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Mingo Slickgrin's Rules of Acquisition (Warcraft CYOA) Planning Thread

Warcraft CYOA
Version 1.1
By Sylen

Mingo Slickgrin

Relaxed +1H

Pen15 +1g

Expansive Mind -2p +2g

Lustful +2p +2g
Strong Spirit -4p -5g
Time is Money -2p +10g
Court Etiquette -2p +4g
Scholar -6p +5g

Masculine +1p +3g
Sexy -3p +10g

Manly Chest +1p +2g
Ripped Chest +2p +4g

Athletic +3p +5g
Tall -3p -2g

Firm A** +2p +3g
Wrong Hole +1H +10p -5g

Big C*ck +6p +8g
Loaded Balls -2p +3g

Hyper Pump -3p +3g

Sly Passionate +2p +8g

Enflamed Fluids (C*m) +2p +5g
Enhanced Fluids (C*m) +2p +5g

Tinker -1H -10p +30g

Alchemy -15p +10g
Engineering L +30g

Construction -5p +5g
Management L +15g
Leadership -5p +5g
Bartering L -15p +15g
Mentoring -5p +5g
Acting -5p +5g
Courtier -5p +5g
Trading L -15p +15g


One Hour
Command Chain -10p
Commander -10p
Safeword +1H +5p +20g

Benefits & Drawbacks
Fabulous -3p +15g

Heirloom Items
Pendant of Energy -1p
Periapt of Health -1p
Mad Hat -3p
Scroll of Transfer -2p
Bling Coat -1p

Steamwheedle Cartel
Chapter One: Rule #34 - War is Good for Buisness
Hundreds of harvest golems join The People's Militia of Westall to destroy the Defias Brotherhood, the Goblins in their service having betrayed them, all because of the influence of Mingo Slickgrin, a Goblin merchant from Booty Bay who is made Lord of Moonbrook in the aftermath for his assistance. (He also helped finance the war and provided arms and armor to the soldiers)
Afterwards, Mingo and Kilqe, his wife and partner, arrive at their new dilapidated manor and lay down the law to their new Human servants and break in a few of them in their bedchamber while Mingo's Goblin lieutenant, Keld Hagglesteel, plots their downfall and deaths, swearing to his deceased grandfather that he will avenge him.

Chapter Two: Rule #4 - Betrayal and Treason are Always Profitable
A decade earlier, a much younger Mingo gets off the boat at Booty Bay and takes a job at the Goblin weapons and armor supplier Hagglesteel Co. Presenting himself as humble, diligent and loyal, he quickly endears himself to his boss, Kwald Hagglesteel and his 12 year old grandson and heir, Keld. Continuously impressed by the young man, Kwald takes him under his wing and includes him in all aspects of the business, much to the chagrin of his buisness partners who are largely suspicious of Mingo.
Almost a year after his arrival, Mingo is essentially Kwald's chief assistant and has his complete trust though he is treated badly by the other partners. After a glamorous party thrown by Baron Revilgaz filled with Goblin merchants, their families, and hookers of various races, where Mingo disappeared for a bit, they're drinking a glass of Kaja'Cola before retiring to bed when Kwald begins to cough and choke, and Mingo reveals that he has poisoned him and threatens to murder his grandson unless Kwald signs a will saying that Mingo will run the company and have control of the shares until Keld reaches his majority in nine years. Kwald signs it to protect his legacy and soon dies, cursing Mingo while he just watches, emotionless.

Chapter Three: Rule #10 - Greed is Eternal
In the aftermath of the battle and the birth of the Kingdom of Westfall, a dozen Goblins, the same who betrayed VanCleef, await their payday as they were promised half of the gold VanCleef was hoarding split between them (the other half taken by King Edric). The language of the contract means that if some of them died... the rest would each get a larger share! Of course, they immediately start plotting each other's deaths!
This begins a series of gruesome yet humorous vignettes wherein each are murdered in various imaginative ways. The last man standing, or woman in this case, returns to Mingo to claim her prize, only to be lawfully arrested for murder, enabling him to take it all for himself, just as he planned.

Chapter Four: Rule #124 - You Can Lose Money Chasing Women, But You Can Never Lose Women Chasing Money!
9 years ago, Kilqe Revilgaz has had her whole life planned out for her, what job she'll work, where she'll live, who she'll marry, it's all laid out ahead of her and she's just so BORED! One day she finally meets someone new, a nobody, Hagglesteel's newest assistant, but he seems naive and uninteresting... until the next day when he suddenly becomes one of the city's most powerful men. Despite his new status, Mingo is still far below her station but begins to relentlessly pursue a relationship with her anyway.
The two soon become lovers and when their relationship is discovered, Kilqe's betrothed challenges Mingo to a duel, which he accepts despite having no offensive abilities to speak of. Mysteriously, just before the duel was to take place Kilqe's betrothed was found drowned in the bay. Two weeks later, negotiated as part of a buisness deal, Kilqe and Mingo are formally betrothed. They have a beautiful ceremony and a huge party, for both of which they charge admission.

Chapter Five: Rule #45 - Expand or Die
Six months after the founding of the Kingdom of Westfall, King Edric Danuvin has finally driven out the last of the Defias and other bandits and the Gnolls have been culled completely, thanks to mercenaries and his own soldiers, as well as the golems lent to him by Lord Slickgrin. Edric doesn't like Slickgrin and doesn't remotely trust him, but a Danuvin keeps oaths and snake has done everything asked of him so far. Before retiring for the night he rejects another summons from Stormwind, who Edric hates almost as much as the Defias for standing idly by for so many years.
Instead, he sends envoys into Darkshire and Raven Hill
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Chapter One: Rule 34 - War is Good for Business -Part 1
High up on the slopes of the Goldridge Mountains, Edric could see for miles. He saw the tarnished beauty of his homeland, the once golden fields now turned a lifeless brown. He saw the sleepy village below, already starting to wake despite dawn still being an hour away. From up here it all looked so calm, peaceful. But Edric knew that that peace was a lie.

He waited for the dawn.

Edric ran a hand through is graying goatee. He was not yet 40 but his hair was already more grey than brown and thinning to boot. Fifteen years ago this had been a land of plenty, the breadbasket of the kingdom, but when the kingdom was at it's weakest, brigands and thieves had descended, and life as the people of Westfall had known it, was no more. Ed had been a young man then, and when the enemy had come, and he'd believed that his kingdom, Stormwind, would save them. But help never came. Fifteen years ago, when it became clear that no aid was coming, letters were sent out for every young able-bodied man and woman in every town and holding, willing to fight for their lands to go to Moonbrook, where a mighty army made up of the sons and daughters of Westfall would gather and together they would drive the so-called Defias Brotherhood from their homes once and for all! It was exactly the call to arms that Ed and those like him had been waiting for! Yes, Ed had been a young man then, but he was strong from a decade spent working on his mother's farm and confident in the strength of his arms, confident that together, they could protect their home from these bandits!

What a fool he had been.

There was no climactic battle, honor or glory, because there had been no call to arms. It was a trap. After the call went out, the roads to Moonbrook swelled as thousands of Westfall's youth began to make their way to Moonbrook. All at once.

It was a bloodbath.

They should have expected some kind of trap, after all, bandits have no honor, but they didn't. Most of the prospective recruits weren't even armed, Ed himself had only a wood axe and his Pa's old skinning blade, his only armor was a leather gherkin. On route to Moonbrook, Edric and the band of 20 he was traveling with were ambushed. While the Defias were no great warriors in hindsight, they were well armed and bloodthirsty whereas Ed had never even been in a fight. All of his friends died that day, every single one. He would have died that day if not for Gryan Stoutmantle, Knight of Stormwind, leader of the only band of real knights left in Westfall. Stoutmantle had heard about the false call to arms and that the young men and women who believed in it were being butchered on the roads. He sent riders to each township and holding warning of the danger, and took 200 knights and heavy riders with him to stop any further innocent bloodshed.

But he was far too late. And just like that, the cream of Westfall, the best of the new generation, was gone. The Defias Brotherhood declared that it was here to stay, and that as long as people payed them tribute, all would be well. Almost nobody believed them, but what choice did they have? The army of Stormwind was nowhere to be found, Stoutmantle's forces were too few to match the brigands, and the surviving residents were too scared to stand up to them.

Edric felt his fists tighten so hard the veins were popping. Fifteen years. For fifteen years he had been forced to watch as more and more of his people were either murdered or fled to escape the bandits and monsters who were slowly turning their homeland into a fallow ruin, a shadow of it's former glory. Some of his people, people he'd known his whole life had even joined the enemy, whether out of survival or to simply fill their own pockets, it didn't matter, there is always a reckoning. Today was that day.

Today the Defias Brotherhood would repay the people of Westfall in blood!

A new day was finally dawning! And Edric Danuvin would light the way!


Edric took one last look at the town, at Moonbrook
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