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AN: Hopefully this is the right place for this, right formatting, etc. First time posting a...
E (sekai) 1


something witty
Mar 19, 2015
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AN: Hopefully this is the right place for this, right formatting, etc. First time posting a thread so I'm expecting some hiccups. Do let me know if I need to change something technical.

Otherwise, get ready for short snippets in poor taste that are never continued.

My consciousness.

My soul.

Whatever you want to call it.

The thing known as "I" was floating, suspended in a lightless void.

I was relieved to find there was indeed some kind of afterlife, even if this blank nothingness was not very encouraging. I was nervous and hopeful for what came next, sad and regretful that my previous life was over, and paradoxically happy that I got to go out the way I wanted.

A light appeared in the distance, growing steadily closer as my nervousness grew. I couldn't remember if you were supposed to go toward the light or away from it, or even what religion talked about a light moving toward you after death.

Paralyzed by indecision, I could only watch anxiously as the light became larger and brighter. Faintly at first, then louder, I began to hear it.

The sound of wheels on pavement.

A roaring engine.

And music. Beautiful music.

Suddenly the light wasn't so blinding, and my mouth fell open in shock as I made out the familiar form of a seemingly innocuous vehicle.


But that illusion was shattered as I heard a sound I'd recognize anywhere, and the truck transformed into a giant robot.


"Optimus Prime!" I shouted, "Is that really you? What are you doing here?"

"That is my name, though not my only one," Optimus replied in his smooth baritone, putting me at ease even with the future still so uncertain. "Of course, I am here to help you. In your darkest hour, you called for me."

I was confused. I didn't remember asking for his help, though I certainly could have used it a few minutes ago when I was being run over by… a…

"Truck-kun," I whispered, as the realization hit me.

"That's right. In your final moments, after sacrificing everything for the sake of an innocent, it was my name you called on. I can only say that I am honored."

"That kid, will he be okay?" I wondered.

"He will, but he's not the one you need to worry about. There's a thin line between being a hero and being a memory, and I'm sorry to say that you've crossed it."

"Then," I gulped, not really sure I wanted to know. "What happens now?"

"Now, I perform the sacred duty associated with my less popular avatar in your world."

"You mean…" I couldn't finish the sentence.

"Yes, you will be reincarnated in another world with your memories and personality intact. For your valor, I will even bestow you with a few gifts to help you in your new life."

"Can you tell me about the place I'll be going to? Or what my situation will be like?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to discover those details on your own. However, I can tell you about my gifts. I am limited to three minor blessings of your choice. For example, I could make certain you are born with handsome features, or make you slightly luckier than average. If you want to leave things up to chance, I can give you three blessings of random power and nature. Although I can't control what you'll end up with using this method, the upper limit of what I can accomplish is much higher."

"I'd like random blessings please," I said, only briefly hesitating. I didn't have a gambling habit, but I was confident in my luck.

"Very well," Optimus replied. Looking away from me, his already glowing blue eyes suddenly shone with a fierce splendor, their light propagating for countless miles in this otherwise featureless world. As his eyes dimmed to their usual warm glow, he looked back at me with satisfaction. "Congratulations, your gamble paid off."

"Don't keep me waiting Optimus," I said, grinning in excitement. "What did I get?"

"You will receive the ability to create and manipulate primordial lightning. Normally, this would be an incredibly dangerous undertaking. Mortals simply aren't equipped to wield that kind of power. Fortunately, I can infuse your blood with my blessing. Among other benefits, this will afford you an impressive degree of control, enough to reliably alter cellular activity. With time, and hard work, not even I can guess what you'll be capable of."

"That's amazing!" I crowed, extremely pleased with the results. "I can't thank you enough!"

Based on the examples he gave, I thought I would become really talented at something, or maybe have a body extremely suited to building strong muscles. I didn't think he was talking about outright superpowers!

"Don't thank me yet. I still need to pass this power on to you." Putting his words into action, Optimus opened a compartment in his chest and withdrew a luminous object. Cupped in the palm of his mighty steel hand, the Matrix of Light seemed tiny, but I knew it held an indescribable power.

I was struck speechless, my trembling hands reaching out of their own volition. Though I held it easily by the handles built into its metal shell, the Matrix seemed as heavy as a mountain. I stared mutely into its shining crystal heart, entranced for a time.


Finally looking back up to Optimus, he met my wide-eyed stare with an even gaze, and nodded once.

I pulled, ever so slowly separating the two halves of the outer casing.

And light lit up the darkness.
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