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I appreciate your support. The magic side of the MCU has some of the most powerful established factions, and they don't really escalate in power along its path, meaning that you can get EoS level support on from day one if you can go there.

I like your plan as well. There are plenty of acceptable targets for black-hat hacking in the MCU, especially if you're going to consider the MCU-adjacent tv shows as canon, though Hammer and various Hydra fronts should have plenty of cash ready for being privateered. (Actually, a good enough hacker could probably blow the conspiracy from Winter Soldier wide open way before project Insight neared completion.)

I'd be a bit concerned about swiping Vankov-Stark tech at the Expo, because SHIELD and Tony are going to notice the drone that looks like its arm was ripped off, and they're both going to try and find whoever took the missing bit of tech. So be careful when leaving the expo so that they can't find some random trail of footage of you leaving and somehow find a way to track you back to your home.

I'd also be concerned about Extremis working for a non-baseline human, but the basic research to make sure it works properly and won't set your brain on fire is what Peter's intellect is really good for. Most of his genius work across broader marvel canon have been in the fields of organic chemistry and biology, so extremis should be right up your/his alley.
That's the beauty of going after Vanok's bots. They're rigged to explode, so nobodies going to notice a missing repulsor and arc reactor. The biggest problem would be doing it on the fly. But Vanok's drones are way more fragile than even Tony's bots from the 3rd movie - just need to swing by and ambush one during the chase, punch right through it and drag it into a dark place before being seen, something easily in Spiderman capabilities.

The thing about busting open Winter Soldier early, is making sure nobody notices the hacking. The weak link there is May. Winter Soilder can come at Spiderman all he wants, 95% of the time he's going to get merked, he's casually overpowered in close, so his only option is assassination, but spider sense, so any Spiderman worth his salt would know it's coming. Personally, I'd wait a bit to bust it open, at least until I'd be much more powerful.

And yeah, that was my big thinking on the Extemis part. With the Spiderman package enhanced by Extremis, and Venom on top of that, well it's not too big a swing to say I'd be one of the heaviest hitters around - I should be near or have surpassed the 100 ton mark, with insane regeneration, durable enough to tank missile fire, the spider senses, fire breath and heat manipulation.

Also, the MCU fanfiction archives are terrible. Everything is all Yaoi, Slash, Angst, girl boy baby Peter, more angst. One of the most action pact movie series out there and it's full of all this chick flick drama in fanfiction.
That's the beauty of going after Vanok's bots. They're rigged to explode, so nobodies going to notice a missing repulsor and arc reactor. The biggest problem would be doing it on the fly. But Vanok's drones are way more fragile than even Tony's bots from the 3rd movie - just need to swing by and ambush one during the chase, punch right through it and drag it into a dark place before being seen, something easily in Spiderman capabilities.

The thing about busting open Winter Soldier early, is making sure nobody notices the hacking. The weak link there is May. Winter Soilder can come at Spiderman all he wants, 95% of the time he's going to get merked, he's casually overpowered in close, so his only option is assassination, but spider sense, so any Spiderman worth his salt would know it's coming. Personally, I'd wait a bit to bust it open, at least until I'd be much more powerful.

And yeah, that was my big thinking on the Extemis part. With the Spiderman package enhanced by Extremis, and Venom on top of that, well it's not too big a swing to say I'd be one of the heaviest hitters around - I should be near or have surpassed the 100 ton mark, with insane regeneration, durable enough to tank missile fire, the spider senses, fire breath and heat manipulation.

Also, the MCU fanfiction archives are terrible. Everything is all Yaoi, Slash, Angst, girl boy baby Peter, more angst. One of the most action pact movie series out there and it's full of all this chick flick drama in fanfiction.
And so as long as you ambush the drone somewhere without cameras, and it doesnt manage to fly away in pieces to somewhere it would get caught on tape as a differently abled droid, and the arms/legs dont have any explosives in them, you'd be fine. It's a good plan
You need to change the title ASAP.
Because I came here expecting a fanfiction as this was in the creative writing board, and your title didn't subvert that expectation with an 'Ideas Thread' tagged on the end. So now I feel disappointment and sadness, neither conducive to an ideas thread.

Same. Except I'm more irritated then sad
Well, the alert reminded me about this thread. Thinking on it, there are a couple changes I would make to my old choices. One, I would work on working in some stuff that I remember Spidey doing in the comics, such as sticking his feet to the ground for better punches. Two, I would look up some parkour to get a better idea of how to move around. My super powers would make it all a lot easier, but no reason not to get a bit of a head start on learning some actual tricks and techniques. Three, I would not join the debate team. I would not enjoy it myself, and I do not believe that it would be beneficial to me. Four, after Endgame, I would ask Strange about the possibility of learning magic. Well, I would bring it up in Infinity War, and continue on the path after Endgame.
I've actually thought about this before, you know? What I would do in Marvel. It's not as easy as reciting the Anti-Life Equation, but there are some straightforward takes.

For MCU Peter specifically, I'd definitely stretch my powers as far as possible. Spider totems are magical and have all kinds of powers, including invisibility, electricity, and resurrection. Once I get the organic webbing working, I'll try out flight, because spiders really can fly in real life via webs, so it's damn well worth a shot. Second biggest thing is seeing if I can get disguise powers working. There's at least one spider that disguises itself as prey to more easily navigate and close distance. My goal here would actually to become the little girl, because nobody is going to look at a boy to identify Spider-girl. It's a pretty secure private identity if you can look like somebody else. Of course, not to say I'm going to be subtle, as I would also test out of school ASAP, since I graduated high school once already and have no desire to do so again.

My biggest goal with Marvel would be to hit up as many magical hotspots as possible. I'd try to get my hands on some of D'Spayre's D-Lite to gain lightforce and darkforce powers, though I wouldn't take it recklessly but experiment with it first. Then I'd like to get a symbiote supercharged with lightforce, or even just clone one entirely using lightforce, since that worked really well for Anti-Venom. Now, there's no guarantee I have the goblin serum derived powers like Ultimate Peter has, as opposed to a more normal set, which would cost me the sonic powers of a goblin but more importantly the awesome interaction with a symbiote. Hopefully, the lightforce anti-symbiote will make up for it, particularly if I can grab that Extremis, and maybe stabilize it with goblin juice or the heart shaped herb. That'll put me in a good place, but I also want to feed the symbiote so I can get some rockin' armor. Since this is MCU, there's probably not as many cool options laying around Earth yet — the Eidolon warwear in particular would synergise amazingly well with a symbiote if I could find it, but I definitely would like some kind of metal armor. I could try selling Ben and May to the Hazareth Three for some rockin' armor, but that's pretty much an evil thing to do, ya know? If I ever get the chance to visit Asgard, I'd look for Siri's dress; it gives immunity to divination and scrying effects, so if I can add that to my armor, I'll be in a really good spot. Ideally, some kind of holy and temporal protections would also be nice, but that's leaving behind things I can actively plan for and entering "take them as they come" chances. Worst case scenario, I can rip off Tony's designs and try to eventually craft my own suit of magical power armor.

Of course, that covers armor, but not weaponry. If possible, I should actually like to obtain a Hell-Mark. I know it's a bit of a long-shot, but imagine nabbing one of those and then extracting it as a soulsword. Of course, since it can't harm physical objects, a real sword to anchor it to would be swell. I would like to obtain Joyeuse for the aforementioned holy protections, but the odds of the genuine article being housed in an open museum feel slim. Still worth checking, mind, since I'm actually fairly scant on leads for how to proceed here. There's also Durandal, which has the same problem; Gram, which takes a long ass time; Caliburn, which is openly available but relies on the good will of fairies; and Kusanagi, which is actually pretty straight-forward for once. Of course, while I'm making a round-the-world trip looting goodies, one thing I have to keep an eye on is Providence, Rhode Island, home to the Shining Trapezohedron, prison of Nyarlathotep. If I could figure out the whole ghost rider angle, I'd like to use him as the spirit in question just to make sure he's not running around, but even if not, moving him to a secure location would be vital if I can manage to locate him.

Another angle worth pursuing, besides demonlogy, is the Eternals. They'd know a ton of stuff and have some really great resources if I can sniff one out. I wouldn't count on it, but the Gann Josin is too good of a prize not to make at least a passing effort on my world-wide scavenger hunt. I think, for a superhero name, I'd call myself the Goblin King. This is a year before Thor, right? I'd try and convince him of the legitimacy of my title, maybe bargaining my role as an Asgardian vassal if I can keep the interference to a minimum and prevent him from adjusting to modern America versus ancient Norway. Having to help out Thor on occasion is a worthy risk compared to having him take offense to my rule and having to fight him off. Speaking of offing people, it might be good to ensure there isn't going to be a problem in eastern Europe. Doctor Doom and Dracula are both very unpleasant opponents, and while I doubt Drac has moved to the moon quite yet, I do not honestly believe that would be an improvement.

Actually, I should probably comment on the obvious here. MCU is a lower level setting and relatively few of these things are guaranteed to work. The flip-side to it is that MCU is a lower level setting and relatively few of these things are required. "Just" being an Extremis-boosted spider totem would be swanky, but there's no reason not to pull a Doctor Doom and get myself some magic spells and a suit of power armor, you know?
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