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I have some monsters any suggestions what you want? I take requests
Can Etsuko leave the dungeon still, have we delt with her disaperance or is it not going to be a problem ?
Just wanted to get ahead of that investigation.

Great story, watching excitedly.
have we delt with her disaperance or is it not going to be a problem ?
The context says it'll assuredly be a problem whether or not she can leave; she's currently and visibly got Alabaster's power and Bakuda is likely to notice that the school isn't screaming about someone's head blowing up sooner rather than later.

But yeah, I think we're all hoping for the next update.
I'm excited to see our dungeon core interact with other people in this world. I'd love to see him/her/it try to explain how his dungeon works while Armsmaster pole and prods at it.
Man, this quest has been living on not-quite-necromancy since *July*. How does that even happen?
Well, if you look at the threads on the first page of SFW Questing and Roleplay, you'll see that the oldest one is from May. As in, from before this quest started.

I suspect people who've been spending time in more active sections of the forum are likely to miss that, and think "if it's on the first page, it can't be that old!"
I'm excited to see our dungeon core interact with other people in this world. I'd love to see him/her/it try to explain how his dungeon works while Armsmaster pole and prods at it.
Only if he is willing to contract it. Or do multiple runs through the Dungeon, earning a few answers each time...

Man, this quest has been living on not-quite-necromancy since *July*. How does that even happen?
On my side it is that I initially got getting stuck with multiple 'not quite right' starts to the next update followed by a block on it. Now RL deciding to cause me Issues, which take time and cause stress, and I'm also having to reassess where I am in life as well as where I want to go from here.

On the flip side I am gratified and flattered that people are still interested in this despite how long it has been.
Only if he is willing to contract it. Or do multiple runs through the Dungeon, earning a few answers each time...
Now I'd be eagerly imagine if the Dungeon either tries to use our current contracted "Boss" as a translator/proxy, to deliver our intent/words (at risk of an obvious panic Master rating.) Or if somehow given access to "The Internet" (even if it's limited... And takes some time to get used to.)

Core: "Thanks [Armmaster] for this network connection. It has lots of ideas. Here, free treasure!"

*Cue Dungeon Core thanking a very helpful sources of information, with a generated "Free roll", on the house say? While Armsmaster would be confused, on why this 'dungeon' just casually hands out tools to the PRT/Heroes, that are investigating it in the first place. More so if somehow, if going in some meta parahuman sense. His "Shard" is going [CURIOUS], under "Oh wow! This place is offering loot! Shiny loot, that's halping my player character! I must dive deeper!"

But by that point, it'd likely be "how long until we act as a parahuman bait", just due to our conflict plot potential as a dungeon, say? Before that uh, "Magician Parahuman" takes keen interest on us Dungeon Core, say?
I'm in the ranks of those still interested. This is legitimately one of the best written dungeon core stories out there right now. This story is probably why I'm going to finally get around to actually reading Worm, like I've been meaning to for years.

Please moar.
I, too, found the quest very interesting. I would love to see it continued. :p
I would also love to see more of this. I've really been enjoying all the dungeon core stories that have popped up recently and this one started out really well.

I may have to go back and re-read but are we under Immaculata? If so it's probably one of the few times it actually gets acknowledged as existing as more than an offhand mention in a single line of dialogue explaining why Taylor can't transfer there.

Speaking of Taylor I would love to see her hear about the odd happenings and go patrolling near the school instead of running into Lung (depending on where in the timeline we are at this point). Would be a great way to derail the stations of canon if so.

Good chance that Coil might have Tattletale investigating the rumours too instead of having the Undersiders hit Lung's casino so we could nab ourselves a kitsune Boss Creature to get her out of Coil's clutches.
I would also love to see more of this. I've really been enjoying all the dungeon core stories that have popped up recently and this one started out really well.

I may have to go back and re-read but are we under Immaculata? If so it's probably one of the few times it actually gets acknowledged as existing as more than an offhand mention in a single line of dialogue explaining why Taylor can't transfer there.

Speaking of Taylor I would love to see her hear about the odd happenings and go patrolling near the school instead of running into Lung (depending on where in the timeline we are at this point). Would be a great way to derail the stations of canon if so.

Good chance that Coil might have Tattletale investigating the rumours too instead of having the Undersiders hit Lung's casino so we could nab ourselves a kitsune Boss Creature to get her out of Coil's clutches.

If Bakuda's putting bombs on people's heads, we're well past the start of canon. Though whether or not it was derailed, I couldn't say.
If Bakuda's putting bombs on people's heads, we're well past the start of canon. Though whether or not it was derailed, I couldn't say.
Yeah, I did a re-read after that post. Oh well.

Still a chance we can get the Undersiders as minions.

Would be hilarious if we expanded our dungeon and encroached on coil's base though :)
Yeah, I did a re-read after that post. Oh well.

Still a chance we can get the Undersiders as minions.

Would be hilarious if we expanded our dungeon and encroached on coil's base though :)

I don't think it works that way. I think we're in an extradimensional space.
So, let me get this straight. We're a dungeon, in a school, with an ageless, immortal Japanese schoolgirl as our final boss.


I mean, Alabaster's power has a few disadvantages, such as the fact that it doesn't work on her clothes, and the fact that having her Gemma or heart instantly destroyed the moment a reset occurs will kill her. She can lose, in a fight. Also, she won't age, or tire, or need to eat or drink, or use a restroom, or be effected by any status effects for longer than about four seconds. Also, chances are she's faking being asleep as a coping mechanism, since Alabaster doesn't sleep. Likely, given her Shaken status. Also, her Martyr class probably means she has some additional abilities that revolve around dying or self-harm in exchange for an attack or benefit, which should work wonderfully.
Does she count as an undead? I ask because of her Undying Will, and the fact that her power will reanimate her the moment she dies, and arguably already did.

What next, we get a Sadako expy and give her Oni Lee's powers? Actually, that sounds good. A horror theme for a floor would work wonders, here. If we could get it.
So, let me get this straight. We're a dungeon, in a school, with an ageless, immortal Japanese schoolgirl as our final boss.


I mean, Alabaster's power has a few disadvantages, such as the fact that it doesn't work on her clothes, and the fact that having her Gemma or heart instantly destroyed the moment a reset occurs will kill her. She can lose, in a fight. Also, she won't age, or tire, or need to eat or drink, or use a restroom, or be effected by any status effects for longer than about four seconds. Also, chances are she's faking being asleep as a coping mechanism, since Alabaster doesn't sleep. Likely, given her Shaken status. Also, her Martyr class probably means she has some additional abilities that revolve around dying or self-harm in exchange for an attack or benefit, which should work wonderfully.
Does she count as an undead? I ask because of her Undying Will, and the fact that her power will reanimate her the moment she dies, and arguably already did.

What next, we get a Sadako expy and give her Oni Lee's powers? Actually, that sounds good. A horror theme for a floor would work wonders, here. If we could get it.
Dude, Thread Necromancy may not technically be against the rules but this is the sort of thing PM's are for once a thread is dead

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