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You were warned about this before. Do not necro. Follow Rule 7.
[x] Male
-[x] Akihiro
[x] Former 'Servant' Family
[x] Plan Genius
-[x] STR: 11
-[x] CON: 11
-[x] DEX: 11
-[x] WIS: 16
-[x] INT: 16​
[x] Male
-[x] Akihiro
[x] Former 'Servant' Family
[x] Plan Genius
-[x] STR: 11
-[x] CON: 11
-[x] DEX: 11
-[x] WIS: 16
-[x] INT: 16
Don't necro. This is against Rule 7.
[X] Female
[X] Meiko
[X] Nomadic Family - Your family moved around alot, leading you learning much about the world around you and making friends with some odd people. Despite their own personal wanderlust and itch to travel, they understand and support your wish to be a shinobi and came with you to Konoha to be with you while you went through the academy, although when you either fail or succeed, they will be on the road again eventually.(This way Naruto gets more family members. Bless him.)

[X]5+ Strength
5+ Wisdom
5+ Dexterity
The End
Alright, gonna say this so that there is no question about it.

Sorry everyone, but this quest is unfortunately dead I bit off more than I could chew when I started this, it was too close to Ninja Gamer and it was really had to draw motivation to start it, now, I might start up somethibg similar again, with more clearly difined rules.

Again, sorry, if someone wants to pick this up and run, go ahead, but this thread is dead

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