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Panty and Stocking with Taylor Hebert (Worm/PASWG crossover)

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Rated M because by now its my brand.


"Insect," the voice spoke across the trailer...
Chapter 1


Know what you're doing yet?
Apr 6, 2016
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Rated M because by now its my brand.


"Insect," the voice spoke across the trailer courtyard. "Come out, come out little bug."

Skitter held her breathe. She wasn't sure what good it would do, she was certain Cricket could sense things through a subtle form of echolocation.

Cricket walked along the abandoned trailers of the courtyard, and tapped on the metal bins as she walked by. "I know you're here, insect."

Skitter gulped, she'd been careless. A simple reconnaissance mission had become a disaster. Her first day as a solo hero and she was already corned by a powerful E88 member.

"I'm not mad at you," Cricket called out across the courtyard. She used her power to carry her voice throughout the area. "I don't mind that my identity was shown, it just meant I can be a full time villain for now."

Cricket looked at another bin. She punched it, leaving a dent in the metal. "So come out a face me like a soldier, so I can tear your fucking life apart like you did mine!"

Skitter sprinted. Her bugs split into three dopplegangers different directions. Two were closest to Cricket, meaning she was far more likely to chase them instead of the actual Skitter.

Skitter's doppelgangers didn't even hinder Cricket. Acutely aware of what was solid and what was insect, Cricket sprinted passed Taylor's decoys and chased Taylor from the distance. Between Cricket's acrobatic speed and Skitter's natural strength, it was no competition. Cricket caught up to Taylor before she could even escape the trainyard.

Cricket tripped. Webbing. Silk webbings all across and between the trailer bins to stop any advancement Cricket had towards her.

Skitter was in the clear, she only needed to reach safety fast enough before-

Stormtiger slashed her. Skitter was sent off flying as an invisible force of wind smashed through her armor and flung her back. Stormtiger slashed again while Skitter was down. Skitter's body flung behind as more hits were relentlessly sent through her body.

The explosion against her bodies broke her body more and more. Despite the silk armor that protected her, Stormtiger's force bruised and aches her body to a searing pain by the time it finally stopped.

"Finally," Stormtiger said walking towards her. Cricket untied herself, and walked towards Skitter too. "You're gonna pay for what you did. You and all of the Undersiders."

Skitter huffed out, "I'm not Undersider anymore."

"Convenient," Cricket said with a chuckle, "it don't matter, you were with them when it mattered."

"Please," Skitter siad, "I'm just-"

She didn't know how to plead. She'd never had to beg before. Between fighting Bakuda, Lung, the Wards, the PRT, the E88 and Coil, she'd never needed to plea for her life for anyone. She never begged for mercy, asked for forgiveness or made a proper deal with anyone.

Without her old team, she wasn't sure what to do now. Stormtiger and Cricket closed in on her. Afraid more than ever, Skitter said, "god please, just give me mercy."

She didn't call for anyone in particular, the plea was moreso for her attackers than anyone else.

But God listened. And God answered.

An ambient light shined down from the clouds above her. A sliver of sunlight broke through the clouds and shined down between Skitter and her attackers. Stormtiger and Circket didn't stop in their approach. But as the light became brighter, they stopped in their place.

"Hold it," Cricket ordered.

The sunlight went from a natural glow to something sparkling. Like droplets of glitter was falling from above. As the villains looked up at the sky, the silhouettes of two winged girls descended from above.

"What the fuck," Stormtiger said.

They looked like teenagers. One had a neon blue hair, a promiscuous girl wearing something akin to a whitely feathered swimsuit.

"Oh pitiful shadow, lost in the darkness;"

They chanted in an echoed voice. It was almost serene, heard across the field just for them to hear.

"Oh evil spirit born of those drifting between Heaven and Earth;"

The other girl was blonde. In an angelic outfit as the blue haired girl, spreading winds across the sky as they descended gracefully to the ground.

"May the thunderous power from the garnets of these holy delicate maidens strike down upon you with great vengeance and furious anger"

They stepped onto the ground daintily. Kneeling in front of Skitter with their heavenly wings and halos glowing around them.

"Shattering your loathsome impurity and returning you from whence you came."

Their words came out like poetry. Their voices still resonated like serene music. The blue hair girl pulled off her stocking, transforming it into an aurora sword. The blonde removed her undergarment hidden underneath her skirt, transforming it into a glowing pistol.

In a booming echoe they chanted, "Repent you motherfucker!"

The blonde one shot a bullet into Stormtiger's face. The bullet exploded into blue ghost-like fire, making him scream in pain before falling back.

The neon haired one with her samurai sword, leaped in front of Cricket's body and slashed her sword across her body. The sword phased through Cricket's body, and Cricket collapsed into the ground like the life was sucked out of her.

The blonde one said, "fuck yeeeeeees!" She began closing her knees together, "goddamn I can't wait to try out this body! I'd do it on this guy but his dick's too limp right now."

"I swear to God," the blue haired girl said taking a seat on top of cricket, "the cheesecakes here better be as good as I remember it, or else my tits are gonna explode."

Skitter was frozen at the sight of them. Their unusual clothes, glowing wings and halos, falling from the sky in a dramatic fashion. There wasn't a single explanation she could come up with it. In a croaked voice, she asked slowly, "who… Are you two?"

Panty stuck her tongue out, "calm your tits jailbait, we're your guardian angels."

Taylor fell quiet. She didn't know it yet, but her life had just gone from morbid to fucked.
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Chapter 2
Panty's Christian school uniform was a one size too small. She'd picked it out herself, proud at how much it emphasized her physical features. The skirt that reached above the knees were perfect for her flawless legs. Panty sat on the store counter with her legs crossed and stretching in a promiscuous manner. "Listen babe, all I'm saying is, if you ever need a thirty minute f*** break, meet me in the bathroom in five minutes."

"That's for employees only," the counterboy said, unusually calm at Panty's approach.

"Well, employee me up and fuck me upside down, consider me hired if it means I can suck that d*** of yours."

"Panty," Taylor walked to the counter just to flail her arms at her. "Please stop harassing people."

"Oiy, unless he's into guys I'm just offering my goods."

"I'm actually gay."

Panty and Taylor stared at the clerk boy. He was young, not quite a teenager yet not quite an adult. Most likely twenty, undoubtedly handsome with a bit of a rocker look to his bleak hair.

Panty lifted up her shirt up to reveal her bare skin.

"Nothing?" Panty asked.

"Nothing," the store clerk answered. Panty sighed, and put her shirt back down.

Taylor yelled, "Panty!? What the fuck!?"

"Relax, I'm just testing the waters." Panty stepped off the counter and slouched on the ground, "ugh, I've had this body for thirty minutes and I can't believe I'm still a virgin. Someone pass me a carrot and help me pop my cherry."

The thrift shop was closed after hours, but the trio had just made it in time before the store clerk could lock the doors. At first, the 'angels' tried seducing the clerk, but after making up a story that the girls had lost their clothes at a party they'd just left, the boy let them inside largely out of sympathy.

Stocking stepped out of the dressing room, "how do I look?" Stocking had on a bleak night gown. It was almost see through, with her gothic bra lines easily seen underneath the garments.

"Is that legal?" The clerk asked quickly.

"Depends," Panty said, "yo Stocking, how old do you think we got reincarnated this time?"

"Old enough to deny anything, young enough to accuse anyone."

Panty nodded, "just the way I like it."

"You can't wear that!" Taylor protested. "We're going out in public, you can't go out dressed like that!"

Stocking replied, "I want to look good enough to get free ice cream from teenagers, but covered up enough to give them blue balls."

Panty yelled, "preach sister!"

The clerk commented, "you two are either high on every drug that exists, or repressed Christians that just discovered freedom."

Panty and Stocking stared at the clerk, as though he understood them.

"They're not high," Taylor said, "they're just... Wait, are you guys on something?"

"I wish," Panty stuck her tongue out. "Did you know the wine in heaven has the shittiest wines? Seriously, I'd suck Satan's thorny dick if it meant I could get a good buzz hit."

"Ditto," Stocking said. "The fucking chocolates in heaven are so unheavenly, the swedes do better."

"God bless processed fat foods."

Taylor rubbed at the templates of her scalp. She pulled Panty away from the counter, and pushed Stocking back into the changing room. The changing room was spacious, and it offered Taylor a place to lean back as she could finally question the girls.

"You both need to tell me right now, what the heck is going on? Guardian angels? Falling from the sky? Just what are you here for?"

"Relax jailbait," Stocking said with an eyeroll, "God um… Works in mysterious ways."

Panty tried sounding profound too. "Yeah, life uh… Finds a way."

"God is… Heavenly?"

The two girls didn't know what they were babbling about. It was like they had a job, but they didn't know how to do it.

"Satan is…. Bad."

"God hates shrimp."

"Only take circumcised dick."

"Don't sin unless feels good," Panty blushed upon saying that, like she was lost in promiscuous memories.

"God loves Sweden," Stocking had a lusty grin on her face, "I swear their chocolates make my mouth cum."


Taylor stormed out of the changing room and headed out the building doors. The cool air beneath the full blown moon would've been breathtaking if she took the time to take it in. Panty and Stocking left the store to follow after her, deciding to wear winter jackets as they left.

"Oiy," Panty yelled, "come back Taylor."

"No!" Taylor yelled back, "if you're both not giving me answers, why the heck should I babysit you two like dysfunctional teenagers!"

"Geeze, thanks cum dumpster," Panty groaned, "you sound just like a mom."

Stocking yelled back, "because we're both cute and you don't have friends anyway!"

Taylor flung her arms in the air, "See? You're both bad jokes, I'm not spending another second with you."

Taylor headed toward the Brockton Bay park. It was a route she'd commonly jogged across, memories that were fading away since she'd first joined the Undersiders. Panty yelled, "Oh quite being a drama bitch, it's not like you had anything good to begin with."

Taylor kept walking.

Stocking said, "yeah, from what you told us, you ditched your friends the moment you realized they were villains. Like, seriously? How dense do you have to be to not realize they were fucked in the head since the day you met them."

Taylor clenched her fists, but kept walking. The city lake was at their side, sound of crickets and awakening duck filled the silence between them.

Panty said, "yeah, I might be fucked up but you're the one with daddy issues. Like, you had one good relationship in life, and you managed to fuck that up too? However you triggered isn't your fault, but you fucking up with your dad? That's all you."

"You're not fucking helping!" Taylor finally yelled back at them.

"We're calling you out, bitch," Panty replied nonchalantly. "We're motherfucking guardian angels. That means we call out shit the moment we see it, and I'm not gonna follow you around quiet like you're a goddamn saint in your own little story."

Stocking added, "now that I think about it, God probably sent us to you because the big guy knew how fucked you are, and he decided the two shittiest angels in heaven would make a good match for you."

"Shut up!" Taylor said. "If you two are angels, I don't want to go to heaven because of how fucked it sounds!"

Stocking retorted, "well, you're not wrong."

"Listen," Panty said picking at her ear. "Guardian angels are sent to people when someone is fucked up in a monumental way. When there's no one left and they've reached a desperation point when they have nothing left to lose. Either you were about to do something very fucked up, or someone felt you didn't deserve this. Either way, we're here for you. Why are we here? The fuck if we know."

Taylor stopped in her tracks to listen to them. Panty let out a sigh upon reaching her. Talking to her back she continued, "I'll be honest, it sounds to me like you've got a shit ton of issues on your plate right now. So let's tackle this one problem at the time. On the list of fuck ups you've done. What do you think is your worst fuck up? And let's go down the list from there."

"Worst?" Taylor bit her lip. She stared at the lake as the sleeping ducks began to settle down.

"It's a good start," Stocking said, "we're normally sent back to heaven once we complete the thing you needed the most. So if we fix everything you've screwed up in, something's bound to make us finish the contract."

"Contract… How does that work?"

"The fuck if we know," Panty and Stocking said together with shrugged.

Panty said, "contracts are abstract. Constantly changing, no definitive answer. God bullshits that way. So why don't you tell us what you need fixed, and we work from there."

Taylor paused for a long moment. "I… Got this girl kidnapped."
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Chapter 3
Tattletale stretched her arms returning to base. She wish she could've visited Florida under better circumstances. It was an exhausting trip, having the Leviathan attack happen so soon after Taylor leaving the team. She didn't want to leave the Undersiders at the place they were left in. Brian was on the fence about Dinah, Bitch had just lost Taylor who she genuinely saw as a friend.

Glad she doesn't know the truth.

Tattletale entered the facility door of the underground base, only to watch in astonishment at the site in front of them. "What the actual fuck?"

Guards were collapsed on the ground. Dozens of mercenaries armed with laser cannons brought to their heels without giving a fight. All of Coil's elite contractors had fallen seemlessly, and from Tattletale's powers told her; it wasn't even a fair fight.

Tattletale ran across the base, heading straight through the corridor towards Coil's office.

Attacked during Leviathan attack; no one killed. Purpose; Save Dinah. Taylor behind it.
But how?

Taylor had to have help. There was absolutely no way she could've done this on her own, even with poisonous insects. With this happening so soon after Tattletale leaving, she wondered how Taylor could've possibly found the professional help needed to pull this attack off.

"Whoever did this," Tattletale murmured to herself, "they're top tier professionals."

Tattletale opened the room to Coil's office. Inside, a blonde haired chick was squeezing tightly at Coil's crotch, "all I'm saying," the girl in an undergarment outfit said, "you have two ways this can end. One ends with you needing a crutch," she twisted his crotch further. "And the other ends with the both of us getting some pleasure out of this." She licked at Coil's ear after she said that.

"What the fuck?" Tattletale shouted.

A blue haired girl looked back at Tattletale. "Who the fuck are you?" The neon haired girl said.

"Lisa," Skitter said, a few feet away.

"Taylor," Tattletale shouted, "what the fuck is going on?"

Tattletale looked at Skitter's side, Dinah was standing next to her. Dazed, but freely under Taylor's possession.

"Skitter," Tattletale said, "you did this? You fucking beat all of Coil's mercenaries, brought down the base, and grabbed Coil by the crotch, by yourselves!?"

"We did," Panty said licking her lips, "and I better get a crotch ride out of all this, because all that action made me harder than an unsucked lolipop."

Tattletale yelled, "and who the fuck are you!?"

"We're the motherfucking cavalry," the blue haired girl said, "and we're here to fuck bitch boys and steal children."

"In that order," Panty added twisting the shlong further.

"Tattletale," Skitter started, "I can explain."

Tattletale stared at Panty, lustfully smiling at Coil in pain. Tattletale turned to Skitter and said, "explain."

Skitter stared at Stocking, to which she shrugged in response. "Okay," Skitter admitted, "I can't really explain..."

Tattletale flung her arms in the air and walked toward Coil's office desk. Opening a drawer, she pulled out a gun and pointed it at Coil's head. Stocking sprinted to Tattletale's side and used her sword to smack the gun out of her hand. "Nope."

Tattletale shook her hand, "if you guys are doing this, you have to kill him. He has contingency plans. Just because you took down his base, it doesn't mean it's over. Either he dies, or he gets freed later with twice as much resolve."

"Can't do that honey," Panty finally said. She shot her pistol in Coil's face, knocking him out. "Angels aren't allowed to kill, and angels aren't allowed to willingly let someone be killed. If that happens, the contract is broken. Not completed, but broken."

"Angels?" Tattletale looked over at Skitter, "contracts? What the hell is going on?"

Skitter stayed quiet, not really able to answer that for herself. Dinah said, "the Travelers are coming." She said it in a low whisper, "and they're not happy…"
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Chapter 4
Stocking whistled at the girl, "holy fuck hole, and I thought Panty's cunt was nasty. You're like the top half of a virginal maiden with a tentacle octopus vagina for a body."

"God did a number on you," Panty said nonchalantly, "I know God hates a lot of things, but I didn't think that involved bulimic girls with a gaming fetish."

"Get away from me," Noelle said with as hissed whimper. "You'll die if you're near me."

Stocking walked up to the girl's 'flesh bag', and tapped a finger to it. "Poke." Her finger gushed a little at the metamorphed body. "Gross, it's like sticking my finger in a vagina shaped pie in the shape of Oprah Winfrey."

Noelle cocked her head back, "you... Touched me... How are you not dead?"

"God's plot armor," Stocking said. "Also known as God's plan."

"Who... Are you?"

"That don't matter sister," Panty revealed her undergarments and began disrobing. Her panty slipped off her legs and Noelle watched in disgust. She missed having a real body. Panty said, "we're gonna need like seven shots from Dant's inferno to excorcize you."

"Exorcize?" Noelle whispered, "what are you talking about?"

Panty's panty turned into a blue ambient colored gun, and was pointed in Noelle's direction. "Tell me puss basket, do you believe in God?"

Noelle stayed quiet. Fundamentally, she should've been afraid. But she'd gone through so much torture that death didn't seem like punishment anymore. "Not anymore," she answered.

"Understandable, since, you know..." Panty pointed a finger to Noelle's crotch.

Panty said, "then another question, do you think you deserve heaven or hell?"

"Excuse me?"

"Not asking if you believe in anything, I'm just wondering, If there were some giant judge in the sky, deciding who morally should go to heaven or hell based on merit, do you think you'd deserve heaven or hell?"

Noelle stared at the gun, "you can't kill me, I've tried."

Stocking commented, "welp, that's another sin on your list."

Noelle glanced at her, but stayed quiet. Panty said, "the question still applies. If morality is subjective and moral people get rewarded for their morality, do you think you're deserving of heaven or hell?"

Noelle swallowed, remembering all of her past memories, all of the tragedies she'd caused and all the acts of selfishness she'd enacted on the people around her. "I want to go to heaven," Noelle said closing her eyes.

"Doesn't answer the question."

She swallowed again. Tears fell rolled down her cheeks, "I don't think I'd deserve it."

"And that my friend, is the right answer." Panty pulled the trigger.


Trickster walked across the corridor alone. Ballistic fell behind him, but he opted to keep him distant to take the blunt of any surprise attacks. Mercenaries with laser armed weapons laid around him. It was incredible, they all passed out seemingly without a fight. Could be a sleep induced power, or poison induced.

Trickster crept slowly to Coil's office. He opened the door slowly.

"Behind you!" Two girls said.

Trickster looked back, saw nothing, and turned forward again. Two girls wearing undergarments with wings stared at him with their mouths opened. They simply froze at the sight of Trickster, and Trickster raised an eyebrow.

Panty and Stocking stayed quiet, fingers pointed behind him as though it mattered. Ballistic reached Trickster, "what the fuck?"

"Alright," Panty said raising her hands in defense, "now that we have you're attention, I can explain."

"Where's Coil," Trickster demanded.

"Now I know this looks bad."

"What happened to the base?" Ballistic added.

"There's a perfectly reasonable explanation."

"Where is Coil?" Trickster repeated.

"Jesus fucking christ," Stocking groaned, "do you have a hard on for limp dick skinny guys with crotch tight wetsuits? Coil isn't a fuck boy that'll suck your dick just because you ask, he's not special. And from what I've seen, he probably has a jailbait fetish."

"Yeah," Panty said getting off topic now. "I thought you'd be asking about your bitch, uh. Ho-ell?"



Trickster yelled, "Noelle, what happened to Noelle!?"

Panty and Stocking both raised their hands in defense. Panty said, "Christ, talk about hoe dependency syndrome."

Before Trickster could demand for explanations, a bleak spider humanoid creature entered the room. It was Genesis, with just the right amount of vocal cords to relay them all a message. "Francis, Noelle is cured."


When Sundancer had passed by Noelle's room, she had thought Noelle was involved in all this. Instead, she found Noelle on the floor, fully human and crying in some sort of pain. Sundance held her as her teammates arrived.

"Who did this?" Sundancer held her in her arms for the first time in months. She missed holding her friend, and Noelle missed feeling a person's warmth. Noelle couldn't stop savoring her friend, digging her head deeper in Sundancer's chest as she held her.

"The angels did," Noelle said whimpering.

Trickster and Ballistic entered the vault room. "Oh my God," the two boys said.

"You're welcome," Panty and Stocking said following from behind.

Trickster kneeled closer to Noelle, wanting to hold her for the first time in ages. Genesis, still in her spider-human form asked, "how?"

Panty said, "you know the answer, genesis." The spider's head tilted in confusion. Panty shivered, "shit that's creepy."

Stocking sighed, "I wanna say 'god works in mysterious ways,' but that's getting old fast. The way an exorcism works is that it's supposed to remove the source of a person's sin. In this case, since the source of the sin came from super powers, we figured the exorcism would cure her of her super powers instead of killing her."

"It was a gamble," Panty said. "In the eyes of God she's probably the victim not the perpetrator. So we asked her if she wanted to risk death for getting cured, and she took the risk. The reality is, she recognized the damage her body had done and was still willing to take responsibility for it, our weapons recognized that as a sign of innocence and was able to absolve her of her powers."

Ballistic asked, "you can take powers away?"

Noelle was falling asleep in Sundancer's arms. She wanted to stay awake to hear their voices, but she'd been exhausted for so long. Stocking answered, "we can absolve sin, not cure powers. If the source of her sins was from her own selfishness and not just her powers, our weapons would've killed her. And dying from an exorcism is a one way ticket to hell. Just goes to show you that all the shitty things that happened to her wasn't her own fault, and that she can't be blamed for it."

Noelle finally drifted to sleep, "thank... You..."

She fell asleep. Genesi's form disappeared for her actual body to return to base. Sundancer was crying, and Trickster was still awestruck by the sight he was seeing. Ballistic asked, "who are you two?"

Panty raised her middle fingers at him, "from the looks of it, we're the motherfucking angels of Brockton Bay."
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Chapter 5
"Get lost loser," Sophia's arms crossed by his presence. The hard glare and tilted body posture let the rest of them know that she was disgusted by his presence. "If I wanted to be checked out by some creep with a bowl cut, I'd go to the park where all the other pedophiles go."

Greg's shoulders slouched. It was embarrassing enough to even try to talk with her. It was made worse that a posse of other girls had joined behind her. Greg was shrinking, his demeanor harder hit by all the eyes pointed at him. He murmured, "I wasn't… Looking. I just-"

"You just what?" Emma said with an eye roll. The cafeteria was focused at Greg, gnawing down at him like he'd broken some unspoken rule. "God your annoying, honestly. If you died today you know no one would care, right?"

Madison added, "honestly, he looks like a guy who would shoot up the school in a few weeks. I'd be careful about what you say around him, Emma."

All three of the girls giggled, with the other girls in the 'posse' laughed harder from the low bar insult. Greg swallowed. The insults themselves weren't the problem, but the social implications of being attacked by girls damaged his self perception even worse.

"I just wanted to ask if you know what happened to Taylor."

All three girls and the rest of the bystanders bursted out laughing. "Wow," Sophia said, "what is she, your girl crush? Or are you just stalking her like you do with the other girls here."

"I don't stalk anyone!"

"Yeah you do," Madison said, beginning a new lie. "I've seen you creep at the girl's locker room, God your gross. I know you don't have a life, but the least you could do is leave us girls alone>"

Greg's face turned hot red. It was a blatant lie, but he didn't know how to call them out. Emma said, "look, I don't know what the hell happened with Taylor, and I don't care either. But if I did know, I wouldn't tell you where she is because you're probably gonna do some gross ass shit once you find her."

Greg's eyes began to water. The others laughed at him as his face became hot red, and he wasn't sure if he was going to break out crying or break out running.

Before any noise could come out of Greg's mouth, the school intercoms screeched over them. "Attention losers and bastards."

Greg and the girls covered their ears, it took a full minute before the intercom's mic adjusted to a proper volume level. "Can Sophia bitch face, Madison fuck face, and Emma two-face, please come to the main office so that they can get their asses handed to them!"

All of them stared up at the ceiling. It was like God was about to pass judgment on all of them.

Another voice over the intercom came up, "put that down right now!"

"Make me you old hag!"

The sound of wrestling over the intercom was heard, followed by two consecutive gunshots. After a long silence across the cafeteria, the girl picked up the microphone again and said, "Emma, Sophia, and Madison, get your asses here before-"

Stocking took the microphone from Panty's hand and said, "cookies are off the menu. Forget you heard anything." And the intercom went off.

The group in the cafeteria fell silent. Emma went, "what the hell just happened?"


Taylor dragged Panty out of the front doors with Stocking following behind them. The two sisters opted to wear specialized catholic school uniforms to the building, with skirts cut just above the knees.

Taylor pulled Panty by the ear until they reached the entrance gates of the school. Panty sat on the ground while Taylor yelled at her. "Two fucking minutes! Two minutes and you already did exactly what I told you not to do!"

"It's called taking matters into our own hands," Panty rubbed at her ear after Taylor let go, massaging it as she spoke, "if you're too chicken shit to try anything with them, we might as well wreck shit up before things go back to the way they were before."

Taylor said, "I already told you both, I don't want fucking revenge!"

"Neither do we," Stocking said more calmly, "but honestly, rolling over taking shit doesn't make you a stronger person if you can do something about it. You trying to tolerate them doesn't make you better, it makes you worse. A good person fixes shit that's wrong, not tolerate it."

"Will you shut up!" Taylor said, "I'm so sick and tired of you two lecturing me! You convinced me to go back to school, and then you literally shoot my principle in the first five minutes!"

"Knockout dart," Panty said. "I'm kinda like Miss America, I shoot people I don't like with guns I shouldn't own for reasons that work for me."

Stocking said, "Jesus Christ."

Taylor said, "I don't care! I told you guys I didn't want you involved with them, you guys promised me you wouldn't do anything and even convinced my dad to enroll you, but you just shot the faculty to call out my bullies. I'm not doing this is this is happening!"

The two of them went silent for a moment. They sort of glanced at each other, and quietly communicated a message to each other that Taylor didn't understand. "Alright," Panty said, "I'm sorry… For breaking my promise. I got trigger happy, and it won't happen again."

Taylor squinted at her, "you're still gonna try to get back at them, aren't you?"

Stocking answered, "they nearly murdered you. Imagine if no one found you in that locker, you'd be dead right now. A girl who puts anyone through that isn't a bully, that's a sociopath."

"I already know that." Taylor said. "I already know they're messed up, I know they're wrong, and I know it could've been worse for me. But… I have powers now. I can't let myself start using my powers to ruin lives. I can't be as bad as them for it. Because if I do, then what I went through made me worse, not better."

Stocking pointed a thumb in Taylor's direction, "well, I can see why the big guy likes you so much."

Panty said, "look, we said we'd help you in school, so how about we just go to class with you and forget this ever happened."

"No," Taylor said with a stare. "If you guys are still going after them, in whatever fucked up way you're thinking, I can't go to school with you both."

"Tell you what," Panty casually removed her panties from underneath her school girl styled uniform, "how about we try this again, but this time, without weapons! Going commando in 3...2...1..."

Panty flicked her panties at Taylor's direction, which floated onto her shoulder since she refused to catch them. Taylor said, "I'm not trying this again."

"Aw, come on," Panty waved her off, "you give up too easily."

Stocking gradually began following Panty's lead by slowly stripping away her kneesocks to 'disarm' herself from her weapons. Just as she slowly removed the piece of cloth, Greg walked outside the front doors to find Taylor.

He walked forward to the gates, just in time to see Stocking stripping off her undergarments. With Greg standing behind Taylor not noticing him, he simply froze in place as Stocking began making a show for him.

"That's not the point," Taylor said with Stocking winking at Greg, "you guys are supposed to be angels, ruining everything shouldn't be part of your resume."

"I already told you," Panty said aloud, "I don't know how the rules work. We just have to hang out with you until the questions and answers present themselves."

Stocking's socks seductively came off. She even lifted her leg in a promiscuous pose to let Greg see underneath the skirt, which further entranced Greg into his daze. Taylor said, "but this still doesn't make sense! If you're sent here to help me, then why the fuck do you keep ruining everything?"

"Ruin everything!?" Panty stood up and met with Taylor face to face. "We fucking saved Dinah without you. We got you back on good terms with your dad, and now you're talking to us like we're useless piles of shit? Fuck you."

Panty pointed hard into Taylor's chest, "you better start being grateful you little shit, because our methods, as fucked as they seem, work. And whether you have faith or not doesn't matter, because we're gonna keep doing things our way until we break things into better things."

Taylor flung her arms in the air and turned around. She finally noticed Greg standing behind her. He was still in a daze, not removing his eyes from Stocking who was making kissing gestures towards him.

Taylor squinted, "Greg… Did… You hear all of that?"

Greg didn't even notice the mention of his name. He only continued to stare at Stocking as she stripped off the last piece of her 'weaponry."

"Greg," Taylor called.

Greg shook, "what?" Greg glanced at Taylor's side, "um… You… Have something there."

Taylor looked over, realizing she still had Panty's undergarmout resting on her shoulder. With a sigh, Taylor tossed the underwear back at Panty and said, "I'm going home. If you guys decide to screw up my school, leave me out of it."

Panty caught the pair of underwear from the air, "sweet, my gun!"

"Hold on," Stocking said, "is that permission for us to shoot them?"

Taylor yelled, "god no! Just… You guys are students here now, so if you were serious about 'reading my environment for answers', just go do it. But right now, I don't wanna be seen with you two."

Taylor wanted to say something more, but knew her message wouldn't be heard. Instead, she left it at that and left the school property without them.

The two angels looked over at Greg, who had now completely forgotten why he was out there in the first place. The two angels each took Greg by an arm, and squeezed them closer to their chests. "Hey," Stocking said smiling.

"Mind showing us around?" Panty said seductively.

Greg's face turned hot red, "oh my God."

"You're welcome," the two angels said instinctively.
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Chapter 6
A girl on a stairway was crying to herself, and Stocking offered a tissue while she listened to her problems during the first thirty minutes of first period. Some kids tried spray painting gang signs in the gymnasium for next period kids, Panty held a gun to their heads and forced the boys to wash it up. A gang brawl almost broke out in the auditorium before lunch period began, Panty and Stocking turned on the microphone and called out to stop the fighting before it even began.

Greg simply followed them along as they exploited the school. A cheerleader broke out crying due to stress, and Stocking faked a doctor's note for her to get out of next class to relax. A football player bullied a scrawny boy, Panty kissed the nerd on the lips to piss off the football player. Everywhere they went there was another problem, and each time a problem arose they would fix it.

By the time lunch period had arrived, two dozen students had learned to praise Panty and Stocking for their eagerness to help anyone in dire need. It was like a cult he formed. They always carried the right solutions, knew exactly what to say, and had an air of ease wherever they went. Stocking drank a juice box while Stocking ate cookies that another student gifted to her.

"You two are amazing," Greg blurted out.

"Nah, this school is just shit." Panty slurped her juice box unmajestically. "Seriously, the fuck is wrong with this place? I get that this school is poor, but poorness shouldn't mean shittiness. There's something else at play here."

"At play?" Greg asked.

"She means, socially speaking." Stocking explained, "generally schools always have types of dynamics to them. In a private school, the popular kids tend to be the ones from families most well connected. In smaller schools, there's just one main clique and everyone else. And in schools like this, big and poor, there are just dozens of cliques that either do or don't have anything to do with one another. What I'm wondering is, why the hell are all the cliques shit? Cheerleaders aren't friends, Drama and band kids hate each other, even the dorks don't hang out with each other after school. What gives?"

Greg put his hands in his pocket, thinking that he fitted the latter category. "Thing is, guys like me can avoid all the gangs and drug issues if we make ourselves not a target. Me going to the library is how I can stay safe. Taylor might feel the same way, since the ABB could easily target her whenever."

Panty sighed, "I don't think that's it kid. Its normal to blame one thing on everything, but there's more to it here. What I'm wondering, is since when did being a dick become normal?"

A few minutes later, her answer came in the form of three sassy teenagers walking towards them. "So, you're both the new girls?" The one at the head of the trio said.

Panty and Stocking scanned her from head to toe. The girl in front was pretty, but it didn't matter at all to the anarchy sisters. A few other school girls in the hallway had been giving the angels sore eyes whenever they walked by, it was like being beautiful created a predatory instinct among a the environment there.

"Yup," Panty answered casually. It wasn't some attempt to be vein or friendly, it was just her being factual to the strangers approaching her. She already didn't like them, the girls were all frowning like they didn't even like the angel's presence.

"You know you'd be better off if you ditched the loser, he creeps on the girls all the time."

Before Greg could defend himself, Panty said, "it's fine, I'm into that."

Sophia cocked her head back in disgust. "Gross, don't tell me you're into him?"

"We're not together," Greg said panicking. Unsure what to say, he tried making excuses for the girls. In a vain attempt to savage their reputations for being associated with him, he murmured, "we're um… Cousins."

The angels looked over at Greg in disappointment. Stocking scooted closer to Greg, she put an arm over his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek. Greg turned hot red as Stocking looked back at the trio, "our family is a little different."

Madison and Emma made a gagging noise. Madison said, "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"That's disgusting!" Emma called out.

Panty chuckled a laugh, "What we're into is none of your business, now what the fuck are you here for? I already promised sis my desert so you're not getting any of that."

Stocking winked as she 'walked' her fingertips across Greg's arm, "the sweets here aren't jiz in my mouth good', they're more 'good as an appetizer' good." Stocking whispered those words into his ear as he said it.

Sophia glared at the both of them, "wow, you both really are freaks. I thought you'd both be cool, but it turns out you're all looks and no brains if you're into creeps like Greg."

Panty said, "all looks and no brains? Good to know you're superficial as fuck after ten seconds of meeting someone. So did your shitty ass parents teach you that, or are you just brain damaged?"

Sophia stepped into Panty's face, "did you just fucking say something at me?"

Panty stood up from her seat, making Sophia back off on an equal eye level. "So the shallow bitch can listen, who knew?"

Heads in the cafeteria began turning their direction. Panty and Stocking made a scene as they faced against the infamous trio. The girls spoke loud enough for half the cafeteria to hear.

Sophia said aloud, "I might be a bitch, but at least I'm not someone with a fake uniform two sizes too small." Sophia poked at Panty's chest, "lemme guess, your training bra didn't cut it, so you use less layers to fake size? You know you look like a fucking prostitute when you wear this."

"Its cute," Panty said gritting her teeth. "And like you're one to talk. You're so close to my face I can finally smell how rancid your body odor is, lemme guess, you use baby powder to hide the cum smell from guys in the locker room?" Panty poked at Sophia's hand, "And the fuck's with those pointy nails? It's like adding rims to a rusty old cadillac. Your goods are soiled, no point in putting a manicure on what's already gross."

"The fuck did you just say?" Sophia pushed Panty back. Panty fell back for a bit, but got right back up. Before she could formulate a response, Greg stepped in between the both of them.

"Leave her alone," he finally said.

Sophia glared at him, "oh cute, don't like the way your cousin is being treated?"

Panty opened her mouth to say something, but Greg yelled, "why can't you just leave people alone? We were minding our own business before you came here and started being a bitch!"

Madison and Emma's jaws may as well have dropped to the floor. Sophia, gritting her teeth, slapped Greg across the face. "You're fucking dirt, you know that?"

Sophia turned around, and stormed off with Madison and Emma following behind her. People across the cafeteria began whispering amongst each other. They weren't sure whether to take the trio's or the angel's side following the spectacle. Greg rubbed at his cheek as they walked off, "I can't believe i just did that."

Panty put an arm over Greg's shoulder, "congrats kid, you just broke a key to the puzzle."

"Key to the puzzle?" Greg said in confusion.

"What we were talking about earlier," Stocking said, only watching the confrontation from a safe distance. "The reason the student body is shitty, is because girls like them can get away with it for being pretty. But when people like you stick up for yourself, or for others, it can break the cycle. It shows people that it isn't tolerated."

Greg stared at Stocking for a full minute, "is that why you both have been helping people all day? So that people won't be jerks to each other anymore?"

"Something like that," Panty gave Greg a kiss on the cheek, turning him hot red. She whispered in his ear, "keep acting macho like that, and I promise to suck your dick at the end of the week."

Greg fainted onto the floor. Panty said, "okay, I guess I overdid it there."


Outside the school, a limousine pulled up in front of the Winslow High parking lot. "So, this is Winslow academy?"

The other teenager replied, "yes dear sisterrrrr, I do hope this school isn't another borrre like the others."

"I'm sure we can fix whatever ills has befallen this heap dump. After we dispose of the degenerrrates that taint the school grounds."

Two girls in matching uniforms stepped out of the vehicle. A dark aurora seeminlgy followed them as they walked forward. One carried a scythe, and the other carried dual revolvers.

"Shouldn't angels know by now," Scanty said, "that they should never interfere with human affairs."
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Chapter 7
Kneesocks pulled the fire alarm first. A high pitched ringing ran across the school while marched through the hallways of Winslow high school. To the students and teachers of Winslow high, the two demon sisters looked like normal teenagers with dark tan skin and matching school uniforms. To anyone angelic, holy or unholy, their skin was revealed to the true crimson color from where they came from.

The sound of the alarm surprised the students. They filed out the classrooms with the teacher's leading them, unfazed from the standard procedures.

In the cafeteria, most of the students walked outside. Greg almost left to, but he paused to look back at the anarchy sisters.

"Smell that?" Panty said to her sister.

"Smells like a roasting cum stain," Stocking said.

Panty and Stocking took Greg by the arm and lead him through the hallways. Greg only followed along without question. They passed the evacuating students without saying a word, and Greg's heart jumped a little when he realized they lead him into the girl's locker room.

"Hey wait!" Greg said in panic, "shouldn't we be going outside?"

Inside the locker room, Panty and Stocking took off their dress shirts. Greg's face turned hot red as their undergarments were revealed. He turned around to stop looking at them. "What are you doing?" He shrieked in embarrassment.

Panty walked up behind Greg and hugged him. His jaw dropped as her chest squeezed at his back. "Relax, big boy." Panty whispered in his ear, "I just figured you deserve a prize for talking back at those bitches back there."

Panty huffed air at the back of Greg's neck. Then nibbled on Greg's ear with a playful smile. Greg was almost out of breathe. Panty stepped back, and shot him in the back of the head.

"Don't worry kid," Panty said blowing the barrel of her gun, "I'll promise to blow you after this is all over."

Panty looked at her sister, who was finished changing into their signature The knockout shot would keep Greg cold for the rest of the day. Stocking asked, "you sure you wanna go all out?"

Stocking took off her own panty, to pass it to her sister.

Panty said, "I think we have to. If we lose to them now, any hope that Taylor might have is gone forever."

The school became desolate after the student body emptied. Kneesocks and Scanty walked toward the girls locker room with their weapons raised. They waited outside.

"Face us, angels." Scanty ordered. "Face your judgement like the sinners that you are."

"Hold your high horses you boney ass bitches," Panty called inside.

Panty walked out of the locker room with Greg around her arms. She dropped his unconscious body to the floor and pointed a gun at his head. "You can't allow good mortals to die, right? This twerp is a virgin, so I'm guessing you wouldn't want him to reach heaven before his time's up, eh?"

"Coward," Kneesocks growled. "Holding an innocent hostage for your own selfish gains. No wonder you were damned to purgatory."

"Oh cry me a fucking river," Panty said nonchalantly. "Not my fault those lines take three hundred years to finish."

"Let him go," Kneesocks struck her scythe to the ground. "Angels act upon conduct. Holding a mortal hostage is unruly."

Panty rolled her eyes so far her head tilted along with it, "oh like you give a shit. That's the problem with you devil's advocates. Ya'll don't give a shit about mortals, you just give a shit about keeping everyone down. If you really cared about people, you'd come down here yourselves and actually help the fucked up people on the mortal plane."

Scanty said, "we want order, Devil advocates exist to uphold the laws of the afterlife. And you and your petty sister broke the rules of Heaven and earth for your own selfish desires."

"Selfish desires!?" Panty yelled, "we're here to help Taylor. I wasn't going to wait until I got assigned to some basic bitch who didn't need an angel. Taylor needed a guardian, no one wanted to take her. We're more heavenly than all those plastic hoes that decided she was a lost cause."

"You're a fallen angel, you degenerate slime." Scanty scowled at her. "You lost your spot in heaven. You had to wait a thousand years in purgatory before getting a chance to redeem yourself. You cut in line. And for that, you'll pay."

"Oh like I give a fuck," Panty said, "lemme guess, JC thinks I need to go back to purgatory a little longer? Fine by me, blowing sinners in line for another hundred years doesn't sound half bad anymore."

Scanty shook her head, "not this time. You've missed your chance for the last time. This time, we're authorized to send you to the void."

Panty's eyes widened. She fell quiet. Her hand gripped on the handle of her gun harder. "The void huh? Good to know God gave up on me too." She lifted her gun towards Scanty, "too bad I'm not leaving this world until Taylor finishes this contract."

Scanty shot at Panty's hand, knocking the gun out of place. She rubbed her hand in pain as Scanty loaded another shot. A nearby locker door flung open. Stocking launched out of the locker and unsheathed her swords.

Kneesocks reacted first. She stepped between Scanty and Stocking to parry the sword swings. Panty shot at Kneesocks, knocking her out.

"You bitch," Scanty yelled, raising her guns. Stocking spun around Kneesocks body, and sliced through Scanty's body. The sword fazed through her body like it were a ghost, but Scanty felt it all the same.

She froze. A dark pain overcame her as she remained still. Scanty dropped to her knees with her eyes wide in shock. "You can't attack a devil's advocate," Scanty huffed. "It's against the rules."

"We just did," Panty said nonchalantly. "And frankly, since God wants to kill us, I don't see any reason to follow rules anymore."

"I'll be back," Scanty howled. "I'm assigned to you. I'll never stop coming back until you're dead."

"Yeah, I figured," Panty pointed the gun to their heads. They were weak, but they'd get stronger with time. Once they adjusted to the laws of physics in the mortal realm, these advocates would come back harder and harder each time.

Stocking stabbed her blad through Kneesocks head. Unapologetic, she didn't feel the need to say anything to the fallen demon sister. Panty was far more talkative. "Thing is, I knew that when we broke the rules to get here, it was probably gonna be the last line to get on God's bad side. Which is why when we said that we'd do this, we both decided it was worth it. Taylor deserves another chance, even if all the other angels in heaven don't think so. Because even though you guys gave up faith in her, we won't."

"She's not worth it," Scanty huffed in pain. "Breaking the rules, for a hero disguised as a villain."

"Maybe she's not worth it," Panty answered, "but it's still worth trying."

Panty shot her pistol at Scanty's head, making her body disappear into foam. A saltwater puddle spreaded spread out on the floor. Panty sighed. "And so the cycle begins."


Panty and Stocking returned to Taylor's house after changing from their original school uniform attires. They saw Dinah and Taylor staring at the television screen.

"Sup hoes," Panty said happily.

The two of them glanced at them. It was a morbid stare. Like it they'd just stepped into someone's funeral. The angels looked over at the television screen. Breaking news was plastered over the television screen as it showed the image of a PRT van with police figures closing off the area.

Words at the bottom flashed the words: COIL ESCAPE.

"Where's blondie two?" Stocking asked.

"She left," Taylor said in a low tone. "She was watching the news all day, waiting for this to come up. As soon as it did, she left without saying another word."

Stocking rolled her eyes, "figures. What a frigging drama queen."

"Welp," Panty lifted her pistol, "let's drag her ass back while we can. Slut couldn't have gotten far."

Stocking said, "hold on, I'll get her. Let's face it, between the two of us, she won't listen to you. I can probably convince her to come back on her own. I'd rather not have to drag her limp body if it means doing more work."

Panty shrugged, "alright, but I still say knockout shots are faster."

Stocking rolled her eyes, "save it for a rainy day."
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Chapter 8
It was raining outside. Lisa's raincoat covered her well enough, but she wondered she would have to leave it behind after she left the city. Coins shook in a homeless person's jar. She looked over and shot her powers at him:

Disabled Veteran

She relaxed, calming her paranoia. It had been like that since leaving Taylor's home. Constantly checking her powers to see if anyone was following her. The world just became bleeker, there just weren't a lot of options for a girl running away from home.

The metro finally came to a stop. The doors open and she set a foot inside. Someone pulled her back. In a fleeting moment of panic Lisa's powers provided her answers:

Getting pulled back

No shit sherlock, by who?

Pulled by the hoodie

Useless fucking powers. That was a constant drawback, only getting answers but never the answers she needed. Lisa pushed forward, almost ready to uncloth her own raincoat to get off the person's grasp.

Stocking pulled harder, and shoved Lisa onto the ground. "Sup cum dumpster."

Lisa bobbed her head back. The blue haired girl looked down at her on the ground with a flatlined expression. "Stocking?"

"Yup," she extended her hand for Lisa to hold, "come on, let's go home."

Lisa looked over to the train which quickly left to the next station without her. She shoved Stocking's hand to the side, "no."

"Nou," Stocking teased at the word 'no', saying it in a high pitched squeak to mock Lisa.

Lisa gritted her teeth, "will you leave me the fuck alone? You and your sister-"

"Blonde 1."

"Ruined everything!"

Stocking snorted. "That's adorable. I'm not the one who sucked a villain's dick just to get on his good side."

"I did not-"

"Metaphorically speaking."

Lisa glared at her. She rised up on her own. "You and Panty fucking ruined everything. Coil wants me dead. Scratch that, he wants me worse than dead! He has masters and tinkers ready to drug me and turn me into his pet, and now I'm screwed thanks to you two!"

"Your sandals are tacky."


Stocking pointed to her shoes, "I got those for Taylor. Pisses me off that you stole them on your way out."

"Will you fucking listen to me!"

"Why should I, when you don't even want to listen to me?"

Lisa clenched her fists. Every part of her wanted to read Stocking's expressions, but for some unknown reason her powers didn't work on her. Lisa stepped out of the crocs and picked them up. "Take them. Take them and leave me the hell alone."

Stocking took the crocks from her hand, and tossed them onto the subway rail. "Hell. Nice choice in words."

"Will you shut up about that! You two aren't angels, you're psychos. I don't know how your powers work, but you're not some divine thing sent here to save Taylor. If I had to guess, you two forgot your memories after triggering, and made up a shitty backstory to explain the stupid amount of powers you both have."

"That would be pretty cool," Stocking said glancing up, "like, what if this is all a dream? And you're just the basic bitch in the background of my story?"

"You're not listening!" Lisa yelled. "I'm fucking dead thanks to you, and you keep fucking around because you're too screwed up to face facts."

"Facts, I've never been good at those." Stocking leaned onto a nearby pillar. She started counting on her finger, "let's look at the facts then. You're a teenager with powers that joined a super villain. You helped him gather information for gang violence, drug deals, human trafficking, and murder. You're single handedly responsible for everything he did with the information you gave him. You gave him power, you knew he hurt people, and you still helped him. I'm not even pissed that you did all of that shit, I'm more pissed that you think you're role in it can be justified. Because you can skirt around the facts as much as you want, either way, the truth of it all is staring you right in the face… You're a bad person, you've always been a bad person, and we both know you're going to hell for it."

"I had a gun to my head."

"No you didn't."

"Metaphorically speaking."

"Right," Stocking twirled the locks of her hair, "so, did Coil metaphorically tell you to recruit Taylor? Fuck up her relationship with her dad, make her lose sight of being a hero, and hurt people, for his sake?"

Lisa paused for a moment. This was the first time in a long time her powers wouldn't help her against someone. "Those things were her choice."

Stocking stayed quiet.


Stocking knew exactly when not to say something. She let Lisa sit on her own words rather than argue it. Her powers gave her answers that weren't helping:

If Taylor never became a villain; She'd have been a hero
If she were a hero; her life would have become stable
If she were more stable, she'd have less psychological trauma
She'd have been better off never meeting Lisa; Yourself

Lisa turned away from her and left the metro station. The rain outside hit the edges of her coat. It was dim out, and Lisa hoped the rain could cover the sound of people's voices. It wouldn't matter too much because Stocking instantly began following behind her.

"I know you, dumbass," Stocking said from behind as they walked through the city streets. "You've been a bitch to me, Panty, and Taylor ever since we met you. It's fucking annoying. And it's not annoying because you're a bitch, we're all used to that. Its annoying because you're a stupid bitch. Not stupid as in 'I'm wrong and I don't know it', but stupid as in 'I'm arrogant and I won't admit it.' Just how stuck up your own ass do you have to be to think that you can still call yourself a good person?"

Lisa walked faster. She didn't really trust herself to say something clever without her powers to use. She walked along the mostly empty streets to get away from Stocking.

Stocking yelled aloud, "God will judge the fuck out of you after you're dead."

Lisa turned around and screamed, "you don't get to judge anyone. Don't bring up god just to act high and mighty. You and your sister aren't shining examples of what it means to be good!"

Stocking leaned her face directly at Lisa. Rain dripped down both of their hoods as they spoke at each other's faces. "I don't know what God has in store for you, but bitches that treat people like pets fucking disgust me."

"I didn't turn her into a pet!"

She jabbed a finger at her shirt. "You abused her. You used her. She was your toy and you know it. She had no one and you pretended to be her friend to use her like a human shield." Stocking spat on the ground. "Are you really just that empty? Are you really so fucking hollow that you couldn't feel for a girl who needed help?"

Lisa's hands felt colder. Rain didn't drip leak inside of her sleeves, but her body felt cooler from the rainy mist falling down on them.

Stocking's voice became quieter, almost merging at the same volume as the rain. "Did you really just want a pet to see what being Coil was like? Just how much did you hate Taylor enough to drag her along one suicide mission after another? Was her soul a joke to you? That's not sick Lisa, that's psycho. Did your powers bust something in your head? Or do you really not feel anything inside?"

"What do you want me to say?" Lisa said in a hollow tone. "why can't you just drop it?"

Stocking paused. She pushed her hands onto Lisa's hoodie and pulled it down. The face was clear now. Lisa's lips trembled from Stocking's words. "If you really don't feel anything at all, I'll give up on you. Because if that's true, we both know you're too worthless to bother saving. So I just need to hear it from you before I leave... What the fuck were you thinking when you made Taylor join you?"

The water covered over Lisa's face. Tears finally fell down her cheeks as she coughed out, "I did it because I was scared. I was alone. I saw Taylor and I thought I could finally have someone real to fall back on."

Stocking stepped back. Her stare was still expressionless.

"You've had your sister, I've had no one. I only wanted one person, one person in my life that wasn't a criminal, neurotic, or a sociopath. Because she was the only good person I'd ever met. Taylor is the only good person I know. No one else is less shitty than her, and I needed her to remind me what being a good person looked like."

"You dragged her into the dirt," Stocking said coldly. "Got her face covered in your gravel and shit because you're selfish."

"I know that!" She screamed. "I'd have never talked to her if I knew how toxic I was!"

They stood silently there. Lisa's eyes were watering on their own beneath the rain, and Stocking's frown was still neutral from her words. Stocking looked over to the side and said, "you have no idea how long I've wanted you to say that."

A gunshot sounded. The bullet pierced through Lisa's lung. She dropped to the ground losing her breathe. Stocking turned around with her blades materializing. Distantly, she saw a man sprinting out of view into a street corner.

Stocking's first instinct was to go after him. To catch him before he got away. But she looked back at Lisa.

The line of blood seeped out of her coat with her back against the ground. She breathed heavy as the water washed over her. She couldn't breathe, barely able to grasp her own chest.

Stocking dropped to her side, "Lisa."

"I'm… Sorry."

Her breathes were far too short. The heavy rain became a light drizzle as her breathing became shorter. Stocking yelled, "no no, no, you can't die Lisa, you'll-" Go to hell. Stocking knew the rules. She hadn't been 'saved' yet to prove her worth into heaven. Dying now would mean hell would be the only thing waiting for her.

She wouldn't tell this to Lisa. Stocking picked Lisa up in her arms and sprinted. There was a clinic nearby, maybe she could make it in time to rescue her. She cut through the alleyway to the otherside of the buildings to try and save her in time. The blood on her jacket was washed away by the time the rain finally stopped. Her breathes were becoming quieter as her eyes fell heavy.

"Oh God," Stocking spoke loudly as Lisa was dying. "God, please christ help me save her. I swear to god if you help me I'll be better. I'll be a half decent person and swear I'll never swear again."

Lisa was crying to herself. Her powers told her how hopeless the situation was. The sound of Stocking panicking made her know her time was almost up.

"I swear I'll never eat sweets again. I'll make Panty go abstinent. I'll pray to you every day! I'll do community work and finally recycle. Just please don't let Lisa die. She doesn't deserve this. Oh God just give her a chance. Give her a chance and I swear we'll be better for you!"

Stocking reached in front of the clinic building. No one was there. It had been shut down since Bakuda's bombings. Stocking stared up with her eyes closed, "God… Please, I'll do anything. Just give us a chance."

A light broke through the storm clouds. A single ray of sunshine fell onto the building near them. Stocking looked over. It was a modest, family-owned restaurant, with only two notable people inside. One of them being Panacea.

Stocking looked towards the sky and said, "never mind that, I'll fix it myself." She ran into the restaurant.
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Chapter 9
Amy tapped Lisa in the stomach. Her hands swirled as her power healed the flesh wound beneath her clothes. There was a lot of bleeding, but after getting the bullet out of her, Amy was certain she would make a fast recovery.

Meanwhile, Stocking was glaring at Victoria locked in place. "Yo Blonde bitch three, mind turning off your powers?"

Victoria raised an eyebrow, "excuse me?"

"You heard me. You're using your powers on us, it's creeping me out."

Victoria glanced over at Amy, who only shrugged in response. Victoria said, "It's for protection reasons. I want people around me to cooperate. Besides, how did you know I was using a power?"

Stocking pointed to her own chest, "I can feel the change in my heartbeat right now. Like I'm compelled to like you more. But since its obvious I'm not a lesbo, this sure as fuck isn't because of me. It creeps me the fuck out. So mind turning off your rape powers so I can relax a little?"

Victoria cocked her back, "my what powers?"

"You're literally using your powers to make people fall in love with you. It's the power equivalent to getting someone drunk so that they'll want to fuck you. So quit being a creep, and turn off your roofie powers so the rest of us can focus."

Victoria blinked at her. Looking away, she gradually dialed down her aura until it was gone. Stocking rolled her eyes, "christ, how did this town function without angels?"

"Angels?" Victoria started. "What are you talking about? And you still haven't told us how she got shot."

Stocking walked over to the store window. She glanced outside as armed goons began pulling up their cars in front of the restaurant. She asked them, "you guys ever pray?"

Amy and Victoria only stared at her. Stocking pulled her kneesock off and it morphed into a samurai sword. She tapped the window with it, "because you fucks better start praying for the bastards that are coming here."

Angel weaks sprouted from Stockings back. Her clothes morphed from a regular schoolgirl's outfit to a revealing set of gourmets highlighting the smoothest features of her skin. She sliced a circle around the window, and then crashed through to fly into the air.

Dozens of armed men left their cars to point their weapons at her. Falling from the sky, Stocking shouted, "repent motherfuckers!"


"Taylor, you have to have faith in me. That's why I was sent to you." Panty rested a hand on Taylor's shoulders. "Faith goes beyond what religion you believe in, faith is the innate truth you choose to follow in order to keep yourself moving forward. Whether it's God, angels, people, or yourself, you need faith, especially whenever faith is lacking."

"Panty," Taylor said with deadpanned eyes, "I am not buying you a dildo."

Panty clutched her by the shirt and yelled, "I swear to God Taylor, I will find some low-life nazi prick if you don't help me out with this! They don't deserve these tits, so quit your cockblocking and get me something before I start sucking off the weirdos at the docks!"

There was a knock on the door. "No," Taylor said squinting. "Your sister warned me about this. She was pretty deadset about making sure you don't do anything that might break the contract."

Panty let out a groan as she turned around to answer the door. Taylor took a seat on the floor next to Dinah. They returned to watching TV together.

When Panty answered the door, she was smitten by the boy in front of her.

"Where's Taylor?" Brian said to her.

Panty froze at the sight of him. His broad shoulders, muscled figure, and smooth facial figures intoxicated her with his presence. Her knees nearly melted at the sight of him. Lost in thought, drool could have easily oozed out from her lips.

"Where's Taylor?" Brian asked again.

That voice, Panty bit her tongue. She imagined him making her scream. It took every ounce of dignity to keep her from taking him then and there. She leaned closer to him. Her shoulder brushed against his chest, "who needs Taylor when you've got a girl like me around?"

Alec whistled from behind him, "damn, and I thought Lisa was thirsty. You might as well take a picture so you can jack off to it later."

Panty shivered. She hated the sound of his voice. His commentary completely broke her from the fantasy she was enjoying. "Go away cunt. You're cramping my wet dream."

Alec raised an eyebrow, "whoosh. I take back what I said. You'd fuck a stick on the wall if it were black enough for you."

Panty glared back at him, "ugh, God you're annoying. Do me a favor and go find some broad that'll straddle your dick off like the prick that you are."

Alec replied, "back up, who the fuck are you? Because we came here to see Taylor, not listen to some hormonal teenager go off all day."

Panty rolled her eyes. She stepped back and rested a hand on Brian's chest, "keep your panties on tight. I'm just testing out the market for if he ever gets lonely."

Before she could say anything more, a wasp bit the back of her neck. She eeped in pain and rubbed at the spot. Turning around, she could see Taylor with her eyes wide and laser focused at Panty.

Taylor's mouth line was completely flat. When their eyes met Taylor glanced away from her, "weird, a bee stung you. Must have been an act of God, or something…"

Panty hissed back at her, "you bitch."

Taylor coughed aloud, "slut."

Panty shouted, "are we gonna have a problem bitch? Because I've been celibate for three goddamn days. If I don't get a dicking soon, it's your dad who's gonna be screaming tonight!"

Taylor rose from the ground and yelled, "I dare you to try! See what happens!"

A flood of locust-like grasshoppers rose from the back yard and covered the glass windows. Their jumping and thumping caused several to squish against the glass doors. They filled the air with a loud riveting noise heard from outside. As soon as they calmed down, Panty shivered, "fuck, you're scary when you want to be."

Brian looked between the both of them. He pushed Panty away and walked towards Taylor. "Taylor," his hands rested on her shoulders, "Coil escaped and he's going to target you and Lisa first. He contacted me and Alec to see if we'd lure you out, but we're not selling you out."

Taylor's face turned red. He was close to her, and she couldn't help but feel intimate at that moment. She asked, "you're not mad at me? We were on the same team but I sold him out…"

Brian shook his head, "you did what you had to do. I knew the risks when I signed up, I'm just glad you pinned the fault on Coil without it leading back to us. Between you and Coil, I'd rather be on your side than his."

Panty bit her lip as she raised a thumb to her mouth. "Fuck, why does she get the dark meat?"

Alec glanced over at her, "Jesus Christ."

Panty looked over at him, "what was that?"

Alec shook his head, "who the fuck are you? I can't tell if you're some repressed christian trying to get laid, or a brainless virgin who thinks she knows stuff."

Panty waved her hand, "my name's Panty. And your guess was only two thirds right."

Alec said, "your name is Panty? Why the hell did Taylor invite a stripper here?"

Panty shrugged, "you either die a virgin, or live long enough to pay for porn."

Alec shook his head. Brian asked Taylor, "where's Lisa? She's the only one who can take down Coil. We need to find her before Coil can get to her first."

"That might be a problem," Dinah said aloud. They all almost forgot she was there. Dinah stood up to speak. "I don't know where she is, but if we leave right now to find her…" She pointed to Panty, "she'll end up going straight to hell."