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A/N: Surprise! After posting my lemon oneshot of Damon and Elise (Marceline's Mom), I decided to...


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Nov 2, 2023
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A/N: Surprise! After posting my lemon oneshot of Damon and Elise (Marceline's Mom), I decided to continue this AU with episodes involving Marceline the Vampire Princess. Canonically, it's Vampire Queen, but since Damon helped Elsie jump the track of fate, this position was delegated to Elise. Don't worry, you'll see them soon. For now, here's some good fluff of Marceline with Skyler. And for all you Bubbline shippers, don't worry. The relationship will blossom here, too. Let's just say that Marcy here will have two of her favorite people together soon enough, and that's all I'm willing to say. I hope you all like it. :)

P.S. Skyler will be voiced by Linda Cardellini. ;)

Chapter 1: House Hunting​

At the treehouse, there was a loud thunderstorm going on outside. A small bat was flying right towards it and landed just under the window. It took a small peek inside to see three people. One of them was a human boy with a white marshmallow hat on his head with red-wool pajamas. The second was a magic yellow dog, who had a crumpet on his plate. And the third person was a young woman.

She had long blonde hair with a dark gray shirt and dark blue shorts, along with a black choker on her neck and black boots. The bat grinned at the trio as the dog was telling his story with his candlelight beside him.

"And as it waded through the carnage it had wrought," the dog said, "the vampire SMASHED their skulls, just for the fun of it!"

He'd smashed the crumpet, and red jelly came out of it for visual aid. The humans in the room gasped in shock.

"No way!" The boy exclaimed.

"Say it ain't so, Jake!" She added.

"Yes way, it did." Jake replied. "And also, the vampire hunched over its victims and breathed their vaporized blood mist."
Jake walked to the boy and warbled his voice with his tongue whilst wiggling the trumpet around and splashing some of the jelly on him.

"Ah, jeez!" the boy griped. Jake ate the crumpet in one bite as he walked over to the stairs. "Jake, is this stuff you're saying true? Or are you just trying to mess me up? You have to be honest."

"Oh, it's true, man." Jake answered. "I heard it through a reliable source."

"Reliable?" the boy said with fright. "Rats!"

But the young woman wasn't fooled.

"Reliable, huh?" The young woman questioned with burrowed eyes. "And who exactly is your 'reliable' source?"

"Peppermint Butler." Jake simply answered.

"Drat!" the young woman shouted. "He would know about stuff like this."

"Yeah." Jake agreed. "He even told me a rumor he heard. Some say it haunted this very tree!"

This sent a chill down their spines especially.

"This tree?!" They said with dread in their voices.

"Good niiiight…" Jake said ominously as he stepped down the stairs.

"Jake?" he asked worriedly, only to hear Jake warble.

"You're full of it, Jake!" the young woman shouted. Jake warbled more ominously than before. The young woman grumbled to herself and turned to him.

"Hey. Don't worry, Finn." She reassured. "If any vampire does come here, your big sis will stake it for you."

Finn blushed with embarrassment.

"I can stake my own vampires, Skyler." Finn muttered as he laid himself down to bed in his sleeping bag. Skyler laid down next to him and put her arm around Finn's body.

"I'm serious, Finn." Skyler insisted. "For all we know, we might be the only humans left on Ooo. Doesn't that scare you?"

"I'm not scared of anything." Finn bluntly answered. "I'm a righteous adventurer, like you."

"Yeah, but…" Skyler attempted to continue the argument, but she couldn't find it in her heart to say it to him. "Look, we'll talk about this later. Just know I've got your back, okay?"

Skyler planted a kiss on Finn's forehead, making him mumble.

"Okay…" Finn said dejectedly. Skyler was about to leave when suddenly, they heard something tap at their window. The siblings looked at the window to find it was just a tree limb. A second later, a mysterious figure tapped on the window, too. Finn scrunched his face to try to get a closer look as Skyler walked close to the window.

"Who's that…?" Skyler asked herself. She was about to open the window to find out when suddenly, lightning crackled in the sky, showing the figure's scary face.

Skyler's eyes went wide, and her face turned white. Perhaps Jake was right about the rumors, after all, she thought. Finn saw her terrified look and began to get nervous.

"Uh… who was it, Skye?" Finn asked, getting just as nervous.

"Finn," Skyler tried to warn, "I don't want to alarm you, but there may be a vampire or vampires in the house!"

"AAAAAH!" Finn screamed at the top of his lungs and immediately rushed down the stairs. Skyler followed after him, taking a small stake with her from the drawer next to the stairs. Jake was looking out the window with his candle when the siblings came down. Finn looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"Jake! Jake!" Finn shouted, "We saw someone outside the window! It must be the vampire, and I think we're unprepared, so I–!"

"I got my stake." Skyler said. Then, her face turned grim. "And I ain't afraid to use it…"

Just then, Jake started laughing, puzzling the two.

"Relax, you guys." Jake said nonchalantly. "I made that story up. I was just trying to scare you."

Skyler leaned close to Jake with a scowl.

"But you said you heard it from a reliable source!" Skyler barked. "You even told us it was Peppermint Butler!"

"I was trying to scare you, and it worked!" Jake laughed as he wiggled his arms, but just then, the window flew open by itself and put out the lights with a strong gust of wind. Jake fell down on his back to the floor and squealed like a girl. Skyler looked out of the window, peeking her head in all directions.

"Huh. No one's outside." Skyler said before she promptly closed the window shut.

"Whew!" Jake spoke with relief. But Finn saw it as an opportunity to get back at him.

"It was just the wind, scaredy-cat." Finn teased.

"I wasn't scared," Jake denied, "I was singing. I was singing my scream song. Ahh! Ahh! AAaah-uh-aah!"

"You're a total wuss, man." Finn said.

"I second that." Skyler said. "Guess I won't need this thing, after all."

But it may have been too quick for Skyler to say so. A bag suddenly dropped on the floor, and laughter echoed in the room. Finn, Jake, and Skyler looked up at the ceiling with a flashlight. And to their horror, they saw a vampire! She had long raven hair that went to her knees, she had a dark gray tank top, and dark blue jeans to go with her knee-high red boots. She hissed at the trio, scaring the heebie-jeebies out of them. When the vampire flew at them, Skyler tried to attack, but she turned invisible, making her miss.

"Huh? What the junk?" Skyler asked herself. And suddenly, her stake was flicked off of her hand and planted itself onto a wall. She turned herself visible again, and she sat down on the couch between Finn and Jake with a smile.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" The vampire asked.

Skyler pointed her finger at Marceline. She was getting the sense that she might do something to them at any time.

"Who the donk are you?!" Skyler demanded.

"I'm Marceline the Vampire Princess." Marceline introduced. Skyler blinked her eyes.

"Vampire Princess?" Skyler puzzled. "Like, the Princess of the Vampire Kingdom?"

"Uh, yeah." Marceline nodded. "What do you think princess means?"

"I don't know." Skyler said with suspicion. "What do you think it means?"

Marceline simply snickered at her question. "I'm starting to like you already, you know that?" Any other day, Skyler would have blushed over it. But with Finn and Jake shaking like leaves, she wasn't blind to the stakes, no pun intended.

"Don't you try to sweet-talk me!" Skyler shouted, forcing her stake off of the wall and holding it out. "If you do anything to Finn and/or Jake, I swear to Grod on Donking Ooo…!"

Marceline only laughed at her preconceived notions like it was a joke.

"Calm down, weenies." Marceline said. "I'm not gonna do that."

"Wait, you're not?" Skyler asked. With a wave of both of her hands, the lights in the house turned back on. With the candles' light restored, Skyler ended up staring at the vampire sitting beside Finn and Jake. In this lighting, she didn't seem so dangerous. If anything, her heart began to soar.

"Whoa. Algebraic…" Skyler said breathlessly. Her brother turned to the vampire.

"So, you don't suck blood?" Finn asked.

"Sometimes, I do." Marceline answered. "But it's not the blood that I like. It's the color. I eat shades of red."

To prove this, Marceline took out a strawberry from her pocket and sucked the red out of a strawberry. As a result, it turned gray and lifeless.

"Golly." Finn said before Marceline popped the gray strawberry in his mouth. As for Skyler, she still remained suspicious of Marceline.

"Uh, okay. So, you won't drink our blood." Skyler realized. "But then, why did you come to our tree house?"

"You mean 'my house'." Marceline flew up to a picture hung up on the bark and lifted it away to show the letter carved into it. "'M' for 'Marceline'."

Upon seeing that letter, Finn, Jake, and Skyler were at a loss for words.

"What?!" Finn and Skyler said in unison as Jake shuddered. "Oh, man…"

"I carved it in this tree years ago, long before you rascals started squatting here." Marceline said as she went to her bag. As for Jake, it made sense why Peppermint Butler told him the rumor.

"Oh, so that's what Peppermint Butler meant. That explains the rumor." Jake said.

"So what? You expect us to just up and leave this place?" Skyler inquired with indignation.

"Well, it is my house." Marceline said with a shrug.

Skyler grumbled with a frown on her face. She was no fan of this plan at all.

"And if we say no?" Skyler said with a glare.

"Trust me," Marceline said, "You really don't want to say no."

To show her point, Marceline hissed at the group, making Jake cower in fear, hiding behind Finn.

"Yeah? Well, we'd rather not go anywhere else than this place, and that's that. Right, Finn?" Skyler said adamantly, and Finn wholeheartedly agreed much to Jake's dismay.

"Yeah!" Finn shouted. "You can't just kick us out of our house!"

"No, you guys…!" Jake spoke fearfully. "This is a very bad idea. If half the stories I've heard and/or made-up or true, Vampires will kill you. There's no question."

Marceline raised her eyebrows. "You do know I can hear you, right?" Marceline asked. Jake shrinked further behind Finn as Skyler made her choice clear.

"But this is our home, Jake. It may have been hers before, but it's ours now! We can't just give it up!" Skyler said.

"And a vampire took it!" Jake shouted. "Do you want to get your bloods sucked up?!"

"Of course not! I just–! I-I just–!" Skyler started to explain herself, but she paused. Her face was turning really red. She growled in frustration and turned her head.

"Forget it, Jake. Just… just forget it." Skyler said, not having the strength to go through that discussion. "You clearly wouldn't understand…"

Skyler turned away in a huff and walked down the stairs. Marceline saw how forlorn her face looked. She was all too familiar with that kind of look herself. Her smile sunk into a frown as she watched her go down the stairs. For their part, Finn and Jake were stumped. They never knew how bad it was for Skyler.

"Has she… always been a downer?" Marceline asked with curiosity.

"Hey! Skyler's fun!" Finn snapped, feeling as though she was offending her big sister. "More fun than you could ever be!"

"No, Finn…" Jake said, feeling scared out of his mind. But Marceline was too focused on Skyler's sad mug to think about messing with the boys. "I think I want to talk with her." Marceline said.

She flew down to the stairs, and Finn got defensive immediately.

"Hey!" Finn shouted. He was about to stop her, but Jake wrapped his arms around him and held him back.

"Stop it, Finn!" Jake said with worry. "Vampires will kill you, remember?!"

Marceline noticed how Finn was quick to defend his big sister, as well as how protective Jake was of him. It wasn't like he couldn't protect Skyler, either. But she walked out on him.

"It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt your sister." Marceline said in a gentle tone. She went down the stairs as Jake blinked his eyes, still unsure of her intentions.

"Uh… good." Jake said.

Downstairs, Marceline flew down into the otherwise empty room. Best she could make out in the dark, there was a ton of gold and jewels in the room. That also included a chest among the baubles. Skyler was sitting next to the chest, having a mopey look on her face, looking down on the doubloons. When Marceline flew over to her, Skyler thought it was Jake going over to her.

"I'm not leaving. You can't make me." Skyler said in a tired way that told Marceline she was just done.

"I'm not going to, okay?" Marceline said softly. "I'm sorry."

Skyler looked up at the Vampire Princess, completely baffled by her compassion.

"Huh? But didn't you–?" Skyler asked.

"Yeah. But… look, we got off on the wrong foot here." Marceline said. She set herself down beside Skyler on the doubloons. "I didn't know how much this place meant to you. And besides the obvious…" Marceline yawned, stretching her arms out near Skyler. "I'm just really exhausted. I've been traveling all over the Land of Ooo. And I've seen some stuff that would really make you say 'like what?'"

Skyler lifted her head up to look at Marceline.

"Like what?" She asked.

"I found a school of goldfish beasts." Marceline answered.

Marceline was riding on a goldfish beast in broad daylight with a whip.

"Yah! Ya-ha!" Marceline cheered as she cracked her whip.

"You rode one in broad daylight?" Skyler asked with awe and disbelief.

"Eh, I had sunscreen on." Marceline shrugged. "And then I fooled around in the Fire Kingdom."

Marceline was laughing in the Fire Kingdom, doing a hula-hoop in the Fire King's throne room. He looked relatively mad.

"How dare you dance in these chambers?!" The Fire King shouted.

"What? Too chicken to have fun, Your Majesty?" Marceline teased. As for the girl in the lantern, however, she was really into it. She was even applauding.

"Ooo." Skyler said with wide eyes. Marceline dug into her pocket and got out some nuts, showing them to her in her palm.
"Wait. Nuts?" Skyler asked with a glance that showed she expected something better.

"Oh, these aren't ordinary nuts." Marceline assured Skyler before she squeezed the nuts. And when she opened her hands, they became tiny multicolored creatures. One of them spotted Skyler and squealed before squirting her with ink.

"Hey!" Skyler piped up and the creatures went up on Marceline's arm all the way around her shoulder and to her other arm. Skyler and Marceline laughed together as those creatures jumped off of her hand and to the ground.

"That is really cool." Skyler smiled. "So… does that mean you won't kick us out?"

Marceline winced, rubbing the back of her head.

"I mean…" Marceline tried to put in the bad news. But the moment she saw her face, she couldn't say no to it. Her otherwise pale face turned red in the cheeks, and she continued her words after a moment. "It's still technically my place, but… I think the least I could do is help you guys find an awesome place to hang out in. Who knows? Maybe I might want to live there instead."

Skyler's face beamed up when Marceline said this. "Really? No fooling?" Skyler said. "Because I don't like fools who fool with me."

"No fooling. I promise." Marceline said, holding her hand out to Skyler. Still skeptical, Skyler pointed her finger at her fangs.

"And you also promise not to bite Finn or Jake, or turn them into vampires or drink their bloods, right?" Skyler said with raised eyebrows.

"Of course." Marceline said. "I told you, it's red that I like. But if you're offering me yours…"

Marceline hissed with a scary demon face, much to Skyler's dismay.

"Don't- don't do that." Skyler said. "If you do that again, I'll punch you. I'm not kidding."

She stopped making the face and it turned back to normal.

"Fair enough. So, do we have a deal?" Marceline asked, holding her hand out. Skyler still seemed uncertain, but after a while, she considered her promise.

"Deal." Skyler finally said, holding her hand over to Marceline. They shook their hands and smiled at each other. Having reached a consensus, Skyler walked up the stairs with a big smile. As for the Vampire Princess, she hovered behind her.

"Hey, guys." Skyler said to Finn and Jake. "I've got good news. We're going House-Hunting."

"Wait, house-hunting?" Finn asked in confusion.

"For us, or for the Vampire?" Jake asked.

"Maybe both." Skyler answered. "If we find one she likes best, she might move in there instead, and we'll get to keep our house. It's a win-win!"

"She's right." Marceline added. "It's a fair deal to me."

"Oh, that's a relief." Finn said with relief. That is, until he realized the complications of it. "Oh, wait. But what home would be good enough for the Vampire Princess?"

But for the sake of keeping their home, Finn, and Skyler away from Marceline, Jake had an idea.

"Aw, we should go house-hunting." Jake said. "Bag us a new house."

"You say it like it's so easy, Jake." Skyler said, having doubts in her mind that it was that simple.

"Guys, house-hunting is wild!" Jake said. "You've got to try it."

"Really?" Finn asked.

"Yeah, man! It is so nuts!" Jake said with a grin.

"You always know what to say." Finn smiled.

"Bla-bla-bla-ble-ble-bla-bloo-bloop!" Jake warbled, making Finn laugh as Skyler smiled.

"Okay. I'm convinced." Finn admitted. "Let's find Marceline a good house!"

"Sweet. Things are gonna start going our way." Jake said with enthusiasm.

"Yeah, Jake!" Skyler said. "Force that enthusiasm!"

At that moment, the clouds separated themselves in the sky to show the sun. While the trio were particularly excited, Marceline gasped in worry and retreated to the stairs.

"Hey, look, see? What'd I tell ya?" Jake said. But Skyler noticed how Marceline cowered at the stairs.

"Uh, Marceline? The sunlight's not gonna be a problem for you, is it?" Skyler asked in concern.

"Nah. I just need some sunscreen." Marceline said. "Think you can pass it from my overnight bag?"

Skyler looked at her bag on the floor, seeing the sunscreen on the floor.

"Okey-dokey." Skyler said with a smile. "Just try not to scare us down there, okay?"

Jake laughed at Skyler's wordplay before his nervousness settled in.

"No, but seriously? Please don't, okay?" Jake insisted.

"Don't worry." Marceline reassured before she yawned. "Even if I wanted to, I'm too tired for that anyways."

"So, you want us to carry you?" Skyler asked.

"You could do that." Marceline answered. "Or…"

Outside, Marceline was riding on top of Jake with Skyler and Finn sitting beside her. Jake probably felt the most uncomfortable with the arrangement not because of the people on top of him, but because of the fact that one of them was a vampire.

"Why do I have to carry a vampire on my back…?" Jake said nervously.

"Don't worry, Jake. I made her promise not to suck you or Finn's bloods." Skyler patted.

"You sure she'll keep that promise?" Jake worried.

"Of course, Jake." Skyler answered. "You can trust me, right?"

Jake groaned, still having trouble believing the word of a vampire. But Skyler, on the other hand…

"Ahh, okay." Jake answered reluctantly. "Just keep her fangs from my bod."

"You got it, bro." Skyler nodded with a thumbs-up. She turned to the Vampire Princess with a smile.

"You doing okay, Marceline?" Skyler asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Marceline nodded. "Just be sure to stop somewhere red when I'm hungry." Marceline made a soft sinister laugh at the end. Her chuckle sent shivers down Jake's spine, and he didn't like it one bit. Jake gulped loudly to himself, already fearful for his life.

"You better know what you're doing, Skye…" Jake whispered to himself.

During their House Hunting, Finn, Jake, Skyler, and Marceline stopped at a cottage. Finn knocked on the door and waited to see if anyone was inside. A few seconds later, a green giant opened the door and tried to reach for Finn, Jake, and Skyler to eat them. They immediately jumped ship and ran away with the Vampire in tow.

The group found themselves under a cloud an hour later, and Skyler had an idea. Since this cloud was shaped like a house, she thought it might be open for her to live in. But Marceline shook her head. She knew how easily clouds were blown away. Besides, it may have been occupied. But Finn and Jake decided to try it out to prove her wrong. It turned out, it actually was occupied, as they were forced out by a cloud man and his beautiful bride. On the bright side, it gave Marceline a good laugh.

Much later, Finn, Jake, and Skyler were checking out a large shell in the middle of the beach. Nobody knew what they were supposed to make of this location in general. Marceline seemed interested at first, but she changed her mind when she saw a giant frog leaping at them. On impulse, Marceline smacked it away, only for it to barf out a tiger that leapt out of its skin.
But the tiger didn't attack them. Instead, it threw down a potion to the ground, sprouting a bunch of fruits before tossing one into the air and making fireworks. The group was amazed at the turnout, especially by the firework display. While it may not have been an ideal home for Marceline, it did turn out to be a good place for dinner and a show. Finn, Jake, and Skyler partook of the fruit as Marceline at the red right off of an apple.

Much, much later afterwards, it was already dusk, and the four of them were in the Ice Kingdom. Skyler had come to an understanding that she, as a vampire, would be best suited in a cave. To that end, she tried to find a cave that was just outside of the Ice Kingdom. Unfortunately, they had to go to the other end of it to find it.

"Sorry if this is a little cold for you, Marceline." Skyler said. "I really didn't think we'd have to go through the Ice Kingdom of all places."

"Oh, it's fine." Marceline said nonchalantly. "I'm pretty chill."

Before Skyler knew it, she started to burst out laughing. Finn joined in on the laughter. He thought it was funny himself.

"You're wonderful." Finn said with a beaming smile. But Jake was still nervous about Marceline.

"Um, yeah. Thank you for not sucking our blood." Jake said anxiously.

"You guys seem cool, too." Marceline said with a grin. "Especially you, Skye."

Skyler blushed from her compliment.

"Really…?" Skyler bashfully asked. "You think I'm cool?"

Suddenly, they heard someone shouting at them from above.

"Hey!" the voice cried out. "What are you doing out here, you dopes?! I told you, this is MY kingdom!"

Skyler frowned. She knew exactly who that voice was.

"Oh, grod. Don't look now. It's the Ice King." Skyler said with a frown. But Marceline looked up and saw the ice King from his castle. He had a golden crown with red jewels, as well as pale blue skin, a long nose, a dark blue robe, and a long white beard. She seemed to recognize him all too well.

"Simon…?" Marceline said softly, holding her hand up to her mouth. Skyler overheard what she said and turned to her.

"Huh? Who's Simon?" Skyler asked. Marceline blushed embarrasedly, having realized her slip of the tongue didn't go unnoticed.

"Oh, stuff…!" Marceline said to herself. But before Skyler could press the matter, the Ice King shouted at them.

"Get out of my kingdom!" Ice King shouted as he fired a frozen block of ice shaped like lightning at the group. Jake jumped out of the way with Finn, Skyler, and Marceline in tow.

Jake scurried across the snow, dodging the many flurries of Ice Bolts the Ice King threw at them. One of the bolts landed in front of them near an icy lake, and it broke off the ice beneath them. They ended up drifting away from the Ice Kingdom and onto the cold ocean around them. But while the gang drifted away, the Ice King shouted at them.

"Yeah, you better run!" Ice King taunted. "You, and Jake, and Skyler, and that hottie! Wait, hottie?" He tried to take a closer look with his ice telescope and saw her face.

"Huh." Ice King said with a shrug. "Gunter, do you have Déjà vu right now?"

"Wenk-wenk." Gunter squawked with the shake of his head.

Meanwhile, the gang got their breath back, and Skyler checked on them.

"Phew…! You okay, Finn?" Skyler asked.

"Yep." Finn said with a thumbs-up.

"Jake?" Skyler said.

"All good." Jake replied.

"Good." Skyler breathed out. "What about you, Marce–?"

When Skyler turned over to Marceline, she noticed the vampire had soft tears in her eyes. The adventurer went closer to her to try to help.

"Marceline, are you okay?" Skyler worriedly asked. Her mama bear instincts were kicking in the second she saw her sad face. She reached her hand out, only for Marceline to wave her off.

"I'm… I'm okay, Skye." Marceline said. "Really, I'm okay."

Alas, even Finn and Jake saw how sad she was.

"But you were crying." Jake said, moving his face up to look at her.

"Did the Ice King do something mean to you?" Finn theorized. "I'll bust his balls up for that the next time I see him!"
"No, Finn!" Marceline shouted, fearing that her reaction came out the wrong way. "It's-it's nothing like that. I just…" Marceline sighed and looked down.

"I just wanna go home…" Marceline said sadly. Skyler was puzzled.

"You mean back to the tree house?" Skyler asked. She was afraid to think that Marceline may have second thoughts about her deal.

"No, not that." She shook her head. "I mean back to my parents. Back to the Vampire Kingdom."

That part left her confused.

"Then why did you leave in the first place?" Skyler asked, trying to understand her situation.

"I don't know… I was pretty messed up." Marceline said softly. "I thought being 1,000 years old was enough for me to have my own place, to be mature."

"Wait, you're a thousand years old?" Finn asked with a blurt. But Skyler scowled at him, telling him to keep it to himself. Finn backed off, not willing to stifle his sister any more than he seemed to have done already.

"Anyways," Marceline continued, "I tried to make it out on my own. But every step of the way, I just ended up getting worse. I… I don't want to feel that way anymore. I just want to go home…"

Marceline started to cry softly as Skyler comforted her with a hug. "Oh, Marcy…" Skyler said softly. Jake didn't like to see her so vulnerable either, vampire or not. So, he got his viola out and wrapped both Skyler and Marceline together in his ear acting as a blanket.

"Marceline," Jake said. "Let me tell you a little something about what home really means. La, la, la... Home isn't a place, let me give you a clue... Home is anywhere, where people care about you…"

Marceline was confused by Jake's words. But what she got out of it was a lecture. And she's had enough of those in her everlasting lifetime.

"I'm not really in the mood to hear a lecture, Jake. I just wanna go home…" Marceline said softly.

"But home is where your heart is, Marcy!" Jake sang. He moved his viola string to Marceline's heart and poked at it. "And where is your heart, Marcy? Well, it's right here inside you when she's sitting here beside you! With your lucky stars to guide you from above."

The group all looked up, and they saw two planets up in the air, almost shaped like a butt before suddenly, a star popped out, making it seem like a toot. Marceline smiled as Finn and Skyler laughed at it.

"Thanks, Jake." Marceline said. "I guess you got a point."

"Yeah, man." Finn said. "I mean, if our house was stolen, I guess I'd rather be out here, wrapped in your ear, than be in some awesome house all by my... souse."

"I'd rather be dancing with some babes!" Jake said.

Finn laughed at Jake's quip while Skyler frowned. Her expression looked as though she tasted a sour lemon. "Shut up, dude!" Finn said with a giggle.

"Yeah. Please, shut up." Skyler said. But Marceline found herself chuckling at Skyler's face.

"Your face looks so sour, Skye!" Marceline teased, poking at her face. Skyler couldn't resist the urge to giggle, laughing with the vampire herself. When the laughter died down, Skyler and Marceline looked at each other and blushed. They were tempted to turn away from each other when Jake shouted.

"Hey, guys! I think there's a cave coming up!" Jake shouted.

"Well, let's check it out." Skyler suggested. "Maybe we could make something out of it."

Once the group of four got into the cave, however, Jake took notice of how it looked from their way in. All that the light could show of it was a dark green setting, with patches of black. Considering the aesthetic, Jake felt grossed out.

"Ew…" Jake cringed. "Gross. This place looks gross!"

"And abandoned." Finn added. But in doing so, his voice echoed all across the cave. And sure enough, the cave itself opened its many blue eyes. Within seconds, they were bombarded by what looked like millions of tiny bats. But little did they know that the bats were actually flying out of the cave. With the bats all gone, it looked cleaner than before.

"Whoa, bro…" Finn stated, obviously impressed by the change in details.

"Wanna just live in here, Marceline?" Skyler asked.

"Yes." Marceline nodded without hesitation.

Much later, the cave was all spruced up. The group of four have set up a small hut near the ocean, along with a campfire just near the lake.

"So whaddaya think, Marceline?" Skyler asked.

"We did pretty good for ourselves." Jake said.

Marceline looked all over the cave, impressed by the decor.

"I'll say." the vampire complimented. "But I can't help but feel like this place is familiar…"

"Déjà vu, much?" Finn asked.

"No, not all the time." Marceline answered. "I just can't shake this feeling, for some reason. Eh, it's probably nothing."

"So, ah, what should we do first with her new digs?" Finn asked. After successfully finding a new home for Marceline, he felt like they should do something to celebrate. Luckily, Skyler knew just what to do.

"You thinking what I'm thinking, Marcy?" Skyler smugly inquired, bumping her elbow on the Vampire Princess.

"Depends. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Marceline answered with a question.

"I dunno. What are you thinking?" Skyler asked in a way that sounded as though she was flirting with the Vampire Princess. Unable to take the suspense, Jake interrupted the back-and-forth banter with an elated shout.

"Let's trash it and throw a party!" Jake exclaimed.

"Huh. Good guess." Marceline and Skyler said simultaneously.

Another set of hours later, Finn, Jake, Skyler, and Marceline were having a party at Marceline's new house. And they were living it up a lot. Jake was playing his Viola like nobody's business as a crowd of bugs danced around him. And Tree Trunks was playing in the lake, spraying water through her trunk as she splashed with her hooves. And Finn was doing a freestyle dance as Skyler and Marceline watched the scene.

"Ah this is it, feelin' good, I'm feelin', I'm feelin' like we did it." Finn said with satisfaction. "I'm feelin', like, completely satisfied. Nothin' else could go wrong, ya know, Jake?"

"Yeah, man." Jake answered.

"Aww, yeah, I know, too." Finn replied back.

"I gotta say, Skye, this is a really great party, and a great house." Marceline said.

"Glad we could help you, Marceline." Skyler beamed.

Marceline held her hand out with a charming, debonair-like smile.

"Wanna have this dance?" Marceline asked with a grin. Skyler's face turned red as blood, and her heart skipped two beats.

"Uh… sure, why not?" Skyler answered bashfully. She took her hand, and she followed Marceline out to the center of the dance, which didn't go unnoticed by Lumpy Space Princess.

"You guys!" she shouted. "Marceline's gonna play a song, you guys!"

The whole crowd went around Marceline and Skyler. The vampire got out her red axe bass and strummed a few strings. This was going a little bit sudden for Skyler.

"Marcy," she whispered. "I've never been a backup dancer before…"

"It's okay. Just follow my lead." the Vampire Princess said. Skyler nodded and tried to follow Marceline's cue. She held her arms out, and conversely, the Blonde tried to mimic her movement. When Marceline bent her hip out to the right, she did the same. Marceline shifted her body with both arms out wide on one side and the other before Skyler followed her pattern.
Finn and Jake had to admit, they were impressed with the choreography so far. Then, Marceline bent down and held her arms in the air with Skyler following suit. But it came to a head when Marceline started shaking her derriere towards her. Skyler blushed madly and she playfully shoved Marceline forward.

"Hey!" Skyler shouted with a smile. Marceline played along with Skyler's shove and chuckled before she began to sing.

Good little girl

Always picking a fight with me

You know that I'm bad

But you're spending the night with me

What do you want from my world?

Everyone, including Finn and Jake, were so mesmerized by the beauty of her lyrics. Then came Skyler's turn to sing.

Bad little girl

Known in every locale

But I don't believe

That you're that kind of gal

And if you are

Why do you want to hang out with me?

Finn and Jake were going hard for applause as their big sister sang to Marceline. She made a delish chuckle before flying to the air and playing her bass as she started to rap.

Don't you know I'm a villain?

Every night I'm out killin',

sending everyone
runnin' like scared children.

I know why you're mad at me.

I've got demon eyes,
and they're looking right

through your anatomy
into your deepest fears.

Baby, I'm not from here.
I'm from the Nightosphere.

To me, you're clear,

You've got a thing
for me, girl.

It's apparent.

"Oh, we're doing rhymes, now?! I wanna join!" Jake shouted with enthusiasm. He got up on stage eagerly and started to turn his buttocks into drums, smacking them rhtyhmatically.

I've got a hot potatah

And I've got two hot tomatahs

They'll make a good sauce maybe

As Jake stole the show, Skyler had a moment with Marceline, grinning.

"You're not so bad, you know, Marcy?" Skyler said.

"Not so bad?" Marceline said with a shrug. "I'm the daughter of a demon and the Vampire Queen. It's not something I have to try at. But you, on the other hand…"

"I'm not trying to be bad, Marcy." Skyler said adamantly. "I'm trying to be your friend."

"Are you sure you're not thinking of us as anything else?" Marceline said with a smirk.

"No, it's different!" Skyler said. She tried to give her a shove, but she sidestepped him, and she fell to the floor.

"Hey!" Skyler said with a playful smile. She tripped Marceline with her leg, only for her to gently float backward.

"Oh, no…~" Marceline teased as she went backwards. The Vampire Princess laughed, but she saw an opening.

"Gotcha!" Skyler said, doing an elbow dive right on her belly.

"Oof!" Marceline grunted. "Boop!" She kicked Skyler in the face, launching her off of her and sliding on the sandy floor. That made the record scratch as Finn and Jake saw the altercation that came from their play fighting. Jake grumbled as he and Finn got in-between the two of them.

"Hey! Break it up, you two!" Jake said.

"Yeah! Stop messing with my sister!" Finn demanded. But Marceline only shoved them both away to the lake.

"Move over, weenies." Marceline said. But her cold action toward Finn and Jake made Skyler gasp.

"Hey!" Skyler said. She went to them as Marceline tried to downplay it.

"Aw, come on! That was funny!" she said, flying after her. Skyler knelt down to the two of them and checked their heads.

"Finn, Jake. You guys okay?" Skyler asked with worry.

"Whatevs." Finn answered.

"Yeah…" Jake responded likewise, though obviously more hurt than Finn. She picked them both up by their hands and walked out of the cave.

"Come on, guys. Let's get back home." Skyler said. But little did she know that the Vampire Princess was following after the three of them.

"Hey!" Marceline shouted. "Come on. Where are you going?"

Skyler closed her eyes, clearly fed up with her behavior.

"What's the deal?" She asked. "You're missing the party. Skyler, lighten up."

Rather than haver her stalking the three of them, Skyler stopped where she stood and glanced at the Vampire Princess.

"Look, Marceline," Skyler said, "I don't care if you're being a jerk to me, but nobody messes with Finn or Jake."

"You know, you're right…" Marceline said, softly smiling at her.

"Well, uh… that's good. So, are you gonna…?" Skyler said. But before she could finish, Marceline flew up in front of her and snatched Jake in her hands.

"But what if I just take one of them?" Marceline said with a devilish grin.

"What?!" Finn shouted.

"Hey, you promised you wouldn't suck his blood!" Skyler yelled.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna." Marceline teased. "I'll just… bite him a little, maybe turn him into a zombie."

"Nooo!" Jake squirmed, making Skyler and Finn really tense.

"Jake" Skyler cried.

"Let go of Jake!" Finn ordered.

"Make me." Marceline harshly responded. But it didn't deter Finn's spirit. He smacked Jake in the face and caused Marceline to drop his best friend to the floor with a red hand-shaped mark on his face. He knelt down to Jake and picked him up.

"You okay, pal?" Finn asked. But the worst was yet to come. Finn, Jake, and Skyler heard a loud hissing in front of them. It was coming from Marceline. She rose up to the sky and started to grow long dark blue arms and legs with claws, and her body was becoming more batlike, not to mention, she was growing in size.

"No one... makes me... let go... of Jake!" Marceline roared.

"I'm not scared of you!" Finn shouted, not afraid to start a fight.

"And neither am I!" Skyler concurred. They both roared in anger as they charged at the large Vampire Princess.

"No!" Jake shouted, trying in vain to stop them from attacking her. But he was too late. The instant they leapt to her, Marceline caught them both in her hands and cackled.

"You're pathetic, little children!" Marceline mocked before tossing them to the ground, and right to the stalagmite on the ground, breaking them apart. But they weren't out yet.

"You're pathetic!" Finn retorted before firing a loogie from his mouth right onto her face just under her eye.

"Nice one, Finn!" Skyler complimented as Marceline hissed in disgust. Given the opportunity, she tried to charge her again.
"Get ready for an uppercut, you dog!" Skyler shouted. But she was ready for that.

"Make me." Marceline teased as she sidestepped Skyler and slapped her buns. Skyler squeaked and held her hands over her bottom, her face turning beet red not just from embarrassment, but also from anger.

"Hey!" Skyler yelled. "Nobody slaps my butt without my consent!" She jumped back into the fight with a rebound, barely dodging her strike and landed on her arm, trailing up to it and punched her right on the cheek.

"Ow!" Marceline said. Her cheek was red from the punch.

"That… actually really hurt, Skye." Marceline said, only to chuckle before she clutched her and tossed her right at Finn, knocking them both down to the ground. She was getting closer to the two of them, ready to finish them off.
"Bleh-bleh! Blah!" Marceline roared as Jake trembled in fear. But looking at their position, he knew they were in for a worse fate than he is. He couldn't just stand idly by while she feasted on their skulls.

"I've... gotta help my buddies." Jake told himself, trying to steel himself and snap out of his fear. Marceline grabbed Skyler and held her up.

"I may have promised not to drink your brothers' blood." Marceline threatened. "But your blood is mine!"

Skyler closed her eyes and waited for the end, only to hear Jake's warbling voice from nearby. She was watching as Jake jumped into action with his arms and legs flying around like flimsy noodles. He got all up in Marceline's face and blinded her, making her scream. In the process, the Vampire Princess dropped Skyler to the floor. Finn acted on the chance to save her, holding his arms out to keep her from hitting the ground.

"I gotcha, sis!" Finn said.

"Thanks, Finn." Skyler said with a grin. But it wasn't over yet. Marceline managed to free Jake off of her, and she held him in her large hand.

"Jake!" Finn and Skyler shouted.

"You want your Jake back? Come… and… get him!" Marceline shouted with a smirk, raising her hand up to the air. There was a loud clap of lightning outside, and before they knew it, a whole undead army of skeletons was rising from the lake and walking onto the shore to deal with them. Finn and Skyler got ready to fight the gruesome creatures, only for one of them to start beatboxing, perplexing the humans.

"Huh?" Finn said.

"What the blood?" Skyler puzzled to herself before they heard Marceline laugh at them. As she rapped Finn and Skyler did battle with the skeletons, with Finn kicking one skull off of its own head while Skyler bent one to her knee and cracked its skull. Using the momentum she took a sword from its hilt and unsheathed it to slice at two of them, scattering them to pieces as they tried to catch up to Jake.

Did you think I was lying?

I said I'm evil without even

already dead,
so I'm not scared of dying.

Drinking the red from
your heart in one sitting.

You think you've got me pegged,
you must be kidding.

I raise the dead up,
and they do my bidding.

Kids, I'm a thousand years old,
I'm a riddle.

"Bad little girl."
Yes, I'm bad,
but not little.

"Hey, that's enough from you, hag!" Jake said with a growl. He tried to grow bigger as Marceline laughed at them. But it backfired horribly when Marceline wrapped her arms around Jake and crushed him with a lock, making him gag. By that point, Finn and Jake caught up to him and Marceline.

"Finn! Skye!" Jake shouted, barely able to speak.

"Jake!" Finn and Skyler said at the same time. He held his hands out to them.

"Hold onto my paws!" Jake pleaded to them. Finn got Jake's left paw while Skyler caught onto the right, and they tried to pull Jake away from Marceline. That said, Marceline wasn't giving up without a fight. She tried to pull Jake closer to her, but their pull was too strong for her. Finn and Skyler managed to pull Jake free, but in the process, Marceline lost her grip and ended up falling smackdab onto one of the stalagmites, impaling it right through her chest! By the time Finn, Jake, and Skyler noticed this, it was too late. She was changing back to normal, weakened by the large stalagmite that did her in.

"Marceline?" Skyler asked with concern, rushing over to her. Up close, the damage was far worse. Where it stabbed her, it seemed that Marceline's dark gray top was bloodied up by her own blood that splashed onto her shoulder from the impact.

"Oh, this is bad, guys. This is really bad…" Marceline winced.

"Marceline…!" Skyler said, starting to become very scared of what had happened to her.

Jake and Finn rushed over to her side to look at the damage.

"Ooh." Jake said. "It's pretty deep in there."

"Come on!" Skyler begged, holding onto her cold, dead hand. "You've gotta be okay!"

Marceline grunted and glanced up at Skyler with a soft smile.

"I think this is it for me, guys." Marceline spoke. "So, why don't you just admit it? You're in love with me…"

Skyler gasped from her request, and she closed her eyes, clearly fed up with her.

"I-I get that you're flirting with me, and it's funny, and whatever," Skyler admitted. "But you're doing that NOW?!"

As Skyler made her outburst, she had tears coming out of her eyes, genuinely upset that even at times like this, Marceline couldn't take it seriously.

"What are you trying to do to my head?!" Skyler shouted. "You think I've got some little crush on you?! Or are you just trying to mess with me just for some sick kicks?!"

As Skyler professed how fed up she was, Marceline stared at Skyler with wide eyes.

"Well, for however long we've got left…" Skyler continued, pausing for a moment before she shouted again. "For once, drop it, you freak!"

Suddenly, Marceline rose up from the floor and took the stalagmite out of her quickly, making Skyler gasp. She let down a sleeve of her top to show that one of Jake's crumpets was in there.

"I'm faking, I'm faking!" Marceline said with reassurance. "Look, my top is, like, filled with crumpets."

Finn and Jake sighed in relief, but then again, Jake realized what it meant.

"Hey…" Jake griped.

Marceline and Skyler stared at each other, the Vampire Princess completely blown out of her mind.

"Grod, Skye." Marceline said breathlessly. "You're like the realest person I've ever met."

"Marcy…" Skyler said, unable to make sense of what she meant. Taking advantage of her confusion, Marceline gave her a kiss on her forehead, making her turn beet red again as she complimented Finn and Jake.

"And your brothers are pretty hardcore, too." She commented. "I can appreciate that."

"But… I thought you were trying to kill us?" Finn said.

"Are you kidding?!" Marceline questioned with a big smile, like she'd been on an awesome roller coaster. "That was fun! I haven't fought like that in years! Thanks, Finn."

"Uh… you're welcome." Finn said, puzzled by her behavior. "So, so does that mean we can have our old house back?"

"Yeah! Keep it, as a gift from me. Blaeargh!" Marceline teased and made a scary face, only for Skyler to bop her on the cheek.

"Oh, my cheek meat!" Marceline winced.

"Marcy, I warned you," Skyler said. "I said I was gonna do that if you did that again. Not cool."

"Geez! I just forgot…" Marceline said weakly, rubbing her cheek. After a moment, Skyler started to chuckle again, laughing at how ridiculous Marceline looked now.

"You look like your face turned into clay!" Skyler chuckled heartily. The Vampire Princess started blushing beet red, and she started to laugh along with her before the laughter died down again. The two of them stared at each other with loving smiles before Skyler held onto her face with her hands and gave her a full second of a kiss on the lips.

Marceline stood there dumbfounded by her move, along with Finn. As for Jake, he gasped loudly and fell backwards, completely taken aback by Skyler's kiss. When they finished, Skyler's whole face turned red as tomatoes. Fully realizing what she'd just done, Skyler hurried out of the cave a flustered mess.

"Uh, thanks for giving us back our house!" Skyler said with a high-pitched voice. "Hope you have fun in your cave! Oh, why did I do that? Why did I do that? Why did I do that? Why did I do that…?"

Finn and Jake followed their bashful big sister out of the cave as Marceline looked on. She pressed her hand on her lips and smiled, her blush having never faded since the kiss. And before she knew it, she fell down to the ground on her knees, her legs spread apart.

"Algebraic…" Marceline simply said breathlessly, staring at the human that was bold enough to make the first move with her.

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