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(SFW) Friendly Foreign Exchange Student Spider-Man!

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Co-written with IKnowNothing, and edited by LD1449, Buried in Ash, Vandebz, and WildJoker000...
They had lost...

After saving the wizard from the alien, shooting said alien out of the Space Donut, and joining Mr. Stark and Dr. Strange to some planet and meeting a ragtag group of people with weird abilities... they banded together to fight Thanos, the Mad Titan. The Last of his Kind. Wielder of the Infinity Stones.

Peter Parker was just going to school in the bus that day...

Now he saw his new comrades fade away one after the other, and he-

It's coming...

He can sense it yet...

He can't avoid it.

No matter how hard he struggles... he too will fade.

Peter felt sick, wanting to vomit. His heart was clenched as he staggered amongst the debris towards Mr. Stark. "Mister Stark? I don't feel so good..." He uttered. He saw the look of pure despair and horror in Mr. Stark's face as he stumbled towards him.

"You're alright." Tony said as calmly as possible, hugging him as tight as possible.

"I don't know what's- I don't know what's happening. I don't-" He fell into his chest, hearing Tony wince but he hugged him as tight as he could, and Peter couldn't control it. He felt it's many pinpricks... and he wept. This was different when he was young and he lost his parents. This was different when he got bit and then lost Uncle Ben and did nothing...

The ones closed to him had died.

And he was going to join them.

"Save me, save me! I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go, sir, please. Please, I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go..." He sobbed, and he felt his legs get weak as Tony lied him down. The older man, the Iron Man, leader of the Avengers and his hero, his idol, bloodied and bruised and broken after fighting that monster... was shedding tears too.

Peter took a deep breath, looking back up at him... HE couldn't feel his shoulder blades, or his feet. He saw the loss in Tony's eyes... the despair and sheer horror of he was witnessing...

He saw himself. Back when he was cradling Uncle Benjamin Parker and...it gave him some semblance of peace. Was this how Uncle Ben felt when he was passing away? Losing a loved one in his arms... now it has come full circle.

Aunt May... Ned... Michelle... Mr. Stark...

"I'm sorry."

He exhaled one last time, and felt his entire body go numb. And darkness took him.


It was cool and dark there...

And then there was light.

Peter Parker gasped for air, sitting up and panting. It felt as if he was underwater for the longest time, chest rising and falling as he looked around, his sight blurry as he tried to adjust to the environment around him. "Mr. Stark!" He tried to sit up, feeling nothing but pavement as he stumbled and fell on his knees. He gasped, looking at his hands, then down at his body, still covered in the nano-machine powered Iron Spider suit. He looked back and forth, head on a swivel.

This wasn't the orange tinted alien world, one of ruined ships and buildings and potholes. It had a blue sky... buildings... the sounds of the hustle and bustle of the suburbs. He looked over the edge, realizing he was on top of a skyscraper.

He stumbled backward, gripping and releasing his fists as he looked down at his hands. Just...what was going on? Peter can see billboards in the distance that had unique Asian words, the likes of which you only see in Chinatown or Little Tokyo. And... some english.

"Where... am I? Didn't... I die?" He asked, remembering how death crawled all over him and yet he could not escape. Peter tapped his wrist, trying to draw up some communicator. He got his helmet back on however, the nanomachines sliding over his face as he looked through the Heads Up Display.

Energy Levels=Normal.

Communications=No Connection

"No connection... but wh-" He was cut off by the sound of sirens and of explosions, making him perk up and look in the distance.

Some.. giant man-shark-big nose thingy causing a rampage. He was bigger than a three story building!

Peter... didn't know what was going on. Didn't know where he was.

But people were in trouble. He saw train tracks leading to the commotion...

This was a neighborhood after all.

He will ask questions later. For now...

"Time to be a Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man."

Peter began slinging towards the giant shark man, which is a good thing because it means his web shooters still work. Other good things, people were happy to see him!

They shout and wave at him as he soars over them. One boy looks up, mouth hanging open as Peter waves down to him. They were speaking in foreign tongue.

Another tug on his webs, a flip for the audience, and he lands in his crouch atop a powerline.

Good news, people are cheering for him showing up!

Bad news, Shark Giant sees him. No time to think on how he got here, when this guy is running amok.

"Hey big guy, I know everyone likes to see Shamu but you're taking the cosplay a little too seriously."

Shark Man blinks, only to grit his teeth and swipe at the tower. His hand tears through the metal, sending it over the edge of the bridge.

"Oh geez!" Peter screams.

He fires out a line of web, catching it but man this thing is heavy! A crash, and suddenly there's no weight. Peter glances over and there's someone under that huge spire. A guy that could give the Incredible Hulk a run for his money for muscles and has a really pronounced jawline! He's struggling to keep the tower off ground, but he looks up at Peter. There's surprise, and Peter feels the need to be anywhere but here!

He dives to the side, just as the shark man's hand smashes where he once was. Flipping onto his outstretched arm, Peter runs up his arm even as the shark giant tries to swat him off. His hit goes wide as Peter dodges by inches.

"Hey you know you're standing on a train track, people use these to get to work you know!" Peter says, getting close enough to crack his foot against the shark's snot.

He stumbles, but catches himself and stars at Peter with rage in his eyes.


"I have no clue what that means, but I'm pretty sure it's nothing nice." Peter spoke to himself, then he saw Asian words lace out on screen and then transform into English.

"Translation of classical Kanji: I'll crush you like the bug you are."

Huh, the suit has a translator, that's neat.

Shark Giant swings, only to roar in frustration as Peter dodges yet again. However his attention is soon drawn by someone that looks like he's made of wood. He reaches out and did his arms just turn into tree branches!? And they're wrapping around Sharkgiant's arm! Peter landed beside the dark spandex-covered woodman, amazed.

"Are you made of wood?! That's awesome!" Peter gushes.

The wood guy stares at him


"Translation: A kid?"

"Well more of a teenager re-"

A face full of shark man fist cuts Peter off, a long and loud drawn out "EAALLLLYYY?!" Sounding out. Weightlessness and dizziness fill Peter, and on reflex, he throws out two lines of webbing to slow himself down. They connect, and Peter gets way to close to the crowd of people that he'd like. Most move away, but one kid stares at him with stars in his eyes. A plain face with freckles and a mop of untidy green hair.

"Hey man, bye man!" Peter yells, pulling against the webbing and launching him right back into the thick of it.

His flight is perfect, the shark guy is too focused on wood man. Oh this is going to be so co-

"Canyon Cannon!" And a massive beige leg, or rather an even bigger giant appeared, striking the Shark Giant, and sending him flying! But Peter couldn't stop his flight towards-

So like a fly on a windshield, Peter slammed into a rear the size of his room. Good news, not the worse hit, since it was soft, nor did the following fall back down to the ground hurt that badly, with his head hitting the pavement. The Iron Spider suit protected the worst, but the sense of exhaustion from his fight on Titan combined with a concussion was taking him into a nap.

Bad news, when Peter shakes the stars out of his eyes, muscle-jaw man, the wood guy and the biggest woman he's ever seen are staring down at him.

"Uhh... hi." He waved, before closing his eyes as he heard the sounds of sirens.
Chapter 1
You know what sucks? Waking up after a fight.

Don't get it twisted, waking up after a fight is a great thing, it's the biggest sign that you got out of the fight, a literal wake up call. However, everything sucks. Your entire body aches, some or every part of you hurts to move, you want to eat or drink, the list goes on.

Why couldn't you wake up nice and comfy after a fight? Is that to much to ask? You put your butt through the tough stuff to get here, would it be so hard to wake up all nice and cozy? You know, get something out of getting your butt kicked.

Unfortunately, even with Mr Starks awesome suit, waking up still sucks.

"Ugh, Mr Stark, your suits not that comfy to sleep in."

Wait, Mr Stark...





Big butt!


Feeling the numbness all over him as death sweeps over him and reduces him to-

Peter gasped and jumped up, latching to the ceiling before he could stop himself. Out of ceilings he's crawled on, wasn't that bad. Clean but pretty bland. Not very fair, most cells don't really go all out with the color anyway.

Wait a minute, cell?

Peter looked around, his suits visors picking up on every detail that came his way. Sure enough, he's in a jail cell. One plank for a bed, one toilet, one big light but no window and no bars?

… aren't those important?

Either way, Peter falls from the ceiling. He needed to find someone, there are too many questions going through his head. First and foremost? Why is he not dead?

Wait no, bad question for now.

Better question, when was there so many superheroes? Did the Avengers have a recruitment drive while he was in space?

And where the heck is he? Why were there giants and wood-people now? Sure there was the alien lady with antenna and Drax looking all clay-like, but this was even stranger. He walked forward, only to bounce straight off. Shaking off the hit, Peter blinked and held out a hand. He took a step forward, and his hand hit something solid.

"Invisible walls?"

There's a sound of footsteps and Peter sees the creepiest mime ever! He's in a police uniform, why?

"Umm... hello?" He asked, waving his hand.

The mime tilts his head in confusion.

"彼は起きていますか" comes a voice.

"Translating: Is he awake?"

Another police officer, this one looking like a normal person walks in with black hair and asian features and a scowl. Peter blinks, "Oh yeah, I just got up," he says rubbing his shoulders, "Ummm.. hello there Officer? I just want to let you know that I didn't do anything wrong. I helped with saving some civilians from that monster-guy earlier. Not that I'm telling you guys how do your jobs. Keep up the good work, thank you for your service and all that you… police."

The officer's fance scrunches in confusion, and the mime hasn't moved from his position.

"あなたはこれのどれかを手に入れましたか" he asks his partner.

"Translating: You getting any of this?"

The mime shakes his head. Oh crap they don't understand him! How are they going to talk? How is he going to get back to New York!? Wait, they're bringing out a phone. Officer nods at mime guy and suddenly, Peter can't hear anymore.

Did they just ghost him?

That's just mean!

"Okay, not cool ghosting me like that!" Peter shouted, sitting on the edge of the bed with crossed arms. He looked around the walls of his cell... He could maybe punch his way out, or utilize the Iron Spider's legs to chip his way out, but he has a lot of respect for the police. He doesn't want to cause any trouble, not when he can just contact Mr. Stark and-

Mr. Stark...

Peter let out a sigh and his shoulder slumped, looking at the floor. He had to get information. Or was this all just some crazy dream and he droned out on the bus. Maybe that's it. All he has to do is wait for Ned to wake him up.

Oh well, no point complaining about it. Officer man looked to be in a heated conversation over the phone. With his back turned, Peter didn't have a clue what he was saying.

Could this suit read lips?

Peter shook his head. This was one of Mr Stark's suits, of course it could read lips? Right?

The officer puts away the phone and turns enough for Peter to see him gulp. Then immediately he stands at attention, the mime right behind him following. A second later, a new officer in a much nicer uniform comes in. He stands there, tux and all with short faded red hair and mismatched eyes. One red, one black. He glances a red eye back at mime, whose hands go on a machine gun pace while the other officer grabs a chair from the left.

Tux man sits down and straightens his tie, running a hand through his hair. "Hello."

Peter blinked. "You can speak english?"

"A little bit." He responded, his accent thick, but coherent.

"Oh thank god you have no idea how long I thought I was going to have to read subtitles in my suit. Makes everything really distracting cause like people are talking but stuff is happening so what do I focus on the words or the action it gets really confusing man. So... thanks." Peter said, springing up. He just has to keep on talking... and he'll wake up.

The tux man took the entire breathless ramble in stride, albeit with a quirked eyebrow.

"I'm sure it is. Now, I am Police Chief Botan Fukuda, I run this precinct."

"Oh nice to meet you sir," Peter said with a nod. "I'm Spiderman."

Botan raised an eyebrow, "Bit early to give yourself a hero name isn't it, Vigilante?"

"Isn't naming yourself like the first thing that you do? I mean, I can't give my real name and all because, identities and all."

Botan looked more confused. "Young man, I believe you are mistaken." and his eyes narrowed, making Peter nervous. "It's illegal to use your quirk without a hero licence. We ran your face through the database, no licence for anyone matching your description or your costume. We even tried to remove it, but it would not budge."

"Oh, uhh..." Peter then felt the nanomachines slink back over his face, giving him a clear view of a suddenly surprised Botan and his two other officers. "How about that?

"You can... control your costume?"

"I... guess? Mr. Stark made this and he... He can explain everything! Just contact Tony Stark and-"

"One at a time, young man." Botan snapped, it made Peter pause.

That's… disheartening. Peter thought that after that fiasco during homecoming would get his name at least out there. More importantly though...

"A Quirk?"

"Powers," Botan clarified, as if it was the most common thing in the world. "Did you hit your head too hard when you hit the pavement?"

"Oh. I..." The young man from Queens paused. "So... why does everyone have superpowers?"

"彼は頭を強く叩いた" Said the officer behind him. Peter perked up.

"What did he say?" Botan rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Nothing. You're an American teenage boy, here in Japan and yet you know not even a hint of our language?" He asked annoyed. Peter bit his lip, blushing.

"I uhhh... well... this is all a dream anyway so... yeah?" Peter shrugged. The red haired man let out a sigh.

"Now, I don't want to do this to someone who helped keep damage to a minimum, as the media happened to like your little stunt in assisting the local heroes and I would like to get by without being crucified in the tabloids, but the laws are here for a reason and you committed a crime."

"What did I do wrong?!" Peter asked. "So me, helping people, is a crime?!"

"You used your Quirk without a hero license. Is there a guardian that we can call? There's a lot of paperwork that'll go a lot faster if we contact your parents."

Peter paused, then he sat up.

"Just, contact Tony Stark. You know, Ironman." Botan's eyebrow rose.




"Yeah, THE Ironman! Leader of the Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes?"

"たぶん彼は病院に行くべきです" The normal officer behind the Police Chief stated and Peter was becoming frustrated.

"I know many heroes, but I have never heard of this Iron Man."

"CEO of Stark Industries, the biggest tech company on the planet! Who doesn't know him?"

"Calm down." Botan snapped. "Listen, we know nothing of this... Stark Industries or even this Tony Stark." He looked back at the policeman and muttered. "メモ帳してください" The officer handed him a notepad and a pen, and he sat back, ready to write. "Now, tell me... what is your name."

"I am Spid-"

"Your normal name," Botan growled, not wanting to stutter as Peter bit his lip, gripping onto the bed sheet. He let out a sigh. "If you're worried about your identity, don't be," Botan taps the badge on his lapel, "I swore an oath when I put on this badge, nothing is leaving this room unless you want it to. Young man" His eyes softened. "I only want to help you. But I can only do so if you answer my questions. Do you understand?"

Peter sighed in relief, and bit his lip. "Okay... my name is Peter Parker." It felt like toxin coming out of his mouth, saying those words while in the Iron Spider suit under these circumstances. Now he'll never have a chance to be a hero again if he ever went back home.


"16." Botan began writing.

"Place of birth?"

"Queens, New York-wait, did everyone turn to dust!" Peter shouted, standing up, frantic.

"What are you talking about?" Botan asked.

"Thanos he... he won and he left and... everyone was turning to dust and..." Peter hugged himself, breathing hard as his mind got to work. He was not on Titan or even back in New York. He was in some town in Japan with some Mime-policeguy and there's giants and wood people walking around. They talk of Quirks and hero licenses as if they treat hero'ing as a simple as driving a car. They don't know of Mr. Stark or the Avengers.


What in the hell is happening right now.

"Mr. Parker." Botan voice cut through. "What are do you mean about people turning to dust."

That's right...

He turned to dust too. He couldn't escape whatever Thanos did...

He died.

He... literally died.

He died and... just woke up in... in some new place.

"Can..." Peter's voice came out, and it sounded weak. Almost like a sob. "Can I just...write down my contacts, and... see if you can talk to them?"

The police chief was incredulous, but upon seeing Peter's visage, it softened. The swelling of tears, the teenage enthusiasm crumbling before him, it was a tidal wave of emotion. He snapped his fingers, and the Mime made more hand gestures. The fellow officer had a hand on his gun as the Police chief walked over to the sullen Peter and handed him the notepad and pen.

"Write them down. Then we can try our best to contact them."

Please... Please let this be some dream.

"Can you pinch me too?" Peter asked as he began writing, looking up at him.

"Mr. Parker?"

"Do it!" Peter snapped. "Anywhere! Just... wake me-" Botan flicked Peter's forehead, and Peter felt the little inconvenience... But he felt it.

He did not wake up.

All of that happened. The aliens. Dr. Strange. The Space Donut. Helping Mr. Stark save the wizard. Going to Titan. Meeting the Guardians of the Galaxy. Fighting Thanos...

And losing as he was reduced to ash.

"It was real." He resumed writing, even with Botan looming over him. Peter finished handing him the contacts list.

Please... please just... let him be back home and something weird happened. That's all he asks.

Botan took the notepad and walked to the door. "We will get to work on these, see if we can contact your guardian or parents." He snapped his finger, and the Mime made more hand gestures. He turned to the officer. "彼に食べ物をもらおう。"

"ハイ" And the officer departed as Peter turned around, lying on his bed.

"We will do our best, Mr. Parker." Botan said. "I promise." And he left the cell and walked down the hall, leaving Peter to his thoughts.

This has to be a dream...

It has to be.

Peter hugged the pillow and brought it against his face. "Please wake up... please wake up..."


"Okay then." Fukuda Botan muttered as he left the cell ward and stared out to Officers Fujiwara Toshio and Kimihito Sei as they sat in the general working area of the Musutafu Police Department. Other officers were at work and busy at their terminals as the Police Chief rubbed the bridge of his nose. "This is something else."

"You ask me Chief?" Toshio snarked. "Think the foreigner's lying. Giving us croc tears." Sei, the mime, looked at his partner with an incredulous look. "I'm serious! We get kids all the time about this and-"

"He seemed genuinely confused when I told him even basic level information. Quirks. Not knowing of Quirk Regulations which is enforced even in the United States. This keeps adding up more and more."

"Explain his costume then. Must be his Quirk right? We couldn't even take it off! And you saw how it slid down his face like... like sand!" Toshio elaborated in exaggerated detail. "It has be."

"I don't know, something tells me this kid either hit his head too hard on the pavement when he confronted that Villain, or... something is definitely amiss." Botan murmured, cupping his chin. "Hey Hanazawa-Kun!"

"Yes Sir?" Asked a young mousy-looking intern with glasses, coming up. She even had big mouse ears on her head.

"Mind running these contacts over to the US Embassy? These are the contacts our vigilante gave us." He handed him the notepad Parker had written down, then Hanazawa scurried off.

It maybe a long shot, and not worth the effort yet...

It wouldn't hurt to do his due diligence. And beside that...

The web slinging. That costume of his and how it moved. How it prevented little if any injury on his person when they picked him up and put him through the scanner in the ambulance en route to the station. The camera feeds of his acrobats and body strength. The head had symptoms of concussion at first... but when they arrived, there was no more. As if he had healed subconsciously.

No one should have more than one Quirk. Regeneration, control over some substance that makes up his costume, which even translated for him apparently that it picked up on what Toshio was saying...

"I'm gonna make a call to an old friend. You go and make sure that-"

"Finally, there you are!" Said a female voice, making the three law enforcers turn their heads, and walking towards them was non other than Takeyama Yu, the new heroine who has debuted in their region within the last week plus by the moniker of Mt. Lady. Right behind the spandex-covered blonde was the dark-spandex and wood-armed Nishiya Shinji, also known as Kamui Woods. "I was looking for ya Chief Fukuda." The woman elaborated as some officers made way for her. "I wasn't getting any response that my Report was filed in, so here it is in person."

"Ah. Mt. Lady, welcome." Botan stood at attention as the statuesque rookie handed him a file. He opened it, glimpsing through. "Odd how our response team hasn't gotten back to your firm. Was it anything on our end?"

"Has to be, our internet's going along fine." Mt. Lady stated with a wave of her hand. "Kamui here at least is able to do a good job in making sure our bandwidth and net are running. Right?"

"Yes, I'm glad." Kamui remarked with a roll of his eyes. Botan saw the camera footage of the incident, with the villain being detained and under anaesthesia as not to transform into a giant again. Kamui Woods was doing a good job keeping the villain under wraps, and then Parker showed up and made some clear rookie mistakes before he slung back into the fray in annoying the villain, right into Mt. Lady who took the credit.

"So, that creep detained?" She asked, hand on her hip.

"Which one, the villain or the one who flew into your ass?" Toshio snarked. Kamui Woods sniggered, making the woman fume.

"I meant the villain! Besides, I saw the social media feeds. Kid was flying in before I," And she emphasized that "I". "Took down that monster with an all mighty kick."

"You were late to the scene." Kamui Woods remarked. "What took you, especially with your first giant villain encounter?"

"Excuse me, I had to find an open enough area to get a running start for my Canyon Cannon attack!" She barked back. "Besides no harm done! No one was hurt after all right!"

"Except millions of yen in collateral damage due to the villain and your footsteps messing up the train tracks." Botan remarked, making Mt. Lady blanch up. "But rest assured, the Public Transit and the government will repair it. They made sure the tracks were insured. And the villain is under wraps. He'll tried within the week and we will need your report to assist the Prosecutor's Office in throwing him in jail."

"That's all well and good." Mt. Lady stated with a sigh. "How about the kid? He seems like a newcomer." She looked back at the shorter Kamui who shrugged.

"I talked to the other neighboring firms and agencies. No one matches his costume description of a dark blue and red-with-gold trim and a spider on their chest on their roster, so he's a Vigilante." He elaborated. "I take it he will be let go with a warning? He sounded like a teenager, and a foreigner to boot given his English. American maybe?"

"That's the thing." Botan crossed his arms. "It's a... complex story, but you hit the nails on the head Mr. Woods." The Police Chief gestured for an intern to come by and he handed her the file. "Our vigilante is indeed American and a teenager, with... unique circumstances. See..."

He told them everything, from Parker's lack of Quirk knowledge to his saying of 'Avengers, Earth's greatest heroes' and other oddball terms Parker relayed to him. Both Kamui and Mt. Lady had wide eyes.

"He did hit his head on the pavement. Concussion?" Kamui mused.

"The paramedics had him under their scanners while they treated him. Couldn't get through his costume no matter how hard their tried. Plus, he seemed to have healed, despite showing signs at first."

"One man with strength, web-flinging, and self-healing Quirk? That's impossible."

"It's his costume Mr. Woods." Toshio answered. "If I had to guess, it did it for him. We got a visual when he was able to make it disappear."

"How strange..." Kanui cupped the chin of his wooden mask. Mt. Lady quirked her eyebrow.

"You guys haven't called his parents yet, if he is a teenager?"

"We're running by them now. We-"

"Chief Fukuda!" It was Hanazawa, making Toshio raise his eyes.

"That was fast."


"I'm back... we ran by the names our vigilante gave us. Here is the report the US Embassy gave us." Kamui crossed his arms.

"So your servers are running fine. It's on our end then. Apologies." He pinched the bridge of his mask as Mt. Lady giggled.

"Shoulda paid the bill Kamui. Gotta keep an eye on things, like bills... and the prize."

"Oh shut up gloryhog."

"No searches?" Botan muttered, breaking the two's potential argument as they looked at him. Toshio and Sei looked over his shoulder.

"That's impossible. Embassy has to be screwing...with us." Toshio's skepticism faded as he saw the papers handed back from the Embassy via email.

May Parker. Residence: Queens, New York. Married to Benjamin Parker.
No Results Found in Japan or United States.

Edward 'Ned' Leeds. Residence: Queens, New York. Son of Leonard and Belle Leeds.
No Results Found in Japan or United States.

Michelle 'MJ' Jones. Residence: Queens, New York. Daughter of Brock and Mary Jones.
No Results Found in Japan or United States.

Anthony 'Tony' Stark. Residence: Malibu, California and Manhattan, New York. Founder of Stark Industries and the Avengers. Super hero: Ironman.
No Results Found in Japan or United States.

"The Embassy's database is tied directly to the US Governments as well as ours." Botan murmured, biting his lip. The database would have ran by all the words Parker had written down to find any commonality or connection. The fact that nothing came up was incredible.

"He's lying." Toshio stated. "He's-"

"Not lying till I say so." Botan growled. "I'm gonna make a call to an old friend, see if he can help us clear the air here. He doesn't even have a visa so he's here in this country illegally, with no guardian or parents to speak of." He took a deep breath.

So Peter is either an incredible liar... or there's something going on here.

"You gonna stick around?" He asked towards the two pro Heroes as he got his phone out.

"I need to get back on patrol. Takeyama, you stay here and monitor the situation regarding our vigilante."

"Huhhhh?!" Mt. Lady whined. "Why not? I can go out on patrol too!"

"I'll call you if we are in dire need, but I need someone who can edit our report to file in at this station. I'm not leaving this vigilante matter untouched and I want someone here to write it down to show that we did handle this situation and know the full extent of what happened to all parties." Kamui Woods stated as he turned around. "And consider this a little lesson before you go glory hunting. I didn't recruit you to my firm to put in a bad reputation of collateral damage." He walked around, and Mt. Lady crossed her arms and fumed.

"You can wait in the break room if you like. You're welcome to explore around the station." Botan said as the phone rang a few more times.

"Tch." Mt. Lady scoffed. "Whatever. I was planning on going on my lunch break anyway. I'll check up on that vigilante kid when I can and grab a bite. And I was hoping to get some Waha Grill too... Not some cafeteria..." Botan droned her sulking as he saw the pro walk down to the cell ward as he heard his phone click.

"This better be good Fukuda, and not some boring purse snatcher." Growled an old cranky voice.

"Sir? Are you calling, that guy?" Toshio asked. Botan nodded, and made a hand gesture to tell the sketpic to shut up.

"Hello Hyu-sensei. I have a unique case for you I want you to examine for us."

"Get on with it."

"American foreign teenager with the possibility of multiple quirks or just his costume, claiming he knows nothing of Quirks or laws of our country, and has no sign of parentage or guardianship." Botan elaborated.

There was silence on the other end of the line.

"You're serious?" Hyu asked, with a raised eye going by the end of the line.

"Why would I lie?"

Silence again.

"I'll be there in ten minutes. This sounds... a modicum better than the rest of your rabble. Hopefully it's worth it."

"Thank you. We will be expecting you shortly." Botan hung up and looked at Toshio.

"Go to the mail room and get lots of paper. And pens. You too Sei." Sei gave a salute and trotted to the mail room.

"How much?" Toshio asked with a raised eye.



It was as she feared, the cafeteria had no variety. With a heavy sigh, Takeyama Yu took her sandwich and dropped into the closest empty chair in the mess hall. Biting into her food like it insulted her, she let herself frown at the news as images of Shinji appeared on screen as he went on patrol.

That should be her out there. Shinji might have his fanbase, but she brought all the money shots to the agency thanks to the paparazzi. More attention will be on her and the firm as a result. Munching on admittedly, good roast beef, she shook her head. There was so much more to think about other than food or fame.

Should she apologize to Shinji? Maybe he'll let this one go, it was her debut after all.

Naaah, too much work. Besides, she had to make a huge impression! She has to become an iconic, marketable, and impressionable pro after all! Any word out there is a good word in her book.

Especially making an impression on the poor lonely male demographic, both young and old~.

It's not her fault that she was late. Did he have any idea how many places she could transform safety, even with scouting around the Musutafu Ward? Then, she should know, she counted all of them. Sure those are only the constantly empty parts being alone the train tracks , but who knows when the next villain is going to go running through the street and run amok?

But, the one thing on her mind was the spider-kid who collided with her backside after her special crafted hero move, Canyon Cannon. And he had a nasty fall too. Enough for him to make the assumption that he knew nothing of Quirks.

She shook her head, where did that come from? Well, now that she thought about it, why did he do it? Sure the chief said he didn't know anything about quirks, which is frankly ridiculous from an objective standpoint. Anyone who didn't know about quirks was either living under a rock or crazy.

But then where did he get his suit? Enough so that he suffered no damage.

Where did he learn to control his quirk? To fling around… enhanced spider silk and have those acrobatic feats. He had to had trained those hard and overtime. Couldn't just roll out of bed and do that.

Yu groaned. This is too much thinking! There has to be a simple explanation for this. Maybe he's a kid that got caught up in some dastardly plot to undermine the very institutions that she fought for! Maybe he was a secret alien!

Or maybe he's just some scared kid who doesn't know where he is. Yet took the time anyway to help, even if it meant breaking the law.

Yu's train of thought came to a screeching halt. That's… not impossible. Despite how hard they work, heroes were only human despite how some quirks can change appearances. They couldn't be everywhere at once, and accidents happened. A kid left without their parents due to quirk activity, it's not impossible. A foreign kid is certainly in that realm of possibility.

And it didn't have to be villains. It can be anyone.

Sometimes… quirks didn't show up at the best of times. Even with parental guidance.

She was living proof after all.

She gripped her arm, the food in front of her looking less appetizing by the second.

A scream snapped Yu out of her thoughts. Down the hall an intern ran, with stacks of paper up to their chins as they almost tripped before catching themselves.

Who in the world needs that much paper?


Araki Hyu. The Dream Drawer.

No two words brought more dread into the eyes of an experienced office other than 'paperwork time' or 'new villain'. The man was a legend for those that had the honor of serving with him. His quirk turned what could've been baseless leads into solid convictions. He had to have around the clock protection from crime rings and villains aiming not to get exposed.

And then All Might came onto the scene, and few people had to come to him anymore, as All Might had an accurate nose for trouble. Plus Araki wanted less time in the spotlight. His work can draw the eyes of those of unsavory background...

When everyone was scratching their heads trying to figure out a case, he would walk in and solve the entire thing in an hour. All they needed was the suspect and he alone would give the proof whether they were guilty or innocent or complicit.

Every officer in the Musutafu Police Department looked at his plaque every time that they walked into work every morning, though few of them knew what it entailed. Or cared, given the scowl Araki always gave from said plaque.

After all, the former detective has been happily retired since All Might's debut. He took his experiences and life stories of the many cases he helped crack or saved those who were persecuted unfairly and took that with him into becoming a mangaka. Botan had read some when his son had found out about his former mentor in Seinen Leap.

He really should tell his wife to be more observant of his son reads… That magazine can get a bit… racy and violent.

But, every police department has had Araki on call so many times that it drove most of them into the red more times than any of their accountants. Araki was good, but he didn't come cheap as time wore on and he took advantage of his leverage. This call alone will probably cut the overtime budget. Hopefully it was worth it.

"Is everything ready?" Botan asked Toshio who nodded.

"Yes sir, the paper is in the cell block with the vigilante, Sei is watching him."

"Good," Botan muttered, rubbing tired eyes as he glanced at the one clock on his desk. Araki was due any second, but the old cop had a far more pressing question enter his mind.

"And how was he?"

"The vigilante? Kid didn't even look at us when we brought the paper and pens in. He's just sitting on his bed."

"He didn't even ask why?"

Toshio shook his head, "Not a peep came out. Not like we can understand him. And vice versa."

Botan tried in vain to keep the scowl off his face. Peter was getting more despondent by the minute.

"Chief, he's here," came Hanazawa from behind the door.

Toshio actually bristled. Botan didn't blame him.

"Did he ask for his clearance?"

"It was the first thing he asked."

Botan sighed, at least he hadn't changed.

The chief made his way out of his office, and not even two steps out did a voice call.


The chief kept up a stone face even as Toshio started fuming next to him. Araki Hyu was taller than most would expect him to be for someone of his age. Long scraggly aging white hair draped his face and framed an old coat that has been worn for many a year. He walked with a limp in his right leg, the telltale tapping of his cane as he walked towards the two policeman as a man with an agenda to keep. He also carried a briefcase in his free hand.

"Hyu-sensei, thank you for com-"

"Spare me the pleasantries." Hyu interrupted with a snarl. "The sun is setting, the train was packed full of damn annoying brats gushing over some punk's explosive quirk and my muse is thirsty. Where is the boy?"

"In detention," came Toshio curt reply. "We were making preparations for you and-"

The old artist's eyes glinted with distaste as he finally realized that the other cop was there. His eye wandered to his badge and he let out a smirk.

"Ah young Fujiwara-chan, still a lieutenant I see. Peaked early I assume?"

Toshio's eye twitched and Botan pinched the bridge of his nose.

"And you're not topping the charts anymore, old man."

Hyu scoffed, "Unlike you, my work doesn't just fall into my lap."

"Gentlemen, remember why we're here," Botan interrupted cutting off anymore arguing. "Hyu-sensei if you could follow me." The old man rolled his eyes.

"I remember where detention is. My memory hasn't gone to dust just yet."

"Unfortunately." Toshio grumbled.

Said grumbling was silenced with a single glare from the chief. Despite being the senior officers, the two of them had to subject themselves to the looks of the younger staff as a civilian, albeit a retired detective, walked through the station like he owned the place. Hyu had a laser focus that Botan hadn't seen in a long time. He's clearly bought into the description of what he told him.

"Something going on?" Asked Mt. Lady as she was depositing her tray and noticed Botan walk with his group back into the detention area.

"We're gonna have an interview with Parker." Toshio replied. "Araki here is gonna make it easier on us and use his Quirk to read his mind."

"Araki, mind-wait, Araki Hyu, the Dream Drawer?"

"I don't draw dreams." Hyu hissed. "I make sketches of memories." He grumbled. "And now I'm gonna have an audience, so you all better zip it when I get to work." He began to limp with a faster pace.

"He's grumpier than I imagined." Mt. Lady mumbled.

"Trust me, he can be worse." Toshio added as they walked into the doors.

"This better be worth my time, or I'm billing you double, Fukuda." The old man growled as they made their way through the cell ward. Sei greeted them with a salute as Parker was still in bed before turning to face them.

"This him?" Hyu asked.

Botan nodded and Hyu frowned. Parker was sitting on his bed like Toshio had said, and he was in the fetal position before he noticed the group. Mt. Lady stood out of the way, leaning against the wall and out of sight from Parker as not to disturb the bitter old man. Next to the invisible wall, the stack of paper and a collection of pens on the table with a stool were waiting. The older man inspected Peter like how one would view an insect with a microscope.

"He doesn't look like much, at a glance."

"Weren't you the one to tell me not to judge appearances?" Botan asked.

"You think I'm stupid? Of course I know that, fool. " Hyu muttered. "There maybe more to this foreign brat. Heard some mutterings from the younger generation over their phones over some incident this morning." Botan snapped his fingers at Sei as the mime dropped the invisible wall. The mangaka limped inside with his case, pulling the table close to the stool by the bed, as Peter sat up, looking worried.

"Mr. Parker," Botan said in English.

"What's going on? Who is this old guy here?" Peter asked in concern, seeing the scary looking old man give him a frown as he

"This man here is Hyu Araki, he's going to put things into perspective for us and give us an understanding of what is going on. Just let him touch your head, relax, and we'll have an interview."

Peter was looking back and forth between him and the mangaka as he got his papers in order by his right. Hyu was getting impatient.


"Did you find them?" Peter asked, voice dry. "Did you find… anything?"

He kept a stone face. He didn't need to know. Botan didn't become a cop to crush a child's hope, at least… not yet.

"We're still waiting for results from the US Embassy. Once we do, you'll be the first to know. I promise."

He saw Peter nod into his knees.

"Alright. I… I know in America, that I usually need a lawyer for these things and… I guess I don't have that here in Japan."

"I can assure you, we just want perspective, then we can interview you and… get in touch with the contacts you sent us. Once we have a clearer picture Mr. Parker, we can sign some paperwork, hand you a warning, and send you off on your way." Botan assured in a soft voice.

He felt sick telling him this.

Peter shuffled to the edge of his bed and chuckled without a hint of mirth. "So I just… relax?"

"Yes. Just lie down on your back, head closest to Hyu-sensei here, and close your eyes."

Another nod, the action looking more robotic every second. Peter lied down on his back, looking up at the frowning old man as he got his pens and papers ready.

"He's ready Hyu-sensei."

"About time." Hyu scoffed.

"Just breathe in and out, relax Mr. Parker." Botan assured in English.

"Is he… like, gonna read my mind?" Peter inquired. "I mean, I saw a wood guy and some giant lady and you mentioned how people can have super powers… So… just… avoid any parts of me on a computer... Late a night... You know." He shrugged. "Not, check on those."

Botan let out a deep exhale through his nose as he heard a female snigger. "Of course."


"Who was that?" Peter asked, hearing Mt. Lady's stifled laugh.

"No one."

"What now?" Hyu asked. "What did he say?"

"He said he's ready." Botan replied in Japanese. "Now relax. We're starting." Peter nodded and closed his eyes.

The old man placed his palm on Peter's head as if he was checking for a fever and Toshio swore he saw Hyu's eyes glow. Then he drew.

Hyu's pen was a blur across the paper, and Sei's mouth dropped. Mt. Lady came out behind the wall and saw the pen fly across the paper as Toshio removed the first page and slid the next one under it, and Hyu went about lightning fast. That speed…

"Has to be his quirk right?" She asked.

"No. Pure skill and technique, refined over years and his distaste for editors." Botan answered, amazed as Sei began to collect the sketches the mangaka was drawing at a speed no human being can do… and of such high quality for that matter as well.

The first page was of a younger Peter Parker standing next to a happy couple over a birthday cake. Next Peter was looking up to a man in a suit of armor. The suit had so much detail, every shine and every plate shown in all its magnificence.

A side effect of Araki Hyu's Quirk; Musememory, the more cherished the memory, the greater the detail.

A scrapped robot laid shattered at the boys feet, and in the distance a spinning sign said 'Stark Expo'.

That name again. Stark.

The final detail was a speech bubble over the iron man's head.

"Nice work."

So that's Iron Man...

The next pages of pictures flashed by, but in equal if not greater detail. Peter, older now, laughing with a chubby boy while they worked on some kind of toy set.

A strange spider biting a hand.

The sight of a coffin being lowered into the ground. 'Benjamin Parker' painted brightly on the tombstone. The sight of a weeping woman to the side and a mass of mourners all around.

Peter looking at a cheap imitation of the suit he now wore, made of stuff made at home like a hoodie and some store bought items.

Creating some tub filled with a white substance.

Fighting some street level thugs. He really is experienced after all.

Meeting a middle aged man with a small beard and mustache, sitting with him on the bed. This was Tony Stark.

Another memory flashed by, Peter, in a better suit, standing next to several heroes, the red-and yellowed steel hero from before with an individual in jet black feline-esque body armor and a black and steel armored hero staring down an equally diverse set of opponents, including a blue armored man with a shield, a man with a metal arm, a man who can fly, and some red-costumed… giant?

Holding together a torn in half ferry by his webbing.

Speaking in that man again. Tony Stark on a high rise, and very stern and serious was he.

Fighting against a black-and-green villain with metal wings in the sky. Mr. Toombs was his name.

Seeing a girl walk off with a sad look in her eye.

Meeting a bored girl who was amusing, but fascinating non the less.

Looking up at a flying circular ship hovering over New York.

Fighting villains… one a monstrous brute with a hammer, the other slender and using telekinesis.

Flying out beyond the atmosphere, seeing the darkness of space and falling… before landing on the alien ship.

Saving a red-caped individual with scars on his hands.

Tony Stark, the Iron Man, looking like a King and knighting him. "You're an Avenger now." Said the text bubble.

Being held at gunpoint by a man with weapons beyond anything Botan had ever seen. Seeing people with unique features such as dark skin with red tattoos, or glowing antennae with big black eyes… with the specter of some alien creature with a mouth razor sharp teeth coming out of it's mouth looming behind her.

A different world, of ruined skyscrapers, satellites, and sinkholes.

He can hear Hyu toss pens aside as he drew them dry of ink, grabbing new ones and sketching at light speed, his eyes glowing but laser focused.

A bald giant of a man with a single gauntlet, holding him by the throat. "Little Insect!" Was the text bubble.

Holding down that giant before a simply dressed man hit the giant in the face with his unique weapon, fury and despair written on both his, Tony's and even the giant's faces.

Some… meteor shower, putting people on web-lines and flying through the debris as hell rained down around him.

Botan's mouth was agape.

The men and woman turning to dust!?

Peter, holding the man that gave him his suit, as Tony Stark was crying, the despair written all over him with the bubbles "It's going to be alright" above him as the world dissolved around him.

And then… a pitch black page.

Followed by the skyline of Musutafu, with the sight of that very same shark-giant villain in the background.

"Chief?" Toshio asked, seeing Botan go through the fast paced sketches, all detailed with ink and not needing a redraft. Perfect detail. "What… the hell?"

"Hyu-sensei… what is the meaning of this?" He asked, as the old man dropped the last of his many pens as he leaned back, panting and sweating as his right hand was trembling from the heavy usage. Hyu looked over at him,looking exhausted as a man of his age should be, yet he began to laugh, a wide grin on his face.

"What is this? What is this?!" Hyu ruffled Peter's head, making the boy open his eyes in confusion at the act. "This! Is a goldmine! This." He grabbed the papers in Botan's hands, going through them and inspecting them. "My word… so much material! At last! Something new and fresh! My muse! Ohhh yes at long last, I can feel them churning in my head haha!" Hyu giddily exclaimed. Toshio and Botan eyed Hyu as if he just grew an additional head.

"Did… something happen?" Mt. Lady asked incredulously.

"Something incredible indeed young miss! This, will be fine notes and material for my next manga!" He turned towards Botan. "Well you didn't let me down Fukuda. God I feel like a new man! I need to take these home."

"We need them for the case you old twit!" Toshio barked.

"Oh relax Fujiwara-chan." Hyu rolled his eyes. "I'm just going to scan copies." He patted the younger man on the chest, Toshio pucking his face. "You need to live a little, stop being so serious." He turned back towards Botan.

"Your account will be charged when I noti-"

"Save it Fukuda, you don't have to bill me. The scans of these?" He held all the sketches up in his right hand. "Is more than enough payment." He let out a deep and relieved sigh, before he looked back at Peter, who was as confused as anyone.

"Fukuda." Hyu coughed in his throat, taking his cane and walking up to him as he began to whisper to him. "This boy here, Peter Benjamin Parker, is innocent, of anything and everything." He stated with a solemn look in his eyes. "The only thing this boy is guilty of is ignorance of the laws of our world, and that is no crime."

"Our world?" Botan raised a quirked eyebrow. Hyu nodded.

"You won't believe this... This boy… comes from a world where most of the population is quirkless. Only a handful of individuals." He reached into his folder, grabbing out select pages. The standing in line and facing the shield man and red giant. The aliens. The wizard. The black-green winged villain. "Have abilities that can be called such, but even then they are quirkless, aside from a few."

"What are you talking about. You're saying… Parker is…"

"From another world. Another Earth, but not ours. Another dimension perhaps. Or a time, I do not know. What is certain, he was not born on this Earth, this... plane of existence. He came... from another. And this… monster." Hyu held out a page of the sneering growling monster of a man with the unique gauntlet, saying 'Little Insect' at the reader. "Is to blame. And he did… such damage. So much so… I was able to glimpse at death for the first time."

Botan was agog. Hyu may be a grouch. A curmudgeon. Unpleasant. Irritable. But a liar he was not. He felt a pit form in his gut.

"What else about this world?"

"What his world lacks in Quirks… makes up in technology. The stuff there… is only the advancements our society, no, our entire world can dream of! It's like magic! And the existence of-"

"Umm, Mr. Fukuda?" Peter asked, cutting into their conversation. Hyu would have barked if it were anyone else, but he kept his silence.

"Yes, Mr. Parker?" Botan asked. This boy… the suit… his lack of knowledge… all of it… combined with the sketches Hyu has made…

Could it be true? It could just be amnesia. Or some villain with a gauntlet like that but… even when he was a young rookie and met Hyu in his younger days… He's never seen Hyu manage to get the image of death in his drawings.

That pure pitch black page that took up two whole pens.

The void. Nothingness.

So… there was no afterlife. And that… that frightened him to the core.

Peter had died.

A young innocent teenage boy, wanting to do the right thing, has died.

And he came back to life.

Botan did everything in his power to keep a straight face.

"Ummm… can I get something to eat?"

"Oh yes, of course." Botan smiled for the first time, forced as it was. "What would you like? Me and Hyu-sensei here are almost finished, then we can get you something to eat and then we can have our interview."

"Uh.. anything really, I guess."

"He died Fukuda." Hyu whispered. "The alien titan in my drawings, Thanos, murdered him somehow. Yet he wakes up in our world and rushes to save others without caring of his own wellbeing." The old man gained Botan's gaze. "He's a hero through and through. He deserves better than some cafeteria slop if you ask me."

Botan took a deep breath, taking the old mangaka's counsel. "Tell you what, do you have any… favorite food at all?" He asked. Peter raised an eyebrow.

"My favorite? Well… usually cherry pie made by my Aunt but…" His face fell. "I can go for some pizza."

"Fujiwara-chan." Hyu barked. "Get him some pizza. I picked up pizza at the end there." He said in Japanese.

"What? Why do I have to do it!"

"Favorite topping?" Botan inquired, ignoring the bickering between the two.

"Ummm… just pepperoni is fine." Peter replied, voice soft. "When will we get word from the Embassy?"

"When we get it, you'll be the first to know." Botan walked towards Peter, putting his hand on his shoulder and giving him a reaffirming squeeze. "I promise." He looked back at Toshio and snapped his fingers. "Toshio-kun. Pepperoni Pizza. Just go to the pizzeria across the street and bill it to the station. Go. And give Hanaz-"

"I'll give the sketches to Hanazawa-san for her to scan." Hyu said. "Then I'll take the originals and be on my way." He patted the Police chief on the shoulder. "You did good today Fukuda. When I finish my pilot, I'll make a character named after you, and drinks on me." He had a wide splitting smile on his face. Botan hasn't seen Hyu this... overjoyed in years. Yet was solemn regarding the details about Parker.

Toshio sighed. "Tch." And he walked off out of the ward. Botan offered a small smile.

"I'll be expecting that. And thank you so much for coming." He bowed lightly. "We are truly grateful, Hyu-sensei."

"Save it, I'm the one who should be thanking you." Hyu beamed as he grabbed his cane and began limping off, walking past a confused and bewildered Mt. Lady, who had remained silent and out of Peter's sight.

"What was… that about?" She asked.

"This case… Just got a lot more fascinating and-"

"Who is that? That voice sounds familiar." Asked Peter, standing up from his bed. Sei made his hand gestures, and the invisible wall came back up once again.

"He asking for me?" Mt. Lady whispered, walking on out as Peter's eyes rose up.

"You're the giant lady I slung into!" The blonde super heroine smirked.

"That is Mt. Lady to you young man." She declared in English before turning to Botan. "You look like you could take five. Let me have a talk with the kid."

"I appreciate it. Kimihito-kun, stand watch." Sei saluted as Botan left the pro to talk with the vigilante. He can hear Hyu giggling like a kid in a candy store as his papers got scanned. He saw Toshio outside walking down the sidewalk.

He was here to give a simple warning to a foreign kid and send him back to the States. That was what he had planned a half hour ago.

He never would have imagined that this would happened. Aliens. Quirkless worlds. Technology that is like quirks. Literal death. Alternate dimensions.

It was too much to take in. Hyu's sketches never lie. The man would never compromise his integrity for some wild fantasy. The sketches combined with Par-No. Peter's reaction, were starting to connect.

Botan let out a sigh. He promised he would quit. His wife practically forced him to.

When he stepped outside in the crisp air, he reached into his pocket and grabbed a cigarette, lighting it and taking a drag.

Because damnit he needs the buzz right now.

"Just what the fuck did I myself get into?"
Chapter 2
"Alrighty then!" Yu called, sitting down on the stool, which has been taken behind the invisible wall. Sei's eyebrow quirked up with her arrival.

In front of her Peter shifted on his bed. The poor boy was looking down at the floor before it rose up, unchanging. Going by the look of his eyes, his mind was not thinking about her or anything else. Just the uneasy anxiety of wanting an answer. He bit his lower lip a little, as he finally noticed her. The act made the heroine smirk a little at being acknowledged.


"So…?" Yu prodded.

Gotta get the kid talking. That's always the best way to help someone out. A little talk went a long way. After all, All Might was laughing and talking nonstop for a reason. Saying how everything will be alright by his presence alone.

Peter's cheeks flushed and he looked away.

"Sorry for… flying into your butt earlier."

Yu blinked once, twice. Then she couldn't stop it. She threw a hand over her mouth, sniggering and suppressing her laughter. That's what he's embarrassed about? The act made Peter's eyes rise up as he rose his hands in surrender.

"I swear I didn't mean it, I was aiming for Shamu!"

He thought the villain was a whale!

Yu couldn't take it. She began to guffaw, head on in her arms as she hit the table with a balled fist, her muffled laugher sounding out the room. This Parker was a riot!

"Oh…oh… Oh boy," Yu panted while rubbing her eyes, "I needed a good laugh."

"Uhh, you're welcome?" Peter offered.

"I am actually," Yu said, "You and Shinji really made things easy for me today. I am Mt. Lady by the way."

Peter's eyebrow went up a notch, "Your superhero name is Mt. Lady… and who is Shinji?" Yu then snapped her fingers.

"Oh, right, Kamui Woods."

The eyebrow only went up and Yu mentally slapped herself. This kid was American, of course he didn't know any of the local heroes.

"You remember the wood guy that was trying to tie up, pfft," She smirked. "Shamu?" She tried to be serious, but for the life of her it couldn't come out. Peter's eyes shot open.

"Oh the wood-arm guy!"

"Yeah, that guy." Yu smiled, "He was really annoyed I kept my eye on the prize."

"You mean… defeating Shamu?"

The blonde nodded, "Yep. Here in Japan, a professional hero's salary is dependent on how many villains we catch, how much we help everyone with our quirks, rescue others or use said quirks for general works and more, depending on your certification!"

Peter nodded, soaking up the info like a sponge. "And yours, your quirk, is… getting bigger? Like, Gulliver? Or like in that 'Honey I blew up the Kid' movie?" he guessed. "I mean, given your hero name it makes sense."

"I… have never heard of a Gulliver or that movie unless it is some American B-Movie but you are correct. My Quirk is Gigantification," Yu clarified, "I can go from my height to sixty-three meters tall. Pretty amazing, right?" The blonde beamed, eyes closed as the rookie hero preened.

Peter shrugged, "It's not the first time I've seen it."

Yu's smile dropped from her face, eyebrows tilted in confusion. "Really?" Seriously?

"Yeah, and the giant guy I fought against once, not Shamu but another guy, he could go smaller too, like ant-sized."

Oh that is so unfair! Someone can change their size at will! Yu huffed, crossing her arms. "Well not all of us can have a candy bag of powers." She blinked and looked him over, making Peter scoot back a little. "Speaking of that, what is your quirk? Is it spitting out web from your wrists? Like, converting your bloodstream into webbing?"

Peter blinked and then shook his head. "No, my ah, web shooters are just a part of my suit."

Part of the suit? "Huh, who made them?"

Peter scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "I did."

"You did!" Yu exclaimed.

"In my garage originally," He added. "With some help they were improved of course! By Mr... Stark." He said, looking a bit downcast, but the superhero didn't care about that bit. Peter made those things? According to the report those webs were strong enough to hold up a falling powerline.

What are those things made out of? How did he make the intricacies of a projectile shooter of a material strong enough to hold power lines and prevent bolt cutters from cutting through them! They needed blow torches for the silk.

This kid is getting stranger by the minute.

"In your garage originally before some Stark guy tuned them up huh…Cool. So is it your acrobatics? Is that it?"

"I… don't really know."

Now it was Yu's turn to raise an eyebrow? Her mask didn't help, but Peter got the message.

"I mean I'm a lot stronger and I'm flexible and there's… there's this feeling I get when something's about to hit me and helps me react. There's that."

"Hmm." Yu hummed, puffing her cheeks and furrowing her brow in thought.

That was an interesting set of powers. What kind of combination lead to what he had? Attribute quirks maybe? Yu grumbled, she knew she should've paid more attention to Quirk Applications class.

"So uh…" Peter said snapping Yu out of her thoughts.

"So..?" she prodded with a tilt of her head.

"Your uh… English is really good."

Yu nodded and her smile grew to split her face in two. English was one of the subjects she aced back in U.A., thanks in no part to her American grandpa she talked with back when she attended the prestigious academy. "Thanks! Japanese maybe my natural tongue but English I have gotten quite affluent with! Do you know any other languages?" she asked.

"I know some Spanish."

"Did you ever want to go to Spain?"

"Uh no, I haven't been out of the states until…." He trailed off, his shoulders sagging as he looked off, thinking of something else, and Yu frowned despite herself. The kid, he was going so well too and now she just had to ring it back around to him sulking over… whatever it is he's sulking about. None of that! What kind of hero would she be if she couldn't help a poor hormonal teenager smile!

"Can you lower it?" She asked, looking at Kimihito. The mime nodded, using his gestures to lower the invisible wall. When she made a gesture to knock, feeling nothing, she walked around the table and stood in front of the teen.

"Hey," she said as gently as she could, standing up and putting a hand on Peter's shoulder, "Don't let it get to you. You'll just get a warning and be on your way once your parents are here and-"

Peter barked out a laugh so devoid of humor it made Yu's heart ache. He didn't meet her eyes, looking to the ground. "Yeah, why should I. I just broke the law." He snarked, half angry at being talked down too and half sad due to something else. And Mt. Lady felt nostalgic looking at Peter… because it felt like looking at herself once upon a time.

"Yeah, you did." Yu admitted. "But who doesn't! People speed over the limit in their cars everyday. Who cares if you broke the law? Everyone once in their life breaks that quirk law. I know I did. Kamui Woods, my colleague did once. We all do."

"Wouldn't the the police care?" Peter offered.

"Pssht," Yu waved it off, "Don't worry about them, just think about all the people you helped me save." Peter looked up, and Yu smiled at him, giving him her best thumbs up. "You went in there to help. That makes you a hero in my book."

The boy was silent, but he offered a small smile of appreciation. "Thanks." He muttered, taking a deep breath.

"Just wait a little longer, you'll be swinging through the city saving everyone in no time. You'll probably be sent back home to America, but I know you'll be a great hero some day!" Yu said with praise.

Before Peter could reply, he was cut off as a voice in Japanese called from the down the hall.

"Mt. Lady-san!"

Yu and Peter looked down the hall where the mousy intern ran towards them.

"Unregistered quirk user is wreaking havoc downtown. Death Jaw is on the scene but there's a hostage!"

"Where?" Yu asked in Japanese.

"Downtown, in front of the station."

"I'll be right there," Mt. Lady nodded, walking out of the cell.

"Wait what's going on?" He asked.

Peter started to get up but Yu held a finger. Sei noticed the movement and moved his hands fast, erecting the invisible wall.

"You stay here." She spoke in English again. "Hostage situation with a villain. Gotta go handle it. "

"Let me-!"

"I said that you had to wait," Yu interrupted with more serious tone, "You don't have your license and you're still waiting for a call. Just let the pros handle things for now."

Peter slumped back on his bed, and Yu felt like she know what it was like to kick a puppy. "I'll see you off before you head out." she promised. "I'll be back. Promise."

With that, she took off, dodging officers on her way out of the station.


Peter saw her leave, and he sat on the bed, breathing hard as he gripped his interlocked hands hard. Sei stood at attention by the entrance to the cell, as usual.

To think someone was being held hostage… someone was in trouble.

He looked over at Sei who was standing hands behind his back. "Hey uhh… Mr. Mime?" He asked, waving his hand. The Mime noticed him, eyes focused. "So uhhh… do you like, have a phone?"

The mime quirked an eyebrow. "I'm not gonna take it! You have the wall cutting this table in half, right? So I can just like," Peter sat on the stool, pulling it up to the table and sitting down. He knocked on the invisible wall. "I just wanna, get a clue on the hostage situation. Stream the news? Or can you… even understand what I'm saying?"

The mime shook his head. Peter sighed, biting his lower lip and standing up and getting back on the bed. He lied down, looking up at the ceiling and breathing in and out. "Damn." He muttered under his breath.

There was someone in trouble, and he's stuck in this stupid cell. And he cannot act. He could break his way out… but Mr. Fukuda and Mt. Lady were so nice and told him of the laws… He had already broke one law today, even if out of ignorance. And he got some old man to read his mind or something…

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and trying to force himself to take a nap. This whole spectacle has to be some dream… And the contacts should be coming in by now…


One of the officers arrived back with some pizza, so that was a welcome reprieve. Peter managed to eat… the whole pie due skipping on breakfast and his body's physiology demanding high amounts of calories before going back to the bunk. The grouchy officer who was with the mime left without a word. Or even responding him, only saying "Heru isu Pizza."

It was over an hour until Peter heard footsteps in the detention area, making him open his eyes. He must have drifted off into a nap. He sat up, seeing Fukuda Botan walk in with a briefcase.

"Any word?" He asked, getting to his feet.

"Apologies for the hold up Mr. Parker." Botan said as he sat in the chair across from Peter as the boy did the same. "We handled the hostage situation and the villain is being detained." At that word, Peter saw that older officer who gave him the pizza walk behind behind him down the hallway and…

What's with the milk gallon full of sludge?

"Anyways." He said, grabbing out a notepad and pen. "I was hoping we can begin our interview."

"What's the word. On my contacts. The embassy?" Peter asked. "Did you get Tony Stark or May Parker on the line?" He asked in rapid fire, eyes wide and full of hope, desperate to latch onto anything.

Mr. Fukuda frowned, reaching into the briefcase as he looked at Kimihito and nodded. The mime did some gestures, and looked like he was lifting something. The Police Chief slid some papers across the table to Peter.

"When I got back from the situation, I made a call to the Embassy to double check. Triple check." He spoke, tone sullen as Peter looked over the results, seeing the insignia of the United States and spotting the word Embassy within the insignia.

May Parker. Residence: Queens, New York. Married to Benjamin Parker.
No Results Found in Japan or United States.

Edward 'Ned' Leeds. Residence: Queens, New York. Son of Leonard and Belle Leeds.
No Results Found in Japan or United States.

Michelle 'MJ' Jones-Watson. Residence: Queens, New York. Daughter of Brock and Mary Jones.
No Results Found in Japan or United States.

Anthony 'Tony' Stark. Residence: Malibu, California and Manhattan, New York. Founder of Stark Industries and the Avengers. Super hero: Ironman.
No Results Found in Japan or United States.




Just-No. No.

No no no.


"No. No." Peter muttered, gripping the paper, looking behind the back to see if this was a joke. "This… this…"

"Mr. Parker, I-"

"No… No!" He roared, grabbing the chair he was sitting on and throwing it to the wall, hard and making it crash. "Fuuuuck!" He brought his arms down on the bed with a yell, crunching it in two as he let out a sob. He heard the clicking of guns and he felt a tingling down his spine and turned.

He saw the mime being wide eyed and nervous, gun raised while Botan was quiet, eyes sad and sympathetic. The chief didn't even move.

"I died… I fucking died… I fucking died… It was real oh god…" Peter sobbed, coughing and letting out gasps as he began to weep. He slouched down, grabbing the sheets and muffling a massive roar.

Everyone… Mr. Stark. Aunt May. Ned. MJ. Even that asshat Flash Thompson. Happy. The Guardians. Dr. Strange.

"I'm dead… I fucking died there… everyone…" He uttered, feeling the lump in his throat as he continued to weep. He heard a foreign mutter, footsteps, and felt a hand on his shoulder. Peter turned around, ready to lash out…

And saw the warm eyes of Mr. Fukuda, kneeling down beside him.

"I… I am sorry for everything, Mr. Parker. I truly am."

Peter was quiet, taking deep breaths. "Wha… I…I dunno…Uhh…" He stammered over and over, the pit in his stomach still there. "Fucking…" He hugged Mr. Fukuda, hard.

"艦長!" Said a voice, the old pizza officer said, poking his head through the door. Peter didn't care, feeling Fukuda's hands on his shoulder.

"Mr. Parker." Botan said softly, as Peter looked up, eyes red with tears as the older Japanese man put a hand on his head. "We… we need to get our interview in. Then… we need to go from there."

"But how?" Peter squeaked out, chin moving up and down as he closed his eyes, sobbing a little.

"I don't know… I never have dealt with a situation like this but… protocol is protocol, Mr. Par…" He paused, taking a deep breath. "Peter." Peter bit his lip, closing his eyes and nodded.

"Okay… fine…" Peter… felt lost. Adrift. He didn't know what the hell he was going to do. Botan turned towards the chair and walked towards the other end and took his seat. Peter spotted the stool the old man, Araki his name was, he didn't remember, used and took it and placed it on his end of the table. "Sorry for…well… the chair and bed…" He whispered lightly, eyes glued to the steel table.

"It is alright. Most inmates tend to cause damage anyway. We have spares" Botan reassured. "Now, I just want to know about you and correlate what Hyu-sensei gave us… then we can proceed from there."

"Where am I going to go?" Peter asked. The red haired man ran his hand through his hair, taking a deep breath.

"We'll… cross that bridge when we get there. Is that the saying?" He asked, Peter nodded. "Okay then…" He heard a pen being clicked. "Do you wanna start from the beginning?"


"Alright." He reached into the briefcase, grabbing a smartphone, or some recording device, and pressing something. "このインタビューは機密保持を目的としたもので、警察署または法律に関するすべての事項を対象としています。 問題の容疑者はアメリカ人であり、したがってこのインタビューは英語で行われます." He paused, turning towards Peter. "Let us begin, Peter."


"What is your name."

"Peter Parker."

"How old are you."


"Where is your place of birth and residence." Botan scribbled on the pen.

"Queens, New York City."

"Do you have any parents?" Peter wanted to not answer but… he had to get through this. He was feeling numb.

"I used to."

"What happened to them?"

"They died in a plane crash when I was very young, just barely a year old."

"I see. That is saddening. Who are your guardians then, in that case." Peter bit his lip.

"Aunt May Parker."

"Do you have an Uncle?" Peter took a sharp inhale. He remembered the joy of Uncle Ben when celebrating his birthday, taking him out for bike rides, teaching how to make gadgets in the garage…

And how he died… and he was buried.

"Yes… Uncle Ben… He passed away… two years ago."

"I see. I am sorry."

"Me too." Peter muttered.

"What are you doing in Japan?" Botan asked, and Peter looked up at him, silent. "Mr. Parker. I will ask again. What are-"

"I don't know I… I was dead… or I think I was."

"You died?" Botan asked rhetorically. "How?"

"It's… It's a long story." Peter whispered, heart still aching over the revelation. Botan remained silent, and nodded.

"It is fine. Tell me. However wild it is." Peter lifted his head up.

"If… If I told you I… I came from a world without… quirks and there was only a few, very few, people with superpowers… with wizards and big powerful aliens and rocks that were formed from the Big Bang that can do crazy stuff… all caused by some giant purple alien muscle guy... would you believe me?" Peter was ready for the incredulous look again.

But Botan was straight faced, nodding as his eyes looked into his briefcase for a minute and then back to Peter.

"I do. Now, tell me from the beginning. How did you come here to Japan?"

The brown haired boy took a deep breath, biting his lip. "I'll start… from the beginning. How I became Spider-Man then… that should give you a clearer picture." Peter heard footsteps in the hallway lightly, but paid no mind.

"Tell me everything."

And then he told him.


"Alright." Botan nodded. "That is enough." He turned towards the recorder. "このインタビューは機密保持を目的としたもので、警察署または法律に関するすべての事項を対象としています。 容疑者はすべての質問に正直に答え、当局に義務付けています。 このインタビューは正式に終わりました." And he tapped on the button, ending the recording.

"Now then. This interview will be kept as evidence for your participation in the train station incident and will be kept in the fullest of confidence. In addition... we must now handle your current situation." Botan elaborated.

"How?" The brown haired boy asked. "I... I have no one." He smiled ruefully. "No parents. No aunts and uncles. No Avengers no Mr. Stark no wizards or aliens." He lifted his hands with a shrug. "I.. I'm homeless. I'm just a refugee, with... with no home to go to." Peter let out a sigh, before it became a sob. "I'm an orphan."

Botan sighed. "And you are right... but... we could try to fix this." Peter's eyes looked up at him, daring him to seek a resolution. "As a Police Chief, I know many connections that help assist the department with cases and with those who are up to no good. Your situation Peter, is unlike anything I have ever encountered in my career, or anyone else have had. You came from another world, another dimension even, and I believe you given what Hyu-sensei told us. And with no one like you in this world... It means that the United States would be hard pressed to accept you, even if you are American in citizenship. You have no birth certificate, no connections, no capital, nothing. Only your name, your word, and the clothes on your back."

"Then how!" Peter yelled. "How do you fix this then!?" He asked, crossing his arms and glaring at Botan. He knows he should not be angry with him but... damnit he doesn't know what to do at this point!

"I know many connections, Peter." Botan's voice was solid and firm. He leaned forward. "It wouldn't be too hard to ask for someone to forge you a visa."

"A... visa?" Peter asked. "Like a, visa gift card?"

"No. A visa is a document that states your intention on entering a foreign country and residing there for purposes. From there, you have options to possibly apply for membership and residency. The issue is, it would have to be Japanese, as I have no connections with American or British forgers." Peter bit his lip.

Okay... so he would have to be here for... what? "So... the visa would be for me to do, what?"

"Easy. Going to school. The easiest way to acquire a Visa without jumping through hundreds of loopholes is by applying to become a foreign transfer student." Botan stretched his arms. "I know, my nephew went to America to become a foreign exchange student. So I have a clue on the process."

So... Apply for foreign visa. And use it to go to school. "Okay." Peter furrowed his brow in thought. "So... I go to school and then-"

"You become a Hero." Peter perked up.

"Wait, what do you mean."

"Japan has the best Hero Schools in Asia, rivaled only by the ones in Dubai and Jerusalem. With your suit's technology, your abilities, your skills and experience, you would be perfect in becoming a hero." Botan elaborated. "And besides, you tried to intervene in the villain incident at the train station. After dying no less at the hands of this... Thanos." He said, letting the name roll off the tongue. It was name meant to inspire intimidation, that much is true. "You cared not for yourself, but for others, even if it didn't involve you. If that is not a hero, I don't know what is."

Peter took in deep breaths, staring at Mr. Fukuda with appreciation as he bit his lip.

"So... This guy you know can get me a visa... and I have to go to school and become a Hero."

"Yes. I can only get visas that can help you apply for schooling and for application for residency here in Japan. When you become an adult and graduate, you are welcome to apply for dual citizenship in America and seek a career there, but you must build a foundation first in this brave new world you have landed in Peter." Botan said as he stowed his many pages of notes he had wrote down during the interview. "Plus, we need to find you a guardian."

"A guardian, right... But who?"


"How about me?"

Both men jumped in surprise, Peter more than Botan as the spandex-clad Mt. Lady came out of her super awesome hiding spot. He definitely didn't see her behind the concrete and steel wall.

"You?" Peter asked. The blonde tried not to pout too much. What's with that tone? Did he not believe her? Even the Chief didn't look convinced.

"Forgive me Mt. Lady-san, I thank you for your help in the apprehension of the sludge villain," Botan said in Japanese, "But this matter is probably best left to foster services."

Yu felt her eye twitch as she scoffed. Oh yes, Foster care. They'll do their level best to put Peter with the best guardians that he could get. Ones that knew of his situation, that knew of his heroic spirit, who knew that he needed to be with someone that actually knew what he was dealing with and not some made up cockamany cover up story.

Yes, foster care would be absolutely perfect for him.

Peter needs to be anywhere BUT foster care.

"Oh don't be such a sour puss," Yu waved off.

"I'm not a sour puss, this is a serious matter." Botan narrowed his eyes, "The paperwork alone is going to be monstrous, even with using… less than legal avenues to get him settled and coming up with a convincing background for him on why an American boy with no parents or other relatives or contacts is being placed in a Japanese Foster Care system. We can't just dump him to the Americans, they'll deny him as he isn't a citizen and doesn't know his situation."

"And just throwing him to Foster homes won't help him any good at all! He was ready to go out there and help handle the Sludgeguy situation with me at a drop of a hat, not even batting an eye." Yu placed a hand on her chest. "If that ain't heroism coursing through his veins I don't know what is, and going to some shanty foster home is going to do him no good!" She can speak to experience on that front.

"Uh… what are you guys talking about?" Peter asked curiously in English, confused as to why the adults were arguing in Japanese, hiding something from him in all likelihood.

Yu turned around and gave a thumbs up, "We're just sorting out your room. You know, boring adult stuff." Botan rolled his eyes and exhaled through his nose hard. The brown haired wall crawler blinked and glanced at Officer Kimihito who shrugged.


"Awesome." Yu turned on the chief after reassuring the teen. "Leave him with me. I can take care of him." The red haired man looked back to Peter, then to Yu who stood with her hands on her hips. His story, his past, what Mt. Lady had just said combined with his resume... The boy was a hero through and through, even in defiance of the rules...

He never grew up in Foster care. He doesn't know what it's like. Botan pinched the bridge of his nose and ran his hand over his face, staring down the shorter blonde haired superhero. "Do you really think you can take care of a teenage boy and prepping him for hero school, while being a pro?" Botan asked, seriously. "Can you accept that commitment? Feeding him? Clothing him?" He asked in Japanese, terse.

And Yu realized why Botan has been a Police Chief for all these years given his serious tone. The rational part of her brain was kicking her heart. What on earth was she thinking? She had no clue how to be a guardian. But... it couldn't be too hard, be kind, understanding, supportive, all that good stuff and more. It's not like raising a baby with diapers and constant crying or anything!

Yet she will need to do that. Give Peter a roof over his head. Food. Clothes. Necessities. All while being a full time pro.

This... was going to be a challenge.

But she couldn't find the strength to take it back. She was a woman of her word. She has known Peter for all of one day… but damnit he needed her. If she walked out of this station without him by her side, she'd never live it down. She could walk on the red carpet as the number one hero, not just in Japan but globally and it would feel hollow. Being unable to save that one person when she was in a position to.

Because at the end of the day, she couldn't stop being selfish long enough to help a confused, terrified teenager. Not when she was one too once.

So to the chief, she cracked a grin, a daredevil one. "Big talk coming from a chief who's going to break the law to help him out."

Botan blanched, then scoffed. "I've got twenty years of seniority in this office AND connections. You've got a few days and change under your belt."

The superheroine rolled her eyes anyway. "Tomayto tomato, it'll at least give him a place to stay for tonight." She paused, sneaking a glance at Peter who waved nervously. "And a wardrobe change. Can't go walking around in a costume after all."

Botan's eyes darted between the heroine and Peter, the later freezing under the mismatched gaze. Yu was honestly impressed at the intensity in the chief's eyes. He looked like a shogi player working twelve moves ahead. Every option, every failure. He closed his eyes, and let out a big sigh. He snapped his fingers at Officer Sei, and the mime dropped the barrier. "You better treat him well," Botan muttered under his breath, "Peter," he spoke in English. The teenager straightened at the sound of his name.

"You're free to go." He held up a hand before Peter could ask anything, "All the paperwork will be handled on our end, but for now, Mt. Lady here will be acting as your guardian until you can get settled. Can't exactly keep you here overnight and all. Your... circumstances are unique after all."

Peter stood there, agog at Yu, realizing what has happened. "You… you would do that for me? I... we only just met and-"

"Of course," Yu responded in English, grinning ear to ear, eyes closed., "It's what heroes do."

"A-Alright then."

"Thank you for your cooperation Peter." Botan said, stepping to the side, offering his hand. The brown haired boy perked up and shook the police chief's hand firmly. The man bowed his head lightly in response.

"No, thanks for all your help." Peter replied. "I... I don't know what I would do if I hadn't met you."He frowned and leaned towards Yu. "You're supposed to bow in Japan, right?" he whispered. Yu held back a snort and nodded. Peter grimaced, but nevertheless, the sweet boy did his best bow that he could give, much deeper than a normal person.

One that Botan returned with a smile and a chuckle. "Not so deep, but you're on the right track. And it's fine, I am only doing my job. And don't worry Peter. Before you know it," he leaned in, a cheeky smirk on his face. "I'll be telling my son that I knew the great hero Spiderman before he even started."

Peter lit up at the praise, letting out a laugh. The boy really seemed to look up to the officer as he hugged him. Botan froze up, blushing at the contact before settling his hand atop of his head. Peter backed off, his face just as red. "Sorry I... don't know what came over me and..."

"you've... had a trying experience." Botan put it as best as he could. "A hug is... not uncalled for."

"Come on," Yu tapped Peter's shoulder, "It's getting late and we need to get you some clothes before the stores close."

Peter paled as he looked down, apparently just now remembering that he had on his suit.

"Yeah." He said, only to blanch further. "Oh yeah, lemme take it off... somehow..." Peter tapped around the Iron Spider suit, standing back as the two adults looked at him curiously. Sei knew his job was finished and gave the trio room as he left the detention area. "Ummm..."

"Is... something the matter?" Botan asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Yeah I uhh... this is kinda weird but... this suit is a second suit and I don't know how to turn it off." Peter was running his hands over his body, looking around, much to the look of utter confusion from both Yu and the police chief. "Where did Mr. Stark put an off button at..." He finished running his hands over his chest and was patting and poking. Then it hit him.

The suit hit him when he was running out of oxygen on the Space Donut in... "The back!" His hands hit the his shoulder blades as he began to search around... when his palm hit the spot between his shoulder blades, then it went up, hitting the nape of his neck. Something whirred and clicked. Botan's eyes rose up and Yu's mouth dropped as Peter felt sand move around, the nanites moving around up to Peter's head. He looked down, seeing his normal bright red-and-blue suit come back as he heard a clinking sound as a device fell. Using his reflexes, Peter caught it and held it up.

It was some kind of device, like if a FitBit watch but for around the neck, with some pad the size of a watch-clock, with a bright light blue light emitting from it. Peter narrowed his eyes, seeing... his thumbprint. So Mr. Stark attuned the suit to be able to only be accessed by him, with the nanites stored inside.

"An Arc Reactor powers the Iron Spider..." Peter muttered under his breath, in awe.

"Well now." Botan muttered. "I was not expecting this but..." He shrugged. "After today, I don't think anything surprises me anymore."

"Oh, ummm... I can keep this right?" Peter held the device close to his chest.

"We're not going to take it." Botan shook his head. "What your costume is won't leave this room. Whatever is stored in that thing, is something we may not be able to understand." He eyed Peter's hands. "I trust you'll keep it safe and out of the wrong hands." The teen nodded, clutching it tightly.

"I will."

"Well, that's all well and good but..." Mt. Lady pointed at his chest. "Your other costume?"

"Oh crap, I left my clothes behind that Seven-Eleven." Peter muttered. "I... am only wearing my underwear, under this." His hand went over his suit he got when he went to Germany, and he was investigating Mr. Toombs with Kar-

"Karen!" Peter yelled, tapping his suit. "Karen can you hear me?! Karen!" Yu was caught off guard by the sudden desperation in the American's voice. Even Yu tilted her head.

"Whose Karen?" Botan asked, as Peter's shoulders slumped.

"The suit's... AI. I forgot to bring her up during our talk." Botan rolled his eyes. "I need to find her, I need to...take this off." He bit his lip, looking at the duo. "Sorry..."

"It's fine. I'll lend you my coat, you can wear that. It's a big trenchcoat that's beige and on that coat rack near my office. Hopefully that can help." He shrugged. Peter perked up.

"I'll return it once I get clothing. I promise." He said seriously. Botan could see it in his eyes, that Peter would follow through on his word.

"I'll hold you to that." The chief looked down at the blonde heroine. "You two have to be places now. I need to sort paperwork and do my job."

"Sure thing."

"Don't worry about it, I know a great place to go shopping." Yu smirked, patting him on the shoulder. "I'm a Pro so I can walk around in my costume and just say it's a 'patrol'. Death Jaw is gonna file the report in for Sludgedude anyway. Now let's go shopping! I can't wait to get you all the gucci and sauve attire!" Yu declared as Peter blanched, rolling his eyes.

"Gucci." He muttered, but it went unnoticed by the blonde as the two walked out of the detention center.

Botan was alone, and he went back to his briefcase, looking through the pictures of Peter's past, and then back out to the fast talking blonde and her younger ward.

Those images of saving others time and again. His motivation, the sight of a dying man, his Uncle Ben, in his arms, with the notable words in a thought bubble... The words Peter associates with his deceased unc-no. Parent.

Those with great power, bear the mantle of responsibility.

Everything else, has been to save others less stronger than him. To fight those who abuse their power. Who commit evil.

Botan smiled. "Peter Parker..." He looked at another photo, one of Peter looking at himself in the reflection of a skyscraper window, the backdrop of New York City behind him. In his blue and red with web-design costume. "Spiderman...

"I will be expecting great things from you." He grinned, and he stowed the pictures. Time to get back to work.


Yu wanted to cry. She wanted to be sick. She wanted to wail.

Gucci and suave. That was all the rage these days. He was a teenager. A teenage boy yeah, but he had to have something! His costume was so cool! How it can be so compact and small and formfitting and sleek and yet... and yet!

How can his casual be so… plain. The two of them had went straight Viper's Bite, Uwabami's personnel department store chain. Sure the snake hero might take her modeling career way to seriously, the tramp had no taste and was so... gaudy and bourgeois, but at least she kept her some of her stores affordable for the common man and woman. Something about making everyone feel the best even if they couldn't look as good at her, was how she put it.

Yu was going to show that... flashy hag one of these days, even if her commercials, social media trends, and online magazine and website ads were making this easier, keeping Yu's new fans away. She will get that exposure and fame! One day she will oust that hussy! She will see!

But, first things first, before she could stop that travesty that was the snake tramp, she had a crisis in front of her.

"Is… is that it?" Yu asked, hoping beyond hope. "No Denison? Jean-Paul? Ronaldo? Maximillien?"

Peter's choice of speaking to him, in the height of fashion, was a simple beige t-shirt, red hoodie jacket and normal blue jeans with the large trench coat he borrowed tucked into a bundle under his arm. How a boy with such an amazing suit settle for something like that… she had no clue.

Peter blinked and looked down. "Uh yeah, this is the cheapest set I could find. I'm... not really a fan of that super expensive richy stuff. Like, some stuff had a lot of zeroes."

Yu scrunched her face before it hit her. She bonked her head. "Currency." She muttered in Japanese. "Oh don't worry about it." She said in English. "Here in Japan, one US dollar goes for about 100 yen." Peter blinked.

"Great I'm right on budget then."


"That couldn't be more than 1500 yen! You got this off the bargain-bin!" Peter flinched, and Yu immediately winced. "I mean, money isn't an issue right now Peter, don't you wanna, well, look nice?"

"Well, not now." Yu notched an eyebrow and Peter hefted his suit closer to his chest.

"I-I mean you get paid by how many villains you chetch, you just started out and you only got one villain." Yu couldn't hold back a groan.

"That's not how all heroes get paid! Villain catching is a bonus! I have a flat salary with potential for raises based on my performance, with arresting villains, saving civilians, and defeating criminals netting me bonuses. It's how it's like for all heroes, and even then some heroes don't handle criminals! Like some handle natural disasters or rescue or coast guard... it's not all villain-based!" She let out a big sigh. "You have no clue how to spoil yourself."

Peter looked downcast. "I'm just… doing what I'm used to is all." Those words made the blonde regret her little tidbit.

What he's used to. That pit was forming in her gut as she bit her lower lip. She heard the interview. Everytime that Peter mentioned living with his aunt and uncle, he never once complained that they didn't have what they needed. How Uncle Ben worked as an electrician and Aunt May as a waitress. He made it seem like he grew up like every normal kid, only getting the odd supplies because his aunt didn't believe in spoiling him. But if fifteen American dollars worth of a shopping spree is his idea of normal...

Yu walked up, and straightened the lended coat so it sat straighter on Peter's shoulders. A quick flip of his hair to the side gave her a sight worth grinning about.

"It looks perfect." Peter gave her a wry look, and Yu couldn't stop rolling her eyes, chuckling all the way through it. "Come on, let's get those clothes and back to my apartment. I don't know about you, but I'm starving. We'll get you more clothes later, but this should help hold you over."


You know, out of all the things that have happened today, finding a set of clothes his size had been a small victory. And it had nothing on what was happening right now.

The superhero Mt. Lady, or Yu as she wanted to be called, was taking him in as his guardian, at least for now. Her, someone who was a full time superhero was taking him in after only knowing him for an hour at most. It was… it was like Aunt May had come back, like she hadn't been away at all. Well, minus the boisterous enthusasium and mild Japanese accent.

This... whole day has been like one bad dream, but a silver lining that wasn't there before has arrived.

Yu's apartment was a lot closer to the train station than Peter would've thought. Not that he was complaining, it was also close to downtown and he knew that had its benefits.

"Here we are!" Yu called, opening the door to her apartment.

Peter walked in, and was immediately beset with a familiar space. A small living room with a cheap sofa in front of a TV connected to the kitchen. A single window patio giving a view of the great city.

Though, that's where the familiarity stopped.

The floor around the couch was littered with used chip bags, and a set of clothes had been haphazardly thrown on the couch. Dishes were nearly bursting out of the sink, and the one room that he could see had a bed that looked like it hadn't been made in its entire life. And the room smelt musty.

Despite the chaos that May would ground Peter for, Yu beamed.

"Welcome to my, er, our tiny corner of heaven."

"Y-yeah its…"

"Amazing, homy, perfect?" Yu supplied.

Messy was the first word that came to mind, but one look from Yu threw that thought right out the window.


Yu beamed. "Now, food," she marched to the kitchen like she was on a mission from god. She threw open the fridge door and even from the doorway Peter could hear the groan. "Uh, still nothing good. Sorry Peter, supper's gonna have to wait."

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I forgot to get groceries with the craziness of the day. I've only got enough for a thai dish. Not much of a housewarming mea-"

"That's great." Yu leaned back behind the fridge door to get a better look at him as he put the bundle of clothes on the sofa. They stopped by the MPD to give Mr. Fukuda his coat back, but he was busy doing work in his office, so they didn't stop by to see him. Regardless, Peter fulfilled his promise.


"Yeah, I like Thai." Yu frowned but relented with a shrug.

"Alright, wash some dishes while I get to work. There should be some soap under the sink."

"Got it. Lemme get changed first." Peter went into the bathroom and stripped out of the Suit and looked at it, realizing the mask wasn't there. Where-

Oh yeah. Space Donut. He couldn't breathe. Was Karen in there? Or was she... in the chest area? He ran his hand over the spider insignia. His symbol. "Where are you." Peter muttered, making it a promise to inspect the suit whenever he could to try and get in touch with her. But... going by her apartment, and due to his lack of connections and of the local tongue, Peter won't be getting anywhere. He patted the symbol as he finished stripping and folding his suit, knowing he would have to wash it(thankfully it was waterproof) and changed into his new clothes. He walked out, seeing Yu struggle to clean up the kitchen. She definitely was not used to eating in it seems. Or cooking for herself.

His hands immediately went to work with the familiar motions of scrubbing dishes. Soon, the entire apartment had the aroma of rice and vegetables. Yu didn't stop frowning at her work, but Peter didn't mind.

"So..." Peter looked up at her as he finished loading the dishwasher and was running it. He can understand basic appliances easily enough. "What will I do?"

"Well." Yu mused as she looked at the directions, muttering in Japanese on how to cook Pad Thai. "First, I'm gonna have to sign paperwork to have you become my legal ward, once Fukuda gets you that forged visa. Then, with our relationship set." She moved the rice pan a little. "You'll have to apply to go to a school. If my memory is right..." She put an index finger to her lip. "You'll need to sign up for a Foreign Exchange Class. It's a class that brings in foreign students and teaches them Japanese and other subjects to help them get you acclimated. Then." She snapped her fingers, looking at the brown haired boy with a grin. "We get you, into U.A."

Peter was following along, making notes in his head as he began to take some clean spray, a wet sponge and hot water to the countertops, going around and cleaning as he looked back at the older and still-dressed in her costume blonde. "U.A.?"

"The best Hero academy in Japan, if not all East Asia." Mt. Lady said with pride. "I graduated there a couple of years ago from the Hero Department they have. In fact, some people say it's the best in the world, outside of maybe the Manton Institute of Heroes in Los Angeles and Xavier Private Charter School in Boston." She scrunched her face. "Maaaaybe the Ubermenschschule in Berlin can be on par? Or London's King's Cross Coll-"

"I get it, U.A. is the top hero school in Japan. Got it." Peter surmised, taking some paper towels to dry off. He applied some elbow grease to get some serious stains off. "How will I get in? Will you help?" Peter began to make a mental checklist in his mind... Find a way to talk to Karen. Adjust and learn Japanese. Pray Yu is his sole guardian. And...and... go to this U.A. to become a hero, apparently.

"You'll get an easy in thanks to me being an Alumni." Yu stated as she flipped the stir fry and rice. "But due to, well, me being just a simple student who graduated and not some all-popular hero with loads of money, I don't think you'll get in on recommendations, meaning you'll have to take the Entrance Exam to enter U.A. Academy." The superheroine turned down the heat. "Am I doing this right? I dunno... anyways, my word will you get the door open, it's up to you, however, to get an education so you can be eligible for an application. So when we get you into that foreign exchange course, you will pass and get your credentials..." The sun was setting behind the blinds as Peter looked up at the taller blonde. Yu's ruby red eyes were soft. "And then..."

Elsewhere, a skeletal man with glowing sapphire orbs stared at a young green haired boy, crying tears of gratitude with his hand to his heart, down the street with the backdrop of an orange sky and a setting sun. And they spoke the same words.

To the ones who will wield great power.

To the ones who will one day inherit the mantle of responsibility.

The mantle of the strongest heroes.

"You can become a hero."
Chapter 3
Four days, it has been four days since Peter... arrived in Japan. And if he was being honest, he was still getting used to it. Not just the language, even if that was a problem, it was the people. There was normal looking people of course... but so many of them looked like things out of a kid's sketchbook with animal or other odd stuff. He could have sworn he saw one kid's head be nothing but a... comic strip page!

Not that any of them were bad! Yu and Chief Fukuda had already done so much for him. Him, a kid from America, a kid from another universe! It was because of them that he had a roof over his head, food to eat, and a chance to be a normal teenager again.

At least, this world's version of normal.

"I'm heading out on patrol!"

Peter turned, catching Yu, in full costume as she made her way through the living room. He smiled and waved, taking care not to mess anything up in the kitchen as he was busy unloading the dishwasher from the night before.

"Good luck and have a good day Yu."

Yu smiled, but it couldn't stop the whine that came through. A small part of Peter laughed at Yu's situation. Back home, being Spider Man was the best part of the day. Finally, after hours of pretending to be something he wasn't he could cut loose and help people. What he loved doing the most. Even the little things like giving directions and helping little old ladies cross the street felt... more with the suit on. Spending all day like that, not having to worry about grades, bullies, hell school in general and be paid for doing the right thing sounded like a dream come true.

Apparently, Yu didn't feel the same way. At least, not this early in the morning, given how wide she yawned.

"I've only got morning patrols today so I'll be back around 3. We can get you some more clothes after that, okay?"

"Sounds good."

"Oh! And a phone, in case you needed to call while you're out and when you got to school eventually." Peter was thankful that this whole crazy world had some familiarity. Their phones were normal smartphones, albeit with new features. He'd adjust to that easily when he has the chance.

"Thanks, Yu."

"Also the chief should be coming by sometime to give you your visa," Yu called, grabbing a poptart to munch on while on the go.

"Already?" That was awful fast. Didn't that stuff take a while? The movies made it seem like it took a bit of time. All the paperwork, making a digital past, taking a mugshot and putting it on quality cards took a montage. Yu shrugged, looking just as surprised as Peter even through her mask.

"Botan called in a few favors. Good thing too, classes start tomorrow for high schoolers like ya. Given your height, Botan had to de-age you, making you fifteen so that you can enter U.A. and have the convenient excuse of being held back a year since, well, they do it in America a lot."

He has to retake freshman year? Balls. "Don't remind me," Peter mumbled getting back to unloading.

"Don't worry about it, you'll be fine and-hold on a second."

Yu tapped her ear and after a second rolled her eyes.

"私は私の道を進んでいます、Shinjiを意味しないでください。," she said to the earpiece.

Her pout grew with every passing second, she made a face and turned her hand into a yammering puppet. Peter giggled at the sight. Her eyes twinkled at the sound only for the call to rip the moment apart.

"うんうん私にちょっと. That was Kamui," she explained, "I'm late for pre patrol checkup apparently. The jerk is probably salty about 'Shamu'." A quick slap to the face forced her to brighten up. She beamed, hand on the door. "See you soon Peter," she waved on her way out.

"Bye." Peter waved back as best he could, but his heart wasn't in it. Cause now was the worst part of the day.

The waiting.

It just felt wrong sitting around for things to happen to him. Back before the Homecoming fiasco with Mr. Toombs, he could kill the time with his patrols as Spider Man. Here though, that was a big no no. He could walk around, but with no suit to translate he'd get lost pretty quickly and that would lead to a headache for Yu. If he had a phone, it would be easier... He can watch TV, try and pick up and speak phrases. He heard that NBA players back home in his own world, ones who came from Europe, were able to learn English through watching TV shows and listening to hip hop music. Once he gets his own phone, he will need to listen on the music here.

Aside from watching TV, the only other thing was tinkering around with Mr. Starks suit, which lasted all of two hours on the first day before he gave up. Peter thought he could get something out of it, he got that stupid baby monitor program out of the suit back before the ferry incident.

But the Iron Spider suit? Not a chance.

He tried to tinker with the Mr. Stark's other suit, the one he got for the Germany trip, and found a small USB-sized compartment that must have contained Karen and the necessary functions of the suit. It had the same blue glow of an Arc Reactor when he looked it from the inside of his suit, as if there was stitched in patch on the inside of someone's shirt, after all but...

Yu's apartment wasn't exactly the best place to hack into a multi-million dollar superhero costume. And he didn't have the mask and it's HUD to help connect with Karen. He kicked himself mentally for tearing off the mask when he got on the Space Donut. If he hadn't... he could have had Karen through the fight, been able to get by a lot easier... have someone familiar to talk to. He had a feeling the Suit Mask would have connected well with the neural interface, but alas, he can only rely on the neural interface for now.

Nothing he could do for now. He would pat the spider symbol on the suit, and would look at it affectionately before going about his day.

So with all those options out of the running, the only thing left was helping out where he could. He set the cleaned dishes aside and made his way to the living room where he looked out at the battlefield before him.

The war between him, and the laundry being piled up in Yu's room.

Cleaning wasn't much to pay Yu back for all that she's doing for him. She told him as much, waving off his concerns like she'd gotten used to all this. He still remembered her surprise when she came back to a visible carpet, then a cleaned up bedroom. Just because she'd gotten used to it, didn't mean they both needed to live in a barn. Peter quickly picked up his supplies from the counter and set to work on the windows, dusting the TV and vacuuming the carpet. Simply chores to keep his hands busy.

Cause if he was busy he could focus on the sheen that he knew he could get out of the windows, or buff the color in the aging carpet, and not think about what happened.

It didn't always work, but Peter didn't let it stop him.

He was going to learn, he was going to be something great.

And that day his visa arrived in the mail. Turns out Fukuda sent it via mail instead of in person. Fair enough.

Step one was finished, now onto step two: School.


Turns out, Peter really shouldn't have worried about getting lost. His new phone was, fortunately, the newest model that Yu could get. It didn't have even a tenth of the bells and whistles that came with Mr Stark's suit. Not that it was a competition, nothing would even get close to his tech even in a world full of superpowers. Anyway, the map app had an english option and with it and a few directions from Yu, Peter made his way to his new classroom.

Musutafu Foreign Exchange Class at the local community college.

Yu had given him a quick rundown that schools worked a little differently here in Japan. Apparently, there were half-days in the schedule, only lasting from 8 to noon. Now that was awesome, less school was always a blessing.

What wasn't was the fact that Saturday's were a school day! Six school days a week. That's a crime.

Small upside, Sundays were still off.

Peter shook his head. It wasn't much of an upside when he had to walk to his class alone. Every step following the crowd and his map to the college in agonizing silence without Ned.

Without... any of his friends around.

It made the knot in his gut twist. He was going to school, but there was no Ned, no MJ, hell he would take Flash. Someone to make the college feel like somewhere he could fit in. It felt even weirder when he flashed his ID to the guard at the gate. Yu had insisted that everything had come through for them, but it didn't feel like it.

Because even looking at the other students as he arrived in his classroom, all the legal paper in the world didn't spot him from feeling like he stood out. He remembered that there was supposed eight percent of everyone born globally was supposed to have a power or a quirk but this was too much. He saw a guy who's entire body was covered in eyes. A girl who's tongue was wrapped around her neck like a scarf. There's even a guy that looked like his eyes were on fire.

He shook it off and went to the first seat that looked open next to a blonde girl with two massive horns sticking out of her head and had a unique nose. She shrank into her seat when Peter got closer. She had a mix of Asiatic and caucasian features. Looking around, he saw some other kids looking like him, or kids of darker skin tone talking with accented English.

"Ah, hi." he tried.

Bit of a longshot in hindsight. Sure it was a class for foreigners but not all of them would know english.

"Hi," she muttered back.

Huh, looks like he was wrong.

"I'm Peter," he said holding out a hand.

She looked at the hand and blanched.

"I'm Pony."

"... like the horse?"

"Y-yeah." she said.

"Well ah... nice to meet you?" he offered.

"N-nice to meet you too."

"So..." he said sitting down, "Why are you here?"

Pony perked up at the question, only to turn her gaze to her desk.

"I-I'm hoping that I can take the entrance exam to U.A. I just came here from Texas to live with my dad and I need to get adjusted to living life in Japan." Peter blinked and Pony shook her head. "I know it's a long shot. Me, a foreigner trying to get into the same school that All Might went to, even though he got his career jump started in America..." She gave him a timid laugh, rubbing the base of her horns. "It's really silly saying it outloud isn't it?"

"No it isn't. Not at all." Peter learned of this All Might. Think Captain America with the strength of the Hulk to boot. And far more charismatic from what clips he has seen of him.

Pony turned back, the edge of a smile coming to her.


"I mean, I'm trying to get there too."


Peter jumped at the volume, with Pony leaning very closely and he had to duck his head a little to avoid her horns, she had an over-eager grin on her face. She shifted in her seat before holding out a hand.

"L-let's start this over. I'm Pony Tsunotori, from Austin, Texas."

Peter took the hand and gave it a firm squeeze.

"Peter . Peter Parker." He smiled. "I'm... from Queens."

"You have a New York accent too! I can tell." The girl beamed, and Peter allowed himself to smile. Well, he just made his first friend. He can see her horse-like tail swish more often.

And then the classes began, Pony was willing to look over Peter's starting kanji and help him improve, as she knew more Japanese than he did. In return, Peter noticed a problem in her algebra work.

By the end of the day, the thought of coming back to the class didn't seem so bad. Only downside was telling Yu about it and she was egging him about loving horses a bit too much, and on girls.

U.A. Entrance Exam is in ten months.


And so began Peter Parker's ten months of education and acclimation.

Days turned to weeks, and Peter was finally able to make out words and sentences while out eating in downtown. His Japanese calligraphy and penmanship needs work, but he can get a better grasp of the tongue, along with typing it on a keyboard. But... there was some embarrassing moments.

"I would like a number four with a shake please." Said a giraffe-man in front of him at Grab'n'Go, a nearby burger joint as Peter waited behind him. He picked up on the words, processing them in his head. When the cute twin-tailed cashier took his order he walked off.

"Welcome to Grab'n'Go! How may I take your order?" The young girl asked with pep, inputting the previous order in her pad. Peter remembered what the giraffe-man said, biting his lip.

"I like four number please shake." He said, grinning. There, he got-

It wrong, given how she laughed. "Oh? A number four witha ice creamu shayku?" The teen girl asked in heavy accented English.

"Japanese, still trying... to learn." Peter admitted, blushing as she blushed.

"You can do it!" She chirped in English. "Number four with a shake, coming right up." Peter paid with the debit card Yu loaned him and he walked to the table remembering his number. He ran a hand over his face.

"I like four number please shake... or is it Like number...four... I shake please-gah!" He broke out of his Japanese and groaned. "This is gonna take work."


The weeks began to fly. Peter writing the repetition of Japanese hiragana, katakana, and Kanji with Pony helping beside him. He had started bad at worst, averagely at best at first, but he was getting the hang of it. He handed his first hand drawn essay to his teacher...

Got a 70.

Not bad... got to improve. Pony would pat him on the back, even as she got in the 90s.


"A number four and shake please!" Peter exclaimed at the joint, beaming.

"You're getting the hang of it, keep it up!" The cashier giggled, inputting the order. Peter let out a light laugh.


"I would like apply for membership at U.A. Academy so that I become hero." Peter stated, sitting on the couch as Yu nodded. "Like that?"

"Closer... you're missing some words. Let me help ya... after we get some Italian!"


Peter would get restless many a time. Deciding to keep in shape, Yu managed to get him a gym membership that was near the beachfront that was open 24/7. Peter would sometimes jog to the gym early in the morning(and giving Yu her poptarts all warmed up for breakfast). Doing weights and exercises there... was so liberating as opposed to back in his... old home. He can just lift and breeze through weights or many kilometer-per-hour speeds on the treadmill before showering a little and jogging to class to catch up with Pony. It helps that it is on the way to the Foreign Exchange Class, given how the community college was only several blocks from the beach. The fastest route was along the beach road... but the sight of mountains of trash and pollution in one of its parks repulsed him, and he took to walking some streets within. Didn't need to walk by a landfill. How come no one has cleaned it up yet?

One day, while deciding to go on the fast route to lift some major weights(topping a thousand pounds each. The Gym was built for Quirk users). He was running by.. noticing that the landfill looked smaller, and he can hear yelling within. As he kept his eye on the noises, he can hear phrases of "Harder! Put your back into it!" and "You wanna be a hero, clench your butt and push that tire!".

Ooookay then.

Not paying much mind, he resumed his jog to the gym without incident.


"More weight!" Peter yelled at a supervisor, putting on more slabs of concrete on the bars. He strained and pushed up. One...two...three...four...five...

Nice and easy. This is a breeze! At least he's not some skinny wimp. At least, not the image he presented back home to hide his powers.

Benching a ton was a cinch. He finished, breathing out a sigh of relief.

"Going to be a hero kid?" Asked the trainer, a round brick-looking man. Literally, he was made of bricks.

"Yeah. Going to U.A., I am!" Peter grinned.


"Get down from there!" Yu chided, seeing Peter make a webbing-hammock and relaxing in his Iron Spider suit as he read some Japanese history, muttering the words as he read the characters and assigned the faces he sees through out Japan's history.

"What? My sheets are in the washer. I've been sleeping on a couch for the last several months after all." It is a one bedroom apartment after all. Yu promised that she'll hire movers and they get a two bedroom when she gets a salary increase.

"Can't you just sit and read like a normal person?"

"Nah. I'm out of the way anyway. It's your." Peter fired a web shot at the calendar beside Yu. It was Sunday. "turn to do cleaning."

The costumed Mt. Lady grumbled, hand taking the webbing and removing it. Peter made sure he went for a non-stick silk this time. Last month they had to deal with a web symbol over Sunday. "Fiiiiine... I miss my organized chaos."

Peter laughed. "Organized Chaos, that is not." He said in Japanese, not english.

The act made Yu, who was going to her room to change out of her costume come back with wide eyes. Peter grinned behind his mask, going back to his reading as the suit's scanning allowed him to translate the words for him to speak out and mutter. "Getting better, I am."

Yu could only smile. She thought this whole guardianship thing would be tough...

She never imagined it would be this...fulfilling!

"that's how long ago that was?! Jeez! Why aren't we in space by now!" Peter yelled in English. Yu slumped. Hopefully he'll speak Japanese more often, as much as she appreciates the English tuning up she gets from speaking to him.


Peter sat on his bed, his calligraphy essay complete as he looked at the Stark Suit in his hands, specially focusing on the chest area and his hands going over the spider-insignia, feeling the small patch within. The module that contained Karen. He took some scissors, biting his lip as he took it to his suit...

But it wouldn't cut. He snipped, and snipped, but couldn't make a tear.

Until the sharpness of the blade wore out and Peter sighed. So much for accessing the glowing blue compartment.

"Always thinking ahead Mr. Stark..." He was grateful for the suits protection but this... the one he wished for it not to be so... effective.

Better get to revising his essay.


Peter would jog toward the gym, and sometimes... he would see a boy passing by, panting and breathing hard.

Green hair... Then again, he's seen the U.A. Sports Festival on Television and saw this one super cute and curvy girl with navy blue hair that was all natural.

But that kid looks... familiar.

Nah, gotta get his spot at the treadmill. Time to sprint for a good forty miles. No way he will let that old-cheetah lady take it.


"I would like a surf-and-turf special with a side of fried rice, please." Peter said, reading the menu and handing it to the waiter.

"Your Japanese is very good boy!" The Octopus man said, using his many tentacles to write down the order.

Yu beamed as she sat next to him, sitting with at a Teppan as an Octopus man got to work. Man... this food is good, he would never barf it up!


Peter was doing study hall with Pony, finishing up his social studies as he looked at the monsoon outside. The landfill he passed by a few times was getting smaller, so he went by there early this morning on his jog. He's never been sick since the bite, so all he was at class was simply drenched.

But who would even clean up that place in this weather? Someone crazy no doubt.


Peter sighed as he relaxed under the sun on Sunday. Sun and Sunday... that felt so right. He took a dip in the ocean and was just cool to get some rays. This was California-esque sun right here, and he never went to California!


He continued his studies. He kept his always fit body in shape. Peter spoke more with others and was handling conversation easier.

One day, before the sight of a setting sun, he found a hillside in a park that overlook Musutafu. He took a knife and carved out names and initials on them, with a big heart in the middle.

Uncle B.
Mr. S.
Aunt M. Ned. MJ.
Peter Q. Drax. Mantis. Dr. S.

Never forget, love you always.

"Now... I can visit you guys, whenever I can." He said under his breath, standing back as he witnessed the little carving he made. He looked up, and Peter admired the tree. "Hope you like the tatoo tree. It was made with love." Peter patted it, and he turned around, collecting his backpack, walking as crisp as ever towards downtown and home.

He always made sure to visit, every Saturday night when he could to tell the tree of his week, what he has planned. He would get some stares from onlookers, but he didn't cause a commotion. Even an officer who thought Peter was loitering understood when Peter gave him a good cover story of 'Friends and family in the USA who passed away'. And tree hasn't been touched by anyone else since.

And he continued to go there. Every Saturday.


"Happy birthday!" Yu exclaimed as she presented a...crudy made vanilla cake. Homemade no doubt. "I was so busy I-"

"You remembered?" Peter asked, jaw agape. It was August 10th.

"Of course! Come on, we're gonna have cake and, good news too~"

"What is it?" Peter asked, as the blonde woman offered a gift.

"We're going to Universal Studios Japan! I got some vacation days!"


Universal Studios Japan was a blast. He's never been a theme park, so they went early in the morning and took a bullet train to Osaka and hit on all the rides till closing time. It was Sunday, and it would usually be Yu's turn to clean. But she did so Saturday night before...


Summer turned to Fall. The grades continued to excel. The language and mannerisms easier to understand. His friendship with Pony going strong, as she was cute in her own way. Yu was improving in her hero career, bagging enough captures and popularity polls to justify and increase in salary.

Fall turned to winter. Christmas gifts were exchanged. He even gave Mr. Fukuda a gift in the form of a space heater to tackle to the winter, which the old man appreciated with a late gift in the form a five thousand yen gift card to Amazon(another familiar company in this world, thank god). The New Years came and went. Valentines Day and... White Day was unique. Turns out chocolate exchanges were used instead of cards. He and Pony swapped Chocolates, and he gave Mt. Lady the same.

The manga magazine Seinen Leap had a new manga too, called 'Arachnophobia' by the man who read his mind, Araki Hyu, which was... intriguing. A boy born from a spider aiming to become a hero with the help of a Tin Man and a Wizard in a ruined decaying wor-

Peter stopped after one issue. It felt a little...close to home.

And gym trip by gym trip, the landfill by the beach-park got smaller and smaller. In conjunction, Peter's acclimation became easier and easier. He passed the Foreign Exchange Class in December with Pony.

"I'll see you at U.A. Let's do our best, Peter!" The blonde girl exclaimed as she looked at her grades. As and Bs. Peter looked down at his own.

90s in all except Calligraphy, which was in the mid 80s.

"Yeah, let's kick ass when we get to U.A., Pony!"

It was time to apply to U.A. for the Winter term!


February 24th, a Saturday.

Peter came by the tree. "I'm going to do it everyone." He said after recounting the week. "I will... be a hero. A hero you all can be proud of." His eyes settled on the Mr. S. "I'll be that friendly neighborhood Spider Man." He smiled, resting his forehead on the aged carvings. "I love you, and... I'll come by again next week if I can. If I don't... well... Just blame school." Peter took a deep breath, looking away. He can see Yu waiting by the road n her car, looking up at him. He sniffed, wiping his eyes.

"I love you." He kissed the tree, resting his forehead, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He reopened them.

"I'll make you proud. I promise."


February 26th. The day of the U.A. Entrance Exam.

Peter couldn't sleep. It was time to become a hero! He couldn't contain himself, getting out of bed and still in his PJs, Peter went to the rooftop of his apartment complex and looked out over Musutafu. He didn't care that he can see that landfill is gone. Or the beautiful sunrise.

He was done. Done of the waiting, being confined to the gym and the apartment to use any semblance of his powers. He can finally spread his wings and free his cage.

He took a deep breath.


He was finally done.

Peter Parker had that thought in his head. As did another youth, one whose ten months was pure hell and nightmarish, all for his dream.

And whooped in pure and utter joy.

Miles away, the youth roared the top of his lungs until he couldn't breathe, exhausted to the core.

Peter Parker had tears of joy down his face, the crisp morning air waking him up as he danced and let more "Woohoo!

Midoriya Izuku was drenched in sweat, tears, snot, grime, and ached all over as he howled at the rising sun... but he was done.

They had aced the trials put before them, and passed in flying colors. The two had changed over the ten months.

But the real test for them both would begin today.

At the U.A. Entrance Exam.


The car ride to the U.A. testing center flew by for Peter. He double and triple checked that the Iron Spider module and his suit was in his bag along with whatever pens that he would need for the written exam. He had tested months ago that the Iron Spider module could only work with the Spider Man Suit since without Karen, Peter would have to rely on the neural interface to utilize his webshooters and nanite-legs on his back. By the time that he was finished running a hand over the symbol on the chest of his suit, the ride was over and before he knew it, he was walking towards navy blue archway emblazoned with the symbol of the best Hero Academy in all of Japan. Yu said she was going to go back to work with a wink as she drove off. She had given him a good luck, but she also told him to give it his all. U.A. Academy had the best course for a reason: it's standards were as high as one would expect from a school with it's reputation. Three percent was the average acceptance rate each year. If Peter wanted to get in, he'd have to go beyond, like Yu. Like All Might, the worldwide Symbol of Peace.

And he would.

He wasn't just some kid from America like his papers said. He could read the signs directing him towards the testing centers. He could understand the mutterings of the crowd as they gushed about being here.

He was Spider Man.

He was an Avenger!

And he was going to make everyone that got him here proud.

Taking his assigned seat, he saw a card in front of him. Exam cards, oh right, Yu talked about those didn't she? Something about splitting people up into different centers for the practical. But before that, there was the written test. Signs directed Peter's every turn until he arrived at a door labeled 'Standard Orientation'.

However there was another door with a recommendation sign going over it. One student got a little close, and the sign above them flashed red, screeching a small alarm. The student jumped back and quickly made his way to the standard Orientation door. Peter followed him in, only to stop as someone else walked by, heading to the Recommendation door.

She was… oh god Peter didn't have the words. She filled out her school uniform in all the right ways, maybe as statuesque as that blue hair girl from the Sports Festival on TV he saw. Stunning, no not even close. She made Liz look like a six out of ten. Long black hair tied in a cute ponytail, a little taller than him. Sharp eyes, elegant posture, she had it all.

He should probably stop staring before it got awkward.

...where was he supposed to be going again?

"Out of the way extra!"

Peter flinched out of the way as a sandy-blond boy tried to shove Peter to the side with his pocketed arm. He sneered when he couldn't get a hand on Peter, Peter noticing those sharp red eyes of his, huffing and stomping his way into the auditorium.

What's his deal?

He turned and the pretty girl was gone. So with slumped shoulders, he trudged his way in. Second he got in Peter saw the hundreds of already filled seats, making his jaw drop. Was this like, how college kids did classes, with hundreds of people? A message directing students to sit at their assigned seats and not to touch the exam in front of them was displayed on the wall. Peter reached into his pocket, double checking his exam card that had come in the day before.

Exam Ticket: Examinee No.: 6110
Test Location: Battle Center B

Okay that put Peter around the middle of the auditorium. He descended down the stairs, passing a student that had a hawk for a head and… is that a floating set of clothes? Must be an invisibility quirk. He noticed some stares his directions, probably due to the fact he didn't, well, look Japanese. Either way, he dropped his things at the seat behind some Private-school looking student with black-blue hair and thick glasses. He was rimrod straight, with unblinking eyes laser focused on the projection in front of him.

A bit high strung though Peter had gotten lucky with Pony. Couldn't hurt to try.

"Hello." Peter held out a hand. "I'm Pe-"

"I appreciate your attempt at socializing," The boy said, his voice terse and clipped. "But if you wouldn't mind I need to focus on the exam. As should you!" His face settled on Peter's for a moment. "A foreigner? Anyways, we are being given the chance to earn our place at the most prestigious academy in all of Japan. if I were you, show some respect!" Peter blanched.

"Jeez, sorry." He muttered in English. Glasses narrowed his eyes and turned back towards the screen. Peter slumped in his chair, doing his best to ignore the snickers and mutters around him. He can hear mutterings of "Stupid Gaijin" and "He American or British? Or maybe Australian" or "Bet he's so wild and insane like those American heroes they couldn't even accept him at Manton or Xavier". He scanned the crowd again, and caught sight of Pony, smiling a few rows down. She must have noticed him She waved, and Peter waved back cracking a small grin. She tried to send one back, but a shiver made it wavy. Looks like she's nervous. It's all right, at least they both had one friend here. Beside her, some sun-kissed blond kid, not the angry one from before but one as well dressed as Glasses gave a lazy smirk his direction.

A very smug and lazy one at that.

"Alright boys and girls, this is your school DJ coming to you live from the monitoring room!" came a voice from the loudspeakers, "This is your official message to get rockin on those tests in front of you! But no cheating, this is a hero course so I'll be keeping a groovy eye on everyone here! You've got two hours to complete the written before we get to the main course! Your time begins… RIGHT NOW!"

The monitor switched from the symbol to a digital countdown clock, and the auditorium was filled with the sounds of tapping pencils.

Peter flipped his test over and all but slammed the tip of his pencil onto the answer.


"TIME'S UP! PENCILS DOWN!" Said the voice in thick English.

Peter let out a breath he didn't remember holding. In front of him his test lay completely, down to the last period. Compared to the tests had gotten back home at his school, this was easy. It almost gave Peter the impression that the school was taking it easy on them.

Or maybe, the written test didn't matter as much as the practical. As if to answer him, the the lights cut out, drawing everyone attention to a blond man with deep shades and a boombox strapped around his neck standing. Present Mic, the voice hero. Peter listened to a few of his podcasts, since he tends to combine English with his speech.

He should thank him in private for helping him get acclimated to Japan at some point, should he pass.


Dead silence met his ears. Peter gave a light "Hey..?" and waved. He got a sideways glare from Glasses again, and a few chuckles.

Talk about awkward, though Mic thrived on it, smiling a megawatt grin.


Again, silence met his hype outcry. Not total silence, Peter could hear someone muttering nonstop a few rows down. He narrowed his eyes... wait, that's the angry blond kid from before and... green hair again?


The monitor behind him changed, showing a pseudo map of the auditorium and seven testing centers.

"Gird your loins my friends, after I drop the mic here you'll be going to your specified battle centers sound good? OKAY!?"

When silence met him for a third time, the hero laughed it off. Snapping his fingers, the monitor changed again.

"Alright, do me a solid and check out your targets. There are three types of foe villains in each center. You'll earn points based their level of difficulty so don't chose wisely and put on your buffs. Your goal is to use your quirks to shred these villains and earn points to raise your level all the way up! But check it," he warned, "Make sure you're keeping things heroic, attacking other examinee's is the biggest no no that we can have!" That made sense, no point in being a hero if you're going to hurt people. Though, why did Peter hear someone groan behind him? Whatever it was, in front of him, Glasses raised his hand.

"Excuse me sir, I have a question!"

Mic's grin widened at the attention.

"Hit me!" he said, and Glasses was suddenly spotlighted for everyone to see.

"On the printout, there are four types of villains, yet you say that there are three? With all respect, if this is an error then it is a great disservice to us and the reputation of U.A.! We are exemplary students, so we expect the best from Japan's most notable school!"

Continuing on his tirade, Glasses threw an accusative finger at some kid with green hair. Wait, didn't Peter see him before? He looked familiar.

"You've been muttering this entire time, stop it. If you can't bother to take things seriously, just leave. You're distracting the rest of us." He glowered. Green hair hung his head in shame and Peter heard more than one student giggle. Peter only frowned. So what if he was muttering? This was U.A., everyone's allowed to be nervous.

"Take a chill pill man." Peter muttered under his breath in English.

"And you be quiet, American." Glasses whispered back with English, thick but legible, with another sideways glare. "Speak our language or leave."

Okay now he was just becoming a fucker at this point. "Foreigner." Glasses muttered under his own breath in his tongue. At least Flash had the stones, however small they were, to openly throw insults. Not like he can back them up. But Glasses did look tall and strong, so Peter rolled his eyes. Yu did tell him that foreign exchange students could face some discrimination due to how Japan wasn't exactly a melting pot of other cultures like Europe or America is. He'll just have to roll with it.

"Alright alright," Mic said, silencing the hall, "Examinee No.: 7111. Thanks for calling in with your request," he said, giving him a thumbs up. "The fourth villain type is worth zero points!"

Peter blinked and looked down the row, Pony shot him a confused glance. Peter shrugged, what's the point of a villain not worth anything?

"You kids ever play Super Mario Bros? That guy is the thawmp to your chances, he'll be there to get in your way. There's one in every battle center, it's not impossible to beat it, but you're on the clock and there's really no point. I recommend that my listeners ignore it and focus on the ones topping the charts!" His question answered, Glasses gave a polite bow and sat back down. A few students whispered how it's like a video game. The points, the boss, everything was set up like one. Strange but what hasn't been?

"That's all for today listeners! Head to your battle centers with a little gift. A sample of our school motto. As general Napoleon Bonaparte laid down, 'a true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes'. Mhm, now that's one tasty sound bite." He quirked an eyebrow, eyeing everyone expectantly, "So you ready to go beyond? Let me hear a PLUS ULTRA!"


"Okay! GOOD LUCK!"


The trip to the battlegrounds was a quick bus ride. Once everyone was there, the busses were used as individual changing rooms for anyone that needed it. He put on the Suit first... and slapped the Iron Spider Module on the nap of his neck, feeling the nanites slide over him and his HUD come to life. When Peter stepped out, he felt like everyone's eyes were on him.

"Whoa look at that costume!"

"Someone's overcompensating."

"Who does he think he is, he's not even a hero yet!"

"That looks so cool!"

"Talk about manly... but sleek, like a sports car."

His mask hid the flush overtaking him. Maybe putting on Mr Starks suit was a bit much.

But he had no choice! He had to do his best! He wasn't nothing without it but he had a promise to keep.

He checked the crowd and thankfully, found a set of horns sticking out of the crowd. Like a true hero, the crowd parted in awe as Peter made his way through, all muttering as Pony was talking with the smug blond kid from before, and some red haired girl with green eyes.

"Hey Pony." He waved. Pony noticed her name being called and her jaw dropped at his voice.

"Whoa! Peter, is that you!?" She said in English, utterly surprised.

"Yeah, you like the suit?"

"Like?" Pony beamed, "I love it! That's an actual superhero costume! Who made it for you?!"

"Whoa. That looks... unique. Very pro-style" The red haired girl muttered in Japanese. The blond shrugged.

"He's just showing off is all. Why else would he hide his face so much?"

Peter rolled his eyes and nodded, "Yeah, my ah, idol... made this for me."

Pony's jaw dropped even further. "You got a hero to make that? Who is it?"

"Unfair." someone said from the sidelines. "Some cutsey idol made that for him!" Peter slapped his head.

"Yeah wish I could have my own suit."

"Very stylish."

"I meant more my... role model." Peter spoke in Japanese. "Sorry for slipping into English. Familiarity and all that."

"It's okay! I just made some friends during the written test." Pony beamed, her eyes bright as she almost bounced. "Let's do our best!"

"Right." Peter nodded.

"Best of luck to you, foreigner." The blond kid stated. "You'll need it to get into Japan's best hero institution." He got a glare from the red haired girl as he walked off, her following.


Everyone stopped and saw Present Mic atop what looked to be a guard tower.


Like a gunshot everyone took off. Pony went off like a racehorse and Peter felt his heart bang in his chest. He wiped his hand out, and a line of webbing grabbed the nearest building. With a might heave he launched himself over the gasping crowd.

"What the-!"

"Look at him go!"

"Is that some sling shot?!"

He hoped he didn't distract them too much. He could see some green haired kid at the very back lagg-

What is it with him seeing green haired kids!?

Never mind that, focus on the exam.

Because this was it, the start line. He flipped in the air, arms wide as he spotted the first set of green-tank looking combat robots. Peter smirked under his mask as he fired some web to the ground, and pulled himself to the ground like the bullet and crashed into the robot feet first, his nanite legs sprouting to break his fall as he saw the gallery of robots swerving from the urban street blocks. The robot behind him was split in two.

Time to spread his wings, and Peter grinned behind his mask.

Look out U.A., here comes your friendly neighborhood Spider Man!
Chapter 4

Not a word that Todoroki Shoto would've thought would come to him during the U.A. practical exam for recommended students, but that's what came to him. He sat in the recreational room along with the rest of his recommended peers. According to policy, their recommendations were meant to substitute for their involvement in the practical either because they didn't need to, or couldn't. This was just a waste of time in his eyes in order to scout the school before hand and get a clue on where to go and what to do with himself.

In his case, it was probably to give the rest of rabble a chance. They were all painfully average, barely an impressive quirk and quality among them. The rest of his recommended peers didn't impress him either. A rich girl with admittedly good looks, a smirking jabber mouth of some girl and an eyesore. Nothing to draw his attention away from the screen before him.

For some reason that Shoto couldn't fathom, they were allowed to watch the rest of the applicants as they went through their practical exam.

Was it some kind of incentive to take notes? To analyze those that could become their teammates? Their classmates and peers?

Unlikely, but Shoto would believe anything at this point. The applicants on the screen went about with no armor and barely a special set of gear among-

Hold on, what was that?

Shoto leaned forward and he was vaguely aware that the other recommended students had stopped talking to each other. All of their eyes were glued to the screen as a red and gold suited student with a spider insignia on his chest smashed his way through faux villains like they were paper. Punches shredding the green tank-robots, kicks severing heads with ease…

And then spider legs just grew out of his back and cut down any that his fist missed!

"Is that his quirk? That's super cool!" Tokage Setsuna chirped, leaning forward.

"Jeez… are the robots that weak or is this dude that good?" Honenuki Juzo mused with his arms crossed.

Yaoyorozu Momo remained silent, sight transfixed as the red-gold examinee flung… something out of his wrist and… was he flying?!

"Whooaaa, a hookshot! Like in the Zelda games! This kid's rad!" Setsuna beamed.

Shoto narrowed his eyes.

Who was this kid?


"Ah yeah!"

The sound of exploding metal was music to Peter's ears. Swinging through the false city, Peter felt more alive than he had in months. This was what he was missing. Swinging around, beating villains, doing something good.

Being Spider Man!

Oh how he missed this.

Swinging around a building, Peter saw a line of One and Two Pointers. His HUD blew up, tracing a path in between the faux villains. Not wasting any time, Peter cut his web and fell like a meteor towards the tank. The machine's red eye only had time to look up at him before Peter crashed straight through it with a diving missile axe-kick, severing it in two.

And he wasn't done there.

When the Two Pointer swiped with its claw, Peter flipped over, sticking along for the ride. On his impromptu slingshot, Peter was sent speeding towards a One Pointer. Twisting in the air, the boy from Queen's sailed over it, webbing it as he went. With his feet on the ground and a mighty heave, he swing the One Pointer in a devastating throw. What faux villains were close enough were smashed to pieces by the world's most unorthodox bowling ball as the webbed-up clusterbot knocked them out like pins.

"Striiiiike!" Peter cheered, laughing. "Oh yes it's good to be back!"

The webbing went slack as the 'ball' smashed into a Three Pointer. It screeched as its parts tried to keep it upright, but the effort was wasted when Peter kicked off its head as he swung by. He slung some web back for the ruined head and charged at a One Pointer.

"Wade's on the breakaway! Does he handle it? He lobs it to-!" Peter threw the head up, avoiding the One Pointer's strike and used web to bring the head down to his hand, going for a one-handed slam dunk.

"JAMES!" Peter roared, pushing down on the air and then slapping his chest before giving out a cheer. The robot, now headless and the projectile head used to slam now slag, fell lifeless to the ground.

With all of the targets destroyed, his HUD went back to scanning for villains.

It wasn't Karen, but Mr. Stark really outdid himself with the neural interface. He outdid himself on everything that he built, but this is so cool! Every time that something came into view, his HUD would mark it red.

Even his suit was buying into this whole video game idea!

He heard explosions and he walked around the block. Peter saw Glasses running down the street. He turned around when he saw the row of broken robots. And he thought Peter wasn't taking this seriously. Swinging over a building, he saw some guy with silver hair, no mouth and six arms blink in surprise. Peter waved, and one of the six arms hesitantly waved back.

Wiping out another line of web, Peter followed the sound of explosions. He turned the corner and the building he was latched to shook. Danger flashed in the back of his head, and he wiped out another line as fast as he could. He pulled himself up just as the window under him shattered. A tank marked with a three exploded from the building like an angry god, uncaring of the three story fall that was to come. Even as gravity took hold it leveled a turret at him, and way too many missiles popped out.

"Oh no you don't!"

Peter's web shooters became machine guns, webbing up the barrels. The red eye blinked, then knew no more as the missiles detonated in their casings. The explosion shot Peter into the building, and from his back he felt the spider legs catch him in his fall.

"Ugh, I don't remember that ever happening to Mario." Shaking himself off, he looked up and saw the red eyes of three Two Pointers. Every one of their tires screeched, rushing towards him like their brother before him.

"Bring it on WALL-E's!" Peter screamed.

He jumped to the ceiling, barely dodging the first of his attackers. Dropping down, he webbed the closest villain's turret to the right, forcing it to fire on its friend. He ducked just in time to avoid a hit, and an Iron Spider leg cut through his would be attacker like butter, goring it.

On instinct, he webbed the wheels of one, freezing it in place next to the window. Like a madman, he rushed forward, knocking the villain and himself out of the building. Gravity took care of that as the robot exploded in a mighty crash.

Though that had nothing on the real sound of commotion. Peter swung into what looked like the biggest clearing in the center. The remains of broken and destroyed robots littered the ground as his peers went to work breaking everything that they could see. But there was one that didn't look like he was doing to good. A small boy with what looked like grapes on his head ran for his life, a Three Pointer hot on his trail.

Its turret was raised and Peter slung towards the small kid. He slung his webbing down, grabbing the kid and pulling him to safety as he looked back, firing another rapid fire set of webs to clog up the missile vents. He slung to the ground with ease using his nanite-spider legs, easing the grape-haired kid.

"You okay?!" Peter asked.

"I had him right where I wanted him in my trap you jerk, what was that for!" The bratty kid spoke with a lisp. Peter tilted his head.

Whelp. Guess he's okay.

"Good to hear! I'm having a good day too not gonna lie! Good luck on the exam!"

"Hey come back!" Peter was already running and was swinging back to the melee. "Those points were miiiiine!" His voice was drowned out. He didn't see any traps from his initial view… so maybe he was lying? He did't mind either way, there had to be some time left for the kid to get some points. It had to be a while, ten minutes wasn't long enough to do much. He'd gotten lucky with how many robots he'd run into. Was that enough to pass? Actually did they even say how many points that you needed to have to pass?

A scream of frustration knocked him out of his thoughts. Below him, a spiky black haired boy was wrestling with a massive Two Pointer. He was holding it back, but Peter could see the worry as a One Pointer rushed forward, spear arm ready to gank the edgy redhead.

No seriously, his arms had edges.

Peter dropped to the ground behind it and fired some webs, grabbing hold. The robot jerked to a stop. Peter heard a few beeps, and it suddenly got a lot harder to hold this thing back.

Wait, that gave him an idea.

"Hey Edgy!" he called, "Have a swing!"

The edgy boy's eyes glinted and he grinned a toothy grin. "Now that's what I call manly!" he screamed.

Gritting his teeth, the boy turned, throwing the Two Pointer over him right as Peter cut the webbing. The overzealous One Pointer went off full tilt into the tumbling Two Pointer. The two scrap heaps blew apart, leaving Peter and the black haired boy safe for now. The boy ran up to the costumed hero. "Bro that was radical!" He then fully looked him over. "And your costume is awesome! Your parents pros or something?"

"Doesn't even crack my top five, and my role model gave it to me." The quip came out on reflex, but the boys red eyes beamed with delight.

"That's awesome man! You came prepared!"

"S-sure," A pressing concern arose over his new edgy-armed friend, was the number of faux villains in the square. Despite the students, they were getting overwhelmed. "Gotta run! Peace!" Peter's body moved on autopilot, throwing out another line towards the growing swarm of students and robots alike. Time was precious, the exam important.

But what kind of friendly neighborhood Spider Man would he be if he didn't look out for the little guy?


"Come on come on! We're going to miss it! He's gonna ace this and I'm not gonna miss it!"

"Takeyama, it's been three minutes. And I'm sure you're not even allowed to watch."

Yu pouted, Nemuri felt the urge to smack her understudy with her whip. She was about to observe the Practical Exam to take part in Evaluations, but not even a minute in and she's already in Big Sister mode seeing her understudy and kouhai Takeyama Yu, the superheroine Mt. Lady, outside her office and begging to watch. Yu was an intern once at the female-only firm Nemuri used to be a member of and she would call her senpai if only for old time's sake. Now she's gotten mouthy and whiny and snarky and bratty and-

Really, nothing has changed about her. Aside from Yu becoming a full time pro in Musutafu. She felt proud to see that intern become a hero, albeit one that can be a bit loud and a glory hog. Her heart was in the right place... but right now, her mind was not!

She maybe alumni but she isn't faculty! Most importantly, she couldn't let Yu know of one of the teachers inside the Hall of Judgement was a far weakened All Might, who was set to join the faculty this year as a teacher. Yet Yu possessed a one track mind (a blessing and a curse in Midnight's opinion) and alumni are allowed on campus, per Nezu's policy. Giving her the entryway to go to her office and pounce on her senpai for a chance to watch the Practical.

She also dropped the bombshell of adopting a kid, who was an acquaintance of her grandparent's acquaintances that she didn't tell her senpai about for the last ten months and change until now. Oh, since she took in some American kid who was an acquaintance of her grandparents' acquaintances so he could get into U.A. using her good word as extra sauce to get in. Strangely, he couldn't get apply to the American Hero schools Manton or Xavier? Odd.

"We've missed the start of the exam!"

"Yu-chan, calm down," Namuri said, tapping her old friend on the shoulder, trying to be soft and easy on her. "You're not allowed to-"

The words died in the X-Rated Heroine's throat as the blonde grabbed her arm.

"Is get to the monitor room right now!"

With strength betraying her quirk, Yu dragged the older woman down the hall. For a second, Nemuri felt what every purse must've felt on a sale day. The two seconds of travel time felt like an hour, and only when Yu finally found the monitor room could Nemuri pry herself free. She frowned, and the black haired minx of a heroine tore a part of her skintight costume.

"Sorry Takeyama, you forced my hand." Nemuri muttered as the pink mist from her quirk, Somnambulist, seeping into the blonde. The blonde looked dizzy. "Take a nap."

"But I… wanna see… Peter…" She mumbled, eyes becoming sleepy as she slouched against the teacher. Nemuri caught her and set her down against the wall. Before long, the woman was out like a light. She patted her friend's head and strutted into the darkened room after inputting the key code.

"You're letting light in. And you're late." Muttered Aizawa Shouta, Eraserhead, from across the room with a cross look.

Nemuri shrugged. Inside, the famed 'Hall of Judgement' was in full swing. All of the teachers, sans herself, were in their assigned spots, looking over the dozens of monitors streaming the feed from the different battle centers. Cementoss glanced over from his seat, offering a kind smile. Ectoplasm and Snipe only gave a nod while the famed mousy principal kept his eye on the prize. Toshinori Yagi, All Might, sat right beside him in his skeletal form.

The final hero in the room and the only one that wasn't in his seat was the insomniac and long dark haired Aizawa. Like always, the Erasure Hero looked like he'd spent the last two days staring at paperwork.

Given the term being so close, she wouldn't put it past him.

"Got a reason for your tardiness?" His eye twitched, and Nemuri couldn't resist flashing him a smile.

"I'm here every year to check on our cute little students to be of course~"

Aizawa stared at her nonplussed, "I meant with whoever was outside. I heard voices."

"Oh that? Just Mt. Lady. She wanted to watch her ward perform buuuut, confidentiality." Nemuri made her way to her seat, eyeing Toshinori.

"How long till your friend wakes up?" The Symbol of Peace asked.

"Fifteen minutes to a half hour give or take. Girls get over my quirk faster than boys. So, what did I-"

"Look at him go!" Nemuri was cut off by Thirteen's excited gasp, and her sapphire eyes turned towards the camera feeds from Battle Center B.

The red-and-gold suited hero was slicing through robots like a knife through butter, thanks in no part to those metallic legs on his back. And he was busy using his webbing to pull students away from falling hazards or robots about to ambush examinees! "That his quirk?" She asked. Yu wasn't very specific on Peter Parker's abilities when they chatted. She only said that Peter would 'ace it' and that she wanted to witness it.
Guess she was not exaggerating.

"Doesn't look like it, it sprouts in and out at a whim. Plus he fired some sort of sticking shot. Or webbing." Snipe mused.

"Has to be, see some of the shots he missed? Forms like a spider's web. Fits given the spider-symbol on his chest." Yagi concurred. "But that suit… is very well crafted. Nothing I've seen since those prototype suits the Shield Foundation would make on I-Island…"

"And it seems he's gotten an understanding of the exercise down pat." Nezu beamed, Parker using his webbing to keep a lamp post from falling on them before slinging through the battlefield. "Speed. Power. Utility. Able to act on instinct and without hesitation. Gather information from the high ground. He is showing loads of promise. He's already at forty points Villain Poin-! Oh, actually make that forty-five now."

"And that's not even counting the possible Rescue Points he is accumulating once we go over the tape in closer detail!" Thirteen said with an impressed air.

"Parker certainly is talented," Cementoss mused from his chair, scratching his… flat chin. "Although I feel we may have to put in some limitations on equipment going into next year…"

"Talented doesn't cut it," Ectoplasm commented, "Look at the way he maneuvers his webbing, his acrobatics, and the way he pulls himself to his target and destination with blinding speed. Only one who has him beat in speed is the Iida kid on the ground. You don't learn those moves on the playground."

"It certainly speaks to his skill." Nezu leaned back in his chair, beady eyes examining Parker's footage. "When you consider his power, it does remind me of something." He turned towards Yagi, he looked back, but his eyes were on monitors regarding Battle Center's A and B.

"Yeah, makes you wonder where he got that experience…" Aizawa grumbled. "What do we know of this Parker's background? Aside from that one vigilante report in Musutafu."

"Apparently he is from New York, family members all deceased." Ectoplasm looked over the electronic file. "Takeyama Yu, hero name Mt. Lady, is his guardian here in Japan." Nemuri could spot Aizawa's eyes narrowing down at her.

"Peter is talented! I mean, if we're going by that vigilante report he committed ten months ago-" Nemuri spoke in Parker's defense.

"You don't have to worry about his report," Cementoss said, "If ignorance is a crime then I'm afraid all of us need to be put away. We all committed that once or twice as youngsters." She let out a sigh of relief. "Besides, they're more lax on it in America than here in Japan. Plus… I don't think we can look at a gift horse in the mouth, considering how exemplary Parker has performed thus far."

"Though this costume of his certainly gives him the edge in this test. Yu-chan wasn't kidding when she said Peter would be able to ace this no sweat." Nemuri watched as Parker now used his spider-legs to gore another robot. Now he's over fifty Villain points! She let out a whistle. "It's almost unfair."

"Not really Midnight," Snipe turned towards the minx, "The preliminary test are still a daunting task, regardless of experience or talent."

"Astute as always, Snipe," Nezu smiled, "Like the other students, he doesn't know how many villains there are in the center nor their locations, even though he has done a good job finding their location by utilizing the high ground with his acrobatics and web-slinging. With their limited time and the vast area, the challenge of accumulating points is daunting even for the most talented of our applicants. Some use information gathering to plan out assaults, while others use speed and maneuverability to get ahead of their peers."

He paused, taking note of a certain screen depicting the foreign boy winging over a building to land atop a three pointer with a diving drop kick. He then took a robot head, kicked up on his feet a few times like a hockey-sack, and kicked it at a one pointer.

He's closing in on sixty.

"He's joy-riding, thinking this is all a game." Aizawa growled, no longer leaning with his back to the wall but with his shoulder, eyes focused on the monitor where Parker is. The way he treated the robot parts as props for playing around… irked him. "At least that wild child in Battle Center A." His red eyes due to lack of sleep saw one blonde applicant tearing through robots like paper, looming over the wreckage. "Is taking this seriously."

"You sound frustrated Aizawa-san." Thirteen turned her head towards her colleague.

"If he was taking this as seriously as that blonde exploding kid." Aizawa closed his eyes. "Wouldn't surprise me if he got to your Villain Point record, All Might."

Yagi perked up, looking back. "You're… certainly right. But… Parker, has been doing other things too. He's been helping his fellow examinees in acquiring points and saving them!" He let out a soft smile. "It's going to be interesting to see the total value for the rescue points when we go over the ta-." But his face fell when he saw one monitor… one with a green haired boy just struggling to even tag a robot and get point and take part in the feeding frenzy. Nezu leaned forward in his chair.

"Though remaining calm is a huge advantage, as well as possessing raw power. The best students use a combination of all of these aspects to excel. They're the ones that rack up the highest scores. And both Peter Parker and Bakugo Katsuki are exemplifying this in spades." The monitors beside them, with the blonde haired Bakugo Katsuki roaring into battle with his hands firing explosive blasts into a throng of robots, while the armored Peter Parker fired web-shots to some robots and used his spider legs to fling himself upwards, bring them all together… right to be sliced like how an apple gets sliced in an apple-slicer appliance, then slinging out to avoid the explosion, firing a web-line to pull an examinee out of the explosive radius.

The Iida child, who was watching all of this was befuddled as Parker slung by, giving him a salute, and deposited the examinee to a safe distance before slinging off to the next. He looked back at the examinee, blinking and trying to absorb what just happened.

Parker has to be knocking on sixty-six at least now. They're almost evenly matched! Him and Bakugo! But the lead belonged to Bakugo of Battle Center A, if only by a hair. And Bakugo was focusing solely on destroying the robots. Parker was busy saving and destroying.

This was going to be one talented freshman class coming in.


"Is it time?" Yagi asked.

Nezu nodded, "Yes, Ectoplasm, begin the true test."

If it weren't for his ever present grin, Nemuri would've thought that Ectoplasm was laughing. He reached forward and flicked the Yaruki Switch.

And the entire building shook.


Peter heard rumbling and saw building quake and shake and he turned. And… a robot that towered over complexes and buildings appeared, looking like some robotic mobile fortress. This…

"The Zero Pointer WALL-E!" Peter said aloud, seeing many of the examinees stop in their tracks, utterly paralyzed at the sight. The robot lifted up an arm and Peter saw it bring it down, sending a massive shockwave of dust and debris and force down the street!

He noticed countless examinees run the opposite direction, including Glasses and Red and… wait there was a kid down there! Why isn't he moving!

Peter pondered what to do. Fight the thing? He lost count of his points after thirty or so… eh should be okay right? Or flee, like how Present Mic suggested? His interior thought process was in motion until his HUD spotted someone… underneath the debris! It was a girl! She was trapped!

"Oh shit!" Peter yelled, flinging his web to a nearby building. He made up his mind, flying towards the girl and boy. "Gotta get to them!" He flung himself, getting closer to the robot.

Get them to his web? No… too far. In this case… Gotta make a diversion! Peter aimed his web shooter towards the Zero Pointer behemoth…

Only for his spine to tingle and he aimed it the other way, avoiding a human-sized bullet heading towards the robot! Peter landed on the side of a building as he looked up with widened eyes.

And witnessed that green haired kid in the teal jumpsuit rear back his fist…!


With a roar, the kid obliterated the the face of the robot with one punch!

Does… even the Hulk had that kind of power? He heard the Hulk stopped a Chitauri Space Whale with one punch… but never obliterate it!

"Whoa…. That was awesome!" Peter yelled out, seeing the giant robot, the one that was an obstacle for all the examinees… crumble in a heap! Then he noticed…

That kid was falling!

"Oh crap baskets! I'm coming!" Peter slung down, firing webbing at the kid and bringing him with an embrace, despite the utter agony the boy seemed to be in. Peter was about to fire another web sling towards a skyscraper to fly to safety until he felt someone touch his arm… Wait, what happened to his fall? "Hmmm?" He was about to spring his Nanite legs to stop it until he saw what occurred, seeing that same girl who was pinned under the rubble, now floating atop a missile pod right beside him, many feet above the ground! Cute round face, chocolate brown hair in a work out jacket and normal T-shirt. Very cute too!

Wait. Floating? "Whoa… I'm floating! Like I'm in space or something!" Peter exclaimed in English as he floated downward… then tapped the floor with his feet as the pod came down with a crash. She muttered "Release" weakly in Japanese too…

"Hey, you ok-" Peter asked in Japanese before pausing, seeing the girl look… really ill. Then she proceeded to barf and the boy looked away. "Oof… uhhh… well… you're unharmed right?" She gave something of a thumbs up. He then looked at the boy in his arms, the green haired youth looking up at him with wide eyes.

And freckles.

Hold the phone.

"Wait. You…" Peter murmured.

"Aren't you that hero from… that giant villain…" Green hair muttered, before seizing up and stifling his moans. He was in massive amounts of pain it seemed.

"You're that kid!" Peter exclaimed. No way! This kid… was the one he had a "Hi Bye" moment when he got here! He looked like that same kid he would jog by sometimes and-

He was that kid! They were one on the same and-Oh crap he's hurt! "Whoa whoa what's wrong!"

"Let me go! Let me go!" Green uttered, writhing and squirming to get out of Peter's arms, even if the act made him howl in pain. Peter held him with both of his arms, but his hand gripping Green's right shoulder only made it worse. He writhed out of Peter's grasp and was crawling on the ground.

"Dude serious what is-" then Peter saw his bloodied, bruised, and mangled legs, and reverted from Japanese to English. "Oh my god your legs! Medic! We need a doctor in the house! Anybody! Oh Jesus Christ!" He covered his face. "Aaaagh thats Gordon Hayward and J.J. Watt combined but worse! Fuck!" He exclaimed, backing off as his nanites slid down his face, feeling his stomach turn in knots.

Seeing the girl look nauseous staring at him. the pain expressions from Green combined with his legs and-oh fuck his arm is the same. No limb should be at that angle.

Not a good idea to have cerea-

Peter turned around, going behind a piece of debris and hurling. The brunette continued to puke, as if sympathetically this time. And Green continued to mutter "Need points! Need points! Just one!"

"Time's!" Called out Present Mic's voice over the loudspeakers. "Up!"

Green's paused, snot and tears dribbling down his face as he looked to be utterly crushed. As if someone just took out his heart. Brunette stopped, resting on top of the pod and Peter finished excising his breakfast as he took deep breaths.

"Hey Green", Peter mentioned, calling him 'Midori', making the boy turn his head around, as if that was his name and Peter paused. He… looked destroyed. His eyes…

Were the same as his own, many months ago.

"We-" He paused. "Gotta get you to a doctor. Stat."


"Good lord… did you see that kid in Battle Center B?" Juzo said with his arms crossed. "He took out the gimmick with one punch!"

"But at a price," Momo pointed at the green haired boy who had his face in the dirt, even though the red-gold armored boy, now possessing brown hair and fair distinct caucasian features, was by his side, talking to him. "That quirk he has… has some serious backlash it seems."

"Yeah, but jeez! Talk about power! Could sink an entire cruise ship or rip a plane in two with a single punch!" Setsuna exclaimed as she sipped some water. "Still, how the heck can that kid even be a hero? Personally, the foreign boy talking to him? Now that's hero stuff right there!"

"Are you referring to his combat abilities? He seemed to be on par with that berserker in Battle Center A." The elegant brunette stated, as the wavy haired girl beamed.

"Yeah, but like, did you see how Spider-guy was just flying around tagging and saving others? Heck, I saw him help other students get points when it was a straight competition!" Setsuna grinned. "Seems like if he was focusing on just robot killing he may have outdone angry blondie there.

"Spider guy?" Momo said aloud with a quirked eyebrow.

"Yeah, emblem on his chest. It's that of a spider!"

"Well that's not very heroic. Spider's are usually ugly and creepy crawly." The wavy haired brunette didn't seem to care about her pony-tailed counterpart.

"Well he's making them look mighty cool if he ask me. How many points did he get? I mean, he got a lot by the five minute mark, had to have been like, dozens right?"

"He has a lot, like, I lost count after thirty-five or so. Maybe he was doing it out of charity?" Juzo wondered. The lipless-boy turned towards the bi-color haired boy who was quiet, glaring at the screens. "What do you think? Todoroki?"

Todoroki Shoto was silent, eyes on Spider Guy. That suit… it just fell over like sand all over his face. The spider legs that sprouted and shrank with no storage compartment in sight. Was it his Quirk? No… Explain the web from his wrists? Or his incredible power and speed and agility. Or how he avoided the green haired kid as if… he knew he was coming.

How did someone this talented not get a recommendation. This is absurd.

"That kid, the foreigner." Shoto said aloud. "He fell through the cracks."

"Why he didn't get recommended you mean?" Setsuna asked. The dark green haired girl shrugged. "Well, it happens. I mean, some of the best heroes come from nowhere."

"Still… the way he fought and handled the situation… whenever he wasn't acting like a fool and playing around." The heterochromic eyed youth growled. "Looked like a pro. He has to have had experience."

"Do we know the name of this kid?" Juzo asked.

"Nope, but I can't wait to meet this Spider Guy!"

"Spider Guy…" Momo muttered off to the top of her lips, seeing the boy call out for help for the green haired one. "The way he went about fighting… saving and helping…."

Shoto remained silent, gripping his hands. His aim is to become the next All Might… without using… the old man's quirk. The blonde haired berserker looked easy to read, given his mannerisms during the battle. But this Spider Guy…

Might prove to be a very troublesome rival indeed.

But, today certainly was not boring at least.


Iida Tenya was befuddled as he sucked in oxygen, gazing at the scene of that American he scolded from before trying to bring some comfort to the green haired mumbler from the written exam.

How… And why.

It was utterly astonishing when he noticed a red-gold armored individual flying and flipping amongst the buildings and landing in the melees. And using a combination of some metallic out-of-nowhere legs, kicks and punches and… spider webs, he was trashing U.A. finest practice robots. Was this the best U.A. had to offer for applicants to attend their academy? Or was it simply the American's sheer and raw power? His quirk puzzled him. Was it the suit, the legs, the web, the feats…

But he also noticed the American… was having fun. He heard him hooting and hollering and sounding as if he was treating this as some sort of recreational activity, and it irked the blue haired heir to no end, motivating him to push harder.

Yet while Tenya was busy kicking robots into scrap, he noticed the American… saving others from falling debris, robots about to ambush or overwhelm applicants, or other hazards. He even helped some acquire points!

And on top of that, he rushed in to save that girl from the Zero Pointer, when it was in everyone's best interest to run and avoid it in the closing minute of the exam. And it wasn't just him… but the mumbler too.

Neither of them hesitated to save her.

Tenya blushed. Of course, if this wasn't a test he would have too! He was just caught up in the heat of the exam is all! Perhaps…

Did those two saw something beyond the point-accumulation of robot slaying? Some… deeper meaning? The judges had to have seen them act. And U.A. was a school for heroes….

"Very nice very nice," A kind old voice snapped Tenya out of his thoughts. He turned and like with the rest of the examinees noticed the famed U.A. nurse Recovery Girl. Everyone was happy, but Tenya barely noticed the American look up from the green haired boy, still trying to console him before he noticed the old woman's presence.

"Hey are you a doctor! This guy needs help! His arms and legs are pointing in different directions!" Recovery Girl frowned, and slowly made her way over. The American got out of her way, sweating and nervously glancing at the boy below. "He hurt himself pretty badly when he took out the Zero Pointer WALL-E, can you help him?"

Recovery Girl smiled at him, "Oh course, that's why I'm here. Here, have some candy young man. And your Japanese is quite good, if I do say so myself, even with your American accent I can tell you speak fluently."

The foreign boy gingerly accepted the offered candy.

"Um thanks but the kid…"

"I'm on it, don't worry." Recovery Girl finally looked down at the boy, "Oh my, were you hurt this badly by your own quirk sonny?"

She puckered her lips and gave him a big fat kiss. Tenya felt himself blanch, and the American outright dropped his candy with his jaw dropped. Then her quirk started to work. Before everyone's eyes the boy's broken arm and legs slowly mended themselves back into the proper places. The American let out a long sigh of relief.

"Thank you. He had me worried there for a second… Like, he looked like Gordon Hayward mixed with Marshon Lattimore and-"

"No thanks necessary sonny, just doing my job. Are you hurt as well?"

"Oh no, I'm fine, thanks."

"Well get yourself cleaned up. Wouldn't want you to go home smelling like sweat and dirt now would we."

"I'll ah, get right on that." The American boy nodded.

Recovery girl beamed a small smile and glanced around "If anyone else needs healing just say the word. If not, you youngsters should all head home, you've done enough for today. You'll know your results within the week."

Tenya nodded. Of course, the exam was over, and the judges needed time to review all that transpired. He joined the crowd of students that didn't need healing in walking towards the exit. The American however, started walking in the opposite direction. Where on earth was he going? Did he hit his head during the exam and not remember where he came from? "What's he up to?" Tenya mused to himself aloud.

"Where are you going young man?" Recovery Girl called out, seeing the boy walk into the city. "The exit is that way!"

"Oh, i'm gonna check the rest of the city." The American said, as if it was matter of fact. The old woman raised an eyebrow.

"If you're trying to score extra credit, I'm afraid there's none here." Recovery Girl shook her head, only for the foreign boy to look confused.

"Extra credit?" Now it was Tenya and Recovery Girl's turn to be perplexed.

"Isn't that what you're going for?"

"I was going to try and find anyone I could and help clean up. The city here is a mess anyway." The boy mused, hands on his hips as he looked over the battleground of ruined robots.

Clean up? Half of the city is destroyed, and it was a practice city at that. It was U.A.'s jurisdiction to do with it however it wished. Did he not understand that?

Tenya's eyes widened. Wait, it's part of U.A. That made it school property. This site was a Practical Exam. Does that mean this is just another classroom? It's possible, U.A. is the best and its resources need to match it. Clearly he misjudged this Ameri-this kid if he was able to look this far ahead. Cleaning up the classroom after an exam, of course! How could he have been so dense! He truly is more observant than he had thought! Recovery Girl laughed heartily, patting the boy on the leg.

"Oh that's sweet of you, but U.A. has drones already out and cleaning up this mess. As for helping everyone else," she paused as drone came down the street with a medical stretcher and an injured applicant, "We've got that covered too. Just leave it to us."

"Alright," the American said with a nod. "If you insist."

Recovery Girl smiled and reluctantly, the American joined the crowd. Like sand, his suit overtook his head, returning it to the mask that Tenya had seen through the exam. He noticed him standing there and he waved.

"Hey Glasses, do good on the exam?"

"I…. Hope so."

"Well, did you feel good about it?" He asked, walking past.

"I-Of course. I felt like I did my best."

"Sweet! Congrats, and best of luck to ya!" He then trotted off, leaving Tenya alone.

What a strange boy with an even stranger suit. He must have had professional help and backers to have a suit of that caliber. Other examinees parted and made way for the foreigner, whispering in hushed tones, all in awe.


That was it.

The test was over, but the work had just begun. Aizawa Shouta would have the names on his desk within the hour. All Might had already left to go prepare for film evaluations. Principal Nezu worked in strange ways, but he'd worked with the mouse long enough to know how he thought. He'd throw both Bakugo and Parker into his class, no doubt about it. The rest were up in the air, but those two were set. The berserker genius, given his 100 on the written exam, and the foreign enigma, who got a 70 in his written… but aced the Practical with flying colors; both in his room for him to observe and mentor.

Oh joy.

He was too tired for this. Also who the hell was banging on the door?

"Guess she's up," Nemuri mused.

Oh, right, Mt. Lady. Aizawa opened the door and tilted his head to avoid an overzealous fist hitting his shoulder. The young heroine, right now dressed in casual, yelped in surprise and embarrassment, and Aizawa already felt a stab of annoyance. "Quiet down, this is the hallway, not the locker room."

"Sorry," she said, hanging her head. "I just wanted to see how Peter performs is all…"

"You can be apologize by answering something for me." Mt. Lady perked her head up, "What's Parker's quirk?"

Yu blinked, then narrowed her eyes. "Why do you want to know?" Her eyes brightened a second later. "Did he do well?"


"Of course he did, he'll never let me down!" Yu squealed even as Aizawa felt his eye twitch.

"Am under no obligation to tell you." he finished through gritted teeth, "Parker's results are official U.A. information and are under strict confidentiality. Regardless of you being an alum I can't just say-"

"That he did great Yu-chan!"

Aizawa groaned and turned around and glared. God damnit Midnight. Ever heard loose lips sink ships? Never open Pandora's Box? At her friend's answer, Yu went from excited to beaming with pride. "Really?!"

"Yep, he'll be somewhere in the top ten at least once we get everything settled down."

"Midnight you're not helping," Aizawa groaned.

"Oh lighten up Eraser," Nemuri gave her fellow teacher a good natured pat on the back, "Yu-chan knows not to let anything slip. Right?"

"Hehe, yeah, totally."

"That didn't sound very sincere." Nemuri smirked, and the blonde waved her arms.

"I won't tell! I promise! Please don't put me asleep again."

"Please put her to sleep again," Aizawa droned. Two sentences and he was already ready to clock out of this conversation. Unfortunately, he still had questions. "Takeyama-san, his showings say he's got a lot more experience than just one vigilante report would suggest," the black haired man stated with crossed arms "You wouldn't happen to know about that, would you?"

"Well y-you see-"

"Oh don't be such a stick in the mud Aizawa," Nemuri said, waving the comment aside, "It's not like the kid couldn't have a teacher before now. Probably had one with his family before they passed away or something."

"Y-Yeah, that's it. He did have a mentor in America!" Mt. Lady added, "Speaking of Peter, I should probably go find him."

"Aww, but we just started," Nemuri pouts.

"I'll tell you everything next time you're in Musutafu, drinks are on me," Mt. Lady promised.

"Who is his mentor? Who gave him his suit? Answer me!" Eraser demanded, but Yu had already untangled herself from her friend and rushed down the hall as fast as her legs could take her. Aizawa narrowed his eyes, only for Nemuri to scoff next to him.

"He's not the worst we've had. Relax."

"The records don't add up." Aizawa growled to which Nemuri shrugged.

"So what if they don't? He's not the first with a shady background that we've let in, and he won't be the last. He's a hero in the making, you know that, don't you?"

"Hm." Aizawa huffed. Despite his grievances, the kid did spend most of his time saving people instead of rushing villains, largely because he was able to destroy the robots so fast and with such efficiency. But that didn't stop him from wondering and his inquisitive nature to ask the big questions. Too many facts didn't add up. This kid just happened to have a vigilante report during Mt. Lady's debut? He just so happened to be a friend of the family to get him guardianship? He just so happened to have tech worthy of a professional hero? The report came from the Musutafu Police Department, same one that cooperates with Mt. Lady's hero firm…

One unknown he could let slide, two would get his attention, three was begging him to question it. Four was a bright neon sign inviting him in.

And he would. After all, Shouta would have all year to get what he needed. Both from Peter, and other outside sources.


Peter had changed out of his costume and back into his street clothes when he got on the bus heading back to the U.A. campus. Everyone was muttering and whispering at him, eyes wide and Peter couldn't help but blush a little. So this is what it's like to have your identity on display huh. Well… if Mr. Stark and the Avengers can handle some publicity, so can he. He would have to, since he no longer has to live a double life. He can be both Spider Man and Peter Parker.

Once he graduates that is.

Although no one is willing to sit beside him on the bus. He even spotted Glasses sitting up front, deep in thought and sometimes giving him a look, not hostile but rather musing, deep in thought. Peter let it slide though. He looked out the window, seeing the buildings of U.A.'s main campus until he heard a voice.

"Um, hello?" He perked up, looking over and it was the same brown haired girl from the Practical Exam who floated him and Green. She was out of her Practical Exam clothes and in her school's uniform, with a heavy jacket due to the February weather and a skirt.

Speaking of, he didn't see Green at all. Maybe he was on a different bus? Peter did come onto the bus first after all. Pony must be on a different bus too, as there was multiple buses for Battle Center B.

"Oh, hey. You're the float girl from earlier. Thanks for the save." Peter smiled. "Need a seat?" Not like he needed the save, since he would have used his web or spider legs to break his fall, but he appreciated the sentiment nonetheless.

"Oh, sure! And you're welcome." The girl placed her things in her lap and took her place beside him.

"I'm Peter, by the way. Peter Parker."

"Uraraka Ochako. It's nice to meet you, Parker-san." Ochako bowed lightly.

"Likewise." He turned back as the last of the kids filed in, and they were off, the bus moving down the road. And there was silence between them, with Ochako looking down.

"So… That green haired kid…" Peter mused. "He really saved your bacon, didn't he."

"Yeah! He did, when we get to the main campus, I am going to find Present Mic-san and ask him if I can hand over some of my points." The brunette stated, looking resolute. Peter perked up.

"That's right… he said he needed points…" Peter remembered, cupping his chin. He looked back at the girl who was looking ahead as they moved along the bus. "Wanna go together?"

"Eh?" Ochako turned in confusion. "You're going to hand over some of your points too?"

"Sure! I mean, the Zero Pointer robot may have cost, like, zero. But he saved you." Peter closed his eyes. "And this is a hero school. Green's quirk may be out of control, but he just needs tutelage and guidance. If a hero school doesn't let someone like him in, then that's just screwed up, don't you think?"

"Say… you're right!" Ochako stated, before beaming. "Maybe if we give some of our points together, he can pass! I don't recall him having found a robot to destroy while I was busy floating them up and crashing them and helping others. And he did save my life!"

Wow, she was cute when she smiled. A country-homely style of cute. Peter nodded. "It's a deal then. So, does your quirk make you float things?" He asked, sitting in his chair as he began to talk and socialize with Ochako.

So apparently Ochako's quirk is Zero Gravity, her Quirk gives her the power to manipulate gravity upon touching solid things with the pads on her fingers. The targets then become weightless. She is able to activate or cancel her ability's effects by closing her fingers together, and saying 'Release'. But if she floats herself or exceeds her weight limit of three tons, she becomes nauseous, hence her losing her lunch after she saved him and Green.

"Wow… that's so coooool." Peter said in utter awe. Ochako blushed, rubbing the back of her head. "That must make things super easy around the house for ya."

"Oh it's not all that. I did catch you flying around the city earlier. You're super cool yourself. So, what's your Quirk like?" Ochako asked with intrigue.

"Well…" Peter scratched his chin. "How do I put this…" He crossed his arms and began to think hard. He couldn't just say it's his suit, or his strength or agility… Wait… don't Spiders themselves have super strength? "You know how Spiders have like, super strength?"

Ochako blinked and tilted her head in confusion. "I mean," Peter caught himself, remembering his vocabulary. "For their size? Relative to their size?" He said the last sentence in English, and the brunette perked up.

"Ohhhhhh, that explains your strength and agility! Like, ants themselves can handle up to many times their bodyweight relative to their size, and it's the same for you, but with spiders?"

"Yeah!" Peter snapped. "Like that. I don't really have a name for it so… Spider Feats?" He grinned awkwardly, and the girl laughed, making Peter blanch up. A qurik with a picture of a cute spider running with with cute footsies and bootsies instead of their tensile clawed legs. That painted a not-so-heroic picture.

"I'm sure you'll come up with a cool name in time. Then how does that explain the spider legs from your back and those zip lines you were using?"

"Oh those? That's from my super suit. My… mentor gave it to me." The American boy said as he rested in his chair, looking out as he held the bag containing his normal suit and the Iron Spider module. "Helped me enhance my abilities and use them to my very best."

"No kidding… You looked like a pro out there." Ochako felt the bus come to a stop, and looked out the window as she perked up. "Oh look! There's Present Mic-san. Let's go to him now!" The kids began to file out of the bus one at time, Peter standing behind (and being taller than) the brown haired girl. When they finally got off, the two of them ran towards the faculty building and entered the lobby in which the blonde haired DJ was talking with some staff members. The Voice Hero turned around, beaming as he noticed the duo.

"Hey hey hey it's my audience from the Written Exam!" He stated with a wide grin, pointing at Peter. "What can I do for you two? The Exams are over, so your parents will come along to pick ya up soon!"

The two stood side by side as Peter looked at Ochako. "Excuse me… but…" She paused, trying to find the words. "That curly haired boy, with the freckles… You know, the super plain looking one?"

"He also had green hair and took out the Zero Pointer with one punch?" Peter added. "I was hoping if we could give him some of our points?"

"Oh~?" Mic quirked an eyebrow, intrigued and amused giving his rising smirk.

"Yeah, at the end he was saying that he needed points. Just one point! That means he didn't get any points during the Exam right?" Ochako surmised. "At least… Can we give him some of our points? I think I got in the twenties or something?"

"Yeah and I lost count after thirty five or so." Peter waved a hand. "I got some points to spare, I would be more than happy to give him some."

"Exactly, he saved my life!" Ochako declared, and Mic's grin was enough to split his face in two.

"And he took out a robot that could have been a major danger to everyone. Like, if this was real life, that robot would have caused a lot of damage and would have been a danger to heroes and civilians alike." Peter exclaimed. "The fact he was able to take out that robot, saving potentially others and definitely saving Uraraka-san here, means that Green there is a hero through and through." Ochako quirked an eye. Midori?


"I dunno his name so…" Peter shrugged.

Mic offered a closed mouth grin, patting Ochako on the head. "Well, I'm afraid we can't just take and give some points, dear Listeners, but, you two don't need to worry about a thing." He said with a snap. "After all, what is a Hero Course that rejects those who saves others? That's anything but a Hero Course." He winked. Ochako and Peter perked up.

"So… he'll pass, right?" Ochako asked, hopeful. Peter remained silent, on the edge of his seat.

Mic snapped his fingers. "We'll go over the film, but… I doubt there is anything to really comb over. Your lil friend there gave it his all in the act of saving others, since there is a hidden bonus system to the test." He then showed a toothy grin. "As for how much your friend will earn, well, you'll see next spring~" Ochako and Peter perked up.

"So we both passed too?"

"Oh I bet, but as for how much points you both get from the Villain Point and the hidden bonus system? You'll just have to see." Mic snapped his fingers. "Now if you'll excuse me, I got some work to do, so two go on home and rest up. Asta la vista babes!"

"Oh! Oh! I know that movie!" Peter jumped, speaking in English. He began snapping his fingers and trying to guess the movie. "What is the name? Grrr it's at the tip of my tongue! Was it the one with the robotpeople or the masked alien guys?!"

"Right! Thank you very much, Present Mic-san!" Ochako bowed deeply. Peter did so, but not as deep as he was recovering overh is. The blonde hero laughed and waved his arm.

"Go beat the traffic kiddos!" Peter and Ochako rose up and looked at each other, beaming.

"He's going to pass! I'm so glad!" She chirped as the two walked out of the faculty building. Peter laughed and offered his hand to high five, which the young girl gladly accepted.

"I know, I'm happy for the kid. I… actually kinda know him."

"Eh? You do?"

"Yeah, lives around my neighborhood, or at least in Musutafu." The brown haired boy elaborated. "Seen him a couple times, but never had the chance to talk to him." They were walking back to towards the parking lot and line of cars, where other students were meeting up with their parents or awaiting pick up to go to the train station. "I'll definitely talk to him when I can though."

"Yeah, and I can't wait to see you back here Parker-san!" Ochako smiled. "Let's do our best to become great heroes!"

"Absolutely." Peter nodded, hands in his pockets as he heard someone call out for Ochako. He spotted a man waving at her in an old and dingy looking truck.

"Oh, that's my dad. I'll see you later!"

"Bye Uraraka-san!" Peter waved, and the girl trotted with a skip to her step towards her parent. The boy from Queens smiled and leaned against a tree, looking at his phone until he got a text. Yu was in the school looking for him and will meet him by her car.

He trotted out to the parking lot, ready to go on home.


The evening was a blur of enjoyment, with Peter and Yu going out for teppan again as they went over their day. Apparently Yu tried to crash the party at the faculty observing the practical exam, but she was unable to gain entry even though her senpai, Kayama Nemuri AKA Midnight, was one of the faculty members. The fact that she was amongst the teaching staff made Peter raise an eyebrow.

And gained a twisted fascination in hoping that the X-Rated Heroine may be his teacher.

But their dinner was enjoyable, him relaying what he went through during both tests. He felt confident in both the Written and Practical portions, and Yu confirmed that she has a good hunch he will pass. They finished dinner and went on home to their apartment.

With Yu being at her firm for a while, she got a raise and was able to get a new flat, albeit in the same complex. Peter no longer has to sleep on the couch or web-hammocks. He has his own bed, his own room. They got home, they took their showers and were turning in for the night. "So… I'll get my acceptance letter within the week?"

"Yeah, sometimes it's tomorrow. Sometime it is a week." The blonde shrugged. "Just be patient, tomorrow we got to get you school supplies. You start in March after all, and that's only a few days off." The brown haired boy nodded.

"Alright, I'm gonna hit the hay." Peter waved, going to his room. He closed the door, hearing Yu call out 'Good night'.

He took a deep breath, content and happy to realize that he's going to become a hero. Peter looked at his bed.

Sleep should be a welcome reprieve.

Not for him.

He shed his clothes, plopping down on the bed. He's making his big step into becoming a professional hero. His dream to help others. Become a Friendly Neighborhood Spider Man.

Peter closed his eyes and turned over, gripping the sheets.

He hasn't told Yu. He hasn't told a soul. His physiology hid it well.

The terrors he sees in his dreams. The nightmares.

His comrades and loved ones turning to dust.

Being choked by the Mad Titan.

Rushing into Mr. Stark's arms… before Peter turned to ash.

The numbness as his body crumples like burnt char.

The cold void of death.

Peter curled up, letting out a sigh as he tried to force himself to sleep.

Tomorrow is another day.


A week later, it finally came. Peter was on the couch fiddling with some old computer parts that he managed to salvage from the local dumpster. Yu had been mortified when he brought it in, but he couldn't just leave it. Quality parts like this didn't fall out of the sky and it kept his hands busy.

The bell rang, and Peter heard a single letter fall through the mail slot. His hands froze, and in the kitchen, Yu dropped something. As one, they leaned over to see what had come through. On that plain white envelope was a single stamp marked with the UA symbol.

"It's here!" Yu screamed in delight.

Peter walked over and picked it up, bracing himself right before Yu slammed into his back, hugging him/trying to get the letter. "Open it open it!"

"Easy!" Peter quickly ripped the seal free from the letter. Inside was a small handwritten note and what looked like a tiny arc reactor. Except without the energy or the glowing parts. Yu plucked the disk before Peter could ask and threw it on the counter. It clicked as it landed, and a large screen projected came into view.

"Behold! For I am here… as a projection!" The voice of All Might, the Symbol of Peace and Justice, dressed in a nice yellow pinstripe suit, boomed out of the speakers. Peter flinched, he was expecting something, but a booming picture of the Number One Hero exploding into the living room was not it.

"All Might? What is he doing in a U.A. letter?" Yu wondered aloud.

"I know what you must be thinking. Why am I here? Well it's to congratulate you on your exemplary performance in the practical exam a week ago, Young Peter Parker."

"Huh, that's new," Yu said, picking up her drink, "Since when did the Number One hero help with U.A. admissions?"

"For you see, you're not only looking at the Number One Hero, you're looking at the newest U.A. faculty member!"

Peter ducked just in time to avoid his guardian's spit take. "Say what?! Nemuri-chan hid that from me!?" Peter ignored Yu's rant and couldn't take his eyes off the screen. Even though the speakers, he could feel it. The raw charisma of the Number One Hero, the strength, it all poured out of All Might like a waterfall.

"And as a faculty member, I heard about you and Young Uraraka's request to give away your points."

"Wait what!?" Yu screamed before looking at Peter as if he destroyed a ceremonial urn. "What for?!"

"A kid I met saved a girl but he had no points, what was I supposed to do?" Peter asked.

"Truly admirable, both of you, but there is no need to worry! Like you might have guessed, the practical exam wasn't graded on Villain Points alone! After all, what kind of hero course would turn away someone willing to save others, regardless of the consequences to themselves? That's what heroism is all about, so there are Rescue Points!"

The screen flashed, and Peter's eyes bulged at the sight.

It was a name next to number eight.

"To Midoriya Izuku, 60 Rescue Points!"

The camera panned up to fourth place.

"To Uraraka Ochako, 45 Rescue Points!"

Another flash, and Peter felt his jaw drop to the floor. Cause right there, right next to the first place, number one, was his name.

"And to you, Peter Parker, 70 Rescue Points and 69 Villain Points, nearly catching my own record, you have passed at the pinnacle of the first year rankings!" All Might then took out a napkin, dabbing his forehead, ever present smile on his visage. "I'm going to be honest, you had me sweating there! But, this is not nervousness, no, but anxiety and excitement! And I'm sure you must be feeling the same too, Young Parker!"

He… he did pass, but at first place? Peter began to laugh in disbelief. He had a feeling he passed… but get to number one like that! Yu grabbed his shoulders and giggled, but he couldn't hear her. All Might's grin widened as he reached out to the screen.

"I know you've trained hard to get to this spot, so allow me be the first to say it."

All Might eyed the screen once more, and across the city, two boys heard the Symbol of Peace say the same words.

"Welcome, to your Hero Academia."

The projection shut off, and in a small apartment, a green haired boy couldn't stop the tears from flowing. In another, a boy not of this world smiled bright, getting watery eyed as Yu cackled, jumping up and down for joy.

He… he did it, didn't he?

Did you see that Mr. Stark?

Uncle Ben?

One step closer… One step closer to being the friendly neighborhood Spider Man he dreams to be.

Hopefully the dreams will be worth it at this point.
Chapter 5
The cold airs of winter gave way into spring. Over the weeks, Peter had tinkered with the computer parts he found in trash heaps and his room was like a work bench where he was busy working late into the night... And that hologram projector he got from U.A. in the acceptance letter was his focus as he used his tools and moved with precision.

"Okay..." He muttered, eyeing the suit in his hand, feeling the small compartment where the mainframe lied. Where Karen was stored. Peter bit his lip and tried to poke a hole with a needle... but it wouldn't go. Just like with scissors. Bolt cutters. Sharpened knives. And now something as light and small as needle, he couldn't penetrate it.

He looked at the motherboard he made from the hologram projector, with its various hook ups. Peter grabbed the suit and flung it at the wall behind him before collapsing on his chair, hands in his face. "Fuck!" He yelled, muffled by his hands.

So much for that. He can't access Karen. Not with the tools this world has, or with the computers they have. It's not as sophisticated as the Stark laptops he and Ned would run. And he has no access to any resources that can puncture the suit, especially the region closest to the compartment by the spider emblem. It was like working with technology from the era of E.T. and the Goonies, yet had some impressive stuff like holograms. It just baffled him...

His shoulders shuddered as he sobbed a little. He needs to clean this up when he can. He needs to focus on getting ready for his first day at U.A. Academy tomorrow. Sort out his school clothes for the week, make some new web fluid to insert into the suit.

Maybe Pony is in his class. Or Midori or Uraraka. Even Edgy too. Think of nicer things.

He got up and walked over, grabbing his suit and holding it in his hand. "Sorry Karen... I'll have to wait till I get some high tech stuff to access you. And sorry for...throwing you against a wall. I'm just..." Peter paused, taking a deep breath and sitting back down as he looked at his messy desk, letting out a deep exhale. He needed to clean up. "I'll get to you soon. Okay?"

No response. He went over to his closet and hung up his suit, where he had his weekly arrangement of his school uniform hung up. He had Yu order five shirts and pants so he wouldn't use the same one every day. He'd just use Monday's uniform on the half day on Saturday.

He'll never get over half school on Saturdays.


"Kick some ass Peter!" Yu yelled from her car as Peter opened it, looking back at the blonde as he carried his backpack. He was in his trousers, jacket, and short sleeve shirt with his tie a little loose... and he gave a thumbs up.

And thus, Peter's High School career begins! Again.

Peter walked up the pathway form the parking lot, as other students came filing in from the public transit stop as well. Peter had his hands in his pockets as he gazed at the towers of U.A.'s main academic campus and through the front gate. The brown haired boy wondered what his classmates will be... maybe Pony will be there? Or Glasses? Hopefully Uraraka-san got in. He looked down at his phone, seeing that he was in Class 1-A. Or simply, Class A.

"Okay... 1-A should be on the first floor? Wait, check the map." Peter corrected himself, seeing a map of the school right inside the doors leading into the facility. He looked over the map, detailing the layout of each floor, other students doing the same. Some gave him a second glance, obviously due to the fact that he was a foreigner. "Let's see... Support... second Years... Genera Educati-there! Hero Course! Room 1-A!"

Peter beamed, standing up straight as he walked down the hall. He had time before class began. He noticed a spiky red haired boy walking forward, muttering to himself as he looked at his phone as he navigated the hallway. "Stairs is that way... elevator is closer, might as well take that." Wait, his voice sounded familiar.

"Edgy?" Peter asked, and the kid perked up, turning around. He had the same red eyes and a tough but charming demeanor about him, and his hair, no longer long and black, but spiky and scarlet! Yeah, it was him! From the Practical?

"Wait..." The kid pointed at him. "You that armored spider-guy?"

"Yeah!" Edgy had a toothy grin as he went up and shook Peter's hand.

"So you were the guy going around taking out robots left and right! You were the talk on my bus when we finished. Name's Kirishima Eijirou! What's yours?"

"Peter, Peter Parker. I'm from America."

"I can tell, your Japanese is good!" He grinned. "So, you in the Hero Course too?"

"Yeah, was just heading there myself. Class A."

"Same here! Lead the way! So, where in America you from? What brings ya here to Japan?" Eijirou asked with a wide and beaming grin.

"Well... I heard U.A. was among the best of the best schools so... I wanted to go there!" Peter said with a scratch of his cheek. Not like he has a choice in the matter, might as well stick with that as his cover story, that he and Yu would go over as to why he was in Japan. Not like he can leave anyways. "All Might came from U.A. right? So, I wanna follow in his footsteps! Oh, and I'm from New York City as well. Specifically Queens." There, that should help. Everything seemed to revolve around All Might anyway.

"Smart move. I'm aiming to be like my idol, Crimson Riot myself, hence why I dyed my hair after the Practical. He may have not gone to U.A., but I wanna be just like him someday!" Eijirou pointing a thumb at his chest. "That's a man's man right there! And I've always wanted to go New York someday. Maybe when we become Pros we can go there together and you give me a tour! So... do you know who our teacher is? I know All Might just began teaching at U.A. and all..."

"No clue." Eijirou had his hands behind his back at Peter's response as they walked into an elevator and pressed the button the floor U.A. was going to be in... except the door didn't close all the way as a hand stopped it.

And it was the angry-looking red eyed blond kid from the Written Exam entering, scowl on his face. "This going up to the floor where Class 1-A is?" He asked, his eyes settled on Peter, narrowing a little before going back to Eijirou.

"Yeah, you in there too?" Blondie smirked.

"Of course. I aced both tests after all. Getting in here was a breeze." He said confidently, hands in pockets as he leaned against the wall. "Might have been a little rough for you extras I bet."

"Extras?" Peter asked in Japanese, earning Blondie's attention.

"Yeah, I'm going to be Number One around here. The top hero, like All Might." He smirked darkly as the elevator came to a stop. "So if you don't wanna die or anything, just don't get in my way."

Die?! What was he on about?

"Excuse me?" Peter asked following Blondie as Eijirou followed suit. Up ahead Peter could see that six armed dude from before entering a classroom, followed by some plain looking girl with short hair and-what's with those long ear lobes? Blondie looked over his shoulder with a scowl.

"Did I stutter, foreinger?" He sneered. "I said." Blondie spoke in English. Eligible, but accented. "I'm going to be Number One. The strongest hero, like All Might. And you, are a redshirt. An extra. A stepping stone."

Peter frowned and his eye twitched. So, blondie's one of those kind of guys huh?

"Yeah, whatever man. Let's just get to class. I'm not here to start anything okay." Peter rebuked in English. Eijirou looked confused.

"Whoa, you know English too?" He asked in Japanese.

"What, think I wouldn't?" Blondie asked as if he was insulted, glaring at the redhead. He stormed off, walking ahead at a faster pace.

"Jerk." Peter muttered. Eijirou offered a slight smile.

"Maybe he's just nervous." He mused as Peter kept his eyes on the sulking blonde as they entered the class. Whoa, the doorway's tall.

"Guess it's fitting, if they get tall students or teachers..." Peter mused as he entered the classroom. Everyone was filing in, and some were busy socializing. He looked around, and the brown haired boy began to take stock of who his future classmates would be.

He can see... an invisible floating shirt and gloves talking with some blonde guy with... a very thick tail. Some dude with the head of a crow looked like he was sleeping, eyes closed. Some blonde haired dude was talking with a plain looking guy with black hair, and that same ear-lobe girl from before was talking with them too. There was some big looking boys, one who looked like one of those dinosaur-people from that Dinosaur sitcom and the other was built like a Mac-truck with big lips.

"Yooo! Kirishima-kun! You made it! Thought you might have gotten lost for a minute there." Said a female voice as Peter saw someone run up to them. Pink hair, pink skin, small antenna, golden eyes with pitch black sclera, and with a bright disposition. Eijirou blushed a little.

"T-Thanks Ashido-san. Anytime..." Gone was the confident and boisterous young man and in his place a shy and bashful boy. Girls can do that, Peter knows. The pinkette stepped aside as Blondie sauntered over and got to a seat, plopping down, leaning back and resting his feet on it. Seriously, he acted like he owned the damn place. "What Center were you in?" The redhead asked the pinkette.

"I was in Battle Center D. But I got enough to pass!" She turned her attention onto Peter. "Made a friend? Ohhhh a foreign student too! I'm Ashido Mina!" She held out a hand, grinning ear to ear. "Nice tameetcha!"

Peter was taken aback. Sure she's seen a lot of strange people... but Mina seemed so... normal despite the pink... everything. And reminded him of Mantis, with those short antenna of her's.

"Peter. Peter Parker." The brown haired boy took her hand and shook it. "The pleasure is mine. I met Kirishima-san here during our Practical Exam too. Helped him take out a robot or two."

"Help? We did a tag team move that's what!" Eijirou grinned. "He used his webbing and armor to sling up some faux villains and he swung him towards me and I grabbed mine and we crunched them together!" Mina let out an "Ohhhh~"

"Raaad." She cheesed. "Well, it's nice finally meet ya Parker-kun! Could use some more cuties like you in class. Americans do add a certain spice to things~" She added with a wink. Both Eijirou and Peter blanched up, pink on their cheeks. Peter was speechless while Eijirou was blubbering while Mina chortled. "I'm joking, I'm joking! We're here to be Pro Heroes after all." She waved her hand. "I can't wait to hear what stories you had back in America, your Japanese is really good!"

"Yeah... you're right. Heh. Thanks." Peter smiled awkwardly. Well... when you look past the fact that Mina has pink hair and skin and eyes that... honestly do look very exotic now he can look closer... she definitely was a looker in her own right.

Goodness those are beautiful eyes.

"Ah! It's you!" Said a voice, and Peter turned around, and at the door was Glasses, standing tall and in his uniform. Peter raised a hand.

"Oh. Hey Glasses." The tall boy perked up, before adjusting his spectacles and walking towards the American, and then bowing deeply. Eijirou and Mina were talking but had their eyes on Glasses.

"Let me first say... that I apologize for my conduct to you during the Written Exam. I..." He put a hand to his chest, looking away. "I clearly misjudged you. You clearly saw some deeper meaning during the Practical Exam didn't you, as you went about assisting others with their scores and saving those less skilled or fortunate. That...that was the true test of what makes a hero! Helping others when it was about a point competition!" He bit his lower lip. "I... on the other hand, did not realize that until after the exam was finished. If they had told us of the Rescue Point System it would have made the act of saving others feel disingenuous and fraudulent to boot! A clever way to evaluate those with a heroic spirit, one in which I did not measure! As much as I hate to admit it, but you are truly a superior and exemplary student than me! U.A. is more than honored to have you!"

Peter was silent, blinking. "I...ummm... thanks. Apology accepted. I... apologize for my, misconduct as well. You know, nerves can sometimes get the best of us. Were you nervous before the Practical? The Written Exam was a bit tricky."

"I will not lie, I was nervous, considering this was Japan's finest hero institution and those tests were quite important. You were calm all throughout, aiming to share that air of relief to others, and I even had other base discriminatory bias towards you and did not see the message you were trying to convey. As a hero-in-training I must learn to overcome those biases and learn from others in order to become not just a better hero but a better person!" Glasses finished his rant as he noticed Peter offering his hand. Good lord how does he breathe talking for so long.

"It's cool man, we all get that way. I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. My name is Peter Parker. What's yours? I doubt me calling you Glasses is something you prefer for the long run." Peter offered with a grin. The boy blinked, before returning his content expression as he shook it. His blue eyes softened as he gave the American a firm shake.

"And I am Iida Tenya. It is a pleasure to meet you and have you as a fellow peer here at U.A. Academy, Parker-san."

"Can all ya'll shaddup and get a room, I'm trying to relax before the teacher gets here." Blondie growled out, looking lazily at Tenya and Peter. The blue haired youth noticed Blondie's feet on the desk and puffed his chest out in righteous indignation. The other students were busy getting into their seats.

"Take that foot off your desk right now!" He demanded, Blondie only smirked, as if welcoming it.


"You're disrespecting school property like that you cretin!" Blondie only scoffed, enjoying the banter.

"Like I care of the opinion of an extra. Where you from?"

"Somei Private High, why does that matter?" The red eyed boy smirked, sneering up at Tenya..

"Somei huh? You must think you're better than me!" He grinned. "Gonna be fun blowing ya to bits and knocking ya down a peg, elite!"

"B-Blowing me to bits!" Tenya acted as if he had been slapped. "You're trying to become a hero aren't you? How awful!" Blondie kept that devil's grin on him while Peter put a hand on Tenya's shoulder.

"Iida-san, let's not get riled up." He felt Blondie's eyes on him. "We should get ready for class and-

"Huh~?" He cut him off. "Not get riled up? What, you from some hotshot American Elite School too?" He smirked. "Go on American." Blondie goaded in English. "Where are you from?"

Peter looked at him, took a deep breath, opening his eyes and was about to reply...

And there at the doorway was Green, standing like a deer in headlights as everyone turned towards him.

"Oh hey Green!" Peter waved, calling him 'Midori', walking casually over to Green as Tenya... marched. "I'm glad to see you passed!"


Midoriya Izuku didn't know what to think. When he got there, he saw that tall boy, Iida Tenya, talking with Kaachan before Kaachan stared daggers at the American boy for walking away from him, before settling his eyes on him and the anger dyed down to a simmering glare.

O-Onto nicer things!

The American. Parker. Peter Parker.

The same boy apparently was at the Musutafu incident with that giant villain that correlated with Mt. Lady's debut, wearing gear and possessing the skills of a pro.

Who looked like the same boy he would run to clean up the beach park early in the morning during his ten months of training.

And was the same one who saved him from a deadly fall after defeating the Zero Pointer. Who was about to fight that thing to save the girl he talked to (which he didn't) on that day.

And they both were the ones who wanted to give him some of his points.

He was a boy who just wanted to help. Someone with the skills, gear, and abilities of a Pro, with almost as much power as Kaachan, wanted to help him. An absolute nobody, a quirkless failure to most. A quirkless ant to Kaachan's eyes. Even after seeing One for All mess up his body, he still spent the last few seconds trying to get him a doctor.

And now, he walked up and gave Izuku a congratulatory pat on the shoulder. Though the green haired boy couldn't do much to answer him when Tenya marched towards him.

"Greetings! I'm Iida Tenya from the Somei Priva-"

"I already heard you!" Izuku cut him off.

Parker chuckled a little as Iida composed himself. This is the part when he introduces himself? Yeah, that's what he should do! "I'm Midoriya Izuku, it's nice to meet you Iida-san, and you too P-Parker-san." He bowed deeply in reverence.

Parker scratched his head in embarrassment. "I don't think I need to have a san, Midoriya-san. Call me Peter or Parker, I guess."

"Yeah," Izuku grumbled, "All you did was save me..." 'And you're using honorifics for others when you yourself don't want any…'

"What was that?" Parker asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"NOTHING!" Izuku shouted with a clammed up expression. Parker blinked and still had that confused expression, and Iida cleared his throat.

"Midoriya, allow me to apologize for my actions." Parker scratched his head nervously, someone like him could get nervous?

"Is this about the whole misjudging thing? It's cool you don't need to man. Like, you apologized-"

"I only apologized to you!" Iida pointed out, waving his hand, "But I need to atone for my actions against both of you!"

"Uhh sure you… do you?" Parker offered. "Didn't you already apologize to me?"

Izuku on the other hand darted his gaze between the two boys. What on earth were they talking about? Iida turned to the green haired boy and bowed? Why is he bowing!? What did he do to deserve this? Parker gave Izuku an sympathetic look and slowly stepped back. Izuku panicked, no don't leave! He needed to tell him something!

"Midoriya," Oh gosh Iida talking! And he looks so serious, "I must say, when I first saw you, you were dishonoring the other students during the written exam with your mutterings." Izuku flushed, averting his gaze, because it's not like he could stop himself. Present Mic had come on stage, and he couldn't stop his geeking out. "But I see now, that your mutterings were simply a sign of your observational abilities!" Parker blinked, and was looking back and forth between the two. "You and Parker-san both perceived the true nature of the practical exam," Iida continued, Parker raising his hand to interject when he was called 'san' but stopped. "I on the other hand was too focused on the surface level details. I must confess, even if I don't like it, but you two are the superior students!"

"Said the exact same thing, only different." Parker muttered a little with a blank face. "It's cool man. Relax."

Izuku… didn't know how to react to this? What was he supposed to say? Iida was so serious, but the green haired boy didn't perceive anything. He just reacted on instinct. Being honest, he's lucky he got through on his Rescue Points.

"Nevertheless, receive my humblest apologies!" Iida declared. "To you both!"

He bowed, and as one, Parker and Izuku leaned back. They shared an awkward look, even as Iida grit his teeth in some unknown frustration.

Geeze, is everyone in this class but the American weird?

"Oh I know that curly hair! The plain looking boy!"

Izuku jolted upright while the brown haired boy grinned. He turned and felt his face heat up. It was the nice girl, Uraraka Ochako, and she looked really cute in that uniform!!

Wait, she and Parker were in his class? What were the odds? Astronomical, but Izuku couldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. This was the perfect opportunity to thank them for trying to help him! All he had to do was tell them-

"Yo, Uraraka-san," Peter calls from behind him. Izuku froze up.

Wait, they knew each other-Oh yeah, they were in the video.

Uraraka beamed jumping to the side and giving the American a kind smile.

"Heya Parker-kun! Guess you made it!"

"I'm glad you made it too. And we're in the same class to boot!" Parker gave a thumbs up, and Uraraka's grin could split her face in two. Wait, he's talking to a girl!? And he's acting so confidently about it too!

"Oh don't be so humble, you were great with all the amazing swinging and spider legs and stuff! Almost as cool as Midoriya's awesome punch!" She gave off mock punching to emphasize her words.

"Yeah, That was pretty cool," Parker agreed, turning towards Izuku with an approving smile.

Both of them were looking at him. Were they… were they calling him amazing? They were the ones that saved him! He just did what All Might told him to do. Wait, he has their attention, this is his chance! Izuku stammered and had his hands around his head as he tried to figure out a proper response.

"I-I g-guess I should be thanking you two for trying to g-give me points." Both brown haired youth's perked up.

"Huh, how did you know about that?" Uraraka asked with a tilt of her head.

Wait, she didn't know she was being recorded? A quick look revealed that Parker was just as shocked as her. Oh gosh, he probably wasn't supposed to say that!

"I uhh mean, ah, what?"

Did that work?

"Did All Might tell you?" Parker asked. "Over the holoprojector-thingy."

It didn't! Behind him, Uraraka looked at the American questionably.

"All Might, why would he talk to Midoriya-san?" She caught what she had said, immediately became flushed and threw out her hands, "Not that you're not awesome or anything I'm just saying that he's the Number One hero and you're so ordinary."

That didn't make him feel any better. Izuku shoulders slumped, deflating like a balloon, while the tall Iida adjusted his glasses.

"I believe Parker-san is correct when of our acceptance holo-projectiors. They explained our placement as well as our total points." Iida crossed his arms. "I got Cementoss congratulating me, so you two receiving praise from All Might while being accepted... truly U.A. is honored to have you in its halls."

"You said the same thing again." Peter muttered a little.

That's right, his video put him at eighth place. Where did Parker get? While Izuku was busy trying to tag one robot, he could see Parker zipping around sling shoting and taking robots down as if they were paper!

"That?" Uraraka then laughed, rubbing the back of her head. "Sorry about that, I guess I was so excited that I forgot about it."

"I don't see how considering it tells our practical rankings." Iida pointed out with some hand gestures.

Parker bit his lower lip and he slowly moved back.

"Yeah, those uhhh. P-pretty cool stuff right? Silly me for bringing that up. Hehehe."

"Yeah! Made my parents real proud coming in fourth, what about you guys?" Uraraka beamed, looking back between the boys.

"I managed to secure the seventh place," Iida said turning to Parker who was a lot further away that Midoriya remembered, "What about you? Where did you place?"

Parker swallowed something in his throat and muttered something.

"I didn't hear you. What did you say?" Izuku asked. He had to have had a high score right. Top Three maybe?

Parker took a deep breath. "I got in First." He admitted, looking pale.


That one word dropped a bomb in the classroom, where everyone had been paying attention to Iida's antics and the Gimmick-killer in Izuku. Uraraka's jaw dropped, Iida eye's were like plates. And that was nothing compared to what the class' reaction. Eyes that were on him immediately shifted to Peter. Some of them were curious, like the sparkling blond boy in the front. Others were analyzing, like the piercing gaze of the bird headed boy. Other's not as surprised, like the pig-tailed girl in the back, or the red-white haired boy sitting close to her with very narrow eyes. Others in astonishment like the blonde kid talking to the earlobes girl.

And then there was Kaachan.

Izuku paled as he saw the smoldering aura from the blonde. He saw that when Kaachan demanded to know how Izuku passed that day back at Aldera Junior High. But this...

His crimson eyes were burning holes in the American's head. His teeth were barred as he let out a soft, but audible growl. He was gripping the seat so hard that he might start cracking along with a mini explosion popping in his hands.

Reactions might have been missed, but Midoriya heard the collective thought.

This American, out of everyone trying to get into U.A. Academy, out of everyone in this class, in the Hero Course, got first in the Practical Exam.

Peter Parker, out of every first year, was the closest to being a pro, and everyone knew it.


'Way to go Peter, not even the first day of school and you've already put a bullseye on your back. Least it only took a couple of weeks before Flash pegged me and Ned.' It just came out, it's not like he was trying to brag. He was answering a question during a conversation. Heck with his Villain total, he should've gotten second. He only got that far with help from the Iron Spider suit. If he didn't have that, who knows where he would've gotten. Maybe around Tenya's score? Or more? He didn't know.

Didn't't stop the rest of the class from looking at him like a hunk of meat or a circus act.

Okay, not the best metaphor, but Peter never worked as the center of attention. All these eyes on him, some of them coming from normal looking students to the blonde guy and wait a second?

In the back, there was that drop dead gorgeous girl from in front of the recommendation section. Her eyes were narrowing, and Peter could imagine a thousand of those calculations going through her head and he just noticed that she was sitting behind him! She glanced down to his chest, and Peter couldn't help but follow her gaze. Did he have something on his shirt? He patted around it, and the girl noticed, then looked away.

A few rows back, a multiarm guy raised his eyebrows at him.. Why was the floating girl clothes blushing, with those pink marks where the head would be? "Woooow... he got first?" He can hear the voice as the clothes leaned towards a black haired kid.

"I-It has to be a joke, right?"

Peter bit his lip and took a deep breath. He looked out of the corner of his eye, the angry-blonde gripping his desk as if he was ready to pounce. Just steer clear of him and-

"If you're going to waste time talking about points then you should leave."

Dead silence filled the room. Everyone turned to the source of the voice. It was… a scruffy, tired-looking long-shaggy black haired man in a yellow full body sleeping bag? Ochako jumped back in fright, seeking refuge behind Midoriya. The man stared at all of them, nonplussed before scrambling for something in his bag.

"Welcome to U.A.'s Hero Course…" he muttered tiredly. Sleeping Bag brought his hand out holding a full bag of squeezable applesauce. One suck drained the entire thing, slurping loudly and not giving a single fuck. Peter blanched, as did the rest of his peers. What is with this guy? He'd seen some weird guys, sure, but Star Lord not knowing that Missouri was on Earth was completely different from this fellow.

"It took you eight seconds to quiet down," Baggy Eyes said as he crawled out of the bag, dressed in a weird black outfit with a utility belt around his waist and a long scarf tied around his neck. Has he combed that head of his like, ever? His black hair was so long and unkempt! "Time is precious. You lot could do me a favor and be rational about it. If do so, I'd appreciate it." A tired eye made its way to Peter, who was standing near the bank.

"You're not supposed to be up there, that's my spot. Get to your seat please."

Peter looked around and sure enough, he was at the front of the class. "Gah! S-Sorry!" He backed away.

With tired eyes he groaned as he entered the classroom, "Hello, I'm Aizawa Shouta, your teacher. Nice to meet you all." His delivery was so bored and devoid of emotion that Peter joined the rest of the class in surprise. This guy was the homeroom teacher of a hero academy? He looked ready to drop dead from exhaustion, not teach a class.

Clearly no one told him that everyone needs sleep, because he set his eyes on Peter again.

"You're not in your seat, in fact, most of you aren't."

Peter and the other doorway companions didn't need to be told twice. They quickly made their way to their seats, either the ones that they marked or had to sit in. In Peter's case, he was lucky enough to return to his backpack. But as he approached, he felt something tingle in the back of his head. He looked to the side, and saw a student next to the cute girl was glaring at him. His red and white hair shadowed his eyes, and gave the burn scar over his left eye an almost malicious light.

The look he was giving him, Peter recognized it. It was the same look some of the heroes gave him back in Germany. They weren't nearly as scary looking but it was the same look. Captain America's gaze was filled with concern and curiosity, and the Soldier and Falcon were more surprised with his showings to look at him any differently.

This guy though he looked… expectant?

What was his deal?

He took his seat in time to see Mr. Aizawa reach into his bag and pull out a blue with white-trim gym uniform.

"Right, put these on as quick as you can and head outside."

"W-Where to?" Peter asked.

"The Training Grounds."

Training grounds, didn't they need to get to orientation? As if his quirk was hearing the unspoken question, Aizawa frowned. "What are you doing?" he asked, "Do heroes stand around when they've received an order? Get to it."

"Yes sir!" came the reply of most of the class.

Peter didn't know, but he did what he was told. What were they going to do on the training grounds, and on the first day?


"A Quirk Apprehension Test?!" The students all said as one. Shouta was irritated but kept his composure. Uraraka came up to him.

"What about orientation? We're gonna miss it!" Boy this girl didn't get it.

"If you want to become Heroes, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies." Shouta stated as he looked back at the crowd of youths. "U.A. is known for it's freestyle educational system. That applies to us teachers as well, so I can run my class as I see fit." The entire class just looked confused.

"Alright." He turned towards the group. "Ball Throw. Standing Long Jump. Fifty Meter Dash. Endurance Training. Grip Strength. Side to side stepping. Upper body training. And seated Toe touch. You did all of these in middle school during your Standard Non-Quirk Gym Tests." Shouta took a deep breath. Time to vent a little and educate. "Japan still insists on prohibiting Quirks when calculating the averages of those records as to give those with less power more of a chance. It's not rational. The Department of Education is just procrastinating and wasting time for those who should be ahead of the pack." He turned towards the crowd, his tired eyes settling on the seething berserker genius.

"Bakugo." He perked up. "How far can you throw in middle school without using your Quirk?"

"Sixty-seven meters, give or take." Bakugo said resolutely. Shouta reached into a bucket beside him and tossed him a U.A. Quirk Test softball.

"Great. Now try it with your Quirk. Anything goes. Just don't leave the circle." He stepped back, grabbing the work phone that will track all the results of the test. "Give it all you got."

Bakugo stretched his limbs, walking into the circle. "Alright then here goes..." He got into position, and wound up his arm.

And followed through all his might, an explosive blast leaving his hand. "DIE!" Bakugo roared. Shouta could hear the confused mutterings from the rest of the class.

Well, he did whatever he needed to. The ball landed faraway, and Shouta looked down at the result. "Knowing the limits of your abilities is crucial." He showed the phone. 705.2 meters. Not a surprise, in his estimation. Bakugo was a wild horse, but his potential was oozing off him like water from a sponge. "That's the first rational step to figuring out what kind of heroes you'll be." The entire class was in awe, giving praise to the blonde who seemed to smirk.

Genius Berserker, and loves to preen like a peacock when given praise. Lovely.

Midoriya seemed nervous, looking around as the class socialized and talked about how they're gonna use their Quirks. Parker looked at it all and was impressed judging by how he looked at Bakugo, before looking at his own hands.

But here are these brats going on and on on how the Hero Course was fun and awesome.

Oh how wrong they are.

"Awesome, you say?" Shouta asked, before leering at the teens. "You're hoping to become Pro Heroes in three years time, and you think it's gonna be all fun and games?" That made the crowd shut up. And the man put forth his most intimidating smirk, combined with his hair, he was looking like something out of a horror movie. Good. "Idiots... We will be taking eight physical tests. The one with the lowest score across all eight events will be judged hopeless, without any potential… and will be expelled on the spot."

"Whaaaaat?!" A lot of the students air was deflated, and Shouta couldn't contain his smirk as he lifted up his hair, showing his eyes, despite the tired look and bags under them, showed focus and that he was not playing around. Time to put some fear into these brats and give them the kick in the ass they need!

"Your fate is in your hands. Now show me what you got!"

"The one with the lowest score will be expelled?! It's only the first day! I mean... I even..." Uraraka was lost for words. "That isn't fair!"

"And natural disasters are?" Shouta retorted on the spot. "Highway accidents and Villain Incidents? Calamity is always lurking around the corner. The world isn't fair, and it is a hero's job to correct that and make it fair. For the next three years, U.A. will be throwing constant adversity upon your shoulders to ensure you go beyond your limits. To surpass them and ascend to new heights." He had a smirk, gesturing to them to come. "That is Plus Ultra. Use the powers given to you to overcome that adversity, and you'll thrive here. So bring your A-Game." He pocketed his hands, gesturing to the students. "Now then, we've done enough talking. It's time we begin."

And this is where the fun begins.


The First Test. Fifty Meter Dash.

Iida Tenya did well, no surprise. 3.04 seconds using his quirk, Engine. Will have to see how he does in other events, Shouta made a mental note. Asui Tsuyu got a 5.58. Considering her partner, she wasn't bad.

Uraraka Ochako got a 7.15, thanks to using her Quirk on her clothes. Creative, but she has use her quirk on her entire body to be more effective. Without getting as queasy too. Her partner, Mashirao Ojiro got a 6.91. Room for Improvement, could strengthen that tail of his.

Aoyama Yuga was a bit of a peacocky-pratter mouth, but he used his Navel Laser well enough during the dash. 5.51 seconds. And Ashido Mina is in great shape, being right on his tail and passing with a 5.40.

Testing their Quirks to their limits allows him to see their room for growth. That will always be tied to how they utilize their abilities.

Next up, Midoriya and Bakugo, students 17 and 18 on his chart. They started and-

"Turbo!" Bakugo was racing down the lane, the blasts from his hands propelling him to a 4.13. Impressive, fits with the film he watched of Battle Center A's Practical Exam. Midoriya not so much. 7.02. Well, least he was in shape.

"Last ones." Students 19 and 20. Parker and Yaoyorozu.


Peter got to the staring line after seeing Izuku look after Bakugo leave. He looked down at his jumpsuit, seeing Aizawa standing at the far end with the robots that measure their speed. Back home... he had to lag, to purposefully fail as to not draw eyes about his powers. He looked to the side, seeing the taller dark haired beauty.

Goodness... Liz may have been super cute... but Yaoyorozu Momo was so… hot. She filled out that gym un-

Wait! Don't stare! Think! Focus on the run!

Now... he no longer has to hold back. No longer having to worry about living a double life. Hiding his identity and abilities. Go Plus Ultra, as Mr. Aizawa put it. "Let's do our best, Yaoyorozu-san. Let's hit it hard and hit it fast!" Peter offered a smile, looking at as the girl turned. Yaoyorozu returned it with a small one and nodded.

"Likewise." Woman of few words. Okay. No biggie. MJ was one too... well... she was a girl of many words. Just a lot of snarky ones. He got got down onto his hands, feet propped. He then heard a loud thumping noise and beside him, he saw... a Moped?! And Yaoyorozu got on it!

Wait, is that even allowed? Did she just make it on the spot?!

Never mind that, don't hold back. He can go all out now.

"Runner's on your marks!" The robot shouted out. They got set. "Ready!" And the gun fired.

Peter raced, going as hard and as fast as he could and before he knew it, he was across with a skid. He looked back, and just saw Yaoyorozu finish behind him as she hit the brakes, looking at him with wide eyes. The robot chimed.

"4.23 seconds!" Then the second chime. "4.90 seconds!"

"Alright, next test. Let's move it people." Aizawa shouted. Peter looked at his hands. He had to fake the runs at time but now... 4.23 seconds?

He let out a laugh, smiling. This is just the Practical Exam all over again. Time to have some fun! And she summoned a scooter from like, another dimension or something! Cool! He will have to ask her about her ability!

"You were... not joking. You are fast! And cool scooter!" Peter exclaimed.

Yaoyorozu brushed aside her hair as she got off the moped, and Peter perked up and blushed.

"Well... I did say let's do our best, right?" She replied added, and the boy chuckled.

"You did pretty well yourself! Come on, let's move on to the next event." Peter offered his hand with a grin. Time to properly introduce himself rather than him learn names from the name tags on the desk. "I'm Peter. Peter Parker. I'm the guy who sits behind you, by the way." He shrugged, offering a nervous grin. Yaoyorozu blinked, and then offered a soft smile as she took it.

"Yaoyorozu Momo. It is a pleasure to meet you, Parker-san."

"The same for me." Peter replied and deep down...

He was overjoyed. He's talking to the most beautiful girl and-

"Mush people." Aizawa said, and the two teens jumped and began to jog to where the rest of the class was mingling as they made their way to the gym.


Shouta looked at the score on his phone. Iida got first, no surprise there. Then Bakugo in second... and Parker third, and Yaoyorozu fourth. But her versality and creativity... As expected of a Recommended Student. He's never gotten one in the last few years. She's a shoe in for sure. As for Parker...

'Guess he doesn't need that suit after all. That was all physical power alone though. Nothing too special, I guess.' He thought as he saw Peter walk with the students towards the gym.


Second Test: Grip Strength.

Peter looked down at the hand-held device. Objective was simple: Grip as hard as you can to measure it out the highest score. "Okay... here goes." He saw many other students gripping theres, that one Sato Rikido being allowed to eat some cupcakes for his quirk. He got a suger high thanks to his quirk, Sugar Dope, and went over 700 kilograms! He noticed some students gather around Shoji Mezo, with nearly 540 kilograms from his gripping. Peter bit his lip and looked at his. He gripped as hard as he could. Go all out, like what Mr. Aizawa said... He has to keep reminding himself that. This is a hero school, not like back home.

He heard a beep and looked down.

999.99 kilograms.

"Uhhhh... Mr. Ai-I mean." Peter paused, reverting back to Japanese. "Aizawa-sensei." The black haired man lazily looked over as Peter showed the device's results. He then looked down at the phone. "Is there a stronger grip-monitor or-"

"You're good. Just put it back." Aizawa stated as Peter nodded.

"Okay then... I-"

"Whoa that's a lot of Nines!" Mina exclaimed as she looked over, about to turn her's in when she saw Peter's device.

"Huh? Someone beat my mark?" The muscular Sato walked over, no longer in his sugar-induced craze. "Whoa that's cool!" He said, impressed.

"Uhh... hehe. Yeah." Peter laughed. "I... guess I did?" All this much attention? How did Mr. Stark handle all of this?

"Did you actually get nine hundred and ninety-nine kilos or did the machine break?" Mina mused. Kirishima finished his and checked the score.

"Break? I bet he went beyond that! Seriously, you did more than Sato or Shoji!" He slapped Peter's back, and the boy blushed. "Nice one!"

"T-Thanks... Just doing my best is all." The Boy from Queens replied, doing his best to avoid the simmering glare from Bakugo who was gripping his device over and over. Izuku was looking at him with awe... before looking at his own in dejection.


'And here I thought we wouldn't get another All Might.' Shouta mused as he looked at the score after Parker and the rest of the students turned in the devices. The score on his phone... was unreadable. Zeroes across the board. Yet the device read 999.99 kilograms.

His strength. His speed. His equipment from the Practical Exam.

All the devices were turned off, except Parker's and Yaoyorozu's, because he broke the damn machine by his grip alone while the girl summoned a clamp and kept applying pressure until the machine too broke, which was understandable. And on top of tha-

The feeling of being watched... Shouta turned his head, and peering from the windows high above the gym was Toshinori Yagi, in his All Might form. He noticed and slinked back out of sight.

Shouta narrowed his eyes. Parker's becoming more of an anomaly the more he showed off his skills. And All Might is snooping on him? Did he hear of his track record in failing many students during his tenure at U.A.? And yet decided to check on the one class that has someone like Parker…


He altered the score, adding the note saying 'Enough' to Parker's and Yaoyorozu's Zeros.

Onto the next then.


Third Test: Standing Long Jump.

Parker cleared the sandbox with ease. No surprise there. Only a few others managed to do so as well, including Iida, Bakugo, Aoyama, and Todoroki who scaled the jump using their quirks. Yaoyorozu managed to conjure a javelin and used that to get air and distance.

Very impressive crop so far.


Fourth Test: Repeated Side Steps.

Parker aced it again, going at incredible speeds without any of the long wind up that Iida has to do. Got on top, with only Bakugo behind him in time and reps.


Fifth Test: Ball Throw.

So far so good. Everyone's been taking their tests and using their quirks in predictable ways, some have shown creativity but that's par for the course. The few class geniuses who can apply these go onto thrive, as do those with unnatural talent.

Todoroki Shoto has been doing alright on his end, getting above average marks using his ice quirk. Pity he isn't using his fire ability for some reason, but his ice has carried him well enough for the events that mattered.

Bakugo Katsuki was top three easily, in utilizing his quirk to complete the exercises. His Explosion can make him fly over short distances, and the combat purposes can be applied to any scenario. Aggressive and abrasive he may be, but talented he is in spades.

Yet Peter Parker was acing this, and Shouta was beginning to become more convinced that there's more to this kid than meets the eye. He was number one, well, so far. But if he kept this up, he should tackle the rest of the tests fine.

Hell, he'd have to forsake his teaching career to fail him at this point. Then again, his logical ruse is working in ensuring these kids are busting their humps and using their heads to use their abilities in creative ways. Many of the students applied that principle with the Ball Throw, some going far, others not so much.

Thankfully this event was going by fast, and now they are at Uraraka Ochako.

Shouta saw Uraraka throw her ball and it kept going… and going… and going.

Expected, but at least she had the idea to utilize that. So there's something of a brain behind that dollish face of her's.

Phone came out as Infinite, and Shouta showed it. The entire classed yelled "Infinity!?" at once. They really shouldn't be shocked by this. All the girl did was use her head.

And then there's the dead-last, Midoriya Izuku. It was like seeing a watermelon decompose over weeks, only replace weeks with minutes and 'watermelon' with 'Midoriya's composure'.

The boy's self-destructive quirk had yet to be manifested, and he was going by on paltry physical feats alone.

Without a doubt, he's hopeless. A fish out of water. Shouta saw him try to calm down, ready to throw the softball.

And the glow of his arm.

Not happening.

Shouta didn't blink as his scarf and hair began to wave as if he was underwater, the ball plummeted a mere 46 meters. Midoriya was befuddled.

He doesn't belong here.

"I erased your quirk." He elaborated, earning Midoriya's attention as he froze, and Shouta focused his quirk, Erasure, on him solely. "That stupid Entrance Exam… should be revised and changed if it allowed someone like you on these grounds." He growled, and Midoriya didn't seem to take his stance on U.A.'s entrance exam, more focused on his goggles around his neck.

"My quirks was erased! Wait, those goggles… you're Eraserhead, the Erasure Hero!" Well, hopeless he maybe, but he knows his homework. The rest of the class didn't know about it. Which is fine, since he doesn't like the spotlight. In fact he does everything he can to avoid it. Going underground is what he does best. As for Midoriya? He'd be a smart student, but a hero?

Maybe in his wildest dreams.

"I saw it, how you can't control your Quirk. You'd just be incapacitated again if you used it." Shouta pocketed his hands. "Hoping for a helping hand?" He sneered, glaring down at him.

Midoriy shook his head. "N-No it's not like tha-" Enough. Shouta used the scarf and had it wrap around the green haired runt to pull him in closer.

"Whatever the outcome, your quirk would have made you into a liability. A deadweight to those who you are planning to save and those who you work alongside." Shouta remembered of that man who was eavesdropping them. He's going to have to talk to him to stop it with this. This is irritating. "Once upon a time, a certain hot blooded hero, saved over a thousand people during a disaster and it made him legend. You have that same reckless altruism about you as he did. But you're useless if you can only save one person and only one person alone." He narrowed his eyes. "Midoriya Izuku, with that power of yours… you cannot become a hero."

Todoroki can with some nudging to use his fire. Bakugo can be a hero, with some refinement and coaching. Parker absolutely, although he can use some common sense pointers and not be as bumbling at times.

But Midoriya?

Absolutely Hopeless.

He let out a sigh and pocketed his hands, his scarf twirling back to normal around his neck as he walked off to give the boy some space. He closed his eyes, god that feels so good. "You got your quirk back, so give it another go. Let's get this over with."

The students began muttering about themselves, all about the boy. Bakugo seemed to be like him, anticipating that the kid will fail, no matter what.

"Hey Midoriya!" Parker called out, waving his hand. "Do your best!"

Well, least he has one supporter. Shouta finished applying some eyedrops, a much needed relief for his quirk and for what little sleep he gets and stared at the green haired boy.

Either way, he doesn't belong here at this school. Not one bit.

He seems to be muttering… Midoriya is rearing back to throw.

At 100% and ruining his arm and being a deadweight for the rest of the tests, or zero percent and just flop on his face? What will he-

Wait what?

The glowing is on…. His finger!?


And the ball rocketed out of his hand like a cannon, sailing high to the gasps and awe of the class. Shouta went to his phone, inspecting the score.

He didn't utilize his full power to his arm or hand… he concentrated it to his finger tip the moment the ball was about to leave!

705.3 meters!

"Sensei!" Shouta looked up, and Midoriya was grinning, even with tears in his eyes, and gripped his hand, the one with the broken index finger at that. "I… can still move!"

"This kid…!" The black haired man couldn't hold back his grin. The awe of what had transpired…

This kid has a brain! Honest to god creativity and intellect! To utilize that self-destructive power for maximum efficiency and minimum drawback. The focus to concentrate such a power to a small point for perhaps multiple uses…

He wasn't expecting surprises. And Aizawa Shouta got one. A pleasant surprise to be sure. Heck, in past prior entrance exams he's… never been this giddy before.

Well, guess he's not hopeless after all. With that head, and maybe with the right teaching and control…

He may become a hero yet.

"Awesome! That's a hero throw if I've ever seen one!" Uraraka shouted with glee.

"Holy crap that's awesome," Parker gasped in awe. "It flew out like it was fired out of a cannon!"

"Impressive but his finger appears to be swollen," Iida pointed out, adjusting his glasses. "He's hurt regardless."

"But hey, you know the saying!" Kirishima added. "No pain no gain right! Hell, he got even higher than Bakugo! He's second only to you Uraraka!"

Parker had enough sense to damp his enthusiasm and take a closer look. Midoryia's finger was red, and swollen so badly it looked like something out of a cartoon. "Oh yeah, his finger looks like it's broken." He shrugged. "It's a lot better than his arms were though. If he can power up just his finger, he could use his power a lot more. Start small, work from there."

Shouta scowled. They were missing the point. Midoriya's improvisation was impressive, but he had still managed to hurt himself, and badly enough to need medical attention. Not much, nothing Recovery Girl couldn't handle, but enough to cause trouble on a mission, or in a fight if Midoriya found a way to use up his fingers, like bullets in a pistol. But Parker was getting warmer. He has something of a brain too at least.

If Midoriya could master his new Quirk, enough so to not hurt himself, it would serve him well; very well. But he wasn't there yet. Not by a long shot.

Shouta glanced back at the class, who were staring at Midoriya in awe and surprise. But none of them looked half so surprised as Bakugo.

No. Not surprise. Not mere bewilderment, or confusion. The boy's face, already built for a permanent scowl, was set in utter, brain-frozen astonishment.

Then it was gone, replaced with something far worse, far more fitting for what Shouta had seen of Bakugo's personality.

Rage. Infernal, homicidal, carpet-chewing rage. The rage that only a shattered ego could unleash.

"What the fuck!?" Bakugo charged, his quirk blasting him along. "Explain yourself Deku! You lying snake!"

Shouta sighed. Nothing to be done. Muttering irritably to himself, he readied his capture scarf and focused on the blond. He flung out the scarf, snatching Bakugo instantly...

Only for Parker tackle Bakugo and held him, taking off right after he saw Bakugo rage towards Midoriya. He was fast. He grabbed Bakugo's arms as he held him, forcing them out and away from him, where his explosions could not reach. He would have tackled him to the ground had it not been for the scarf.

"Get off me Redshirt!" roared Bakugo, struggling under Parker's grip and the scarf. "I'll kill you!"

"What's your problem?!" demanded Parker. "All he did was throw a damn ball!"

"Shut up! You don't know a damn thing about me! Fuck off!" Bakugo's hands writhed and aimed his way, but no explosions came out, much to the blonde's surprise. "What the-! My quirk! This fucking scarf!"

"That's enough." Shouta hissed as Bakugo snarled as he struggled against the scarf with Peter also in its thrall, glaring at Shouta with wrathful eyes.

"W-What? Why is your scarf so damn strong?"

"You got this, Aizawa-Sensei?" Parker asked. "Ummm, yeah... you kinda do now actually, hehe." He avoided his head to avoid a backwards headbutt from the seething blond. He let go and walked back, watching Bakugo struggle under the scarf's embrace and not Peter tackling him.

"Yes, although your contribution was unnecessary Parker. As for the scarf, it is a capture weapon," Shouta explained. "It's made of carbon fiber and a rather special metal alloy which I'm not going to tell you about. Now stand down!" The last he barked like a drill sergeant, glaring hard at Bakugo, the boy tried to glare back, snarling like a mad dog. Shouta's seen worse. "You really don't want to make me use my quirk," he added for effect. "It gives me serious dry eye, and I'm running low on eye drops." He said that last sentence low and dark.

A second passed, and the blond finally stopped struggling. Shouta called back his scarf and closed his eyes, deactivating the quirk.

"You're wasting time. Whoever's next can step up."

Midoriya took the distraction as his cue to leave. Parker hurried over to join him, as did Iida and Uraraka, and a few others. Bakugo glared after them, his gaze hot with bitter, burning hatred.

Good grief. Why did he have to get the hard cases every year? Couldn't Vlad take some of them? Couldn't he have some nice, normal students for once? A class with no dark pasts, murderous rivalries, or mental cases?

He knew the reason. With a quirk like his, he was the best-qualified to handle any trouble; at least without killing or maiming anyone.

He scanned his itching eyes over the crowd of students. They were showing signs of talent, or at least some of them were. If anything, he was being lenient in only expelling one. This class could stand to lose at least five, like Hagakure, Sero, and others like Jirou or Koda. The mouse would complain, but the couches in his office were divine anyway.

Not Parker though. Shouta could see how the others were looking at him, and it was no surprise. First on the Practical, and outshining almost everyone in every category. Bakugo was his closest peer in terms of results, and even his luster was looking dull these days.

The American stood, loosening up his arm and glancing down at his hands. What was going through his head? Whatever it was, it was a distraction.

Shouta threw Parker the ball. The kid caught it without even looking. Impressive spacial awareness.

"Anytime you want to throw it Parker," Shouta called.

The boy flinched and nodded. Shouta looked down at his phone, time to see what he can do.


Katsuki Bakugo was annoyed.

No, not annoyed. Annoyed he could cope with. Annoyed he was used to. Annoyed was a daily occurrence. He was annoyed with mom. He was annoyed with riding the bus. He was annoyed at his old junior high.

He was not annoyed.

He was outraged. He was pissed.

First, fucking Deku of all people made it into U.A. That alone was enough to make his blood boil. But then he somehow managed to throw the ball further than he did. He had put everything into that throw! And yet Deku had had outperformed him! Deku!

It was wrong! It didn't make sense! It wasn't supposed to be like this! He was just Deku! Powerless, worthless, Deku! A Quirkless Ant!

Had he hidden it for all those years? Had he just pretended to be a Quirkless? But then why? What could he gain from everyone thinking he was a total freakish loser?

Bakugo shivered as his mind ran wild. Was Deku mocking him behind his back? Had he been mocking him all this time? Was this some plot to make himself look good, and Bakugo look stupid?

That lying little snake! He played the long con and Katsuki fell for it hook line and sinker! Like a fool! Like a loser!

Bakugo clenched his fists, gritted his teeth. All those crocodile tears, all those wimpy speeches about heroism, all those offerings for 'help'. It was all just a cover for his goal, to rise to the highest level and surpass All Might! And he, Bakugo, was just a stepping stone on that road!

Worse than a liar. A goddamn hypocrite!

And there was Parker, that irritating, stupid-looking foreigner! The one who stumbled around like some kind of idiot, yet somehow got first on the Practical! How the hell did he get in?

He had cheated. He had to have cheated. If not, the judges were clearly out of line! They must have been foreigners too, letting one of their own into what was supposed to be an elite Japanese school!

That or they were blind, insane, corrupt, or smoking something during his performance. Any of those made about as much sense.

One way or another, he didn't belong there. He was a foreigner, a fish out of water, going where he had no business of being!

Aizawa threw the ball, and Bakugo almost gaped when Parker caught it without even looking up.

How the heck did he manage that? It couldn't have been his peripheral vision; the angle was wrong. Was it reflexes?

And that strength. When Parker had held him down like that...

"Anytime you want to throw it Parker," Aizawa said. The extra looked away sheepishly.

"Not like Rivera… like Puig… okay." He muttered lightly in English.

Bakugo could just make it out. Rivera? Puig? The fuck are those?

Parker wound up his arm, corked his entire body…and threw it, like a baseball player throwing from outfield to home plate, putting as much torque as he could. A single blast of sound and force washed over Katsuki and the extras as the ball sailed through the air. It's trail had nothing on his, it just flew further.

And further.

And further until they could barely see it.

Aizawa turned around, and displayed the number.

921.5 meters.

'Are you fucking kidding me!?'

There's… there's no way! That's impossible! How did he get that high!?

Katsuki blinked, but the number remained the same. 921 meters, a full two hundred ahead of his own score. His jaw dropped open, his eyes as wide as plates. The extras behind him cried out in surprise.

"W-wow that's strong," said that tape dude.

"That's awesome!" The invisible girl chirped.

"Well he got first in the Practical I was in, so it's not too surprising" Octopus arms added with his… arm-tentacle mouth.

"And here I thought I was going to be the strongest," Big lips and muscles mused. "U.A. really is full of surprises...."

Surprises? Surprises? Parker had just blown everyone else out of the water! Even gravity girl couldn't compete! He was like...like...

A mini All Might! He had a mini All Might in his class!

Katsuki struggled for breath. His lungs felt like they were full of liquid concrete. There was no escape, no denying what he had seen.

The American… was stronger than him. With nothing but his own raw strength, he beat out his Explosion. His physical feats surpassing him.

Was… was that first place in the Practical not a fluke?

Katsuki clenched his fist and ground his teeth. No, that wasn't it. That couldn't be it. He was nothing but dumb muscle, switching to English and fumbling through conversations when flustered. Stick to Japanese since you're in Japan you ignorant jackass!

A-And his quirk didn't have the versatility of Katsuki's! He could apply it to everything that this redshirt couldn't do and more! He could fly! He could fire explosive blasts up close and from range! All he could do was be the most watered down form of his idol. Nothing more, nothing less! He didn't even care if that rich bitch just made a bazooka to fire out the ball and double up on Parker's score. She's like gravity girl. A cheater.

'Enjoy your time in the sun while you can.'

His snarl became a devil's smirk. Fine. A challenge. A worthy obstacle for him to overcome in order to get to the top. All Might faced his challenges with a smile on his face. He would do the same.

'Because when I surpass you, I'm gonna relish knocking you off that fucking ivory tower of yours! Just you wait! Peter Parker!'


The next few tests passed without much excitement. Not that Peter was complaining. Anything beside the fiasco with Izuku's ball throw would be fine for him. The only one complaining about the seated toe touch was Izuku due to his finger.

Then came the sit ups. Passed with ease. And finally the long distance run.

It was like running through the golf course back home. No way to use his webs, and having to go on foot like everyone else. Tenya and Bakugo blasted in front of everyone else with their quirks, while Peter trailed behind them. He kept up a faster pace than he remembered ever using in gym class and once more he finished without even breaking a sweat. Tenya gave him an impressed nod, and Bakugo sneered. The latter looked drenched in sweat and exhausted, but Tenya and Peter, while sweaty, were holding up just fine.

What was his problem? First it was a glare after hearing Peter got first, now he looked ready to rip his head off just for doing well. Well, he did tackle him but he was trying to stop him from assaulting Izuku! What was he supposed to do?

And besides, why did an asshole like him want to be a hero anyway? He'd been anything but hero material that day. He'd even tried to attack Izuku, and for no good reason!

And why call him Deku like that? Pet name maybe? Insult?

"If you're done standing around, the final results are in." Mr. Aizawa called out.

Guess this is it, whoever was in last place would be kicked out. Peter looked back and saw Izuku collapsed on the floor after his run. Everyone walked around him, Peter walked over and gave him a helping hand up. Bit awkward when Izuku couldn't use his good hand, but he got him up.


"Anytime. Keep your head up." Peter said with a grin. "I'm sure you did well! You did on that ball throw!" He said before he turned towards the results shown from the holo-projector on the teacher's phone.

1. Peter Parker.
2. Yaoyorozu Momo.
3. Todoroki Shoto.
4. Bakugo Katsuki.
5. Iida Tenya.
6. Tokoyami Fumikage.
7. Shoji Mezo.
8. Ojiro Mashirao
9. Kirishima Eijirou
10. Ashido Mina.
11. Uraraka Ochako.
12. Koda Koji.
13. Sato Rikido.
14. Tsuyu Asui.
15. Aoyama Yuga.
16. Sero Hanta.
17. Denki Kaminari.
18. Jirou Kyoka.
19. Hagakure Tooru.
20. Midoriya Izuku.

Midoriya looked like he wanted the earth to swallow him whole. Oh yeah, the expulsion rule for being dead-last...

Peter bit his lip and took a deep breath. Midoriya hadn't done well on the other tests after the ball throw, and for good reason. He hadn't had time to go to the nurse's office and get his finger fixed. He bit his lip, awaiting Aizawa's declaration and ousting of-

"Oh yeah, that part of me expelling one of you? I lied."

"Wait what!" Peter yelled in English, Aizawa's words snapping him back to reality.

"I mean, what!" He switched back to Japanese. But no one seemed to have noticed his faux-pas. The whole class looked utterly stunned. And as for Aizawa, that had to be the biggest troll grin Peter had ever seen!

"It was all a logical ruse, meant to bring out the best in all of you." He elaborated with a chuckle and a toothy grin. Everyone in the class gasped.

"Whaaaaat?!" Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya in various shades of pale and surprise shouted out in unison. It made Peter shrink away a little. To the side, Yaoyorozu sighed.

"What, you took him seriously? It was obvious a lie if you actually thought about it." Peter blinked, looking to the side, gears turning... then like a microwave chime, he snapped his fingers.

"Ah. If we hadn't had that threat hanging over us…" Peter mused.

"I wouldn't be able to assess the best you could do." Aizawa explained as he rubbed his eyes. "Urgency brings out the best in others, showing their true colors."

"Anyways," he sighed, turning around. "We're done here. Your syllabus and documents about the Hero Course are in your classroom. Give'em a look when you can. Oh, Midoriya."

The green haired boy perked up as the dark haired man handed him a slip of paper. "Go to Recovery Girl. Tomorrow's going to be just hard if not harder after all. Be at your best, ok?"

Midoriya nodded dumbly as he took the note, and Peter smiled, walking up and patting the boy on the back.

"Hey! You did your best and you didn't get fail right! I say that's a good day."

He saw the look on the boy's face. He was still stunned.

"Still… mean trick by Aizawa-Sensei, but I can see where he's coming from... so he's gonna be my teacher." Peter didn't like his methods at first but... he can see why he did it.


He couldn't shake it.

Parker's powers weren't the big question mark, no. Speed, strength, agility, many strong heroes acquire these. Yet, the stamina he displayed when he had the students run themselves ragged? Wouldn't raise much of an eyebrow if he was just a strong individual.

It was the other factors outside the Apprehension Test.

That suit for one. The web slinging must be a part of it. The experience he displayed while fighting the faux villains.

But, specifically that suit of his. That would fall over his head like sand and form glowing blue eyes, form giant metal spider legs. It was a technology Shouta had never seen before.

Parker was a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, and served in a dorky, good-natured smile. He had mysterious and powerful technology at his disposal, and combat experience that most third years could only dream of. But he was still just a young boy.

A boy, starting here in in U.A. as a freshman. Just around the same time as-

"Aizawa, you big fat liar!"

Shouta emerged from his reverie. It was hard to think with a voice like that bellowing in his ears.

"Figured you were watching me All Might. You were peeking in around the halfway point, weren't you." Shouta droned, hands pocketed as he looked up at the muscular titan of a man. The blond Goliath laughed.

"Perceptive aren't you! And I tried my best to be as sneaky as possible! It appears I have much to learn!"

He grinned. He always grinned.

"Anyways, a 'tactical ruse?' You do know April fools was a week ago. You expelled an entire class of freshman last year!"

"Yep." Shouta replied.

"You toss aside those with zero prospects without batting an eye, and yet not go back on your word?" The Symbol of Peace snapped his finger. "Could it be that that one boy, Midoriya, you can see his promise too don't you?"

Shouta sighed. So, he brings up the dead last from the tests? Could he be dodging him preemptively?

"You like Midoriya? And here I thought you had an eye on the foreign kid." All Might perked up.

"Oh? What about Young Parker?"

"Unlike Midoriya he came here to U.A. with some of the best grade equipment I have ever seen and he came within a hair's breath of breaking your record during the Practical Exam. And his abilities…"

He turned to face All Might, and the giant flinched a little.

"...are a lot like yours… All Might."

"Wait." Yagi tilted his head. "Why are you talking about Young Parker? He has loads of promise and potential with a great heroic spirit to boot! And I would assume that he would ace your exam with flying colors. You'd have to try to fail him, considering your track record! But, back on track, what-"

Shouta let out a loud sigh of frustration He was getting cranky. Tired. And planning out the year was going to take time. He missed his sleeping bag.

"Midoriya… isn't as hopeless as I thought. That's all I can say. And as for Parker well…"

He turned back, giving All Might a light glare.

"He has potential oozing out of him. Yet he's a free spirit, with a good heart. And that equipment too. Unusual, no?"

All Might still looked confused, as if he couldn't put two and two together to make four. Or was really bad at answering direct questions.

"Eh? What do you mean? I am still confused about Young Parker..."

Fuck it, he was playing dumb.

"Fine. Forget it. We'll talk about this later." Shouta snarled, and stalked off. He had too much to think about, especially with this new class.

Endeavor's son Todoroki Shoto; enough said. Yaoyorozu Momo was looking versatile indeed, in addition to her intelligence and creativity she will be a powerhouse with enough knowledge. The Iida line was still going strong, in the form of their youngest son. Bakugo Katsuki, the finest marble Shouta had ever seen, but in need of a lot of polish; not to mention an attitude adjustment. And Midoriya Izuku…was showing a little promise, if only because he seemed to have a brain; more so than most of last year's failures. If he could use that brain, and get his quirk under proper control, he would go far.

And then there was Peter Parker.

The more Aizawa Shouta thought of him, the less he liked it. Most teachers would be appalled at the idea of investigating their own students. It was a breach of trust, not to mention professional ethics. But most teachers weren't Aizawa Shouta.

Tomorrow, Mic and All Might were in charge of the Class A kids. That would usually give him time to rest.

Not this time.

'I'm going to find out who you truly are Peter Parker. Your powers. Your experience. Your equipment. It's a combination I have never seen… and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.'

His eyes darkened as he retreated to the U.A. Academy building. He'll keep this on the down low and to the side. For now, he needed to do some research and fine combing of Parker's background...


Peter had to be honest with himself; he was getting annoyed.

This world had a lot of cool stuff. The hologram projectors, the faux villain robots, and hundreds of heroes with equipment that wouldn't feel out of place in Mr. Stark's museum. and maybe even in his R&D labs.

Then he found himself in a normal locker room. Peter wasn't expecting the royal treatment, but this was U.A., the best hero academy in all of Japan! Couldn't they spare a little money for repairs?

Like the hole that lead directly to the girl's changing room?

"Uhhh girls!" he called out through the hole, not looking into it, just speaking at it. "There's a hole here! I'm gonna ask the janitors to clog it up okay! Some pervs left it here! And I'm looking away from the hole, mouth closest to the hole, but eyes not from it! So, I'm not peeking or anything!"

He could hear the gasps of a male behind him, and a few from the hole.

"I'll clog it up with some paper and notify a faculty member at once. Thank you very much Parker-san!" called a voice in reply. It was Yaoyorozu!

"Anytime!" He glanced into the hole, just in time to see it fill up. The act made him smile. To think Yaoyoro... Momo would reply back.

"How could youuuuu?!" Kaminari Denki wailed in despair. The American rolled his eyes.

"Oh hush and grow up." Peter muttered as he returned to his locker. Yeah, every world had it's pervs and weirdos, but come on, seriously?

On the plus side, Bakugo had came and left faster than anyone else. Which was cool with Peter. The further away that he was from that guy, the better. What his beef was with Izuku, Peter had no clue. But it didn't mean he could be a jerk to everyone because of it. How could someone like him become a hero? If this was back home, he would have been called out by the teachers. Then again... his quirk.

With a sigh, Peter threw on his shirt and got the feeling that someone was looking at him. He turned around to see Eijirou looking him over.

"... hi, Kirishima-san? Eijirou-san? What do you prefer" Peter offered.

The red haired boy grinned at the attention. Peter didn't know what he was talking about until Eijirou lifted up the sleeve to Peter's arm.

"You eat raw iron for breakfast or somethin'? And whatever you like to call me. You've earned it in spades!"

The boy blushed under the red eyes.

"I uh… work out?" Peter offered weakly.

Eijirou chuckled, a shit-eating grin on his face. He stepped back and left the American to finish changing. In the back of the room, Denki banged his head against the locker.

"It's not fair man! Iida's got legs, Sato's a mountain and... then there's Parker! And he destroyed a parting gift from those who came before us! Why is the world so cruel!?"

Ojiro did his best to help, patting the distraught boy with his tail. Peter… didn't know what he was watching.

"Is he going to be okay?" he asked Koda. The quiet lizardish-looking boy shrugged, and Peter sighed. That's fair.

Ignoring the anguished cries of his classmate, Peter finished changing. He quickly made his way out, where he found Tenya standing looking at a wall-mounted map of the school. He had a serious air about him.

"You alright Iida?" The tall blue haired boy glanced back, grinning a welcoming smile.

"Yes Parker-san I'm quite alright. I'm only memorizing the layout of the school for future reference."

Peter tried not to look as confused as he felt. Wasn't the point of a map so that you didn't need to memorize it? He had seen such maps posted all over the school. There was no way anyone could get lost.

Then again, there was no great harm in it either. He had done it himself, after a fashion, navigating through Queens and New York by the landmarks.

"Ok, I, er, good luck? See you tomorrow," Peter offered. Iida took the awkwardness in stride, waving Peter off before returning to his study of the map; hand on chin, mumbling to himself. Peter left him to it, turning down the hall.

Only to step to the side as a hand reached for his shoulder.

The American looked to see Eijirou, clad in uniform, not even blink at Peter's dodge.

"Dude do you have eyes on the back of your head?"

"Uh," Peter started, scratching the back of his head nervously, "No-"

"Cause that would be freakin sweet!" Eijirou interrupted, flashing a grin and flexing for no reason. "Talk about winning the lottery!

"I-if you say so."

"Hey don't be nervous man," Eijirou said slapping Peter on the back as the pair towards the exit. "You crushed that quirk test! First day here and you're already at the top! That's what I call staking a claim! And don't mind Kaminari. He'll get over it, maybe."

Peter didn't answer him. How could he? He wasn't trying to stake anything, he was just doing what he was told. Before, he couldn't do a thing with his power. He had to act weak, let his books fall out of his bag and stumble when someone bumped into him.

Like everyone else in his school, he had to act normal.

Here though, being super was the normal. They didn't even blink at the list of things that the spider-bite allowed him to do. Mr. Aizawa looked tired more than anything, and Bakugo was a can of worms that Peter definitely didn't want to open. Again.

Still, hearing someone as hype as Eijiro shouting his praises was weird.

"Got to say," Eijiro continued, "that was an awesome three-sixty Aizawa-Sensei pulled on us. I was on the edge for the whole test!"

He gave Peter an expectant look and Peter nodded.

"Y-yeah it was wild."

"Sure was, I was seriously thinking that Aizawa-sensei was going to kick one of us out for a second there."

"I must apologise, I guess I should've said something."

The two boys stopped in their tracks. Because while the world was filled with superheroes, there was one thing and one thing that was guaranteed to stop a highschool boy in their tracks. A pretty black haired girl that was obviously talking to them. Yaoyorozu Momo walked up to the two, a cute apologetic smile on her face, her eyes filled with gratitude as she settled upon Peter. Peter felt his face heat up.

"Oh hi Momoyozu. Ack! I mean Sorry... Yaoyorozu-san."

How can he botch saying her name! Damnit Peter! He was so calm and natural during the tests but now he's back to being the shy guy he was back home. He jerked, rubbing his arm while Eijirou sniggered. Yaoyorozu blinked, and then giggled.

"It's alright Parker-san. You truly out did yourself during the tests today. I thought you had it figured out too, no?"

"Well... I had a feeling he was only saying that to light a fire under our buts, but I thought he was serious on the explusion thing. But he seriously looked like he was ready to fail a few people so I was... worried." The black haired beauty blinked.

"I see, you were worried about the others more than yourself then?" Peter nodded, scratching his arm.

"Yeah, in a way... don't worry about that Yaoyorozu-san. It all worked out." At those words, he saw something soften in her eyes towards him.

"Huh, others over yourself. Manly indeed." Eijirou said with a nod, arms crossed.

All the same, Peter couldn't help but feel like that was just luck. Aizawa seemed like he enjoyed every second of watching Peter and the others squirm at the thought of being expelled at making the bottom of the list. Especially Izuku. The teacher looked pissed every time that the green haired boy went up to the plate during each test.

Then the ball throw happened and something happened. He could hear the disdain and disgust fade into pure joy and surprise after Izuku completed the test in third place(second technically, Ochako didn't count because she broke the test). Well either way, it was still the first day, and they all got through it.

"Worked out? I was scared to death!" Peter turned and saw Uraraka Ochako rushing towards them with a relieved look on her face. The brown haired gravity girl huffed and took a deep breath to compose herself.

"Sorry about that," Yaoyorozu said apologetically, "I probably should've said something."

"Yeah, not all of us are smart enough to work that out," Eijirou points out.

Yaoyorozu looked down, apologetically.

"But it was no big deal," Peter added quickly, nudging Eijirou in the arm a little harder than usual. "I mean, Aizawa-sensei did that for us to learn. And, we learned! That's the job of a teacher right?"

Eijiro bark out of laugh, even Uraraka hid a giggle behind her hand.

"What are you talking about, it's not like you had anything to worry about Mr. First Place."

Peter groaned, did that seriously have to be a nickname? American, Foreigner, even redshirt was better than that. Unfortunately, didn't seem like anyone there agreed.

"Yeah Parker-kun! You really kicked butt out there," Uraraka praised. "I mean, you made that ball throw out line like a cannon shot from a tank! Or when you looked like a blur in the side-step!" The American groaned lightly again, his cheeks pink. "Oh! By the way, I know Americans call each other by their first name a lot, so do you prefer Parker or Peter?"

"W-Whichever is fine by you. Whatever's comfortable." Peter bit his lip as he saw the black haired beauty again approach.

"Not the words that I would've chosen, but you performed admirably" Yaoyorozu agreed, crossing her arms. "You belong here. Without a shadow of a doubt."

Naaaah all this praaaaaaaise...

Now Peter's face was heating up for a completely different reason. He really shouldn't be getting complimented just for following directions. He took a step back, and blanched. In the distance, he saw the clock. Ten after three, he was going to miss the bus!

"Thanks guys, but hey uhhh look at the time! I-I'll see you tomorrow gotta catch the bus!" Peter called. "Peace!" he yelled in English.

With that, he turned and all but sprinted down the hall and out of the school. He pushed the door open and didn't stop running. On the first day of U.A., the students were treated to the sight of a foreign student literally sprinting out of the Hero Course. The only one who didn't was Midoriya, who was too busy in his own thoughts to hear Peter coming. The poor guy jumped out of his skin when Peter rushed passed.

"Hey Midoriya bye Midoriya!" Peter blurted out while fast.

The spider themed hero-in-training saw just enough to catch Izuku standing in place awkwardly raising a hand in a wave. As soon as he was out of the grounds, Peter was met with the bus coming to a stop. Slowing to a stop, he let out a sigh and then heard himself laugh.

World of superpowers, hero professions, and many other oddities the first thing that he's worried about upon leaving school was missing the bus back home.

Huh, guess it wasn't too different from high school after all.

He sat down inside, looking as he heard the bus clink. Looking at his phone, he got some texts from Yu saying she will be working late and...

'Be sure to get some phone #s from your classmates okay! Always pays off to have a friend or two!'

Phone numb-

"Ah crap I forgot to get numbers." Peter muttered to himself. Ah well. He'd get it tomorrow when he was back in class.

The brown haired wall crawler allowed himself to smile. High school may have its warts and typical negative stuff. But not having to hold back; being able to go all out and be who he truly was without hiding behind a mask. It was all so liberating.

'Did you get into your class Peter?' Came a text. It was from Pony! Peter smiled and typed back.

'Yeah. Did good. You?'

'I did great!
hopefully we can have lunch together, although I should have lunch with my Class....'

'We'll see how it goes. See ya tomorrow!'

He couldn't wait for tomorrow.