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Only Human (Goddess of Victory NIKKE SI)

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Chapter 01 - It's Just Begun

Gazing out a window overlooking the fantastically...
Fanart - Rapi is love, Rapi is life.

Fanart - Your Little Pogchamp Edition
...Dorothy, I'm pretty sure the idiom is a Silver spoon. Gold is a terrible metal for cutlery

fun fact-- you can look it up, even, it's kinda interesting-- gold(-plated) spoons provide the best flavor experience. the atomic properties of metal affect the way the spoon reacts with our saliva, so copper (for example) is more bitter than stainless steel, while good old aurum is unfailingly neutral; its tasting profile, pristine. thus, the gold spoon... will ruin him for other spoons.
what did dorothy mean by this???

anyway, speaking of people doing monstrous things:

forgiveness is a place i can no longer reach
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