Master of Squirrel-fu
The Original
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So here's the deal, I was looking up some Rosario fics after I read both Big Human on Campus and He Who Fights Monsters. When who do I find but this guy, Lord of the Land of Fire. Who, from what I've heard on the grapevine, appears to be seen as a lighter version of Perfect Lionheart.
So after a few shots of liquid confidence I've decided to read through his Rosario fics and give out the nut&bolts of the plot in the simplest form possible.
But first:
Now without further Ado:
My (drunken) reaction to Unsealed Vampire; chapter by chapter.
So I waz readin this fic an heres how it goes.
Summary: Read the damn title!
Okay, First Tsukune Shows up to class and Nekonome says "yo wez all monstas here and humans get a cap in da ass" And Tsukune is all thinkin /lulz you kiddin right/ Then moka shows up and she goes up to Tsukune.
Moka: Yo lunch come with me!
Tsukune: *shits pants* Lolzkay!
Moka: I know you human!
Tsukune: No I aint!
Moka: yes you is!
Tsukune: Lolzkay!
Moka: From now on youz my bitch! I can sell you for a cigarette but not before I use sucking your blood as a substitue for anal raep! *Omnomnom*
Tsukune: Ahn~!
Moka: Take it!
Moka: Oi I kidnaped this loli to teach you!
Tsukune: nozkay!
Moka: How dare you not agree with me bitch! *Bitchslap!*
Tsukune: Lolzkay!
Moka: How dare you agree with me! *bitchslap!*
Yukari: Ohnoz!
Later Yukari gets in trouble and Tsukune tries to act manly and protect her. Then Moka shows up and pwnz them all and Tsukune say "Lolzthanks!" and moka all bitchslaps him down.
Moka: My hand hurts so much from all the bitchslappin, no one pick on da loli so I dont have to bitchslap him as much!
Chapter 5 tabloid humor
Newspaper: Tsukunes a lolicon and Moka wants to tap dat!
Moka: Rage!
Tsukune: Lolz
Gin: Do I mak u horny baby? Do I make you randy?
Moka: Za Warudo! *PWNZor*
Tsukune: Lolsnark!
Shopping episode!
Tsukune: Flowers!
Moka: *Tsundere!*
Me: da fuck!?
Summer break
Tsukune: Kurumu be a trick
Moka: Humans are da real monsters!
Tsukune: Lolwat? *Gets Verbally bitchslapd*
Yukari: Desu! (This be abuse yo!)
Tsukune: No I just walked into a door, I totally deserved it!
Than Tsukune seduced Mizore and Summer start, Movie club gets ready to go film apornomovie
Moka: Da fuck is dis!?
Prez: Lolz Love story!
Tsukune: Lulz
Next chapter
Moka: *Bitchslap* Humans r like dogs and moka aint into that shit! we reriting dis to a murder!
Tsukune: Despair!
*We on a bus! We on a bus! Look at us mothafucka cause we ridin on a bus!*
Moka: Oi lunch you actin more like a bitch than usual!
Tsukune: Don't Taze me bro!
*Creep Cliffhanger!*
Drama intro!
Moka: Bellkune stay away!
Tsukune: No Mokadward, I cant resist da sparklez!
Prez: cut! Needs more Yaoi!
Moka: Da fuck wrong wit u?
Tsukune: Oh Mokaward what am I to you?
Moka: My bitch! And would you look at the time!
*Boom Leg shot*
Tsukune: Ohnoz!
Mook: u got a real perty mouth!
Moka: now Squeel like a piggy! *PWNZor*
Tsukune: *Swoon*
Romance scene
Moka: Oh Jackune
Tsukune: Oh Mokaward
Prez: Again! With moar Yaoi!
Moka: Innuendo!
Tsukune: Da fuck!?
Moka: Trainin!
Mizore: *stalking* Bitch.
Moka: *slips*
Date with Mizore!
Me: Fuckyes!
Tsukune: -Put it in
-put it in
-put it in
> -Buy moka flowers
Mizore chapter!
Mizore: YandereYandereYandereYandereYandereYandereYandereYandereYandereYandere
Jerkass: Lol Imma warn Tsukune!
Mizore: YANDERE!!!!!!1!
Ommonous title!
Moka: I'm the prez, grovel before me worms!
Tsukune: Lolsnark!
Moka: Bitch did I just catch you having an opinion!?
Yukari: Desudesudesu! (Da Fuck man!?)
Mooks: We gonnaz kill da vamp! Need bait!
Tsukune: *PWNd*
Moka: PWNZor!
Mook used Splash! It was super effective!
Tsukune: Noz! *PWNZor*
Mizore: *Stalking!*
Short chapter!
Tsukune: Angst angst angst!
Moka: Yo shut up! *Kiss/mouthraep* You still my bitch! *Deadz*
stupid Title!
Hokuto: Omonous dialouge!
Tsukune: Must. Resist. Urge to FAP!
Me: Dood shez like in a coma!
Yukari: DesuDesuDesu! (thinly veiled come ons!)
Tsukune: -Put it in
-Put it in
-Put it in
> -Friendzone da loli
Meanwhile inside moka's wet dream
Moka: OhNoz! Don't sparkle so close to me Tsukunedward!
Tsukune: I watch you sleeping an Fap BellMoka!
Moka: Oh don't be so rough! Let's have lots of helspawn babies!
Tsukune: RAEP!
Moka: *Wakes up* /Hmm what would be the most Tsuntsun response?
Moka did lots of Offscreen bitchslaps and raep to tsukune!
Moka: Bitch did I just catch you exsisting!? *Bitchslap!*
And so Tsukune seeks comfort in the arms of Mizore. Fuckin finally! I mean damn...
Tsukune: -Put it in
-put it in
-put it in
> -BuymokaMizore flowers
Me: eh, it's a start.
Moka: Why has he not reacted to my Tsundere charms!?
Mizore: Yandere.
Title:Moka fucks up
Prez: Letz watch moby dick, lolz medofor
Moka: ...
Tsukune: Don't taze me bro!
Kurumu: Man, havin a harem sukz, Too bad Tsukune became such a tool.
Mizore: Girlfriend powaz go!
Tsukune: I feel less emo!
Kurumu: *Mr.Burns face* Excelent...
Hokuto: I lovewar Peace! Do you love peace Tsukune!?
Tsukune: Imma tool.
Moka: Oi don't talk to my bitch!
Hokuto: What if he don't wanna be ur bitch!?
Moka: Common bitch we leavin
Toolkune: Yes master
Headmaster: Come with me.
Lying title!
Toolkune: Angst angst angst, moka's gone.
Yukari: ~Ding dong the witch is dead~!
Mooks: Der gettem!
Tsukune: WRYYYYY!? *PWNZor*
Mizore: I made you dinner.
Tsukune: -Put it in
-put it in
-put it in
> -"Wanna fuck?"
Mizore: Sure.
Me: Finaly!
*Offscreen smexing*
Return of the bitch
Tsukune: Time to look for moka, hey an abandoned shack!
Moka: Wah! Im sorry!
Tsukune: Da fuck!?
Moka: *Exposition!* Do you hate me?
Tsukune: fuck yeah!
moka: Wah!
Tsukune: Just kidding!
Moka: Yay! Lets be friends!
Unimaginative title!
Moka: EEK! y are you watching me sleep!?
Tsukune: Waiting for teh raep
moka: No more raep!
Tsukune: Awww...
Moka: ...Okay
Tsukune: Yay!
So after necking Moka and Tsukune go to school and act all loveydovey.
Yukari: DesuDesuDesu! (lets have a 3way!)
Tsukune: Lolno
Yukari/Me: Damn.
Mooks: Die!
Tsukune: Shounen hero powa go! *PWNZor!*
Moka: Blahblah u strongs as halfpire!
Unimportant character: Does unimportant forshadowing
Cheating title
Mizore: Yandere. ( I made you dinner)
Moka: Who's this?
Tsukune: My friend, Now I going to have dinner with her all night long~ OH!
Mizore; Yandere (If you cheat I'll fucking cut you)
Moka: What smells like Smex?
Confusing title
Kurumu: *Does something interesting*
Moka: Sorry mr.prez for caving you face in.
Hokuto: Whateva, hey come meet me latter in the secluded basement guys! I promise you virginities will remain intact by morning!
Tsukune: Too late for that! OH!
Moka: Wat?
Moka: Tsukune lets study!
Tsukune: Sorry I promised Mizore I'd eat her
Moka: her cooking?
Tsukune: that too
Mizore: Yandere (Censored)
Chapter Title
Obvious movie scene
Rhett: Frankly my dear, Fuck you.
Tsukune: Lolz Just like us, what a coincidence!
So they go to the basement and talk about shit.
Hokuto: Yo! I just got back from killing the dean, now Imma reveal monsters to the muggles, cause WwIII, kick a puppy, then take nap.
Tsukune: Not the puppy!
Hokuto: Transform and roll out! *Hokuto Evolved into UBW*
Spoiler Title
Mizore: Yandere (Time to look for Tsukune, I sure hope he's not about to die and/or going to leave me for the bitchpire.)
Mika: Lol Typo
Tsukune: Shounen speach! Who the hell do you think I am!? *PWNz-*
Hokuto: Lolno *Curbstomp*
Tsukune: My organs!
Moka: Tsukune!
Tsukune: Awkward confession!
Moka: Transformu!
*Curbstomp fight*
Moka: I love you tsukune
Tsukune: And I love BDSM
Me: *Punchs fist through computer*
RAEG inducing chapter
Moka: What about Mizore
Tsukune: Fuck her! Bitch can hit the road!
Me: KILL!!!!1!
Tsukune: Oi lets break up! i'd rather smex moka than you!
Mizore: DIE!
Tsukune: Pleze don't kill me!
Mizore: Than go out with me during the festival.
Tsukune: Just dont kill me!
Kurumu: Hey mom meet the harem
Ageha: Nice...
Kurumu: Now fight for my love!
Moka and tsukune go on a date and Mizore stalks them.
Last Chapter
Mizore and Tsukune go on a date, then Mizore Kidnaps Tsukune, slits mokas thought, and tells Tsukune he's now her husband and he can never escape.
The end.
Will start My Snow girl later.
So after a few shots of liquid confidence I've decided to read through his Rosario fics and give out the nut&bolts of the plot in the simplest form possible.
But first:

Now without further Ado:
My (drunken) reaction to Unsealed Vampire; chapter by chapter.
So I waz readin this fic an heres how it goes.
Summary: Read the damn title!
Okay, First Tsukune Shows up to class and Nekonome says "yo wez all monstas here and humans get a cap in da ass" And Tsukune is all thinkin /lulz you kiddin right/ Then moka shows up and she goes up to Tsukune.
Moka: Yo lunch come with me!
Tsukune: *shits pants* Lolzkay!
Moka: I know you human!
Tsukune: No I aint!
Moka: yes you is!
Tsukune: Lolzkay!
Moka: From now on youz my bitch! I can sell you for a cigarette but not before I use sucking your blood as a substitue for anal raep! *Omnomnom*
Tsukune: Ahn~!
Moka: Take it!
Moka: Oi I kidnaped this loli to teach you!
Tsukune: nozkay!
Moka: How dare you not agree with me bitch! *Bitchslap!*
Tsukune: Lolzkay!
Moka: How dare you agree with me! *bitchslap!*
Yukari: Ohnoz!

Later Yukari gets in trouble and Tsukune tries to act manly and protect her. Then Moka shows up and pwnz them all and Tsukune say "Lolzthanks!" and moka all bitchslaps him down.
Moka: My hand hurts so much from all the bitchslappin, no one pick on da loli so I dont have to bitchslap him as much!
Chapter 5 tabloid humor
Newspaper: Tsukunes a lolicon and Moka wants to tap dat!
Moka: Rage!
Tsukune: Lolz
Gin: Do I mak u horny baby? Do I make you randy?
Moka: Za Warudo! *PWNZor*
Tsukune: Lolsnark!
Shopping episode!
Tsukune: Flowers!
Moka: *Tsundere!*
Me: da fuck!?

Summer break
Tsukune: Kurumu be a trick
Moka: Humans are da real monsters!
Tsukune: Lolwat? *Gets Verbally bitchslapd*
Yukari: Desu! (This be abuse yo!)
Tsukune: No I just walked into a door, I totally deserved it!
Than Tsukune seduced Mizore and Summer start, Movie club gets ready to go film a
Moka: Da fuck is dis!?
Prez: Lolz Love story!
Tsukune: Lulz
Next chapter
Moka: *Bitchslap* Humans r like dogs and moka aint into that shit! we reriting dis to a murder!
Tsukune: Despair!
*We on a bus! We on a bus! Look at us mothafucka cause we ridin on a bus!*
Moka: Oi lunch you actin more like a bitch than usual!
Tsukune: Don't Taze me bro!
*Creep Cliffhanger!*
Drama intro!
Moka: Bellkune stay away!
Tsukune: No Mokadward, I cant resist da sparklez!
Prez: cut! Needs more Yaoi!
Moka: Da fuck wrong wit u?
Tsukune: Oh Mokaward what am I to you?
Moka: My bitch! And would you look at the time!

*Boom Leg shot*
Tsukune: Ohnoz!
Mook: u got a real perty mouth!
Moka: now Squeel like a piggy! *PWNZor*
Tsukune: *Swoon*
Romance scene
Moka: Oh Jackune
Tsukune: Oh Mokaward
Prez: Again! With moar Yaoi!
Moka: Innuendo!
Tsukune: Da fuck!?
Moka: Trainin!
Mizore: *stalking* Bitch.
Moka: *slips*
Date with Mizore!
Me: Fuckyes!
Tsukune: -Put it in
-put it in
-put it in
> -Buy moka flowers
Mizore chapter!
Mizore: YandereYandereYandereYandereYandereYandereYandereYandereYandereYandere
Jerkass: Lol Imma warn Tsukune!
Mizore: YANDERE!!!!!!1!
Ommonous title!
Moka: I'm the prez, grovel before me worms!
Tsukune: Lolsnark!
Moka: Bitch did I just catch you having an opinion!?

Yukari: Desudesudesu! (Da Fuck man!?)
Mooks: We gonnaz kill da vamp! Need bait!
Tsukune: *PWNd*
Moka: PWNZor!
Mook used Splash! It was super effective!
Tsukune: Noz! *PWNZor*
Mizore: *Stalking!*
Short chapter!
Tsukune: Angst angst angst!
Moka: Yo shut up! *Kiss/mouthraep* You still my bitch! *Deadz*
stupid Title!
Hokuto: Omonous dialouge!
Tsukune: Must. Resist. Urge to FAP!
Me: Dood shez like in a coma!
Yukari: DesuDesuDesu! (thinly veiled come ons!)
Tsukune: -Put it in
-Put it in
-Put it in
> -Friendzone da loli
Meanwhile inside moka's wet dream
Moka: OhNoz! Don't sparkle so close to me Tsukunedward!
Tsukune: I watch you sleeping an Fap BellMoka!
Moka: Oh don't be so rough! Let's have lots of helspawn babies!
Tsukune: RAEP!
Moka: *Wakes up* /Hmm what would be the most Tsuntsun response?
Moka did lots of Offscreen bitchslaps and raep to tsukune!
Moka: Bitch did I just catch you exsisting!? *Bitchslap!*
And so Tsukune seeks comfort in the arms of Mizore. Fuckin finally! I mean damn...
Tsukune: -Put it in
-put it in
-put it in
> -Buy
Me: eh, it's a start.
Moka: Why has he not reacted to my Tsundere charms!?
Mizore: Yandere.
Title:Moka fucks up
Prez: Letz watch moby dick, lolz medofor
Moka: ...
Tsukune: Don't taze me bro!
Kurumu: Man, havin a harem sukz, Too bad Tsukune became such a tool.
Mizore: Girlfriend powaz go!
Tsukune: I feel less emo!
Kurumu: *Mr.Burns face* Excelent...
Hokuto: I love
Tsukune: Imma tool.
Moka: Oi don't talk to my bitch!
Hokuto: What if he don't wanna be ur bitch!?

Moka: Common bitch we leavin
Toolkune: Yes master
Headmaster: Come with me.
Lying title!
Toolkune: Angst angst angst, moka's gone.
Yukari: ~Ding dong the witch is dead~!
Mooks: Der gettem!
Tsukune: WRYYYYY!? *PWNZor*
Mizore: I made you dinner.
Tsukune: -Put it in
-put it in
-put it in
> -"Wanna fuck?"
Mizore: Sure.
Me: Finaly!
*Offscreen smexing*
Return of the bitch
Tsukune: Time to look for moka, hey an abandoned shack!
Moka: Wah! Im sorry!
Tsukune: Da fuck!?
Moka: *Exposition!* Do you hate me?
Tsukune: fuck yeah!
moka: Wah!
Tsukune: Just kidding!
Moka: Yay! Lets be friends!

Unimaginative title!
Moka: EEK! y are you watching me sleep!?
Tsukune: Waiting for teh raep
moka: No more raep!
Tsukune: Awww...
Moka: ...Okay
Tsukune: Yay!
So after necking Moka and Tsukune go to school and act all loveydovey.
Yukari: DesuDesuDesu! (lets have a 3way!)
Tsukune: Lolno
Yukari/Me: Damn.
Mooks: Die!
Tsukune: Shounen hero powa go! *PWNZor!*
Moka: Blahblah u strongs as halfpire!
Unimportant character: Does unimportant forshadowing
Cheating title
Mizore: Yandere. ( I made you dinner)
Moka: Who's this?
Tsukune: My friend, Now I going to have dinner with her all night long~ OH!
Mizore; Yandere (If you cheat I'll fucking cut you)
Moka: What smells like Smex?
Confusing title
Kurumu: *Does something interesting*
Moka: Sorry mr.prez for caving you face in.
Hokuto: Whateva, hey come meet me latter in the secluded basement guys! I promise you virginities will remain intact by morning!
Tsukune: Too late for that! OH!
Moka: Wat?
Moka: Tsukune lets study!
Tsukune: Sorry I promised Mizore I'd eat her
Moka: her cooking?
Tsukune: that too
Mizore: Yandere (Censored)
Chapter Title
Obvious movie scene
Rhett: Frankly my dear, Fuck you.
Tsukune: Lolz Just like us, what a coincidence!
So they go to the basement and talk about shit.
Hokuto: Yo! I just got back from killing the dean, now Imma reveal monsters to the muggles, cause WwIII, kick a puppy, then take nap.
Tsukune: Not the puppy!
Hokuto: Transform and roll out! *Hokuto Evolved into UBW*
Spoiler Title
Mizore: Yandere (Time to look for Tsukune, I sure hope he's not about to die and/or going to leave me for the bitchpire.)
Mika: Lol Typo
Tsukune: Shounen speach! Who the hell do you think I am!? *PWNz-*
Hokuto: Lolno *Curbstomp*
Tsukune: My organs!
Moka: Tsukune!
Tsukune: Awkward confession!
Moka: Transformu!

*Curbstomp fight*
Moka: I love you tsukune
Tsukune: And I love BDSM
Me: *Punchs fist through computer*

RAEG inducing chapter
Moka: What about Mizore
Tsukune: Fuck her! Bitch can hit the road!
Me: KILL!!!!1!
Tsukune: Oi lets break up! i'd rather smex moka than you!
Mizore: DIE!
Tsukune: Pleze don't kill me!
Mizore: Than go out with me during the festival.
Tsukune: Just dont kill me!
Kurumu: Hey mom meet the harem
Ageha: Nice...
Kurumu: Now fight for my love!
Moka and tsukune go on a date and Mizore stalks them.
Last Chapter
Mizore and Tsukune go on a date, then Mizore Kidnaps Tsukune, slits mokas thought, and tells Tsukune he's now her husband and he can never escape.
The end.

Will start My Snow girl later.