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Mass Effect: Dragons Cometh

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"Who is this?" Argh what? By the Nine... You blink a bit and see that you are surrounded by...
Winners: I am Dragonborn, Soldier of the Empire.(Male), Lycanthropy, Bear, Special Armor, Dragonplate Armor

"So... How did you get into the Vault? I mean you were lucky that someone was checking them." You were in a room, while Vakarian was interviewing you. "Probably a portal from the Daedric Fool."

"Your telling me that you can just... what, create a hole in the fabric of the universe and walk through?" You shake your head. "No, I know some magics to help on my quests and such. Nothing so powerful, like the Daedric."

He taps his tablet again. "Well I can at least say you're consistent. Okay my superiors namely Executor Pallin, Sadly he isn't going to believe your story." You didn't like the sound of that. "He some kind of Noble or one of same rank."

He chuckles a bit, "I'm he'd sometimes would like to be one. But know he's the, um... Leader of C-Sec. Though he answers to the Council." You look surprised, "Oh he's a Guild Leader then... hm, It may be prudent to join such a guild."

He gets up and motions for you to follow. "I'm afraid that because your 'situation' You won't be able to join. But I can set you up with a lower Officer to get you on as a PI or something like it."
[ ] Become a Private Investigator
[ ] Decline the Offer.
You nod, "I'll think about it. For now I want to know where I can get some Mead." He looks at you curiously, "Mead?" "Um, Rot Gut? Ale?" Then he had a look of shock. "Oh, Beer! Of course, I can take you to a place later if you okay with waiting for a bit. I get off in a bit anyway."

You nod again, "Of course, I'll uh.. Wait here?" You look around and find a corner to sit in. "You don't have a place to stay?" You shake your head. "Not here, Though I have several houses Back Home."

He nods slowly, you walk over and sit down, pulling out your favorite book. "Lets see where this Maid is heading." Your lucky you have a helmet on. Don't want anybody seeing a soldier blush.

1 Hour Later
You were surrounded, these people, Some lizards, birds and one was a tentacle monster. It had taken all your wit, to convince these people that you were who you were.

"And so I Ran into the building. Given Chase to the leech, Every once and while, He'd toss an ice spell towards me. Luckily, my Shield was able to block every shot. Though by the end of it, I had to put it to rest."

A Lizard creature was holding a Azari's hand, who in turn raises it. "Did you get him!?" You smiled triumphantly, and you take off your armor, to show your scar from that battle. "Yes, Though it will would not be the last time I meet such fiend."

"All right people, come let a boy in blue through." Vakarian pushes through and gave me a disapproving look. "What? These fine people, wanted to hear tails from Skyrim."

The Azari girl poke my arm. "How you get this one." The lizard man, Pulled her back a bit, "Sorry sir, she gets a bit excited." "Daaad!" She blushes purple, I smile wide. "I got it from a Great Bear. Took a swipe at me."

She giggles, Vakarian shakes his head. "All right people, lets make room for the man. Go about your business." He turns back to me, "Well at least your entertaining. Come one lets get you something in style with us."

He takes you to several shops and establishments. He buys you several outfits and a Omnictool. It was implanted into your wrist. He says that it is the Standard Model. A cheap one at that...

Lastly we arrived at a waterhole, called Flux. "So you're telling me that you fought dragons? I don't know what human Dragons look like but I know what Turian Dragons look like. The world size."

"The only world dragons I know of are the Gods Avatar. The ones I fought are the size of a large house, with Alduin being the biggest. Bloody Lizard." I emptied my glass.

"So you fought, Vampires, Werewolves/Bears, Dragons and the plain old bandits." A round creature walks up to us. "Another round *Sesk* Earth Clan?" "Yes and bring the harder stuff, It's like I'm drinking water."

"As you wish." He waddles off, you turn to Garrus, "Lets not to mention I was a Soldier in the Imperial Army. Fighting for in a godsforsaken Civil War." You look down to the table...

"You've lost people?" You nod, "Yes, There was this one soldier... Jonah, a Nord who believe in the Good of the Empire. He saved me from three arrows. One hitting his shield the other two..." You shake your head as the round Creature waddle back to you.

"Here, It's called Ryncol *Sesk* It's a krogan Ale." You nod and take a swig of it. "*Cough Cough* Damn that is good! I'm Looking forward to the Sleep this produce." Garrus looks worried. "You mean you can drink that stuff?"

"Can't you?" He shakes his head, After you finish your cup, you and Garrus head out. He leads you to a closed Carriage. He gets in, "You coming in or what?" You look at the front, "What about the Horses?"

He chuckles, "It doesn't need animals to move." You get in and are push back slightly as the carriage is moved forward. "Your magics are wonderful." "Thanks, listen I'm going to drop you off at at a shelter. I'll come back and help with what ever you need."

"You are good bird, friend." He snorts a bit, though it sounds like a small whistle. He drops you off and helps you settle in. You take off your armor and do some stretches. You yawn and lay on the bed they provided.
Who do you dream off?
[ ] Write in.
Winners: Become a Private Investigator, Dream of a lusty argonian maid

"Why must the Armor be so... Tight? I can feel my balls go back in me." Chellick shakes his head. "You welcome to quit if you want." You growl a bit, you didn't like this bird. Too... distrustful. "I just join your prestigious guild. I ain't given up yet."

He sighs, You take it that it's going to be long way to the top. Just like the Champions or the Imperial Army. Though the choice of armor was odd... White and bluish grey, with splotches all over it.

Chellbick said that it was to allow me to blend in with my back ground... Knowing that there are other places out there is kind thing from the gods. "This way I want you to memorize your beaten path."

He leads me to a board that is a moving picture. There were dots everywhere, "Blue dots are our people, every other dot are 'Civilians.'" Ah.. "I assume some maybe criminals?" He nods, "Yes, your job is not to go after them, it's to solve everyday problems."

"Such as?" He activates his omnictool and change the picture to other things. Lost toys, missing carriages and other things. "You'll start with something simple, Think you can find Novi'caras toy?"

The picture zooms up and shows that she's 24 and missing her Justicar Toy. The picture zooms into the Doll... it's strange that it has a large amount of cleavage...

"Why does the toy have...?" He shrugs, "It's a cultural thing. Last know location is at the Zuma Park." The location is shown on the screen at the far in of my path. "Right, I'll get to it sir!" And march out of there.

25 Minutes Later

You step out the Carriage and walk forward, till you stop in the middle of the park. Its not big, but it looks bigger then it is. You look around and sniff the air. An azari is in a little bit of a panic. You head that way.

You see a women that looks like the one in the picture. She turns and "Ah! Sorry Officer you scared me. I'm looking for my Doll. Are.. you here to help?" "Yes Ma'am! Tell me what does it smell like?"

She looks confused, "Smell? No she doesn't smell, I clean her every day. She should smell like Thessian Flowers." "And those smell like..?" She points to a bush of flowers. Blue with a purple center, You sniff. Then your eyes change...

Colors of all kinds where around me I then found another smell similar to the bush. You follow it and then another and another and so on till you found it... half chewed on.

You picked it up and brush it. "HEY THATS MINE!" A BIG Lizard came rushing toward you. It growled deeply at you, "Know it isn't, it belongs to a women whose be looking for it". "So... I found it, now its mine."

"Should I arrest you?" It growled you, "I like to see you try human." I reared my head back, clocked on its nose. It falls back, "Ah! Ow that hurt, How did you know about that?" You summon an astral battle-axe to your hand.

"Know about what?" It got up, "Keep the damn thing I don't want it anymore." It walks away and you desummon the axe, you head back to the Azari. "*Gasp* Samary! What happen to you?!" "I think a Big lizard was chewing on it."

"Oh thats Izzai, she's a bully. Always trying to steal other people toys and food." That was a Women? You blink several times, the azari was inspecting her toy. She looked up at you, "Thank you I'll have to get mother to fix it for me."

"I recommend a Bag to carry her in." She nods and walks off. You omnictool activates and you hear a voice. "Nice work there bud. Not go to your station or go on patrol, till I give you another assignment." It was Chellick... Is there no end to this worlds magics.

You turn and...?
[ ] Fiddle with the Tool(You'll unlock an Ability)
[ ] Walk around your Path(You'll gain Reputation)
Winners: Fiddle with the Tool(You'll unlock an Ability)

It's been three months since you've started, as Private Investigator. Your armor has been modified to combine your Dragon armor and a standard C-Sec Heavy Assault Armor. You have been keeping a journal for every quest you've done.

One of the many questions you get is 'How can you lift that armor?' You simply say Magic, Green Food, and Red Meat. You've been stoping a lot of small time Crime, though you did stop a salarian from jumping to his untimely death.

Garrus comes by once in a while to check up on me. You now patrol with him in his section of the station when he can't get others to do it with him. You've been practicing your Omni-tool ability. Its called an...
[ ] Overload
[ ] Cryo-blast
[ ] Incinerate
[ ] Tech Armor
[ ] Combat Drone
Everyone likes to pay you for your services, You like that. You're currently paying for a delivery of fresh Kor'chock. It's a Krogan Varren Jerky with extra spice. I like the extra kick...

You also learning to talk to people. For instance, Azari are actually Asari, who would've thought that? *Knock Knock* "Come in!" The door slides apart and a old turian walks in. He had many scares on his body, one of his eyes were completely gone.

"Greeting Chieftan, How can I help you today?" "Eh? What does that mean?" You motion him to sit in front of your desk. He does, "It's a term of respect from where I'm from. Normally when you get as old as you it makes you the boss."

"Ah, well I need help with something." He scratches under his missing eye. "I'm here to help." He taps his can a few times. "I need help with a protection job. I'm hiring a few people slightly out of C-Sec preview."

"May I ask why?" "The one you would be protecting doesn't want it to get out that she needs C-Sec protection." He pulls out a Disk and slide it towards me.
You access it... It should a Turian Women, black planting with gold paint, shaped like swirls. "Who is she?" "The priestess of the old faith, her name is Kon Kon of the Path."

"Why doesn't trust the Guards?" He presses something on his tool. "She knows that they're made by good people. But it is also made by people who are not good." You nod your head.

"She doesn't entirely trust them and she wants people like you to help." You begin looking at her profile on the Extranet. "26 Years of Age, Been in the Kono'ik Providence for most of her life, and is a top tier marksman."

You raise an eyebrow at that, "She couldn't join the Military cause of her Beliefs, but she was giving a tutor to train her. It is a custom that is hard, for even the most devout, to shake off."

You look through it again, and see a path that she'll take. "Hm Archers will have fun go at her in the Neko Highway." He tilts his head, "Why would anybody use such primitive weapon."

You look at him in confusion, before realizing... "Oh right, Snipers, sorry." He nods in understanding and points to a file. "This is the Car that she will be using, It reinforce to stop most standard firearms."

"All right, Is she stopping anywhere, to eat or to pray?" He nods and points a clawed finger at the end of the road. "This is where she'll stop to help the Poor with soup and clothing."

"Now for the Hard part, Does she have Enemies? Has she gotten any recent Death threats, hate mail or such." He shakes his head, "None, which is surprising to be honest. I would expected one or two hate mail from young extremists in their mothers basement." He shrugs..

"Are there any group that oppose this?" He closes both of his eyes, then sighs. "The only group that has only did it cause they don't want the beloved Priestess to get hurt. It was her own servant maids."

"Any of them have a history of violence?" He nods and pulls up a file of each of the Maids. "It's one has had an ordeal with pirates, slavers and Rapist. They couldn't handle the life of violence any more. So they gave it up and pursue a life of happiness."

"Just to be on the safe side, I won't those maids to be on another carriage, through a different route." He nods, "Agree" The Holo-picture turns off and you stand with him. "I'll be honored to protect her."

"Wait until you meet her."