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Infinite Loops (Danganronpa)

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My name is Kazuichi Souda.

I am not really important, besides being the Ultimate Mechanic, a...
Chapter One: Life Sucks


Not too sore, are you?
Dec 2, 2018
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My name is Kazuichi Souda.

I am not really important, besides being the Ultimate Mechanic, a title only given to the best of the best.

But honestly speaking, does it really matter?

Compare my talent to the likes of Ultimate Princess, Ultimate Gamer, Ultimate this, Ultimate that.

My talent is boring compared to their stuff.

Being a princess is pretty much being part of a Disney movie, everyone like video games… but who is an enthusiastic about fixing things like I am?

I am on my own… Not like it wasn't like this since the beginning.

I hate it so much.

And now?

Now I have to deal with this shit.

"AH!" I hear my classmates shout for the bazillion time ever since we got into this shitty island.

I won't be able to deal with this again.

Again? What is this again I am talking about?

Oh well, you wouldn't believe, but I am a time traveler, or something like that.

Every single FUCKING TIME, this Monokuma appear, stop Monomi, announces the shitty killing game, people are killed and then we have to deal with the big boss behind this stupidity.

Some weird gal called Enoshima Junko, no idea who that is, or what the Tragedy was.

But apparently, we are all assholes that somehow joined the Ultimate Despair, a terrorist group and caused the mayhem that supposedly destroyed the world.

And every time we defeat Junko, I am sent back here.

I don't know what to do, I really have no clue.

"If you disobey any of my rules, then you will be executed!" Monokuma tried to assert his dominance.

But really couldn't care less about the shitty bear.

That's why I kicked it.

"H-Hey, you can't do that against me!" It shouted, but I ignored, taking out the screwdriver, I began to mechanically unmake him.

Apparently I could do that with instincts since I am the one who made this, shitty life, I have.

I ignored everything that happened as the Monobeast tore apart my body, I really couldn't care less.
Is not like I can actually feel pain, in theory, I had been tortured so many times by Mikan when she was in her own despair self.

Nothing really fucking matter…

Now I am here, again, entering the classroom…

Why me? Why not someone who can actually do something? I am not important, I am no one…

Is this an attempt of God to make me save everyone? Or is this a curse that I have no chance of doing anything against it?

I have no other choice, I should at least try this before I pass the rest of my eternity complaining about this shithole.

Okay then, God or whatever put me in this situation, I will do this.

At least I hope I am able to do so.
Interesting, very few timeloop fics around and hope this one won't go bad as some of the others do.
I'd noticed that you are writing a few new stories in different threads, if you are trying out a few story ideas and snippets I'd recommend that you make a decated thread for one shots and new story ideas to get feedback before making a new thread for them if they continue.
Nah, most stories I made I already wanted to do but I was stuck due to the rules of NSFW content in the other forums.
Nah, most stories I made I already wanted to do but I was stuck due to the rules of NSFW content in the other forums.
I get that, one of the fanfic writers I follow nearly had his entire fic taken down on SB for one steamy scene that had no sex in just a lot of feeling each other up and it was the only one scene in the whole story with that content that caused it.
FF is hit and miss depending on some of the mods they might take a fic down but rarely happens.

Back to this fic, I'm guessing the MC is going to be be sticking it in crazy sooner or later due to the nature of timeloops and revive on death.
Souda, you're not Ultimate Mechanic, no more. Now you'll become Ultimate lewd protagonist... nah, just kidding.

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