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Kids of Tomorrow.01
This is the final part of the "Last son of Krypton" trilogy, although it's also connected with 'Flight of the Rogue'. The actions pick up roughly after Clark saves Rogue from the FoH thugs in 'Flight'.

Close to Smallville, Kansas. The day after the Great Storm

Clark had received a letter without sender, asking him to be in a place in Topeka at a certain hour, '...and talk with the Goth girl that was going to arrive a bit later. She is in trouble, and needs your help'. It worried him that somebody had discovered that he was the so-called 'Kansas Superboy', and he feared a trap, especially given he was still not fully recovered from yesterday. But he would never be able look himself at the mirror again, if he left somebody to suffer, so he put on what Pete had once jokingly called his 'work clothes', and ran to Topeka.

Once he had arrived to the general area, he had gone slower and he had just turned a corner when the girl had collided with him, chased by a trio of thugs with guns. To his (not so great, admittedly) surprise the girl had turned to have powers, too, and had knocked out the last of the thugs herself. After recovering her things, that she had ditched trying to escape the thugs, he had offered her to house her at home.

"So you are this 'Superboy'?" the girl, Rogue as she had wanted to be called, asked as they passed close to the 'Welcome to Smallville' sign, with the two addenda about being the meteor capital of the Midwest and being the home of the 'Superboy'.

"Yes, it was a nickname people gave me when I started saving people, and only got a glimpse of the shirt. By the time I heard it, it had taken a life of its own." Clark said, "Not that it matters much, really, if they call me Superboy or Simba."

"How the hell are we talking normally?" she asked, "Ah mean, Ah have been in a convertible, and the noise alone..."

"I have some kind of aura that I can extend to whatever or whoever I am carrying." Clark said, as he saw a couple of familiar landmarks, that they passed less than a second later, and then he stopped before a house close to the road, with a couple barns behind it, and a cornfield not that far.

"So that bastard was not that far off in calling yah a farmboy, right?" Rogue said, referring to one of the insults that the thug leader had hurled to him.

"You could say that." Clark said.

"What's your name, by the way? With all the excitement, Ah forgot to ask." Rogue said, as she left her backpack in a corner.

"Clark Kent." he said, offering his hand.

"My birth name is Marie, but Ah prefer Rogue." she said, shaking it, after a moment checking that she still had the gloves on, "Do you have something to eat, Ah'm hungry."

"Come with me, I'll show you the kitchen." Clark said, as he started to walk, "So, what's your story? Got exposed to some green rock?

"What do yah mean?" Rogue asked, following him.

"There was a meteor storm about eighteen years ago..."

"Hence the meteor capital of the Midwest." Rogue commented, remembering what the Welcome to Smallville sign said.

"Yes and the meteors brought a mineral that have given powers to some people over the years. And did a number to the head of most of them." Clark said as he rummaged through the kitchen furniture.
Silas Wayne home. Gotham City.

Once Silas' butler had served the refreshments, tea for Silas, Charles and Ororo, coffee for Bruce, Buffy and Scott, and soda for the rest, and then removed himself from the room, Buffy was the first to talk.

"Professor, why don't you start from the beginning?" she said.

"Silas, do you remember what the grants I received from Thomas were for?" he asked.

"Something about atypical mutations on human DNA, if I remember correctly." Silas said.

"On broad strokes, that's right." Xavier said, before giving a condensed and simplified explanation about the x-gene and mutants, and then he told about he being a mutant and about his school, "...some people consider us mutants the next step in human evolution, some kind of Homo Superior."

"You don't agree." Silas said, recognizing Xavier disdain to that notion.

"The image of evolution as a series of steps from inferior to superior lifeforms is, while attractive and popular, completely wrong, and in fact evolution produces dead ends as much as successes, and frequently the difference between them is sheer chance." Charles explained, "Time will tell if mutants really become a further evolution of Homo Sapiens, or we're just another evolutionary dead end."

"And Dawn is a mutant?" Silas asked, and then noticed Bruce whole lack of surprise, "You knew?"

"She appeared yesterday night in the front porch of Wayne Manor, apparently stepping out from a portal." Bruce said, with a nod, "The terrain around the manor is covered by cameras and movement sensors, and Alfred monitors them. And when Buffy told me about your offer, I researched you, your work and your school. Joining the dots wasn't that difficult, though I have to recognize that I suspected less enlightened motives at first." he said with an apologetic smile, "But I want to know how did...?"

"How did I know?" Xavier said, "When the powers of a mutant awaken, it produces a spike of psychic energy that can be detected by a machine that I have developed, called Cerebro. Unfortunately, it vanishes very quickly, and Cerebro needs a powerful telepath to pinpoint the location and identity of that mutant."
"And then you offer them a place in the school." Silas said, "But I gather that there are other people doing the same, with less altruistic intentions."

"Unfortunately, you are right." Xavier said, his gaze on the ground, "One of the first mutants that I met was a Holocaust survivor. I argued for peaceful integration, he was all for direct action, and we ended fighting. He has his own group of mutant terrorists now, and he is calling himself Magneto on account of his magnetic powers."

"Ouch." Buffy said, but whatever else she was going to say was interrupted by a loud buzzing from her handbag, "What the...?" she said, producing a cellphone from her handbag, "It's Izzy... Isabella Ferguson, from the NGO we are working with, I need to answer, you keep talking."

Buffy went to the corridor, while she pressed the button to answer the phone.

"Izzy? Did Xander call?" Buffy asked without preamble.

"Faith did, from Wakanda..." Izzy started to say, only to be interrupted by Buffy.

"From where?" She said, before dismissing it, and going back to the matter at hand, "It doesn't matter where they are, how are they?"

"Xander and Faith are well, but..."

"Ayesha." Buffy said, closing her eyes.

"Yes." Izzy said, "She was killed by the werehyenas they were chasing."

Buffy had to sit down on a nearby chair. A small part of her was relieved that it wasn't Faith, but that part was drowned by the grief on learning that the young Anglo-Arabian Slayer had been killed.

"Goddammit, I really hoped I was wrong and no one had died..." she said, after a moment.

"You know that this is not how this thing works." Izzy said.

"I know, I know, but 'Death is our gift' won't be of great help to the family and friends..." Buffy said, before pausing, "Xander, how is he taking it? He lost Anya and now Ayesha..."

"...I didn't talk with him, but, according to Faith, he is taking it better than she expected, but you know Xander better than me."

"Yeah, I do. I'll call Willow, and reserve air tickets for everybody to Gotham" Buffy said, knowing that Izzy knew that by 'everybody' she meant the surviving Scoobies, "Listen, the least we can do for her family is pay for the funeral and everything."

"I don't want to sound like McAuslan, bloody tightwad that he is, but are you sure?" Izzy said, "The funds are a bit tight right now, and the old coots may use it..."

"Don't worry about the money." Buffy cut her, "If necessary, I'll pay it from my own pocket."

"That means that Thomas Wayne left you something, I imagine."

"You could say that. I don't think that McAuslan and the other old coots keeping control of the moneybags are going to be a problem much longer."

"That much."

"Yes, but it's something that we can't discuss on the phone, okay?" Buffy said, "God, what a mess."
Three Amigas!.06
"So, lindas, what are you doing here?" Diablo said after his dramatic entrance.

"Supposedly, this warehouse was the site of something called the Genesis Foundation..." Rica said, after a pause.

"Ah, those pendejos, sorry, chica, but they came, put esca... scaf... those orange things from construction sites all over this place, put a big plackard over the entrance, brought a number of office stuff, stayed a couple weeks, and then vanished one night with everything." Diablo said, "You came here for nothing, and now you have to..."

Whatever he was going to say was interrupted when an emerald beam knocked down several of the gangbangers. Rica and Jubes looked at Jenny, whose skin was now a vibrant green, a lighter shade than the light that had shot from her right hand, before going back to normal flesh tone in a moment. Rica made a hand gesture and the three girls started to run past the gangbangers toward the street.

They didn't dare to look back, not that they did need to as a big black muscle car appeared from nowhere and put itself between the gangbangers and the girls as soon as they had cleared the alley. The doors opened , and they asaw a bespectacled thin guy and a bald black man, who was driving, in the front seats.

"Come on!" the guy with the glasses said.

They boarded the car immediately.

"Get down!" The driver said as he started to accelerate while the car was peppered with bullets and a gout of flame that licked the trunk lid, "When did they get a flamethrower!?"

"They didn't, Gunn, that was Diablo's power. The reason why we were there, remember?" the guy with the glasses explained, with a mild British accent.

"Who the Hell are you, anyway?" Jubes asked before Rica could do the same.

"I'm Wesley Wyndham-Pice, and this is Charles Gunn." Wesley said, "We work for Angel Investigations, and we had heard some weird things about Diablo."

"I didn't believe it, gangbangers are always talking loads of crap about what their bosses can do." Gunn said, "But it seems that it was the truth this time."
Kids of Tomorrow.02
"Fruit or a sandwich? Everything else we have needs to be prepared, and..." Clark said as he closed the last cupboard he had been searching in.

"No problem. Give me an apple." she said, "That's how you got your powers? Being exposed to those meteor rocks?."

"...Not exactly." he said, trying to evade the question, as he took an apple from the fridge, "It's... complicated."

"Okay." Rogue said, not buying it, but deciding to leave it for later, as she caught the apple that Clark threw her "You don't know how to cook?"

"I know, the problem is that all my senses are... enhanced, so what may taste good to me can be completely bland to another." Clark explained, as he made a ham sandwich, "Ma is teaching me, but... Somebody is going around the house to the kitchen door."

"How do you...?" Rogue started to ask, before answering herself, "Supersenses, of course. Do you know who it is?"

"Yes to both." Clark said, opening the door, to let enter an attractive green-eyed redhead, "Hello, Lana."

"Hi, Clark. I saw you enter the house with... somebody." Lana said, stopping herself before coming face to face with Rogue.

"Lana, this is Rogue, I saved her from some thugs in Topeka today." Clark said, and turning to Rogue, "Rogue, this is Lana Lang, my best friend. She lives in the farm down the road with her aunt."

Smallville. Hartley Hunting and Sporting Goods.

"Good morning. What can I do for you?" Isabelle Hartley said to the well dressed gentleman who had just entered the shop.

"I was told that you could have an Eagle-17 rechambered to 7.62 here." the gentleman said.

"No, but I know an weaponsmith that can do it for a fair prize." Isabelle answered, "I have the details in the workshop, if you come with me?."

"Of course."

The man followed Isabelle to the workshop where she nodded to a man working on some skates before entering the office. She closed the door, motioned the man to move close to the desk and pressed a button on it. The desk and the floor around it, including both people descended into a basement where some sophisticated equipment and a couple other people working on it could be seen. They stepped out of the desk space that slowly rose up to the office again.

"Ingenious," the man said, "I'm Felix Blake."

"Isabelle Hartley, and who had the idea of using 'Eagle-17' in the code phrase? Anybody with a bit knowledge of weapons here is going to know that there is only Eagle-15."

"Beats me." Blake answered with a shrug, "So, how are things going in the freak capital of the Midwest?"
"God, what a mess." Buffy said, her eyes still closed. "Well, if that's all..."

"Hang on, Willow and Andrew are calling." Izzy said, "Hmm, do you mind if I made this into a conference call?"

"Go ahead." Buffy said.

"Is this thing on?" a very familiar and unexpected voice said.

"Giles? I thought it was Andrew and Willow calling?"

"I asked Andrew to set this... contraption, so I could call Headquarters."

"Still having problems with modern technology, Giles?" Willow said.

Giles tsked, and she could just see him cleaning his glasses.

"I assume that this call is about Ayesha."

"In part," Willow and Giles said at the same time. There was a pause for a moment, before Giles cleared his throat.

"Ayesha's death is a tragedy and I want to tell her parents personally, it's the least that I can do." he said, "Also, I think that we should..."

"...run with the expenses of the funeral? Already talked that with Izzy." Buffy said, "And if MacAuslan and his bunch get difficult, well, I have alternate means now."

"So the Waynes left you something in the will." Willow said.

"You can say that, but there are some other things that we should talk about in person." Buffy said, "Wills?"

"Well, I didn't know Ayesha much, but Xander had been closer to his old self since they were together, and that is always a plus in my books." Willow said, "Losing Ayesha is going to be hard for him, especially so soon after Anya."

"That's why I want everybody here in Gotham. He needs our support, something that we haven't given him much over the years." Buffy said, remembering some harsh words several months ago, "But we can deal with that later. What were those other things, beyond Ayesha that you wanted to talk about?"

"Andrew caught something on the Internet." Giles said, "I'll let him explain it."

"Buffy, ah, hello, and sorry for the pictures." Andrew said.

"What pictures?." Willow said, interested.

"We'll talk about that later." Buffy said with iron finality, "So, what did you find on the 'net?"

"Ah, yes, yesterday night, in the middle of the desert of New Mexico something fell from the sky during the storm." Andrew said, trying to sound mature, "A war hammer, with some peculiar inscriptions. I'm trying to get clearer images, but Internet is spotty in that area."

"A hammer and a storm? Why does that sounds familiar?" Buffy said.

"Norse mythology, Thor, the God of Thunder, wielded an enchanted hammer, Mjolnir, which only he could lift." Giles supplied.

"Okay, thanks, so a hammer, maybe Thor's, fell in New Mexico during the storm, right?" Buffy said.

"More than that. The storm took a wedge shape and started to disperse when the point reached the general area of New Mexico where the hammer fell, not too long after it fell."

"...Okay, that is quite more alarming." Buffy said.

"And that's not all; do you remember the 'Hulk' creature that was sighted in Culver U a few days ago?" Willow said.

"Yes?" Buffy said, it had been just before Dawn and her had to go to Connecticut, and everything that happened. "Ah, yes, when we arrived the area was cordoned by the Army."

"Well, there was another sighting of him, this time in Harlem, fighting against a similar creature in the midst of the storm." Willow explained.

"Did you manage to get something this time around?" Buffy said.

"No, the Army had cordoned the area, again." Willow said, "And Strange was doing his stuff between dimensions."
Buffy shuddered. Her one time going with Strange had been... unsettling.

'Unsettling? Face it, Buffy. You were terrified.' she thought. The set of dimensions that Strange usually played in was far different from the ones she was somewhat familiar. Not even the one where she had freed the slaves had felt as wrong as some of the realms where Strange had led them.

"Buffy!" Willow shouted at the phone, attracting her attention again.

"Sorry, I was woolgathering, what you were saying?" Buffy said

"I was asking if you had talked with Riley about that 'Hulk'." Willow repeated.

"Yes, but he couldn't tell me anything. He implied that his people were being kept out of the loop about the 'Hulk'." Buffy explained, "And that was all." She then looked at the time, and said, "Well, I have to tell you, I was talking about Dawn's new High School when Izzy called, and before you ask, that is one of the things we shouldn't be discussing by phone."

Gotham City Library

Julie Madison had been looking for records of the fate of the Kyle Collection. So far, she had records of some pieces being auctioned after Felix Kyle's suicide, but the bulk of the collection seemed to have been missing sometime between the Crash of '29 and Felix suicide. And trying to find surviving family had been a dead end. There was a great-granddaughter that worked as a stewardess, but she doubted that Selina Kyle knew anything about her great-grandfather's old collection.

No, she felt that her best bet to learn what happened to the Kyle collection was the Waynes. Felix sister, Constance, had married Charles Wayne, and he had also been a collector. If somebody knew what had happened, that person was Constance only surviving son, Silas Wayne. And given that Bruce was a good friend, she hoped that he could put a good word for her to be able to talk with the reclusive elder Wayne.

Silas Wayne's home

Bruce was listening to the fascinating discussion between Xavier and Silas, when he noticed Buffy had come back, and her face told her that something had happened. He observed that Dawn had noticed it too and as soon as Buffy sat down they talked quietly, at least until Dawn gasped audibly, drawing the attention of the rest of the table.

"Something that we should know, Buffy?" Silas said looking at the young woman.

Buffy then briefly explained about the situation in Africa, avoiding mentioning Slayers and werehyenas.

"...I hope that you don't mind that I asked them to come here, Bruce. They are my best friends, and we have been through a lot together." Buffy said, "They'll stay in the penthouse, of course."

"I don't mind, Buffy." Bruce said, with a sad smile, "And I wouldn't mind meeting them either, because I assume that you are going to disclose..."

"Us being brother and sisters?" Buffy said, understanding what Bruce was leaving unsaid, "Of course, besides if that Vicky Vale is that good a journalist as you said, she'll unearth enough things to suspect the truth."
Three Amigas!.07
"And what is a P. I. Firm doing investigating some gangbangers?" Jen said, suddenly wary.

"We deal with weird stuff." Gunn said, "Things that go bump in the night, as an old girlfriend of the boss-man said."

"And we are not going to ask about your... abilities, if that is what you fear." Wesley added, "Where do we leave you?."

"Actually, can we talk with your boss?" Rica said, "His name is Angel, right?"

"Yes, do you know him?"

"Not exactly. He helped one of my cousins, like four years ago." 'Rica said.

Genesis Institute Gym Lockers

The physical training had proven to be as exhausting as it seemed, it didn't help Grant and the Callahan siblings telling them that they were going easy on them, being the first day and all of that.

"Well, both my parents were in Special Forces, so I had a quite strict training regime from childhood." Grant commented to Matthew while they were showering afterwards... well Grant, Bobby and Matthew were showering, while a guard was keeping Grunge's stall door closed with him inside under the water while an orderly was using a big sponge tied to a broomstick to wash him.

"Hey Grunge, if you bathed regularly, you wouldn't have to be treated that way." Bobby said, not paying attention to what the other two boys were saying.

"Special Forces? What outfit?" Mattew said, continuing the rehearsed conversation.

"Some kind of black ops, no idea which it was all very hush-hush." Grant answered with a shrug, "Why do you ask?"

"...No reason." Matthew said, knowing well that in the girls locker Nicole was seemingly babbling to the girls roughly the same info, so it would push one of them, probably Caitlin, into investigating a bit more. It had been a fortunate coincidence that the siblings had managed to talk a bit earlier the day, realizing that the three teens shared a quite low opinion of their current employers, and they had hatched this little plan to give them a bit of grief. Little they would know what would result of it.

A short while afterwards, just as the other boys had finished and judging that Grunge was clean enough the janitor stopped with the sponge bath and the guard opened the door letting the Asian teen get out looking at the winged skull tattoo on his chest with a downcast expression.

"The tail is gone." he said.

"What?" Bobby said.

He pointed to his chest, just under the skull. Bobby looked and noticed something different about the tattoo.

"Didn't the Skull used to have a tail?"

"Yeah, the tattoo guy didn't do the tail that I wanted, so I painted it." Grunge said, "I was going to go to another tattoo place that I know the same day the Genesis people came for me."

"That was why you didn't bathe since we came here?"

"Yeah, I may be a bit indifferent to hygiene, but not that much."

"Just you, Grunge. Just you."

Hyperion Hotel

"Wow, what a dump." Jubes said when they arrived at the hotel.

"I've seen worse." 'Rica said, "Besides, with some plaster and new wallpaper it would look much better."

"Who are the kids?" a woman with short, brown hair said.

"Rica Chavez, Jenny Hayden and I am Jubilation Lee." Jubes said, pointing to each one as she said their names, "We came to talk to Angel."
Kids of Tomorrow.03
Hartley rolled her eyes, she had heard about Blake's hardliner stance about 'gifted'. She wasn't all that fond of them, herself, but... Well at least none of them were Trask, good riddance to that ass.

"Things had been quieter lately, thanks to the Superboy." she said.

"Ah, yes, him." Blake said with a frown, "What the Hell is the director thinking? That kid is powerful enough to be a real problem in the future, no matter how friendly he is now..." he stopped the tirade and took a deep breath. "Sorry, Agent Hartley, it's just... You heard about Bahrain, right? I nearly lost good friends there."

She nodded sympathetically. That mess in Bahrain had been out of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s worse nightmares. A psychopathic child with mental domination powers that had left a bloody trail all over several countries, aided and abetted by her mother. A monster child, but still a child. May had not been the same after that mess.

"Let's get to the matter that brought you here, right?"

"Yes, of course. Sorry for the outburst." Blake said, "So, I came because you reported something strange going on at a housing project?"

"Yeah, the housing project has been abandoned for years." Hartley said, "The area was flattened by the meteor storm and the housing project was built over it, but after a few strange incidents, everybody left."

"Define strange." Blake said, frowning.

"Strange noises in the middle of the night, a general feeling of weakness and not having rested well, nightmares full of glowing green eyes and the clincher, a mother killing his own son and drinking his blood." Hartley said with a grimace, "And before I started to investigate it because of the disappearance of some hobos, I didn't know anything about it."

"Jesus." Blake said, "DO you think it was meteor contamination or a supernatural event?"

"No idea, some things point in one direction and others in another." Hartley said, "But something else did happen."

"And, why it is not in the report?" Blake asked.

"Because it happened yesterday night, during the storm." Hartley answered, "An electric creature appeared out of nowhere and started to wreck several houses in the housing project, until it was stopped by the Superboy."

"I hope that that thing is contained." Blake commented.

"Yes, and ready to be sent to the Vault from a safe house well out of town."
"That's probable. And that means that she'll probably learn some things about your school, Charles." Silas said.

"She is welcome to," Xavier said with a smile. "I have always kept the school separate from my research about mutation, and I doubt that she will find any clue of what I do. Besides, it's not like schools with somewhat opaque admission criteria aren't a dime a dozen." He then looked at Scott, Jean, Kitty and Kurt, "And the results of our pupils in Bayville High speak for themselves. They are between the top students in the high school."

"Charles, shouldn't we go to check in our hotel?" Ororo said, looking at the time.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't notice the time. I hope that it isn't any problem."

"No problem at all. It's getting late, anyway." Buffy said, "Tomorrow we should have a definite answer about Dawn."

"That's all that I ask." Xavier said, as Ororo stood up.

They said goodbye, and left. After they left they sat back on the table.

"If they would have told me a week ago all of this I wouldn't have believed it." Buffy commented.

"Yeah, how many cousins do we have now, for example?" Dawn said.

"There is the Kanes... We'll have to tell them, of course." Silas said, and then turned to Bruce, "Part of the legacy comes from Martha's own money, I presume."

"Yes, from what I remember." Bruce said, "It would be a simple question of asking Mr. Cobblepot."

"Ah, old Edwin. He is a good man, not like the harpy of his sister-in-law or his scoundrel of a nephew." Silas said, shaking his head.

"What can you tell me about them? The Kanes, I mean." Buffy asked, "Beyond our grandparents, we never knew much about our mother's family."

"Well, your great-grandfather Robert was an ass." Silas said, and then added to the surprised expression of Bruce, "What? Can't I swear if I feel like it, because I'm an old man?"

"Ah, well, you always looked so... so..."

"Prim and proper? Bruce, you didn't meet me in my youth, I was a bit of a wild man back then, something that didn't help with my relationship with Patrick. I settled down after the marriage, and the birth of Maria."

"Maria is your daughter?" Dawn asked

"Was. She died in a car crash twenty years ago." Silas said, somberly.

"Ahhh, let's go back to the Kanes, then," Dawn said, awkwardly, "You were talking about our great-grandfather Robert Kane."

"Ah, yes. Robert Charles Kane, he basically threw your grandfather Richard out of the Kane Estate for daring to think for himself in several matters. And instead of groveling back to ingratiate with his father, he went to California to start a new life." Silas said.

"So that's the story of Grandpa Richard. He was always very tight-lipped about what he did before going to Los Angeles." Buffy said, "And Richard's brother? How was he?"

"Robert Foster Kane was a weak man, from being dominated by his father; he came to be dominated by his partner, my brother Patrick."


"Yeah, he even died a year after Patrick." Silas said, "It wasn't a surprise that all of his three children were rebels on one way or another. Martha became one of the best social workers this goddamned city has known."

"And her siblings?."

"Well, Martha had an older sister, Gabby and one younger brother, Robert." Silas explained, "Robert is alive and has a daughter, Bette, around Dawn's age. He basically directs the R&D in Kane Enterprises."

"And Gabby?"

"She was always a free spirit. She ended joining the Army and ended marrying Jacob Kane, no relation, a man she met in West Point." Silas said, "She died fifteen years ago, in a mission, leaving two daughters, Elizabeth and Kate. Liz should be a couple years older than you, Buffy, but I haven't heard of her in a couple years."

"And Kate?" Dawn asked.

"She is roughly around Buffy and Bruce age." Silas said, "She went into the Army, the Rangers, I think, but she left it this past year."

"I didn't know that Kate had left the Army, what happened?" Bruce asked.

"You know how abrasive can she be, Bruce." Silas said, "From what I have heard, she dared to tell the wrong general he was wrong, and being right in doing so, to boot."
"Good for her." Buffy said, and then added when Silas arched a eyebrow quizzically, "Military ex-boyfriend, he was a good guy, but his boss, and the boss of his boss..." she shook her head.


Meanwhile, after taking a couple shortcuts, the X-Men had arrived to the hotel where they would be lodged for the night.

While the kids went to their rooms for the night, Charles and Ororo stayed to talk.

"What's your opinion about our prospective new pupil and her family, Ororo?." Charles asked-

"I'm not sure, Charles. There is something about Buffy..." she paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts, "She reminds me of Logan on some moments."

"How so?" Charles said. He had the same impression, but he wanted to know what had led her to make that comparison.

"I saw a few glimpses when we were talking yesterday morning, but they disappeared so quickly that I thought that I was imagining things." Ororo said, "But when she came back and told us about the death of that girl in Africa... It was clear as day."

"I suspected as much, all over the talk, I kept getting glimpses of something... primal, for lack of a better word, in the back of her mind. Violent, yes, but reined in by her own willpower, and she has more than anybody realizes." Charles said, "Dawn is more normal, though surprisingly mature for somebody of her years... And Bruce is an enigma."

"What? How?" Ororo said, "I mean, it's obvious that he is quite a bit more intelligent than his reputation says, but..."

"You know his story?" Charles asked, and then continued when Ororo shook her head, "His parents were gunned down before him when he was eight."

"No, I didn't." Ororo said, "That must have been..."

"Extremely traumatic, yes. But I didn't even get a glimpse of the trauma on a surface reading, and that may mean two things: that it doesn't affect him, which would point to an antisocial personality disorder, which would merit watching, if only to ensure that Buffy or Dawn don't get hurt, or he has one of the more disciplined minds I have found, which also merit watching, if only because there is no way that such a person is just an indolent millionaire playboy."
Three Amigas!.08
"Oh? What do you three want with Angel?" the woman said.

"I don't think that's something for the secretary to know." 'Rica said.

"Secretary. Right." Gunn said, with a snort, "Girls, Cordy is the boss when the big boss isn't here."

"What?" 'Rica said, "But she dresses like she had raided a thrift store."

"Because all my clothes were blown up with my apartment, kid, so I really had to raid a thrift store for clothes." Cordy said, "Not that you have much to talk about clothes, Miss America."

"Hey, I like the American flag. You have a problem with that?"

"The color of your pants clashes horribly with your shirt, not to talk of those sneakers, seriously? If they were louder they would be singing heavy metal." Cordy said, "Also you could use a hairbrush. That hair looks like a bird nest from here."

"Try to keep your hair presentable when you have been thrown at the back of a car, fleeing from gangbangers." 'Rica replied. Who the Hell this gringo bitch thought she was to criticize her clothes. 'Fucking pendeja.' she thought.

"Hairspray is good for that," Cordy answered, and then looked at Wesley, "How do you think my kept looking so good back in Sunnyhell?. Fleeing from all those... gangs on PCP was hell on my hair."

"Never change, Cordelia. Never change." said a tall, dark-haired man from a corner in the back. They hadn't seen him at first, as the corner was heavily in shadow.

"Angel, how long have you been there?"

"Since they arrived." Angel said, and then looked at 'Rica, "You are Samara Chavez cousin, I think that I met you briefly when we... helped her."

"Yeah, I'm America Chavez. And sorry for what my uncle said of you." 'Rica said.

"I have been called worse." Angel said with a shrug, "I gather that you want to hire us."

"Yes. I have some money from athletic competitions, enough for a couple days at least."

"Okay, let's go to my office to discuss it." Angel said, and then turned to the others, "Cordy, Gunn, come with me. Wes, call Fred, we may need her."
Three Amigas!.09
The office was small and with the windows covered by heavy curtains. A battered desk with an equally battered chair behind it, and three other chairs that had seen better days, were the only furniture in the room.

"Sorry, my old office got wrecked." Angel said, excusing himself for the shabby room when he noticed their faces, "This is the best we can do until it's fixed."

He then sat down, behind the desk, while the three teenagers each took a different chair, Gunn leaned on a wall, and Cordy sat on the desk.

"So, what brings you here?" he said, in a professional tone, as he took a pen and a notebook.

The three girls looked to each other, until 'Rica started to speak.

"Okay, we all three go to Hemery High..." Rica started to explain.

'Hemery? What a coincidence.' Angel thought while he started to take notes, but he kept his face in an attentive, but otherwise neutral expression. Cordelia didn't seem to recognize the name, something to ask her later.

"...and Marcy Monroe, a classmate, has enrolled out of the blue in a private school sponsored by some foundation." Rica explained, "When we went to check in their offices in L.A., it turned that they had disappeared just as they finished the recruiting. Their site was where your guys rescued us."

"Interesting, and they only recruited your classmate."

"Actually no, Jubes saw her going with another girl." 'Rica said, gesturing to the other girl.

"Yeah, I saw her, Marcy, I mean, getting in a minibus with a big G on the side, together with Rox."

"And Rox is...?" Angel asked.

"Roxy something...," she tried to remember, until she snapped her fingers, "Spaulding! Roxy Spaulding! I know her from the mall."

"Anything in common with Marcy?." Angel asked.

"Not really... Wait, 'Rica, didn't you tell me that Marcy dad was in the Army?"

"Yeah, as it was most of his family, I think, why?"

"Rox's grandpa was an Air Force bigwig, I think, and Rox mom was in the Air Force for a time."

"It could be a coincidence, but it merits investigation." Angel said, and looked at the notes he had been taking, "What was the name of the Foundation, by the way?"

"Genesis Foundation, why?" America said.

'Genesis? Fuuuuuuuuuck.' thought Angel, only a slight pursing of his lips betraying his reaction.
Kids of Tomorrow.04
"That's something, I suppose." Blake said, before looking at the other agents in the room, "Now, do you have an office or something where we could we speak somewhere privately?"

"There is a storage area in the back." Hartley said, pointing to a half-hidden door on a corner of the room.

"Let's go then."

They walked silently into the storage are, and Hartley closed the door behind her.

"You know that they are going to be speculating about what we are talking about."

"So?" Blake said, "That happens everywhere."

"Very well," Hartley said, going back to her "professional agent" demeanor, "what was so important, then?"

"Officially, I'm just for a routine evaluation of this office," Blake said.

"And unofficially?"

"Fury wanted me to tell you that some... interested parts are pressuring the Council to close this office." Blake said.

"'Interested parts', my ass." Hartley said, "It's Luthor Senior, right?"

"You didn't hear it from me." Blake said, "What does he have against S.H.I.E.L.D.'s presence here?"

"You have heard about what he is doing here, in Smallville."

"Yes, he is supposed to be dedicating a good part of his money to developing this whole area after the meteor storm out of the good of his heart, including buying the local fertilizer plant and making it a top of the line agronomical research facility." Blake said, managing to keep an straight face, "How much of it is true?"

"Almost none of it. The agronomical research is true enough, but I think that he is using it as a cover for other things."

"Such as...?"

"Research over the meteor mutagenic properties." Hartley said, "And before you ask, I don't have much solid data to support it, only than the meteor's quantities that Luthor's people delivers are always smaller than initially reported, and that several of the incidents happened to people related to the facility..."

"I assume that you reported everything to the Director."

"Of course."

Luthor Manor. Smallville.

Lex Luthor junior awoke with a start, and closed his eyes immediately. The party last night must had been impressive if his hangover was so big.
Three Amigas! (snippet 10)
"Can you tell me anything else about that Foundation?" he asked.

"Not really, we just know what Marcy's parents told us. You could go to ask them."

"I'll probably do that later." Angel said, "I don't think it would be right to alarm them unnecessarily."

"Does that mean that you accept the case?"

"Yes, it's a bit different from our usual but we'll do it." Angel said, making a small gesture with his hand that stopped Gunn and Cordelia's protests on their tracks.

"Do you want to need some payment upfront?"

"Not at all. If this isn't a bust we can discuss the payment options later." Angel said, "But there is something I want to ask about that burst of green energy one of you did."

"Why do you ask?" 'Rica asked, suddenly on guard.

"Because if it is like Wes told me, I have seen something like that before, many years ago." Angel said.

"Fine." Jenny said before any of the others had time to say anything.

"Jen, you don't have..."

"I have always wanted to know where this..." she said, while a green light glowed around her hand, as her skin briefly changed colors to green and back, "...came from."

"Okay, you know that there were superheroes before Stark started to fly around in his armor, right?" he said, and followed when Jen nodded, "Thirty to twenty-five years ago, there was this guy in Gotham, the Green Lantern. I know about him because he saved me, and I can say that he had abilities similar to yours."

"Is he still around?" Jen asked with a strange note in her voice.

"I don't know, he sort of disappeared twenty-five years ago."

"'Sort of' disappeared? How can somebody 'sort of' disappear?" Jubes asked.

"There were some sightings of him, and others like him, in the decade afterwards that was when I met him, by the way." Angel said, "But even that stopped around fifteen or sixteen years ago." he said, looking at Jen intently.

"I'm adopted, actually, and that would explain a few things" Jen answered, understanding what he was not asking.

"Okay, I know some people who know more than me about this, and I can ask around. Completely free of charge, even. As I said, I owe that man my life." Angel said.

"Okay, I have always wondered about my biological family." Jen said.

"I need to go; I have track and field training today." 'Rica said, looking at the time.

"Wesley or Gunn can leave you wherever you want." Angel said.

No sooner than the teens had left the building with Gunn, Cordelia asked him.

"I saw your face when they mentioned that Foundation. What is it?"

"Close the door. This is private." Angel said, "Roughly thirty years ago I was tracked by... a person who I had worked with during World War II. He was now working for the Genesis Institute, which supposedly worked to research the paranormal."

"And in reality?"

"They were a front for a secret agency, International Operations or something like that. I was experimented upon; apparently somebody wanted to know if there was a way to become a vampire without the traditional weaknesses." Angel said, his eyes closed, "I barely escaped them. Others were not that fortunate."
Silas Wayne residence

After talking for quite a bit with Uncle Silas, Bruce and the sisters decided to go back to the manor. Bruce went to pick his car first, and found to his surprise, that somebody waiting for him in a sports car.

"Julie! What brings you here?" Bruce said, getting out of the Lamborghini as he saw the redhead walked toward his car.

"Hi, Bruce. And it's something better to be discussed..." Julie started to say, as the Summers sisters arrived in their borrowed SUV, "...here outside."

"Hello, I'm Buffy Summers." Buffy said, getting out of the car in her best Valley Girl impression.

"Buffy, this is Julie Madison, one of my best friends. Julie, Buffy is... a relative on my mother side."

"Yep. Mom was, like, from the black sheep branch of the Kanes." Buffy said.

"Joyce Kane, right?" Julie said, and then explained, "She caused a bit of a ruckus in the society pages back in the day, the prodigal daughter of one of 'Gotham Four Families' returning home."

"And you would know, as a librarian of the Gotham City Library."

"Just an assistant librarian and even that only part time." Julie said, with the easiness that denoted an old 'back-and-forth' between the two of them, "Anyway, I was going to call you to vouch for me, he has a reputation as a bit of a hermit, but finding you here it's even better."

A few minutes later they were back into Silas study.

"Julie Madison? You are Norman Madison's daughter, right?" Silas asked after she was presented to him.

"Yes, do you know him?"

"Only by reputation, actually. I had retreated from Gotham high society when your family moved to Gotham from L.A."

Buffy frowned when she heard this. 'Could she be related to Amy? There is some resemblance...' she thought.

"Yeah..." she said, the silence stretching for some time, until she started to speak again, "Well, the reason why I came was to ask about the Kyle collection."

"So, somebody finally joined the pieces." Silas said.

"So it's true that your father Charles bought most of the Kyle collection."

"Yes, Father had been lucky in 1929; he didn't lose almost everything like the Kyles or the Queens, and was able to help the Kyles to at least pay the debts. Unfortunately he couldn't avoid Felix Kyle's suicide."
"He killed himself?" Dawn asked, while Julie noted it down.

"Officially it was ruled as an accident, but, well, he was found drowned in the riverside in November 1929, despite being a great swimmer, wearing his usual clothes, and before disappearing he had left everything ready for his wife and child, so they could have a comfortable life." Silas said, "A bit surprising, given that from what Mother told me, he was not in his right mind in his last weeks, talking at all hours about owls wanting him dead."

"Owls? Why, owls?" Julie asked.

"I don't know, but Mother thought that it had to do with a piece of art from one of the tribes that lived in the area before Gotham was settled, representing a creature with the head of an owl."

"That would be the piece that was called the 'Owl Witch-Doctor'." Julie said, before explaining, "I have been looking for clues about the Kyle collection in the last weeks, including looking at pictures of the more unique pieces. That piece was part of a set with a warrior with the head of a bat..."

Buffy looked at Bruce and arched an eyebrow, who shrugged.

"...and possibly other pieces, but the 18th Century manuscript that described the... acquisition of the pieces by Jeremiah Kyle was damaged in the Great Fire of Gotham of 1889." Julie finished.

"Acquisition? Given the stories that I have heard about Jeremiah, he probably stole them." Silas said, and then explained, "He and Samuel Kane were highwaymen in England and when they came to the New World they become pirates before settling in Gotham as rich men."

O'Hare International Airport. Chicago

"Dad? Barbara, I'm in the airport, my flight will depart in an hour." Barbara Gordon told to her adoptive father voicemail. 'He is probably working in a case. Typical. I'll call again before embarking.'

She took her laptop and started to work on the software project she was working on, automating database searches for police work, inside a series of parameters to minimize the amount of false positives. Unfortunately, in its current state only she could use the program, and she didn't fancy being an oracle when she had better things to do with her time.

"Barbara Gordon?" she heard a voice say, interrupting her train of thoughts.

She looked up and saw a brown haired young man with an athletic build looking at her. He looked familiar for some reason, but she couldn't place her.

"Yes?" she asked warily.

"Ted Kord, from..." the man said.

"Kord Inc. Yes, you were one of the sponsors of that science festival past year." she said, recognizing him.
Kids of Tomorrow.05
Luthor Manor. Smallville.

Lex Luthor junior awoke with a start, and closed his eyes immediately. The party last night must had been impressive if his hangover was so big. A pity he couldn't remember it. 'Note to myself: stop getting that shitfaced in parties.'

Now if he could remember where he had ended last night... His last memory was of picking up a stunning brunette in an after-hours, and even that was blurry. But giving the fact that she wasn't here, in the bed, with him, she must have gone her own way some time afterwards.

'Time to get up." he thought as he stretched out.

He got up and went to the bathroom. It was then when he noticed the faint scars on his bald head, and his back.

'It seems whoever she was, she was a bit wild.' he thought with a faint smirk. It wasn't the first time he had picked up such a woman, and the scars always healed quickly.

After getting himself presentable he went to take a breakfast, and his good mood evaporated when he saw his father in the kitchen, drinking a mug of coffee and reading the Daily Planet.

"I heard that you enjoyed yourself last night." Lex Luthor senior said, his voice completely free of any trace of the German accent he still affected in public occasions, without lifting his eyes from the paper, "Getting that drunk in public, disgraceful. What would Lillian say?"

"Don't act as if you cared about my mother when she was alive, father." Lex said, moving toward the coffee maker without sparing a glance to his father, "You were screwing that soap opera actress behind her back when she was in her deathbed."

"I loved your mother, but I'm not perfect." Lex senior said in answer.

"Ah, yes, 'I'm not perfect'." Lex said, airquotes included, "You are not even trying anymore with your excuses, right?."

"Alexander, be careful with what you say to me." Lex senior said, looking up from the paper, "You are my only legitimate son, but..."

"One of your legion of bastards could replace me, I'm perfectly aware of that." Lex replied, getting out of the kitchen. "Don't worry; I won't damage your precious reputation. In fact I'm going to spend the morning out."

"Where are you going, Lex?"

"To Smallville."

Lex senior stood there as Lex went back to put on clean clothes, not allowing himself to smile as his words did exactly what he hoped. Lex was so easy to manipulate...
"Kord Inc. Yes, you were one of the sponsors of that science festival past year. What can I do for you?" Barbara asked.

"I was quite impressed by your work in the science fair, and I wanted to know if you would be amenable to work part time on Kord Inc..."

"I would be interested in that, but I have already enrolled in Gotham U..." Barbara started to say before being interrupted.

"I'm aware of that, but the job I'm proposing it can be mostly done from home, only having to go in person to my offices monthly, if that." Kord interrupted her.

"...What part of my presentation are you interested in?" Barbara asked.

"The self-piloting software for the drone." Kord asked, "I assume that it can be applied to full scale flying vehicles."

"In theory, but it would need to be refined quite a lot." Barbara said, "With a five pounds drone you can ignore several factors that become important once you increase the mass by one or two thousands."

"And the converse is true." Kord replied,

"Pretty much, Mr. Kord." Barbara nodded, "Furthermore..."

Silas Wayne Manor

While Bruce and his cousins left probably for Wayne Manor, Julie checked the notes he had taken from what Silas had told them. In between notes about the Kyle collection, and Jeremiah Kyle and his obsession with murdering owls, she had amassed a good collection of stories about Gotham Four Families, the Waynes, the Kanes, the Kyles and the Queens, and their origins.

Apparently, a sizable part of the collection was still in Wayne Manor, the pieces that Patrick Wayne hadn't donated to museums or sold to collectors, probably because they were curios without real value. A significant exception, at least according to Silas, was the owl-headed figurine that had been the probable source of Jeremiah Kyle obsession, and some ancient books. Bruce had invited her to look at them tomorrow...

Julie wasn't conscious that her hand, where she kept her phone to take verbal notes was moving on her own volition, sending a call to a number that she had in the memory of the phone, and cutting the call immediately.

She had just finished revising her notes, while thinking than some of the stories that Silas had told about Gotham past, when the phone rang.

She looked at the number and recognized it as Dala's, and unknown to her, the same number she had unknowingly called a few minutes ago.

"Yes, Dala?" she asked, knowing that the Monk didn't like modern devices.

"Hi, Julie." Dala said on the phone. "May the Master blessing be with you."

Upon hearing the code phrase, Julie entered a trance.

"Yes, Mistress?" she said, in a flat tone.


"Found the whereabouts of two of the tomes." she said mechanically, "They were part of the Kyle collection, but after the Crash of 1929, Charles Wayne bought the bulk of it to help his brother-in-law, and despite Patrick Wayne divesting himself of most of it, they are still in Wayne Manor."

"Can you get access to them in the next days?"

"Bruce Wayne invited me tomorrow to give it a look."

"Make some excuse to stay that night and take them to us." Dala ordered, "Is there any other piece on the collection that may be of interest?"

"There is a figurine which may be the Owl Shaman."

"Really? Interesting." Dala said. "Bring it to us, also."

"Yes, Mistress."

"You'll wake up from the trance at the count of three and you will remember that you called me by accident, and that we chatted a bit about the next session." Dala said, "One, two..."
Thomas Wayne Memorial Clinic

Sidney DelVeccio had just finished her dinner, and after disposing of it she sat down on the bed to think about her future. A month ago she was just a waitress who dreamed to escape the dreariness of life in Gotham City, but that life was long gone by now.

Her reflections were interrupted by the arrival of Doctor Thompkins.

"Hi, Sydney, how are we today?"

"Physically, well enough, I suppose..." she said, trailing off at the end.

Leslie understood what had been left unsaid, and resolved on talking to Buffy as soon as possible. She had confided her plans to offering Sydney a place in one of the Slayer Academies they were setting up, and she thought that this girl needed heavy counseling before even thinking to fight against those... monsters. Something she wasn't really happy about, but...

Her train of thoughts were interrupted when her phone rang.

"One moment," she said as she stepped out of the room, one of the few that the clinic had for patients that needed a longer stay, and looked at the caller ID. To her surprise it was Bruce, by his normal number, not the special line he had for his... night work.

"Hi, Bruce." Leslie said,

"Hi, Leslie. Do you remember Buffy and Dawn, Joyce Summers daughters?"

"Vaguely, it has been... what? Fifteen years?" she answered. 'So, this is how you are going to play this, right? Maybe there is still hope for you, Bruce.'

"More or less. Well, they are in town."

"Ah, yes, Dawn is sixteen now, right? I was one of the witness for you father's will, remember."

"O..kay," Bruce said, she had to give him points for naturalness, "They want to visit you, having being a friend of her mother and all that."

"Of course, I have no problem. Are you coming too?"

"No, I have... other commitments, sorry." Bruce said.

"Ah, okay." Leslie said,while thinking, 'Meaning, of course that he has to skulk around in his bat-costume somewhere.'"I'll go to receive them at the door"

DuBois Manor

Jim Gordon had needed most of the morning to get the Sheriff to agree to this, and he only did after he pointed that Gotham's County Sheriff Department lacked a dedicated SWAT team. Not that they have needed it at the end, as they found the manor abandoned in what seemed to be a hurry.

Now the CSIs were pottering around recovering traces and unearthing the corpses. So far it served as a grim reminder of the evil of man, not that anybody serving as Law Enforcement in Gotham needed such reminder.
"Captain Gordon?" one of the sheriff deputies called him, interrupting his thoughts. He was tall, but slightly overweight, and his red hair was starting to thin on his head, not unlike his old friend from his time in the Department of Homicides, O'Hara. The bushy moustache, mirrored sunglasses and raspy voice completed the image. A false image, because they had already talked earlier, and knew that Batman was under the makeup and prosthetics.

"Yes, Deputy... O'Bannon?" he asked, pausing just enough to look as if he barely remembered the man.

He didn't say anything, but motioned Gordon to follow him, which he did, because there was something that he wanted to see, to confirm some of his suspicions.

They only walked a few steps, finding themselves close to one of the manor broken windows, where they could see the ballroom where most of the action had taken place.

"What have you discovered?" Gordon said, while looking to the ballroom. 'Ashes all over the place, in clumps that couldn't have been made by the wind. Just like I suspected.'

"Nobody has come since yesterday, also, the results of the autopsy of the two officers dead when transporting Blackout should be in your desk when you come back." Batman said.

Gordon looked at the time and frowned.

"No time today, I have to pick up Barbara at the airport." He said, and then added, to confirm a suspicion he had since he saw the state of the corpses, not to talk of what he had just noticed here, "I assume you have read it, can you give me the cliff notes version?"

"Officer Barr's neck was broken, and officer Wein died of blood loss..."

"Caused by the bite on the neck." Gordon said, and then he asked, after Batman's nod, "Blackout in both cases?"

"No. The broken neck was undoubtedly caused by Blackout, but the bite marks were too small to be from Blackout, and apparently there were signs that another person handled officer Wein's body perimortem."

"A vampire, right?" he said, and then added, seeing Batman expression, "I noticed that there was a lot less blood than it should have been from that wound in the neck, not to mention how the Ripper seemed to kill their victims from blood loss and paying special attention to wrecking the neck."

"You noticed the same things that I did, but how did you attributed it to vampires?"

"I didn't do it, not immediately, but I didn't dismiss it out of hand, and this finally clinched the deal. You see, I have dealt with them before, in Chicago." Gordon said, before chuckling mirthlessly, "'Dealt'. I was saved from being their dinner by a slip of a girl no older than Barbara is now, and then pressured by a British guy to keep it on the down low." He then looked at Batman, "The woman who helped you...?"

"It's a long story, but I can tell you, that while there is a connection, she's not the same woman." Batman said after a pause, "Anything else, Jim?"

"No, in fact I should go to. Barbara is going to arrive..." he started to say, before he heard somebody calling him. He turned his head and saw a rookie officer, Montoya he thought she was called coming to where he was together with Steve "Shotgun" Smith, one of the Sheriff Deputies and a damned good cop before being pressured to resign.

"As I was saying..." he turned his head only to see that Batman had vanished, "Typical." he said under his teeth, before turning to face Smith and Montoya.

Gotham Gazette. Vicky Vale's desk

Vicky was reading the results of Nashton search. Buffy and Dawn Summers, 23 and 16 years old respectively. Both born in L.A. to Hank Summers and Joyce Summers, nee... Kane. Curious, that could be a connection to the Waynes. She filed it for later and kept reading.
Three Amigas.11
Hayden home, the next day

"So... You want to know my story?" Jenny said, nervous, to Rica and Jubes.

"Well, yesterday it was a bit late when we got home, and given that your parent's aren't home..." Rica said.

"What she said." Jubes said, fiddling with her tablet.

Jenny took a deep breath and removed her right glove, showing her palm, and on it there was a stylized dark green starburst with an empty space in the center that showed her normal skin.

"It wasn't always like this. Before last year, it was just a weirdly shaped birthmark, just a bit darker than the rest of the palm, and the shape a lot less defined than now." she said, "Afterwards... Well, you see it, and also..." On cue, her skin changed color to a vibrant green, a quite lighter shade than her birthmark. Her eyes had already been green, but now they looked almost as if they glowed, and even her black hair had now green highlights.

"And now you control a green sort-of-forcefield, which can take any shape you want." Jubes said, looking at her.

"...Yes, how...?" Jenny answered.

"Internet. It wasn't easy to find... In fact I had to take a plunge into the deep web to find some of the videos." Jubes said.


"Of the guy with powers like you, the Green Lantern." Jubes said, "As I have said, they haven't been easy to find, it's almost as if somebody had been suppressing evidence of the existence of metahumans."


"A fancy name for people with powers on some Internet cesspools. 'Enhanced' or 'gifted' seems to be also used too." Jubes said with a shrug, then gave a good look to Jenny, "By the way, have you ever cosplayed as an Orion? You wouldn't even need makeup."

"What?" Jenny said, confused for the apparent non-sequitur.

"Jubes, can we get back to Jenny's powers, before you got into other of your weird tangents?" 'Rica said.

"Ah, sorry, I get distracted easily." Jubes said with a blush, before starting to fiddle again with her tablet, "Anyway, here are the videos; you could get at least an idea of what you can do."

Genesis Institute, Students Mess Hall

"So, what do you think of our schedule?" Roxie asked to Caitlin, who seemed to have problems, getting both her notes and her food on the table without problems, "Let me help you with that." She said, taking the tray with the food from the slightly taller redhead hands.

"Thanks, Roxie." Caitlin said, putting her papers on the table. "And, well, I hope not to screw it up for you much in the PE classes, I have always been a bit of a klutz."

"Well, I'm not that good in Maths, but I did dance and rhythmic gym in high school, I could help you with that, if you help me with Maths, deal?"

Three Amigas.12
Hayden home. L.A.

"There is something weird here." Jenny said, after watching several of the videos.

"So, you have noticed it too?" Jubes said.

"What are you two talking about?" 'Rica asked.

"Look at this." Jenny said, replaying one of the videos where the Green Lantern had stopped a runaway truck on a busy street, "When do you think it was recorded?"

"Dunno, the '60s?" 'Rica said with a shrug.

"Late forties, or early '50s at most." Jenny said, "The hairstyles and the fashion are a dead giveaway."

"Well, I noticed the cars and the articles on that store window actually, but I concur."

"I bow to your expertise." 'Rica said, in a slightly mocking tone, "But what does that mean?"

"Alone, not that much. But... well, I ordered them more or less chronologically." Jubes said, and then replayed another video, of the Green Lantern stopping a bank robbery, "This is the next in the series."

"Are you sure? Even I can tell that it's a lot more recent than the last. The 90s?"

"Late 80s. '88, to be precise, there were Bush/Quayle posters all over the bank wall. And before you ask, no, there are no other videos in between." Jubes said.

"It could be his son, or his grandson, though." Jenny said, "I don't think that anybody with that power would have passed all those years inactive, not to mention that the '80s Green Lantern doesn't noticeably older than the '40s one."

"It's possible." Jubes said.

"It's not like he could have been magically transported from the '40s to the '80s, right?" Jenny said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, that's crazy." Jubes said

"I'm sure that you have read crazier stuff in your comics." 'Rica said

"Well, yeah, but If you want really crazy stuff go the Silver Age comics. Or almost anything by Grant Morrison or Neil Gaiman..." she said, "That reminds me, I have to give a look to the American Gods TV series. And now that I think about it...."

"Jubes, focus." 'Rica said.

"Sorry." Jubes said, before turning to Jenny, "Well, what do you think about the videos?"

"It has given me some ideas, but I'll need training." Jenny answered.

"Cool, we can help you with that." Jubes said, "What do you think Rica?"

"It depends on what you want to do with your powers, Jenny." 'Rica said.

"I... I really don't know." Jenny said.
Kids of Tomorrow.06
Kent farm

"Rogue, this is Lana Lang, my best friend. She lives the next farm down the road with her aunt. I trust her in everything." Clark said, emphasizing the last word, but before he could say anything else, he looked away as if he had heard something that only he could hear.

"A runaway truck at the fertilizer plant, sorry, gotta go!" and he disappeared in a woosh of displaced air.

"Does he do this all the time?" Rogue asked.

"Running away to prevent some disaster? All the damned time." Lana said, "I assume that's how he met you."

"...Not exactly." Rogue said, "Ah'm a mutant... a genetic mutant, not somebody affected by meteors..."

"Okay." she had never thought about that, but it stood to reason that it could happen, "And I assume you have powers of some type."

"Yeah, Ah can steal memories and powers with a touch, but it's not pretty." Rogue said with a shudder, "Neithah for them or for me. Three days ago, Ah was kissing a boy Ah liked when...well, yah know, my powers activated."

"Ouch." Lana said, sympathetically, "That's horrible."

"Ah know." Rogue said with a sigh.

"And what did your parents...?" Lana started to ask, stopping herself when Rogue shook her head.

"Ah don't remember them. From what Irene, my guardian, told me, they died in a car crash when Ah was a toddler." she sighed, "Irene... she managed to get me out of town before some bad people came for her."

"What?" Lana asked.

"She was also a mutant, and she got warning that some kind of anti-mutant group was gunning for her. Ah thought Ah had lost them, but they had managed to track me to Topeka, where Irene had some kind of safe house, that's where Clark saved me from them." Rogue explained, "Irene managed to escape, and Ah think she knew of Clark… or rather of the Superboy, before, and managed to get some kind of warning to him."

"I wonder how did she do that," Lana said, "I mean, Clark tries to keep thing separate. He didn't tell me until the prom..." She fell silent for a moment, before continuing, "At least he doesn't have to invent stupid excuses anymore, with me at least."

"That sounds like standard secret identity stuff, like in the comics."

"Yeah, pretty much. Not really a comic-book fan, but both Clark and Lex are both big fans of the Warrior Angel... I think Lex has every issue published in the last decade… and speaking of the devil..." she said as a completely bald young man opened the kitchen door.

"Hello Lana, and… company. I came to talk with Clark."

"He has some errands to run." Lana said.

"Ah, okay." He then turned to Rogue and extended his hand,Lex asked. trying for a charming smile, "I'm Lex Luthor junior, miss…"

"Call me Rogue, sugah." Rogue said with a smile of her own.

"Rogue, what kind of name is Rogue?."

"A teacher always called me 'the rogue element' in junior high, and Ah ended making it mine." Rogue said, and then waved to herself, "The Goth stuff cemented the image, and it helps that I like the style."
Kids of Tomorrow.07
Close to the Smallville Fertilizer Plant

As he ran toward the plant, Clark saw that the situation was dire. The truck's driver was suffering a heart attack just as he was about to take the turn that would keep the truck from the cliff that overlooked the plant fuel depot, the cliff that the now out of control truck was heading to. He ran as far as he could but he just arrived in time to move the truck away from the edge of the cliff, with the bad luck that the violent maneuver broke the hook that kept the trailer attached to the cabin.

The trailer that was headed straight to the cliff, but before he could react, a black haired teen wearing black clothes, except for the purple band on his jacket, landed before him and moved his hands, and the trailer stopped. He made another movement and trailer started to move back toward the cabin, as a couple of other two teens, a boy and a girl, landed before him.

"Can you help me? I think the driver is suffering from..." Clark said as he opened the cabin and removed the truck driver, who fortunately was still alive.

"A heart attack." said the girl, a blonde wearing a red and white t-shirt with a Saturn-like symbol on it.

"Yeah, yeah." the other guy, a dark blond with a blue and white t-shirt with lightning motifs, "Allow me." he said, putting one finger of each hand on two points on the chest, and closed his eyes. Suddenly two sparks jumped from his fingers and struck the driver like the pads of a defibrilator.

To Clark relief, the driver's pulse normalized after that, just in time as a vehicle was climbing the road from the plant. A quick look confirmed that it was the emergency services from the plant; somebody must have seen the truck lose control. The driver seemed to be unconscious now.

"Damn, I wanted to introduce ourselves on a more peaceful way, Super… err…, Superboy. " The black haired teen said, speaking English with an unidentifiable accent, while the blonde girl waved a device over the driver.

"He is stable, Rokk." She said.

"Good." He said, sighing in relief, "Look, Superboy, I know that you have a lot of questions about us, but I don't think that this would be the best venue to discuss it."

"…You're right. Three miles to the west there is an water tank. It's nicely isolated, and no people go there." Clark said.
Kids of Tomorrow.08
A biker bar, just outside Smallville

Logan parked his bike in the parking lot before the bar, and after securing it, he started to walk down the street to the town. He had never had any intention of entering the bar, but he reasoned that it was a good place to hide it. After a few minutes walking he caught again a whiff of the smell of one of those things he had met in Africa long ago. He thought he had left all of it behind after blowing up that cult's headquarters, but it seemed that some of them had escaped.

Unfortunately, by the time he had arrived to the town proper all hopes to find those things in town had evaporated. It was not that the trail had vanished, far from it, but it had become so mixed with older trails that it had become hopelessly muddled. Maybe if he walked to one of the town other exits... One moment, what the hell is that? He breathed deeply, and frowned. This one was clearer, as well as stronger. It was equally muddled, and equally non-human, but completely different. What the hell was going on this town?

So focused he was on this that he almost missed the well-dressed man getting out of a shop on the other side of the street. He reacted quickly, through, crouching as if to tie his boots.

'Blake.' he thought. Of all the SHIELD agents he had known, Blake was... competent, but not exactly friendly. But at least he now knew where he could go for help if thing went awry.

On the other side of the street, agent Blake forced himself not to react when he saw the infamous Logan in the other side of the street. He had to give him points for his quick reaction, most others would have been fooled, but his specialty was reconnaissance. He was going to contact the director as soon as he reached his car, though. He had to know that one of Xavier's freaks was in this town.

A water tower, not too far from Smallville.

Clark arrived a few minutes after the incident with the runaway truck at the plant, but there was no sign of the three teens that had helped him there. At least until a door opened out of nowhere, revealing a spherical interior with three seats, where the three teens were seated.

"You can come in, Superboy." said the black haired one of the group.

Clark breathed deeply and entered the sphere, which looked... pretty much what one could expect from it, three seats with some kind of holographic consoles before them, and a 360 degree view.

"You know, I hoped for this to be bigger in the inside or something."

"Maybe next model, this time sphere was more of a proof-of-concept than anything else."

"Time sphere? Are you time travelers?"

"Yes, from the 31st Century. I am Rokk Krin, also known as Cosmic Boy."

"Imra Ardeen, Saturn Girl."

"Garth Ranzz, Lightning Lad. You know when I was told that we are going to meet the legendary Super... Superboy, I thought you'd be taller."

Rokk rolled his eyes, and ignoring Garth remark he continued.

"We were inspired by you, and ..., well, others, to form a group that uses our powers to make a difference." Rokk said.

"I hope that you didn't go for all of this to ask me for an autograph..."

"What is an autograph?" Garth asked.

"Some kind of memento of famous people, I think." Imra said.

"No, nothing like that. Bra..., I mean, Querl, one of our own, managed to develop a safe way to time travel, but Tharok, one of our enemies stole it, and with his allies, who call themselves the Fatal Five they traveled to the here and now." he forestalled Clark agitation, by continued to explain, "Querl managed to send us before they arrived, fortunately."

"What are they after? Me?" Clark asked.

"We don't think so, Tharok is the brain of the group and he is well aware of the consequences of messing with the timeline that badly." Rokk explained, "We think he is going after something here. What, exactly, we don't know."

"You seem to have taken this quite well." Imra observed.

"You are not the first time traveler I have met. Have you met a kid who calls himself Impulse? Or Bart Allen? He says to come from the 31st Century." Clark said.

"No. I vaguely remember an Allen marrying the daughter of former vice-president Thawne, but I think he was called Don." Imra answered.
Kids of Tomorrow.09
"Well, there are a lot of those green meteors, some old Indian ruins and whatever Lex senior is cooking in that secret lab under the plant." Clark said, so focused on his recollection that he didn't notice the look they shared when he mentioned the meteors, and Imra pursing of her lips at the mention of Lex senior.

"I doubt that the Five would have bothered to steal time travel tech for something like that." Rokk said, scratching his chin.

"What if it's not something, but somebody?" Clark ventured, "What do you know about mutants."

Rokk chuckled, Imra rolled her eyes and Garth smirked.

"By the standards of this era, that's what we are..." Rokk said.

"I have some Eternal ancestry, but the point stands." Imra pointed out, and then added when she noticed Clark's curiosity, "The Eternals are a Human offshoot, created by alien experiments. But that's not important right now. Why do you ask that?"

"Just yesterday I saved a mutant girl from..." Clark started to say.

"Anti-mutants bigots, we know. We were ready to do it ourselves when she ran into you." Garth said, and then thought for a moment, "You brought her to Smallville, didn't you?"

"Do you think those Five can be going after her?"

None of them answered immediately, just looking to each other.

"Maybe..." Rokk finally said, "We recognized her. Rogue, right?"

"Yes, is she important?."

"Yes, and if you are right and they are going after her, things just got a lot more complicated." Rokk said, "She is... connected to many people, human and mutants alike, good and bad. I can't tell you much more, because, well, time travel."

"Alright. Can you at least detect if those people arrived to this era?"

"Yes, it's not 100% foolproof, that's why we keep an eye on the media." Rokk said, while Imra pressed a button, and an holographic screen appeared showing a newscast, "They are not going to be exactly inconspicuous."

"Look," Imra said, pressing a button, and the image changing to an hologram of five people: a cyborg, a green haired woman with a floating green orb, a guy wearing what looked like a white spacesuit, a guy wearing furs and brandishing a weird looking axe and a gigantic white and purple creature with an exposed brain.

"Yes, they'd stand like a sore thumb... unless they appear at a comic-con." Clark.

"A what?" Garth asked.

Clark sighed, this was going to take a while.

Kent Farm.

"...And then Clark tripped on something, fell down and and the whole five-gallon jug of milkshake fell all over him." Lex said, "He was covered from head to toe in strawberry milkshake, and he looked at me and did that thing he does..."

"The 'it can't be helped' gesture? Yeah, that's so... so... so Clark." Lana said, laughing, "And I suppose that he went to clean up himself afterwards."

"Yeah, he went and..." Lex started to say, stopping when he saw the time, "Sorry, as much as I'd like to keep talking with two charming women like yourselves, I have a business meeting to go." he said as he got up, and started to walk to the main door.

"Don't be a stranger, Lex." Lana said, as he accompanied him to the door.

"See you Lana." Lex said as Lana was closing the door.

They got back to the kitchen in silence, until they heard Lex car start.

"I assume that Clark's clumsiness is just an act." Rogue said now that she was sure that he couldn't overhear.

"Mostly. It provides an excuse to get out and go to help people as Superboy." Lana said, putting the glasses in the dishwasher, "Me and Pete, Pete Ross, Clark's other best friend, had suspected for some time that he was Superboy, but it wasn't until the prom when I knew, and convinced him to tell Pete. Now we cover for him as best as we can."

"And why Pete and not Lex?" Rogue asked, curious despite herself.

"Because of Lex father, Lex Luthor senior, head of Lexcorp, the second or third richest man in the world, and up to his mane of gray hair into shady stuff. He had tried to kill Clark, as Superboy, more than a few times, but there is no way get any dirt to stick to him." Lana said, with more than a hint of bitterness, "Sorry, it's just personal for me. I lost a good friend, because her father trusted Lex senior supposed cure for her illness."
Vicky was reading the results of Nashton's search. Buffy and Dawn Summers, 23 and 16 years old respectively. Both born in L.A. to Hank Summers and Joyce Summers, nee... Kane. Curious, that could be a connection to the Waynes. She filed it for later and kept reading... Hmm, actually, Buffy's date of birth made it difficult for her to be Hank Summers daughter, interesting.

Not all much about the, Buffy Summers had apparently won a few ice skating championships in Middle school, and she seemed to be straight toward being the usual Californian blonde... until her first year in High School. The events are confusing, but it seemed that her high school gym caught fire during a celebration and she was blamed for that. Reading between lines, this seemed to exacerbate existing problems between the parents and Hank and Joyce separated, with Joyce moving with the girls to... Sunnydale.

'The city that fell into a sinkhole earlier this year.' she thought, 'Curious.'

From what she was reading it hadn't been a great loss, as it had been controlled by the Wilkins family since its incorporation and it had started to fall apart after Wilkins the 3rd died when the boiler in the high school exploded. It was all interesting but it didn't explain why she seemed to be so chummy with the Waynes all of a sudden. She looked what Nashton had gathered about the mother, Joyce, died from an aneurism, caused by complications of a brain tumor two years ago. An art gallery owner, first in LA and then in Sunnydale, who had studied Art in... Gotham? Nashton had managed to unearth some pictures of the woman during her college years, and she was always with a couple that looked very familiar.

"Thomas and Martha Wayne! Of course, that is the connection." she said to herself, "She was a friend... or more than that." she added when she opened an envelope and saw another group of pictures, showing the Waynes and Joyce acting very intimate with each other, all from the same night, if the dates on the pictures could be believed culminating in the last couple of pictures, one showing the three entering a cheap motel, clearly inebriated, and very amorous with each other, and the following one, clearly shot with a telephoto lens so they could see what was happening inside the motel room, and showed the three... busy with each other.

Something bugged her about that date, she checked again Joyce life story and it was two days before she relocated back to LA... and roughly nine months before the birth of Buffy. On a hunch she checked the birthdate of Bruce Wayne and it was close. Very close.

If this had been published back then, it would have been a major scandal, and given the influence that Old Man Wayne had back then... Yeah, that's why it didn't see the light of the day, and the reason why Joyce left Gotham so fast. From what she had heard from the old-timers, the man sometimes behaved like a mob boss, 'an offer you can't refuse' included.

'What do I do?' Vicky thought.

She liked Bruce, and despite their clashes with the law both Buffy and Dawn looked to have straightened their life, but even if she didn't publish it, somebody was going to do it. Nashton was smart enough to have joined the pieces, and completely unable to stop bragging about what he knew.

'I'll visit Bruce tomorrow.' she thought, 'We need to talk about this.'
Kids of Tomorrow.10
Rogue wanted to know more, but she stopped before asking more, seeing the pain in the other girl's face. The awkward silence seemed to stretch for quite a long time, but it has actually been less than a minute when Lana said, in a pretty obvious attempt to change the issue.

"So, where are you from? I mean, by your accent..."

"Caldecott county, Mississippi. Not a lot of things to see there, Ah can tell yah." Rogue said, "Ah mean, y'all have a pretty little town in Smallville. Caldecott othah than the rivah and the few mansions that didn't become ruins..."

"I get the idea." she then looked at the time, "Damn, I have to go. I have an appointment with Doc Gannet, tell Clark we'll talk later." And she left, leaving Rogue alone with her thoughts.

Maybe it was the last remnant of Irene's prophetic ability, or maybe it was just her own nerves, but she had the feeling this had not yet finished. She looked out of the farm building. Clark was taking his sweet time with this and...

She saw something, like a heat shimmer pass over the fields, toward the house. She ran out and saw it pass over the building. Running to the back, an area between the buildings, practically invisible from the road, she didn't see it until a door opened out of nowhere, and Clark and three other people walked out.

Hartley Hunting and Sporting Goods

Isabelle was surprised to see Blake coming back. He had agreed to come back after closing to give a more thorough look to the SHIELD operations in the area, not just barely after leaving.

"Mister Blake, what a surprise! Any problem with the merchandise?" she asked.

"No, no, just remembered something. Say, do you have access to scopes for hunting rifles, I assume." he answered.

"Yes, of course. Anything in particular?" Isabelle said, keeping a perfect professional vendor face to hide her surprise. The mention of the scopes was a code she wasn't expecting, meaning he had seen a Person of Interest.

"Let me see what you have, to check what I need." Blake answered.

"Very well, come with me."

They went the same way than the last time, and the elevator door had barely closed when Blake started to speak.

"That Canadian freak, Logan, is in town, Agent Hartley, and I think he may have recognized me."
Three Amigas. 13
A parking lot in Los Angeles. Somewhat later.

Angel was waiting in a car park, far from the sun, when a car parked next to him. Inside the car, there was a mild-looking man in a dark suit and sunglasses. Everything about him screamed federal agent, the dark suit, the sunglasses, the eminently forgettable appearance. The only discordant note was the vintage red sports car. He looked at him with a nonchalant expression, allowing him to see he was wearing several talismans under the jacket that would make an attack by most vampires or demons quite unwise.

"Mister Angel, I suppose?" he said.

"That's me. And you are? " Angel answered. So, this was the 'new boss' that the soldier boy had mentioned when he had contacted him to ask about the Genesis Foundation. He was in town, supposedly on unrelated business.

"Agent Philip Coulson, from S.H.I.E.L.D.. Our agency absorbed the Initiative recently, so Major Finn now works for us." He simply said, as he got out of the car, "Why did you ask about the Genesis foundation?"

"It relates to a current case, related to the sudden disappearance of two teens." Angel said, giving nothing beyond what he had already told Finn.

"Those teens are Ms. Marcia Monroe and Ms. Roxanne Spaulding, I presume." Coulson said.

"Yes, you are well informed, Agent Coulson. Or does your agency already have people working on this? " Angel asked, frowning.

"No comment." Coulson answered with a placid smile.

"What can you tell me, then?" Andel asked, rolling his eyes. He had enough of the cryptic shit with seers. He frankly didn't expect the G-Men to get into it.

"I can tell you that IO was disbanded almost twenty years ago, and a lot of the people involved in its most creepy projects were... dealt with." Coulson said.

"And what is the Genesis Foundation then?" Angel asked, a bit irritated by having to play twenty questions.

"You know how difficult it is to kill cockroaches? And how do they scurry toward the darkest and hardest to reach places? " Coulson said.

"Okay, good metaphor." Angel replied, having seen that happen several times over the years with secret organizations, being seemingly destroyed only to return after rebuilding themselves in secret. "If there is nothing else..."

"Actually, there is. S.H.I.E.L.D. is trying to do things differently than the Initiative regarding the supernatural. We also have hints, nothing solid, unfortunately, that there is some level of collusion between corrupt government officials and certain supernatural circles, using a certain law firm as an intermediary." Coulson said

"Wolfram & Hart." Angel guessed.

"Pretty much. From the files of the Initiative, you have clashed with several of their supernatural clientele over the years. We hope you have some idea of..." Coulson started to say.

"Don't look further. It's them. " Angel interrupted, "Wolfram & Hart may look like an extremely sketchy and shady law firm, but its senior partners are actually a trio of extraordinarily powerful demons, called the Wolf, the Ram..."

"...and the Hart. And all the people working there have sold their souls or something like that, I presume." Coulson finished.

"When they aren't outright vampires or demons in human form." Angel confirmed, "I don't really know their ultimate agenda, but they have open and covert branches nearly everywhere, and they fund everything from mundane drug smuggling to esoteric cults, passing through your run of the mill vampire serial killer, mad scientist, or crazy cultist."