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Once and Future (WormxFate)

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I woke to a dark room.

It felt as though I had been dreaming. A distant, grassy field. A blue...
0.0 - New Beginnings


(Mysterious Heroine)
Nov 29, 2019
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I woke to a dark room.

It felt as though I had been dreaming. A distant, grassy field. A blue sky in the distance, yet so close I felt as though I could touch it. Already, the details escaped me. A part of me wished to return to sleep again and recapture that scene.

That was impossible though. However much I wished, that scene would not return. To begin with, a dream is something that only happens once and not continuously. Simply closing my eyes would not bring its return.

All was silent except for a soft, rhythmic beeping. I slowly pushed myself to sit up, staring for a moment, first at the heart monitor and then down at the IV that was in my arm. I was in the hospital? Running a hand through my hair, I looked around. How had I gotten here? I couldn't… I couldn't remember. I had been returning home from school. I had heard screaming – and now I was here.

I slowly pushed myself onto my feet, only to have them almost immediately give way underneath me. I clutched to the side of the bed, barely holding myself upright. A shuddering breath ripped through me. So weak.

Clenching a fist, I grabbed the IV stand and used it to support myself as I forced myself back to my feat. I wouldn't allow my own body to defeat me. I limped towards the bathroom, stumbling a few times, but finally making it to where I could stare into the mirror.

An unfamiliar face stared back. I reached out and ran fingers against the mirror and traced unfamiliar lines. Gaunt cheeks and emaciated flesh. It hardly resembled the me from before. Even putting that aside however, there was something off, something strange that I couldn't put my finger on.

It didn't matter. I would figure it out eventually.

The door burst open and a nurse in blue scrubs rushed into the room. Her gaze fell first upon my bed, an expression of shock crossing her face before she finally looked around and spotted me. "You're awake?" She asked, a note of wonder in her voice.

"I am." I stared back at my reflection in the mirror for a brief moment before returning my eyes to the nurse. "I feel as though I've been asleep for some time."

"It's been almost an entire year," the nurse said softly, as though afraid the news would somehow break me. I simply nodded and stepped out of the bathroom to meet her.

A new day had dawned. A new beginning. I would do my best to meet it head on.

Of course, the question remained. Who are you:
[ ] [CHARACTER] The daughter of a dock worker.
- Low starting funds and low renown, but high freedom.
[ ] [CHARACTER] The daughter of a hero.
- Moderate starting funds, high starting renown, comes with expectation of heroic behavior.
[ ] [CHARACTER] A rich heiress.
- Extra funds per rest period, comes with expectation of good social behavior in your non-cape persona.
[ ] [CHARACTER] (Write-In)

What drives you?
[ ] [POWER] To protect the innocent. (Brute)
- Increased armor class, max hit points, and healing rate.
[ ] [POWER] To destroy your foes. (Striker)
- Increased melee damage.
[ ] [POWER] To quest far and wide. (Master - Projection/Mover)
- Always have access to a mount.
[ ] [POWER] To lead others to battle. (Trump)
- Empower allies.
[ ] [POWER] To hold court and rule. (Thinker)
- Bonuses to social rolls.
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0.1 - A New Beginning
Voting said:
[X] [CHARACTER] A rich heiress.
[X] [POWER] To protect the innocent. (Brute)

Things did not end there, of course.

Morning arrived, and I sat watching the dawn break. The horizon shone in gleaming gold. Had there been something similar in my dream? I traced my fingers against the window's glass, simply watching the sun rise higher.


A shaky voice came from behind me. Ellie. Elaine. Yes, that was my name. So why did it feel so foreign to me? I turned and smiled at my brother in the doorway.

"Good morning, Dean."

He rushed to wrap his arms around me, tears streaming down his cheeks. I shifted uncomfortably a moment, silently enduring the discomfort of the moment, before wrapping my arms around him in turn. It was strange to see how much difference a single year could make. He had grown so much. I hardly recognized the boy he had been before my accident.

"Where is Mom and Dad?" I asked.

Dean pulled back, a faint frown crossing his face. "Mom is downstairs still, handling the paperwork for your discharge. Dad… was out of town on business when we got the news."

My lips thinned. "Of course." More important that she get me home where my injury could no longer be an embarrassment than she actually see me once again.

"Don't worry about it too much, Ellie. I'm here for you. It's good to have you back."

That was true. My brother had always been my most stalwart ally. I still remembered the toy lions he had once carved for me. Except… that could not be right. Dean had never done anything like that. He did not know the slightest thing of whittling, and I had never been so short of toys as to require one so roughly made. Yet, I recalled those lions with more fondness than all the toys I knew awaited me back at home.

"...I am still adjusting somewhat, to be honest. I do not remember all of what happened."

Dean sat down on the edge of the bed, running a hand through his hair. "How much do you remember?"

"We were out shopping, I believe? Together with Victoria and her sister." A playdate of sorts. Let the two siblings keep each other company while Dean could go off and spend time with his girlfriend. It didn't particularly work. Amy refused to leave her sister's side, and had never shown much interest in speaking with me.

Dean's face scrunched up in concern, as though something I had said was niggling at him. Still, he nodded after a moment. "There was a new gang that was trying to muscle into Brockton Bay. Called themselves Chorus. I don't know what they were thinking – if they thought it would give them a reputation, or if they just didn't care about casualties, but they attacked the mall."

It came back to me.

The sharp retort of gunfire broke the chatter of the crowd. The screaming started moments later. Then, silence. Nothing had changed, people were still screaming, still panicking, still pushing and shoving as they attempted to flee, heedless of who they might hurt in the attempt. There simply was no noise. Only one man was allowed sound in this place.

A blonde man wearing an opera mask hopped up onto a fountain, turning to look out over the crowd. "People of Brockton Bay. Do not panic. As long as you cooperate, you will be able to go home safe and sound, if short of a few shiny things. Please take out your wallets, watches, and jewelry. My associates will be around to collect them shortly. Don't try to fight. Don't try to be a hero. That's how people get hurt."

I looked to Vicky. She was a hero right? Glory Girl? She would save us. Except, she was looking at Dean, who shook his head ever so slightly. She tried to say something in response, but no words came. Eventually, her shoulders sunk and she gritted her teeth, resigning herself to what was happening.

Don't be a hero. That's how people get hurt. So she was just going to watch instead?

What use was a hero that didn't do anything when you needed them most?

My ears popped and sound returned to the world in a rush. Complete silence turned into a din, only to be silenced once more as a gun was fired into the air. Three men in masks went from person to person, telling them to give any money or valuables they had on them. And people complied.

Better to give up their things than risk their lives. It was with a bitter expression that Victoria handed over the earrings that Dean had bought her. So too, did Dean hand over his wallet.

Then there was Amy.

"Fuck off. I'm not giving you anything."

There was hardly even a second to stare in shock before the robber backhanded her across the face, sending her reeling to the floor. Vicky didn't wait. She surged forward, wrapping her hand around the man's wrist, a sickening crack following moments later. The man's scream followed, only for silence to envelop the two of them once again, cutting the sound short. And though we couldn't hear anything, I saw Vicky fall to the ground, clutching at her bleeding ears.

The man slowly picked himself up, holding his broken wrist, and kicked Vicky in the ribs. Even though she was Glory Girl, even though she was supposed to be invulnerable to everything, I saw his foot make an impact. Vicky curled up into a ball, still clutching at her ears. Then, the man pulled his gun and pointed it at her.

No. I couldn't allow this. I had to do something. Anything. I lept at the man, grabbing at his wrist, trying anything to get it to point away from Vicky. The man scowled. I wasn't strong like she was. He didn't have any problems fighting me. But he was pissed off and already hurt. He pushed me back and then the world became noise. Screaming, honking, random chatter. The roar of jet engines and train whistles. Dog barking, children laughing. All of it. All at once. Louder than I could handle. My screams joined the chorus.

It distracted him though. However briefly. I saw Vicky push herself to her feet, a murderous expression on her face. A final sound reached me. The sound of gunfire.

Then there was darkness.

"Oh." I took a deep, shuddering breath. "After I was… injured, what happened?"

"Victoria knocked them out. She'll be really happy to know you're okay. She could have been seriously hurt if you hadn't been there, and she's always blamed herself for what happened."

"She should not. The blame lies with the perpetrators."

Dean gave a weak smile and reached out to put his hand over mine. "Are you mad at me, Ellie?"

"No?" I tilted my head, squinting up at him. "Why would I be?"

"I don't know. It's just that you've been so stiff and formal since I got here. And… I didn't really do much to help when you got hurt."

"What could you have done?" I shook my head. "No, I am not angry at you. I suppose I am simply overwhelmed with everything."

"That's understandable. You ready to get out of here then?"

"I am." I took his hand and stood up. My steps were still shaky, but already they were firmer than they had been when I had first woken. "Let's go home."

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

I stared at my face in the mirror. It had been a few days, the flesh had begun to fill in and I was looking like my old self once again. Yet something still felt off. Why did I feel as though my eyes ought to be green? I frowned, and tied my hair back into a ponytail, getting a feel for how it framed my face. That was… better.

Sighing, I turned away from my examination and moved back to my desk to look over my school books once more. I was a year behind in my studies. If I had any chance of making it into Arcadia High School with Dean, then I would have to study.

Of course, my family didn't lack for money. Even if I didn't pass Arcadia's entrance exam, they could afford to send me to a good school elsewhere. I could prioritize other things. A part of me ached to learn how to defend myself instead. To make sure that if something like the mall ever happened again, that I would be ready for it. Still, to lean so entirely upon my family's influence left a bad taste in my mouth.

I had a month to bring myself up to speed. It was up to me to decide how best to spend that time.

It is May of 2010.

Due to the ideal you have chosen, your Just trait has been set to 16 and certain events that would have happened in canon have been averted. So it is, we have several votes to make. First is school:

[ ] [School] Take the test for Arcadia.
-There will be a check made for if you are successful or not at this.
[ ] [School] Rely on your family connections
[ ] [School] (Write-In)

Second is how to spend your free time:

[ ] [Free Time] Reconnect with your friends
[ ] [Free Time] Spend time with Dean
[ ] [Free Time] Your mother wants to reintroduce you to high society. Go to a gala.
[ ] [Free Time] (Write-In)

Next, we come to our first vote on how to spend experience.

  • You may distribute up to 9 points among your personality traits. No trait may be increased above 15 in this manner. As a reminder, traits work in opposites. An increase in Forgiving leads to a decrease in Vengeful and vice versa.

  • You may distribute up to 8 points among your skills (including Combat Skills). No skill may be increased above 15 in this manner.

This will be structured as Plan voting. Structure it as the following:
[ ] Plan Name
-[ ] [Traits] (Write-in)
-[ ] [Skills] (Write-in)
0.2 - A New Beginning
Voting said:
[X] [School] Take the test for Arcadia.
[X] [Free Time] Reconnect with your friends
[X] [Traits] Modest 3, Generous 2, Prudent 2, Merciful 2.
[X] [Skills] Academics 4, Orate 3, Strategy 1.

In a 30-60-90 triangle, the length of the hypotenuse is 6. What is the length of the shortest side?

I scowled down at the Geometry work as I scribbled in the solution. I had never done poorly in math, but I still wouldn't say that I enjoyed it, and having to catch up on an entire year's worth of material was seriously starting to tax my patience. It wasn't just Math either. History, English Literature, and Science just for the core classes. That wasn't even getting into the physical rehabilitation she needed to spend time doing each day or the Foreign Language requirement.

Sighing, I scrubbed a hand through my hair and stretched. It didn't matter. I would handle it.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. "Ellie? May I come in?"

"Yes. You may enter," I said, lifting my head at the sound of Dean's voice. He pushed the door open a moment later and stuck his head inside, an odd expression on his face.

"Hey there. Still have your nose to the grindstone, I see. I don't think I've seen you take a break all week."

"I have a great deal to get done."

"I suppose that's true," he replied neutrally. "Still, it's dinner time. Mom asked me to fetch you."

"Very well. I will be down shortly."

He lingered by the door, as though he wanted to say something else. Nothing came however, and he finally withdrew. Frowning, I stood up, taking a moment to stare out the window.

I wasn't stupid. I knew I wasn't acting the way Dean remembered. Something had changed in me during my slumber. I had been home two weeks and still everything in my life felt foreign to me, as if they had belonged to some other person. I could hardly stand the gaudy pink that nearly everything in my room had been painted in once upon a time. I longed to do away with the frilly decorations. I had no interest in the toys.

Whoever Elaine Stansfield had once been, I knew I was no longer that person.

Still, if I chose to, I could put on the mask. I could pretend to be her once again. I could brighten my smile and talk about fashion and boys and other banal things that girls my age spoke of. I could ask for the latest handbag or shoes and go spend all my time with peers of my age. I could play the part of another person, if I wanted to.

Gamemaster said:
Honest vs Deceitful
: 4 | 10 = Success
Deceitful: 12 | 10 = Failure
Gain a check to Honest.


I squeezed my hands tight, my nails biting into my palms. No. I could not live like that. I could not bear it. My family would simply have to accept me for who I was now, and not who I had once been.

Buoyed by my new resolve, I strode from my room, back straight and head held high.

Our house leaned closer to an estate or mansion than it did the typical suburban home. This meant a few things. The facilities, obviously, were beyond what my parents could possibly take care of themselves, even if they were inclined to. Instead, we had a number of live-in staff. It meant that we had a stable of horses and the space to actually ride them in the backyard. It meant that we never wanted for facilities to entertain ourselves.

More inconveniently, it also meant that it was a walk to get anywhere. Three hallways and a stairwell later, I finally neared our dining room, only to stop as I heard voices from inside.

"--Concerned about her. She isn't acting like she used to."

"Well, of course she isn't, Dean. She's still adjusting from being in a coma for a year."

"I know, but maybe we should consider having her see a psychologist? Just someone to help her with everything."

"Have you actually seen anything to be concerned about?"

"Well, no–"

"Then let's not worry too much. She still isn't even fully recovered. Give her time."

"...Alright, you're probably right. We should try to get her out of the house though. She's been cooped up here ever since she got back. I was thinking I could take her next time Vicky and I were hanging out together."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before rounding the corner. "That will not be necessary."

Dean's face went scarlet as I entered the room. "Ellie! How long were you there?"

Across from him sat my parents. Dean and my father looked alike for the most part, as though sculpted by the same artist. The same eyes, the same chin, the same curve to their jaw. The only real exception was the gray sprinkled into my father's hair and the creases that had begun to form around his eyes. Our mother was the stand out of the family. My features resembled hers a bit more closely, with the sharper jaw and narrower nose, but her dark brown hair wasn't shared by the rest of us, nor was the olive color of her skin.

"Long enough," I replied. "And while I appreciate the offer to take me out, you should not. I am still recovering. You would spend the entire day tending to me when you should be enjoying it with Victoria."

"I do agree with Dean," my mother chimed in. "Elaine does need to get out more. Not necessarily with that Dallon girl, especially after what happened last time, but the Anders are hosting a party soon. You always got along well with Theo before, right Honey?"

I hadn't. My former self had mostly ignored the poor boy. It was no fault of his own, really, but the somewhat pudgy, quiet boy had never caught my interest enough to spend time with him beyond what I had to. He perhaps enjoyed a second chance. Still, while I did feel somewhat guilty over my previous behavior, it was not enough to sway my decision.

"I think I would be even worse off. I am able to walk reliably now, but standing around and dancing all night is still beyond me. I will go and meet with some of my friends however. I have not had the chance to see them since I woke, and I am sure we can enjoy visiting the Boardwalk together."

"Well!" My father cut in, "I'm glad that's settled. Honestly, both of you worry too much. Elaine's just been buckling down getting ready for school, it's hardly something to be concerned over. Let's just have dinner and be glad she's back, okay?"

I met my brother's eyes, tried my best to assuage the worry I saw there with my smile alone. Nothing changed. We both remained as we were.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

Traditionally, Brockton Bay had been a trading post and port. A shipping destination that mostly served a competition for Boston. Boston, of course, was the larger city and larger port, but taxes in Massachusetts ran significantly higher than they did in New Hampshire, leading to some diversion of goods northwards. Unfortunately, with the rise of Parahumans in the 90's, most businesses preferred the security of a larger port and shipping began to dry up in Brockton.

Then the Union riots happened, ships were sunk in the bay, and what was left practically disappeared entirely.

In its wake, the city had struggled. A boon had come in the form of the Protectorate Headquarters, a floating fortress that had been created for the local Protectorate. Suddenly, the city became a tourist destination. The city fielded one of the largest Protectorate teams in the north east seaboard, second only to New York itself, really.

Now, the Boardwalk was one of the most affluent places in the city, with stores running along its length from north to south. All within view of the PHQ, its forcefield shimmering like a rainbow under the noon sun. It was with this monument looming over me, that I arrived at the docks, driven by our family's chauffeur, dropped off to meet with my friends.

"Ellie! It's so good to see you again!"

"Hello Megan, Chelsea. It has been too long." I smiled slightly as my two friends rushed to envelop me in a group hug.

"God," Chelsea said, "I heard from my Mom when you got hurt and I just couldn't believe it, you know? We've got so much time to make up for!"

"Yeah! I've missed you so much, Ellie!"

My smile turned brittle. Yes, I suppose that you missed me so much that you failed to send even a single message after you had heard I woke up.

Gamemaster said:
Trusting vs Suspicious
: 9 | 10 = Success
Suspicious: 7 | 10 = Success
Neutral result.

No. That was uncharitable of me. I had known Megan and Chelsea since I was young. Our families ran in the same circles. Their lack of contact was not out of malice nor even a lack of caring necessarily. They simply were the type to not think about it to begin with.

"Well, let us not linger. I only have a few hours that I am allowed out and you two need to catch me up on everything that I have missed."

Gamemaster said:
Intrigue: 6 | 7 = Success

"Where to start though? Oh, there's some new thief who's been making the news! Apparently they dress up as a clown for some reason. The news is calling them Circus."

"A clown? I thought villains were supposed to be intimidating?" I asked.

"Maybe they think clowns are scary?" Megan shrugged. "Um, what else? Oh, Stacey started dating Avery. And Jen got real into pro wrestling for some reason, not really sure what's up with that."

Chelsea shook her head. "She hides it, but she's always been a bit of a tomboy, I'm not really surprised. No, what is surprising is that Gallant and Glory Girl were seen walking around holding hands again. Wasn't she supposed to be dating your brother, Ellie?"

I frowned. "To my knowledge, they are still together."

"Ahh, I wonder if it's a love affair. Maybe I can swoop in and snatch Dean up if she breaks his heart. Er, that's not a problem right? I know we're friends, but your brother is kind of a hunk."

"I do not govern his love life. Do as you wish." Though, you would hope he had better taste in women than to go after Chelsea.

"Good! Good. Glad to hear that."

Chelsea smiled brightly, clearly oblivious to how Megan was glaring at her. I simply sighed in response. It was going to be a long day, wasn't it?

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Loyalty (Friends).

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

"You're going to do great. I'm sure."

"Honestly, you are acting more nervous than I am, Dean. I will be fine."

"Alright. Go break a leg, Ellie."

I gave my brother a long-suffering look and stepped into the classroom. Inside, a dark haired man stood near the blackboard, apparently waiting on me.

"Ah, Miss Stansfield. I'm Mr. Olsen. I will be your proctor for the test. Are you all prepared? Once we start, there will be no going back."

"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Olsen. Not to worry. I am prepared." I gave a slight smile and sat down at the desk.

"Glad to hear it. Hopefully I'll have you in class once this is all over." Mr. Olsen winked and set the test paper and a booklet on my desk. "Alright, I'm going to start the timer. Best of luck, Miss Stansfield."

Gamemaster said:
Invoke Passion: Station: 10 | 12 = Success
Academics: 13 | 11(+5) = Success

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

A day later, I was still riding on the giddy high that my test results had left me with. I had passed. I would be attending Arcadia come August.

My work had paid off.

Of course, I would have to keep at it. It wasn't enough simply to get in, I would need to keep my grades up during the year as well. Still, I had committed to a cause and I had succeeded. I had done what I set out to do.

"Earth to Ellie. You there?"

"Yes, I am still here." I refrained from rolling my eyes, though a part of me was tempted to do so. "Where is Chelsea though? Was she not supposed to meet us here?"

Megan frowned. "I'm not really sure. Let me send her a text."

I hummed in response, scanning the crowd. We had met up at the mall this time, and it certainly was not lacking for people. Perhaps Chelsea had simply gotten lost.

Ah, nevermind. There was a familiar head of brown hair over there. Talking to some boy from the look of things. Honestly, Chelsea–

The boy grabbed Chelsea's wrist as she tried to pull away.

My jaw tightened.

It is May of 2010.

We arrive at our first combat. Looking a little scant on those stats, lets see how your luck holds up. Choose your stance.

[ ] [Combat] Cowardly.
-Flee combat. Do not engage at all. Gain a check to Cowardly.
[ ] [Combat] Prudent.
-Engage for a minimum 1 round before withdrawing without loss to honor. The first round must be spent fighting Defensively. (You gain a bonus to your Threshold, but no damage can be dealt to the enemy even on a successful attack).
[ ] [Combat] Valorous
-Engage for a minimum of 2 combat rounds before withdrawing.
[ ] [Combat] Reckless
-Engage for a minimum of 3 combat rounds before withdrawing. The first round must be spent fighting Recklessly. (Enemy gains a bonus to their Threshold, but you deal bonus damage if you are successful in the bout).

Next, assuming combat goes well and you aren't incapacitated, you have some choices to make. Your family is nominally Christian, in that they at least attend church regularly. Do you attend with them?

[ ] [Church] Attend and pay close attention to the sermon.
[ ] [Church] Attend for show and to socialize.
[ ] [Church] Do not attend, it's a waste of time.

Finally, you have another free time option:

[ ] [Free Time] Rehab. Make sure you're back in shape.
[ ] [Free Time] Megan and Chelsea want to take you to meet some boys.
[ ] [Free Time] End of School Year party. Megan and Chelsea can help introduce you to people you'll be going to school with.
[ ] [Free Time] (Write-In)
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0.3 - A New Beginning
Voting said:
[X] [Combat] Valorous
[X] [Church] Attend and pay close attention to the sermon.
[X] [Free Time] Rehab. Make sure you're back in shape.

"Come on, baby. I can show you a good time. Just come with me."

"Um – I have some friends I was supposed to meet. I really can't stay."

"Hey, hey, that's fine. Your friends can come too!"

"No, I really need to go–"

"I don't know if you know this, but I'm a pretty important guy. You should listen to me."

"Please, let go of me–"

Glaring at the man – No. The boy. He couldn't be more than a year or two older than the three of us – I strode up, folding my arms over my chest. I wasn't especially tall, I didn't cut much of an intimidating figure, but he still flinched back. "Unhand her this instant."

"The hell?" The boy said. "What's it to you, white girl?"

"You will release her voluntarily, or you will be made to."

The boy scoffed and let go of Chelsea before swaggering forward to loom over me. "I think you need to learn to talk with more respect, white girl. You see this?" he asked, pointing to a checkered red and green handkerchief that he had wrapped around his bicep. "This means you don't fuck with me. You understand?"

Gamemaster said:
Recognize: 20 | 2 (+10 Situational Bonus) = Fumble!
Gain a check to Recognize.

I squinted up at the boy. "Am I supposed to be impressed by your choice in fashion? It is rather ugly and out of place, truth be told."

The boy gaped at me. Chelsea gaped at me. A couple of the surrounding people gaped at me. What had I said that was so out of place?

"Ellie, those are gang colors!" Megan hissed from behind me. "He's in a gang!"

"Ah." The previous conversation clicked into place. Well, that was embarrassing. I should probably at least briefly look into the gangs in the city to avoid the same mistake in the future. Still. "What of it?"

"You dissing the ABB?"

"I think any organization you may be a part of will not trouble itself over the fact that a craven wretch such as yourself quarreled with a teenage girl."

Battle Rolls said:
Stance: Valorous
>Gain a check to Valorous

Invoke Passion: Loyalty (Friends): 2 | 10 = Success (+5 to Brawling threshold)

Elaine Brawling: 11 | 1(+5) = Failure
Delinquent Brawling: 6 | 8 = Success
>Delinquent wins the contest.
>>Damage: 4 (-3 Armor Reduction) = 1 damage dealt to Elaine. (31/32 HP)

Elaine Brawling: 5 | 1(+5) = Success
Delinquent Brawling: 1 | 8 = Success
>Both combatants are successful, but Elaine rolls higher. Elaine wins the contest.
>>Damage: 4 (0 Armor Reduction) = 4 damage dealt to Delinquent. (20/24 HP)

Energetic: 19 | 13 = Failure
>Elaine withdraws.

The boy's eyes went wide and I barely managed to flinch back as the backhand caught me across my cheek. Oddly, it stung less than I thought it would. I wonder if he pulled his punch – afraid of hurting a girl, perhaps. Regardless, I would not pull mine.

Shaking off the blow, I stepped forward and drove my fist into the boy's diaphragm. He folded over, letting out a harsh wheeze, before falling to the ground. I stepped away, disinterested in continuing things further.

"Come Chelsea. We had best depart before we attract further trouble."

She nodded, wide-eyed and jogged forward to enter into my wake. "Are you okay, Ellie? I can't believe you actually did that!"

"I am fine. More to the point, are you well? Did he hurt you at all?"

"Um – No, I'm fine. Since when can you fight? God, your Mom is going to freak when she finds out about this."

"That – is true, I suppose. I will find some way of explaining the situation to her. You need not worry." I hummed thoughtfully as we returned to the table that Megan and I had found in the food court.

Megan laughed. "I never knew you could be so scary, Ellie. I thought he was going to piss himself for a second there when you first walked up."

"Megan!" Chelsea slapped Megan's arm before grinning at me. "It's true though. 'So what?'" she said, mimicking my voice.

Gamemaster said:
Modest vs Proud
: 19 | 10 = Failure
Proud: 1 | 10 = Success

I cleared my throat, trying to ignore the heat that was rushing to my cheeks. "I suppose I was rather impressive there, in retrospect. At the time, I was simply angry at how he was treating you, Chelsea."

"Aw." She leaned forward to wrap me into a hug. "Well, I'm glad to have you back, Ellie. I don't know what I would have done without you. Now, come on, we still need to walk around and shop!"

Smiling, I followed in their wake. We had done this hundreds of times before. I knew that. Yet, somehow, these tranquil, worryless days felt novel to me.

(In the end, my mother restricted me from leaving the house for a week when she found out that I had been hurt. It felt somewhat of an overreaction. After all, the bruise had been gone by the next day).

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

"Ellie! Are you ready yet?" My brother's voice called from down the hall.

"I need a few more minutes! I will be there shortly!" I called back. It was somewhat uncouth for me to do so, but he was family. I turned my attention back to the mirror, carefully finishing tying my hair into a bun, a braid running around it like a crown. It wasn't a terribly complicated hairstyle to put together, but unusual for me who usually wore my hair long.

The clothes that I had chosen were also unusual for me. I had not chosen any of the trendy clothes that filled my closet. Instead, I had put on a simple blue skirt and white blouse, with a cardigan thrown over it to act as a jacket. It was simple. Modest even. Perhaps that was for the best, given where we were going.

Stepping out of the room, I smiled at Dean. "There. I am ready. Shall we go?"

My brother stood blinking at me, taken aback for a moment, before dumbly nodding. "Are you sure you're feeling up to this?"

"Of course. Church is hardly a strenuous activity. You may escort me if it makes you feel better, however."

"Oh, can I now?" He laughed before bowing and sticking out his elbow. "Then, by all means, my Lady."

Soon after, we were chivvied out the door towards the car, the entire family bundling inside. Another unusual thing about today. It was rare that the whole family was together like this. My mother, of course, always had Dean and I attend, but usually it was our chauffeur who drove us. My father had rarely attended. Or at least, that had been the case prior to my hospitalization.

The church itself was the same as I remembered it though. A large, oddly-shaped structure that adhered to modern architectural sensibilities. The inside more closely resembled an amphitheater than a chapel, with rows of chairs arranged in an arc, all leading downwards to where a large stage sat at the bottom.

The service began with worship. A rock band came out onto the stage and began playing while projectors splashed the lyrics onto two big screens for the audience to sing along with.

My stomach twisted. I knew the arguments. That all of this… pomp would allow the message to reach a wider audience. Yet somehow, the showiness of it all stood out to me in a way it had not before. All this wealth poured in, not to help other people, but to entertain the parishioners.

I allowed my gaze to drift up to the cross that hung above the stage. Was I the only one who saw a problem with all of this? Did no one else feel this unease? My family and the rest of the audience around me all happily smiled, and sang, and cheered at the end of each song.

How many in this very city suffered while my family and others within this church sat here crowing about how holy they were? Nothing was done. The hungry were given nothing to eat, the thirsty were given nothing to drink. The sick were only looked after if they had the money to pay. Villains and lawlessness roamed the streets with impunity.

"Hello everyone! Go ahead and give a hand to our worship team!" The Pastor had come out on stage, a thin, bald man who smiled widely for the audience. "We're going to be studying in Matthew today, so go ahead and flip your Bibles open and we'll get started."

How could this possibly be what we were meant to be?

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean."

My lips tightening, I bowed my head and prayed that the Lord might hear me.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Spiritual.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

I hit the water with a splash, skimming across the surface of the pool for several yards before losing my momentum and turning to swimming to maintain speed. It was barely a pause when I hit the wall, only to spin, place my feet against it and launch myself back the opposite direction.

It was strange. I had loved swimming growing up. My dad had cheerfully joked that I was part fish, for how I would dive under the water and only come back up once I needed the air. Yet, seeing the pool, I had been afraid for a moment. As though all knowledge of how to do this had deserted me.

One part of me, sure I could swim effortlessly. Another, confident that I could walk across the water but never swim it.

A month into my recovery, and I still had not sorted out these feelings. I was growing frustrated with myself. Why was it proving so difficult? Why did I feel like a stranger inside my own body?

I let out a sigh as I finished my laps and pulled myself free of the water to sit on the pool's edge, running my hands through my wet hair as I pulled it free of its ponytail to squeeze out the water.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Energetic.

"Great job, Miss Stansfield. You've made a shockingly good recovery so far. I'd say you're probably safe to let out into the wild now."

"Oh?" I asked, looking up the personal trainer my parents had hired to help me through my rehabilitation. "Am I a wild animal now? What sort, do you think?"

"A lion, perhaps. You have that sort of regal bearing."

I smiled, a part of me pleased with the comparison. I had a fondness for lions. I had taken care of one once, when it was a child, though we had been separated after only a month together.

My smile faltered. That was impossible. It had never happened. I had never owned a lion. So why did I remember it so clearly?

"Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen someone recover to full capacity as quickly as you have. At least, not without powers involved. Though, I hear that you did the same with your schoolwork, so perhaps it's simply down to your hard work at the end of the day."

"Perhaps so. Was there anything else planned for today?"

"No. The day is yours. You should take the time to enjoy yourself."

"Hmm." Time to enjoy myself? What did that even look like? I frowned, trapped in thought even while my trainer departed, while I showered off the chlorine of the pool, while I changed back into my clothes. I frowned as I paced the halls, restlessly moving from room to room, passing the game room, the kitchen, the gym.

I had no homework to complete. My physical rehabilitation was finished for the day. Megan and Chelsea were busy today, so I had no social obligations. I had no duties to complete. Anything I did would be something I wished to do for myself. And – I had no answer as to what I wished to do or where I should go.

None at all.

In the end, I wandered into our sun room and simply settled onto the floor with my feet tucked under myself, my eyes closed as I pondered the future.

It is June of 2010.

We have arrived at our first rest period.

First things first: Checkmark rewards:

Checkmarks said:
Energetic: 2 | 13 = No Increase
Honest: 16 | 10 = Increased by 1
Spiritual: 10 | 10 = No Increase
Valorous: 6 | 15 = No Increase
Loyalty (Friends) : 13 | 10 = Increased by 1
Recognize: 13 | 2 = Increased by 1

Next is training and practice. You may select any one of the following improvements:

Training said:
Change a Personality Trait
You can add one point to a Trait, decreasing its opposite by the same amount (subject to an effective minimum value of 1).
Change a Passion
You can add or subtract one point from any Passion.
Change a Characteristic
Players may add one point to any one of STR, DEX, CON, or APP.
Train Skills Up to 15
Add 6 points to any number of Skills under 15 in any combination—all points may be added to one Skill, divided between two Skills, or more—as long as the values are not raised over 15.
Train a Skill Up to 20
Increase one Skill over 15 by one point, up to a maximum value of 20.

Please structure this vote as a Plan, i.e.
[ ] Plan Name Here
-[ ] [Training] Skills 1, Skills 2, Skills 3, etc.

The next stage is to tally Renown and to receive Renown rewards. As you have not established a Cape Identity, you are not yet eligible for Renown.

Next, you receive your monthly allowance. Given your status as a Wealthy Heiress, you earn $100.

I have created an associated shop in a new tab on the Character Sheet. If there's anything in particular you want to see added to the shop, please feel free to mention it and I will assign it a price. If at any time you wish to buy something from the shop, please do a write in as below, and I will add it to the next vote.

[ ] [Shop] (Write-In)

Now for our actions going forward into the next month:

Your return to church life has given you something to ponder regarding the state of the Church.
[ ] [Church] Accept it as it is.
>Modern trappings do not make it inherently bad.
[ ] [Church] Distance yourself.
>You still consider yourself Christian, but perhaps another church or private worship would be better.
[ ] [Church] Paganism.
>Perhaps you could investigate other avenues to Spirituality instead of Christianity.
[ ] [Church] Agnosticism.
>You are not in a position to judge for the moment, but perhaps it's better to distance yourself from religion entirely for the time being and focus on the material world.

You are witness to an altercation where three gang members armed with bats are beating a man. Do you:
[ ] [Altercation] Get to safety.
[ ] [Altercation] Make a distraction. Hopefully that's enough for the man to escape.
[ ] [Altercation] Interfere. You must stop these men.
-[ ] [Interfere] Immediately. This cannot wait.
-[ ] [Interfere] Grab some sort of disguise first.

Your parents want to get you out doing more actual activities. Choose:
[ ] [Activity] Sports. Baseball might be a good time. At the very least, you could hit things.
[ ] [Activity] Music. Spend time learning to play an instrument.
[ ] [Activity] Driving. You're old enough to get your driver's permit. Surely a few classes wouldn't hurt.
[ ] [Activity] Modeling. It could earn you some money on the side if you do well.
[ ] [Activity] Beg your way into staying inside and browsing the Internet.

And finally a free time action. I'm going to leave this one entirely up to write-ins. If I particularly like a specific write-in, I reserve the right to also include it in addition to the write-in that wins the vote.
[ ] [Free Time] (Write-In)

Next up is an interlude.
0.x - Interlude; Dean
She is sitting there naturally.

In a space filled with tranquility, white sunlight shining upon her dignified posture. There was a purity to the air, as though something unearthly had descended to this space. A deep blue ran through her, a vast ocean of calm serenity, streaked with the occasional other color that reflected whatever she happened to be thinking about in that moment.

After a year, his sister had woken up, and Dean wasn't sure she was the same person any more.

His sister had been an excitable, chatty thing, always flitting from one thing to another. She had never lacked for something to say. She had also been a bit of a brat, if he was honest with himself.

Now, she was this mature young woman who he sometimes caught looking at him as though he were a stranger. A young woman who saw her room, kept exactly the same way it had been a year ago, and was confused by it. A young woman who spent all her time working – either on her rehabilitation or her studies.

Dean let out a breath. She was still his sister. He shouldn't be surprised that there would be some changes after an experience as traumatic as what she went through.

Raising a hand, he knocked lightly on the doorframe. Ellie's eyes opened, a small smile crossing her lips. So unlike the wide, bright smiles she had worn before. "Hello Dean. Did you need something?"

"No, I just saw you sitting here and thought I'd check on you. You okay?"

"Yes. I am doing well. I am surprised you are still here however. Were you not scheduled for your internship today?"

Dean's smile faltered ever so slightly. He hadn't told Ellie what his 'internship' really was yet. Before, she had been too young and a bit too much of a gossip for him to do so. Now… "I still have a bit of time, though I do need to get going soon."

"Sit for a moment then. I would ask your counsel."

Furrowing his brow, Dean sat down next to his sister, though he crossed his legs instead of folding them under himself like she had. "What's the matter?"

"The other day, at the mall, Chelsea was accosted by some boy who claimed to be a gang member. The incident was resolved without her coming to harm, thankfully, but it still concerns me that they would walk about displaying their allegiances so brazenly. Is the law failing to keep the peace in our city?"

Dean winced. That was a hard question to answer. "To a degree, I suppose so. Really, the city's had a slew of gang problems, going back to at least the 90's. The Marche, the Teeth, the Empire, and now the latest, the ABB. Seems like as soon as one gets kicked out, a new one moves in."

"What is preventing their removal?"

"Well, the obvious answer is Capes. There's a lot of villains in the city, and they have a tendency to be especially dangerous. That's just the obvious answer though, I think. The real answer is that too many people privately support them. Too many people who think the Empire has the right idea even if they aren't members themselves. Others just want the respect and power that it gives them over other people. And even putting that aside, there's a lot of people who are just desperate, and will do whatever it takes if it means getting a steady paycheck."

Ellie went silent for a long moment before asking, "Is the city so filled with desperate people who have no other options to them but banditry?"

"I'm really not the best person to ask about the economics behind it all, but yeah. There's a lot of businesses that have shut down and we have a growing homeless population."

"I see."

Dean frowned, watching a thread of purple melancholy run its way through his sister. He smiled brightly and clapped a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's not all doom and gloom. We have Heroes too. Maybe once they put the gangs away, the city will get better."

"That is true. The gangs may be a symptom of the underlying disease, but their presence prevents an actual cure. Like a cancer, they will need to be cut out if things are to improve."

That was… now the melancholy had changed to the steel of resolve. What was she thinking of doing?

"Thank you for the advice, Dean. I appreciate it."

"No problem, Ellie. Keep yourself safe, okay?"

"Of course. Would I do aught to make you worry?"

Dean wasn't sure that he wanted to know the answer to that.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

While the Bay was dominated by the view of the Protectorate Headquarters, a shining beacon for all its citizens to see, the headquarters for the Parahuman Response Team was a much smaller office building located downtown. It didn't look like much from the outside. It wasn't until you got inside that you started noticing the steel bars that could descend to cut off a hallway, or how the windows weren't actually glass but some sort of special plastic instead.

In most other cities, the Wards would be located with the Protectorate, with the older heroes taking on the role of mentors. As with many things however, Brockton Bay was the exception.

Dean swiped his badge to clock in before heading up to the Wards' living area. The place wasn't much, honestly. A couch, a TV, a small game system that Dennis had brought in himself. A microwave and refrigerator in the attached kitchenette. They each had bedrooms here to use in case of emergencies, but they weren't actually supposed to stay overnight most of the time.

Speaking of Dennis –

"Hey Dean," the redheaded boy called from the couch, controller in hand. "How's it going?"

"Oh, nothing new. Any idea what tonight's meeting is about?"

"Nope. Rory might though."

"Cool." Dean glanced at the TV, checking on what Dennis was playing. Some sort of shooter, it looked like. "If we have time afterwards, maybe I can join you for a round."

"Heh. Well, if there's one thing I've got plenty of, it's time."

Dean grinned at the joke, ignoring the sickly yellow fear and worry that shot through Dennis when he said that. When he'd told his team about his sister waking up, Dennis had been the one person who had really understood. The others were all happy for him, of course, but Dennis knew what it was like having family that you weren't sure you would ever get back.

"Is Chris here yet?"

"Already in his workshop when I got here. I'm not entirely sure he actually goes home sometimes."

Dean snorted. "His mom would be all over him if that were the case. I'll go say hi and get into my armor though."

Chris was the newest member of the team, having joined back in January. He was still finding his footing, trying to figure out what he could do with his Tinker power, and his workshop reflected that. Several half-finished projects were scattered around the place, abandoned in favor of whatever new idea had struck him.

The door was left open, but Dean still knocked on the doorframe. "Hey Chris. How's it going?"

"Huh? Oh! Hey Dean. Good to see you." Chris grinned and looked up from whatever he was working on now, a pair of welding goggles strapped over his eyes. It really added to the tinker look, in Dean's opinion. "I finished tuning your armor up already, so you should be good to go."

"Great," Dean replied, giving an easy smile. The armor in question sat in the corner of the room, appearing much like a large set of medieval plate if not for the blue LED lights that lit up the joints. A button near the back of the neck caused it to slide open, revealing the powered skeleton within. Originally, this had been Armsmaster's project, a way to protect Dean and make him look like a Tinker instead of a Master. Since Chris had joined however, it had been passed to him. Dean started stepping inside, glancing over his shoulder at Chris. "Any progress with your stuff?"

A flicker of teal. Pride mixed with hope, perhaps? Sometimes the colors blended together in ways that weren't easy to read. People were rarely ever just one thing. "It's a bit touch and go, but I think I might finally have the gravitonic emitters working for the hoverboard. I'll be your eye in the sky before long."

"Hey, that's great to hear. Could always use more air support." Dean curled a fist, metal fingers curling in response. The armor sealed up behind him, hiding Dean away so that Gallant could step onto the stage. "Alright, thanks again for the work. See you upstairs?"

"Yeah, I'll be up in a minute."

Dean was the first up to the conference room that they used for official meetings. It was a rather plain room, the sort of plain wooden table and low pile carpet that you'd expect to see in any normal office setting. It had honestly been a surprise his first time here. When he had joined a team of superheroes, a part of him had expected the sort of things you saw in comic books and movies. Holographic projectors, steel sliding doors, secret passages, that sort of thing.

Instead, it was incredibly average. Cheap, even. He'd seen offices at his father's company that were better kitted out than this.

One by one the others arrived.

Carlos, wearing a rust-red costume, a silver shield on his chest. Aegis.

Dennis in his white bodysuit, animated clocks ticking away on his shoulders and chest. Clockblocker.

Missy in her green and white skirt. She didn't so much walk into the room as burst in, the space warping to pull her from across the hallway. She took a seat next to Dean and smiled up at him, pink dusting through her. Vista.

Chris, in his red and gold armor, a callback to Hero. Kid Win.

Rory, his helmet in the shape of a golden lion's head. Triumph.

Finally, Armsmaster strode through the door in his signature silver and blue armor, reaching the head of the table exactly when the meeting was supposed to start.

"Hello. Thank you all for attending." Armsmaster took his helmet off and sat down at the head of the table, smiling at each of them. "I know some of you have patrols after this, and the rest are eager to get home, so I'll try and keep things brief."

"First is the situation update. There have been a few skirmishes between the ABB and the Empire over the last couple weeks. Nothing too serious, and we're hoping it stays that way, but be on the lookout. More importantly, we've seen an uptick in independent cape activity."

He flicked the projector on, an off-color image appearing on the far wall. A woman wearing a bright red-gold ensemble, a jester's hat atop her head. "We've had a couple pop up this month. First is this one. We're tentatively going with the name Circus. She's been doing a lot of breaking and entering, burglary. A villain, though not a violent one so far."

"Next is this one." A new image, this one of a teenager. His costume wasn't much, a black hoodie with a red scarf wrapped around his mouth. "We think he's a new trigger, a vigilante. He's been operating mostly in ABB territory though. Battery has had the chance to talk with him, so we hope he'll take the offer to join before something happens to him."

There was no need to say what. Everyone knew the statistics for vigilantes.

The projector flicked again. "Moving on, Shadowstalker. She's been operating as a vigilante for awhile now, and while there's been some concerns, there hasn't been anything concrete. That's changed. If you see her, call it in."

Dean cleared his throat. "What did she do, exactly?"

"We are pretty sure it was an accident. A member of the Empire bled out before an ambulance could get to him. She's still not considered a villain, but she needs to be brought in."

General nods went around, but Dean could see flickers of sympathy through the other Wards. The Wards existed to teach responsible use of powers, but powers were inherently dangerous. Everyone knew accidents could happen. Still, that was why they worked with a team and within the bounds of the law, not as independent vigilantes.

"Finally, there's been an uptick in missing persons cases. Mostly the homeless, which isn't that unusual, but keep your ears to the ground and let us know if you hear anything. You've been doing good work out there, so keep it up."

With that, Armsmaster stuck his helmet back on and left. It was a bit abrupt, but Dean had discovered that Armsmaster was something of an abrupt person. You more or less got used to it after a while.

"Well, that wasn't too bad," Dennis said,raising his arms to stretch above his head. "No lectures about proper call-in procedures this time. You still up for that game?"

"You've got the time, don't you?" Dean joked. "How long until my patrol starts?"

"I suppose not. Next time then."

Missy bounced up from her chair, pink suffusing her aura again. "Well, we might as well get going then, right? Just the two of us, Dean."

"Don't forget me on Console!" Kid Win called.

Missy's mood immediately dampened. "Oh yeah. And you too, I suppose."

Dean laughed awkwardly. He'd told Missy before that he was dating Vicky, but it hadn't really discouraged her. If anything, she had gotten more obvious with her affections. For someone who could tie knots in space, she was an incredibly straightforward girl.

"Well, and one more too. Vicky mentioned she'd like to come along tonight, so I told her to meet up with us."

The last of Missy's good mood disappeared.

A few notes.

First, the vote on Chapter 0.3 is still ongoing and will remain so for another 48 hours. It's running pretty close on a couple of them, so get your votes in now.

Second, a bit of housekeeping on the character sheet.

  • Firearms have been renamed to Ranged. It more accurately reflects the possibility of using a Bow, Crossbow, or Thrown weapon as well.
  • The Reputation Passion has been renamed to Honor. This is actually what it originally was in the Pendragon tabletop, but I initially renamed it because 'Reputation' is more of a thing for capes than 'Honor' is. Passions are about your personal interests though, and it's a bit weird doing a passion role for Reputation. So back to Honor it is.

Finally, one person requested a purchase, so we get our first shop vote:
[ ] [Purchase] A Burner Cellphone ($20)
[ ] [Purchase] Don't buy anything at this time.
1.1 - The Drawing of the Sword
Voting said:
[X] [Training] Brawling 6
[X] [Church] Distance yourself.
[X] [Altercation] Interfere. You must stop these men.
-[X] [Interfere] Immediately. This cannot wait.
[X] [Activity] Driving. You're old enough to get your driver's permit. Surely a few classes wouldn't hurt.
[X] [Free Time] Research the parahumans in the bay, especially the gangs.
[X] [Free Time] A Lion may be a bit much... but what about finding and caring for a cat, after all, cats are fun sized lions... Right?!
[X] [Purchase] Aketon, baton, and burner phone

"Okay, you'll want to ease off the clutch while pressing down the gas at the same time–"

The car jerked forward and then stalled out. I frowned. I had released the clutch a bit too quickly, perhaps.

My driving instructor sighed next to me. "Well, that happens. It's a good thing we're not dealing with any hills yet."

Pressing the clutch down, I restarted the car. This time, I held the clutch a bit longer, allowing the engine to rev before smoothly accelerating forward. I turned the wheel, keeping the car in first gear for the moment as we rolled along the circular track.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Drive.

"Oh, good job. It usually takes new learners a few tries before they pick it up. Have you driven at all before?"

"I have not," I replied. "However, while it is impossible to avoid error entirely, one should not repeat their mistakes."

"Well, sure, in theory. It's the execution that usually messes people up, Miss Stansfield."

I made a small noise of acknowledgement, shifting the car up into second gear. "That is fair. Once I am more experienced with cars, I would be interested in obtaining my Motorcycle license. Would you be able to assist with that as well?"

"I'd have to run it by your parents, but I don't see the issue myself."

"Thank you," I said, shifting the car into neutral and letting us coast to a stop. I would not turn sixteen until December, so I had some time before I could actually obtain a license, but I would need to log hours spent driving towards my learner's permit in the meantime. "Are we scheduled for the same time next week?"

"We are through the rest of summer. Well, except for your vacation in July, your mom told me you wouldn't be here that week."

My lips thinned. A vacation? How kind of Mother to inform me of our plans, much less ask.

"I am afraid I could not speak to any specific plans we might have yet."

"Hey, no worries. So were your parents picking you up today, or…?"

"My brother. He is on a date at the moment, but will be meeting me once they finish up. I thought I might walk around the area while I waited."

Look, a date is basically a rendezvous. He says he's going to play, but it's a chance for a man to appeal to a woman he likes.

The memory rose as if from a dream. A nostalgic smile crossed my lips. Where had I heard that?

My instructor frowned. "Well… I mean, this neighborhood is probably safe for you, but be careful. Nowhere in the city is completely safe these days. You're always welcome to just hang out at the course until your brother gets here."

"That will not be necessary. I have been taking self-defense courses recently as well – I am confident I can at least run away should I need to."

My instructor frowned, but it wasn't untrue. After the incident with the hooligan at the mall, I had spoken to Father about the issue. The city was dangerous, there was no getting away from that fact. Twice, I had been in danger in a space that should have been safe. I needed to know how to defend myself.

It had taken more convincing than I expected, but he had agreed in the end. Moreover, I had excelled in the class thus far. It was simple. Use my full body to generate power behind my strikes. Use their center of gravity against them. Lock their joints. It felt familiar – just unpracticed.

Leaving the driving course, I stopped briefly in the building's lobby to collect my things – a blue and gold leather jacket (Arcadia's colors, though the jacket lacked any sort of accompanying logo) and a baseball cap. I tucked my hair into the hat, letting it stream out the back in a ponytail, quickly sent a text message off to Dean, and stepped out into the bright sunlight of the summer afternoon, a pair of tinted glasses hiding my eyes.

The neighborhood itself, while not quite as affluent as the Boardwalk, was still fairly upscale and well kept, close enough to downtown that it hadn't suffered from the rot and decay that afflicted much of the northern half of the city. Most of the buildings were red brick and white wood, the sort of homes and shops that wouldn't have looked out of place constructed in the 50's. Small coffee shops, cafes, and bookstores dotted the street.

I settled on a bench and pulled out my phone, flicking through to the post I had made on the local boards of Parahumans Online. There were threats in my city, and the best way to educate myself was to ask for the wisdom of others. In short, the outlook was not particularly positive.

The city was infested with gangs.

The first, and most notable perhaps was the Empire Eighty-Eight. A collection of white supremacists and open neo-Nazis. It was filled with the sort of filth who preyed on the weak and acted as if it were a virtue. They crowed about protecting good, hard-working American citizens, but that included only those who agreed with them. If you were too Black, too Asian, too Jewish, too Foreign, too Disabled, too Liberal, or just plain too different from them, then you were a target to be eliminated.

Their greatest rival was, and I felt my mouth twisting in distaste just reading the name, the Azn Bad Boyz. I suppose it was too much to hope that criminals would have any sense of class. Regardless, the Azn Bad Boyz were a more recent gang, having consolidated out of a number of smaller gangs a mere two years ago. Unlike the Empire, which worshiped an ideology, the Azn Bad Boyz were held together almost entirely by force of will of the man who had created the gang.


A parahuman who had made a splash when he entered the local cape scene by reportedly engaging with the entire local Protectorate at once and emerging victorious. Since then, there had been little success in dislodging him.

Then there were the smaller gangs. Drug pushers, street gangs, and mercenaries for hire. The East Side Kings, the Archer's Bridge Merchants, the Cobras. Most of them were two-bit players at best. An odd stand out was a group of mercenaries that operated downtown – apparently they had access to tinkertech equipment and offered protection services for hire. No one quite knew who their backer was, though they must have one given the expense of their equipment.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Recognize.

Letting out a soft sigh, I closed my phone again and looked up at the sky. A blue, cloudless expanse hung above me, stretching on as far as I could see. So far, yet there was a feeling as if I could reach up and touch it. And perhaps, if I reached up, someone else's hand would as well.

Knowing it was impossible, yet reaching all the same.

For a moment, the city fell away. I stood in a grassy field, the same blue sky stretching endlessly above, a forest in the distance. I stared out. Waiting. Waiting for something.

I began to lift my hand, only to retract it. My chest felt strangely tight and I could not say why. Lowering my head into my hands, I let a shuddering breath tear through me. What was wrong with me? Why did I feel this way?

Why did I feel this yearning within me?

A sound eventually tore me from my thoughts. A small, plaintive meow. Glancing down, I looked at the gray tabby that had joined me on the bench.


The cat stepped forward to bump its head against my arm and I smiled, tracing my thumb gently behind its ear.

"Well, hello there. Aren't you a handsome fellow?" The cat purred, tilting its head up to allow me to scratch under its chin. Oddly enough, considering how sociable he was, the cat did not wear a collar. "What are you doing here?"

Gamemaster said:
Awareness: 12 | 3 = Failure

The cat provided no answer, of course. Instead, he spun a circle, brushing his side up against me, his tail tickling at my nose. A soft giggle escaped me and I leaned in to grab him, pulling him up onto my lap. He stepped back and forth, kneading his paws, before finally settling down, my fingers tracing along his back.

What a friendly child. I considered briefly whether I should name him. It was possible that he already had one. Possible even, that he already had an owner. He was skinny, perhaps a bit underfed, but hardly starving.

"No, better that I not get overly attached." I would not take this child away from whatever home he had here.

Regretfully, I pulled the cat from my lap and walked away. It was with some amusement that I noted the cat trotting after me, dogging at my heels. A stubborn little thing. Well, if he was that insistent…

The stench of blood and a grunt of pain brought me to a stop. I turned, looking down a narrow alley to where three men surrounded another. One swung a bat, and the beset man fell to the ground, his knee shattered.

"I told you what would happen if you didn't pay up, didn't I? You were lucky we were even letting you operate down here – not like we need businesses owned by heebs in this area."

"I'm not –"

"What, got something to say, Jew?"

Another of the thugs lashed out with his foot, catching the man in the ribs.

"I was trying to pay," the man wheezed. "Sales have been down this month."

"Always the same story with your type." The thug lifted his foot and stomped down on the man's hand.

My jaw clenched. This was wrong. These men, abominations.

I stepped into the alley, heart pounding my chest. This could not continue.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Honor.
Gain a check to Reckless.


"The fuck do you want, girl?"

"Step away from that man. Now."

One of the thugs rolled his eyes. "Run along, girl, before you get hurt."

"Disperse, or I will make you do so."

"God save me from children who want to play at being heroes. Jake? Grab her and hold her down or something. It's fine if you rough her up a little, but try not to hurt her too bad."

The man who had been singled out shrugged and stepped forward. He looked… surprisingly normal. Brown hair, wide shoulders. He looked about college-aged, but with the sort of build that suggested he could have played football. He gave me an apologetic smile. "Sorry about this. Really, you still could just run away, save yourself the trouble."

"I refuse."

"Right. Then, I suppose we're doing this."

Battle Rolls said:
Invoke Passion: Honor: 7 | 15 = Success (+5 to Brawling threshold)

Elaine Brawling: 6 | 7(+5) = Success
Jake Brawling: 13 | 8 = Failure
>Elaine wins the contest.
>>Damage: (3d6=10) (0 Armor Reduction) = 10 damage dealt to Jake. (14/24 HP)

Elaine Brawling: 18 | 7(+5) = Failure
Jake Brawling: 11 | 8 = Failure
>Mutual failure.

Elaine Brawling: 2 | 7(+5) = Success
Jake Brawling: 18 | 8 = Failure
>Elaine wins the contest.
>>Damage: (3d6=13) (0 Armor Reduction) = 13 damage dealt to Jake. (1/24 HP)
>>>Jake takes a Major Wound and is knocked unconscious.

The man, Jake, lunged at me, but I was prepared for it. He wasn't using his fists, just trying to grab me, but that was dangerous enough in and of itself. I wasn't particularly large or strong. If I was pinned, I would have difficulty escaping.

Instead, I ducked under his lunge, my hand darting into my jacket pocket. When I had started my self-defense lessons, I hadn't relied solely upon learning how to punch and kick. Instead, I wrapped my hand around the handle of my telescopic baton, flicking it out to whack Jake's ribs as he passed.

He let out a wheeze, stumbling a few steps before spinning around to glare at me. Jeers came in from the sidelines, his friends taunting him.

"Come on, Jake! You gonna take that from a girl?"

"Show her what a real man is made of!"

"God, shut up both of you." Jake put a fist into his palm, cracking his knuckles. "Look, girl. You keep this up and I will have to hurt you. I'd suggest you stop now."

"I would offer you the same courtesy. Leave now, and I will let you go in peace."

"Well, I warned you."

Jake charged, and once again I weaved beneath his blow to deliver one of my own. It seemed he had learned from last time however. Even as I evaded him, he brought his arms down to guard himself, protecting himself from a second blow to the ribs. Not entirely unintelligent then. I would have to vary things up somewhat.

This time, I attacked first, aiming high with my baton. He flinched and stepped back, not trained to ignore that primal response that occurs when you see something moving towards your face at high speeds. He tried to raise his arms to block at the last second, but was too late and my baton cracked him across the skull.

He fell to a heap on the ground.

I looked to the two remaining, who stared back at me wide-eyed.

"Did this bitch just kill Jake?"

"I dunno. Maybe just knocked him unconscious–"

"No, head injuries like that are really dangerous. God, we'll need to take him to a hospital. Fuck it. Let's fuck her up and get out of here."

Both men advanced on me, bats slung over their shoulders. My lips tightened. It was one thing fighting one on one against a man with no weapon, but the odds with multiple opponents were significantly worse.

Battle Rolls said:
Elaine Brawling: 2 | 7(+5)(-5 Outnumbered) = Success
Thug A Melee: 20 | 8(+5 Outnumbered) = Fumble!
>Elaine wins the contest.
>>Damage: (3d6=12) (0 Armor Reduction) = 12 damage dealt to Thug A. (12/24 HP)
>>Thug A is dealt a Major Wound and knocked out of combat. His weapon breaks.
Elaine Brawling: 8 | 7(+5)(-5 Outnumbered) = Failure
Thug B Melee: 3 | 8(+5 Outnumbered) = Success
>Thug B wins the contest.
>>Damage: (3d6=12) (5 Armor Reduction) = 7 damage dealt to Elaine. (25/32 HP)
>>Knockdown? Dexterity: 6 | 12 = Success

Elaine Brawling: 16 | 7(+5) = Failure
Thug B Melee: 16 | 8 = Failure
>Mutual Failure.

Elaine Brawling: 10 | 7(+5) = Success
Thug B Melee: 7 | 8 = Success
>Elaine wins the contest.
>>Damage: (3d6=11) (0 Armor Reduction) = 11 damage dealt to Thug B. (13/24 HP)

Elaine Brawling: 5 | 7(+5) = Success
Thug B Melee: 9 | 8 = Failure
>Elaine wins the contest.
>>Damage: (3d6=8) (0 Armor Reduction) = 8 damage dealt to Thug B. (5/24 HP)
>>Thug B is knocked unconscious.

The man on my right swung and I spun into it, raising a hand to slap the bat from below as I passed under it, throwing its trajectory off. I twisted, my baton swinging around to shatter the man's knee. He brought his bat up in both hands, as if to defend himself from my follow up attack, but I simply kicked through the wood and slammed my foot into his face.

Unfortunately, this left me open to his ally. Pain seared across my back as a bat caught me across my shoulders. I went stumbling for a few steps before I managed to steady myself and turn, wildly swinging a counter attack that came nowhere close to my opponent.

Damn it. I was lucky I was wearing my jacket. That had hurt even through the extra padding.

"Shit! Ray! Who the hell are you, girl?"

"You are asking that rather late, are you not?"

"Ugh." The final thug spit off to the side and widened his legs, holding the bat in both hands. Was he… Was he going to try and hit me as if I were a baseball? That stance was all wrong for actual combat. A part of me felt distinctly offended. I walked forward to the edge of his range and let him swing, simply leaning back a bit so that the bat would bypass me. Unfortunately, he was quicker to recover than I anticipated, and I had to abandon my follow up attack to gain distance again.

Still, the man was clearly nervous. The narrow passage of the alleyway did not allow for me to actively circle around him, but I paced back and forth, watching his eyes follow me. When I finally struck, it was faster than he could follow.

My baton found his elbow and he cried out, his hand reflexively loosening on the bat. He tried to attack me one-handed, but I didn't allow it, already circling behind him to sweep his feet out from under him. One final blow to the head and he was out.

In the aftermath, I stood there, panting, staring at what I'd done.

I had beaten three men, three armed men, into the ground. I'd never fought before in my life. I'd had a grand total of two weeks of self-defense classes. This shouldn't have been possible. What had I even been thinking?

Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I turned away from them and kneeled to attend to the man they had been attacking. He was broken, bruised, and bloodied – but still conscious. He turned his eyes up to me as I approached.

"Damn. You wiped the floor with them."

I gave a small smile at the comment. "It was my pleasure to do so. Are you okay?"

He shook his head, but fished a phone out of his pocket after a moment. "If you could call the ambulance, I'd appreciate it. Cops too, I suppose."

Nodding, I took the phone, dialing the number in.

"Hello, 911, where's your emergency?"

"There are four men badly injured in an alleyway near Miller and Rockland. They require immediate medical assistance."

"What was your name, Miss?"

Gamemaster said:
Honest: 19 | 11 = Failure

I glanced down at the bodies of the men I had just finished injuring quite severely. This… probably would not be a good thing to admit to. "My name is not important. Was there any additional information you needed?"

"Are you injured at all, Miss?"

"No. I am fine."

"Alright. I've sent the message out to Dispatch, so they should be on their way. Just hang tight, okay?"

"Thank you."

Well, I suppose that was my cue to leave if I wished to remain anonymous. I turned back to the injured man, handing him his phone. "Will you be able to manage if I leave?"

"Yeah, I think so. They got a few good hits in, but I can wait for the paramedics. Does my heroine have a name?"

"None that I would like associated with this, I think. I suppose if the police ask, you can call me X or some such."

"A woman of mystery, huh?" The man laughed, but it quickly turned into a wheeze. "Well, Miss X, best of luck out there."

"Thank you." I smiled softly and placed a hand on his shoulder before turning to leave, a strange sense of pride welling up within me.

A Hero, hm? A person who would save everyone that they could see. An impossible dream, but I smiled nonetheless. I might not be a cape, but why should that stop me from being a hero?

Of course, if I was going to do that and retain my anonymity, I would need a disposable phone. I could not rely on victims always giving me theirs to call in with. Something to consider, perhaps.

Gamemaster said:
Passion for Heroism [Civility] gained at (3d6+3) = 16
Gamemaster said:
Renown gained (3 Thugs x 5) = 15

You don't know how tempted I was to make a 'Stop right there, criminal scum,' joke. Also, you guys got incredibly lucky with your combat rolls. Especially taking one of the teamed pair out on round 1 with the exact damage you needed to deal a major wound. Nuts. Anyways,

It is June of 2010.

The Mysterious Heroine, X, has had her first fight. How will she proceed?
[ ] [Heroism] Design a name and costume.
>You can't just be X forever.
[ ] [Heroism] You took that bat hit strangely well. Maybe you should check yourself for powers?
>There's no way this can go poorly. At least you're smart enough not to jump off a building to see if you can fly.
[ ] [Heroism] Look into types of Parahumans.
>If you're going out doing hero things, you're bound to run into them at some point. Knowing the difference between a brute and a breaker will probably be good.
[ ] [Heroism] Study your first aid.
>You might need to treat injured people in the future.

Your mother is dragging you to a Gala. What do you fill time with while there? (This is in addition to any events that may occur while at the gala).
[ ] [Gala] Gossip
[ ] [Gala] Flirt
[ ] [Gala] Indulge in good food.

While at the gala, you're seated with a group to socialize with. Who are you with?
[ ] [Socialize] The Anders
>Theo is a bit quiet, but not too bad for company.
[ ] [Socialize] The Alcotts
>Your brother might be friends with Rory Christner, but you wound up shoved to a table with his cousin instead.
[ ] [Socialize] The Dallons
>Mostly just Vicky and Amy here at your brother's invitation.
[ ] [Socialize] The Mystery
>You're seated with someone you don't know. She looks about your age, at least.

A strange cat has followed you home. What do you name him? (The quest master reserves the right to Veto).
[ ] [Cat] (Write-In)

Not immediately relevant, as you don't have the equipment yet, but something to keep in mind for the future. What will your main fighting style be? Note: Fighting style will shift depending on situation and equipment (i.e., even if you are two-handed, you will take a shield out if there's bullets flying), this is just your 'default.'
[ ] [Equipment] Two-Handed
>Deal an additional 2d6 damage, but can't gain the benefits of a shield.
[ ] [Equipment] One-Handed
>Deal less damage, but gain the benefits of a shield.

It's summer and you've got some free time to spend between parties and heroics. How do you spend it?
[ ] [Free Time] (Write-In)
1.2 - The Drawing of the Sword
Voting said:
[X] [Heroism] You took that bat hit strangely well. Maybe you should check yourself for powers?
[X] [Gala] Indulge in good food
[X] [Socialize] The Mystery
[X] [Cat] Kay
[X] [Equipment] Two-Handed
[X] [Free Time] (Write-In) Do some introspection, try to figure out where these strange memories and feelings come from.

Hazel eyes met mine. Slowly, I reached out, stroking my thumb along the cat's forehead, listening to it purr in contentment.

After I had vacated the alley, I had swiftly left to meet with Dean elsewhere, only to be surprised when I realized that the cat had followed me the entire way. Clearly, he was a stubborn sort. Regardless, if he wished to be with me so dearly, then I would not deny him. I took him with me.

Needless to say, my parents had not been enthused to discover that I brought a stray home with me. He was friendly enough however, and won them over fairly quickly.


The cat perked his head up, acknowledging the name I had provided him with. A small smile crossed my lips.

"Hello Kay."

I poked a finger to Kay's nose and he turned his head, rubbing a cheek against my finger, before abruptly jumping down from my desk and padding out of the room, apparently finished with me for the moment. A disappointed sound escaped me, but I allowed him his escape unmolested.

Well, as long as he enjoyed his new environment, I hardly had cause to object.

Wandering over to my bed, I allowed myself to collapse into the mass of stuffed animals that I had piled upon its surface. I winced as one dug into my back, shifting to get more comfortable before finally settling in.



I could get used to this. I had many doubts about my previous self's taste from a year past (why was everything in the room pink?), but I could agree with her in this. Surrounded on all sides by fluffy creatures – Truly, there was no greater sense of comfort than this.

Alas, it could not last forever.

Eventually, my phone's alarm sounded. Unfortunately, I had somewhere to be this evening. I had managed to forestall any social events after I had first woken up by claiming health issues, but now that I had been given a clean bill of health, my mother would have her due. It was time that I attended the latest of her galas.

Rousing myself, I sighed and moved to the closet to begin changing into my dress for the evening, only to glance in the mirror and see the dark, misshapen bruise that marred my shoulders. My first choice of dress had an open back. That would not be an option. I would have to find another.

I hovered briefly over a black dress before rejecting it. I knew from experience that black had a tendency to make me look washed out and pale. A white dress went quicker – beautiful, but too much for the size of the event. There would be a certain amount of extravagance, of course, but it was still a relatively minor event all told. There was such a thing as overdoing it. Pink – No. A yellow dress – well, that wasn't so bad, but it perhaps had the opposite problem of the white. Too close to being a sundress, too casual for the gala.

Eventually, I found another blue dress, this one running all the way up to the neck. It was sleeveless and clung a bit too tight on the hips – I would need something new in the future – but it would do for the evening.

As I had once before, my fingers began tying my hair up. It was a style I had never once worn before I had been rendered comatose. I could not recall having seen it within any fashion magazine, nor had any of my friends ever used it. Yet, my hands steadily wove the braid as if it were the most natural thing in the world. As if I had done this every day of my life.

I stopped and closed my eyes, hiding the stranger that stared at me from within the mirror. I allowed my mind to calm, the world falling away until only I was left.

Who was I?

I remembered growing up wealthy and wanting for naught.

I remembered growing up poor, an orphan adopted by my family.

I remembered going shopping at the Boardwalk almost daily.

I remembered when going to market was an event to mark the season, with festivals and games being held in celebration.

I remembered Christmas Eve service, traditional hymns jazzed up by our youth band.

I remembered the lonely tolling of bells and my hand wrapping around the hilt of a sword. Snow dusted the ground and my breath frosted in the air. Outside, the clamor of men rushing to and fro filled the town, but here, in this old churchyard, there was a strange calmness, as if the entire world held its breath.

"You should think this through before you grab that."

A vision was shown. A miserable fate. A miserable death. The failure of a kingdom.

"--No. Many people were smiling. I do not believe it will be a mistake."

The sword was pulled forth.

A sharp gasp escaped me, my throat clenching in sudden dread. Wetness stained my cheeks.

"A miracle has a price. In exchange, you will lose the thing most important to you."

What had that been? I lifted trembling fingers, tracing the outline of my face upon the mirror's glass. What were these memories of a life I had not lived? What had I gained from taking that sword? What had I lost?

Why did my heart feel as if it were tearing in two?

Gamemaster said:
Spiritual vs Worldly
: 15 | 10 = Failure
Wordly: 12 | 10 = Failure

"The Lord is my light and my salvation," I whispered, the prayer and psalm forming upon my lips. "Whom shall I fear?"

A guilty part of myself reminded me that I had not returned to church since that singular service a few weeks ago. Yet, now I called upon God when I needed solace. Rank hypocrisy. Still, I called out all the same.

"Lord, please guide me in this hour. Please – tell me what is happening to me."

Silence answered me.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

"Dean! Your hair is a mess!"

"What? No, it's normal."

"Tsk–" Our mother combed at Dean's hair with her fingers, trying to straighten it out to how she liked it. "We're already running late too."

"I hear it's fashionable these days," our father joked.

"Don't you start–"

"It's fine, Mom. Really." Dean cut in.

I cleared my throat, watching how they both jumped as though they had been unaware of my presence up until that point. "Who is hosting tonight's event? I do not believe you told me earlier."

"The Christeners – It's just a minor fundraising thing, getting ready for the election in November, you know." My mother frowned at me and reached out to tug at my dress. "This dress won't do at all, Ellie. It's so plain – What were you thinking?"

My lips tightened, but my father rescued me before I could reply.

"Oh, stop hassling the kids, Helen. Like you said, we're running late. It's not like there's any time to change."

"Fine. I suppose you're right. Are you both ready to go?"

"About that," Dean said, "I was going to drive separately, go pick Vicky up. I invited her to come as my date tonight. Ellie, you're welcome to come with – I know Vicky's missed you."

"I–" The question was, did I want to see her? The last time I had – a memory flashed by, cacophonous noise ringing in my ears. No, I would have to see her eventually either way. I could manage a car ride at the very least. "Very well, Dean."

"Great!" My father chimed in. "We'll meet you there then. Drive safe, alright?"

"Of course," Dean smiled sunnily and we waved our parents off before walking our way down to his BMW. I slid my fingers across the smooth paint, and for a moment, I was seized by a strange impulse to take the wheel myself, certain that I could see us there. I pushed it aside and strapped myself into the passenger seat.

As we pulled out of the driveway, Dean glanced over at me. "Hey. Is everything alright?"

I blinked and looked back at him. "Yes? Why would it not be?"

"No reason. Just… I know we haven't gotten to spend as much time together as I'd like since you've woken up. I've had my work, and you were busy studying to get caught up. You know I'm here for you if you need me though, right?"

"I know," I said, a feeling of warmth spreading in my chest. "Thank you, Dean."

We spent the next few streets in companionable silence, broken only by the music on the radio. I turned to the window, watching the city go by. After a time, I asked, "Is it just Victoria joining us? Or will her family be coming as well?"

"She mentioned she might try to bring Amy along, get her out of the house."

"Amy never was the most social person."

"She wasn't, but…" Dean grimaced and scratched at her cheek. "She became something of a shut-in after the incident at the mall. Wouldn't leave her room except to go to school."

"Why?" I asked, furrowing my brow.

Dean looked over at me, meeting my gaze. "Guilt, I would assume."

If she had not spoken up. If she had not made the robber lash out against her. If she had simply allowed the injustice in front of her to continue for the sake of safety. If and if and if – I may not have been rendered comatose.

"Ridiculous." The thought had occurred to me more than once since I had awoken. I rejected it as I had every other time. "She is not at fault."

Dean glanced away. "Emotions like that aren't always logical, Ellie. Sometimes, even if someone knows intellectually that it's wrong, they'll still run away or hide or even lash out."

What could I say against that?

I mulled over the problem, still not coming to any sort of solution by the time we pulled into the cul-de-sac where the Dallon household sat. It was a two-story home with a well-kept lawn, next to a series of near identical homes. Nice, certainly, if nowhere near so large as ours.

Gamemaster said:
Awareness: 2 | 3 = Success

Dean circled the car to open my door for me, and I stepped out, only to pause. I felt eyes upon me. I looked up and caught sight of brown hair through one of the windows. Amy. Once she realized I had spotted her, she quickly withdrew, the curtains falling to hide her from me.

So. It was to be like that then.

I strode up to the front door and knocked, Dean hurrying in my wake. Carol Dallon answered the door.

Victoria's mother was a severe looking woman, with a sharp jaw, a narrow nose, and her hair cut into a short bob. Her perpetual frown, at least every time that I had met her, did nothing to soften that impression. She spared me a glance before glaring at Dean. "Hello Ellie. Dean."

"Hey," Dean said, giving a bright smile in response. It had to be intentional. There was no way he was actually oblivious to the way Mrs. Dallon was looking at him.

"I'll let Vicky know you're here," Mrs. Dallon said shortly. "You know the rules?"

"No hanky-panky and I promise I'll have her back by ten."

"Good. Ellie, glad to see you back on your feet."

"Thank you. I am glad to be back upon them."

Mrs. Dallon walked upstairs and Victoria came flying down naught a minute later. Literally flying; her feet did not touch the staircase. Unlike me, she had overdressed for the occasion. A beautiful white dress hugged her body, the shimmering fabric cascading down like waves. Her hair caught the light, her smile brightened the room.

"Ellie!" She smiled widened and she rushed in to wrap her arms around me. I stiffened at the sudden contact, before slowly relaxing, returning the hug. "I'd heard from Dean, but it's so good to see you again."

"Yes. I am glad you are doing well, Victoria."

"Victoria? Since when do you call me by my full name like that?"

"Is it an issue?" I asked, frowning.

"No. Of course not. Just…" She looked at my brother. I couldn't see what gesture he made in return, but her hug tightened ever so slightly before letting go. "Well, come on, let's get going."

We walked back to the car and I moved into the rear seat, allowing Victoria the front to sit with Dean. As the car pulled out of the driveway, I shot one final look at the house and the face lurking in the upstairs window.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

Party said:
The Party is Medium sized and will last for three rounds.

: 2 | 14 = Success
>You are Popular. Gain 1 Geniality per round.

Round 1

>Popular: Geniality increases to 1.
Election Season
You find yourself involved in a conversation about the upcoming elections.
Politics: 12 | 1 (+1 Geniality) = Failure
>You fail to follow the conversation. No effect.

Round 2

>Popular: Geniality increases to 2.
You find yourself caught in conversation with a lady who talks incessantly.
Etiquette: 5 | 7 (+2 Geniality) = Success
>You politely excuse yourself and slip away. Geniality increases to 3.

Round 3

>Popular: Geniality increases to 4.
Regale the Host
You are asked to entertain the host with a story.
Orate: 15 | 6 (+4 Geniality) = Failure
>The host is unimpressed. No effect

: 18 | 10 = Failure
Constitution: 8 | 14 = Success
>You are sick to your stomach, but you do not throw up.

"Dean! Victoria! I'm glad you both could make it. And Ellie, of course. It's been awhile since I saw you at one of these."

"It has been some time since I was able to," I answered. "Thank you for having me, Rory."

"Not at all." Rory Christner, the mayor's son, was a tall, broad-shouldered young man. He grinned and reached out to pat Dean on the shoulder. "Come on in."

Thus, did the night begin. We went to Rory's father first, and I was made to endure a conversation about the upcoming elections and who they thought would win. I managed to understand that he was confident in his own chances, but that there was a good chance the incumbent sheriff would be losing his position. At some point, I felt my attention start to drift before I managed to excuse myself.

Unfortunately, a friend of my mother's ambushed me after that. It was all the usual platitudes. How happy she was to see me, how big I had gotten. I'm not sure she even realized I had been injured until recently. She asked how I was doing in school and if I was dating any boys.

I gave her a tight smile. "I am sorry. However, I really must use the restroom."

"Oh, alright. Do take care, dear."

"Thank you."

I managed to escape all of two steps before my mother came looking for me. "Ellie, there you are. I was just telling Rory here all about how well you were doing getting caught up for school. Tell him about how hard you've been studying."

I glanced at Rory, who mostly looked uncomfortable for me and as though he didn't want to be there. "I don't think there is much to tell. I did well enough for Arcadia's placement test. Excuse me, I really need to sit down."

Extricating myself from unwanted conversation once again, I finally managed to flee and sit down at a table, rubbing at the bridge of my nose. It was strange. I had enjoyed these parties in the past. Now they just felt tedious. Well, if I was to be trapped here, I could at least enjoy the food. I began stacking my plate with cheese and salami.

"Well, someone certainly has an appetite."

"It has been a long evening," I said blandly, not pausing in my consumption as I glanced at the unfamiliar voice. A young girl, perhaps about my age, sat across from me. She had tied her long, strawberry-blonde hair back with a ribbon in a way that seemed as if it were meant to draw attention to her piercing blue eyes. "I do not believe we have met."

"We haven't." She smiled and I tilted my head. There was a faint accent to her words, trained almost to no longer be there. "I'm Erin Archelot."

"Elaine Stansfield."

Erin giggled. "I know. A lot of people have been talking about your miraculous awakening, you know?"

"Is that why you are here then? To confirm the rumors?"

"Of course not," Erin said, shaking her head. "We're both going to be attending Arcadia in the fall. I was hoping we could be friends."

Gamemaster said:
Trusting vs Suspicious
: 9 | 10 = Success
Suspicious: 17 | 10 = Failure

"I do not see why not," I said, reaching for a piece of salami, only to find I had eaten the entire tray. I frowned and began on the lemon bars instead. "We will be in the same year together then?"

Erin clapped her hands together. "We will! And I'm glad to hear it. I was there last year too, but didn't really manage to connect with many people. Everyone seems intimidated for some reason."

"I cannot imagine why. You seem likeable enough."

"Well, who knows? My Mom was a bit famous way back when, but that was years ago."

I raised an eyebrow curiously. "Oh? What for?"

"I guess she was a famous singer back in the day?" Erin shrugged. "She's more on the production side of things nowadays though. She's here at the party, if you want to meet her."

"Perhaps another time," I said, taking a slice of cake. "Were you planning to follow in her footsteps then? Become a singer yourself?"

"I'm sure she would like me to, but no. It's a bit too much spotlight for me. I prefer to stay a bit more behind the scenes."

"Understandable. I am sure being gawked at like that must be unpleasant."

"Hmm, well, something like that, I suppose." She smiled pleasantly and took a cookie for herself.

"What is it that you do want to do with yourself, in that case?"

"I'm not entirely sure. Maybe I'll become a wizard, like that guy over in Chicago."


"You know, Myrddin?" Erin stared at me a moment and must have realized that I did not know who she was speaking about. "Wow, you must really not watch the news or anything. He's pretty famous. Not Triumvirate tier or anything, but still."

"I have never been particularly interested in parahuman culture," I demurred, though something about the name tickled at my mind. "I do not imagine that wizardry is the easiest of vocations to enter."

"No, I suppose it isn't," Erin said with a faint smile. "I suppose I'll just have to keep thinking about it then."

I arched an eyebrow, but she simply stayed silent, nibbling on her cookie until the moment had passed.

Then I was simply left with awkward silence, not sure how to advance the conversation once more. It was almost a relief when Dean came over to inform me that he and Vicky were leaving.

"I suppose that is my call for the evening. It was a pleasure meeting you, Erin. Hopefully, I can do so again soon."

Erin smiled brightly at me. "Yeah, I hope so too. Maybe we can hang out sometime before school starts."

"I would like that," I said simply and returned her smile before turning away.

Gamemaster said:
Geniality: 4
>Gain 4 Glory.

The night had been long. Soon, the morning would come, and with it my plans for a new day. During my fight in the alley, I had taken our three grown men. I had taken a hit across the back with a bat and kept fighting. However I looked at it, that was not normal. Something was odd with me – not just my mind, but my body as well.

It was time I found out what it was.

Gamemaster said:
You heal naturally. Hit Points: 30/32

Moving sucks. The end.

I'm not really happy with the latter half of this chapter, but I was tired of hanging onto it and wanted to push it out, so here we go. The vote of Dallons vs Mystery was pretty close, so I wound up giving a bit of both. The investigate your powers bit is pushed back to next time, but will be included in more detail.

Not happy with how the Feast rules worked in converting to a quest format. I think I'll probably scrap them and run something a bit simpler for future occasions.

I have decided to rename Renown to Glory. This is what it originally was in Pendragon. I had changed it to better suit cape life, where fame is important, but I'm shifting that because of the next point – I have also decided to allow for the collection of Glory in your private life. You won't earn as much as you would through combat, but this way you're not limited to only combat as a collection source.

It is June of 2010.

Choose someone to spend time with:
[ ] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Morgan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)

Choose an activity to participate in:
[ ] [Activity] Sports
>You could use the exercise.
[ ] [Activity] Charity
>You could do volunteer work.
[ ] [Activity] Summer Classes
>You may have gotten into Arcadia, but it wouldn't hurt to get caught up more.
[ ] [Activity] Modeling
>It could earn you some money on the side if you do well.
[ ] [Activity] Religion
>Visit churches to try and find a new one.
[ ] [Activity] (Write-In)

Choose a way to advance yourself as a hero.
[ ] [Heroism] Design a name and costume.
>You can't just be X forever.
[ ] [Heroism] Look into types of Parahumans.
>If you're going out doing hero things, you're bound to run into them at some point. Knowing the difference between a brute and a breaker will probably be good.
[ ] [Heroism] Study your first aid.
>You might need to treat injured people in the future.
[ ] [Heroism] Look for trouble.
>You're not a hero if you aren't actually going out and saving people, right?
[ ] [Heroism] (Write-In)
1.3 - The Drawing of the Sword
Voting said:
[X] [Social] Amy Dallon
[X] [Activity] Sports
[X] [Heroism] Look into types of Parahumans

My fist slammed into foam. I followed it up with a flurry of blows, exerting as much strength as I could. The self-defense class I had signed up for did not focus on fighting and instead concentrated on methods to escape and run away. That did not mean we hadn't learned the basics. Enough that I knew how to throw a punch at least.

The punching bag rocked back a scant few inches. I think it was safe to say that I did not have any sort of super strength.

I let out a sigh and used the back of my arm to wipe sweat from my brow. I had already tried a few other tests just to see if I had any physical enhancements. I measured how high I could jump, how much weight I could lift, how fast I could run. Our home's personal gym did not lack for equipment.

The only thing left was to test my durability.

I picked up a thin sewing needle from where I had left it nearby. The prospect of injuring myself was not a particularly appealing one, but this seemed the easiest way. I drew my lips tight and pressed the point against the pad of my finger. There was a moment of resistance before blood began welling up. Nothing that could not be explained by my hesitance and the needle not being quite sharp enough.

Many people were smiling.

It did not matter. I did not need powers to try and save people. It was reckless, perhaps, but… I could envision the task ahead. That which I could envision, I could make reality. There was already someone close to home who I could help, after all.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

"Thank you for having me."

"Hey, I'm happy to have you," Victoria said, smiling brightly. "Can I get you anything? Snacks, a drink?"

"No, I do not require anything," I replied, glancing around the Dallons' living room. It was quite a bit smaller than our own, but it was still nice. Family photos lined the walls, the furniture was well-made, a large TV hung on the far wall. It was only on a second examination that the oddities began to stand out.

The doors had reinforced frames and heavy-duty locks. Thick curtains lined each of the windows, ready to be drawn and hide the inhabitants from the outside. A security system was primed and needed a code imputed every time the door was opened. This was a home of people who expected danger.

"Oh, okay. Well, make yourself at home. I was a little surprised that you asked to come over – I don't usually see you unless Dean brings you along. Are you doing okay, by the way?"

"I am doing as well as could be expected, I suppose. There has certainly been some need to adjust, both physically and mentally, but I have been doing my best to manage it."

"Well, if you need anything, let me know, okay? Homework advice, making friends, hanging boys from trees – whatever you need, Big Sis Vicky is on the case." She grinned brightly and winked at me, patting her bicep.

A smile played about my lips. "Well, perhaps I shall take you up on that at some point."

Victoria put a hand over her mouth and faked a gasp. "A month awake and you're already getting back into the dating pool? Who's the lucky boy?"

"Who said anything about a boy?"

"Lucky girl?"

"Yes, though not in the sense that you are thinking." I let my smile fade, the humor of the moment fading. "I was hoping to speak with Amy."

Victoria froze, her feet slowly lowering to the ground. "Really? I mean, that's great if so, I just didn't think the two of you ever got along much."

"We have not in the past. Regardless, I would like to change that."

Victoria studied me, her gaze inscrutable, before she finally nodded, tilting her head towards the stairs. "Alright, follow me. I'll try and draw her out for you."

I followed behind her, my shoes sinking into the plush carpet as I silently followed behind her. We passed Victoria's room first, her door hanging open to expose it. Passing by, I spotted a desk with a laptop sitting open and a large bookshelf with several trophies decorating it. Victoria stopped at the next door and knocked.

"Amy? You awake?" she asked, her voice soft. Hesitant.

"What is it?" A muffled voice replied.

"Could you come out? Elaine's here."

"Just tell her I'm asleep."

"Amy, it's three in the afternoon."

"Then tell her I'm not here."

"Amy, she wants to talk with you. Just come down for a bit?"

"Well, maybe I don't want to talk with her!" Amy snapped. "Just… just leave me alone, Vicky."

I pressed my lips tight. My patience with this petulance was growing thin. "Excuse me, Victoria."

"Ellie? What are you–"

My foot slammed into the door. The doors leading outside may have been reinforced, but they had not taken the same precautions here. There was a crack and the latch slipped, the door banging into the wall as it flew open. Inside, Amy sat wrapped almost entirely in a blanket, staring wide-eyed as I came through the door.

"What the hell?! Did you just break into my room? Are you fucking crazy?"

The girl was paler than I remembered, the color drained from her skin from lack of sun, leaving a stark white to contrast with her many freckles. Her brown hair had grown long and tangled, wild from lack of care. And though she wore her blanket as a cloak, it parted enough that I could tell she wasn't wearing much in the way of clothes. A large t-shirt and her underwear. I scowled down at her and she flinched back as I approached.

"Get dressed," I said, my voice as tightly controlled as I could keep it. "Your family may have indulged your cowardice, but I will not. I am taking you outside."

"I'm not going to–"

"Get. Dressed."

Amy glanced to Victoria for a moment before looking back to me. Her jaw worked, trying to say something but unable to produce the words. Finally, she bit out, "Fine. But get out of my room. I'm not going to change with you watching, you creep."

I held her gaze, not looking away until she met my eyes. The pink of anger and embarrassment slowly invaded her cheeks and I waited until it was near a tipping point before I replied, "I shall hold you to your word." With that, I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. It failed to latch properly and began drifting open again.

"Holy hell." Victoria stared at me as though I were a stranger. "Where did that come from, Ellie?"

"...Do you believe that I went too far?"

"A bit," Victoria said dryly. "I won't complain if it works. I will leave you in a tree if you make Amy cry though, okay?"

"Well. Far be it from me to tempt your wrath. You are welcome to come along, if you wish."

"Next time, maybe. I have the feeling the two of you need to have a talk without me acting as third wheel."

"I don't think we need to have a talk, not that anyone asked me," Amy said, stomping out of her room. She'd thrown on a pair of jeans and a hooded jacket despite the summer heat outside. She hadn't bothered combing her hair.

"Your opinion is noted," I said. "However, I am choosing to ignore it in this case. Shall we?" I offered my hand only for Amy to glare at it as though it had personally offended her until I lowered it once more.
"If we must," Amy finally said.

I met Victoria's eyes and she gave me a sympathetic smile. It would seem I had my work cut out for me. "Then let's go." I led the way back downstairs. Dean had not been available to drive me today – I had needed to catch a taxi over here – but there was a bus stop nearby that ran close to where I was intending for us to go.

"Where exactly are we going anyway?" Amy asked. "If it's shopping, I'll save us the time and hard pass now. I get enough of that when Victoria decides she needs to drag me out of the house."

"We are not going shopping."

"Good," Amy said. "Maybe this won't be a completely miserable experience then."

Well, one could dream, I suppose.

A half hour later saw us at a set of batting cages down near the Boardwalk. It was part of a larger facility – there was a laser tag arena, mini-golf, an arcade, and other entertainment for children our age to busy ourselves with. Amy however, had not been happy with my choice.

"Sports? Really? I take it back, this is already worse than shopping. At least then I only have to walk."

"Just hit the ball, Amy."

I followed my own advice, only to whiff the strike as my swing came in a bit too quickly. Amy scowled but followed suit soon after, a satisfying crack echoing through the cage.

"Why did you decide on this anyways? You never struck me as the sports type before."

"I have been attempting to broaden my horizons since I woke up." I swung again, this time managing to catch the edge of the ball. The force didn't transfer properly however, and it simply bounced away. "Besides which, I had the feeling that this conversation would leave the both of us wishing to strike something."

"Well, that's for sure." Amy swung again. Crack. Another ball went sailing back and was caught by the cage's netting.

I shifted my grip. I had never done anything quite like this before, to my memory, yet it still felt somehow familiar. I swung again – the bat hit and the ball went flying upwards before falling back down behind the plate.


"What?" I turned to frown at Amy.

"Widen your stance. Spread your feet apart. Square your shoulders."

I furrowed my brow. "What do you mean?"

Amy huffed and shut her pitching machine off before circling around to my cage. I shut my machine off as well, and she stepped in behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder and another on my back, pushing gently to straighten me. "I mean your stance is all wrong. You look like you're trying to swing a sword around."

Raising an eyebrow, I followed her instruction. "You are better at this than I thought you would be."

"Vicky's main sport was always basketball, but she's dragged me to places like this before. She could probably give you better advice than I could."

I hummed and glanced back at Amy. "She seems like a good sister."

"...Yeah. She is. Better than I deserve."


"Hey!" Amy scowled. "You're not supposed to agree with that!"

"Would you prefer that I give you platitudes instead?" I asked. "Perhaps about how love does not care what you deserve?"

"Ugh. No." Amy shook her head and looked away. "Forget it."

Pausing, I tilted my head back, looking out towards the sky. "I called it a platitude, but that does not make it less true, Amy. Love does not care whether you deserve it or not. Your sister loves you. That will not change. It is simply up to you to live up to that love."

"Easy for you to say," Amy scoffed.

I sighed and set my bat down. "What is it that is eating at you exactly, Amy? My brother thought you were guilty over what happened to me, but that does not seem to be the case."

"Wait, is that what all this has been about? Because of Dean? He had no right to talk about me like that!"

My eyes narrowed. "Amy. He was worried about you. Your sister is worried about you."

"Yeah, well, it's none of their business, Elaine!"

A frustrated sigh escaped me. One step forward and two steps back. "If not with them, then speak to me, Amy. Cease this tantrum and allow me to help you."

"Why do you care, even? It's not like we were ever friends."

"Perhaps not. That need not stay the case, however."

"And what, I'll just become a better person through the power of friendship?"

I stepped forward into Amy's space and drove a finger into her chest. I was shorter than she was, the top of my head only coming up to her nose. I tilted my head back so that I could look her in the eyes. "You think you are not worthy of their love? Fine. Then I will beat you into shape until you resemble an actual functioning human being again."

Amy's eyes widened. "Er, when you say beat me into shape, what does that mean exactly?"

A smile played on my lips. "I suppose that is for me to know and you to discover. To start, we will be making this sort of outing a regular thing. You are not allowed to simply hide away in your room any more. At the very least, you will join me in my self-defense classes so that you are prepared for any future trouble."

"...Fine. I can agree to that. For now."

"Good. Then let us hit a few more balls and I will buy us dessert on the way home. Is that acceptable?"

"Well, that would require you to actually hit anything first," Amy snarked.

"Oh? Those sound like fighting words to me, Amy. Were you looking to make a competition of it?"

"You know I'll crush you, right? You haven't hit a single ball yet."

"Ah, but I have received your instruction and taken it to heart. I am sure my fortunes are ready to shift."

"Well fine," Amy grinned. "If you want to lose that badly. If I win, you have to give me your serving of ice cream after this. I get both, you get none."

I narrowed my eyes. A harsh penalty indeed. "I accept."

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Energetic.
Gain a check to Melee.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

Nearly two hours later, Amy laid sprawled across the bus seat, groaning softly. "Ugh. I can't believe how competitive you are."

I shifted uneasily and looked away. "Surely it wasn't that bad?"

"We played five games with thirty balls each game." Amy grimaced and looked away. "You sulked when I beat you and asked for another rematch, only to get mad if I tried going easy. Not even stealing your ice cream makes up for this."

"...Perhaps I was a bit overly enthusiastic."

"You don't say," she replied sarcastically.

I looked out the window and watched the city pass by, trying to ignore the heat that was burning my cheeks.

"...Still," Amy said after a moment. "I had fun. Thanks, I guess. Even if you owe me a new door."

"...I will see what I can do to replace it."

Amy laughed, a surprisingly gentle sound for how harsh her voice could usually be. Outside, the world passed by, idyllic as the Bay ever could be. Blue skies stretched as far as I could see, the Sun bright in the sky. A cloud passed and a second sun appeared.


A series of popping sounds came from nearby – gunfire? Amy was starting to raise herself up in response to the noise when the Sun descended and the world disappeared in light. The bus was rolling, my arm wrapped around Amy as I tried to keep us in our seats. A thunderous clap came nearby and the both of us fell down onto what had once been the bus's ceiling.

Gamemaster said:
Elaine Dexterity: 14 | 14 = Critical Success

I let out a slow breath as I slowly sat up. Amy and I were unhurt, thankfully, but I couldn't say the same for the other people on the bus. A quick scan of the vehicle showed people who had broken bones while falling. Others who had fallen on shattered glass and cut themselves. Some were unconscious. Others were groaning in pain.

Across the street I could see men dressed in garish red and green, guns aimed towards the sky. A dreadful roar shook the ground beneath me, dredging up terror from deep within my soul.

There was no time to think. I had to act.

It is June of 2010.

You have been caught in the crossfire of a Parahuman battle. You need to respond and fast.
[ ] [Battle] Attack
You should get rid of those gunmen across the street. It will be difficult to evacuate everyone if it's an active warzone.
[ ] [Battle] Rescue
Start dragging people out of the bus to try and get them to safety. This will take time and be difficult with a battle going on.
[ ] [Battle] Hide
Bunker down inside the bus and hope that help comes soon.
[ ] [Battle] Flee
Get yourself and Amy to safety. The others will have to fend for themselves.
[ ] [Battle] (Write-In)
1.4 - The Drawing of the Sword
Voting said:


"Whu–" Amy stirred on top of me and I gently shifted her to the side. "What happened?"

"A Parahuman battle. We need to pull the people trapped here to safety quickly, before anything else happens."

"I–" Amy slowly pushed herself up and looked around. An explosion sounded off in the distance, the force and noise enough to send the bus rocking once more. "Where is even safe?"

Gamemaster said:
Awareness: 6 | 3 = Failure

I drew my lips tight. There was too much noise. I couldn't tell which direction the battle was in, if it was even moving away at all. "I do not know. I know that we cannot afford to stay here, however, and neither can these people."

"So what, we just pick a direction and go?"

"We will not escape far with all of these people – but we can at least get them inside a building and out of the line of fire."

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Prudent.

Amy chewed on her lip, her eyes frantically darting around the bus, before finally nodding. "Okay. Okay. We can do this. How do we do this?"

Ducking down to look through the window, I surveyed the area before pointing to a bookshop. "We aim for that building. The heavy shelving should hopefully help stop any bullets that come through the walls. I will begin organizing anyone who is awake and uninjured enough to assist those who are hurt."

Amy nodded again and took a deep breath before rushing to the nearest person. Meanwhile, I scanned the bus. There had been eighteen people onboard prior to our crash. Not including Amy and I, there looked to be three relatively uninjured, with another two who could at least walk under their own power. That meant at least two trips, possibly a third to get everyone, and that's assuming everyone helped.

Gamemaster said:
Heroism: 7 | 16 = Success
Leadership: 20 | 0 (+5 Heroism) = Fumble!
>Gain a check to Leadership.

I stepped out into the aisle and raised my voice. "Everyone who is able – We must move everyone who is injured off the bus and into the nearby buildings swiftly! The longer we stay here, the greater the chance that we are caught in the crossfire!"

"Fuck that!" A man swore. "I'm not waiting around for some Empire goon to put a cap in me! I'm getting out of here!"

"Wait – These people need your help!"

The man ran for the rear door, shoving me aside as he passed by. I hit the ground, the breath blown out of me, more stunned by the act than the actual force behind it. The other two uninjured people, a man and a woman, shared a look before following after him, a bit more slowly. One of them looked down at me as they passed.

"Sorry kid. You mean well, but we just can't risk it. Not with things this bad already."

Slowly picking myself up, I squeezed my hands tight. I could not fault them. They simply wished to keep themselves safe. Still, the taste of bitter disappointment filled my mouth.

"Oh God. What are we going to do?"

I took a deep breath and looked at the woman who had spoken, a woman with a very obviously broken leg. "We will do whatever we are able. My friend and I will begin carrying whoever we can, but we need you to stay calm in the meantime."

The ping of a stray bullet hit the frame of the bus and the woman flinched. "We're going to die, aren't we?"

"No. Not today. Not if I can help it."

The woman broke into tears and I looked away. A part of me wanted to join her, but I could not afford that. Not now. For now, I locked those emotions away and focused on the task at hand. The people who had been knocked unconscious would have to be first. There was no chance that they would be able to drag themselves to safety. Amy could help those who only had broken limbs out of the bus at least. I performed mental triage and moved to grab my first rescuee.

Gamemaster said:
Strength: 9 | 9 = Critical Success
Rescue (2d6+6) = 9+6 / 13 people Rescued prior to interruption.

They were heavy. It wasn't even that big of a person, yet I found my arms straining. I grit my teeth and bore the weight. Then I bore the weight of the next person. And the next. Even those who were twice my size, somehow I managed to walk. A mere eleven people to carry.

The bookstore owner looked a frightened mess when I brought the first person in, but he was quickly ushering me through, helping take people from me once I got them to the door. I finally heard sirens in the distance as I left for the final casualty, though the sounds of explosions had not yet quieted. Extricating them from the wreck, I made it to the door when a thing made of twisted steel tore through the street.

Its passage left the bus a twisted wreck, the gunmen who had been firing from nearby now a mangled heap. The thing stopped, turning to look at me for a moment, before continuing onwards, uninterested in a random civilian. A wolf made of jagged, cruel blades and barbs. Another Parahuman.

This was the face of the conflict in my city. This cruelty. This indifference to the safety and happiness of its people. I shook, overcome with rage and fear and exhaustion all at once. I barely managed to get inside the bookstore before collapsing to the ground, barely able to draw in breath.

"You okay?"

"No. Not particularly." I allowed my breath to slow before opening my eyes to look at Amy. "Is everyone safe?"

"Yeah. I can't believe we managed it." Amy gave me a small grin and punched at my shoulder. "I didn't think you had something like that in you."

Gamemaster said:
Modest: 2 | 10 = Success
Proud: 12 | 10 = Failure
Glory gained for successfully rescuing all wounded = 30

"I just did what I could," I said, glancing away.

"Well, I guess what you could do was more than I thought." Heat suffused my cheeks, but it was a pleasant embarrassment. Amy kept talking, having apparently not noticed. "I already called 911 and left a message with my family. They're busy trying to contain this, but an ambulance should be on its way."

"Good. That's… good. Do we know what caused this?"

"No idea. That bright flash at the beginning though? That was Purity, the Empire's resident Blaster."


Amy gave me a funny look. "Yeah, you know. Shoots beams and stuff. Did you never learn the Parahuman classifications?"

I shrugged. "I was never terribly interested in them before… everything that has happened."

"Well… I suppose the classifications do change quite a bit, the science around it is still evolving, but Blaster's on pretty much all of them. Vicky could tell you more, she's a huge nerd about this sort of stuff."

"What are the others?" I asked.

"Ugh. Give me a sec. How'd it go?" She began singing a small rhyme, "Mover, Shaker, Brute, and Breaker. Master, Tinker, Blaster, and Thinker. Striker, Changer, Trump, and Stranger."

"That's all of them?"

"All of the ones currently in use. Like I said, there's some older ones, or ones that don't get used often any more. Like Shifter or Nuker."

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Parahuman Studies.

I hummed thoughtfully and closed my eyes, too tired to truly engage with what she was saying. Darkness soon overtook me.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

A scream rent the air. The girl woke with a start, immediately moving to begin donning her armor. Her armor, but not her sword. She had drawn the Sword of Selection earlier that day. Not all had acknowledged it. King Lot had declared that he would never serve someone as young as her as King. Nor had he been alone. Others had left in discontent, murmuring of a child king. Yet, for every one that left, two had vowed their allegiance.

The sword had been hung in Saint Paul's Basilica. Proof for all to come and see that the sword had been drawn. The King had been chosen.

And tonight, the very same night that the sword had been drawn, vandals had come to sack Londinium and steal the sword.

She left her lodgings, with not the holy sword but instead one made of common steel in hand. A man covered in painted woad and wielding naught but a knife came screaming out of the night. A twist and a slash and he was cut down.

Even without her holy sword none stood in her way. Pictish knifemen were cut down. Their spears were broken. Their shields shattered. And at the Basilica, she found loyal knights had formed a defensive line, keeping any from taking the sword.

"You have each done well. Tell me your names, that I might know who has served me faithfully this night."

"My Lord, I am Lucan," one youth told her. He was young, and could not have been a knight for long, only recently graduated from squirehood. A firm jaw lent him a dignified appearance however, even in the midst of this bloodshot.

"My Lord, I am Griflet," another said. This one was young – too young to have been knighted yet. He must still be a squire, and yet had fought on anyways.

"My Lord, I am Bedivere," the last said. A handsome face, perhaps a year or two older than herself looked back at her steadfastly, disguising the pain of his severed hand. Yet, even despite the grievous wound that showed hurried signs of wrapping, he had not been slowed in his defense of the sword.

"Rise. I acknowledge each of you as knights of my household. You shall be proud. For each of you have obeyed your king's command."

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

When I opened my eyes again, a day had passed. Someone had taken me back home while I slept, though I could not remember who. Vivid memories of dreams whirled through my mind as I slowly left my bed.

A slew of messages had filled my phone while I slept.

There were Victoria and Amy, of course, asking me to let them know once I had woken up. Mostly Victoria. Amy had sent a single message and had not bothered since. Victoria it seemed asked every few hours if I was awake yet. More surprising were Chelsea and Megan asking if I was okay and getting worried when I did not respond, and even a singular message from Erin checking on my safety.

I sent a message to all five, letting them know I was well. That accomplished, I left my room.

The house was strangely quiet. No maids here to clean. No gardeners outside taking care of the lawn. No sign of Dean in his room. It made the snatches of overheard conversation stand out all the more as I approached the living room.

"--Need to get out of this city. How many more incidents like this do we need?"

"You know it's not that simple, Helen. Where would we even go? Boston? That's even worse than here, they've got the Teeth running around causing havoc. New York? They have a new villain pop up every other week."

"What if next time she doesn't wake up? Or what if next time it's Dean who's hurt?"

"Look, these things never last that long. We can move up the vacation a bit, get them out of the city until it blows over."

"...Fine. That's fine. Just… how did everything go so wrong in the world?"

"I don't know. Too many selfish people choosing to become villains."

I quietly stepped away, not willing to listen any further. A cold pit had formed in my stomach. It wasn't just that people became villains. It was that not enough people stood up to them in response. Yet, here we were, fleeing in the face of adversity.

There was not much I could do about that. Not at this point. However, I could at least use the opportunity to better myself, and return more prepared for next time.

It is July of 2010.

We have arrived at a rest period.

First is to tally checkmarks.
Checkmarks said:
Energetic: 19 | 13 = Increased by 1
Prudent: 1 | 12 = No Increase
Reckless: 15 | 8 = Increased by 1
Honor: 9 | 15 = No Increase
Leadership: 2 | 0 = Increased by 1
Recognize: 5 | 3 = Increased by 1
Parahuman Studies: 8 | 0 = Increased by 1
Drive: 16 | 1 = Increased by 1
Melee: 2 | 1 = Increased by 1

Next is training and practice. You may select any one of the following improvements:

Training said:
Change a Personality Trait
You can add one point to a Trait, decreasing its opposite by the same amount (subject to an effective minimum value of 1).
Change a Passion
You can add or subtract one point from any Passion.
Change a Characteristic
Players may add one point to any one of STR, DEX, CON, or APP.
Train Skills Up to 15
Add 6 points to any number of Skills under 15 in any combination—all points may be added to one Skill, divided between two Skills, or more—as long as the values are not raised over 15.
Train a Skill Up to 20
Increase one Skill over 15 by one point, up to a maximum value of 20.

Please structure this vote as a Plan, i.e.
[ ] Plan Name Here
-[ ] [Training] Skills 1, Skills 2, Skills 3, etc.

The next stage is to tally Glory and to receive Glory rewards.
Glory said:
Chapter 1 Glory = 49
Passive Glory: (15 per Famous Trait & Passion (>16) = 30) = 30
Total Glory = 79

No Prestige Rewards awarded this month.

Next, you receive your monthly allowance. Given your status as a Wealthy Heiress, you earn $100.

Remember, if at any time you wish to buy something from the shop, please do a write in as below, and I will add it to the next vote.
[ ] [Shop] (Write-In)

Now, for our actions going forward into next month.

Your parents are taking you on vacation next month. Elaine technically doesn't have any control over this, but you the readers do.
[ ] [Vacation] New York
[ ] [Vacation] Los Angeles
[ ] [Vacation] France
[ ] [Vacation] England
[ ] [Vacation] Japan
[ ] [Vacation] (Write-In)

While on vacation, what will you focus on doing?
[ ] [Activity] Sightsee
[ ] [Activity] Talk with the locals
[ ] [Activity] Hit the beach
[ ] [Activity] Stick with what your family is doing
[ ] [Activity] (Write-In)

And finally a free time action. I'm going to leave this one entirely up to write-ins. If I particularly like a specific write-in, I reserve the right to also include it in addition to the write-in that wins the vote.
[ ] [Free Time] (Write-In)
1.x - Interlude; Sophia
"Come on, don't scream. Just be nice and quiet and it'll all be over soon."

The woman – girl, really – did not listen. The man sighed and pinned her to the ground, slapping her across the face to shut her up before wrapping a hand around her throat. Panicked, the girl tried to swing at him, her hand slapping ineffectually at the man's head. It wasn't enough to dislodge the man. It never would be enough. It was enough to annoy him however. More importantly, it was enough for the figure watching them from above.

Sophia's crossbow let out a twang as she pulled the trigger. Her bolt buried itself in the creep's shoulder and he went spinning off of his victim in a spray of blood. The girl ran off, not even waiting to thank her savior.

That was fine. Sophia didn't care about getting thanked. She was just here to take scum like this off of the street.

She hopped down off of the roof, her body dispersing into shadow, allowing her to land safely and reform, a second bolt already slotted into her crossbow. Walking over to the man, she kicked out, her boot finding purchase in the man's ribs as she flipped him over onto his back.

Blank, empty eyes stared up at her.

Shit. That made another one. She groaned softly. That meant she'd need to hide the body. It was hardly the first time, but it was still a pain in the ass. She couldn't call Emma to help her with this either. The last time she'd called Emma in to help with a dead body, her friend had freaked out. Emma might be a survivor, but she wasn't as strong as she liked to think she was.

That was fine. That was part of being a supportive friend. Sophia would help her get there. Eventually.

Bending down, she yanked her bolt free of the body. Maybe she could widen the wound, make it look like a stabbing instead. Just another mugging gone wrong in Brockton. That could probably work. That girl had run off so fast she probably hadn't even seen Sophia.

Nodding to herself, Sophia drew her knife, a nifty little thing she'd gotten at a sporting goods store, more hunting knife than pocket knife. Perhaps it was a bit much for the job, but well, needs must. She placed it over the man's chest and thrust.

An iron grip closed around her wrist. Sophia instinctively tried to jerk away before she realized it wasn't some third person who had grabbed her. It was the corpse. The man she had killed had reached up and grabbed hold of her. The shock held her in place long enough for the corpse to lunge upwards and sink its jagged fangs into her shoulder.

She cried out and turned to shadow immediately, but the corpse had torn a chunk of flesh out of her. She rematerialized a few feet away and sunk another bolt into it, but it hardly seemed to even notice. It simply licked at its blood-stained lips, staring at her with eerie red eyes.

"D-Don't scrrream," it gurgled wetly. "Just b-be nice and quiet. It'll all be overrrr soon."

Yeah, fuck that. Sophia dashed backwards, but the creature was fast. It was ontop of her, bearing her down to the ground almost before she'd realized what had happened. The world inverted, shadows turning ghostly as she became insubstantial, slipping the thing's grip again.

Range. She had to get out of this thing's range. She rematerialized just enough for her feet to meet the ground, jumping upwards. Her breaker state had all the mass of a shadow, and she soared upwards with the momentum she had generated, reforming to grab the roof's ledge. She could just snipe this thing safely from above–

A hand wrapped around her ankle and yanked her down before she could pull herself over the roof's ledge. She hit the ground, hard, the air driven out of her, but forced herself to roll away, instincts screaming at her. The creature landed where she'd fallen a moment before, the pavement cracking under its feet.

She stumbled, shaking her head. Things were getting blurry. The alleyway was covered in blood – her blood. The wound in her shoulder ran deep. She had to get out of here. She knew the creature would be on her in a second if she reformed, but she had to in order to generate momentum. She kept her momentum in her breaker state, but she had to leave it, even just for a moment, if she ever wanted to redirect herself.

The world regained color for a brief second, her body physical again as she leapt for the wall. Claws raked across her side and she screamed even as she slipped into incorporeality once again and into the building, away from the monster behind her. She stumbled and reformed once she was inside.

The other side of the wall was some kind of fridge. Those big walk in ones that butchers and some restaurants used, all steel and hooks and hanging slabs of meat. At least, she assumed that was the case. The lights were out, the room plunged into utter darkness. She bumped into something hanging and prayed that it was what she thought it was as she stumbled forward through the room, searching for the door.

Part of her just wanted to lie down. To go to sleep. A deep lethargy had settled on her, her limbs growing heavier with each passing moment. She took that part of her and stuffed it in the trash where it belonged. She wasn't dying here, in some restaurant freezer. She hit the opposite wall. No door yet.

A loud rattle came from her side. Someone trying to open a locked door and failing. The door rattled again before suddenly banging open, blown off its hinges. A dark figure stood there, silhouetted by the light behind it. Sophia didn't wait. She immediately jumped sideways at the wall.

A scream ripped out of her as she hit a wire, live electricity racing through her entire body.

She hit the ground, twitching, unable to move. Shit. Shit, shit shit. This is why she didn't just jump through random walls. Was this really where it ended? She was supposed to be the predator, stalking criminals unseen until she struck, and now she was being hunted down? She squeezed her eyes shut, the sound of heavy footsteps approaching.


Sophia cracked her eyes open, staring at the cobalt plated steel boots in front of her. "Armsmaster?"

The man paused, looking around the alley, shifting his grip on his halberd. "Come on. Let's get you out of here."

"Already… t-turned down your Wards pitch once, y'know?"

"I think you might wish to change your mind. Unless you plan on bleeding out here in the alley?" Sophia shook her head minutely. "Good. Then come with me if you want to live."

Sophia groaned softly. "M-Movie references now? D-Didn't think you were that corny."

He wrapped his arms around her and hefted her upwards, his grip surprisingly gentle. "What reference?"

Sophia tilted her head up to look at his face. The grim set of his mouth seemed entirely serious. Damn it. This was her life now, wasn't it?

She let her gaze stray back to the alley as Armsmaster carried her out. For a moment, she swore she saw red eyes staring at her. Then, she blinked, and only darkness remained.
2.1 - Echoes of the Past
Voting said:
[X] [Training] Leadership 3, Politics 1, Parahuman Studies 1, First Aid 1
[X] [Vacation] England
[X] [Activity] Talk with the Locals
[X] [Free Time] Visit local places of power

The crowning of a King was no simple affair. The sword may have been drawn from the stone on New Year's day, witnessed by God and man alike, but that was not the end of it. A new assembly of noblemen came from far and wide to witness the miracle on Candlemas, and once again, the sword was drawn.

"Truly amazing, my Lord. To think that we would see a King over all of Britain again. After Uther fell, I thought our country was doomed for destruction, but I feel hope once again."

"You shouldn't be deceived. This beardless boy is just a puppet of Merlin. You can't trust a sorcerer, especially not that one. I, for one, will never swear to this pretender."

So it went. Some declared their fealty. Others their distrust. Again, more noblemen gathered on Easter. Again, the miracle was repeated. Again, noblemen stepped forward to swear their loyalty, but many left instead, believing it a hoax. On Pentecost, the miracle was repeated for a fourth time, and with it came the crown.

"Stand firm, and hold fast from henceforth this seat of royal dignity, which is yours by the authority of Almighty God. May that same God, whose throne endures forever, establish your throne in righteousness, that it may stand fast forever."

She stared up at the Archbishop as he lowered the crown upon her head. It had been five months since she drew the sword from the stone. A part of her questioned the need for this pomp, but both the magus and Ector had insisted it was important. It was a necessary foundation upon which to build everything that would flow henceforth.

"Rise, Arthur. King of Logres, and High King of Britain."

It was not true. Not yet. Logres may have bowed to her, but the rest of Britain had not. In just a few days, King Lot and his dissidents would assemble an army outside the city and she would have to spill the blood of her own countrymen. For now, for this brief moment, the people celebrated the coming of a new era.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

I jolted awake as the plane bounced, the wheels hitting the tarmac. The flight to London had been a long one, and at some point I had drifted asleep. Yawning, I stretched in my seat, the fleeting images of my dreams slipping away now that I was awake.

"Finally here. Hate these international flights."

Paying only half an ear to my father's complaints, I gathered my bags. We were staying here for a week. A week in which my parents hoped that the Protectorate would wrestle a lid back onto the boiling pot that was Brockton Bay. There was no hope that they would actually stop things entirely. The gangs had been embedded within the city for well over a decade. If they could have removed them so easily, they would have by now.

The three of us moved through the terminal and out to where our rental car waited. Three, because Dean had not come with us. Something about his work being understaffed and needing all hands on deck right now. I wish I had been allowed to stay behind with him; this trip felt cowardly. Violence had erupted on the streets and I had retreated to another country entirely for safety. It had been my parents' choice, not mine, but it was no less bitter a draught for that.

It could not be helped. I would simply have to make the most of the opportunity.

There was something here, in this land, that called to me. An urge that I knew not the name of. Something stirred in me, a desire to seek it out.

Unfortunately, I did not know where to begin. I spent the first few days simply seeing the various tourist attractions in the area. Big Ben. Buckingham Palace. The Tower of London.

It was when we visited Saint Paul's Cathedral that I found my first hint of something.

A sense of nostalgia welled up in me as I approached the Cathedral. For a moment, I saw not the large edifice that was there, but instead a much smaller church. Outside, there would have been a small, closed off yard, covered in snow that had fallen the night before. A large, flat stone would have sat in the center, a single piece carved into plinth with a sword driven into its center.

No sign of it remained. Yet, I was certain that I had once stood here in my dreams.

I took a deep breath. The air lay heavy here. This was an old place and memories were worked into the very stone beneath my feet. It may have changed from my dreams, but the core of the place had not.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Spiritual.

Inside, tall columns made of white marble lined the nave, the cathedral long enough to make it look narrower than it was in truth. There was an enormity to the place, a sense of sheer scope that left our church back home pale by comparison. Art decorated the ceilings, the walls, and was even carved into places in the floors.

This was a building that no longer reflected the small island nation that had been beset on all sides, but instead the wealth of an empire that had conquered the world.

"A miracle has a price. In exchange, you will lose the thing most important to you."

There was a time when the peoples of this isle fought to push the invading tribes from its shores. The Angles. The Saxons. The Normans. In the end, they had failed. This was no longer the land of the Bretons. Nor was it the land of the Cymric. It was England now. The land of the Angles. And just as they had invaded Britain, so too had their reach spread to the rest of the world.

My heart clenched, a strange melancholy overtaking me. I could stay there no longer.

"You doing okay there, Ells?"

"Just a stomachache, I think," I told my father. "If you do not mind, I may just stay in the park for a bit whilst you visit the museum."

My parents shared a look briefly. "Sure, I don't think that's a problem. Just stay in the park and don't wander off. You've got your phone on you, right?"

"Worry not. I have it with me."

"Okay. Don't talk to strangers or wander off with anyone."

"I will be fine. Go. Enjoy yourselves."

"Alright, but call if you need anything."

"Go!" I laughed. Really, they worried too much. Shaking my head, I wandered into the nearby garden, enjoying the warmth of the sun upon my skin and the breeze at my back. As parks went, it wasn't especially large. I could walk a circuit within a handful of minutes without effort. The trees made a barrier between the park and the rest of the city however, lending the space a bit of peace.

Settling beneath a tree, I folded my legs under myself, simply taking the time to watch the other people in the park. There, a child walked hand-in-hand with their parents. Across the way, a pair of old men sat, playing chess. A young woman was using the path to jog. A couple was walking their dog, a tiny thing that did not even come up to the woman's knee.

Everyone was going about, living their lives peacefully. Everyone was smiling.

A warmth spreading through my chest for the first time since I arrived in this land. If this was the result, I could accept the journey that had led to it.

A series of gasps went through the park, people pointing upwards. I jerked my eyes upwards, taking a moment before I managed to spot a man flying past, dressed in vivid blue and red.

Gamemaster said:
Recognize: 20 | 4 = Fumble!
Gain a check to Recognize.

I did not recognize him, but the surrounding voices seemed excited rather than afraid. A local hero then, perhaps. Even knowing it was safe, however, it still put a damper upon my mood.

People in Brockton Bay would not have reacted the same. Even knowing that the parahuman was a hero, there was always the undercurrent of fear that their presence meant violence would soon follow. London had its villains as well, but it was safe in a way that Brockton Bay was not. Safe in the way that Los Angeles or New York were. Safe in the way where heroes ruled the streets, rather than villains.

Britain may have been my home in my memories and dreams, but Brockton Bay was my home now. I could not – would not suffer to allow its people to live in fear.

Elaine Stansfield was gone. That girl had died a year past. Yet, neither was I the woman in my dreams. At least, not yet. Every day, a bit more of who I was now was chipped away, replaced with the King who had once lived in this land. I knew I ought to feel dread at the prospect, but I did not. They were my memories, of this I was certain. I was simply reclaiming them.

Most importantly, the woman in my memories had been a warrior. She would have had the power to do something about the barbarity that plagued our land. With her memories – my memories – I may have the ability to drive out the malefactors that plagued my city.

"No way."

A voice nearby wrenched me from my thoughts. I looked up at the young Asian woman wearing a bright red shirt and white chinos. She stared at me in return, her blue eyes wide with surprise.


"Rin," I breathed, the unfamiliar name escaping my lips.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

"Sorry again, you really do look a lot like her."

I hummed thoughtfully, sipping at the tea the woman had bought for me. The two of us sat at a cafe just across from the park where we had met.

"I take it you have not seen this friend of yours in some time?"

"Yeah. It's been, oh… about six years now? I didn't really expect to ever see her again, so you caught me by surprise."

I wasn't truly surprised to find out that I resembled the person from my dreams. Already, I had noticed details about my face shifting ever so slightly in the mirror. My cheekbones just a bit higher than they were before. My eyes just a hint more green. It was gradual enough that I doubt anyone would notice, not without comparing me to a photograph at least, but to someone who had known her, it must have been a shock.

No, my surprise was not in my resemblance. My surprise was that a person in the modern era knew her. I could not remember Rin. Not yet, at least. Yet, there was an instinctual fondness that told me this was no coincidence. It had truly been my past life that she had known.

"I apologize if it was an unpleasant discovery."

Rin waved her hand. "No, it's not like that. It wasn't unpleasant. It was just a shock is all. It's strange though. You even talk a bit like her."

Gamemaster said:
Trusting: 13 | 10 = Failure

I pursed my lips. A part of me said that I could trust Rin. Perhaps if I could remember anything about her, I would be able to place my conviction in that feeling. However, I could not and therefore I would not. For now, it was better if I kept my cards close to my chest.

"You said her name was Saber?" I asked. "Was she a cape?"

"Cape? Oh, you mean a parahuman. Well, it was something like that, I suppose," Rin said vaguely. "You probably won't be able to find her searching online though."

"Why is that? Did she not gather any fame as a parahuman?"

"Oh, she was plenty famous," Rin said with a wry smile. "But that was back when I lived in Japan. Before Leviathan did a number on the city. I'd like to think we got along pretty well, but truthfully, I only knew her for a couple of weeks."

Gamemaster said:
Academics: 3 | 11 = Success

I blinked. "You lived on Kyushu?"

"Not on the island itself, no. An island sinking is a big deal though. The rest of Japan caught a lot of blowback from that. Fuyuki was spared the worst of it, but it was still pretty bad."

I frowned and looked down into my cup. Every Endbringer attack was bad. The devastation they wreaked left scars in cities that would take decades to heal, when they did not destroy the cities entirely. Some attacks were worse than others however. Kyushu and Newfoundland. Twice, Leviathan had not been content with simply destroying a city and had instead sunk an entire island.

Millions dead because of a monster's whim.

"Easy. You don't want to break the cup."

That was true enough. I loosened my grip and set my cup gently on the table. "Is that why you moved to England?"

"No, that was unrelated. I got a scholarship with a school here, so I've been working on that. I do visit back home sometimes though, and things are doing better these days."

"Oh? What is it that you are studying?"


"That is… an unusual choice of major."

"Ahaha," Rin laughed. "I suppose it is. I've always had a bit of a connection with gemstones though. Speaking of which, I'd like to give you something before I go."

"That is not necessary, Rin."

"I know. I'd like to though." She reached into her purse, digging around for a moment before pulling out a peridot the size of my little finger. It had been shaped into a kite, likely intended to be fitted to a necklace or pendant, though the stone was still loose. "Take this."

"Rin. This is too much."

"It's my money, I get to decide if it's too much or not." She placed the pale green stone into my hand and folded my fingers over it. "Take it."

Gamemaster said:
Peridot added to equipment.

There was energy trapped beneath the stone's surface. A swirling vortex straining to be unleashed. A tempest that had been constrained to this small rock. "It's warm," I murmured.

Rin's eyes widened for a moment. "Yeah. It's said that peridots are associated with healing and protection. So keep that close, and if you're ever in trouble, maybe it'll help protect you."

I hesitated for a moment before finally placing the peridot into my pocket. "Thank you, Rin. You are a good person."

"Hmph, don't overthink it," Rin said, turning her face away. "I'm not some hero going around rescuing puppies and kittens like a certain idiot I know. It just would have left a bad taste in my mouth otherwise. Consider it an investment. You have to live and pay me back some day."

A small smile tugged at my lips. "Then I will be certain to do so. You may rest assured that I will pay my debt in full."

Rin looked back towards me, her eyes soft again. "Yeah, I know you will. You really are just like her. It makes me wonder… Well, I can look into it later. It's a good thing Shirou was visiting back home though. I can only imagine how he would have reacted if he saw you."


"Yeah, he'd definitely make something more out of this than he should." Rin shrugged as if to say, 'What can you do?'

She stood atop a mountaintop, facing the rising dawn. The horizon shone in glimmering gold, banishing the night. The morning sun rose. The halted wind began again.

"I see. Then our contract is at an end. I became your sword, defeated your enemies, and protected you. …I am glad to have fulfilled this promise."

"...Yeah, you did well, Saber," a voice said behind her.

"In the end, there is something I must tell you." She turned to face him. "Shirou – I –"

I clutched a hand to my chest, suddenly breathless. I did not know the name. It was unfamiliar to me. Yet, happiness swelled in me knowing that he was well.

Rin studied me with keen eyes. My reaction had given something away. I did not know what. She nodded to herself however and stood up. "Well then, I'd best be going. I've got a paper to write for class and a bit of research to do. …Take care of yourself, okay?"

"...You as well, Rin. I am glad to have met you."

With that, she left, leaving me alone once again.

A quick bit of housekeeping. I am removing Politics and Science as skills. They felt unnecessary for this quest. The points in Politics will be added as a bonus to Intrigue instead. In addition, for the sake of making things a bit easier, I am also removing the Charge skill and combining it with Drive. You will now just use Drive as a limiter for Charge attacks. The points in Charge are added to Drive as a bonus.

It is July of 2010.

You have one last place you wish to visit in England before you have to leave.
[ ] [Visit] A lake
[ ] [Visit] An oak tree
[ ] [Visit] A large standing stone
[ ] [Visit] A grave

After that, you will return to Brockton Bay. Choose someone to spend time with:
[ ] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Morgan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)

Choose an activity to participate in:
[ ] [Activity] Sports
>You could use the exercise.
[ ] [Activity] Hunting
>Your father likes to go hunting in the woods outside the city every now and then. It hasn't ever been your thing before, but you could give it a try.
[ ] [Activity] Charity
>You could do volunteer work.
[ ] [Activity] Summer Classes
>You may have gotten into Arcadia, but it wouldn't hurt to get caught up more.
[ ] [Activity] Modeling
>It could earn you some money on the side if you do well.
[ ] [Activity] Religion
>Visit churches to try and find a new one.
[ ] [Activity] (Write-In)
2.2 - Echoes of the Past
Voting said:
[X] [Visit] A lake
[X] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[X][Activity] Religion

I walked through thick fog, eddies swirling around my ankles. It had been warm out this morning, too warm for fog. The summer heat had burned off any that had remained in London. Yet, here, it seemed pleasantly cool, the fog thick enough that I could not see more than a few feet in front of myself.

It was our last day in England. Tomorrow, we would return to America. All week, I had felt called to find… somewhere in Britain. Some place that I did not consciously know. It was only today that I had made an excuse about going shopping to my parents and left, catching a taxi to take me out to a lake hidden in the English countryside.

At some point the ground had begun to feel smooth and even beneath my feet, as though I were walking on glass, though I had plenty of friction. It was only when I looked down that I realized that I was walking upon the water itself. My skin prickled, gooseflesh raising along my arms. The air hung still, the lake motionless, the world trapped in a moment of time.

"What is this?" a voice hissed from the murk. "Some new jape of Merlin's? Some new prank with which to torment me?"

I let out a slow breath and turned towards the voice. "It is real enough. I am real."

A woman stepped out of the fog, her dress trailing across the water's surface. Pale blonde hair, nearly white in the surrounding gloom, framed an eerily familiar face. How could it not be familiar? It was my face. Simply grown more mature, the face of a woman rather than a girl.

She reached out, tracing fingers across my cheek, blue eyes staring at me in shock. "Thou art real," she said in wonder. "It is truly thee. How is this?"

"I know not the mechanism. Simply that I am."

"Thy body still rests. This cannot be thee in truth. So how…?" The woman frowned and leaned in, her face nearing so close to mine that our noses nearly touched. Her eyes roamed across my face, as though taking in every detail. "I see," she finally said. "So that is the way it is. To think we had concluded our cruel fates only to see its thread reeled out once again."

Her hands rose to cup my face. A strange anxiety filled me, an urge to step back, to get away from her. Her hands held me in place, unflinching, her lips curving in a wicked smirk.

"What are you–?"

"Thou wert stolen from me once upon a time. Thou once took mine kingdom from me, and thine kingdom in turn took thee from me. Thou who shouldst have always been mine." She leaned forward, pressing her lips against mine. For a moment, my thoughts fled, lost in the shock. For a moment, all I could focus on was how cold she was, as though I were being kissed not by a human but a sculpture of ice.

My hands found her shoulders, pushing her away. She did not so much as stumble, but she released me, letting me fall to the water's surface. The woman smiled down at me and my skin crawled.

"How wonderful that we might have another chance. I see not the reason for your return, only the means. 'Tis a simple enough trick, however. Yes. Simple enough that it may be imitated."

"Imitated?" I whispered, not trusting my voice.

"Indeed. The Age of Faery hath ended. Magic hath faded from Britain. I cannot leave here anymore than thou couldst leave Avalon. Yet, something found a way to bypass that. A way with which to bring thee to the Modern Era. It galls me not to have done so first, but for something like this, I will make exception."

I slowly pushed myself back to my feet. "What are you planning to do exactly?"

The woman simply smiled enigmatically and turned to leave, vanishing back into the fog. Only her voice remained.

"I shall see thee again soon enough, Sister."

I awoke on the lake's shore, the sun shining down bright overhead. It was a warm summer's day, yet I found myself covered in a cold sweat.

Gamemaster said:
You gain 50 Glory for meeting the Lady of the Lake.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

The flight returning from England was a long one, and I found myself unable to sleep the way I had on the way there. My stomach churned with unease and I kept my head bent forward, resting on the seat tray in front of me for much of the trip.

Had I made a mistake? My memories were too scattered to say for certain. Yet, a creeping dread gnawed at me, insistent that this could only lead to ill.

Even if I could not remember everything, I was not so stupid that I did not fail to connect my memories to the legends. The sister of the King had plotted his downfall and orchestrated it successfully in the end. However, she should not have been the one associated with that lake.

Moreover, there were her final words. Did my carelessness result in the theft of someone else's mind and body?

I squeezed my eyes shut, tasting bile at the back of my throat.

It was a great relief when we finally reached Brockton Bay. It felt as though I had tied myself in knots during the trip, and the source of my worries was not cured, but at least here, I felt like I could do something. Anything. I was no longer trapped in the air with nothing but my own thoughts to torment me.

The experience had left me exhausted however, and I barely managed a brief greeting to my brother when we arrived home before departing to collapse in my room.

A short series of knocks interrupted me before Hypnos could claim me. I let out a short groan before rousing myself and pulling the door open.


My brother smiled at me brightly from the other side. "Hey there. I just wanted to check on you. You kind of rushed back here when you got home."

"It was a long flight, Dean. I wished to rest."

Gamemaster said:
Ellie Deceitful: 1 | 9 = Success
Dean Suspicious: 14 | 5 (+10 Empath) = Success
>Dean wins the contest.

Dean frowned at me. "You know you can tell me if something is bothering you, right? You don't have to hide it."

"I … Thank you. Truly. It is not something you can help with however." I smiled at my brother and patted his arm gently before stepping back to allow him into the room. "Tell me how things went while we were gone. Is the latest battle between the gangs all over?"

"It seems to have died down, at least," he said, sitting down next to my desk. I only had the one chair in the room, so I simply sat on my bed. "The News said that Challenger and Armsmaster managed to arrest Panzer and the Empire retreated after that."

Gamemaster said:
Recognize: 5 | 4= Failure

The name did not mean anything in particular to me, but it was good knowing that another villain was off the streets nonetheless. For a moment, I could picture the scene of a week ago. A creature of jagged steel and hooked blades tearing through the fallen bus where civilians had sheltered but moments before, heedless of the damage it caused. Someone had to stop them. I had to stop them.

"What even started the conflict?" I wondered.

Dean shrugged. "It's hard to be sure. I think there's some speculation that they were trying to assassinate Lung. They failed, obviously, because he's still around."

Honorless wretches.

"What of you? Were you safe during the week?"

"Me? I'm perfectly fine," he said, flashing me a bright smile. "Nothing too exciting at work. We got a new intern at the office. She's still adjusting to the idea of working with a team of people, but her heart's in the right place."

"I am glad. I was worried that something may have happened without me here to protect you." I closed my eyes, leaning back into my bed. It was true. I was happy that my brother was safe. Yet, there was a strange, wistful melancholy mixed in with it. "Be sure to treat your new coworker well. If she has difficulties in adjusting, then be patient with her."

Dean let out a short laugh. "I'm the big brother. I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be the one protecting you."

"Is that so? I suppose I should not lighten your duties, in that case."

Dean squinted at me, a troubled expression settling on his face. "I feel like I just got tricked into agreeing to more work."

"You will survive, I am certain," I said with an amused lilt to my voice.

Dean sighed. "Fine. It's not like I could refuse you anyways," he joked.

"As you should not. I am the King of this household, after all."

"Don't you mean Queen?" he asked.

"I meant what I said." I folded my arms and looked away, my cheeks burning.

"Of course you did." Dean grinned and gently punched my shoulder. I swatted his hand away, but that just widened his smile.

"Begone knave. Your King requires her sleep."

"Very well, I am off, your Majesty. Is there anything else I can do for you before I go?"


She shivered beneath a blanket, rain pounding on the window. Her brother sat at her bedside, idly whittling at a block of wood.

"Hey brat. You had better not go dying on me. I still need you to haul my gear and polish my armor, you know. It would be troublesome for me if you were to die now."

She smiled gently, suddenly burning despite having been shivering just moments before. "I would not wish to inconvenience you, brother. I will get better soon."

"Good. I won't lighten your duties, you know. But… Well, if it will help you get better, I'll do just one thing for you. Anything you want."

"That is not necessary, Kay."

"Just pick something already. I'm not taking no for an answer here."

"Then… I wish to have a dream. A dream of a lion running across the plains."

"I suppose I would like to see a dream."

Dean frowned. "I don't think there's much I can do about that."

"...I know. Thank you, Dean, but I do not need anything else."

"Okay. Have a good night then, Ellie."

He left and I watched him before sinking down to rest my head on my pillow. A moment later, Kay (the cat) darted into my room and hopped up onto the bed to begin kneading at my chest before settling down to curl up on top of me.

"Fine. A dream? You got it." He focused on his whittling and eventually handed her a small statue that looked like a cross between a cat and a dog, though he looked inordinately proud as he placed it into her hands. "There, I made you a lion to accompany you in your dreams."

"This is meant to be a lion?"

She hesitated, unsure if she should say anything. "Thank you, Kay. Though it looks more a dog than a lion."

Kay's face turned stricken. "Really? I thought I did really well on it," he mumbled. "It was supposed to be an old, dying lion. One that couldn't even hurt a mouse. That way it wouldn't hurt you in your dreams."

She laughed, the sound bright and pure, and reached out to squeeze her brother's hand. "I shall cherish it, Kay."

That night, she dreamed of a lion running across the plains.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Love (Family)

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

The tall steeple loomed over me. I took a deep breath, staring up at it, before stepping forward to press against the large oak doors. The hinges were well-oiled, and the doors swung easily despite their weight, admitting me inside.

I had spent the weekend investigating various churches in the area. Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, even some non-denominational establishments. Some called to me more than others, but I was intent on being thorough. Even if one "felt right" to me, I intended to make a survey of my options and how they differed.

So it was that I entered the Catholic church. It was a relatively small chapel, though well-kept all the same. The pews were of rich oak and stained glass lined the windows. An unearthly quiet hung about the place, as though excessive noise would taint this holy place.

A voice broke the silence.

"Well, hello there. What brings you here, young lady?"

I turned to the voice. The priest was older, nearly bald, with what hair was left long since turned gray. I nodded in his direction. "I suppose you could say that I am looking for answers."

"Well, I'd say you came to the right place. I'm Father DiMaggio." The priest moved towards me and offered his hand. Despite his apparent years, his gait was steady and his limbs thick. Age had not yet withered him. I clasped his hand.

"A pleasure to meet you, Father."

"So, what answers can I help you find?"

"I…" I frowned, pursing my lips as I thought through what I wanted to say. "I am having something of a crisis of faith. I grew up in a church, but recently looked around myself and saw nothing but worldliness and self-interest. Nothing of what the church was meant to be."

Father DiMaggio nodded slowly and sat down on one of the pews. "I hope you will excuse me. My knees aren't quite what they were anymore. However, as to your question, you would hardly be the first to come to a similar conclusion. At the end of the day, the Church, any church, is made up of people, and people aren't perfect. It is hard to grow up idolizing the organization only to one day realize its flaws."

"That is not particularly reassuring advice, Father."

"It's true though. We will never be perfect so long as we are on this mortal world. Only once our Father in Heaven claims us and purifies our souls and bodies and we are born anew will we be truly faultless."

Perhaps not even then. If man was already a flawed creation, would he become better for being reborn? Even if that were true, if all of man's impurities were washed clean, could he truly be said to be the same creature?

My lips grew tight in a pained grimace.

"If it is advice you want however, I suppose you have a few options."

"What options are those?"

"The first, obviously, is to decide the flaws are too much and to turn your back upon faith entirely."

I squinted at him. "Is that truly advice that you ought to be giving as a priest?"

Father DiMaggio laughed. "Perhaps not, but I wanted to be frank with you. Besides, it's just an option, not what I would recommend. If you were the sort to do that, I do not think you would be here asking questions now."

"Then what are my other options, as you see them?" I asked tersely.

"The second is to continue doing what you are now. Moving from church to church in search of perfection, never quite satisfied with what you find. For, no matter where you go, you will always be able to find some sort of flaw."

"I take it you do not recommend this either."

"I do not," he said. "It's one thing if they are teaching false doctrine or the differences are simply irreconcilable, but you will never be happy if you're simply seeking perfection."

"However bad the result, you can't change what's happened. Wanting to redo something because you couldn't do it is just childish selfishness!"

Was that what I was doing? Seeking perfection?

"Your third option is to confront it. Go and be the change you wish to see in the Church. Lead by example, with compassion and love."

"I am surprised, Father. None of your options included joining your church."

Father DiMaggio smiled and waved a hand as if to brush aside my comment. "You are welcome here, of course. I just want you to be sure that you are making your decisions for the right reasons, not because you are running away from something."

"Thank you. I shall have to think over the advice you gave me."

"Of course. The world will hardly end tomorrow. You've got your whole life ahead of you. Take your time and make sure your decisions are the right ones."

A sinking feeling curled beneath my breast, some part of me warning that perhaps I did not have as much time as the priest believed. That eventually tragedy would strike. I was here for a reason. Something loomed on the horizon. Something I would be needed for.

I turned to leave and Father DiMaggio called out to my retreating form. "Evening Mass begins in one hour if you would like to attend."

Stopping, I considered the offer. It would not hurt. I turned back into the church.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Religion.

You have activated my trap card. One of the odder parts of Type Moon lore is that Vivian and Morgan are alternate aspects / personalities of the same person.

It is July of 2010.

Choose someone to spend time with:
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Morgan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)

Choose an activity to participate in:
[ ] [Activity] Sports
>You could use the exercise.
[ ] [Activity] Hunting
>Your father likes to go hunting in the woods outside the city every now and then. It hasn't ever been your thing before, but you could give it a try.
[ ] [Activity] Charity
>You could do volunteer work.
[ ] [Activity] Summer Classes
>You may have gotten into Arcadia, but it wouldn't hurt to get caught up more.
[ ] [Activity] Modeling
>It could earn you some money on the side if you do well.
[ ] [Activity] (Write-In)

Choose a way to advance yourself as a hero.
[ ] [Heroism] Practice
>You don't have much in the way of weapons right now, but you should work on improving your ability to fight anyways.
[ ] [Heroism] Design a name and costume.
>You can't just be X forever.
[ ] [Heroism] Look into types of Parahumans.
>If you're going out doing hero things, you're bound to run into them at some point. Knowing the difference between a brute and a breaker will probably be good.
[ ] [Heroism] Study your first aid.
>You might need to treat injured people in the future.
[ ] [Heroism] Look for trouble.
>You're not a hero if you aren't actually going out and saving people, right?
[ ] [Heroism] (Write-In)
2.3 - Echoes of the Past
Voting said:
[X] [Social] Erin Archelot
[X] [Activity] Hunting
[X] [Heroism] Practice

The tip of my sword cut through the air. Slash. Step forward. Bring the sword through in a reverse cut. Parry. My mind knew the motions, even if my body did not. I had to rebuild that instinct, to make myself more than I was.

"Well, it was the only thing I was good at. You can train your body even if you don't have talent as a magus."

A fond smile crossed my lips. I could not remember the source of those words, yet a warmth permeated my chest all the same. The sentiment was true however. Even if I lacked the power I had in my memories, I could still train my body.

The image in my head faded. No longer was I practicing with a sword – a mere stick occupied my hand. The warmth of the summer sun beat down on me. Brockton Bay tended to grow humid during the latter half of summer, and the air clung unpleasantly to my skin, leaving sweat to soak through the t-shirt and jeans I had chosen to wear today.

The week since we had returned home had seen me listless, with little to occupy my time. Worry gnawed at me. If my once sister were to appear in front of me now, there would be naught I could do to resist her.

A flash of blue caught my eye. Our gardens were large. A number of flowers were planted across the grounds. A batch of blue tansies and purple pansies should be beneath my notice. The heady scent of floral perfume tickled at my memory, the sensation of cold fingers caressing my skin. My jaw tightened and I turned away.

This could not continue. I knew that. I could not allow this paranoia to destroy my life. I could not ignore the threat, but I could not allow my fear to rule me. I would simply do as I had always done.

I would arm myself. I would hone my skills. I would steel my resolve. I would vanquish my enemy.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Melee.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

It was early the next morning that a clatter downstairs woke me. Repressing the urge to yawn, I pushed myself from my bed and padded down to our parlor, where I spotted my father dressed in camouflage, a rifle slung over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

He looked up from putting a pack together, surprise clear in his eyes. "Oh, good morning, honey. I'm just going out hunting with a few of my buddies. You can go back to sleep if you want."

"I am fine," I answered shortly. I had been waking earlier of late anyways. A memory niggled at me of a time when I had slept only from dawn until the sun rose, and that time I slept was spent learning from the Magus in my dreams besides. The five hours I slept now was ridiculous luxury by comparison. "Is Dean not going with you? I thought he usually did for these trips."

"He was going to, but he got called in to work at the last minute. Some emergency or another," my father grumbled.

"His employer must rely on him a great deal to call him in on short notice," I mused. "I did not think that was typical for interns."

My father hesitated. "It's not. Dean's been eager to prove himself though. I keep telling him he could just come work for me at our company and take things easy, but he won't hear it."

"That is not a bad thing in and of itself." The ability to stand on his own two feet would serve Dean well, so long as he did not take his independent streak too far. He would be expected to inherit the company some day – knowing how the company functioned would be important when that day came. "If you require extra company however, I do not mind acting as a stand in."

"Really?" My father straightened. "You've never shown much interest before."

"I am interested in trying new things. In having experiences that I did not have the chance to before."

My father's eyes widened for a moment. "...Alright then. I'll warn you now though, it's mostly just a bunch of old men sitting around and drinking all day. You'll probably get bored."

"Perhaps," I said, "but that is still a valuable experience in itself."

"Fine. Go get dressed and you can come with."

I nodded my assent and returned upstairs to my room. Unfortunately, my wardrobe did not lend itself well to stalking about the woods all day. Most of it was thin, easily torn fabrics, chosen for fashion rather than practicality.

In the end, I settled on a pair of overly soft boots, jeans, and a long sleeved t-shirt. I hesitated over what to do with my hair, before eventually settling on simply drawing it back in a ponytail. A baseball cap and a set of sunglasses and … this is uncomfortably close to what I was wearing when I rescued that man a month ago.

It would have to do. The clothes were nondescript enough anyways. I doubted anything would come of it.

Heading back downstairs, I joined my father in packing the rest of his gear into the car. The ride after that was quiet. I glanced over at my father, wondering if I should say something to attempt to connect with him. He kept his eyes on the road. Eventually, he turned on the radio and I turned my gaze out the window, watching the scenery go by until we left the city limits.

I … no, Elaine did not have the same acrimonious relationship with her father that she had with her mother. That was because there was hardly a relationship at all. He was permissive and acted loving, at least, but for the most part she had gone unnoticed, passed over in favor of her brother.

Eventually we turned into a campsite in the woods. Several other cars were already there. To my surprise, I recognized some of the men standing about. My father got out of the car and waved.

"Max! I see you managed to rope Theo into things this time."

"It took some doing, but I managed. No Dean this time?"

"No, work called him in at the last minute. Elaine volunteered to come though."

"Elaine? Now that's unusual."

"Do not mind me. I was simply curious," I said, having unbuckled myself and followed my father. "It is a pleasure to see you again, Mister Anders."

"Please, just call me Max. I'm sure you'll pick things up quick enough."

Nodding, I said, "Max then. I ought to go say hello to Theo as well."

"Sure, you go do that. His girlfriend is here too, so it'd be good for you to meet her."

I raised an eyebrow. "I was not aware he had started dating. Good for him, I suppose."

Max laughed. "I know it can be hard to believe with the way my son is."

"Hm." I nodded my assent and turned to search for the boy.

Maximilian Anders was a tall, broadly built man with slicked back blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. For all of his bulk, it was clear that most of it was muscle. The man took care of himself. Theo, by contrast, had the same sort of height and bulk, but in his case it was mostly fat with little muscle to be found.

I found him sitting in silence next to a blonde girl who did not particularly look as though she wanted to be there. The girl was scowling out at the woods, only to switch her glare onto me as I approached. "So who are you then?"

I raised an eyebrow and silently looked at Theo, who looked embarrassed over the girl's outburst, the tips of his ears turning red.

"Hi Elaine," he mumbled quietly.

Looking back to the girl, I took a moment to silently examine her. Average height (which was still taller than I was) and thin, with long, straight hair that ran down to the small of her back. Her face slowly grew redder as I looked her over – perhaps she thought I was ignoring her? I decided to finally answer, "I am Elaine Stansfield. May I have your name, since you so rudely demanded mine?"

"Tammi," the girl bit out.

I nodded my acknowledgement and turned my attention away from her, dismissing her from my mind. "Theo, it is good to see you well."

"Thanks," he gave a small smile. "Um. I'm glad to see you're doing better. I heard what happened."

"Thank you. I will not say it has been easy adjusting, but I have been managing."

"Great," he said awkwardly. "I'll look forward to seeing you at Arcadia then?"

"Of course." I glanced at Tammi, who didn't seem particularly pleased with her paramour promising to see another girl. She glowered at both him and me in turn. "Will Tammi be joining us there?"

"No," she said shortly. "I go to Immaculata."

I tilted my head. Immaculata was a private all-girls Catholic school. Tammi had not struck me as the type – not with how tightly her jeans hung to her hips or how her shirt rode up to expose her stomach. Perhaps that was simply prejudice on my part in thinking that a 'Catholic schoolgirl' had to conform to a certain archetype.

"A shame. You are religious then?"

"Ugh. No. It's just my uncle being a controlling asshole. Not that it's any of your business."

An uncle. Not her parents?

"If you would like to spend time together outside of school–" I began in a softer voice, only for her to cut me off.

"Fuck off. I don't know what you're thinking, but I don't need your pity."

"Very well. Theo has my contact information should you change your mind." I would leave Theo to assuage her injured pride. I did not care to. "Until next time."

I turned away and left. For a moment, I thought I caught Tammi staring at me from a distance, but perhaps it was simply my imagination.

Another three men had shown up – I actually recognized all of them, I realized, by face if not by name. Other than Max, only one other had brought a child, a ten year old boy who was occupied by his cellphone. Now that I thought of it, the fact that Max had brought Tammi was rather odd in itself. In the case of most children, bringing them along was meant to serve as a bonding activity. A paramour did not fit with that.

Gamemaster said:
Intrigue: 11 | 7 = Failure

I suppose it was none of my business.

"This is a lot of people for a hunting trip, isn't it?" I asked my father as I rejoined him.

"Well, to be honest, we don't do much actual hunting," my father replied. "It's mostly an excuse to socialize. We'll split up later to see if we can spot anything though."

"Do you ever have much success?"

"Not really. Actual hunting involves a lot more patience than a couple of drunk old men wandering the woods have. Ideally, you want to sit as still and quiet as you can for a long time, keep the animals from ever knowing you're even there."

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Hunting.

A simple enough lesson, though one that would likely be difficult to implement in reality.

"I think I may leave you to socialize and take a hike through the woods for a bit."

"Alright," my father said. "Don't wander too far and get lost. You have your phone on you, right?"

I didn't. I had left it behind when I was dressing. No matter. I probably would not need it.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

I was lost.

Grumbling, I walked through the woods. The sun was beginning its descent, so it must be past noon now, at least a few hours had passed. One tree looked much like another and they had all blended into each other some time ago.

Vague memories of playing in the Forest Sauvage came to mind, but nothing that translated into actual ability.

Surely if I simply picked a direction and traveled, I would eventually find my way to somewhere.

There was no guarantee of that. The woods had a way of turning and twisting so that a person could think that they were heading in a straight path when they were actually walking in circles. Still, there was nothing for it. I had to make the attempt.

A half hour later saw me no closer to finding civilization. The hair on the back of my neck had begun to prickle however. There was something odd here. Frowning, I looked around for any sign of my discomfort, but found nothing.

Turn back.

Something lay ahead. Something that rejected visitors. Something that did not want me here. I hesitated.

The howl of a wolf echoed behind me and I stared back with wide eyes, my body already lowering itself to act.

Time with Erin will be next chapter.

It is July of 2010.

A wolf is behind you, an unknown danger ahead.
[ ] [Wolf] Fight
>You don't have much in the way of weapons or armor.
[ ] [Wolf] Hide
>You're not very good at this, but you could attempt it.
[ ] [Wolf] Flee
>Something dangerous lies ahead, though you don't know what.

Choose a way to advance yourself as a hero.
[ ] [Heroism] Design a name and costume.
>You can't just be X forever.
[ ] [Heroism] Look into types of Parahumans.
>If you're going out doing hero things, you're bound to run into them at some point. Knowing the difference between a brute and a breaker will probably be good.
[ ] [Heroism] Study your first aid.
>You might need to treat injured people in the future.
[ ] [Heroism] Look for trouble.
>You're not a hero if you aren't actually going out and saving people, right?
[ ] [Heroism] (Write-In)
2.4 - Echoes of the Past
Voting said:
[X] [Wolf] Fight
[X] [Heroism] First Aid

The howl of a wolf echoed through the forest. Further away than the first, thankfully. Still, something I would rather not deal with. I took a step back, preparing to flee.

Turn back.

No, that was not an option. Gritting my teeth, I grabbed a branch from the forest floor and put my foot against it, forcing it to snap at a sharp angle. The resulting creation was a rough approximation of a spear. A very rough approximation.

I eyed my sharp stick with some trepidation, suddenly unsure of trusting my life to this thing. Another howl, closer than before, forced me to put those doubts aside. I did not have the luxury of choice.

Spear in hand, I leapt for the nearest tree, scrambling up to secure myself atop a branch even as a gray blur came barrelling through the underbrush. It slammed against the base of the tree in a rush of snarling fangs and snapping jaws, leaping after me to try and pluck me from my precarious perch.

Invoke Passion: Honor: 3 | 15 = Success

Elaine: Inspired (+5), Height Advantage (+5)
Wolf: Height Disadvantage (-5)

Elaine Melee: 2 | 12 (2+5+5) = Success
Wolf Bite: 11 | 9 (14-5) = Failure
>Elaine wins the contest.
>>Damage: (3d6=11) (0 Armor Reduction) = 11 damage dealt to Wolf. (24/35 HP)

Elaine Melee: 19 | 12 (2+5+5) = Failure
Wolf Bite: 16 | 9 (14-5) = Failure
>No Hit.

Elaine Melee: 19 | 12 (2+5+5) = Failure
Wolf Bite: 20 | 9 (14-5) = Fumble
>No Hit.

Elaine Melee: 5 | 12 (2+5+5) = Success
Wolf Bite: 2 | 9 (14-5) = Success
>Elaine wins the contest.
>>Damage: (3d6=12) (0 Armor Reduction) = 12 damage dealt to Wolf. (12/35 HP)

Elaine Melee: 7 | 12 (2+5+5) = Success
Wolf Bite: 18 | 9 (14-5) = Failure
>Elaine wins the contest.
>>Damage: (3d6=8) (0 Armor Reduction) = 8 damage dealt to Wolf. (4/36 HP)
>>>Wolf is rendered Unconscious and unable to continue.

Most people do not realize just how large a wolf is. Those without experience often think of them as large dogs. They are not. Wolves are massive animals. They are predators that could easily take down most grown men through sheer size and weight. There is an instinctual fear when faced with them, a time calling back to when men feared the night and the beasts that roamed it.

I could not afford fear.

Without thinking, I stabbed downwards with my makeshift spear. I caught the wolf just below the neck. Not a fatal injury, by any means, but the wolf let out a yelp of pain before lunging again. Its teeth came within inches of my foot and I scrambled to pull my legs up further before thrusting down again.

My thrust went wide, glancing off of the beast's fur. I quickly thrust again, only for my spear to catch, not quite managing to pierce, but instead splintering along the handle as the pressure began to break it apart. I hurriedly retracted it, shifting my grip as the wolf snarled at me from below.

A gunshot split the air. Too distant to be of help. The wolf jumped again. I was waiting for it. My aim was off however. Instead of a fatal blow, my spear buckled, piercing into the wolf's side but a scant few inches.

I felt a snarl of my own forming on my lips. What I would give for a proper weapon right now.

Still, the strike had left the wolf on its last legs. Any normal animal should have retreated after that. This one did not. It kept lunging at me with unchecked aggression. Rabid – or something else? I did not have the time right now to find out.

This time, I waited. I made sure of my strike. The wolf leapt and I placed my spear in its path. This time, I made sure the spear drove deep, leaving the wolf to bleed out on the forest floor.

Far away, I heard another howl. Another gunshot. I itched to go and help – but no, the risk was not worth it. Not with no weapon. I instead took the opportunity to climb higher in the tree, out of the reach of any enterprising wolves.

Gamemaster said:

I sat there for a half hour before Max Anders burst into the clearing, hunting rifle in hand. He looked the part of some sort of action hero, here to save the day. Theo and Tammi, following in his wake, looked far less blase about the situation, looking nervously in every direction.

They stopped as a group when Max spotted the wolf's corpse at the base of the tree.

"What the…?"

I cleared my throat. Max's eyes darted upwards to where I sat, still bloody spear slung across my lap. "I assume the area is clear of threats?"

"Yes," he said roughly. "You killed this wolf? With a stick?"

"Yes," I replied simply. "Was anyone else hurt?"

"One of them took a bite out of Justin before we realized what was going on." He shook his head and straightened, slinging his rifle over his shoulder. "I've never even seen wolves in this area, much less seen an animal act like that before. Your dad's been going crazy with worry. He tried calling and couldn't get a hold of you."

"I dropped my phone," I said blandly. "Would you mind not telling my father about this? He will be worried enough as is – you can simply say you found me hiding in a tree."

"I can do that," he responded slowly. He narrowed his eyes, studying me from below. "Would you mind explaining how you managed to kill a wolf all on your own? Are you a parahuman?"

"I am not. I was simply lucky."

"A good thing then. If only we all had that sort of luck," Max joked.

"If only," I said dryly.

"Hey," Tammi said, having circled around to nudge at the wolf's corpse with her foot. "I think it's still alive."

She was right, I realized. The wolf was undoubtedly bleeding out, but its chest still rose and fell.

"A shame it wasn't a clean kill," Max said. He frowned and turned to look at his son. "Well, nothing for it. Theo. Put it out of its misery."

Theo had hung back, quietly watching our conversation. Now he was the center of everyone's attention. "That doesn't seem necessary," he said quietly. "It's already dying."

Max's voice hardened. "I didn't ask if it was necessary. I said to do it, Theo."

Theo hesitated. Max's face turned thunderous. He strode over to his son, and for a moment, I thought he might strike Theo. Perhaps he would have if he did not know that Tammi and I were here watching. As it was, he grabbed Theo's wrist and leaned in to begin furiously whispering to the boy.

"Theo," I cut in, my voice gentle. "It is already dying. There is no sense in prolonging its pain."

Theo finally nodded, his lips drawing to a tight line. "Fine. I'll do it. Sir."

Theo stepped forward and unslung his rifle, placing the muzzle against the wolf's head. Even from here I could tell his hands were trembling. He squeezed his eyes shut and turned his face away.

The firing hammer fell.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

The walk back was an awkward one. Theo did not seem to want to look at any of us. Max still carried his anger like a cloud around him. The mood was tense enough that Tammi stuck to my side the entire way back, despite her earlier cattiness towards me.

I stared at Theo's back.

Theo was a gentle boy. There was no disputing that. There seemed something deeper here however, some undercurrent that I was not aware of.

What was I missing?

"Um, Elaine right?" Tammi whispered.

I raised an eyebrow and glanced at her. "Yes?"

"Look. Sorry for being such a bitch earlier. I – Well, I didn't really want to be here. You seem cool though. If you ever do want to hang out, just let me know, okay?"

"Of course," I said, smiling gently. "I would be happy to."

"Cool." She raised a fist. I stared at it a moment, before realizing what she was after. Slowly, I raised my own and bumped my knuckles against hers. She grinned and said, "I'll see you around then, Short Stuff."

I blinked.

"What do you mean Short Stuff? You are only a few inches taller than I am!"

"But I am taller."

"My height is completely normal!"

"Whatever makes you feel better," Tammi said, smirking.

I made a noise of discontent. How was I to respond to this slander? Folding my arms, I turned away. Some battles were better left unfought.

"What do you think made the wolves so aggressive?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Who knows?" She replied, graciously allowing my diversion. "Maybe they were just hungry."

"In the height of summer? There should be plenty of animals in the area for them to eat."

"Honestly, I really don't know, Elaine."

That was fair. I doubt she had ever even seen a wolf prior to this. Max had indicated they weren't common to this area. That just made it all the more strange however. What had brought them here? What had stirred them up?

"Look, there's everyone up ahead," Tammi pointed.

So they were. We walked up to where the cars had been parked – several foldable chairs and coolers filled with beer had been unloaded in the time I was away. One man was sitting down, his arm a mess of bloody bandages. My own father seemed unharmed, but a look of immense relief crossed his face when he saw me approach.

"Elaine! Oh, thank God. I was so worried that something had happened. Are you okay?"

"I am fine. Truly. Nothing happened."

"It's true, Mark," Max cut in. "You've got a smart girl there. I found her hiding up at the top of a tree."

My father shuddered and hugged me close. "Thank you. I really can't thank you enough, Max. I don't know what I would have done if something had happened."

"Think nothing of it. What are friends for, after all?" Max asked, a wide smile crossing his face.

"Of course. Let me know if you ever need a favor, alright?"

"I'll keep it in mind. You go ahead and take care of your girl for now."

"Right. Let's go home, Elaine."

I nodded my assent and followed him to the car, though my eyes lingered on the injured man. There would inevitably be more injured people around me in the future. Even if it was the very basics, knowing how to treat someone in an emergency would be important. One more thing to study.

One more, on top of everything else. I was starting to wonder where I would find the time.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to First Aid.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

"Oh, this dress would look great on you! You should try it on."

After we returned from the hunting trip, things more or less returned to normal. Summer vacation continued to wind along, and I found myself staying at home for the most part. Still, I had at least one more social obligation to discharge. I had promised to spend time with Erin. Things had been delayed somewhat by my family's sudden vacation, but it would do me no good to go back on my word.

The problem however, was that I was unsure what to do with her. I simply did not know her well enough to make plans. In the end, I had simply called her and we decided on the common pastime that girls across America indulged in.

We went to the mall together.

"I am not sure the color would suit me," I said, eyeing the pale green sundress a bit dubiously.

"It will, trust me. Besides, half the fun is in trying things on, it doesn't matter if it looks good or not."

"You truly know how to make a person feel confident in themselves," I said dryly.

"Who needs confidence?" Erin asked. "You're just trying things on, not going out on a date. Now come on, quit stalling and go put it on."

I huffed amusedly and allowed her to push me into the changing stall.

Disrobing, I caught sight of my body in the mirror. I was not… womanly by any particular stretch. I had not grown curves to enchant men. I did not have the long legs that modern fashion models prized. My training had resulted in the beginnings of muscles visible along my back – the muscles of a warrior instead of smooth skin of a beauty.

Just as in my past life, I could convincingly pass as a boy if I truly wished it.

I scowled at my reflection and pulled the sundress over my head. It is not as if I even particularly wanted to date anyone. There was nothing to be upset over aside from my own injured pride.

"Well?" Erin's voice came from behind the door. "How's it look?"

Not as bad as I feared. I would have preferred if it had sleeves to cover my shoulders at least, instead of simple straps, and the amount of cleavage the dress had was unfortunate, given that I did not have the assets to complement it. I stepped out of the changing room.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Fashion.

"I still maintain that it is not my color."

"It's not the worst," Erin replied absently, her attention having seemingly settled on my chest.


"Oh! Sorry, I was just thinking – where did you get that necklace from?"

I touched a hand to the peridot that Rin gave me. After we returned from England, I had asked to have it set and strung on a chain so that I could wear it with me wherever I went. Normally, I kept it beneath my clothes, but the dress left it bare.

"It is just something that I picked up in London. Why?"

"You just picked it up? Nobody gave it to you?"

"Erin," I frowned. "What is the issue exactly?"

"I – No, it's nothing, sorry. Nevermind."

"Very well." I stepped back into the changing room to switch back to my regular clothes. "It is getting close to noon. Did you want to continue shopping or head to the food court next?"

"I could go for a pretzel."

I smiled. I, too, would most certainly enjoy a pretzel.

We left the store and continued on our way together. On the whole, it was surprisingly pleasant. Not that I did not enjoy my social interactions with my other friends, but there was always a tension present in them. The knowledge that these people had been friends with Elaine – the girl she was, not the imposter who had hollowed her out and replaced her.

There was none of that burden with Erin. She had not known Elaine, only the me of the present. That was a rare gift these days.

I just wondered how much longer these days would last.

The dice continue to be in your favor. Be very glad that I made Elaine climb a tree. That first attack would have hit her otherwise. I rolled damage just to see what would have happened and it would have taken her out in one shot.

It is August of 2010.

We have arrived at a rest period.

First is to tally checkmarks.
Checkmarks said:
Spiritual: 19 | 10 = Increased by 1
Love (Family): 11 | 10 = Increased by 1
Recognize: 18 | 4 = Increased by 1
Hunting: 13 | 0 = Increased by 1
First Aid: 1 | 2 = No Increase
Fashion: 2 | 3 = No Increase
Religion: 18 | 3 = Increased by 1
Melee: 15 | 2 = Increased by 1

Next is training and practice. You may select any one of the following improvements:

Training said:
Change a Personality Trait
You can add one point to a Trait, decreasing its opposite by the same amount (subject to an effective minimum value of 1).
Change a Passion
You can add or subtract one point from any Passion.
Change a Characteristic
Players may add one point to any one of STR, DEX, CON, or APP.
Train Skills Up to 15
Add 6 points to any number of Skills under 15 in any combination—all points may be added to one Skill, divided between two Skills, or more—as long as the values are not raised over 15.
Train a Skill Up to 20
Increase one Skill over 15 by one point, up to a maximum value of 20.

Please structure this vote as a Plan, i.e.
[ ] Plan Name Here
-[ ] [Training] Skills 1, Skills 2, Skills 3, etc.

The next stage is to tally Glory and to receive Glory rewards.
Glory said:
Chapter 2 Glory = 75
Passive Glory: (15 per Famous Trait & Passion (>16) = 30) ; (Fair Appeal = 15) = 45
Total Glory = 259

(I've retroactively fixed your passive glory for Chapter 0 and 1 so you have a little bit extra).

No Prestige Rewards awarded this month.

Next, you receive your monthly allowance. Given your status as a Wealthy Heiress, you earn $100.

Remember, if at any time you wish to buy something from the shop, please do a write in as below, and I will add it to the next vote.
[ ] [Shop] (Write-In)

You have unlocked your first Adventure! At the start of each month, you can choose if you want to focus on investigating and solving the problem presented in the Adventure. If you choose not to, you will instead focus on normal street-level patrols and heroics.

Please Note: Not every adventure is meant to be completed immediately when it unlocks. Sometimes it's better to wait until you are better trained and better armed to attempt it. That said, the problem won't necessarily stay around forever either. If you take too long, it might get worse, or someone else might solve it.

[ ] [Adventure] The Adventure of Aggressive Animals
>The animals in the forest are acting strangely aggressive. It might be worth investigating.
[ ] [Adventure] The Adventure of the Forbidden Woods
>There is a part of the woods where you fear to tread. Maybe you should find out why.
[ ] [Adventure] Focus on your duties
>Do not engage in adventure this month.

Now, for our actions going forward into next month. School is starting!

Choose someone to spend time with (at school):
[ ] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Meagan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] Theo Anders
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)

You have several new classes at school. Which is your favorite?
[ ] [Class] English Literature
[ ] [Class] Math
[ ] [Class] Biology
[ ] [Class] History
[ ] [Class] Computer Science
[ ] [Class] Physical Education

You have several options for extracurricular activities.
[ ] [Extracurricular] Student Council
[ ] [Extracurricular] Debate Club
[ ] [Extracurricular] Journalism Club
[ ] [Extracurricular] Baseball
[ ] [Extracurricular] Part-Time Job
[ ] [Extracurricular] (Write-In)

Choose a way to advance yourself as a hero.
[ ] [Heroism] Design a name and costume.
>You can't just be X forever.
[ ] [Heroism] Look into types of Parahumans.
>If you're going out doing hero things, you're bound to run into them at some point. Knowing the difference between a brute and a breaker will probably be good.
[ ] [Heroism] Look for trouble.
>You're not a hero if you aren't actually going out and saving people, right?
[ ] [Heroism] (Write-In)
Last edited:
2.x - Interlude; Theo
Theo hurriedly raised his arms to block the fist coming towards his face, only for it to plant itself in his gut a moment later. The air drove itself from his lungs and he fell over, wheezing, clutching at his bruised stomach.

It was not the first such blow he had suffered today.

"Get up," Brad said. When he didn't reply, the man kicked at him.

Theo groaned and scrambled back to his feet. He barely managed to get his hands up when Brad's fist blew past his guard and slammed into his face. He crumpled into a heap again.

Brad just scowled. "This isn't going anywhere. Fucking Tammi over there did better at this shit than you. Are you going to let yourself be shown up by a girl?"

Theo opened one eye – the other was swollen shut – to stare across the room. Tammi sat there, typing away at her cell phone, completely ignoring the beating that he was taking. He slowly pushed himself to his feet again.

This time, Brad split his lip.

"Stop," his father's voice echoed across the empty ring. "This is going nowhere."

"Heh. I could have told you that to begin with. Boy's too soft."

"Watch what you say, Hookwolf. He is still my son. He just needs tempering, as any good piece of steel requires."

Brad – Hookwolf – shrugged. "No skin off my back. You want me to keep beating him, I'll keep beating him."

His father stepped into the ring, the clink of steel ringing with each step. "There is no need for that. I think he has learned his lesson. Haven't you, Theo?"

He lifted his head to stare at his father, clad in all his glory. Steel plate armor shone, intricately fitted to his father's body. The joints held no gaps, only increasingly small overlapping plates that shifted and pulled with the man's every movement. The helmet was all one piece, blades rising in a circle around it in imitation of a crown.

Before him stood not Maximilian Anders, but Kaiser, the leader of the Empire Eighty-Eight.

"Yesh, shir." Theo mumbled, his words slurring together more than he would like.

"Hm." His father stood there silently, as if waiting for some further reaction. When none came, he turned away. "You can keep the bruises overnight. It will help let the lesson sink in. I will ask Othala to see to you tomorrow."

Theo nodded. He had expected as much. His father would probably force him to keep the bruises even longer if it weren't such a potential problem for people to see him like that.

"Hookwolf. I'm assuming that Rune told you what happened in the forest. What are your thoughts?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Theo saw Tammi look up, suddenly interested in the conversation.

Hookwolf scratched at his chin. "It's not impossible she's telling the truth. People can do some crazy shit when their lives are on the line. Still, killing a fucking wolf with nothing but a stick is pretty out there. I'd say chances are she's a parahuman."

"I thought as much as well."

"No real way to tell what the powers are though. She actually used the stick, so probably not a Shaker or Master, but could be just about anything else. If you want, I could send a couple of my boys to rough her up. We'd find out what powers she has real quick that way."

"That's a terrible idea," Tammi interjected.

There was a brief silence, both men turning to look at Tammi. His father finally asked, "Do you have something to add, Rune?"

"Yeah. We want to recruit her right? Sending a couple of our own guys to attack her is just asking for her to develop a grudge. Pay off a couple of druggies – or better yet some chinks who are willing to wear red and green. Don't send them directly after her, that's way too overt. So soon after exposing herself in the forest, she'll know one of us had to be involved. Target one of her friends instead."

"You've been giving this some thought," Kaiser said quietly.

"Hah," Tammi barked a short laugh. "No. That's just the obvious stuff. The hard part is convincing her to actually join."

"And do you have any suggestions on that front?"

"Dunno," Tammi said flippantly. "I don't know the girl well enough. She's offered to hang out though, so give me some time and I'll figure it out."

"Hm." Kaiser silently examined Tammi for a long moment. "I will admit, this is more initiative than I am used to seeing from you, Rune."

"It was just a thought. Take the advice or don't." Tammi shrugged, her eyes flicking up towards Brad. "No skin off my back."

"The idea is a good one. We will discuss the details later. Keep your nose clean in the meantime."

"Of course." Tammi shifted, returning her bored stare back down to her phone.

Theo knew it was the worst thing she could have done. It was as if she were the one dismissing his father instead of the other way around. His father wouldn't make a scene of it – that would undermine his dignity. Instead, Tammi would probably find herself occupied with some sort of drudge duty in the near future as punishment.

Hookwolf eyed the girl in exasperation, having apparently come to the same conclusion. Shaking his head, he looked at Kaiser. "We should probably talk about our operations up in Midtown. Had a few of our buildings burn down during the fight with Lung."

"We can rebuild. The Protectorate is still licking its wounds, and Lung has shown no interest in coming out of his hole."

"That's not the point. If Purity's gone off the reservation –"

"She's just being stubborn," Kaiser said, turning to walk away. Hookwolf followed close behind. "She thinks she can do things on her own. Her failure is a good lesson in why that won't work. She will come crawling back soon enough."

"How soon is that? How much damage does she do in the meantime?"

"I have it under control, Hookwolf."

Their voices faded as the two left. Even after the door swung shut behind them, Theo waited a full minute before allowing himself to collapse. Every bit of him ached. Hookwolf had not held back. No – He had. If he hadn't, Theo would be dead. Instead, he was just covered in bruises, every bit of him pummeled by the man in the name of training.

After all, according to his father he was too soft. Too weak. Hardly worth calling his son at all.

Theo grit his teeth and looked up. Tammi was still typing away at her phone, unconcerned with him.

"What the hell was that about, Tammi?"

"I'm not sure what you mean," she replied without looking up.

"I mean sending them after Elaine like that."

Tammi's phone snapped closed. "I think you will find, Theo, that I convinced them not to attack Elaine. So why exactly are you upset?"

"You could have – you could have convinced them that she wasn't a parahuman. To just leave her alone."

Tammi scoffed. "If you believe that, then you really are as stupid as you look. Even if I was interested in sticking my neck out for a girl I just met, there was no stopping this."

"F-Fuck you." He stuttered the curse word, unused to saying it. Shame ran through him, a part of him rebelling at the idea of speaking up. Of speaking out. Of using words he wasn't supposed to.

"You wish." She stood and stretched out. "In any case, at least I did something. Meanwhile you just laid there like a useless lump. You can criticize me when you're capable of actually doing something yourself."

Theo squeezed his hands tight, his fingernails biting into his skin, and looked away.

"Yeah, I thought so." Tammi said scornfully and walked off.

The room fell silent. The only one left was Theo, his body battered and bloody. He was alone. They had left him here. His father had not even cared enough to see him home after the beating he had given him.

Tears sprang from his eyes. He slammed his fists into the ground, trying to push himself up, only to fall back down, unable to support himself. Tammi was right. He was useless. Helpless. He had never accomplished anything worthwhile in his life.

He laid on the ground weeping, cursing his own weakness.
3.1 - First Steps
Voting said:
[X] [Training] Melee 6
[X] [Purchase] Sword
[X] [Adventure] Focus on your duties
[X] [Social] Amy Dallon
[X] [Heroism] Design a name and costume.
[X] [Class] History
[X] [Extracurricular] Student Council

"King Nym. Your father once swore himself to Uther Pendragon, High King of Britain. Now, I, Arthur Pendragon, rightful heir of his kingdom stand before you. Will you honor your family's vows?"

Nym squinted down at her from atop his throne, turning the jewel-encrusted goblet that she had brought him as a gift over in his hands. The man himself was short, with an atrocious curling beard that he tugged on idly as he thought.

"So," Nym said, "a Boy-King seeks to take my armies and my lands."

The girl felt Kay stiffen beside her, but she kept her composure. She had no room to allow her own stung pride to intrude in this.

"This gift is a good start. It is well that you see my value. I will not lead my men to their dooms for something so paltry however."

"Paltry?!" Kay burst out. She knew what he wanted to say, but the girl silenced him with a look.

"I understand your worry, King Nym. Is there aught I can do to allay your fears?"

"No. Everyone knows that you only have a scant few banners rallied to your cause. Lot's army outnumbers yours. The Saxons outnumber both of you."

"Numbers did not bring Lot victory at Carlion," Kay growled.

"Kay," she rebuked gently. "Enough."

"If you are so confident, then you do not need my men." Nym looked her in the eyes and continued. "The Kingdom of Britain is dead. Let it rest in its grave."

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

"You have your schedule?"

"I do."

"And your locker combination?"

"Yes, Dean."

"And your books?"

"If I did not, it would be somewhat late now," I said, looking pointedly at the gate to Arcadia High School. The two of us stood out front, a good thirty minutes before classes were supposed to start. I had requested the extra time to acquaint myself with the building to prevent myself from getting lost.

Not that there was much chance of that. The building was built to resemble an 'H," with two large wings to the north and south and a shorter cross-section connecting the two. It formed a natural courtyard as we approached the school.

"You know you can come find me if you run into any problems, right?"

"Cease your worrying. I will be perfectly fine, Dean."

"Okay. Good luck then, Ellie."

I sighed and watched him walk off. I had not even been hurt in the incident with the wolves, yet my family was back to treating me as if I were made of glass again. Undoubtedly, this is why modern heroes found secret identities so convenient.

On that subject, I needed to put together an actual costume at some point. It was the social norm for those acting as heroes in this day and age. More to the point, there were different expectations for parahumans. Many of those without powers would immediately back down or surrender when faced with one.

Violence was a tool that would sometimes be necessary. However, it was still better when conflict could be resolved without resorting to it. Peace was a rare thing in this world. All too often we human beings chose to live by the sword.

Gamemaster said:
Fashion: 6 | 3 = Failure

The problem was that I did not know where to start with designing a costume. I would need armor, of course. I was not willing to sacrifice practicality to wear the skin tight suit that many parahumans favored, even if I were to put aside issues of modesty.

Even putting that aside; however, it was a different sensibility from that which I was used to. Flashier. More concerned with bright colors and photogenic smiles than simple regality.

Regardless, I could consider it later. Matters of secret identities could wait.

I stepped inside, walking past rows of lockers without pausing. I had been assigned one of my own, but I did not feel any particular need to use it. A few books were hardly heavy enough to warrant storage. I could simply carry the load for all of my classes with me throughout the day.

Even this early, there were already a few students on campus. Small groups were scattered about the building, simply spending time talking with one another. Walking past a window, I caught sight of the school's football field. Athletes were already there, performing drills – though I knew the athletic teams were not official for the year yet. New students still needed their chance to try out.

It spoke to a greater degree of motivation than I had expected. Where I saw these sports as mere games, an entertaining way to pass the time, perhaps they saw something deeper. Where I saw school as a passing diversion – important, certainly, but not something that would shape my life – they saw it as central to their identities.

A strange sense of vertigo overtook me. I was fifteen. Many of the students on campus were older than I was. Yet, for a moment, they all struck me as so terribly young.

I traced my fingers across the window and shut my eyes. The future was bleak. Crime ran rampant. The Endbringers picked off cities one by one. The world continued to burn. Hope was a feeble outpost, beset on all sides by thievery and misery and murder.

Yet, these children still hope. Hope for their futures. Hope for themselves.

How was I to respond to that with anything less than my all? My abilities were limited compared to my memories. I did not have the strength to repel the darkness of this world. Not yet, at least. However, I still had my voice. My voice, which I could raise as their advocate and their shield.

My destination in mind, I moved back downstairs and walked briskly to the front office. A secretary looked up as I entered, a hint of exasperation in her eyes on seeing a student enter this early in the morning. No matter. I stepped up to her desk.

"I am interested in joining the student council. How would I go about accomplishing this?"

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Leadership.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

Apparently joining the student council was more complicated than simply asking to. Instead, I would have to advertise my candidacy and be elected to the position. Fie on the Greeks and their blasted Democracy. In my day people listened to the King and that was that.

Jokes aside, I did not mind so much. I was not doing this for fame or recognition, so if the student body ultimately decided that the position was better suited to another, then I would wish them well.

Unfortunately, in the meantime, I was left attending classes. Classes in which very little learning had occurred – Instead, we were going over the classroom syllabi.

"--We'll be covering expectations for the semester – starting with our attendance policy. I understand that sometimes emergencies come up, but generally speaking you are expected to be here. Unexcused absences will count against your grade."

My eyes glazed over. Did they doubt their students' abilities to simply read the sheet of paper they had handed out? We had to spend an hour going over how plagiarism was frowned upon? I did my best to maintain my attention, I truly did, but I was glad when the bell rang and I was able to make my escape along with the rush of other students.

The teeming mass of bodies pushed its way downstairs, in pursuit of the cafeteria. I followed in their wake until I saw a familiar mess of brown hair sitting morosely at one of the tables. A part of me said to stand in line and get my food first, before anything else, but… Well, it is not as if it was going anywhere. I sat down next to Amy.

"Hello Amy."

The girl lifted her head ever so slightly from where it rested on her arms so that she could glare at me with a single eye. "Ugh. You. Just leave me be."

"Well, you are certainly sunny today. What has you in such a temper?"

"I was up late last night. This is my nap time. What do you care anyway?"

I frowned, taking a moment to study the girl, as if I could find some hint from what was wrong simply from her slumped posture. I finally asked, "Have I done something to offend you?"

"No. What could have possibly given you that impression?"


"No really. It's not like you made a big deal of us hanging out only to then ditch me all month."

Ah. Well, I could see now why she was angry.

"And that's after you spent all afternoon trash talking me."

I did perhaps go a bit overboard in that conversation.

"And you still owe me a new door!"

I cringed back under the onslaught. That was… well, it was perhaps deserved. My once sister had occupied my mind since returning from England and I had allowed my promise with Amy to slip by the wayside. Cheeks burning, I cleared my throat.

"You are right. I am sorry. I should have been more considerate."

Amy kept a baleful eye upon me for a long few seconds before finally sighing and looking away. "It's fine," she mumbled. "I get it. I'm sure you had other stuff to do."

"Even still. It was my mistake." I placed a hand over hers. "Please allow me another chance."

Amy ducked her head down, hiding her face between her arms. "Fix my door and we'll talk."

"I promise I shall do so this weekend. I am surprised your parents have not already done so, to be honest."

"I don't think they've actually noticed," Amy grumbled.

I raised an eyebrow. I could not see how they possibly could have not noticed. If they truly had not, it raised some serious questions.

"Well, regardless. I promise I will be there."

"Sure. Whatever. Now go away, I wasn't kidding about this being my nap time."

"Very well. I shall keep quiet and let you sleep."

"...You aren't leaving," she said, rather than asked, her voice drained of emotion.

"I am not."

Smiling fondly, I reached out to ruffle her hair. She swiped at my hand and glowered at me, but that was an upgrade to the glare she'd leveled at me before. Progress.

"You're a menace."

"Some have called me that before," I admitted. "Putting that aside, were you… alright after what happened with the bus?"

Amy let out a long-suffering sigh. "Perfectly fine, even if Vicky made a huge fuss. She wouldn't leave me alone for days afterwards. Honestly, it's like she didn't have bigger things to worry about."

That's right. Victoria would have been more involved in the actual fighting, given her position as Glory Girl. "How exactly does your family respond to something like that? Do they just patrol more and hope to run into criminals shooting at one another or is there a more proactive approach they are able to take?"

Gamemaster said:
Intrigue: 8 | 9 = Success

"Given that I'm the only one in the family not involved, I'm really not the best person to ask. I'm sure Vicky would be happy to talk your ear off at some point if you ask her. But yeah, basically. If the Protectorate gets a tip off about a location they want to raid and need the extra muscle, they might ask my family, but otherwise they're stuck just pulling active crime off of the streets."

"How do they actually stop it then?"

"They don't," Amy said bluntly. "Most of the time all they can do is try and keep a lid on things and let the gangs burn themselves out. Big batches of violence like that don't usually last very long."

I furrowed my brow. Nothing would improve if that was the case. You could not win a war fighting purely defensively. Eventually you would be worn down. No, if they were to win this war, then a strike would have to be made against the leaders of these brigands. Kaiser… and Lung.

A shiver went down my back. The memory of a flash of light seared my eyes, of a distant roar that thundered in my ears. The memory of a peaceful day turned into a nightmare.

I was not ready to face that. Not yet. My past self could have, but my body and my skills were not yet adequate. I would need to sharpen myself against the lesser criminals of the bay.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

That night, I snuck out of my house. A long scarf was wrapped around my face, hiding my mouth, while a baseball cap was pulled low over my eyes. As a costume went, it was not much. I would have to work on that. It would do for now however.

The one improvement I had managed to get ahold of was the sword I had strapped to my side. It had been a rare moment of fortune finding one among the pawn shops near the Lord Street Market. I had simply been browsing for anything that might catch my eye at the time.

The sword itself was nothing special. A simple longsword with a crossguard hilt. There was little to no ornamentation upon it. It carried no special powers. A nameless blade, the same as any other. Even still, it was well made and sturdy enough for what I would be putting it through.

It just went to show that all sorts of odds and ends tended to appear in the markets here. Unfortunately, I doubted I would find anything quite as useful as actual armor. For that, I would likely need to turn to the internet.

I had done some research and there were modern blacksmiths that sold historical recreations of such armaments – apparently the cape scene had given them a boom in demand as well. A surprising number of capes liked to employ medieval weapons or armor, whether for practicality or aesthetics. That led to cape followers and fans wanting their own copy as a collectible item.

Cape followers were an odd lot, who I did not entirely understand, but it worked out in my favor in this instance.

Thoughts of new equipment aside, I did intend to find criminals to dispatch tonight. The question, I thought looking at the empty streets around me, is where to find them?

It is August of 2010.

Where does Elaine patrol?
[ ] [Patrol] North End
[ ] [Patrol] The Docks
[ ] [Patrol] Midtown
[ ] [Patrol] Downtown
[ ] [Patrol] Stratham

You actually have to run for Student Council. What is your strategy?
[ ] [Student Council] Speeches
>Focus on giving speeches about your platform.
[ ] [Student Council] Grass-Roots
>Focus on speaking with students individually.
[ ] [Student Council] Advertisement
>Focus on advertising yourself with posters around campus.
[ ] [Student Council] (Write-In)

Time for our name and costume votes. This will have a couple of run-offs. To start, please submit names as a write-in. This is purely to generate names of interest, so feel free to submit multiple ideas.
[ ] [Name] (Write-In)

Same for costume, submit images or descriptions of what you want the costume to look like.
[ ] [Costume] (Write-In)
3.2 - First Steps
Voting said:
[X] [Patrol] North End
[X] [Student Council] Grass-Roots
[X] [Name] Pendragon

The North End of Brockton Bay sat adjacent to the Docks and thus was hit the hardest when the Union Riots happened over a decade past. The district was littered with empty, abandoned warehouses that had once been filled with goods and now served only to house the ever growing homeless population.

The larger gangs could not be bothered with the area – it was not worth the projection of force that would be required to hold it. However, the sad reality was that poverty bred crime. Minor criminals still fought over what few scraps remained in the area.

On a more positive note, this did mean the area would be ideal for my purposes. I needed opponents to sharpen my skills against, and any criminals I caught here were unlikely to be members of any criminal organization with enough influence to actually retaliate.

The problem of course, was with finding crime in progress. I did not have much in the way of experience as Elaine nor as the King in actually catching criminals in the act. I had rendered judgment upon thieves and malcontents upon numerous occasions, but rarely had I ever been involved in their actual capture.

Gamemaster said:
Hunting: 16 | 1 = Failure
Awareness: 12 | 3 = Failure

The streets remained quiet. Perhaps even brigands preferred to sleep this late at night, despite the stereotypes of thieves conducting their business under the cloak of darkness. I sat on an empty bench and blew the air out from my cheeks. Nearby, a dirty man slept underneath the bus stop's overhang. Homeless.

He was not the first such person I had seen sleeping out on the streets tonight.

It was a problem that I did not know how to solve. Simply removing the criminals who preyed on these people would not grant them sturdy roofs over their heads nor warm food in their bellies. It was a necessary first step, but it was not enough. Nothing she had ever done was ever enough.

Far above, the stars twinkled, distant and uncaring. Long ago, the Magus had taught the girl how to read the stars, to divine the future and read the strands of fate. She had not – I had not been the best of students. I had used the skill on occasion to divine if my path was the correct one, but I had often ignored the warnings of fate. Now, I was not sure I could read the stars even if I wished to.

"You some sorta cape?"

I looked towards the poor man who had awoken during my introspection and nodded. "I am. A Hero."

"Pull the other one. Heroes don't bother comin' all the way up here."

"It is precisely because others do not, that I felt I had to."

Gamemaster said:
Appeal: 9 | 14 = Success

The man slowly sat up, combing his fingers through his scraggly beard. "Huh. How about that. Some white knight come down to save us poor folk, is it?"

"To the best of my ability. Although, I admit, I have not had much success thus far."

"I suppose you wouldn't. Ain't much around here but drug dealers and pimps, and they're already asleep by now."

I frowned, but it was not much different than I had expected. I slid my wallet out of my jacket's inner pocket and placed a twenty in the man's hand. "Thank you. I know it is not much, but I do appreciate the information."

"Ehh, I didn't really tell you anything anyone else couldn't have, Sonny."

Sonny? I shook my head. I spent a lifetime concealing my gender. I should not be surprised that it was so easy for him to make the mistake. "Even still. I am new to this, so any information at all is helpful."

The man's face soured, but he folded the bill up and stuck in his coat. "Damn kid, you're going to get yourself killed. Fine. There's a couple of dealers that like to hang out in the alleyway two streets up. They're part of some minor gang. Just big enough to keep anyone from tryin' to rob 'em for their stash."

"Hm. I did not think addicts would be so easily dissuaded."

"Even addicts know not to get their knees broken. The Merchants might be trash, but they'll still kick your ass if they think you're messing with their product. Look. Just remember you didn't hear it from me. I don't need any trouble, you hear?"

"Of course." I stood up and looked back at him. "My lips are sealed."

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

Approaching the alleyway the vagrant had indicated, I quickly made my way up a fire escape to a rooftop nearby to watch. True to his word, a trio of men had occupied the alley – one obviously in charge with two bodyguards, metal bats slung over their shoulders. The situation was obvious, but even still I waited, watching a few transactions take place.

I had not doubted what the man had told me, but I needed to be sure. Over and over again, desperate people came, seeking their next fix.

Decision made, I slipped back down to the street and advanced on the alley.

They spotted me before I could get close. A shout of, "Cape!" went up and the dealer began sprinting in the opposite direction, while his two bodyguards shared a look, unsure if they wanted to actually fight me or not. I did not give them the chance to run as well.

Invoke Passion: Heroism: 11 | 16 = Success

Elaine: Inspired (+5) , Outnumber (-5)

Elaine Melee: 20 | 9 (9+5-5) = Fumble!
Merchant1 Melee: 16 | 8 = Failure
>Elaine drops her sword. Gain a check to Melee.
Elaine Melee: 15 | 9 (9+5-5) = Failure
Merchant2 Melee: 15 | 8 = Failure
>No Hit

Elaine Evade: 9 | 17 = Success
Merchant1 Melee: 13 | 8 = Failure
Elaine Evade: 10 | 17 = Success
Merchant2 Melee: 5 | 8 = Success
>Elaine evades the attacks and picks up her sword.

Elaine Melee: 8 | 9 (9+5-5) = Success
Merchant1 Melee: 1 | 8 = Success
>Elaine Damage (6d6) = 27 = (1/28 HP)
>>Merchant1 takes a Major Wound and is knocked unconscious.
Elaine Melee: 18 | 9 (9+5-5) = Failure
Merchant2 Melee: 15 | 8 = Failure

Elaine Melee: 7 | 19 (9+5+5) = Success
Merchant2 Reckless Melee: 15 | 8 = Failure
>Elaine Damage (6d6) = 18 = (10/28 HP)
>>Merchant2 takes a Major Wound and is unable to continue.

My sword struck. The two each hurriedly raised their bats to defend, their eyes widening as they realized what exactly they were up against. Their movements were clumsy however. Slow. Yet, by some chance, one's wild flailing caught my blade with his bat and the force ripped my sword from my fingers. The sword skittered across the alleyway and I was left dodging these two thugs, their confidence suddenly renewed by my lost weapon.

My cheeks heated in sudden shame. These two had no skill to speak of. Their swings were wild, easy to dodge. Yet, I still found myself on the backfoot simply because my own skills still had yet to catch up to my memories. No matter. I danced around their blows until I could scoop my blade back off the ground, quickly twirling it to parry one bat aside before driving the point into a thug's shoulder.

The man screamed. The other was panicking, swinging with all his might at me – How foolish. His blows had already proven clumsy. Forgoing his defense in favor of strength was only to his detriment. I allowed the bat to pass over my head and brought my sword's edge across his thigh. I turned away before he had finished falling.

Two down in mere seconds. That was how combat went. The long drawn out fights of Hollywood simply did not match what was often true of reality. However, this would still have been for nothing if I did not catch the actual dealer.

Gamemaster said:
Elaine Movement: 7 | 17 = Success
Dealer Movement: 18 | 15 = Failure
>Elaine wins the contest.

I began sprinting after him. He had a lead on me, but it was clear that he did not often need to run. He was thin; however, it was not the leanness of a fit body, but the scrawniness of one who simply did not have excess fat. His breath came in short wheezes with each desperate pump of his legs.

Elaine Grapple: 1 | 7 = Success
Dealer Brawling: 16 | 8 = Failure
>Dealer is grappled.

He did not have a chance. I leapt upon his back, driving him down to the ground. He attempted to spin, to throw a punch, but I wrenched his arm behind him, quickly sliding a zip tie into place around his wrists. A useful invention of the modern era – certainly faster than tying him with rope would have been.

"Fuck! Cocksucker! Skidmark is going to make you gargle your own shit for messing with me!"

I frowned. The lamentations of the defeated were common enough for me to ignore, but I was off-put by the crude language. That was… new. "I do not know who this Skidmark is. You should cease your struggles however. You are only delaying me from treating your comrades' injuries."

"Fuck those assholes. They couldn't even buy me twenty goddamn seconds to run away."

"Please be quiet for the moment." I finished tying his legs and dragged him back to the alley where his compatriots waited. The man who I had stabbed in the shoulder had passed out from the shock of the wound. The other, still-conscious man looked up at me, fear in his eyes – but he had not tried to flee. "You did not attempt to escape?"

"Not much point," the man with the leg injury said. "Not like I would have gotten far. Besides, I've heard what vigilantes do to runners. I'd rather go to jail than get stuck to a wall."

It seemed I would need to pull my blows better in the future – or find tougher targets. I pulled a roll of cloth bandages out of my jacket pocket and set to binding their wounds. "I have a few questions for you. So long as you stay put, we can keep things civil."

"Yeah, sure. Thanks," the man said, though his tone was not particularly thankful.

Gamemaster said:
First Aid: 2 | 2 = Critical Success!
>Gain a check to First Aid.
First Aid: 5 | 2 = Failure

I focused on the man I had stabbed in the shoulder first. His wound was the more critical of the two. "The three of you are members of a gang?"

"Yeah, we –"

"You shut the fuck up! This shitstain doesn't need to know anything!"

Leveling a look down at the dealer, I said softly, "If you interrupt again, you will lose your speaking privileges."

Something about my threat made the dealer go pale and he edged away from me as best he could, pushing himself up against the wall. I turned my attention back to his bodyguard, continuing my treatment of the one I had stabbed.

"The gang?"

The bodyguard swallowed and nodded. "We're just small-time dealers mostly."

"Your friend mentioned someone called Skidmark?"

"He runs the Merchants. They sell to us, we cut them some of the profits."

"Where can I find him?" I asked.

"I don't know. Honest. He calls us up when he wants to meet."

I pursed my lips and examined him for any signs of dishonesty. If he was lying, I could not tell. Nodding, I turned my attention to the dealer. "And you? Did you have you aught to add?"

"Fuck you!"

"I thought not." That only left one thing left to do.

I called the police.

Gamemaster said:
Glory gained (2 x Merchant) = 30
Glory gained (capturing dealer) = 20

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

A red blur arrived before the ambulance or the police managed to. It slowed to a stop in front of the alleyway, resolving itself into a man. I squinted at him a moment, trying to place him in my mind.

Gamemaster said:
Recognize: 16 | 5 = Failure

"Hey there. Got a call about an arrest?"

Hm. He was one of the city's defenders, but I could not place the name. No matter. I nodded at him as he approached.

"The three behind me. The one tied up was the dealer – the other two were bodyguards who attempted to attack me when I approached."

The hero looked back and forth between me and the men on the ground. "So you're claiming this was self-defense."

"Not at all. Their attack forced me to incapacitate them quickly, before their compatriot could flee, but I still approached with the intent of apprehending these men."

"Well, that's something," the hero muttered. "Would you mind talking off to the side?"

"As you wish." I stepped forward to the edge of the alleyway, careful to keep the three prisoners in sight.

"Look," the hero – Acceleration? – said, "It's great to see new heroes out here, but you might want to consider not using a sword."

"I am not sure I understand the issue. A number of heroes use weapons. Some of them are even among this city's local Protectorate."

Momentum nodded. "That's true. But people like Armsmaster train extensively to use their weapons safely. You can't use excessive force. The lethal option should only be there in a life-threatening situation."

I glanced back at the three still-living men.

Blitz let out a huff. "I get that you didn't kill them. You have to admit though, this could have very easily gone badly. That's the entire point of the Wards – to make sure that young parahumans like yourself have the training to use your powers safely. Training to make sure people you capture actually get sent to jail and don't get let out due to a technicality too."

"Hm." I mulled over his words. It was true that I did not have the skills that my past life had. Not yet, at least. An organization such as the Wards would be helpful in that sense. Not just for the training, but for the team support and the logistical support of actually finding crimes for me to stop.

On the other hand, a more prideful part of me rebelled at the thought. Joining such an organization would mean ceding my own authority. I would have to obey orders that were given rather than moving to my own initiative. I would be shackled to the decisions of the Protectorate's leadership.

It also meant that my family would need to be informed. My family who had increasingly been treating me as if I were made of spun glass. Just what would the reaction be with this added on top of everything else that had happened?

After a long moment, I nodded and said, "I cannot accept your offer tonight, but I will give it some thought. Do you have a way to reach out to you in the future?"

"Sure." Impulse gave me a broad smile and fished a business card out of a belt pouch. "The number on here will send you to an operator, but they should be able to direct you to a Protectorate hero who's on duty if you need to talk to one of us."

"Thank you. I will be in touch. Can you handle these three from here?"

"Of course. The cops should be here soon enough, I can watch over them until then."

Nodding my thanks, I turned to leave.

"Hey. I didn't catch your name."

A small smile crossed my lips. I had given my name some thought. There were a number of options I could have chosen. Perhaps those options were a better choice in some ways. They would have adhered closer to cape culture and expected norms for Heroes. They would have obfuscated my identity and my abilities.

However, I had no need to hide away. If I was to be a banner of hope in this age, then I needed to make clear what I represented. I needed to make clear what I was. I needed to make clear who I was. Nothing less than my own name would do.

"I am Pendragon."

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Proud.
Gain a check to Honor.

It is August of 2010.

You have been offered to join the Wards.
[ ] [Wards] Join
[ ] [Wards] Stay Independent

How lethal should you be in the future?
[ ] [Force] Lethal
>You will not go out of your way to kill a defenseless enemy, but you will not hold back against those who bear arms against you either.
[ ] [Force] Defensive
>You will avoid killing enemies, but if your life is on the line, you will resort to lethal force.
[ ] [Force] Merciful
>You will avoid killing enemies whenever possible.

Your cape identity could allow you to pass for a boy.
[ ] [Gender] Male
>Hide your gender and pretend to be male in your cape costume. This could help protect your identity.
[ ] [Gender] Female
>Make it clear that you are female if someone assumes otherwise.
[ ] [Gender] Ambivalent
>Allow people to assume what they will. It doesn't matter to you either way.

Choose someone to spend time with (at school):
[ ] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Morgan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] Theo Anders
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)

While campaigning for Student Council, students bring their concerns with the school that they want addressed to you. What are they?
[ ] [Concerns] (Write-In)
>This is just an aggregate, just fill in ideas, don't feel the need to vote for someone else's once it's been suggested.[/spoiler]
Last edited:
3.3 - First Steps
Voting said:
[X] [Power] Spiritual Armaments
[X] [Glory] CON
[X] [Force] Defensive
[X] [Gender] Ambivalent
[X][Wards] Stay Independent
[X] [Social] Amy Dallon

The next day saw me more tired than I expected. There was a time when staying up late into the night to work or to train would not have presented me with any issues. Now, I had an entire four hours of sleep, yet I still found myself yawning the next morning. Truly, this easy life had made me far too indolent.

Gamemaster said:
Energetic: 12 | 14 = Success

Still, I pushed on through the day, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I listened to Mr. Harrison discuss early Mespotamian settlers and the Indus River Valley. It was interesting, hearing how historians had come to regard the period, but staying awake proved more of a fight than I had expected it to be.

No matter. Difficult or not, I would not be defeated by my own body. I bit down on my tongue, letting the pain shock myself back awake and pushed through the day – and when my classes finally ended, I forced a smile upon my face and went to meet with the students.

"Hello, I am running for Student Council."

"I would hear any concerns you might have."

"Have there been any school events that you particularly enjoy?"

"How can the school improve?"

"Has your club run into any issues?"

"Please keep me in mind while voting."

It was exhausting in a different sense. Things had changed. Supreme executive power was now derived from a mandate from the masses. To speak with each individual student was a bit much, but I could not just speak to them from on high as I would have as King. I had to instead approach them as equals.

Considering that I was not a familiar face and had no deeds to my name, they were not inclined to listen to me.

Most brushed past. A few heard me out, but gave no promises. Many did not seem interested in the election at all – they saw the student council as being largely ceremonial and not terribly important. If they were interested, they were more likely to be inclined towards the rival candidate, who had served as Vice-President the previous year.

Even still, I persevered.

Gamemaster said:
Intrigue: 2 | 9 = Success

"Please tell me your hopes for the school."

"Well… I suppose if I had a complaint, it's that the cafeteria could use a bit more variety. We get a lot of the same every week," one boy said.

I nodded seriously in response. A student could not learn on an empty belly any more than a soldier could fight on one, and poor food led to poor morale. It would be an important issue to address.

"Well, I mean, everyone knows that the athletics clubs get most of the budget, right?" Another replied. "It really ought to be distributed more evenly."

A more thorny issue. As far as I was aware, that sort of thing was dictated by the school itself, not the student council. Moreover, schools tended to favor athletics departments because said departments helped to generate revenue for the school in turn. Still, if things had become unbalanced to the point that regular students were noticing, then perhaps it bore looking into.

"Not a student council thing, but if you're just looking for problems in general, then some of our equipment has gone missing," a girl in a sports jersey said.

"What do you mean by it being missing? Was it stolen?"

"I assume so. I can't imagine why else someone would go around taking balls and bats from the storage shed except maybe to resell it. Weird thing is that we actually found some of it – not all of it, just some – stashed under one of the bleachers. One of the other girls on the team swears we've got a ghost, but it's probably just some punks looking to make a quick buck."

"A ghost?" I asked, lifting a brow. "That seems like a strange conclusion to draw."

"Don't ask me. She was here late the other day and is convinced she saw something out there."

"...I will look into it," I said after a moment. Ghost or no ghost, theft of the school's property could not be tolerated.

"Sure," the girl said, clearly not expecting anything to come of it.

Gamemaster said:
Adventure discovered: The Haunted Storage Shed

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The sound of my hammer rang throughout the empty house. It was said that a kingdom could be lost all for want of a nail. Fortunately, I had brought plenty with me to fix my previous bout of recklessness.

"Are you… sure you know what you're doing?"

Correction. The almost empty house. I glanced over at Amy who was watching me with a bemused expression from her desk. "Of course. Even I can do something as simple as this. Rest assured, I should have the door returned to its rightful place soon enough."

"Not really what I meant."

I hammered another nail into place. "What do you mean then?"

"Nothing," Amy sighed. "Never mind."

A brooding silence fell over the both of us. I continued my work, trying to think of something to say, before finally asking, "Where is the rest of your family? You did not mention it when you said they would be out today."

"On patrol. Where else?" Amy's lips twisted in a strange grimace. "I'm the only one who doesn't have powers, so they're all out being heroes while I'm left here by myself."

"You would prefer to be out there with them?"

"I don't know. Maybe." Amy drew her knees up to her chest. "I… When you got hurt at the mall, it might have been one of the most terrifying moments in my life. Not just seeing you get hurt, but seeing how that could have almost been Vicky instead. I can't imagine having to feel that sort of fear every single day."

"There is no shame in that, Amy."

"Isn't there? Every single person in my family goes out and saves people except me. Even you – When that bus crashed, you started evacuating anyone while I was so paralyzed I couldn't even think of what to even do next. Even if I got powers, I would be too scared to actually use them."

Frowning, I tapped a final nail into place before answering. "A year ago, when we were confronted at the mall, you were the only one to speak up against the injustice of it all. Not me and not your sister."

"And I fucked things up as a result."

I met her eyes. "It was an incredibly reckless thing to do. However, it was not the action of a coward. You may not have the abilities that your family does, but that does not mean you lack for bravery."

Amy looked away, her face turning red. "Well. Thanks for the vote of confidence, I guess. It doesn't really change that I'm useless though."

Sighing, I stood up and flicked her forehead. Ignoring the ensuing cry of pain, I said, "You are not useless, Amy. Or if you are, it is simply for a lack of training and motivation."

"You're saying I lack motivation?" Amy glared up at me, her hand covering where I had struck her.

"Amy. When the Protectorate goes to battle, they do so alongside the Parahuman Response Team, do they not? The PRT troopers do not have powers – are they useless?"

"So what? Instead of being a hero I should join the PRT?"

"What of the doctors who tend to the heroes when they have been hurt? What of the analysts who study their opponents for weaknesses? Are they useless? What of the lawyers who strive to see that those arrested stay behind bars? Are they useless as well?"

A moment of indecision crossed Amy's face.

"The work that your family does is important. However, there are any number of people out there whose support they need to be truly successful. No person is an island able to work without any help at all. You wish to be like your family. Of course you do. However, even if you are not on the frontlines, that does not mean you cannot find ways to help them."

Even in the past, when a castle was sieged, those who were unable to fight did not just hide away in safety. They would carry water and supplies to the walls, tend to the wounded, and help however they could. There was no such thing as a bystander, because everyone had a stake in ensuring that the castle survived.

"But I… I don't want to just sit on the sidelines and watch them be in danger."

"Then learn to fight. You do not need powers to be a hero or to save someone's life. Otherwise, find other ways of supporting them, even if it is simply to welcome them home to a warm meal."

Amy frowned. "You make it sound so easy."

"Of course it is not. Why should the difficulty of the task stop you, however?"

"Yeah," Amy said, a strange note entering her voice. "I suppose you're right. If I really did care it shouldn't matter how hard it is."

Must she take everything in its most negative light? I flicked her forehead again and she flinched backwards. "You know perfectly well that is not what I meant."

Scowling, Amy swiped my hand away. "What the heck, Ellie? Quit doing that."

"Hmph. Then listen for a change instead of making up whatever narrative paints you in your worst light. If I wished to say something ill about you, I would say it. I do not need your assistance in doing so."

"You've gotten awfully mouthy since you woke up," Amy scowled.

I lifted my nose, the gesture feeling more familiar to the part of me that was once Elaine than who I was now. "And you became a miserable recluse whilst I slept. Thankfully, my mouth is a small price for you to pay for my company."

"You're certainly not lacking for self-confidence. Whatever. Be that way if you want, I don't care. "

A slow smile began to spread across my face, a hint of mischief in me – only to stop as I realized it. That was… Elaine would have had that reaction, that amusement to Amy's attempt at aloofness, as if she were a grumpy cat that wanted attention but would not allow anyone to actually get close. Elaine would have had that reaction, but the King I once was would not.

I brought a hand to my head. I had thought I had replaced Elaine in her entirety. I had thought Elaine was dead and gone and I walked in her place, a stranger in a strange land. And yet… My vision swam.

"Ellie? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I lied. "I was just suddenly dizzy for a moment."

Naked concern shone in Amy's eyes. "Do you need to lie down?"

"No. I am fine." Taking a deep breath, I plastered on a smile. The same smile that Elaine had worn thousands of times. "Do you want to go outside? Get some fresh air?"

Amy's face scrunched up. "Do we have to?"

"Yes," I said definitively and reached out to take Amy's hand, pulling her to her feet. "Come with me. Do not worry. We will not be going far."

"Fine," she grumbled, but followed my lead downstairs and out to her backyard.

Like most of the house itself, it was an odd mix of suburban normality and paranoia. Several chairs and tables were set up near a grill on the patio area, a few scattered trees gave light shade to the yard, and the flat grassy expanse made it easy to use. However, the fence was higher than most, high enough that someone could not easily look in. The trees were trimmed back so that someone could easily be spotted if they were among the branches. Padlocks kept the gates shut tight.

"So?" Amy asked. "What did you have in mind exactly?"

"Sparring. I have said so before, but it is important for you to learn at least the basics of self-defense. This is especially true given who your family is – you are a natural target."

"It's not like I don't know anything. Uncle Neil's taught me to throw a punch before."

"Humor me then. I would like to judge your skill for myself."

She squinted, the glare of the Sun in her eyes. "Do we really need to do this out in the heat? I could do without the tan."

I raised an eyebrow. "I suppose that is true. You could use the reflection off your skin as a weapon to blind your opponents."

Amy scowled and swatted at my arm. "I'm not that pale!"

"You have yet to burst into flame, so we may at least be assured that you are not a vampire," I said blandly.

"Ha ha," Amy said humorlessly.

"More seriously, I am sure you will appreciate the grass a great deal more than the wooden floor when you hit the ground."

"Again, not sure why you're so confident. Pretty sure I've had more self-defense lessons than you have."

"Then show me."

So she did. Amy threw a punch. She did not put her full weight into it, clearly expecting to catch me off guard and not wanting to hurt me. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her through, sending her falling into the dirt.


Amy stared up at me, blinking in surprise for a moment, before scrambling to her feet, her face hardening in determination. Again, she came at me and again I put her on her back. A smile floated across my lips. There was something nostalgic to this. It was not the same as having a training sword in hand, but she showed the same determination that someone else I had once known had.

The name and face floated just out of reach. It felt as though I could picture him if I could try a bit harder, focus just a bit more.

Amy managed to reverse my hold and I went flying. I allowed myself to turn, getting my feet under me so that I could land on them and avoid falling prone. The memory was gone.

"The hell? I finally got you and you still manage to land on your feet? What are you, a cat?"

A grin came unbidden to my lips. "My mother signed me up to be a gymnast when I was younger. I will admit to be rather out of practice these days, but controlling a fall is simple enough."

My past life could have managed it through sheer agility, but I did not have that advantage in this body. I had to rely instead on the training that Elaine had once had. It was a strange thing to rely on her memories instead. How much of her was left?

Amy huffed, but a smile flitted about her lips. The girl was clearly enjoying herself, even if she would no doubt refuse to admit to it. "Well, good. You'll need it, because I'm going to keep throwing you from now on."

"We shall see," I replied simply.

In the end, she only managed the one throw and spent the rest of the afternoon gathering bruises.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Brawling.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

The red setting sun cast its shadows over the classroom. The room was empty, but for me, the students long since gone for the day. I had spent another afternoon campaigning for the student council, but for this moment, I simply wanted time to reflect.

Stretching a hand out, my sword appeared in it. Not the sword I had in my past life, but the one I had found at a pawn shop. I let go of it and it disappeared in small motes of magical energy.

I did not understand.

This was not a skill I had in my past life. This was the skill of a spiritual entity. The skill of a Servant.

However, I was flesh and blood, not a ghost. Moreover, Servants were able to summon their weapons because the weapon was an inherent part of their being – a physical object purchased in this age should not be capable of being summoned and dismissed in this manner, even by a Servant. Yet, I suddenly found myself able to do so.

What was I? Every time I came to a conclusion, I found new facts to contradict it.

Who was I? Elaine; A girl with memories of the past? Artoria; A king reborn into the present? Or something else entirely?

I paused. That had been the first time I had acknowledged my past name to myself. Artoria. Even though I had known it instinctually, I had never thought it before. Why? Biting down on my lip, I scrubbed a hand through my hair, frustration mounting.

A card materialized in my hand. The card that Velocity (and I made sure to commit his actual name to memory) had given me. A team to work with would not be so bad. As I had told Amy, no person was an island. The Wards stood to give me support, equipment, and legal standing.

Yet, how could I ask them to trust in me when I could not even trust in myself?

I allowed the card to vanish, just as I had my sword. For now, I would continue on my own path.

It is August of 2010.

Where does Elaine patrol?
[ ] [Patrol] North End
[ ] [Patrol] The Docks
[ ] [Patrol] Midtown
[ ] [Patrol] Downtown
[ ] [Patrol] Stratham

Choose someone to spend time with.
[ ] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Morgan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] Theo Anders
[ ] [Social] Tammi Herren
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)

The election is here. Elaine can give one final push for more votes. What does she focus on?
[ ] [Election] (Write-In)
3.4 - First Steps
Voting said:
[X] [Patrol] Midtown
-[X] Begin looking into the Haunted Storage Shed
[X] [Social] Dean Stansfield

"So what is it that we're looking for exactly?"

"I am unsure," I answered. "I already spoke with the administration regarding the issue, but they say they have not seen anything of note on the security cameras and items continue to go missing despite a change in locks."

My brother leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. The two of us had found shelter beneath the bleachers, attempting to be as unobtrusive as possible while we watched the school's storage shed. The setting sun had cast the field in shades of red and thus far we had not seen anything of note.

"You think we're going to find anything if they didn't?" he asked.

"Perhaps not. However, it does not hurt to attempt. Either we find something or we do not."

"Fair enough," Dean sighed. "Still, how did I get roped into this?"

"I should think that would be obvious. You are…" I gesture silently at Dean, trying to find how I want to place my words. His eyes widened for a moment. Was he that curious about what I thought of him? "...More diplomatic than I am. If we do find someone here, you may be able to prevent it from escalating to a conflict."

Dean frowned. "You don't give yourself enough credit, Ellie."

"It will be fine, Dean. Do not worry too much. If it does come down to a fight, I will protect you," I teased, a gentle lilt in my voice.

"Pretty sure I'm supposed to be the one protecting you," he replied dryly.

"I can protect myself. All of you do not need to keep treating me as if I will break under the slightest breeze."

"Ellie, that's not what I –" Dean paused and looked down at his hands. "I know you can. You shouldn't have to. I know I failed to do anything a year ago when you… When you were hurt. That doesn't mean that you can't rely on me though."

"Oh." To think he had been struggling with that this entire time. I placed my hands over his. "Dean. I do not blame you for my injury. It was not your fault. There was nothing you could have done."

"I know that. I do. But I'm your big brother. I want you to be able to rely on me."

"I do rely on you. Your support means a great deal to me, Dean." I hesitated. I could tell him about my slipping out at night to be a hero. It might make him feel better to be involved with that part of my life. I would have to consider it. "Just because I do not need a protector does not mean that I don't need my brother."

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Love (Family).

He gave me a faint smile. "And I need my sister. Just let me know when I can help. I promise I won't let you down. Even if it's just to deanflect any annoying boys."

"Ugh." I set my hands on my hips and glared at him. "Here I had allowed myself to believe that you had given up on the terrible puns on your own name while I was in a coma."

"Vicky likes them," he replied shamelessly.

"Victoria likes anything you have to say, she is positively smitten with you."

"I'm not so sure that's true. I dean – Sorry, I mean, we do have our occasional blow ups and break ups."

"It is not a real break up if you reunite a mere two days later, Dean." It had already happened twice since I had awoken and it had only been three months. At this point, it was simply a part of their courting ritual, a fact of life like butterflies dancing or peacocks strutting.

"That's just the strength of our bond," he replied sunnily.

Scowling at him, I jabbed a finger at his chest. "I will show you the strength of my foot up your–"

He cut me off, placing a hand on my arm. "We have company."

Gamemaster said:
Awareness: 15 | 3 = Failure

I squinted out at the field. The sun had fallen below the horizon, casting the school into shadow. "Are you sure? I do not see anyone."

"I'm sure. There, sneaking up on the shed," Dean pointed.

I still did not see anyone, but I would trust in his judgment. Bursting out from beneath the bleachers, I began sprinting across the field, Dean following in my wake. Halfway across the field, I pulled a flashlight from my jacket pocket and flicked it on, turning it to illuminate our path.

A pair of boys looked up from where they had clearly been making out against the side of the shed, startled by our sudden approach.

"Matt? Is that you?" Dean asked from behind me.

"Dean? Uh. Yeah. What the hell is going on?"

I let a sigh escape me. "We were investigating rumors that equipment was being stolen. I can guess at what is happening here, but would the two of you mind explaining yourselves?"

Matt cleared his throat and glanced away. "Um. Paul and I like to come out here at night. This late, there's no one else really around to bother us. I don't know about the equipment – I mean, sometimes we'll take stuff out to play a game or two if we're feeling up for it, but I always put the stuff back when we're done. We don't steal anything."

"How did you get the keys to the shed?" I asked.

"I'm on the football team," the other boy, Paul, said. "I know where they're kept. I know we're not supposed to mess with the stuff on our own time, but we really do return everything when we're done."

"You have not seen or heard anything while you two were out here?"

Gamemaster said:
Intrigue: 11 | 9 = Failure

"No," one answered.

"We haven't," the other said at the same time.

For a moment, I had the urge to run a hand over my face and groan. I resisted, of course. That would not be dignified. Even still, this was a headache. On the one hand, I could report the two of them. They were misusing school equipment. They would certainly be reprimanded if not worse. On the other hand, their actions were not technically hurting anyone, and this was a place that they could escape to feel safe.

Worst of all, whichever choice I made, I still did not have an answer for how or why the equipment was going missing.

I glanced back at my brother, silently communicating with him, before looking back to the two boys. "Very well then. Let us figure out what we are to do about this."

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

After that I said my good-byes and gave my brother an excuse about going out shopping for a bit while I left to blow off steam against the criminals of the city. All that wait and I had nothing to show for it.

At least here in Brockton Bay, there was no shortage of criminals to find.

Invoke Passion: Heroism: 7 | 16 = Success

Elaine: Inspired (+5 to Melee)

Elaine Melee: 4 | 14 (9+5) = Success
Thug Melee: 4 | 8 = Success
>Elaine Damage (6d6/2) = 9 (0 Armor Reduction) = (15/24 HP)
>Thug Damage (3d6) = 11 (8 Armor Reduction) = (30/33 HP)
>>Tie. Elaine breaks the Thug's Bat.
Thug Valorous: 12 | 10 = The Thug Surrenders

The first fight could hardly even be called such. A man stupid enough to try and mug what he thought was an unarmed teenage girl. He swung at me, the bat skimming off my wrist, leaving a bruise that would be gone by tomorrow. I responded by trapping the bat against the ground and snapping it with a single swing of my sword. A follow-up drove the flat of the blade against his wrist and he let the pieces drop.

There was a time when using the flat like this would have been seen as dishonoring my opponent. Now it was a requirement. The law of the modern day meant that I had to avoid killing anyone. A difficult task to be sure, when faced with such fragile opponents.

Fortunately, while this man was stupid enough to attack me, he was smart enough to surrender once his weapon was broken. A call to the police saw him collected in short order and I resumed my patrol through Midtown.

Gamemaster said:
Glory gained (Thug) = 15

It did little to improve my mood.

I felt slow. Unskilled. Useless. The failure to resolve the issue with the school's missing equipment was just one more frustration on top of everything else. I boasted to Dean that I did not need his protection, yet if I were truly as skilled as I was in my memories, I would already be removing the gangs from the Bay, not just taking my vexation out upon petty criminals.

Letting out a slow breath, I tilted my head back. I needed to plan better. It was not enough to simply charge into things. If I was not yet strong enough to remove the leadership of the gangs, then I could target their logistics instead. An army marched on its stomach and in some ways a gang was no different. Drugs, prostitutes and weapons. Remove their sources of income and the gangs would crumble.

Of course, just as with the storage shed, the issue was not with the theory, but with finding my quarry. I did not know the location of any drug labs or whore houses. I did not have any clear targets.

I am unsure what made me turn down the next alley. Perhaps I heard something without realizing. Perhaps it was fate that brought my next encounter. Either way, my blood boiled as I saw the three men in red and green, a young girl on the ground beneath them.

"--Aren't going to complain if the merchandise is a little used, right? Might as well enjoy ourselves first."

"Can't you keep your cock in your pants for five goddamn minutes, Tao? Let's just grab her and get paid."

Gamemaster said:
Just: 3 | 16 = Success
Prudent: 1 | 11 = Success

I could have hung back. I could have followed them to find out where other girls like this one were being kept, to where more of their organization was hidden.

I could not. I would not. This sort of injustice could not stand. I could not allow it to stand. Not even to prevent it from happening to others in the future.

Invoke Passion: Honor: 12 | 15 = Success

Elaine: Inspired (+5) , Outnumber (-5)

Elaine Melee: 17 | 9 (9+5-5) = Failure
ABB1 Brawling: 6 | 8 = Success
>ABB1 Damage = 5 (5 Armor Reduction) = (30/33 HP)
Elaine Melee: 1 | 9 (9+5-5) = Success
ABB2 Brawling: 10 | 8 = Failure
>Elaine Damage (6d6/2) = 11 (0 Armor Reduction) = (17/28 HP)
>>ABB2 Dexterity: 5 | 10 = Success
ABB3 Evade: 12 | 16 = Success
>ABB3 moves away and draws his Pistol.

Elaine Melee: 3 | 9 = Success
ABB1 Brawling: 8 | 8 = Critical
>ABB1 Damage = 10 (8 Armor Reduction) = Elaine (28/33 HP)
Elaine Melee: 9 | 9 = Critical
ABB2 Brawling: 15 | 8 = Failure
>Elaine withholds the Critical. Damage (6d6/2) = 22 (0 Armor Reduction) = ABB2 (4/28 HP)
>>ABB2 is knocked Unconscious.
ABB3 Ranged: 4 | 6
>ABB3 Damage (1d6+15) = 19 (5 Armor Reduction) = Elaine (14/33 HP)
>>Elaine Dexterity: 4 | 14 = Success
Shadowstalker Ranged: 3 | 18 = Success
>Shadowstalker Damage (1d6+10) = 16 = ABB3 (12/28 HP)
>>ABB3 takes a Major Wound and is knocked unconscious.

Elaine Melee: 6 | 14 = Success
ABB1 Brawling: 3 | 8 = Success
>Elaine Damage (6d6) = 20 = ABB1 (8/28 HP)
>>ABB1 takes a Major Wound and is knocked unconscious.

Charging in without hesitation, I heard only a brief scream of, "Cape!" before crashing into the man who had wanted to 'use the merchandise,' the flat of my sword slamming into his shoulder. The man gasped in pain and stumbled back, quickly trying to orient himself and raise his guard. I followed through and smashed my pommel against his head, watching him crumple to the ground.

His friends did not stay idle. The nearest attempted to punch me, my jacket taking the first blow, while the second caught me across the chin, spinning my head around. It was a pretty feeble attempt, but these men lacked weapons. At least, that is what I thought.

The gunshot took me by surprise, the impact jerking my body back. I almost did not realize what had happened at first.

The third man had taken the chance to back off and shoot me. The bullet had taken me in the shoulder. I took a deep breath, pain radiating out from the wound as my mind caught up with the shock of it. The man steadied his hands and aimed for another shot.

A crossbow bolt sprouted from his shoulder before he could.

Not questioning my good luck, I turned and brought my sword down upon the remaining man. The situation was dire – I did not bother using the flat of my blade. Still, I aimed my stroke and the man fell; injured but not dead. It was the only mercy I could spare him.

Gamemaster said:
Glory gained (ABBx3) = 45

It was with shaky hands that I placed my sword point-first into the ground. All three men were down for the count, and the victim… the victim sat huddled in the corner of the alleyway, terror writ plain upon her face. She was a small thing. About my age, but petite, cute in the way that I imagine would inspire feelings of protectiveness in many a knight.

"It will be alright," I said softly. "You are safe now."

The girl hesitated before suddenly rushing forward and wrapping her arms around me, burying her face against my shoulder. "God, thank you, thank you, thank you. I was so afraid they were going to take me and I was just going to disappear. You hear about stories like that all the time, but I never thought they were true."

"Shhh," I hummed what comforting noises I could, distantly noting as a shadow leapt from the roof, resolving into a black cloaked individual as it hit the ground. "It will be alright now, I promise. They cannot hurt you any longer. What is your name?"


"Listen to me, Madison." I pressed my burner phone into her hands. "I need to make sure that these men are secured. Can you call the police while I do that?"

"Y-Yeah. I can do that. I can do that."

"Good. Thank you, Madison." My scarf hid my mouth, but I did my best to infuse a bit of warmth into my voice to try and reassure her. She gave me a shaky smile in return and I counted it a victory.

Gamemaster said:
Recognize: 20 | 5 = Fumble!
Gain a check to Recognize.

With that taken care of, however, there was one other person to address. Stepping away from Madison, I approached the cloaked figure. "So. Who are you?"

"You don't recognize me?"

"Should I?"

"I mean, the Protectorate made a pretty big stink about making me their newest Ward. I'd like to think I had a pretty good rep even before that too."

I shrugged. "I am new on the scene."

"Hmph. Well, fine then. Name's Shadowstalker. Can't say you aren't brave, but it was pretty dumb just running in like that."

"Pendragon. I thank you for the assistance. I would like to argue your point, but… You are correct. I allowed my anger to overwhelm my sense and I paid the price for it."

"Tsk." Shadowstalker clicked her tongue. "At least you're smart enough to admit it."

Smiling a bit under my scarf, I took a moment to look her over. Her costume was the sort that was popular with teenagers. Dark and moody, hinting at mystery. Her tone likewise was a gruff affectation. It was not the sort of gruffness that people sounded like naturally, but a managed tone, the tone of a child trying to sound tougher than she was. The small hint of embarrassment at my thanks only sealed my conclusion.

This girl was trying too hard to embody her persona.

"You joined the Wards recently?" I asked.

"Yeah. There's a real nasty fucker on the streets, going around killing people. I got in over my head, only got out because Armsmaster showed up. After that… Well, I was always pretty independent, but having people to watch my back didn't seem so bad after that."

"Is this the part where you suggest I should join as well?"

"Nah. You do you. Even if it's good to have a team, it's still a pain being involved with the government. Maybe find a partner you can team up with though, if you're going to stay independent."

"I will admit, while I do not have any intention to join the Protectorate, I would appreciate someone with more experience who can assist me. My greatest challenge right now is in locating the gangs rather than just petty criminals."

Shadowstalker went silent for a moment before crossing her arms. "Look. If you want, I can go on a few patrols with you. Show you the ropes. Just don't let it get out, okay? I'm not supposed to be doing unsanctioned patrols on my own now that I'm in the Wards. If you do come with me though, we're not going to pussyfoot around."

I nodded. "I shall keep it in mind. It will need to wait for another night however. I have a bit of new ventilation in me that needs patching up."

Shadowstalker snorted, trying not to laugh. "Yeah, you do that."

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

Though it had been bandaged, the Student Council Elections found me with a hole still in my shoulder. Each jostle, each handshake, every smile sent waves of pain radiating through me. I ignored it and kept going.

How could I do any less?

Gamemaster said:
Appeal: 12 | 14 = Success
Etiquette: 7 | 7 = Critical!
Orate: 5 | 6 = Success
Leadership: 18 | 4 = Failure
>4 Successes vs 1 Failure

Despite it all, I still let out a sigh of relief when the votes came in, declaring me the victor. A part of me doubted that I would be. In many ways, I was a poor leader, even in my previous life. Knights had left my court, declaring that I did not understand human feelings. Surely even these children would see what a poor ruler I was, given the opportunity.

Perhaps they still would in time. For now, they had entrusted me with the duty of leadership. I could but do my best to learn from my mistakes and to live up to their expectations.

Gamemaster said:
Glory gained for appointment to Student Council = 100

It is September of 2010.

We have arrived at a rest period.

First is to tally checkmarks.
Checkmarks said:
Proud: 5 | 10 = No Increase
Leadership: 3 | 4 = No Increase
Recognize: 8 | 5 = Increased by 1
First Aid: 20 | 2 = Increased by 1
Etiquette: 2 | 7 = No Increase
Brawling: 1 | 7 = No Increase
Melee: 17 | 9 = Increased by 1
Honor: 18 | 15 = Increased by 1
Love (Family): 12 | 11 = Increased by 1

Next is training and practice. You may select any one of the following improvements:

Training said:
Change a Personality Trait
You can add one point to a Trait, decreasing its opposite by the same amount (subject to an effective minimum value of 1).
Change a Passion
You can add or subtract one point from any Passion.
Change a Characteristic
Players may add one point to any one of STR, DEX, CON, or APP.
Train Skills Up to 15
Add 6 points to any number of Skills under 15 in any combination—all points may be added to one Skill, divided between two Skills, or more—as long as the values are not raised over 15.
Train a Skill Up to 20
Increase one Skill over 15 by one point, up to a maximum value of 20.

Please structure this vote as:
[ ] [Training] Skills 1, Skills 2, Skills 3, etc.

Next is Glory, as we have hit a new milestone.

First, you may increase any Trait, Passion, Characteristic, or Skill by one, ignoring any usual restrictions. Right now, I would recommend using it on Characteristics for the raw stats, but this does potentially allow you to increase Skills past the hard limit of 20. Every point above 20 increases critical threshold range (So a threshold of 22 would crit on a roll of 18-20), so something to keep in mind for the future.

[ ] [Glory] (Write-In Increase)

Second, you get another Parahuman Power upgrade:

[ ] [Power] Chivalry (D)

>Gain an additional 3 armor and 4 hit points.
[ ] [Power] Mana Burst (E)
>Deal an additional 2d6 damage on Melee and Charge attacks.
[ ] [Power] Instinct (E)
>Enemy attacks suffer a -2 threshold penalty.
[ ] [Power] Riding (E)
>Automatically pass checks to stay mounted if you take a hit exceeding your Knockdown value.
[ ] [Power] Charisma (E)
>Roll Parahuman Power at -10. On a success, gain a +5 threshold bonus to any Social roll.
[ ] [Power] Magic Resistance (E)
>Roll Parahuman Power at -10 opposed to parahuman powers that target you. On success, the effect is negated.

Next, you receive your monthly allowance. Given your status as a Wealthy Heiress, you earn $100.

Remember, if at any time you wish to buy something from the shop, please do a write in as below, and I will add it to the next vote.
[ ] [Shop] (Write-In)

You are currently following the Adventure of the Haunted Storage shed, but have hit something of a roadblock on how to proceed. What do you do to investigate?

[ ] [Adventure] (Write-In)

As part of the adventure, you discovered Matt and Paul canoodling. How do you respond?

[ ] [Boys] Turn them in.

>They have been using the school as a rendezvous point and mishandling school equipment. Even if they aren't the thieves, you still need to report them.
[ ] [Boys] Warn them off.
>Don't report them, but warn them not to repeat this behavior any more. They need to find a new spot.
[ ] [Boys] Let them be.
>They aren't hurting anyone. Just let them keep doing what they have been.
[ ] [Boys] (Write-In)

You've been injured pretty badly. Where do you go for treatment?
[ ] [First Aid] The Hospital
>It would cost money, and the information about your injury might leak, but you know they could treat your wound reliably.
[ ] [First Aid] Amy
>Amy is pretty good at first aid and could probably treat it, but that would mean telling her your secret identity.
[ ] [First Aid] Treat it yourself
>You're not very good at first aid. You probably won't be able to do much besides bandaging it and waiting for it to heal.
[ ] [First Aid] (Write-In)

Shadowstalker has suggested that you team up with someone going forward.
[ ] [Team] Stay Independent
>You're doing just fine on your own (and you don't have to split the Glory when you succeed).
[ ] [Team] Glory Girl
>You would almost certainly have to tell her about your secret identity.
[ ] [Team] Shadowstalker
>She would insist on doing something dangerous, like busting a drug house – or an actual Parahuman. Note: This won't happen until you're fully healed, so don't worry about it happening while still injured.
[ ] [Team] Try and find other Independents
>There's bound to be some in the Bay, right? They may or may not be any good in a fight though.
[ ] [Team] (Write-In)

Choose an activity to participate in:
[ ] [Activity] Focus on the Student Council
>You will be doing work for the Student Council regardless, this is to spend extra time devoted to the task.
[ ] [Activity] Study Group
>Spend some extra time studying for your classes.
[ ] [Activity] Party
>You've been invited to a house party by Chelsea and Morgan.
[ ] [Activity] Modeling
>Victoria apparently has some sort of charity photo shoot she's attending that she's invited you to. It could earn you some money on the side if you do well.
[ ] [Activity] Driving
>You have your learner's permit. You should get more time on the road.
[ ] [Activity] (Write-In)

Choose someone to spend time with.
[ ] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Morgan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] Theo Anders
[ ] [Social] Tammi Herren
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)

Sorry about how long this took to get out. I took what should have been a short hiatus to binge my way through a few fics, that quickly turned into a much longer hiatus unfortunately. We're back now though!
3.x - Interlude; Vedika
Welcome to the Parahumans Online message boards.
You are currently logged in, TheEternalVeda

♦ Private message from SpecificProtagonist:

You're not going to believe this
SpecificProtagonist: I got rescued by a hero last night
TheEternalVeda: What the
TheEternalVeda: Are you okay?
SpecificProtagonist: Yeah. Some ABB guys shoved me in an alley
SpecificProtagonist: This guy with a sword shows up before they can do anything though. Total badass new hero.
TheEternalVeda: You're right, I don't believe you. What guy?
SpecificProtagonist: Didn't recognize him, but introduced himself as Pendragon.
TheEternalVeda: Like King Arthur Pendragon or something?
SpecificProtagonist: Yeah! Real knightly, cutting down villains for my honor and stuff. Took time to make sure I was okay and waited with me until the cops showed up. Offered to walk me back home.
TheEternalVeda: Sounds like Gallant has some competition.
SpecificProtagonist: Maybe! Do you think I'd have a chance if I asked him out? I'm pretty sure he's my age. Maybe a bit younger.
TheEternalVeda: What makes you think he's your age?
SpecificProtagonist: He's a little short and his voice isn't too deep. I'm not like, Glory Girl pretty or a hero or anything, but I have a shot at least, right?
TheEternalVeda: Nothing is impossible in this world.
TheEternalVeda: Just show him all the capefic you write. Guys love slash, right?
SpecificProtagonist *New Message*: Ugh. You could have at least pretended to encourage me.

"Thank you all for coming here today. We are new to each other, so let us begin with introductions."

Vedika Dhawan snapped her phone closed and glared across the table at the new Student Council President. "We all know each other. You're the only one that's new here."

The Student Council elections for Arcadia were a bit unusual, in that there was no election for Vice President. Instead, it was the loser of the presidential race that took the position. A silver medal. A participation prize. Why waste someone who was interested in school governance just because they lost what amounted to a popularity contest? The entire point of the council was to give kids experience more than it was to actually achieve anything of note, after all.

Vedika had run for President the last two years. She had served as Vice President the last two years. It had been expected. Penelope had been the incumbent. Vedika had known she wouldn't win against her – But this year was supposed to be different! Penelope had graduated! Vedika had been on the Council for two years now! It had been her last chance before she graduated as well and this girl who had just started Arcadia breezed in and crushed her with what seemed like hardly any effort at all.

Vedika should have had every advantage possible and she lost again.

Elaine Stansfield met her eyes and nodded, entirely unruffled by the spite in Vedika's voice. "Then I have a great deal to catch up on."


"Hey," Austin put his hand on Vedika's arm and leaned in to whisper to her. "We all have to work together for the next year. Let's try to get along, alright?"

"Fine." Vedika took a deep breath. "I'm Vedika. Your Vice President."

"Austin, I'll be your Treasurer."

"Kayla. I'm the Secretary."

Vedika met Elaine's gaze. The girl's expression still had not changed since they sat down. Motionless and cold, as if she had been carved out of stone. A statue in place of a person. Why had she lost to this girl?

Was it because her brother was dating Glory Girl? Popularity by association? Or was it because she was rich? Had she bought her way in somehow? Was it that Vedika wasn't pretty enough? Vedika's large, round glasses left her firmly in the nerdy group, while Elaine looked toned and sporty. Or was it simply because she was white and blonde and Vedika wasn't?

She didn't know. Why? Why Elaine and not her?

"We will stop here for today. Everyone, please give some thought to how you would personally want the school to improve. We will discuss your ideas tomorrow. Vedika, could you please stay a moment?"

It was that time already? Vedika hadn't even noticed, lost in her thoughts as she had been. Everyone else began shuffling out. Austin shot her a worried look as he walked past, but she couldn't bring herself to reassure him. The door closed, leaving just her and Elaine in the room.

"What did you want?"

Elaine let out a slow breath, perhaps the most human show of emotion she had shown all meeting. "I am sorry."


"When I decided to run for Student Council, I did not give thought to who my opponent would be. I did not think of what dreams I would be crushing in the process. I thought only of my victory. I am sorry, Vedika."

Tears sprang to Vedika's eyes and she furiously scrubbed them away. Damn it. This would be so much easier if Elaine were a bitch that Vedika could simply hate for stealing away her future. "It's not your fault. Everyone voted. I just… lost."

Elaine reached out and squeezed Vedika's hand. "Nevertheless. Perhaps things would be different if I had given thought to my opponent. It is because of that, I am ashamed that I must beg your help, even with the debt that I already owe you."

Vedika drew her hand back to rub at her temples, knocking her glasses askew. "My help with what? You won already."

"With the management of the Student Council, of course. You have years of experience after all. Who else could I rely on but you?"

A cynical part of Vedika's mind told her that this was how people were exploited. Elaine had defeated her, but now was trying to remove the sting of that defeat by making her feel important. It was a classic tactic used by manipulators. And yet… Looking into Elaine's eyes, she wanted to believe that the girl across from her was genuine.

On the other hand, better not to make decisions in any kind of high-pressure situation. "I'll think about it," she finally said, intending to do just that once she got home and didn't have those piercing green eyes staring at her.

"Of course. Take what time you need." Elaine's lips twitched in what could only be described as the ghost of a smile and she stood up before offering her hand to help Vedika as well. "Is it alright if I walk with you downstairs?"


Vedika tucked her hands into her pockets and quietly followed in Elaine's wake. Outside, she could see the football team running practice drills out on the field, the Sun just beginning to crest the horizon and cast an orange glow across them. The hallways, however, stood empty, only the occasional murmur of a club hidden behind a door spoke to the building's occupation.

"What made you run for Student Council?" Vedika finally asked.

Elaine tilted her head upwards. "I would like if I could claim entirely altruistic motivations, and there is an element of that. I do genuinely want to help my fellow students, to do whatever I can to protect their hopes and dreams. However, if I am honest with myself, I think there was a part of me that simply wished to feel useful. To be useful."

That was hardly any different in practice, Vedika thought. Elaine's selfishness was that of a saint. Vedika had wanted a lot of things from being President – the honor of the title, the boost to her college applications – but really, she had just wanted people to look up to her. She had wanted to be popular for a change. Her stomach twisted. Maybe this was why she had lost. People had seen the difference in their intentions.

"Is it because of your injury?"

Elaine raised an eyebrow. "You heard about that?"

"Rumors. I was curious about why the girl running against me was a Sophomore despite not attending last year."

"Well, you would not be wrong in assuming that." Elaine paused, her lips drawing to a tight line. "I have never felt so powerless as I did when I first woke up. I do not have the strength to do the things I truly wish to do. Not yet. However, even if my body lacks the strength, I could still lend my mind and experience to helping where I could. If nothing else, I could administrate."

We stepped out of the building, the summer heat hitting us full force as we passed through the front doors. "Intentions are all well and good, but are you certain that you have the skills to back it up, Elaine? It doesn't do any good to anyone if you're just here to bumble around."

"I understand that. I hope I can prove to you that my confidence is not misplaced. I can do this. More importantly, the two of us can do this together."

Vedika let her shoulders slump. What was she even supposed to say to something like that?



"I'm going to go home and finish sorting through my feelings, and when I come back tomorrow I'm going to be the best Vice President you'll ever have. Got it?"

Elaine's eyes went wide, blinking in surprise. It was replaced a moment later with a smile, as Elaine closed her eyes and clasped her hands in front of her. "Certainly. I got it." Clearing her throat, Elaine asked, "Not to spoil the mood of your departure, but do you need me to call my brother and ask him to drive you home?"

"No!" Vedika coughed, her cheeks heating up. Half the girls in the school had a crush on Dean Stansfield and she was hardly any exception to that. She didn't need him to see her when she was as out of sorts as she was. "It's fine. I'll just walk. It's not that far to my house."

"If you are certain," Elaine said dubiously.

Vedika simply waved her off and turned to leave.

The question of why still niggled in the back of her mind, but… she thought she could understand now why so many people had voted for Elaine. Her loss didn't suck any less, but maybe she could bear it if this was who she had lost to.

Sighing, she tucked her braid over her shoulder and wiped a bit of sweat from her forehead. She really should have taken Elaine's offer of a ride. It's not that it was a particularly long walk, but it was hot out today. She'd just been so flustered in the moment she'd turned it down without really thinking.


"Huh?" Vedika came to a stop and looked at the Asian boy that had been loitering out near the gate to the school. He looked to be about her age, but wasn't someone she recognized. "Did you need something?"

"Yeah." His eyes raked across her body and Vedika stepped back, crossing her arms over her chest. "You friends with blondie over there?"

What was this creep after? "What if I am?"

"Goddamned bitches can't even answer a simple question. Whatever. It's good enough for me. I'm tired of waiting." The back of his hand caught Vedika across her cheek before she had the time to process what happened. It wasn't until after she actually hit the ground that her scream finally escaped her.

What was going on? Why had he hit her?

She raised trembling fingers to her cheek. In the distance, she could see Elaine sprinting towards the two of them, her face a picture of righteous fury. The boy kicked Vedika in the ribs before flicking a knife out of the waistband of his pants.

Why? She was already down. She hadn't done anything. Why hit her? Why kick her?


"I'm gonna teach her why you don't fuck with the ABB."

Vedika fell into darkness.

You have the opportunity to generate a new passion, Hate (ABB). This can be a potential new source of strength, if you wish it. Be warned, it will affect behavior if you accept it.

[ ] [Passion] Yes
[ ] [Passion] No

Someone has requested the purchase of a Motorcycle Helmet for Elaine ($50).

[ ] [Purchase] Buy
[ ] [Purchase] Don't Buy

The teammate vote resulted in a tie, so we're doing a runoff it seems.

[ ] [Team] Glory Girl
[ ] [Team] Shadow Stalker
4.1 - Walking Among Giants
Voting said:
[X] [Training] Melee 3, Brawling 3
[X] [Glory] Constitution
[X] [Power] Chivalry (D)
[X] [Boys] Warn them off.
[X] [First Aid] Amy
[X] [Team] Glory Girl
[X] [Activity] Driving
[X] [Social] Erin Archelot
[X] [Purchase] Buy
[X] [Passion] No

The ground trembled beneath the girl. She pressed her back tighter to the rock she was hiding behind, tilting her head to look out at the giant as it walked past.

"He's a big blighter, isn't he?" Kay muttered. "Must be at least sixteen feet."

"I have heard tales of giants amongst Saxon warbands as tall as twenty-five," Bedivere whispered in return.

"You are as knowledgeable as ever, Sir Bedivere," the girl said. "Let us focus on the matter at hand however."

"Right," Kay nodded. "I think if we're quick we can ambush it as it walks past that ridge. We can jump off and land upon its back, use our weight to bear it to the ground."

Bedivere nodded sagely. "Then as the heaviest among us, you should jump first, Kay."

"An entire arm heavier," Kay replied sarcastically. "That girl back in town won't be too impressed with you if she hears that I did all the work, you know."

Bedivere's cheeks heated. "I do not know what you are talking about."

"Well, if you don't mind me taking her…"

"Shove off."

"Haha! Well, neither of us will seduce the fair maiden if we don't actually kill this thing. Arthur, are you ready to – Eh? Where did he go?"

"Ah… He already ran up to the ridge."

A lone figure jumped off the cliffside, boots landing square in the giant's face. The giant let out a roar, more beast than man, as it swiped at the assailant, but the girl simply flipped upwards, planting a hand atop the giant's head before bringing her sword down upon its neck with a flash of light.

"Damn it," Kay cursed. "All the women at the village are going to be hanging off of Arthur… again."

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

Gamemaster said:
Recover 5 hit points via Natural Healing. HP: 19/38


Ting. Ting.

The window jerked open and Amy's head popped out. "What are you – Ow!" A pebble hit Amy on the forehead and she jerked back, only to slam her head against the windowsill.

"Ah." I coughed and let the rest of the pebbles I had been throwing at Amy's window drop to the ground. "Good evening, Amy. Do you mind if I climb up there?"

Amy glared down at me and hissed, "What the hell, Elaine? Why are you enacting some shitty 80's romcom trope?"

"I need your help. Let me in and I shall explain, I promise."

"Ugh. Fine, give me a moment and I'll open the front door."

"No need for that, I can just climb up."

"You can what –"

Gamemaster said:
Dexterity: 12 | 14 = Success

I leaped, my fingers finding purchase on a small crevice in the house's brickwork, using it to heft myself up as I flipped my body, my legs hooking into Amy's window. A moment later, I had pulled myself through. "My apologies for the late hour, Amy."

"Fuck! How did you – What the actual fuck, Elaine?!"

"Quiet, please. I chose not to go through your front door for a reason, Amy."

Amy opened her mouth, closed it, then finally placed a hand over her face. "God," she muttered, "Why do I have to deal with this shit at two in the morning?"

Swallowing, I bowed my head. "I do apologize for the inconvenience. I know it is asking a great deal of you. Still, I could not think of anyone else I could turn to."

Amy let out a long, drawn out sigh before looking at me again. "Fine. What's so important at two in the morning anyways.

Clearing my throat, I peeled off my jacket. I began unbuttoning my shirt a moment later, to Amy's strangled protestations, her face turning scarlet. "What are you – Hey, don't just start stripping down! What the hell are you thinking? I'm not – I'm not ready –"

I silenced her with a look before drawing the collar of my shirt down to reveal the hastily bandaged shoulder, already soaked red. "If you would, I would like to borrow your first aid kit. I may need some help removing the bullet."

Amy lost all words. When she finally spoke again, her words escaped in little more than a wheeze. "You were shot?" She backed up unconsciously until she hit the wall. "Why the fuck aren't you at the hospital? Who shot you? "

"Amy. Please. I will answer what questions you have, but the first aid kit first."

"Y-Yeah. I got it. I'll get it." She turned and rushed to the door, pulling on it – only for it to fail to budge. "Goddamnit of all the times –"

"What is the matter?"

"You didn't set the door right when you fixed it, it gets stuck now." Amy growled and planted a foot on the wall, pushing against it to drag the door out of its frame. A moment later, it popped out and she stumbled back a few steps from the force before darting through. Her footsteps faded down the staircase, a hurried staccato as she rushed to the downstairs bathroom.

I let out a slow breath and sat down on the bed and finished unbuttoning my shirt. Slipping it off, I folded it gently and set it to the side, along with my jacket. For a moment, I stared down at the fabric, brushing my fingers over where the bullet hole would have been had my abilities not allowed for the near-instantaneous change of outfits. Instead, it was another shirt that carried that hole tonight, one I would need to dispose of after this.

My hands were trembling. Why was I… I had faced far more dangerous foes than this. Far worse wounds than this. This injury was inconvenient, but hardly worth commenting on beyond that.

So why could I not stop shivering?

"Okay. I've got it." Amy's voice disrupted my thoughts as she slid back inside the room before turning to put her weight against the door, slowly pushing it back into its frame. "How can I help? What do you need – Oh god, you're naked."

I rolled my eyes. I still had my brassiere on, even if my chest was mostly bare. "I am hardly naked," I said. "However, it will be difficult to tend the wound with my shirt in the way."

"Naked enough," Amy muttered in return.

For a moment, I felt her eyes on my bare back, my skin crawling under the weight of her gaze. I squashed the sensation down, just as I had my earlier trembling. Now was no time to be embarrassed or squeamish. It is not as though it mattered anyways. Even if I were naked, it was not as though there was much to see. My body remained as unwomanly as it had in my past life.

"Just lie down already," Amy grumbled. "Honestly, what were you thinking jumping up here like that with an injured shoulder anyways?"

"Worry not, I did not use that hand while jumping," I said as I laid back onto Amy's bed.

Amy sat down next me, setting a towel down before wiping a set of pliers down with a cotton swab. Even from where I lay, I could smell the faint scent of rubbing alcohol. "Worry not, she says… Are you going to explain what happened now?"

"I dare say you have likely already guessed by now. I decided to engage in vigilantism."

"You have powers? What am I saying – You just flipped yourself to the second floor. Of course you have powers."

I turned my face away, my cheeks coloring. Better, perhaps, to let her think that my jump was power assisted under the circumstances. The original Elaine could have managed as much with her training as a gymnast, though she would have lacked the audacity to attempt it. It was not an easy feat, by any means, but it was not impossible either.

"Yes, well. I was a bit overly reckless tonight and suffered the consequences."

"You don't say," Amy said dryly before flicking on a flashlight and pointing it at my wound. A gauze swab followed, mopping up the blood. "So? What are your powers exactly? Clearly it's not invincibility."

"I am still in the process of attempting to evaluate that."

"Here I thought I was supposed to be the reckless one," Amy growled and pressed a bit harder with her cleaning than she necessarily needed to. She immediately relented when the pressure elicited a hiss of pain from me. "So goddamn stupid."

"It is not as though I was entirely unprepared," I protested.

Amy glared at me. "Obviously you weren't prepared enough or I wouldn't be pulling a bullet out of you at two in the morning. Did you even have any sort of back up?"

"Shadow Stalker assisted me."

Amy narrowed her gaze. "Did you actually know she was there beforehand?"

"...No," I admitted.

Amy did not say anything. She did not need to. Her look said it all. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. "I know. It was reckless. I thought I could handle it. I had been successful in my previous outings and…" And I was still thinking as if I had all the power I had in my past life when I did not.

Gamemaster said:
Amy First Aid: 12 | 15 = Wound of 3 fully treated.
Amy First Aid: 17 | 15 = Wound of 2 failed treatment.
Amy First Aid: 2 | 15 = Wound of 14 healed by 5.
Elaine HP: 27/38

"Clench your teeth." A pair of pliers dug into me and I squeezed my eyes shut against the pain. It was nothing I could not bear. It was just pain. I had dealt with as much many times before. "You're lucky. The bullet didn't penetrate very far. I didn't have to go digging around at all."

The pain intensified a moment later as she began using rubbing alcohol to clean the wound. "That is well," I finally replied faintly, my eyes watering.

"Next time you might not be so lucky. So what you're going to do, as soon as I finish stitching you up, you're going to go wake my sister up, and you're going to tell her everything that you told me – and from now on, you will call her whenever you intend to go out at night. Got it?"

"Amy, I cannot." I bit down on my lip. I could not promise that. I could not impose on Victoria like that. The last time she had defended me… The last time, I had ended in a coma, but it very nearly could have been her instead. I needed to be better on my own merits.

"No. I don't care. You're going to agree. I can't see you in that hospital bed again, okay? I can't deal with you not waking up and knowing that it was my fault again. If you're going to insist on doing this, you're going to do it with help."

"I –" She was correct. I was letting my pride get in the way. I needed to be better, but Victoria was a warrior in her own right. I could not deny her assistance with good conscience. "Very well. I will speak with her."

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Prudent.
Bond with Amy increased to 3.

"Good. You had better." Amy's voice was tight, her fingers trembling as she reached for needle and thread.

I closed my eyes, to spare her the dignity, no longer staring at the tracks her tears had left along her cheeks. There was a long, silent pause before the needle pierced me, her hands steady once again. All that was left to me was the steady sound of Amy's breath and the sting of the needle. I felt myself slipping away, falling into comforting oblivion.

When I opened my eyes again, daylight streamed through the window.

Slowly, I cast my eyes about the room. All signs of the bloody treatment from the prior night had been cleaned away. At some point, Amy had changed my clothes – my shoes and rough jeans replaced with pajama bottoms, an overly large t-shirt pulled over my head. Amy's clothes, I assumed. The girl herself had fallen asleep next to me in the bed, though she had pushed herself up against the wall, her back towards me. The sheets had been pulled over her head, as if she were trying to hide herself away.

Pulling myself out of bed, I winced at the ache in my shoulder. The wound was still there, still healing, though perhaps not quite as bad as I had expected the night prior. It was fine. I could deal with this small an injury. Padding towards the door, I attempted to open it, only to find myself stymied.

Ah, Amy had mentioned something about this last night. Another thing to apologize for, my poor workmanship. Taking a deep breath, I yanked on the door until it pried free and made my way down to the hallway bathroom. A shower would not be an option this morning, not with the bandages on my shoulder, but I could at least wash my face and rinse the taste of sleep out of my mouth.

I was halfway through my abbreviated morning routine when someone knocked on the door.

"Come on Amy, hurry up! I really need to pee here!"

Pausing, I shut off the water and dried my face before opening the door to the sight of Victoria. She seemed ready to rush inside until she realized just who was occupying the room, her eyes turning into saucers.

"Ellie? What are you doing… here…?" Her head tilted to the side and she squinted at me. "Are those Amy's clothes?"

"Good morning, Victoria. I need to speak with you when you have a moment. I will be waiting in your room once you've finished with the bathroom."

Victoria looked back and forth between me and the bathroom, apparently torn between following me for immediate questioning and surrendering to the needs of her bladder. In the end, she dashed into the bathroom, though it seemed a near thing. She flew into her bedroom hardly a minute later.

"Okay, I need the deets. How did the two of you happen?"

"I have powers."

"I – what?"

"I have been going out at night as a vigilante. I was… injured last night, and asked Amy to stitch me up. She insisted I speak with you about teaming up going forward."

Victoria's smile faded. Her feet touched the ground. "Oh fuck. Are you okay, Ellie?"

"I am fine. Amy's skills were more than sufficient to the task. She did have a point however, that I was perhaps being… overly reckless in attempting to do this entirely by myself, especially when I ought to be asking you for help. Will you help me?"

"Of course, Ellie. No question, I'll be there for you." She settled onto the bed next to me and pulled me into a hug. "I mean it though. Are you okay? Really? Not just your injury but…"

"I am fine, Victoria. Truly." I gave her a slight smile and leaned into her embrace. "Ah, but if I could ask one favor? Would you mind not mentioning it to Dean? I truly do not know how I would explain something like this to my family."

Victoria's face screwed up as though she had bitten into a lemon. "He doesn't already know? And… Oh God, he hasn't told you either, has he?"

"Told me what?"

"Nothing! Nothing, just thinking how weird it is dealing with secret identity stuff. I'm so used to being in a family of open capes, I guess," Victoria laughed, though the sound seemed forced. "So what's your hero name and everything?"

"Hm." I peered up at her for a moment before answering, "Pendragon. I have had a few arrests now, but no altercations with any parahumans of note."

"Pendragon, huh? So you're playing some sort of knight theme?"

"I suppose that is accurate."

"Of course you are." Victoria sighed and squeezed me tighter. "Well, okay then. Don't worry, Big Sis Vicky is here to show you the ropes. We'll meet up tonight for our first patrol together as a team."

"Thank you, Victoria. Ah, but I do have one last favor to ask, if you do not mind."

"Sure, whatever you need, Ellie."

"Well… would you mind helping me get to school today?"

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

Theoretically, Victoria could have both Amy and I and flown to school. One of us would have been in her arms, the other riding her back. The three of us collectively decided not to pursue that particular path, outside of the most dire of emergencies. It was not particularly dignified, and none of us wanted to risk slipping.

Instead, Victoria borrowed her father's car. I managed to take the keys from her, with the quick excuse of needing to practice for my permit. In truth, I simply did not enjoy the few times I had ridden as a passenger with her behind the wheel in the past. She spent too much time up in the air, where traffic was not a concern, so she tended to become an incredibly slow and defensive driver when she was bound to the ground – Overcompensating for her lack of control.

If I was honest, there was a part of me that simply enjoyed being behind the wheel as well.

I smoothly pulled the three of us out of the driveway. Victoria had taken the passenger seat, occasionally flipping through stations on the radio. Amy laid draped across the backseat, still half asleep. A few minutes into the drive, Victoria leaned over and whispered, "So… Is there anything going on with you two?"

"I am not sure what you mean, Victoria."

"Right, right, gotcha." She winked conspiratorially and retreated.

Hopefully the rest of the day did not prove quite this strange.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Drive.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

"Thank you all for coming here today. We are new to each other, so let us begin with introductions."

A girl who had been absorbed in her phone suddenly snapped it shut and glared at me. "We all know each other. You're the only one new here."

I slowly turned my gaze across the rest of the Student Council. They seemed shocked by her reaction, but not completely dismissive. It was likely they held some resentment of their own as well. It was understandable. I was an outsider who had sweeped in and taken a position of leadership over them. I would simply have to prove myself.

Meeting my Vice President's gaze, I said, "Then I have a great deal to catch up on."

"You–" A tall boy put his hand on her arm and leaned in to whisper to her. Whatever he said seemed to calm her down and she took a deep breath before answering. "Fine. I'm Vedika. Your Vice President."

"Austin, I'll be your Treasurer."

"Kayla. I'm the Secretary."

Nodding, I took them all in. Vedika was a pretty girl, with dark hair pulled over her shoulder in a braid and even darker eyes. A beauty; though it was held back by the overly large glasses she wore. Austin, meanwhile, was a tall and gangly boy. His curly, dirty-blonde hair and easy smile leant him a general sense of amiability. Finally, Kayla wore her brown hair tied back in a low ponytail. Her eyes darted between me and Vedika, as if worried that one of us might explode.

"Thank you. I am Elaine. I will be your President for this school year. I do wish we could spend longer getting to know one another, but we do have a few orders of business to get to. To start with, the Homecoming Dance is coming soon and we will need to assist with organizing it. We will not have long on this, so please consider any particular theme you would like to use for the dance's decorations, as well as what refreshments you would like."

I continued like that for nearly half an hour. Quite a long time, considering it was only me discussing the problems we would need to address, and not even talking about possible solutions yet. On top of the dance, football season would be starting soon, and we would need to coordinate with the other local schools. We would need to make sure concessions were set up for the games. We would need to run general fundraisers throughout the year for the school.

Those were just the basic responsibilities. It did not even include my true aim, which was to make us a resource that any student in the school could go to for help. That would take more time and effort.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Leadership.

"We will stop here for today." I said, calling an end to the meeting. Austin and Kayla both looked a bit more enthusiastic than they had at the start of the meeting, but Vedika looked as though she were simply lost in her thoughts. "Everyone, please give some thought to how you would personally want the school to improve. We will discuss your ideas tomorrow. Vedika, could you please stay a moment?"

The others left without ceremony, leaving just Vedika and I. She looked up and met my eyes. "What do you want?"

I apologized to her. For my thoughtlessness. For my selfishness. The two of us walked together down to the school gate and I laid bare my inadequacies. In the end, I could but ask for forgiveness. I had no right to do so, and yet I did so anyway – because she was a resource that I needed. I needed her aid if my goals as President were to be successful.

In the end, she agreed.

We parted ways, and though there were still tears in her eyes, she smiled at me. She waved and walked ahead, through the gate.

Then she fell to the pavement, red painting the concrete. A boy with a knife stood over her, dressed in a green shirt and red track pants, a garish assembly. A memory came to mind. An encounter at the mall. Gang colors. The same colors that the men last night had worn. The same colors the boy who had assaulted Chelsea had worn.

My jaw clenched and I launched myself forward. They dared to harm children at a school? At my school? My first instinct was to call my sword – but that would be foolish. The place was too public. Too easily seen. Instead, I let my baton slip into my hand.

Elaine invokes passion: Station: 11 | 12 = Success
Delinquent invokes passion: Hate (Elaine): 2 | 10 = Success

Elaine: Inspired (+5 to Brawling)
Delinquent: Inspired (+5 to Brawling)

Elaine Brawling: 17 | 18 (13+5) = Success
Delinquent Brawling: 10 | 13 (8+5) = Success
>Elaine Damage (2d6+4) = 11 (0 Armor Reduction) = (13/24 HP)

Elaine Brawling: 6 | 18 (13+5) = Success
Delinquent Brawling: 8 | 13 (8+5) = Success
>Delinquent Damage (2d6+4) = 9 (6 Armor Reduction) = (24/38 HP)

Elaine Brawling: 6 | 18 (13+5) = Success
Delinquent Brawling: 5 | 13 (8+5) = Success
>Elaine Damage (2d6+4) = 12 (0 Armor Reduction) = (1/24 HP)

The Delinquent is knocked Unconscious.

He seemed to be expecting me, but the sheer ferocity of my approach took him by surprise. I brought my baton down upon him, hoping to disarm him in a single blow, but he raised an arm to ward me off. The strike sent him stumbling backwards. Rather than retreat however, he instead lunged forward, a rictus of rage upon his face.

I frowned, twisting aside. The blade of his knife scraped my arm. A shallow cut. Something was wrong. There was something unnatural about this. Something had driven this boy rabid.

No matter. Battle was not the time to ponder the reasons. That could come after. I let his thrust carry him past me. Grabbing hold of his wrist to continue the motion, I spun him around myself, flinging him down to the ground. My fist followed a bare second later, taking him into unconsciousness.

Gamemaster said:
Glory gained Delinquent = 15

"Vedika," I said, kneeling by the older girl to check on her. "Are you alright?"

"Elaine?" Vedika's eyes fluttered open, looking around her in confusion. "You… Rescued me?" She paused and then looked at the boy I had knocked unconscious, her eyes widening. "You took down someone that had a knife? By yourself?"

"That is not important right now. Are you okay?"

"I… I think so. It hurts, but I think I'm okay."

I nodded and squeezed her hands. "Hang in there. I will call the police and see to it that this man is taken away. Alright?"


Slipping my phone out of my pocket, I dialed the number for emergency services. "Hello? There has been an assault at Arcadia High School. We need police to take the perpetrator…"

Gamemaster said:
Ambulance First Aid: 19 | 20 = Wound of 3 fully treated.

Time with Erin and follow up on the shed next time. The first aid bit wound up a lot longer than I was expecting. Please note, I've added an Allies tab to the character sheet and will be keeping track of bond level going forward. If anyone has any nice pictures that they think would work for a given character, I would appreciate them as I get the page constructed.

It is September of 2010.

Time for some presidential duties. So to start with, what theme will you use for the Homecoming Dance?

[ ] [Homecoming] (Write-In)

Next, you will need to reach out to some of the other schools in the city to coordinate with their student councils regarding inter-school events. Where do you start?

[ ] [School] Winslow
[ ] [School] Clarendon
[ ] [School] Immaculata

We'll also need to decide where you're patrolling with Glory Girl:

[ ] [Patrol] North End
[ ] [Patrol] The Docks
[ ] [Patrol] Midtown
[ ] [Patrol] Downtown
[ ] [Patrol] Stratham

Choose an activity to participate in:
[ ] [Activity] Focus on the Student Council
>You will be doing work for the Student Council regardless, this is to spend extra time devoted to the task.
[ ] [Activity] Study Group
>Spend some extra time studying for your classes.
[ ] [Activity] Party
>You've been invited to a house party by Chelsea and Morgan.
[ ] [Activity] Modeling
>Victoria apparently has some sort of charity photo shoot she's attending that she's invited you to. It could earn you some money on the side if you do well.
[ ] [Activity] Charity
>You could do volunteer work.
[ ] [Activity] Sparring
>You have people you can practice your fighting with now.
[ ] [Activity] (Write-In)

Choose someone to spend time with.
[ ] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Morgan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] Theo Anders
[ ] [Social] Tammi Herren
[ ] [Social] Vedika Dhawan
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)
4.2 - Walking Among Giants
Voting said:
[X] [Activity] Focus on the Student Council
[X] [School] Immaculata
[X] [Social] Amy Dallon
[X] [Patrol] The Docks
[X] [Homecoming] Renaissance Fair

Gamemaster said:
Recover 5 hit points via Natural Healing. HP: 32/38

"...In the end, my brother and I only found two boys who were using the space for their private rendezvous. We still are not sure who had been stealing equipment from the athletics clubs."

"Huh," Erin said, leaning back in her chair. "How strange. It's not like we're using super high end stuff or anything, don't know why anyone would bother stealing from a school of all things."

The two of us had been wandering the Boardwalk for most of the morning, simply browsing shops as we used the time to talk. I had discovered that Erin particularly had a fondness for music and bookstores, though she seemed to enjoy the act of shopping in general. She didn't seem to hesitate in spending her money either, picking up whatever caught her fancy. When we finally grew overburdened with various bags, we settled down in a small coffee shop, the window looking out towards the Bay. In the distance, Protectorate Headquarters sat in the waters, a shimmering rainbow shield surrounding it, glimmering in the afternoon light.

"It is certainly odd – and I will admit, I am no investigator. I am unsure where I can begin to look for clues."

Erin frowned and sipped at her coffee. "I might have a few ideas, but I'd have to look into it. Whatever happened with those two boys anyways?"

I shook my head. "I warned them to find a new place for their meetings. I do not begrudge them their wish for privacy, but their choice of location would have eventually led to trouble."

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Merciful.

"It must be tough for them. Being gay isn't the easiest thing to begin with, and Brockton Bay is worse than most places to be out of the closet," Erin said softly, her gaze drifting over the water. "I've never dated – never had someone I fell in love with – so I can't really say I know what it's like exactly. They must be tremendously brave."

"Hm," I grunted softly. My previous self had been married once upon a time. It had been a political arrangement, meant to solidify my kingship and to quell any rumors about my gender. Guinevere had accepted the burden that came with our marriage and we had been happy for a time. In the end however, perhaps I had been too cold. Too distant. I had never been able to give Guinevere the happiness of a woman.

"What about you, Elaine? Could you ever see yourself being with someone of the same gender like that?"

Would things have been different if I had been more open with my love? If I had the courage to be husband and wife in truth, and not merely friends who shared a bed?

I allowed myself to try to imagine it. Instead, I felt the caress of cold fingers across my skin. The scent of blue tansies and purple pansies filled my nostrils as I was pressed back into the bed. A low, throaty laugh came from above me, a woman whispering her joy at my powerlessness.


I snapped my attention to the present, the taste of blood in my mouth. I winced as I realized I had bitten my tongue. "I… am unsure," I said finally. "I have never given it much thought."

"I'm surprised. I would have thought you would have all sorts of people asking you out."

"Not as such," I replied. Though, come to think of it, a boy had suddenly approached me the other day, asking if I was interested in going to dinner with him. It had been so sudden, and I had already had plans to roam the streets in search of criminals that night, so I had declined without a thought. There was also a girl who asked me to go to the movies with her. Likewise, another girl who left me a box of chocolates and flowers in congratulations for my presidency.

I pursed my lips for a moment. No, I was likely overthinking it. The students at Arcadia were simply an outgoing and friendly sort.

"I am not sure I have the time for any sort of romance even if I were interested however."

Erin nodded. "I get that. It's pretty rare that I get time for myself, so I can only imagine how busy you are with everything you do."

"What of you?" I asked. "Has anyone caught your eye?"

"Wellll–" Erin drew her words out with a laugh. "There is a boy in my math class who's a bit cute. Like I said though, I don't really have time. And my family isn't the sort where I could just date whoever I wanted anyways."

"No? Are your parents especially strict?"

"Something like that, I suppose," Erin replied, a troubled frown crossing her face. "Well, it's just how things are, it can't be helped."

Glancing out towards the Bay, I listened to the sound of waves crashing against the pier. Many would say the same of this city. The Protectorate was doing all it could. It was simply the way of things that crime ran rampant and gangs ruled the streets. It could not be helped.

I refused that perspective. I would not capitulate to circumstances nor surrender to fate. There was no such thing as a situation that could not be helped.

Gamemaster said:
Bond with Erin increased to 2.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

Flying was a novel experience. There was magic to seeing the city laid out below me, twinkling lights set against the darkness of night. A tapestry unlike any I had seen before. There was freedom to soaring through the open air, the wind whipping across my body. There was majesty in knowing that we were alone up here and held dominion over these skies.

Admittedly, the indignity of riding piggy-back upon Victoria did detract somewhat from the thrill.

"The hardest part of the job is that a lot of time you just won't find anything," Victoria said, swooping down to land us on a rooftop. "There's not always active crime going on and criminals generally try not to be noticed."

"So how do you go about finding it?" I asked, slowly climbing down off of her back. I had adjusted my costume slightly since my last outing, having picked up an electric blue motorcycle helmet, the visor tinted a reflective silver. After the hit to the face I had taken last time, I had decided the lack of protection posed too much risk to my identity – it would be too easy to take a distinctive wound that could be recognized without something there.

"A lot of the time, you don't. A lot of the job is just being visible to deter people from doing anything in the first place. That said, New Wave does have a police scanner so that we can hear about anything being called in to 911, and we're registered with the Protectorate, so they call us if there's ever a large-scale emergency."

"How would I go about acquiring a police scanner then?"

Victoria shrugged and pulled what looked like a small, handheld radio out of a pouch at her belt. "You can buy them fairly easily if you're interested, but we've got extra back home. I'll get you one for yourself later."

"It is appreciated," I said simply.

Victoria waved off my thanks. "Don't worry about it. More important is that we talk about acceptable force. You're going to have to be careful if you want to operate as a hero, especially since you're using a weapon."

I nodded. "I've been sure not to inflict any life-threatening injuries."

"That's great, but… It's not really enough either. Let's take… broken bones for example. That's pretty common injury for a Brute to inflict. Outside of extreme circumstances, that's still generally going to be seen as excessive force. If it's against normal people with no powers, that could lead to an Assault with a Parahuman Power charge."

"Even if they were actively in the process of committing a crime?" I asked.

"Yeah." Victoria pointed at me. "See, here's the problem a lot of Independents run into. If you just catch a couple of guys on the street, well, a lot of the time there's no real evidence of their crimes. It's your word against theirs. What there is evidence of is that you went after them and roughed them up way more than the police are allowed to. It means that even if the cops arrest them, a lot of the time their lawyers get them off scott-free in court."

The legal system of this land was certainly troubling to work around. I frowned and met Victoria's eyes. "So how do we ensure that these brigands do not simply go free?"

"Well, body cams help. You can provide video evidence, both of whatever crimes you saw, as well as prove that you followed proper procedure. More important though, is that if you're operating as an Independent, you really have to be above reproach. Reputation matters. I… Well, when I was still fairly new to my powers, a guy I was arresting said something and pissed me off. I hurt him pretty badly. Mom made sure I was in anger management classes for months after that, and it was a close call on me being arrested myself."

"What did he say?" I asked.

Victoria glanced away, not meeting my eyes. "Just some Nazi garbage. It's not important. What is important is that you be careful, okay?"

"I understand, Victoria. Do not worry." Given that warning, it might be better to use the baton against unpowered criminals and save the sword, even the blunt side of the sword, for Parahumans alone. I would have to give it some thought.

"Alright. Well, let's get to work then." Victoria grinned at me and flipped the police scanner on. The radio immediately crackled to life, a dry voice tinged with exhaustion and static coming through.

Gamemaster said:
Victoria Hunting: 12 | 15 = Success

"--in progress on 510 Adlington Road. 10-32 present, Code 3."

"10-4, Dispatch. Unit B18 is en route."

"There's a good start – Someone with a gun is on the scene, so we can help out by showing up."

I frowned. "You understood all of that?"

Victoria laughed and bent over so that I could climb back on her. "Sure, it's just radio code. You can learn it quickly enough if you put the work in. Hopefully this will be nice and easy."

We lifted off into the air, only for the radio to squawk to life. "Unit B18, be advised, reports are coming in of a P-24 situation. PRT is being contacted."

"P-24?" I asked.

Victoria frowned, the two of us shooting forward into the night. "Parahuman incident. Likely more than one on the scene. I suppose you're getting the full package tonight."

Gamemaster said:
Awareness: 18 | 3 = Failure

I tightened my grip on her, straining my eyes and ears. Ahead, the flash of fire lit the street, the sharp retort of guns. Victoria brought us in overhead, taking a moment to examine the battle before we dove in. Below us, men dressed in red and green fired weapons at an alleyway. I couldn't see whoever had taken shelter there, but –

Oni Lee Brawling: 4 | 15 = Success
>Damage (2d6+4) = 13 (10 Armor Reduction = (29/38 HP)

A sudden weight impacted my back as someone appeared on top of us. A knife followed, burying itself into me. It didn't get far, my jacket blunting the worst of it. Snarling, I twisted on Victoria's back, my baton appearing in my hand as I swiped through the man, only for him to burst in a cloud of ash.

"Victoria! We need to get to ground level!"

"Got it!"

We dove down into the alley opposite where the gangsters were shooting, nearly hitting the ground in our speed, only for Victoria to hurriedly veer upwards at the last second. I jumped off her back, exchanging my baton for my sword.

Gamemaster said:
Recognize: 16 | 11 (6+5) = Failure

"Who was that? He burst into ash when I attacked him."

Victoria grimaced. "Oni Lee. He's a teleporter; leaves behind clones of himself whenever he changes positions."

That would be difficult to fight, especially if there were no limitations. I let out a slow breath. "Right. Whoever the gunmen have pinned down in that alley is a potential ally. We should focus on freeing them first."

"Agreed. We'll need to rush them."

"On three?" Victoria asked.

A fierce grin spread across my lips. "On three." She gave the countdown and the two of us burst out from the small alley.

Gamemaster said:
Strategy: 20 | 3 = Fumble!
>Gain a check to Strategy.

Oni Lee Grenade (8d6) = 27
>Elaine Dexterity: 3 | 14 = Success (Take Half) = 13 (10 Armor Reduction) = (26/38 HP)
>>Elaine Dexterity: 7 | 14 = Stays on feet

Elaine invokes passion: Heroism: 14 | 16 = Success

Elaine: Inspired (+5 to Melee) (-5 Multiple Opponents)

Elaine Melee1: 5 | 13 || OniLee1 Brawling: 13 | 15
>Oni Lee Damage (2d6+4) = 11 (13 AR) = 0 Damage
Elaine Melee2: 6 | 13 || OniLee2 Brawling: 18 | 15
>Elaine Damage (6d6) = 28 (7AR) (66% chance to hit clone) = Hits Oni Lee! 21 Damage
>>Oni Lee takes a Major Wound.

It is said that no plan survives contact with the enemy. Ours did not even last that long. We had covered half the distance to the gunmen when Oni Lee suddenly appeared, dropping a grenade between the two of us. I did not take the time to think. Trusting my instincts, I dove, rolling away from the grenade.

The explosion caught me before I hit the ground. There was surprisingly little force behind the actual explosion. A part of me had been prepared for more, based off of Hollywood movies and television, even if I knew intellectually that the shrapnel was the true danger of a grenade.

Oni Lee was on me before I was fully back on my feet. One appeared in front of me, another by Victoria, knife stabbing down at her while she was still disoriented by the blast. A knife likewise came for my gut. I batted it aside before twisting, my sword slashing out blindly behind me and coming away bloody. Allowing my blow to carry me through, I turned to face the true Oni Lee. My sword had cut deep into his arm and the limb hung loose at his side. I stared at him, unflinching, until he too began to crumble into ash, retreating from the battlefield.

My combat instincts were dull, nowhere near what they had been in my past life – but I remembered how he had attacked the two of us in the air. An assassin such as him favored attacking opponents from the back rather than having the courage to face them in battle.

Letting out a slow breath, I turned my attention back to the gunmen. Without their cape to support them, they had already begun to break and flee. Victoria had already tackled one to the ground. Another fell screaming as a distortion in the air struck him, his face scalding. Our mysterious friend in the alley, it seemed. That left another six.

Elaine Brawling: 8 | 10 || ABB1 Evade: 17 | 16
>Elaine Damage (2d6+4) = 15
>>ABB1 takes a Major Wound.

Elaine Melee: 15 | 13 || ABB2 Evade: 6 | 16
>ABB2 Escapes

I grimaced. Most of them would no doubt get away, but there was no need to make it easy for them. I sprinted for the nearest one, exchanging my sword for my baton once again. It was a power I had not had in my past life, yet the swap between weapons had already become natural for me in such a short time.

Not that the man I was attacking appreciated the ease with which my weapons answered my call. I barreled into him, a swift hit to the leg sending him tumbling to the ground. Turning quickly, I swiped at another, but he managed to jump away, tearing around the corner before I could properly give chase.

Gamemaster said:
Glory gained Oni Lee defeated = 75
Glory gained capturing ABB gunman = 15


A figure stepped out from behind a large dumpster in the alley, having apparently taken shelter there while the ABB were shooting. As far as costumes went, his was rather lackluster. A black hoodie, with a red scarf wrapped around the bottom of his mouth. A faint shimmer surrounded him, warping the air ever so slightly. "Did they all run then?"

Victoria grinned and waved. "Looks like it! You're that vigilante – Haze, right?"

The boy – Haze? – grimaced, his brows furrowing. "Ugh. Is that seriously what they're calling me? I know I didn't really have a name picked out for myself, but they could have come up with something better than that."

Victoria shrugged. "That's just how things go. You have to pick a name for yourself, or they'll pick something out of a hat for you."

I nodded seriously. I had decided on mine somewhat on the spur of the moment, but I still had an answer to give. I could only imagine what they would have called me had I not. Something generic like Valiant, maybe.

"This seemed targeted. Did you do something to draw the Asian Bad Boys' ire in particular?" I asked, only to frown at Victoria a moment later. Why was she laughing behind her hand at what I said?

Gamemaster said:
Intrigue: 1 | 9 = Success

Haze, too, looked amused by something. "Maybe you should just stick with calling them the ABB like everyone else," he snickered. "Anyway, I've been hitting some of their operations recently. Drug stashes, whore houses, that sort of thing. Guess I finally did enough damage to really piss them off."

"Do you know the location of more of these operations?"

"Yeah? They aren't terribly subtle."

I shared a look with Victoria, my lips turning upwards in anticipation. "I think we may be able to assist you, Haze."

Gamemaster said:
Adventure discovered: Raid the Azn Bad Boyz

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

"Again? I hope you're not planning to make this a regular thing, Elaine."

I bowed my head in response to Amy's complaints. "I truly am sorry for the trouble."

Amy shifted her glare to Victoria. "And you! Elaine is still new, you're not supposed to be taking her to fight Oni Lee of all people on your first patrol together!"

Despite Amy only being slightly taller than I was, and significantly shorter than Victoria, she still somehow managed to dominate the room. Victoria quailed under her fury. "I mean… we didn't know he would be there. But Elaine did great! You should have seen it, Amy!"

I shifted uncomfortably. "There were not any major injuries this time. Only a few nicks. If it is too much of an imposition, you do not need to bother yourself."

"Of course I'm going to bother myself!" Amy snapped. "Get on the bed already!"

"Yes!" I instinctively snapped straight and followed her orders. I would never have thought Amy could be scary when she was angry. She had always been so meek before. Victoria, meanwhile, had snuck back to the window and darted back outside while Amy was distracted. Traitor.

Amy sat down on the bed next to me, already removing items from the first aid kit. "Well? What are you waiting for? Strip down already."

I fear we awoke something truly terrible.

Gamemaster said:
Amy First Aid: 9 | 15 = Wound of 3 fully treated.
Amy First Aid: 11 | 15 = Wound of 3 fully treated.
>Elaine HP (32/38)

A half-hour later saw the two us sequestered downstairs on the Dallons' couch, a movie playing on the television. It was Amy's price for her treatment, and given that it was still early enough for me to plausibly be visiting, I did not have an issue with it. The movie itself did not particularly interest me – some trite action film following a superspy heroine who was investigating a villainous Thinker. The plot itself seemed rather basic, though there were some… interesting choices in the costuming.

Amy had splayed herself across the couch, her torso lying across my lap while her feet occupied the far end of the couch. She occasionally reached for the bowl of popcorn that we balanced precariously upon my knees, her eyes glued to the screen.

It was not the kind of movie I would have expected her to enjoy, but I suppose it made sense now that I reflected on it. She was a person without powers in a family filled with capes. Jealousy, envy, fear. A desire to join her family in the field, to protect them just as they protected her. A terror of what that would entail. I could only imagine how complex the feelings must be for someone trapped in that position. A movie about a normal, unpowered person who could go toe-to-toe with a cape must surely appeal to someone like that.

On the screen, the heroine crawled into a vent and the camera followed close behind her, showing little more than the woman's rear as she squeezed through the opening.

I suppressed a sigh. While the movie might appeal to whatever emotions Amy might have on the subject, it was still terrible schlock. I leaned back and closed my eyes, idly running my fingers through Amy's hair to undo the many knots and tangles she had.

It felt… nostalgic. There had been a few times when I had done similar for Guinevere – though my once wife's hair had always been better taken care of than Amy's was. The two had few similarities. Amy was sarcastic and biting where Guinevere had often been quiet and demure. Amy stayed awake long into the night where Guinevere had always woken up early.

The anger from earlier had been familiar however.

My lips curved into a smile. Yes, Guinevere had also had the occasional temper. Once, I remembered, Lancelot had run to her rescue. However circumstances had conspired against him, and he had been forced to do so not atop his steed, as was appropriate for a knight, but instead atop a mere ox cart.

She had been furious about the indignity of having to ride an ox cart back to Camelot. She had refused to speak to Lancelot for weeks afterwards; told Lancelot he would need to perform his jousts in that self-same ox cart before she forgave him. It had been such a change from her usual quiet self.

My smile fell. She had been a different, more lively person when Lancelot was present. He had been good for her in a way that I had been incapable of.

Amy shifted, turning her head to look up at me. "What's wrong?"

"Hm?" I tilted my head, confused.

"You stiffened up and stopped moving for a bit there."

"Ah… I suppose I was just thinking about something. Remembering."

"Well, there's your problem. You're supposed to turn your brain off for this sort of movie, not start thinking about other things."

A laugh escaped me. "Yes, I suppose that's true. Though… Where are your parents, Amy? I had expected them to check on the noise by now."

Amy shrugged. "Mom's working late, she's not home. And Dad… went to sleep early, he's upstairs."

"So it's just us and your sister then?"

"Not even that," Amy replied, the tips of her ears turning pink. "Victoria texted me while I was patching you up. Said she was going out to see Dean and for the two of us to have fun."

I frowned. "Wait, she was supposed to be my ride home after all this."

"Take it up with her," Amy waved dismissively.

"Honestly…" I shook my head, though I could not find it in me to be angry. "Well, no matter. I am sure she needs her time alone with my brother."

"That eager to escape me?"

"Not you, just the movie you chose," I replied dryly.

"It's a popular series!" Amy protested.

"With which demographic?"

Amy colored and mumbled under her breath. "Fine. Next time you choose the movie if you think your taste is so great."

"Deal," I said simply. Of course, that meant I would need to scout out a good movie… My tastes had changed from the former Elaine's, and this was the first movie I had watched since I had awakened.

"Deal," Amy repeated and flopped back down into my lap, watching her movie again in sullen silence. I went back to working the knots out of her hair, letting the sounds of the movie wash over me. After a few minutes, I paused my ministrations to pose Amy another question.

"Were you planning on asking anyone to Homecoming?"

"Me? Are you kidding? Who would I even ask?" Amy replied sourly. She turned her head to look at me again. "...What about you? Are you going?"

I shook my head. "I will likely be too busy arranging the event and making sure that it runs smoothly to actually engage in any sort of dancing. There is not much point in finding a partner for myself."

"Did you guys even decide on a theme yet?"

"Renaissance," I replied, distinctly unenthused with the idea. Still, it was what the rest of the Council had decided on, and I would not stymie them. "Though, I have the feeling that the result will not be particularly accurate to the time period."

"Eh. It's Homecoming. Just have some music and some food for people to snack on and you're probably going to be fine."

"Have you been before?"

"Vicky decided I needed the experience of going to a dance and arranged a date for me last year," Amy said, rolling her eyes. "It was a disaster. Douchebag kept grabbing my ass every chance he got."

"That is… unfortunate," I said, a frown forming on my lips. "What was this individual's name?"

"Don't worry about it. Vicky already took care of him. Still, even without that, dances still suck. It's not worth all the hassle."

"Mm. Perhaps." I could not speak with much authority on the matter. In my time, dances had been a thing of the common folk. As the king, I had not had the opportunity to participate. "Still, I am sure others are looking forward to it, so I must do my utmost to ensure the event goes smoothly."

"Yeah. That sounds like you. It really is weird sometimes, comparing how you are now to what you used to be like."

My head fell. I suppose it would be obvious even to other people just how much I had changed. I could not expect otherwise.

"Hey, it's not a bad thing. You just… grew up, right? The experience matured you."

"Right," I lied softly. "That's exactly what happened."

Gamemaster said:
Bond with Amy increased to 4.

I swear, I thought I was being mean with the 2/3 chance for any attack to whiff on Oni Lee and then Elaine goes and hits him on her first try. Need to start throwing harder enemies at you guys at this rate.

It is September of 2010.

What is Elaine attracted to?
[ ] [Attraction] Boys
>Elaine is straight
[ ] [Attraction] Girls
>Elaine is gay
[ ] [Attraction] Both
>Elaine is bi
[ ] [Attraction] None
>Elaine is ace

Choose an activity to participate in:
[ ] [Activity] Study Group
>Spend some extra time studying for your classes.
[ ] [Activity] Party
>You've been invited to a house party by Chelsea and Morgan.
[ ] [Activity] Modeling
>Victoria apparently has some sort of charity photo shoot she's attending that she's invited you to. It could earn you some money on the side if you do well.
[ ] [Activity] Charity
>You could do volunteer work.
[ ] [Activity] Sparring
>You have people you can practice your fighting with now.
[ ] [Activity] Dating
>Victoria has invited you on a blind double-date
[ ] [Activity] (Write-In)

Choose someone to spend time with.
[ ] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Morgan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] Theo Anders
[ ] [Social] Tammi Herren
[ ] [Social] Vedika Dhawan
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)
4.3 - Walking Among Giants
Voting said:
[X] [Attraction] Both
[X] [Activity] Sparring
[X] [Social] Victoria Dallon

Gamemaster said:
Recover 5 hit points via Natural Healing. HP: 37/38

A few days later saw me across the city, stepping onto the campus of Immaculata. I could not help but compare it to Arcadia in my mind. Arcadia was a building of clean steel and shining glass, built to modern tastes and sensibilities. Two large buildings dominated the property, with a third forming a corridor between the two.

In contrast, Immaculata seemed as though they ripped something out of the Old World and planted it here in Brockton Bay. Its campus lacked the straight lines that dominated Arcadia, appearing more like a park, with trees and flowers lining a winding path. A number of smaller buildings dotted the campus, branching off from the path, but a single main structure dominated the area. Built of pale brick, the sloped roofs and occasional jutting tower were shaped to be reminiscent of a castle, the entire thing curving around to form a natural courtyard within its center. Overhead, a large clock tower loomed, casting the area into shadow as it ticked away the minutes.

Part of my duties as Student Council President meant that I needed to help coordinate with other schools whenever there was an inter-school event. Most of the work involved would be handled by actual faculty members, of course, but there were a few things that each of our respective Student Councils took care of, particularly with regards to decorations and concessions. In this case, with the Football season kicking off, the first inter-city game would be between the Arcadian Knights and the Immaculata Virtues.

Waiting for me at the gates was my counterpart at Immaculata. Katelyn Finch was a blonde girl of middling height with a bright smile and brighter eyes. If one were to judge entirely based on her looks, I could see why the students of Immaculata would have elected her to her position. She exuded friendliness. She waved cheerily as I approached.

"Hey there! Elaine, right? I'm Katie. We spoke over the phone briefly, but it's good to see you in person!"

"You as well," I answered, taken aback by her exuberance. "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me."

"Hey, it's no problem at all. I was a little surprised when I heard you wanted to meet – we've always just sent emails back and forth for the most part in the past."

"I thought it would be good to meet in person at least the one time. We are going to be working together to some extent, after all."

"Of course!" Katelyn exclaimed. "And we're happy to have you. Since we'll be hosting the game, I'll go ahead and start going over our decorations. Does that sound alright to you?"

"By all means," I replied simply.

We continued onward, passing the occasional unformed student as Katelyn chatted about the plans for the game and how Arcadia could contribute – very little, as it turned out. It would mostly be handled in-house. Still, it was a pleasant enough conversation, and the trip was worth it simply for the opportunity to see how the school's culture differed from my own.

The uniforms were the most obvious aspect – Arcadia had certain guidelines to its dress code, but otherwise, students were free to wear what they liked. The same could not be said for Immaculata, where every student wore the same uniform. The boys in slacks, shirt, and tie; the girls in a skirt and blouse. According to Katelyn, that was their "summer" uniform and they would add on blazers come winter.

The other main difference I saw amongst the students were the cell phones. Almost every student had one at Arcadia, and seemed to obsessively use them whenever there was a break period, as if to make up for being blocked from texting by the school's faraday cage while classes were in session. Here, I saw students lounging about the grounds, yet only the occasional cell phone in sight.

When I asked, Katelyn explained that she had a phone, but many of her friends did not. It wasn't due to school policy it seemed, it was simply that strict parents who disapproved of the devices were more common here.

"I've got one last thing to show you before you leave today."

"Hmm? What is that?" I asked.

"The clocktower! It's a bit loud inside, but the view is really a must for someone visiting."

I allowed myself a faint smile and nodded my assent. I doubted the view could compare to flying with Victoria, but Katelyn had no way of knowing that. We made our way inside and began our ascent up a long staircase that curved at right angles every twenty steps. Above us, the noise of grinding gears echoed down, growing louder with each flight we climbed.

As we emerged onto the top floor, my nose wrinkled, the acrid stench of cigarette smoke lingering in air.

"What the –" Katelyn stepped around the corner and growled. "Tammi! Are you seriously smoking up here again? How many times do I have to tell you not to do that here? A teacher is going to catch you one of these days and you're seriously going to be in trouble."

A bored, disinterested drawl answered her. "Fuck off, Katie. It's not any of your business."

"It is my business. You think your Uncle will–"

"I don't give a shit what my Uncle wants. So fuck off already."

Stepping around the corner, I took a moment to take in the scene. As expected, Tammi sat near the open window, lit cigarette in hand. She had made a token effort towards wearing Immaculata's uniform, though she had obviously modified it. The shirt was half unbuttoned, a hint of her bra showing from beneath it, while the bottom was tied off to expose her stomach. Her skirt, as well, was hiked up, showing off more of her thigh than was appropriate. A few words flashed to mind, judgements that the original Elaine would have made. I pushed them down. They were unnecessary.

Tammi's eyes flicked to me, a crooked grin forming on her lips. "What's this? You finally decided to visit me, Short Stuff?"

I placed a hand on my hip and narrowed my eyes, shooting her an unimpressed glare. "I was in the area. Though again, I am not that short."

"Sure. Keep telling yourself that."

Katelyn glanced between the two of us. "You know each other?"

"We are acquainted," I replied shortly.

Tammi smirked and took a long draw of her cigarette before blowing the smoke out towards the two of us. "So what can I do for the both of you?"

"Stop smoking up here, for one," Katelyn muttered.


"Ugh," Katelyn frowned. "Why are you like this?"

"Why do you have such a stick up your ass?" Tammi glanced over at me and flicked a cigarette to stick out of its carton. "Want one?"

"Not particularly."

"More for me then," Tammi shrugged. "Anyways, the teachers never really come up here, so quit worrying."

"It's the principle of the thing! You're supposed to be setting an example!"

Tammi laughed outright. "Hah! That's a good one. Didn't know you could tell jokes, Katie."

Katelyn growled and opened her mouth to say something, only to be interrupted as a buzzing came from Tammi's backpack.

"One sec." Tammi reached down and fished out her phone, flipping it open to read the message she had received. She frowned and flipped it shut again. "Well, I guess you're getting your wish. Gotta go deal with this shit."

"Just… go."

"Later." Tammi walked past us, ruffling my hair as she went. I frowned at her retreating back, listening to her footsteps echo up the stairwell until they faded away.

"You two seemed… close," I finally said.

Katelyn's expression turned sour. "Not really. My family just knows her family, so they expect me to look after her."

"I can see how that would be challenging."

"You don't know the half of it," Katelyn grumbled. "She's such a pain in the ass. Sorry, we kind of got derailed there. I was supposed to be showing you the clocktower."

"Do not worry. I was not perturbed by your conversation." I gave Katelyn a smile to assure her and stepped up to the window where Tammi had been sitting. Below me, I could see the distant figures of Immaculata students going about their business. From there, the city of Brockton Bay stretched out, a few skyscrapers standing out in the distance. MedHall was written proudly across the tallest one in the city.

With a view like this, one might almost think that the city was at peace.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Etiquette.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

The punch came out faster than I was expecting. I twisted, letting it pass by my ear, and spun, bringing my sword around to crash into my opponent's side. The edge failed to penetrate, bouncing off of her forcefield. A second fist followed and I hurriedly parried, letting the strength of solid steel protect me.

Victoria laughed. "Come on. You're going to have to be more inventive than that if you want to take down any Brutes!"

I grunted. "Most Brutes do not have a forcefield, Victoria."

"Sounds like the talk of someone who's going to lose."

I narrowed my eyes. Very well, if that is how she wanted to play it. I charged forward, my boots kicking up the mud that had been left in the Dallon's backyard by the previous day's rainfall. It made for poor fighting conditions, but we did not have many other options available at the moment. On a more positive note however, Victoria's forcefield meant that I could attack without inhibition.

Parrying another blow, I stepped back, keeping my distance. This time when Victoria lunged, I sidestepped and brought around to slam against the back of her knees. My blade could not harm her, but kinetic force still transferred to her momentum. A sufficiently strong hit could still knock her around. She buckled, stumbling forward, before catching herself – she had been fighting with her feet on the ground, but she still instinctively called on her flight when she was falling.

A wide grin split Victoria's face and she came at me with a series of jabs. She had clearly had training to not rely simply on brute strength alone. I would not allow that to save her however. I blocked, parried, ducked, and weaved – occasionally even trusting in my armor to weather the blows. She was relentless, but that was to my advantage. As she continued to keep the pressure on me, her blows began falling into a rhythm.

It was a mistake that most experienced warriors learned to correct, but for all that Glory Girl was an active cape, the fights between Parahumans were vastly different from the fights between two people relying on their skills at arms. I waited, timed her strikes, and when I knew her next strike was coming, I left my sword stuck point-first in the ground.

Her eyes widened, obviously realizing that I was up to something, but by then she had overcommitted. I grabbed hold of her wrist and used her own momentum against her, a mirror of the move I had taught Amy nearly a month ago. Victoria went flying past me. Her flight caught her before she could hit the ground, but I did not stand idle. Taking my sword up again, I slammed it into her back, and with a squawk, she fell face first into the mud.

I stood over her, a victorious smile on my face. Then, her hand darted out to grab my ankle, and a moment later I found myself joining her in the mud.

My weapon was forgotten as we grabbed at one another in a sudden mad scramble. I had started this brawl atop Victoria, with the advantages of leverage on my side, but her inexorable strength soon found our positions reversed, with her straddling me and my arms pinned behind my back. Twisting, I attempted to kick her off of me, but there was little I could do.

A cough interrupted the two of us.

Amy stood on the porch, her arms folded and looking distinctly unimpressed with the two of us. "Lunch is ready, if you two are done wrestling in the mud."

"Ahaha," Victoria laughed, a tinge of embarrassment in her voice. "I suppose things got a little out of hand there. We'll get cleaned up and come in soon, Amy."

Amy nodded slowly, her eyes strangely unblinking as she stared at the two of us. Was she expecting us to go back to fighting if she left? I waved at her. "Do not worry. We shall not allow your work in the kitchen to go to waste."

"...Sure," Amy answered. "You guys just… do what you need to do." She slowly backed away, not taking her eyes off us until the door closed behind her.

Victoria burst out laughing again. "Did you see her face? We must look awful." She pulled herself off of me, offering a hand to help me to my feet as well. "That was a good fight though. You're surprisingly good at this already, even if you did get cocky at the end."

"I admit, I did expect you to lose with dignity, not drag me into the mud with you."

"You can't bet on that in a fight, Ellie. People will do all sorts of crazy things when they're desperate."

She was right. The simple truth was that I had allowed myself to drop my guard. My memories told me that she was no threat to me, even if the current reality of my body said otherwise. I was not as strong as I once was. I had to be more skillful, not less. "I know. Thank you, Victoria. I'll try to keep it in mind… What are you doing with that hose?"

"Hm?" Victoria looked at me with complete innocence, garden hose in hand, her other hand upon the spigot. "We need to clean off before we head inside, right?"

My eyes widened. "Victoria! Do not–!" Her hand turned and a blast of cold water hit me in the face.

In the end, I fought her for control of the hose and we both ended up soaking wet. Still, I could not deny that the day was a pleasant one, reflecting back on it.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Brawling.
Bond with Victoria increased to 1.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

The Student Council room was silent apart from the scratching of my pen and the slow ticking of the clock. Today was not a day we were scheduled to meet, but there were budgetary requests I wished to review, and so I had come on my own. Eventually, I set my pen down and rubbed at the bridge of my nose.

Gamemaster said:
Finance: 11 | x = Failure

I did not have a head for finance. I had never particularly studied the art. In the past, I had entrusted my brother Kay with the purse strings of my kingdom. Grimacing at the paperwork spread across my desk, I realized I would likewise need to trust my Treasurer for these requests. I was not able to verify them myself.

Sighing, I put the papers away and gathered my bags. It was one more area in which I needed to train myself. Stepping outside the classroom, I stopped as I saw a boy with a mop of brown hair standing across from the door, nervously shifting as he waited.


"Oh!" The boy jumped, startled as I exited the room. "H-Hey there, Elaine! Fancy seeing you here, right?"

Tilting my head, I slowly replied, "I don't think it is that odd. Did you need something?"

"Um, well, I know we don't know each other that well or anything, and it's nothing major. Not a big deal or anything. Just uh. Wouldyougotothedancewithme?"

I blinked, trying to parse that. "What?"

The boy took a deep breath and tried again. "Would you go to the dance with me?"


It is September 2010.

Time for Homecoming.

Do you accept the Boy's invitation?
[ ] [Homecoming] Accept
>You're not sure you recognize him. He hangs out with your brother sometimes, maybe? Still, he was brave enough to ask.
[ ] [Homecoming] Go Solo
>You're going to be too busy handling running the actual event for a date
[ ] [Homecoming] (Write-In who you invite instead)
>You want a date, you just want it to be someone else.

While attending Homecoming, you discover someone spiked the drinks with alcohol.
[ ] [Alcohol] Leave it be
>Let the kids have their fun
[ ] [Alcohol] Report it
>It might spoil the mood a bit, but you should have any alcohol removed
[ ] [Alcohol] Have some yourself
>It wouldn't hurt to cut loose a little.

While attending Homecoming, someone flirts with you (whether your date, or someone else if you went solo).
[ ] [Flirting] Flirt Back
[ ] [Flirting] Be Reserved

Choose someone to spend time with.
[ ] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Morgan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] Theo Anders
[ ] [Social] Tammi Herren
[ ] [Social] Vedika Dhawan
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)
4.4 - Walking Among Giants
Voting said:
[X] [Homecoming] Amy Dallon
[X] [Flirting] Flirt Back
[X] [Alcohol] Report It
[X] [Social] Dean Stansfield

Gamemaster said:
Recover 5 hit points via Natural Healing. HP: 38/38

"I am sorry," I replied softly and placed my hands over the boy's. "However, you were correct when you said we do not know each other that well. I do not feel comfortable with going on a date with someone who is essentially a stranger to me. Perhaps we can get to know each other as friends first."

"Oh…" The boy looked down at his hands. "Yeah, that makes sense. Sorry to have bothered you."

"It was no bother," I said. Studying him, a name finally clicked into place in my memory. "You were brave to ask, Chris. There is no shame in that."

"Thanks, I guess. I, um. I'm just going to go now."

"Take care," I said, watching him shuffle away despondently. Hopefully my refusal would not be too large a blow for him.

Making my way downstairs, I passed briefly by our gymnasium, peeking inside to look at the students putting up the decorations for the dance. Inside, Vedika was directing her aides to set up tables, banners, and strings of lights. I was curious to see what the result would be, but I could wait. I did not want to disturb their work, and Vedika seemed to have it well in hand.

Nearby, Austin and Kayla were setting up our 'hedge maze' on the football field. According to Kayla, it would be romantic. Of course, we could not set up actual hedges, so instead it was simple wooden partitions with green construction paper taped on. I am not sure I saw the attraction, but hopefully it would have the effect that Kayla intended.

Continuing on, I made my way out to the parking lot. Even here, decorations had been placed, welcoming students to the dance and directing them to where they would need to go. Making my way past rows of cars, I finally found my brother. Victoria was leaning into his side, smiling up at him, while Amy stood a few feet away, her arms crossed as she seemed to look anywhere but at the two of them. Of course, this meant she was the first to spot me.

"Finally. I was starting to wonder when we would get to leave."

"I am sorry if I kept you waiting."

"It's fine!" Victoria cut in. "You're still busy getting everything ready for this weekend, right?"

"Yes, though most of the work has been delegated to others at this point," I answered. "There remains little left for me to do. Other than to find a dress for myself, I suppose."

"Oh? So you already have a date as well?" Victoria asked. "I suppose with all the people that have been asking you out recently, I shouldn't be surprised."

"Wait," Dean said. "Who's been asking Ellie out?"

"No one of import," I said, my tone final. Narrowing my eyes, I frowned at Victoria. She had dropped that bit of information on purpose. I was not sure how she even knew about that, but the question was why she had wanted to inform Dean. "It does not matter. I declined their advances. I have no desire to attend with a stranger."

"Aw, that's no fun. It's your first school dance! You need someone to dance with."

Dean looked between Victoria and me. "If Ellie doesn't want to date, we shouldn't pressure her, Vicky."

"Indeed. I will likely be busy making sure everything is running smoothly in any case."

"Pfah. You two are no fun," Victoria mock-pouted, hiding a wicked gleam in her eye. What was she up to? "Oh! I know! I haven't been able to get Amy to agree to go because of how things went last time, so why don't you two just go together?"

"What?" Where did that idea come from?

"You don't want to be attached to a stranger, and Amy needs someone she can feel safe with. This way, you both get to enjoy the dance. It's perfect!"

I placed a hand to my chin, thinking it over. It… was not a terrible idea, though I could not help but feel there was some ulterior motive behind Victoria's words. I studied her for a moment before shifting my gaze to catch Amy's eye. I found her staring at me, though she hurriedly looked away once she realized I had noticed.

"It's not a big deal, Vicky," Amy groused. "It's not like I particularly want to go or anything. I don't look good in a dress and I don't know how to dance. The whole thing is just a pain in the ass. Besides, I doubt Ellie really wants to go with me."

"Come on. I saw how you were looking at the dresses I was trying on the other day. You can't tell me you don't want to dress up too."


"And of course Ellie wants to go with you–"

"Victoria," I said sharply. "Please let me speak for myself." She gave me an apologetic smile and made a motion as if she were pulling a zipper across her lips. I took a deep breath before meeting Amy's eyes. "Amy. Do you want to attend the dance?"

"You don't have to force yourself, Ellie."

"That is not what I asked. Do you want to go?"

"I – Yes. Kind of. I mean, it'd be nice to see what all the fuss is about."

Nodding, I knelt before her and took her hand in mine. "Then it would be my honor to act as your escort, if you would have me."

Amy's face slowly colored and she froze still, unmoving as a deer caught in the open. She finally seemed to return to herself, and realizing that our siblings were watching, yanked her hand away as though it had been scalded. She folded her arms and looked away. "Sure. That's fine. You don't have to make a big deal out of it."

I smiled and rose to my feet once more. "It is no less than you deserve, Amy."

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Victoria raising both her hands in a thumbs up, a wide grin on her face. My brother, on the other hand, mostly just seemed bemused by the entire situation. Amy followed my gaze and rolled her eyes, sharing an exasperated look with me. "Let's just go home."

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Flirting.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

That weekend found me dancing in Amy's arms. Soft music played in the background as I led Amy through our steps, her dress swirling in time to the beat. Above us, faerie lights twinkled, an imitation of starlight cast down upon everyone here. It paled to the light in her eyes as she smiled at me, her joy in the moment plain to see.

I had come to the dance expecting to be an observer, largely uninvolved beyond ensuring its success. Instead, I found myself on the dance floor again and again, my own face long since flush from exertion. Hours later, we collapsed onto one of the many benches that had been set up along the room's perimeter.

Stealing a glance at Amy, I took her in once again. She had chosen a long, white dress for the evening, a split along one side giving the barest hint of her leg as we had danced. It was held in place with thin straps, though a gauzy shawl helped hide her shoulders. Her hair had been combed out and smoothed down to frame her face. Combined with the makeup that she did not normally wear, I had no doubt of Victoria's influence. It had been a stunning change from her usual self, enough that I was left speechless when I first saw her.

For myself, I had chosen a blue dress that tied around the neck, leaving my shoulders bare. The dress itself was somewhat scandalous; for while it hung down past my knee, it did so only on one side of the body, leaving the other leg almost entirely bare. I had mitigated this by wearing a set of tights beneath the skirt, but it still felt uncomfortably exposed at times.

Neither of us were particularly period appropriate for the Renaissance, but then neither were most of the students in attendance. It seemed that most had simply dressed for the occasion with little regard for theme. It did not matter, so long as they enjoyed themselves.

Amy leaned against me and I took her sweat-soaked hand in mine. Not that I was any better off. Smiling down at her, I asked, "Ready to take a break?"

"Yeah. I think I'm about ready to die from heat here. Let's head outside."

I nodded my assent. "You go ahead. I will requisition drinks for us and meet you there."

Amy mouthed, 'Requisition?' before shaking her head. "Sounds good. I'll see you out there."

Wandering over to the drink table, I took a pair of plastic cups and filled them from the punch bowl. Turning, I sipped from one, only to grimace as the taste of alcohol hit my tongue. I frowned down at the cup and let out an aggrieved sigh. I did not have any personal stake against the consumption of alcohol. However, disguising it within another drink, where some might drink it unknowingly, was more than a little gauche.

Calling over one of the teachers that had volunteered to chaperone the dance, I asked for the punch to be removed and took a pair of sealed water bottles instead. Hopefully Amy did not mind overly much.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Temperate.

I found her outside, the moonlight lending her an unearthly glow. She smiled as I approached and took a bottle from my hand. "I was starting to wonder what happened to you," she said, before twisting the bottle's cap and downing half of it in a single go.

"Someone spiked the punch," I replied simply, sipping from my own bottle.

"Ugh. There's always someone that has to ruin things, huh?"

"Without fail." Taking her hand, I tilted my head towards the entrance of our 'hedge maze.' "Care to walk for a bit?"

"Sure. That sounds… nice."

I led the way inside, enjoying the sensation of the cool night air upon my skin. Austin and Kayla had not skimped on the size or intricacy of the maze. Despite the rushed, ad hoc nature, it was designed as a place you could truly lose yourself inside. The occasional sound of a couple's whispers could be heard through the partitions as we wandered, not the only ones to have escaped out here.

After a few minutes, Amy spoke up again. "Thank you for inviting me. I didn't really expect to, but I had a lot of fun."

"It was my pleasure," I said, squeezing her hand gently. "I could not have asked for a better partner."

"Partner, huh?" Amy frowned, looking down at our joined hands. "What… am I to you, Ellie?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean… Am I just your friend? Did you bring me just for my company? Or your - your project? Poor Amy, she needs to be taken out of her room and taught to socialize? That's how all this started, right?"

I frowned and turned my head to look at her. "You know that is not true, Amy. What brought this on?"

Amy folded her arms and looked away, muttering something under her breath. I tried not to feel disappointed in my suddenly empty hand.

"What–?" I reached out to touch her shoulder.

"You haven't made a move! I thought I was here as your date, but you've barely touched me except to hold my hand all evening. You haven't even tried to kiss me. You've… You've been friendly, but you haven't flirted or told me I was pretty or anything!"

I swallowed, my ears burning at her tirade. "I thought you wanted someone to feel safe with," I said weakly.

"Of course I do. That doesn't mean I don't want you to show at least a little interest in me if you're going to be my date, Elaine."

Gamemaster said:
Flirting: 7 | 0 = Failure

My mind blanked. What could I possibly say? I scrambled for anything at all. She wanted me to show desire? "I – As morning hues of sun swept fire caress your passioned face. Alone with thee in pure desire, to worship your untold grace. My –"

"Pfft – Hahaha! Stop!" Amy laughed. "Did you seriously just try to quote the Three Musketeers at me?"

Pursing my lips, I turned my face away. "I am sorry, Amy. I have never… courted before." Even with Guinevere, we had been friends, but our marriage had been arranged and there had been little attempt at romance afterwards. "Truthfully, I do not know what I should be doing."

"It's hard to remember sometimes. I mean, you were so smooth asking me out and you always seem unruffled by everything these days. Maybe just start with telling me what you actually think of me? I… If you just want to be friends, that's fine. Just be clear with me, okay?"

I closed my eyes. "I am fond of you, certainly. Is that love, however? I do not know. I do not know how to identify it."

King Arthur does not understand human feelings.

"I wonder sometimes, if there is something broken inside of me."

A pair of hands cup my cheeks, turning my face upwards. There is a moment of panic, the phantom sensation of cold fingers overlappings with hers. Amy's fingers are warm, however; still hot and somewhat unpleasantly sweaty from our dance tonight. She presses her lips to mine and I melt into them, my fear forgotten in the moment. My fingers tangle in her hair, holding her to me as she takes the lead in our newest dance.

Gamemaster said:
Chaste: 19 | 10 || Lustful: 5 | 10
>Gain a check to Lustful.

I find my back pressed against a partition, her hands wandering down to trace the curve of my hip. There is a burning tension deep within me. I feel as though I am simple clay, shaped by Amy's hands.

And then I break the kiss, for the simple need to breathe. I stared vacantly up at her face, panting, desperately gulping down air. That had been… intense. So much more than I had been expecting. Amy's face had gone entirely scarlet, the implications of what she had just done catching up with her.

Gamemaster said:
Bond with Amy increased to 6.

Was this… even okay for me to enjoy? My body was a tool to be used in service of my mission. I had always believed this. I had no space to engage in personal dalliances. It was my duty to act as King until the very end. However, my country was gone. Nothing I was doing now would return it. More to the point, this was not my body.

My vision blurred. Did that not make it worse? That I was using someone else's body for my own sake?

"Stupid," Amy whispered.

What? I tried to shakily wipe the tears from my eyes, but succeeded only in smearing my makeup.

Amy grabbed at her hair. "God, I'm so stupid." She suddenly turned and ran back down the path we had come. I took a few steps to try and chase after her, only to stumble, my legs shaky. I let myself sink to the ground.

I could not keep allowing myself to be torn like this. It would not be fair to Amy. I needed to decide. Was it alright for me to pursue that sort of happiness even though this was not my body nor my life?

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

Unfortunately, it was not as simple as going home once I had recovered. We had carpooled to get here, with Dean driving the four of us. I did not want to ruin my brother's date with Victoria, so I ended up just sitting out in the parking lot for over an hour, waiting until they sent a text message to my phone, asking where I had gone. I must have looked a mess, because they immediately came to a stop when they saw me.

"Ellie? What's wrong? Where's Amy?" Dean asked.

I frowned. "Is she not with you?"

"No," Victoria said slowly. "What happened exactly?"

"I… um. Amy kissed me earlier. I became somewhat emotional. Teary eyed. I believe she took it the wrong way and ran off before I could say anything. I had expected she would go to you, Victoria."

The two exchanged a long look.

"I'll go look for Amy," Victoria said. "She's probably just hiding in the bathroom or something. You go ahead and get Ellie home. And have that talk with her already."

"Are you sure? We can stick around, help look," Dean asked.

"It's fine." She leaned in to kiss Dean on the cheek before floating upwards. "I'm going to fly around a bit looking anyway. I'm sure it won't take me long to track her down. Go ahead and get going."

"Alright. Call and let us know once you find her, okay?"

"Will do." Victoria grinned with only a hint of false bravado and flew off back towards the school.

Dean's shoulders slumped once Victoria had flown out of sight. "Well, let's get going then."

I nodded mutely and climbed into the passenger seat. Dean glanced over at me and sighed. "It's not your fault. Sometimes these things just take communication. Just look at how many times Vicky and I have broken up."

"I dearly hope that my relationships do not end up as rocky as yours has been," I replied dryly.

"You mean you Deanly hope?" My brother winked at me.


He clutched his chest in mock hurt. "Ow. You could at least pretend to like my puns."

"No," I repeated. "...Thank you for attempting to cheer me up, however. What was this talk that Victoria mentioned?"

"I… Yeah, it's time I told you. I've been putting it off, telling myself you needed time to recover or that I didn't want you to get involved. Excuses like that."

I frowned. "Are you involved in something dangerous, Dean?"

"Yeah," he said, letting out a slow breath. "I'm a Parahuman. Gallant."

Gamemaster said:
Recognize: 8 | 6 = Failure

"Ah, yes. Gallant. My favorite Ward." I said, not recognizing the name.

Dean rolled his eyes. "You can just admit it if you haven't heard of me. I know you never really cared much about capes."

"I have not heard of you. What is it that you… do?"

"Officially, I'm an Emotion-based Tinker. Unofficially… I'm an empath. I can see people's emotions and shoot concussive blasts that alter their emotional state. No tinkertech needed."

"Why the deception?" I asked.

"I don't really have enough precision to actually master anyone, but it's still a lot closer than most people feel comfortable with. It's easier if people believe it's just a fancy ray gun."

"I shall take your word for it. Thank you for trusting me with this, Dean. I know it must not have been easy."

"It should have been. You're my sister. I should have told you sooner."

"Dean, I –" I too, had not told him my identity. He had trusted me. Should I extend that same trust in return? "I am –"

"Shit!" The car jerked to a sudden stop, throwing me against my seatbelt as a large truck suddenly zoomed through the intersection ahead of us, ignoring the red light. The sound of police sirens soon followed as they poured through in pursuit. "Damn it. Idiots are going to get someone killed driving like that."

The moment passed and we returned home without having told him anything.

Gamemaster said:
Bond with Dean increased to 3.

Is Elaine even good enough to have imposter syndrome? Find out next time. As an aside, if I were to stat Amy out, she would absolutely have a Lustful of 16.

It is October of 2010.

We have arrived at a rest period.

First is to tally checkmarks.
Checkmarks said:
Lustful: 3 | 10 = No Increase
Merciful: 4 | 12 = No Increase
Prudent: 7 | 11 = No Increase
Temperate: 14 | 10 = Increased by 1
Leadership: 13 | 4 = Increased by 1
Etiquette: 12 | 7 = Increased by 1
Flirting: 1 | 0 = Increased by 1
Strategy: 16 | 2 = Increased by 1
Drive: 18 | 3 = Increased by 1
Brawling: 15 | 10 = Increased by 1

Next is training and practice. You may select any one of the following improvements:

Training said:
Change a Personality Trait
You can add one point to a Trait, decreasing its opposite by the same amount (subject to an effective minimum value of 1).
Change a Passion
You can add or subtract one point from any Passion.
Change a Characteristic
Players may add one point to any one of STR, DEX, CON, or APP.
Train Skills Up to 15
Add 6 points to any number of Skills under 15 in any combination—all points may be added to one Skill, divided between two Skills, or more—as long as the values are not raised over 15.
Train a Skill Up to 20
Increase one Skill over 15 by one point, up to a maximum value of 20.

Please structure this vote as:
[ ] [Training] Skills 1, Skills 2, Skills 3, etc.
>As a reminder, Elaine does have midterms this month.

Next, you receive your monthly allowance. Given your status as a Wealthy Heiress, you earn $100.

Remember, if at any time you wish to buy something from the shop, please do a write in as below, and I will add it to the next vote.
[ ] [Shop] (Write-In)

You have the opportunity to generate a new passion, Amor (Amy). Amor passions are particularly powerful (Think Lancelot and Guinevere or Tristam and Isolde), as instead of the +5 a normal passion would give when invoked, they instead give a +10. Be warned however, that this will very obviously affect your relationship going forward if you choose to generate this.
[Amor] Yes
[Amor] No

You are currently following the Adventure of the Haunted Storage shed, but Erin has promised to take over and help. In the meantime, what do you do?
[ ] [Adventure] The Adventure of Aggressive Animals
>The animals in the forest are acting strangely aggressive. It might be worth investigating.
[ ] [Adventure] The Adventure of the Forbidden Woods
>There is a part of the woods where you fear to tread. Maybe you should find out why.
[ ] [Adventure] Raid the Azn Bad Boyz
>A local vigilante, Haze, has offered to lead you to an ABB stash to raid them. It would certainly deal damage to their operations, and there may be the opportunity for looting.
[ ] [Adventure] Focus on your duties
>Do not engage in adventure this month.

Choose an activity to participate in:
[ ] [Activity] Focus on the Student Council
>You will be doing work for the Student Council regardless, this is to spend extra time devoted to the task.
[ ] [Activity] Study Group
>Spend some extra time studying for your classes.
[ ] [Activity] Party
>You've been invited to a house party by Chelsea and Morgan.
[ ] [Activity] Modeling
>Victoria apparently has some sort of charity photo shoot she's attending that she's invited you to. It could earn you some money on the side if you do well.
[ ] [Activity] Charity
>You could do volunteer work at the local homeless shelter.
[ ] [Activity] Sparring
>You have people you can practice your fighting with now.
[ ] [Activity] Dating
>Victoria has invited you on a double-date (Only available if Amor is chosen, otherwise will default to next highest vote)
[ ] [Activity] Church
>Visit Father DiMaggio at his church.
[ ] [Activity] (Write-In)

Choose someone to spend time with.
[ ] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Morgan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] Theo Anders
[ ] [Social] Tammi Herren
[ ] [Social] Vedika Dhawan
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)

Tell Dean your Vigilante identiy:
[ ] [Identity] Yes
[ ] [Identity] No
Last edited:
4.x - Interlude; Amy
Voting said:
[X] [Training] Academics to 12, Brawling to 14, Melee to 15
[X] [Amor] Yes
[X] [Identity] Yes
[X] [Activity] Modeling
[X] [Social] Amy Dallon
[X] [Adventure] The Adventure of the Forbidden Woods

Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why was she so stupid?

"I wonder sometimes, if there is something broken inside of me," Elaine had said.

And Amy had responded to that by kissing her? What had she been thinking? Of course Elaine would be upset. God, Elaine probably would never want to even see Amy again after that. Why couldn't Amy have just been happy with what she had? Why had she reached for something that was beyond her? Why did she always want things that she couldn't have?

Groaning, Amy scrubbed the tears from her eyes and sat down on the pavement. After she had run away from Elaine, she'd meant to go find Vicky. Instead, she spent a good ten minutes just trying to find her way out of the maze before finally managing to escape. By then she'd calmed down a little. Not a lot, but enough that she decided to leave Vicky alone. No need to ruin her sister's date the way she'd ruined her own.

So Amy had begun walking home instead. Their house wasn't that far away. It would probably only be thirty minutes or so on foot. She'd get home before Vicky even. Well, that was what she had thought. She might have overestimated herself. She was only halfway there and her feet were screaming bloody murder at her.

In a sudden fit of pique, Amy yanked her heels off and threw them down the street. She regretted it almost instantly. She'd have to go find them now, she couldn't just leave them here. Fuck, she was such a screw up. Amy lowered her face into her hands, just blocking out the world.

She'd known for a long time that she wasn't a good person. A good person wouldn't have a crush on their own sister. A good person would be training to be a cop or an EMT or something, instead of hiding away in their room reading capefic all the time. A good person would have protected her sister when Chorus hurt her a year ago.

When Vicky had been hurt, Elaine had thrown herself at the attacker. It should have been Amy in her place. If Amy were a good person, she would have been the one in a coma, not Elaine. And now Elaine was awake again, but she was… broken. Everyone around her could see it. She talked differently. She acted differently. She sometimes got this vacant stare as if she were an outsider looking in on her own life.

And yet, at her core, she was that same girl who jumped in to save Vicky. The same girl who took the time to pull injured people from a bus while a gunfight was going on around her. The same girl who didn't seem to care about the fact that she was shot, the urge to save people had been more important.

Elaine was a good person. Amy was not.

Perhaps that was why Amy had begun falling for her. She was everything Amy wanted to be and yet wasn't. If anything, Elaine was a great deal like Vicky. She had that same brash need to help people. That same easy charm that made everyone around her love her. More than anything, she made Amy feel safe when she was around.

Wasn't that just a twisted mess in and of itself. Amy knew some part of her was treating Elaine like a replacement Victoria. A Victoria who it was safe for her to love. It was fucked up. She knew that and did it anyway.

Elaine even looked like she could be Victoria's little sister. More so than Amy ever had. She had the same blonde hair and blue eyes. Her eyes were slightly larger, her face slightly rounder; it just served to make her a smaller, cuter version. Victoria had started calling her 'Little Sis' as a joke when she started dating Dean, way back when. Amy had hated it at the time, had felt like she was being replaced. Now though… Now she was imaging Elaine was actually her sister and making out with her and fuck she was a fucking mess. What was wrong with her?

"Ugh." Amy scrubbed a hand across her eyes, trying to get rid of the tears, though it felt like she only succeeded in smearing her makeup. Why couldn't her brain just stop sometimes? She didn't need that image when she was already feeling guilty.

Despite her internal protestations, her mind shot into overdrive. The memory of Elaine's bare back, tightly corded with lean muscle. The taste of her lips. The sight of her big… aqua… eyes staring up at her?

Amy frowned. That couldn't be right. She remembered Elaine having the same color of eyes as Vicky, and Vicky's were a bright blue. She couldn't just be misremembering right? People's eyes didn't just change color like that.

No, she was probably just overthinking it. She could check some of the old photos on Vicky's phone when she got home later. Which… she had been sitting here throwing herself a pity party more than long enough. She got up, walking over to where she'd thrown her shoes.

The first had landed near the street and was retrieved easily enough. The second had landed near an alleyway. She made her way over, only to groan as the sudden sensation of stepping barefoot into a puddle hit her part way there. Goddamnit. Where had this even come from? It hadn't rained for nearly two weeks now.

The place smelled too. Amy wrinkled her nose. Not that she was thinking earlier, but she really should have chosen somewhere better to throw her things. She picked the shoe up, sighing as she noticed it too was dripping. Ugh, it felt sticky too. What had it even fallen in? Amy raised her the shoe up towards a streetlight and froze as she saw that her hand was smeared red.

"Well, well. I was wondering how long it would take you to notice."

Amy slowly turned her head to the alleyway. In it, a figure stood, shrouded by shadow. The only distinctive feature she could make out were the brilliant crimson eyes. She tried to move, to run away, to scream – and did nothing. She just stood there, caught by those eyes.

There was a flick, a spark, and a lighter drove away the darkness in the alleyway. At the figure's feet lay a corpse with its ribcage torn open, its heart torn out. Blood pooled beneath it, draining out towards the street. The figure smiled, revealing a pair of wickedly sharp fangs behind its blood-stained lips.

"I think I recognize you. Dallon right? The leftover."

Amy's throat bobbed, trying to force words to escape.

"Heh. Seems they didn't even care enough to keep an eye on you. Too bad. I guess that's just luck for you, or perhaps fate. Either way, you'll have to do for tonight's dessert."

The lighter flicked closed. The last thing Amy saw was a pair of red eyes.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

Amy woke to her phone ringing and a pounding headache.

"Ugh, what…?"

The phone stopped ringing as the call went to voicemail, only to start ringing again a second later. Blindly, she grabbed for the phone, missing it her first two tries before finally managing to hit answer.


"Amy?!" Victoria's voice came through, frantic. "Where are you?! I've been calling for the last half hour!"

Amy ran a hand over her face. She was in her bedroom. Safe. Completely safe. "I'm fine. I'm home. Sorry, I must have fallen asleep."

"Okay. Okay. That's good. Sorry. I was really worried when I couldn't find you and you weren't answering."

"Sorry. I was just… drained."

And wasn't that the truth. Amy must have been really tired to have fallen asleep in the state she had. She was lying on top of her sheets, still in her dress. Her makeup had smeared on her pillow, so she hadn't washed that off either. She could barely even remember the walk home she'd been so out of it half way through.

"I'm just glad you're okay. I'm coming home now, are you okay to talk when I get there?"

"I… Not tonight. I just need to be by myself for now."

"Alright. I'm here for you if you need me."

"I know," Amy whispered. "Thanks Vicky. I love you."

"Love you too, Ames."

Amy closed the phone and let herself fall back into bed. Tired as she was, she couldn't seem to fall back to sleep. Despite her exhaustion, she was wired, like that time she'd drunk three energy drinks back to back. Amy slowly pushed herself out of bed and yanked her door open. It came easier than it had been lately – maybe it was finally loosening up.

Victoria's room was one door down from mine. Where mine was largely barren of decoration, she had posters hung up on her wall. Some of capes, but others were of women basketball players. Victoria had once dreamed of going Pro herself, or at least doing College basketball, but that dream had been crushed when she triggered. Capes weren't allowed to play sports.

Walking over to her desk, Amy picked up a framed photo. Victoria, Amy, Dean, and Elaine all together. Amy was barely in the photo, standing off the side. Elaine was smiling brightly, pinned between Victoria and Dean. It was an expression I hadn't seen her wear since the accident. Her eyes were a bright blue.

Amy set the photo down. She wasn't sure what it meant. For now, she was going to go down to the kitchen and grab a glass of water. For some reason, she just felt really thirsty.
5.1 - The Shattered Sword
A knight stood in the middle of the road. Broken spears and shields littered the area, evidence of battles past. He allowed none to pass by unless they defeated him in a joust, and so far, none had.

"A foul curse was set upon me," Pellinore told the girl. "I am trapped here until I am defeated."

"Then by my honor, I shall see you freed," the girl replied.

They rode against one another and their spears shattered. Again and again, they found themselves evenly matched, until the girl was unhorsed. She drew her sword and the knight rode against her, the full force of his charge against an opponent on foot. The girl's sword flashed with bright light, blinding as they clashed.

Pellinore was dismounted, knocked unconscious. The Sword of Selection was shattered.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

Amy's room was dark despite it being almost noon. The curtains were drawn tight, not a hint of light let into the place. She groaned softly as I opened the door, letting the light from the hallway spill in.

"Vicky, I already told you I'm not feeling well."

"I am not Victoria."

Amy shot up at the sound of my voice, her eyes panicked. She had trapped herself in a cocoon of blankets, appearing nothing so much as an Amy burrito, unable to shed her wrappings to escape. "Elaine? W-What are you doing here?"

I shut the door behind myself, casting the room into darkness once more. The only light to guide me was that of Amy's computer and the digital clock near her bed.

"I think we need to talk after last night."

"....A talk, huh?" Amy slumped back into her bed. "Alright. I think I can guess, but is this where you tell me that you want to be just friends?"

"No. It is not."

"Oh… So not even that." Amy turned her face away. "So what, is this just to tell me to get lost then?"

"Amy," I said chidingly and sat on the edge of the bed next to her. "Look at me."

She slowly, hesitatingly returned her gaze, fear written plain across her features. I smoothed a hand over her brow, brushing her hair back, before leaning in to press my lips gently to hers. She was deathly cold, whatever illness she had clearly taking its toll. For a moment, I found myself suppressing panic at the contact, even though I had been the one to initiate it.

"What–?" Amy asked, flabbergasted.

"I am not angry at you, Amy. I was taken by surprise last night, but not displeased."

"But you were crying and I–"

"It was an emotional moment for me," I said, cutting her off. "It was intense. More than I expected." I smiled slightly and caressed her cheek. "It caught me by surprise. However, if you're willing, I would like to give this a chance. Would you go out with me, Amy?"

Amy's mouth opened and closed soundlessly, like a fish pulled from the river. When she finally collected her thoughts, she looked down. "You don't have to. If this is because you feel bad for me or something, I'll be fine. You don't have to force yourself."

"I am not forcing myself. I like you, Amy. I want to try dating you."

"You'll probably regret it if you do. I'm a mess," Amy whispered.

"I will not regret it." Even if things ended poorly, I would not regret this choice. "Will you go out with me?"

"Yes," Amy whispered.

I smiled and leaned down to kiss her again, deeper this time, allowing it to linger as it had last night. Amy did not seem to mind. At some point, she managed to free her hands from the blanket burrito, tangling them in my hair, holding me there against her. When I finally came up simply for the need to breathe, it was with a swollen lip and the taste of blood in my mouth – she had bitten down at one point. Still, the small bit of pain was worth seeing the sheer ecstasy that painted her face, as though her greatest dreams had come true.

Gamemaster said:
Amor (Amy) generated (2d6+6) = 14
Bond with Amy increased to 7.

"Now," I said, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I am going to go downstairs and make you some soup. Rest and feel better, Amy."

Amy barked out a laugh. "How am I going to rest after that?" She reached out and took my hand in hers. "I'm not really hungry though. Just stay here with me awhile?"

"As you wish."

I sidled onto the bed next to her, simply holding her for a time until she eventually fell asleep. Once she finally had, I slipped away. I barely made it two steps out her bedroom door before Victoria accosted me however.

"I see you and Amy patched things up," she said smugly.

I did not roll my eyes. It would be beneath my dignity as King to do so, no matter how tempted I may be. "I suppose you could say that, yes."

"I'm glad. The two of you are really cute together, and Amy deserves a bit of happiness."

"She does. I hope I can give it to her."

Victoria wrapped me in a hug. "Remember, I will leave you in a tree if you do anything to hurt her."

"I understand, Victoria. Do not worry."

"Good. Now, did Dean talk to you last night, like I told him to?"

"He did. I cannot believe he managed to keep that a secret from me for so long." It was honestly rather obvious in retrospect. Of course he would not be working an internship at some other company instead of the one our father owned – he was working as a Hero instead. A part of me had been tempted to hide my own career as a hero purely as a bit of petty vengeance. In the end, I had not. He had trusted me, so I had trusted him in turn.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Trusting.

"Yeah, he's not always the most subtle guy around."

"No. He is not." I allowed myself a sigh. My brother had immediately started telling me I should join the Wards, citing safety statistics even after I assured him I was patrolling with Victoria. He was such a worrier sometimes. It was more or less what I had expected from telling him however. At least he had not told our parents and forced me to join the Wards with him.

"Anyway, it's not really related, but I could use your company for something if you're up for it."

I narrowed my eyes. "I have a premonition that you are about to say something that I will be unhappy with, Victoria."

"It's not that bad… There's a charity shoot coming up next week. It's supposed to be a bunch of heroes and disabled kids, you know the sort of thing? I was just hoping you'd go with me. You've done that sort of modeling work before, right?"

My mouth twisted in distaste. Elaine had, before her injury. Her – My mother had a fondness for submitting me to modeling shoots and pageants and such. I suspect there was a bit of vicarious living in her focus on the activity, though she had not pushed the issue since I awoke.

"Heroes – So I'd be attending as Pendragon then?"

"That's an option, though I could also just bring you along as my friend. There's going to be some actual amateur models there, so it wouldn't be that strange. Plus, if you come as yourself, I can introduce you to the other Wards as Gallant's sister and we can work to embarrass him together," Victoria grinned.

"My poor brother," I murmured. "I will give it some thought. In the meantime, I would ask a favor of you."

"Sure, what is it?"

"I require your services as a taxi."

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

"Are you sure you want to be dropped off here?"

"Yes. I am unsure of the exact location I am looking for, so I will need to wander a bit. I would not keep you. I have my cell phone, so I will call you once I am ready for pick up. You can enjoy your day in the meantime."

"I don't really like leaving you out here, Elaine."

"I doubt there is anything out here that could seriously harm me, Victoria." I allowed my sword to appear in my hand as emphasis. "I will be fine."

"Alright," Victoria said, though she still looked dubious. "Be careful."

"I will."

With that, Victoria flew off, leaving me alone in the forest. I glanced around at the campsite that my father and I had briefly used a few months ago. It had been the height of summer then. Now, it was the beginning of autumn. The trees retained their verdancy, but a crisp chill had set in the air. The wind whistled through the trees in a low moan.

I began walking, retracing my steps from last time. There had been a few things that had worried me that day. There had been the wolves, the most obvious issue, of course. Starving despite the season. Unreasonably aggressive despite a lack of provocation. An obvious threat that needed investigating.

However, there had been something else I had encountered that day. An unnatural sense of primal fear. Something had warded off a part of those woods, claimed it as territory. I had my suspicions, but I needed to confirm them.

So, I wandered the woods until I found it again. A sense of pressure pushed against me, warding me off. I closed my eyes and felt the sensation, felt how it organized itself around me – and found I was correct. This was no mere instinct. This was a bounded field, intended to ward away intruders.

To a normal person walking in the woods, it would subtly steer them away. To me, attempting to run past it in fear of my life, it had increased in power to force me away. Now, that I was intentionally violating it, it was even stronger still.

Gamemaster said:
Valorous: 10 | 15 = Success

I pushed through it. This body was not resistant to magic as my past one had been, but I was not so timid as to be turned away by a warning such as this. I stepped to the other side and the feeling stopped, its hold over me broken. Magical energy swirled around me, and another bounded field activated deeper within, an alarm going off in response to my intrusion.

Gamemaster said:
Invoke Passion: Honor: 10 | 16 = Success
Hunting: 6 | 6 = Critical Success!
>Gain a check to Hunting.

I continued on. The forest wove itself against me. Roots tripped at my feet. Thorns pricked at my clothes. Thick branches cast the area into darkness. The land subtly sloped, the path of least resistance circling back the way I came and away from this territory. This too, I ignored.

I stepped into a glade. The wide sky opened above me, a sweet breeze lingered on the air. I did not allow myself to relax. Having broken through two defenses, I had no doubt there would be a third. True to my thoughts, a figure appeared at the far end of the grove.

It did not simply step out from behind a tree, nor suddenly appear as if by teleportation. Instead it stepped out of a tree, as though it were a part of the wood. Indeed, for while the figure was shaped like a woman, the similarities ended there. The creature's skin was bark, its hair made of leaves. Woven ivy made its muscles, its eyes were of liquid amber. It stared at me impassively, no mouth or nose carved upon its wooden face to give away emotion.

By all appearances, it was a dryad, a phantasmal creature from the time of faerie. However, I sensed none of the power of such a creature. A construct then. Something that imitated the shape, but lacked the fundamental nature. I stepped forward and the creature met me, its hands sharpening into wooden claws.

Elaine Melee: 1 | 15 || Dryad Claw: 5 | 15
>Dryad Damage (4d6) = 12 (13 AR) = 0 Damage
Elaine Melee: 10 | 15 || Dryad Claw: 4 | 15
>Elaine Damage (6d6) = 23 (10 AR) = 13 Damage (19/32)
>>Dryad Dexterity: 13 | 15 = Maintains Footing
Elaine Melee: 20 | 15 || Dryad Claw: 5 | 15
>Dryad Damage (4d6) = 16 (10 AR) = 6 Damage (32/38 HP)
>>Elaine Dexterity: 2 | 14 = Maintains Footing
>>Elaine drops her sword. Gains a check to Melee.
Elaine Dodge: 3 | 17 || Dryad Claw: 19 | 15
>Elaine picks up sword.
Elaine Melee: 7 | 15 || Dryad Claw: 3 | 15
>Elaine Damage (6d6) = 30 (10 AR) = 20 Damage (0/32)
>>Dryad slain.

My blade met its first strike, turning it aside. The thing was strong and tough, its wooden hide forming a natural armor that my blade struggled to cut through. However, at the end of the day, it was wood, not steel. My blade still found purchase. After that first blow, I danced a circle around it, testing for its reactions, how quickly it could respond.

The thing was slow, ponderous. It might overwhelm a completely normal person, a person with no training, but it failed to respond as my sword bit into its leg. It did not respond at all, in fact. Though my sword cut deep, there was no pain response, no flinch. The thing simply turned and punched at me. I quickly backed away, the dryad's claws scraping along my jacket, but the creature's motion pulled my sword away, the blade still stuck within the dryad's body.


I slipped back in, weaving through its blows to grab hold of my hilt once again and yanking it free. The motion caused the thing to stumble a step. It was not much, but it was enough of an opening for me to leap forward. Taking my sword in both hands, I brought it down on the construct's neck. The first blow failed to sever completely. The second managed, and the creature collapsed to the ground.

Gamemaster said:
Glory gained Dryad slain = 30

A mote of green light escaped the dryad's corpse and raced into the forest. I followed it, the forest no longer barring my path now that its warden lay slain. It was not far before I found a proper path – and not a simple dirt path either. A paved road, wide enough only for a single car. The bounded field had hidden it, but I had no doubt that if I followed it back, it would take me straight to the city.

The owner of this place needed a way to come and go, after all.

I followed the road deeper into the forest instead. It did not take me long to find its destination. A large mansion sprawled out in front of me. It was an ornate place, the sort that would have been built an age past – Steeply pitched roofs and turrets rising above the trees. Sculptures and facades carved into the stone. A French château brought here to America part and parcel.

A rolling garden stretched out in front of it, tended by more dryad constructs, though these ignored me as I passed by. Flowers lined the main path, but I could see stranger plants, plants that I failed to recognize, deeper within. Marching forward, I approached the main door and knocked upon it.

The door opened hardly a second after my knuckles left the wood. Another creature stood there, though this one was not made of mere wood. This one was shifting shadow, hardly visible but for the butler uniform that constrained its form. It spoke, its voice a whisper that sounded as though it were coming from a great distance.

"Welcome. The Lady of the house is expecting you."

If she were not expecting me by now, I would have been deeply surprised. I bade the Shadow to lead on and followed it inside, the door closing behind me without anyone having touched it. The interior of the manor was as richly appointed as the exterior. Mahogany floors were covered by vibrant rugs. Paintings, vases and sculptures lined the walls. This was not the house of someone who was merely rich, as my own parents were, but instead truly wealthy.

The Shadow ushered me into a sitting room. A pot of tea sat at a table, two cups set out. One for myself and another for my host. She looked up as I entered, a flash of uncertainty on her features quickly replaced by firm resolve.

"Hello," Erin said. "You can take the helmet off, Elaine. I won't bite."

"Is that so? Your familiar out in the forest would say otherwise."

Erin waved her hand dismissively. "If you had called ahead, I could have disarmed it for you. How did you find this place anyway? It is supposed to be rather well hidden."

I closed my eyes, simply taking the time to process, before removing my helmet and setting it down. A moment later, I sat down across from Erin and met her eyes. "I ran into your outermost boundary some months ago. I was unsure of what it was at the time, but it was not so difficult to discern on closer inspection."

"But that's–" Erin frowned and crossed her arms in front of her. "No, that doesn't make sense. Not unless…" Her head jerked up and she snapped at the Shadow, "Sebastian, go check on our ward schema. Something is off here."

The Shadow bowed and left, leaving just the two of us alone. "So," I asked. "Where does that leave us?"

Gamemaster said:
Erin Bond: 7 | 2 = Failure

"What do you mean?"

"You are a magus. You approached me soon after I awoke from a coma. Why? What were you after?"

The emotions drained from Erin's face. She stared at me, cold, calculating. Every inch what a magus was supposed to be. "You already know the answer to that, Elaine."

"Tell me."

"Would Elaine Stansfield have known what a magus is? A bounded field? A familiar?" Erin scoffed, "You know exactly why I approached you. I'm the one who helped put those memories into you to begin with."


"The world is dying."

I reeled back. What?

"If the Endbringers continue to destroy things as they are, civilization as we know it will end within twenty years. Even if they are stopped, something is fraying at the fabric of our world. It is breaking apart. The world's lifeblood will burst forth, and the atmosphere will fill with ether. The world will lose its capacity to sustain life. The Atlas Institute puts projections for this event as occurring within the century."

"What – What does this have to do with me?"

"Under normal circumstances, when faced with an internal or external threat such as this, the World would deploy Heroic Spirits to eliminate the problem. However, we have seen no signs of such a deployment. More to the point, attempts to ritually summon and sustain Heroic Spirits ourselves have also ended in failure. No attempt to contact the Throne of Heroes succeeded. With one notable exception."

"The Fuyuki Grail War," I murmured.

Erin's eyebrows shot up. "Yes. How did you–? No, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that yes, using the limited container called a Servant, the Fuyuki Grail was able to summon a lesser version of Heroic Spirits. We are still not sure why it was able to reach the Throne while the attempts of others failed. However, the point became moot in the wake of the Fifth Grail War, in which the Fuyuki Grail was destroyed. Alternatives were needed."

A blackened hole in reality spilled forth mud unending. She raised her sword, a bright light that filled the horizon. "How does that lead to me then?"

"I'm getting to that. You see, there was another experiment in England – a particular family was obsessed with the legacy of King Arthur. They attempted to recreate the mind and body of King Arthur – it failed, for reasons that we don't need to get into, but it led to a bit of speculation. If we could not call the Heroic Spirits directly, then what if we attempted to use a living person as a medium. A Pseudo-Servant, if you would."

A sudden sense of clarity washed over me. I narrowed my eyes, staring at her. "So you took a brain dead girl and made her your experiment."

"Yes," Erin said simply. "I judged that it posed less risk of rejection. A greater chance that the Heroic Spirit's mind and memories would carry over in their entirety to fill the empty vessel. In the end, however, you were judged a failure. For though you showed signs of a behavioral change that could be attributed to a Heroic Spirit, you displayed none of its power. You were not King Arthur. Just a girl with his memories. Or so we thought."

My nails bit into my palms. My chest felt tight. Those memories sometimes felt more a part of me than Elaine's did. More real, more true to who I was. And they were… just implanted into me?

"I watched your fight with my Dryad, you know. She's not the greatest fighter, but she still managed to hit you once. Except, what would have left grievous injuries on any normal person left little more than a scratch on you." Erin straightened so quickly in her chair that she seemed to almost hop in place, a wide grin stretching across her face. "Your body has begun to transform, hasn't it? It's becoming a spiritual body capable of holding a Heroic Spirit's power."

"Yes," I whispered. She was right. It had not been noticeable at first, but I was changing. It wasn't just that I was relearning my skills with a sword far faster than what any normal person could – accomplishing in months what would have taken a normal knight years to master. My body itself had grown tougher, more resistant to damage. A bullet wound had hardly phased me and had healed within days.

"That's good." Erin smiled brightly. "I'll have to contact the others and let them know. It might help with their own projects."

I jerked my head up sharply. "What others? What other projects?"

Erin blinked. "Surely you didn't think I wasn't working alone? The fate of the world is at stake. We have an entire team of people collaborating – I specialize in the binding of familiars, as you can likely tell, but all of us have a role. Nor are you our only attempt – I had the idea of using someone in a coma, but the others had their own ideas to use our shared research on, and they're all attempting to reach the same goal in different ways."

"How many?"

"There are currently thirteen people like you across the world."

Gamemaster said:
Gain 100 Glory for completing the Forbidden Woods.

Parahuman Power has been shortened to simply Power.

It is October of 2010.

You are currently following the Adventure of the Haunted Storage shed, but Erin has promised to take over and help. In the meantime, what do you do?
[ ] [Adventure] The Adventure of Aggressive Animals
>The animals in the forest are acting strangely aggressive. It might be worth investigating.
[ ] [Adventure] Raid the Azn Bad Boyz
>A local vigilante, Haze, has offered to lead you to an ABB stash to raid them. It would certainly deal damage to their operations, and there may be the opportunity for looting.
[ ] [Adventure] Focus on your duties
>Do not engage in adventure this month.

When modeling with Victoria, do you want to go as Pendragon or Elaine?
[ ] [Modeling] Pendragon
>Get extra glory, socialize as a hero.
[ ] [Modeling] Elaine
>Get extra money, socialize as a friend of Victoria.

We'll also need to decide where you're patrolling with Glory Girl:
[ ] [Patrol] North End
[ ] [Patrol] The Docks
[ ] [Patrol] Midtown
[ ] [Patrol] Downtown
[ ] [Patrol] Stratham

Choose an activity to participate in:
[ ] [Activity] Focus on the Student Council
>You will be doing work for the Student Council regardless, this is to spend extra time devoted to the task.
[ ] [Activity] Study Group
>Spend some extra time studying for your classes.
[ ] [Activity] Party
>You've been invited to a house party by Chelsea and Morgan.
[ ] [Activity] Charity
>You could do volunteer work at the local homeless shelter.
[ ] [Activity] Sparring
>You have people you can practice your fighting with now.
[ ] [Activity] Dating
>Go on a date with Amy.
[ ] [Activity] Church
>Visit Father DiMaggio at his church.
[ ] [Activity] (Write-In)

Choose someone to spend time with.
[ ] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Morgan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] Theo Anders
[ ] [Social] Tammi Herren
[ ] [Social] Vedika Dhawan
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)
Last edited:
5.2 - The Shattered Sword
Voting said:
[X] [Adventure] Aggressive Animals
[X] [Patrol] Midtown
[X] [Modeling] Pendragon
[X] [Activity] Dating
[X] [Social] Erin

Gamemaster said:
Recover 5 hit points via Natural Healing. HP: 37/38

The days after her encounter with Erin found me despondent. For a time, I did little beyond go to school. At home, I simply laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling. I think I worried my brother, for I had no explanation that I could rightly give him. I had struggled with my identity these past months, but I had believed that I was truly King Arthur reborn. Now, I knew that was a lie. I was merely a girl playing dress-up.

In the end, it was my promise with Victoria that roused me from my melancholy. No matter who I was, it did not change the duties I had.

I looked at myself in the mirror before I left. For months now, I had been gathering my hair up in imitation of how Artoria had once done so. I turned away, my hair still loose across my shoulders.

Elaine was dead. Artoria was a fantasy. All that was left was… me. I just had no idea who that was any more.

"Hey," Victoria said when I met up with her. "You've been a bit scarce lately."

"I am sorry," I murmured. "I have… had something on my mind." For a moment, the urge to call her Vicky, the way Elaine would have once upon a time, rises within me. I open my to do so, but my tongue stays still, frozen within my mouth. In the end, the moment passed, and I simply hung my head.

"You and Amy both. You two didn't fight again, right?"

"No. This is unrelated to Amy – What is wrong with her?"

Victoria frowned. "I don't know. She won't tell me. She's just been brooding a lot lately." Victoria tilted her head, a sly look entering her eyes. "Maybe it's because you haven't taken her out on a date yet. When are you going to do that?"

"A date?" I blinked. The thought had not occurred to me – Homecoming aside, I had become accustomed to going to the Dallons' house whenever I wanted to spend time with Amy. "Where would we even go?"

"That's for you to figure out," Victoria laughed, scooping me up to carry towards the sky. "I can't hold your hand for everything. You'll have to figure a few things out for yourself."

"You are correct, it is just…" I worried that my own judgment would make a mess of things, the same way it had our Homecoming date.

"You'll be fine, Ellie. I believe in you."

"...Thank you, Victoria." I let out a slow breath and recentered myself. "So, what should I expect at this photoshoot?"

"Well, the Wards are going to be there, and I'm sure they'll want to meet the new Independent Hero that's been making waves. Beyond that, there's some of the other models, teenagers, but the type who do this thing regularly. They can be a little stuck up. No offense."

"I did not take any." It was true Elaine had done this sort of thing in the past, but that had largely been her – my Mother's influence.

"Finally, there's the stars of today's show. There's going to be a few sick kids there. The type who might not otherwise get the chance to even go out much, much less meet heroes. They're why we're here, so you want to take the time to really make them feel special."

I nodded seriously. I could do that much.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

"So can you fly?"

"I cannot."

"Oh, are you super fast like Velocity then?"

"No, I–"

"You're super strong then, right?"


"Well, what can you do?"

I was glad for the motorcycle helmet I had purchased. It helped conceal my crestfallen expression. Why had I thought I could do this? Victoria was flying with one little girl clutched in her arms. Meanwhile, I was here with no notable powers to speak of. Even my costume was obviously homemade – little more than a jacket and helmet, with my scarf fluttering behind me – while both Victoria and the Wards had costumes that were professionally put together.

Gamemaster said:
Etiquette: 7 | 8 = Success

Summoning my sword, I planted it in the ground in front of me. "I am a knight. With my sword, I strike down those who would harm the innocent. With my sword, I protect those who cannot protect themselves."

The eyes of the boy who had been asking questions widened. "Cooool. Can I hold it?!"

"You may. Be careful however, for the edge is sharp."

The boy nodded and took the sword, almost dropping it, his arms trembling with the weight. "It's heavy…"

"Yes. Remember that weight. For that is the weight that any who take up the sword must bear. It is the weight not just of steel, but the weight of lives. The weight of every person that your sword protects."

"But I'm not a Hero."

"You can be. There are hundreds of heroes around us every day. Not just people who put on costumes and fight crimes either – Doctors, Firefighters, even normal people who just go out of their way to help someone else who they see is in trouble. All of these people are heroes." I tapped a finger to the boy's chest. "It is not power that makes a person a hero. It is their heart."

Gamemaster said:
Appeal: 2 | 14 = Success

A camera flashed nearby and the boy flinched back. I quickly reached out and supported the boy's grip on the hilt before he could drop the sword. Several people nearby began clapping. Again, I found myself glad for the concealment offered by my helmet. This time, it hid the visceral anger that cut through me. The moment of introspection I had given the boy was gone, lost amidst the adulation of the masses around me.

I closed my eyes. No matter. The smile on his face was happy. That was enough.

An older woman bustled up to me, though she wore her age well. Hints of make-up hid the wrinkles around her eyes, and there was no hint of gray in her hair, though I suspected dye may have been used. She smiled broadly at the two of us. "Hello, hello. Pendragon, was it?"

"Yes," I said, tilting my head curiously.

"Good to meet you. I'm Sylvia Gates, the manager for this agency. I'll admit, I didn't know what to think when Glory Girl showed up with you, but you certainly seem like a natural."

"Thank you," I replied neutrally. "I do all that I can to live up to the position I have been given."

"And I can see you're doing a good job so far. I'd like to have a little talk with you – Why don't we let little Jimmy here get back to the rest of the group. How would you like a turn up in the air with Aegis, Jimmy?"

"My name's Johnny."

"Yes, Johnny," Sylvia said dismissively, waving him off. "So, flying?"

The boy, Johnny, looked between us, obviously put off by the woman's attitude. After a moment however, the bribe of flight won through and he dashed off to join the others. That left me alone with Sylvia, the photographers and other support staff already moving on to greener pastures.

"So," she began. "You're a new up and coming hero, right? This is your first big PR event?"

"Yes, that is correct," I said, curious where this was even going.

"So how did you wind up coming here with Glory Girl? Anything saucy I should know?"

"We have been patrolling together – Glory Girl has been 'showing me the ropes,' so to speak."

"Well. You certainly have the PR neutral responses down. A shame. I was hoping for a bit of flair. Audiences love heroes with a bit of personality to show off, or failing that, a bit of mystery. Still, if you ever want to do another shoot, we'd be happy to work with you. We regularly do events with both the Protectorate and New Wave. We haven't had much work with any other Independents in town – not many to go around – but if you want to get your name out there, we're the ones to do it with."

I raised an eyebrow. "This is a recruiting pitch?"

"You can call it that. Think of it like a corporate sponsorship. You occasionally come in, get paid for your time, and in exchange we get to use your image for some of our photoshoots."

Somehow, I suspected the Protectorate did not use the services of any particular agency quite as much Sylvia would try and have me believe. They had their own Image and Public Relations department to help handle that. It was more likely just the occasional collaboration, such as this. Everyone knew that Capes were profitable however. It was why Sylvia was likely so intent on snagging me, as one of the few Independent Heroes in the city.

"I would need to see the terms of whatever deal we decide on. At the bare minimum, I would need control over how my image is used. I would prefer to avoid a line of Pendragon underwear," I said, referencing a product line I remembered one of the local heroes having put out nearly a decade ago.

Gamemaster said:
Fashion: 9 | 3 = Failure

"Hah!" Sylvia laughed. "Well, we can work something out. We'll probably settle on a pay-per-session structure while we see just how popular you are with the market, so you'll have full control over whether to accept or decline any particular shoot. We'll need to see about upgrading your costume though, it's a little plain right now, isn't it?"

My face grew warm and I glanced away from the woman. "I intend to add proper armor at some point, it is simply… a bit of an expense."

"Well, we can help with that! So? What do you say?"

"Your terms seem acceptable."

"Great! I'll see about getting the paperwork together. Why don't you go mingle while I do that?"

With that, Sylvia breezed away, leaving me wondering what I had just agreed to. Letting out a slow breath, I turned and made my way to the refreshments table that had been set up. I began reaching for a sandwich, only to pull back as I realized I would not be able to eat it with my helmet.

Suddenly, being an open cape like Victoria seemed much more attractive. She probably got to eat as many sandwiches as she wanted while in costume. Maybe I could sneak one while nobody was looking this way…

"Oh! Pendragon! Is that you?"

Damnation. I turned towards the voice and saw a small, petite girl jog her way up to me. "Madison?"

"It is you! The helmet is new, but I like it. You're doing the photo shoot with all the other heroes then?"

"I am. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, a friend of mine is an amateur model. She does this sort of stuff all the time – I was just here hanging out with her, but we heard the Wards were doing a shoot next door, so I thought I'd check it out. I'm glad I did, I got to see you again, after all."

"I trust you have been well since I last saw you? No more wandering down dark alleyways?"

Madison colored but nodded. "No, I've been safe. Just, um. I'd really like to pay you back for saving me the other day, so I was wondering – I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to, but I was thinking maybe we could go get di–"

"Pendragon!" Victoria flew down, landing next to the two of us. "Hey, the others were wrapping things up, but they wanted to say hi before they left. You want to head back over there?"

Madison's jaw snapped shut, her teeth clicking with the force. Well, Victoria was a fairly famous hero for the city, so I cannot blame her for being nervous. Taking pity on her, I introduced her. "Victoria, this is Madison. She's a civilian I saved from a… mugging. Madison, this is Victoria."

"G-Good to meet you," Madison stuttered.

"You too," Victoria said brightly. "I'll head on back, let you two talk, but come join us soon, alright?"

"I will," I promised and waved her off. She smiled and pulled me into a hug before flying away again.

"You and Glory Girl seem close," Madison said, a hint of a question in her voice.

"Mm," I hummed an agreement, then paused, remembering what Sylvia had said about people liking heroes with a bit of mystery. "Well, perhaps so, but it is not something I should discuss."

"O-Oh?" Madison's eyes darted between me and the departed Glory Girl. "Well, she seems like a very friendly sort."

"She is. In any case, what was it that you wished to ask of me?"

"Ah." Madison went silent for a long moment. She stared down at her feet, her mouth moving as if silently trying to come up with something to say. Finally, she raised her head again and said, "Well, I was thinking – As a Hero, you probably need whatever information you can get, right? And I spend a lot of time online. I can be your – your eye in the sky as it were. The girl on call to help find things for you."

Gamemaster said:
Intrigue: 6 | 9 = Success

"Madison," I said gently. "While I appreciate the offer, I do not know how much help simply browsing PHO will be."

"No, it's true! People post all sorts of crazy stuff. Like, um. Circus has been hitting a lot of stores Downtown lately. Or the Damsel of Distress has been causing trouble in Durham lately. Lots of people talk about Hookwolf running dog fighting rings too!"

Gamemaster said:
Recognize: 8 | 6 = Failure

I… did not know who any of those people were. Durham was the closest town to us, on the other side of the mountain range that covered Brockton Bay's western side. It wasn't somewhere I could visit casually in an afternoon. I could, on the other hand, investigate whoever this Circus person and Hookwolf were.

Gamemaster said:
Adventure discovered: Takedown the Clown
Adventure discovered: The Dog Rings
Adventure discovered: The Damsel of Distress

"Very well." Madison's face immediately brightened. "It is true that I could use any information. I will not turn it down if you are able to offer – so long as you are not putting yourself in any sort of danger to obtain it."

"Of course! … I'll need some way to contact you though. Your phone number, maybe?"

That seemed reasonable. Fortunately, the studio had plenty of markers lying around for us to sign autographs with. I took one to instead write my burner phone's number on the back of Madison's hand. "There. I do need to get going, but try keeping out of trouble, okay?"

"If I do get in trouble, you'll come and rescue me though, right?"

She could not see it, but I shot Madison a very unimpressed look. That had been in fashion at one point during my – during Artoria's reign. Various ladies would conspire to be "kidnapped" so that knights could ride to their aid. It had been another product of the stagnancy of Artoria's later years. She had brought peace to the land, but not to the hearts of the people; and so they played at war with kidnappings and tourneys and anything else that would allow them to continue using their arms.

"I would prefer not to risk harm coming to you in the first place."

Madison giggled. "Don't worry. I'll stay safe. You go do what you need to do."

I felt not at all reassured, but ultimately decided not to dwell on it. Madison's choices would ultimately be her own. I left, walking back to rejoin the other heroes.

Today had been my first time meeting most of the Wards. Triumph, with his lion's head and roman armor. Aegis, dressed in a red bodysuit with a shield proudly emblazoned on his chest. Clockblocker, his helmet smooth and faceless, his only feature the spinning clocks that decorated his armor. Kid Win, in bright red and gold armor, a visor covering his eyes. Gallant, my brother, hidden within his tinkertech armor, blue lighting lending it a futuristic tone instead of simple plate. And finally, Vista, the youngest of the group. They had clustered together – it looked as though the kids had been taken aside for a group photo, so it left us free for the moment.

"--Can't believe the nerve of her," Victoria was saying as I approached.

"Hey," Dean soothed, his voice echoing a bit inside his armor. "Some people are just like that. It sucks, but punching her wouldn't solve anything."

"What happened?" I asked.

Victoria looked up, her expression stormy. "Some redhead bitch was making fun of one of the kids for being in a wheelchair."

My lips thinned. "Where is she?"

"Gone!" Dean quickly spoke up. "She's already left. Vicky scared her off."

Clockblocker laughed. "I thought she was going to pee herself at one point. It was pretty great to watch – even got it on video if you want to check it out."

Gamemaster said:
Forgiving: 15 | 10 || Vengeful: 12 | 10
>No change.

"No, if Victoria already reprimanded her, then let that be the end of it."

"Anyways, forget her," Vista piped up from where she was sitting, perched up on a table instead of a chair. "Tell us about you! We'd heard about you a bit from Velocity, but this is our first time meeting and we barely got to interact the whole time."

"Well, what is it that you wish to know?"

"What powers do you have?" Aegis asked.

"I am a Brute," I said, though I disliked the classification. "I am tougher than normal and heal quickly." It was true for how I was currently, though I suspected that might change soon as my body changed more and more to better match that of a Heroic Spirit.

"A really basic package, huh?" Clockblocker said.

"Classic," Aegis riposted with an easy smile. "Us Brutes need to stick together. We're the ones holding down the frontline after all."

"Indeed. I am sure that you perform perfectly well in a support role, Clockblocker."

"Oof," Clockblocker clutched at his chest. "The new guy's vicious."

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Victoria trying desperately to suppress a laugh. Dean, too, seemed to be looking deliberately away from me. I narrowed my eyes. Clearly another sparring session was in order.

"Why go Independent instead of joining the Wards?" Triumph asked.

"For similar reasons to most Independents, I imagine. I valued the ability to make decisions for myself rather than receive orders, and I did not wish my family to know about my powers. I am happy with the decision I made however. Victoria has been an excellent mentor."

"Aww," Victoria cooed. "You're a pretty great trainee yourself. You pick things up fast."

"She should bring you to patrol with us sometime," Dean chimed in. "We'd be happy to have you."

I scowled at him. Ever since I had revealed my identity as Pendragon to him, my brother had kept trying to argue for me to join the Wards or take safer patrols. It had grown annoying. "Perhaps, if we are in the area. Personally, I would prefer to focus on more dangerous areas of the city."

"Oh?" Vista leaned forward. "Glory Girl already told us that you made Oni Lee run the other day. So who's next to take down?"

Pausing, I met Victoria's eyes. Haze had extended the invitation to raid ABB operations with him. We could take his offer. Truthfully however, we had yet to sit down and make plans. We would need to if we had any intention of being effective. We could not just randomly patrol the city forever. Not if we had any intention to change it. I hesitated before finally answering Vista.

"Whoever stands in our way."

Gamemaster said:
Gain (20 + Appeal x 2) = 48 Glory
Gain Money (Appeal x 10) = $140
Gain a check to Fashion.

  • ❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•

The weekend finished and Monday arrived. With it came school. Apparently, a video of my conversation with Johnny had been circulating on Parahumans Online all weekend and it had set off a wave of gossip about Pendragon. Victoria had framed attending the photoshoot as doing her a favor, but I suspect she had actually tricked me into doing a favor for myself. She knew the power of Public Relations well.

Work in the Student Council had hit something of a lull. Midterms were this month, and everyone wanted to focus on that. However, there were plans to do a fundraiser next month, and so we had begun sketching out what we would need for that. Cookies and baked goods were typical, but a few other suggestions were offered.

Kayla suggested sticking me in a kissing booth, which I firmly denied. Not just for the impropriety, though I would have vetoed it for that alone, but because I had a girlfriend now. Something warm tickled my chest at the statement. Artoria had lived a cold life, with few personal attachments, but I did not have to be her. My mistakes were my own to make.

After we finished for the day, I wandered out to the football field and sat up in the bleachers. The field was deserted, leaving me to stare wistfully out at the setting sun. When Erin sat next to me, I did not bother looking at her. We both stayed there, not speaking, for a time, watching the sun slowly dip below the horizon. When darkness had finally claimed the school, I finally turned my head.

"What is it that you want, Erin?"

Erin frowned. "Is that any way to greet a friend?"

"No. It is not." I met her eyes. "But then, I was only ever an experiment, was I not?"

"Haah." Erin sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "This is why I didn't want you to find out to begin with. It's not as though I was carving you up for your secrets."

"Should I be thankful for that?"

"Yes! Maybe! You'd still be asleep on a hospital bed if not for me!"

Perhaps a part of me still was there, sleeping even now. I closed my eyes and asked again, my voice weary, "What is it that you want, Erin?"

"I promised you I'd help look into what was happening with the athletics equipment here. I have. You had a goblin infestation."

My eyebrows shot up. "That should not be possible. The Age of Faerie has long passed."

Erin shook her head. "I told you. The fabric separating the outer layer and the inner layer is fraying. Things are slipping through. Quite a few mages were happy with the development at first – forming a pact with an Other is an easy way to gain power – but the consequences are doomed to follow if it isn't stopped."

"What were they doing here?"

"Goblins like chaos and breaking down signs of civilization where they can. These ones were pretty minor. Civilization as a concept is fairly well-enforced in this school, so there wasn't much they could do beyond making things go missing. I suspect there's a larger nest of them somewhere in the city however. Somewhere filthy."

Gamemaster said:
Adventure discovered: The Goblin Nest

I scowled and stood up. "I will try and discover where they are hiding then."

"Elaine, I–"

"What?" I snapped.

Erin took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. For taking advantage of you. For using you. I did mean it though, when I said I wanted to be your friend."

Gamemaster said:
Trusting: 9 | 12 (10+2) || Suspicious: 13 | 8 (10-2)

I turned to look at her. She returned my gaze steadily, but her fists were clenched in her lap, trembling with anxiety. I could not maintain my anger. She had used me, it was true, but I could not deny the reasoning she had done it with. Artoria had suffered as much and worse from the people around her. Perhaps my difficulty in accepting this small betrayal was the truest sign of our differences.

"I accept your apology." Erin's face immediately brightened. "However. You will be honest with me from now on. No more lies or half-truths. No concealing the truth for my own benefit. If I am to trust you again, I must have that trust returned completely."

"I understand. I won't let you down a second time. I promise."

"Then let us begin anew." I smiled and took her hands in mine, helping her to her feet. "You have set out to save the world. Allow me to help you in what little way I am able. We shall do this together."

Erin wrapped her arms around me, her hug tight enough to drive the breath from my lungs.

Gamemaster said:
Bond with Erin increased to 3.
Gain 50 Glory for completing the Haunted Storage Shed.

I have made some updates to the available power progression, particularly to how Riding functions.

It is October of 2010.

We have hit a new Glory milestone.

First, you may increase any Trait, Passion, Characteristic, or Skill by one, ignoring any usual restrictions.
[ ] [Glory] (Write-In Increase)

Second, you get another Parahuman Power upgrade:
[ ] [Power] Chivalry (C)
>Gain an additional 3 armor and increase Major Wound threshold by 3.
[ ] [Power] Mana Burst (E)
>Deal an additional 2d6 damage on Melee and Charge attacks.
[ ] [Power] Instinct (E)
>Enemy attacks suffer a -3 threshold penalty.
[ ] [Power] Riding (E)
>Knockdown Threshold increased by 3.
[ ] [Power] Charisma (E)
>Roll Parahuman Power at -10. On a success, gain a +5 threshold bonus to any Social roll.
[ ] [Power] Magic Resistance (E)
>Roll Parahuman Power at -10 opposed to parahuman powers that target you. On success, the effect is negated.

You need to plan your date with Amy. Where do you go? What do you do?
[ ] [Dating] (Write-In)

Someone has requested the purchase of a Shield for Elaine ($200).
[ ] [Purchase] Buy
[ ] [Purchase] Don't Buy
5.3 - The Shattered Sword New
Voting said:
[X] [Power] Mana Burst (E)
[X] [Glory] SIZ
[X] [Purchase] Buy (Shield)

Gamemaster said:
Recover 5 hit points via Natural Healing. HP: 39/39

The following weekend saw Erin and I make our way out to the forest near her house, her shadowy butler tagging along silently behind us. The deeper we encroached, the darker the woods became, thick branches weaving overhead to block out the light, though the sun stood high in the sky.

"There's definitely something off here. Something punched a hole through from the inner side of the world – No wonder the outer layer of my wards got scraped clean."

"Any thoughts on what it could be?"

"No. Something decently powerful. I suspect it allowed quite a few Others through in the process before the world mended itself. It left a mark though. These woods have a narrative on them."

"A faerie tale," I said dryly.

Erin shot me a sharp look, though her lips quirked upwards. "You could say that, yes. A lot of Others have likely taken roost here – those related to predators or the wilderness."

"A good thing you did not bring a red cloak along."

"I think, if either of us is the archetypical red riding hood, it would be you, Elaine."

I grimaced. That was true enough. Elaine had several inches on me and her hair had the strawberry tint to it that mine lacked. "I generally prefer blue, given the option."

"Oh good. I'll let any and all wolves know that you're actually Little Blue Riding Hood instead."

"In that case, I have no further objections."

Erin laughed, though the sound was dampened, as though the oppressive darkness of the forest worked to deny any sort of joy. Silence settled on us as we walked, only the sound of our footsteps to break up the monotony.

As such, it was not surprising that we heard the wolves before we saw them. Though the beasts did not howl, they nevertheless were reckless and loud as they lunged through the underbrush, an entire pack of them. Like the one I saw months ago, these too were emaciated, their ribs showing through their pelts, though they did not lack for vigor considering that fact. A wild and crazed look dwelled in their eyes as they lunged at us.

Elaine invokes passion: Heroism: 14 | 16 = Success

Elaine: Inspired (+5 to Melee) (+5 Opponents are Reckless) (-10 Multiple Opponents)

Elaine Melee1: 13 | 15 || Wolf1 Reckless Bite: 20 | 12
>Elaine Damage (8d6) = 32
>>Wolf1 takes a Major Wound.
Elaine Melee2: 11 | 15 || Wolf2 Reckless Bite: 14 | 12
>Elaine Damage (8d6) = 31
>>Wolf2 takes a Major Wound.
Elaine Melee3: 6 | 15 || Wolf3 Reckless Bite: 13 | 12
>Elaine Damage (8d6) = 28
>>Wolf3 takes a Major Wound.

We were immediately swarmed. This was no single wolf, but an entire pack. However, just as these wolves had joined together, so too did I have my allies. Erin immediately fell back, a thorny vine forming in her hand and striking at the nearest wolf like a whip, while her shadow shifted in front of her, protecting her from the ambush. It did not punch or batter the wolves, yet whenever it would touch a wolf, the wolf would simply fall over, as if its very life force had been drained from it.

Neither was I helpless. I was no longer armorless with a make-shift stick as my weapon. I had my sword in my hands, and with it, I lunged forward to meet the wolves' charge.

The first lunged for me and I ducked under it, allowing its weight to carry it past me as my sword cut upwards, carving a path through the creature's belly. The next pounced at my face. Still crouched, there was no repeating my previous action. Instead, I ripped my sword free of the first wolf and bashed the pommel into the second's snout. The wolf recoiled, pain interrupting its attack. A quick turn saw my blade pierce its neck.

I had hardly finished the movement when a third leaped for me. I kicked it, feeling teeth snap beneath my boots. The wolf fell, whimpering. My sword had lodged itself in the second wolf. Rather than fight to pull it free, I simply allowed it to vanish and reform in my hand, ending the third's misery before it could recover.

Erin had likewise finished with the three that had attacked her, looking none the worse for the wear. I glanced down at the viscera that had stained my jacket, and then back up at her.

"I do not suppose that you have any spells that aid in cleaning?" I asked.

"I have vinegar, laundry detergent, and bleach," Erin replied blandly.

"Tsk." I clicked my tongue and allowed my sword to vanish once more. "What is causing this then?"

"I mentioned before that some more minor Others likely escaped to our side with whatever caused the more major breach. I suspect one of them is responsible for the wolves. It's likely a spirit of hunger. A wendigo."

"Have you any thoughts on how we go about tracking it down and banishing it?"

Erin frowned and crossed her arms, tapping a finger against her elbow. "We won't be able to just track it through the forest. It takes solid form, but it is fundamentally a spirit. I'll have to design a spell to find it."

"Which means we will need to leave and return later."


"Very well." I glanced out to the forest. The spirit may evade my retribution this day, but not forever. The two of us turned to begin the trek back towards Erin's mansion. "I have a theory about what caused the breach here."

"Oh? What's that?"

"When I was in England, over the summer, I happened to visit a certain lake…"

Gamemaster said:
Glory gained (3 x Wolf) = 75
Gain 50 Glory for completing the Aggressive Animals.
Adventure discovered: The Wendigo Spirits.


Erin was, understandably, not happy to know that Morgan had been able to co-opt all of her work after a single glance. She was even less thrilled to discover that Morgan had possibly chased me into the modern world and created her own incarnation. She had started muttering imprecations under her breath when I left her at her mansion.

As it turned out, her shadowy butler doubled as a taxi service. The dark-tinted windows of the Porsche hid the both of us from view as it made its way back into the city. It was a good thing, as I could not continue using Victoria as a personal taxi for meetings such as this. Hopefully, once my birthday came and I had my license, I would be able to transport myself instead.

I spent the rest of the afternoon at home, allowing my mind a brief respite, before setting out again once the cover of night had fallen.

"So, where to tonight? Victoria asked as she landed next to me, three blocks out from my house.

"Midtown." It was one of the safer areas in the city on average, but it was important to protect our current holdings, not just venture out to conquer new ones.

"Righty-o." Victoria crouched over and I hoped deep within my heart that no one was around to see as I clambered onto her back. We launched a moment later, gravity losing its hold upon us as we soared into the night.

Unfortunately, while I'd prefer there be no witnesses to my riding Victoria's back like this, I knew there were already a handful of photos circulating on Parahumans Online. Amy had outright laughed at us as we had returned from a patrol last week. The only consolation I had was that there had yet to be any photos of the times Victoria had instead carried me in her arms.

Fortunately, this late at night, no one was likely to see us once we were up in the air. We floated through the darkness, searching for signs of life on the darkened streets.

Gamemaster said:
Awareness: 3 | 3 = Critical Success!
>Gain a check to Awareness

A flicker of motion caught my eye. I frowned, searching for it again. There – Four monsters ran through the streets, individuals riding bareback atop them. I called out to Victoria, raising my voice to be heard over the wind, "I see something!"


"There!" I pointed, and Victoria flew in the direction I indicated. As we flew she squinted, finally spotting what I had.

"I recognize them! The Undersiders – They're a new group of thieves that popped up recently!"

"Then it is likely they are planning a heist tonight! Shall we interrupt them?"

Victoria turned her head to grin at me. "You know it!" she said before zooming downwards.

As we dove downwards, I tensed. We had the advantage of surprise and aerial superiority coming down like this. I could drop on top of one of these 'Undersiders' and pull them free of their mount before they even knew I was there. However, they all looked lightly armored. Only one of them even wore a helmet at all. Dismounting them would carry a high risk of injury under those circumstances.

Gamemaster said:
Dexterity: 10 | 14 = Success

I leaped from Victoria's back, landing not atop one of the Undersiders, but instead simply dropping into their chosen path. A whistle immediately went out, their mounts skidding to a stop. There was a moment of tense silence as I took them in.

Their vanguard was a tall, broad shouldered man dressed in dark leathers. A motorcycle helmet painted with a skull emblem protected him. Clearly, the most sensible one in the group. The next in line was a blonde girl in a tight-fitting purple catsuit. She smirked at me knowingly as my eyes passed by her. A boy wearing a loose blouse, twirling a scepter in his hands. A girl in a dog mask, her teeth pulled back in a snarl.

It was a motley crew, as bandits were wont to be. Still, it would not do to underestimate them. I turned to the man . "Good evening. I take it that you lead this group?"

"I do," the man said. His voice was hollow, echoing as if from a great distance away, though I had no trouble with hearing the words. "Who are you supposed to be?"

"Pendragon!" The blonde spoke up cheerily. "A new vigilante on the streets. Minor Brute – No flight powers, so Glory Girl is definitely waiting in the wings."

I summoned my sword to my hand and planted it in the street in front of me, resting both hands upon the pommel. "You have me at a disadvantage. You know who I am, yet I have not heard of you before now. Would you care to introduce yourselves?"

The group shared a look between each other, uncertain. Finally, their leader spoke up again. "I'm Grue. This is Tattletale, Regent, and Bitch," he said, nodding to each in turn. I tilted my head at the final introduction, but the girl in question showed no hostility – or at least, no more than she already had – so it must truly be her chosen name.

"Very well. As your compatriot pointed out, I am Pendragon. I am given to understand that you are a gang of thieves. As such, I must ask that you surrender yourselves into my custody."

"Fuck off," Bitch said.

"Yeah, what she said!" Regent called out a moment later.

"You make me sad. So be it."

Tattletale snorted out a laugh. "I think you're on the wrong side of the road for the Black Knight routine."

"True enough. Still, if it must be said: None shall pass."

"I'm afraid we'll have to pass." Tattletale's eyes glittered as she placed a hand over her mouth, a taunting smirk hidden behind the gesture. My hackles rose. Why was that so familiar?

What makes you think you can protect a country, when you can't even protect yourself, Sister?

A cold laugh, colder than the one Tattletale had made. But that gesture. I recognized that gesture. I grit my teeth, my hands tightening on my sword's hilt. Tattletale's eyes widened, realizing something was wrong even before I had lifted my weapon.

"Crap – Grue! We need to split! Now!"

Elaine invokes passion: Heroism: 11 | 16 = Success

Elaine: Inspired (+5 to Melee) (-10 Blinded)

Elaine Melee: 18 | 5 || Tattletale Evade: 20 | 22
Grue Brawling: 7 | 16 || Elaine Unopposed
>Grue Grapple (6d6) = 22 || (Elaine's SIZ) 13
>>Elaine is Thrown (1d6) = 1 Damage (38/39 HP)

Grue's head swung around to look at Tattletale. I charged, raising my sword, but a dark cloud had already begun spilling out of him, obscuring the street in inky black. There was no light, no sound, nothing but the sensation of paved asphalt beneath my boots. However, I remembered where they were. If I could make a strike before they could escape, I could take at least one of them prisoner.

I struck – and hit air. Those monsters they rode must be more agile than they looked. Before I could attempt a second thrust, a pair of arms encircled me from behind. I squawked my indignation, but Grue – and it must be Grue as I felt myself lifted into the air – did not hesitate to spin and toss me to the ground.

I bounced once, twice before rolling to a stop. I immediately scrambled to get back to my feet, but – there was no follow-up. No attack to take advantage of my vulnerability. When the darkness cleared to reveal Victoria also lying in the middle of the road, the story had become clear.

The Undersiders had taken their victory in our exchange and then fled.

Victoria met my eyes and gave me a weak grin. "Sorry. I flew down to try and help once they put the cloud up, but something went wrong with my flight. I crashed. You alright?"

Sighing, I offered a hand to help her to her feet. "Tis but a flesh wound. Worry not. We went in underprepared this time. We will be more successful when next we encounter them."

"You got that right. We'll need to ask Gallant if he knows anything about them."

I pursed my lips. "It feels so strange calling him that."

"Just a part of cape life you'll need to get used to, Pendragon," Victoria winked at me. "Anyways. Climb back on and let's get back to it."

Silently suffering the indignity yet again, I climbed onto Victoria's back and we shot off once more into the night.

Gamemaster said:
Adventure discovered: The Uncatchable Undersiders


The next day saw me knock on the Dallons' door. To my surprise, it was not Amy or Victoria who answered it, as was usually the case during the day. Instead, their mother looked down at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Elaine? What are you doing here?"

"Ah… Hello Carol. I was looking to take Amy out for a bit."

Carol frowned at me. "She hasn't mentioned anything to me about going out with friends."

"It is not a planned excursion. Just something spontaneous on my part," I replied, though I tilted my head slightly. Friends, Carol had said. Had Amy not told her we were dating yet?

"Hmm. Well, alright then. Amy does need to get out of her room more. Just make sure not to stay out too late."

"Would it be objectionable if she ended up sleeping at my house?"

Carol pursed her lips, thinking it over, before finally answering, "That's fine, just make sure you call me if you end up deciding to do that."

Yes, Amy definitely had not told her anything. If Dean had asked something similar for him and Victoria, there was not a chance this side of Hell that Carol would have allowed it. I would not ruin her secrecy however. If she had chosen not to tell her parents, then that was her secret to share, not mine.

Gamemaster said:
Honest: 4 | 11 || Deceitful: 6 | 9

In truth, I had not told my parents either. I had heard a few too many comments over the years about homosexuals being sinners to feel comfortable in broaching the topic. Perhaps they would accept me. Perhaps they would not. For now, I allowed the topic to lie undisturbed.

"Amy's upstairs. You can go ahead and head up to," Carol said, letting me inside.

"Thank you." I nodded and stepped past her into the Dallons' house. The clinking of cookware came from the kitchen – it must be one of Mark's better days. Most of the time I was over, he stayed in his room and left us teenage girls to fend for ourselves. I vaguely knew the reasoning behind it. A chemical imbalance in his brain leading to lethargy.

In Artoria's day there had been similar individuals, but they had believed to have been fae struck, consumed by ennui in the absence of whichever fae had enchanted them. Individuals struck this way often just wasted away, age catching up with them faster than it had any right to.

Pausing, I stared at the kitchen, before turning away to head up the stairs. As much as I pitied the man for his affliction, there was little I could do to aid him in it.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I found Amy's door jammed shut again. I put my weight against it and shoved, forcing it to slide open. Once again, the room was dark, the curtains closed, though this time Amy was in front of her computer instead of in her bed. She yelped as I stumbled into the room and hurriedly turned off her computer's monitor.

"Ellie! I didn't know you were coming over today!" she said, voice oddly high-pitched.

"I thought I would surprise you." I stepped forward and leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead. "And perhaps to take you out for a bit, if you are willing."

"Take me out?"

"On a date," I said, smiling.

"O-Oh." She shot a glance at her computer and surreptitiously placed a finger over the power button to shut it off entirely. "Yeah. That sounds good."

"I am glad you think so. You may wish to consider changing clothes before leaving the house however," I said, glancing meaningfully down to the overly large shirt and little else that she was wearing.

Amy turned scarlet. "Yep! Got it! Just uh. Just give me a minute to change and I'll be out!"

A laugh escaped me as I stepped back out into the hallway, closing the door behind me. Amy really was just too easy to tease.

Unfortunately, my plans went awry from almost the moment the two of us stepped out the door. Amy squinted against the harsh glare of the sun, a frown of displeasure crossing her face at having to brave the outdoors. I crossed off my plans to take her for a picnic. Instead, I took her to a cafe on the Boardwalk.

Well, more accurately, my family's chauffeur took the both of us. Once again, I found myself eagerly awaiting the moment I could legally drive myself instead of relying on others to taxi me everywhere.

We took a seat by the window, looking out towards the Bay, the shimmering forcefield of the Protectorate Headquarters shining in the afternoon sun. Perhaps the food was not to Amy's taste, however, as she seemed to mostly just pick at it.

"Are you still not feeling well?" I asked.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"After Homecoming, you were sick for a while."

"Oh, that. No, I'm feeling great lately, honestly. A bit of insomnia – I can't seem to fall asleep at night, which means I'm tired as hell during the day usually. Weekends are nice, they let me sleep in. None of that's really new though."

"Is that so?" Elaine had always been a morning person and Artoria had hardly slept at all to begin with. The current me, whoever she might be, seemed to fall closer to Artoria's side of things. I got a bare four hours of sleep a night and found it a tremendous luxury. I knew however, that I was not the norm in that respect.

Reaching across the table to take Amy's hand, I said, "Perhaps I simply need to tire you out during the day then?"

"Please, no more batting cages."

"Very well. No more batting cages. Perhaps we could instead–" Something caught the corner of my eye. I turned to look, scanning the crowds of the Boardwalk. There, a girl with long, dark hair and large glasses was staring at Amy and me. I did not recognize her. She was no one I knew. So why was she…?

Her eyes met mine. I was held in place, pinned by that stare. Then, the crowd shifted, hiding her from view. When the space opened up again, she was gone.

"Elaine? You okay? You just cut off mid-sentence there."

"I – Yes, I am fine. I apologize, I just thought I saw something."

"What is it?"

"Nothing," I shook my head. "Just my imagination. Are you ready to leave, or would you like to stay a bit longer?"

Amy frowned and took one last long slurp of her coffee before setting it on the table. "I'm ready. Let's go home."


We spent the night at my house, curled up in bed. My laptop sat to the side, playing movies, but Amy did not seem particularly interested in what was on the screen.

"Nn–" I let out a groan of pain as her teeth sunk into my neck once again. "What is your obsession with leaving hickies on me?"

Gamemaster said:
Chaste: 11 | 10 || Lustful: 15 | 10

She had gotten somewhat handsy once we had gotten into bed, but I had put a stop to that. It was not… unpleasant, by any means, yet I had found myself tensing up with every caress, memories of Artoria's one experience during her life interfering with my own enjoyment of the situation. Amy had settled for kissing me enough that my lips felt bruised, before moving on to my neck.

"Mm… It's kinda hard to explain. You don't really go on PHO at all, do you?"

"No?" I said, wondering where this was going.

"There's all sorts of weird speculation on there. A lot of people shipping you with Vicky. As a couple, I mean. That recording of your voice during the modeling shoot started making the rounds and some people thought you were a younger guy and started shipping you with Vista instead, even though the two of you have barely even met."

"Why should that matter, Amy?"

"It doesn't. It shouldn't. It's just… I'm your girlfriend. But I'm a normie girlfriend. I can't go on PHO and announce we're dating, because that would out you. So all these strangers get to go around imagining you with anyone they can except for me."

I sighed and spun around so that I could wrap my arms around Amy. "You know I am not interested in either of them, yes?"

"I know. It's just… this is my way of putting some small claim on you. Of announcing to the world that you're mine. Even if no one is going to see it."

"I imagine some people are going to see it at school," I said dryly. Amy had not been shy about how far up my collar she had left her marks.

"Good. They can know you're spoken for and back off also. You're mine," Amy growled.

Ice trickled down my back.

You're mine, Sister. Now and forever.

I awoke in the middle of the night. Amy was noticeably absent – my bed was not made for two people, but we had squeezed in anyways. Groggily, I raised my head, only to notice her standing by the window.


She turned towards me, cool wind causing her hair to dance behind her. Her eyes seemed to almost glow in the moonlight. "Go back to sleep, Elaine." There was an odd note to her voice, pitched as though she were singing. "I'll rejoin you soon and be yours come morning."

"I–" I am not sure what I intended to say. Sleep claimed me first. In my dreams, Amy kissed me with bloodsoaked lips and caressed me with fingers of ice.

The memory was gone come morning.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Amor (Amy).

It is October of 2010.

What adventure do you pursue next?
[ ] [Adventure] Raid the Azn Bad Boyz
>A local vigilante, Haze, has offered to lead you to an ABB stash to raid them. It would certainly deal damage to their operations, and there may be the opportunity for looting.
[ ] [Adventure] The Damsel of Distress
>The villain known as the Damsel of Distress is causing trouble in a nearby town, Durham.
[ ] [Adventure] The Uncatchable Undersiders
>The Undersiders have proven to be masters of escape. Can you catch them?
[ ] [Adventure] Takedown the Clown
>Circus is out robbing various stores. A clown can't be too hard of an opponent, right?
[ ] [Adventure] The Dog Rings
>Hookwolf supposedly runs dog fighting pits. Close him down.
[ ] [Adventure] The Goblin Nest
>There's a goblin infestation somewhere in town.
[ ] [Adventure] The Wendigo Spirits
>Spirits of Hunger are stirring things up in the woods.

We'll also need to decide where you're patrolling with Glory Girl:
[ ] [Patrol] North End
[ ] [Patrol] The Docks
[ ] [Patrol] Midtown
[ ] [Patrol] Downtown
[ ] [Patrol] Stratham

Midterms are here. You currently have two relevant passions to be used, but six classes to pass. You'll need to decide which classes to use them on. Choose TWO options:
[ ] [Midterm] English Literature
[ ] [Midterm] Math
[ ] [Midterm] Biology
[ ] [Midterm] History
[ ] [Midterm] Computer Science
[ ] [Midterm] Physical Education

Choose someone to spend time with.
[ ] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Megan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] Theo Anders
[ ] [Social] Tammi Herren
[ ] [Social] Vedika Dhawan
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)
Last edited:
5.4 - The Shattered Sword New
Voting said:
[X] [Adventure] Raid the Azn Bad Boyz
[X] [Midterm] History
[X] [Midterm] Physical Education
[X] [Social] Erin Archelot
[X] [Patrol] The Docks

Gamemaster said:
Recover 5 hit points via Natural Healing. HP: 39/39

I arrived at school the next day wearing a scarf tightly wound around my neck. It garnered a few odd looks. The weather was starting to cool off as we moved deeper into Autumn, but it was still warm enough that a person did not require more than a light jacket. Moreover, I was wearing the scarf indoors.

"Sooo," Chelsea said, falling into lockstep next to me. "Who's the guy?"

"What are you talking about?" I replied, glancing at her out of the side of my eye.

"Pfft, the scarf is like, the most obvious way of covering up a hickey ever. If you wanted to disguise it, you should have at least gone for a turtleneck or something instead."

Was it really that obvious? "There is no guy."

Chelsea's fingers hooked into my scarf as I stepped away and the whole thing tugged free, exposing the many bruises Amy had left behind. Chelsea's eyes twinkled and she gave me a wide grin. "Oh Em Gee! He really did a number on you, huh? Come on, give me the deets."

My cheeks burning, I hurriedly snatched the scarf away from Chelsea and wrapped it back around my neck. "I am going to class now."

"Later then! You've gotta share!"

Quickly walking away, I shook my head. I could only imagine how many people had seen that. Knowing teenagers, the rumor would be through the school by lunchtime.

I made my way to my first class of the day. Midterms were supposed to start this week, but real or imagined, I could feel the classes' eyes upon me during the entire test. That surety that somehow they knew burned in the back of my head. I suspect I flubbed my English test as a result, which was somewhat embarrassing. I was never so glad for the bell to signal the end of class as I was today.

With my first class over, I sped my way to a bathroom. I needed a moment to center myself. It was not like me to grow so easily flustered. So what if everyone in school was aware that my girlfriend was… especially enthusiastic? It was hardly – Gah, I could already feel the blush creeping into my ears.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. No. Focus. I slowly released the breath, forcing my body to stillness in its wake. One could not fight on the battlefield with a distracted mind, nor rule effectively as King. Perhaps I was not Artoria, but I could still use her lessons as needed. The shame and embarrassment were unnecessary, and so I locked them away.

The rest of my classes that day went smoothly.

Midterms said:
Honor: 12 | 16 = Success
Station: 10 | 12 = Success

English Literature Academics: 13 | 12 = Failure
Math Academics: 9 | 12 = Success
>Gain a check to Finance.
Biology Academics: 9 | 12 = Success
>Gain a check to First Aid.
History Academics: 8 | 17 (12+5) = Success
>Gain a check to Strategy.
Computer Science Academics: 12 | 12 = Critical Success
>Gain a check to Technology and Academics and gain 14 Glory.
Physical Education Energetic: 14 | 19 (14+5) = Success
>Gain a check to Energetic.


"I wonder that they do not have anything better to talk about," I grumbled.

Erin gave me a conciliatory smile. "You've become something of an idol, you know? You burst onto the scene and immediately got elected as president – that means you're popular pretty much by default. And people like talking about celebrities."

The two of us were sitting on the school's roof, watching the setting sun. My scarf lay discarded behind me, the uncomfortable warmth shedded now that it was just me and… my friend, though I was not sure if I could call her that still. Even if I had forgiven her, my trust was still bruised. She was, however, my confidante at the very least. She knew who and what I was; more so than even my family.

"Still, I'm surprised," Erin continued. "You didn't seem particularly interested in finding someone to date last time we talked about it."

"I would not say I found her, so much as she found me."


"Amy." Erin looked at me blankly, so I added, "Dallon."

"Oh! Really?" Erin tilted her head and eyed my well-used neck. "I wouldn't have thought it of her. She always struck me as the overly shy type. Not that we've ever talked much."

Pursing my lips, I shook my head. Amy was not particularly social, but I did not think shy was the right descriptor. She simply did not like being around people most of the time.

"Enough about me," I said, turning to look at Erin. "Have you been well lately?"

Erin shrugged. "Had a call with my Mom the other day that didn't go too well. She didn't really approve of me moving out to America to pursue a pipe dream. Not sure how she can complain when she's never home anyways."

I raised my eyebrows. "What do you mean by that?"

"She's just always busy somewhere else. Don't know why she cares all of a sudden. I mean, it took her this long to even realize I wasn't living in England anymore."

"Just now? You have been here for months."

"Over a year," Erin scoffed. "She's noticed I wasn't home, of course, but I always just told her that I was away traveling and that's been enough until now. Not sure what tipped her off."

"What?" I blinked. "How did you buy a house without her noticing?"

"Hm? Oh, the family already owned the house. We've got a couple of them around the world. We've got a summer stop in L.A., a chateau in France, a penthouse in Japan, a beach house in the Bahamas. Nothing that unusual."

I stared at Erin for a long moment. The wealth was staggering even by the standards of Elaine's family. "What was it that your mother did again?"

"Well, she got really into music. She was a pop singer back in the day – She likes the term Idol, from when she toured in Japan. The family business is tied up in the military though. Weapons manufacturing, fighter jets, that sort of thing."

A moment of temptation niggled at my mind. For months I had been scraping together my allowance so that I could purchase equipment without my parents being any the wiser. With those kinds of resources at my command, I could easily arm and armor myself.

I shook the thought free. Asking a friend for handouts was inappropriate. It would be a stain on both of our honor.

"That is… Well, putting that aside, not everyone has the qualities to be a parent." I gave Erin a bitter smile and reached over to squeeze her shoulder. "I know this better than most. However, that does not mean she does not care for you."

Not once did I despise you.

Erin frowned. "I suppose you would, wouldn't you?"

I gave Erin a grim smile. There were few examples of parenting that could possibly be worse than Artoria's memories. I – She – had failed in that role, just as she had failed in her role as King.

"What was it you mentioned before about chasing a pipe dream?"

"Oh uh." Erin glanced away, embarrassment written clear across her features. "I told you before about the prediction that Atlas put out regarding the world's end, right? The problem is generally agreed on. The solution… is not. When my group first submitted the proposal regarding the creation of Pseudo-Servants, we more or less got laughed out of the Clocktower."

Furrowing my brow, I asked, "Why?"

"Well, putting aside the issue of the Endbringers, the thinning of the barrier between the Outer and Inner world isn't the sort of thing you can fix by just waving a sword at it. They have a point too, we don't even know rightly what is causing the issue. The only thing we know, and my group agrees on, is that Heroic Spirits are fundamentally the World's defense system against threats – and something is preventing their summoning."

"So, your reasoning was that because something is preventing the defense from being deployed, then the defense must be necessary?"

"Yeah. I know it sounds a little silly, that we went through all this effort based on just that–"

"No, I understand." The thinning membrane is something that could happen naturally. The Endbringers could be attributed to Parahumans. However, the block on the summoning of Heroic Spirits was an anomaly. There was no good explanation for that – other than enemy action. The only question was who could possibly manage something like that and why?

"Clearly, not everyone embraces your theory. What were the alternatives offered?"

"Mm. The most popular is that the rise of Parahumans, particularly the "Hero" and "Villain" culture reduced the mystery of the ritual and rendered it inert. Heroes simply became too mundane and common. I think it happened too quickly for that to be the case though. There are records of Spiritual Evocationists in the 80's – people who would commune with spirits to discover information – who reported issues even back then."

"That does not explain the other problems however."

"No, but those can be attributed to Parahumans too. Endbringers are just Parahumans whose powers went out of control. The thinning barrier is because Parahumans somehow draw upon it or are reducing mystery – or increasing mystery, or anything in between. The truth is, we simply don't know enough about how Parahumans do what they do."

"Even after thirty years?"

"Even after thirty years, and who knows how many magi devoting their life's work to studying the phenomenon. There have been dissections, vivisections, observational studies, attempts to cause powers to manifest, and we're no closer to understanding it than mundane science is. They're almost certainly using magical energy, but they don't match any known thaumaturgical foundation. They have the ability to casually do things that should be impossible, if only for the sheer amount of energy it would require. They defy all reason."

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. It was suspicious, terribly so, but it was not something I was equipped to handle. I knew the basics of magecraft, things that Artoria had picked up from Merlin, but she had never studied it in-depth. Instead of a Knight, they should have summoned a Magus, someone peerless in the art. Merlin would have been a good choice. Failing him however… My lips twisted in distaste. Artoria's sister would be an even better choice speaking purely of her skill in the art.

We could leave that as a last resort. I was not the only attempt at a Psuedo-Servant. Perhaps another who was more suited would be summoned.

"I am sorry. I have led us somewhat far afield with my questions."

"Don't be. It's kind of nice being able to get it all off my chest. I haven't really had anyone to talk to about all this?"

"What about the rest of your mysterious cabal?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Erin snorted. "It's nothing so grand as that. But we each split up to pursue our own theories. We check in with each other now and then, but none of them are in the Bay area with me."

It seemed a lonely existence. Why had they chosen that route rather than working together? Had personalities clashed, or was it just typical magus secrecy at work?

"You are not alone anymore. No matter what your peers or even your mother might say, I will stand with you on this, Erin."

Erin blinked and turned her face away, trying to hide the wetness on her cheeks. This time, I was the one to hug her instead.

Gamemaster said:
Bond with Erin increased to 4.


"You're finally ready to do this then? I was starting to think I'd have to go all by myself."

"I wished to make sure I was prepared," I replied, my voice clipped. Getting shot the one time had been more than enough. It had taken time to scrounge the money, but I had purchased a proper shield – this one off the internet. I had not been so lucky as to find another pawn shop selling armaments.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Prudent.

Haze snorted and tugged at his hoodie to pull it a bit lower. "Sure. If you're done pussy footing around though, I'd like to do some actual damage to the ABB for a change."

I glanced over at Victoria, who didn't seem to appreciate Haze's attitude any more than I did, though she had been just as eager to leap into combat during our flight here. The three of us had scheduled our meet up in a small, dingy alley in the Docks. Abandoned warehouses lined the streets, remnants of a better time.

"We're here, aren't we?" Victoria replied. "Where's this ABB stash you supposedly know about?"

"About two blocks from here. It looks like a legitimate business out front, but the back is filled with gangbangers. We'll need to bust in hard and fast, keep them from calling for help."

"Do you have any information on their numbers?" I asked.

Haze shook his head. "I'm not really sure. Probably just a few."

Gamemaster said:
Strategy: 5 | 3 = Failure

I shared another look with Victoria. She gave a minute shrug. It was less intelligence than I would like for raiding an enemy encampment, but there was something to be said for a rapid strike. "Very well. We will follow your plan then, Haze. Hard and fast."

"Great. Let's get moving then."

The vigilante led us out of the alley and down the street. Victoria chose to fly up above, keeping an eye out for anyone else who might be on the streets at this hour. When we reached our destination, I could not help but raise an eyebrow.

"Quick and Fast Loans?"

"I know how it looks," Haze said defensively. "But they really are set up here."

"Is there an employee entrance in the back?"

"Yeah, there should be."

"Then we'll go that way. Glory Girl can keep watch for any attempting to flee."

Gamemaster said:
Awareness: 12 | 3 = Failure

Haze nodded and the two of us trod our way through a suspiciously clean alley to the business' back entrance. My lips thinned. A metal door, with a heavy security lock. This was not something we could break through easily, not without calling upon Victoria and her prodigious strength, at least.

"Don't worry, I've got this."

I could hear the grin in Haze's voice as he lifted a hand. There was a shimmer in the air, a distortion, and the door began rusting, corroding as though it had been dropped in acid. A dangerous power, more dangerous than it looked at first glance. Once I deemed the damage sufficient, I lifted a foot and kicked the door inwards.

Elaine invokes passion: Heroism: 1 | 16 = Success

Elaine: Inspired (+5 to Melee) (-10 Multiple Opponents)

Haze: 8 | 16 = Success || 12ABB Ranged: x | -2 = Auto Miss
>Haze Damage (8d6) = 32
>>ABB12 takes a Major Wound.

Elaine Brawling: 4 | 9 = Success || ABB11 Brawling: 15 | 8 = Failure
>Elaine Damage (2d6+6) = 17
>>ABB11 takes a Major Wound.
Elaine Brawling: 1 | 9 = Success || ABB10 Brawling: 4 | 8 = Success
>ABB10 Damage (2d6+4) = 12 (16 AR) = No Damage
Elaine Brawling: 15 | 9 = Failure || ABB9 Brawling: 11 | 8 = Failure
Haze: 18 | 16 = Failure

Elaine Brawling: 17 | 9 = Failure || ABB10 Brawling: 12 | 8 = Failure
Elaine Brawling: 15 | 9 = Failure || ABB9 Brawling: 13 | 8 = Failure
Elaine Brawling: 10 | 9 = Failure || ABB8 Brawling: 20 | 8 = Fumble!
Haze: 9 | 16 = Success
>Haze Damage (8d6) = 25
>>ABB10 takes a Major Wound.

Elaine Brawling: 14 | 9 = Failure || ABB9 Brawling: 1 | 8 = Success
>ABB9 Damage (2d6+4) = 14 (10 AR) = 4 Damage (35/39 HP)
Elaine Brawling: 13 | 9 = Failure || ABB8 Brawling: 14 | 8 = Failure
Elaine Brawling: 11 | 9 = Failure || ABB7 Brawling: 6 | 8 = Success
>ABB7 Damage (2d6+4) = 15 (10 AR) = 5 Damage (30/39 HP)
Haze: 9 | 16 = Success
>Haze Damage (8d6) = 35
>>ABB9 takes a Major Wound.

Elaine Brawling: 13 | 9 = Failure || ABB8 Brawling: 4 | 8 = Success
>ABB8 Damage (2d6+4) = 8 (10 AR) = 0 Damage
Elaine Brawling: 17 | 9 = Failure || ABB7 Brawling: 2 | 8 = Success
>ABB7 Damage (2d6+4) = 10 (10 AR) = 0 Damage
Elaine Brawling: 2 | 9 = Success || ABB6 Brawling: 15 | 8 = Failure
>Elaine Damage (2d6+6) = 16 Damage
>>ABB6 takes a Major Wound.
Haze: 14 | 16 = Success
>Haze Damage (8d6) = 28
>>ABB8 takes a Major Wound.

Elaine Brawling: 7 | 9 = Success|| ABB7 Brawling: 6 | 8 = Success
>Elaine Damage (2d6+6) = 11 Damage (17/28 ABB7HP)
Elaine Brawling: 8 | 9 = Success || ABB5 Brawling: 20 | 8 = Fumble!
>Elaine Damage (2d6+6) = 18 Damage
>>ABB5 takes a Major Wound.
Elaine Brawling: 15 | 9 = Failure || ABB4 Brawling: 2 | 8 = Success
>ABB4 Damage (2d6+4) = 12 (10 AR) = 2 Damage (28/39 HP)
Haze: 1 | 16 = Success
>Haze Damage (8d6) = 26
>>ABB7 takes a Major Wound.

Elaine Brawling: 9 | 9 = Critical! || ABB4 Brawling: 4 | 8 = Success
>Elaine Damage (2d6+6+2d6) = 23 Damage
>>ABB4 takes a Major Wound. Gain a check to Brawling.
Elaine Brawling: 5 | 9 = Success || ABB3 Brawling: 10 | 8 = Failure
>Elaine Damage (2d6+6) = 15 Damage
>>ABB3 takes a Major Wound.
Elaine Brawling: 8 | 9 = Failure || ABB2 Brawling: 15 | 8 = Failure
>Elaine Damage (2d6+6) = 11 Damage (17/28 ABB2HP)
Haze: 11 | 16 = Success
>Haze Damage (8d6) = 34
>>ABB2 takes a Major Wound.

Elaine Brawling: 6 | 19 = Success || ABB1 Brawling: 4 | 8 = Success
>Elaine Damage (2d6+6) = 18 Damage
>>ABB1 takes a Major Wound.

We were immediately greeted by a hail of bullets. I leapt in front of Haze, my shield manifesting to take the brunt of the fire. Much like most previous gang members I had fought, none of these men were particularly accurate. The shield was enough to protect us in the moment. However, no one won a fight by staying on the defensive.

Charging forward, I saw the air warp in front of me, striking at one of the gang members. The man went down screaming, his flesh burning from his face. I grimaced. Battle was never pretty, but that was an injury that would stay with the man his entire life, assuming he survived.

The rest of the men dropped their guns as I fell into their midst. Whether because they were afraid of shooting each other, or simply because their shots had proven ineffective against my shield, it mattered not. They came at me with little more than brass knuckles, but quantity could prove a quality all of its own.

I immediately jabbed my baton in the sternum of one man, turning to take the blow of another across my shield, but I soon found myself fighting defensively. A blow landed on my helmet, the man's brass knuckles rattling me despite the padding, and another found purchase on my back.

Spinning, I cracked my baton across a man's wrist, bashing another in the face with my shield. I could see men going down, their skin searing where Haze struck them, but there were enough packed into this small room that his attacks only slowly whittled down the group.

Still, it was enough to turn the tide. Soon, there were only a handful of men, and I struck them one after another. A blow to the head, circling to bash my shield against another's knee, before sweeping out to knock another's feet from under him and hit him in the stomach before he could get up.

Gamemaster said:
Glory gained capturing ABB gunman (x6) = 90

When the last of the men lay on the ground, I looked back to Haze, my displeasure clear in my voice. "I thought you had said there would only be a few?"

"I guess I was wrong." Haze stepped into the room, his power shimmering around him. "Still, I wasn't wrong about the ABB being back here, was I?"

"Hrm." I turned away, scanning the room. The door towards the front stood open. It seemed someone had run out while we were fighting. We could only hope that Victoria dealt with them. I stepped through to check the rest of the building.

The next room was little more than a set of tables, packet upon packet of white powder laid out on it. A drug of some kind, I suspected, though I did not know what. I turned back towards Haze – who was going through the gangster's wallets, pulling out any cash he could find.

"What are you doing?" I hissed.

Haze looked up at me, as though he was confused I had said anything. "I'm taking the gang's money."

"You cannot do that!" Independents were not allowed to simply take money they found. If it was related to gang operations, then taking it would be evidence tampering. If it was not, then it was theft. In either case, it was illegal.

"It's dirty money. Better that we have it than the gang does, right? Don't worry, I'll save you your share."

My lips tightened. Looting and holding Knights for ransom was a common practice in my – in Artoria's time. However, it was not the law of the land now. On the other hand, if I made an issue of this, it was unlikely Haze would want to continue working with me in the future. If nothing else, his information on the gang's hideout had been accurate.

I met Haze's eyes as I made my decision.

Gamemaster said:
Gain 50 Glory for completing the Raid the Azn Bad Boyz.

It is November of 2010.

We have arrived at a rest period.

First is to tally checkmarks.
Checkmarks said:
Energetic: 3 | 14 = No Increase
Prudent: 7 | 11 = No Increase
Trusting: 2 | 10 = No Increase
Amor (Amy): 10 | 14 = No Increase
Awareness: 3 | 3 = No Increase
Hunting: 17 | 1 = Increased by 1
First Aid: 8 | 3 = Increased by 1
Fashion: 7 | 3 = Increased by 1
Academics: 15 | 12 = Increased by 1
Finance: 12 | 1 = Increased by 1
Technology: 1 | 0 = Increased by 1
Strategy: 6 | 3 = Increased by 1
Brawling: 19 | 14 = Increased by 1
Melee: 17 | 15 = Increased by 1

Next is training and practice. You may select any one of the following improvements:

Training said:
Change a Personality Trait
You can add one point to a Trait, decreasing its opposite by the same amount (subject to an effective minimum value of 1).
Change a Passion
You can add or subtract one point from any Passion.
Change a Characteristic
Players may add one point to any one of STR, DEX, CON, or APP.
Train Skills Up to 15
Add 6 points to any number of Skills under 15 in any combination—all points may be added to one Skill, divided between two Skills, or more—as long as the values are not raised over 15.
Train a Skill Up to 20
Increase one Skill over 15 by one point, up to a maximum value of 20.

Please structure this vote as:
[ ] [Training] Skills 1, Skills 2, Skills 3, etc.
>As a reminder, Elaine does have midterms this month.

Next, you receive your monthly allowance. Given your status as a Wealthy Heiress, you earn $100.

Remember, if at any time you wish to buy something from the shop, please do a write in as below, and I will add it to the next vote.
[ ] [Shop] (Write-In)

What adventure do you pursue next?
[ ] [Adventure] The Damsel of Distress
>The villain known as the Damsel of Distress is causing trouble in a nearby town, Durham.
[ ] [Adventure] The Uncatchable Undersiders
>The Undersiders have proven to be masters of escape. Can you catch them?
[ ] [Adventure] Takedown the Clown
>Circus is out robbing various stores. A clown can't be too hard of an opponent, right?
[ ] [Adventure] The Dog Rings
>Hookwolf supposedly runs dog fighting pits. Close him down.
[ ] [Adventure] The Goblin Nest
>There's a goblin infestation somewhere in town.
[ ] [Adventure] The Wendigo Spirits
>Spirits of Hunger are stirring things up in the woods.

Choose an activity to participate in:
[ ] [Activity] Focus on the Student Council
>You will be doing work for the Student Council regardless, this is to spend extra time devoted to the task.
[ ] [Activity] Study Group
>Spend some extra time studying for your classes.
[ ] [Activity] Party
>You've been invited to a house party by Chelsea and Morgan.
[ ] [Activity] Modeling
>You were offered to make regular appearances with the modeling agency. It would be good for PR, maybe, and they'd pay you.
[ ] [Activity] Charity
>You could do volunteer work at the local homeless shelter.
[ ] [Activity] Sparring
>You have people you can practice your fighting with now.
[ ] [Activity] Dating
>Go on a date with Amy. Victoria's been trying to get you on a double date for awhile now.
[ ] [Activity] Church
>Visit Father DiMaggio at his church.
[ ] [Activity] (Write-In)

Choose someone to spend time with.
[ ] [Social] Dean Stansfield
[ ] [Social] Victoria Dallon
[ ] [Social] Amy Dallon
[ ] [Social] Chelsea and Megan
[ ] [Social] Erin Archelot
[ ] [Social] Theo Anders
[ ] [Social] Tammi Herren
[ ] [Social] Vedika Dhawan
[ ] [Social] (Write-In)

Haze has offered to share the spoils of the raid with you. Taking the money isn't strictly legal, but it's not an uncommon practice among vigilantes.
[ ] [Looting] Yes
>Take the money. Even if it's illegal, no one actually cares if you do, and it'll hurt the gang.
[ ] [Looting] No
>Don't take the money, but don't stop Haze. Better not to rock the boat.
[ ] [Looting] Stop it
>Stop Haze. If he's working with you, he can't be committing crimes.

The Student Council needs to begin fundraising for their next event. What idea do we have to fundraise?
[ ] [Fundraising] (Write-In)
Last edited:
5.x - Interlude ; Jun New
Voting said:
[x] [Training] Power 6
[x] [Looting] Stop It
[x] [Adventure] The Goblin Nest
[x] [Activity] Dating
[x] [Social] Amy Dallon


Jun snapped his head up, the air around him heating up. He was always too warm these days, even when he tamped down on his power as much as he could. He used to hate the cold of winter. Now, he found himself desperately missing it. Anything to help forget the constant heat that surrounded him.

"What do you mean, 'No'?"

"I am not taking any money – and neither are you." Pendragon stared at him resolutely from across the room. He still wasn't sure if they were a girl or just a short guy. The voice was somewhat androgynous, and the helmet muffled it enough that it was hard to tell. It didn't matter, he supposed, as long as they helped kick the ABB's ass.

Gamemaster said:
Gain a check to Just.
Gain a check to Honor.

Jun slowly rose to his feet. "Why the hell not?"

"I am here to stop criminals, not to become one. Taking that money would violate the law; and so long as we work together, I will hold you to the same standard."

"Vigilantes do this sort of thing all the time! No one actually cares about that!" Jun yelled, frustration creeping into his voice. He needed that money. His parents needed that money.

"I care. I know my own actions, no matter what anyone else knows or thinks of them."

Goddamnit. This is what he got for working with a bunch of goody two-shoes. He'd done the right thing, using his power to take from the ABB instead of innocent people, and this was what he got for his trouble. Self-righteous pricks. Gritting his teeth, he glared at Pendragon. "Fine. You don't want the money? Great. More for me. But I'm taking it."

"You do not want to go down this road."

Pendragon's shield rose and Jun tensed. That baton and shield might not look like much, but the hero had waded into a sea of ABB gang members with just that and come out better for it. He didn't want them to get too close to him – that meant cranking up the heat, making it too dangerous for them. There was a good chance the money might burn if he did that though.

He'd have to be careful. Hot enough to keep her away, but not so hot that stuff around him started to burn.

Elaine invokes passion: Honor: 18 | 16 = Failure
Passion Crisis: 15 | 16 = Elaine becomes Melancholic
>Gain 25 Glory, suffer -5 to all Skill checks

Elaine: Inspired (-5 to Brawling)

Haze Power: 10 | 6 = Failure

Elaine Brawling: 2 | 10 = Success || Haze Power: 11 | 6 = Failure
>Elaine Damage (2d6+6) = 16 (2AR) = 14 Damage (17/31 HP)
>>Haze Knockdown Dexterity: 10 | 14 = Keeps Footing

Elaine Brawling: 6 | 10 = Success || Haze Evade: 17 | 17 = Critical!
>Haze escapes and flees combat.

Pendragon shifted and Jun struck before they could. He pushed the heat that surrounded him outwards, shaping it like a tendril to slap at Pendragon – only for them to take the attack on their shield, bursting towards him. It was hardly an instant and they were on top of him, their baton slamming against his shoulder.

The air around him burned at Pendragon, but if the hero noticed, they gave no indication. Fuck it. He hadn't come here to fight another hero. He was cutting his losses. Jun feinted another attack, waiting for Pendragon to move, to try and take it on their shield. The moment they committed to their defense, he turned and ran.

His footsteps echoed down the alleyway as he sprinted away. He couldn't hear Pendragon following, but he didn't dare slow down to look. Instead, he looked to the sky. Was that a passing shadow or Glory Girl swooping down on him? It didn't make sense for it to be Glory Girl – she'd been outside, hadn't been involved in their argument, but she could fly faster than he could run. He couldn't take the risk.

Jun swerved down another alley. He'd have to make sure to shake the two heroes off his trail. He'd managed to stuff a few fistfuls of cash into his pockets before everything went to shit. It wasn't as much as he'd like, but was it enough to make Pendragon chase him down? He hoped not.

He ran until he couldn't anymore. Jun finally stopped, breathing heavily. There wasn't any sign of anyone chasing him, but he'd stick to the shadows to be sure. He leaned against a wall and let his head thump against the bricks.

So stupid. Why couldn't Pendragon have just let him take the money? Ever since his Dad's shop burned down – Ever since he'd been trapped in a closet, baking as the rest of the building burned down around him – Money had been tight for their family. The insurance hadn't come through and they didn't have the money to rebuild and reopen the store. Dad had taken a job at a convenience store just to make ends meet.

Jun took a deep breath. The air around him had been warming up again, the way it tended to when he was upset. He forced it back, until he could almost feel the cool night air against his skin. Almost.

A shadow appeared at the entrance of the alleyway and Jun huddled back into the darkness, hoping they didn't see him. Except, it wasn't either Pendragon or Glory Girl that stood there. It was just a girl, humming a song to herself.

"Darling look into my eyes and tell me what's inside."

The hairs rose on his arms. What was a girl doing out by herself at this time of night?

"Truth be told my dear, you don't know what it's like to leave it all behind."

Her voice echoed down the walls of the alley and Jun instinctively took a step back. His back hit the wall. Why had he hidden down a dead end?

"Take a step into the night, hear the voices singing, la la la la la,"

The girl ran her hand along the wall, a screech accompanying her voice as her nails left gouges in the bricks. Not nails. Claws. She grinned, white fangs gleaming in the darkness.

"Dancing gracefully to the beat of your heart,"

His heart pounded loud in his ears, a thundering drumbeat that he couldn't escape. What the hell was going on? What did this chick want with him?

"Until the morning comes to steal you away."

She stopped in front of him, red eyes bright in the night. Her pace hadn't slowed for an instant, as if she'd known exactly where he'd been the entire time. She tilted her head, her lips stretched wide.

Jun instinctively flared the heat around him. He pushed it as hard as he could. Some part deep inside him knew that whatever this girl was, it was not human. It was a predator. He would die if he didn't kill it first. The air ignited. The girl's skin burned, peeling away as it seared to charcoal. He was trapped as the world around him burned again, baking him alive though the flames failed to touch his skin – but it was still better than allowing her to touch him.

The flames quieted, leaving nothing but ashes in the alley. Jun stepped forward, a shudder running through him as he fought to quell the heat. He'd had to do it. She hadn't said or done anything to him, but he'd had to do it. He'd known. It was –

"So that's the extent of your power. How disappointing."

Jun jerked around at the sound of the voice. The girl stood where she'd burned just a moment before. There were no ashes on the ground, no scorch marks on the wall. Just the girl.

"Honestly, I'm not sure why I even bothered," the girl griped. "I was thinking of using you as a test run, but I'm not sure you're even worth the effort."

"J-Just leave me alone!" Jun called out, trying to back away. He tried, but no matter how many steps he took, he didn't seem to move. No distance was crossed. Here, in this alley, only the girl was allowed to move.

"No." She stepped forward, wrapping her hand around his neck. He tried to flare the heat, to burn her again, but nothing happened. It was like he had been nothing but a stuttering candle flame that she had snuffed out. "You've upset me. More to the point, you upset my childe."

"Please! I'll do any–"
"Boring." The girl's grip tightened and a snap echoed through the alleyway. She dropped the corpse to the ground, unconcerned now that Jun was dead. "Well, that was terribly dull."

"Was the show really necessary?" A voice echoed from the alley's entrance.

"Ah, but he upset you! He hurt your toy. He needed to understand the weight of his sins, dearest Amelia. I know you're still too squeamish to do the job yourself, but someday you'll understand that you can't just let these sorts of things slide." The girl bounced forward and bopped Amelia's nose with her finger. "You let one person walk all over you and soon everyone thinks they can."

Amelia grimaced and brushed the hand away. "He was just a stupid kid."

"Ignorance isn't an excuse. Even the mortal justice system understands that much." The girl grinned and patted Amelia on the shoulder. "Now go on. His vitae will lose its potency before much longer, so you'll need to drink now before he cools off too much."

"I don't–"

"Oh, are you saying you'd prefer to hunt down someone still alive for yourself? The blood is much sweeter when they're still struggling, isn't it?"

"...No." Amelia grimaced and knelt by the vigilante's corpse. He was already dead. She couldn't hurt him any more than he already was. Taking a deep breath, she sunk her teeth into the boy's neck.

The taste was the sweetest thing she had ever known. She was swept away on a wave of sensation, pure ecstasy running through her veins, until the boy finally ran dry, no more than a desiccated husk left behind. Her body tingled even afterwards as the fresh life sustained her own, repairing what damage the sun had dealt to her throughout the day.

"Finished already?"

Amelia glanced up. Her head still felt floaty, as if she were both here and somewhere else at the same time. She slowly wiped the blood from her chin, licking it off of her fingers, before finally standing up. "Yeah. Let's get going."

After this, she would go home and hypnotize herself into believing she was Amy again. Plain, normal Amy. It probably wasn't the healthiest way of dealing with issues, but it was probably the only way she could maintain her life and relationships and stay sane.

"Then let's go. The next verse is yours."

"I don't sing."

"Nonsense, you have a beautiful voice."

"I don't. I crack when I try to hit the high notes and–"

"Amelia. Sing for me."

Amelia sighed and accepted the inevitable. The two walked off into the night, with Amelia's serenade echoing in the darkness.

"All I ever knew was that you and me were meant to be,
All I ever knew was the taste of your lips against mine.
We were bound for eternity,
Now I am lost inside this everlasting reverie,
And I'm losing my mind."

The song in this chapter is My Nocturnal Serenade by YOHIO.

As a bit of behind the scenes, if you had let Jun take the money, you would have instead gotten a check to Arbitrary. If you had taken money for yourself, it would have been a check to Arbitrary and also lose a point of Honor.

We see our first failed passion roll, a pretty appropriate scene for it to happen too.

I keep forgetting to roll Knockdown, I've realized. I'm just not used to having Knockdown values be so low (I typically run a decent amount of SIZ). There were multiple hits last chapter that I should have rolled Knockdown on for Elaine. Going to make a note of it for the future.

Your first aid rolls, since Amy would provide (but it didn't come up in text):
Gamemaster said:
First Aid: 1 | 15 = Success
First Aid: 4 | 15 = Success
First Aid: 16 | 15 = Failure

A poster has requested to purchase a Helm. This would cost $200 and replace your current motorcycle helmet, giving an effective +1 Armor.
[ ] [Helm] Buy
[ ] [Helm] Don't buy