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Chapter 127
We encounter the occasional pack of starving cannibals, who we of course put out of their misery, but for the most part, our journey is unhindered.

Sadly, that streak of good luck and smooth travel is broken when we run into an active conflict.

"Georgios, park the buggy. Galahad and I will go out to assess the situation."


We peer out at the two groups.

'First group's refugees,' I note. 'And they're led by a Hassan. That means that the knights who just cornered them…'

'Are probably the Lion King's men,' Galahad finishes for me. 'Holy shit.'


'That's Sir Tristan.'

I look at the knights' redheaded commander more closely. 'He looks about as emo as I always pictured him being.'

'So, are we going to save them?' Galahad asks hopefully. 'I've always wanted to deck that mopey asshole.'

Hmm… They're still negotiating, although I can't really hear them from here, but we can't close the distance quickly enough to prevent casualties. Intervening might cause us problems, but they're the Lion King's men, and thus the enemy. Killing them is a goal in and of itself. So. How do we close the distance and incapacitate the enemy commander?

Vlad would be ideal for taking out Tristan, he's slow but he's also an absolute tank. Once he gets a hold of the enemy, the fight's as good as over. All I need is a way to move him across the intervening distance faster than Tristan can react! Unfortunately, I don't have anything like that on hand. I know my current team's capabilities like the back of my hand, and-

Hold on, when did I get the back of my hand tattooed?

I'm a fucking idiot.

'Galahad, get in there and shield the refugees. Siegfried, Cu, and Billy, target the rank and file. Cursed Arm, reassure your fellow Hassan that we're friendlies. Vlad, by the power of my Command Seal, tackle Tristan!'

They deploy in a blur, lunging in to attack the enemy and defend the civilians in the blink of an eye. Vlad, for his part, quite literally teleports in order to pin Tristan to the ground.

Once Galahad's shield has been established, and half the knights terminated, I begin to make my way to the refugees' leader, who's staring at the slaughter of his pursuers with a mixture of relief and confusion.

"You are the Master of Chaldea?" The unknown Hassan asks, still staring at the one-sided slaughter of the knights previously poised to kill him.

"That is indeed my position, yes," I say, joining him in watching.

"Sir Tristan!" Vlad coos as he secures the bleeding, now one-armed knight in a bear hug, goring him with several of his armor's spikes. "You've been a very naughty boy!"

"You'll pay for this, you ignorant-"

"So now, you get the rod!" Vlad continues, grinning maniacally.

"Wait, what are you…" That's about when he stops talking and starts screaming in agony as Vlad drives an armored, spiked knee into the unlucky knight's crotch.

You know, it's weirdly cathartic, having an enemy killed like this. It's like you're transmuting your frustration and helplessness into their pain.

But enough introspection. I turn to the refugees' protector, mentally commanding Vlad to stop playing around and finish Tristan off. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr…."

"Hassan-i-Sabbah of the Intoxicating Smoke," the masked killer says, not even flinching as Vlad finishes off his opponent with a gristly squelch. "And it would seem that I am in your debt."

"May I ask your intended destination, and the circumstances of your departure?"

"Our village was destroyed. I led the survivors to seek refuge in the villages of my colleagues." He pauses. "You are welcome to join us."

"We'll have to abstain," I say, after giving the offer due consideration. "I planned on our team heading to the Holy City, to get the lay of the land and evaluate what we'll need in order to put down the Lion King."

"A bold strategy," Intoxicating Smoke says after a moment. "I would advise caution, however. The Lion King is served by some of the foremost Knights of the Round Table."

"And I count the greatest of all the Round Table's knights among my Servants," I say confidently, which makes Galahad grin.

"You have Lancelot with you?" Intoxicating Smoke asks eagerly. "The Lion King also counts a version of him among his knights! Perhaps your version may be able to match the Lion King's!"

"Err… no. I have Sir Galahad."

"Never heard of him."

I wince, as Galahad's previously sour look morphs into one of rage. "Well, rest assured, he's by far a better knight than Lancelot."

That seems to soothe Galahad's temper, and Intoxicating Smoke thankfully takes my word for it.

We part soon after, with Intoxicating Smoke telling us where to find the villages of the Hassans, so that we may be swiftly reunited.


"Yep, that's Camelot," Galahad says with a sigh as we finally come into view of the Holy City. "There's no doubt about it. The Lion King is King Arthur."

"Are you sure?" I ask. "Couldn't it just be Morgan La Fey, or some other sort of enemy of the Round Table disguising themselves as him?"

"Maybe. But probably not. I'm not sure why you're having so much trouble believing this." Galahad raises an eyebrow as he looks at me. "I actually served the man, and I'm still not as absolutely desperate to believe the best of him as you."

"It's… he was a paragon of chivalry and virtue, and someone I look up to. I don't want to believe that he's behind this."

"Huh." Galahad looks honestly perplexed. "Honestly, he wasn't as impressive in person as the stories always paint him."


"Oh, don't get me wrong, he was virtuous and just, and brave, and all that, it's just that that was literally all there was to him," Galahad says with a shrug. "He was a good king, but that was always the sum totality of his character. I've quite literally met rocks that had more of a personality and a wider emotional range than I ever saw from Arthur."

"But, wasn't he supposed to be charismatic and commanding?" I ask, furrowing my brow.

"He was. He was an incredible king, but he was also an incredibly boring person."

"That's… kind of disappointing, actually."

"I thought the same thing when I first arrived at court."

"Huh." You know, I don't think I've ever heard all that much about Galahad's life from him before. Might as well hear some of it while he's in this good mood. "What was that like? Arriving at court, I mean?"

He grins. "Well, Master mine, let me tell you a tale..."

His story holds me captivated as we make our way out amongst the crowd at Simbaland's gates.
Boy, will they be in for a surprise!


Though my info is spotty on this singularity but wasn't this Artoria the one that got things right? Was everything imagined and more? The one that did not fail etc etc?
Boy, will they be in for a surprise!


Though my info is spotty on this singularity but wasn't this Artoria the one that got things right? Was everything imagined and more? The one that did not fail etc etc?

No this is the Artoria that couldn't die properly because Bedivere had trouble throwing Excalibur into the lake. As a result of this, she couldn't pass on and wandered the world as a ghost, still holding onto Rhongomyniad which slowly warped her into Divine Spirit which stripped her of her humanity in the process.
I love the Fate series, I really do, but I need a chart almost as bad as a shipping chart in order to remember all the various Arthur's.

We've been shown at least a dozen versions, with information that there are more that can get called out.

The fact that they all have different backstories, some that are wildly divergent, means that you need help in order to have them all straight.
No this is the Artoria that couldn't die properly because Bedivere had trouble throwing Excalibur into the lake. As a result of this, she couldn't pass on and wandered the world as a ghost, still holding onto Rhongomyniad which slowly warped her into Divine Spirit which stripped her of her humanity in the process.
It is not that one. The lion king died with the singularity, it the one which instead of Excalibur used the Lance from the start. Both are almost same but one has a resting bitxh face and other smiles....sometimes.
It is not that one. The lion king died with the singularity, it the one which instead of Excalibur used the Lance from the start. Both are almost same but one has a resting bitxh face and other smiles....sometimes.

The question was to explain the Lion King, not normal Lancer Artoria.
Are we perhaps in the mythical celibate Lancelot timeline? :V
No, it's just that the members of a Jerusalem-based Islamic order of monastic assassins aren't familiar with the chivalric romances that detail the Matter of Britain. The first they ever heard of the Round Table was when the Lion King nuked Jerusalem.

Beyond that, though, the chivalric romances concerning the Grail Quest, which introduced Galahad, haven't been written yet. Consequently, Lancelot is still the shit.
I doubt it will be Artoria Lancer, Charlie already thrown curveballs in the plot by having stuff like Karnamania and OC servants appear. It is probably Proto Arthur Lancer, or if he really wants to throw a curveball, one of Arthur's totally real and totally not-Mordred sons that aren't nearly as famous as everyone else; Amr, Gwydre, or Llacheu.
I doubt it will be Artoria Lancer, Charlie already thrown curveballs in the plot by having stuff like Karnamania and OC servants appear. It is probably Proto Arthur Lancer, or if he really wants to throw a curveball, one of Arthur's totally real and totally not-Mordred sons that aren't nearly as famous as everyone else; Amr, Gwydre, or Llacheu.
I appreciate the faith, but the Lion King is the same. This isn't the Singularity where different Servants were summoned from the start.

Points for actually remembering the other sons, though! Not even the original writers of the Arthurian mythos managed to do that for more than one chivalric romance.
I appreciate the faith, but the Lion King is the same. This isn't the Singularity where different Servants were summoned from the start.

Points for actually remembering the other sons, though! Not even the original writers of the Arthurian mythos managed to do that for more than one chivalric romance.
Why would they? The point is that everyone important is dead at Camlann.

Also, Galahad, while the Perfect Knight, is a sarcastic, caustic little bastard.
'I've always wanted to deck that mopey asshole.'

Ah, the legendary teamwork and friendships of the Knights of the Round Table.

They tend to get a bit exaggerated.

I'm a fucking idiot.

Galahad: Ya think.

"Sir Tristan!" Vlad coos as he secures the bleeding, now one-armed knight in a bear hug, goring him with several of his armor's spikes. "You've been a very naughty boy!"

"You'll pay for this, you ignorant-"

"So now, you get the rod!" Vlad continues, grinning maniacally.

This was...weirdly erotic.

Was that rod thing inspired by the song I posted here?

Vlad's reign is probably going to involve a bit more rods.

"Never heard of him."

To be fair a lot of people tend to know a very small number of the Knights of the Round Table, of which Lancelot tends to be a fairly well known figure.

I mean, I don't think a lot of people have heard of Dagonet, Caradoc, Safir, Hoel, Elyan and all the rest.

Seriously the Knights of the Round Table were a much larger group than most people tend to think.

"Huh." Galahad looks honestly perplexed. "Honestly, he wasn't as impressive in person as the stories always paint him."


Wait until you meet Merlin.:D

I've quite literally met rocks that had more of a personality and a wider emotional range than I ever saw from Arthur.

Given the fact that he lived in an era where magic was more prominent it wouldn't be too surprising if those rocks were sapient in nature an actually had personality traits.

It's also impressive that Arthur turned out as well as he/she did, considering that they were raised by Merlin.

So maybe we should give them a break from calling them boring.

His story holds me captivated as we make our way out amongst the crowd at Simbaland's gates.

I wonder if when he gets to Merlin he's going to mention some of the Dick Wizards more weird escapades?

It wouldn't be too surprising if he did something like this:

But in his case, that was no accident.
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I know you said that Vlad wouldn't court Medea, but that doesn't mean he can't be attracted to her.

I can imagine him having Charlie on his lap, due to the whole Santa thing, and asking him about Medea.

When Charlie talks about her this happens:

Charlie: Vlad, please tell me that the thing currently poking my ass is one of your impalement spikes.

Vlad: Given your modern way of referring to some things, I suppose you could technically call it one of my impalement spikes.

Charlie: Oh​ God​

Vlad: Now, back to Medea.
No this is the Artoria that couldn't die properly because Bedivere had trouble throwing Excalibur into the lake. As a result of this, she couldn't pass on and wandered the world as a ghost, still holding onto Rhongomyniad which slowly warped her into Divine Spirit which stripped her of her humanity in the process.
Also, remember that this is *after* she gets summoned into the future to participate in the Fuyuki Holy Grail Wars. It's entirely possible that she might recognize Cu Chullain, for instance.

To be fair a lot of people tend to know a very small number of the Knights of the Round Table, of which Lancelot tends to be a fairly well known figure.

I mean, I don't think a lot of people have heard of Dagonet, Caradoc, Safir, Hoel, Elyan and all the rest.

Seriously the Knights of the Round Table were a much larger group than most people tend to think.
It was basically the medieval version of the Justice League. I think that there were 12 members of the order in the Nasuverse, though, each of whom defined one of the seals that lock Excalibur and Rhongomyniad's power.
I can't believe I didn't connect Vlad's usurping of the Santa title with this:

Looks like our vampiric Lancer wasn't the first version of Dracula that became Santa.

Now all we need is to have Vlad say 'Bitches love cannons', as well as make a whole bunch of crude sexual jokes and sexually harass a bunch of women, and we can all die happy.

He's already been harassing the Chaldean workers so it isn't out of the realm of possibility.
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I know you said that Vlad wouldn't court Medea, but that doesn't mean he can't be attracted to her.

I can imagine him having Charlie on his lap, due to the whole Santa thing, and asking him about Medea.

When Charlie talks about her this happens:

Charlie: Vlad, please tell me that the thing currently poking my ass is one of your impalement spikes.

Vlad: Given your modern way of referring to some things, I suppose you could technically call it one of my impalement spikes.

Charlie: Oh​ God​

Vlad: Now, back to Medea.
Okay, dude, Vlad and Medea aren't remotely attracted to each other. Vlad sees Medea as an infanticidal monster, and doesn't really understand why their shared Master doesn't just kill her and be done with it. Medea, for her part, sees Vlad as an unstable psychopath, and is equally perplexed by the fact that Flynn hasn't killed him yet. beyond that, though, I believe I should make it clear that the Vlad Flynn summoned is Extra Vlad. He's not a vampire, just a very bloodthirsty and boisterous psychopath that kills in accordance with his own twisted and (by modern standards) somewhat jingoistic sense of morality.
Chapter 128
'So, what about Merlin?' I ask as we stand amongst the crowd, looking over the Holy City's walls and the men that staff them. We switched over to the mental link early in Galahad's story to avoid drawing unwanted attention.

'What about Merlin?' Galahad shoots back.

'You mentioned how you met most of the other key figures in Arthur's court, including your fellow Knights of the Round Table,' and he wasn't very complimentary to any of his former colleagues that weren't his fellow Grail Knights, Bedivere, or Mordred, 'but you haven't mentioned Merlin yet.' He also didn't mention Lancelot, but quite frankly, I'm not pulling the pin on that grenade.

'That's because I never met Merlin, Flynn,' Galahad tells me, irritated. 'He'd already died when I got to Arthur's court.'

'Died?' I repeat quizzically. I don't remember that being in any of the myths.

'Well, they all said he was seduced into setting aside his worldly concerns and departing for the Garden of Avalon by his apprentice, which I'm assuming is a euphemism for getting a nasty STD from all his womanizing and dying horribly.' Galahad snorts. 'I mean, with how much he slept around, it was only a matter of time.'

'I mean, wouldn't his otherworldly heritage probably give him an in?' I ask.

Galahad looks at me, utterly deadpan. 'Flynn. Don't tell me that you actually believe Avalon is real.'

'You… don't?' I ask incredulously.

'Why should I? It's all some bullshit spat out by the druids, their knockoff of Heaven. It's just superstitious mumbo-jumbo, though. Like fairies.'

'You don't believe in fairies, either,' I summarize dryly.

'Of course not. There's only one truly supernatural power in this world, Flynn, and that is our Holy Lord on High. Fairies are just the byproduct of superstition, and pagans misinterpreting His divine workings.'

'Wasn't your father raised by the Lady of the Lake?' I point out, regretting it the moment I say it.

'Oh, I bet he'd like people to think that!' Galahad's practically frothing at the mouth as he rants. 'Probably spent his entire inheritance at some out-of-the-way French brothel, and then came limping back with that hokey claim of being "raised by fairies" to preserve his oh-so-important REPUTATION!'

'Spent all his money at a brothel. As a child,' I repeat deadpan, giving Galahad a look.

He deflates from furious to sulky. 'That's totally something he'd do.'

'If you say so, Galahad.' I really don't want to argue the point.

Then I look up in shock, as the night sky turns to day.

'The fuck? Galahad, ask one of our neighbors what's going on. I don't speak Arabic.'

He does so, and soon reports back. 'He says that this is the Holy Selection, and that some of the refugees might be allowed to enter the Holy City.'

'Say something to me in Arabic, I need to check if the translation program is up and running.'

"That's Sir Gawain," he points at the knight in shining armor that just walked out amongst the crowd.

'Neat. Program's running just fine. Also, we'll have to retreat if combat breaks out. Sir Gawain at high noon is a force to be reckoned with.'

'Please. I can take him!'

'Galahad, even your fa-' Wait, shit, can't compare him to his dad. '-riend Mordred would be hard-pressed to face Sir Gawain at full strength. I don't want to try our luck.'

'Nice save.' He gives me a distinctly unimpressed look.

'Thanks, I try.'

"Good citizens of the Holy Land!" Gawain shouts, and both Galahad and I turn our focus towards him. "I know that you're all eager to enter the Holy City!"

The crowd cheers.

"And we're ready to welcome our newest citizens into our walls!" Gawain assures his audience with a smile. "The Holy Selection is about to begin! Please remain calm and still, as our King chooses those suitably virtuous to enter our city!"

The Lion King stands on the rampart, and a series of glowing, golden lights race out amongst the crowd, eventually congregating and centering on a few people. The only two I can see from where I'm standing are a little boy whose mother is crying as she looks at him, and Galahad.

'Huh. Good to know I've still got it,' Galahad notes.

"All right! Holy Selection over!" Gawain announces. "The people glowing right now will be allowed into the Holy City!"

There's a moment of silence, and then one of the men in the crowd shouts, "Wait, what about the rest of us?"

"You will not be allowed into the Holy City," Gawain says slowly, his smile becoming a bit forced.

"Yeah? Well, how about this!" a man near us shouts, grabbing the little boy who was chosen and putting a knife against his throat. "You let all of us in, or none of us!"

The crowd's murmurings take on a violent tone, as more people follow the first rabble-rouser's example. Someone even tries to pull the same stunt on Galahad, but a simple look from him stops them in their tracks.

"Every damn time," Gawain mutters, before raising his hand. "Retrieve the chosen. Dispose of the rest."

The Lion King's knights lumber forwards, and the slaughter begins.

Alright, time to retreat.

'Galahad,' I turn, and he's already gone, running into the fray to defend the helpless. "Son of a bitch."

Alright, that's fine, I can still swing this. I've got the other Servants with me in Astral Form, and Da Vinci's back at the dune buggy. We can still retreat if I use a Command Seal on Galahad. He'll hate me for it, but he might accept it as necessary.

'All right, all Servants, we're ret- Wait, where's Cursed Arm?'

I turn, and I see him. The man who took the boy hostage is dead on the ground, a bloody hole in his back, and Cursed Arm is fighting furiously against one of the huge, lumbering knights, desperately forcing him away from the boy and his mother.

The sight of a Lawful Evil killer-for-hire putting his life on the line to defend innocents is apparently the starting gun in the race to see which of my Servants can most thoroughly ignore my orders and screw over my long-term strategy, as the Servants that remain, not to be outdone, all leap into combat, leaving me completely unguarded.

The fight after that is complete and unbridled chaos. I see only flashes of it, as I'm jerked around, desperately trying not to be trampled by the crowd as I also try not to get caught up in the fighting.

I grab a knife off of a dead man, after what feels like hours of struggling through the chaos, steering around the fire, and desperately trying not to trip over the ever-multiplying corpses that coat the ground. Then, I start stabbing anyone that bumps into me, which soon nets me some elbow room, and some space to actually think and coordinate. After a moment, I start moving, out of the paths of the various Selection Knights that are cutting corpse-strewn highways through the packed crowd. A bit like me, actually, I think, as the crowd surges in too close once more, and I stab the woman who bumps into me. Although I'm mostly just aiming to injure, not kill.

Now that I have the time and space to think and survey the battlefield, I notice that, while the Servants have managed to slow down the slaughter, their uncoordinated response has left them unable to stop it. Galahad's squaring off against Gawain, Siegfried and Cu are both carving their way through the Selection Knights, but they can't get at the ones that have entered the crowd, simply because the panicked mob is too much of an obstacle. Beyond that, the Knights' coordinated nature is allowing them to keep their hunters isolated and bogged down. They can't break the perimeter like this. Georgios and Vlad tried to rally the people and break the perimeter, but they're not inclined to listen to a knight, and their voices are being drowned out by the clamor while the Selection Knights keep them bogged down. Cursed Arm is only protecting the mother and son he first stuck his neck out to save, and Billy is dead, from what I can tell. The Knights ganged up on him and forced him into melee.

We're outnumbered, and if we keep going like this, the crowd will all die off, and we'll be left with only the Knights, and that's just if Mufasa's men don't off me first.

How do I get us out of this?

Right. I might be able to summon a new Servant in from Chaldea to replace Billy, but it needs to be someone tough, with tactical ability, and the capacity to command large groups. Someone unexpected, who'll be able to break the perimeter.

Okay, I know just the guy.

And I know exactly how I'm going to summon him.

I leave the knife in the next person that jostles me, remove my uniform jacket, and then make a beeline for the Selection Knights' perimeter.

Then, as the wall of knights advances towards me, their flashing swords spelling death for all who come near, I raise up my glowing Command Spells and shout, "Help, help, I'm being oppressed!"

"OPPRESSORS!" Spartacus roars as he's dragged forth from Chaldea and onto the field of battle. A lesser man would waste time on questions. He doesn't, instead smashing two Selection Knights together with enough force to leave them as mangled scrap.

I grin, partially from vindictiveness, but mostly from sheer, unadulterated relief that that actually worked.

'Spartacus, we need to disengage, and get the refugees out. Can you break the perimeter?'

He answers with action, smashing through another two of the Selection Knights and bellowing, "THIS WAY, MY BROTHERS! TO FREEDOM!"

'All Servants, begin to disengage! Help Spartacus protect the refugees as we retreat. We're pulling out!' I join the flood of refugees making their way out through the hole Spartacus made in the encirclement, making sure to position myself towards the back.

Unfortunately, a glaring flaw soon becomes apparent: Spartacus can only face the Selection Knights on one side of the stream of fleeing refugees. The other side is still undefended, and has a fair share of Selection Knights there, too.

All right, fine. They'll stretch the perimeter thin, dealing with this particular leak, and I can get out through one of the gaps that forms when that happens. Spartacus' rampage through the Selection Knights to the right of the break he created is definitely going to help with that. Granted, that'll still end with almost all the refugees dead, and my odds won't be great, but it's better than nothing. Now then. Another Selection Knight is cutting into the crowd, specifically the flood of people trying to escape. Just got to stay out of his way, and-


-watch in bafflement as he's karate-chopped in half by a slender, silver-armed knight, apparently.

"Go!" the mysterious stranger shouts to the crowd. "I'll keep them busy!"

I don't hesitate in taking his invitation, and soon, I'm outside the encirclement, making my way towards the buggy.

'Servants, we are retreating. Maintain the gap in the encirclement and disengage from your enemies!'

They finally start listening to me, instead of running off to be noble and get both themselves and me killed.

'Charlie,' Spartacus sends, his tone solemn. 'Even if the oppressed flee, the oppressors will pursue. I will stay behind to delay them, so that you and the others can escape with their victims.'

For a moment, just a moment, I try to think of a retort. A way to persuade him to leave the panicked civilians behind, to convince him that they're a less valuable asset than one of my Servants and can be left to delay and distract our pursuers.

And then I cast that notion aside, feeling disgusted with myself for even considering it. He won't leave them. It's not in his nature. And, frankly, the others would probably betray me if I even suggested it.

'Thank you, Spartacus.'

'No need. To free the oppressed and cast down oppressors is a reward in and of itself! Now go!'

I confirm that all my Servants got out, and then tell Da Vinci to gun it, which I quickly regret.
For a moment, just a moment, I try to think of a retort. A way to persuade him to leave the panicked civilians behind, to convince him that they're a less valuable asset than one of my Servants and can be left to delay and distract our pursuers.

And then I cast that notion aside, feeling disgusted with myself for even considering it. He won't leave them. It's not in his nature. And, frankly, the others would probably betray me if I even suggested it.

'Thank you, Spartacus.'

'No need. To free the oppressed and cast down oppressors is a reward in and of itself! Now go!'

I confirm that all my Servants got out, and then tell Da Vinci to gun it, which I quickly regret.

Oh look. Charlie is learning.
'Well, they all said he was seduced into setting aside his worldly concerns and departing for the Garden of Avalon by his apprentice, which I'm assuming is a euphemism for getting a nasty STD from all his womanizing and dying horribly.' Galahad snorts. 'I mean, with how much he slept around, it was only a matter of time.'
Oh, boi. Babylon is going to be a trip when Merlin finally shows up.

'You don't believe in fairies, either,' I summarize dryly.

'Of course not. There's only one truly supernatural power in this world, Flynn, and that is our Holy Lord on High. Fairies are just the byproduct of superstition, and pagans misinterpreting His divine workings.'
Not surprised, magic was basically dead by the time he arrived in Camelot and the Fey don't appear before humanity anymore. He probably thinks Excalibur was a creation of the Christan God and the Druids just said that Fairies made it to take credit for it.
Okay, dude, Vlad and Medea aren't remotely attracted to each other. Vlad sees Medea as an infanticidal monster, and doesn't really understand why their shared Master doesn't just kill her and be done with it. Medea, for her part, sees Vlad as an unstable psychopath, and is equally perplexed by the fact that Flynn hasn't killed him yet. beyond that, though, I believe I should make it clear that the Vlad Flynn summoned is Extra Vlad. He's not a vampire, just a very bloodthirsty and boisterous psychopath that kills in accordance with his own twisted and (by modern standards) somewhat jingoistic sense of morality.

I figured that this was the case, but I just found it extremely hilarious if something like that were to happen and Charlie was left in the middle of it, trying to manage the romance from Hell.

And I knew that this Vlad was the non vampire version, due to his possession of so much bloodthirst, while his vampire self lacks that ironically, I just found comparing him to a vampire to be funny due to the, well, bloodthirst he has.

'So, what about Merlin?'


'That's because I never met Merlin, Flynn,' Galahad tells me, irritated. 'He'd already died when I got to Arthur's court.'

'Died?' I repeat quizzically. I don't remember that being in any of the myths.

Neither do I.

Was this something that was actually in the source material for Fate, or just some minor mention in some myths, or was it something you invented?

'Well, they all said he was seduced into setting aside his worldly concerns and departing for the Garden of Avalon by his apprentice, which I'm assuming is a euphemism for getting a nasty STD from all his womanizing and dying horribly.' Galahad snorts. 'I mean, with how much he slept around, it was only a matter of time.'

Words that I never expected a knight to utter and yet here we are.

Technically also partially true, since he was cursed to be imprisoned in Avalon for eternity by a spurned lover. So technically it can be considered an STD, in the loosest definition of course.

'I mean, wouldn't his otherworldly heritage probably give him an in?' I ask.

He was half demon and Avalon is often portrayed as being a land of pure good, so it is possible that it could have rejected him.

We know it didn't, but it isn't out of the realm of possibility that it could have.

Galahad looks at me, utterly deadpan. 'Flynn. Don't tell me that you actually believe Avalon is real.'

'You… don't?' I ask incredulously.

'Why should I? It's all some bullshit spat out by the druids, their knockoff of Heaven. It's just superstitious mumbo-jumbo, though. Like fairies.'

'You don't believe in fairies, either,' I summarize dryly.

'Of course not. There's only one truly supernatural power in this world, Flynn, and that is our Holy Lord on High. Fairies are just the byproduct of superstition, and pagans misinterpreting His divine workings.'

Galahad is...surprisingly naive in some aspects.

I bet he's going to be surprised when he meets Merlin.

He obviously doesn't consider him to be some kind of infallible sage, partly due to his extremely high standards, that most people can't live up to, and the fact that Merlin basically considered chastity to be an amusing joke, but I don't think he's going to be prepared for meeting the Nasu version of Merlin, or as he's otherwise know as, Magi Mari, advisor to former Magic Kings.

'Spent all his money at a brothel. As a child,' I repeat deadpan, giving Galahad a look.

He deflates from furious to sulky. 'That's totally something he'd do.'

'If you say so, Galahad.' I really don't want to argue the point.

To be fair to Galahad here, ancient nobles have done some weird things, even if in this case Lancelot being raised by a magical water woman is true.

'Huh. Good to know I've still got it,' Galahad notes.

Not your humility I take it?

I grin, partially from vindictiveness, but mostly from sheer, unadulterated relief that that actually worked.

Refuge in audacity for the win!

'No need. To free the oppressed and cast down oppressors is a reward in and of itself! Now go!'

It's important that you enjoy the work you are doing.

I confirm that all my Servants got out, and then tell Da Vinci to gun it, which I quickly regret.

I bet you regret a lot of things since joining Chaldea.

True you are saving the world, but you also saw Blackbeard become an otaku, had your balls crushed by a superpowerful ghost in the body of a little girl, was enslaved for a brief period, are technically married to a lunatic, have an emotionally damaged woman thinking of you as her son, was kidnapped by Attila, discovered that Jack the Ripper was a little girl in a thong, killed said little girl, saw an Irish hero behave like a perverted little boy that just discovered porn, engaged in viking like activities that saw you give an order to incapacitate a resisting villager and it ended up with him losing a kneecap, are trying to deal with what is essentially the biggest inspiration for vampires thinking that he's Santa Claus, and you discovered that Andrew Jackson qualified for the Throne of Heroes.

All things many people would regret happening to them.
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Our boy is growing up.

And in a few more Singularities he's going to leave his new home in Chaldea.

Well assuming all that other stuff, like the Lostbelts, doesn't happen.

Hey is Duryodhana still in Chaldea?
No. He hasn't been summoned.
I don't get why this is such a surprise. Andrew Jackson is among the more interesting presidents the US has had. Especially with a victory like the Battle of New Orleans under his belt.
Three words: Trail of Tears.

It's not that it's a surprise, it's that it's a disappointment.

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