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Machined Hearts: Blood Cult (Original Epic Sci-Fan Cyberpunk Thriller)

Chapter 3: Beacon
Distracted from attending to the boy, Adrian looked up to find a horde of undead swarming the road ahead of them as they made their escape. She slammed on the brakes of her car and began to skid. In a panic, she hurled the wheel over and dropped gears, as well as the clutch. The four-wheel drive kicked in. Hammering the gas, the tachometer began to bounce, and the vehicle screamed.

In a cloud of smoke, Adrian pulled away from the horde, inches from slamming into the mass of undead. The sight of zombies flooding out from the abandoned Cresica Residential apartment buildings panicked her. They were lured in by the car's noise. She swerved to the median of the four-lane road. After shifting up in a bid to gain more speed, she jammed the accelerator. They were forced to return the way they came. As the headlights passed over each undead, their neon outfits shimmered in the beam, battery packs long since depleted. This section of the city was probably one of the first to get hit by the virus.

The road grew narrow as crowds of zombies lumbered from the sidewalks onto the pavement. The jaws of death were clamping down from all sides. Adrian clenched her teeth in a bid to stop them from chattering. With hope in her heart in seeing the narrowing gap ahead of them, she eased off the accelerator to bring them down to a low speed. Clobbering a corpse was a surefire way to wind up tonight's main course. Now moving barely faster than a jog, the undead began to pound on the vehicle, trying to grab on to anything they could. The boy began to panic as the zombies shouted fetid cries at them.

After calming the terrified child, she found herself back at the first intersection. The horde thinned. And the moment the road ahead looked clear, Adrian was emboldened by the sight of freedom and hammered the throttle. They sped away from the mass of death now in the rear-view mirror. A tentative calm began to rise within Adrian's belly, having escaped the clutches of an ill fate. A tone from within the car startled her.

The scanner picked up something. A green holographic button appeared above the tiny radio mounted on the center vent. A close-range channel was broadcasting a long message. Adrian, curious who would be sane enough to transmit something out in the depths of this place, ran her finger through the holograph to accept, and the scanner tuned itself in.

"If anyone is alive out there, we offer you shelter from the storm. Come to the church in Bunker Hill Old Town, on the green. Peace for peace, no questions asked," the feminine voice recited. Then repeated after a long pause.

Adrian looked at the clock. Almost midnight, there was no way she would be able to talk her way back into New Downtown this late without the risk of getting mowed down by the sentries. She looked at her fuel gauge. Enough to get back, but not enough to drive around all night. And definitely not enough ammunition to clear a building out and keep them safe.

Mulling over the sound of the voice, it was natural but certainly a recording. Tweakers were known to use synth voices to lure people in, especially where it was harder to find fuel and other supplies. Adrian pulled the car to a stop at a wide four-way intersection and dialed in the directions to the church mentioned. It wasn't far, and they would have enough fuel to get back to New Downtown in the morning.

Adrian flicked a switch behind the turn-indicator and the area surrounding the vehicle ignited in bright white luminescence. Her gaze swept around, and everywhere she turned, there was an undead shambling from the depths of the darkness, attracted to the light. Intuition said there was a 50/50 chance that this was a trap waiting at that old church. But given the current circumstances, it beat the certain death waiting right outside her window.

With a gentle takeoff to avoid the oncoming zombies, Adrian departed for the old church. She'd never been this far outside New Downtown after dark before, and each block farther from the wall made her heart sink more and more. Parastisus was a combination of horrible fates, all rolled into one: part living virus, part digital machination. It didn't matter if you were modded or not, if you got infected, you would end up a part of the walking dead.

The path up to the Bunker Hill quarter of the city departed from the otherwise grid-like layout. It had rolling hills and winding roads. As they climbed up a curving parkway with steep embankments, Adrian advanced slowly, careful not to hit the tumbling undead as they fell from the hill and rolled off the cliff-like retaining walls. Anxiety welled, shivering at the thought of a corpse falling from on-high and leveling the car. She kept a wide berth, driving as far away from the embankments as possible.

Finally at the top of the hill was the green. A small wooden-structured church in a grassy yard with a white-picket fence sat amid a stretch of brick buildings and high rises. The church was relatively well-kept, despite obvious bullet holes in its siding, from roaming gangs' turf wars. The structures around were dilapidated, like everywhere else this far from New Downtown, missing windows and doors. But not the church. It still had stained glass which even now let off a glow from within.

Adrian plotted a course from here back to New Downtown. If this didn't work out, she'd take her chances with the sentries. But the small wooden structure let off the air of invitation. With the flick of the switch, she toggled the area lighting again, searching for threats. The illumination was bright enough to reach the second story of most of the surrounding structures. Nothing. No movement. No noise. Just stillness.

Deciding to take the child with her, Adrian scooped him up, using him as a means to conceal her otherwise exposed, holstered revolver. As they approached the wooden double doors of the church, she focused on her surroundings. Despite the ambient illumination of the church, her eyes were adjusted to the dark enough to spot any threats that might jump from the surrounding structures. With her hand on the ring handle, she paused.

Bringing an ear close to the door, Adrian listened. Part of her said this was foolish. The other part said this was necessary. She took a slow, deep breath and steeled herself. With a firm tug, she yanked on the door. It didn't budge and let out a harsh slam. Panicked, she switched to the other door and yanked, which jostled with the same clatter. Looking around, and wondering if she'd just wandered into a trap, her attention dropped down. She spotted a small plaque just above the handle labeled 'Push'. Taking a moment to calm herself, she did as the sign instructed. The door gave way.

She stepped inside, a vibrant red carpet between rows of wooden pews led up to a small, raised altar at the other side of the room. Simple wooden pillars held a steepled ceiling, braced by ordinary beams. The only ornaments were the raised-frame-stained glass, and a small golden chalice placed upon laced white cloth on the altar afar. With a hand on her pistol, she advanced farther into the church.

"Now, here is someone I would never have expected." The same calm, feminine voice from the radio called out, her voice carried throughout the room.

Adrian's grip on her pistol tightened. She sensed this woman a part of a widower's trap, meant to draw unsuspecting, unscrupulous men to a terrible fate. A common tactic among low-level thugs out here in the ruins.

"Peace for peace. I seek shelter from the night." Adrian evoked the transmitted message, in hopes it was genuine.

"Of course. Please, come." The woman emerged from the shadows of the back room.

Much like Adrian, she had long, flowing raven hair. The stranger wore a black veil and a long but simple and loose crimson dress that reached to her ankles. She had her palms held together in prayer. And also, like Adrian, she had emerald eyes, but the stranger's were much more eerie, piercing. Despite her aged attire, her skin was flawless and pale like an antique porcelain doll.

"What brings you out here to this place, especially at this hour?" The woman sat on a stool set at the base of the steps of the altar. "It isn't much of a place for children. Especially not one traveling with a lone woman."

Adrian didn't want to give anything away and needed to think of something fast. "I was scavenging for food with my son, and we got caught in the night."

The stranger gave a slow, methodical nod. "What a terrible thing this disease is. I remember a time not long ago when this part of town was lively. A peace, greatly longed for." Her eyes scanned Adrian, sized her up. Her face remained restrained, calm.

"I also remember when people had a bit more respect." The stranger hummed. "Put the boy down."

As she spoke, a flood of heavily armored soldiers piled into the church from every door, their dark bullet proof vests embossed with golden strips of light pierced the darkness all around. They had full ballistic masks and helmets, bearing automatic rifles. Several of them bore shields and pistols.

Numerous rifle targeting lasers danced all over Adrian's white tank top as she gripped her revolver.
Chapter 2: Nightfall
Adrian's arm trembled, seeing the boy held hostage by the tweaker, it worried her that it could mean the end for either her or the child. The gang member backed away from the short hallway and into the well-lit room. She followed him with careful steps and inched forth into the hidden area. A quick glance around the corner revealed the tweaker was alone.

He stopped at the rear of the large room, cornered. Around him, desks of equipment marked "Property of Cresica Heavy Industry" – holo-computers, medical testing equipment, and a blood-drawing android torso and armature. Everything in this room was corpo-owned. On the bare metal walls were more scribbles, words she couldn't understand. In the light, the scrawlings glowed with iridescence and hummed with energy, like they were powered by electricity. The room itself felt charged, like at any moment Adrian would be shocked simply by coming in contact with any of the equipment around her.

"Let the boy go." Adrian gritted her teeth and dipped her brow in anger.

The tweaker gasped and wagged his head, a deranged, drugged out denial of her demand.

"You have nowhere to run. Release the child and we go our separate ways."

The gang member's eyes grew wild, frantically darting from side to side and he suddenly couldn't catch his breath. "He's coming."

Adrian lined his forehead up in the flattened sights of her revolver.

"Don't believe your eyes, they will lie to you." The gang member's head began to vibrate.

"Sweetie, don't look." Adrian muttered to the boy being restrained by the gang member and cocked her gun's hammer.

In the distance, an airhorn blared out. The sun was falling behind the horizon.

"The final seal will be broken. And we will go through the gate to paradise under the twin moons!" The tweaker shouted, his weapon drooped as he fell into a drugged-out stupor.

Then the lights cut out. His irises, lips, and hair glowed neon pink in the dark. Adrian panicked for a moment. Then after recomposing herself, realigned his head between the glow-in-the-dark sights of her pistol. As she lined up for a shot, the beam of her gun's flashlight illuminated him. With a light squeeze of the trigger, the gang member's skull exploded and painted the wall behind him. The sound almost shattered her eardrums and the boy burst into tears, making a mad dash for Adrian.

After lowering the gun, she noticed the blood spatter from the gang member on the wall glowed with a sinister crimson luminance. It was bright enough to see in the room without her weapon light. She hugged the child, about five or six, and comforted his desperate wails, rubbing him on the back and hushing him with soft coos.

"We have to go." She whispered delicately to him.

Then she took off her leather jacket and swung it around the boy, who was only wearing an adult-sized t-shirt, and zipped it up tight. As she turned to leave, she noticed a digi-dex, a small holographic tablet, which had several corporate contacts displayed on the front. It revealed the bust of a businessman in a suit, someone who looked quite important. With a quick swipe, she jabbed the dex into her pants pocket. Then she began to rush for her car, towing the child behind her with one hand and pistol at the ready in the other. With any luck relying on the officers' cowardice to not impound it minutes from nightfall was a surefire bet.

Then the airhorn blared again. Night had fallen.

Panicked, she scooped up the child and threw him over her shoulder, wrapped up in her coat.

"Just close your eyes honey, block your ears."

The air fell silent, still as the light of the twin moons poured over the slums. Adrian decided going back the way she came was the fastest option. Sprinting as fast as her legs could move, she only cared about getting to the car and fear took hold in her heart.

Taking leaping steps down the stairs to the first floor, she dug her feet in, almost stumbling forward as a figure loomed in the doorway. It lumbered and lurched. Squelches from a handheld radio whined. The neon white glow of a corporate security officer's uniform lit the doorway of the silhouette. In a panic, Adrian trained her weapon on the figure.

"Get back!" Adrian's voice trembled.

As her revolver's flashlight trained on the figure, it revealed a tattered, and gnawed face. White eyes without irises or pupils. A mahogany goo that flowed from both the dehisced wounds that carved up the corpse's face and the gunshot wound in his chest. It was the dead officer that was laid out in the courtyard. He was infected with Parastisus before death. The zombie began to lurch forward.

"—ive—Hear—e—to—ld—chur—" The voice over the radio chopped in and out.

Adrian turned to run and found the front of the building blocked by rubble. There was no way to crawl through, just a few small gaps which let rays of light from the moons shine through. Then as she spun and opened ground between the officer zombie, shuffling rang out upstairs. From around the corner at the top of the steps, the dead tweaker shuffled. His chattering teeth ached for Adrian's flesh.

With flared nostrils as she readied herself of the gruesome task that was shooting a compatriot's corpse, Adrian took aim at the officer's head. It wouldn't down him for good, but hoped the shot was true enough to stun. She squared up to fire and clenched her face. Even though he was dead, it pained her to do this. As she steeled herself, the tweaker zombie tumbled down the steps. His head slamming into the metal and stone echoed throughout the building.

The tweaker zombie landed at Adrian's feet and she staggered back before it grabbed her ankles and fired off a shot into the ceiling that dazzled her. Chunks of concrete rained down. The boy began to writhe in panic and cry. As she smacked into the wall opposite the stairs, she steadied her aim at the advancing undead officer and squeezed the trigger. His head bobbed back, and the corpse folded backwards.

Without hesitation, she ran wide around the downed zombie and leaped like a gazelle through the windowless frame of the wall. Sprinting for the car, Adrian slid to a stop in the courtyard when she spotted several shamblers lingering around her vehicle and cursed in frustration. She swung open the cylinder of her revolver. She was out.

With a strong shoulder to balance the boy, Adrian raised her hand and smacked the extractor. The long casings tumbled to the ground. Then, from under her arm, she produced a speed loader and jabbed the fresh rounds into the cylinder with shaking hands and readied her firearm.

There was only one speed loader left on her holster.

Rushing down the alley with the spirit of resolve, Adrian emerged to find two shamblers in grimy streetwear lingering around the car. The officers posted up here when she came in were nowhere to be found.

"Hey!" Adrian shouted at the zombies.

The two undead's heads snapped towards her and began to lumber in her direction. The temptation to flee into the alley entered her mind, but a glance over Adrian's shoulder squashed that desire—the officer and tweaker zombies blocked the way to the courtyard and were closing on her, still far.

Adrian got her bearings, checking for any signs of more undead closing in, but found the street pretty-well abandoned. No signs of life, or undeath, were to be found. She shifted out into the street as the two zombies rounded her car and followed along her path. With a calm, determined voice, she bobbed the child in her arm.

"No need to worry. Everything will be fine. Let's be calm, no need to be scared."

His stifled cries eased as she continued to back away. Creating at least a few yards of distance between her and the car, Adrian then stopped in the middle of the nearby intersection. She let the four zombies, two from the car, and two from the alley, close in on her. Continuing to bob and reassure the child was maybe more an exercise to ease her own terrified heart, than him.

The front two of the undead group were only a few steps away when she bolted wide and ran around them, making a break for the car. Stuffing the revolver under her armpit, she threw open the door and plopped the again-screaming child in the front passenger seat. Then hopped in and thrust her hips forward to pull the keys from her pocket. She fumbled as the tweaker, and police zombies closed in. As they clawed at the window, she started the vehicle.

With a high rev, she jammed the car into first and dropped the clutch, pinning both her and the child to their seats as the vehicle screamed past the redline. With a fast foot and shaken hand, she eased the car into second and breathed a sigh of relief as they sped down the avenue. Adrian looked over to the child.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" She shouted over her ringing ears.

With desperate, wide eyes and a deep frown, the boy shook his head. His brown matted curly locks bounced with each wag. To be sure, she plucked at the jacket, checking for any bites or scratches after unzipping it halfway. Convinced he was alright; she brought her eyes up to the road again only to see them hurdling towards a massive horde that obstructed the road.

Adrian slammed on the brakes. The tires squealed.
Chapter 1: Resurrection
Adrian furiously slammed the clutch of her car forward and downshifted, hatred in her heart churned her guts. She yanked her foot from the pedal and the twin turbos screamed as the engine revved up. The tires squealed as she hurled the vehicle around the tight Nocturin City corner, the sidewalks barren as curfew approached. There was little time to get what she wanted, and even less to get to safety before night fell.

"Attention all units, suspect last seen on south side of 1450 block, abandoned residential rise, third floor. Shots fired." Adrian's illegal police scanner blared over the cacophony the car expelled.

That's where she needed to be and where that son of a bitch would meet his end. Adrian stomped on the accelerator and the supercharger whined as the engine danced upon the redline. She swerved into the center of the street as it suddenly lined with abandoned vehicles. Some burnt out, others rusting away. The Parastisus virus ravaged this part of town. And was still churning out more dead by the hour.

A mild anxiety welled within as the husks of cars rushed past her window. If there were any stragglers wandering around at dusk, it would be the end for both the jaywalker and Adrian. But she steeled herself and leaned forward slightly, scanning the gaps between vehicles. There wasn't time for careful driving.

"Officer down, south side 1450 block." The radio scanner called out.

As Adrian cleared the narrow path through the city avenue, the lights on the wedge hood of her car flipped up and blasted the way ahead with light. At the next intersection was the 1450 block of Broadway, where the radio was reporting the incident unfolding. If Adrian was lucky, the child was still alive.

With her whole body, Adrian threw herself into turning the steering wheel and the car's tires screamed as she took the turn at almost full speed. Smoke rose in her brake lights as she slid onto the double-wide thoroughfare. Straightening out both her body and the wheel, she reached down into her jacket and touched the grip of her magnum pistol to confirm it was still holstered at her side.

Adrian stomped on the brakes and the car screeched to a stop. Snapping up her keys and leaping from the car, she found several local officers hugging the walls to the entrance of an alleyway. Enraged they were just standing there, she stepped away from the gap.

"Has anyone gone in yet?" Adrian struggled to maintain decorum.

"Just one, detective." The male officer closest to her replied. "He went down, so we're just waiting the perps out until nightfall. No sense risking more people when the dark will take them."

"She's not a detective anymore, Murphy. You tell her to get lost, like any other civvie." A female officer replied.

A shot rang out in the distance.

Murphy let off an agitated sigh. "Our guy went down in the courtyard. The perp's got a rifle and has been taking pot-shots at anything that moves from the third floor."

Adrian leaned out and stared down the long alley. At the end was the courtyard, and she could see a pair of feet sticking out. It was the downed officer.

"Thanks Murph." She stepped out of cover and marched down the alley.

"This is an active crime scene; you're not supposed to be here!" The female officer shouted.

"Then come get me." Adrian shouted over her shoulder, hoping the officer would come after her. A solid punch, that's all Adrian wanted to get in on that coward.

As she closed in on the end of the path, she hugged the wall opposite the downed officer. Across from her, several holes in the brick alluded to the shooter having a high-powered rifle. Then Adrian creeped forward and noticed the body showed the same markings. She shivered at the gruesome sight, hoping that it was quick.

With a resolved heart, Adrian dipped her head out around the corner. As she pulled it back, a huge bullet whirred past her head and took a chunk out of both the corner where her head was and the wall opposite where she stood. She shook her head in pain as flecks of brick smacked her in the face. After drawing her gun, she retreated a bit from the corner and peeked again.

The shot was delayed, and it burst through both the wall where she once stood and the one across from her. A bolt action, she would be able to make it. Without a second thought, Adrian swung around the corner and rushed for the door at the near corner of the dilapidated tenement hall. As she sprinted, she searched for signs of the shooter.

A glint flickered from a scope, the streetlights behind her revealed a hint of the shooter concealed behind rotting wooden planks that covered one of the many broken-window frames across the multi-storied structure. Adrian raised her gun and fired two shots from her revolver, both landing hits on the wood. Then the glint returned from the darkness and another high-velocity round sailed in her direction.

As the shot rang out, Adrian ducked into the abandoned building. Though the ringing in her ears from gunfire was still vibrant, she felt cold stillness filling the space and coupled with her brush with death just moments ago, shivered with a sudden terror. With pistol raised, she flicked on the light mounted under the barrel and began to check every corner.

Reaching the stairway up, Adrian ascended with careful steps and fought to control her breathing, chest shuddering with every step as her adrenaline kicked in. She prayed that the child was safe. At the landing, she hugged the corner and closed her eyes, with a fearful exhale, she steadied herself and swung around crouched.

Finding nothing but empty hallway and broken doors, what remained of daylight pierced through the destroyed windows to her left. Time was running out. Adrian threw herself into a low sprint, her steps crunching broken glass and fracturing rotted wood as she caught a glance of the shooter's position through the windows, on the other side of an L-bend at the end of the hall.

Closing in, Adrian didn't wait, she threw herself around the corner with gun trained, ready to shoot at the sniper. But found nothing. Her nostrils flared in frustration, expecting a firefight, and finding nothing. Desperate and pressed for daylight, she kept her gun trained down the hallway and pulled out her phone, swiping to a tracking app.

The indicator was not far, on the other side of the building. She peeked to see if there were any other places, she could be sniped from within the structure ahead. Deciding there was no time for caution, she stood up and with her pistol at the low ready, followed along the hallway until she closed in on the little red blip on the map overlay.

Then, she spotted the glow of a lamp emanating from the last apartment, quite far from the end of the hall to her right and slid to a stop. Jamming the phone back in her pocket, she raised her gun and creeped forward. Immediately, she could see inane scrawling written inside, in crimson on the mold-tinged wall. As she crossed the threshold, Adrian spotted a grotesque bathroom, a broken toilet filled with animal heads, and a bathtub with a viscous goo so sickly sweet it tempted her to vomit.

Resolved, she pressed forward. The left corner gave way to a wide-open room. A shadeless table lamp sat on the floor. Broken furniture was strewn throughout. Yellow-stained mattresses lined the floor. As she swung her weapon around, she spotted empty shackles and chains bolted to the wall. So close she could taste it, she pressed forward toward the next doorless frame. It was darker within, and the stench of foul blood traded for excrement. Anxiety churned her guts.

The silenced phone in her pocket buzzed against her thigh. Contact was imminent. Given the scene in the bathroom, her heart began to ache. She hoped that the child was alright, that he wouldn't be harmed. Crossing into the darkened room, Adrian found more empty shackles and stained mattresses. She fumed, frustrated at her solitude.

With nowhere else to go, she lowered her weapon and looked around, worried the kidnappers found the tracker and extracted it. Adrian searched for the tiny blinking red light that it would give off in open air, a small egg-shaped thing. She pulled out her phone, to use it as a way to pinpoint an answer. Her hope was fading.

That's when she noticed that there was still some distance from the indicator, at least 20 or 30 feet. Adrian looked up to find only a moldy wall in her way. It wasn't possible. She started prodding, suspicious there was a hidden door. Then a click rang out, followed by a hiss. Then as the wall gave way, she saw a glowing green-mohawked man standing in a spiked leather jacket. His magenta eyes dazzled in the dim glow of the hidden space. He gripped the boy in front of him and trained a bullpup rifle.

"Drop it!" The tweaked-out gang member shouted.

Adrian trained her pistol. "Lower your weapon."

"Drop it now!" The tweaker started foaming at the mouth, his eyes grew wild, and he prepared to fire.
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