The sword was coming. And soon all of the players would be in place. The Fleshless one was moving, and she knew he would never be far from the Seal. It mattered little who possessed it at the moment, but the time was coming when the battle would begin. The wind rustled the silk drapes lightly and she smiled. There was peace for the moment, a time for reflection and meditation. Human emotions and impulses were still a bit alien to her, but her time imprisoned let her understand them better. Oh, she was completely aware of the terror her name could inspire when uttered, and the excesses of the past, while horrific, were no where near what was written about her.

But, there was the wave of power from her fragment to the west. After the battles stopped for a time she did take the opportunity to learn about this new China, and it sickened her. This 'Great Leap Forward' and 'Cultural Revolution' did more harm to the people than she could have aspired to so long ago. There was an order that had been dictated by the Heavens, and she would see that order returned. The part of her soul that was lost had found a new host, the grudge that haunted her was lessened by the knowledge that the one who was lost walked the Land of the Rising Sun.

At times she could look into the mirror and see the reflection of a young fox, the promise of power in her great as she sported two tails despite her youth. And through the young vixen she could see the boy. That he was not of the Middle Kingdom nor the Rising Sun surprised her, but she could see the webs of power that surrounded him. The Destiny he had was great and he was still an unbearded boy.

She continued to play, weaving a quiet spell with both her Chi and the music. The song was haunting, hearkening back to a simpler time before the world became small and the hearts of mans lost their connection to the Gods. It would not be long.

"WHERE IS THAT WOMAN!" A bellow from the antechamber.

The wind ceased.

She smelled cheap Baiju and tobacco. Her two guards did not move from their kneeling position, their scarred visages belied their abilities as their shadows revealed the steel and iron that lurked beneath the surface. A fat man in an expensive suit burst into the room as she flicked a finger across the 8th string. Blood fountained from the severed neck as the man's head fell, showering the two guards.

Neither moved.

Other women knelt at the cardinal points of the room, two each, and these were just as special as the ones who knelt by the door. These spirits reborn. These chuán bó jīng shén. Those who rose to fight the darkness from the seas. These beings were something she had never encountered before, but they were Loyal to the old ways. Her main guards were of…newer stock than the others, but they understood the failures of the Kuomintang, and of the Maoists.

She resumed playing, her tails manifesting as she wove the spell. Such a spell required a life, and the Capital was full of men who preached 'equality' and 'party', men who wore their righteousness like a Yi, but when it became too uncomfortable, discarded it like a cheap Pao. Her fingers wove along the strings, creating melodies not meant for mortal ears until the bureaucrat's blood traced the elegant lines etched into the floor. A sympathetic pulse raced across the land as the blood rune was completed. This ritual was confined to the bounds of the Middle Kingdom, and would not go beyond the wards of the country.

The air smelt of ozone and electricity as the spell snapped into place. The silk danced on unseen breezes and the lights dimmed. She clucked her tongue in a minor annoyance as her tails poofed.

Then they were not alone.

She smiled at the two women who stood in shadow. She rose gracefully and performed a formal bow to her guests.

"Pipa Jing, Jiutou Zhiji Jing, it has been too long my sisters. We have much work to do."