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How would a futa society develop


Do you want to make a wish?
May 22, 2021
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So an uncommon trope here is there are futa. But one thing that got me to think how would society develop if they're made up of Futa.

Would gender roles develop? What would inheritance look like? Would inheritance be more likely through mother side?
So an uncommon trope here is there are futa. But one thing that got me to think how would society develop if they're made up of Futa.

Would gender roles develop? What would inheritance look like? Would inheritance be more likely through mother side?
You could look at Rome as an example. From what I recall, penetration was heavily based around social role, with the higher status individual being expected to do the penetrating. Getting penetrated outside of institutionalized pederasty was heavily stigmatized, especially getting penetrated when you were socially supposed to be the penetrator.

You could probably play it other ways, like making childbirth a sacred duty or something, but considering how dangerous pregnancy was until not that long ago, and how dangerous it still can be today, I'd default towards the powerful wanting justifications to keep from getting pregnant.
Would gender roles develop? What would inheritance look like? Would inheritance be more likely through mother side?
Maybe far more clan and merit based society. Possibly with out the concept of marriage. Like you can have partners but not for the purpose of reproduction. Children are more a "village afair" then just the mother and father.

A cast base system could develop in some countries as well with complex cast interactions
I agree with AmazonClimber, albeit more based on hermaphroditic sea slugs - where the "mating dance" is more "winner fucks the loser".

Pregnancy puts you into position where you need a lot more help and care, so the socially dominant would be much more interested to be on the giving side and not on the receiving one.
Then you have the usual instinct in males to create a genetic monopoly (many partners + their partners do not sleep with other males = maximized genetic legacy).
Mind, those on the submissive side no longer have to worry about their genetic legacy (because they still get impregnated) so there is a much lower evolutionary cost to submissiveness.
Of course there is still a competition for high-quality providers so you would get all the aspects of female competition as well.

Ultimately, not all that much would change - something similar to sexism would unfold in birthing/non-birthing classism (because the grass is always greener on the other side, so you want to steal their grass) but, given that they can switch roles (as long as their biological clock allows), it would be more like the career-woman/housewife dictonomy.
Birthing hermaphrodites would have less social/institutional protection than women because they are more replacable (but other previously non-birthing hermaphrodites) in their biological function,
Non-birthing hermaphrodites would have more social/institutional protection than men because they can take up active reproductive function (the number of fertile women is (along with general resources and mortality) the historical bottleneck for population growth) and are thus more valuable for tribe restoration.

This could lead to a) much more detailed social expectations when to bear (tends towards early) and when to conceive (tends towards late, because you are also expected to be the provider) children
and b) in the more brutal societies to an eunuch class that can only give birth - this might especially happen to captured members of other tribes, thus minizing their genetic monopoly.
Generally speaking, gender dynamic equialents would be a bit harsher, albeit physcial violence would be reduced by near identical maximum strength (excluding eunuchs),
thus making domestic violence and rape attempts much more risky for the attacker, so the battlefield would be more on the social level.
So it hasn't been brought up yet, but the language would be very different as well. We as English speakers aren't super used to nouns having genders (the only ones I can think of off hand are ships and hurricanes), but in most Latin languages nouns have genders; Spanish, French, and German come to mind. It would not surprise me if they evolved in such a way because in humans, physical sex is something that you are. It is likely, therefore, that the language evolved to have nouns - 'people, places, things, or ideas' be male or female. Whereas in a hermaphroditic species, it would be entirely possible to believe that verbs would be gendered, because 'male' or 'female' would be entirely social constructs, based on what you do, rather than what you are (think how people can be submissive or dominant in bed). I probably explained that badly, but it's three am, and I'm tired lol

I apologize if that offends anyone who is trans, I don't pay much attention to that, don't mean to offend.

edit: now that I'm more awake, I feel I should clarify: for a language that was developed by hermaphrodites, 'female' would be something you do. For example, something traditionally 'feminine' like cooking might have a prefix or suffix that denotes that it is a 'feminine' action, as much as such a society would have gendered anything anyway, because they don't have genders in the first place .

not that you could actually use any of this without building a language from scratch.
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Another way to go about this is non-traditional family grouping more along the line of Clans.

Children are raised by the clan as a whole with the importance of the mother and father varying from culture to culture. Everyone can be considered a "Mom," with the "Mother" being the Barer and the futa who inseminated being both a mom and the "Father." Its possible the terms mother and father are lone words from human societies. Any way the role of "Barer" and "inseminater" would both have importance in society. Some cultures might ban the martial practitioners from being a Barer since their needed in the fields but it's also likely In such clan structure it would be considered proper for a woman to at least bare a child once.


I think a duel faith will emerge. A Masculine and Feminine diety represents a sort of Yin-Yang function and two component parts of a Futa soul. In this, reproduction will have a semi-spiritual and religious connotation as well. It's also because of that that I can see the switching of who bares the children being something that is considered a social norm and of semi-religious importance.


I feel a common government strategy would be to have to semi-religious orders (Feminine and Masculine) acting as an oligarch council with a Semi-elected dule monarchy acting as an executive.


There is no marriage. People can sleep with other people but there would be a Bond-Mate. Someone who represents more than just a lover or mother/father of your child, but also a platonic life partner. As society developed the Bond mate will be more recognized with one member taking on the feminine and the other the masculine role permanently when interacting with each other. For example, Joan might be the Masculine Bond-Mate of Mary but has also decided to bare Jane's child. If the nation has a dule monarchy it would probably be some extremely codified Bond pairing that rules.
It would depend on wether futanari have more strength than normal girls or the same.

To give you a general view of how our society formed. At the start (hundreds of years ago when we didn't even know how to farm) we were a matriarchal society that was constantly on the move. We viewed "giving life" as the most important thing and women were the ones that ruled. You can see this in the type of idols that they benerated, like the fertility one, and other things like paintings and stuff. After a few years that started to change and taking lives (meaning bringing food to the tribe) was viewed as more important than giving life. That started to change our society to a patriachy since most hunters, if not all, were male.

Now, it all came to an end when we decided to put roots down with the discovery of how to farm and maintain livestock. Due to the low level of technology the "main jobs" needed a great deal of strength and stamina (toiling the soil, blacksmithing, war in general, etc) so men did them and this meant that women were delegated to secondary and "lesser" jobs (cleaning the house, cooking, etc). This effectively put them as "second rate" citizens and made our society a patriarchy. Add that this is when we started to write things down, religion and all that and...yeah.

This has changed recently (like in the last hundred years or so) with the discovery of new technologies. Better tools, radio, computers, etc. We have seen women coming back to importance the more "modern" we became and, more recently, having basically the same rights as men (except in some countries). This is due to the fact that now anything that a man can do a woman can do too because thanks to our level of technology what we need is technique and intelligence, not raw strength and stamina.

So yeah, if we follow the logic that they have the same strength then the thing about penetration works. On the other hand if futas are stronger then they will probably have a similar society than us.

PS: Take in mind that there were other reasons and a lot and I mean A LOT of minutia and not so minutia that I didn't even mention (Like religion or education). This is a really short summary of our whole history from what I studied a few years ago so if you want to know more or have a more filled answer do your own research from there.

Pps: This is also why I laugh each time I see a cultivation story with a patriarchal society. How can there be a patriarchy when from the start of everything any girl could be as powerful if not more than any man?? In those cultures the main point of discrimination would be talent and power. As in the talented ones or the ones with powerful families vs the talentless and weak, no matter whether they are male or female.
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you know another thing to consider is births... siblings actually.

You have siblings which would be "sisters" of the same barer (mother). You'd also have Twins.

However, you'd also have siblings that share the same parent but with roles reversed. Sibling 1's mother would be sibling 2's father and sibling 2's mother would be the first sibling's father. You might call these "Soul/flesh/reversed" siblings and I think there would be special religious importance on reverse twins. Basically where the two siblings are born and/or conceived on the same day. These would probably be considered one person split into two bodies or some other religious phrase.
Is the premise that the world is populated entirely with futanari and there are no males and no females? Are these balls or no-balls futas? Do they have the summed individual sex drives of both genders so they come out hornier than usual, or is it an intermediate blending of desires? Are we talking phalloclitorii or full penis and full clitoris? When they urinate, which hole(s) does it come from? When they ejaculate, which hole(s) does it come from? The physical and biological details matter to how the society develops. If self-insemination is something that can happen accidentally, it changes a lot.
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I would assume balls, as the whole reason mammals have external testes is because spermatazoa development needs lower temperatures than most metabolism. Internal testes would be sterile. I mean, assuming we're trying to be biologically correct. So a futa without balls wouldn't be able to father offspring.

(Although if they were technically females, who needed pseudomating to stimulate parthenogenesis, where the daughter is a clone of the mother, no genetic info from "father"... hm....)

An organism that produces both male and female gametes (that is, both sperm and eggs) is a hermaphrodite. (It used to be the case that intersex people, with intermediate genitalia, were called hermaphrodites, but that's fallen out of favor as it's not really correct and was mostly used as an insult anyway.)

For some specificity, a species that is all hermaphrodites are the most common way this occurs, mostly in clades of species that never split into two sexes in the first place. This was quite far back in evolution compared to us, though, almost all animal hermaphrodites are invertebrates, and the few vertebrate hermaphrodites are mostly fish.

Of those, there are some species that are sequential, which means their sex changes over their lifetime, naturally born as male, maybe changing to female (protoandry); and born female, and maybe changing to male (protogyny). I am mostly aware of this happening in fish, where it's related to a dominance hierarchy, where the most dominant organism changes sex and has a harem. (Clownfish are all male, and the largest one in their particular anemone has a harem of the rest of the males.)

Couple of species cases here:
Hermarodiecy -- species has one sex, "hermaphrodite"
Androdioecy -- species has two sexes, "male" and "hermaphrodite" (unusual)
Gynodioecy -- species has two sexes, "female" and "hermaphrodite"
Trioecy -- species has three sexes, "female", "male", and "hermaphrodite" (this one is rare and is apparently considered a transitional state as a species moves from one of the above to one of the others)

This is highly speculative because hermaphroditism is very rare in amniotes (I think there are only a few cases, in some lizards? And I think it's related to parthenogenesis evolution traps anyway), but among mammals, females are "normal" and males are like, "modified females" in a developmental sense, but futanari as, an, erm, aesthetic has a certain amount of biological accuracy to it. Don't think that was really intentional though.

Well, leaving aside more cultural info, I've vomited out some words about the underlying biology, I hope this helps other posters articulate what scenarios exactly they're thinking about.
Okay. So if there are two complete sets of sex organs, then you're going to end up with both sex drives simultaneously. The balls are gonna do their thing and want to sow wild oats in anything willing they can catch, but mostly specimens that look beautiful, active, and healthy. Simultaneously the ovaries are gonna do their thing and want to gather resources from physically strong defenders, higher social status members, and the wealthy, offering reproductive opportunities as a commitment to lock in the partner's contribution. You're going to have two separate kinds of horny that each want to be satisfied. So you might be blueballed but not clamjammed, or the reverse. And these two different kinds of horny both pull mostly the same physiological levers even though the mental experience of it is wildly different. So you can get people who are double-horny and simultaneously desperate to be taken as a woman and to deliver as a man. And whether your horny is of the wanting to be thrown down and taken or wanting to jam it in kind, there's still only one physiological lever to pull, the lever that both makes your panties soaked and your skirt tent up in front. It won't blend cleanly mentally, because the gonads aren't coordinating with each other that way. All they can do is give you a double dose of the horny drug that sends all your blood and fluids down south.

Because the act of pregnancy renders the individual vulnerable, nearly all hermaphrodites in nature have some kind of ritual wrestling to determine who "gets" to be the "male" and who "has" to be the "female". The one who isn't strong enough to defend themselves pays the price of raising the offspring, while the one who is stronger (hopefully) takes on the commitment of providing and defending. I expect that this role vanishes immediately once the offspring are born. Once the child is born, nobody is going to care which one of you the baby came out of. No instinct would compel a mother to try to remain "female" in future encounters, that would be counterproductive biologically. They would instead be a better judge of who might be in their weight class to win a mating wrestle with. Meanwhile the "male" might look for a slightly stronger opponent that they can still beat. There's a large evolutionary payoff for selecting the mate as fit as possible but which you can still beat.

I don't see a two-tiered class system forming between impregnators and the impregnated. I see it becoming more like a ranking ladder where every individual mostly gets sorted into their place based on how feminine or masculine they are. Those who go to the gym and work out a lot to be able to win mating wrestles will rise to the top of the male side of the ladder, those who focus on their physical attractiveness and display vulnerability will attract more potential mates and be able to choose the ones with most resources to provide, and as you go through your life you will likely progress from being a more feminine individual supported by the masculine partners, to someone who has started making your own wealth and is slowly losing their looks to age and dating both up and down, to someone with the wealth and power to provide for a younger feminine mate. Women start with their desirable youth and beauty, and that fades over time. Men start with nothing and build their empires until they can retire. This hermaphroditic society would show this kind of transition as an individual ages and becomes less feminine and more masculine. And all the usual cougar / gold-digger / simp / playboy activities can still happen as normal. Belle Delfuta still teases on OnlyFaps that you might be able to top and stick it in if you just send a big enough superchat. Jeanine Stiffler is still gonna Ara Ara Paula Finch. Stacy's Mom's still got it going on, and you still wish you had Jessie's girl. TATU is now about cross-class underage "lesbian" romance with implied risky sexual behaviors pointed the wrong ways down the economic ladder to form the taboo. Gender would be relative. You're a girl to this person who's stronger and richer, and a boy to this one prettier and younger. And how wide that envelope is and how much overlap there is would be akin to how 'straight' or 'homosexual' someone is in our current gendered society. You might find some "gay" strong wealthy masculine person who exclusively wants to be penetrated by some feminine young beautiful person. And like hell the younger person desperate to get their rocks off is gonna say no to that. It's not a perfect analogue, but it's a good example.

I expect for it to be acceptable for any futanari to have a single boyfriend and a single girlfriend without it being considered cheating, due to the dual sex drives wanting to mate in opposite directions along the hierarchy. I expect for this to form chains of wealth distribution passing from the richest most masculine people to their girlfriends, for those girlfriends to be enriched by that wealth to the point of becoming a desirable boyfriend themselves, use some of that wealth they get from their boyfriends to entertain girlfriends of their own, and so on down the economic ladder. I expect this because the two sex drives would be independent, and so getting to blow your load into your girlfriend regularly wouldn't stop the itch to get railed yourself, and letting someone win the mating wrestle will probably just kill the mood. But there will be exceptions to that of course, this is just how I expect things to go in general. In more open societies cheating might not be cared about at all, and paternity tests just track genealogies with no particular social emphasis placed on parenthood. In more fundamentalist societies, masculine individuals probably buy young feminine individuals as wives until that wife can accumulate enough power to buy their freedom and start being a husband to the wives they buy.

Rape will probably be less of an issue, or even a non-issue, as it won't have any sexist component to it anymore. I don't mean "not an issue" as "it won't happen", I expect it to happen more. I just expect people to care less. Everyone is a hermaphrodite, the mating wrestle is ancient biology, and the bidirectional ranking of having people above and below you will make it so non-consensual sexual encounters probably end up with a huffy feminine person pouting and calling the masculine person a jerk and slapping them like a cat in heat after being mated, then storming off and avoiding them or getting backup from a bigger stronger person -- but not a full on traumatic dilemma and criminal prosecution. Something more akin to bullying or mocking and insults, and maybe halfway to just being tsundere about it. Probably frowned on about as much as bullying, and with about as much done about it. Men who get unexpected or unwanted sex are usually not treated as any kind of victim and usually congratulated on getting some, by both men and women. And since everyone here is a hermaphrodite, that attitude is probably the one that's going to prevail. There's no designated "class" of "women" to band together in outrage to form a taboo, no designated "class" of "protector" to label as a perpetrator or to unite together to lynch someone for taking what's theirs, just a matter of what side you are on to who, and for how long. It'll just be a mean thing to repay in kind perhaps. You rape some cute "girl", and then her "boyfriend" shows up to make you "his" "bitch". At least so long as it doesn't involve unwanted pregnancy. That's when you've actually done the harm in this scenario. How society treats that will depend on how communal the childrearing is. If you aren't personally being a parent to your kids, then it's only nine months of annoyance and a fair but low physical risk. Probably treated like rearending someone in traffic. You've gotta pay the bill to fix the car, the court case takes forever, you have to make arrangements for transportation, it costs a lot of money, it's uncomfortable and hurts and you wish it didn't happen, but nearly always there's no lifelong injury to pay out. Then your kid's in the communal pool, you're done being female, and the jerk who put that kid in you is paying their communal share just the same as you anyways. If childrearing isn't communal, then shit's about to get real and the mom's probably allowed to actually just shoot you dead and take all your stuff.

And despite that permissiveness on rape and cheating and relationship stuff, I expect a very weird turn on sex education. Normally parents don't have to worry too much about their boys and girls hooking up too young. Kids masturbate but it's rare for them to go too far with each other too quickly under our current model. But we've got two problems here now, which is that one child alone in their room has both sexes and unless some mechanism is in place to prevent it either physically or through education, they will end up self-impregnating by schlicking with the jizz after fapping at some point just through innate body curiousity. And left unguided, that will happen as young as they can become fertile. Self-impregnation doesn't make clones, it's instead twice as incestuous as sibling-sibling or parent-child incest. The end result of serial selfcest is an entirely homozygous genotype, which can have terrible consequences, and one strange consequence I'll elaborate on later. So there's gonna have to be some kind of education or chastity belt or something. Perhaps an UltraWestermarck effect that makes people entirely averse to anything that might make them self-impregnate. That's the first thing. The second thing is you're going to always be in a mixed bathing scenario. The line between platonic friend and romantic interest is going to be completely demolished. There is no heteronormative girl clique of all-girl friends, nor one of boys hanging out at a club being bros. Sexual tension is going to be there between anyone even passably attractive, everyone evaluating everyone else as both a potential boyfriend and a girlfriend. There's no "safe half" of the population to group them with. Any time ANY two teens run into a closet horny, it's not going to be just 'two boys will be boys just messing around' or 'all schoolgirls are expected get a lesbian crush and lilies will bloom'. They're gonna get up to things that need stopped. How that ends up happening is a question for their society that I can't speculate too much on. Perhaps at birth they're all reversibly sterilized until they're old enough and can afford to undo it. I expect nudity will be even more taboo, with everyone having separate changing rooms instead of communal gym showers, while simultaneously revealing and arousing clothing will be more tolerated and appreciated. Everyone likes to look as a male, and to show off as a female, and there's not going to be many complaints. So when the cheerleaders and the ballerinas are showing off both cameltoe and prominent bulges under the thin nude-colored spandex, that's acceptable and draws cheers from the crowd and smiles from the performers. But an actual nip slip would be reacted to with shock, horror, and rushes to cover up. It would be about the tease, which is safe and appreciated by all, rather than the exposure to others which is taboo and indicates an inappropriate risk and lack of precautions.

I'm going to agree with gendered verbs from the above commentator, but I'm going to add in gendered nouns and pronouns. When you refer to someone more masculine than you (or if they aren't but you want their dick anyways) you would use "his", and when you refer to someone prettier and vulnerable you would use "her" (unless again you want their dick anyways). Caretaking and social and domestic roles would be feminine verbs, tools to perform those tasks would be feminine nouns, labor and conflict roles would be masculine verbs, tools to perform them would be masculine nouns. Might even get into it with the other parts of speech as well. All of them would indicate the relationship you have to them at your current status rather than some gender absolute which doesn't exist. So you ask your boyfriend to sexa you up, and he pins you down and rails you. And then in the romantic aftercuddle he thanks you for the sexo and due to not having her itch scratched in a while unexpectedly offers to have you sexa her and she'll have your baby this time. And other romantic things.

Now back to the strange thing from the selfcest from before. Any adult, by themselves, has the ability to create offspring unassisted by anyone else. Any crazy can fuck off into the woods all on their own and start their own cult of just themselves and their selfmade kids, and you probably can't make that illegal or police it. This can lead to selfcestuous communities forming where this is considered the norm. If this community is sufficiently Spartan about eliminating any members who show genetic defects, you will end up with a community of identical homozygous clones. All the negative traits that make incest a problem will have been selected out, meaning the genetic component of the incest taboo is now gone entirely for those individuals, who are all clones of each other that breed true with no further consequence of incest. Like the genetically identical standard white lab mice we're all familiar with. That group will suffer in genetic diversity bottlenecks like cheetahs do, but modern technology can probably cope with that. They'll all get sick at once from any disease, but any cure that works for one will work for all, and any disease that doesn't kill them will burn itself out on them immediately and go extinct forever after for lack of new bodies to infect. They can all take organ transplants and blood transfusions from each other. Any progress on any cancer treatment for any of them will work for all of them because their cancers won't be unique like in nonclonal societies. And the first time one of them gets the idea to go Quiverfull about it we're in an r-reproduction vs K-reproduction conflict between clonal societies and nonclonal societies. There are going to be entire races of identical siblings, identical parents, and identical children, filling nations with copies of the same person's body. An entire nation of Sasha Grays, another entire nation of Riley Reids, another of Saaya Iries, Fae Reagans, Katerina Kozlovas. And I don't know what implications that might have for societies that don't do this. Without modern technology, such a society would simply die from the lack of genetic diversity. But with that technology, the clonal society is probably superior and might replace all others. The world might become Just Monika.

Of course, all of this is highly speculative and hinges on a hundred thousand years of cultural and technological development that will butterfly anything we theorize away to places we can't imagine.
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Of course there also be minor to major difference between regions.
EDIT: Oops, I read "religion" when you wrote "region". Damn my sleepy eyes.

Of course, but I can't really determine any religious principle changes from this particular change in biology. And religion follows social acceptance rather than dictating it, which is why today people ignore and subvert the Bible saying to keep slaves, as opposed to our society still considering the Bible saying to as a good reason to keep slaves. Christianity probably can't survive the transition to futa-world though. Nobody's going to be impressed by a virgin giving birth when any reckless kid knocks themself up with a wet dream. But I touched very lightly on how fundamentalism and clonal cults might form. Religion can't be patriarchal because there are no patriarchs, it can't be matriarchal because there are no matriarchs. That role is taken over by wealth and strength, or youth and beauty respectively.

Though I do hope that olympic wrestlefucking is a sport. Creampie the competition live on TV to win the gold! ...or perhaps it's the first to cum who loses, so a more feminine competitor can compete via powerbottoming and exciting the more masculine competitor with their wiles and sex appeal to make them pop too fast.
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Of course, but I can't really determine any religious principle changes from this particular change in biology.
I meant the sociological and culture tenets you described would also change between different futa cultural groups as they become more distinct. I think you thought I meant religions... That's a different discussion all together
I meant the sociological and culture tenets you described would also change between different futa cultural groups as they become more distinct. I think you thought I meant religions... That's a different discussion all together
You are right, I completely misread that. Thank you for the correction.
populated entirely with futanari and there are no males and no females?
In a setting where regular males and females exist I think the Futa would have split off to be a separate human sub-species like neanderthals. I've actually done some contemplation about that and I think it would be interesting.
Is the premise that the world is populated entirely with futanari and there are no males and no females?
In a setting where regular males and females exist I think the Futa would have split off to be a separate human sub-species like neanderthals. I've actually done some contemplation about that and I think it would be interesting.

The scenario I had in mind is where everyone is a futa. As in there is no male or female.
A minor point to make: in a fully futa society, cock socks would probably actually become items commonly worn to bed, to comfortably help prevent self-insemination in case of wet dreams. Also, proper masturbation procedure would be a serious, but uncomfortable, topic for parents to raise with their children, for the same reason. Much like girls are taught to wipe front-to-back, teens going through puberty would be taught never to go penis-to-vagina.
A minor point to make: in a fully futa society, cock socks would probably actually become items commonly worn to bed, to comfortably help prevent self-insemination in case of wet dreams. Also, proper masturbation procedure would be a serious, but uncomfortable, topic for parents to raise with their children, for the same reason. Much like girls are taught to wipe front-to-back, teens going through puberty would be taught never to go penis-to-vagina.
Is accidentally self insemination really that big of a deal... I mean we're talking about a huge coincidence to happen for it to take place.
It would burn down cuz its ran by women
Waaaaaaaaay sexism for the win
Technically futa arnt women
In this example, futa are both women and men, not some blend between them. They would have both sets of drives acting independently but under a common mind. So each individual would likely work like a non-dysfunctional married couple is supposed to work in decision-making.

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