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The cosmos was once vast, but dark and desolate. In a flash, an indescribable and spontaneous...

Custom Critical

Devout Budding Lotus
Apr 2, 2016
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The cosmos was once vast, but dark and desolate. In a flash, an indescribable and spontaneous event gave birth to existence, and soon, energies collided and formed celestial bodies. The cosmos was empty no longer, as planets dotted the expanse. The spark that created sentient, sapient life? Well, that was a mystery too.

It gave birth to the Dalai. A humble species of monastics who would come to put their intellectual pursuits to the test in the galactic theatre, and as their civilization progressed, they would look to the stars with curiosity. They wondered what lied beyond their world, a small . . .

[x] planet (elaborate; any moons?)
[x] moon, around a planet (elaborate)

As time would pass, the Dalai developed a culture, with imprinted traits they found favorable such as . . . (pick 3)

Inversely, they found certain attributes to be unpleasant and distracting. They were . . . (pick 3)

What lied in the stars? What perils, what artifacts, what treasures? That story has yet to be told.
Favorable traits
[X] Spiritual Enlightenment, Self Awareness, Physical Openness

Negative traits
[X] Seclusion, Closed Mindedness, The Lack of Understanding.
Either moon or planet is fine with me.

Favorable traits
[X] Intelligence, Integrity, Unity

Negative traits
[X] Greed, Betrayal, Ignorance

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