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GASP! Where am I? what is this place? Why is it dark? HELLO!!!!!? HEYOOOOO!!!! ANYBODY THERE...
Chapter 1 the start of my life as a magical girl

Sam the binge reader

I trust you know where the happy button is?
Mar 15, 2021
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GASP! Where am I? what is this place? Why is it dark? HELLO!!!!!? HEYOOOOO!!!! ANYBODY THERE???? THIS IS NOT FUNNY!!! TURN THE LIGHTS ON GUYS!!!
"This is not a prank young lady" said a deep voice that resonated all around me. What the hell?

Who are you???

"I am what you know as a ROB"

Oh for gods sake!!! How did I die? I mean I was only 25 for fucks sake! This is just unfair!!!

"You actually died while delivering your child, I am sorry young lady but you died because of childbirth. Worry not though your daughter lives"

I gasp and then I remembered, my pregnancy, just gotten married, my husband, the hospital, the pain. I held her Anastasia I called her and after that I teared up because I knew I did not have long to live, I lost too much blood and always had a weak constitution, the pregnancy would have always been a dangerous one. The last thing I said was goodbye to my husband Thomas and my baby. That I will always love them and then I closed my eyes and breath my last.

I could not stop myself, I was sobbing my heart out. I will never see them again, I am dead and yet I am not even allowed an afterlife. A Random Omnipotent Being is going to use me as his form of entertainment and I don't have a say in this.

I don't know how long I cried but I eventually calmed down. That did not mean I was no longer sad nor depressed, I will never forget my family no matter what my future is going to be.

"You got it all out now? Can I finally explain shit to you?"

No need to be an ass!!!

"Ok I am going to make this quick!
  1. I am sending you to the Dragon Ball world!
  2. You will look and have the power of sailor moon Jupiter(yes I am into magical girl young lady and thus you are going to be one from now)
  3. I am sending you on earth obviously but just after the martial arts tournament against piccolo. So you will have years before Z.
  4. I want you to act the part of the "sailor moon Jupiter" shtick. That means being a hero,saving people in the city you will be living in. You better do a good job being a magical girl!

WTF??? Sailor Moon Jupiter? With the short skirt? You freaking pervert!!! Just admit it you just want to see my panty!

Like seriously I am suppose to go around in a short skirt where everyone and their mother will be seeing my underwear! This is so unfair.


I suppose on the brighter side, it is cool that I will have some cool lightning powers! And super strength and agility? Wait will I look like her too??

"Yes you will have her powers and even flexibilities and so on. You will look exactly like her too. And oh before I forget you will be sent in the DB world as a 18 year old, a mansion was already prepared for you, your identity and every paper work too and no one not even the gods there or zeno will question your existence. You will be living in the same city as Bulma as a rich heiress. Anyway time for you to go girl! Have fun and be the best and cutest magical girl you can be ~ I will be watching"

Perverted old man!!! What do you mean watching? I swear you better not peek when I am bathing!!

I woke up with a painful headache, I sat up on the bed and looked around. I whistled damn I am a rich bitch in this life huh?

I stood up and look at myself in the mirror. I had fair skin and a slim complexion. Big green eyes with long reddish brown wavy hair I keep up tied up with a ponytail holder with two green balls and pink rose earrings. I am perhaps around 167 to 169 cm.

Damn I really look exactly like Makoto Kino the Sailor Moon Jupiter. I look at my dressing table with a bunch of papers on it.

Taking a look there was my I.D card with my name being ….Makoto Kino. My birth certificate, my debit, credit card and the passwords. Cash in my wallet and oh was those ..the star power stick and Jupiter crystal?

Oh god I will have to try transforming sigh my fate is set anyway so let's try it out.

I grabbed the star power stick and said "JUPITER STAR POWER MAKE UP!"

And suddenly I was without clothes, Lightning was all around me and shit I spinned and then Tada I had new clothes on. My sailor moon Jupiter uniform. And obviously for effect I had to pose and say "Sailor Jupiter!" I honestly think I will get use to this.

The skirt was as I feared very short but honestly this is the DBZ world, not a hentai world so my chastity is safe. I went outside to try some of my powers. I could use the "flower hurricane" attack and a bunch of thunder base attacks, heck even called down a lightning bolt! Pretty badass and cool if I do say so myself.

I did not know how strong I was compared to some of the monsters that will come to earth in the future but honestly I was a magical girl now so my main job will be to protect the citizens in west city and deal with the criminals here.

Goku and co can deal with universal and planetary threats meanwhile I will deal with the human villains.

After all I am kinda a glass cannon, I fear if I get punched or attack by a Kamehameha I might not survive it. But then again the sailor moon girls do survive from a lot of big attacks in the anime so perhaps I am resilient? I am not in a hurry to try and see if I can pack a punch from Goku or Cell anyway.

It seems that in this new life of mine, I am a rich heiress orphan huh. Seems like the ROB was powerful enough to just make me and my mansion pop in this city out of nowhere and nobody is going to question it.

I should probably make my debut as a superhero during the night huh so for now I will go eat some ice cream while crying over my dead self and those I left behind again….being depressed is not fun..
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
It has been 2 weeks now that the new superhero who called herself "Sailor Jupiter the pretty guardian who fights for love and for courage" has made her debut.

From stopping a bank robbery to chasing down criminals and stopping a terrorist bombing. Sailor Jupiter has cemented herself as the Guardian of west city but it is not only west city that she is protecting, with her ability to seemingly fly she has begun stopping crimes in other cities around the world.

She has gotten herself a growing fanbase all throughout her continuous exploits. Some if not most of her greatest fans claims her to be a Goddess descended from the heavens to protect and helps us.

A direct answer from the gods that Demons like the Demon King Picollo will never again run rampant on earth.

Many local shops and toys producers have already begun making figurines of her and other products which are selling like hot cakes. Rumour has it that the moment Sailor Jupiter heard what some of those profiteering companies were doing with her name, she came to them and made a deal that half the profit made from the sales of any products depicting her or using her name should be donated to charity works to help the poor all around the world. Garnering more praise from her fans again.

She is shrouded in mystery,nobody knows where she came from or who she is as she wears a mask to hide her eyes mostly. But from the tidbit of her face that witnesses saw, she most likely is quite the beauty.

Some have begun calling her the "Goddess Jupiter of Love and Courage" as she first introduce herself saying she was the guardian of love and courage". With the ability to summon lightning seemingly from the heavens itself, is there really such a surprise that some would consider her a goddess with her great powers?

Others who are not too quick to becomes zealous religious claims that she most likely is just someone with powers but a human nonetheless.

Skeptics says she is just an attention seeking young woman going around with a very short skirt to grab the attention of men using a bunch of tricks and props to acts like some sort of heroine. The mean ones claim she is just an attention whore that she should learn that it is not a woman's business doing the job of MEN that is the police. They actively proclaim that she should just go back to cooking and get married already.

The most perverted ones are more than happy to see her going around, publically proclaiming her thighs as "the Number one thighs we are willing to be squished with in the world" or "Sailor Jupiter chan we want a lap pillow from you ~" truly a bunch of degenerates and let us not talk about the erotic fan manga that some have already begun drawing about her on the internet. And the erotic pics, I can only hope Sailor Jupiter never delve into that side of the internet for her sanity's sake and innocence.

If sailor Jupiter is watching this all I have to say is that, I am really a big fan and that I hope she stays safe out there when she is dealing with crimes. This was reporter ZOZO from the west city Daily, have a good day ladies and gentleman.

Makoto kino pov
Sighing loudly I turned the TV off. I was honestly having a lot of fun being a hero but god was it tiring sometimes. I did not think I would gain popularity so fast but perhaps I underestimated the ability of a pretty girl going around with a skirt saving people would have. No matter which world a female heroine will quickly become loved it seems.

May it be because some would sexualize me or just because I am a woman and men like that more. I don't really know or perhaps it is just because this world never had a public hero figure before?

Whatever the reason for my popularity the fact is, well I am popular now.
During those last weeks I had been thinking long and hard about what exactly I want to do. Well that and testing some of my powers. For example when I transform I have the ability to fly but when I am in my human form I can't.

I tried to sense "ki" and gather it somehow but honestly? It was hard, It took me several tries to sense it, from nature itself it was all around me.

But I lacked information, sure I know about the manga and anime but in those they made it seems simple?
I am honestly regretting having never bothered to completely read the "Dragon ball" manga, the one where Goku is a kid. Because If I did I would have seen how Roshi trained them in the art of using Ki.

But that was not too great of a setback, because honestly If I wanted to learn how to use ki, I could just go find Muten Roshi. Though him being such a huge pervert makes me hesitate. I mean what if he peeks on me taking a bath? What then? Would I scream like an anime girl or just blast him off with a "banana coconut Jupiter cyclone" attack and kill the old man by accident or in anger? ……Scoff nah me? Kill? I have never gotten into a fight in my past life, if I ever killed someone I can already see myself being traumatised for life or going on a guilt trip about it. Oh Perhaps I could kill a monster because well they don't look human. Freeza,Cell and Buu are all fair games for me.

Anyway right now I came to a decision, based on the timeline I am in right now. There is at least 4 to 5 years before Raditz comes, that means perhaps 4 potential wishes I could use. Looking for the Dragon Balls is a classic thing to do in this world after all.

I tried to think long and hard on what kind of wishes I wanted.
Honestly off the top of my head I want : Immortality because duh this world is crazy and I don't want to die? I would want to die if I ended up in the same afterlife from my original world. That way perhaps I would finally meet my husband again in the afterlife.

But this is the DBZ world and If I died then I am pretty sure I would end up in this "world" version of the afterlife and not modern day earth version. Which had me depressed and eating ice creams after ice creams for an entire 4 days because it seems I really will never see my family again.

My second wish will be either "all knowledge on all forms of magic" or "the ability to wield all forms of magic". Because magic is cool? I could heal people no senzu beans required. I could change my clothes with just a mere thought? No need to spend money on new clothes ~

I could do …..well anything I guess with magic? As long as I have a good enough imagination or creativity?

My third wish would be to have "infinite ki" just like the androids had. I honestly don't know if that will be possible because let's be honest here, the androids had infinite ki and even then they got defeated by Cell. So what is the point of having it when someone stronger could defeat me , infinite ki or not. Well it will still be useful though…I think but just in case I will still wish for it.

I don't have any idea on what my potential fourth wish will be though so I will think about it when I get there.

One interesting facts I found out about myself is that, as a Sailor Guardian of well Jupiter it seems like I draw power/magic/energy from the planet Jupiter itself! Like just imagine Goku drawing power from the earth to create a genkidama! Now remember how huge that thing can be? Well now imagine me a young woman who has the ability to tap into the energy of planet Jupiter all by myself? And the ability to harness that energy to use my magic? Powers? Abilities? Yeah quite amazing.

And I have not yet mastered all my powers as a Sailor Guardian yet, which is weird because I could use so many of my abilities instantly without training or mastering them. Yet it seems some of my more powerful abilities and even transformation will take some time for me to master. When I mean some time, I honestly believe at max it will take 2 years or something.

Weirdly enough I got a taste for gardening and flowers. Even cooking too, I remember the actual character of Sailor Jupiter loved doing those things so I nearly had a panic attack when I noticed that because I was afraid that I was losing my sense of self and becoming HER!

But nope it seems I am still me but with just the additional tastes of Makoto Kino. Her taste in flowers, in cooking, in what kind of food she liked etc…added to my own likes and dislikes too.

To begin my "adventure in the search of the seven wishing balls" as I am calling it, I needed to get my hands on the Dragon Radar.

So it is as Makoto Kino "the Second richest person after the Briefs family" in the city that I was heading to Bulma's home.

Getting in my car and driving around the city, I still marveled at the sight of this futuristic metropolis of a city!

The buildings, the roads, the cars. I say I come from modern earth but damn West city is a futuristic city that did not have its likes from my earth.

Hovering cars, flying ships/vehicles, normal four wheeled vehicles the city had it all. The weird white coloured buildings were a curiosity for me too, did they have a different coloured blocks here? Cement? Like with what white material were every buildings made of? I honestly had no answer although if I went to the local library or just did a quick internet search I would get the answer.

The Dragon Ball world was really a weird one to be honest. I think from what I remember they have fourty nine islands? I don't really know if they have cities in all those islands or how big some of those islands were?

There were talking animals wearing human clothes walking around in the city which was at first quite funny for me. Imagine a dude with a Dog head in a suit, going to work? Pfftt hahaha

There were even dinosaurs and big very big sea creatures in this world. Freaking Dinosaur of all things but instead of finding them scary, my first though was "oh cute, wonder If I can get one as a pet just like my baby boy Gohan". Yes I am a big fan of Gohan and I was always pissed at how Akira Toriyama just shafted the poor guy.

If I had any say in it the future of Gohan will be a happier one. Cell? I might prevent him from even being a thing if I ever find out where Doctor Gero and his lab is. Then again I have not begun searching…..yet. I will be leaving that for the future for now.

No I am not a stupid Gohan fangirl that will suddenly want to jump his bones if/when I see him. He has a happy future with Videl and they will have Pan. So I am not stealing that from him.

Anyway as I finally arrived in front of Bulma's place, taking a quick look around. Yeah exactly like in the Anime, a dome? Round? Shaped big..very big and large house.

I quickly find the door and press on the button waiting for someone to open the door for me.

Opening the door was surprisingly Bulma herself. She looked at me then "Yes? Who are you?"

"Humm Miss Bulma?" I feign ignorance, acting as if I don't know who she is.

"Yes It is me, why are you looking for me?" she said with a raised eyebrow. Did I mention how pretty Bulma is? Because she really is, let's not talk about her assets, I honestly thought I had a nice pair of boobs but hers? ….I may be a little jealous.

"I recently heard about the legend of the seven Dragon balls and I need them to make a wish. I heard you created something that can help in searching for them?" I asked with ..I hope an innocent smile.

"Yes I did create something like that but why do you want the dragon balls" looking at me with a hard stare, perhaps she would not give me the dragon radar if I don't give her a good reason.

"I recently found out from the Doctors that I have an incurable disease and that I have only a year left to live. Please I just want to wish for a cure, I don't want to die" I said with tears coming from my eyelids.

Yes that was the excuse that I came up with and in case Bulma was smart enough to not believe me or ask for proof? Well "Those are my test results and medical papers from the hospital, If you don't believe me you can read it yourself" taking out the papers from my handbag, I handed them to her. Of course those papers were fake. How did I get them? Let's just say some of my fans are willing to break the law for me and all it took was a picture with her.

I watched in silence as Bulma read the papers then she looked up and there was pity in her eyes. Well the thing written on those papers say that this disease will slowly detoriate my body, I would start losing control of some parts of my body little by little eventually not being able to move, suffering from headaches everyday and finally lose my hair then die after my heart eventually stops working. All of it will be a painful process for me. That is why Bulma was looking at me with sad eyes right now.

"You poor thing, I…just wait here I will go fetch it for you." So I waited for a few minutes before she came back with the Dragon Radar in hand.

"Here take it, all you have to do is press it on top and it will show you where the Dragon balls are." She told me then "Look you don't have to go look for them, you should just rest. I have friends who can go look for them very quickly so please just rest at home until then."

"No Bulma, I appreciate the thoughts but another reason for why I want to do this is that I always wanted to go on an adventure. I want my fate to rest in my own hands, I will find the dragon balls no matter what! Even if I had to die doing it!" I said seriously….well fake seriousness, I am honestly feeling bad for lying to her but it was either stealing the radar from her,buying it or just lying and get it for free. I will apologize to Bulma eventually..a hero should not be lying…

"Ok but …here this is my phone number, call me if you ever need help. And eventually you will find one of the dragon balls with a family living around mount Paozu. I will contact them and tell them to give you their dragon ball when you end up at their place. But seriously are you sure you want to do this alone? I could go with you." Ah Bulma is such a nice lady and if I was not about to go wishing for immortality I would have brought her with me.

"I know a better way for you to help me Bulma, hum…I don't know if I am asking for too much but I have a puppy at home that I bought recently and I don't have any friends or family that is around to watch over him while I am gone. Can you keep him?"
Yes I bought a damn puppy, I needed something to hug and play with. I named him "Anubis". I was laying it thick on the Egyptian god reference but whatever.

Clearly surprised by the sudden request Bulma blinked " Oh ..well yes I can watch over your puppy. You have no friends and family? Well you know what no more of that! From now on I am your friend. What is your name?" giving me one of the brightest and prettiest smile I have ever seen.

"My name is Makoto Kino, nice to meet you Bulma" I said, very excited with the prospect of befriending Bulma and all the girls night out we might have in the future! I had finally gotten myself a friend, my first real friend in this new world and I honestly was so overjoyed that I was…wait what? Why was I tearing up?

Then I felt someone hug me no it was Bulma, she smelt good, she was warm and it felt like all negative thoughts and worries I had disappeared in her warmth. "Shh shh It is okay now, I am here Makoto. It is going to be alright, you are no longer alone now you have me" running her fingers through my hair and her other hand rubbing my back. I held onto her tightly, like she was my lifeline.

This is how I met Bulma my BFF and everyday I thank the gods for her existence. I pity the fools who would ever thought of hurting her because that would be the last day they ever lived.

End of chapter 2 and prologue. Beginning of the "seven magical balls arc".
