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You are special. Always have been. Mature too. Because you know free will is an illusion. Our...
The Dreamscape I & II

The Verbomancer

Getting out there.
Aug 1, 2022
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You are special. Always have been. Mature too. Because you know free will is an illusion. Our destinies are chalked up by powers beyond our ken who can roll a dice and simply proclaim, "This one has clinical depression."

But I digress. We are talking about you. Because you are special at the extra-special age of 6. Congratulations! *insert vuvuzela noise*

The question is how?

[x] Is Half-Blood some kind of slur? (You start with 5 Will Points)

[x] Yer a Wizard! (You start with 5 Will Points)

[x] Mutant and Proud. (You start with 5 Will Points)

[x] A Wizard and a Mutant walk into a bar... (You start with 0 Will Points)

[x] Half-Blood Mutant is most definitely a slur. (You start with 0 Will Points)

[x] A Half-Blood demigod and a Wizard. (You start with 0 Will Points)

[x] All 3 of them please. (You start with -5 Will Points)

(All reader decisions will be tallied from all 3 forums, 24 hours after the current post. The next threadmark will be based on that tally only.)


You have decided to be a Demigod Wizard who activates his Mutant Gene and start with -5 Will Points.

Doom-Driven Title gained! Your Luck is shrouded and its Rolls are inaccessible to you.


Ever since you were born, you have had dreams so vivid that it would be hard for you distinguish reality from your dreamscapes. Dreamscapes where men and women fought together against aliens and ne'er-do-wells, then turned around to fight each other instead. There you would sometimes see ordinary men committing acts of valour and equally heinous deeds, persecuting men, women and children for simply being different. You would see gods walking amongst men and gods watching men from up in the sky. One time, you could feel a presence watching civilization from deep beneath the bowels of the Earth. And then it turned to observe you, an amused flavour tinging its hostile gaze. On good days you would see acts of magic, wondrous to behold. Children flying on broomsticks, playing catch, whilst adults would amuse themselves with ever-filling mugs of frothy liquid on the stands. On worse days, you would see yet again acts of horror. These magical humans casting beams of light at each other and falling lifeless on the ground.

The day these dreams stopped, you had a final vision. The scenes began merging together, like paint mixing itself to form a better image on the canvas. And you saw the magical beings, cloaked in robes, conquering great evil and allying themselves with the caped individuals to combat greater threats. Then you saw heroes of legend doing the bidding of gods, standing together with the capes and cloaks to defend the realms of Earth. You saw so much.

You saw too much.



And you get shunted out of these visions as one would a peeping tom. You begin falling from great heights, screaming dearly for life. Maybe you should have not had that many slices of cake, because there seems to be a suspicious dampness in your trousers. And then you slam into something solid.

You find yourself in the sky. High above some sort of sprawling city. Your mind must be playing tricks as at one moment its a dense city of skyscrapers, vehicles marking themselves as ants feverishly reaching for their destination and the next, it turns into a coastal city with buildings clustered on its hills. You crouch down to peer closer when suddenly waves of clouds start swirling around you, clearing a path in front of you, blocking your sight of the ground. After taking a final glance below, you look towards the horizon.

You see an enormous mountain with white marbled buildings dotting its slope. They look Greek to you. As in you cannot understand how they managed to perch themselves on the mountain's slopes. You begin walking towards this oddity and the sheer sight of the phenomena leaves you in awe. It makes you somber. More in touch with your metaphysical self, whatever that means. As you reach its base, you notice another slightly smaller mountain in your peripheral vision. That's weird. You could have sworn that it was not there a moment ago.

You turn towards the newly arisen shard of earth and notice that it too, has halls supported by pillars made of granite? No, marble. Black marble. They look more haunted, a pale reflection of the more divine mountain that you are beneath. The moment you take a step towards the new sinister appendage in the sky, everything dissolves. Your vision clouds over yet again, with you being carried someplace else.

You find yourself in a hall this time. With a ceiling that appears to be endless. Surrounding you are pedestals with icons on top. In front of you, in a U shape, are 14 shrines of white marble with different idols adorning them. Together, they sing a symphony of sorrow, joy, harmony, anger and emotions that you cannot comprehend. It should feel like a cacophonous wailing, yet it does not. However, it feels like something is missing. And then you notice that 6 of the shrines appear to snub you. They remain silent in your presence. Then after the 14, there are several other shrines, smaller in size yet no less in singing an alluring song to you. And finally, beyond them, behind you, there are shrines of black marble. Each one haunting you to come closer. To just have a look.

If only you knew what each shrine did. What they could grant you, would you make a choice. The moment you think so, Greek letters and Latin alphabets mark each shrine with their presence. You can see the signs but know that they are intangible, incorporeal to your touch. But how can you understand them? Reading them should be impossible. You are dyslexic. And you don't know ancient languages. There is a great magic at work here. With a greater choice to be made. Which language do you choose to understand better?

[x] Ancient Greek, the language of the Grecian city states. (You gain 2 WP and the skill Ancient Greek IV)

[x] Latin, the language of the Roman Empire. (You gain 2 WP and the skill Latin IV)

[x] Both. Knowledge is power. (You lose 2 WP and gain the skills Ancient Greek IV and Latin IV)

With your choice made, the letters glow brightly. This time they feel solid to your touch, thrumming with power and warmth. You look around you yet again, paying close attention to the shrines beckoning you still. The call within you grows stronger. You are entranced by it. Whose call do you heed?

[x] Demeter/Ceres, Goddess of the Harvest and Agriculture
You gain 30 FP with Mount Olympus, 20 FP with Nature Spirits and -25 FP with Mount Othrys.
You gain Endurance and Wisdom faster and gain periodic boosts to those 2 Attributes.

[x] Ares/Mars, God of War
You gain 30 FP with Mount Olympus and -25 FP with Mount Othrys.
You gain Strength and Endurance faster and gain periodic boosts to those 2 Attributes.

[x] Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Strategy
You gain 30 FP with Mount Olympus, -10 FP with Camp Jupiter, -20 FP with Atlantis and -25 FP with Mount Othrys.
You gain Agility, Cunning, Intelligence and Wisdom fast and gain slightly less periodic boosts to those 4 Attributes.

[x] Apollo, God of the Sun, Medicine, Music and Prophecy
You gain 30 FP with Mount Olympus, 10 FP with the Hunters of Artemis, 10 FP with Nature Spirits and -25 FP with Mount Othrys.
You pick up Attributes and Skills slightly fast during daytime. You gain slightly less periodic boosts to Endurance, Agility, Dexterity and Charisma.

[x] Hephaestus/Vulcan, God of Blacksmiths and Fire
You gain 30 FP with Mount Olympus and -25 FP with Mount Othrys.
You gain Strength, Endurance, Dexterity and Intelligence fast and gain slightly less periodic boosts to those 4 Attributes.

[x] Aphrodite/Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty
You gain 30 FP with Mount Olympus and -25 FP with Mount Othrys.
You gain Charisma and Cunning faster and gain periodic boosts to those 2 Attributes.

[x] Hermes/Mercury, God of Thieves, Travelers, Merchants and Messenger of the Gods
You gain 30 FP with Mount Olympus and -25 FP with Mount Othrys.
You gain Agility, Dexterity, Charisma and Cunning fast and gain slightly less periodic boosts to those 4 Attributes.

[x] Dionysus/Bacchus, God of Wine, Madness and Parties
You gain 30 FP with Mount Olympus, 20 FP with Nature Spirits and -25 FP with Mount Othrys.
You gain Endurance and Charisma faster and gain periodic boosts to those 2 Attributes.

[x] Write-in a Minor Hellenic deity
You gain 20 FP with Mount Olympus. (other variable FP changes)
Attribute learning boosts and gains can be written in (have to be lore-friendly though).

[x] Write-in an Aquatic deity or Sea nymph
You gain 10 FP with Atlantis and 20 FP with Nature Spirits. (other variable FP changes)
Attribute learning boosts and gains can be written in (have to be lore-friendly though).

[x] Write-in an Anemoi
You gain 20 FP with Mount Olympus and 10 FP with Nature Spirits. (other variable FP changes)
Attribute learning boosts and gains can be written in (have to be lore-friendly though).

[x] Hecate/Trivia, Titan Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft
You gain 10 FP with Mount Olympus, 10 FP with the Underworld and 10 FP with Mount Othrys.
You pick up Attributes and Skills slightly fast during nighttime. You gain gain frequent boosts to Intelligence and Cunning.

[x] Helios/Sol, Lord of Sight and Titan of the Sun, Heat and Measurement of Time
You gain 20 FP with Mount Olympus and 20 FP with Nature Spirits.
You pick up Attributes and Skills fast during daytime. You gain periodic boosts to Endurance and Charisma.

[x] Selene/Luna, Titaness of the Moon, Night, Lunacy and Radiance
You gain 20 FP with Mount Olympus, 20 FP with Nature Spirits and 10 FP with Hunters of Artemis.
You pick up Attributes and Skills fast during nighttime. You gain periodic boosts to Agility and Wisdom.

[x] Eos/Aurora, Titaness of the Dawn, Morning Red, Dew and Frost
You gain 20 FP with Mount Olympus and 20 FP with Nature Spirits.
You gain Agility and Charisma faster and gain frequent boosts to those 2 Attributes.

[x] Iapetus/Japetus, Lord of the West and Titan of Mortality and Pain
You gain 20 FP with Mount Othrys, 10 FP with the Monsters and -25 FP with Mount Olympus.
You gain Strength, Endurance, Agility and Dexterity faster and gain slightly less periodic boosts to those 4 Attributes.

[x] Atlas, Titan of Endurance
You gain 20 FP with Mount Othrys, 10 FP with the Monsters, 20 FP with Nature Spirits and -25 FP with Mount Olympus.
You gain Strength and Endurance faster and gain frequent boosts to those 2 Attributes.

[x] Prometheus, Titan of Forethought and Crafty Counsel
You gain 20 FP with Mount Othrys, 10 FP with the Monsters and -25 FP with Mount Olympus.
You gain Cunning and Wisdom faster and gain frequent boosts to those 2 Attributes.

[x] Epimetheus, Titan of Afterthought and Excuse
You gain 20 FP with Mount Othrys, 10 FP with the Monsters, 20 FP with Nature Spirits and -25 FP with Mount Olympus.
You gain Charisma and Intelligence faster and gain frequent boosts to those 2 Attributes.

(Keep in mind that if a write-in option makes the majority, but there are multiple immortals to choose from, I will do a random selection for that write-in)

(All reader decisions will be tallied from all 3 forums, 48 hours after the current post. The next threadmark will be based on that tally only.)


Note: An average adult will have Attributes in the range of 16 to 20.

Name: ???

Status: Asleep

Age: 6
Unclaimed Demigod: Gives +1 in every Attribute every 2 years and +1 Health every year. You also have the Traits ADHD and Dyslexia. You gain the Powers Monster Magnet I, Clear Sight I, Enhanced Senses I and Healing Factor I.
Latent Wizard: You have 25 Energy.
Dormant Mutant: You gain +2 Mutation every month.

Doom-Driven: Your Luck is shrouded and its Rolls are inaccessible to you.

ADHD: Grants +1 to all Combat rolls and -1 malus to Learning rolls for Intelligence and Wisdom Skills.
Dyslexia: Grants you visual impediments when trying to understand languages. -5 malus to Learning rolls for Skills related to Reading, Writing and Spelling.
Decision Points
Will Points: -5

Life Points
Health: 48
Energy: 25
Mutation: 72

Endurance: 9
Strength: 9
Agility: 9
Dexterity: 9
Charisma: 9
Cunning: 9
Intelligence: 9
Wisdom: 9
Luck: ???
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Quest Mechanics
Table of Contents:
  1. Quest Interactions​
    1. Decisions​
    2. Encounters and Events​
    3. Combat Rolls​
    4. Learning Rolls​
    5. Conversation Rolls​
  2. Character Mechanics​
    1. Origin Points​
    2. Will Points​
    3. Skills
    4. Powers
    5. Status Effects​
    6. Attributes​
    7. Health​
    8. Magic​
    9. Mutation​
    10. Traits​
    11. Titles​
    12. Identities​
    13. Relations​
    14. Factions​
    15. Inventory​
    16. Items​
  3. About the Character and Setting​
  4. Identities, Titles and Traits​

Quest interactions
  1. Decisions: Decisions move the quest ahead and require Will Points if you are not in the Dreamscape. You only get 1 Free Daily Decision. The cost of Will Points is variable and reflects on how comfortable the Playable Character would be, making that decision.
  2. Encounters and Events:
    1. Encounters are random but can lead to Key Characters.
    2. Minor Events randomly occur weekly and tie into Social and Personal Life.
    3. Major Events are random and occur once every 3 months, building upto their climax.
    4. Plot Events involves Key Characters and their storylines.
  3. Combat Rolls: If your Health gets to 0 in combat, you faint. If your Magic gets to 0 in combat, you get post-combat maluses on your Status.
    1. Damage Roll- Damage Rolls depend on the Item/Skill/Power used. The Attribute governing the Rolls will be stated by the Item/Skill/Power. Unarmed Damage Rolls need 1D4 and give +1 bonus per Strength point. Countered by Endurance and Strength Rolls.
    2. Endurance Roll- 1D4 Roll to see how much magical and physical damage can be resisted. +1 bonus per 5 points of Endurance. Counter of Damage Roll.
    3. Strength Roll - 1D20 Roll to see how much melee damage can be deflected. +1 bonus per 5 points of Strength. Counter of Damage Roll.
    4. Agility Roll- 1D20 Roll to see if the Attack Roll can be avoided and if you can seize the initiative in battle. +1 bonus per 5 points of Agility. Counter of Dexterity Roll and Agility Roll respectively.
    5. Dexterity Roll- 1D20 Roll to see if the Attack connects with the opponent and for actions that require you to use your limbs effectively (for example, sneaking). +1 bonus per 5 points of Dexterity. Countered by Agility Roll and Cunning Roll respectively.
    6. Charisma Roll- 1D20 Roll to commit an act of heroism against the other party. For it to be a success, the Roll has to be 16 or above and should be more than the enemy's counter throw. +1 bonus per 10 points of Charisma. Countered by Charisma Roll.
    7. Cunning Roll- 1D20 Roll to notice anything unusual or to use your senses for an immediate advantage. +1 bonus per 5 points of Cunning. Counters Dexterity Roll.
    8. Intelligence Roll- 1D4 Roll to give Roll bonuses to your Team in all Attributes by employing battle tactics. +1 bonus per 10 points of Intelligence.
    9. Wisdom Roll- ?D10 Roll to use the knowledge you have on your enemies, terrain and yourself. Access the Bestiary to know how much Damage bonus you can get. +1 bonus per 5 points of Wisdom.
    10. Luck Roll- 2D10 Roll that can be used to bring yourself out of an unfavorable situation or give yourself a boost in fortune. +1 bonus per 5 points of Luck. Can only be used once a day.
  4. Learning Rolls: Learning Rolls can be done to gain Skill/Power progress without Origin Points. Only some passive Powers can be upgraded this way, they will be indicated in the practice section of Decisions. For every threshold crossed, you gain +2 progress in your chosen Skill/Power. The thresholds to beat/equalize on 1D20 are:
    1. Toddler- 0
    2. Easy- 5
    3. Average- 10
    4. Hard- 15
    5. Tartarus- 20
  5. Conversation Rolls: These Rolls require 1D20 and give +1 bonus every 10 points of the respective Attribute. These Rolls cannot be countered but have to cross a threshold to be successful. The thresholds will be mentioned when the Decision will be made for the Player Character.
    1. Manipulation Roll (Cunning)- When used frequently, chance of gaining Traits Street-Smart and Deceitful.
    2. Diplomacy Roll (Charisma)- When used frequently, chance of gaining Traits Eloquent and Honest.
    3. Intimidation Roll (Strength)- When used frequently, chance of gaining Traits Fierce and Cruel.
    4. Stoic Roll (Endurance)- When used frequently, chance of gaining Traits Patient and Brooding.
    5. Factoid Roll (Intelligence)- When used frequently, chance of gaining Traits Smart and Nerdy.
    6. Advice Roll (Wisdom)- When used frequently, chance of gaining Traits Kind and Arrogant.
    7. Humour Roll (Dexterity)- When used frequently, chance of gaining Traits Witty and Insensitive.
    8. Confusion Roll (Agility)- When used frequently, chance of gaining Traits Quick Speaker and Verbose.
    9. Hail Mary Roll (Luck)- When used frequently, chance of gaining Trait Silver Tongue.

Character Mechanics

  1. Origin Points: Origin Points, or OP for short determines the strength of your character with relation to power. Origin Points can be distributed to Attributes (except Luck), Skills and Active Powers. You gain OP in 4 different ways: over time (natural progression), through choices, completing challenges (defeating bosses or getting treasures) and finally, with reader interaction (writing feedback, fan-art, useful suggestions). OP acts as a conduit to upgrade your character. However, you will not magically learn a skill completely if you invest OP in it. Each Skill/ Power has levels and MAX level indicates complete mastery. OP simply reduces time to learn a Skill/Power as you can also learn new stuff naturally within the quest. OP completes the empty slots of a Skill/Power level by 50%. For example, if you had Sewing I (Easy) Skill at 0/20, and you invested 2 Origin Points, then the progress bar will change to 10/20. However, if you invest 2 points again, the bar will move to 15/20 as there were 10 slots empty and only 50% of that could be filled.
    1. Skills/Powers: Skills and Powers are divided into tiers of learning difficulty- Toddler (1), Easy (2), Average (3), Hard (5), Tartarus (10)- that also equate their cost. The easier a skill or power is, the lesser OP it costs. Skills are discounted if the character has affinity with it (An example would be Cooking if you are a child of Demeter/Ceres).
    2. Attributes: Attributes cost more OP to upgrade as they increase in value. Your character can get discounts in Attribute costs if they are naturally inclined to said attribute. Attribute tiers and OP costs per point: 0 to 10 costs 1 OP, 11 to 30 costs 2 OP, 31 to 60 costs 3 OP, 61 to 100 costs 4 OP, 101 to 150 costs 5 OP, etc. Attribute boosts are temporary and activate in combat on a dice roll.
  2. Will Points: Will Points (WP) are the most important resource for character decisions. If you make a decision that meshes well with your character, you gain WP and if you don't, you lose them. Positive WP indicates a good state of mind whereas negative WP makes your character susceptible to ill-decisions and foreign influences. So keep an eye on your WP! WP has a hard limit of 10.
  3. Skills: Skills can be acquired through learning new things. These are an effect of human civilization and can be upgraded through OPs and Learning Rolls.
  4. Powers: Powers stem from a divine source, magical source or a genetic source. Active Powers can be upgraded with OPs and Learning Rolls. If anything has a numeral in front of it, it can be upgraded. However, each Passive power has a different way of upgrading. Only some of them upgraded with Learning Rolls. Up to you to figure it out by trial and error or sheer blind luck.
  5. Status effects denote the current state of the Player Character.
  6. Attributes: Natural Attribute gain is +1 point every year until the age of 20. All Attributes are divided into tiers. Tier I is from 1 to 10, Tier II is from 11 to 30, Tier III is from 31 to 60, Tier IV is from 61 to 100, Tier V is from 101 to 150, Tier VI is from 151 to 210 and so on.
  7. Health: Natural Health gain is +1 point every year. Your base Health is twice the sum of your Endurance and Strength.
  8. Magic: Cannot use more magic than the existing Health pool. 25% of the Magical Reserve is restored by sleeping overnight.
  9. Mutation: The first mutation will need 100 Mutation Points. Your second mutation will need 1000 Mutation Points, your third 10000, and so on. You can also choose to spend 50 and 200 Mutation Points to further develop your first and second Mutation respectively. This cost doubles each time your mutation is improved. You can get Mutation Points by Mutagens or Mothervine, but those have a high risk and will need dice rolls. On the other hand, natural forces like the Phoenix Spark (the Force will consume you, just a warning) will do the trick to boost your Mutation Points.
  10. Traits: These are personality traits that make your character interesting. Traits also influence the WP cost of a decision.
  11. Titles: These are facets of reputation of your PC. If the PC does a particularly heroic deed or achievement, they get a Title.
  12. Identities: The Playable Character's essence and what they actually are.
  13. Relations: Relation Points, or RP dictates the character's relation (duh!) with other individuals. RP will be in a list format. RP has a hard limit of 100 for each relation. Stages:
    1. (Im)Mortal Enmity: -91 to -100
    2. Hatred: -71 to -90
    3. Animosity: -51 to -70
    4. Dislike: -31 to -50
    5. Scorn: -11 to -30
    6. Neutral: -10 to 10
    7. Interest: 11 to 30
    8. Trust: 31 to 50
    9. Affection/Friendship/Loyalty: 51 to 70
    10. Love/True Friendship/Oathsworn: 71 to 90
    11. Unbreakable Bond: 91 to 100
  14. Factions: Faction Points (FP) functions in tandem with RP and determines your standing with a particular faction. If FP is positive then you receive a boost in RP with characters from that particular faction. If FP is negative, the opposite holds true. You gain FP by undergoing challenges for that Faction as well as with natural progression. You can utilize Faction Points to access resources to benefit your character. FP has a hard limit of 1000 for each faction.
  15. Inventory: List of important items that are on your person.
  16. Items: Items from the Wizarding World and Divine Pantheons have rarity, which in an ascending order are: Mundane, Historic, Enchanted, Heroic, Mythic, Divine and Cosmic.

About the Character and Setting

The character is 6 years old and born in September 1999. The year is 2005. Which means the language, decisions and actions expressed by the character will be that of a child. He will not be playing around with stocks or inventing new forms of magic. Secondly, the character will not start overpowered from the beginning. No shenanigans with being a child of Zeus and one-shotting Tartarus or devising convoluted magic systems that wizards would have already discovered or even hunting down the Infinity Stones and becoming the Ultra Overlord of the Universe by age 7. The character will start of and progress within the natural confines of lore. If something seems overpowered, there is a natural downside. Trust me.

Astraea's child can be born like Athena's are. Since Astraea represents the Virgo constellation, the PC can only get the power ups under the presence of Virgo. I had to even do research to know when Virgo is present in the night sky. I am going with the Eos and Astraeus myth as they are the Gods of Dawn and Dusk respectively, which adds to the Justice aspect of Astraea. Since we already have a Justice deity in Dike who is already a daughter of Zeus, I am discarding the Zeus descent for Astraea. Finally, there is an interesting piece of literature that says that the return of Astraea on Earth shall bring the return of Saturn (Kronos). So this will be an excellent way of tying our PC to the divine world.

Now, I know that most Mutations trigger at puberty and our character is 6 (half the age), but there is a reason why I am triggering it so early. Due to the presence of ambient magic and divinity in our protagonist, I reasoned that Mutation would have to play catch up or the Protagonist's body would crumble. Hence the reason why I am giving the First Mutation before puberty.

The amalgam universe for this quest is set in 2005. The Riordan-verse and Potter-verse will be chronologically canon. Harry Potter was born in 1981 and Percy Jackson in 1993. However, the MCU will adapt various elements of the Marvel-verse depending on how much of an info-dump I can manage. So, apart from Tony Stark declaring he is Iron Man in 2009, everything else will be incorporated depending on how the quest progresses.

I have assigned the place of residence of the PC to be in Westchester County, NY. This way Camp interactions can take place along with X-Men shenanigans. This also provides proximity to the MACUSA (whose HQ is in New York) who will handle the paperwork for a British citizen as well as provide official Portkey stations if one needs to go to another continent. It will be easier to connect most Fanon spells due to the presence of other magic groups such as Kun Lun (Chi Energy), Kamar Taj (Planar magic) and the Nomes (Divine magic) who will have official representation in the Wizarding World.
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The Dreamscape III
You are the Child of Astraea, Goddess of Justice, Innocence, Purity and Precision.

Ancient Greek IV Skill gained! Reverses effects of Dyslexia Trait when the text is in a Greek dialect. You can understand, speak, write and read Modern Greek. You can also understand, speak and read fragments of Ancient Greek

Demigod Identity gained! Gives +1 in every Attribute every 2 years and +1 Health every year. You also gain the Powers Monster Magnet I, Clear Sight I, Enhanced Senses I and Healing Factor I.

Demigod Power: Monster Magnet I gained. Monsters in your vicinity are alerted to your scent if you attempt to access your divine abilities. Stay wary! Give Monsters +1 weight in Encounter rolls. Get -1 to Agility rolls when attacked by Monsters.

Demigod Power: Clear Sight I gained. You can see through the Mist. Gain +1 to Wisdom rolls when fighting enemies that can use the Mist.

Demigod Power: Enhanced Senses I gained. Your 6 senses are perceptive to danger. Gain +1 to Cunning rolls.

Demigod Power: Healing Factor I gained. You heal faster than normal. You recover 10% of your lost Health when sleeping overnight.

Untrained Wizard Identity gained! Energy Pool is converted to Magical Reserves. The unlocked Magical Reserves have been doubled and there is a gain of +1 per month to boost the Magical Reserve permanently.

Wizard Power: Mystiokinesis I gained! You can shape reality to your will. You can only use a maximum of 5 Magic to cast spells. Magic costs reduced by 0.5%.

20 OP gained! You receive 5 + 5 OP (10) for discovering your Wizard and Demigod Identities and receive a meta reward of 10 OP for an active discussion in the SpaceBattles forums. Now you can invest Origin Points in accelerating the growth of your Attributes, Skills and Powers.

Faction points gained with MoM (10), MACUSA (10), Mount Olympus (10), The Constellations (10) and Mount Othrys (10)!

Your Mutation rate has doubled to +2 every month.


You feel something sparkle from your upper peripheral vision and you look up. 88 idols adorn the vast sky-like ceiling above you. Each idol is black as night and seems to have pinpricks of light on their body that make them look like the sky after dusk. At the center of this congregation of celestials, you notice movement.

And then you can see them. 12 massive idols dancing around each other. You see animals- a lion, a crab, a ram, a goat, a scorpion and even a couple of fish swimming. You see a centaur at the ready, pointing his bow vigilantly at the scorpion. A man with a pitcher is pouring an endless stream of water which somehow moves upwards into the sky ceiling. Then a pair of twins who are playing cards with a lady who notices you and directs you to look towards the center of the sky ceiling where a set of scales, like the kind you see in courts of law, start shining.

The moment you look at the center of all this activity, it is as if a fog has been lifted from your brain. You notice a glowing light emerge from the center, taking the visage of a lady wearing clothes and a shawl draped over her that looked straight out of a history book. She has midnight-black hair dressed in tresses. She looked as if she would be right in place whether it be in Hollywood or as the CEO of an international company. As her figure moves in front of you, you feel like you are being judged for the candies you filched from the kitchen cupboard. She stares at you critically and ponders for a moment, deliberating whether she should speak or not. She then opens her mouth,

"The Star-Maiden's Light trods the earth".

Tremors start shaking the hall you are in. The pedestals start flickering and you feel as if the hall itself is an illusion, with the way it is starting to behave.

"Heralding the Crooked One's rebirth"

At this statement, the walls around you dissolve, leaving you feeling naked in the night sky. Wait, when did it turn to nighttime?

"A half-blood of the eld-"

She does not get to finish as a spear of light smites her where she stands.

"ENOUGH!", the voice from that chided you earlier booms throughout the sky. Only now do you notice that the voice is that of a woman. And this time she is angry.


There is now a crater in the clouds where the medieval-fashioned lady stood earlier. The stern woman who approached you a while ago, pulls herself out of it, her face pale as milk now. She bows in the direction of the voice (how she guessed it you don't know), then hesitates for a second before giving you a jerky nod and then dissipates in a flash of golden light.

Relation with ???, The Handmaiden established! +5 RP gained with The Handmaiden. The Handmaiden is apathetic towards you.

Behind you, someone coughs and you whirl around. All the entities from the scene in the ceiling were standing behind you. You are bemused, not knowing what to say to the bevy of animals, humans and centaur. Thankfully, they look to be in a rush as they nod to you one by one and then disappear in a flash of light. The last one standing appears to be the lady from the card game. She winks at you and then blinks away, like the rest of the group.

Relations with ???, The Diligent established! +15 RP gained with The Diligent. The Diligent is Interested in you.

Now it was only you, standing amidst this vast field of clouds under the night sky. A sudden feeling of warmth begins emanating from your navel. It reminded of you the hugs you gave to your mother, of vanilla brownies, of the cool rains that came after summer. You close your eyes to enjoy this sudden feeling of warmth.

"I am glad that we could finally meet, little one.", you hear the voice speak to you, this time in a softer tone. It sounds quite close by too…

You open your eyes and see a glowing figure whose features are hidden within that luminescence. The black robes she is wearing shimmered with twinkling lights.

"I am afraid that our time in this realm is limited. A prolonged stay can warp your perception of reality. But know this, Child of the Stars, you will always have my favour." She gently musses your hair and you know, instinctively that this too is your mother.

Relation with Astraea (Mother) established! +40 RP gained with Astraea. Astraea now Trusts you.

Demigod Power: A Constellation's Blessing gained! You gain +1 Endurance, Dexterity, Charisma and Wisdom each, every 6 months. Before combat, if you get an 8 by rolling a 1D8, you get a 10% boost to those 4 Attributes.

Astronomy I Skill gained. You will be able to gain your bearings when lost in the night.

You think to yourself that you must be special indeed, to have two mothers. After all, the others have a mum and dad, and they suck in comparison to you. You hear a chuckle from the la…no, your mother, "You are, child of mine. More than anyone can imagine. Now go, be safe, and tell your mother that I remember her still."

A light starts radiating from you as your mother dissolves into glowing orbs of fire. Then they start revolving around you in dizzying orbits until they coalesce into an amulet around your neck.

You gain an Amulet (Unknown). The Amulet looks like the night sky.

Then you start falling. Again. You should start making a habit out of this, you think to yourself cynically. As the descent accelerates, you notice 3 red-coloured globes in your path. Something within them calls out to you. You reach out to them and…

Warning: You are currently at -3 WP. Negative WP causes many choices to be locked out and the character will have a crippling mental state. Having a negative WP before exiting the Dreamscape will also have adverse consequences on the family background.

(You gain +4 WP if you choose one Power, +2 WP, if you choose 2 Powers and no WP if you choose all Powers.)

[x] Choose Demigod Power: Night Vision I (Passive). You see slightly better in the dark. Gain +1 to Attack rolls when fighting in dim environments.

[x] Choose Demigod Power: Precision Strikes I (Passive). If you repeatedly hit the same spot, it does consecutively more damage. You deal 1% more stacking damage with every hit.

[x] Choose Demigod Power: Glow I (Toddler). You can glow like a dim lightbulb. This costs 5 Magic and lasts 3 Combat Turns or 2 minutes outside Combat. Get -3 to Stealth roll, -1 to Advantage roll and -1 to Perception roll.

Your choice made, you can feel the clarity you were feeling in the Dreamscape rushing out of your body. You…we…I…feel the air whipping around me. I thought that this was just a dream? Hey, I can see America from up here. I…he…thinks that now would be an ideal time to start panicking as the ground grows ever closer. The clouds started stinging his skin and his clothing was getting wet due to the exposure. He can see the lights of a city on the eastern coast getting closer and as his eyes closed for the eventual impact, he thinks, 'I did not even get to introduce myself to my starry mom.'

What is the Protagonist's first name?

[x] Romulus, named after the legendary founder of Rome. The name was appreciated by your mortal mother. +10 RP will be assigned to ???.

[x] Phaester, a name that combines the Greek words "phaos" which means light and "aster" which means star, to culminate as "Radiant Star". This name was selected by your divine parent. +5 RP will be assigned to Astraea.

[x] Skotandros, a very unusual Greek name that combines "skot" (darkness) and "andros" (man/warrior) to mean "Dark Warrior". The name was chosen by ???, who wanted to pull Astraea's leg. +5 RP will be assigned to ???.

[x] Write-in a name. Choose a name that has mythological or historical significance to gain RP boosts.

(All reader decisions will be tallied from all 3 forums, 24 hours after the current post. The next threadmark will be based on that tally only.)

Character Sheet (An average adult man has Attributes in the range of 16 to 20)​
Name: ???

Status: Asleep

Age: 6

Hair colour: Silver

Eye colour: Amber

Height: 4 ft. 0 in.

Distinguishing marks: None

Demigod: Gives +1 in every Attribute every 2 years and +1 Health every year. You also have the Traits ADHD and Dyslexia. You gain the Powers Monster Magnet I, Clear Sight I, Enhanced Senses I and Healing Factor I.
Untrained Wizard: The Energy Pool of 25 is converted to Magical Reserves. The unlocked Magical Reserves have been doubled and there is a gain of +1 per month to boost the Magical Reserve permanently.
Dormant Mutant: You gain +2 Mutation every month.


Doom-Driven: Your Luck is shrouded and its Rolls are inaccessible to you.


ADHD: Grants +1 to all Combat rolls and -1 malus to Learning rolls for Intelligence and Wisdom Skills.
Dyslexia: Grants you visual impediments when trying to understand languages. -5 malus to Learning rolls for Skills related to Reading, Writing and Spelling.
Decision Points

Will Points: -3
Origin Points: 20

Life Points

Health: 48
Magic: 50
Mutation: 72


Endurance: 9
Strength: 9
Agility: 9
Dexterity: 9
Charisma: 9
Cunning: 9
Intelligence: 9
Wisdom: 9
Luck: ???

Ancient Greek IV (Easy): Reverses effects of Dyslexia Trait when the text is in a Greek dialect. You can understand, speak, write and read Modern Greek. You can also understand, speak and read fragments of Ancient Greek
Astronomy I (Easy): You will be able to gain your bearings when lost in the night.


Demigod Power: Monster Magnet I (Passive)- Monsters in your vicinity are alerted to your scent if you attempt to access your divine abilities. Stay wary! Give Monsters +1 weight in Encounter rolls. Get -1 to Agility rolls when attacked by Monsters.
Demigod Power: Enhanced Senses I (Passive)- Your 6 senses are perceptive to danger. Gain +1 to Cunning rolls.
Demigod Power: Clear Sight I (Passive)- You can see through the Mist. Gain +1 to Wisdom rolls when fighting enemies that can use the Mist.
Demigod Power: Healing Factor I (Passive)- You heal faster than normal. You recover 10% of your lost Health when sleeping overnight.
Demigod Power: A Constellation's Blessing I (Passive)- You gain +1 Endurance, Dexterity, Charisma and Wisdom each, every 6 months. Before combat, if you get an 8 by rolling a 1D8, you get a 10% boost to those 4 Attributes.
Wizard Power: Mystiokinesis I (Passive)- You can shape reality to your will. You can only use a maximum of 5 Magic to cast spells. Magic costs reduced by 0.5%.
Astraea: 40 (Trust)
The Diligent: 15 (Interest
The Handmaiden: 5 (Neutral)
Mount Olympus: 10
Magical Congress of the United States of America: 10
Ministry of Magic: 10
The Constellations: 10
Mount Othrys: 10

Amulet (Unknown)- It looks like the night sky.
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