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Magic Knows No Boundaries But Those We Believe In (Harry Potter)

Chapter 32: A Hogwarts Emergency

Chapter 32:

A Hogwarts Emergency

Harry stepped out of the phone booth and into the main lobby of the Ministry of Magic. His newly won chest pin declared his purpose there to be "Prospecting." That cool, female voice in all of the ministry's facilities was one fun gal. Great sense of humor for a robot. He didn't understand why more people didn't come in through the visitor's entrance.

Instead, the many public sectors workers were rushing in and out of the fireplaces lining the wall, as usual. Bureaucrats. Always in a hurry, never getting anything done.

Harry marched past the tacky fountain and towards the check-in station with the shortest line and waited. Then waited. Then waited some more.

"Next." The man at the stand ordered.

Harry finally reached him and proffered his wand. He took it and placed it on the now familiar scale, which then produced a slip of parchment on the unused half.

"Professor Hadrian Morrigan?" The Auror confirmed.

"Yessir." Harry said politely.

"Premonition report?" He clarified further.

"Right again." Harry said.

"Department of Mysteris, level nine. Next!" The Auror commanded, handing Harry back his wand and the slip of paper.

Harry got out of the way and advanced through the turnstile and meandered through the crowd towards the lifts. Arriving in time to squeeze in, he packed himself into the sardine can with barely enough room left for the cage to close behind him. And down they went, stopping at each level to deposit and uptake more people. Unfortunately for most of the people there, the elevator had to go down one level before coming back up, as it was all automated. Which begged the question as to why they would bother to get on before it started to come back up, but these were wizards and witches after all.

And so, down one level they went before the bell dinged and the cool female voice announced their arrival.

"Level 9: Department of Mysteries and Courtrooms." She said.

Harry got off. The slick, familiar black walls greeted him like old friends as the lift went back up, leaving him alone in the hall. He took a deep breath, enjoying the musty yet somehow clean smell of the less often walked hallway. Then he marched straight on towards the door that once haunted so many of his dreams. Reaching it, he raised a fist to bang on it, only for it to open before he could.

Who should be facing but Prophecy herself. Head of the exact department he was looking for. Now wasn't that an amazing coincidence?! Almost as if she knew he was coming, but that would be ridiculous. That would require her to have precognitive abilities or something.
"Good evening Mr Potter." Prophecy greeted in a silly attempt at intimidation.

"Good evening Mrs Polkiss." Harry greeted back.

He felt her death glare and confusion from beneath her obscuring cloak just as clearly without Ghillie Dhu as if he were actually using the sixth sense. His poker face had gotten really good over the years, and he was somehow managing to maintain it in that moment.
"How... In the world?!" She asked.

Harry lifted both hands to his face and made spirit fingers.

"Psychic!" He whispered, dropping his poker face to grin at her.

The truth? He had figured it out in his own world. Hers was the only identity he ever uncovered, and then only because she suddenly appeared in Piers life as a retiree a day after Prophecy retired from the department. It was kind of her fault for telling him she just retired the day before as Mrs Polkiss and he just deduced it then. And now she accidentally admitted to it. He really ought to have picked on his world's version more, but after what Piers had gone through he left her in peace.

She sighed and reached one hand beneath her obscuring hood to pinch the bridge of her nose.

"Why are you here, "Hadrian"?" She asked annoyedly.

"A student turned in a post cognitive dream and I would like to register it with your office." Harry said, now serious.

He handed her the letter and twine bound vial and she took it skeptically.

"Under what basis do you think it genuine?" She asked.

"A subject in the dream spoke perfect parseltongue, which the child in question could not." Harry explained. "Nor could he have faked it."

"I see." She said.

Prophecy then produced from within her cloak a clipboard with a form for dream visions.

"Name of dreamer, date on which the dream occurred, yada yada." She asked boredly with quill suddenly in hand.

"All detailed in the letter around the vial." Harry said.

She sighed, but diligently undid the twine and opened the letter. The way she managed to do this with a clipboard in one hand and quill in the other spoke to her many years doing office work. With all these things still in her hands - quill, clipboard, vial and letter - she then managed to hold a wand and tap the letter, casting a series of silent word duplication charms to copy all of the details onto her form. Pocketing everything except for the clipboard and quill she signed the dotted line and tore the page out to hand to him.

"Here. This form recognizes that I received the dream and the details you've shared with me. You will get a letter detailing our decision on its veracity by owl." She said curtly. "Did you need anything else, Professor?"

"No. Did you?" He offered.

"No." She said, before closing the door in his face.

"Give my love to Piers!" Harry yelled through the door, knowing it would annoy the woman to be left wondering how Harry knew her son.

Chuckling to himself, Harry folded the confirmation slip before pocketing it then went on his way.

The next morning saw Harry sleepily hiking through the castle to Albus's office, pensieve in hand. He made a wrong turn on the fourth floor and had to turn back, barely dodging peeves riding a flying wardrobe like a surfboard through the halls. He ignored the poor Ravenclaw boy chasing after the poltergeist. Presumably, he was the owner of said wardrobe. It could provide for a good learning experience in terms of the utility of sticking charms.

He finally arrived at the gargoyle to find it standing aside and the spiral staircase fully raised. He climbed it to hear the yelling match in progress.

"I only took this job because it was part time and didn't take away from my other responsibilities. I can do quidditch, flying lessons and game nights, but I can't run fencing, javelin or riding clubs as well!" Hooch explained.

"But you did agree to the possibility of taking on such responsibilities when you signed up." Albus pointed out. "And I have no choice but to hold you to them for the rest of the term, as I cannot hire two new people with the term just started. We already did all of our hiring and used up the allotted funds for the task."

"Then it may be wise for the rest of us to try and pick up the slack." Harry interrupted as he walked inside. "I, for one, am an excellent flyer and love Quidditch. I can handle those responsibilities. Beyond that? I'm sure Filius can handle fencing and Severus throwing weapons."
He put down the pensieve in it's normal, ornate cabinet.

"What makes you think Severus has any talent or skill with throwing weapons?" Albus asked.

"Psychic!" Harry whispered while making spirit fingers.

Albus and Hooch both groaned.

"Anyways, here's your pensive back. Now that one of my students had their first dream vision, I don't need to hang onto it. Future students can wait for your availability." Harry explained. "I figured you'd enjoy pensieve walking through the visions of distant pasts or futures."
"That does sound delightful. But back to the issue at hand, I do nor foresee Filius or Severus having the free time to take up lead roles in clubs. Those who can, certainly don't have the skill or talent in them. And while the ghosts go a long way towards ameliorating that, clubs do require a staff member with a wand there to supervise and intervene for injuries or prevent them. And such workers must be approved by the board of governors."

"Hm. then it sounds like it's time for me to take up my seat and call an emergency meeting of the governors." Harry said. "I'm positive that we can get the funding for three or four new wands on deck."

"What makes you so certain of that?" Albus asked.

"Because I can afford the expense out of pocket, if need be. But once many of them hear about their children's sudden interest in these ancient arts, they'll be all over it."

"And where are you going to find people with the free time to run school clubs?" Hooch asked.

"Gee, if only we knew somebody who ran a sanctuary for disenfranchised and unemployed individuals from a wide range of backgrounds to recruit from and network through!" Harry said sardonically. "Why, he could simply write to all of them with offers and they'd jump right on it, wouldn't they?"

The twinkling returned to Dumbledore's eyes in that moment. This pleased Harry greatly.

Tofty's home was a small cottage in the English countryside. It had a classic thatched roof, easy and cheap to maintain for a witch but a nightmare for muggles, and a tomato garden along the path that was dying from the coming winter.

The front door was already open for them when they arrived and the chatter of old women was already wafting out of it.

"Just what I like to do on my weekends." Marchbanks complained. "Spending time with coworkers."

"Oh come on! You have some pretty great coworkers." Harry consoled.

"You have better ones, yet I don't see you having breakfast at their houses." Marchbanks countered.

"True, but unlike you I haven't been on sick leave long enough to miss them." Harry double countered.

"That's fair. Let's go see the naggers." Marchbanks decided.

They marched through the front door and were greeted by Professor Tofty herself, who stood in the doorway to the left of the entrance hall looking into the living room.

"They're finally here! Good timing, the ginger snaps just came out of the oven." She greeted.

And like that the trip was already made worthwhile.

They sat on the white, flowery furniture and Harry was promptly introduced to their coworkers. Mafalda Hopkirk, he knew, but the other three were new to him. There was Tofty's undersecretary, Felicity, Mafalada's undersecretary, Hana, and an accountant for the testing department named Zoe. The last of whom poured the two men cups of tea just as Tofty returned with a platter of steaming hot ginger snaps.

"So, Professor Morrigan. I would like to cordially welcome you to the world of being an educator. How has it been treating you thus far?" Tofty began.

"Oh! Excellently. My students have all been a joy, and so far I've only had to give two detentions, both at the same time for fighting. The coworkers keep me on my toes. I sure do love being the least wizened and intelligent person in a room, lets me feel like a student again. Speaking of!" harry explained before motioning to the people in the room.

He then let them take the floor as he finally reached for the platter of ginger snaps. Before they could begin a knock came at the door and in walked the last person Harry wanted to spend his Saturday morning with. The only pleasant thing about her appearance was the box of danishes she carried inside. Though he had to admit, orange was a better color on her than vibrant pink and the genuine smile she wore was a marked improvement over the smugness he remembered her for.

"Morning young ladies!" Umbridge greeted as she put the box down next to the ginger snaps.

"Morning Dolores!" The not so young ladies greeted.

"Oh my, Alastor is here? And who is this?" Dolores greeted the men present, noticing Harry mid gingersnap.

He swallowed and took a sip of the tea to wash it down.

"Hadrian Morrigan, at your service." harry greeted as politely as he could.

Play nice. Just like with Bellatrix she's not your Umbridge.

"Oh!" Umbridge cried out and joy absolutely bloomed on her face. "Professor, Hadrian Morrigan?"

Harry nodded at the clarification.

"I am so indescribably pleased to meet you! Divination was my favorite class as a girl, and it was maddening seeing it fall from the heights Professor Shunpike had raised it to the lows that Trelawney took it. By all accounts I've heard you are doing a wonderful job. Thank you." Dolores said whole heartedly.

She offered a hand and Harry took it, though he was unable to hide the look of whiplash on his face as the heartfelt speech.

Although a piece of a puzzle he had never thought of that was the Dolores Umbridge just fell into place. She had completely right to sack Professor Trelawney in his world. That woman was only kept on staff because Dumbledore needed to protect her from Voldemort, not because she was the best teacher for the job. Which was a flagrant disregard for his responsibilities as headmaster. Still, she didn't have to show such animosity and cruelty in the manner of which she sacked Sybil. But he could understand it.

After all, if he had been given seven years under professor Lupin only for Lockheart to replace him for the next generation he'd feel pretty hateful of that grinning goon as well. Moreso than he already was, at least.

"So, what are we talking about?" Dolores asked, sitting down and being handed a cup of tea by Zoe.

"Work. Alastor already discussed how much he loves his new job. Why don't you share next?" Mafalda offered.

"Oh, well I'm a secretary for the department of games and sports." Dolores explained.

"Really? What sports do you play or follow?" Harry asked.

"Pfft! Hah! Do any of us really seem the sporting type?" Dolores asked. "No, I have no love or even understanding of quidditch, or dueling. But, all of the people at the ministry who do have no love or understanding of properly filling out documents and financial forms. That's where I come in. Cleaning up after the boys."

"And they are such boys about it." Felicity complained.

As their discussion descended into complaining how the men of the sports department never seem to grow up, Harry withdrew a stack of blank parchments and his wand, along with two documents. One was his handwritten invitation detailing the club positions that needed filling and the other was the list of werewolves who stayed at the shack last week and the guests they brought. HE spent the rest of the chat using the copy and paste spell for the names and again for the letter.

"What're you working on there?" Hana asked.

"Eh, Hogwarts needs some extra staff due to the explosion of club activities. Part time. So, I'm sending out letters to pretty much everyone I know asking if they or anybody they know can monitor fencing ,javelining, boating and other clubs. I don't suppose any of you can or know somebody who can fill these positions?" Harry explained.

"Did you miss the part where Dolores said none of us are the sporting type?" Tofty asked. "That and nobody we know has the free time.

"My medical leave ends in another week, then I'll be too busy." Marchbanks refused. "Otherwise, I could probably handle some of the non-physical clubs, like chess and Gobstones."

Well, it was worth a shot. There was only one last place to ask around before calling a meeting with the governors.

Harry stormed into the shrieking shack.

"Oi! Wheezes!" He called out.

"Yeah!" Said Katie from the first floor.

"What is it?!" Fred called down from the second.

They both stumbled into the parlor, Katie sooner than Fred. He waited for them both to be in front of him. It was still early on a saturday morning so there weren't any customers yet, they'd start appearing around noon.

HE handed them the list of positions.

"You guys know anybody who can work part time at Hogwarts running these clubs?" He asked.

They took a moment to look it over and slowly shook their heads all the while.

"I got nothing on these, sorry." Fred said.

"Well what about your brother?" Katie asked.

Fredd gave her a look.

"Bill." She clarified.

"Bill? What about him" Fred asked, rechecking the list and seemingly trying to remember if Bill had ever picked up any of them.

"Well, isn't he chasing that French bird? The fencing duelist? Maybe he could put in a word with her?" Katie asked. "Have her teach swordplay."

"Oh, you mean Fleur?!" Harry asked. "I don't know why I didn't think of her. I'll write her directly. I imagine she'd love teaching at Hogwarts."

It would at least be amusing to see her suffer the Scottish winter for the first time again, not to mention how the students would act around the part-Veela. Bill would be the tipping factor though, as he knew she couldn't resist the chance to be in appirating distance from him and his family.

Was he breaking his own rules against using his knowledge from his world as a basis for decisions? Yeah, but sometimes it was just too delicious not to.

But then something occurred to him.

He was already invited Poliakoff and, by extension, Viktor. Now he had invited Fleur. That left out one person with the same connection to him as those two, a connection only he knew of but was a powerful one all the same.

And so, he took out his final sheet of paper and titled it to the fourth champion from his universe. God, he couldn't wait to see Cedric again.

Somewhere off the coast of Australia:

Voldemort fell into an exhausted, disoriented and agonized heap on the wooden deck of the boat as the boot he used as a portkey flew aside. It was the single longest portkey he had ever taken, and it had been a mistake. A portkey straight from the Germany to Australia would have been bad enough, but that he had to program it to take circuitous routes around the Netherlands, Russia and Indian Ocean.

Five minutes. Five whole minutes. He thought he could handle it. He had been wrong.

"My lord!" Walburga Black's voice called out to him.

The sound of each of her footsteps against the hardwood ship deck felt like a sledgehammer to his skull, and when she tried to cradle him into a sitting position it felt like he was rising the portkey all over again.

"You ever been hungover, concussed and suffering from a category five flu after running a five k marathon?" Tom asked in his best attempt at humor. "That's what this feels like."

"My god, how many Portkeys did you take?" She asked, genuine concern dripping from her voice.

"Just the one." He groaned out.

She was silent for a few moments after that, and when she spoke again it was with a considerate whisper.

"A single portkey? From Germany to Australia? In one go?" She clarified.

"Yup." he said.

Another moment of silence.

"Where in the world did you get a portkey capable of going ten thousand miles in one trip?' She asked.

"Oh you know..." Tom said in his best imitation of humble. "I made it."


"With about twenty pages of algebraic topology." He explained.

Yup. He'd had to graph out the Portkey's route using a three-dimensional model of the earth, a highly detailed one Lucius kept in his mansion observatory, to plan that one out. Plotting functions to weave around the ward lines separating each country and keeping along international waters where no such wards existed had taken the better part of two nights. If he had just taken a straight route from Germany to here he would have made it in half the time with half the pain, but every single nation along the route he passed through would have detected his passing and plotted out his exact course and final destination.

Yeah, they would have had the armies of at least fie wizarding nations shoved up their asses so fast it would have been the end of Voldemort forever.

"Is the object I left in your care still protected?" He asked, still barely conscious but getting better by the minute.

"Of course, Tom. It is exactly where you left it. It's protections unmolested." She told him.

"That's great." He said, trying to prop himself up but failing miserably.

Then, all of a sudden, Walburga did the unthinkable. She side-along apparated him, and he knew nothing more.

Before you complain I'm being too nice to Umbridge, she dies brutally in my other story "Blood-Soaked Succession." This story is supposed to be nice and fair to all characters and show the wizarding world as a more wholesome and interconnected place, even for characters as atrocious as Umbridge.

Oh shit! What about Rita? Hmmmm. Not sure what I'll do with her.

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Chapter 33: Title Pending
Chapter 33:

Title Suggestions are welcome. I got nothing on this one.

Bellatrix dropped onto her stomach to dodge beneath a white crescent shape that the dummy had just flung at her.

When she had invited Harry to join her for her duelist training he had expected to be taking part in it, but instead the entire ordeal was her simply showing off her world to him. She started off with dodging drills. The exercises required her to do them without a wand, with her goal being to charge all the way to the dummy enchanted to send illusory beams of light to indicate different types of spells, such as the large bludgeoning curse she just sidestepped.

He was pleasantly surprised to discover she did, in fact, train in classic gym clothes in place of dueling robes. The twenties style shorts and tank top were less form fitting than what a modern woman could get away with, but she wasn't a modern woman, and he wouldn't have her any other way.

She finished her training with a flourish, somehow wiggling through a spray of firework sparks as if she were trying to squeeze through a pair of prison bars to then slap the dummy on the top of its head. It slouched like a robot being shut down and the practice was over.
Harry applauded and she curtsied before coming up to where he sat in the bleachers next to fresh towels and a water bottle.

She toweled herself off while catching her breath before taking a drink.

"Next is deflecting practice." She told him between gulps. "The dummy's fake spells are enchanted to be dispelled by the same counter curses as the real deal and be caught or batted away with the same movements. It's a little finnicky and requires more precision than the real thing, but that actually helps."

Harry nodded.

"A mistake in the manufacturing leading to making it superior in the end? Gotta love happy little accidents like that." He pointed out.

She giggled at his humor, but if she did so because she recognized the reference or because quoting Bob Ross is a slam dunk even to the uninitiated, he couldn't quite tell.

She walked back out to the pit and stood in front of her dummy, this time with wand in hand. Said dummy stood back up and began firing the imitation spells at her, and this time she blocked, deflected or caught each spell as they came. It was like a dance, or moreso like the baton twirler at the front of marching band with a smidgeon of ribbon dancing thrown in.

There was a knock at the door and Bellatrix stopped.

"Aspidochelone." She said.

The dummy also stopped throwing the harmless spells at her. Interesting choice of safe word. Way too many syllables and way too easy to mispronounce.

It also appeared to be the word to unlock the door into the training room based on the loud click it made.

"You may come in." Bellatrix called.

In walked Victor Krum and his werewolf friend, Poliakoff.

"Well, you two sure react to correspondence quickly." Harry said. "But how did you know to find me here?"

"Ve vent to your sanctuary but you vere not there. Your red-haired friend said I could find you here, Professor Morrigan." Victor explained by way of greeting.

"Bellatrix, meet Victor Krum and Halasz Poliakoff. Both were guests during the last full moon." Harry introduced.

Bella curtsied again and both gentleman bowed.

"I wrote to them, and others, yesterday when Albus brought to my attention that the school was short staffed. We need part timers to handle the sudden burst in new clubs. I wrote to everybody I could asking if they knew anybody." Harry explained. "And I can't imagine they made the trip all the way out here just to refuse."

"You vould be correct, professor. If you will have me I vould be delighted to take over the responsibilities for both the wrestling and boxing clubs." Viktor said.

"And I am a chess master." Poliakoff told him. "I can handle that and most other game clubs."

Harry turned to Bella.

"Well, that relieves madame hooch of a lot of her responsibilities. Three or four more applicants and we should be copacetic." He told her.

The door opened again, and Harry didn't even have to turn around to see who it was. The look of unadulterated and unreasonable hatred on Bellatrix's face told him all to well. It was the natural reaction women, even gorgeous ones like Bella, had to Veela entering their presence. Down girl, you need not be jealous of this one.

"Deed zomebody request a fencing and dance instructor?" The thick French accent of Fleur Delacour greeted the room.

Oh right, he forgot that that some of the girls organized for a dancing club too. They were still scrambling to find any boys willing to join and had resorted to bullying the shy ones, like little Xeno and Creevey, into signing up. With Fleur at the helm, he imagined they'd suddenly find it less difficult to find volunteers.

Voldemort woke up in chains.

This was not, despite what some people may think, a novel experience for him. You don't spend decades freedom fighting with small groups around the world without being captured from time to time. Now, being chained up by a longtime friend and ally? Very novel. At least when it lacked the kinkiness that this situation deserved. But for the life of him he couldn't guess what he'd done to enrage this Lady of House Black, but he was fast realizing he just had that effect on them.

"Good morning Tom. All recovered from your portkey?" Walburga asked sweetly.

Yup. She was pissed. Was she on team Morrigan too? How the hell would that have happened?

"You must know how your recent actions look." She went on. "Killing the only other remaining Knights and leaving such a message for the media to find."

She picked up a newspaper and threw it at his feet. He couldn't quite read the title from his chained position but he assumed it detailed the nice eulogy he had given Fenrir. Yada yada disease destroyed is mind, yada yada werewolves would not be utilized in the war any longer, yada yada werewolves need help not war, yada yada the Morrigan werewolf sanctuary does good work. He wondered if Hadrian had gotten word of it yet. He sure would like to see/hear his reaction.

"And now here you are, destroying your anchors to immortality." Walburga said. "Have you abandoned your mission, or have you simply forgotten it and given up?"

Tom sighed, allowing himself to show his tiredness.

"I have done neither, Walburga." He said. "I have merely failed it, as have we all."

She punched him then. It was an impressive jab, just as impressive as Bella's and Narcissa's. Now all he had to do was cross paths with an irate Andromeda and he'd have earned a shiner from each woman of house Black yet living... then again, there was little Nymphadora who wasn't so little anymore. Hmmm. And Sirius was courting that duelist. Perchance he had three more black eyes waiting for him in the future.

"You failed? How can you fail when you have all of eternity to accomplish your mission." Walburga the Chatty continued. "You who conquered death, and yet are now set on unconquering it."

"Your eternal guardian, I know." Tom said. "Like Salazar's basilisk at Hogwarts, ready to be unleashed on any army foolish enough to siege Hogwarts, I was to protect the sacred bloodlines and be your most powerful defender, when needed."

"So you DO remember." She said. "You achieved half of it, to find the secrets of immortality and lead us to a world without death. So why are you undoing that success?"

"Because it was my success in that that led me to failing my other task." Tom declared. "I have failed to protect them. They are all dead."

She sighed exasperatedly.

"Yes Tom, people die." She said in a mocking tone. "But they all lived long lives in pursuit of worthy goals. Did they not?"

Tom laughed, his normal mirthless laugh.

"Long lives? Fenrir was the longest lasting after me and he was in his seventies!" Tom roared. "Remind me again, what's the average wizard lifespan?"

She shrinked away at his tone, and blinked at his question.

"That's right, one hundred and sixty, with a quarter of us living longer than that. None of them made it halfway, and you think this a mere coincidence?" He demanded.

"Don't give me that tripe! You're undoing your immortality because you are tired of living, tired of fighting." She demanded. "Don't take me for a fool, I've seen it before. Men who make war lose themselves in it and cannot go on living. You sit there serenading me with your woes and regrets of our friends and lovers passing on before their time and yet opt to follow in their footsteps like a coward! They died fighting! They died in service to something they believed in, which I know, is a foreign concept to a wretch like you who thinks the length of ones life determines its value."

Ouch! Now that one stung. Leave it to Walburga to plunge the knife exactly where it hurt the most. He must have shown how much he felt it, because she sighed and switched tactics.

"You are hurting, Tom. I get that." She said. "But what I don't get is why you didn't come to one of us with that hurt? We are your friends. That's what we are for. They all love you. I still love you. Hell, Orion still loves you. You have all the time in the world, why throw it away?"

That last name was a sore topic, and Tom knew she hadn't meant it as a barb, but it still felt like one. He let it go. She must have realized the faux pas, because she knelt down and placed a hand on his cheek.

"Do you truly believe our tactics had nothing to do with their early deaths?" Tom asked, looking up but still leaning into her touch. "We have been going about things the wrong way, our tactics have been reprehensible. And my Horcruxes were the wrong path to immortality. Like you said, I have all the time in the world. Even with a mortal life I have another century to find a better way to extend human life, to conquer death. But the Horcruxes must go."

She removed her hand from his cheek and backed away from him.

"I don't believe you Tom, your handsome good looks alone aren't enough to make me believe your words alone. I'm not a little girl anymore." She said. "I want your word. You've never broken that, and I know you won't start now. I want your word that if I help you regain your mortality, you won't seek death. I want your word that you won't die before me, at the very least. And I remind you, us witches live longer than you dumb, irresponsible wizards."

He snorted at the boast. He knew he couldn't lie to her; he knew that if he gave that promise he would have to keep it, and it was a painful promise to make. On a fundamental level she was right, he was tired. He was very nearly ready to go on. Could duty and his word keep him going? Yes. Would it be orders of magnitude more torturous than his life thus far? Also, yes.

And yet, his mission must be carried out.

"You have my word, Walburga. I will live to sit on your bedside as you're withered and ugly and your great grandchildren mourn you." He promised.

She swiped him over the back of his head for the lip there, but his shackles fell as she did so.

"Very well, Tom. Let us go visit the Rainbow Serpent, shall we?" Walburga said.

"I somehow always forget that the seasons are flipped down here." Voldemort complained as he shivered from the frigid breeze.

"Are you a wizard, or aren't you?" Walburga teased.

"Well, I would cast a warming charm on myself, but warming charms always feel better when a lady casts it on you for some reason." He said. "Kinda like how food cooked by somebody else tastes better."

"That or maybe you're pants at cooking?" Walburga suggested. "And also, the whole not able to cast spells around here thing?"

That was a distinct possibility. Fortunately, the black, rocky ground they were half climbing along was already beginning to warm up from the afternoon sunlight. So, its preventing him from casting said warming charms was a moot point. As they crested the last hill of black granite their goal came into view.

A great Olga, surrounded by black boulders on all sides, sat in the middle of the draw formed by the rocky hills on either side. It wasn't as large as Uluru, or as decorative as Kata Tjuta but much like Uluru and Kata Tsuja it had been created by a rainbow serpent as a marking stone above the cave and water system it had dug itself in the rock below. Unlike Uluru and Kata Tsuja, it was still inhabited and was surrounded on all sides by the mysterious cursed stone of Kalkajaka. This made it a perfect place to hide something from wizards and Muggles alike.
As an active Olga still inhabited by a wild rainbow serpent, the wizarding government of Australia and aboriginal mages protected the entire area from Muggles. As a Kalkajaka it kept all but the most suicidal wizards away.

Nobody knew for certain where the black stones came from, but all enchanters and alchemists knew for sure wizards created them. The leading theory was that it was some kind of equal and opposite enchanting method. By binding two such slabs of granite, they could strengthen a positive enchantment on one by simultaneous casting a dark curse on the other.

It held up in theory and had been proven through experimentation. Problem was, none of the positive counterparts had ever been found and there was no evidence of a wizarding society large enough ever having existed in Australia. Who could have produced so many billions of these wretched stones in such piles all over the continent? These stones that made all wizards, witches and even squibs feel as if the magic in their veins had turned to wriggling worms and wanted to burst out through their chest. Merely using magic around these things could kill a wizard or witch. It also completely incapacitated any sensory abilities.

And that wasn't even the greatest of the defenses he had placed around his Horcrux.

They neared a freshwater stream and he spoke in parseltongue.

"I have returned, great mother." He spoke to the water.

They stood there and waited patiently. And waited. And waited some more. He was about to speak again when the water's surface finally exploded upwards in a deluge of water. Always the melodrama with these larger snakes.

She was even larger than he recalled, and he once again hoped he'd have the chance to introduce her to Salazar's equally large basilisk. Sure, experimental breeding was illegal, but since when did he care about illegality?

Rainbow serpents were effectively giant, white-lipped pythons. That was it. Their dark scales were iridescent, reflecting a rainbow sheen. There was also the small matter that their scales were elongated, halfway towards being feathers. They were still very much magical creatures, as their gigantism, like giants, was born of magic and their scales made for excellent wand cores. The core of his spare wand came specifically from her, actually.

There was also the small ability they have to eat stone and regurgitate it into solid masses. Hence how they carve out these tunnels and used the material to form Olga's.

"It has been too long, speaker." She said.

"Indeed, it has." Tom said.

"Wait, me?!" Mr Tonks asked.

"Yup. You." Harry confirmed.

"Um. Okay, I'm honored, but why me?" Ted asked, still confused.

"Yeah, why him?" Andromeda asked. "I honestly think I would make a better choice, seeing as I have more free time that my employed husband."

"Because you are the only person I know who is meets all of my requirements to stand in my place at the board of Governors." Harry said.

"And these requirements are?" Andromeda asked with a glare.

Harry listed them off on his fingers.

"Has attended and graduated from Hogwarts. Has raised a child who also attended and graduated from Hogwarts. Is knowledgeable on and invested in Muggle culture. Is knowledgeable and invested in pureblood culture. I like and trust him." Harry ticked off until he ran out of fingers. "With all of these traits, I believe you have all of the virtues necessary to make proper decisions regarding Hogwarts that is fair and beneficial to all students and teachers. In fact the only way you would make a better substitute is if you were also a former teacher at Hogwarts, but we can't have it all now can we?"

The Tonkses leaned back as they considered these points.

"So you chose me for my balanced views and experience in all sides of the Hogwarts experience?" Tonks clarified.

"All save one, correct." Harry said. "Although that can be remedied, we do have an open position for a part timer of your skills. That is, if you are open to passing on your skills as a horseback rider and college rower?"

Ted was all ears after that. God, but were people ever easy to lead into doing what you want them to do when you understand them.

"Oh, and I like the idea of all three of the men married to the Black sisters having something all our own. Kinda like their wine-fueled get-togethers." Harry added.

"Married?!" Andromeda sad with a mocking gasp as his slip up. "My goodness you work fast! And here I was under the impression that my sister was displeased with how slow you were taking things. When is the ceremony? I'll have to write mother and get her back over here from Aus."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I misspoke. I meant men who date or are married to a black sister." Harry tried to clarify, but the woman had already left her dinner table and was walking to the study.

"Too late! Writing mother and Cissy." Andromeda hollered back.

Harry shrugged and turned to Tonks.

"I'm more than sold. When is the first board meeting?" He asked.

"I'm calling an emergency one right now. Go make yourself presentable, we leave in ten."

Want your Story Written?
I take commissions now! you can pay me to write your fanfiction as three others are currently doing. My prices are as follows.

$25 per 1000 words of fanfiction, with some wiggle room. I don't pad my work. You also get to video chat with me as I type the first chapter.

$25 per 500 words for original fiction/nonfiction or anything else that is not fanfiction. I am still looking for my first nonfanfiction gig so I can move into ghostwriting professionally, so if you have a novel you really want written contact me.

Prices subject to change in the future. Check my profile.

Become a Patron:

You can also still become a patron for ONE DOLLAR to get access to future chapters 2 weeks early and vote on which stories I update Next. I have higher tiers, but I have no idea what to offer for them now that I lowered everything to one dollar.​
Chapter 34: The Sword in the Stone
Chapter 34:

The Sword in the Stone

Harry walked into the antechamber with his guests trailing behind him. Teddy took the lead with Viktor, Poliakoff and Fleur just behind.

They were the last to arrive, as the heads of every family with a seat on the board of governors was present, plus Albus and Madame Hooch.

He was pleased to realize he'd met most of the people already present in this world as well as his own. Lucius Malfoy, Mrs Zabini, Valentine Crabbe, Hidlerband Goyle and Fleamont Potter he had all met in this world already, and in Madame Bones case at least seen. Augusta Longbottom, Cyrus Greengrass, Mrs Abbot, Mrs Bullstrode, Mrs Parkinson, and of course Mrs Weasley he had also met in his own. The placards in front of everyone else told him who they were. Orion Black barely needed one, being the spitting image of his own son, and the same was true for Theodore Nott senior. The two that gave him pause was a woman whose placard declared her to be Kera Moody, who was too young to be Alastor's mother and too old to be a daughter, leaving only two possibilities and he boggled at the idea of her being his wife, but suspected it was so. The other was Aileen Prince, who also looked too young to be Snape's mother.

He needed to figure that one out later.

There were a lot of empty seats for extinct houses, among them one titled Morrigan. He and his entourage made their way to it.

"Professor Morrigan. Thank you for joining us." Albus greeted. "Seeing as you called for this emergency meeting, I give the floor to you."

"Thank you, Headmaster, but I must refuse." Harry said cheekily. "As I have brought with me the man who shall be my semi-permanent stand in. Representing the Morrigan estate, I present to you all, Theodore Tonks. Your new member of the board."
He bowed and stepped away. Theodore stepped forward and bowed to the gathered to mixed reactions. Everybody at least gave a polite applause, with Molly and Augusta being the most vocal in their approval. The only person who didn't clap was Orion.

Strangely, Lucius looked positively delighted. Harry had been joking when he said the three men dating Blacks being on the board would be ironic, now he suspected it was a stronger base for camaraderie than he suspected.

"As his stand in, Professor Morrigan will be overseeing my conduct here as a form of training, unless anybody here objects?" Theodore said.

Nobody objected. They honestly could, as having a stand in meant he technically wasn't on the board on not entitled to be part of the meetings. Usually, stand-ins were assigned to represent underage successors who were not ready to take on their duties, and there were many meetings where some might object to an underage person attending. They would have to be real assholes to object to his presence. The only scenario he could foresee with him being barred from a meeting was if said meeting was in regards to his imminent sacking, which he hoped never happened.

"Very well. I call this emergency meeting into order." Said Tonks as he sat at the Morrigan chair and spelled the placard to say his name instead. "The topic, emergency employment of part time employees under Madame Hooch."
"And why does Madame Hooch require part time employees?" Asked Augusta. "She has always been excellent about handling her duties as head of sports and games. Are you no longer able to perform them, deer?"

"My usual duties aren't causing me any trouble at all." Said Rolanda. "It is an unexpected skyrocketing in new duties that I am unequipped for. You see, the students have all decided that Hogwarts wasn't offering anywhere near enough club or sport activities. So they have formed over a dozen new ones over night."

Instead of confusion, the room filled with excited chatter from the Purebloods present.

"Have we finally re-instituted the boating clubs?" Asked Valentine.

"Fencing Club?" Asked Lucius.

"Cooking club?!" Asked Molly.

She got some strange looks for that one.

"Yes to all of the above, save for cooking." Said Rolanda. "And more."

Molly deflated and made a face like a kicked puppy, but the excitement of everyone else continued to grow.

"We've all been clamoring for a revitalization of traditional sports for decades, but our Muggleborn populace has only ever been interested in bringing over Muggle sports." Said Orion. "Which has always been too expensive, requiring new construction that would make hideous the gorgeous scenery around Hogwarts. What has changed?"

Albus took over.

"Well, it appears that the students were simply unaware that these sports were options." He said. "Despite our eagerness to revitalize said sports, it never occurred to us to actually advertise it to the student populace. We did not know they wanted it, because they did not know they wanted it."

Ah, the folly of adults. Especially adult wizards. The underestimation of children and simultaneous overestimation of them. In all his time at Hogwarts it had somehow never occurred to him that all of the many suits of armor, boats, and martial weapons were for more than decoration.

"Well, we have the facilities." Said Fleamont. "And we have great teachers in the form of ghosts and portraits. It really is just a matter of having employees on hand with a wand, that you seem to have picked individuals suited to also teach and officiate such sports is a great boon. Or am I wrong in assuming that's why you three are here?"

He said this while looking at Viktor, Fleur and Poliakoff, who all stood a bit straighter.

"Yes zir." Said Fleur. "I am a skilled fencer and duelist, and would be happy to help part time."

"I can handle wrestling, animal riding and most other martial games that Miss Delacour cannot." Said Viktor.

"And I am a chess master. Happy to help with it and all other game clubs to free up Madame Hooch for her sports." Said Poliakoff. "But I will need full moons off. I am a werewolf, if that is a deal breaker."

Everyone made the exact same motion of dismissal with their hands.

"Hardly. We have a werewolf as a teacher, and he doesn't cause any problems." Said Mr Nott.

"I would go one step further and say he is one of the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher's we've had in decades." Added Hildebrand. "So your condition is no issue. I think our gobstone champions can go two to three days without a club meeting per month."

"Or somebody can easily cover for you." Said Mrs Zabini.

"Are you sure you aren't just happy to have another Veela in Britain?" Mrs Parkinson jabbed at her.

Mrs Zabini made an exasperated gesture.

"Why does everyone think I'm a Veela?" She demanded.

Fleur perked up.

"You are not Veela?" She asked, seemingly shocked. "I would have sworn you were! I've only met one Africana Veela and you outshine her!"

Mrs Bullstrode, Parkinson, Prince and Weasley all howled with laughter at that admission and Mrs Zabini glowered. Albus had to call for order with his gavel.

"Then we are all in agreement?" Albus asked. "Shall we devote funds to hiring three new staff members as part time club and sports overseers?"

"The Hogwarts treasury can more than handle it." Said Madame Bones. "I say we vote to allocate the funds, get these three their documents for signing, perform their background cheks and put them to work."

Harry tapped Theodore on the shoulder and held up four fingers.

"Four, actually." Said Theodore.

All eyes turned on him.

"Who is the fourth person you have in mind?" Asked Madame Hooch.

Harry leaned down to whisper to his representative only to be interrupted by Albus.

"Professor Morrigan, you are free to speak if you have the answers to our questions." He said.

"Ah, well, I sent out many a letter, and I don't know if he will accept, but I had the former student Cedric Diggory in mind on recommendation." He said. "That way we could have a Hogwarts alumni, and somebody with animal riding experience."
Several people nodded in agreement with his choice in person, while others seemed to consider it.

"Well then, we shall allocate enough funds for four new positions in the event he, or somebody else likewise suitable, opts to take up the role." Said Kara Moody. "Sans any further interruption, I think it is time to call for a vote."
They all waited a moment to see if any such interruption would occur, when none was forthcoming Albus brought the meeting to a close.

"Very well then. I call the board of governors to a vote. Shall we allocate funds to employ four part time game and sport officiators." Albus asked. "All in favor?"

All hands, save those of Molly, Prince and Tonks, raised.

"All against?" Said Albus.

Molly and Prince both raised their hands.

Harry knew Theodore was abstaining from the vote as it was his motion being voted on, so he was not allowed to add his choice to the mix. Conflict of interest and all that. Why Molly and Prince were opposed, he couldn't even begin to guess. Neither had voiced any objections thus far.

"Very well. The motion is passed. If there are no further orders of business…" Albus paused and looked around the room to many shaking heads. "Then today's meeting of the Board of Governors is adjourned. Good evening all."

He used his gavel one last time and everyone stood up.

"Mr Krum, Miss Delacour, Mr Poliakoff. If you would join Madame Hooch and I, we shall induct you forthwith." Albus invited Harry's three guests.

Only a few of the guests left immediately, following Albus and Hooch out the door with the new employees. Most of the rest mingled and chatted.

Harry waved to Molly motioning for her to come over and did the same with Prince. They both nodded and made their way over to him and Theodore.

"It's a pleasure to meet you ladies. As you know, I only recently came into my Lordship, and am at a loss. Hence having a substitute in Theodore here." Harry greeted and introduced.

Both of them curtsied out of respect, and it was a strange feeling seeing Molly perform the gesture.

"I suppose you wish to know why we voted no?" Prince asked.

"Moreso I want your perspective. You were the only two to do so, and I pay attention to outliers." Harry said honestly. "I want to know your reasons because I think they might actually change my mind."

"They won't." Prince told him. "Hence why I did not share. I voted no because I believe students should be spending more time studying than playing sports. A perspective nobody else here agrees with. They already spend enough time obsessed with Quidditch."

Harry blinked at her then turned to Molly.

"Well, on the topic of Quidditch, don't you think Roberta has her hands full enough dealing with injuries from that barbaric game?" Molly asked rhetorically. "Now fencing, boating, horseback riding and wrestling? Oh heavens, even if Poppy was still with us it would be a nightmare. But I know I can't convince all you boys that your rough housing needs to be toned down, so I kept my opinion to myself."

Harry and Theodore shared a look.

"I mean, she's not exactly wrong." Theodore admitted.

And Harry agreed. The DMLE Head who had approached during all of this talk did though.

"I disagree." She said grumpily as she approached. "You are out of line pinning it on the boys, as my love of rough housing and Quidditch playing and broken bones is one I would never deign to deny my niece or her peers. And if you got Augusta over here, she would agree."

"I certainly do." Said Mrs Zabini who, along with Valentine and Hildebrand had approached during all of this. "I want all the boys in Hogwarts beating the tar out of each other on the Quidditch pitch and in the fencing club. Lest they do not become the men we love, but instead coddled and soft, with none of those beautiful scars and callouses that my husband has."

Oh wow, that woman sure knew how to stroke men's ego. And make them feel appreciated as men. He hoped she and Bellatrix never became friends, or his woman might actually gain the skills to tye him around her pinky.

"Well, I'm not trying to start a fight here, I really did just want to know their perspective. As their teacher, my main focus is supposed to be their safety and their education, so I'll put some more effort into making sure injuries are avoided and study groups are maintained at least." Harry said. "And maybe try to inspire a history or potions club too?"

Prince dazzled him with a smile at that suggestion and he knew he said the right thing there. Good. Making friends. That's why he was there.

"I somehow always forget that the seasons are flipped down here." Voldemort complained as he shivered from the frigid breeze.

"Are you a wizard or aren't you?" Walburga teased.

"Well, I would cast a warming charm on myself but warming charms always feel better when a lady casts it on you for some reason." He said. "Kinda like how food cooked by somebody else tastes better."

"That or maybe you're pants at cooking?" Walburga suggested. "And also the whole not able to cast spells around here thing?"

That was a distinct possibility. Fortunately the black, rocky ground they were half climbing along was already beginning to warm up from the afternoon sunlight. So it preventing him from casting said warming charms were a moot point. And as they crested the last hill of black granite their goal came into view.

A great Olga, surrounded by black boulders on all sides, sat in the middle of the draw formed by the rocky hills on either side. It wasn't as large as Uluru, or as decorative as Kata Tjuta. Much like Uluru and Kata Tsuja, it had been created by a rainbow serpent as a marking stone above the cave and water system it had dug itself in the rock below. Unlike Uluru and Kata Tsuja, it was still inhabited and was surrounded on all sides by the mysterious cursed stone of Kalkajaka. Which made it a perfect place to hide something from wizards and Muggles alike.

As an active Olga still inhabited by a wild rainbow serpent, the wizarding government of Australia and aboriginal mages protected the entire area from Muggles. As a Kalkajaka it kept all but the most suicidal wizards away.

Nobody knew for certain where the black stones came from, but all enchanters and alchemists knew for sure wizards created them. The leading theory was that it was some kind of equal and opposite enchanting method. By binding two such slabs of granite, they could strengthen a positive enchantment on one by simultaneous casting a dark curse on the other.

It held up in theory, and had been proven through experimentation. Problem was, none of the positive counterparts had ever been found and there was evidence of a wizarding society large enough ever having existed in Australia who could have produced so many billions of these wretched stones in such piles all over the continent. These stones that made all wizards, witches and even squibs feel as if the magic in their veins had turned to wriggling worms and wanted to burst out through their chest. Merely using magic around these things could kill a wizard or witch. It also completely incapacitated any sensory abilities.

And that wasn't even the greatest of the defenses he had places around his Horcrux.

They neared a freshwater stream and he spoke in parseltongue.

"I have returned, great mother." He spoke to the water.

Then, they stood there and patiently waited. And waited. And waited some more. He was about to speak again when the water's surface finally exploded upwards in a deluge of water. Always the melodrama with the bigger snakes.

And she was even bigger than he recalled, and he once again hoped he'd have the chance to introduce her to Salazar's equally large basilisk. Sure, experimental breeding was illegal, but since when did he care about illegality?

Rainbow serpents were effectively giant white-lipped pythons. That was it. Their dark scales iridescent, reflecting a rainbow sheen. There was also the small matter that their scales were elongated, halfway to being feathers. They were still very much magical creatures, however. As their gigantism, like giants, was born of magic and their scales made for excellent wand cores. The core of his spell wand came specifically from her, actually.

There was also the small ability they have to eat stone and regurgitate it into solid masses. Hence how they carve out these tunnels and use the material to form Olga's.

"It has been too long, speaker." She said.

"Indeed, it has." Tom said.

The unlikely trio breached the water's surface and they were deposited on cold, hard stone.

"Thank you, beautiful." Tom said to the rainbow serpent between coughs and sputters for the long swim through her watery tunnels.

He hadn't even said it in parseltongue, but she nodded in understanding all the same.

He picked himself up off the floor and helped Walburga do the same. With that done he cast a drying charm on her then himself. Inside of the Olga they were free from the influence of the black stones and thus it was safe to do magic again. And they were now past all of the protections Tom expected anybody to be capable of getting past.

Without the ability to cast the bubble head charm outside from the black stones nobody could manage that swim unless they'd thought to bring gillyweed along. And even if they had gillyweed, they'd have to swim through the underwater tunnels and do so without getting murdered to death by his colorful friend. Still, more protections awaited.

Walburga gasped as her eyes adjusted to the giant underground snake den.

"Is it expanded?" She asked.

"Yes. By a lot." Tom said.

It was a deliberately weak expansion charm too. One designed to collapse if any of the traps are triggered.

Tom had gotten the idea from alchemy, the simplest technique of which is to compress elements into higher elements with spatial expansion charms. Take a small space, like the inside of a jar, and expand it to twice the size. Fill it to the brim with Aluminum then simply collapse the space expanding charm and the two parts of aluminum will combine into roughly one part of iron... with a WHOLE lot of radiation as a byproduct. Most early alchemists simply killed themselves from radiation poisoning with the first experiment doing this, later ones wizened up and stood away from containers used for this job but still died of radiation over time because they had no concept of radiation.

Unfortunately, the technique only worked for elements with a positive proton count, so you can't use it to create copper, silver or gold. That couldstill be done by first creating higher, trans uranium elements and letting them decay to the elements you want, which is a complicated alchemical art requiring decades of experiment and trial and error - usually using time slowing containment wards to examine these elements before they decay. That was time Voldemort simply didn't have. The primary ingredient for the sorcerer's stone is merely whatever element lies in that mysterious island of stability at the end of the possible periodic table.

It makes sense if you think about the symbology, and thus, magical applications for such a material.

It did confuse the crap out of Muggle archeologists whenever they found ancients cities or towns of people fallen dead in the streets with more background radiation than Chernobyl though. That could happen when a particularly zealous alchemist tried to transmute literal metric tons of lead into similarly large quantities of element one hundred and sixty-four. Big risk to the statute of secrecy that wizard archeologists work tirelessly to find before Muggle ones do. Such sites are then, sadly, destroyed.
The space expanding wards within this Olga were not strong enough to cause transmutation of elements, but it was designed to collapse under certain circumstances. Pop quiz! What happens to the human body when the air pressure of the closed space they're in suddenly multiplies one hundred-fold? That image in your mind right now? That's about right.

"That looks a little vulnerable, just out in the open like that." Walburga commented, pointing to the center of the wide-open space.

Tom looked to where she pointed and, sure enough, his horcrux was exactly where he had left it. Embedded into a singular black stone, imported from its many siblings outside, was the sword of Godric Gryffindor.

"That's by design. Mind your step." Tom instructed her "On second though, remain here with our lovely friend."

Tom patted the rainbow serpent before walking towards the center of the room.

He reached the edge of where the traps began and, with a wave of his wand, blew away all of the dust covering each tile. With another wave of his wand he shot a lumos orb to the ceiling illuminating the entire room. Makes it much easier to read.
"so it's password protected, but with stone tiles?" Walburga asked. "Does each one have to be activated in a passcode?"

"Right in one Walburga!" Tom said with a smirk in her direction.

"Are they double encoded to be activated by charms and curses cast on them?" Walburga asked further.

Damn. That was actually a good idea. He could have programmed them for really obscure spells too.

"Nope, just with a bit of dexterity." Tom told her before turning back around and looking for the correct letter. "Let's see here.. I!"

He spotted the ninth letter of the alphabet and hopped on over. He heard Walburga groaned from behind him.

"Next is E!" Tom said as he leapt to the next later.

"Really Tom?!" Walburga demanded.

"S! And yup. Really!" Tom concluded as he made his third leap.

"Indianna Jones?! Are you a child?!" Walburga yelled after him.

"Only at heart, love. E!" Tom told her as he finished. "And another S. What does that spell?!"

Walburga groaned again instead of answering. As she did so every crack around the lettered tiles made a soft glow before turning white. It was now safe to walk on them.

"Didn't have space or mechanical knowhow for the buzzsaws, ditto for the invisible bridge." Tom said cheekily. "It's safe to come over here now, you won't have to watch your step."

She did so, walking over to him with her arms crossed and in quite a fuss. Why must ladies begrudge men their fun?

"How did you design it to be pulled out?" Walburga asked as she stood in front of the legendary artifact. "Passphrase? Fingerprint recognition? Does it need Veela blood since Excalibur was made by them?"

"None of the above, Walburga." Tom told her. "I embedded it into the rock with a banishing charm so hard that the stone melted around it and fused to it. The only way to get it out is to outright carry the sword, rock and all, out of here. Or else somehow shatter the rock."

Walburga actually looked him up and down with an unimpressed expression at his explanation.

"You're not going to take it out of here?" She asked.

"Not today." Tom told her. "Today I just came here to touch it. I ought to be out of commission for a few hours afterwards, so be warned."

"And what? I'm just supposed to stand around here while you do that?" Walburga demanded.

"I brought snacks and a few books in the pack. Help yourself." Tom told her with a shrug. "And you can use magic over there, we can't over here. At least not safely. But I would recommend not using magic at all out of fear of triggering the space expansion charm to collapse."

It was true, so close to the cursed, black stone any spell he cast risked spiraling out of control and triggering the space expansion warn to collapse, killing them both... which would likely destroying the rock containing Gryffindor's sword. In hindsight, he probably just should have sent in a conjured animal and had them do exactly that, then just walked in and picked it up. How had he missed such a blatant hole in is defenses? They really were otherwise perfect.

If anybody had managed to deduce it was there, they would have had to get through the stone hills, swam up to thirty minutes through the underwater tunnels without the bubblehead charm or getting killed by his rainbow serpent friend, deduced that the space expansion charm was designed to collapse, then they could have easily figured out this little oversight. So, his cleverness in putting in a Muggle reference no wizard would understand would have gone unappreciated.

He was still trying to hide his surprise at Walburga having seen it herself. He refused to ask her about it.

"Alright. No time like the present. Please don't slit my throat while I'm unconscious." Tom asked jokingly.

"And be stuck in this death trap with your snake friend? Not a chance." Walburga joked back.

"Oh, and please move my body away from the stone. I don't like the prospect of waking up from a nap next to it." Tom asked further.

"Stop stalling. The sooner you drop the sooner I can leave." She demanded.

Tom shrugged and sat down on the ground just next to the stone. He took a deep breath and concentrated. He remembered the Fabian brothers, who had fought bravely and in doing so brought unto him the Sword of Gryffindor. Their deaths had been tragic enough to warrant splitting even his tattered soul by then. He had regretted killing such brilliant young men even the day of that battle over such an inconsequential safehouse.

With those thoughts firmly in mind, he pressed a single finger against the flat of the silver blade, just below the G. Then, blackness.

I think I need to re-edit this chapter and the last one. One to just follow Harry and his emergency meeting, one to just follow Voldemort getting to Godric's sword. Mix and match them into something more coherent.

Want your Story Written?
I take commissions now! you can pay me to write your fanfiction as three others are currently doing. My prices are as follows.

$25 per 1000 words of fanfiction, with some wiggle room. I don't pad my work. You also get to video chat with me as I type the first chapter.

$25 per 500 words for original fiction/nonfiction or anything else that is not fanfiction. I am still looking for my first nonfanfiction gig so I can move into ghostwriting professionally, so if you have a novel you really want written contact me.

Prices subject to change in the future. Check my profile.

Become a Patron:

You can also still become a patron for ONE DOLLAR to get access to future chapters 2 weeks early and vote on which stories I update Next. I have higher tiers, but I have no idea what to offer for them now that I lowered everything to one dollar.​
Last edited:
Chapter 35: Champions, Reunited
Chapter 35:

Champions, Reunited

Harry must have read the article three times now, and still couldn't make heads or tails of it. Everything about it confused him, from the subject matter, to the events it described, to the writer.

Fenrir Euthanized

By Rita Skeeter

This last Friday, a great battle took place in the Black Forests of Germany. A war between Voldemort and one of his most loyal legions, and thereby annihilated Fenrir Greyback and his entire pack.

Nnearly a hundred bodies were discovered by a Muggle hiker early Saturday morning. After Auroras obliviated said hiker and the Muggle first responders he summoned to the scene, their investigation turned up some strange facts.
The first was that every single corpse belonged to a werewolf in the service of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

The second was that each had been placed under cooling and stasis charms to prevent decay.

The third, and strangest, was the epitaph conjured and carved in the center of the clearing.

It's message was as follows:
I would like to offer my sincere apology to wizarding society for failing my friend and servent, Fenrir Greyback. I somehow failed to notice that he and his followers had gone feral from my own neglect as much as society's persecution. I am ashamed it took a stranger starting a refuge for werewolves to make me realize this, especially as improving the lot of werewolves was one of my main goals as a leader, and a promise I had made to Fenrir in particular.

Despite our differences and being ideological enemies, I wholeheartedly promote Professor Morrigan's Werewolf Sanctuary, and advise any and all werewolves who ever considered joining my cause to remain unaffiliated, and to take advantage of the man's charity. You are no longer fit to fight a war, and never were. You are not weapons, you are patients in need of help. Go get some, for I will not wield you any longer.
Signed, Tom Marvolo Riddle(Reprinted as written for accuracy.)

It appears that even He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is not extreme enough to continue his association with Fenrir Greyback, and that the many reports of his barbaric and savage tactics are not exaggerated. So extreme were they, in fact, that his own master saw fit to put him down. He was a monster in the end, one who fed on human flesh even while under the effects of a waxing or waning moon. A monster irredeemable, except in death.

Let no more of our brothers and sisters fall to such a fate. New developments and improvements to treating werewolves come out every year, to the point that even many past factions who once promoted permanent quarantine or outright extermination of werewolves as a means of ending the disease, have changed their tune. And now with the launch of a proper sanctuary for those unable to get treatment during the full moon in Scotland, we can only hope more countries follow suit.
And that made four readings, yet no understanding came to Harry.

What was Voldemort playing at? Was it some kind of reverse psychology? Was he trying to associate the name of Morrigan with Voldemort and get people who oppose him to withdraw their money? Or perhaps he was hoping to overwhelm Harry through his own charity by inspiring far too many werewolves for him to handle into taking part in it? Trying to defeat him with the same peaceful, and legal, form of warfare Harry had wielded against him seemed like an effective tactic.

More bizarre was Rita Skeeter writing an honest article without any spin or outright lies. Moreso that the average journalist, that was unheard of. He wondered if Voldemort had threatened her to report it accurately under threat of torture or death, and couldn't stop himself from smiling at the prospect despite himself.

Then he caught the dark thoughts and threw them away. Honestly, after having a lovely morning hearing tea and sweets with Dolores, he was allowing himself to feel such cruel things to a woman he had never met? He had promised to throw away all of these preconceived notions based on his own world's counterparts long ago, and yet he still somehow struggled with it. He needed to be better.

There was a tapping on his window and Harry looked up to see an unfamiliar owl perched just outside.

"Oh great. I forgot the joys that came with fame." He grumbled to himself and opened the window.

Only for three owls to come in, the second and third having been perched on the ledge out of sight. He took the letters with a thanks and they flew off. He didn't recognize the names on any of the envelopes, and so he assumed they were either prospective volunteers, patients or haters. He put them aside for later all the same and withdrew an envelope and quill.


Please forward all mail directed to me to the security office at the front, as I expect some hate mail in the coming week and the usual dangerous substances that can be shipped.

Signed, Hadrian Morrigan.

He sealed it and Hedwig hopped over eagerly to accept it. He handed it to her and sent her out. He closed the windows and checked his watch.

It was about that time.

He locked up his classroom and private rooms, erected the sign at the top of the stairs leading to the trapdoor and secret passage saying he wasn't available, and began his long walk to the front entrance.

The younger years were either already in class or rushing them, while the older students usually had their classes starting in the afternoons, so he didn't encounter any of his own students. This saved him from distractions or time wasters that would have made him late.

He followed the path he had taken recently to the open area of rubble at the edge of the forbidden forest and there he found Madame Hooch and all of her new workers waiting for him. Sir Nicholas, The Bloody Baron, many other ghosts he couldn't name and of course his own recruits.

"Thank you for joining us, Professor Morrigan." Madame Hooch said.

He walked up to stand between Fleur and Viktor, who seemed to be giving her a wide breadth out of respect, with Poliakoff off to Viktor's right.

"Are they all caught up?" Asked Harry.

"On the paperwork, yes. But we wanted to wait for everyone to arrive before divvying up the clubs. Am I right in assuming you're willing to take over some of them?" Madame Hooch asked.

Harry shrugged.

"If they're in the mornings on weekdays, sure." He said.

"That leaves only a few, and those are the ones nobody else usually wants. Let's see here." She picked up a long scroll that presumably contained all of the club names.

"Wrestling?" She called out.

"That vould be me." Said Viktor, as the Fat Friar raised his hand.

"Fencing?" She called out.

"Mua." Said Fleur, as the Bloody Baron raised his own hand.

"Hiking club?" She called.

"Oh! That's me!" Harry said.

He was happy his students got their heads out of their asses and recognized the valley of the many trails around Hogwarts. Morning jogs on the trail to Hogsmeade and many similar tracks bordering the forbidden forest are exactly what he needed to get back into shape.

Strangely, the Gray Lady raised her hand to be a part of that.

"I already know Poliakoff is taking Chess, gobstones, poker and the like. Um…" She said as she crossed those off. "Riding and jousting clubs?"

"I'll take it." Came a new voice entering the clearing.

They turned and Harry couldn't stop the smile from coming to his face. Cedric Diggory. Alive, and two years older than he'd ever known him to be. Still looked like a boy, in that way preteen girls seemed to like.

"Can I expect the Headless Hunt to help with those?" He asked.

"Huzzah!" Said the leader of said hunt, whose entourage hooted and hollered behind him.

Cedric managed to meander over to where the four of them stood and stuck his hand out to Harry in particular.

"Pleasure to meet you Professor Morrigan. Your exploits have been entertaining to hear about." Cedric told him as Harry shook his hand. "It came as a bit of a surprise to be called on by you. Who referred me?"

"Same as referred them. Fate and happenstance." Harry said truthfully but cryptically. "Speaking of, allow me to introduce you. This is Fleur Delacour, fencing duelist from France."

"Mademoiselle." Cedric greeted politely, putting a little too much emphasis on the "madame" before "moiselle."

"A pleasure." She said, a little stiffly.

Swing and a miss there Cedric. She likes them a bit more calloused and punk rock. Not shiny and boy band.

"This is Viktor Krum, duelist and Seeker from Bulgaria." Harry introduced the next former champion.

"Former, seeker." Krum corrected, shaking Cedric's hand.

"Seeker? I took you for having more of a beater build?" Cedric said.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." Said Viktor. "To answer your next question, the sport just stopped feeling so sportsman out of school. I liked the competitiveness, but it became like an extension of the war on the pitch and I didn't like that. Ironically? Less of that in the dueling pit."

Cedric breathed out a sigh of sympathy.

"Yeah, I hear ya on that. But I still play. There's nothing else I love a tenth as much, certainly not in terms of sport." Cedric said.

Harry could relate. If Quidditch in his time had been ruined nothing else would have really captured him. He'd probably just become a miserable nine to five employee and family man, after all what else would there be? Maybe join the Department of Mysteries.

He shivered in disgust at the unholy company he would have to keep with such work.

But for now, he was reunited with the most competent men and woman he had ever competed with. The champions were reunited. Along with one of the champions friend.

"Oh! And this is Poliakoff." Said Harry, introducing the patient werewolf. "He will be the board game master for us."

"Awesome to meet you man." Cedric said, shaking the last hand present.

"It is good to have you back at Hogwarts, mister Diggory. Shall I finish divvying up the duties." Madame Hooch enquired.

"Yes ma'am." They all said.

"Let's see, broom racing?" She said.

"Me!" Harry, Viktor and Cedric said at once.

"I think I'll take that one, actually. And… What the hell does "Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowrun and other tabletop RPGs" mean?" She said.

Poliakoff hissed.

"That one you might have to deny. They're like board games, but with an enormous time commitment. It's a five-hour endeavor." He said. "And with them being teenagers still in school, they will probably want to meet daily."

"I'll pass the bad news back to the students. Oh! Boating?" She said.

"Me." Viktor and Cedric said.

They looked at each other, as if appreciating the other in a new light.

"Cedric already has two and Viktor has one, so I am giving it to him. Can you handle both that and wrestling mister Krum?" Hooch said.

"Absolutely." Krum affirmed.

"But I only got one myself?" Fleur complained.

"There are actually several fencing clubs." Hooch corrected. "Saber, epee, short sword and long sword."

That seemed to calm Fleur down. So far it looked like she had the most work of them all.

"The last two are Pole-arms and javelins." Hooch called out.

"I'll take pole-arms." Said Krum.

"I'll take the stick throwing." Said Cedric.

"Well, that covers everything. The ghosts already assigned to each club, or who have ran similar ones in the past, will get you up to speed on each." Said madame Hooch. "They all have more experience that any of us ever will. Use it."

"Yes ma'am." They said again.

It was starting to sound like a military installation out here. Madame Hooch had that effect on people.

Harry checked his watch and realized he had plenty of time to get to his class before the early arrivals starting meandering in.

"Hey, I have a class, but this evening if you guys want to join me for some food, let's make that happen." Harry invited.

"I'll be there." Said Cedric.

"I'll need a good meal after my wrestling refresher, so sure." Said Viktor.

"I have absolutely nowhere else to be." Said Poliakoff.

"Zat sounds lovely. I've heard so many good things about British cuisine." Fleur said sweetly.

Oh Fleur, just for that, we'll be eating at the Hog's Head. Aberforth cuisine for everyone.

Dumbledore stood at his office window looking down on the school grounds, watching as the new employees, and Morrigan, returned from the forest towards the castle proper.

"Our peaceful warrior pulls through yet again." Said Alastor. "And in a way that makes him smell like sunshine and daisies, while bringing together people that are clearly the titans of the future."

Fleur Delacour, Viktor Krum and Cedric Diggory. Each was formidable, either in intelligence or combat skill or both. He didn't personally see the virtue of the Poliakoff, but there must be hidden strength and ability there if Morrigan was roping him in. Great destinies often await the most inconspicuous of men.

"Indeed. It is starting to feel like he is creating an army under my very roof." Said Albus. "An army of peace, one non-participatory in the war. And I find myself envious."

"That may not be his intention." Said Severus. "He may simply be working from knowledge of the future in choosing people he knows are up to the job, or had done the job in his original timeline."

That was also a perfect explanation. If they worked under the assumption that it was a circular time loop, in which Morrigan was makign certain to recreate the timeline as he knew it to be as if following a recipe, then he merely recruited these people because he knew he recruited these people. The reason he became a professor at Hogwarts was because he knew he became a professor at Hogwarts.

The reason Morrigan let him die was because he knew Albus Dumbledore was supposed to die.

"If you feel that envious of him, you can do the obvious thing." Said Alastor.

Albus looked at his lieutenant.

"Let go of the reigns, and leave everything to him. Be a follower for once. It's not a bad thing to be. Takes away a lot of the stress of thinking." Said the Auror.

"Or better yet, leave the war entirely." Said Severus. "Just be a Hogwarts professor again."

Now there was a thought! Spend what little tile he had left actually enjoying the thing in life he worked so hard to get and loved more than all others? Teaching? Could he get away with handing over the role headmaster to Minerva and taking over transfiguration class for the rest of the year, leaving the war to somebody else? Could he quit as Mugwump and Chief Warlock?

That sounded like heaven to him. But he would need at least two more people he could trust to do their job as well as he did. Minerva was a perfect successor as headmistress. Morrigan was proving to be able to handle the war, better than he ever had, but he just couldn't trust the man yet. If he had more time to watch and see he could come to that decision, but not yet. But what about the Ministry and International Confederation of wizards?

Fleamont Potter was the only person who came to mind for Chief Warlock, but getting him into the position would be impossible. He drew a blank on a successor for Supreme Mugwomp. Maybe if he could coax Nicholas to take it on temporarily?

It was high time he put into action his plans to have successors in place upon his death anyways.

"Bring Minerva. It's time I told her that I'm dying and to prepare to take over." Albus told them. "And I need you two to scout potential successors for the positions of Mugwomp or Chief Warlock. Besides Fleamont."

They both bowed and left him there to his ever increasing thoughts.

Tom woke up where he had fallen, beside the sword of Gryffindor.

The first thing he felt was an all-consuming thirst and hunger. The second was the cold hard ground beneath him. He was getting to be old to camping on stone floors like this.

"How long was I out?" He asked.

"Two whole days." Walburga answered.

He heard her approach and accepted the water canteen she offered.

"I've been persisting off of the food stuffs you brought with us. Kind of you to think to bring a whole week of provisions." She groused.

He shrugged.

"You never know what kind of trials can completely derail your plans and leave you on the run for a week or more." Tom told her.

He was speaking from experience. Lots of experience.

"Well, a good meal a stretch should set you straight. Then we must be on our way." She said. "Can't apparate from in here, couldn't get you out without drowning you."

Correct on both. Apparating was one was to make the spacial expansion within the chamber to collapse, killing or outright vaporizing anything not made of stone or metal. Which neither of them were.

"Sounds like a plan. What's left?" He asked.

"Plenty of eggs, beans, tea and sausage." She said. "It's all you seemed to have packed.

Were they British enough? Tom felt they could be a bit more British.

"Could have sworn I packed powdered cream, ginger snaps and honey too." He said.

"Hm. Doesn't seem to be any left." She said dryly.

The size of the sweet tooth on her, eh?

They ate the quick meal, which she magiced up in place of cooking on the perfectly good skillet he packed, and they were off. A quick shout to his rianbow serpent friend, a short swim riding on it like a kappa, and a day of hiking took up all of their Monday. When they finally exited the fields of Kalkajaka stones and were able to use magic again, Walburga apparated them back to her cottage.

"I need to lay down." Tom said.

Going for a seven hour hike after a two day coma left him sorer that… well, than a guy who was completely immobile for two days and opted to go on a seven hour hike. The discomfort of side-alonging with Walburba didn't help.

"It seems somebody knows you're here." Walburga said from the kitchen.

Tom looked up to see what she was talking about. Sure enough, there was an owl with a package in its beak. He recognized it as the Malfoy family Owl.

"Hello Swash." He greeted the Eagle Owl. "You look like you've been on quite the flight."

Indeed, to make it all the way from Magical Britain to Australia in just three days? Going on four? Very impressive. He had to wonder if own offices have a way to portkey owls, that's the only way to explain the impressive delivery times. Like many magical industries, their methods were secret.

He got up and stumbled over to the bird.

"What do you have for me?" He asked as he took the package.

It was from Lucius, which boded well. He didn't want to get a letter from young Draco telling him how his father was dead and he was lord now. Or worse, go behind his parents back to try and join as a junior death eater. The physical beating he'd get fro trying such a stunt would be a thing of beauty.

"What is it?" Walburga asked.

"Apparently the Unspeakables need me to authenticate a memory?" He said, confused before rechecking the letter. "Oh! It's a dream vision, and there seems to be parseltongue in it. Yeah, that makes sense. If I confirm the parseltongue that eliminates it being a fake."

It also explained why a ministry worker would go so far out of their way to get in direct contant with the dark lord. Unspeakables will put aside wartime concerns for their research.

"Penseive is by the vanity, love." Walburga told him as she went into the bath.

"Thank you!" He called out.

He walked the short distance into her bedroom, found said penseive that seemed to double as a night light, and dropped the memory in.

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Chapter 36: Busy Being Busy
Chapter 36:

Busy Being Busy

Harry started his Tuesday with a morning hike, accompanied as he was by a dozen students and the Gray Lady.

He allowed Helena to lead the hike from the front with Harry at the back, in case he needed to take action on anything. You never know, a particularly grumpy unicorn could come across them and decided to gore one of the poor boys.
The October weather was nice and cool, but not yet freezing, making the hike absolutely perfect. No snow making them lose the trail. No biting winds making their noses, lips and ears fall off. The last surviving moss and bushes were still just a little green.

"Why are we going so slow?" Urquhart complained.

Ah, and nearly everyone who came along was a Quidditch player and/or captain like Urquhart there. Although it didn't seem like he managed to get any of the other Slytherin players to come along. The only Ravenclaw was Cho, whereas half of the Hufflepuff team had come along. Anthony Rickett, Timsin Applebee, and Heidi Macavoy. The only Gryffindors to come along were Colin Creevey, who seemed to be using the opportunity to sharpen his photography skills, and Dean. Harry guessed that the lack of a football club make this the next best outdoors club to join for him.

"Because this is a hiking club, not a jogging club." Said the gray lady. "You are more than free to job around the lake and Quidditch pitch if it pleases you."

That kind of defeated the purpose. The big selling point on the hiking club was the privilege of being allowed to skirt the rules around the forbidden forest. After all, some of these trails did cut through said forest, and with it being so early in the morning that it was as close to stomping around the forbidden forest at night as any of them would ever get. And this was only possible because Harry was there to supervise.

"This is meant to be relaxing and invigoration." Harry told them. "And it is still a great way to get into shape. It builds an endurance of a different kind to jogging. If you want to try jogging these trails in your free time on weekends unsupervised? I would advise against it, but I can't stop you either."

Although, to be fair, Harry had opted for one of the easier trails. One near the mouth of the Black Lake where it opened out to see. The trail and people on it could be seen from all of the Hogwarts grounds and most of the east end of the castle. It was soft dirt, not rocky trail beneath them, with the occasional standing stone from some long-forgotten students arithmancy or warding experiment decorating the hill or slope on either side here or there.
"I'm hoping to get a good photo of the sunrise hitting the trees justright." Said Colin.

"I'm just trying to tire out my legs a bit more." Said Dean.

"That's the spirit!" Harry congratulated. "We'll start on tougher trails tomorrow, wasn't expecting all athletes."

Colin looked at him questioningly.

"You'll become one eventually if you spend every morning with all of us." Harry told him.

"Thank you Argus." Harry told the caretaker as he delivered a box of mail marked safe.

"It's what I do." Argus said. "Best part of my job actually."

"Examining potentially dangerous mail?"

"Or confiscated objects. People think because I'm a squib magic is off limits to me. They seem to forget that potions, runes, divination and numerology are just as acceptable to me." He said with a smirk.

Harry remembered how the Filch of his universe told him that he was the one tasked with stripping his Firebolt in search of curses, with only marginal help from Filius. Filius was a master of charms. Argus was a master of reverse engineering enchantments. Comes with the territory of being the main target of all pranks and in charge of examining all objects coming in and out of Hogwarts.

He wasn't joking about Squibs focusing on non-wand based magic either. He was probably better at runes than babbling, but his knowledge of these fields were more applied to curse-identification and joke objects.

"What's the worst you found in the rejected letters?" Harry had to ask as he opened the box.

"One was a powdered love potion tuned to a specific individual, sent anonymously. Probably some wrerewolfesse fangirl. Another was enchanted to shoot small needles filled with blood, likely belonging to a werewolf, into the skin of the person who opened it. Sloppy work." Filch explained. "The message on that one is pretty clear. Love werewolves so much? Here, become one. Not that it would have worked. That or vampire blood. Vampires get uppity about people helping werewolves but not them. Might have pissed one of those off."

Yeah, that would have ruined all of his plans. Problem with trying to help vampires was that they were contagious, and dangerous, at all times. Unlike werewolves, with the obvious upside that they were a bit easier to keep under control, as they had more self-control. But still, hard to help.

"Well, thank you very much for keeping me safe. Let me know if you need help with anything." Harry told the caretaker.

"Can do. If you wanted to start helping me out, you could try living a less interesting life out of the spotlight, but I don't see that happening." Argus groused jokingly as he left.

Harry shook his head bemusedly. Moreso than most, that man was an enigma.

He only had a few minutes before his class for the day so all he managed to do was open the box and organize the letters by date, intent on responding to them in the order he received them. To the best of his ability.

"Welcome miss Granger. Mr Malfoy." Harry greeted the two students as they walked in together.

They bowed and took their seats. Susan came in after them, followed by Lavender and many more. When the bell tolled for class to begin he stood up, vanished his conjured chair, and walked over to the chalk board.

"Today, and for the remainder of term, we will be refreshing and improving on your knowledge of dream and omen interpretation." Harry explained. "Along with the regular mediation. Now. Would anybody here feel comfortable opening up about any interesting dreams they've had this last week?"

Harry entered a new routine. His mornings were spent on morning hikes with his club, his classes reached a level of repetitiveness that they required much less work than usual, and now his afternoons were mostly spent reading and responding to letters.

As he expected, most of the letters were requests to attend his sanctuary during the upcoming hunters moon on the twenty sixth. He replied to each and every one with an affirmative. There was room for all!

Most of the remaining letters were of support. If Voldemort's plan was to dirty the name of Hadrian Morrigan, or else overwhelm him with an excess of customers, then he sorely miscalculated. The letters of support, often with offers of funding or volunteering time and labor, were almost as common as the letters asking for help.
The most surprising letter of all came from Dolores.

Dear Hadrian

I am writing to warn you about a potential danger I fear you may not be seeing. You are not the first to try and shelter werewolves, though you are the first to so through private means instead of public.

I have tried to be a part of the latter. On several occasions there have been attempts to form werewolf only communities so that they might quarantine themselves both as a violent threat to society and as a pathological one. I am old enough to remember the days when catching lycanism was still deadly, as the basic nutritional treatment of them was not yet studied well. These efforts were torpedoed by fears of becoming like Muggles.

I am not sure if you took Muggle studies, but extra emphasis is placed on the socialist ideologies of the 21st century. Especially Fascism, Nazism, and Marxism. The latter two of which lead to the wrongful internment and butchering, or worse, of well over 200 million people. Any attempt at creating contained werewolf communities too strongly resembles the evils of Muggle socialists, or offshoots thereof, for wizarding governments to ever approve such plans. You are new to your lordship but even you must know that when Muggles make horrible civic choices, we go in the opposite direction. Hence why all educational institutions and medicine are still privatized despite Muggleborn complaints.

What I am getting at is this:

If your sanctuary continues to succeed, then your success may destroy you. While it has never happened, Muggleborns bang their drums on private industry potentially leading to the same or worse evils of government excess, and should your sanctum continue to expand into an organic werewolf community you can expect accusations of forming a private gulag, or more strangely, a military complex to come at you from the aisle opposed to yours.

So, heed my advice. Do not expand from your 3-day model of sanctuary. Do not expand to providing permanent housing. Do not conglomerate werewolves into their own secondary society like the Jewish Ghettos of socialist Germany. Not only to avoid these accusations, but to help ensure the further socialization and integration of werewolves into society and vice versa which has taken so much work to achieve, to the point they are so close to acceptance it is painful.
You are doing beautiful work. Keep it up.

All of our love, Dolores.
Harry put the letter down. There was a lot to soak in there. From realizing he was on a first name basis with Dolores Umbridge of all people, to her confirming that he had properly creating an illusion around himself of being fully on board with the purebloods of society. His work to build that rapport was paying off. Not least of all because he mostly was. But not to the point that his status as "Muggle raised" had been forgotten. People were rightly fearful that he brought along just a few too many ideals and principles of Muggle society that witches and wizards, by virtue of witnesses such ideals and principles as outsiders with long lives and longer memories, could recognize as moronic.

The letter told him that he needed to do a better job of alleviating peoples fears that he might be bringing with him far left ideological principles. He'd made sure not to give any impressions that he might have extreme religious or industrial ideals, by virtue of not being religious or trying to force the adoption of pointless technologies.

The thing that stood out about her letter the most was her warning that people might suspect him of militarizing werewolves as Voldemort had done. An accusation out of recognizing he had the means, even if he had no motive to do so. The suspicion that he might be conspiring to round them up and kill them, on the other hand, was just outright paranoia of those overly concerned for werewolf safety.

Paranoia was sometimes a good thing. The advice she gave was what he was already planning to do, but her reasoning was a whole new beast for him to struggle with.

He was starting to see why she had been placed in charge of trying to route out Dumbledore's supposed uprising. She knew how to think like conniving politicos, especially dishonest ones. The reason she'd failed so miserably at Hogwarts, beyond not being suited to working with children or teenagers at all, was because she had been dealing with honest and well-intentioned people. Not the usual ministry assholes. That and her premise, that Dumbledore was fomenting a rebellion against the Fudge administration and Harry Potter was a deranged maniac, was so far off of reality that she stood no chance of succeeding.

And so the week passed, leading to a weekend filled with people vying for his time.

"Hey, Hadrian. Want to join the other club runners and I for lunch this weekend?" Cedric asked him Friday afternoon.

Cutting it a little close there aren't you?

"Sure! Either day works. I'm sure Bellatrix will want to be there, if for no other reason than to glare daggers at Fleur and to have the opportunity to get some practice duels with her and Viktor." Harry said.

And so, he spent his Saturday morning stopping by Tofty's to thank Dolores in person for her interesting perspective. He had a quick cuppa with them and left with a single pastry in hand. Then, he visited Jacob.

"Hello parole officer." Said Jacob, now free of bandages and looking more like himself. "Am I in trouble?"

"Don't know. Let me check." Harry said.

He loosened his grip on Ghillie Dhu and let his senses pervade every orifice of the small apartment above Garricks shop. When he had volunteered to be in charge of the man's house arrest and rehabilitation, the idea of putting him in Garrick's spare room was a no brainer. Not only was it centrally located, his and Garrick's acerbic personalities just meshed.

That and Garrick could kick his ass if he somehow managed to break the wards. Which he had not. Each one was as Harry left it. He was most proud of the one that allowed the person keyed to it, Jacob in this case, to remain tethered to the ward while exiting for five minutes every few hours for bathroom breaks, and for thirty minutes thrice per day for meals and showers. The ward would begin literally rushing his heart if he stayed out longer than that. Slowly at first, to serve as a warning shot.
"I see you got yourself a lot of new books." Harry said, looking down at an encyclopedia of fighter jets on the small coffee table.

"Not much else to do in here except read." Jacob complained, turning a page on some strange novel that had George Washington riding a dinosaur on it. The one with the horn on its head.(AN:1)

He knew you weren't supposed to just a book by its cover, but that was one hell of a cover.

"Well, I wanted to know if you were interested in running security again on the twenty sixth." Harry asked.

"I literally have nothing else to do." Jacob answered.

"I mean. Do you want something else to do?" Harry offered.

Jacob looked at him.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked.

"Want to teach teenagers how to shoot guns and bows?" He offered. "The archery and shooting clubs were rejected, but mostly because we had nobody able or willing to teach them. Can't believe I didn't think of you."

Jacob smiled.

"All teenagers should learn basic gun safety and operation, especially wizarding ones who don't respect Muggle weapons nearly as much as they should." Jacob said. "I'm in. But who will supervise me?"

"Garrick, of course." Harry said.

"Like hell I will!" Garrick called up from downstairs.

"Oh, well, plan b then. I'll take it on as a second club on weekdays." Harry told him.

"When do I start?" He asked.

"Monday." Harry ordered.

His third stop, before joining the champions and his girlfriend for lunch, was Weasley Wizard wheezes.

"Hey! Welcome in landlord of ours. Like what we've done to the place?" Fred greeted him as he walked in.

Harry looked around. The place had somehow gotten even more colorful. The hallway and stairs were so very yellow. When harry raised an eyebrow at the redhead, he turned a dial near the register. The rugs and wallpaper then turned vibrant blue and purple, respectively.

"I could do with some earth tones during the full moon." Harry said.

He turned the dial again and things wen to their usual browns and tans. Much better.

"So! What brings you here?" Fred asked.

"Wanted to commission some things for Halloween." Harry said. "As a precaution."

"Precaution?" Fred asked.

"Without fail, Halloween brings upon me some kind of disaster or outright attempt on my life. I want to be prepared." Harry explained. "I foresee some shit going down."

"Oh. Well we're a joke shop, what can we possibly make that would help you in that regard?" Fred asked.

"More than you can possibly imagine." Harry told him with a smirk.

(AN:1) Not making this up. Can't find it, but I once read a novel in which George Washington regularly rode a Parasaurolophis. That was the cover. Just, north America with dinosaurs.

I just love the idea that wizards and witches, with their longer lifespans, just watch Muggle countries try new things, see it fail spectacular, and just go "Okay. Let's NOT do that." By the time the first Muggleborns to be raised under Hitler's socialist Germany were old enough to take part in wizarding politics, nazi Germany was gone and it's evil laid bare. Same is almost true floor Marxist Russia, if we assume age requirements for running for office in the wizarding world are also raised in proportion to their higher lifespan. Modern corporate business models and globalism? Yeah, fuck that. The sexual revolution, no fault divorce and the trillion-dollar industry surrounding it? Yeah, these people wouldn't be hot on adopting that after 35-70 years of watching it's consequences. And I'm a fan of the sexual revolution part, but people born in the late 19th century sure as hell wouldn't be.

Policies in wizarding society probably take decades to pass, with people living nearly to 200, they're a bit more patient and faster to course correct. There are some old enough to have personally been in private schools before public schools were introduced, to have experienced a private healthcare system back when countries still had them and seen the absolute disasters that public school and healthcare are everywhere they've been tried, with the possible exception of places that had no type of either to begin with.

So yeah. Loooong memories. Slow to change. For better and worse. For better in that they don't adopt disastrous social programs, for worse because they also don't adopt new technologies, business models, and the like. But they do eventually. They're in no rush, they live 200 years. Makes for an interesting society to think about.

Which is kind of the theme of this story, if you haven't figured it out. Wizarding society having seen the lunacy of our world over the last century and a half not taking to kindly to Muggleborns coming in and saying they should imitate our geopolitics and cultural changes. See also, S.P.E.W.
Last edited:
Chapter 37: An Uncomfortably Quiet Month
Chapter 37:

An Uncomfortably Quiet Month

"So let me go over this again." Fred said as he looked over the notes he took on what Harry said. "You need one each of devices capable of hearing, vision, smell, taste and touch deprivation?"

"Preferably two of each, actually. One I can use on myself and turn off on a dime, one to effect others." Harry corrected.

In order, he had in mind Mandrakes, basilisks, trolls, trolls and the cruciatus curse. Every Halloween something happened to ruin his life, creatures chief among them, and while he had no intention of going down into the chamber to fight Slytherin's pet, it was still there, and Voldemort still had the power to set it loose at any time. If he decided to do so hoping to drive Harry out, he'd happily kill it again. In fact, he'd been procrastinating going down there because he was almost certain one of the horcruxes was down there.

"Okay, we can whip up some glasses, earrings, nose rings and tongue rings for all of those for personal use. Not sure about how to make your whole body numb." Fred said. "For the others, best I can think of is a flash bang grenade for sight and sound, maybe a stink bomb or pepper spray for smell and taste. Maybe an aerosolized icy hot to make the whole body go numb?"

That was a funny idea. Would also take away sight, smell and taste for a good long while and bring about a whole lot of burning to the corresponding sensory organs.

"Make that but a flash grenade and I'll take ten." Said Harry.

"Oh, we got another commission?" Katie asked, entering the front lobby. "And from the big boss?"

"Another? You're working on a commission? And I'm not your boss. Just your landlord. Treat me like anybody else." Harry commanded.

They both scoffed at the idea of treating him like anybody else.

"Yeah. Working overtime to make it work. Tricky pit of charms and transfiguration work. Here, let me show you." Katie said.

She led him into the room behind the counter, where the guests during a full moon would sit around and wait, and there in the center was a mannequin. Every inch of it was the kilt of a knife embedded deep into its wood. It looked like a gruesome kitchen knife set holder.

"That's a bit macabre." Harry criticized.

"The goal is to make the entire surface deform into little pocket spaces, like a mokeskin pouch, so the knives can be buried into it without actually stabbing the think underneath." She said. "It's kind of working."

Harry could see the use in that. Especially if she made the little pockets that take in the knives spurt blood, real or fake, when stabbed. With it being a Halloween commission, he was certain she would.

"Getting the cloth to deform and create such pockets no matter where it's stabbed from does sound tricky." Harry consoled. "I'd recommend weaving it from separate materials that deform to spacial expansions differently. Wool for linear deformations, Kevlar to resist deformation entirely and prevent cutting through, nylon for concave deformations and maybe coat it all with rubber or something for convex deformations. Charm them all separately then weave them together."

Katie looked at him.

"Are you also somehow a charms and enchantment master, because that's brilliant!" She declared.

He shrugged.

"I just like tinkering, you know?" He said defensively. "And I know my materials, is all. Former wandcrafting apprentice, remember?"

Harry arrived at the Hog's head to find everybody else already there. Poliakoff, Cedric and Viktor were boxed inside of a book by Fleur and Bellatrix on either side, leaving one available seat for him next to Bella. Clearly, she wanted him to sit as far away from the Veela as possible.

"Welcome love. Thank you for not keeping us waiting too long, I know you have a bad habit of doing that." Bella greeted him with a peck on the cheek as he say down beside her.
Did he have a habit of being tardy? He didn't think so. In fact, he was fairly certain he wasn't he was timely more times than not. What was she on about?

"So, food." Cedric said. "And drink."

"It's a bit early for that, is it not?" Asked Fleur.

"Hey, five PM was eighteen hours ago." Said Harry jokingly.

They ordered a platter of deep-fried appetizers. Chips, crisps, onion rings and chicken sticks came served with enough dipping sauces to hold them all over until dinner. Really, Abe needed to stop serving American sized portions. He liked living in a country of people with healthy waistlines.

"So, how has the first week of club activities gone?" Harry asked.

"Great. Only a few bruises from the wrestling club, and a few dropouts from people uncomfortable with having other people's crotches in their face." Viktor said. "Understandable, it's not for everybody."

"I had far more injuries." Said fleur. "Nothing severe, just cuts that are quickly bandaged. Most of my members didn't even bother going to the hospital wing to have them properly healed."

Harry wondered for a moment why she didn't mend such simple injuries herself, knowing full well she had the ability. Then he remembered the documents he signed at the beginning of term swearing to not do any healing magic on students, except in life or death situations, and to leave it to the mediwitch on staff. Insurance reasons and all that.

"Mine was spectacular." Said Cedric. "Not a single fall or tumble, though I lost a few who didn't feel comfortable riding thestrals that they couldn't see. Best steeds we have since we didn't register the club beforehand and request proper horses."

Harry shook his head. Thestral riding was a joy. Those kids were missing out.

"Any problems with the boating or jousting clubs?" Poliakoff asked.

"Nope." Cedric and Viktor said at once.

"Well, we haven't started on the jousting yet." Said Cedric. "Gotta ride before you can joust. So both are essentially one club at the moment."

"Is nobody going to ask Poliakoff or me if we've had any injuries in our clubs?" Harry asked.

"What? Did anybody sprain their ankles? Get a splinter from a checkers piece?" Fleur teased.

"Yes. Several." Harry said.

"Same." Said Poliakoff. "Poor mister Weasley may need to have his thumb amputated for it."

If "poor mister Weasley" had made that joke, Harry would have been concerned. Hell, he was concerned that Ron hadn't come to him for extra tutoring on exploring his newfound abilities. He expected him to have done so by now. If his friend waited much longer he may have to write Molly into giving him a tongue lashing for not pursuing such a talent.

"Well, all things considered, this may be the best part time job I ever had." Said Cedric. "It's a good break from Quidditch practice."

"And from dueling." Said Viktor, to which Fleur nodded.

"I expect it'll get less busy as people drop out for the holidays, then get busy again in the new years when nothing else is going on." Harry advised.

"Speaking of holidays!" Said Cedric, withdrawing some pamphlets. "Halloween!"

Right. That holiday. That horrid, ill-omened, holiday.

Harry took one of the pamphlets and raised his eyebrows in appreciation of it. It detailed the riding clubs plan to put on a rendition of Sleepy Hollow with a headless thestral rider for the event, to be performed at the jousting stands near the east end of the Black Lake on the Monday before. Harry already liked it.

"And what will your clubs be doing for Halloween?" Cedric asked.

They all gave him the same deadpan look. Clearly, none of them had thought to have their clubs prepare special events for the occasion. And now Harry was thinking about what Christmas activities they might have.

"I guess that's what we'll be talking to them about for the next week." Said Harry. "Best my club could do is decorate the trails, maybe prepare a hayride type event with all the spooking and scaring it entails."

"And of course, you'll be inviting your girlfriend along for both it and the headless horseman.

"I got nothing for the boating or wrestling clubs." Said Viktor. "I'm sure they'll come up with something. The boat house at night could be made into something, I'm sure."

"I'll have to ask too." Said Fleur.

"My members will probably just make all of the carnival games. Bobbing for apples, pumpkin carving contests, that sort of thing." Poliakoff said. "But who knows? They may surprise us."

And so, Harry had even more work to do.

The shooting club got approved surprisingly quickly. To the point that the first Monday after getting Jacob on board for it had him supervised his bitch. He was fresh from his morning hike and yawning compensatorially.(AN:1) Their group was made to gather in a large sub-chamber of the dungeons, one with thick enough walls so as to not scare the whole castle with the sound of gunshots.

He was fairly certain the area was once used as the Slytherin dueling pit, as there were chambers identical to it near the Hufflepuff common room, Gryffindor common room and Ravenclaw common room. That and the Slytherin common room was a thirty second walk from its doors.

"Alright kids, pay attention." Jacob said to the contingency of mostly Gryfffindors and Hufflepuffs. "The first rule of firearm safety to treat all weapons as if they are loaded. It is equivalent to treating your wand like it might the killing curse by itself on accident, a good perspective to have for some wands. The second is to never point a weapon at another person unless you intend to kill them. The third is to keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire."

A few students actually took notes along with his words.

"And if I catch a single one of you breaking these rules, you can expect a detention of writing them over and over again until they sink into your bones. Compliments of Professor Morrigan, of course." Jacob warned.

Harry nodded and even more students began taking notes.

"Now. Let me introduce you to the different types of firearms. Not guns, firearms. Do not call them guns in my presence." Jacob continued.

He removed the tarp covering the long table to reveal a whole host of guns, er, firearms. Every variety Harry had ever seen and a few he hadn't. For a moment, Harry wondered where Jacob had gotten them, before a quick once over with his expanded senses showed them to be conjurations. That was damned good conjuration work, rivaling Marchbanks' conjuring of a model T back when he retook is practical newt exams. They were fully functional conjurations, save for the gunpowder which was real and Harry had paid for out of pocket.

"There are pistols, rifles, submachine guns, shotguns which are also known as trench guns." He explained. "They can be further subdivided into revolvers, break action, semi auto, bolt action and so forth, but only those of you who actually fall in love with firearms will care to learn them all."

He went to the leftmost area, where a host of pistols of different makes and models sat.

"All of these are loaded with rubber bullets, on account of I don't trust British children with live rounds. But when they fire they are just as loud as firing real bullets, and almost as painful." He warned. "As such, I had Professor Sprout provide us with hearing and eye protection. Which is the fourth rule of firearm safety, protect your eyes and ears."

All of the students wrote that down.

"Collect a pair of protective glasses and earmuffs, and we can begin. We will start with the nine millimeter."

And so they spent the rest of their morning learning how to properly hold, carry, and fire pistols. Jacob had to transfigure his other conjurations into identical Steyr M1912s. Those kids riddled those dummies at the other end of the dungeon with rubber bullets, which then vanished when their conjured forms were too damaged to maintain their shapes.

Harry appreciated the ear protection with how much the stone walls echoed, before opting to just muffle the walls with an anti-echo charm. He kept the earmuffs on anyways.

Their aim and grouping were excellent. Came with the territory of having to aim with wands whenever you cast a spell. Said aim translated nicely to gun, er, firearm aim. And later that week, he learned it also translated to aiming with a bow.

The next two weeks flew by in a blur. Both were as quiet as weeks ever were at Hogwarts. By the twenty fifth all of his club members under Jacob knew how to fire rifles in the form of Henry Lever Action Octagon Frontiers, shotguns in the form Mossberg 500 SPCs, and sub machine guns in the form of the Tec 9. Harry didn't know why he chose those out of every type of rifle, shotgun and submachine gun, but he suspected they might have simply been the simplest to conjure, having the least number of parts.(AN:2)

With the last Wednesday and Friday leftover to teach them, he also had them practice with revolvers in the form of the Nagant M1895 and, most concerning of all, gave them M79s.
"Don't worry!" Jacob assured him. "They're dummy grenades, not even rubber."

That wasn't exactly Harry's concern in teaching children how to use grenade launchers, but he did recognize that was the only field of firearms he hadn't taught them yet, save for heavy artillery, which wasn't going to happen. Either way, the M79's were the students favorite, save for maybe the Tec-9s.

"Well, you've all learned the basics of every type of firearm, starting next week we can start competitive shooting. We will stick with pistols, rifles and shotguns for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Seeing as Tuesdays and Thursdays are for archery."

The groans and complaints from the students at this let down was legendary.

"Fan we just drop the archery and do firearms all week, every week?" Complained Seamus. "Or at least have one day for the grenade launchers?"

Damnit Seamus! Why did you have to be such an Irish stereotype?

"Go take it up with your heads of houses, if you guys all want to drop the archery club and go with five different types of firearms every week, I'll happily comply." Jacob told them.
Harry groaned and knew they would do just that. As if Dumbledore wasn't suspicious enough of him, now he was essentially having any student who wanted to become a fully trained Muggle soldier! He was expecting it to just be a rifle sharpshooting club, maybe shooting bird plates with shotguns. Not all this!

But he had to admit, he was having fun shooting with the American too.

Friday night saw him sitting down on one of his office balconies looking out over the school grounds.

While the shooting club opted not to do anything for Halloween, his hiking club decided to decorate all of their trials with jack-o-lanterns. Lit from the inside by ever-burning candles. Safety candles, of course, no chance of causing a forest fire.

At night he could look out and see them glinting on the hill and mountainsides and flickering orange stars.

There was a chime from the wall holding the secret passage for the staircase entrance.

"Come in!" Harry called out, re-entering his classroom.

In strolled Sinestra, Hagrid and Remus. He wasn't expecting to see them today.

"Uh oh. Has something happened?" Harry asked.

"Course no'! Just felt like spendin some time with our loner." Hagrid said.

Harry scoffed. He wasn't avoiding anybody, he just spent so much time teaching, managing clubs and doing the homework study hall that he'd been neglecting his relationship with his fellow teachers. He really ought to focus on fixing that.

"I also wanted to thank you for the lovely work you've done on the trails." Sinestra said, taking a seat on his desk. "It made for excellent night hiking, it is quite nice."

"Aye. Scared some of the centaur children though." Said Hagrid.

Harry looked between them.

"Do you guys usually go out for night hikes together?" He asked.
"Indeed." Said Sinestra. "My classes are at night, and while I strive to be present for meals, I sleep between them. Night time is when I come to life."

He supposed that made sense. And it was unsafe to go out on the grounds at night, which was the only time she could do so. She wasn't exactly a fighter, so having a gentlemanly half giant as a personal guard was appropriate.

"So. Full moon Saturday. The second ever for your sanctuary. Do you feel better prepared?" Remus asked.

Harry thought on that.

"Less actually. I have four times as many werewolves wanting to come and almost as many new volunteers and prospective beneficiaries that want to come see how things are done." Harry said. "I expect it will be much busier than the first."

Remus hummed.

"Have you even been able to vet the prospective volunteers?" Remus asked.

"Didn't have the time." Harry said. "But I do need the extra hands. I plan to have you other volunteers vet them over the next two days, allow in the ones you approve of."
"That's probably the most you can do." Said Remus. "Perhaps the students who volunteer to take the extra credits again can be put to more tasks this weekend?"

"Maybe. I would have to check and see if they legally can." Harry told him.

"I see, I see… And are you allowed to tell us what you think is going to happen on Halloween?" Remus said.

Ah. So that was the reason behind this meeting. Word of his commission and reasons for such omissions got back to Dumbledore and the others and now they were paranoid. It made sense, he knew Fred was still in the order.

"I'll probably get attacked by some creature or have a nasty accident." Harry said honestly. "Happens almost every year. I think it's a curse."

They all looked at him suspiciously.

"Would you please elaborate?" Sinestra coaxed.

Harry listed them off on his fingers.

"Parents were murdered on a Halloween. I came face to face with a troll on another Halloween. I came across a dead cat and got blamed for its killing another Halloween. Had an escaped convict break into my bedroom on another Halloween. Got pranked by somebody tricking a magical artifact into taking my name into a binding contract that fucked up my life for a whole year on yet another Halloween… would you like to have more elaboration?" Harry asked.

They all raised their hands defensively and shook their heads in the negative.

"So it really is just personal paranoia on your part? Not a prediction of anything major happening on that day?" Sinestra confirmed.

"That is correct." Harry said.

"You've had Albus twisting himself into knots these past two weeks. Between training so many students with firearms and your ominous request to the Weasleys, he seems to think World War Three is going to break out on the thirty first and you're preparing for it." Remus told him. "But didn't see fit to tell the rest of us about whatever divination lead you to the conclusion."

Now Harry was feeling really defensive.

"What! But... I... It was the students who wanted the shooting club, not me! I just wanted the hiking club." He groused.

"Yeah, but looks a lot like yer training an army." Said Hagrid.

"Well, I'm not. Those kids, as they are, would make shite soldiers." Said Harry. "No, whatever fighting is to come should be shouldered by us adults. I want to keep the students away from any fighting, and I'm hoping to end this war before they become the adults shouldering said responsibility."

He realized he might have said too much there, but they all nodded in understanding and seemed pleased with his explanation.

"So, why were you three sent here to interrogate me on this in particular?" He asked.

"Oh, we weren't." Said Sinestra. "I came here hoping to offer to take over the hiking club, seing as I go to bed just after it usually ends. Remus and Ruby wanted to offer their help again for your sanctuary. But they couldn't contain their curiosity over Albus' concerns."

Harry turned on Hagrid.

"You want to volunteer?" He asked.

"Aye. I'm surprised you haven't tried to recruit me yet, what, with me being a half-giant and immune to the werewolf curse." Hagrid said.

Presuming one could bite through the man's thick hide anyways. Yeah, he was worth at least five volunteers on his lonesome.

"Well, you're definitely hired. I figured you'd be too busy as a teacher and groundskeeper." Harry said.

Hagrid waved the concern away.

"The roles overlap. I tend to get the latter done while doing the former. Got plenty o time to give." Hagrid assured him.

(AN:1) Hey! It's a real word now.

(AN:2) I literally selected them all based on their difficulty level in World of Guns Disassembly(Great game, by the way. Highly recommend.) These were all the very easy ones of different categories. And I'm sorry for the chapter devolving into gun porn, I AM an American, you know?

I kind of let an entire weekend of socializing go to waste in this chapter, between the two weeks, and left out a Sunday. Would have been great opportunities to have more interactions with the older folks of the Harry Potter universe.

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Chapter 38: A Crowded Sanctuary Part 1
Chapter 38:

A Crowded Sanctuary Part 1

Poliakoff, Jacob and Remus joined Harry on his long hike to Hogsmeade that Saturday morning. Several students of the hiking club tried to join them, thinking it was a club activity, but Harry shooed them away, reminding them that tonight was a full moon.

They had a quiet stroll later that, appreciating the decorations along the way. They arrived at the Shrieking shack to find people already lined up from the front gate all the way to Hogsmeade.

"Um." Harry said eloquently at the sight of so many ragged werewolves lined up.

The mob bore down on them immediately with an orchestra of gratuitous greetings. Harry recognized some of them as speaking German, others as French, and many more as Slavic languages he couldn't place. Clearly word of his exploits had expanded to all of Europe and beyond. By the looks of the backpacks with bedrolls and put away tents, many had camped out the night before.

"People. People!" Harry called out. "The sanctuary doesn't start taking people in until noon. It's only six in the morning. I can't let you in yet. We have prep work to do."

A lot of prep work to do. Seriously, he hadn't received this many letters, let alone written this many responses. Some of the bilingual men and women present passed the word on for the non-English speaking audience while he struggled to wade his way through the crowd and to the front gate.

"Remus? Poliakoff? Can you run interference for me out here?" Harry pleaded.

"Of course, Hadrian. Next time we might try to floo or apparate in." Remus told him.

Harry agreed internally, but marched through the little wooden, warded, gate and along the path to the front door while Jacob took a position guarding said door. All of the exterior decorations for Weasley Wizard Wheezes had already been changed back to the calm blue of the Sanctuary, but when Harry entered it was to find the interior the bright, garish colors of the joke shop.

Fred was at the counter organizing and packing up all of the registers, receipts and financial documents from the month.

"Hey landlord. The others are having breakfast then we plan to pack everything up for our monthly vacation." Fred said.

"Need any help packing?" Harry offerred.

"Nah! It really is just a matter of banishing all of our crap off of the shelves and tapping them to change them into bunk beds." Fred said. "Oh and turning this here dial."

Fred turned said dial on the counter and all of the bright oranges, purples, yellows and blues returned to the calm earth tones Harry preferred for his sanctuary.

Then, the floo comes to life and the volunteers pour in.

Both Carrows were accompanied by Andromeda and Narcissa, who stood in front of them protectively just in case there were any threats to their lives.

"You are the first to arrive, don't worry." Said Harry. "But you may want to take a peek out of the front door."

Narcissa and Andromeda gave him that trademarked, elegant expression of raising a single eyebrow while Amycus took him up on his offer. He walked to the front door, opened it, and whistled at the sight of the crowd of people just beyond the property border.

"Do we have enough volunteers?" He asked.

"No!" Jacob yelled from outside. "Nowhere near enough!"

Harry shrugged but nodded in agreement.

"But we have plenty of offers from potential benefactors and volunteers who will be coming around this morning, hopefully we can clear enough in time." Harry told them.

Then, the floo came to life again, and in walked Hagrid. He was followed soon after by a minuscule and ancient man with a kindly face and beetle-like eyes. The resemblance was uncanny, and Harry could only stare.

"Professor Morrigan, allow me to introduce ye to me pa. Ian Hagrid." Hagrid introduced.

Harry shook the centennials hand with great care, hoping he wasn't gaping too hard at the absolute madman he knew so much about. It wasn't every day you met a man crazy enough to use an engorging potion in order to wrestle with real giants, nor somebody who actually married one of the most dangerous members of said race. This was the guy who, once upon a time, regularly went fisticuffs with tribal leaders of wild giants for fun! Winning their respect and developing the most pedantic and thorough treatise on Giant culture in history.

Harry was terrified of him on reputation alone.

"A pleasure to meet you at last. Seems everybody I know has nothing else to talk about, save for you." Mr Hagrid told him.

"Thank you, sir. Will you be joining us today to interview for the role of volunteer?" Harry asked.

"Quite. And you can skip the background check. I already had it done." Ian said, withdrawing a manilla envelope from a satchel hanging from his shoulder.

Harry took it and put it under his arm.

"Well, I think I'll be having guests wait outside on the lawn while we all do our preparations in here, if that is okay with you sir." Harry said.

"But of course." Ian said, walking out of the front door with far more pep in his step than a man his age should have.

For a third time the floo came to life, and this time it remained live for several minutes as a long string of people came through. Fleamont was first among them, followed closely by his grandmother and parents. Then came Valentine Crabbe and Hildebrand Goyle, followed by Lucius and Garrick Ollivander with Mrs Zabini.

Then came a string of people Harry had never seen before in his entire life, save a few members of the Board of Governors like Orion Black and Augusta Longbottom. All of them were as ancient as those two or more so. He didn't even have time to greet them or shake any of their hands before the next people to come through pushed them aside. Tofty's sisterhood of tea drinkers poured in and filled out the room more with their personality than they did their bodies, or the large sacks they carried. They were all here. Tofty, both Mrs Marchbanks, as in Alastors mother and wife, Mafalda Hopkirk, Felicity and Hana.

"We brought a good work ethic and pastries!" Tofty said in a sing-song voice.

"Whole grain?" Harry asked, taking a bag and looking inside.

"But of course!" Said Hopkirk. "Dolores was kind enough to remind us."

Umbridge bowed slightly and presented a large, lidded, pot.

"I also made a honey, olive oil dip. Help add some calories and that healthy, Mediterranean fats. For approval from your mediwitches of course." She offered.

"I approve." Said Andromeda from where she stood.

By now, George, Katie, Alicia, Angelina and Lee had joined them in the entrance hall and it was thus very much full. Too full. He was certain that they were exceeding the fire safety limit by now.

"Okay! Everybody who is not already an approved volunteer or benefactor, please exit through the front door and onto the lawn. I will be out to interview you all momentarily." Harry said.

There were a few chuckles, but they all complied.

Then the floo came to life again.

"Oh, come on! Who else could be approved by now?" Harry asked rhetorically.

"Um, the floo is still keyed to our shop." Said Fred. "Will be until noon. Remember?"

Oh right! That means anybody can still come through. And so, they did. Faces he didn't recognize, and ones he did.

Mrs Marchbanks the younger, as in Alastors wife, came in flanked by Madame Hooch and...

"Mrs Shunpike?" Harry asked, confused.

"What?! I have a social life outside of work!" She told him. "Be thankful I'm spending what little free time I had today helping you out."

He didn't see where her job left her with any free time at all to socialize, let alone volunteer. He didn't exactly want a head of the department of mysteries hanging around, but there was no chance of her not passing all examination. She was certainly powerful, and useful to have around. But he repeated his instructions to go through the front door and wait.

Then came Mrand Mrs Weasley. He'd honestly expected them to show up sooner.

"A pleasure to meet you Professor." Arthur greeted with a firm handshake, which he accepted. "Here to offer any help I can."

"It's much appreciated. Would you and your wife please wait outside until we can interview you?" Harry asked.

They obeyed and left. The last person to arrive from this round was somebody he didn't immediately recognize in clean witches robes, but still smelled like he remembered.

"Mrs Figg. Welcome." Harry said to Arianna's mother.

"Thank you. I was going to come through the front gate, but I saw how many people there were and realized you may not have the space for them all. So I went home and gathered something special." She said.

She presented a large duffel bag full of… tents?

"They're expanded on the inside and quite luxurious. Each can house up to ten people comfortably. Several of them are brick houses on the inside, more than capable of holding a werewolf." She explained.

Harry was distracted by Dolores shaking her head behind the cat-lady. He didn't catch onto why the tents could possibly be a bad idea until she mouthed the words "Muggle hobo tent cities".

Oh! She was right! Putting the werewolf guests in tents, even ones that were effectively stone mansions on the inside, would make for terrible optics. Any and all reporters seeing it would write extensively how he was providing an unsanitary and poorly kept homeless encampment. It was good to have somebody on board able to politic like that.

"Thank you, but I must refuse. It is not up to our standards to house our guests in tents, no matter how nice or sturdy they are." Harry refused. "But if you wouldn't mind waiting outside, I'll be right with you."

She left and Harry breathed out a sigh of relief.

"I'm still not sure if that's enough people, but it's a good start." Harry told the gathered. "The bigger problem is the space available. I wasn't expecting this much volume."

"Do you think we'll have to turn some away?" Asked Lily.

"If so, we have to resort to opening up our own homes for them." Said Sirius.

Harry somehow missed the Marauders and company arriving. Mostly because of how quiet they had been.

"I'm sure my cellar can house a good fifty." Said Lucius.

"You mean our wine cellar?" Narcissa asked him. "Shall I come home to find the devastation of you hosting a werewolf frat party?"

"There are worse ways to spend a Saturday evening." Said Lucius, with a shrug.

Ah! Pureblood humor. Rich, pureblood humor. Nothing quite like it.

"Needless to say, the tents really aren't an option." Said Fleamont. "If we are to house people it shall be in a house. Of wood, stone, brick and mortar."

Harry nodded.

"If I had known there would be this many people I would have commissioned an extension to the sleeping quarters." Harry lamented. "But there isn't enough time to hire out a company and get it done in time."

"That's where you would be wrong, my dear Hadrian." Said Hildebrand. "While I did promise my workers the weekend off, I have them on standby. I'll go get them now."

Harry tried to sputter a response.

"But… Getting the project approved and the building licenses!" He said.

"Took care of it last night." Said Lucius, pulling out a stack of completed forms from an exp[anded breast pocket. "I saw the campers from your front door to the east coast of China and knew it would be necessary."

Harry glowered at the man as Grandpa Goyle vanished in a plume of green flames.

"Which leaves us time to get onto interviewing." Said Mrs Zabini. "Will the Wheezes be applying to volunteer?"

Fred, George and company all stood at attention and marched through the front door. Only then did Harry realize none of them had packed.

"We'll take care of everything in here, dear." Said Alecto, sweetly.

Harry sighed and accepted that he wasn't in charge of things anymore and followed the board of benefactors outside.

They conjured up a long table to the side of the front door and took their seats, leaving Harry to stand. He wasn't actually doing the interviewing or approving, but he would guide them inside and get them started. And so, he stood next to Garrick at the end of the table closest to the door as Lucius, Valentine, Mrs Zabini and Fleamont called people forward.

"Alright, whoever is here to volunteer, come up to the table one at a time, unless you are here as a pair or group." Fleamont called out.

A pair of older gentlemen wearing rather dapper hats were the first to approach. When they removed their heado rnaments, Harry felt his jaw drop. So did the jaws of most of the people at the table.

"Newt Scamander and Damocles Belby, reporting for duty." Newt said, speaking for the two of them.

"You are hired." Garrick, the only person who seemed completely nonplussed by the men's presence, said instantly. "Professor Morrigan will lead you inside."

Harry dazedly led the men through the front door to find the entrance hall empty and the noises of the barracks being prepared coming from the next room over. There, they could have a smidgeon of privacy.

"Professor?" Belby called out questioningly. "I came all this way specifically to meet and speak with you, and yet you seem as hermetic as people say."

"Oh! I'm sorry. I'm just a little shellshocked is all. And I don't actually avoid people, I've just been very busy these last couple weeks." Harry said, offering a handshake to both men, which they took.

"So, the elder purebloods have complained." Said Belby. "Constantly."

"I've been out in the field all year, so I haven't been a social butterfly myself." Said Newt. "But I think you'll find what my friend Damocles has to talk with you about far more interesting."

Harry turned his attention to the potions master.

"Doesn't anybody ever come here without ulterior motives?" Harry asked rhetorically.

"You will find that people without ulterior motives are a rarity in pureblood society, young lord, and you would do well to remember that as you grow into your title." Said Belby. "But such ulterior motives are often in your favor, not theirs. Mine is such. I have prepared a large stock of wolfsbane potion in preparation for today, more than enough for your unexpected windfall in customers."

Harry felt himself sigh in relief. He hadn't wanted to voice that concern aloud, not least of all because he knew everyone else was thinking it. Yeah, they definitely needed more of that stuff tonight.

Damocles then gave Newt a look and the beast master nodded, continuing on into the next room to give them some privacy.

"Holy shit! Is that Newt Scamander?" He heard Romulus call out from the other room.

This was followed by the sound of somebody smacking him on the back of his head. Presumably Lily, by the sound of her angrily hissing "Language!"

Harry shook his head. He hadn't realized the young Lupin had arrived. He hadn't been there with the Marauders earlier.

"What's so sensitive that you feel the need to speak in private?" Harry asked.

"An offer of a land sale." Said Belby.

"You… Want to buy the sanctuary?" Harry asked.

It made sense that the inventor of the wolfsbane potion would be interested in purchasing a nonprofit dedicated to helping werewolves. It would free up a lot of time for Harry to pursue new adventures, not to mention give him the finances to do so.

"You misunderstand. I am here to sell you, my land." Said Belby. "One on which there is a farm. A farm dedicated to growing giant moonwart, aconite and myrrh trees."

Harry could have smacked himself. Here he was, two months into searching for a plot of land to develop into just such a farm, when the more obvious solution of simply buying such a farm that was already developed never crossed his mind. The time, labor and investment of growing his own crops from scratch instead of buying a business that already did so was astronomical. How many people wasted such time and money developing companies from scratch, learning all of the ins and outs and building a customer base from nothing, instead of just buying a business from a retiree with all of that built in already?(A:N)

Well, he wouldn't be adding his name among their number. But this man's willingness to sell could only mean one thing.

"You are retiring?" Harry asked in a whisper.

"I am reaching that age, and against the advice of my peers who warn that retirement is death, I am making preparations to do so. Though I have not announced it yet." Belby explained. "Potions masters are rare, and when one retires it turns out to be a big deal. Selling to you will act as my announcement. I would prefer to sell to somebody who would properly continue my legacy. Which you seem to be doing."

Harry tried his best to show how touched he was as he spoke.

"It's too soon to merely accept. But we can meet tomorrow to hammer out the details. I don't think I'd be denied a loan, either by the goblin nation or my benefactors." Harry told him. "In the meantime, I am going to be really busy today and tonight. If you would please join the other volunteers in the next room, I have to go help approve the next ones."

Belby nodded and went on his way.

"At least I won't suffer from wont of things to do in my retirement." Belby said. "With two or three days a month taken up here."

Harry went back outside to help with the boards approvals.


Splitting the chapter into multiple parts.

(A:N) : After Writing this sentence I decided to google and see if there are websites for buying businesses from retirees. There ARE! And they're really affordable. I mostly worked landscaping, security and agriculture so I looked into those. Yup. People are selling their business, with all of their equipment and their regular customers/infrastructure already built in.

I presume they would also provide financial records, income and expense statements, stuff like that. Hell, I saw a preschool for sale for a similar price to the landscaping companies. Want to teach preschool? Instead of wasting four years in college(losing money from not working and on life expenses during those four years) to work at one, just save up or get a loan to buy your own preschool and you get to run it! No boss! You're the boss and you get to choose your coworkers. There were some other blue collar companies for sale in interesting niches like water pipe cleaning that, along with the equipment and customers, included honest to god training! How is this not advertised more as an opportunity for young people? Well I'm advertising it now. Get out there, my fellow millennials and older gen Zers.

As for sites I used, it was businessbroker and bizbuysell. They aren't paying me, just spreading the word. Make sure to do your proper research, investigate these companies, and stay frosty!
Chapter 39: A Crowded Sanctuary Part 2
Chapter 39:

A Crowded Sanctuary Part 2

They managed the approval process for new volunteers like a conveyor belt after that.

All of the ministry workers and members of the board of governors came prepared with their background checks already finished and certified. This included Mr Weasley, Tofty, Dolores, Mrs Marchbanks the elder, Mrs Marchbanks the younger, Mafalda, Felicity, Hana, both Hagrids, Scamander and Belby.

After that, Tofty, Dolores and their gang of office ladies got straight to work. They were on fire, in the zone as they were, while Harry and his board inserted them right into their field of expertise. Managing people by doing background checks and the like.

These ladies floo'd to the ministry and back a hundred times that day, bringing copies of volunteer and patient IDs to the ministry for verification and coming back with clean slate after clean slate. The ladies just went down the road speaking to each werewolf that stood waiting, checking their identities to ensure they weren't on the run or, worse, terrorists intent on sabotaging the sanctuary.

Then the construction crew arrived, led by Hildebrand.

A dozen men, some of whom Harry could feel weren't even wizards, followed him inside and to the ground floor barracks. He couldn't imagine the licensing nightmare to have Muggles work in the wizarding world, whether they were spouses or siblings of wizards or not.

"Alright boys. Tear down that wall. We're creating an expansion outwards. Gotta double the space." Hildebrand told his men.

Harry had half expected, half hoped, that they would actually tear down said wall with explosion hexes. But no, they meticulously cut out the lath and plaster with charms while Fred and George went outside to setup a tent. A big one, like that of a circus, to hide the construction. It somehow contained that entire side of the house.

Once the interior was stripped, they removed the exterior and set that aside. Then came the really interesting magic.

The men simulcasted a transfiguration spell that compressed the dirt into a concrete-like state. It compacted the earth, removing all of the air and moisture, and partially liquefied the sand and stone to make it flow between each other before solidifying again. It was such beautiful magic he had to let Ghillie Dhu out to feel its inner workings.
From there, Hildebrand opened and tipped over a large trunk that turned out to be filled with timber. Timber that was then used to frame the extension. They didn't use nails, opting to instead to fuse the beams together similar to the transfiguring charm they had used to create the new foundation. They then carved some simple runes upon the joined to make them stretchy where the fusing was done. Harry assumed this was to simulate the give and flexibility of nails. The entire frame was one solid mass by the end of it.

They only extended it by ten meters, making sure to set up duplicate ward stones to link the old spatial expansion enchantments to the new area. The more area you had to expand, the bigger the expanded area was proportionally.

With the framing done, they threw plywood onto everything, including the new floor. The place was now properly sealed and practically finished, save for the interior walls and shingling.

"Don't worry about insulation, drywall or wallpaper today." Said Granpappy Crabbe. "Just make the outside pretty for any watchers. That means reattach the exterior we removed. Then add the new siding and shingles."

He turned to Harry.

"I already got identical siding panels and shingles. Probably have a bit extra you can put in storage for future repairs." Hilderbrand said.

Harry nodded.

"I don't like that it won't be finished today, but I recognize the necessity. We should do something to hide the floor there. Not to mention the plywood floor can't be sufficient." Harry complained.

"Oh, I brought a rug for that. And a temporary conjuration will be fine for the walls. The warming enchantments we have should be more than enough. If not, our collective charm skills are up to the task of keeping everybody cozy through the night." Hildebrand reasoned.

He was correct. Winter had yet to set in and it was proving to be a mild autumn so far.

With less than an hour until the entire werewolf population of Europe was due to flood into these walls, they finally setup the facilities properly. The shelves were converted to the military-style bunk beds and setup around the room. This still left them with a lot of empty space with no bunk beds to place there.

"We will handle that, dearie." Molly told him.

She and Andromeda got to work transfiguring the upstairs and hallway furniture, mostly Wheezes display cases and the actual furniture in their living quarters, into new bunk beds. Katie and Angelina cleared them of all personal belongings with impressive housekeeping charms of their own.

One massive, imported rug to cover the unfinished floor and an illusion spell to match the wallpaper of the room later and they were ready for their guests. Just in time too.

"Come in! Come in! Anybody allergic to wolvesbane please enter through the back door where our resident mediwitch will discuss options with you." Harry hollered over the crowd as they poured in.

He ushered them in one by one, shaking hands and accepting free hugs when offered. A few of his benefactors, namely Valentine and Mrs Zabini, stood on either side of him to help with the greeting. Both were people persons, especially Zabini who took pride in her power to make any man feel like a king with her mere smile. With how life had beaten many of these men down that small interaction was all the more powerful. They certainly needed it.

The remaining volunteers led the werewolves to their quarters, acquainting them with their facilities – bunk beds, chamber pots, curtains for privacy due to said chamber pots, and all the rest. Each was walked through the procedures, from the silvered cuffs to the checkout process.

"Professor Morrigan, you are wanted in the rear." Fred interrupted him.

Harry nodded and followed his red-haired friend to the back where Narcissa and Andromeda had monopolized a room that was now full of particularly down on their luck werewolves.

"Everybody you see here is allergic to wolvesbane." Andromeda informed him.

Wow. That was more than expected, nearly twenty of them. Nowhere near too much to handle. Hell, they could all probably fit in the downstairs fridge if it came to having to put them on ice for the night to keep them calm.

"What's the problem? We should have enough alternatives on hand." Harry asked.

"Well, when offered to be administered medical THC, Mr Hendrix had an interesting question." Narcissa said, motioning for the man to ask it again.

He stood up and did so.

"Um. My work drug tests me, and it's already difficult enough keeping a nine to five while disappearing for three days out of the month." He explained. "Can you guarantee us a cleansing potion afterwards?"

Ah. Most people referred to that expensive concoction as the hangover cure potion, but it actually removed all substances from the body that were not in the body when the potion was completed. Much like the polyjuice potion, it required material from the person to be used as a reference, which had to be the imbiber. Drop a hair in there before a night of hard drug use, then drink it the next morning. Clean drug test.

"Let me ask." Harry excused himself.

He found Lucius looking over paperwork with Dolores and her gaggle of human managing ladies. They looked to be reports on the going-ons of the facility, namely affidavits that everything was done their job to the letter. Swearing that every person was checked in properly, their identities confirmed, that everything was explained to them, yada yada. Unfortunately, it had to be done for every individual werewolf.

None of them seemed pleased to be filling them out. Harry could empathize. He'd had to do them last time.

"Mr Malfoy." Harry interrupted.

"How may we help you, Professor Morrigan." Lucius said without looking up.

"I needed to ask you if we could afford…" Harry tried to ask.

"Yes." Lucius answered before he could finish his question, again without looking up.

Harry blinked at the man.

"You don't even know what I'm about to ask you to get for us." Harry said.

"True. But any question that begins with any variation of "Can you afford" always ends in yes." He said, this time looking up. "I'm Lucius Malfoy. Of course I can afford it. That's like somebody asking you or Tom if you are capable of magical feat x. It doesn't what x is, the answer is yes."

Harry appreciated neither the man's own hubris, nor his estimation of Harry's magical prowess. That he just casually referred to and compared him to Voldemort in a room full of people was also unappreciated, though humorous as nobody else in earshot knew who he meant by Tom. Except maybe Mrs Marchbanks the elder, based on the giddy gleam in her eyes.

They still had hours before dark, but Andromeda and Narcissa would want to look over them long before their transformations to ensure they didn't have any illnesses or conditions they needed to be aware of. Especially allergies to wolvesbane.

Speaking of wolvesbane, Belby just returned with the marauders, each of whom was laden with cauldrons of the stuff. Around this same time, the twins and Mr Weasleywith several trunks, full of shrunken bunk beds.

They set up the new beds in the new extension to the house and got back to guiding werewolves inside to their bunks.

Harry meandered to the kitchen for a cuppa only to find Molly, Narcissa and Katie hard at work filling the dining room with food stuffs. Organizing all of the baked goods and cheeses and smoked meats that he hadn't known they had. There was barely enough space to conjure enough tables on top of tables to hold it all.

"We'll get everyone fed as soon as they're all situated dear." Molly said. "And as soon as they're cleared to stay by the more medically trained among us."

After that, all that was left for Harry to do was sit on his hands and wait for night to come around. Remus had promised to go back and bring the students over when the chaos died down.

"So, Morrigan." Mrs Shunpike greeted him from behind.

Harry sighed and turned around to see her approach. She was flanked on either side by Mrs Marchbanks, the younger, and Madame Hooch. It was an odd trio to be sure. Although he could guess how Mrs Shunpike and Mrs Marchbankes the younger had met, what, with the latter's husband formerly working in the time department of the unspeakables.

"We find our talents aren't exactly being used." Said Mrs Shunpike.

Hmmm. What to so with a seer and prophet, a sports master, and the wife of a chronomancer?

"Do we have any board games in stock?" Harry asked, turning to Hooch.

She raised an eyebrow at the suggestion.

"We sure do!" He heard George yell from another room.

Board games of muggle and wizard make alike soon filled the waiting room. Everything from checkers and chess, to shoots and ladders, to exploding snap and gobstones, to a card game about growing and trading beans. If nothing else, it had variety. Harry knew how to play maybe a handful of them, but could tell games like monopoly had to go, as they were too long and would last well into the transformations of their guests.

They began conjuring tables, small ones akin to widened foot stools, when the Hogwarts students finally arrived, escorted by Warbeck. Hermione, Ron, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Susan, Daphne, Neville, Marcus, Kenneth, Eddie, Cho and Miles were all here.

"Welcome Madame Warbeck, we have a large contingency of werewolves allergic to the wolvesbane that may need your attention at the moment. The rest of you? Your job today is to play board games with our guests." Harry instructed.

A series of disappointed and confused grumbles later and Harry led the teenagers, each laden with an armful of board game boxes, into the barracks areas. Harry directed them to pick the games they were familiar with and setup at one of the tables before beginning his speech.

Romulus, who had been keeping his fellow werewolves company until then, stood up to greet them, hugging Ron and fist-bumping Draco. Hadrian wondered at when they became so chummy.

"Now. Just because you are all waiting for your inevitable suffering this evening does not mean the hours leading up to it must also be suffering. These young volunteers have agreed to help you pass the time, in keeping you company and playing board or card games. We have everything from checkers, to clue, to chess and sorry. Of course, we also have the wizarding games of exploding snap and gobstones if that is more your style, but there are some strange ones here even I haven't heard of like… cid maer's civilization and… star ship command? Whatever it is, give it a shot! You might like it."

He distributed the boxes and teenagers to tables of werewolves, giving each their own. Ron made a beeline for the table with the chess board but Harry put a stop to that.

"Maybe let somebody capable of losing play against the down on their luck and in pain medical patients?" Harry whispered to the redhead.

It took a second for him to catch on, but he nodded when he finally did. Him playing chess against these people would be like Michael Jordan playing hoops with paraplegics. And playing seriously. He knew Ron, he wasn't capable of losing on purpose or going easy on somebody in chess. In fact, Harry wasn't sure how anybody could go easy on somebody in chess.

Ron sat down at a table with Chinese checkers already setup and got to work. Romulus took his place at the chess board.

Harry left Remus and Lily to supervise them all while he made sure things were going swimmingly.

"Morrigan." Lucius called him over. "I sent a messenger to Larange's Potions and Tonics. They said they have enough stock of the hangover potion to supply all of the werewolves that need it. It should be here by morning, so we should get some samples from the participants now."

Harry nodded and marched into the back room where Warbeck and Andromeda were tending to the crowd of allergy sufferers.

"We are good on the cleansing potion. Just extract some hair and follicles now and store them properly." Harry informed them.

The looks of relief on the faces of the guests was instant.

"Alright then folks, everybody down into the basement so I can drug you up and freeze you." Warbeck said with a wicked grin worthy of the serial killer she was starting to sound like.

The patients laughed nervously as they followed her. They gave him some sideways glances as they went.

Harry resisted the urge to make a joke about eating frozen fingers as snacks. He already had enough attention from ladies without the boost to his allure that Jeffery Dahmer somehow had.

The remaining couple hours passed in a blur. Harry spent it helping the other board members fill out the paperwork. It was as quiet as a pop quiz, with nothing but the sound of quills scribbling and parchment rustling. But soon the two hours were up, and the sun went down.

"Alright children, out with you! It's time for them all to be given their potion and to tuck in for a rough night. And you all have to get back to the castle." Harry told them.
Que the moaning.

Several of them looked ready to argue, but he shushed them and motioned to join him in a different room away from the ears of their patients. When they arrived in teh kitchen he put up an eavesdropping ward.

"But it's a Saturday night!(A/N 1)" Draco complained. "And there's no Hogsmeade tomorrow."

"All true. But you already learned all you were brought here to learn, and the place is far more crowded and busier than we expected. We do not have the resources to have you here today. Maybe next month." Harry said.

"And what exactly was it we learned by playing board games all day?" Hermione asked.

Warbeck entered the room, flanked by Belby and Andromeda.

"What you learned is a little thing called bedside manner." Said Warbeck. "A skill far too many neglect to develop. You just spent several hours in a room full of dangerous, unwashed, strangers and not only put them at ease, but had an enjoyable time. The ability to be kind and sociable with people of all walks of life is paramount for any healer."

Miles Bletchley and Romulus Lupin both pulled out a handy dandy notebook and began scribbling into them. Good lads! He'd been neglecting his one little notebook lately, in favor of a proper scheduler and planner, and made a mental note to start using it again.

"Alrighty then! Everybody here, save Romulus, it's time for you to make your way back to the castle." Harry said. "As for you my young mutant werewolf friend, off to the barracks with you!"

(A/N 1) I screwed up. The full moon on September 1996 was on a Thursday. I got it and October's confused when I wrote the grand opening chapter. Damn it all. I do all this research and still screw it up!