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He thought she already knew. I mean, it's not like Roman was subtle about using Excalibur as a paperweight. They even staged a production of the play Camelot using the actual Excalibur as a prop at one point.
Who the hell goes into Roman's office? It probably smells. For the latter, was that ever shown in story? I don't remember it and a quick breeze through the thread didn't show it.
Who the hell goes into Roman's office? It probably smells. For the latter, was that ever shown in story? I don't remember it and a quick breeze through the thread didn't show it.
It happened offscreen. Flynn isn't omniscient, and he doesn't relate everything.

Not to mention, he's not exactly the most social person. He just filed the play under "typical Chaldean weirdness" and didn't go.
It happened offscreen. Flynn isn't omniscient, and he doesn't relate everything.

Not to mention, he's not exactly the most social person. He just filed the play under "typical Chaldean weirdness" and didn't go.
Aw. I wanted to see it. If only see Galahad fuming helplessly inside Mash as Shakespeare makes creative changes.
C147+Interlude Gil: Chaldea is a bit more fragile than I expected. Very Well! Servants go forth and nudge Chaldea into saving Uruk and all My Subjects(Humanity et all)! Without Us (and us them but my pride precludes that possibility) they are doomed.

C152 Gil: ... They didn't need me? They have what they needed, Kingu ( what was left of my friend :() is Dead, and Uruk Needs their help. ....I could have done Better couldn't I have? Is This how Other people feel? ....I ... I can do Better?! How very strange....
So let's recap what happened here.

Medea insulted Charlie.

Charlie felt like a piece of shit.

We found out that the staff at Chaldea is okay with using objects with godlike power as ordinary objects, giving Gilgamesh a run for his money when it comes to using NB's as luxury goods, like his beer cup.

We also saw a humble Gil.

All in all a very interesting chapter.

Glad you're back, was almost worried you dropped this story.
"I'm not really qualified to tell you that," I say, my face a cheerful mask. "Medea?"


"Oh, don't be overdramatic, you're a Servant and one of the greatest spellcasters to ever live. You'll have grown it back by tomorrow."

She sighs, still glaring at me. "Fine. He's dead. His body was essentially one of the gods of Mesopotamia's Noble Phantasms. He's more or less an artificial life form, powered by god-tier magecraft. Normally, Rule Breaker would be incapable of disrupting that, but making it into a Broken Phantasm succeeded in destroying the underlying architecture of his body beyond repair. So, congratulations, he's dead. And all it cost us was my hand and Noble Phantasm."

"I think we summoned Rule Breaker once or twice. We can just grab a replacement from on of the junk closets."

She looks at me incredulously. "What?"

"The FATE system summons Noble Phantasms or parts of heroes' legends far more often than it summons the heroes themselves. We actually have two separate copies of Excalibur in Chaldea. Roman uses one of them as a paperweight."

"You… used the Sword of Promised Victory… as a paperweight," Galahad says, looking at me incredulously.

"Roman did. Not like we could have actually used it for anything without its proper owner on hand, after all."
This whole thing. :D Just...this whole thing is worth the chapter on it's own. I have to say, watching Charlie being friendly with the "evil" themed Servants is just heartwarming.

"I am sorry, mongrel. Do not force me to repeat myself." He takes a deep breath, and then continues. "I wish to offer my apologies for misjudging your worth and insulting your prowess as warriors. It was… uncalled for, and not my intent." He takes another deep breath, and then proceeds, his hands clenched tight around the silverware. "You have indeed proven your mettle, and I need your… I need your…" He grits his teeth, and then powers through. "I need your help to save Uruk."
And then you go and top it off even further! XD

"I grew up, Ishtar. I understand that you might be unfamiliar with the concept, but you really should try it one of these days."
And this is how we know Gilgamesh is still Gilgamesh.
This whole thing. :D Just...this whole thing is worth the chapter on it's own. I have to say, watching Charlie being friendly with the "evil" themed Servants is just heartwarming.

Yes, yes it is.

And then you go and top it off even further! XD

We may have had to wait for this chapter, but it was worth it.

And this is how we know Gilgamesh is still Gilgamesh.

Once a douche, always a douche, even if it's only slightly less douchy.
Mushashi ate Udon from grail to get world-hopping and immortality for it. (it was part of fgo canon I believe.)
Will Charlie be offered a Grail full of beer by Gil for saving Uruk? Will he drink it? Will he get any Speshul Powahs for it?

BTW Mash drank a Grail full of root beer; why hasn't the other shoe fallen yet? Is her body fine?
Mushashi ate Udon from grail to get world-hopping and immortality for it. (it was part of fgo canon I believe.)
Will Charlie be offered a Grail full of beer by Gil for saving Uruk? Will he drink it? Will he get any Speshul Powahs for it?

BTW Mash drank a Grail full of root beer; why hasn't the other shoe fallen yet? Is her body fine?
Flynn used the Grail to summon a bottle of root beer. He also made sure to direct her to Roman just to make sure there weren't any ill effects on her health.
Will Charlie be offered a Grail full of beer by Gil for saving Uruk? Will he drink it? Will he get any Speshul Powahs for it?

Well it could go several ways.

On one hand he and Gil may dislike each other so much by the end of this that Gil doesn't give him holy beer.

On the other hand he may give him some.

As for powers, well maybe Charlie will get the ability to conjure booze anytime he wants.

The Celtic Servants are going to love him after that.
Interlude: Gorgon
The ground rubs pleasantly against my scales as I slither towards the wall. My children swarm the walls, dragging the worthless humans down to their doom.

The time for this farce has passed. Kingu has been missing for over a week, and I must find him.

I can hear the worthless meat begin to scream and quaver as I draw nearer. Good. It is right that they should fear. After all, I am the mighty Gorgon Tiamat. My hatred for them bubbles up within my chest, and I find myself smiling widely at the carnage I'm about to wreak upon them. A series of useless tripwires go off, launching tiny darts that cut shallow grooves into my flesh, centered around my chest. They do nothing, and I dismiss the tingling numbness I feel around the wounds as I fix my petrifying gaze onto the little ants scurrying about atop the wall.

They will suffer. They will all suffer for trapping me on that goddamn rock LEAVING ME! They will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that all their struggles have been for naught, as they gaze upon their doom, and-


Suddenly, I'm flat on my back, my ears ringing as I try to parse together what the hell just happened. Then the pain hits, and I stare down at the bloody, mangled remains of my chest.

Did they-? The pain stops my train of thought with an affirmative yes. It's mind-numbing. A searing wave of agony that makes me want to just curl up into a little ball and cry.

But, louder than the pain, is the fury. The red rage that dances behind my eyes, begging me to burn the world. Because THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS JUST BLEW UP MY TITS! THEY DIE! THEY DIE SLOWLY, AND PAINFULLY, SUBJECTED TO EVERY LAST TORTURE I KNOW!

A red-haired man dressed in green steps up to the corner of the wall, grimaces, and then cups his hands to shout at me. "Vile Gorgon! Know that your defeat on this battlefield has been the sole working of ME! The one and only Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest, a proud Servant of Chaldea, and your avowed enemy. As you flee, to slither down amongst the dark and forgotten places of the world, and relish the eternal shame of your defeat, know that it was I and only I-"

That's all he gets out before I lunge at him, sinking my hands into the wall's stonework so I can climb my way up. He turns tail and runs as fast as his pathetic human legs will take him, but I dog his steps.

Almost there, he's ALMOST WITHIN MY REACH! I can feel my eyes beginning to overwhelm this whelp of a Servant's Magic Resistance, but whenever he starts slowing down, he always somehow manages to duck out of my sight for just long enough for my hard work to be undone!

I'm chasing him through a forest, which is really impeding my line of sight, and those traps of his are dogging my steps like biting insects, constantly biting into me. Unlike before, they don't seem to slow me. Instead, I feel a burning, incandescent fury, igniting my inner fires and driving me to strike faster and harder!




I groan in exultation, at irritating pest's demise. The rage still lingers, though, strengthening my very being, piercing my core. I feel it growing, consuming me!

"Well done, Lady Gorgon!" an unfamiliar voice says, and I turn to find a scruffy-looking man in a white uniform of some kind pointing dramatically at me. "You really showed him what-for."

I frown, my mind working through the growing haze of irrational fury. Wait. That's the Master of Chaldea! Kingu told me about him!

As I tense my body for a leap, he points at me dramatically with his other hand. "Now, before you do anything drastic, I just want you to know… I HAVE A CAT IN MY ARM!"

"What?" I ask, staring at him confusion. Even the red rage smothering my mind can't drown out how utterly baffled I am right now.

"His name is Mr. Fluffington the Third. He is a calico!" the idiot rattles off proudly, holding his arm up for me to inspect. "If you stop trying to destroy humanity, I'll let you pet him."

That one, solitary, incarnation of all earthly stupidity disguised as a sentence does what Gilagmesh's Absolute Demonic Front couldn't: It stops me dead in my tracks. I stare at him in stunned silence for a moment, and then state the obvious. "You're insane."

"No, I'm in Babylon. I'm not sure how you got those two confused."

I activate my Mystic Eyes and prepare to turn him into a mentally ill lawn ornament, when I feel a pinch on the back of my neck.


And, suddenly, the world dissolves into fractals of reality, as I remember just who I truly am.


I lunge forwards, the fire coursing through my blood urging me to MAIMRIPTEARDESTROY until they're-

I was honestly hoping that Fou came back when he mentioned a cat.

Still sad.

At least it wasn't a jellicle cat.

I am sorry if I reminded you of the movie Cats.

Well...that's a thing. Good thing there was a forest around for Robin Hood...but it absolutely SUUUUUUCKS that you skipped the meeting with Merlin.

We may get to see them interact when they're about to leave.
Chapter 153
I can see the explosion from where I'm standing.

'Enemy terminated, Master.' Robin sends over the mental link.

'Excellent. How'd Yan do as my body double?'

'Eh. He hammed it up a bit, but otherwise, he kept things smoothly on the rails. Took my place as Gorgon's target seamlessly when the Berserker Toxin kicked in, then switched disguises to your appearance when she used that Noble Phantasm of yours. Did a good job of distracting her, all in all.'

'So, passing grade?'


I turn to Gilgamesh, who's watching me appraisingly. "Your majesty, Gorgon has had her connection to Tiamat severed, and been terminated, as per our agreement."

"So I can see."

"Has this succeeded in lulling Tiamat to sleep?"

"Yes." He sighs, and then tosses Galahad the Grail. "And now you'll leave, abandoning us to deal with the last two remaining members of the Alliance."

It isn't a question.

"I'm not surprised that you knew," I say with a nod. "They're well within your capabilities, and SHEBA predicts that you'll succeed in resolving the Singularity on your own, now that we've lulled the Primordial Mother back to sleep."

"And so you're running."

"We need time to recover the resources expended in this Singularity, and prepare for Solomon's next move. This is the most efficient move to accomplish that."

"And the people of Uruk? What of my people? The ones who would have survived if you had stayed?" Gilgamesh glares at me, his eyes harsh and accusing.

"Uruk is your responsibility, King Gilgamesh. Reversing the Incineration is ours." I resolutely beat down the shredded fragments of whatever compassion and decency I may have once possessed, as they scream for me to stay, to help my fellow man, to be the hero.

He laughs. "I should be furious with you. But then, I doubt I could ever hate you as much as you do."

I wince. Oh, he's going to make this personal.


"How does it feel, Flynn, to betray every ideal you've ever had, all because you're too scared to try and imitate the heroes you so admire? How does it feel to-"

I punch him, and then promptly begin jumping around waving my now-broken hand. He just laughs.

"Goodbye, Master of Chaldea. I'll wish you neither weal nor woe, since you're too broken to be admired, and too pathetic to be hated."

Merlin bursts past him as he strolls out of the clearing, leaving me shaking as I stare at his back.

"Oh, thank God! Listen, I've been trying to get a word with you, but you kept dodging me! Listen, whatever you do, you can't-"

The Rayshift bears us away before he can finish that sentence.
Damn, that was a missed opportunity to say something like "Yet, I still have friends. Do you?"

His tongue is his greatest asset and he missed an opportunity to use it to poke at Gil's greatest failure.

Pretty sure Gil would crush his skull if he said that.

Oh and, how dare you leave out any interactions with the dick wizard!?

And giving Yan a passing grade?

Pretty sure he deserves an A++ for that.
"Oh, thank God! Listen, I've been trying to get a word with you, but you kept dodging me! Listen, whatever you do, you can't-"
80/20 Merlin's doing it for the lulz vs trying to get a message across. Actually, what am I talking about - Merlin's definitely doing this so that Charlie stays up all night in worry as petty revenge for ducking out on him the entire time they were in Babylonia.
"Goodbye, Master of Chaldea. I'll wish you neither weal nor woe, since you're too broken to be admired, and too pathetic to be hated."
Gil drops some pretty heavy lines here. I'm sure this won't have repercussions.

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