Chapter 44
It's sucking out your insides, don't make it weird
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I didn't get to write everything I wanted to for this chapter, but it was feeling too long so I cut it in half...
Waking up in the hospital is not that shocking...
The pickup pulls into the driveway of the Hebert household. I can't help but feel a little relieved to be back at my girlfriends' house. Sure, I didn't spend a lot of time conscious at the hospital, but it is good to be back somewhere safe.
The suspension rocks Danny's truck as Nimi gets out of back. It was a little small in the cabin with Danny, Swarm, Taylor and I hogging up the old cushion, so Nimi had to ride in the back. I turn from the window to watch as my giant girlfriend walks around to my side of the vehicle. The soft curls of Swarms short hair are nice as my hand rubs her head from her seat on the floor, like I said cramped...
The door next to me opens and Nimi unbuckles me from the car. I feel Taylor's guiding hands help Nimi pull me into a bridal carry, Swarm's body flowing up and across Nimi and I, making great cape of arms around me. I look up as Nimi looks down at me in her arms, tentacles pour from the hood of her civilian disguise of a red dress shirt, grey cotton pants, and her black hoodie, hood up to hide her face. I reach a shaky right hand for the tentacles, their warm metallic flesh filling my lap, as I look up at her big red eye. It glows brightly in the darkness of her hood, and I get a smile out of her, but I can tell that she is still upset.
Being told that you have brain damage is also not too scary...
She carries me to the front door where another instance of Swarm opens it to let us in. This other Swarm climbs up into Nimi's arms and joins the other one in wrapping around me. Swarm is scared, I've been able to tell since I woke up screaming in the hospital. I grab one of her hands and try my hardest to hold it in my weak grip, my fingers hurt with the effort and the periodic spasms are frustrating and annoying. Dammit, my chest hurts as the hand slips out of mine, I just want to hold her hand. I drag the slippery appendage up my chest and to my mouth, the one last thing that I can really control anymore. I push the fingers into my mouth and bite once I reach knuckles.
Nimi and Swarm both stop just inside the entrance when my teeth press down on the black not-flesh of Swarm's limb. The woody flavor of my smallest girlfriend is welcome after going so long without it in my nightmares...
A white snake glares at me from across the cage of lights and electricity. His smile is cruel and doesn't reach his eyes as he places the needle into my flesh. My power screams out answers to plans as I'm forced to stare at the faces of people I indirectly enslaved. I'm cry as the world is lonely and the meaning of words lose meaning...
I shiver and, as best as I can, pull the limbs around me closer in a hug as the unfortunate memory of my dreams while I was in a coma pop up. I bite harder, until I break the outer layer of black flesh and feel a suckle at my teeth, Swarm strokes my tongue with her fingers.
No, the scary thing isn't the waking up or the damage, it's that I don't remember what caused it. That it could happen again...
I open my eyes as I feel Nimi sit down, the familiar cold hands of Taylor rub at my scalp as I can feel them relax. They are purring, because of course they are I'm biting one of them as hard as they like, but I wish that Taylor wasn't just playing with my hair. I want more.
I want to be wrapped up in her arms as Nimi wraps us both. I want Swarm to surround us, I want her head pressed up into my ribs and her hands to hold mine. I want to feel safe, I want to fall asleep and not be scared that I'll get stuck in a nightmare for a week again. I just
I need it, coma is not the same as sleeping and that nap at the hospital wasn't enough, but I want to know more about the arsonist first. Like hell am I going to let someone get away from trying to burn away this family. I take a look around the room, hasn't really changed much, but the smell of gas is hard to not notice. I frown at that. Apparently last night someone broke into the house and doused the place in gasoline, then tried lighting it. Thankfully the attempted arson failed, Taylor and Annette have already explained to me that the undead are pretty flammable. Even if that weakness has been solved for my girlfriends after the Lung fight, both Annette and Danny are very much not super-undead like Taylor and her others.
Speaking of others, I finally get to lay eyes on Taylor's mother's other... God they can be confusing sometimes. She looks familiar, but I suppose that makes sense, I was there to dig her up after all. She is tall, like Annette, somewhere in the six foot range. Her body looks smooth and shiny, a black glass over white bones, the light behind her head showing her features in the shade of a barely visible skull. She also dresses a bit more formally than Annette. A white cotton dress shirt with its sleeves rolled up to show off her arm bones which look delicate and fine, black dress pants cover her legs, but she is bare foot. I was disgusted last month at the cemetery when we pulled her up, but now that she is animate and walking around, I can tell that she is beautiful.
[subject: Annette Hebert, died May 10th 2009, no brain activity, zero cellular activity, movement caused by ambient energy...]
I want to roll my eyes at my power's description of the approaching glass woman, but I don't have any energy to. My power seems quieter than it was before my coma, almost like it is trying to make sure it isn't too loud for me. Since it tried to kill me with the mother of all headaches, I'm not that inclined to forgive it either. Won't even tell me what happened. When I ask all, it says is...
[I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm...]
…which is just uncomfortable. My internal musing ceases as I feel soft cool fingers on my face. Rose, as I'm told is the name she picked, lifts my head and turns my face gently from side to side. It must look pretty weird to the outside observer, probably stranger since no one is talking. Me sitting here wrapped up in tons of arms like a baby and being inspected by a skeleton lady, but as someone who is kind of used to this family... I try to smile around the hand, she's checking me for injuries... not even my biological mother...
She nods satisfied that I'm in good condition, and then kisses my forehead. This family is really too good to me...
The front door closes, and the slightly heavy gait of Danny Hebert's work boot brings the man into view. "Okay so what did the doctors say about how we are going to take care of Lisa?" His voice is tight, like he has anxiety about taking care of me. He picked us up at the hospital in full costume as none of the Heberts are related to me, so I was treated as a cape and thus my teammates are allowed to be the ones responsible for me and get visitor rights.
[not his job, doesn't want you hurt, stressed about bills, feels responsible for you, will fight to protect you, you're important to his daughters...]
I'm touched, really. For someone who doesn't really like his daughters dating it is nice to know that he at least approves of me. "Technically speaking, I'm her doctor dad," Taylor's voice is quiet. She has been ever since I woke up and I don't need powers to know that she feels responsible for getting me hurt. I want to scoff, Taylor didn't hurt me, I made my own decisions...
Please don't leave me because of some misplaced blame, I don't want to be alone anymore...
"Healer cape laws, I know more about her health than anyone else," she pauses, "I'm currently swimming through her veins after all."
I snuggle deeper into the limbs and feel them tighten around me in response. I'd reach up and take Taylor's hand into my mouth, but I can't reach over my head too well anymore. I settle for Swarm's tasty digits instead, onomnom...
"Ah, I see." Danny is the picture of stress, he wants us to quit the cape business. I am right there with him, I just know better than to think that capes can just quit.
"Her body is fine, but her brain has some significant damage," I lean into Taylor hand as she scratches my scalp, I should really remove the hand from my mouth and ask my questions about the arson attempt. I'll do it after, this hand is tasty. "Her motor cortex is shot full of holes so she has tremors in most of her limbs and I don't want her to be walking around on her own until she heals some more." Taylor's voice is soothing as I try to feel her blood running through my veins. If I focus, I can just hear it sing...
I smile as I find it, the wincing pain from my power trying to quickly look away is worth it to know that I can still feel her. "For the most part her brain will heal itself with my cells working in tandem with her body, so it isn't permanent, but it will be a while before she can walk on her own."
He nods, "okay, will the hospital be sending us a bill?" Valid concern, another bill to pay will be rough on the Heberts…maybe I should help some way? I'm tiring to be a hero so it would be bad if I got caught stealing funds from some offshore accounts or whatever, but maybe I can steal it from some place more local...E88? I'll have to talk it over with the team.
"No Daddy, the PRT decided to pay it in full," I don't need to see the spores trapped inside her dress shirt to know they are dark with anger. Nimi was pissed when I collapsed, I don't think I've ever seen her angry before, but she takes after father. She mellowed out while I was unconscious, but I can tell she hates the PRT now. Every time it gets brought up she gets a bit darker in mood. I try to squeeze one of the tendrils, it barely presses into the metal flesh, she looks down at me. Her eye's glow pulses slowly but speeds up when I meet her gaze. I pat the tentacle until she calms back down...
"Good, it is their fault that this even happened," Danny's words kind of hide his inner thoughts, he doesn't like hand-outs. I watch Rose as she comes up and kisses him on the cheek, the slight flinch he makes on contact tells me he is probably on the fence about how others and relationships work with the undead, but he returns the kiss anyways. I smirk, good to know that I wasn't the only one who thought it was weird before. I snuggle deeper into Nimi's hold, so warm so comfortable. "Listen I've got to get back to work, your mother will be home later, and we can talk about it more then." Good, this means I'll have to wait to ask about the arson, but I guess I will be taking a nap first, lucky me.
Rose and Danny leave, but as the front door closes, she comes back a smile on her face. She then turns to face us.
"Yeah, we're okay mom," Taylor says, "she just needs a lot of sleep right now, we'll feed her something later."
A soft wet gurgle sounds from the slime woman and the house around us rattles. I look up and see Taylor's face greying, what did she say?
[made some comment on mating...]
"Momma," Swarm's voice is tired, the many overlaying echoes sound almost distant from each other, "we are all too young to properly breed with Lisa, and she isn't even ready for just Hosting so it wouldn't work out if we pushed."
I smirk to myself as I watch Taylor's face get even darker. I can feel my own face heat up a bit, but it doesn't stop me from snuggling deeper into Nimi and Swarm's arms. So, they do have a way to reproduce, I think as I turn to Rose, or at least Swarm does...maybe?
Rose's expression changes and a light in the kitchen flickers to a dim setting. Uh, translation power?
[Disappointed, wants more k-...occupants?]
Is, is she the house? I watch as she gurgles something else, the sound of a few hanging picture frames vibrating against the wall behind her. "No mom, we aren't even interested in... sex," my ashen girlfriend practically whispers the word.
"Besides mommy, we're mostly planning on adopting and like my sister said," Nimi's voice is pretty light, but I can tell she must be putting out a lightshow of glowing spores behind her, "we don't have the right parts." I think that Taylor is going to explode if this conversation continues, but my mouth is currently occupied by some finger food, so I think I'll just sit back and watch the show. I grin as Swarm decides an intricate lecture on her anatomy isn't embarrassing...
After the conversation wound down, I was carried upstairs. At first, I thought they were going to take me to the guest bedroom that I've been living out of for the past month. That made me scared...
I don't want to just sleep in the same bed as one or two of my girlfriends, I wanted them all there. I need it. I remember being in a coma unfortunately. I couldn't hear anything like they say that people in comas can sometimes, but my experience was not pleasant. I didn't get a smash cut from blacking out to waking up in the hospital. No, I got trapped in my head for a week with nightmares. Taylor, Nimi, and Swarm were not there with me either.
I shake my head and focus on the present. Nimi's heavy thuds move down the hall stopping at Taylor's bedroom long before the guest room. That's odd, sure I'm fine with this, but Taylor's bed is even smaller than the guest bed. Are they going to just lay me in their bed and forget about me? I can feel hands, Swarm's, stroke my face as my heart feels like it is ceasing. No this is worse! I try to move my hands, but they are shaking too much for me to make any progress. What are they doing?
Dammit! They aren't talking so my power can't read them, and I can't see Nimi or Taylor's expressions with how deep into Nimi's arms I am. No please, I beg in my head biting down until my gums reach the skin of Swarm's palm, my eyes start getting wet as my panic increases. They stop and I shut my eyes. "It's okay Lisa," a cool hand runs through my hair, "we aren't going anywhere."
I feel myself lowered on to a bed as I keep my eyes screwed shut, the hand in my mouth leaves as I'm laid on my back. The after images of my nightmares, of the snake and the white cage, feel near in the darkness of my lids. My limbs shake uncontrollably as I lie on the bed like a limp fish, I can't even sit up. I then feel someone large and warm lie next to me. I reach for it blindly as I squeezed my eyes shut too hard and now, I'm having trouble opening them.
Large arms wrap around my chest and arms as I'm pulled into a familiar body. Hard like a rock with bony forearms and hands, an almost plush weight gets pushed into my face as my legs rest against solid abdominals. Several tendrils flow over onto my shoulders. Her skin is kind of rough against my face, but it is comfortable and safe. She got naked and then got into bed with me...
I almost start as a cool set of arms wrap around my waist and an equally cool body rests her head against the back of mine. Her soft breath is cool against my neck, but I know from experience that she'll heat up after a bit. I can feel the coolness of her bare legs through my pants, and her bare stomach practically fuses to my back. The feeling of sharp point around my legs proceeds the feeling of my pants being pulled off with what feels like Swarm's hands helping to remove the bunched-up clothing. Soft, sharp and cool, Taylor's hair wraps around our legs. It's good, but Swar-
The bedroom door opens, and I can hear the sounds of feet, lots of them. Then I feel them crawl into the bed. A head with curly hair forces its way between me and Nimi's stomach to rest against the space just below my ribs. Fingers, and then full hands, join with Taylor's hair to hold our legs I can hear and feel both Taylor and Nimi sigh. Hands rubs at my uncovered sides, and I feel a few of them rest across my stomach, small circles are happening all over me. My hands which have been crushed up against my chest have been drawn down and to comfortable positions as Swarm puts the fingers in her mouth. Perfect...
I relax into the many grips and hugs that surround me. A nip at my fingers makes me warm and I open my own mouth to get a mouth full of breast tissue to bite. Nimi's purr rumbles like a car on idle, as something wet and warm drags up my face over my still closed eyes. The heat makes the muscles relax and my eye flutter open. They got a bigger bed is the last thought I had before my mind slipped into sleep.
Thanks for waiting, this one took forever for me to write...
Waking up in the hospital is not that shocking...
The pickup pulls into the driveway of the Hebert household. I can't help but feel a little relieved to be back at my girlfriends' house. Sure, I didn't spend a lot of time conscious at the hospital, but it is good to be back somewhere safe.
The suspension rocks Danny's truck as Nimi gets out of back. It was a little small in the cabin with Danny, Swarm, Taylor and I hogging up the old cushion, so Nimi had to ride in the back. I turn from the window to watch as my giant girlfriend walks around to my side of the vehicle. The soft curls of Swarms short hair are nice as my hand rubs her head from her seat on the floor, like I said cramped...
The door next to me opens and Nimi unbuckles me from the car. I feel Taylor's guiding hands help Nimi pull me into a bridal carry, Swarm's body flowing up and across Nimi and I, making great cape of arms around me. I look up as Nimi looks down at me in her arms, tentacles pour from the hood of her civilian disguise of a red dress shirt, grey cotton pants, and her black hoodie, hood up to hide her face. I reach a shaky right hand for the tentacles, their warm metallic flesh filling my lap, as I look up at her big red eye. It glows brightly in the darkness of her hood, and I get a smile out of her, but I can tell that she is still upset.
Being told that you have brain damage is also not too scary...
She carries me to the front door where another instance of Swarm opens it to let us in. This other Swarm climbs up into Nimi's arms and joins the other one in wrapping around me. Swarm is scared, I've been able to tell since I woke up screaming in the hospital. I grab one of her hands and try my hardest to hold it in my weak grip, my fingers hurt with the effort and the periodic spasms are frustrating and annoying. Dammit, my chest hurts as the hand slips out of mine, I just want to hold her hand. I drag the slippery appendage up my chest and to my mouth, the one last thing that I can really control anymore. I push the fingers into my mouth and bite once I reach knuckles.
Nimi and Swarm both stop just inside the entrance when my teeth press down on the black not-flesh of Swarm's limb. The woody flavor of my smallest girlfriend is welcome after going so long without it in my nightmares...
A white snake glares at me from across the cage of lights and electricity. His smile is cruel and doesn't reach his eyes as he places the needle into my flesh. My power screams out answers to plans as I'm forced to stare at the faces of people I indirectly enslaved. I'm cry as the world is lonely and the meaning of words lose meaning...
I shiver and, as best as I can, pull the limbs around me closer in a hug as the unfortunate memory of my dreams while I was in a coma pop up. I bite harder, until I break the outer layer of black flesh and feel a suckle at my teeth, Swarm strokes my tongue with her fingers.
No, the scary thing isn't the waking up or the damage, it's that I don't remember what caused it. That it could happen again...
I open my eyes as I feel Nimi sit down, the familiar cold hands of Taylor rub at my scalp as I can feel them relax. They are purring, because of course they are I'm biting one of them as hard as they like, but I wish that Taylor wasn't just playing with my hair. I want more.
I want to be wrapped up in her arms as Nimi wraps us both. I want Swarm to surround us, I want her head pressed up into my ribs and her hands to hold mine. I want to feel safe, I want to fall asleep and not be scared that I'll get stuck in a nightmare for a week again. I just
I need it, coma is not the same as sleeping and that nap at the hospital wasn't enough, but I want to know more about the arsonist first. Like hell am I going to let someone get away from trying to burn away this family. I take a look around the room, hasn't really changed much, but the smell of gas is hard to not notice. I frown at that. Apparently last night someone broke into the house and doused the place in gasoline, then tried lighting it. Thankfully the attempted arson failed, Taylor and Annette have already explained to me that the undead are pretty flammable. Even if that weakness has been solved for my girlfriends after the Lung fight, both Annette and Danny are very much not super-undead like Taylor and her others.
Speaking of others, I finally get to lay eyes on Taylor's mother's other... God they can be confusing sometimes. She looks familiar, but I suppose that makes sense, I was there to dig her up after all. She is tall, like Annette, somewhere in the six foot range. Her body looks smooth and shiny, a black glass over white bones, the light behind her head showing her features in the shade of a barely visible skull. She also dresses a bit more formally than Annette. A white cotton dress shirt with its sleeves rolled up to show off her arm bones which look delicate and fine, black dress pants cover her legs, but she is bare foot. I was disgusted last month at the cemetery when we pulled her up, but now that she is animate and walking around, I can tell that she is beautiful.
[subject: Annette Hebert, died May 10th 2009, no brain activity, zero cellular activity, movement caused by ambient energy...]
I want to roll my eyes at my power's description of the approaching glass woman, but I don't have any energy to. My power seems quieter than it was before my coma, almost like it is trying to make sure it isn't too loud for me. Since it tried to kill me with the mother of all headaches, I'm not that inclined to forgive it either. Won't even tell me what happened. When I ask all, it says is...
[I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm...]
…which is just uncomfortable. My internal musing ceases as I feel soft cool fingers on my face. Rose, as I'm told is the name she picked, lifts my head and turns my face gently from side to side. It must look pretty weird to the outside observer, probably stranger since no one is talking. Me sitting here wrapped up in tons of arms like a baby and being inspected by a skeleton lady, but as someone who is kind of used to this family... I try to smile around the hand, she's checking me for injuries... not even my biological mother...
She nods satisfied that I'm in good condition, and then kisses my forehead. This family is really too good to me...
The front door closes, and the slightly heavy gait of Danny Hebert's work boot brings the man into view. "Okay so what did the doctors say about how we are going to take care of Lisa?" His voice is tight, like he has anxiety about taking care of me. He picked us up at the hospital in full costume as none of the Heberts are related to me, so I was treated as a cape and thus my teammates are allowed to be the ones responsible for me and get visitor rights.
[not his job, doesn't want you hurt, stressed about bills, feels responsible for you, will fight to protect you, you're important to his daughters...]
I'm touched, really. For someone who doesn't really like his daughters dating it is nice to know that he at least approves of me. "Technically speaking, I'm her doctor dad," Taylor's voice is quiet. She has been ever since I woke up and I don't need powers to know that she feels responsible for getting me hurt. I want to scoff, Taylor didn't hurt me, I made my own decisions...
Please don't leave me because of some misplaced blame, I don't want to be alone anymore...
"Healer cape laws, I know more about her health than anyone else," she pauses, "I'm currently swimming through her veins after all."
I snuggle deeper into the limbs and feel them tighten around me in response. I'd reach up and take Taylor's hand into my mouth, but I can't reach over my head too well anymore. I settle for Swarm's tasty digits instead, onomnom...
"Ah, I see." Danny is the picture of stress, he wants us to quit the cape business. I am right there with him, I just know better than to think that capes can just quit.
"Her body is fine, but her brain has some significant damage," I lean into Taylor hand as she scratches my scalp, I should really remove the hand from my mouth and ask my questions about the arson attempt. I'll do it after, this hand is tasty. "Her motor cortex is shot full of holes so she has tremors in most of her limbs and I don't want her to be walking around on her own until she heals some more." Taylor's voice is soothing as I try to feel her blood running through my veins. If I focus, I can just hear it sing...
I smile as I find it, the wincing pain from my power trying to quickly look away is worth it to know that I can still feel her. "For the most part her brain will heal itself with my cells working in tandem with her body, so it isn't permanent, but it will be a while before she can walk on her own."
He nods, "okay, will the hospital be sending us a bill?" Valid concern, another bill to pay will be rough on the Heberts…maybe I should help some way? I'm tiring to be a hero so it would be bad if I got caught stealing funds from some offshore accounts or whatever, but maybe I can steal it from some place more local...E88? I'll have to talk it over with the team.
"No Daddy, the PRT decided to pay it in full," I don't need to see the spores trapped inside her dress shirt to know they are dark with anger. Nimi was pissed when I collapsed, I don't think I've ever seen her angry before, but she takes after father. She mellowed out while I was unconscious, but I can tell she hates the PRT now. Every time it gets brought up she gets a bit darker in mood. I try to squeeze one of the tendrils, it barely presses into the metal flesh, she looks down at me. Her eye's glow pulses slowly but speeds up when I meet her gaze. I pat the tentacle until she calms back down...
"Good, it is their fault that this even happened," Danny's words kind of hide his inner thoughts, he doesn't like hand-outs. I watch Rose as she comes up and kisses him on the cheek, the slight flinch he makes on contact tells me he is probably on the fence about how others and relationships work with the undead, but he returns the kiss anyways. I smirk, good to know that I wasn't the only one who thought it was weird before. I snuggle deeper into Nimi's hold, so warm so comfortable. "Listen I've got to get back to work, your mother will be home later, and we can talk about it more then." Good, this means I'll have to wait to ask about the arson, but I guess I will be taking a nap first, lucky me.
Rose and Danny leave, but as the front door closes, she comes back a smile on her face. She then turns to face us.
"Yeah, we're okay mom," Taylor says, "she just needs a lot of sleep right now, we'll feed her something later."
A soft wet gurgle sounds from the slime woman and the house around us rattles. I look up and see Taylor's face greying, what did she say?
[made some comment on mating...]
"Momma," Swarm's voice is tired, the many overlaying echoes sound almost distant from each other, "we are all too young to properly breed with Lisa, and she isn't even ready for just Hosting so it wouldn't work out if we pushed."
I smirk to myself as I watch Taylor's face get even darker. I can feel my own face heat up a bit, but it doesn't stop me from snuggling deeper into Nimi and Swarm's arms. So, they do have a way to reproduce, I think as I turn to Rose, or at least Swarm does...maybe?
Rose's expression changes and a light in the kitchen flickers to a dim setting. Uh, translation power?
[Disappointed, wants more k-...occupants?]
Is, is she the house? I watch as she gurgles something else, the sound of a few hanging picture frames vibrating against the wall behind her. "No mom, we aren't even interested in... sex," my ashen girlfriend practically whispers the word.
"Besides mommy, we're mostly planning on adopting and like my sister said," Nimi's voice is pretty light, but I can tell she must be putting out a lightshow of glowing spores behind her, "we don't have the right parts." I think that Taylor is going to explode if this conversation continues, but my mouth is currently occupied by some finger food, so I think I'll just sit back and watch the show. I grin as Swarm decides an intricate lecture on her anatomy isn't embarrassing...
After the conversation wound down, I was carried upstairs. At first, I thought they were going to take me to the guest bedroom that I've been living out of for the past month. That made me scared...
I don't want to just sleep in the same bed as one or two of my girlfriends, I wanted them all there. I need it. I remember being in a coma unfortunately. I couldn't hear anything like they say that people in comas can sometimes, but my experience was not pleasant. I didn't get a smash cut from blacking out to waking up in the hospital. No, I got trapped in my head for a week with nightmares. Taylor, Nimi, and Swarm were not there with me either.
I shake my head and focus on the present. Nimi's heavy thuds move down the hall stopping at Taylor's bedroom long before the guest room. That's odd, sure I'm fine with this, but Taylor's bed is even smaller than the guest bed. Are they going to just lay me in their bed and forget about me? I can feel hands, Swarm's, stroke my face as my heart feels like it is ceasing. No this is worse! I try to move my hands, but they are shaking too much for me to make any progress. What are they doing?
Dammit! They aren't talking so my power can't read them, and I can't see Nimi or Taylor's expressions with how deep into Nimi's arms I am. No please, I beg in my head biting down until my gums reach the skin of Swarm's palm, my eyes start getting wet as my panic increases. They stop and I shut my eyes. "It's okay Lisa," a cool hand runs through my hair, "we aren't going anywhere."
I feel myself lowered on to a bed as I keep my eyes screwed shut, the hand in my mouth leaves as I'm laid on my back. The after images of my nightmares, of the snake and the white cage, feel near in the darkness of my lids. My limbs shake uncontrollably as I lie on the bed like a limp fish, I can't even sit up. I then feel someone large and warm lie next to me. I reach for it blindly as I squeezed my eyes shut too hard and now, I'm having trouble opening them.
Large arms wrap around my chest and arms as I'm pulled into a familiar body. Hard like a rock with bony forearms and hands, an almost plush weight gets pushed into my face as my legs rest against solid abdominals. Several tendrils flow over onto my shoulders. Her skin is kind of rough against my face, but it is comfortable and safe. She got naked and then got into bed with me...
I almost start as a cool set of arms wrap around my waist and an equally cool body rests her head against the back of mine. Her soft breath is cool against my neck, but I know from experience that she'll heat up after a bit. I can feel the coolness of her bare legs through my pants, and her bare stomach practically fuses to my back. The feeling of sharp point around my legs proceeds the feeling of my pants being pulled off with what feels like Swarm's hands helping to remove the bunched-up clothing. Soft, sharp and cool, Taylor's hair wraps around our legs. It's good, but Swar-
The bedroom door opens, and I can hear the sounds of feet, lots of them. Then I feel them crawl into the bed. A head with curly hair forces its way between me and Nimi's stomach to rest against the space just below my ribs. Fingers, and then full hands, join with Taylor's hair to hold our legs I can hear and feel both Taylor and Nimi sigh. Hands rubs at my uncovered sides, and I feel a few of them rest across my stomach, small circles are happening all over me. My hands which have been crushed up against my chest have been drawn down and to comfortable positions as Swarm puts the fingers in her mouth. Perfect...
I relax into the many grips and hugs that surround me. A nip at my fingers makes me warm and I open my own mouth to get a mouth full of breast tissue to bite. Nimi's purr rumbles like a car on idle, as something wet and warm drags up my face over my still closed eyes. The heat makes the muscles relax and my eye flutter open. They got a bigger bed is the last thought I had before my mind slipped into sleep.
Thanks for waiting, this one took forever for me to write...