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Predation (Worm)

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The weak are the meat the strong do eat.

"...And a major break through in the...

Master of Squirrel-fu

The Original
Feb 14, 2013
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The weak are the meat the strong do eat.

"...And a major break through in the Samantha Marshal case as another witness has come forward with a testimony that points towards one of the local gangs as responsible for the abduction."

"A local man, who's has chosen to not reveal his name to us at Chanel 4 News for his own protection, has claimed to have been in the area during the abduction having been in the area visiting a friend. He has gone on record saying that the abductors were Asian teens in red naming them as The Azn Bad Boyz a local gang that is known to frequent the area the attack took place in. The police are still determining the validity of his testimony, holding the man at an undisclosed location for his safety."

"For those of you just tuning in a Local girl Samantha Marshal, thirteen years old, was viciously attacked in the early morning this past Monday before being abducted on her way to school that morning. While there is suspected to be many witnesses given the time and place she was abducted none have stepped forward until now.

"The investigation is still ongoing but the police are hesitant to release any information regarding it. While there are many rumors circulating in regards to this terrible tragedy nothing has been confirmed as of this time."

"In regards to our ongoing coverage we've invited a guest to help shed some light on the subject, a Ms Emily Nakamura, a local professor from the South Harman Technical Institute who is an expert on the local gangs. Ms. Nakamura what can you tell us abou-"

"Yeah that's reputable, as the Asian woman about the Asian gang," You are shoved downward by the sudden weight on your back, caught by surprise you can only catch sight of a lightly tanned arm holding a remote to the TV, a rather pretty Japanese woman on the screen, before with a click the image is replaced with tall stick thin women parading down a walkway half dressed.

"That kinda stuff will rot your brain out, yeah."

You shoot a glare at the redhaired girl whom had invaded your personal bubble so rudely, making a face to show just what you thought of her statement. Either reading your expression or being aware of her own hypocracy the girl smirked down at you, and with an exaggerated gesture reached out and snatched a potato chip from a nearby bowl to place into her mouth. Your expressions are quickly reversed however when the snackfood touches her tongue and her face falls.

Bar-b-Que Flavor, You smirk at her sour expression, Your one weakness!

There's a pause before she forces her self to finish the chip in defiance, too much pride to admit to her mistake.

"So... why are you here," 'Eating my food.'

"Wow. Way to make a girl feel wanted Taylor," Your friend bites out blandly. Her flat expression quickly breaking at the sight of you panicking in worry you'd seriously offended your only friend, giving you a comforting rub on the head. You are quick to swat her hand away after a moment to calm down, you weren't a dog dammit! If Emma found it upsetting she gave no sign you could notice, "As for what brings me here, well I just felt like visiting my Besty you know? What, am I not allowed stop by and say hello?"

You don't say anything as she pulls you into an awkward one armed hug instead shooting a look at the clock on the wall.

Emma's surprise drop ins were normal, and ironically somewhat expected. Despite being so often the center of attention and unlike you accustomed to the spotlight the girl was practically a ninja when she needed to be, easily able to sneak up on you at anytime anywhere. Something she did often, so often you rarely were caught off guard when she just suddenly popped up in your blind spot.

This time however you were. Not having expected the possibility so late at night when most reasonable people were in bed. Like you actually. You turn your head to look behind you towards the now open window on the other side of your bed, and confirming that the draft you were feeling wasn't just your imagination. You scowled, okay that was very bad.

"Emma," She didn't meet your eye, giving a guilty smile as you break the hug and gently push her away, "Emma that was really dangerous and really really stupid thing to do."

You cut her off before she could try and downplay what she did, "I don't mean climbing up to my window, though that's also stupid what if you broke your neck! No, what I'm talking about is walking a five city blocks in the middle of the night," You pause as you just notice something about her appearance, "In you pajamas? You... In your pajama!"

You try not to yell as your dad is asleep, though with that revelation your harsh whispers were just hissed shouts.

"Hey it's-"

"No! Emma that's beyond stupid! Don't you know anything? Why would you even do that?"

There's no answer, instead your friend just glares, not focusing on anything her deadly look switching from you to the tv to the floor. You can see her tense, her fists balled up and shoulders tucked and an ugly expression on her face that shouldn't be there. You felt most of your anger evaporate into worry that you'd perhaps gone to far in your rebuke. Hesitantly you reached forward, and her hand quickly snapped up to knock it away before aborting. After a moment of internal debate she lowered her hand again, though still not facing you.

You could work with that. You hand slid down her shoulders to rest on her back as you puller her back into another hug, one she half-heartedly returned. It was a relief to know she wasn't upset with you, and gently you adjust your hand's position and gently use your thumb to stroke the back of her neck. You didn't quite have much experience in comforting others but whenever you were sad you recalled such a soothing gesture being used. You feel a bit of melancholy at the memory.

Eventually Emma relaxes, releasing her tension like a spring. No, rather more like a balloon she seemed to deflate with a sad sigh, sinking into herself as she did so.

"Like I said," She breaks the hug, "I just wanted to stop by and see you. And, I also kinda didn't want to sleep in my bed tonight."

Well, that's... vague. And ominous. And sadly familiar. Emma had a habit of inviting herself over to a sleepover whenever anything upset her at home. Giving vague and seemingly innocuous reasons for doing so. Most of the time she told you why some time later; Her parents having a fight over Mr. Barnes working late, getting into a fight with her mother, when she accidentally fed her dog chocolate, or being upset because her older sister was getting too much attention.

Given how late it was that she came this time it must have been bad. The only other time you recall something like this happening was when it her habit had started when her cousin died a couple years ago and you'd woken up in the morning to find her sleeping next you. It had taken her weeks and several other surprise visits before she had revealed she'd gotten into a fight with the younger boy and said she wished he was dead the week before. That... had not been a fun time for anyone.

You weren't going to pry, if she thought you need to know she'd let you know like she normally did. You rationalized it to yourself feeling guilty, as if you should take a queue from one of those fancy cartoons they show where the main character demanded answers until their friend spilled and then they hug and everything turns out okay. You didn't really believe that though, you doubt you'd respond positively to something like that. You also didn't think you had it in you to do that either.

You felt a gentle rub on your middle back and you felt a spike of self annoyance that it seemed the situation had reversed again with Emma having to comfort you. Thankfully it only lasts a moment before the hug is broken and Emma smiles before turning back to the TV.

The two of you sit in a comfortable silence watching the television.

Crap, this is why I don't let Emma choose the channel, You sulk as you watch five grown women act like children and bitch about each other behind their friends backs, This is literally hell. Emma's shove must have broken my neck and now I'm in reality TV hell.

You would rather be catching up on the news again, but Emma probably needed this. How anyone could possibly need something so... that you could not fathom but apparently it seemed to exist and you had to accept that for your friends sake. No mater how much you wanted bludgeon her to death with the remote for her terrible taste in entertainment.

Thankfully after her show ended she let you return to the news channel, to no one's surprise the segment you were interested in had ended and likely would not come back on for a while longer, long past when you'd probably collapse from exhaustion. So you watched a bit more, enough to catch tomorrow's weather at least before turning off the lights.

"Seriously Taylor, you shouldn't watch those kinds of scary things before bed, they'll give you nightmares."

You stop on your way to the bed where Emma already tucked herself in.

"I... well it's better to know these things. Besides, I don't think something like that would happen to me," The girl, Samantha, had been pretty, very pretty. Some dark part of you felt a twinge of jealousy that disgusted you given what it had caused to happen.

Emma seemed upset and opened her mouth before what she wanted to say seemed to die in her throat and a bemused look crossed her face, she raised her hand and opened her mouth again only for that attempted too to be aborted. The third, far more hesitant, try fared no better before Emma crossed her arms with a click of her tongue having given up.

"Okay, yeah. Not touching that minefield. Just, I don't know, relax more okay? You've been a really Debbie downer recently. Ever since..."

She stopped herself short barely catching her mistake. You know what she means but choose not to dwell on it. Ignoring it made easy by a rather sudden increase in fatigue. With a yawn you squeeze in beside Emma in a bed that was definitely note supposed to support being shared at your age. It's a bit of a squeeze laying shoulder to shoulder but honestly you'd missed this feeling of closeness.

"Yeah, I know, 's why dad signed me up for camp..." You mumble and shift the blankets.

"Yeah. I heard." She sounded bitter, it takes you a moment to realize that you'd told her last week only to learn that she was having her first job as a professional model during that time and had wanted you to be there for her. You'd wanted to apologize but she cut you off beating you to the punch, "No, it's okay. I get it Taylor you're dad already paid and you can't exactly get a refund or blow it off for just a day..."

"How about if I give you call before you go on stage?" You offered, still feeling upset for not being able to be there for her, "Oh better yet I'll give you a call everyday and we can talk it?"

"That sounds perfect, thanks Tay," She smiles and yawns, "Night."

You feel a something heavy settle in your stomach. That usual awkward feeling, of feeling you need to say something but can't. That it might sound foolish or offensive. You turn to her.


[X] Please don't do something like that again."
[X] ...No, it's nothing. Good night."
[X] Please don't do something like that again."

Emma only has enough time to give an inquisitive grunt before you roll over onto your side and wrap your arms around her. She gives a squeak as you bury yourself into her shoulder, you can feel her tense.

"Wha- I-" She stammers a bit, unsure what to do and with her arms off to the side careful as she's unsure where to place them, "Tay you're... I'm no- I mean."

"Emma," You whisper, her shaking only seems to get worse at feeling your breath on her neck, "Please don't do something like that again."

She flinches under you and you wrap your arms around her tighter, burying your face deeper, "I-I don't want to lose you too."

You aren't even sure if you had spoken the line, as you lips moved your throat felt to tight to even breath. Perhaps you had though, as soon afterwards Emma relaxed into your embrace before gently returning it, resting her chin on your shoulder and rubbing your back. The comforting gesture is soothing beyond words, her own warmth mixing with your own and light trailing of her fingers on your scalp as she plays with your hair, it stirs a deep feeling of contentment and fullness. After a few minutes you can feel yourself drifting off into unawareness while still in her arms.

"Don't worry Taylor," Her breath tickles your hair, "I'm not going anywhere."


No one said a word the entire ride to the camp ground, the hours spent sitting in quiet rumination as the radio played inappropriately peppy songs in the background. You'd spent the whole time pointedly staring out the window, being sure not to glance at your two traveling companions. You're sure if you did you'd probably combust. Your backseat companion is doing the same, the awkwardness of the entire situation almost smothering in it's omnipresent thickness.

Your thoughts are pretty much a tangled mess, though focusing on two extremes. Mortification and Frustration.

Oh god I just wanna die right now!
Goddammit Dad why didn't you knock!?

The sulking you had done proved little use in healing your tattered ego, instead simply letting you stew in the memory.

Your dad had woken up early, even making a nice light breakfast for you both, before going back upstairs to wake you up like usual. Normally you had no problems with him just walking in and waking you up, keeping your door unlocked, as a few minutes extra sleep were always so tempting just after rousing. As you still wore flannel pajamas you didn't really have to worry about much more than being caught sleeping in a weird pose or with your stomach exposed. While he probably wouldn't have been surprised by catching you in some embarrassing position you very much doubt he could have been prepared for the sight of his daughter curled up in an intimate embrace with another girl. It certainly had not helped that while asleep you ha- No, banish the thought! That memory was better left repressed until you rediscover it in thirty years at the therapy sessions you will no doubt need to take to recover from it. Yes, it was best for all involved to pretend that incident had never occurred.

His choking on his own tongue had been what had woken the two of you up leading to a great deal of mortification and him rushing out of the room as if his life depended on it. You had not been able to meet your dad's eye since then. Emma had unfortunately been the one who had to try to explain the situation as you could not even ability to speak. Breakfast had consisted of you picking at your food red-faced while Emma fed your dad (totally true!) excuses you were too busy stewing to remember. You had doubts of your father believing her words, not entirely at least, as he'd taken you aside soon after and told you he'd love you no mater what. And while supportive he would rather you wait a few years before... that line was crossed.

Admittedly a part of you was touched your dad would not hold such things against you, a legitimate worry for many as even in these times with the likes of Legend old ideas on what was "Right" were still strong maybe even stronger than before with the rise of Empire 88 in the city. But as touching as the sentiment was the much greater portion of your mind had entered into panic mode as you'd attempted to do damage control and convince your father you had not suddenly entered such a relationship with your girlfr- FRIEND! And while he had listened to you and seemed agreeable you and a sinking feeling that he believed you as much as he believed Emma.

Hell really is other people.

Lost in your morose thoughts as your were you were taken completely by surprise when a hand grabbed your shoulder, squealing and jerking around on reflex. What greeted you was the uncomfortable smile of your friend.

"Ah, we're here Taylor," She offered with a canned chuckle.

Sure enough behind her you can see the gates to the camp a large wooden structure above the road, Camp Green Lake emblazoned on the plaque hanging down from the center. Children about your age or younger walking through them, some escorted by parents, most taking a case or two of luggage. There's two adults, no more like teens waiting outside the gate greeting them warmly. It's a scene right out of a greeting card.

Emma helps you with your luggage, it's not heavy, only a rolling case of cloths and toiletries, with that you can only stand there awkwardly in front of your friend not exactly sure how to proceed.

"Have a great time honey," You dad called warmly from the drivers seat. You wave and give back a reply, sadly still unable to quite meet his eye. You turn back to Emma, a similar line on your lips.

Before you can speak she grabs your hand, still half raised in greeting, and places a piece of paper on your palm before closing your hand for you.

"My new cell number," she clarifies, "You'd better call me."

You don't say anything for a moment before hunching over and grabbing your mouth to hold in the spontaneous humor that had overcome you. The exaggerated offended look on Emma's face only made it that much harder. After a minute you're able to get your giggle fit moderately under control. At least enough to try and explain yourself to you upset friend.

"I'm really sorry Emma, I don't know what came over me," You give her a truly apologetic smile, holding the paper close to your heart. She seemed to accept it and so you continued, "And I will Emma, I'll call every day like I said."

"Psh, don' t be such a sap Tay," She gave a playful shove on the shoulder with a faked disapproving look on her face before quickly breaking out into giggles of her own. She opens her arms, "Hugs?"

You smile back and wrap your arms around her warmly, "Hugs."

"Have a great time," She whispers.

"Stay safe," You reply.

All too quickly the hug ended and Emma retreated back the car with a wave. One you returned as you made your way towards the gates, watching your best friend and father drive away.

After they crested the hill and left your sight your turn around fully to stand before the marker. You're one of the last children outside the grounds, the remaining few still saying goodbye to their family. The inside is bright and lively, children mingling happily and everything looking very well maintained. It's a wonder you're father was able to afford this, in fact you had your suspicious that he might not but bury that away as it was too late to do much with that besides sulk. With a deep breath to steady yourself you step forward into the camp grounds.


Introductions were quickly made by the staff before the children, you included, where lead to the stadium. Well, more of a large stage, something you'd imagine an old,school outdoor play would take place in. It's rather large, even with so many children around at least a quarter of the seats aren't filled. You pay some attention to the councilors on stage as they introduce themselves and give a run down of the camp. It's rather simple, Lights out is Lights out, no sneaking over to Girls or Boys side of the camp after dark, no wandering off. They'd even given a timeline for what actives would be available and when. There was actually going to be a small thing for reading enthusiasts in three days, and a nature hike the day before, two things in order you really wanted to take part in.

Your good mood though was a bit tempered with loneliness, as many children had already had friends at the camp being alumni of a sort or quickly grouped together with other children who had arrived with them. You weren't exactly isolated, but at this point the only ones left ungrouped were others like you. That being those who would not go out of their way to socialize even if they wanted to. Sure some might be invited into other groups but you doubt you or they would take the effort necessary to start that off personally.

Wow that's actually kinda sad, You realize feeling slightly ashamed at this little bit information brought to light in a moment of self-awareness. Emboldened by your earlier social triumph with your friend, you felt a bit of resolve to hopefully fix that. You loved Emma dearly, but having only one friend wasn't really a good thing no mater how awesome she was. Even Emma had some acquaintances she hung out with when she wasn't with you. Unlike you who just went straight home to read or watch TV. The image in your head playing out your usual day; Wake up, eat, meet Emma at school, go home, read a book, eat dinner, then go to bed. Repeat.

Wow, you really needed to see about making some sort of connections quickly. At the rate you were going you were going to grow up to be a worthless adult, a shut in cat lady who's only connection to the outside world is loyal friend who suffers in silence as you wallowing in a run down shack filled with cat poop.

Nope! Your resolve hardened at such a dreary image of your future prospects, you had to make friends quick lest you become the sort of social recluse who would eat lunch in the toilet rather than face the world. You are quick to spot a boy on the other side of arena. He's somewhat husky, looking probably as nervous as you yourself felt. He's also completely alone.


You march quickly towards him, thinking up all the things you could say to introduce yourself. Some are better than others. Once you reach about 20 feet away however he turns to you in surprise and you, along with your train of thought, come to a halt at the sudden shift.

[X] Take a deep breath and think up something to say.
[X] Shit! Improvise!
Last edited:
[X] Improvise!

You were put on the spot and anything in your head that could vaguely be called a plan imploded after colliding face first with your greatest enemy.

Social Interaction.

There was no time to pick through the tangled mess that was your thought, the awkward silence moments away from reaching some sort of singularity no conversation could escape from, you went with the first thing that came to mind. An impulse you hoped would save you from the ensuing trainwreck you had a front row seat to.

"My tame is Naylor ice to neat you!"

It wasn't an awkward silence that followed. No, there was a bit too much background noise to really be silence. He stared at you confused at your outburst and you felt too scared to open your mouth again, desperately hoping that the ground would suddenly come alive and swallow you to be delivered from this terrible position.

"Ah, Hello?" The boy offers his greeting unsure, "Um... Taylor?"

For a moment you're confused, partly unsure how the seemingly insurmountable wall of embarrassment was so easily pierced, mostly shock that he had seemed to know your name. When you look at him, hoping to find some clue you don't see him looking at you. Well, not your face, but rather a bit lower, his face scrunched slightly in concentration. Oh.

Absently your hand reaches up to touch the name tag on your chest. Right, it was something all the kids had been given, to help them make friends. Okay, you sigh, not everything was as bad as you thought it was. The situation could be salvaged.

"Yeah, I'm Taylor," You offer walk forward offering a hand, "Nice to meet you..."

"Oh!" He scrambled forward, hand outstretched as unprepared for something that should really not be so stressfully complicated as it felt, "Nice to meet you too, my name's-"


The boy stops short and soon after is pulled back by a girl. She looks about a year or two older than you, with dirty blonde hair and an aggravated look about her. With a grip on his ear she pulled the shorter boy back with surprising ease.

"I told you not to wander off, I don't need you making my job any harder than it needs to be."

The girl was unpleasant, you can't pinpoint it as a single or definable group of things. It's just the air about her making you want to stomp on her toes or some other childish act of pettiness. As if someone combined every annoying older sibling and teen stereotype into a single person and wrapped her in a petite khaki wearing package. She does release his ear after dragging the poor boy next to her and while he massaged the abused organ she turned her attention to you, seeming as if just noticing your presence. She looks you up and down, and you feel anxious under her judging eyes. From the look on her face you can guess you didn't meet whatever standard she had.

"Who're you?" She demands.

"Taylor," You couldn't help but shrink under her glare, "Taylor Hebert."

"Hebert? What is that, french?"

You aren't to sure, never having thought about it. "I think so? My grand dad was from Canada?"

She mulled over your hesitant answer for a moment before accepting it, "Good enough."

The older girl seemed to relax a bit, or at least became mildly less irritated at something you had no idea what. You're not sure whether to feel insulted or revealed, settling instead on befuddled at the odd turn of events. She cranes her head back over her shoulder, "Hey! I found him!"

She's answered by two happy replies and quickly two other teens make their way towards you. One a rather tall and very buff blonde boy with a military cut who you'd almost confused for a councilor before noticing his face being a bit young looking. The other is another older girl, her own bleach blonde hair cut short and messy, her ears are pierced all the way down the sides with small hoops. The older boy headed for the boy and began to roughly rub his open hand down on his junior's head in a way that you assumed was affectionate if uncomfortable. The girl walks up to the other one, offer up a hand that is quickly met by the other girl's in a high five.

"Lucky~" The punkish girl sing-songs, "And we even still have time to meet up with Brundy too!"

The first girl grimaces a bit, not very happy with that bit of good fortune, she seemed ready to protest.

"Oh," you move back as your suddenly reminded of the older boy when he suddenly invades your personally space, "Who's this?"

Teddy doesn't answer, staring at his feet and not bothering to fight against the large hand resting on his head. The first girl shrugs, "Just some girl that was hanging out with Teddy."

The young man grins knowingly and you feel your face heating up quickly. You want to deny it but feel like doing such before they voice it out loud would only confirm their suspicions. You (possibly) new friend however wasn't quite so meek, angrily brushing off the hand on his head and shooting a glare at the one responsible.

"I told you not to call me that Aggie! It's Theo!"

Apparently that was the wrong thing to say as 'Aggie's expression soured quickly and she jabbed her first two fingers into his side painfully eliciting a yelp from the husky boy, "Teddy suits a little pudding pop like you better."

It was hard to watch that but you couldn't really find a voice to say anything, standing there uncomfortable, suspecting something was not right but unwilling to act to stop or even confirm it. Thankfully the older boy noticed, grabbing Aggie's hand and pulling the two children apart swiftly but gently. Aggie shot him a glare that promised future retribution that was easily ignored.

"Now now, family shouldn't fight," He soothed, Theo quickly returned to his previous passivity while Aggie lost some of her edge. She was still quick to snatch her hand back from his grip, "So now that we've found Theodore-" "Theo/Teddy" "we can get back on track, meet up with Maddy and Brundy, and hopefully have a good time at camp. Kay?"

"Gotcha!' Chirped the punkish girl who reach forward and pulled her scowling friend back into a hug from behind. The contrast between the two's expressions is almost comical.

Through the ordeal you'd not known what to do, caught up in the quick and unexpected turns that had appeared out of nowhere unable to truly follow let alone act. With the scene settled you're brain rebooted, though unable to find anything remotely useful for such a situation you'd defaulted to small confused "Ah?" that drew the attention of the largest one there.

"Oh I'm really sorry about this," He gave an apologetic grin while scratching his neck, "Those two can be a bit of a handful. So, you're one of Theodore's friends?"

You didn't answer, ducking low, not wanting to be either presumptuous nor offend. The young man took this as a tentative agreement.

"Hey, you do you wanna come with us? We were just going to take Theodore to meet a few more friends of ours."

[X] Go with them.
[X] Decline.
[X] Something Else.