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Journey Along The Stars [nBSG/Macross]

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NOTE: Like Meeting Along The Stars I am spreading the love this story to other forums out there...
Prelude: Forlorn Hope


Mecha Guru
May 23, 2018
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NOTE: Like Meeting Along The Stars I am spreading the love this story to other forums out there to get more people to read it. Like Meeting this story is already on both Spacebattles and Sufficient Velocity along with FFN. So please let me know what you think?

Disclaimer: I do not in any way own the franchises known as Macross or Battlestar Galactica, they are owned by their respective owners. I only claim to own the plot, the new characters, and everything else I have created for the purpose of this story. So please support the official release. Thank you.

Battlestar Galactica: Journey Along The Stars
Part of the Wayward Family Series

A Macross Frontier and Battlestar Galactica Crossover Story

Written by,

William R. Woods
aka, "deathzealot" or "deathzealotzero"


To start things off, I like to welcome you all to the total rewrite of my old Lucky Miracle story, a Macross and Battlestar Galactica Crossover, which I decided to use as my project for this year's National Novel Writing Month. It will be quite different from the original story with new ideas and a new will being put into the story. Not to mention I am splitting the main story into two different shorter stories to make things a bit more different. Both are going to cover a different point of view of a different faction and characters. However, both stories are going to be crossovers, with them being crossed with Macross and Battlestar Galactica.

This story can be said to be the actual rewrite of the original Lucky Miracle story with it being based similarly, basically, the Colonial Rag Tag Fleet finding something from Macross to help them in their flight from the Cylons. In Lucky Miracle that was a sole Macross Factory Ship found in the all-out destroyed remains of a Macross Colony Fleet. Here it is going to be a bit different for the Colonials will find a Colony Fleet that has been brutally torn apart and in desperation would fold which throws into a sector of space they really don't know a lot about without their fold drives where the Colonials find them. This Colony Fleet would be whittled down to almost nothing with only a few ships remaining, and an all-out destroyed Colony Ship.

The primary reason for such destruction to the fleet is that a full-on colony fleet would basically outright destroy the pursuing Cylons forces with little effort. Therefore, a smaller damaged fleet would be able to help get the Colonials back onto their feet while at the same time, the Colonials can help the colonists from the Fleet get back onto their own feet. Both sides would help one another giving them a sort of mutual understanding. Even then, if you want to see the Cylons get curb-stomped by a Macross Fleet there is the other story Meeting Along The Stars, which has a weakened but still strong fleet from the Macross Frontier's newly settled colony that ends up finding a Cylon force chasing another Colonial refugee fleet.

One last thing. I mentioned in the Foreword for Meeting that I am following information taken from the various background material, like the Variable Fighter Master File Books, and the Macross Chronicle magazine. While some of that info won't be that useful in this story compared to Meeting, there will still be some notable pieces of information that I am using for this story. That said, there are going to be some stuff that I am creating for the purpose of this story that is not from any of the background material. Some of it will I will be borrowing from other sources. Then we have Battlestar Galactica, which I am going to be using a mix of official stuff from the series and game along with some things I created for the purpose of the story. Just like Lucky Miracle.

Anyhow, I do believe that is enough for this foreword. It is already longer than the Foreword for Meeting. Time to get to the main event. So please sit back and enjoy the ride.

- William R. Woods
November 6, 2019

Prelude: Forlorn Hope

The Vajra War ended on September 25, 2059AD, in orbit of the colony we now know as Terra Nova. However, during the battle, while the Macross Frontier Colony Fleet was starting to discover the horrible plans the Macross Galaxy had for the Vajra, numerous fleets of the insectoid-like aliens appeared out of Fold Space to attack various New United Nation Government colonies and colony fleets. One such fleet would be the Seventh Long Distance Colonization Fleet, led by the
Megaroad-07, which had only recently fought off an attack by a small fleet of Uncultured Zentradi. Thanks to this the Megaroad-07 and her fleet were quite weakened leaving it easy prey to attacking Vajra under the control of the Macross Galaxy and its leadership. Before any help could be sent from the nearby Thirtieth Long Distance Colonization Fleet, the Seventh, and the Megaroad-07 went dark with only some battle debris being left behind to be found by the reinforcements. So far, no clue about what happened to the Seventh has been discovered, and like the Megaroad-01 many years before, there exist numerous theories that try to predict what happened to the missing colony fleet. Though that is all that they are theories, and like the Megaroad-01 before her, the Megaroad-07 has become just another mystery that may never be solved.

- Taken from a Report from the Galactic Network News Site
Written by Dennis Lone, Circa. December 15, 2059 AD

Argos Asteroid Belt
Ulysses Solar System
September 25, 2059AD

The Seventh Long Range Colonization Fleet is one of the oldest active colonization fleets of the New United Nations Government, having launched from Earth on September 22, 2016. It is notable for several discoveries and its exploration of space, including the discovery of the Zolans, through that the Galactic Whales, the first alien life discovered by humanity since the Zentradi. It later found the Tirolian Cluster and the fallen empire of the Tirolians that once inhabited the cluster, which is now several constantly warring states. They have discovered numerous ruins of the fallen Protoculture civilization discovering various things about them and the Stellar Republic that they had built. They were also the first to run into an active part of the Supervision Army, and the brief battle that followed would go a long way to help the Macross 7, and it's fleet during the Varuta War years later. Due to this the Seventh and its flagship the Megaroad-07 has become quite famous across the various colonies and colony fleets of the New United Nations Government. There were numerous accounts along with the media of the New United Nations that the Megaroad-07 and its fleet would continue exploring the galaxy till there was nothing left to explore.

However, that was all about to change as the sizeable Megaroad-07 Colony Ship, and its fleet was under attack by the relentless Vajra aliens. Three massive Bishop Class Mobile Fortresses and dozens of smaller Knight Class Carriers had arrived out of Fold Space before disgorging thousands of smaller Vajra organisms to brutally attack the colony fleet's escorts. A massive battle then erupted between the Vajra and the Colony Fleet, with numerous unprepared New United Nations Spacy ships falling to the unrelentless assault of the insectoid Vajra. Even the Megaroad-07 Colony Ship itself was not safe from this battle, having several of the large Knight Class Carriers firing their main guns at the unprepared colony ship, which literally cut it in half much to the shocked horror of the desperately fighting NUNS Forces. Other civilian vessels of the fleet fell to the smaller heavy reaction cannons of the Heavy Soldier Vajra, including the massive Vulcan Class Factory Ship.

All this horror was witnessed by Captain Marcus Rush from the command bridge of the newly constructed Atoll Class City Ship Island Mayan, which had been built to counteract the overpopulation onboard both the Megaroad-07 and the Habitation Section on the fleet's sole factory ship. Not to mention the ARMD-Sized Habitation Ships that the Megaroad-07 towed behind her in a similar way to the newer Island Cluster Class Colonization Ships, which were supposed to extend the aging colony ship's overall population. Captain Rush wasn't a combat officer having been trained as an engineer, which is why his command, the Vestal Class Support Ship Anaheim was docked with the City Ship in the first place and why he had been on board along with several members of his crew. He had been overseeing the final checks of the City Ship before the official delivery of the ship to the Colonization Fleet's government the next day. Now it looked like Marcus was pretty much the only calm senior commanding presence in the fleet with the death of several senior officers with the Megaroad-07 in two pieces and the destruction of every single of the fleet's remaining carriers. Still, the Captain had to be crazy to think up the plan that he was explaining to the remainder of the fleet's officers.

"This is crazy! Purposely overloading our Fold Drives is madness! Who knows what will happen when we do," a voice shouted through a holographic communication window in the almost silent command bridge of the support ship towards the red-headed uniformed man standing at the back of the bridge staring at the large holographic screens that made up the forward wall of the colony ship's command bridge. He could only sigh in some sadness at the slaughter going on knowing he was losing friends and maybe even some loved ones as the battle continue to go on. With that cheery thought, Marcus turned to look at the communication window.

"Commander Romero, yes it's crazy and insane, but it's our only hope. If we try to continue fighting the Vajra, we are dead. We can't seem to just Fold Out due to some sort of Fold jamming coming from those mobile fortresses. Even if we could Fold Out of here, we would be leaving behind the remains of the Megaroad-07, with who knows how many surviving civilians in shelters to the mercy of the Vajra. Therefore, if we go through with this plan, we can expand our Fold bubble by a significant amount, which will allow us to bring the shattered remains of the Colony Ship and along with several of our other wrecked ships with us in the fold. We have no choice but to do this," Marcus Rush explained to the older man that dominated the communication window. Commander Robert Romero had been the senior officer on board the recently constructed Macross Pathfinder Class Variable Battleship, the SDF/C-104 Macross Vanguard. It had been designed a couple of years ago to serve as a mass-produced version of the older SDFN Class Super Dimensional Fortresses that had been produced to serve as centerpieces of the Short Range Colony Fleets in the 2010s and 2020s. Not to mention the Battle Class of the New Macross Colony Fleets. However, the price tag of such a project was higher than planned which saw further development of the class, which would see the Macross Quarter Class which was a quarter the size of any Macross-Type Ships. Still the Macross Pathfinder Class where still quite powerful ships and a few colonies built them to serve as forward command ships or command ships of pathfinder groups paving the way for a colony fleet. The Seventh constructed their own Macross Vanguard to more easily take on Uncultured Zentradi fleets since they had been attacked by such a fleet a few months beforehand.

"Very well then Marcus, which ships are you going to use for this stunt of yours?" the other ship commander asked with a frown making Marcus nod his head at the older man. He quickly checked a small holographic screen showing notes of the engineering team and the Fold Drive Specialist Team.

"By our calculations, we would only really need the Island Mayan to do this really for it has one of the largest Fold Drives in the Fleet currently," Marcus replied to the other senior officer with a wave at his surroundings. Both men flinched as a nearby ship exploded from a strafing run by a trio of Heavy Soldier Type Vajra, which was soon engaged by several of the fleet's new VF-20 Wasp Lightweight Variable Fighters. Marcus watched the passing fighters with a small smile on his lips, for he had been quite surprised at the tiny fighters and how well they are performing against the Vajra. Though as a pair of the fighters exploded from return fire from the Vajra, Marcus knew that it didn't stop the Vajra from destroying them regardless. Still, the three Heavy Soldiers were killed by a combined barrage of beam machine gun fire and missiles from the remaining Wasps. Their job done they quickly moved away, heading towards a group of nearby smaller Mobile Soldiers for another fight. With a shake of his head, Marcus turned his attention away from the new fighters and back to the displayed holographic window of Commander Romero.

"Damn it! That was the Rigel! We cannot afford to lose any other ships," the older commander snarled out in some anger before he turned slightly to bellow orders to his own crew. Marcus sighed at this for the Rigel happened to be a Northern Cross Class Artillery Cruiser, which sported a Heavy Super Dimensional Cannon built into its Auxiliary Hull, which combined with several turrets of Heavy Particle Beam Cannons gave the design quite a long-range punch. The Rigel had been using its main gun to punch holes in the Vajra Swarm allowing some breathing room for the remaining NUNS forces fighting for their lives.

"Alright, do it, but please make it quick we are not going to last much longer," Commander Romero replied a few moments later, turning back to his own communications window after passing numerous orders to the other remaining ships of the rapidly shrinking NUNS Garrison Fleet.

"Understood we shall be starting in a few moments Commander just hold on a bit more," Marcus replied, making the other man nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the communication link was closed. Marcus then turned to look at another smaller holographic window showing the readings on the Fold Drive of the Island Mayan. Seeing that everything was ready and turned his attention to his own crew.

"Alright. Let's do this starting powering up the Fold Drive," he ordered the handful of men and women with him on the command bridge of the Island Mayan. They all replied positively and relayed his orders to the rest of the ship. Then within a few minutes, a gentle hum could be felt throughout the large City-Ship as the Fold Drive started to power up. Gritting his teeth Marcus really hoped this worked or they were all screwed.

"Captain! The Vajra are retreating from battle! We are getting Fold reading across the battlefield," a voice called out from the colony ship's sensor station, making Marcus turn to look down at the station in some surprise before he looked up at the forward screens. Sure, enough, every single remaining Vajra were disappearing in their own unique pink fold spheres making his jaw drop in some surprise before shaking his head with a short laugh. He then turned to the bridge's engineering station.

"Alright now that they are gone stop the power-up of the Fold Drive," he ordered, for now, they were not fighting for their lives; they didn't need his plan anymore. Granted, the Vajra could return, but he had a hunch that they won't for something must have happened elsewhere that saw them retreat. At the nod of the engineering officer, Marcus turned towards the communication station.

"When engineering is doing that, I want you to broadcast a general SOS on the Fold Comm since I am sure the Fold Jamming has disappeared with the Vajra's Fortresses. For we are going to need some help to recover from this," Marcus mentioned with a sigh as he looked back up at the holographic screens eying the split Megaroad-07.

'God. I hope you managed to make it to the shelter Komilia with the kids or your Father will kill me if your mother doesn't get to me first,' he thought with an inner chuckle mentioning his wife Komilia Maria Rush the older daughter of the legendary Admiral Maximilian Jenius, 'Though I would have most likely killed myself before that.'

Suddenly he noticed the increasing panicked mutterings from the engineering station and the now audible hum getting ever louder instead of starting to decrease as the Fold Drive started to be shut off. He frowned at this before leaning forward slightly and looking down at the engineering station in some concern.

"What is going on? Why haven't you shut down the Fold Drive yet?" he called down to the engineering station and was surprised by the now cursing officer looking back up at him with a fearful face.

"Sir, we can't! The charge is increasing, and we cannot stop it!" the man mentioned making a chill pass down the back of Marcus. Yes. They had planned for this and did all the calculations, but who knows where they would end up.

"Sir! The Macross Vanguard is hailing us!" the officer at Communications reported making Marcus look over that station knowing why Romero was calling him. However, he was more worried about something else currently, along with the issue with the Fold Drive.

"Did you manage to fire off an SOS?" he asked the woman who nodded her head at him making him sigh in some relief.

"Good. Well, let's hope our planning and the calculations are correct, or this is going to be a one-way trip to hell," he mentioned with a sigh as the hum was literally screaming, and the ship was shaking. Then everything went white as the Fold Drive finally released its charge spreading out through the now recovering fleet. The globe of white light expanding out from the Island Mayan covering the entire fleet before suddenly with a flash the world disappeared, leaving behind some limited battle debris and empty space where there was once a fleet of hundreds of ships. Nothing was left to tell the tale of what happened here, and the Megaroad-07 would like the Megaroad-01 years before becoming a legend and a mystery. Though unlike the Megaroad-01 the remaining population of the Megaroad-07 will be seen again by the galaxy at large but not for a few more years. Till then it remains a mystery.

Post Chapter Notes

Well, this is the opening chapter of my second Macross/nBSG Crossover Story, Journey Along The Stars, which will focus more on the canon Rag Tag Fleet we see in the Battlestar Galactica series. Like my earlier Lucky Miracle story, the Macross Colony Fleet I have chosen to represent Macross in this story is the Megaroad-07 and the Seventh Long Distance Colonization Fleet though this time more of the fleet survive than just a handful of surviving people from the Megaroad-07 along with a single Factory Ship. We shall learn more about the fleet and what had survived in the next chapter. Though it is not much. Far less then what the Colonials have in their own fleet.

Anyways. I am sure you all have some questions about a few things. Therefore, I shall answer a few of them. First off, this chapter takes place right alongside the Final Battle of the Frontier Series over the Vajra Homeworld during the scene where Grace O'Conner and the other leaders of the Macross Galaxy take over the Vajra. We could see a few brief scenes of a few locations getting attacked by fleets of Vajra. I figured those locations were not the only places attacked by the Galaxy-Controlled Vajra, which saw my fan-created Megaroad-07 being one of the attacked sites. In response to this one of the remaining senior officers of the fleet, Marcus Rush, who was the dead husband of Komilia mentioned in Lucky Miracle comes up with a crazy-ass plan to get the fleet plus the half-destroyed Megaroad-07 out of the battle. Basically, they are going to purposely overload their Fold Drives, which would unleash a giant fold bubble to allow the entire fleet to escape. This plan goes side-ways after the Vajra retreat due to our loveable Princess Alto Saotome killing Grace in the final shot of the war resulting in the plan going off anyways.

Next up, I am sure you notice a few minor things like the so-called Atoll Class Colony Ship that is the centerpiece of the chapter. This is the same type of ship as the Island Jackpot from Macross Delta, which looks like a smaller island-type city-ship. It will be the next colony ship for the survivors of the Megaroad-07 and maybe some people from the Colonial Fleet. Then you may notice the Macross Vanguard, which is the same class as the Macross Elysion also from Delta. I am actually a big fan of the design. Therefore, I have added it to the story to serve as a counterpoint to the Galactica and Pegasus. It is not the same as the Elysion having a pair of modified ARMD-L Units from the Macross Quarter as its "arms" instead of the Enterprise Class ships that the Elysion sports. That means it doesn't have a main gun, but it still has the hefty amount of regular particle cannon turrets, which will be enough for taking on Cylons. Finally, we have the VF-20 Wasp fighter mentioned briefly in the chapter. This little fighter will be quite useful in the fight against the Cylons. It is basically heavily based on the VF-X-7 Ghost from the Advanced Valkyrie Project, just with some slight modifications.

Okay. Further questions will be answered either in the coming chapters, like what is going on with Komilia, and what is going on with the Colonials or be explained in other ways like background files. One such file will be posted alongside this chapter at Spacebattles and Sufficient Velocity, which covers a general overview of the Wasp. It was initially going to be this chapter's preface, but it got a bit longer then I wanted it to be therefore has become a background codex file.

Anyhow. I have rambled long enough. I hope you enjoy this little prelude, and I shall see you all in the next chapter. Ciao!