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[Suggestion] Add an option to disable the text to emojis feature in the settings.


(Verified Lemon Drop Addict)
Sep 27, 2022
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There doesn't seem to be any option to disable the text to emojis feature in the settings, so this is why I am asking for such an option to be added.

And maybe it could be disabled by default? Today I have seen two ocasions of authors trying to type "x 3" without the space.

The first author typed "3x3x3" and the second author typed "x3". They did not intend to write the emoji. The first author meant to write "3 by 3 by 3" except with "X's", and the second author intended to write "times 3" except with "X's".
That happens when whoever's writing clicks the "post" button, so it's not something that can be changed on a per-user level.

There is the [plain][/plain] tags, which render whatever is inside them as close to original inputs as possible, like so:

[QUOTE="Jao, post: 7369766, member: 109058"]There doesn't seem to be any option to disable the text to emojis feature in the settings, so this is why I am asking for such an option to be added.

And maybe it could be disabled by default? Today I have seen two ocasions of authors trying to type "x 3" without the space.

The first author typed "3x3x3" and the second author typed "x3". They did not intend to write the emoji. The first author meant to write "3 by 3 by 3" except with "X's", and the second author intended to write "times 3" except with "X's".[/QUOTE]

But that only helps people who know about it.

Note also that it displays the bbcode inside rather than interpreting it. For example, when I showed you the tag up there, what I actually typed was "[plai[b][/b]n][/plain]". And if you use the reply button and look at the source of this post, you'll find that I had to use the plain tags to show you exactly what I typed earlier.
Alternatively you could just use the actual multiply symbol (×) rather than x.
×3 doesn't turn into emoji.
You could technically, but that's a hassle to type. It's certainly not on my keyboard.
You don't need to type it, you see that button on the text editor with Ω on it?
If you click it, it'll bring up a thing that just lets you put in any of a selection of special characters.
× is the first one in the third row.

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