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Light novel recs?


Oct 21, 2016
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So I've recently gotten into LN's recently after reading the first volumes of overlord and division maneuver. I was hoping that QQ could help me find some decent stuff and since we got one of these for manga might as well have one for lightnovels.
One of my personal favourites is Chrome Shelled Regios, it got a one season anime adaption, which started ok and ended horribly, but the novels are excellent. Post apocalypse world filled with monsters called polluted beings or filth monsters or contaminoids (cringe) depending on translation. Atmosphere is skin meltingly toxic to humans. Humans live in Mobile cities with atmosphere shield. think city on platform on giant legs, that move constantly to avoid the monsters as a single mature type can destroy a city. Some humans have a mutation called a kei vein that makes them superhuman and able to fight the monsters.

Protag is a bit of a doormat but there are excellent reasons for it and he actually has a complex and well thought out character. Protag is exiled from worlds strongest city and ends up in a weak city that conscripts him to fight the monsters as they havnt got a chance themselves. Cities also have wargames over the ore mines that power their reactors. Worldbuilding is fantastic, good characters with good development and some excellent deconstruction of certain tropes. Female student is talking about how hard it is on her small scholarship, reveals she was rich and ran away from home to be a warrior for this city, protag backstory is he was an orphan who lived through famine and fought on the frontlines from 7 years old to make money as he was sick of babies starving to death in his arms in the orphanage, its quite long, lot of volumes and it doesnt shit itself halfway through

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