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RWBY and JNPR are surprised by a substitute teacher, John Luna, a mysterious man who quickly captures the attention of all the students.

Behind the armored teacher's facade lies a turbulent past and a deep connection with the students.


Getting out there.
Mar 22, 2024
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RWBY and JNPR are surprised by a substitute teacher, John Luna, a mysterious man who quickly captures the attention of all the students.

Behind the armored teacher's facade lies a turbulent past and a deep connection with the students.

01) Substitute
Bom dia pessoas,

[-] I wrote this Oneshot a while ago.
[-] If the reception of this story is positive, I will turn it into a series. So if you liked it, leave a comment.

RP # Pov: Pyrrha Nikos

Professor Goodwitch can't teach today, so when we arrived at the classroom we were greeted by a substitute teacher who, according to Yang, he is 'a blonde Dilf'.

I even agree that he is handsome, tall and muscular, but I have never been attracted to older men.

'And his beard, combined with the fact that he's wearing old, rusty armor, makes him look like a beggar.' I think to myself, staring at the teacher.

When the teacher asked for volunteers to fight him, many girls and some boys wanted a chance, but it was Yang and Weiss who stood out by standing up and asking loudly. Both were very interested in 'engaging' with the teacher in the ring.

"GO YANG!" Nora shouted from my side. "BREAK HIS LEGS!"

"Nora, she is less than 10 meters in front of us." Her partner complains. "You don't need to scream."

"Sorry, Renny." Nora said, making a dog face at her partner.

Nora's reaction might have been exaggerated, but it was normal to root for a friend, especially one who was losing so badly.

"Stay still!" Yang grumbled at her opponent, dodging another blow.

"Nop." Said the armored man in a playful tone.

"HARG!" Yelled Yang trying to hit the teacher with all her strength.

Only to be parried by her opponent's shield and then pushed out of the ring from behind.



He announces in a robotic voice before Yang's defeat.

"You are a short-tempered, arrogant girl, and you also are extremely dependent on your Semblance to defeat enemies who overpower you." Says Professor Luna, approaching Yang lying on the floor.

Still with her eyes red, Yang stared at the armored teacher as if she wanted to bite his head off.

"But…" The professor continued, sheathing his sword and taking off his helmet. "You are a also strong, determined and very talented woman."

Yang's eyes widened and her body froze at the teacher's sincere praise.

"R-really?" Yang stuttered.

With a warm smile on his face, the teacher extended his hand to help the student to her feet.

Hesitantly, as if she were a shy maiden, Yang accepted the hand and the teacher quickly lifted her off the ground.

"With training, experience and a little direction in your rage, you can become the greatest Huntresses in the kingdom of Vale, or even all of Remnant." He finishes speaking, giving a hearty and contagious laugh.

Yang's face lit up in a red hue, which didn't go unnoticed by Nora.

"Look at the teacher's darling." Nora mocked loudly.

In response, the entire class laughed at Yang who stomped out of the ring as she mumbled angrily.

"Jokes aside, I want you to understand, anger is a powerful emotion." Said the teacher in a more serious tone. "When used correctly, it can help you defeat powerful enemies."

The statement caught several students off guard as they began to whisper among themselves in confusion.

I understand their astonishment, usually teachers and instructors advise not to give in to your emotions during battle, they say that we should have a cold and calculating mind when dealing with the enemy.

"However, anger is just something that fuels your spirit in battle, don't let it control you." The teacher said, frowning with a melancholy look. "It can lead to making…irreparable mistakes."

A sepulchral silence fell in the room, no student dared to even blink at the declaration.

"He-he." Professor Luna laughed awkwardly. "Sorry about that awkward silence…, to make it up to you I'll send you off five minutes early for lunch."

In response, the room erupts in cheers and applause, with students standing up and quickly heading out the door.

When the room finally calms down, I get up only to notice that Nora had run off with the rest of the students and Ren was dragged by her.

"This teacher is a bit weird." Whispered a male voice next to me.

Looking to the left, I see my partner, staring thoughtfully at Professor Luna.

"Why do you say that, Jaune?" I asked curiously.

"Don't get me wrong, he seems like a good teacher, but I feel like I've seen him before."

"Like before class or the school year?"

"More like he's a distant relative I haven't seen in a while." Jaune said, getting up and walking towards the teacher.

I followed Jaune as he approached Professor Luna, who was removing his armor, revealing a black tank top that clung to his muscular body.

The professor's physique was impressive, a testament to years of training and discipline. It was as if he were one of those ancient heroes carved from marble.

Jaune cleared his throat, catching the teacher's attention.

"Excuse me, Professor Luna." He began, his voice firm but curious. "I couldn't help but notice… are you by any chance a member of the Arc family?"

The professor stopped mid-motion, his hands still on the straps of his armor. His eyes flicked to Jaune, then to me, before settling back on Jaune. There was a moment of silence, a hesitation that seemed to go on a little too long.

"Arc, you said?" Professor Luna finally responded, his voice careful, measured. He went back to removing his armor, but his movements were slower, more deliberate. "Why do you ask?"

Jaune shrugged, a casual gesture that belied the intensity of his gaze.

"You remind me of someone… an uncle of mine maybe."

The professor laughed, but it sounded forced, without the genuine warmth it had been before.

"Well… as I said earlier in my introduction, I'm Professor John Luna and I don't remember being related to any Arc."

He avoided Jaune's gaze, focusing on carefully stacking his armor pieces. His evasiveness was palpable, a stark contrast to the open and engaging demeanor he had demonstrated during class.

Jaune nodded, apparently satisfied with the answer, oblivious to the educator's tension.

"Just thought I'd ask." He said smiling, feeling satisfied. "Thanks for the early dismissal, by the way. It's always good to have a little extra time."

The professor nodded, with a tight smile on his face.

"No problem." Said the teacher, turning his back. "Enjoy your lunch, Jaune and Pyr."

As we turned to leave, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more than met the eye. Professor Luna's reaction to Jaune's question had been... suspicious.

I looked at the teacher one last time before leaving the classroom. He was there, watching us leave, his expression unreadable. There was a story there, hidden beneath the surface, and I couldn't help but feel a spark of curiosity, a desire to discover the truth. But for now, it would have to wait. Lunch was calling, and with it, the promise of normality and friendship.

"Wait!" I exclaimed in the middle of the hallway. "What did he call me?"

RP # Pov: Professor Luna.

I lean against the cold steel wall of the elevator, my breath coming in ragged gasps. The fight with Yang was refreshing and even fun, but it was nothing compared to the confusion in my mind.

Seeing Pyrrha again...it was like a punch in the gut. I thought I was prepared, that I had strengthened myself for this moment, but I was wrong.

The sight of her, standing there, strong and radiant as in my most vivid memories, awakened feelings I thought had long been buried.

"My God… how I missed you, Pyr." I murmured with tears streaming from my eyes.

In my chest I felt a pain that I had become accustomed to, like an old wound that hasn't healed properly. But seeing her again was like sticking a knife in exposing the bloody flesh beneath.

When I my eyes and I could see her, clear as day. The way his hair caught the light, the fierce determination in his eyes.

The elevator hummed, a soft, steady sound that seemed to echo the rhythm of my thoughts.

Feeling tired I raised my hand and rubbed my face to compose myself, then I let out a deep sigh, I felt the weight of it leave me.

"Mister Luna." A calm voice said, catching my attention. "I'm glad you can join me."

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice the door opening.

"Yes, o-of course." I stuttered getting out of the elevator. "What would you like to talk to me about, Professor Ozpin?"

Smiling, the director sat back in his chair looking at me. After taking a sip from his cup, he answered me.

"Please." Ozpin said in a friendly tone. "When we're alone, you can call me Ozpin or Ozma."

I nodded.

"And if you want, I can call you Jaune."" Added the immortal wizard smiling.

Boa noite pessoas,

It was shorter than I normally write, but then if I have gone on, it would be longer than I intended too.

Despite the Angst oneshot/first chapter, this fic will be a comedy.

And if you liked it and would like to see what else I have planned for this story, like the comedy part of it, say so in the comments.

Ps: As usual… this story does not have a beta reader yet, if you're interested in helping me(mainly to help me translate into English) send me a message.
02) Special training
Bom dia pessoas,

I'm happy to see that the story had a positive impact on the platforms I posted on, so I'll keep writing it.

I'd like to reiterate that this story is more focused on Slice of Life. That's why some, but not all, plot points will happen in the background and you'll find out about what happened through dialogues or internal monologues.

Ps: I need a Beta Reader, if you're interested, send me a message.

RP # POV: Professor Luna

I took a sip of coffee, the bitter liquid scalding my throat, and let out a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of the day. The steam from the mug rose, distorting the view of the office ahead. Through the fog, I looked at Professor Ozpin, his eyes fixed on me with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"Jaune." He began, his voice steady and calm. "How was your first day as a substitute?"

I placed the mug on the table between us, the ceramic clinking against the wood.

"It was…interesting." I replied, leaning back in the chair. The leather creaked under my weight, a sound that seemed to echo the fatigue in my bones.

Ozpin raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to elaborate. I could see the questions forming in his mind, the wheels turning as he tried to decipher my cryptic answer.

"The students are surprised by Goodwitch's absence." I continued to choose my words carefully. "But they seem to have accepted me as a replacement."

A slight smile appeared at the corners of Ozpin's mouth.

"I'm glad the students are comfortable with your presence." The teacher said, giving a serene smile. "But I admit I'm more interested in how you're feeling about seeing your 'old friends'."

Ozpin's words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken implications. Their weight fell on my shoulders, a familiar burden I had carried for years. I took a deep breath, the smell of old books and polished wood filling my nostrils, and met his gaze.

"It is complicated." I began, my voice steady despite the inner turmoil. "Seeing them again, after everything that happened..." I suddenly stopped talking, I couldn't find the words to describe my feelings.

The professor leaned forward, his eyes never leaving mine.

"It was clear that it would not be a simple matter." The teacher said, taking a sip from his mug. "But talking about the subject can help ease your pain."

I sigh tiredly, but I decided to open up.

"It's good and bad at the same time." I finally said. "On the one hand, it's a chance to see my old friends, to guide them better than I could before. But on the other…it's a constant reminder of my mistakes and what was lost."

Ozpin nodded, his expression thoughtful.

"Loss is part of life, Jaune. It shapes us, makes us stronger. But it also leaves scars."

I looked at my hands, the knuckles scarred and calloused from years of battle.

"You are right." I murmured. "But it's not just the loss. It's the responsibility. The weight of knowing their future is in my hands now."

Ozpin leaned back in his chair, fingers intertwined in front of him.

"According to your reports, you have already made a difference-."


The professor is cut off by the private elevator door that opens with a soft touch, revealing a figure that runs out with a burst of energy.

I stood up, but before I could register who it was, arms wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Jaune!" Shouted an excited female voice.

I looked down and saw a head full of vibrant brunette hair pressed against my chest. Amber Sunstone, the Fall Mainden, was clinging to me.

I hesitated for a moment, then hugged her back, feeling a mixture of surprise and joy.

"Amber." I'm relieved that she is in a good mood. "It's good to see you."

When I rescued her from Cinder's attack she was depressed. Being stuck in Beacon at the time didn't help her morale at all, but she was better off sad and alive than free and dead.

"I heard you were back, but I couldn't believe it until I saw you with my own eyes." His gaze swept over me, taking in every detail. "Weren't you on a mission with Qrow and Glynda?"

I swallowed hard, the memory of our operation to capture the traitor, Leonardo Lionheart, surfaced in my mind. The faunus had already become a spy for Salem, but with the help of Qrow and Professor Goodwitch, we managed to capture him without creating any commotion.

Now Lionheart is 'retired' and Professor Goodwitch is acting as headmistress of Haven Academy, to keep it running and keep an eye on Cinder.

"Jaune?" Amber's voice broke through the haze of memories, her eyes searching mine with concern. "Are you well?"

I forced a smile, pushing the memories back into the recesses of my mind.

"Yes, just… remembering some old battles."

Ozpin coughed into his hand, catching our attention.

"Amber, have you finished your training for today?"

Amber crossed her arms, her expression turning from joy to irritation.

"No, not yet."

"You know that mastering your powers is essential to your survival."

"I know that." She replied tiredly. "But If I have any problem Jaune is here to save me."

"He is not at your disposal, Miss Sunstone." Ozpin said in a serious tone. "He is currently working as John Luna for Beacon Academy."

"John Luna?"

"I changed my name because of… the other 'me'." I responded by intruding on their conversation. "I know John isn't that different from Jaune, but if someone in the know calls me by my old name, they can use it as an excuse that they just pronounced it wrong without raising suspicion."

"That's…stupidly genius." Amber commented confused.

I couldn't help but end up laughing at her honest comment.

Ozpin watched us, a faint smile playing on his lips, but his eyes held a depth of concern that I knew all too well.

"Well, Amber." I said, gently disentangling myself from his embrace. "I'm happy to see you, but I have some preparations to make. I need to prepare for a special training session."

Amber's smile faded a little, but she nodded, understanding in her eyes.

"Of course, Jaune-. I mean, Professor Luna." She corrected herself, laughing. "And who is the victim of this special training?"

Smiling, I replied to her.


RP # POV: Yang Xiao Long

I disinterestedly poked at the food that I had on my plate. The clatter of cutlery and the hum of conversation around me seemed distant, muffled by the thick silence that had settled in my head.

Ruby's voice cut through the fog, soft and cautious.

"Yang, you've been picking at your food for the last ten minutes. Are you ok?"

I looked up, forcing a smile that felt fragile onto my lips.

"I'm just not that hungry, I guess." I lied, hoping she would give up. But Ruby wasn't one to back down easily, a trait I usually admired, but now, it was just inconvenient.

She raised an eyebrow, studying me with an intensity that made me squirm.

"Not hungry, you?" She repeated her disbelief at my statement. "Since when do you refuse a meal? Especially a steak that size."

I shrugged, trying to pretend it was nothing.

"Everyone has bad days, I guess?" I stabbed a piece of meat with more force than necessary, avoiding her gaze.

Ruby looked at me with one eyebrow still raised, without buying my excuse.

"Yang, we both know that's not true. You're not just 'not hungry'. Something is bothering you."

I sighed, placing my fork down with a clatter.

"It's nothing, really. Just… the fight with the teacher today." I admitted sheepishly, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh." Blake nodded on the other side, understanding dawning in her eyes. "Are you upset because he won?"

"No, that's not it." I shook my head, frustrated. "I mean, yes, it hurts a little that I lost, but it's more than that. He was holding back and beat me like I was a little kid on the first day of prep school."

Ruby and Blake looked at each other, considering my words. My sister already seemed to have understood what was bothering me, after all Ruby knows me very well, Blake was still confused.

"And that bothers you a lot?" Blake asked.

"Of course it bothers!" I exclaimed, frustrated. "No one has ever fought me without taking me seriously."

"Father and Uncle Qrow never took you seriously in a fight." Ruby said with a cheek smile.

"Rrrrrrrr!" I grumbled frustrated.

I pushed my plate away, the food barely touched. Ruby and Blake exchanged worried looks, but it was Weiss who spoke, her voice cutting through the tension like a knife.

"You know, Yang." She said, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "I think you're looking at this the wrong way."

I raised an eyebrow, turning to face her. Weiss sat with her back straight, her hands folded neatly in her lap. His eyes met mine with a steady gaze, without a hint of his usual disdain in sight.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, my voice harsher than I intended.

Weiss didn't waver. Instead, she leaned forward, her expression serious.

"Professor Luna is clearly a skilled fighter. He not only understands the theory behind our training, but also has the practical skills to back it up. That's a rare combination."

I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"So what? Should I just be happy that he defeated me?"

Weiss shook her head, her voice softening.

"No, that's not what I'm saying. But think about it, Yang. We are here to learn, to improve. Having a teacher who can challenge us, who can show us where we need to grow, that's invaluable."

I looked in surprise towards Weiss, the always critical, the always demanding, princess of perfection was… satisfied?

"Are you serious?" I said, more of a statement than a question.

Weiss nodded.

"Absolutely. I've had tutors and instructors my entire life, and very few of them were able to balance theory and practice the way Professor Luna does. It's refreshing to see a professional of his caliber at Beacon and not another… Port."

"I guess I hadn't thought of it that way." I admitted, my voice softer now.

Weiss smiled, nodding in approval.

"It's a chance for us to grow, Yang. To strengthen ourselves. And isn't that what we're all here for?"

"And it also helps that he's a DILF for Weiss's daddy issues." Blake said, smiling mischievously.

"What!?" Shouted the horrified heiress.

I nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of my mouth as Weiss lectured Blake.

"What is DILF?" Ruby asked curiously.

"I'll tell you in 2 years." I responded by cutting my sister right away.

RP # POV: Jaune Arc

I stood up quickly, my heart beating like a drum. The scroll screen cast a bright glow in the dark dormitory. I picked up the device, squinting at the message from the unknown sender.

<I know your secret and if you want to stay in Beacon, meet me alone in the combat room.>

A shiver ran down my spine. My thumb hovered over the reply button, but another message appeared.


I looked at my roommates, their sleeping faces and the sound of Nora's snoring calmed me down a little. Getting out of bed, I grabbed my jacket and tiptoed to the door.

I walked through the dimly lit hallways of Beacon Academy, my footsteps echoing on the cold stone floor. The silence was deafening, each step a reminder of the weight I carried. The message burned in my mind, a constant reminder that my secret was out.

"I'm a fraud, and someone knows it." I whispered, shaking.

The door to the combat room loomed ahead, a silent sentinel waiting to pass judgment. I stopped, my hand hovering over the doorknob. The metal was cool to the touch, a stark contrast to the heat of my nerves. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what lay beyond.

When I opened the door, the room was bathed in a soft glow from the overhead lights. In the middle of the room was a figure in black armor that was unknown to me.

<Black Armor>

"Good." The figure said, his voice low and serious. "You showed up."

I nodded, my throat dry.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

The figure approached, walking slowly, despite being dressed in heavy black armor, his steps were silent.

"I know your secret, Jaune." He sounded familiar.

"And you're going to report me?" I asked fearing the worst.

"No." He took his hand to the helmet that hid his face. "I will help you." Said the now helmetless figure.

"P-Professor Luna?" I stuttered. "I like the new armor." I said, trying to lighten the mood.

I stood there, frozen, as Professor Luna's stern gaze passed through me.

"You cheated your way into Beacon, Jaune." He said, his voice as cold as it was melancholy. "You took an opportunity that could have gone to someone who really deserved it. Someone who worked hard, who trained, who was ready."

I felt a lump form in my throat, a mix of shame and regret choking me. I knew that, of course, but hearing it from someone else puts more weight on my conscience. I looked down at my feet, unable to meet his eyes.

"Do you think you can just walk in here with forged documents and become a huntsman?" He continued, his voice rising. "Beacon is no joke, Jaune. It is a place to forge huntsmen and huntresses. Not for cowards and liars."

Every word hurt, a harsh reminder of my mistake. I had come to Beacon with the best intentions, wanting to make a difference, to be a hero. But now, under his scrutiny, I felt anything but.

"I am really sorry." I whispered, my voice barely audible. "I just wanted to help. To be someone important, to honor my family's legacy."

Professor Luna sighed, his expression softening a little.

"I know you did, Jaune. But good intentions don't make up for bad actions."

I felt a tear slide down my cheek, a hot trail of shame. I had been so naive, so foolish. I had thought I could just blend in, learn, become a real Huntsman.

"But." He said, his voice calmer now. "It is too late to change what has been done. You passed the initiation, and expelling you now would only cause more harm than good."

I looked at him, a glimmer of hope shining in my chest.

"What do you mean?"

"Your team would be without a leader and we would have to find another student to complete JNPR." He said, his eyes steady and determined. "And that's why I'm going to train you, so that you deserve the opportunity you stole. I will make you someone worthy of Beacon."

I looked at him, a mix of fear and excitement coursing through my body.

That's what I wanted, wasn't it? Become a real hunter, make a difference. But now, under his watchful eye, I knew it wouldn't be easy. I knew I would have to work harder than ever.

"I took the liberty of taking your sword from your locker before coming here." Said the teacher, tossing Crocea Mors to me. "Attack me with everything you have, not with the intention of scoring points or draining my Aura, come with the intention of killing me.

I swallowed hard, facing the teacher with my legs shaking a little.

"B-b-but professor, that wouldn't be." I tried to speak but I was cut off.

"Listen here Jaune!" He said pointing his black steel sword towards me. "I don't have time to justify every step of your training, do as I say or go back home like the liar that everyone will know you are."

I let out a horrified sigh, the thought of being humiliated and losing my friends was worse than any kind of training this teacher could put me through.

"Okay, Professor Luna." I said, my voice shaking a little. "I will do whatever it takes to prove that I belong here."

The teacher nodded, strangely he seemed relieved with my choice.

"Excellent. So let's get started." He said taking a defensive stance with his sword. "Attack me with all your strength."

RP # POV: Professor Luna

As he was a younger version of me, I already knew he had no training, but I still needed to get an idea of where he was compared to the other students. With that in mind, I did the first day of training with him focused on a fight against me, him attacking me seriously while I stayed on the defensive and using counter attacks so I could evaluate his performance.

"You can rest now Jaune." I spoke only for the boy to fall to the floor, panting.


His limits were very low. His resistance was pathetic, his movements slow, his blows, despite being strong, lacked coordination and technique to connect them correctly. I sighed, disappointment settling in my chest once again. This would be a long and difficult road.

I approached the young man, my expression serious, my voice firm.

"You're going to have to train three times harder than any other student at Beacon, Jaune."

His eyes widened, a mix of shock and determination flickering across his face.

"Three times harder?"

I knelt down next to him, with my gaze steady I explained.

"Because you're starting from scratch. You have the heart, but you lack the technique, the stamina and the experience. Your colleagues have been training for years. You need to bridge that gap, and it won't be easy."

Jaune propped himself up on his elbows, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

"But… I don't know if I can do that. I'm already suffering just trying to keep up with them."

I nodded, understanding his concern.

"I know it's scary. But remember, every great hero starts somewhere. You have potential, Jaune. You just have to be willing to put in the effort."

He looked at me, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination.

"What if I don't make it? What if I fail?"

I placed a hand on his shoulder, my grip firm but comforting.

"Failure is part of the journey, Jaune. It's how you learn and grow." I said, trying to cheer the boy up. "You only need to do one thing to achieve your goals."

Jaune's eyes widened, staring at me, waiting for what he needed to do to get better.

"Don't give up." I said seriously, looking at the young man. "If you fail, try again, if you fall, get up, if the sword slips from your hand, pick it up again and hold on tighter."

The young man, still tired and breathing heavily, stands up without breaking eye contact.

"If you don't give up, you will always have a chance to improve."

Jaune's breathing slowly steadied as he stood before me, his eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and determination. The training hall was silent, the only sounds were the distant hum of the gym and the occasional echo of our movements.

"Thank you, Professor Luna." He said, his voice still a little breathless. "For keeping my secret."

I nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

"It's not just about keeping secrets, Jaune. It's about giving you the chance to grow."

He looked at his hands, flexing his fingers as if imagining the weight of a weapon.

"I know I have a long way to go, but I'm willing to put in the effort. I don't want to disappoint anyone."

"That's the spirit." I replied, approaching. "Now go to sleep, as soon as you get to your dorm I would have sent you a training schedule, there will be a lot of running and a lot of working out.

"Hmmmm." Jaune replied, groaning in fear.

RP # POV: Pyrrha Nikos

I was lying down when I heard the sound of the door opening. I got up to see who it was, when I came across Jaune limping in.

"Jaune?" I spoke, keeping my voice low.

When he turned to me, he tried to hide a pained grimace. His hair was wet with sweat, his uniform was dirty, his body was sweaty and he was breathing heavily. Something was wrong.

"Hey, Pyrrha." He replied, forcing a smile.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly. "Are you hurt?"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Just... training with Professor Luna."

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Training? Or getting beaten up by him?"

He tried to laugh, but felt a stab of pain in his side.

"A little of both, maybe." He sat on the bed, carefully touching his side.

I got closer, becoming more and more worried about him.

"Let me see."

He hesitated before lifting his shirt. An ugly bruise was forming along his ribs. I frowned, kneeling down to examine him.

"This isn't just because of the training, Jaune. What really happened?"

He looked away, embarrassed.

"The teacher fought with me for an hour, we only took short breaks to catch our breath, at the time I hadn't even noticed this injury, but now that my body cooled down everything started to hurt."

I sighed, standing up.

"That's not right Jaune, a teacher can't treat a student like that, much less at such a weird time."

He looked down, tugging at a loose thread on his bedspread.

"It's okay Pyrrha, I promise."

I sat down next to him, nudging his shoulder with mine.

"I want to help you, Jaune." I murmured melancholy.

He smiled, this time genuinely as he sighed tiredly.

Jaune swallows hard and looks with his blue eyes at Pyrrha.

"Pyrrha, I have something to tell you."

Boa noite pessoas,

[-]I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

[-] I would like to let you know that I read ALL the comments, I just set aside some comments here to answer if I can add something interesting to the talk.

[-]In the next chapter I think I will focus a little on Weiss. Would you like that?


[-]alexdel29 (wattpad):

This one-shot is very good and fun to read, please turned into a story, the comedy part got me interested the most.
I can imagine the female students of all years try their best to catch John/Jaune eye to date them, the adult female staff would too try their luck as well since John/Jaune is in their age range.
Thank you for the kind words.

Yeah. He could be a super teacher. I do want to see what lessons he has for each cast member.
But you're going to need a hell of a convincing reason for how he got here. Or why Ozpin would hire the first hobo who turns up to teach class.
He-he (Author laughs sweating), of course I have everything planned…

I've seen a few stories take different tacks on the Rusted Knight coming backwards in time, but I like what you've got here, and think it is very promising. And I think considering Jaune's position, a bit of angst is going to be a necessary part of the mix, although one balancing that with some lighter-hearted stuff would be nice. I think a story showing the Jaune we see above - one who is mentally scarred, but isn't completely twisted by his experiences (perhaps due to some hope of changing things?), and who is still recognisably Jaune - has a lot of potential.
When I made the first drafts of the story I was scared by the amount of angst I had written, but you're right, at least the beginning needs the angst, so that later we can balance it out more with humor.

He already messed up and called her Pyr bruh I thought he'd last longer haha.
He may be older, more experienced, and a better fighter.
But he still has a bit of Dorky Knight in him.
Honestly a fantastic chapter. Love that hes training Jaune and love his armor.
According to word of CRWBY Jaune using his semblance is a minor permanent buff and the reason Ren Semblance evolved. So if prof was to Amp his students after each spar they'd both be fully healed but get stronger faster... and if he's going that to his past self daily with his insane growth rates [compare Jaune in minutes in the initiation vs Oscar needing a month in Haven]
To echo another comment, Jaune in Canon is a combat savant. Normal people can't become expert fighters in a few months of training regardless of who is teaching them. And make no mistake, just being able to keep up with the bottom of beacon's first years makes him an expert.
Out of universe it's clearly more a case of bad writing, the writers of the show didn't really get or care that combat takes a long time to get good at, and even some of the more basic feats Jaune did in the second and third season being really impressive. Plus aura originally didn't take as much effort to use.

But either way Jaune is a prodigy on a level of Pyrrha just without the training from a young age.
The same is true about Ruby, though to a lesser extent, though the show seems to forget it Ruby is two years younger and with two years less training than everyone else. And she is still near the top of the class.
Honestly my only issue with nearly any RWBY fanfiction is anybody who knows Ozma's method of operation doesn't immediately kill him to force a reincarnation. The man is much like Dumbledore a far greater threat to his allies than his enemies. And his words should never be heeded because they will always be used to benefit his own plans with no consideration for any of the people who respect or follow him. Loyalty runs both ways and Ozpin clearly has no loyalty to anything but his own nebulous and often self-destructive plans.
03) Breakfast New
Bom dia Pessoal,

[-] I'm back from Thailand, I'll give more details about my brother's treatment at the end of the chapter.

[-] Postei uma oneshot isekai,Naruto: Isekai Saiyajin, there are people angry that I made the protagonist an Incel. Which isn't true, I made him an asshole, there's a difference... I think. More details at the end of the chapter.

[-]From now on I will put the comments before the chapter, as they have to do with the previous chapter, or influence me to write the current one.



What does the RP # part of "RP # Pov" mean?


Not a big deal, it's the abbreviated name of the fic 'Rusted Professor'.


According to word of CRWBY Jaune using his semblance is a minor permanent buff and the reason Ren Semblance evolved. So if prof was to Amp his students after each spar they'd both be fully healed but get stronger faster... and if he's going that to his past self daily with his insane growth rates [compare Jaune in minutes in the initiation vs Oscar needing a month in Haven]


I honestly didn't know that. Thanks for the comment, that's interesting.

RP # POV: Professor Ozpin

"Jaune." I began speaking, my voice firm and low. "I saw on the arena security camera your 'training' with your younger self."

Sighing tiredly, Jaune stared back at me without wavering before responding.

"It was necessary, Ozpin. At that time I had dreams of being a great hero, but I wasn't training seriously."

I took a sip from my ever-present mug of coffee, letting the silence stretch for a moment.

"Necessary, perhaps. But was it sensible?"

He leaned forward, hands clasped tightly together.

"Maybe not…" He replied, hesitating for a second, but clenched his fists and responded determinedly. "But now that he's had a reality check, I know he's on the right path."

I sigh tiredly at professor Luna's explanation. Even though he was right, I couldn't agree with the way young Jaune was treated.

"Jaune…" I began, my voice firm but compassionate. "I understand your intention, but we can't just beat our students with the excuse that it's training."

The time traveler sat back in his chair.

"I understand you Ozpin. I know I exaggerated, but from now on that won't be necessary."

"Do I have your word that this won't happen again?"

"Arc's word, it won't happen again." Jaune replied, giving me a sincere smile.

I leaned back in my chair, the tension in my shoulders easing a little. Jaune's promise with the Arc family name carried a weight that I couldn't ignore. The room seemed to breathe a sigh of relief with me, the air lighter now that the heavier part of our conversation was over.

"So, Professor Luna." I started, taking another sip of my coffee. "What do you have planned for the students tomorrow?"

Jaune's lips curved into a smile that was equal parts amusement and predation. It was a look I had never seen in him before, one that spoke of challenges and trials.

"Inter-team training training." He said, his voice a low rumble, like distant thunder.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued and a little confused.

"Very good." I said, placing my empty cup on the table. "I look forward to seeing what you have in store for them."

RP # POV: Weiss Schnee

"I need to calm down." I repeated it out loud, trying to carry out the action. "I know it's early, two hours before classes start, but I've already come here, there's no reason not to talk to him."

I raised my hand, knuckles ready to rap against the wood, but I hesitated.

"Come on, Weiss…" I whispered to myself, clenching my fists. "You faced Grimms. You can talk to a friendly teacher."

I straightened my shoulders, lifted my chin, and knocked firmly on the door. The sound echoed through the hallway, a declaration of my resolve. I waited anxiously, my breath catching in my throat, as the seconds ticked by.

From inside, I heard metal hitting a wooden surface. Then, footsteps approaching the door. My heart jumped into my throat when the doorknob turned and the door opened to reveal Professor Luna in casual clothes and a pink apron with a little white bunny printed on it.

<Chef Luna>

"Weiss?" Questions the professor, surprised by my visit. "What do you need so early?"

The pink apron, tight around his muscular chest and ripped belly, was a stark contrast to the serious demeanor I expected from him.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the words stuck in my throat.

"I-I-I w-want to t-talk t-to th-." I stuttered nervously.

But luckily for me, Professor Luna silenced me by raising a hand.

"You can stop there, I know why you're nervous." Said the teacher in a serious tone.

Surprised by his insight, I just stared at him in silence with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course the SDC heiress would be furious with someone like me referring to her by her first name, I promise it won't happen again Miss Schnee."

"No!" I exclaimed outraged.

"No?" The teacher asked, confused.

"I respect you a lot, sir, there's no problem calling me by my first name."

The relieved professor gave me a warm smile, capable of melting any nearby glacier in Atlas territory.

"To tell the truth, you can call me whatever you want."

An uncomfortable silence ensues and my jaw drops as I realize the nonsense I just said. The professor in turn acts like a gentleman and completely ignores what I said.

"You're here really early, would you like to have breakfast with me?"

I swallowed my nerves, trying to salvage what little dignity I had left.

"I would love it." I replied, forcing a smile. The teacher walked away, gesturing for me to enter.

His quarters were surprisingly cozy, a stark contrast to the cold, impersonal offices/apartments of the other teachers. A small table by the window was set, a pot of coffee and a basket of freshly baked rolls. The aroma filled the room, warm and inviting.

"Please sit down." He said, pulling out a chair for me.

I hesitated for a moment, but then sat down, my back rigid, hands folded in my lap. He poured me a cup of coffee, the steam rising in a delicate dance.

"I must admit, I didn't expect to see you here." He said, placing a plate with a stack of pancakes in front of me. "But I'm happy to welcome any of my students in need."

I tried to dismiss the plate of pancakes politely, with an awkward smile on my face.

"Oh no, I couldn't…"

"Nonsense." Professor Luna interrupted, pushing the plate closer to me. "You're going to need energy today, my class won't be easy."

His tone was firm but gentle, leaving no room for argument. The aroma of the pancakes was tempting, a sweet, comforting smell that filled the room. I could almost taste the warmth and hint of vanilla just from the fragrance of them.

I sighed, giving in, and picked up the fork. The first bite was divine, the pancakes light and fluffy, with just the right amount of sweetness. I couldn't help but close my eyes briefly, savoring the taste.

"Good, aren't they?" Professor Luna asked, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

I nodded, swallowing hard before speaking.

"Yes, they are delicious. Thanks."

"You're welcome. Now tell me, what brings you here so early?" The teacher asked, focusing me once again on our conversation.

I straightened my posture, setting down my fork and folding my hands in my lap again.

"Professor Luna." I began, my voice firm and formal. "I wanted to speak to you, sir, about a conversation I had with professor Port yesterday."

Professor Luna raised an eyebrow, his expression curious.

"Oh? And what was this conversation about?"

I opened up to him, I talked about how arrogant I was declaring that I was the best and most perfect on the RWBY team, I talked about how selfish I was demanding to be made the team leader and also how the teacher made me recognize my arrogance.

"I'm grateful for the reality check professor Port gave me, but still…" I hesitated to continue, feeling vulnerable.

"It still hurts to have your flaws exposed and rubbed in your face?" The teacher asked in a serious tone.

I widened my eyes, surprised by Professor Luna's accuracy about what I was feeling. I opened my mouth to answer him, but I couldn't utter a response to him. The teacher gave a soft smile, his eyes reflecting deep understanding.

"What you are feeling is normal." The teacher said in a fatherly tone full of affection. "And to tell you the truth, I'm mentoring a first-year student with a similar problem."

"Mentoring?" I questioned with an arched eyebrow, curious about the teacher's statement. "And what does that entitle?"

"I basically give him private lessons." The professor replied, taking a sip of coffee.

Even though I was curious to know what I needed to do to have private classes with professor Luna, I decided to return to the subject at hand.

"I understand that my problem may be common, but how can I deal with it? How can I be… better."

With his eyes reflecting an almost infinitekindness, professor Luna gives me a warm, fatherly smile that makes my cheeks turn slightly pink.

"The fact that you are feeling this way and trying to improve yourself already makes you a better person, Weiss." Said the professor, drinking another cup of coffee. "I'm proud of the kind of woman you are becoming."

I looked at him, touched by his words. It was a feeling I didn't expect, but it resonated deeply with me.

"But…" He continued, his voice firm and comforting. "Exercising humility and deflating your ego is a healthy way to avoid future pain."

His words hit home deep in my ego. I have always been proud of my abilities, my status and my lineage. The idea of humility was strange, but not uncomfortable.

"I understand." I spoke quietly, my voice softer than I intended. "It's just... I've always been told that as a Schnee I must be the best, that everyone needs to know that I'm at the top."

Scratching the back of his head with one hand, the teacher reflected on what I had said and then nodded with his gentle expression.

"You can continue on your path to being the best, that is not the issu here. Just don't shout with a megaphone how much better and superior you are compared to everyone else."

I felt my cheeks flush at the teacher's words, heat spreading across my face like wildfire. His analogy, although exaggerated, was more accurate than I would like to admit. My father gave me the basis in my way of thinking, and although it hurts to have this exposed so clearly once again, I'm happy to be able to move away from this behavior.

"I appreciate your honesty and kindness, Professor Luna." I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. "When Professor Port spoke to me he was right, but he was a little… blunt with me."

Giving a melodious laugh, the teacher alleviates the tension that had arisen between us.

"Professor Port isn't always direct, but when he needs to be he's as subtle as a punch in the nose."

A light chuckle escapes me as I stand up, thanking him once again for the conversation. Professor Luna also stood up and approached, his presence filling the room. He placed his large, calloused hand on my shoulder. Its weight was surprising, a reminder of the strength hidden beneath her calm demeanor.

"Whenever you need me, I'll be here to help you, Snow Angel."

His hand remained on my shoulder as a reminder of your strength, his wisdom and his kindness. It was a touch that calmed me, that made me feel seen.

I looked at him, my heart pounding in my chest. His eyes, as deep blue as the ocean, held a depth of understanding and experience that was both comforting and intimidating.

'By the Gods, he smells like pine and vanilla.' I screamed mentally, using all my willpower to maintain my poker face. 'I need to buy aromatic oils with this fragrance.'

"T-thank you very much." I replied, stuttering a little.

He nodded, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Excellent. I have faith in you, Weiss." The teacher said, walking me to the door. "And just because you're not a leader today doesn't mean you can't be one in the future."

I looked at Professor Luna, a hopeful smile spreading across my face like a child who received a new bicycle for Christmas.

"Do you really think so?" I asked full of expectation.

He nodded, his expression serious but gentle.

"You are young, dedicated, talented, courageous, intelligent and also… very elegant." The last one he said, moving his eyebrows in a humorous way. "But now if you'll excuse me I need to get ready for classes today."

When the door closed behind me, I stood there, my cheeks red and my heart pounding in my chest. The teacher's words echoed in my mind, each one igniting a heat inside me.

'Dedicated, talented, courageous, intelligent and also very elegant.' The words repeated, each one resonating more deeply than the last.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself, but the churning in my stomach refused to subside. The hallway seemed to rotate slightly, the walls blending into a kaleidoscope of colors. I leaned against the cold stone, feeling the solidity ground me.

"He called me elegant." I whispered to myself, a small smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

It was a simple word, but it carried so much weight. It was a validation of everything I strived to be, an acknowledgment of the balance and grace I worked so hard to maintain.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, realizing something. "Did fe called me… 'Snow Angel'?"

RP # POV: Pyrrha Nikos

The room buzzed with the usual morning bustle, but my thoughts were elsewhere.

I wanted more information about John Luna, but I found nothing on dust-net or in the research I had done in the past year about Huntsman and Huntress institutions. None of the big four academys had professor Luna's name as a teacher. In other words, in addition to not being a Beacon faculty member, he was also not transferred from any of the other three.

'It would be less suspicious if he was a teacher-in-training, but no… he came posing as a substitute.' I thought in silence.

On the first day my instincts hammered my mind with suspicion, suspicion nipping at the edges of my curiosity.

'Who was this man and why had he descended upon Beacon like a ghost?' I thought silently.

But then, I saw him in action. The fluidity of his movements, the precision of his strikes, was like watching a master artist at work. He danced around Yang's fury with an ease that proved his expertise, each step calculated, each movement a testament to years of honed skill.

An exceptional huntsman being asked to teach the next generation was not unusual. So my doubts began to subside, replaced by a reluctant respect. This man knew what he was doing, his knowledge and skill were unquestionable.

However… the memory of Jaune's limp the night before reignited my doubts.

Professor Luna may be skilled, but he was also ruthless. The cruelty he showed Jaune left a bitter taste in my mouth. Jaune was inexperienced, yes, but he was also dedicated and kind. Seeing him reduced to a shadow of himself, all because of one man's severity, stirred a deep resentment within me.

The respect I had begun to feel for him now warred with a growing disdain.

'How could a teacher at Beacon be so cruel?'

Clapping hands breaks my train of thought, when I look at the source of the sound I see the teacher drawing the students' attention.

"Alright, class calm down." He ordered, his tone authoritative and more serious than usual.

The room fell silent almost instantly, all eyes turning to the front, where he stood, his posture erect and his gaze unyielding.

"Today, we will focus on teamwork in an unconventional way." He announced, his voice echoing through the room. "Those who hear their names called come before me ready to fight."

'Only three?' I question internally. 'The normal thing was to train in fours or pairs when it came to teams.'

"Weiss Schnee, Jaune Arc and Cardin Winchester!" He announced loudly. "You three will make a team to face me."

The room began to talk in whispers, a low hum of confusion and surprise running through the students. Eyebrows raised, heads turned and shoulders shrugged as everyone tried to understand the team's unusual composition.

"Wow, what a problematic team." Yang murmured, leaning into Blake. "I think the only way it could be more chaotic is if there was a faunus with them."

Blake freezes for a second, but gives a forced laugh, agreeing with Yang.

I look at Jaune, who looked just as perplexed as the rest of us. His eyes met mine briefly, a silent question passing between us. I offered him a small, encouraging smile, but his expression remained worried.

Cardin, on the other hand, wore a smug smile, clearly pleased with the opportunity to show off.

The SDC heiress, on the other hand, had a serious and concentrated expression on her face, as if she had been called by a superior at a company to prove something.

In a few minutes, the three of them equipped and went to the center of the room in front of the professor wearing black armor, different from the rusty one he wore last time.

'That must be the armor he used when training with Jaune.'

"Today, we will simulate a real-world scenario." Professor Luna explained, his voice clear and authoritative. "There will be times in your careers as Huntsmen when you will have to work with strangers, people you have never met before. That's why I chose a different member from each team."

The room fell silent, each student hanging on to their words. I leaned forward, my curiosity piqued. This was a new approach, one that promised to test our adaptability.

"Your task is simple." He continued. "You must work together to defeat me. Weiss, you will be the leader of this exercise."

Weiss's eyes widened a little, but she quickly composed herself, standing a little straighter. I could see the wheels turning in her mind as she began to strategize.

"Hold on." Cardin interrupted, his voice tinged with arrogance. "Why don't you let me lead? After all, I am already a very successful, competent and humble leader."

"I'm also a leader-." Jaune tried to speak.

"Please, Arc." Cardin said, silencing Jaune. "Adults are talking."

Professor Luna's gaze sharpened, his voice dropped to a low, stern tone.

"If you are such a good leader, you need to practice following orders and not giving them." The teacher replied, giving a slightly threatening smile.

Cardin's mouth closed, his smug expression replaced by a frown. Weiss, meanwhile, looked thoughtful, her eyes scanning the room as if already planning her first move.

Jaune looked nervous but determined, his hands gripping his weapon tightly. I caught his eye and gave him a little encouraging wave. He returned a grateful smile, his grip relaxing slightly.

"You have five minutes to discuss your combat strategy." Professor Luna said, taking a step back. "After that, the battle begins, no ringout. Only red Aura, fainting and surrender will end this fight." The professor concluded by putting on his black helmet.

Boa noite pessoal,

[-]Today's chapter was lighter than the first ones, just as I had envisioned this fic would be. The comedy and slice of life elements will appear more and more, but I won't take all the action out of the plot because the nature of the original show was action.

[-]My one-shot, Naruto: Isekai Saiyajin, is focused on action and comedy. If I decide to serialize the fanfic, I plan to further explore the bonds between the protagonist and Naruto as brothers. Some readers loved the protagonist's humor, while others were uncomfortable with him being portrayed as an "incel." In my defense, I'm intentionally writing the character to be an asshole, not an incel. What's the difference? If I serialize the story, I promise to make that clear.

[-]As my brother has already shared most of the treatment on Instagram, I think it's okay to give some more details.

He suffered a serious accident, which almost cost him his life. As a result, he was 100% blind, his right leg was amputated and his left leg underwent several procedures to be saved. I went with him to Thailand as an escort, where he underwent stem cell treatment. We are hopeful that he can regain much of his vision.

So far, the treatment has been a success, with no signs of rejection or infection. This brought me a lot of relief as the stem cells were injected into the optic nerves throughout his face and at the base of his spine. An infection in these areas could be extremely problematic.

In Thailand, I didn't have much time to sightsee. I just went out to buy some clothes for my brother, who needed them, and on a free day, I managed to have lunch in a less touristy area. I ended up having lunch with some Thai miners which was really cool... this kind of thing happens when someone with ADHD decides to wander around Asia alone.

[-]Photos from the trip (most are from treatment and physiotherapy), can be seen on my brother's Instagram ( vitor_piva) or mine ( ).

[-]My brother doesn't speak English, but he loves it when I tell him about your comments, so please feel invited to send him a "Hi" or a "You're a medical doctor and your older brother writes fanfic on the internet, does he have no shame or self-love?"
I like the general approach here i do, but jaune slipping up again with the names paints him like an idiot.
Even if he gets called out he can claim he's picking it up from his younger self in their private tutoring so it will be less suspicious with time.

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