In a world torn between magic, psionics, and the unknown, humans find themselves trapped in an alien realm, their bodies altered and their minds awakening to terrifying new powers. As an elven facility dissects their secrets, one man, Red, battles nightmares and strange mutations within a shared dreamscape while struggling to contain the chaotic force within him. Meanwhile, tensions rise as the Illithid, an ancient race of psionic tyrants, descend upon Earth, unleashing unspeakable horrors. Caught in a deadly web of experiments, rebellion, and interdimensional warfare, the fate of humanity—and two otherworldly empires—rests on a dangerous evolution.
Mad science, psychic warfare, and a deadly race against time unfold in a dark fantasy thriller where nothing is as it seems.
Mad science, psychic warfare, and a deadly race against time unfold in a dark fantasy thriller where nothing is as it seems.