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Surprisingly, in the beginning, there was me. Why do I say it's surprising?

Well because I had...

Jake Knight

Making the rounds.
May 12, 2020
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Surprisingly, in the beginning, there was me. Why do I say it's surprising?

Well because I had thought I had existed as a mortal, I was born like every normal human in the 21st century, lives just like everyone in the 21st century, and died just like any other mc in a fanfic.

By a Truck.

Only to appear in this space.

This black endless, space.

What happened, you might wonder.

Well, according to the knowedge, I had received.

I became nothingness, and my life everything that I had or was, all of my goals and my infinte imagination, was only just a dream, but that dream, created existence, that dream created Realities, and Omniverses.

I was the creator.

I had all power.

No one was my equal.

How did I feel about this?

Everything I had ever new and love wasn't real, but at the same time, it was.

It was....confusing...at first, but at the same time, understanding.

I feel anticipation.

I feel excitement.

My body is infinte, limitless, It feels weird.

I should create a body.

But....how do I...do I just will it too existence, or...


Ah there we go, weird, actually no it isn't, It is weird.

I took the image of a tall atheletic build, African American, Dwayne the rock Johnson, pretty cool huh.

A/N: this is just a start, the chapters will be longer, how did you like it? Post comments and like, it'll get me more inspired, have a good day.
Seems good but I hope he takes some non human forms like the argonian from elder scrolls or the chimera from resistance fall of man or maybe the scrin from C&C

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