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Star Child [Worm] [CYOA SI]

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Star Child [Yet another CYOA]

It was just an ordinary day for me, a day just like any other...


[Verified Cute]
Jan 15, 2015
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Star Child [Yet another CYOA]

It was just an ordinary day for me, a day just like any other until I heard those words. At first it was just a whispering across my ears, strangely inflected and sending an odd shiver down my spine, echoing in my mind.

I looked around, trying to figure out where the words came from, only to see the world around me rip and tear itself apart as if reality was nothing more than simple paper. Behind the tattered remains peaked out the stars, nebulae and the void. The Universe itselve appeared to me in all it's glory. I watched as this strange occurrence unfolded unto the gaze of my mortal eyes, yet I cannot begin to comprehend it. My mind shuts down and my senses become dulled. Then a strange feeling sets in that this isn't bizarre, nor is it meaningless. And as the last tatter of reality faded out of view, something else appeared.

Directly before me, something, powerful beyond my comprehension.

I fell like my only hope is that it's gaze does not meet mine, for I fear what may follow. Yet I can't look away, I can't stop staring, and I most certainly cannot understand just what I am looking at. My breathing has slowed to its physical limits, my lungs on the verge of collapsing. My vision fades slightly and begins to sway.

Yet, with all of what happens in the wake of this event, and regardless of my vast vocabulary, the only word that I could conjure in this state of complete and utter shock is...


Not another word is said, it was too obvious the difference between a mortal and a being that may as well be a God. It moves a thing to hold my attention downards, towards a translucent bubble hanging in the void. Whitin it I can see a kaleidoscopic sun, surrounded by more lights. The creature points a thing towards me.

"They shall be yours." I understood.

I raise up my hands cupping them in front of me, barely realizing what I've done. Not certain how I know what it wants me to do, I just follow it's instructions, for there is nothing else I could do.

The translucent bubble then swirls, waves, and shrink until it dissapears. My being starts changing, I start growing, feeling better, faster, stronger. Separating itself into different parts before coalescing into being. And then withing my hands twelve baubles appear. I look into them, mesmerized by the possibilities.

They sink into my hands. Into my very soul.

At that moment, my surroundings dissapear, The being, fades out of existence and the kaleidoscope sends me to my destination. And as I lay on my back in the middle of an abandoned alley I can't help but ponder.

Alien memories enter my mind, experiences from alternate futures past. Powers uncomprendable to a mere mortal flowed trought me as I felt the world itself cry in despair.

Gods and mortals, for a long time, I had assumed that the former was always more powerful than the latter. That the vastness of power between the two are so great, it is only benevolence and boredom that keep the gods from destroying mortals at a whim.

As time passed, Humans also started to believe, and even had a hard time telling the difference. To them, all my descendants were gods: from the weakest scout of the smallest chapter to the powerful deities my Sons represented. And as much as I hated it, those were though times when it was in my interest to maintain the illusion that we are all above mortals. Like fond parents in the presence of naïve children, I allowed humans to think what they wished.

Even as I scorned them, I allowed their delusions to persist as a protection against chaos.

Time passed and I learned. Now I know, that love and worship, once felt, are hard to give up. The feeling is addicting, invigorating, and makes you crave for more and more, as a God one does not needs to eat, but even the worst poison, if prepared with love in mind can make one drool.

And right now, I could not feel any of my followers -or even Human life- through countless of light years. Not a single devout existed, yet my psychic might was as strong as it ever was. It felt weird. But beyond that, the warp was as calm as ever, it felt like it did hundreds of thousands of years ago.

That's all I needed to act. I acted on instinct alone, and sent a part of me into the immaterium. I claimed it as mine, and sent a small part of my existence to live on the farthest reaches of it. I would become The God.

I felt powerful, it was intoxicating. The knowledge from the something else tried to subdue my being, and almost succeeded. It's memories were already mixed with mine, trying to form a gestalt, something more. And it was succeeding. But I sent it's voice into the farther reaches of my mind and made it concentrate on the Inmaterium.

That's when I looked at Earth.

That's when I noticed my surroundings.

That's when I saw the chaos the Xeno brought to mankind.

A hovering angel, a beautiful -albeit grey- fair skinned maiden. Her face was permanently etched on a peaceful visage. Yet contrary to it's holy appearance it was bringing chaos and death everywhere it went, scheming and plotting, playing with the minds of others. It was anathema to me, to humanity, and It needed to perish.

I concentrated my psychic might on building up a colossal amount of psychic energies, and conjured a rift to the Aether. Manipulating raw psychic energy I projected a conjuration of my armor, and started the Firetide.

Armies of fire angels and flame-wrought projections started coming out of the Empyrean to wage war against everything Xeno.

Angels are supposed to be signs of hope, of divine might. Not something like this twisted being, and the world would remember their meaning.

I looked towards the Horizon, and saw heroes fighting for humanity. Mutants with strange powers, yet humans nonetheless. They were fighting, but their minds spelt all but doom. A grim realization that nothing could be done against the behemoth that the Angel represented, yet they stayed for the good of Mankind.

They could be nothing less than heroes.

They were worthy, and I could not stand to see a single other one perish. I willed it, and time stopped. I briskly walked towards the fight, trying to come in terms with my new feelings and memories. For what was a mere 20 years to thousands of years the Emperor had lived?

But, even if I had all the time on the world to think about it, right now it wasn't the moment. A few moments passed and I stood in front of the aberrant creature and made time flow again. I expanded my psychic might enveloping every soul in the city and made them feel hope. The heroes themselves stared in wonder at me, a paragon of all that was good in humanity, the apotheosis of mankind's dreams and hopes.

And that almost costed the life of many.

The Aberration sent waves of debris and telekinetic blasts against the awestruck heroes, yet they were useless.

A shimmering blade of pure thought unsheathed from my arm, a masterpiece, two handed and wreathed in fire. And then I moved through the battlefield without seeming to move at all, simply existing at one point to defend before appearing to save another one.

It took the heroes a moment to react, a moment to fight back against the creature and join me with seldom seen bravery.

"Who are you?" A man in a blue and golden flaming suit asked me as I appeared once more in the battle fields.

I pondered for an endless moment before deciding what to answer.

"I am Polaris the guiding light of Humanity." I said, yet every single being on the city heard my voice. It reinvigorated the wounded, and strengthen the fighters resolve. And at that precise moment the sun was blotted. My army had arrived.

Angels of psychic fire descended upon the aberration and attacked. Some where hurled by her telekinetic strikes, some were struck down by the cloud of debris surrounding her. But even if one hundred of my angels were hurled away and only one successfully completed it's attack, there were millions.

Some heroes attacked my angels out of Panic, but they ignored them and continued their onslaught on the aberration. Layers of flesh were molten away with holy fire, and beings of my divine wrath came to life to strike at this being.

Yet as it fought back in panic, I noticed it was getting harder to wound. Power blazed through my sword, and I became a golden shimmer. I appeared above the creature and slashed at it's wings, only to appear, and appear again and again. Entire limbs, shattered crystalline material and black ichor hurled away from the angel as each of my sword strikes struck true with the force of a Lance.

This being was something both horrendous and magnificent. Something no sane Magus would ever believe could be real. So I studied everything I could about it's biology with each wound my angels and I struck, until there was no more than an impervious black skeleton and a strange core.

At this point the cheers of the Heroes was palpable, it was not really worship, nor love. But nonetheless it strengthened me, they put their hopes and prayers on my chances to kill this monstrous being. This was the beginning of my new Legend.

And I was not going to disappoint.

Power like nothing the world had ever seen started to course through my being. All consuming, all powerful, it was the power to extinguish life in every sphere and dimension of its existence. Physical flesh turned to ash before it and what ancient faiths had once called a soul was burned out of existence, never to cohere again.

Nothing would ever remain of he who suffered such a fate. Their body and soul would pass from the finite energy of the universe, to fade into memory and have all that they were wiped from the canvas of existence. This was as complete a death as it was possible to suffer.

That power blazed through my outstretched gauntlet, it blazed with white-gold fire. The power of Life and Death coursed through me, and all beings knew. The skeleton tried to futility fly away, as my army and the heroes left a path clear for me.

One moment I was there, the next I had my hand deep into the Xeno's core.

It erupted in a bellowing golden explosion, and lightning blazed from the coruscating afterimage of its death. Unimaginable energies poured from my mind, reaching throughout the entirety existence and burning every last shred of it's being to a mist of drifting golden ash.

The being was no more.
-Powers a magnitude stronger.
-Regenerative impossibly strong flesh, growing exponentially stronger deeper it goes. Core has anti-power properties.
-The Core is my only weakness
-Uses powers as senses
World Breaker [12]
Powers start twice as strong
Emperor of Man [10]
[Body of the Emperor]
[Power permanently turned ON while on this form.]
[Endbringer + World Breaker Factor: Changes the transformation from the "mortal" God-Emperor to the Star Child.]
[Endbringer Senses = Human body + Warp]​
Kaleidoscope [8]
Inspired Inventor [6]
Power Manipulation [4]
Blank [3]
Shattered Limiter [2]
Alien Nature [1]
Unbound Form [0]

"Human" body has unlocked "Quarantined"!

Quarantined (Simurgh Attack on Canberra) [+6]
Golden Morning [+4]
Sibling Rivalry [+4]

14 points available!

Eidolon [12]
Legend [10
Alexandria [8]
Shaper [6]
Psychokinesis [4]
Additional Core (4) [0]

Current Cores:
Main Body [4]
The Inmaterium [1]​
Last edited:

Canberra was in a state of great euphoria. An Endbringer, the Simurgh, had died. Cheers of victory and hope rose from the heroes, from the unlucky civilians in the area, even from the emergency bunkers as the news traveled faster than one could believe it so. And as the Firetide receded into the Inmaterium, a crowd had formed in a broad ring around where I landed.

And as the crowd hugged each other, as tears of joy were shed, people swarmed through the streets. Seeking me, seeking proof and confirmation that the abomination was death. They wanted to see with their own eyes that it had finally ended.

I simply flavored their trepidation, their happiness, and enjoyed it as one would a succulent meal. It was exhilarating, addicting. It left me in a daze of ecstasy.

But as the festivities continued, three of the heroes stood out and actually came to meet me. A woman in a black and light gray costume with a tower emblem on her chest along a long cape. A man in a blue-green hood and cape that glowed green and a man with a skintight blue costume with a white design resembling thunder.

I composed myself, and prepar- wait a second, something else was coming. Well... Three heroes and a... Abominable Intelligence? Machine Spirit? That was curious. Within the mechanical contraption there existed a soul.

Still they approached until they were in front of me, and the man with the hood simply asked. "Is it truly death?"

"It is," I replied, as my voice echoed into the souls of everyone present, my mind carefully connecting facts, memories, and easily reading into the minds of others to gain context. I was in Worm, and in knowing so, things became clearer and I chose a path "This is what you've earned today. We've never won before, but not this time. Not today."

"Today we fought, and won!" I exclaimed to a shouting response of the public "Today we are all the greatest heroes of the world! No one truly chooses to become a hero, you become one by your own deeds. And this is your time." Taking no less than a few moments to sweep my gaze across the people present I continued "It's us who are willing to come fight, those willing to fight and die for a noble goal that are real heroes. Look around you, look truly. We are all different in all aspects, languages, ethnicity, skin colour, our ways of life. Yet if you look around you will find someone that is willing to sacrifice himself for Mankind because he knows that you would do the same!"

"Look around you, respect the bravery of the living, from the nurses on the triage centers willing to enter this battlezone, to the heroes in the frontlines! Give the Rite of Passage to the fallen. Honour the sacrifices of the dead and never forget! While the enemies of mankind still draw breath, there can be no peace. Let a wave of hatred for the enemy wash over you. Let it fill you. Hate is good, for our goal is the extermination of the Xeno, of the Endbringers."

"The time of the Xeno is over! I'm tired to hear that they are invincible. This is our time!"

The crowd roared, and I could feel the incredulity and worry of those in front of me. They did not expect what just happened. They did not expect the speech, they did not expect me to not take all the credit. They couldn't believe what had happened so far. And one was worried for her existence.

"The enemies of man shall die!" I shouted for one last time "By your hands they will be bound, and by mine they will be purged!"

And at that moment I felt the world shift away from me, as I shed my corporeal body just as a serpent sheds its skin and rises renewed. Chains of flesh were shrugged off, and with a thought, shot up through into the heavens. My body of light was a beautiful thing, existence as it was meant to be experienced, not the mundane solidity endured by mortals.

Leaving like this, the speech itself, the disassociation with the Triumvirate. Everything was planned to the smallest detail to leave a lasting impression. But now I had to make sure. To see with my own eyes what would the future hold for mankind.

Wrapping my incandescent body in purpose as the energies of the celebration through the world reverberating through my being. I chose a destination and appeared on a mountain.

The Tibet. My Golden Throne. The place where there was not a gateway.

At this I simply sat down on the top of the world and pondered. The harsh winds of the mountain struck me, but did not care. I could look into the past, present and future all I wanted, but of one thing I was sure.

This was not my world, nor the world of my memories.

I myself didn't know what to do now, but the whispers of my subconscious. The voice of humanity gave me purpose.

I had memories of this place, and somehow of the world of Terra. I could give perspective, humanity, to the memories of the Star Child and become something more. I would rise the Imperium, and this time it would not fall.

I would protect humanity and give rise to a new age for mankind, I would kill the Endbringers, kill Scion and purge all the Xeno that would harm us. After all: The Emperor Protects.
well, no dithering here ^^

seeking proof and confirmation that the abomination was death
and the man with the hood simply asked. "Is it truly death?"

very nice speech.i don't know the state of religion in worm but ...

i'll also be interested to see how he'll treat dragon.
Is there a good reason why this is a cardinal sin? Because as it stands I see none.
P.S: yes really
As this is a story thread an update like this after a significant time of inactivity is usually a sign of the author reviving with new chapters. By bumping a long dead thread you get up the hopes of anyone watching it that there has been an update and it's terribly disappointing when we find that not to be the case. Additionally, your post had nothing of value to add to the thread itself. It wasn't a review, speculation or anything worth more than basically saying "+1."

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