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Question: 2024 Aptos change from Microsoft, how to remove?


Avid Avian Acolyte
Jul 3, 2021
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Recently Microsoft seems to have inserted a very annoying change to windows. Specifically, they've forced Aptos font into it. Less space between letters makes them harder to read, and makes the overall text size smaller. Upping the font size doesn't fix this, obviously, cause the base problem is still there. It's lead to a lot of annoyance, wasted time trying to figure out the problems, and strained eyes reading text. Even now, this post is tiny compared to just last year. That's bolded, and it's so freaking small.

My main question is thus. How in the world do I remove this change and go back to the old font style in browsers. I've tried some font extensions, but they don't seem to work. If anything things got worse. As seen here.

This would normally be two lines, comfortable to read. It's not, and I don't know if QQ has a font size change like SB/SV. Though that's still a bandaid on the problem. I'm mainly making this post in hopes of answers and for anyone else who hates this new style they shadow-dropped on us with the new year.
Settings, Appearance, Customize Fonts. Should let you change font styles, though the specific path might be different for some browsers.
I have tried that. They're currently set to Times New Roman, 16 Font. I've also tried clearing the cache, resetting the computer font, and restarting. It worked the first two days, doesn't anymore.
I could increase the size of the font. But that doesn't actually solve the underlying issue. I've no clue what is going on with it.

Aptos imposes less spacing between letters, resulting in more words in the line. At the expense of readability, as the base is smaller. So, changing font might not actually fix the issue if the software has just reduces size of the letters and spacing. I checks with Arial too. Same issue. .. That ri looks more like an n to me.
I have tried that. They're currently set to Times New Roman, 16 Font. I've also tried clearing the cache, resetting the computer font, and restarting. It worked the first two days, doesn't anymore.
I could increase the size of the font. But that doesn't actually solve the underlying issue. I've no clue what is going on with it.

Aptos imposes less spacing between letters, resulting in more words in the line. At the expense of readability, as the base is smaller. So, changing font might not actually fix the issue if the software has just reduces size of the letters and spacing. I checks with Arial too. Same issue. .. That ri looks more like an n to me.
Perhaps it is a resolution thing? I know that when the definition is too high, the words tend to be seen as quite small, not to mention the icons themselves.

Aside from that, I don't know what is Microsoft doing at this point--aside from trying to enrich the ophthalmologist industry.

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