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You are special. Always have been. Mature too. Because you know free will is an illusion. Our...
The Dreamscape I Tally
The Tally from all 3 Forums stands as follows (I have culled the repetitive votes made by a user on different forums for fairness):

[8] Is Half-Blood some kind of slur? (You start with 5 Will Points)
[3] Yer a Wizard! (You start with 5 Will Points)
[1] Mutant and Proud. (You start with 5 Will Points)
[1] A Wizard and a Mutant walk into a bar... (You start with 0 Will Points)
[ ] Half-Blood Mutant is most definitely a slur. (You start with 0 Will Points)
[1] A Half-Blood demigod and a Wizard. (You start with 0 Will Points)
[9] All 3 of them please. (You start with -5 Will Points)

You have decided to be a Demigod Wizard who activates his Mutant Gene and start with -5 Will Points. Good luck not dying!
The Dreamscape II Tally
The Tally from all 3 Forums stands as follows (I have culled the repetitive votes made by a user on different forums for fairness):

[32] Ancient Greek, the language of the Grecian city states. (You gain 2 WP and the skill Ancient Greek IV)
[5] Latin, the language of the Roman Empire. (You gain 2 WP and the skill Latin IV)
[3] Both. Knowledge is power. (You lose 2 WP and gain the skills Ancient Greek IV and Latin IV)

[17] Astraea/Virgo, Goddess of Justice, Innocence, Purity and Precision
[1] Hephaestus/Vulcan, God of Blacksmiths and Fire
[15] Hecate/Trivia, Titan Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft
[1] Prometheus, Titan of Forethought and Crafty Counsel
[1] Arete/Virtus, Goddess of Excellence and Virtue
[1] Hypnos/Somnus, God of Sleep
[3] Amphitrite/Salacia, Queen of the Sea
[1] Ares/Mars, God of War

You are a Greek demigod. You are the Child of Astraea, Goddess of Justice, Innocence, Purity and Precision. You gain Endurance, Dexterity, Charisma and Wisdom faster and gain slightly less periodic boosts to those 4 Attributes. You can also access ??? when under the Virgo constellation.

By the way, I modified the Attributes that are beneficial to a child of Astraea to make it more Thematic. Charisma and Wisdom passed, but for the domain of Precision, Dexterity made a better fit than Agility. And finally Endurance instead of Intelligence as the protector of the innocent also needs to be able to take a few hits.

Looks like we have a winner! I will be posting the next threadmark in a few hours as I have to make changes. The comeback tossed all my planning into the trashbin. Thanks a lot, SpaceBattlers!
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The Dreamscape III Tally
The Tally from all 3 Forums stands as follows:

[2] You chose to have no Powers. +6 WP
[22] You chose to have 1 Power. +4 WP
[1] You chose to have 2 Powers. +2 WP

[2] Choose No power.
[8] Choose Demigod Power: Night Vision I (Passive).
[14] Choose Demigod Power: Precision Strikes I (Passive).
[2] Choose Demigod Power: Glow I (Toddler).

[1] Romulus
[7] Phaester
[3] Skotandros
[11] Write-in a name.
[1] Damion
[5] Nikolaos
[2] Pythagoras
[1] Sirius
[1] Hector
[1] Kassandros​
[3] No name chosen

You have chosen the Demigod Power: Precision Strikes I (Passive), gain +4 WP and are named Nikolaos, which means "Champion of the people". You gain +5 RP with Astraea.

Note: Yes, I had to roll a D12 because although the Write-in option got the majority, the actual majority for a name was Phaester.
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