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Monster Zero Strikes Back in Ba Sing Se!

A Godzilla/Avatar crossover

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


Apr 23, 2017
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Monster Zero Strikes Back in Ba Sing Se!

A Godzilla/Avatar crossover

Chapter 1

Kyoshi Island

3 Years After the End of the Hundred Years War

Suki (in full Kyoshi attire) stood upon a small hill, looking upon the next generation of Kyoshi warriors practicing the signature fighting move of her people with a prideful smile. The new branch of warriors (who were already in battle garb white paint and all) were so far doing better then expected.

The pride of Kyoshi island extended her arms side to side and preceded to slide down the sandy hill that overlooked her warriors in training.

"Alright, I think you've girls have trained enough!" She proudly said as her trainees of 12 turned to their trainer. They preceded to bow in respect. So too did Suki out of mutual respect.

As the new crop of warriors left the training ground, Suki preceded to head home.

Opening the door to her abode, Suki was met with the site of her fiancée sitting in the corner of the house. Hunched over, the candle lit up the desk were he was staring at.

Suki narrowed her eyes and tilted her head at Sokka and preceded to walk towards him.

"What are up to now?" Suki asked with both concern and curiosity. She stood over Sokka, her hand touching his left shoulder. Getting a closer look, she noticed that Sokka was starring at a blank piece of paper.

"I'm stuck….." Sokka simply replied, not even bothering to look at Suki.

"Pardon?" Suki's brow lifted.

"I'm stuck, Suki!" Sokka finally turned to Suki, revealing his twitching sunken eyes and unkempt beard, "I can't think of a single thing to invent!" Suki was taken aback by her fiancée.

"You look like you haven't slept in days!" Suki noted.

"How can I sleep when all I can think of the fact that I haven't invented anything in years!" The frustrated Sokka clenched his fists and preceded to hit the desk with them.

"Calm down Sokka!" Suki sternly furrowed her brows and kept a tight grip on Sokka's shoulder,"You don't have to invent anything if you don't want to!"

"But I do want to!" Sokka retorted as he stood up from his chair. Suki let go of Sokka's shoulders, allowing him to trail the room with his hands behind his back, "I'm trying to prove myself!"

"Prove yourself at what!" Suki asked, her eyebrow lifted once more and her hands on her hips.

"That I can be as great as an inventor as Teo's father!" Sokka shouted as he turned to face Suki, his hands in the air.

"Why do you need to prove yourself?" Suki still wasn't satisfied with Sokka's answered, "Besides he did invent weapons for the Fire Nation" Suki sternly reminded him, her arms folded together.

"Well no one's perfect!" Sokka said as he walked toward Suki, who intern moved out of his way to make room for his frustration, "besides he did help us in the end!"

Sokka then stood at a blue print of an airship that was given to him from Teo's father as a gift.

"I just want to improve the world, just like Aang did…." Sokka softly said his head was turned away from Suki and lowered in defeat along with a hunched back.

Suki smiled at her soon to be husbands good intent. The Kyoshi Warrior approached Sokka and once more touched his shoulder in comfort.

"You don't need to to prove yourself" She said, "Besides you along with everyone else you knew or met helped Aang save the world!"

"And you too!" Sokka then said with a now calmer voice. He turned to meet Suki with a calm smile.

"And me too..l" Suki said softly as she closed on Sokka's head a placed a kiss on his cheek. A slight blush crept on his face.

Suddenly a breeze was felt as the sound of the door opening turned the couples attention towards a fearful and swearing Kyoshi warrior holding the door with her left hand.

"Master Suki, there's something in the sky!"

Fire Nation Capital

Avatar Aang lied on his bed, tossing and turning. His body sweating and teeth gritting as he violently slept. In contrast, Katara was stepping peaceful on the other side of the bed. Aang was having a nightmare. A nightmare that was intense as the one he had prior to fighting Ozai. The nightmare that prompted 12 (or technically 112) year old Aang to make the foolish decision to not sleep. However this nightmare made that one in the past looks like a pleasant dream in comparison.

In his dream, stood in the streets of the Ba Sing Se. Men, women and children run past his frozen body in absolute terror. Buildings and houses around him were currently in a blaze, as if the Fire Nation had attacked them. But Aang eyes widened in terror as on the horizon and standing on the ruins of the cities great wall was the a monster more terrifying then the Unagi that swam near Kyoshi island. It was a giant golden scaled three headed dragon that was size of a mountain and had large wings. Curiously, the beast had no other appendages other then its feet. The dragon's three necks shook and riled as yellow streams of lighting fired from their mouths like that of Azula's lighting bending. The yellow lighting destroyed every building and house it touched. The sinister and unearthly cackle Pierce through Aang ears, as if it were releasing every death and act of destruction it made.

Aang's attention turned to the sky was a red colored giant flying monster that Aang could only describe as Bird/Bat like monsters as it had the beak of a bird but no feathers and the wings of a bat. The sky monster was flying at almost impossible speed. The buildings and houses that it flew over crumbled from its intense winds. Wind so intense that not even Aang could possibly control. The flying monster landed on a large building were it was crushed by its weight. The bird-bat like monsters head lifted up as it made a triumphant roar and shaking its wings around with created and even more powerful gust of wind that blew every tent and cart in the city. Aang could see a lone civilian trying to hang on to a lamp pole as the super strong gush hit him intensely. The winged monster then emoted a stream of smoke from its beaked mouth.

The a third monster. A monster just as terrifying as the last two. This monster broke through the wall of Ba Sing Se just as easy as the three headed dragon. Unlike the last two monsters, this one had no wings and seemed to be mostly terrestrial. The monster was reptilian with its bumpy scales. The monster turned to the right after breaking through the wall, allowing Aang to get a good look at its tail and spikes shaped like autumn leaves. Like the monsters, it dwarfed the houses and buildings it stood by. The monsters eyes briefly narrowed towards were Aang was, who was paralyzed both physical and metaphorically. All the Avatar could do is watch the destruction and carnage. The lizard monster lifted its head, neck and arms as it let out an overwhelming roar of terror. Suddenly its spikes began to glow bright blew. In a hot minute, the monster let out a stream of blue fire which greatly reminded Aang of Azula's fire bending. However, the monsters fire breath proved more destructive as it set the entire city ablaze. Aang looked in horror as he could see small houses melting from its intense heat. Even more horrifying were the civilians caught in its sight appeared to be burning, some even disintegrating! The monster then approached the palace of the cities King. In the monsters way was a crumbling building that a mother and her crying baby were currently resting. The bay was violently sobbing in its mother arms while the mother herself looked at its child with a somber expression.

"Don't cry!" The mother said, "We will soon be with your father!" A large piece of rubble then hit the the two prompting Aang to finally wake up, screaming at the top of his lungs.

The screaming awoke a concerned Katara who turned to see a panting a sweating Aang.

"Aang!" Katara gently said as she placed her soft hand on Aang's shoulder, "Aang calm down! You were just having a nightmare! Everything is ok!"

Aang slowly turned his head to meat Katara's comforting eyes as he slowly became calm.

"It was horrible, Katara" Aang stated, his right arm placed on his tattooed forehead.

The two then heard the door open, prompting them to turn to see a tired Toph (who had just turned 14) stumbling into their room in her nightgown.

"What happened? Toph tiredly asked as her right hand was rubbing her blind eye.

"Aang was having a bad dream." Katana stated, her hand still on Aangs shoulder, "What was your dream about?" Katara turned her head back to Aang who's head was lowered, hands completely covering his face.

"Three big monsters were destroying Ba Sing Se." Aang explained as he uncovered his hand to face Katara.

"Monsters?" Katara lifted her brow in curiosity, "What where these monsters like?"

"Well, one was like a dragon with three heads!" Aang said.

"Three heads?" Toph commented, "how does it go to the bathroom without the other looking?"

Katana turned her head towards Toph with a frown of disapproval. "Toph, try to be more understanding!" The water bender said.

"Sorry Twinkle Toes" Toph apologized.

"Then there was a flying bat-bird like monster!" Aang described while making a flapping motion with his arms while his eyes were widened from the memories of the recent dream, "Then came this big lizard monster that walked like….a man!" Aang once more covered his face with his hands.

"Oh Katara it was awful!" Aang briefly sobbed.

"Well it was just a dream Aang" Katara comforted, "No monsters are going to attack Ba Sing Se."

"That's the thing Katara!" Aang lowered his head somberly, his eyes closed and mouth frowning, "I don't think it's just a dream!"

"What are you saying Aang?" Katara eye brow rose in confusion.

"I think it's a premonition…."
Chapter 2
Monster Zero Strikes Back at Ba Sing Se!

A Godzilla/Avatar crossover

Chapter 2

Soka and Suki eyes were wide as umbrellas, with mouths nearly agape in aw at the object in the sky! They were not the only ones as the entire island seemed to have huddled over the same hill that Suki stood over earlier to see the object hurl towards the sea.

The object was large to say the least. Sokka internally estimated it to be nearly as big as a small Fire nation cruiser.

"What is it Sokka?" Suki turned to Sokka who grabbed his homemade spy glass and placed it over his right eye.

"It looks like a rocket?" Sokka commented.

"A rocket?" Suki furrowed her brow in confusion

"Like what people use in festivals!" The young water tribe man stated.

"Who makes rockets that big?" Suki asked as her turned back to the falling rocket.

"I don't know….." Sokka was stumped. Since the war he had studies every man bending power vehicle from Fire Nation Tanks to the earth bending subways of Ba Sing Se. Yet he hat seen such a craft before. Upon further inspection through his spy glass he noticed that the rocket was painted silver like a flying dagger. In addition it had writing in white pain on the side. Writing that Sokka had never seen before, "It can't be from here……"

Suki's face became wide eyed, her mouth twisted and brow creasing in disbelief at she was hearing.

"Are you saying it's from……outer space?" Suki questioned, "Like your sword?"

"Its the only explanation I have!" Sokka said with great earnestly. He took the spy glass away from his eye and folded it. His head darted around the villagers who stared intently at the object, like it was a comet or a shooting star. Some looked at it aww while others in fear. One man even started convulsing and foaming at the mouth, followed collapsing at the floor!?

"What if it crashes and destroys us all!" Sokka heard one panicking woman shout.

"From the trajectory, it looks like it's going to hit the ocean!" Sokka confidently reassured the panicking crowd.

And so it did, but not before attempting to maneuver away from the sea where it glided over the water. This move was even more of a surprise, especially toward Sokka.

"I've never seen a rocket do that before!" Suki yelled in further disbelief. Sokka too was wide eyes in disbelief.

"There must be people in it!" Sokka deduced.

"That's impossible!" Suki scoffed.

"Hey I've seen my friend Aang do some crazy stuff!" Sokka retorted as he turned his head towards Suki, his arms folded and one where brow raised, "Trust me, it's not out of the realm of possibility!"

Finally the rocket crashed landed onto the sea, making an enormous splash and water hit its side.

Suki anxiously stood in a hunch posture.

"If there's people in their then I think they need help!" Suki exclaimed.

Sokka however was hesitant as he stood aback and narrowed his brow with suspicion.

"What if they not friendly?" Sokka turned and asked Suki who promptly rolled her and eyes sighed at her fiancée's cynicism showing.

"We're not at war anymore Sokka!" Suki reminded him with great disappointment, "Are you just going to let them get eaten by the Unagi?"

Sokka lowered his head down in contemplation. Perhaps Suki was right. Despite still showing his cheerful attitude he always had, the war left a lasting mark in both heart and mind. He would remember horror stories told to him and his sister when they were younger about Fire Nation soldiers taking entire villages by tricking the people in those villages into helping them.

On the other hand he thought of Aang with what he would do. He would of swooped in on his glider to rescue whoever was in that thing in a heartbeat. Though Sokka would roll his eyes at Aang's prevailing naïveté and idealism, he had to admit that if there was one thing he learned from Aang was compassion towards your enemies. Without that lesson, perhaps he (along with Katara and Toph) would never have forgiven (and later befriended) Prince Zuko for his past transgressions or even befriending the people from the Fire Nation he along with the others in Team Avatar considered enemies at one time (Zuko's Uncle, Ty Lee, Mai, etc).

Then Sokka remembered the rut he was in regarding inventions. While he (or anyone else in this world fro that matter) did not build that rocket, he could perhaps learn from whoever was in their on how to make one his own. An opportunistic smile crept from Sokka's face.

"All right, we'll help them!" Sokka conceded, making Suki smile at his fiancée finally showing some compassion, "But I'm bringing my boomerang just in case!"

Sokka relentless paddles the boat which held Suki (who was in the front) as well some of her fellow Kyoshi warriors that she new personally. Next to them, other Kyoshi warriors paddled boats towards the floating metal rocket.

"Keep paddling Sokka!" Suki ordered, "We're almost near it!"

"I'm paddling!" Sokka annoying grunted as he gritted his teeth. Sweat was pouring down his body. "At least I'm getting a good workout from this" he jokingly thought,

Finally, Suki's boat was firmly near the downed craft. A panting Sokka finally let go of the oars and rested his body, huffing and puffing.

Now close up, Suki inspected the rocket with much curiosity. She balled her right hand into a fist and gently hit the metal hull of the rocket, the metal making a thunderous sound.

"This is harder then any of the downed Fire Nation tanks I've inspected before" Suki noted, rubbing her chin.

Sokka then got up to stood next to Suki. He got out his boomerang from his holster and preceded to tap on the metallic rocket with it.

"Now all we need to do is figure out how to get inside this thing!" Sokka stated as he rubbed the top his head with his boomerang.

Suki then noticed a wide crease forming a rectangular shape near the center of the rocket, right next to the alien markings that Sokka noted earlier.

"I think I found a door, Sokka!" Suki pointed and smiled triumphantly as she tilted her head back, "Now all we need to do is find a way to open it?"

"I've got this!" Sokka arrogantly smiled as he began emphasizing his boomerang in front of Suki.

With two hands, Sokka attempted to pry open the door with his boomerang. With eyes closed, teeth gritting and arms wearing he struggled to open it. Meanwhile Suki noticed there was another crease next to the door, this time much smaller and circular in shape. With her finger she gently pressed on the circle, thus allowing the door to slowly open which startled Sokka and almost made him fall off the boat.

"Master inventor huh?" With hands on her hips, Suki grinned in amusement at Sokka who looked down away from Suki in embarrassment. He could hear the giggling of the Kyoshi warriors on Suki's boat.



Tokyo air space

Glen looked out of the window near him, cigarette in mouth. He could see the entire Tokyo skyline from the plane.

"Cream and coffee?" He heard one of the Japanese stewardess's ask.

"No thank's ma'am!" He turned and replied to the young Japanese stewardess who was carrying a tray of coffee.
After the stewardess left, Glen heard the male pilot give message through the speaker.

"Attention all passengers, we will be landing in Haneda Airport within a moment!"

After landing and going through the hassle of customs, the retired American astronaut awaited outside the airport. While waiting, he preceded to take out a new cigarette and placed it into his mouth. His cold hands were buried in the pockets of his brown leather coat. Tokyo always started to become chilly around the end of November, as his previous experiences in the city had shown him.

A dark blue car arrived and parked in front of him. From the window of the car, was the smiling face of an old friend.

"Need a ride?" The Japanese man quipped with a smile.

"I thought you'd never asked!" Glen smiled.

"So one of our rockets when missing, I heard." Glen stated as he looked out the car window, the busy streets of Tokyo passing before him.

"It seems so I'm afraid" Fuji said as his eyes were firmly placed on the road.

"Do they know how it happened exactly?" Glen turned to his fellow astronaut.

"I haven't heard anything so far" Fuji replied.

"Figures" Glen muttered as he looked away from Glen once more.

"You know you don't seem well Glen?" Fuji narrowed his eyes towards the American.

"I keep thinking about her Fuji." Glen replied, his head still somberly facing the window.

"Ms. Namikawa?" Fuji guessed to which Glen replied with a confining mumble.

"It's been almost two years and I can still remember having her in my arms!" Glen lowered his head, "Before those rats killed her!"

"Well let's hope the Xillians aren't involve in this whole incident!" Fuji stated as he drove past the Diet Building.

"What do you think Godzilla and Rodan are doing?" Glen asked.

"That's the million dollar question on everyone's mind Glen" Fuji replied.
In case of confusion
This is a sequel of sorts to Invasion Of The Astro Monsters and is thus set in the Showa Continuity.

The two characters on Earth (our Earth) at the end of chapter 2 are the main protagonists from that movie.

Also as you can see Earth is still in the 60's, but is still more advanced then OTL due to previous alien invasions.

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