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Thank you for writing.
I'm looking forward to your overlord story I hope you get more reviews on that one and this one and I hope you have a pleasant day/night.
Thank you for writing.
I'm looking forward to your overlord story I hope you get more reviews on that one and this one and I hope you have a pleasant day/night.

Thanks. I'm sure my first post on everything I put on qq now usually scares off most people who would normally post I'm sure, so it's not like I expected much.

I like it when people chat and talk about the story, and give cool ideas for me to pick from. I just don't like people Flaming or saying "Das wrong dough" like they do on fanfiction net when I do something deliberately, without letting me post the chapter that explains it.

It's very hard to communicate that without scaring off like 90% of the prospective readers though, lol.
Thanks. I'm sure my first post on everything I put on qq now usually scares off most people who would normally post I'm sure, so it's not like I expected much.

I like it when people chat and talk about the story, and give cool ideas for me to pick from. I just don't like people Flaming or saying "Das wrong dough" like they do on fanfiction net when I do something deliberately, without letting me post the chapter that explains it.

It's very hard to communicate that without scaring off like 90% of the prospective readers though, lol.
You're not wrong....

It's very hard to communicate in general for me personally that's why I don't normally leave comments for stories or talk to people in general I have an extremely small social battery and it is extremely inefficient.
RIA 13
Rolling for combat is way too fun. We rolled the resources a while back, and danger lists, so we thought we should roll combat too. It turned out great.

Aiko hadn't joked when she said learning magic was easy. Tom considered his first foray into using magic, and how long he had to spend just to get the tiniest bit of his illusion working. Meanwhile, less than thirty minutes of practicing movements Agent Coulson had said reminded him of Tai Chi had seen the arachnoid throw eldritch blast after eldritch blast.

More impressive to note was how quickly Coulson was taking to all this, as he seemed very advanced for only just having his magic jump-started.

"Phew, what a workout…" The arachnoid wiped some sweat from his brow as they went through the portal back to the city. The mountain slope they had trained on had some pockmarks after errant blasts, but otherwise the collateral damage had been kept to a minimum.

"Quite…" Coulson very carefully cracked his neck. "It was an odd feeling, as if I had an inflatable balloon inside me that kept being filled no matter how much air I let out. On a personal note, I wanted to thank you for including me, Aiko. I wasn't expecting this when we set out to negotiate mining rights." The agent's voice had noticeable gratitude in it, and there was a small smile on his face.

Aiko's smile calmed and became more gentle than the one she had during training. At least she wasn't showing as many teeth. "Well, you had the potential, and I didn't want to leave you out if you're gonna be working with us, that would just be rude." She then tossed a square down on the ground that began to set itself up.

"Well, I've certainly built up an appetite, and I imagine the same goes for you two as well?" The arachnoid pointed out, they were heading towards the inn where food had already been paid for. "Coulson, could you tell us what Rita said about the mining report over lunch? I'd be interested in hearing if they might have had some intelligence before, but wanting to double and triple check just to be sure."

"Cleaning up first might be a good idea." The agent proposed, keeping up with the image of a finely dressed gentleman who always tried to look their best.

The sheer levels of smug coming off Aiko, began to reach critical levels. She pointed to a tent that was just finished building itself. "Hot water is red bag, cold is blue bag, multi soap and conditioner is white bag. Don't worry, it doubles as toothpaste and deodorant as well as laundry detergent and dish soap. You can even wash your windows or glasses with it for a nice clear view."

"But what if I get it in my eyes?" The arachnoid asked worriedly.

"It's non-toxic, and about as painful as baby soap." Aiko replied.

"That's a relief… Do you want to go first, Coulson? I don't want you to run out of water once I'm done." Tom pointed out reasonably.

"I don't know…" The agent gave the bags an inquisitive look. "It seems like the bags are already full. Do they refill on their own?"

Snorting at the thought, Aiko waved him off. "As long as there is magic nearby, they'll never run out."

"Impressive." Came the voice in stereo from arachnoid and agent alike.


After a delightful shower with Aiko's impressive soap, the trio found themselves around a table at the inn. Sausages, fried eggs, more porridge and bread was on the menu, with a side dish of what looked like fried beans.

Munching slowly on a piece of sausage, Tom regarded his companions. Coulson was the epitome of fine dining, not a finger out of place as he delicately sampled the food in front of him. A cup of tea sat finished to the side.

Meanwhile Aiko stuffed her face with as much meat and protein as possible, before calming down and eating the normal food.

It seemed like a good time to broach the subject of the mining survey, so Tom coughed to get everyone's attention. "So, now that we've cleaned up and eaten, could you tell us what Rita had to say about our mission, Coulson?"

The agent seemed to straighten minutely where he sat, as he brought out a copy of the final report. "They were almost willing to give us the oil for free." The agent lowered his voice in case someone was listening. "They had done a few surveys already, like you predicted, Tom… However, nothing as deep as Aiko's equipment was able to go. And the… Adamantite golem? drove most of them away from the desert region."

If Coulson was bouncing in his seat, Tom pretended he didn't see it. "So we got paid a lot, and you are secured mining rights on some excellent materials, then?" The arachnoid followed up.

"Yes." Was all the agent said, as he brought out three bags that rattled when he set them down. "Rounded down, we get about 2 gold each." The smile on Coulson's face was just a tiny bit smug.

"That's an excellent payoff for an hour of work." Tom cheered, very glad they didn't have to actually travel to each place.

Aiko paused with a fork halfway to her mouth. "It was supposed to take a lot of time, and be very dangerous, so I'm not surprised we got this much. I'm almost insulted that they didn't offer more."

"Rita might have more surveys for us, seeing how quickly we completed this one." The arachnoid suggested. "It's in the kingdom's best interest to have comprehensive knowledge of their resources if they plan to trade with a foreign power." Using a napkin to wipe off any excess food that might have missed his mouth, Tom leaned back on himself. "But considering our financial situation, we can let them sweat at least until tomorrow before we talk to them about it."

Staring at Tom with a hint of amazement, her last bite of food half way to her mouth, Aiko seemed rather impressed. She finished her bite and spoke with an amused lilt to her voice, "I'm impressed. I didn't think you'd know much about politics and such at your age. You're not even fifty yet!"

"The body of a twenty four year old, and the mind of a thirty year old adds up." Tom laughed at his own joke, only to trail off when he realized how accurate it was.

Smiling at the joke, Aiko's gaze became distant, as if stuck in a memory from long past. "You remind me of an old friend. He was a magnificent floof."

Tom likewise got a thoughtful look on his face. Something about that one word made his brain go 'ba-ping' for some reason. It was only Coulson's words that knocked him out of his funk.

"So what will we be doing now?" The agent inquired. "We have some money, and likely similar work tomorrow if Rita was impressed with our performance today."

As if a lightbulb had gone off in her head, Aiko's ears perked up straight, and her tails flexed at the tips, "Actually, it would be a good idea to get some sparring in. Maybe we can ask the people in the forest city for a quick match?"

"I don't know about you, Coulson, but I think I could use that…" Tom admitted easily, going along with the suggestion. "Learn to protect myself better, and control my strength."

"I don't see anything wrong with that." Coulson said easily. "What kind of creatures would we be sparring against in this forest of yours?"

"Goblins, maybe?" The arachnoid made a so-so gesture with his hand. "I imagine we'd face humanoid opponents of around our size, at least."

"Alright, let's go!" Aiko declared as she stood, opening a portal beneath their chairs to dump them in the forest town, before putting the chairs away and following after them.

"Ugh… A little warning next time?" Tom asked, having been surprised by the sudden shift in location. Beside him, Coulson was brushing off his suit for imaginary dust particles.


The first one to come out was a large, muscular green skinned humanoid wearing expensive clothes with a furred jacket. He took one look at the three of them and shook his head. "...I'll go get Gobuta, just, don't yell like that here. You'll actually die."

"Well… He seemed nice." Tom said, remembering the guy from the first time they got here. "Full disclosure, I've never fought someone in my life. So please don't laugh too loudly when I get my big ass kicked."

"So these people…" Coulson began carefully, eyeing the forest a bit more apprehensively after seeing someone with a skin color that would work well as camouflage. "Are they as strong as they look, or…?"

"Stronger," Aiko admitted with a grin. "Much much stronger."

"Yeah…" Tom rubbed the back of his head. "Something something about high magic worlds, I think?" His head turned towards Aiko for confirmation.

Aiko snickered at the thought of this, and decided to share the truth behind why higher magic worlds were so much stronger, but so far behind. "High magic generally means high muscle. It usually also means less creativity, ingenuity, and overall intelligence."

"Yeah, that…" Tom agreed, nodding his head. "So I imagine at least I will have a bad time today, since they'll hold back less against me."

"If only because you look stronger at first glance." Aiko admitted.

Gobuta, a short goblin with a very stereotypical anime dumb goblin face showed up with a wooden sword in hand, ready to spar with them. "Well, ah, I heard you three wanna spar? ...You sure about this?"

"I'm sure. But I will regret it." Tom squared up. "You don't mind if I go first, Coulson? Get the pain out of the way and all…"

Gobuta looked like he was a bit wary of actually hurting them with Aiko right there, but decided he should still do it, and make it fair so that she couldn't cry foul. "You should probably come at me at the same time, if the fox lady isn't gonna join you."

Aiko looked far too eager to see his ass getting handed to him, Tom decided. "We could try… What do you say?" Turning towards the agent to see his stoic face nod, the arachnoid cheered inside his own mind. "Whelp, guess we'll try two on one at first, then!"

Gobuta stood still in his relaxed stance, the wooden sword pointed down at an angle, and facing towards them with a bored expression. "Well, you coming or not?"

The agent took off his outer jacket and tie, hanging them both on his ever present foldable coat hanger. With a few cracks of his knuckles to limber up, Coulson took the space to the left of the arachnoid with a serious expression on his face.

"If you have some ranged abilities, try to not be obvious about them." Coulson muttered from the side of his mouth. "I'll go left, you go right."

With a nod to show he understood, Tom prepared himself for the first fight of his life. On an unknown signal, he dashed right, trying to keep the smaller goblin's attention split between them.

Coulson, having more experience, decided to rush straight ahead in the hope of scoring a surprise hit. The first punch thrown managed to go past the smaller goblin's guard, but it barely grazed the green warrior.

Meanwhile, Tom used the opportunity of distraction to throw some webs down, effectively trapping the goblin in place.

This let Coulson continue his assault, scoring multiple hits that left visible bruises. The last hit knocked the goblin loose from his binds, however.

Gobuta winced at the damage done to him, playing it up like he was much more wounded than he really was. In hindsight, it was clear he was getting ready for a counter attack.

Falling right into the trap, Tom swiftly moved forward in an attempt to finish the match, only for Gobuta to smack him on the head with his wooden sword, causing a thin line of blood to escape, along with giving Tom a minor concussion.

"Owwie!" Tom stumbled back, a dazed look in his eyes as his legs wobbled unsteadily. "That… That hurt a lot." Touching the struck area, the arachnoid noticed his hand came back wet.

Looking at them with a bit of concern, Gobuta was quick to apologize. "Sorry about that, I thought you could take it. Uhh. I feel pretty bad now. Let me get you to the boss, he'll help you I'm sure."

Tom heard no more, as his legs buckled. Darkness enveloped his senses.


When Tom woke up, it was to a sensation he was not expecting. He was laying on a soft cot, which means he was neither laying on the ground, nor on the springy mattress back at the inn.

Opening his eyes to look around, he immediately noticed something else he would not have expected in a hundred years. Aiko was leaning over him with a grandmotherly look on her face, a mix of polite worry with confidence he would be fine. However, it was her outfit that drew the arachnoid's eyes, as it was a see-through nurses' outfit from around the 1950's, revealing some racy underwear beneath.

With a yelp, Tom quickly averted his eyes, but the image was already burned into his mind. A flush went across his face as he fumbled for words. "Aiko… I-you… Wha?"

As soon as she noticed he was fully attentive, Aiko gave him a sultry smile. She clearly knew what she was doing to him, "You're finally awake."

"I might not be for long if I catch another peek." To cover his vision further, Tom raised his hand to feel the area where he was struck previously. He didn't experience any pain, and the spot was smooth to the touch. "Gobuta really hit me good, didn't he?"

Aiko nodded thoughtfully, a hidden smirk on her face. "That's what happens when you try to cross the border illegally."

"Aiko… You know that game didn't launch until November 2011, right?" Tom asked without minding his words, only to slap a palm over his mouth moments later, eyes wide.

Aiko cheered and pumped her fist in joy. "Hehehe, I knew it! After the way you reacted to the name Kitsu it was pretty obvious! I couldn't stand not knowing which one you were."

Tom sighed, deflating back onto the cot while relaxing. "I did catch some hints, but didn't want to say anything until I was more sure… So…" The arachnoid turned back fully, making sure to keep his eyes on Aiko's face. "Where do we go from here?"

Curiosity satisfied, Aiko let out a happy giggle, "Well, the only Norwegian I know from discord that I liked was hakon, and you're pretty similar. So it doesn't really change anything? I might stick around until you feel like you don't need me anymore rather than leaving in a few years though."

"I'm glad to have a coffee-loving Canadian watch my back, then." Tom smiled back, feeling relieved at the revelation.

Their moment was rudely interrupted by a certain agent peeking inside the medical tent, a far too cheerful expression on his face as he stated; "Tom, you're finally awake, I see."
RIA 14
So. I mentioned the last chapter was rushed before right? It really is. I wanted an excuse for us to take a break from it for a couple months irl, and say that they were training until the time of avengers 1 while we were gone.

I never intended for us to be doing politics and resource gathering in this story that was all hakon's idea. It worked out decently though. I actually didn't want the tensura stuff either, but it makes him happy, so I went with it. I'm hoping to have a bunch more stuff in MCU next time, showing off what Ancient One teaches them.

Fun fact, Aiko isn't all powerful. She's just very old, and thus had a long time to build up. Once Tom gets into his powers, he'll be much more powerful, especially magically. Also, Rimuru at the timeframe they're in could 100% body Aiko at any given moment easy, which just shows she ain't the strongest in Tensura. She's basically just the equivalent of a leaky mana reactor that powers a bunch of machines with her excess power, and if a long time user of Basically more complex version of Inspired Inventor that requires she go do quests for people to get points.

As for Coulson? You'll see.

Aiko had been chiding the ears off of Coulson the entire trip back. Her clothes had changed yet again before they left, but they were more akin to a slutty business suit than anything, not that she seemed to notice. "Coulson, I hate to break it to you, but yes, reincarnation is a thing, and no, if you are one, you don't talk about your previous life with people not in the know. It's not like it matters to anyone in this timeline anyway, and I honestly only remember a few months of my previous life in total. I don't even remember if I had a job!"

"Classified." Tom chimed in, holding up a peace sign with his hand. The arachnoid had been in a brighter mood since their small chat, audibly humming to himself when he thought nobody was looking.

Coulson's lips tugged up for a moment, but the revelation didn't seem to come as a big shock. Considering he had learned magic in a matter of hours from being completely untrained was likely a big part of that. "Still, though… I hope you will use your knowledge responsibly."

Giving Coulson a bit of a hesitant glance, Aiko stopped right in front of the portal, "... You're asking a lot. I barely know the meaning of the word, and I'm very old."

"How old/ exactly?" The dual voice of agent and arachnoid mingled, only Tom had the decency to flush red as his curiosity got the better of him.

"... I stopped counting after the fourty-first millennium, " She admitted with a sigh.

"Wait… Like Warhammer?" The agent inquired incredulously. His eyes widening for once.

Sticking her tongue out at Coulson, Aiko opened the portal back to earth and gave him one last look before walking through "Maybe~. Nerd."

Following after, Coulson brought out his phone and called his boss. A short conversation followed where the agent explained what they had been up to, and that Fury could expect them shortly.

"So…" Tom began, having seemingly had a brainwave after they crossed back over. "Which faction were you, Aiko?"

With a blush as red as a street light, Aiko spoke in a small voice, as if she was very ashamed of herself, "I may have been the reason that purple orcs exist, and also why their warcry is 'Waaaaaaaaagh!'."

"So… Chaos…?" Tom seemed to guess, his voice full of uncertainty, his illusion had snapped back into place now that they were back on Earth.

Looking away with a face full of shame, Aiko's tails curled around her, and her ears folded back. "Well, I certainly caused a lot of it."

"There there." Tom tried to console. Meanwhile, Coulson finished his call. "Fury is ready to receive us if we want to deliver our report."

Opening a portal to the office, just outside the door, Aiko knocked in a very noticeable pattern through the portal. It sounded a bit like this: -.- -.-- ..- ..- - --- / -.. . / .- .. .-. .- ... .... .. .. / .- .. -.- --- / --. .- / - --- ..- .--- --- ..- -.-.--

As the door swung open, Tom stiffened up beside Aiko on the other side of the portal. There was someone in the room with Fury, a person wearing bright yellow clothes. Someone bald.

"By all means, please join us." Fury's voice was relaxed, a tea set with what looked like very old cups on his desk.

A glance at the yellow clad ancient being revealed a smile as sunny as her outfit, and a knowing look. Aiko poked Tom in the ribs gently, passing him a piece of paper set to burn after he read it. On it were the words "Don't drink the tea. It's not poison but you'll be too calm."

Tom's eyes widened as the note burst into flames, before he nodded slowly. "Shall we deliver the report, then? More like your and Coulson's report, really, since I was knocked out for part of it."

"Oh, have you started drinking tea, Sir?" Coulson inquired, stepping through the portal without waiting for the rest.

Aiko followed after him, Tails puffed as she put on a gas mask from her pocket dimension, so that her enhanced senses wouldn't cause her to be put to sleep.

Tom followed last, dropping the illusion on the way over.

"Now that we're all here, we can get to the main topic," The lady that smelled of ancient tomes and vinyl records began as her yellow clothes shone in the light of the evening sun. "I'll be borrowing your agent for a few months to help train him, as well as his companions. They will be returned to you the moment you need them, and not one day earlier. They'll need all the help they can get."

"What stuff would we be learning?" Tom asked, curiosity in his voice as he stood beside the kitsune.

"How to better control Dimensional magic, including the innate Eldritch magic you can use, " The Ancient one declared, ready to take them with her.

"But I've got Aiko to take care of portals and stuff…" Tom didn't quite whine, but it was a close thing. It might have been because of the tea…

After going through this exact conversation three-hundred-and-sixty-five times on a time loop from the moment they entered the office, Aiko finally got the hint. "Fine, you win lady. I'll drag them there myself if you'll just stop cheating with time magic."

"What just happened?" Coulson inquired, straightening up from Fury's side of the desk.

Meanwhile, Tom had one eye trained on the woman who was likely the cause of this. "Sorcery is bullshit…"

"I knew you'd see it my way eventually. Let us be off." She opened her own portal, and brought the rest through once she was on the other side.

Fury was the only one left in his office at that point, sipping calmly from his ancient mug. "Hmm… This is some good tea."
I might be a bit longer than expected, since I've decided to make an original story that I'll be getting published with hakon's help. We're gonna do a collab based on the idea of "Two dudes play a TTRPG campaign that's based on an anime they like over the net with fox girl characters, end up reincarnated in a new world as their characters, and realize that the world they go to is from that anime, and simply fluff around in that other world."

I might post updates to how far along it is here, since I'll be coming back to finish this when I'm done anyway, so it's kind of relevant.

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