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Hey All! I decided to cross post this other fic that I plan on continuing again eventually, but...
Chapter 1: Everything Starts Here


Making the rounds.
Apr 17, 2024
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Hey All! I decided to cross post this other fic that I plan on continuing again eventually, but my main focus will be on my other fic named Golem Divinity. Here I focus on the World of Final Fantasy X. Enjoy!

When I woke up, all I heard was white noise, and all I saw was the void. I couldn't remember anything about myself or my family, other than the various anime/books/manga/light novels I read, and various other media I consumed. This should be concerning, but the white noise was helping me calm down and relax.

One would think that a noise like that would have the opposite effect, but not for me. To me, I found it to be soothing. I sat in that void for a long time before a gray screen popped up in my face.

Hello, and welcome to your second chance at life! We have spun a wheel to see who gets to obtain this opportunity next, and you happened to be our lucky guest of honor! The world that you are sent to, the time period, your powers, and even your looks, are determined by a spin on the lucky wheel. All wheels will be spun at once, and you will not get a chance to see them before the choices are chosen. You will also gain a complementary rpg system to go along with your chosen power, one huge flaw, and one huge perk. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

As I read that, I heard several wheels being spun, but I couldn't see the wheels. I was somewhat excited at the chance to live a second life. Who knew where I would end up though, and what power I would get to start off with? After an unknown amount of time, the wheels finally stopped, but I still wasn't able to see them. Another screen did pop up though, to tell me the results.

Oooh. This is interesting, some might even say, different. So First and foremost I would like to say congrats on getting a world that is rarely, and almost damn near not talked about nearly enough. You will be going to the world of Final Fantasy X. Now we will get to your power, flaw, perk, and rpg system, but first let's delve into your background a bit to give you a general idea.

You won't be starting in Zanerkand with Tidus, but you will be a long time childhood friend with both Lulu and Wakka. However, you got to know Lulu first growing up, and got to know her better since the both of you were mages.

You are also a guardian of Yuna. Wakka joined soon after you when he found out that his blitzball career was going south. Wakka's brother still passed away, and he was good friend's with the three of you. However, Lulu wasn't nearly as devastated because of her relationship with you. The timeline you appear in is right around the time Tidus shows up and first meets Wakka.

Once you are dropped there, any relevant memories will be integrated within you. Also, the world will follow the game rules, so no need to worry about not doing side quests and the like timewise. There is some realism sprinkled in, but the time of the story itself won't move on, until you do.

Now onto the juicy bits. Your rpg system is an advanced sphere grid catered specifically for you and your power. You can't learn the abilities of your party though, but you have substitutes for that, which will be discussed in a bit. Your power is titled 'AllMighty Summoner' which would make it seem like you would be summoning Aeon's and the like, however that is not the case.

We have decided to prevent the ability to summon Aeon's since there are so many other options. Further details will be seen once you open the sphere grid for the first time. Your flaw is honestly a pretty bad one, but since you will be in a party, you should be fine.

It will also be integrated within the world so no confusion would happen because of it. Your flaw is that you can't make any physical or magical attacks yourself towards an enemy. It has to be done through your summons. However, your perk is called 'All Encompassing Creator', which allows you to summon/create anything you put your mind to, as long as you put in enough work to make it.

Whenever you want to make/summon something in particular, and you aren't able to, the requirements for it will show on your sphere grid. That about sums up everything that needs to be said, anything further would have to be discovered yourself. When you're ready, just think in your head that you want to be transported, and it shall be done. I wish you the best of luck in your second life, and hope that you have fun!

As I read everything that the entity told me, I cringed slightly at my flaw, but figured that since I would be a summoner, that it should be fine. I wonder how the knowledge of that would be integrated within the world though? Oh well, no time like the present. It didn't say anything about what my name would be, so I just decided on the name Yole. Why that name? It was honestly the first thing that popped up when I thought of a name. Let's get it!

3rd Person

Soon enough the world gained color, and Yole was sitting within the inner sanctum of the Besaid Temple, on the floor, with Lulu standing next to him up against the wall. Kimahri was across from them, staring at the door of the inner sanctum. Yole had a smooth transition with the memories being integrated within himself. He still had his knowledge of the Final Fantasy X world, and it didn't clash with his newfound memories of a full 24 years of his current life. The three of them had been in the sanctum itself for almost a full day now, thankfully it seemed like Yole had an inventory like system with his sphere grid.

In order to open it up, he just had to think about it as well. Once he opened his sphere grid, he noticed that it was even bigger than the sphere grid from the remastered edition of FFX on the pc. He also started with six moves on his grid, his level started at one, and a small number of spheres ranging from power, ability, mana, HP, and even two level 1 key spheres. The first part of the grid he started in was in a shape similar to a snowflake, and he started in the dead center. For the first section, the abilities got stronger as he got further away from the center. It was the opposite for every other section though, it seemed to be done intentionally.

The first spot that he started on did have an ability already, alongside four other Spheres branching into it. The name of the abilities were as follows, 'Frost Soldier', 'NulFrost', and 'Cold Embrace'. The other two were a power and mana sphere. Yole activated all of them, and gained an instinctive knowledge on how to utilize them. Frost soldier spawned an ice construct that fought with a sword or bow, and grew stronger the more mana was poured into the spell.

Nulfrost is the same from the game itself, and Cold Embrace was a heal that healed 4% of the target's health for four seconds. Once that was finished, Yole went to the outer circle beyond the initial five and upgraded his HP, and MP with two spheres for each. Once he finished with that, Yole checked his menu screen and saw that there was a separate page for 'Non-Fighting Abilities'.

Within it, it showed a variety of abilities, like cooking, cleaning, camping, crafting, fishing, alchemy and even abilities like hacking were there for some reason. He also checked his inventory to find a portable forge, furnace, oven, camping gear, fishing gear, a large amount of cooked food, and a large amount of materials for a variety of things.

There was also a note in there that stated that materials for crafting would now drop from enemies and that I can analyze things in my inventory to figure out how to craft them. Yole knew that it would be a while before Tidus and Wakka showed up, so he pulled three bed rolls out of his inventory, passed one to both Kimahri, and Lulu, then laid down to fall asleep on his bedroll. The other two decided to wait until Yuna came out, but did not stop Yole from taking a nap.

Lulu got down and placed Yole's head on her knees as she played with his hair. From her perspective it can be seen that Yole had silver, short hair, with a bang over one of his eyes. Blue eyes, tan skin similar to Wakka, a gray jacket, a gray shirt, and black pants. Kimahri glanced at the two of them and smirked, before looking back towards the exit.

I am fueled by spite and positive reinforcement.

Also If you see this fic on other places on a different name, the only other name I use is Oshimura, and it would be on webnovel/patreon, that's it. Otherwise, someone is trying to pose as me since its daydul everywhere else.

I have a Patreon that you can check out if you want to support me, or to check out up to 5 chapters ahead for the fic I am currently focusing on.

I also have a Discord that I made more recently if you want to check it out.
Chapter 2: Setting Footprints into the world

So I decided to take a nap since I knew it was going to be a while. Both Lulu and Kimahri were quiet, and didn't really talk. I believe it had something to do with the sanctum itself, and us needing to be relatively quiet. I felt Lulu playing with my hair as I was laying down to rest. Now that I saw Lulu in real life, she looked even hotter than the game itself. She also had some pretty thicc thighs that I could feel from the back of my head. I got set up for success in this relationship, and I plan to ride that high.

Lulu and I were more than just childhood friends, Kimahri, Yuna, and obviously Lulu knew that. Wakka did too, but we weren't fully open about it since both of us are relatively introverted people. Although anyone would be able to tell from a distance what it was like between the two of us if they saw us interacting with each other.

One thing I found out is that I could technically, endlessly grind enemies within this world since it functioned like the game. As long as my party and I didn't progress the story that is. That means I needed to convince Tidus to actually train against the enemies to get stronger. Lulu would understand, so would Wakka, Yuna, and Kimahri. I'm pretty sure Auron would understand as well once he joins. When it comes to Rikku, I'm sure I just need to tell her that we would gain plenty of stuff for her to tinker with. I had several future plans to change the story too. That would have to wait though since this is the start of my story.

After some time, Lulu lightly tapped my head when she saw Wakka, and the blonde protagonist that is no longer THE protagonist, Tidus, showed up. I just slightly lifted my head, put my bedroll back in my inventory, and looked in the general direction of Wakka without moving from my position of resting on Lulu's knees. I'm not sure what expression I gave him, but he flinched back a bit when he saw me looking between him and Tidus. I put a hand over my face and took a deep breath. Before I could say anything, my other half spoke for me.

"What are you doing here? Didn't think we would be able to handle it?" Under normal circumstances, Lulu would have stood up, but she didn't want to disturb my current position.

"No uh..It's just…I can explain?" Wakka didn't sound very convincing. I just sighed, stood up, walked towards the left side of the stairs, before standing up against the wall. Lulu stood up and walked towards Wakka to most likely interrogate him briefly, like in the original story. She glanced at me for a second, using it as a sign of if she should even waste the energy on it, I just waved her off, and let her do her thing.

"Is the summoner alright?" Mr. Blonde dream boy asked a stupid question, but hey, I guess I can't blame him since he came from a completely different culture compared to ours. Alongside a completely different timeline as well.

"Who are you anyway? I've never even seen you before?" Miss dark, dreary, but sweet mage of mine avoided the question with a pretty appropriate response, given the current situation. Under normal circumstances, only guardians and their summoner are allowed within this sanctum. So when she asked that question with a pretty lethal look, I just sighed. She went on to explain how the temple worked, a brief explanation of what summoners are, and why he shouldn't be here.

Although I'm pretty sure most of it went over his head since the guy hasn't really matured from his, go in first, think later phase. Afterwards, Tidus made small talk with everyone for a bit, Lulu came and stood beside me as we waited for Yuna to come out. Eventually, the door to the inner sanctum lifted open, and Yuna came out looking exhausted, like she was ready to pass out.

I took a deep breath, and walked up the stairs. Kimahri noticed the hidden message behind me doing that and followed behind me. Of course Tidus was staring at her like a lovestruck boy in a two bit romance movie. I caught Yuna before she could fall, then I left her with Kimahri. I heard a collective gasp from the three down below, but ignored it as I headed back down the stairs. I stopped once I stood next to Lulu and Yuna gained her bearings.

"I've done it. I've become a summoner." The smile on her face was contagious as everyone of the guardians, including myself, were happy for her. Tidus just couldn't stop staring at her. Wakka wacked Tidus on the back of his head, as we headed out of the sanctum, and back into the main part of the temple. Once we got there, Yuna was welcomed back for being successful, with everyone in the temple making the sign of prayer. When we got outside, everyone was gathered around Yuna to watch her summon Valefor. She didn't start until Wakka dragged Tidus within the crowd though.

Seeing it in the game and watching it in real life, is like comparing a one dimensional plane to three dimensional. The detail was insane, the summoning circle that appeared around Yuna, the lights that coalesced into Valefor, and the insane winds generated by the summon once it arrived next to Yuna. Quite frankly, it was awesome! Once Yuna was done petting Valefor, Lulu, Wakka, and I went over to congratulate her on an amazing job well done.

Before Valefor flew off however, it rubbed its head on my shoulder. I could feel a gentle aura from it, before it flew off. I stood there, frozen for a second, wondering if it was because I was also a summoner, that the summon resonated with me. I wanted to summon it, but I couldn't. I will find a way to do so one day, screw the restriction, or I will find some kind of alternative, mark my words.

That night, we had a ceremony and feast to celebrate the coming of Yuna's pilgrimage. I was sitting in a corner next to Lulu, while we ate. I was watching over everything, while she rested her shoulder on mine.

"Ya know, that Tidus kid, he kind of reminds me of someone." Lulu made a strange look on her face in response. It wasn't sad, angry, or calm, it was more serene than anything.

"You mean Wakka's brother, Chappu? Do you think that is why Wakka cares so much? Because he believes Tidus' story of him coming from Zanerkand? So that there might be a chance that Chappu is alive according to him?" She may have asked a lot of questions, but they weren't necessarily all directed at me, mostly just for herself, because my silence was the only confirmation that she needed.

Of course, we both knew that Chappu was dead, there was no ifs, ands, or buts, about it. The both of us have gotten over that by now and accepted that he has passed away and is within the farplane, but Wakka still had some lingering attachment to him. Which was understandable since that was his brother. It really just made the both of us feel bad for him.

As I looked around and observed everything, I noticed that there was a female member on the Aurochs team. She had long blue hair, green eyes, and a figure similar to Yuna. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that this is Wakka's new love interest, since I kinda took the opportunity for Lulu from him. The world works in mysterious ways I guess. I probably won't take out the time to remember her name unless that actually does happen though. One would think that I would be that type of guy who would be like: 'ooh another world! Let's go for a harem of all the girls in the game!' But no, I'm more of a, one girl and I'm hitched type of guy. And I think I got the best one if I'm being honest. That's my opinion, and I'm sticking with it.

I am fueled by spite and positive reinforcement.

Also If you see this fic on other places on a different name, the only other name I use is Oshimura, and it would be on webnovel/patreon, that's it. Otherwise, someone is trying to pose as me since its daydul everywhere else.

I have a Patreon that you can check out if you want to support me, or to check out up to 5 chapters ahead for the fic I am currently focusing on.

I also have a Discord that I made more recently if you want to check it out.
Chapter 3: The Grind Begins
After a bit, Tidus was finished hyping up the Aurochs, and went over to talk to Yuna when she was alone. I watched on for a little bit, before I decided to walk over to my hut, with Lulu following behind me. She planned on talking to Wakka about his thoughts on Tidus, but it would be much tamer this time since she talked to me about it first, even if it was brief.

Wakka talked to Tidus about Yuna, of course he lied and said she wasn't his type, but it was obvious that he was into her. Of course Wakka is pretty oblivious, and just believed his words. I couldn't care less, but honestly due to my knowledge of FFX-2 those two are destined to be lovers anyway. I wanted to change Tidus' fate and make him not be a 'dream'.

Later in the night, Lulu and Wakka started having a light argument, which was really just Lulu laying on facts to Wakka, while I just watched. Eventually, Wakka looked to me for help, I just sighed and touched Lulu's shoulder.

"Let's just get some rest, ok? This conversation isn't really going anywhere. Let's just see what the kid is like, and see where things end up in the future alright?" Wakka let out a sigh of relief, and Lulu let out a tired sigh as I brought her away from Wakka and diffused the situation. By the time we got back to our hut, Lulu just pulled me into a hug on the bed, and fell asleep. It must have bothered her quite a bit, but hopefully she got over it for now. I wonder what Tidus' reaction will be once he finds out I'm a summoner as well, just a different kind of summoner.

The next morning, I was helping Yuna gather her things, since she knew I had an inventory, which was apparently unique to me, and planned to take advantage of that fact by having me pack literally everything she had of value. I tiredly took a deep breath by the time she was done. The room she had in the temple was basically barren by the time she was done. Once we got outside, I saw Tidus with the sword I made for Chappu when Wakka wanted to get him a gift to protect himself as he joined the crusaders.

That's right, I made that sword in this timeline. My crafting ability has that sword as a recipe on the crafting screen. Chappu never used the sword though, which was kinda sad. I walked up to them looking tired, with Yuna full of energy behind me. The two of them had like four suitcases as well, I put a hand over my face and sighed, before looking at Tidus.

"I see Wakka gave you an old sword I made years ago." I was putting away all of the suitcases in my inventory before Tidus finally reacted to what I said.

"Wait, YOU made this sword?! That's awesome! Does that mean you made everyone else's equipment?"

"That is a pretty good assessment, but not an incorrect one. Yeah, I crafted all the equipment everyone uses, from Yuna's staff, to Lulu's dolls, to even Wakka's blitzballs." As I spoke, the recipes for the basic equipment with either no slots or one slot appeared in the crafting tab of my menu. This was a part of my memories, but I guess I had to talk about it in a 'cutscene' like environment for me to unlock them. I'll probably get better recipes as I get better materials and experiment, since I can craft anything I 'put my mind to'.

I still can't get over the fact that in the original game, Lulu would have told Yuna that the one suitcase she was going to bring was too much, and now her, Wakka, Yuna, and even Kimahri were taking advantage of my inventory to bring any and all supplies possible. Which isn't really a bad thing because it means we will always be prepared. Speaking of which, I wonder if I could build a house that could house us anywhere, since I don't seem to have a size limit on my inventory, and could fit a hut in there. I did have a hut in my inventory, but I was more talking about a modern home with modern facilities, because while there are modern facilities due to the use of machina, I wanted something on the go. Huh, thoughts for later.

While I was in my thoughts, thinking of the perfect house to be placed anywhere, Lulu tugged on my jacket to notify me that we were leaving. As we headed out of the village, Yuna made one final goodbye to it, and we headed out. Eventually we went up the mountain until we came upon the statue and a view of the village. We let Yuna stare at the village for some time until she was ready to go.

Before we left, all of us, with the exception of Kimahri, who was ahead to 'test' Tidus, prayed at the statue for a safe trip. Once we finished, the party moved on, until Kimahri confronted Tidus and tested him. The fight went the same as within the story, with Wakka stopping the fight, and Kimahri being disappointed in him. As Kimahri walked away, Tidus asked what his problem was, then Lulu of course, didn't answer the question, but instead described who he was. Eventually Wakka and Lulu told him that he was a guardian, and had protected Yuna since she was a child.

Afterwards, we got into our first 'battle', I heard a screen crack, but the difference was the fact that all of us were ready to fight at once. Also there were like six enemies, two dingos, two water flan, and two condors. Wakka and Lulu saw this as an opportunity to show me off, so she gave me a tug on the shoulder and well Wakka just.

"Why don't we let our resident Alternative Summoner handle this one." The guy had a smug look on his face as he left Tidus confused by what he said. I just sighed, walked forward, materialized my staff, which looked like a blue walking stick, and summoned the maximum amount of frost soldiers I could have right now. Which was five. I summoned two swordsmen, and three archers. The reason why I could deal with the flans as well, was because the frost soldiers deal ice magical damage alongside physical damage. Tidus' mouth was agape with surprise as my frost soldiers decimated the weak enemies.

They fought in tandem, with the swordsmen in the front, attacking, and defending the archers, while the archers took out the flying enemies, and just went to town on the rest. (Just so the readers know, every single drop from enemies, the amount of enemies and the type of enemies, will be determined by a random number generator. There is a chance that Yole could get nothing as well, even if that chance is small since he will most likely be fighting a large amount of enemies with his party.) After the enemies were taken care of, I looted what they dropped after they turned into totes of light. I looted one potion, two speed spheres, and one mana sphere.

Now that I think about it, everyone in my party has access to their own sphere grid, but they don't have an inventory, which is interesting to say the least. At least it seems like my inventory is infinite and time stops within it, so that's cool. There was another fight that happened after that, but it was on a smaller scale, with one water flan, one condor, and one dingo.

So Wakka took this opportunity to see what Tidus had in regards to fighting. He one shot the dingo, Wakka took out the condor with his blitzball, and Lulu casted thunder on the water flan. When I looked at the drops, I saw that rng smiled upon us this time, because while we got one potion, and one speed sphere, one dragon scale dropped. While in the game, it was just used for mixing, and crafting attachments to gear, I could do a lot more with this. Lulu must have seen the crazed look on my face because she sighed. Yuna also laughed at Lulu.

"The boat itself won't leave without Yuna, so we can hunt for a little while to gather some materials that you need." What a woman after my own heart. I ran up and hugged Lulu as everyone else, including Tidus laughed at me, but I didn't care, the girl gave me an excuse to grind. Not that I would gain much in the way of experience here, unless I fought a large amount of enemies, but these drops are what I am after. With that being said, I ran around near the beach exit, with everyone else joining me, since they wanted to get stronger as well.

Soon enough, I heard a screen crack, and was immediately disappointed when I saw a condor and dingo. I quickly took them out with my frost soldiers and kept looking for more fights. It took a long time that seemed like several hours, but the sun didn't move, and apparently I was in a state where time wasn't really moving either. Only an hour and a half actually passed according to my menu's clock, even though I did quite a few battles, and the real time didn't move at all.

I could keep going at it, but I went through four more fights against enemies ranging in amounts from 3-10. I think I could wait since now I had a total of three dragon scales. I could experiment with one, and see what I could do with the others. Although it's not nearly enough to make armor, it's fine. The scale itself was a deep sea blue that reflected off of light.

I am fueled by spite and positive reinforcement.

Also If you see this fic on other places on a different name, the only other name I use is Oshimura, and it would be on webnovel/patreon, that's it. Otherwise, someone is trying to pose as me since its daydul everywhere else.

I have a Patreon that you can check out if you want to support me, or to check out up to 5 chapters ahead for the fic I am currently focusing on.

I also have a Discord that I made more recently if you want to check it out.
Chapter 4: A Change For The Better
When we reached the docks, I went for a quick swim to go get the chest that had the moon crest in if for later. I wanted to craft weapons that were better than the 'ultimate weapons' within the world itself, utilizing the crests found in the world. After I got that chest, and one on the beach that had antidotes within, I joined the rest of the party on the ship, as the villagers waved us off farewell. As we were on the boat, I checked out the sphere grid since I managed to get a few levels from those fights. I got one new ability, and upgraded my agility twice.

The new ability was frost mage, it allowed me to conjure up frozen constructs that could cast ice magic. On the sphere grid the next ability I was closest to was summoning an ice beast that allowed me to create a beast like enemy out of ice of a small or medium size. It can get stronger to allow me to make large sized beasts once I get stronger.

I was mostly just relaxing up against the center pillar when I noticed Tidus with the binoculars. I quickly blocked his view of Lulu, so the hot blooded blonde didn't stare at Lulu's breasts. I knew he was meant to end up with Yuna, but things could easily change since I was here, and I didn't exactly plan to go along with 'canon'. For instance, I wanted to save as many people as I could from Kilika island, by creating a bunch of frost mage constructs and having them cast a large ice wall in front of the island, blocking Sin from damaging it.

That may or may not help, but as long as I can save some people, I'll be happy. As I leaned up against the center pillar, Lulu was up against my shoulder trying to relax as much as she could. Of course as Wakka was describing where they were going and what they were going to do with Tidus, Lulu just made a snarky comment. "Great plan."

Wakka looked at Tidus for help and he backed off. Then he looked towards me, and I just looked the other way, that wasn't my problem to solve, that's something he has to get over himself, as well as the bias he has against the Al Bhed. It's not nearly as bad since I'm a crafter and alchemist, but he still doesn't see eye to eye with them.

As Lulu and I were relaxing against a pillar, I was checking how much Gil I had, and wanted to see if Oaka, the new and starting merchant, sold any materials. I gained some Gil after each fight, and was currently sitting on around 5k. Which is pretty good this early on. I tapped Lulu on the shoulder and told her I would see if I could get some extra supplies.

"I'll be waiting on the top deck of the ship for you. Don't be too long, ok?" After that, we temporarily went our separate ways as I went to the lower deck and saw Oaka rummaging through his large bag, and checking his wares. I stood there for a second and saw Tidus come down the stairs as well. Oaka then went on his whole spiel of dissing Tidus' clothes, and how he looked poor. Then Tidus' fought back saying that he's never heard of him, even though he dreams to be a well renowned merchant. Oaka was sad after that, and Tidus passed the guy like 1500 gil.

I was more interested in what the guy had on him though, so after Tidus left and went to check the engine, I proceeded to buy as many materials as I could from Oaka for 4k gil. Which ended up being four dragon scales, eight fish scales, Some dingo fur, some water flan jelly, a few condor feathers, and part of the wing from a garuda. Some of these things weren't drops in the original game, but it made sense to have here I guess, because not all of the creatures turn into totes of light when they die, and their corpses remain.

Once I basically robbed the man blind since Oaka and any other merchant for that matter didn't realize what I could do with these materials, I headed back up to meet with Lulu. Another feature I discovered about my crafting and alchemy, is that I can craft stuff within the menu as long as I have the materials to craft it. However, if I wanted to craft anything new, I had to manually make it myself first.

I can craft a hut though, since I have a few in my inventory, not that I needed to since I needed to figure out how I was gonna create that mobile house. I'll have to do it in parts. I sat down besides Lulu, as she looked out into the ocean. I noticed in the corner of my eye that Tidus started talking to Yuna at the front of the boat. It was then that I started to create as many frost mages as I could since I knew I would need a lot to achieve the goal of making that ice wall, and Sin would show up soon. Lulu looked at me with a mix of worry on her face, but I just waved it off and told her I was just preparing in case something happened. I managed to summon a total of 30 frost mages before I couldn't handle anymore. It should be enough though, hopefully.

One Frost mages ice wall was 10 feet tall and 30 feet wide. If multiple frost mages worked on, and fortified the same wall, it should have good results. I can't show my intentions until they try to harpoon Sin though. Soon enough, the boat started to shake like crazy. I grabbed Lulu by the side, and held her in place to keep steady. Eventually, some of the crew on the ship started screaming Sin, and were ready to shoot the harpoons when Lulu and I came down the stairs.

I kept the frost mages back for now and summoned five frost archers since each type of summon had different limits. I let the rest of the party fight, while I had my archers fire at Sin, and its sinspawn. My frost mages were preparing to cast the Ice Wall spell, they just needed Kilika in their vision, regardless of the distance.

The fight itself went on for what felt like hours, as more and more sinspawn were dropped around the top of the ship, so I had summoned some frost swordsmen to defend the rest of the ship that the party couldn't. In real time, only about 45 minutes had passed, eventually, Yuna summoned Valefor and had it use its first overdrive, Energy Blast. This was the moment I would change things, I saw Kilika in the distance, and had my frost mages act. Sin broke off the harpoon, and Tidus fell in the ocean.

Wakka swam after him, and I had all of my mages put everything into surrounding Kilika in a giant wall of ice. Only time would tell if Kilika would be safe though. By the time Wakka brought Tidus back, everyone realized what I was doing, but after the frost mages used up all of their own mana, I felt it wasn't enough, so I had them use my reserves of mana as well.

3rd Person

After everyone was settled back on the ship. A slight rumbling could be felt, and shining blue lights started to gather in the sky. They all came together and formed a giant spell circle in the shape of an ice blue snowflake. Everyone looked down at the source, and saw that Yole was standing near the Frost Mages that he summoned as they were casting a spell.

Yole grit his teeth, and started supplying his own mana to the circle, this in turn caused it to double in size. However, once Wakka and Lulu realized what he was doing, they started running towards him to stop him. It was too late though, as the spell was finished being casted, Yole blacked out. His frost mages crumbled. And he was caught by Lulu, who had tears in her eyes, and Wakka, who helped her hold him up.

"What just happened? Why did Yole pass out?" Of course the oblivious blonde had to ask a dumb question. However, even Yuna, and Kimahri were bewildered, so Lulu sighed, took a deep breath, and tried to calm herself a bit.

"Yole, he risked his life for a chance at saving the people of Kilika. That spell you just saw was originally one for casting a giant frost wall to stop Sin from causing serious damage. However, Yole used a large portion of his own mana reserves to increase the power of the spell even further. To the point that the spell would have encased the entirety of Kilika in a dome of ice, including underwater.

You may see me as a powerful mage, but Yole has always pushed the limits of his magic, time and time again. His summons are a good example, while they may just be elemental constructs given semi-sentience, they are still powerful in their own right. This time though, he pushed himself the furthest he has ever in his life." Lulu sighed in happiness by the time she finished though.

I am fueled by spite and positive reinforcement.

Also If you see this fic on other places on a different name, the only other name I use is Oshimura, and it would be on webnovel/patreon, that's it. Otherwise, someone is trying to pose as me since its daydul everywhere else.

I have a Patreon that you can check out if you want to support me, or to check out up to 5 chapters ahead for the fic I am currently focusing on.

I also have a Discord that I made more recently if you want to check it out.
Chapter 5: Ice Here, Ice There, Ice EVERYWHERE!
While Lulu was worried about her charge, she laid him down against herself as she sat against a pillar. Everyone else, excluding Wakka, were either surprised, flabbergasted, or just downright filled with relief at the chance that the damages to the ocean village would be minimal. Although it would be better to call it an ice village now, since if one took a look in the distance, they would see a cracked, but still intact, almost transparent, ice dome covering all of Kilika.

Sin was nowhere to be found as well. Everyone of the ship's crew started cheering in happiness as they discovered that the village was ok. There may be a few casualties that still happened, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. Everybody rode that adrenaline high, except for the main party, and prepared a feast to eat and celebrate. By the time Yole opened his eyes again, the next day arrived, and everyone in the party was watching over him in a cabin room.


As I opened my eyes, I hoped that I saved a bunch of people from the village. I knew that no matter how many or little I saved, canon would change. I was prepared for that, and frankly, wanted it to happen. When I stood up, Lulu ran up and hugged me, as I rubbed my head and looked at everyone else. They all gave me looks of approval, and congratulated me on what I had done.

"Please be more careful next time you attempt to do something like this. I knew that you would be fine, but that doesn't make it any better that I saw you end up like this. So give us a warning next time, ok?" Of course, my favorite gothic mage laid down the metaphorical law for me, and I just nodded in agreement, since it would be in my best interest to do so. With that out of the way, we gathered what we needed, I stored it away, and we headed out to Kilika port. When we headed outside, I noticed that the Ice dome was slowly dispersing. Thankfully it served its purpose. From what the people of Kilika told Yuna, only a few people that were out on fishing trips had passed away and required a sending.

I breathed a sigh of relief at that. While I didn't save everyone, I saved most of the people, and they didn't have any damage to their buildings. They just lost a few boats. Time for Tidus to see his first Sending, it won't be nearly as long as it was in the game though. I went ahead and summoned some frost mages to disperse the ice dome, it would take some time, but this was the safest way to do it without the ice crumbling down on the village.

After the sending, the people of Kilika cheered for me, and thanked me, once they found out I was the one that created the dome of ice. Seeing the people smile, and walk around spreading happiness was enough for me. Tidus of course was still in thought, probably thinking about summoners, and what it means to be one. He looked my way strangely enough.

"So Yole, from what I can tell, you're a summoner but not at the same time. What does that mean?"

"What it means is that while I can't summon Aeons, I can create summons based on all of the elements, including the ones outside of fire, thunder, water, and ice. It gets a little bit complicated, but that's the basics of it." He went quiet after that, and walked away in thought. Yuna was somewhat sad, but happy at the same time. Sad that she had to send off people to the farplane, but happy that most of the people here were alive. Lulu took out the time to comfort her, and I went to reserve our rooms in the inn.

The Aurochs, and the crew of the ship wanted to help out in repairing the boats that were destroyed. There was one thing I wanted to try though, since I obtained the recipe for a hut by having it in my inventory, I wanted to see if the same would happen with an inn. So I asked the lady at the desk if she and the current residents could temporarily step outside. They quickly complied, perks of being the hero of the village, and I stored the entire inn in my inventory, then sat down. The people behind me gasped, but waved it off after a bit, since they thought that it was just more magic from a strong mage.

I sat and waited for my analysis sub-ability from crafting, finished. The skill itself just allows me to figure out how to craft anything that is in my inventory, but it takes time depending on what it is. This inn would take about an hour. While it's not as long as I thought it would be, this isn't the most advanced inn in this world. I sat there in a cross-legged position with my eyes closed for the full hour before I got the notification that I got a recipe to craft the inn. I then put the inn back in place, and everyone went about things as normal. I decided to call it a night after that, so I headed inside to my room, and went to sleep.

The next morning, I was the first to wake up, and noticed that Lulu was right beside me. I would have tried to not wake her up, but she woke up right after me. I just stood up, stretched, and noticed that this inn had a bathroom, with a bath, and shower. There was also a washer and dryer. Gotta love machina sometimes, for the simpler things. I also discovered why the characters never really changed their outfit in the games, they just have many copies of the same outfit. That's it. I'll have to get into sewing if I want to add more clothes to the repertoire because I haven't seen nor heard of a clothing store of any kind.

After getting cleaned up, I walked outside with Lulu, and we headed towards Kilika Forest. I knew that once everyone gathered at the entrance would be when Yuna first talks about wanting Tidus to be her guardian. I figured I could speed things up and just let the guy be officially in the group early. It would make a few events in the future a hell of a lot easier. Once everyone gathered, it started. Lulu walked up to Wakka and Tidus.

"Yuna's saying that she wants you with us."

"Huh?" Of course the Oblivious Chocobo doesn't get it initially.

"I want to ask you to be my guardian."

"Woah, Woah, Woah, hey. Now is not the time for jokes!" Do we have a rare and shiny, red haired oblivious chocobo as well? I thought there was only one! Oh wait. Before things escalated, I sighed, everyone stopped talking, and looked towards me. It's funny that I was the de facto leader of the group, just below Yuna in authority.

"Just let the kid get a test run as a guardian. I can see the potential, plus, it will make our little summoner happy. I see this as a win, win." I just shrugged my shoulders and looked towards everyone to gauge their reactions. Most of it was a surprised look, including Lulu. Wakka motioned to speak, but Lulu and Kimahri jabbed his side to stop him from saying anything. Yuna looked at me with a smile and bowed her head to me.

After that, Tidus was guided through the ceremony of becoming a guardian by Wakka, while I had to stifle a laugh at Tidus for still not understanding what was happening. He went through the motions regardless though. Lulu tapped my shoulder and gave me a face that was just asking me why. To that, I just shrugged my shoulders as a sign that she already knew the answer. She was intelligent enough to figure it out. She just sighed, grabbed my hand, and walked with me as the party started moving.

I am fueled by spite and positive reinforcement.

Also If you see this fic on other places on a different name, the only other name I use is Oshimura, and it would be on webnovel/patreon, that's it. Otherwise, someone is trying to pose as me since its daydul everywhere else.

I have a Patreon that you can check out if you want to support me, or to check out up to 5 chapters ahead for the fic I am currently focusing on.

I also have a Discord that I made more recently if you want to check it out.
Chapter 6: What Is A Guardian?
One thing I did notice, was while I can see the optional boss Lord Ochu in the center of the forest. The actual forest itself was basically double in size than in the game. I planned to use this time to grind for a little while, gain some levels, and get out of the ice section of my sphere grid. One thing I will say is that it seems like I have an easier time leveling since I have such a giant sphere grid to get through, I get three moves per level, rather than one.

I did want to delve into the other summons that I will have access to asap. So, another session of grinding ensued to gain levels, spheres, drops, new abilities, and the like. What ended up being about half a day of grinding, finally got me a complete snowflake on the sphere grid. I now have access to an ability called [Summon Frost Being] and [Ice Manipulation].

This ability allows me to summon most creatures I could think of that aligned with the ice element. For example, I could summon ice fairies, or a frost wyvern. I could even summon an Ice dragon, but the limits are on the amount I can summon. Granted, I'm sure that I could summon more than that once I get stronger, but for now, there are hard limits depending on the strength of the summon.

Like the ice dragon, I can only summon one since it had strength on par with an Aeon. A much weaker Aeon for sure, but an Aeon nonetheless. And I can still make my summons stronger as long as I add more mana into the spell. Ice manipulation just allowed me to shape and utilize ice in many forms, and in many ways. It heavily relied on my imagination.

The next few sections of the sphere grid, since mine wasn't all over the place with a bunch of branching paths, but rather, had several shapes that were separated by a straight line. They contained the same spells, but different elements, like fire, water, lightning, earth, lava. Etc. Then further down, are more unique summons when I get to elements that are like dark, light, life, death, etc.

I couldn't wait to get to that point, and while I could grind for a long period of time until I was extremely over leveled, I kept it in moderation and just completed the fire part of the sphere grid in the shape of a flame. The next was water, and after that was lightning. It took less time than I would have thought, but it's all the more reason for this grind.

This helped out my party a bunch as well, but they controlled their own sphere grids, I had no say in it. The next step was to take on Lord Ochu, in the center of the forest. I didn't feel like taking too long on the fight, so my party, and some crusaders just watched in awe, as I summoned a bunch of flame swordsmen and archers to attack Lord Ochu at once.

It didn't even last a minute. I did get lucky on the drops and got a map, some dark matter, and surprisingly, a winning formula. (This threw me for a loop when I used the random number generator for drops.) I was honestly stunned when I saw it, it came in a box that had a vial with golden liquid in it. I know this is a material to customize weapons with triple overdrive, I wonder what else I could do with it. The map as well, it detailed some of the other locations in the forest, including some other optional bosses, and some treasure chest. When we come back here, I'll check them out.

I stored everything away and continued on our journey, grabbing Lulu's hand, and casually walking the straight path towards the exit of the forest. One thing I decided to do was give Yuna two ice fairies that would follow her around.

It was a gift to her, and for her own protection. Kimahri and Lulu understood the underlying meaning. Once we got to the stairs of the temple, Wakka, the Aurochs, Tidus, and even Yuna wanted to race up the stairs. Since I knew there would be a sinspawn, I got ready to summon, but decided to let everyone else fight this one.

While the world is game like, that doesn't mean this won't help mature Tidus faster if he actively helps in fighting this thing. I'll just make sure nobody is in serious danger, and just use a few summons to help out. This boss might be stronger than in the game for all I knew.

When I saw every one of them run up except Tidus who was catching up, I started walking up the stairs, not giving away that I knew what was going to happen. Then Wakka yelled at us, saying there was a sinspawn, and the rest of us rushed up the stairs. I noticed that Yuna had two frost shields around her, the fairies already doing their job. I heard that iconic screen crack, and the fight began.

One of the biggest differences in this fight was that there wasn't just one of the tentacles sinspawn, no, there were two. So, it was decided that I would take one on myself, with Lulu supporting me, and everyone else would take on the other one. I wasted no time and decided to summon an ice wyvern, I would save summoning the dragon for a later time.

A large snowflake spell circle shown below me and Lulu since she was right next to me. It started to disperse into blue light and coalesce into the air, before the ice wyvern was summoned, and flew in to attack its target. The Wyvern looked like a smaller version of Valefor, but with more draconic features, and claws connected to its wings in place of hands.

It was royal blue in color, roared to the sky when it was summoned. I could summon one more wyvern, but I think the current one has enough impact. Yuna followed up by summoning Valefor to help out with their sinspawn fight. Lulu wasn't sitting idle either, she was casting blizzara, thundara, and other elemental spells while the sinspawn's focus was elsewhere.

My wyvern shot several ice beams at the sinspawn to keep it frozen in place. It honestly shouldn't come as a surprise when I saw that they were actually frozen, but I didn't expect it to work. I welcomed it with open arms though when I saw it.

Once Yuna summoned Valefor, she had its overdrive ready, and decided to utilize it here. My wyvern, apparently not wanting to be outdone, did one of its own. It took a deep breath as icy wind started to gather around its body, and it spit out an ice variant of the energy ray that Valefor uses. Instead of the earth exploding underneath the sinspawn though, it just freezes it in place, then cracks it into pieces. Once Lulu and I's target was taken out, I turned around to see Tidus finishing off their target with a spiral cut.

"I told ya he has potential. The kid managed to fend for himself pretty well." Everyone agreed with my point this time, and Wakka even commended him for it. Sadly, neither of these damn bosses dropped anything, curse my luck, must have used it all up last time. (Sucks to suck mate, can't help ya there. For reference, the number 1 means no drops, I had set both of the sinspawn to drop three things out of six randomly chosen drops that would make sense for them to drop. I got 1 six times. So I can't tell if the luck is down bad, or down horrendous.)

"So, what are sinspawn anyway?" Our resident blonde chocobo warrior askes the age-old question.

"Fiends. They fall from Sin's body and are left behind in its wake." Our resident gothic well of knowledge graces us with this information.

"Leave 'em alone, and SIn comes back for 'em. You gotta be quick!" The red chocobo blitzballer actually said something pretty useful. 'Hey!' I think I may have said that one out loud because I could see everyone laughing at Wakka, and him giving me an angry, but not really angry, look. I just chuckled and started heading up the stairs.

I conjured up some constructs to help fix the destruction we left in wake to make things easier on the managers of the temple. Once we were on the final set of stairs, Wakka started asking Tidus about Zanarkand. This was where he would lead himself into the delusion of Chappu possibly still being alive.

I just sighed, and Lulu voiced out all the facts, and really hit him hard, verbally speaking. It wasn't as bad as the original, where she went on and on about his hope that Chappu was still alive, she just told him that he's dead, end of story, Sin didn't keep him somewhere and drag him through time.

Of course this is the situation where just Wakka and Yuna believe that Tidus actually came from Zanarkand, of course I believe it too, but I didn't voice that. I would just let Lulu, and Kimahri see for themselves the truth later on. Speaking of which, I wonder how Auron will react when he finds out that Tidus is already a guardian. That's something I gotta see.

I am fueled by spite and positive reinforcement.

Also If you see this fic on other places on a different name, the only other name I use is Oshimura, and it would be on webnovel/patreon, that's it. Otherwise, someone is trying to pose as me since its daydul everywhere else.

I have a Patreon that you can check out if you want to support me, or to check out up to 5 chapters ahead for the fic I am currently focusing on.

I also have a Discord that I made more recently if you want to check it out.
Chapter 7: An Argument That Led to Something Different
Tidus seemed like he was looking towards me when Lulu was berating Wakka about Chappu. He would probably ask me about it, since I didn't react as bad to it. Eh, if he asks, I'll probably tell him what happened. Who knows though, it seemed like Tidus was a friend to me, but still was a bit distant.

That would probably change soon enough though. While I was walking up the stairs, I was trying to figure out how I was going to get my hands on some machina so I could make that Inn that I analyzed at Kilika port. I'll probably have to wait until the Al Bhed attempt to capture Yuna. I'll probably let it happen but have a bunch of summons protecting her at the same time.

Just so I could grind those machines. If I freeze them completely, that might make them stop functioning, and I could just disassemble them, and put the parts in my inventory. I might be able to make a camera with a recording function too. I do need one for future purposes, also I need to improve my hacking as well, and figure out a way to broadcast anywhere.

I'll get it done though. One of the biggest things I am thankful for is the fact that the story will not progress if I don't want it to, and time will not move in the world. Well, time will move for me, and my party, if I don't leave them behind. But not the world at large, or events that are happening. So I could theoretically go back to the forest, grind, and come back to the temple, with nobody being none the wiser. Sadly there really isn't anything I need from the forest, and I don't have the fabled Gamer's mind/body, so I can get tired, physically and mentally.

With that thought, I continued on walking. Eventually we reached the entrance of the temple. The Luca Goers came out and started gloating to Wakka, Tidus, and the rest of the Aurochs about them never losing. I just tuned them out. Honestly, I might get into blitzball myself at some point, just to experience it.

Eventually they walked away, and we headed into the temple. Wakka and Tidus started praying at the statue of Lord Ohalland for victory. Once they were finished, the summoner Dona came out of the sanctum of the summoner. This is another thing that thankfully will be avoided. Now that Tidus is a guardian, he won't have to be manhandled by Dona's guardian.

3rd Person

Yuna introduced herself to the summoner named Dona. Dona however just casually returned the introduction, and started to talk badly about the fact that Yuna had several guardians, with her saying that she only needed one. She then started disrespecting Yuna, talking about how her father did better.

Dona and Barthello, her guardian, quieted down though, when the temple got so cold that it felt like it was below zero. The ground started to freeze, and the air started to fog. Dona and Barthello looked in fear at the center of this, which was Yole. He was not happy at Dona just blatantly disrespecting Yuna for being herself.

"You do what you want. Barthello, were leaving. Quickly!" Dona and Barthello ran out of the temple at a rapid pace. By the time they left, the temple returned to its normal temperature, and the ice disappeared as if it was no longer there. Wakka and Tidus just laughed at the two of them that ran off, while everyone else just smirked at what happened. Once everything settled down, everyone in the party gathered to head into the cloister of trials.


I chuckled when I saw the two of them wimp out from a little change in temperature. While I couldn't hurt my enemies, that didn't mean I couldn't change the environment around them. The party went through the door, to the elevator that goes to the cloister of trials.
Since Tidus was officially a guardian, he came with us. Duer to this, we breezed through the trials, since there were so many of us to help figure things out. And we were eventually at the inner sanctum of the temple. Yuna went inside to commune with the Aeon, and the rest of us waited outside.

With the time given to me, I sat on the ground and browsed through my inventory to take stock of everything we had. We were good with food, had plenty of water, and more could be made by Lulu through magic. I have all the materials I need for the inn, except some more wood, and the machina. Everything seemed to be in place, so I pulled out a pillow, and took a nap. Lulu just played with my hair, Tidus and Wakka were talking to each other, and Kimahri was Kimahri.

It took an hour or so, but eventually, the door to the inner sanctum slowly opened, and I woke up. I stood up and paid attention as Yuna slowly walked out of the place, looking very exhausted. Wakka and Kimahri helped her stay up so she wouldn't fall over. After that, we headed out of the temple. As we were walking out, the people of the temple gathered around to wave Yuna off, and I saw Tidus was having his flashback to his home.

From the outside perspective, it just looked like he was staring into space, forgetting about everything else. Once we were headed down the stairs of the temple, Tidus and Yuna stopped to talk to each other for a bit. Eventually getting to the point of Tidus not really knowing what he wants to do, outside of being Yuna's guardian.

I chuckled a bit at remembering what he was going to do next. Soon enough, we all heard him yell to the top of his lungs. I was still chuckling, while walking down the stairs, but everyone else stopped for a second. With that little hiccup out of the way, we continued back into the Kilika Forest.

Now, while I could grind some more in the forest, I decided not to and wanted to wait until we would start traveling the world to explore the further depths, because I was not ready, and no amount of grinding would get me ready just yet. At least, no amount of grinding here would.
What I wanted to do though, was stop by a shop at the port, and see if they had any leftover machina, or some dumped somewhere. By the time I asked, I found out that they did have a good amount of machina that was scraped, and some that was in ok condition. I purchased all of it at a cheap price since they saw it as trash anyway.

Along with a large amount of wood. And I started crafting the inn now that I had enough materials for it. It would still need to be powered though, but I'm sure I could do that once I am able to use the thunder/lightning element. Lulu could handle that if I don't reach that point before we need to use it. For now, I'll keep it a surprise.

Once we got back on the ship, I set out an area on the ship to start tinkering with the leftover machina to try and make a camera, and a computer. I focused on the computer first, because I could use the computer to program any future machines I make out of machina. Lulu decided to watch me. while reading a book.

I worked well into the afternoon, and eventually I had a working computer. Granted, it wasn't that great, but it was still better than a lot in my old world. So, it would get the job done. Next, I set out to create a satellite dish to connect to the computer, so I could hack into any device across Spira. The game never really depicted anyone that was capable of this feat or even trying, so I doubt their security systems were very good.

I still decided to be careful though. Once I finished the satellite dish, I would try hacking into smaller villages first, then move to the cities, and eventually I would work towards the capital, and the Al Bhed's 'Home'. Nighttime hit, and I was halfway through working out the camera, and how it would broadcast, when Lulu tapped me on the shoulder, and pointed at the sky.

"It's about time we get some rest. I don't want you wearing yourself out too much. I know you love to tinker with things, but it can wait until tomorrow." My charge decided to drag me away from my crafting, after it was all put away in my inventory.

It was good that she did though, because I felt pretty damn tired. I did see Tidus starting to do the Jecht shot though, so I wanted to see it in person. Lulu pulled my hand harder until I pointed at what Tidus was doing. She just sighed, and we watched from a distance as he pulled off the Jecht shot on the first try.

After he did the shot, Lulu pulled my wrist again, and I went along with it this time. It was time to get some rest, and I saw what I needed to. I left Yuna to talk to Tidus about her past with Jecht. This part is lined up with cannon. By the time I got to my room, Lulu was already lying down and waiting for me. We snuggled up together that night and rested for the next day.

I am fueled by spite and positive reinforcement.

Also If you see this fic on other places on a different name, the only other name I use is Oshimura, and it would be on webnovel/patreon, that's it. Otherwise, someone is trying to pose as me since its daydul everywhere else.

I have a Patreon that you can check out if you want to support me, or to check out up to 5 chapters ahead for the fic I am currently focusing on.

I also have a Discord that I made more recently if you want to check it out.
Chapter 8: New City, Changed Plans
The next day, I got to see Luca firsthand. It was beautiful, honestly. The place looked much bigger, the giant sphere in the center for blitzball looked awesome, and the place had to have plenty of places I could buy some tech from considering how advanced it is. Once we got to the docks, I saw Tidus pick up a megaphone and start yelling about how they would win this year.

I decided to add a little flare and I shot up the Besaid Aurochs logo in the air with some ice magic. This surprised the few die-hard fans that the team still had, and everyone else watching. Then we ran off to see an old dead Maester Mika, and a perverted stalker, Seymour.
One thing that I managed to change though, was that I stood in front of Yuna, so that Seymour couldn't get that initial look at her. Not that that would change anything. He probably already had plans in motion to try and obtain her hand in marriage. Not this time though mother******. I am not letting his disgusting hands anywhere near Yuna if I have a say about it.

We went to the break room for the Aurochs, and they went over the basics with Tidus, not that he needed it, but eh. Then Yuna went on the whole spiel of saying that she heard Auron was here. Lulu and I stayed back, as Tidus, Yuna, and Kimahri went out.
This was when Yuna would get kidnapped, but I made sure to have a bunch of fairies, and a few ice rouges that were able to hide their presence, watch over Yuna. The kidnapping would still happen, just that by the time she was on the boat, everybody, except her would be incapacitated. Before that happened though, I went to every store I could, and bought any scrap of technology they had.

I also bought a sewing kit, some dye, a tanning kit, and a bunch of other things so I can start adding variety to everyone's clothing. Myself included. Lulu had a strange sparkle in her eyes when she saw me purchase the sewing kit. I'll probably make another of the same styled outfit for her, but maybe in a dark blue, or gray. I should make some more dolls for her to utilize as well, and maybe new weapons for everyone else.

Eventually, Lulu and I were greeted by some Al Bhed that told us that Yuna was kidnapped. They wanted the Aurochs to lose, otherwise Yuna would be in trouble. They quickly left, and we headed towards where Kimahri and Tidus were.

"No worries Lulu, Yuna will be fine. I made sure she had some extra 'help' in case something like this happened." Lulu sighed in relief when she heard that. Eventually we met up with Kimahri and Tidus to let them know about the situation.
We started heading towards dock four, and at that moment, time around the world kinda stopped. I heard the famous screen crack, and we encountered some worker robots. A group of six of them. I summoned a bunch of frost mages and just had them freeze the bots. They were quickly disabled, and I put them in my inventory. I would have to break them down for parts later. However, it was grind time.

Many, Many, Many metaphorical hours pass by. I even took several breaks to eat with Tidus, Lulu, and Kimahri. They didn't participate in the fights that much, but they did every once in a while, to gain experience.

However, I now had around two hundred frozen worker bots in my inventory. While time in the world was 'frozen' I decided to break each of the robots down for parts. I gained a good amount of experience from the whole thing, and managed to almost complete the fire element. Also, I stopped gaining experience and drops from the robots after a while. It was fine, since they only dropped Hi-potions. I also got like three X-potions.

But getting three out of like a hundred or so is pretty bad. Not that it matters, since I wanted the parts of the robots anyway. After another few hours breaking down each worker machina, I managed to break all of them down into their barebones parts. After I finished, I took one more break, then headed on to continue the story.

The four of us rushed onto the docks, and jumped onto the Al Bhed boat. Once we got on, Lulu sent out the signal early, since she didn't need to worry about Yuna. When we arrived, the giant robot still showed up. I just summoned a wyvern and had it freeze the thing. It was honestly kind of sad how easily it got taken care of. It could have been even easier by short circuiting it, but I wanted to preserve the technology.

Plus, this one would be great for even further research. I shoved the thing in my inventory so I could take it apart later, and Yuna stepped out of the inner part of the ship, while a cold breeze flew through. It seemed like she handled the last guy on her own though, because he didn't have any frost on him in the slightest, he was just knocked out.

Good on her for standing up for herself honestly. It was at this time that Tidus told us about how he was saved by a group of Al Bhed when he first came to Spira. Then Yuna told him about her Al Bhed lineage and how Cid was her uncle, so she was half Al Bhed. Of course, this was kept secret from Wakka cause the guy still can't get over his stereotypes about them, he definitely won't get over them anytime soon with this event happening.

Since Lulu sent out the time a while ago, we found out that the Aurochs won against the Al Bhed Psyches 6-2. Good for them honestly. Of course, Lulu made fun of Wakka because he was struggling to stay up. She didn't reference Chappu though. Which was a good thing. She got over Chappu's death a long time ago, my presence helped with that, by a lot.

We got back to the break room and noticed that Wakka was struggling to move from a bench. Before anyone could say anything, I tossed an X-potion at him, and he stood up like he was brimming with energy. Everyone looked towards me like I was crazy, except for Tidus, and Wakka, who smiled at me, and gave me a thumbs up. I just shrugged my shoulders and walked out. I never got why they didn't use potions for situations like this.

A potion was used when Tidus was knocked out under water, like twice. Why can't it be used in real life to recover from injuries? That was probably why almost everyone was surprised, because I did something that nobody else thought of doing. They were probably gonna try to let him recover naturally, like he did in the game. Not this time though. I wanted to see the Luca Goers get decimated by the Aurochs. I stood out in the hall, near the entrance to the blitzball sphere, and leaned against the wall. Lulu came out and stood next to me. Eventually, the team came out and looked towards me.

"I know that you guys are playing to win, but I didn't heal Wakka for you guys to win. I want you guys to absolutely destroy the Goers, mess with their pride, and shake them from their foundations." Everyone smiled as they looked at me. I raised my fist to meet the Aurochs, and we had a collective fist bump, before they headed in to play.

I also got to know the one female player that seemed smitten with Wakka, and was taking extra care of him until I healed him. Her name was Asta. She had red hair like him, but it was down to her back, she had a similar skin tone, and had purple eyes. The girl stared at Wakka like she was marking a target, the passion in her eyes was unmatched.

Good for her honestly. I'm not sure how they will set up the team rotation, but I'm certain that both Tidus and Wakka will be going in for the full game this time, instead of Wakka showing up near the end. I got excited at the idea, and headed to the stands with Lulu, Yuna, and Kimahri, to watch the game unfold.

I also had a plan for that ****ole Seymour, since he was going to have a bunch of monsters attack right after the game finishes. This will be the perfect time to debut my dragon, and take the spotlight from Seymour. I'll also make sure to get everything on camera, by having a few of my fairies recording everything. One thing I'll have my rouges do is follow the guado and try to record them releasing/summoning the monsters.

Speaking of monsters, I need to get to the dark part of my sphere grid, since there is a particular spell there, I want to try on a certain sinspawn. That will be for later though. I enacted my plan right away, keeping my summons as hidden as possible, while spreading them across the stadium, and having the key ones stalking the guado and recording them.

I'll need the evidence for later. I will not have the entirety of Spira turn against Yuna based on lies. If it means breaking down the status quo they established, then I will gladly do it. I have come to see Yuna as a little sister, and I care for her as such.

I am fueled by spite and positive reinforcement.

Also If you see this fic on other places on a different name, the only other name I use is Oshimura, and it would be on webnovel/patreon, that's it. Otherwise, someone is trying to pose as me since its daydul everywhere else.

I have a Patreon that you can check out if you want to support me, or to check out up to 5 chapters ahead for the fic I am currently focusing on.

I also have a Discord that I made more recently if you want to check it out.
Chapter 9: A Whirlwind Of Change
Moving on from that, as we got to the stands and sat down, all of my summons were in place, and at the ready. The blitzball game would take around 20 minutes, with five minutes for each of the two quarters, and a 10 minute half time. Because of how long it would be, there would be plenty of time for my rogues to record stuff, and for me to relax, and enjoy the game.

The game itself wasn't even a challenge for the Aurochs honestly. I think it's because I'm watching it, rather than playing it, but Tidus and Wakka were able to achieve feats that were shown in cutscenes, rather than what is shown in the blitzball mini game. That means that they were able to knock people outside of the blitzball sphere, dodge them with no problems at all, and pass at a much faster rate.

Tidus scored on them twice, once normally, and once with a Jecht shot. Wakka scored with his famed, venom shot. It was interesting to see in real time as the blitzball glowed green when he threw it at the goal, it hit the goalie, knocked him back, then the ball bounced in the goal itself. The game was 3-0 at three minutes, and the Aurochs already stole the ball again from the Goers. Yeah, this game was over before it even started.

Heck, the announcers were flabbergasted, and struggling to say anything. The crowd was going wild though. I know Yuna was cheering loudly. Even Lulu was giving out quiet cheers.

I remembered that Auron should be somewhere in the stands watching. We will be meeting up soon, I'm still looking forward to his reaction to Tidus already being a guardian. Heh. Although knowing him, he probably won't react that much.
By the time I focused back on the game, it was four minutes into the second quarter, and the score was 9-2. Yeah, the Goers' pride had to be destroyed by now. Sucks for them. That's what happens when you talk the talk, without showing anything for it. Soon enough, the announcer announced that the Aurochs had won with a score of 11-2.

Congrats to them, now Wakka won't have any regrets on blitzball. Although, it's almost time for the guado to make a move. Sure enough, I see a bunch of aquatic fiends appear in the blitzball sphere. Then fiends started showing up all over the stadium. I saw this as my chance once I spotted Auron fending off a fiend in the distance.

Before Seymour got anywhere near the top stand, I started summoning my ice dragon. Everyone looked up to see a large egg of ice appear in the sky. Cracks slowly showed across the egg, until it eventually shattered, and a snowy blue dragon, with four wings appeared in the sky. It flew down in front of me and activated its overdrive ability called [Flash Freeze]. It targets all enemies in a large surrounding area, freezing them in place, then shattering them depending on how strong the enemy is.

Of course, since all the fiends around here aren't nearly as strong as my dragon, the moment it used [Flash Freeze] it took out all the fiends in the area, causing them to turn into totes of light. I saw Seymour had a bewildered look on his face when he noticed the dragon flying near me, and that all the fiends were taken care of. My dragon came down, and I petted its head. Too bad Seymour, you don't get to show off today, screw your plans.

Once Seymour realized that he lost his chance, he took a deep breath, and just walked back to where he came from. I chuckled at this, while Lulu, Yuna, and Kimahri looked at me in bewilderment. I just laughed it off and unsummoned my dragon.
After that point, the rest of my summons returned to me with the large number of recordings and evidence they had. I put all of it in my inventory to organize on my computer later. As we walked out of the stadium, there was something I completely forgot about, that apparently did exist here. The save spheres. I quickly went to access one, and sure enough, I was able to save.

I looked around for a bit, then stored this sphere in my inventory. I will be keeping this in the inn that I crafted. I will be upgrading it as well, now that I have better technology. Before we headed out, I purchased as much food, and food materials as I could afford. I obtained plenty of potions from those worker bots, so no need to worry there.

Once I was finished, we headed out to the stairs leading to Mi'ihen Highroad. I sat down for a little while as we waited for Wakka and Tidus to come round. Also, Asta would be joining us as well, funny enough, it was because she didn't want to separate from Wakka.
Asta wasn't going to be a guardian, but she would be adventuring with us nonetheless. She will probably have to be a guardian at some point though. As I got in my thoughts, I realized another thing, I want to learn the Al Bhed language.

I wonder, if I hack into their servers at some point, could I download the Al Bhed dictionary? Possibly. For now, I will just organize the recordings on my laptop that I built, using some of the tech I gained from the worker bots. Lulu was standing by Yuna, talking to her as she talked about Auron and Zanarkand. Wakka showed up eventually and announced he would be a full time guardian now. Then Auron showed up, with a tired Tidus.

He went on the same spiel as in the game, except just offering his services as a guardian since Tidus was one already. Yuna accepted of course. Auron did glance my way for a second, probably because I was the one that suggested that Tidus became a guardian.
Now that the party has gathered, with two additional members, we set off. As it turned out, Asta was a bow user, funny enough. So that means, I needed to learn how to make bows. I had plenty of wood to practice with. Also, the road was much longer than in the game. Of course, I should have expected this. Everything here seems to be bigger than in the game.

I fear to see what Bikanel Island, or the Calm Lands will look like. While we were on this road, I was thinking of the two optional bosses. Ifrit, that is summoned by Lady Belgemine, and the chocobo eater. The chocobo eater will be a piece of cake, but Ifrit could be an issue. So, I decided to have Yuna grind for a while to make Valefor strong enough to defeat it on the first attempt.

While we traveled on the road, I tinkered with the various materials in my inventory, and the rest of the party fought to help Yuna level up and move along on her sphere grid. This also empowered everyone else since they were also participating.
Of course, we also encountered that old squire who tried to educate us on what the ruins around us represented. I just ignored him, while everyone else listened. Of course, I acted like I was listening so it wouldn't seem out of place.

[As you can see here, this depicts parts of the ancient Zanarkand. Don't you see the advanced Machina that was lost to time?] This dude was still talking? Damn bro, I guess I zoned back in at the wrong time. I just leaned against one of the 'ancient' ruins as everyone else stood around the guy that has one foot in the grave and listened.

Once that was finished, we continued our journey while grinding enemies at the same time. We stopped just outside of the area where we would meet Lady Belgemine for the first time. While this grinding session was going on, I was thinking of a way to make large amounts of gil.
I decided that I would make manga and introduce it to the world of Spira, since their reading material was lacking. My hacking skills were also up to the standard that I felt comfortable hacking into the Al Bhed 'Home' and trying to obtain any and all blueprints they may have there. I used this skill to share my manga across any and all book stores that printed out books.

They would get sold, and the funds would be sent electronically. It was always a wonder how gil was sent between places, now I know that there is a physical and electronic version of it. There were also banks across Spira, but I didn't plan on hacking into any banks to take money.
Spira may be all over the place with technology, but they had it in all the right places. Once my money scheme was in place, Yuna and the rest of the party grinded enough that I felt like Valefor would win a fight against Ifrit on the first try.

Once we greeted the Lady, she introduced herself as a summoner, and stated that she wanted to test Yuna. To which of course she agreed and fought her Ifrit with Valefor. It didn't take long for Yuna to win the fight though, and Lady Belgemine gave Yuna an Echo ring, which she passed to me right away. Probably to store it and Analyze it.

"Interesting, you, guardian of Lady Yuna with the silver hair, and black jacket. Would you care to be tested as well? I'll reward you of course." When she asked me that, it threw me for a loop. Apparently I wasn't the only one, because everyone else either had a bewildered look or one of surprise.

I am fueled by spite and positive reinforcement.

Also If you see this fic on other places on a different name, the only other name I use is Oshimura, and it would be on webnovel/patreon, that's it. Otherwise, someone is trying to pose as me since its daydul everywhere else.

I have a Patreon that you can check out if you want to support me, or to check out up to 5 chapters ahead for the fic I am currently focusing on.

I also have a Discord that I made more recently if you want to check it out.