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[NaNoWriMo] Part-Time Magica: Yulia Atyanas and the Magic of Fisticuffs

Chapter 7: Alone Together (Àimyrhja Vwahln Klydhe)
Emmy and Yulia spend their day together, Emmy wants to confess something important but things seem to keep getting in the way.

Whelp, time to break out the gifs




in case anyone still can't tell, tome has somehow gotten me to be a shipper despite saying he is going to try and make it so that any of the people could be a viable partner. Clearly his insidious and squirrelly power knows no bounds.
Also possible Gaiden chapter:
Chapter 9: The Demon Lord is a Terrible Roommate
Meet Abigail O'Rly, a simple worker at the Ministra Union's Extraplaner Transmigrant Affairs department, whom is being freeloaded off of by The Demon Lord who claims her to her soul mate.

Chapter 10: You Don't Mess With The Faemily
Misha Caglietti is the new Fairy Godmother and the leader of what's left of the Fae mafia after a coup attempt killed her father and divided the court.

Chapter 11: What Secrets Lie Beyond the Mirrors Surface
Cinque Albrite, new born Legionette, seeks out her teammates on Shadow Star for advice about daily life.

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