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On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

Okay, there is clearly Beyon Human going on with Eren, what with being called the Titan and his superfast regen a chapter or two back. I can get the majority of everyone not getting a whiff of anything... But absolutely nothing coming up too on those three's senses? Kinda eyebrow-raising at this point.
Wrong kind of Supernatural senses it would take someone like koneco to sense the weirdness about him and even then it wouldn't manifest in an obvious way unless he let it. He's kind of like an iceberg only the tip is visible all the other stuff is in kind of in an extra dimensional space.

It is a bit weird how some faction characters seem to not know him others know him as just the Child Soldier and a few like Vali and his group seem to know something of his powers and seem to have worked with him while that one Fallen Angel powerful guy was scared crapless of him as if he knew completely what Eren could do.
It is a bit weird how some faction characters seem to not know him others know him as just the Child Soldier and a few like Vali and his group seem to know something of his powers and seem to have worked with him while that one Fallen Angel powerful guy was scared crapless of him as if he knew completely what Eren could do.
I'm guessing one had the firsthand experience while the other was merely from hearsays.

Neat story as always.
Declaration of Change
It was an important meeting.

World-changing, even.

The three biblical factions were ceasing their never-ending war and tense cease-fire in favour of an official declaration of peace.

Koneko knew that it was very important and knew that the world of tomorrow would be different than the one of today, no matter what happened.

That didn't change the fact that she was tired.

Not only was it a school night, but she hadn't been sleeping well recently. The nightmares had been worse ever since the Kokabiel incident.

Usually, she could supplement her lack of sleep with naps with Eren, but Koneko had been busy lately, between regular duties, helping Gya-kun, and the additional training they had all taken after the Excaliber disaster.

It was seriously cutting into her nap time.

The leaders of the factions had been talking a while and, after calling upon Buchou and Kachou for their testimony, had spoken to the pervert for a bit before deciding that they all wanted peace.

It was all Koneko could do not to yawn.

Of course, they wanted peace.

They wouldn't be here if they didn't want peace.

But from there, things got even duller, with the conversation shifting to even more boring topics. Trade deals, personnel movements, what the Grigori were doing with Gear holders, yadda yadda.

This chair was so damn annoying. Would it have been too hard to ensure the audience had proper seating instead of using the standard chairs Kuoh used for students? Koneko had to spend the entire day in these things, and they were terrible for naps.

She would know. She tried.

Koneko wished she was on the bench with Eren.

The damned thing was uncomfortable as hell, but Eren let her lay her head on his lap when they napped.

He had already gone home for the night. She had made sure of it. It was for the best. Koneko had almost jumped out of her skin when she saw Lord Lucifer and Lord Michael walking through the park, but they had left the human alone, so she had hurried to get him gone before someone started asking questions.

Right now, the entire grounds were crawling with security forces. No need for him to draw attention.

Still... Koneko was tired.

It shouldn't matter if she closed her eyes for a moment, right?

Just a little bit. A few seconds. Nobody would even notice.

Even Nee-san and Obaa-san, usually so attentive, were more focused on the table full of leaders with their Kings.

Just a minute. Or two. Nobody would know.


Koneko would swear that she only closed her eyes for a second, a brief moment, before she was brutally shaken from her doze by Akeno.

"Koneko! Koneko!" Her Queen said urgently, shaking the Rook awake.

"...Huh?" Koneko murmured blearily, looking around the room with uncomprehending eyes.

It was a mess.

All the leaders had left the table they had been sitting around and were staring outside to Kuoh's grounds through a hole in the wall that Koneko would swear wasn't there before.

Magic of various types flew through the air beyond them, and Koneko's sensitive ears picked up screams, and she could smell blood in the air.

Yuuto and Asia were also blinking in surprise from the seats beside her, as were Sona, her Peerage, and the other attendants, while Akeno leaned over them.

Notable were the absences.

Buchou and the pervert were gone, as were Obaa-san, the White Dragon Emperor and Azazel.

"Are you alright?" Akeno asked, looking Koneko, Yuuto, and Asia over in turn as if expecting them to be injured.

"What is going on?" Yuuto asked, standing from his seat and summoning his Balance Breaker to his hands as he readied himself for combat.

"The conference was attacked," Akeno said simply. "They managed to get a hold of Gasper and did something to him that made his Gear run wild. You've been trapped for a while."

"...Gya-kun?" Koneko asked, slipping her gloves on and readying herself for a fight.

"I don't know," Akeno said worriedly. "Lady Ackerman took Rias and Issei to try to get him from them, but we haven't heard back."

"Mi-chan's got them," Serafall Levithan said proudly, puffing out her chest. Koneko wasn't jealous. There was a crisis going on. Being jealous would be stupid and childish. "Look! Here they come."

Sure enough, all the leaders stepped away from the hole in the wall to allow Mikasa to land in their midst. She had Gya-kun slung over one shoulder and Rias in her other hand.

While the Gremory Peerage felt relief at the sight, Mikasa Ackerman's following words chilled the room.

"The White Dragon Emperor has betrayed us," she declared, even as new swords appeared in her hands from nowhere. "The Red Dragon Emperor is delaying him."

With no more words, the Pawn disappeared back out of the hole in the wall faster than Koneko could track.

"Well," Sirzech Lucifer said wryly. "Now that we don't have to worry about keeping the barrier up, shall we deal with our uninvited guests?"

"I am so going to pew-pew Katerea so hard," Serafall said as she gave a little twirl and shot off sparkles into the distance. "How dare she insult Magical Girls!"

"I believe Lord Azazel has that matter in hand," Nee-san told the Satan. "Might you please instead deal with the insects?"

"Mou~" the strongest woman in the Underworld pouted. "I don't want to be on mook duty! Miracle Girl Levi-tan is the star!"

"Sister, please?" Sona asked, her voice a touch lower than usual. "I don't want my subjects getting hurt or my school getting destroyed."

"Gah!" Serafall stumbled back, dramatically grasping her heart. "So-tan's heartfelt plea! Levi-tan's one weakness!"

"Looks like you have to do it now," Sirzech teased. "You don't want to see So-tan cry, do you?"

"NO!" Serafall cried, standing tall and posing for cameras that weren't there with her wand raised high. "Levi-tan will never allow So-tan to cry! Begone evil-doers! The power of cuteness compels you! So-tan Vult!"

Even as the two Satans and the Seraph left, it was incredibly clear that they were not worried in the least and considered this attack more of a curiosity than a genuine threat.

Now that the hostage had been secured, they were more interested in getting information than defending themselves.

Of course, Koneko couldn't appreciate all this.

She was too busy being squished in an incredibly tight hug by Rias.

Which wouldn't be so bad if the redhead wasn't trying to hug her Rook, Bishop and both Knights at once.

"I was so worried," Rias said, her arms struggling to hold them all.

"Uh," Asia squeaked. "I don't understand what is happening. Where's Issei?"

"He's fighting Vali," Rias said, finally letting them go.

"We should go help," Yuuto said, resuming his sword after he had dismissed it before Rias could impale herself on it in her effort to hug them.

Koneko nodded, smashing one fist into another for emphasis.

"There is nothing to fear," Grayfia, who had remained behind when the leaders left, told the group. She closed up the hole behind them with a thick wall of ice. "Mikasa will have no trouble. Please remain here, and I will protect you."

"But-" Rias made to say something, but the maid interrupted her.

"Your Rook will be fine," Grayfia reassured. "His specialty is defence. A unique path for a Red Dragon Emperor that ensures even if he cannot beat his destined rival for the moment, he will last until Mikasa finishes him off. Trust her and trust Lord Lucifer."

Rias still looked mulish, but Sona grabbed her attention when the Sitri heiress approached after checking over her Peerage.

"What about..." Sona never finished the sentence, but her worried gaze toward the direction of the park conveyed the topic of her concern.

"Don't worry," Akeno was the one to answer instead of their King, shooting a look at Koneko. "I made sure he left before the conference. He's at home and safe."

Sona let out a sigh of relief.

Xenovia, on the other hand, was not ready to sit back and let others fight for her.

"We are not helpless. Let us fight."

Koneko wanted to stop the new Knight.

Clearly, she didn't know Grayfia Lucifuge was voted number one on the list of 'Devils you don't want to piss off' for seventeen years running.

"You will only get in the way," the maid said impassively.

"Let us at least get Issei," Rias joined her newest Peerage member. "We'll come right back."

"No." Grayfia's face might as well have been carved from her own ice magic. "The enemy has already demonstrated a willingness to use hostages. We let you go last time because of the unique circumstances, but not again. It is too risky."

Then, the facade cracked for a fraction of an instant, and the woman peeked through the veneer as she spoke in a softer tone.

"Your brother will make sure nothing happens to him, I promise."

As if God wasn't dead and had been waiting for that exact moment, the ice wall shattered, and a figure clad in draconic red armour passed beside the maid to smash into the far wall.

""ISSEI!"" Multiple voices cried out in worry.

Koneko recognized Rias' voice, of course, but she was surprised to notice that brown-haired girl had also yelled. Had she always been there? What was her name again? Iri- something or other. She had come with the church, right?

It wasn't Koneko's fault. It was Iri...na? That sounded right. It was Irina's fault. Why was she so forgetable?

"I am OK!" Issei said, giving the room a thumbs up as he stood from the wreckage.


Koneko froze, eyes dilating in fear as her breath and heartbeat picked up.


No, she couldn't be here. Not her. Not now.

"Not bad, boyo," Kuroka laughed as she sauntered through the hole in the ice. She moved with feline grace, a sensual flow that spoke of absolute confidence despite the battlefield and the enemies that faced her. "Vali'll have fun with you."

"Black Cat Kuroka," Grayfia intoned gravely, the air around her misting as her magic seeped into it. "What are you doing here?"

"Visiting Shironya~" the Stray devil admitted casually, dismissing the Strongest Queen as her eyes found Koneko. "There you are."

Suddenly, Koneko was in her sister's arms again.

The familiar scent, the nostalgic warmth, and the heartbeat she knew as well as her own.

It was like Koneko's worst nightmare had come to life.

"Let her go!" Rias shouted in fear and anger.

Dozens of small yet incredibly dense spheres of destruction converged on the feline woman from behind, her power trying to blast the Stray away from her Rook without hurting Koneko.

Six black tails batted them away like a cat with balls of yarn.

That shouldn't be possible. At her sister's age, she should only have two, maybe three tails.

"RIAS!" Grayfia shouted in fear as ice covered the room, separating the kimono-clad woman from the devil heiress' and their Peerage.

Only because of the hostage did the maid keep her magic defensive instead of trying to attack the threat.

Koneko was too busy having a panic attack to notice any of this.

Her sister.

Her insane, dangerous, and insanely dangerous sister was here.

Here with her new family, here attacking the peace conference.

She was here for Koneko.

In her panic, Koneko instinctively tried to free herself from the prison she found herself confined to.

She squirmed and wiggled, struggling with all her might to get even an inch of space to attack, defend, flee, or anything. She needed to get away get away get away awayawayaway.

Kuroka did not allow her an inch.

"I missed you, Shirone," the Black Cat rumbled affectionately, rubbing her face against Koneko's cheeks and not giving the younger girl the slightest possibility of escape.

It was a familiar action, one the older sister had done hundreds of times before.

Koneko felt nauseous.


"Nya?" Kuroka asked, stopping her nuzzling to look at her younger sister.

"LET ME GO!" Koneko shouted in her sister's face, redoubling her effort for even an inch of freedom.

"Do as she says," Grayfia ordered. She had wrapped herself, Kuroka, and Koneko in a box of ice meters thick, trapping them together. Rias and her Peerage tried to smash their way in, desperate to reach the Rook, but the maid did not allow it. "Release her and surrender. You will be detained. If you do, I will guarantee your survival."

"You're annoying," Kuroka grumbled, looking less scared and more put out as she glared at the devil. "Don't interfere, nyaa~."

Even as Koneko tried to free herself from her sister's grasp, two more versions of the Black Cat appeared in the ice box and launched themselves at the Strongest Queen.

The ice around them pelted the clones at speeds Koneko couldn't follow, but the other Kurokas surrounded themselves with balls of black flame, laughing lightly as they burned their way closer to the maid despite all the ice.

Kasha. Flames that served to guide the dead. A powerful ability of the nekomata.

The Kuroka Koneko remembered had never been able to summon them.

But then again, the Kuroka Koneko remembered couldn't make solid clones either and only had two tails.

What she saw should be impossible for such a young nekomata, nekoshou or not.

"See Shironya," Kuroka said proudly to her still-struggling sister. "Onee-sama is strong!"

"Let me go," Koneko said again, eyes starting to water in frustration.

She hated this.

She hated how she was being used to ensure Grayfia could not use her full power.

Hated how scared Rias and Akeno and Yuuto and everyone looked as they desperately tried to reach her.

Hated how weak she was, unable to free herself.

Hated how scared she was.

Koneko hated how comfortable she felt in her sister's arms once more.

Kuroka looked at her younger sister and, amazingly, did as she asked.

Koneko stared, wide-eyed, as Kuroka put her back down to the ground.

The older girl leaned forward, lowering herself slightly till they were at eye level.

Even her clones stopped trying to attack Grayfia, keeping their Kasha burning to deal with the ice, but otherwise, they were not actively attacking anymore.

"Shirone," Kuroka said, far more serious than she had been since she had appeared. "I am sorry. It was necessary, but I am still sorry. Sorry that you were hurt. Sorry I had to leave you alone."

"...what?" Koneko hated how her voice cracked.

"I can't explain right now," Kuroka said, her black ears twitching from a sound Koneko couldn't hear. Her six tails writhed behind her in agitation. "But I will. Someday, you'll understand."

"You left," Koneko accused softly.

All her betrayal, all her heartbreak, all her fear, and all the love she had once felt were packed into two words.

"I did," Kuroka nodded gravely, and the tails sped up in their agitation as her ears drooped. "I will explain everything when I can. I am also sorry I scared you now. I just wanted to see you again. I am not here to take you away. I am sorry I have to leave again."


Why did Kuroka leave her?

Why was she here now?

Why was she leaving again?

...Why wasn't she insane?

"Onee-sama wanted to see Shironyaa," Kuroka laughed, perking back up. "It's not time yet, but we'll be together soon. All three of us. Onee-sama promises."

A part of Koneko, the part that yearned for her older sister once again, the part she hated, wanted for it to be true. Wanted to believe her sister had her reasons. Koneko wanted the promise to come true.

But Kuroka had broken promises before.

"...Three?" Koneko couldn't help but ask. Who was she talking about?

"Onee-sama found herself a man, nyaa," Kuroka said proudly, her playful demeanour returning. "He's scary and strong and a bit too serious, but don't worry, Onee-sama will have amazing kittens."

...Was her sister actually insane and just been covering it up until now?

"Nyaa!?" Kuroka stumbled away as if she had been stabbed. "Don't look at Onee-sama like that! He's real!"

Koneko continued to watch her sister doubtfully. She didn't doubt Kuroka could find herself a man, she was beautiful after all, but why bring it up now?

What did that have to do with Koneko?

Did she think Koneko would go with her to meet him?

"I am never going with you," Koneko said firmly, the moments of calm giving her time to recompose herself slightly after her world had crashed around her. She looked to Rias, still blasting away at the ice that separated them. "I am staying with Buchou."

Kuroka looked like she was to say something again, but her ears twitched again, and instead, she summoned a wave of black fire to melt a part of the ice wall.

Right away, the wooden wall behind it collapsed, and the second armoured form crashed through. This one was white instead of red.

The figure didn't land on his back but skidded along the ice-covered floor, armoured feet carving a groove as his wings flashed.


For a brief moment, Koneko saw a flash of a blade that threatened to take the White Dragon Emperor's head off. Then it disappeared, and Mikasa stood beside Grayfia, a pair of shattered swords in hand.

"Nyaa?" Kuroka said curiously as she looked the pair of new arrivals over. "Vali? You're losing? Who's she?"

"Don't know. She's weak," the White Dragon Emperor said, and there was a note of glee in his voice. "Fast, but weak. No power at all. All I can divide are her swords as they hit me, and she must have hundreds."

Koneko heard her sister sigh and mumble something about 'battle maniacs.' Now that Koneko had a moment to look, she noticed the blue wings of Divine Dividing were surprisingly small. Much smaller than the massive blue wings they had been when he had taken down Kokabiel.

"Grayfia?" Mikasa asked lowly.

"I'll distract them," Grayfia said grimly. "Get Koneko."

Mikasa nodded, throwing away the destroyed swords and pulling two more European straight swords from who knew where.

Vali prepared himself with a laugh, more than ready and excited for the upcoming fight.

Kuroka wasn't having any of it.

Before any sort of conflict could begin, Vali slumped forward as a fourth Kuroka, hidden under an illusion until now, smacked him behind his head.

Koneko felt it. She felt the senjutsu pass through the armour of Albion's Balance Breaker and disrupt the brain within the skull, rendering him unconscious.

"Vali's an idiot, nyaa," Kuroka sighed as she slung him over her shoulder. "Instead of distracting the guards, he brought them near Shirone. No noodles for him for a week. But we need him, so I can't let you kill him."

"What are you doing here, Black Cat Kuroka," Grayfia asked again, not lowering her guard. "Have you joined these terrorists?"

"The Khaos Brigade? You have it wrong, nyaa~ They joined us." Kuroka paused, tilting her head, ears flickering as she grinned sadistically. "Not that they had a choice. Nyahahahaha~ This whole attack is that idiot Katarea's idea. She's not needed, so please kill her. Ah! Please kill everyone else who attacks you. You'd be doing us a favour, nyaa~."

Then she completely disregarded the two devils and looked back to Koneko, the White Dragon Emperor slung over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Onee-sama has to leave now, Shirone. I'll introduce you to brother-in-law later. I promise," Kuroka told her younger sister. "Just not now. Onee-sama needs to have a... talk with him about running off without telling anyone."

For a second, Koneko felt the malice she so feared. It practically radiated from the older girl before she and Vali dissipated in a shimmer of magic.

A part of Koneko wanted to reach out, begging her sister not to leave her again.

But she didn't.

Seeing Kuroka again brought it all back.

The confusion. The abandonment. The sting of betrayal. The pain.

Just because her sister seemed slightly sane and claimed to have a reason for her actions didn't erase everything Koneko had gone through.

And it didn't change what she had gained from that pain.

Even now, as Kuroka gave Koneko a quick hug before teleporting away, her new family was fighting to reach her.

Kuroka's farewell remained unanswered.

Koneko remained silent as her old family disappeared, and her new one embraced her in worried concern.


Hmmm, what to say this time?

First off, the peace conference always struck me as odd. I've already mentioned how the actual terms would have been negotiated ahead of time, and that was just the symbolic signing, but the Khaos Brigade's actions were also weird. I get the reasons from a Doylist perspective. It sets up a recurring villain group, gives Issei a chance to fight Vali, and shows off Azazel (who is an important character in DXD after this point).

From a Watsonian perspective, it makes absolutely zero sense. The Khaos Brigade went from an unknown actor to a known threat, showing off their trump (Ophis's power) and gained nothing for it. While it can be chalked up to Katarea being a moron (which she is), I want to play with that idea more. They have a reason, at least in this story. It's just a bit opaque at the moment from the character's perspective.

We also see Kuroka for the first time. She's the last main character I will focus on in this story, though I have one or two more side characters of import that will get some focus. She's obviously different from canon in some regards, but she's the same in others.

That's one of the things I love and struggle with when writing characters in fanfiction. How do you stay true to the original character while showing they have changed? So many things have to be taken into account.

For an example of my thought process: Issei is a Rook. This means Rias can't use Castling to rescue Gasper. But Mikasa is there. So she helps save him because she can't help power the spells that keep the area safe. Issei still gives Gasper blood to regain control and Rias to calm him down, but Issei doesn't need Azazel's device to maintain Balance Breaker. When Vali attacks, the hostages are a priority, as Mikasa would know from her past experience, so she leaves Issei to delay him.

All together, that train of logic accounts for one or two paragraphs in the story, but it is a good example of what can change with even superficial differences. If I want to be able to re-read this story when it is done and go, 'Yep, this is my new canon ending for AOT,' I need to be able to follow these trains of thought and convey them quickly and succinctly.

A bit of a peek behind the screen, but I hope it gives you all an idea of how I write. Either way, two more chapters in Part 2, then we will be on to Part 3, where things will shift once again.

I will meet you all next time on the bench.

PS: For those curious about power levels/abilities, the strongest nekomata in DxD has seven tails and is hundreds of years old. As far as we know in canon, both Shirone and Kuroka go up to three (so far), but are very young.

As for Vali Vs. Mikasa needs to touch someone to Divide their power, unlike what Fanon would have you believe. A speedy weapon user with no powers and hundreds of disposable weapons would be the perfect enemy. He'd still win in the end in a straight fight, but Mikasa could punch well above her weight class for a while and even kill Vali if she took him by surprise.
Alas in his heart there was always only enough space for one black haired Japanese beauty, and from his POV she was already dead.
Eh, that's not the impression I got from all his talks, tbh, it seems more like he was holding back because he knows he's dying, not because he hasn't let go. It even seems like something could have developed between him and Kuroka before he went to buy milk.

Then again, the author brought Misaka into the story, so maybe he was lying, idk.
Main character? I thought this story was almost over. Also weird Mikasa can be considered "Weak" in any sense if she has been a devil for a couple hundred years. Devils grow stronger over time by just existing, but Mikasa was always a training nut so that doesn't really track.
Thank you for the great chapter, I like how you wrote Kuroka here and am curious as to how she got so much stronger then in canon. And I am very curious as to why Vali wasn't able to divide Mikasa's power and she was declared weak, given how much of a training nut she was in AOT I am confused about that. Regardless, I am excited to see where you take this next! Stay safe out there and keep up the good work!
Main character? I thought this story was almost over. Also weird Mikasa can be considered "Weak" in any sense if she has been a devil for a couple hundred years. Devils grow stronger over time by just existing, but Mikasa was always a training nut so that doesn't really track.
The author already mentioned that the story is gonna have roughly 150K words I think.
Hmmm, what to say this time?

First off, the peace conference always struck me as odd. I've already mentioned how the actual terms would have been negotiated ahead of time, and that was just the symbolic signing, but the Khaos Brigade's actions were also weird. I get the reasons from a Doylist perspective. It sets up a recurring villain group, gives Issei a chance to fight Vali, and shows off Azazel (who is an important character in DXD after this point).

From a Watsonian perspective, it makes absolutely zero sense. The Khaos Brigade went from an unknown actor to a known threat, showing off their trump (Ophis's power) and gained nothing for it. While it can be chalked up to Katarea being a moron (which she is), I want to play with that idea more. They have a reason, at least in this story. It's just a bit opaque at the moment from the character's perspective.

We also see Kuroka for the first time. She's the last main character I will focus on in this story, though I have one or two more side characters of import that will get some focus. She's obviously different from canon in some regards, but she's the same in others.

That's one of the things I love and struggle with when writing characters in fanfiction. How do you stay true to the original character while showing they have changed? So many things have to be taken into account.

For an example of my thought process: Issei is a Rook. This means Rias can't use Castling to rescue Gasper. But Mikasa is there. So she helps save him because she can't help power the spells that keep the area safe. Issei still gives Gasper blood to regain control and Rias to calm him down, but Issei doesn't need Azazel's device to maintain Balance Breaker. When Vali attacks, the hostages are a priority, as Mikasa would know from her past experience, so she leaves Issei to delay him.

All together, that train of logic accounts for one or two paragraphs in the story, but it is a good example of what can change with even superficial differences. If I want to be able to re-read this story when it is done and go, 'Yep, this is my new canon ending for AOT,' I need to be able to follow these trains of thought and convey them quickly and succinctly.

A bit of a peek behind the screen, but I hope it gives you all an idea of how I write. Either way, two more chapters in Part 2, then we will be on to Part 3, where things will shift once again.

I will meet you all next time on the bench.

PS: For those curious about power levels/abilities, the strongest nekomata in DxD has seven tails and is hundreds of years old. As far as we know in canon, both Shirone and Kuroka go up to three (so far), but are very young.

As for Vali Vs. Mikasa needs to touch someone to Divide their power, unlike what Fanon would have you believe. A speedy weapon user with no powers and hundreds of disposable weapons would be the perfect enemy. He'd still win in the end in a straight fight, but Mikasa could punch well above her weight class for a while and even kill Vali if she took him by surprise.
Gah, I cannot wait, when will we see Eren and Mikasa meet, if at all?! THE TREPIDATION IS KILLING ME
Eh, that's not the impression I got from all his talks, tbh, it seems more like he was holding back because he knows he's dying, not because he hasn't let go. It even seems like something could have developed between him and Kuroka before he went to buy milk.

Eren tells Vali last chapter. He is committed to not siring any children. He doesn't want the race of Ymir and the power of the titans to exist anymore. Basically Zekes plan, but easier since he's the only one who can have children.

What I'm confused by is, Eren is said to use the same blades as Mikasa and in the same style. Kiba even remembers this and its serves as a foreshadowing of Mikasa's existence in this world. How does Vali(whos sepnt a lot of time with Eren) fight her and not make a connection? Same for Kuroka, who sees Mikasa and her swords at the end.
Eren tells Vali last chapter. He is committed to not siring any children. He doesn't want the race of Ymir and the power of the titans to exist anymore. Basically Zekes plan, but easier since he's the only one who can have children.

What I'm confused by is, Eren is said to use the same blades as Mikasa and in the same style. Kiba even remembers this and its serves as a foreshadowing of Mikasa's existence in this world. How does Vali(whos sepnt a lot of time with Eren) fight her and not make a connection? Same for Kuroka, who sees Mikasa and her swords at the end.
Not the same, exactly... Remember, Eren's are sword-canes. Although they're probably a similar design, what with Mobility Device blades being designed to be easily replaced, they're most likely not exactly the same style. Especially since Eren is getting his at most custom-made and at least in bulk, whereas Mikasa probably makes hers with magic, allowing her to have exact copies every time.
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Two Sisters
Koneko was skipping class.

Rias knew. She offered no chastisement when told, pulling the more petite girl into a firm hug and letting Koneko know she was always available if she needed to talk.

Koneko hadn't wanted to talk.

She had wanted sleep.

Sleep that had eluded her for weeks.

The nightmares, the fear, it all prevented her from getting any rest.

Nee- Kuroka had no right to come back. She had no right to prance back into her life as if she had never left. She had no right to leave Koneko feeling scared, confused, and betrayed all over again.

Sometimes, the dreams were about the good times, brought back by warm arms and a familiar scent.

Most of the time, Koneko dreamed about a promise left unfulfilled, about being left behind.

Those were the worst because they weren't dreams. Just memories.

Mad with power. Corrupted by Senjutsu. That was what Koneko had been told about her sister's abandonment.

She had believed it.

Kuroka was certainly powerful now.

A six-tailed nekomata was almost at the pinnacle their race had ever reached. Combined with her already prodigious magical talent, enough to have needed two Bishops to reincarnate her, Kuroka was at least in the upper ranks of the Ultimate class if she was able to go toe to toe with Grayfia Lucifuge.

For a few minutes at least.

Neither had been using their full power, so Koneko didn't know where Nee- where Kuroka stood compared to Nee-san.

And that was the other source of Koneko's nightmares.

Kuroka had seemed... sane.

Powerful, certainly, but in control. Kuroka was so in control that she hadn't hurt anyone.

According to Issei, all she had done was join Vali when he and Mikasa were teaming up against him. Kuroka had used him to bash through the wall of ice but hadn't even hurt him enough for him to feel it.

And she had been able to fight the Strongest Queen. If Vali was keeping Mikasa busy, Kuroka could have killed Issei in a second.

When Kuroka had talked to Koneko, when she called that old name, held her close, and apologized, Kuroka had seemed perfectly, maddeningly sane.

Exactly as Koneko remembered her older sister being.

Which terrified Koneko.

Because she needed Kuroka to have gone mad.

Because it was the only thing that made sense. Only then could Koneko understand why she had been left behind.

If Kuroka hadn't gone mad, then Shirone had truly been abandoned.

The thoughts kept her up at night, tossing and turning. When she finally fell asleep, it was only to be awoken by the nightmares again.

After weeks without proper rest, even her Devil biology had been strained to limits. She was falling asleep in class, her training was going nowhere, and even her appetite was smaller than usual.

The others tried to help. They really did.

Asia tried to use her Sacred Gear on her almost daily, despite that not being how Twilight Healing actually worked.

Rias, Akeno, and Yuuto tried to get her to talk to them or offer what support they could. Xenovia thought training hard enough would put her right to sleep. Gya-kun had offered her one of his cardboard boxes... a tempting offer, to be sure, but one that hadn't helped.

Even the pervert had noticed and taken it upon himself to take over a few of her contractors.

They were all kind, but they weren't what she needed.

Koneko needed sleep. Sleep uninterrupted from long dreams.

So here she was, skipping school and sleeping in the only place she could.

On a supremely uncomfortable bench and an unfairly comfortable lap.

Koneko didn't know what it was about Eren's lap that just... relaxed her. Maybe it was because of how often they would go without saying a single word to each other. Or it could be because of how often he would join her in napping.

He had never said, just as she never did, but Koneko thought Eren had nightmares, too. It was the only reason she could think of why he slept as much as he did on the bench instead of in his bed at his house.

That silent comradery was... calming? Peaceful? Trustworthy?

Koneko didn't know the exact term, only that she liked it, and it allowed her to fall asleep on the older boy's lap and rest in a way she couldn't anywhere else.

Even knowing how much Ki was right beneath the surface was oddly... reassuring, in a way, like a warm fireplace to curl up by.

His blindness and the wards on the area meant she could fully relax and let out her ears and tail, something she hadn't realized had been contributing to her stress until she had started sleeping with them out.

Eren never touched her, and if he did, she'd just tell him she was wearing a headband, so she wasn't worried.

So Koneko spent the last day of the spring term before they left for the underworld napping on Eren's lap.

He had said nothing when she had joined him instead of going to class, just giving her a nod in greeting and letting her smaller form curl up against his leg, head on his lap.

He remained there, in silence, for hours. Just letting Koneko get the sleep she needed.

She did not dream.

When Koneko awoke in the warm afternoon sun, she was feeling better than she had in weeks.

She stayed there, eyes closed, luxuriating in the clarity of thought and the comfortable pillow.

The bench was still awful, though.

Fully rested, if still bleary, Koneko decided she was hungry.

With an absent thought, her tail reached down and brought her bag to her, careful not to brush against Eren. A cat ear headband was one thing. A tail would be a lot harder to explain.

Koneko rummaged around her bag, pushing books and pencils to the side to grab the food container. It was larger than most, but that was for good reason. Not only did it contain her lunch, but also the snacks she would munch on throughout the day.

Tossing the bookbag carelessly aside, Koneko opened it to root around for something appropriate when she froze.

There, on top of everything else, was a bag of homemade cakes.

That wasn't rare, as Akeno sometimes included treats like that for dessert when she made the Peerage's lunches.

These were not Akeno's cookies, however.

Akeno made deserts in the traditional Japanese style. Good, but without embellishments.

These came from Yuuto.

They were fancy, with an artistic flair that Akeno never used. They were some made jam, with frosting, with cream. There were brownies, macaroons, cookies, maple cream, and all sorts of others. And they were all shaped like little cats.

A small note was attached to the bag, written in Yuuto's precise handwriting.

'I hope you enjoy them and you feel better.'

Koneko didn't know when the Knight had snuck in the treats, but she was suddenly overcome with a surge of... something.

Something strong that made her eyes water slightly.

Memories of Rias, Akeno, and Yuuto welled up, and Koneko allowed herself a smile.

She rubbed the dampness away and held out a small cat filled with cream to Eren.

"Cookie?" She asked the boy who had remained completely silent until now.

He nodded and took it, munching on it as Koneko sat up and started devouring the treats with a much greater gusto.

"Thanks," Eren said as he finished the snack. "Yuuto's?"

"Yes," Koneko answered before holding out a cat-shaped chocolate chip cookie. "Another?"

Eren gave it some thought but eventually ate the sweet treat slowly.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, munching away in companionable silence.

After she had finished the snacks and the actual meal in the bento, Koneko stared at that little note the Knight had left.

"I have a sister."

"Hm?" Eren made a noise of confusion at the sudden utterance.

"She left," Koneko said simply, staring at the note. "Abandoned me."

"...I'm sorry."

"Rias took me in. She was kind. Her family is kind. Akeno, Yuuto, Gya-kun, Asia, even Xenovia and the pervert are kind. You are kind."

"...I'm not-"

"You asked if I was happy," Koneko interrupted his words. No doubt they'd be wrong. Eren was kind to her. "I am. I am happy. But my sister came back."

"And that makes you unhappy," Eren let out a sigh. "You cannot forgive her."

There was so much more than that.

Kuroka had killed her King. She was a Stray devil.

Even if she wasn't insane, which she very well might be, she was still a criminal. One in league with a terrorist organization that had attacked the peace conference.

"...No. I cannot."

A part of Koneko wanted to be happy, was happy, to see her sister again. The part that had worried for her and secretly prayed for her return every day for months after she had left.

But Kuroka brought so much pain, confusion, and betrayal back with her.

She had been gone for years. Years when Koneko had needed her the most.

And she walks back in with more power than ever and as a terrorist, promising they'd be together again.

It was all... too much. Too complicated. Too painful.

"Don't then," Eren said casually.

Koneko blinked, having been momentarily lost in her thoughts and not expecting such an answer.

"She hurt you, didn't she?" Eren asked, sensing Koneko's confusion. Koneko nodded.

Then Koneko realized she had done it again.


"Whether she did it on purpose or not doesn't matter," Eren said, tapping his cane on the ground in thought as he spoke slowly. "We sometimes hurt the ones we love. On purpose or on accident. It doesn't matter. All that matters is the pain was real. Your sister came back? Then it is on her, not you, to fix things."

"...What if I want her back?" Koneko asked softly. Guiltily.

She had been happy with her life. Even after Kokabiel's attack, she had been recovering. But a part of her would always miss her sister, the sister who had cared for her when their mother died.

Koneko feared Kuroka.

Feared what her sister had become and what it meant for herself. Feared that the Black Cat would take her away from the family she had grown to love.

But you can still love someone who hurt you.

Conflicting emotion roiled and churned within her breast.

"She still hurt you," Eren shook his head. "Do not let her hurt you again. She has to be the one to start fixing things. Only you can decide when it is enough. When you can trust her to not hurt you again. She starts, you finish."

Koneko didn't know if she could ever trust her sister again. Not after everything. Not when she continued to use Senjutsu and threatened to take her from her new family.

Kuroka had said she wouldn't. Yet.

But Koneko could not trust the Black Cat to keep her word.

And she was still a terrorist.

Who knew what she was planning or who this 'brother-in-law' was?

There was just too much unknown.


"Thanks," Koneko said softly. "For listening."

Eren frowned softly and let out a sigh as he turned his head towards a sky he couldn't see.

"I had an older brother," he confessed.

"...What?" Koneko asked.

"We didn't know each other until we were older," Eren shrugged. "Different mothers. When he found out about me, his first goal was to reach me. To talk. We were on different sides, different armies, but he still wanted the best for the younger brother he never knew. He risked his life to 'rescue' me as he saw it."

"What happened?" Koneko couldn't help but ask.

Everyone had been slowly piecing together what they knew of Eren's past, Sona especially, to try and line things up with verifiable times and places, yet nothing fit together with what they had found.

The names he mentioned were not part of his former mercenary group, meaning they were probably child soldiers like him. Yet their names were Germanic, not consistent with his time in Africa. He was an orphan, yet he had found his parents and done something that led to their death.

Now he had an older brother?

Nobody thought Eren was lying to them. The emotion was too raw, too painful for it to be lies, yet there was a disconnect here. A missing link that would tie everything together.

Any time Eren spoke of his past, it was a rare, precious thing. Only once every few weeks or months, it not only provided another piece to the puzzle, it also gave them a better grasp of who he had been before... this.

Before he had been exiled to die alone on a bench in Kuoh.

And, a small part of Koneko whispered, Eren only used his past to try and help them. So they would avoid what he saw as his own mistakes.

Those were not the actions of a liar.

"I betrayed him," Eren sighed again. "In many ways, he was the better man. Our father was not kind to him, yet his first response to finding out I lived was to try and save me from what he thought were similar circumstances. I think... I think he did love me. He did everything he could to bring me over to his viewpoint. To be a good big brother. And I used it against him. I manipulated him, fought him, and did the one thing he sought to prevent. His plan was a travesty I would never agree with, but mine was worse. We fought. I won. And my comrades killed him, as I knew they would."

"...Did you love him?"

"...I don't think I did," Eren admitted. "It was too late by then. Not only had he killed many of my comrades, too many, but I was set on my path by the time we really got to talk. If I had told him my real plan, he would never have agreed, just as I couldn't agree to his. We were both two very different people. I didn't love him. But I could have. In another world, one less cruel, one where we grew up together, I could have loved my big brother."

Eren turned, facing her directly.

"I have never been in your position," he admitted. "I have been in your sister's. Both with my brother and with my real family. I hurt them both. Intentionally and unintentionally. One brother, the one I was related to, I didn't love. I used him. The other wasn't blood, but I loved him like a brother. The former, I did not seek forgiveness from. The latter? I begged. I pleaded. I cried. I wanted to be understood. Even though I didn't deserve it, I wanted to be forgiven."

The situations were different. The scale was larger than Eren could understand, involving peace between factions, terrorism, and grudges that had their roots millennia in the past. Powers a mortal could not understand.

Yet Eren's message, spoken with such regret, guilt, and love, carved itself in Koneko's heart.

"Find out which of these two your sister is, then make your choice. I can't make it for you. All I can say is that if I had the chance, I would still be begging for forgiveness from the brother I loved."

Koneko didn't nod or say anything.

She just wrapped the older boy in a hug, letting him know without words that she understood.

They stayed like that till it was time for Koneko to leave, waiving one last goodbye to Eren before she left for the summer with the rest of her friends.

Then she hurried away in embarrassment, realizing she had done it again.

Eren was left alone as the sun set in the park.

"Are you going to come down now?"

"Nyahahaha," Kuroka giggled as she dropped from the tree, shifting back into human form. "How'd you know?"

"I sensed you," Eren said simply. "A while ago."

"Ara? You managed to learn sensing?" Kuroka asked as she sashayed over to the bench.

"I've had a year to practice," Eren deadpanned as if saying that even he could learn something with that much time. "I've been waiting for you to do something for weeks."

"Like what, nyaa?" Kuroka asked as she nuzzled up against the blind boy.

"Vali attacked me as soon as he saw me," Eren shrugged. "I thought you'd do the same."

"Nyaa?" Kuroka hummed in confusion. "You should have seen I'd never hurt you."

"Vali didn't tell you," Eren asked with a head tilt. "While I'm on this bench, I can't see anything. I am blind."

Kuroka's eyes widened, reaching for that familiar connection with her Senjutsu.

It wasn't there.

She could still sense Eren since she was touching him, enormously diminished as he was, but she could not reach out further.

The Path was closed to her.

"Are you..." Kuroka hesitated, tails whipping back and forth in agitation. "Are you okay?"

Sitting here, feeling how weak Eren had become, Kuroka could not help the fear and pain that gripped her heart.

Her Titan looked so... fragile. So frail.

And yet...

"It's almost time," Eren acknowledged. "I don't have much time left."

Kuroka closed her eyes in pain.

Eren had never kept his short life a secret from her, as he did their allies.

He had done it to dissuade her when she started ramping up her attempts to win him over fully. He tried to never lie to her about the true nature of their relationship. All it had done was spur her on.

Eren said he would never have children, but Kuroka was determined to prove him wrong. If he was wrong about that, he could be wrong about his death.

"I'll keep my promise," Eren reassured. "It is only when I am here that I can't see the Path. Everything else will go exactly as planned. It's already happened for me."

That wasn't what she was worried about, this stupid man.

Kuroka burrowed her head deeper for a second, taking in the long, familiar scent and reassuring warmth.

Then she sat up.

She would change the future. Eren wouldn't die. He'd live a long and happy life.

And they'd have lots of kittens.

As always, the idea of Titan Nekomata sent a trill of humour, wonder, and pleasure down Kuroka's spine.

Giant kittens pawing around the underworld, chasing massive balls of yarn and causing earthquakes as they tumbled around.

Screw dragons, that would be the strongest race.

Speaking of kittens...

"Thank you," Kuroka said softly, leaning against Eren's shoulder. "For taking care of Shirone."

Eren just nodded as if it was the expected thing to do.

"Still," the Stray Bishop couldn't help but pout. "You could have gone easier on me. Couldn't you have told Shirone to accept her Nee-sama back?"

"You hurt her," Eren shook his head. "You had good reason, but you still hurt her. You must make up for it if you want to be a part of her life again. I promised you the chance. Everything else is up to you two. I can't see that far."

"You're such a serious man, nyaa," Kuroka complained playfully.

"One of us has to be," Eren nodded severely. "You? Bikou? Or the Ramen Dragon?"

Kuroka froze, staring at the boy with eyes wide in shock.

Had Eren... made a joke?

She couldn't help it.

"Nyahahahahahah," Kuroka howled with laughter. More than the joke itself, the unexpectedness and the relief had her laughing and laughing.

Eren bore with it, not smiling or even acknowledging his attempt at humour, but Kuroka knew him best out of anyone in this world.

She saw the way his shoulders slacked, the looseness on his face, and the way his face slightly angled away in the slightest hint of embarrassment.

Kuroka had been scared. Scared that Eren had gone off to die. That he had disappeared, never to be seen again.

Kuroka had been scared that she would never learn what happened to the man she had come to love as he, in his stupidly headstrong nature, had advanced to some future she couldn't follow.

Kuroka had not heard one word about him for over a year despite looking all over the world and the underworld for him.

To find out he had never left Kuoh after she asked him to check on Shirone... It was as infuriating as it was worrying.

He looked worse than ever.

Of the young boy who had destroyed a Devil lineage just to meet with her, only a sickly man remained.

Yet, after watching him for the last few weeks, Kuroka had realized something.

Eren was... better than ever. More whole. Still dour and severe, still Eren, but the edge was duller.

He was still walking forward, but it wasn't a mad dash anymore.

It gave her hope that she could finally reach him.

"Nyahaha," Kuroka's laughter petered out as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Did you call him that, nyaa? Albion must have been angry."

Eren didn't answer, but Kuroka had enough fun imagining the scene that it didn't matter if he did or not.

Still, if Eren was going to be more open...

"Hey," Kuroka said gently as her giggles quieted. "Tell me about him."


"Your brother."

"There's not much to say," Eren sighed. "Like I told Shirone, I didn't know about him till I was older, and we were on opposite sides."

"Not him, nyaa," Kuroka scooted slightly away from Eren and gently guided Eren to fall onto her lap, resting his head against her thighs as he had done for Shirone. Eren let her. Trusting her. "The other one. The one you loved. Did he ever forgive you?"

Eren lay there, facing the sky, as she ran her hands through his long hair. The bandages were annoying, but she knew their purpose, so Kuroka left them alone.

For a long minute, Kuroka thought he wouldn't answer. So many times, she had asked about his past. So many times, she had gotten nothing but silence for her efforts.

That was all right.

Eren didn't have to say anything.

Kuroka's curiosity was a strong thing, one that would never be slacked until she knew everything there was to know about Eren Yeager, no matter how long it took.

If he wouldn't speak now, if he didn't want to talk about it, Kuroka would wait a thousand years if that was what it took.

For what he did for her, what he would do for her, she could wait.

It was a surprise when he actually spoke.

"No," Eren denied. "He never forgave me. What I had done, would do, wasn't something that could be forgiven. Instead, Armin promised me something. He'd shoulder the blame with me."

"He must have loved you," Kuroka said softly, a rumble of purr escaping her.

"Armin was my best friend," Eren said quietly. "The smartest of us. The best of us. My brother in every way but blood."

Kuroka didn't say anything more, continuing to run her fingers through his hair as the sun set.

"I have so many regrets. Too many. I stand by my actions, no matter how much I regret them. It was needed. Of my actions, I would only change two."

The guilt was cloying in his voice as Eren grit his teeth.

"He promised to meet me in hell..." Eren paused, letting out a choking breath. "Being reborn in this world means I won't be there. When I go to hell, it will be a different one. I am not worried. He would never have gone to hell. I entrusted the world to him. There is no way he'd ever go to hell. He's too good. Too moral. Ultimately, he could not cast away his humanity, and I am so proud of him." Eren choked down a sob. "I just wish... All I wish is that I could have told Armin goodbye."

For all that Eren tried to appear emotionless and uncaring, rebuffing her attempts to sway his heart and showing a strong front, Kuroka noticed he had never let go of her gift as tears trailed down his face.

Eren's fingers rubbed the two wings as he lay his head on her lap, and they rested together once again.

The sun set on old friends and comrades finally reunited, as the pair spent a warm summer night on the bench.


A bit more of a deep dive into Koneko's state, a taste of Kuroka and Eren's relationship, and a reflection on his perception of Zeke.

My personal take on the two brothers has always been that Zeke sincerely tried to work with Eren and came to care about him, but that wasn't returned. By then, Eren had already seen a flash of the future during the ceremony with Historia. He spent years searching for proof that he could change his future, that the Rumbling wasn't the only option, but he could never find it. Zeke, as the royal Eren would use instead of Historia, couldn't breach his heart because he knew Zeke's plan, which he disagreed with, and knew Zeke would die with him.

We have one more chapter in part 2, then we'll move on to part 3. I will meet you all next time on the bench.
Thanks for the chapter!
Thank you for the great chapter, I really like how you wrote Eren's talk with Koneko and how how he interacted with Kuroka. Stay safe out there and keep up the good work!
"I'll be right outside; just press the button if you need me, sir," Mikasa heard the nurse say, voice filled with almost reverent awe.

"Thank you," Armin said absentmindedly, not paying the nurse attention as she left the room and closed the door behind her.

The steady beeping of the machine and the woman's heavy breathing on the bed were the only sounds left in the room.

It wasn't enough to completely drown out the crowd's noise outside the building.

Armin couldn't go anywhere without some form of hubbub, and he had forgone discretion to arrive as soon as possible.

It used to worry her. Armin used to be such a shy boy, needing her and... Needing people to help him. He had grown to be so much more since then, but she never forgot who they used to be, and she never forgot her worry for her friend. Even in her state, Mikasa couldn't help but take a long look at the man she hadn't seen in a few months.

Armin looked... old.

Once blond hair now hung in wispy grey strands. His skin was sunken and pale, hanging too loosely on his bones. He barely stood with the help of a cane.

Not that she was any better.

Various instruments and tubes were attached to withered flesh, meant to keep her alive.

Not that Mikasa cared about living much longer.

Armin Artlet, her best and last friend, was dying.

Mikasa had known this would happen one day. She was just lucky that she was going first.

As if to make up for their once limited life span, the former titan shifters had retained some fraction of the enhanced vitality they once possessed. They had outlived almost everyone.

Yet, not even they could ignore the march of time.

Armin was the last. The last human to ever be a titan to still walk the earth.

The Last Titan.

It had been a long life. A full life.

Armin had seen the worst of humanity and rose against it. For all the terrible things he had seen and done in his youth, he had dedicated the rest of his life to bringing peace and happiness to the world so that others might not suffer as he did. He had fallen in love, built a family, and still found time to curb humanity's worst impulses.

Armin was a large part of the reason that the rebuilding of the world after the Rumbling had gone so well. That peace had lasted so long after the Battle of Heaven and Earth.

It had been a long and happy life.

So he sat quietly at her bedside, holding Mikasa's withered hand with what little strength he still possessed.

Even if an Ackerman lived long, she wasn't immune to time either. Her life had been much simpler by comparison. She had had enough of fighting with the world as a whole. It had been selfish of her, but Mikasa had left the future to those best qualified to build it.

She, too, had a long and happy life.

And here they were, the last of the 104th Trainee Corps. The last Scouts.

They were all that remained of a much crueller era.

"I'm sorry," Armin suddenly said.

"For what?" Mikasa asked weakly.

"For leaving you alone for so long."

"I wasn't alone," she said. "I had Grisha and Ymir. Erwin and Hange visit, too. You should be proud."

"I am. I saw them outside."

Armin's wizened face stretched into that boyhood smile at the mention of his children for the tiniest of seconds. Mikasa's heart swelled, but it was gone too fast. In its place was the world-weary look he had most days since Annie's death.

"But I am still sorry. I ran around for so long and haven't made time for you. And now this. I came as soon as I heard."

"Don't apologize," Mikasa chastised. "I couldn't do half of what you did."

Armin's laugh devolved into a coughing fit, but he waived her off when she was about to call a nurse.

"Cough. Don't, ack, bother," Armin said, barely getting his breathing under control. "Eren would punch me if a cough ended up killing me after everything."

Mikasa's heart throbbed in familiar pain at the name, but she didn't let it show as Armin settled back into his seat.

"You'll be fine," Armin said with what strength and hope he could muster. "We've gone through worse. You've gone through worse."

"I won't," Mikasa said, a note of finality in her voice. "This is it. I know it is. The end of my path. I am not sorry. I refuse to bury you, too."

"It won't be long for me either."

"Don't say that," Mikasa begged, eyes tearing up as she grasped his hand as tightly as she could. As if her measly strength could hold onto him.

"It's true," Armin sighed. "Ever since Annie... passed, I knew my time would come. I tried to hold out. I really did, but I can't anymore. I'm sorry."

Mikasa didn't say anything, just clutching his hand tightly and closing her eyes as if it would stop the tears.

It didn't.

The beep beep beep of the machine echoed through the room.

"I..." Armin paused, unsure of what to say.

"What," Mikasa croaked, voice feeble.

"I dreamed of him," Armin said, and Mikasa opened red-rimmed eyes to see him staring at the ceiling. "Eren."

He didn't need to clarify.

Even after all these years, there was only one 'him.'

Mikasa's breath hitched as the familiar pain echoed, reinforced by the sadness of impending loss.

"He was the same as I remember him," Armin said, his voice wistful. Nostalgic. Far away, as if he was seeing something she couldn't. "It's been so long, and he was so young. I was young. It was like we were talking in the Paths again."

Armin reached out as if cupping something in his hands he couldn't see.

Then his arm lost strength and fell to the bed.

"He came to say goodbye."

Armin's voice cracked, and tears beaded his eyes.

"Not 'see you later.' Goodbye."

"...Armin?" Mikasa asked as the tears flowed freely from the dying man.

"He told me-" Armin's voice cut out as he sobbed. "He said he was proud of me. That I had helped create a better world. That I had kept my promise to him. He told me I wasn't going to hell. He told me I'd done too much good. I can't go to hell. That it would be the last time we saw each other."

These were the tears of an old man. Tears of a good man who did terrible things for his people, country and friends. Who had helped kill his best friend.

The tears of an old man who had finally been forgiven yet could not forgive himself.

"And I was... relieved."

The old man was openly weeping now. In a way he hadn't done in years, the tears streamed from his eyes as he looked at her with pleading eyes.

"I was so damn relieved!" Armin said, self-disgust in his voice as he pounded the bed with feeble strength. "I promised him, Mikasa! I promised Eren! I promised I'd meet him in hell! That I would help shoulder the responsibility. And when I found out I wouldn't? That I'd see Annie again? I was so happy. So damned happy!"

Mikasa could do nothing for her best and last friend as he wailed, the beeping increasing in tempo as her heart accelerated in sympathy. Eventually, after a long minute of heaving sobs, the Last Titan quieted his rage and self-disgust.

"I don't want to go to hell," Armin Arlert said as if confessing the greatest of sins. The tears still flowed, but he looked at her now, begging Mikasa to understand. "I want to see Annie, and Jean, and Connie, and Historia, and Reiner, and Sasha, and Captain Levi, and Hange, and Gramps, and Mom and Dad. I want to see them all again. But I promised him, Mikasa."

Armin pleaded and begged Mikasa to understand the weakness and pain of a mortal man.

She did.

Mikasa Ackerman knew very well how much it hurt to kill your heart.

And she also knew Eren Yeager.

"He'd be happier if you broke your promise," Mikasa reassured Armin with the truth.

"But..." Armin gasped out a sob. "He must be lonely. So lonely. I can't leave him alone. I can't. We entrusted too much to him. Put too much on his shoulders. I should carry some of it. We are all to blame, not just him. He can't be the only one to pay. Not alone. I showed him that book. I did all those terrible things. I promised him. I promised."

"We all did," Mikasa's voice cracked. "All of us. The military. Humanity. Eldia. The scouts. You, me, everyone. We kept entrusting more and more to him. He carried all those bodies on his back. We were the ones who wanted to use the Rumbling as a threat. We were the ones who would use Historia and her children as sacrifices for our future. We are all to blame."

"But I was the one who promised him," Armin repeated, eyes swimming with tears. "We saw them in the end. We all did. Even with all the terrible things we did, they aren't in hell. Eren is alone there. He can't be alone. I can't let him be alone. I promised him Mikasa."

As she listened to Armin talk, listened to him pour out this last confession of an old man, Mikasa told her last friend the secret she had long kept.

"He won't be alone."

A secret she had planned to take to her grave.

Armin's tears slowed to a stop as he listened to her and the plan she had laid out so long ago.

"Ahhh," Armin let out a rasping sigh, at once of relief and of self-disgust. "I... I should have known."

"You would have... after," Mikasa said lowly. "It's in my will."

"I never deserved friends like you two," Armin said, his free hand reaching over to cup her cheek and rub along the scar that had never healed. "You've always been too good for me. Always going ahead. I'm always trying to catch up."

"You've always been the best of us," Mikasa said, a small, sad smile on her face. "You surpassed us long ago."

Armin seemed to shudder as he felt her arm falling softly to the bed again.

"I'll leave Eren to you, then," he gasped, eyes blurry from tears. "Be careful. He's a handful."

"I know," Mikasa said softly.

That was it. That was all she had.

Mikasa had been fighting for her entire life to not waste the gift she had been given. The cursed and blessed gift, paid for by so much death and destruction.

She had been strong for so long. Too long.

It was time to lay down her swords.

The beeping started to slow as Armin's hands tightened on weak fingers.

Mikasa had the strength to say a few quiet, final words before the nurses rushed in, and the flat noise of the machine drowned it out.

"Goodbye, Armin."

No history book would ever record the passing of Mikasa Ackerman. Her name had long faded from public consciousness. Only a handful of people attended her funeral.

Her family was unsurprised by her passing despite their sadness.

At her memorial, her son, Grisha, would tell all who attended that his mother was the strongest woman ever born and that he was glad she could finally rest.

Per her will, Mikasa was not buried in the cemetery dedicated to heroes with all her lost friends and her husband.

Instead, all that marked her final resting place was an old and battered grave marker that had been there for close to a century and a smaller piece of fresh and clean stone placed there as she was lowered into the ground.

Mikasa Ackerman's casket was filled with her favourite flowers, wrapped in the red scarf she had worn her entire life, and laid to rest under a towering tree.

A day after the funeral, an old man walked to the hill alone on weak legs.

He stared at the graves.

He stared at the tree.

He could hear the laughter of three children as they ran up the hill.

He could see a small boy lead the way, a broad smile on his face as he looked back as if challenging the other two to catch up.

He could see the steady run of the girl, only a step behind, as her red scarf flapped in the wind.

Well behind the first two, he saw a smaller, weaker boy struggle to catch up. His legs shook. His breath heaved. He tripped and stumbled.

But his smile was as big as the other two.

He could see it all, though he was alone with the tree on the hill.

Leaves were falling again.

"I am sorry I broke my promise," Armin told the graves. "I am sorry I can't join you. I am sorry I was always the last to reach the tree. I hope you two are together, wherever you are. Take care of each other."

The wind blew. The grass rustled. The leaves fell.

With movements slowed by age, Armin Artlet took the two leaves that had fallen on his hat.

The laughter of the children grew louder.

He placed the two leaves in front of the graves.

"Goodbye, Eren. Goodbye, Mikasa."


That evening, Armin Artlet was admitted to the hospital.

For weeks, all the world could speak of was the death of the Final Titan.

His passing was an international event as the world mourned the loss of a man who had done more for peace than anyone else.

Future history would mark his passing as the end of an era. The final tombstone of an age of titans and the long peace Armin had brought.

It would also be the beginning of a new dawn, one where the lessons of the past were forgotten as there was no one around to remember it.

Armin Arlert, the Final Titan, the Hero, the Traitor, the man who brought peace to the world, the great diplomat, and the Last Scout Commander, was buried beside his wife in the cemetery with almost all his friends.

He died in his sleep with a smile on his face.

Armin's last dream was of three young children running.

Of falling leaves and laughter.

Of smiles as he chased a boy and a girl to the tree on the hill.

Armin opened his eyes to his wife's welcoming arms and the greeting of long-dead comrades.


Mikasa woke without a sound in her little cabin in the woods, wiped the tears from her eyes, and got dressed.

As she did every morning, she checked the defence and repair enchantments on her scarf before wrapping it around herself. She had taken care of it for so long, but it had only returned to its once vibrant colour thanks to the aid of her friend and King.

Unlike usual, Mikasa did not start tending to her garden immediately or visit the towns in her territory. All the orphanages she visited knew not to expect her today.

Instead, Mikasa spread her wings to take to the air.

Sitri territory was far from the Underwold's version of Eldi- of Madagascar, even with her speed. Mikasa had to leave early to arrive in time to greet Sona as she returned home for the summer.

She could have teleported. As a Pawn of a Satan and a High-class devil in her own right, Mikasa had her own sigil to use as a teleportation circle.

While Mikasa lacked the magic to power it herself, like her weapon enchantments or those on her scarf, Sera had bugged Adjuka long enough to get him to make a portable battery she could use in day-to-day tasks.

That wasn't the reason she didn't teleport.

Mikasa never teleported if she could fly.

Flight reminded her of her youth.

Reminded her of ODM gear and the incredible rush it brought.

And if a bird happened to fly with her for a few hours?

Well, Mikasa could imagine she wasn't alone in the air.

Instead, Mikasa was flying side by side with a young boy, a broad smile on his face, as they flew hand in hand through the skies of this strange version of hell.


This is the last chapter of Part 2 and roughly the story's halfway point.

It also marks where I have run out of my pre-written chapters. From here on, it will be only one chapter a week on Sundays until Rapturous Rhapsody is finished; then, I will return to two chapters for this fic until it is done as well.

Until next time, I'll be waiting on the bench.
Thank you for the great chapter, I really like how you wrote Armin and Mikasa here. Just two old friends reminiscing and sharing regrets with one another. I am very excited to see where you take this next, stay safe out there and keep up the good work!
It also marks where I have run out of my pre-written chapters. From here on, it will be only one chapter a week on Sundays until Rapturous Rhapsody is finished; then, I will return to two chapters for this fic until it is done as well.
I'm gonna be honest and say that I only realized now since you said it that this had been going at a 2 chapter per week schedule

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