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Sylvain in Wonderland (Original fiction)

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Sylvain Accosta is no longer an Accosta starting today. She is now only Sylvain.

A very...
Sylvain in Wonderland


I trust you know where the happy button is?
Mar 19, 2021
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Sylvain Accosta is no longer an Accosta starting today. She is now only Sylvain.

A very powerful man hands her her paperwork, her benefactor. He was cold and distant. In fact he didn't know her at all. He was only a celebrity on the television who she wrote to in desperation. However she knows that those kind of actions are those that displease him.

Ylin was a public figure in the past, however after an incident he has been more withdrawn. For a time, Ylin was the representative of 'ability users' in the media. And for a time, he did his job well. However, after an incident, he has become much more withdrawn.

"Here is your paper. From today, your parents won't bother you anymore. You are your own person from now. The future is what you make of yourself, Sylvain."

"Thank your, sir Ylin. I don't know what would have happened if you haven't intervened."

"Don't call me sir. I didn't do anything, we only contact the necessary authorities."

Suddenly he pauses.

Slowly, he takes out a business card.

"Give me a call if the people at your new place bother you."

It was strictly business for him. Ylin looks distracted and tired. He didn't care much about the shape shifter in front of him. However he didn't know that what he did means the world to the ability user in front of him and will shape her future.

"Thank you sir. You are very kind."

Ylin looks pained by that word, he turns his back and leaves. However it was a very memorable encounter to Sylvain. It was on that day that Sylvain learns that in this world, heroes do exist.

Due to an incident with Ylin the existence of 'ability users' is suddenly exposed to the public.

People with superpowers. As the mastermind of the media exposure, Ylin was careful to not use cliche words that differentiate between an ability user and a normal person. Hence 'ability users', just a normal human like you and me who can use various 'abilities', some of which may be beyond imagination.

Some of the power ranges from creating realistic illusions to simple super flight and super strength.

In fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg. By the time Ylin did what he did, it was inevitable that the appearance of abilities users among human will be noticed. Especially since the factional dispute among the abilities user about the matter of exposing their power to the public have led to the death of several pro-'expose' ability users. As a man of the media who was outraged by the senseless killing, Ylin was the first to open Pandora box and blew the whole thing open. However he did not want a hostile relationship between ability users and human like many contemporary comic have suggested. He wants integration into normal society.

For that it is inevitable that there will be certain things that have to be kept secret.

The existence of one other kind of 'ability user' is one of them.

...However, this is not Ylin's story. It is Sylvain's.

Currently, Sylvain is fidgetting in her seat waiting for the Director of the Foundation for the Education of Young Abilities Users to speak. This years she is only 14 years old. And currently, she isn't human in appearance. Instead she is some sort of creature straight out of her imagination.

The Director told her to be at ease. However she was not calm, she was not calm at all!

What if the Director didn't want her despite Ylin's personal recommendation? What if he returns her to her parents? All kind of thoughts run wildly in Sylvain's mind. And when she gets nervous, she tends to transform.

During her 14 years of life because she was born as an 'ability user' with a rather disconcerting ability, she was often beaten by her parents and suffered all kind of abuses.

Sylvain was a born shapeshifter. For her sake, Ylin has hidden another secret to protect her. However her old life alone was tough enough. Right when she was born, she was capable of thought, and was rapidly changing shape. Because of her ability, her idea of shapes are different from human ideas of 'shapes'. It completely isolates her from her parents when she was born.

Right out of her mother womb, she was shapeshifting. Right out of her mother's womb, she was fighting for her life. Because the moment her parents saw her, they tried to kill her at her birth.

They believed they have birthed a monster, a demon spawn.

Since then, the Accosta kept her in the house, without leaving her from sight.

She was often tied up and beaten up, burned and mutilated. However, none of that ever really 'harmed' Sylvain. It hurts a lot, however, none of them can permanent harm her.

For she can return to any shape she wishes to. Even her previous unharmed form.

Eventually, an ability user passed by her city. It was one of those ability users whose scope of power Ylin doesn't really expose in his campaign. For at the moment he arrived at the other end of her city, all the thoughts of her parents and all the living beings within the city was accessible to him.

He knows what everyone was thinking and doing, naturally he knows about her.

To him, these memories and thoughts were malleable. A little adjustment here, a little fixes there, and perhaps the world can be a better place.

'I don't really like doing this.' He told her.

'I am taking everyone autonomy. That is why I only intervene lightly. Eventually everyone will revert back to their nature.

Little boy, the human prefers those that are like them. In the future, take the shape of a human.'

And then he performed a little 'adjustment' on her parents.

Since then, they hate her less. It was as if they have forgotten all about all the time they have failed to kill her. However, their personality was still the same.

They hate her if she takes any shapes other than humanoid.

However, Sylvain knows

'This is not me'

He feels uncomfortable in his own skin. His natural state is that of rapid transforming between stages. He was not meant to be this.

On the surface, his relationship with his parents remain stable for a few years, however it was all rotten from the inside.

When he was a bit older, Sylvain started to experiment. Since his parents hate the fact that he can change into something utterly inhuman, perhaps they will like it if he simply changes himself into other human.

It was all broken again. Her family home.

Her family hates that there is a sissy living in his house. Her mother grew distance from her. Sylvain has taken to the habit of changing into random things like when she was young. And since then, the beating started again.

However, on the TV, there was a man. He was very kind.

He was promoting for the cause of people like her.

"There is nothing wrong with you being who you are."

The man on the TV told her.

He taught her all kind of things. Such as child abuse, human right, the ability user acceptance acts that all the leaders of the world have inexplicably wrote into their law, even unknown countries such as the Republic of Djibouti. Everyday, he talks about human right.

Suddenly the man on the TV points at her.

"You, yes you, the audience at home. Don't be afraid, if you have experienced any of the scenarios described above, write to me at this address XXX"

That man was Ylin.

And immediately, Sylvain's eyes light up. She immediately wrote to Ylin to ask him to save her from her parents who violates all kind of her 'human rights' and did 'child abuse' on her.

...Of course what she missed was that the show she watched was a rerun of a show 7 years ago. She was 7 years too late for an enthusiastic Ylin to descend as her savior. He still arrived nonetheless, however, his face was cold. There was no joy left.

But he still saved her.

And that is how she ended here, rapidly changing in her seat. One moment, she was the wind, in the next, she was a beast of old on the History Channel.

Suddenly, the Director speaks up

"Don't worry Sylvain. With such excellent recommendation, I can't see any problems. Let me welcome you to our community. Here you can mingle with other ability users your age and learn to better control your power. It is hoped that all ability using children will be educated and integrated into the community in the future. It is our purpose."

The Director of the Foundation was a distant person. He was in his 30, with a distinctively east european features. However, he was not cold and sad like Ylin. Instead his eyes seem to be looking elsewhere. It is like he is not here at all.

However, Sylvain was assured with his next words.

Suddenly, his eyes seem to snap back to reality.

"As a matter of fact, I am friend with that guy, Ylin."

That seems to alleviate Sylvain's mood.

"Really Director? Mister Ylin is really kind." Finally she can be reassured.

The Director chuckles slightly.

"Yeah he is... Despite the recent difficulties, I believe the old Ylin will return in the end." The Director says with an ambiguous voice.

"Anyway, let me take you to my Foundation?"

"Right now?"

"Right now." He laughs.

He holds her hands, and suddenly he pauses slightly before smiling. He looks quickly at her and then away.

After that small movement, in front of Sylvain's eyes, reality peels away, shattering like stardust, leaving behind a new reality.

"Welcome to my world." Suddenly he looks sheepish.

"Don't share this with too many outside people alright?"

However at that moment, Sylvain was gasping with awe. Gone are the bustling city and the stuffy office. Instead, in its place is an infinite plane of sublime beauty. The ground, the sky and everything was arranged according to the Director's aesthetic senses. In all direction, the ground are transparent, however they are like jewels, extremely beautiful.

In the distance, there was a castle. Next to it is a futuristic building. Next to it still is a mishmash of strange architecture that doesn't resemble any human's sense of aesthetic. She strangely likes it.

The Director suddenly looks sheepish again.

"The students all build it. It really doesn't fit the aesthetic at all."

He trails off, his eyes seem distant, as if he is seeing something else than her.

Sylvain feels like she can get used to this place.

Sylvain in nightmare
Sylvain flies through the world with the Director. She turns into a gust of wind to follow him. However she has found out that wind is not fast enough. Instead she just turns into a sticker on the Director's back.

He was giving her a tour. Otherworldly light radiates throughout their entire journey, almost blinding Sylvain. Reality flickers in and out. The scenery disappears and reappears on a whim. Sylvain saw things that she has never seen before. The way the world flickers seem so fragile.

It was as if she could reach out and pop it.

However, all of a sudden she snaps back to reality. The Director tuts his fingers at her.

"You can't do this. If your education goes astray, Ylin may straight up disappear me." He jokes. However, for some reasons his tone of voice seems to not be joking to her.

"Reality are malleable here, it is a self-contained universe I created with the principle of quantum uncertainties."

As demonstration, he manifested a chair and sits down in front of Sylvain.

"During the first few years, a lot of abilities users were persecuted, including children. So I created this world for the worst case scenario.

However eventually the acceptance movement gains traction with Ylin efforts and it isn't really needed anymore." He says.

"It is still used one in a while to teach children with something special in them, like you Sylvain." He says

"It teaches them how to shape reality, or how to control their dangerous abilities in a place where they can go all out to their heart content.

In fact, the FEAU controls a network of kindergarten, high school and universities around the world. However, Ylin sent you to me, straight to the old headquarter. I think he has some hidden meaning. So Sylvain, I think this will be your perfect training ground to learn about your abilities. In the day I will take you to some facilities around the world to mingle with peers your age. Whenever you wish, I can take you here to learn more about your abilities."

The Director saw something inside Sylvain.

It is the fact that when he took her away to his world, something resisted his abilities. And that intrigues him.

He started to know why Ylin sent her to him.

Three years ago.

During one of her parents beating, Sylvain suddenly has a thought of fighting back. They are family, but they hurt her so much. She wanted to retaliate. She wanted to destroy everything.

Suddenly, that thought was gone, like it never happens.

Something stops her. An actual metaphysical force of the universe stops that thought from ever happening in reality.

She was literally incapable of such thoughts.

And now

"Show me what you are capable of."

They were floating in space, in the world that the Director created. He has put the world with all his memories away, in a corner where it will forever be safe, and instead take Sylvain to the starry sky of the world he created.

In this world that the Director created, suddenly all of Sylvain inhibitions have been lost. It is like a beast trying to claw its way out. All the frustration that was stopped by whatever it is that stopped her in the past rises to the surface.

The Director told her to demonstrate her destructive abilities.

And all of a sudden, she found that she can't deny him.

The Director points with his finger at a particular direction.

A planet appears in front of them both. From afar it looks like Earth.

It was actually a 1 to 1 replica of the blue planet that the Director created. There are only 2 reasons Ylin would send this child to him.

However, what he discounted was the fact that Ylin may have done all of this on a whim.

Suddenly, Sylvain growls.

She directed all of her psychic energy toward the Earth.

Originally, this world the Director created was supposed to be a parallel world with a parallel Earth and all the human living on the surface. However, because it would be too cruel, he made a replica without human on it instead. However, the world still contains animals.

In less than a second, immediately a negative wave of energy washed over the world.

The entire world was silent for a moment. Then, the silence was replaced by horrid scream.

All of Sylvain hatred toward her parents and the world was directed toward the Earth. She tore the mind of every living organism on the planet apart, instead of tranquillity, it was replaced with mass hysteria, fear and chaos. The entire world screams. There was no hope, no god, only her. A moment was like eternity. There was only madness.

She fixed all the lifeform on Earth in place. Since then, they were like playdoll for her to mess with, their mind are in her hands, and what they feel are controlled by her.

And what they feel is an endless nightmare.

Thankfully for them, end came swiftly.

A giant hulking beast from the depth of Sylvain consciousness manifested in space, and with a swipe of its tongue, the entire planet was consumed with a crunch.

It was a beast with no eyes, and many interlacing muscle. It was completely black.

Sylvain bites on the planet hungrily like it owes her.

She was angry.

"How dare you? How dare you treat me like that? Die. Die. Die. All of you. Humanity doesn't deserve a chance. Hahahahahahahahaha!"

In fact, Sylvain didn't have psychic power.

However, since she was 7 after witnessing her so called savior saving her, she has already gained all of his power, memories and skills. Furthermore, she has completely surpassed him within the millisecond that she perceived him. She has reached a place where that ability user can never hope to reach.

However, she can't use that abilities back on earth.


"Stop it Sylvain. I have already seen enough." The Director says.

Suddenly, the Beast turns over to 'look' at him despite having no eyes. It growls at him, and something suddenly forms within the vaccuum of space.

It was the bond and formation of molecule and matter.

Sylvain has learned this from the Director after seeing him create the world in front of her.

No matter what she does, she can't perceive him or attack him on a psychic level, however she did learn something.

The Director is about to see what she is capable of.

Sylvain ignores gravity and creates energy.

There was a light. It spreads through the universe at a speed faster than light, quickly consuming everything, screwing with matter on the quantum level.

There was no certainty. The universe as understood by the layman is destroyed. However, the universe still exist after such thorough destruction. It is just in a different state.

Suddenly the Beast that survived the extinction of matter shrank like a deer in the headlight, like a prey in the eyes of a superior predator.

An all encompassing emptiness took over her.

And suddenly Sylvain was no more.

"-ylvain. Sylvain."

Suddenly, wake up, back in the Director office. The Director smiles at her.

"It sure is more stable with Ylin around."

"-huh. What are you talking about Director? What does Ylin have to do with all of this? Wait, what was I doing?"

Sylvain memories completely blanks out. It was as if a chunk of her memories have been torn out the moment she returns.

"Oh, nothing we were just testing your power. I was curious why an abilities user like you didn't lash out the moment you were abused and why that guy reacted like that."

Sylvain was uncomfortable when the Director talked about her abuses.

"I understand your problem. In the future it is what we will try to fix. It is not that you can't defend yourself with your power, Sylvain. It is just that your definition of 'exercising' your power is a bit excessive. Little girl, you should know that excessive destruction in the main universe is forbidden, and 'something' might intervene if you try. However, that leads to circumstance like this.

Why does Ylin cut off a bird's wings before it can fly?..." For some unknown reason, the Director brought up Ylin again. Sylvain is starting to think the Director has a problem.

"Anyway, the problem is that you have an excess of power and it can't be used here. We will try and learn how to control that power, unlike those other bad adults who simply break the rule. Let's try to see how much power you can control within the rules shall we?" The Director stated.

Sylvain was completely confused.
"The reason you have these powers is because you are one of us, Sylvain, like Ylin and I... One day you will have to make a choice. But don't think too much about it for now. Of all of us right now, you are probably the youngest. Just grow up normally, Ylin and I will take care of the rest."

"Huh? What do you mean Director? Ain't I an Ability Holder just like you?" Sylvain asks while chewing on a candy the Director has conjured out of nothing. She did this while being in the form of a living flame.

And yet, the candy was still tasty.

When she asks him why, the Director stated he specifically made it so that 'it is tasty' no matter what forms she takes, so she takes his words on it.

"You are not an Ability Holder, Sylvain. You are a Natural Ability Holder. That means you were born with it." He explains slowly. Then, he suddenly pauses

"It means that it was determined even before you were born..." He suddenly mumbles again. However, suddenly he smiles brightly again.

"But enough about that, let's talk about your new school."

"Ain't this my new school Director?" Sylvain questions.

"N--ope. As I said, this is where you will be learning your ability without any fear of damage. As reality is malleable, I can remake anything as I want in this world. I can control everything, however I can't give you an education here." He acts scandalous

"You have to go to school, learn theoretical knowledge and socialize. That is how a normal child grow up."

"I see, a normal child huh?" Sylvain nods along. She did want to make new friends at her new school.

It is because Sylvain has been a lonely child.

"Will they accept me for who I am?" She asks

"Well, most of our facilities hosted children with abilities so I think they will understand," he said.

As he finished, Sylvain suddenly yearns for this new school more and more.

Then, the Director slowly explains more and more about where she will be sent in the day.

At night, he will open a portal so she can return to the Director's world, FEAU's original Head Quarter, where she can rest and practice her power usage. During the day, she can go back to her school.

The HQ, as the Director explained, originally has teleportation pad that can be connected to any FEAU facilities in the world and off world. However, due to an incident, the Director shut down the interplanetary network.

"People were abusing it." He explains.

"Instead of education and cheap students transport, this and that international advisor group try to convince me that it was for the good of mankind. After a few years of operation, it turns out to be part of an elaborate plan to transport a thermonuclear weapon through the portal.

They were trying to assassinate me with it.

Afterward, I shutdown the network. Since clearly, if the 'international community' wants it so much, they should have protected it better. Since they didn't, they don't want it that much then."

The Director was not fearful for his life. However, he was more annoyed of the fact that the original headquarter of the organization he created was nearly destroyed over something so stupid.

Since then, no one can convince him to reopen the network.


"I will take you to your new school one. When you are familiar with that space, I will take you back. After that, whenever you want to go to your new school, you just need to think hard about it. Likewise, if you want to return, you just need to think hard about returning to the HQ. I link you to the dimension network, so no matter where you are in the world, you can return."

Sylvain nods listening to his explanation without questioning much about how it works. In her mind, it was quite simple. Just do as he says, it works.

"Originally I was going to send you to America, however things are getting a bit dangerous over there. A lot of good people are trying to keep thing under control, however it doesn't look good.

I thought about sending you Ylin's home country, however it is even more dangerous.

Then, I thought, why not Germany. The UN headquarter has been relocated there, and now it is a good place for international students. You don't need to worry about the language, I have a few translation space I can give you."

The translation space he is talking about was something the Director worked on in his youth. Because he didn't want to learn an alien language, he wanted something else to handle the translation work automatically for him.

By distorting the quantum realm, something was created from the resonance of the molecule. It acts as a computer that automatically translates any language, sound and sign.

However, it doesn't exist as far as anyone is concerned, because the entire 'computer' doesn't exist in the material plane.

With his new translator at work, the Director connects it with a distorted region of space through his power. Any sound and light particle passing through the region of space will be automatically distorted and translated into a language the Director can understand.

Also, when he speaks and write, what he speaks and writes are also distorted so other can understand.

When he was young, he wrapped this space around his entire body so that he can work internationally easier.

He was thinking of passing this space to Sylvain.

"But Director" Sylvain suddenly says "I'm from America."

"America is very dangerous right now. That is why Ylin is there." He says without blinking.

Sylvain thinks about the prospect of suddenly being sent to Germany. One part of her was excited, however, most were fearful.

"Is there anything I should remember while I am over there?" She asks timidly.

"Nothing important as far as I know. Ahhhh, I remember now. This is kind of important."

"What is it director?"

"While you and I don't see any issue with it, you should probably not mention Ylin's name there, and his involvement with your enrollment.

Ylin isn't exactly popular with the German people."
Like a mental Train crash
Seeing that Sylvain's expression was a bit weird, and realizing that Ylin might be Sylvain's idol, the Director explains to dispel any weird notion in her head.

"Actually this is nothing serious, but it is a good lesson for children in how to act in public.

A while ago, Ylin was set to address the German's congress on the topic of ability holder's human right as an invited speaker.

However mid way through his speak, Ylin has one of his schizophrenic episode again, and start calling the German government a surveillance state, then he went on to have an epic rant of how they are fascist, that the current chancellor is literally Hitler, and everyone present is a Nazi before security finally take him down and save Ylin from further embarrassment."

Sylvain who has turned back into a human at that time has her mouth in a permanent O shape, shocked by the event that the Director just narrated. She was completely shocked about her idol.

Seeing her like this, the Director felt bad and coughed.

"Ahem, the lesson here is that you should take care of your mental health. When it is too much, you should talk to somebody. Ylin has always been stressed, however, he never spoke to anybody before that event. We always know that he was mentally frail due to the burden laid on him, however we never really know how bad...

And that is why after that, Ylin is forbidden from setting foot on Germany.

For a while, he was Germany's public enemy number one, the issue he ranted about was very sensitive to the German people, and for a foreigner to suddenly condemn like that in front of the world was very problematic. Though the rant was popular with a certain circle who believe his rant was right..."

The Director trailed off, feeling more and more embarrassed. It is a matter of the past. However, he felt like it was right to dispel any notion of Sylvain following Ylin's footstep, with Ylin being as he is. 'Don't meet your hero kid.' Or something like that is what he what he wants to say.

Sylvain is the youngest Natural Ability Holder to be born, and according to Ylin's second personality, will be the last.

She has power, great power over the world. However, unlike the other, like him and Ylin, Sylvain is still impressionable, her growth needs to be carefully considered so that it doesn't stray into something that cannot be returned from.

And what is a better example for what to avoid than the train crash that is Ylin's life.

At that moment Sylvain realized that there is a lot of thing that she doesn't know about her supposed 'idol' Ylin.

"Can I see it?" Sylvain suddenly asks.

"Oh? I believe it is on the internet. I will ask somebody to give you a tablet later. You can choose a room in this world, and I will ask somebody to help you settle in."

At that moment, the Director was thinking about parental control on Sylvain's tablet. He was also debating about whether Ylin's rant was considered safe for children or not.

"Director-" Sylvain suddenly asks.

"Yes, Sylvain?"

"You say that if it too much, I should talk to somebody, did Ylin have somebody to talk to back then?"

Suddenly, the Director pauses. He mentally frowns before answering with gritted teeth.

"We have a slight disagreement on how thing should be."

And that is all that he said.


Sylvain feels confused on his answer however she feels like even if she asks more, the Director won't answer. Shy, she chose to avoid the topic.

"Is there anything else I should know Director?"

"Ah?" Suddenly, the Director shakes away from the memories and smiles

"Also, this is just a small advice, in Germany, while you are with another person, don't talk about anything too sensitive. Ylin is one thing, what I told you about being like me and Ylin is another.

You should probably not talk about your current training either.

Just tell people that 'I' have a whim and help fulfill and international student dream.

Even if you are in private, if there is another person in the room, you shouldn't talk about those either.

It isn't a big deal, but it might be troublesome if you do."

Sylvain tries to remember the troublesome thing that the Director says, however she has to question him again.

"Even my friends, Director?" Sylvain feels strange that the Director told her she has to lie to her friend.

"Even your friends." the Director repeats.

"Why?" Suddenly, Sylvain asks.

"Oh, it is because of the surveillance state. You are fine, however any other people other than you, me, Ylin and a handful of people, any other person in Germany is probably a sleeper agent for the state."

Sylvain didn't understand the Director's words.

"Director, didn't you say that Ylin's words were wrong?" Sylvain's suspicion was slightly raised.

"Oh, he is completely right about the secret psychic surveillance network, that guy is very sensitive to those kind of thing you know. And after his epic rant, it became an open secret in our circle." The Director laughs, however seeing that Sylvain doesn't understand his in-joke, and wasn't laughing, he stops.

"However, everything else outside of that is just Ylin having an episode.

You know, I am on Ylin's side as a friend, however, I don't agree with him. When he was young, he fought for the right of Ability Holder, however as he grows older, he believes that we are going mad with the powers we have. That put a lot of stress on him as he basically disagrees with the entire population of Ability Holder all over the world.

I don't see how it is a big deal.

Ylin is worried about the potential mind warping effect of certain abilities and the wide spread abuse of Abilities that has become second nature to the population of the world. Germany should have been his ideal country, after all the events that he has gone through, he should understand that a certain level of control is needed. Even if it has gone out of hand, it is for the good of the people.

I and many other don't see how it is a big deal.

However, Ylin has always been mentally frail.

And the Ability Holder in charge of the network used to be his fan too..." The Director sighs

"It isn't a big problem, however Ylin made it a big problem.

While speaking in front of the Brundestag, he finally detected the existence of the psychic surveillance network, and he completely snapped. Only his first words were right, the rest was him giving into his delusion and fear. The country isn't going to turn fascist overnight, they aren't Nazi or Hitler resurrected from the death.

They are just someone who wants the security of their nation." The Director says, his voice full of disapproval.

When Ylin was younger, he was all in for Ability Holder's human right. However, when Ylin grew older, he is completely against the use of Abilities, even if it is for good like that.

Perhaps that is why in the public, the only Ability he shows is power negation. Was he expecting something?

Sylvain listens to the Director, however she doesn't quite agree.
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When night came, the Director opened a portal for Sylvain to rest. The portal opens to the house of a female volunteer that works for the organization. After all, no matter how much reputation he has in the past, having a child with indeterminate gender staying overnight with him is just asking for a scandal.

Sylvain, meanwhile, has a new world opened to her by the Director's words and her realization of the truth of the world.

Ylin. Ylin's words are the truth. As one of the pioneer, Ylin has seen many things. And he is in a position where he knows many things, but are powerless to change it. Over the years, Ylin seems to have cracked somewhere. But even now, there are truths among his words even if he has lost it somewhere in the past.

After Sylvain left the Director's subspace, for some reasons, the Director taps her on the head.

There seems to be something that has changed in her.

"What happened?" Sylvain asks in a strange tone.

"Nothing, I have broken a few of Ylin's chains upon you. Remember Sylvain, people may have good intentions, however when it comes to yourself, your minds are your own. You are responsible for your actions." With that few words, the Director's figure slowly drifts away.

It is a strange picture, as if he was a drawing on a paper. And someone is slowly erasing the drawing with an eraser.

And as soon as the Director left, Sylvain has changed her hand into a tablet.

In this age, a new technology boom has appeared with the appearance of ability holder who provide certain convenience impossible otherwise.

This is one of the latest model tablet Sylvain has seen an adult used before. However, before this, she has never tried this before. For some reason, after the Director tapped her head, it feels like she has been getting smarter.

And why stopped there anyway.

Sylvain suddenly grows another hand, letting the old hand that has turned into a tablet onto the floor.

This time, she generates a new tablet on her hand, however, it wasn't her hand that turns into a tablet, it was a tablet that suddenly appears out of nothing.

In fact, it is a part of her, however, it isn't at the same time.

Sylvain is experiencing something very strange. It was as if she is touching upon a threshold that is very TABOO. And that the universe will CRUSH HER TO NONEXISTENCE in accordance to [] WILL if she continues.

So she stops thinking about it.

Instead, she experiences more with her new discovery on the volunteer's doorstep.

More and more tablet drop on the volunteer doorstep.

And it wasn't tablets either. Octopus' tentacles. Eggs. Lots and lots of eggs. Yogurt. Candies. Entire animals whose life or death depend on her.

And finally, her masterpiece, her benefactor from all those years ago. A mysterious ability holder with the power over mind.

It could be said that her savior who is currently standing in front of her isn't the actual ability holder from all those years ago. He is just the exact simile of that same ability holder from all those years ago. From the position of every single atom in his body, every single neuron. The chemical balance are the same.

Even, his memories and thoughts. It was as if he was brought out from that period of time exactly, pluck from the timestream. However, time travel is banned in [] universe.

It is not that she generates him out of thin air, what happens was that Sylvain transforms into something quite mysterious for a while. In that something, there are multiple 'Sylvain', and when she wanted, one of those 'Sylvain' transformed into the mysterious ability from all those years ago, with all that ability holder's abilities, memories and thoughts.

Then, Sylvain, detaches that 'Sylvain' who has transformed from herself, so that it believes it isn't Sylvain but an individual.

The newly appeared mysterious ability holder blinks, however in the next moment, his instincts take over as he realizes he was in a strange environment.

His ability spreads out, covering the entire city. However, in millisecond, faster than normal human's thoughts, his face suddenly grew terrified.

He gleams at the girl in front of him.

He was horrified.


He saw something in her mind. Even with his meager ability, perhaps because Sylvain was quite friendly to him, her mind was opened. However, what he saw horrified him.

"You monst-" Before he finished his words, his existence melted. Sylvain dispelled the clone.

His reaction distressed her, so she makes him go away, dismissing him with a single thought. And he couldn't resist.

At that moment, she didn't know what she did wrong. The volunteer was still coming to the door with a smile, ready to welcome Sylvain, not knowing what just happened.

However, Sylvain was distressed.

So, she tried to 'make' the most authoritative person in her life that she knows. Ylin, hopefully, he can answer her question.

However, when she thinks about that matters, and her chain of events leads to that matter, it was as if she pokes something in the fundamental laws of the universe.

In the next moment, Sylvain didn't exist. And the volunteer stops coming. She didn't know why she was going to open the door.

And, Sylvain was dragged into a non-existent purgatory, to suffer a non-existent pain worse than death.

At that moment, the Director who just left opens his many eyes with some panic.

"Oh fuck. Ylin is going to kill me."
There are trepidation in his actions, however, this phone call was absolutely necessary.

Ever since that incident, Ylin has not been himself. He has been more withdrawn, apathetic to the lives of those around him.

He has been unstable, dangerous.

Sylvain was the first time he has been shown to bother enough to care about something outside of his own family. The Director was hoping that if he takes care of Sylvain well, eventually Ylin will come to his sense, and everything will go back to the way they were before.

However... this happened.

This is a dangerous phone call.

There is no way to know how Ylin will react, even as a good friend, seeing as even though Ylin seems to have care about Sylvain somewhat recently.

However, it didn't stop Ylin from merciless murdering Sylvain right then when she broke one of his taboo he has placed upon the law of the universe.

It is actually extremely dangerous.

He may end up like Sylvain or worse.

The ringing was long, however, the Director enjoyed the silence.

Currently, Ylin is on a skiing holiday alone. Normally, he can easily open a space channel to Ylin at anytime, however, these aren't ordinary time. Ylin is extremely unstable right now.

On the outside, he appears normal, however, the people who know, know. Right now, Ylin is choosing the direction of the future, and it is an extremely dangerous period of time.

Finally, a voice speaks up from the other line.

"Hello, Ylin speaking."

"Hello Ylin, it is me."

There was a long pause.

"I heard you are taking the child to Germany for safety reasons. Did you accidentally blow up the entire nation of Germany or something again like the last time?"

"Ylin, it is the child.

You accidentally sent her to hell. I need your help."

There was another long pause.

The Director feels the eyes of the world staring back at him. In front of it, he was surprisingly vulnerable.

"Okay, open a channel to me, I will be there."

Something that isn't human walk his flesh, however, Ylin still retains some of his humanity, diminished as they are.

When they met, Ylin didn't say anything to him. He walks to the location where Sylvain has disappeared.

Then, Ylin disappeared.


Especially since the future is locked away.

Eventually, Ylin appears from the space that doesn't exist.

At first it seems normal. Ylin was covered in blood and various fluid. His entire body was covered with injuries, but that is just the price he has to pay with his power.

And in his arm is an intact child.

Whatever he experiences in that place must have been difficult, but handle-able with Ylin's ability.

However, a mutation happened.

Ylin's eyes were blank. He walked out like a walking dead, mumbling something before dropping Sylvain in the Director's arms.

Something was wrong.

"What happened in there, Ylin?" The Director asks. However, it takes a while for Ylin to answer. He looks straight at the Director and says the words that sent the world into a panic.

"I don't remember."

The Director's heart fell.

Ylin is compromised.

"Ylin. Try to remember, you, only you, cannot forget. Try remembering what happened in the hell of your own making, Ylin." The Director asks desperately.

"I don't remember," Ylin replied, and then he listlessly walked off, like he has lost his soul.

On that day, the world regains a future natural ability holder, however, they also lost a natural ability holder.

Something has compromised Ylin.
The Director was looking at the child in his arms with complicated eyes. Was it really worth it to trade Ylin for this child?

The existence of Ylin is quite special in the world of ability holders, once upon a time he was hope, however he grew to be a lunatic. But most of all, Ylin is the restraint on this world. The measuring stick.

None of the ability holders in the world is more powerful than Ylin despite his flaw. Before this, he acted as restraint upon the world, because the others know, no matter how powerful you become, Ylin can still destroy you. There has never been exception.

Except for now.

The fact that Ylin can walk out alive means that the other party couldn't kill him. However, at the same time, Ylin is also mentally affected. This has a lot of implications, it means Ylin isn't invincible anymore.

No one knows what happened in the hellscape that Ylin creates for his ideological enemies, however, someone must have snuck in and ambushed Ylin for it to happen.

The Director looks back at the child in his arm.

"Is it really worth it?" He mutters.

Suddenly, Ylin pauses mid stride.

He looks back at his old friend with some confusion.

"It is a child's life." So saying, Ylin left, his mind scattered.

However, Ylin departure spell a doom spiral for the future of the world, but it has not reached that point yet.

Sylvain knows none of this. It was as if a period of her memories was taken away, and the Director took away his little nudge in her mind. Perhaps, he has considered Ylin's way of education.

Right now, Sylvain is getting ready to go to school from her foster home.

The Director opens a portal just for Sylvain to Munich.

And Sylvain currently was wearing an actual backpack and not a backpack she has made out of herself.

She looks like an average child, however, the Director knows just what kind of monster she could be.

"I will restrain my power while studying Director."

"Yes, you will." The Director says slightly.

He glances slightly at the other side of the portal.

Currently, there is a lot of secret upheaval in the world. However, hopefully, nothing will hit Germany just yet. If it happens however... let's just remake the world.

"Be careful out there." the Director says.
Ever since the news of Ylin's defeat has been spread, the change in atmosphere is tangible. Ylin isn't invincible anymore, the last hurdle to any ability holder. Before it, any ability holder who tries will be sent to a hell of their own making, however, with Ylin being defeated, people have been eager to try.

Because the world is too restricting that people feel like they have to lash out.

This world is small, why do they have to be stuck on it. After all, their mind has been changed a long time ago, even if Ylin didn't approve.

People die, people live again, so why should they care.

That is why, in the beginning of the end, some people have tested the water.

And in particular, one of them met Sylvain.

Sylvain was walking to a cafe when she saw 'it'.

'It' was a woman who was having a date with her teacher at school. The woman's face was distorted, as is the space around her, only Sylvain seems to not be affected.

Everyone didn't seem to see anything wrong, except for Sylvain.

For the last few weeks, Sylvain has been getting used to her school life in Munich. She was also getting used to the psychic network that Germany used to see through the eyes of their citizens. One day, when the Director was bored, he directed her to see who was keeping watch of the psychic network in Germany.

It is like one guy in Berlin has been reduced to monitoring duty.

Also, his entire body was contorted because one particularly spiteful ability holder who was apparently a fan of Ylin visited the country 'in search of the truth in the past. Apparently, the Germany government blamed Ylin also for what happened after that, however they can't publicize the matter because the matter of the psychic network is a secret.

The gist of the matter is that the ability holder who visited Germany in the past was angry that the one guy in charge of monitoring the psychic network 'was a traitor', and 'work for the government to keep the ability holders down', so he paid him a visit in particular.

Then, as revenge, he 'redefines' what the world is to the monitor who lives in Berlin.

"Because you like to make people live inside a perfectly safe box so much, how would you like to live in a box your self?"

The Director has recreated that scene for Sylvain to see during his boredom period.

And so, first, the ability holder defines 'the world' of the monitoring ability holder as a neighborhood block. If he walks out of the place defined by the rogue ability holder, the law of physic maintaining his body would break down, because the world outside doesn't exist. The bond between his molecule would break, as would other things, he would cede to exist in an extremely painful way.

Then, after a few week, the rogue ability holder defined 'the world' of the German ability holder as his own house.

Then, the world was redefined as a single room.

Then, the world was redefined as a box that the monitoring ability holder has to stay in at all time.

No one was able to track down the rogue ability holder after the deed was done. And now the one guy except for daily food supplies and people removing excrement, stays there.

Apparently, lots of ability holders found the 'prank' to be funny, including the Director who didn't step in to save him.

However he reassures her that the guy "Was fine. It is just a prank. He will live."

Sylvain didn't understand it at all. She didn't find anything about that situation funny, however the Director told her "As long as people are alive, it is fine."

She doesn't understand, however the more she reacts, the more the Director told her to "Leave it be" because it steps on too many toes at once. And that in the grand scheme of thing it is just "immorality vs immorality".

Sylvain still doesn't understand, however, she chose to forget about it.

Today, however, she remembers it again.

The woman was waving hello to Sylvain with her teacher's arms that was removed from his body. Her teacher reacted fine, and even looks like he was in bliss, so Sylvain was scratching her head not knowing how to react to the situation.

It seems it is fine?

Perhaps she misunderstands the situation and that is just a casual play between couple with ability around nowadays. Just like Sylvain having the ability to change her body, she didn't want to assume anything about other people.

And she remembers the Psychic network that constantly monitor German people 24/7 after all.

Sylvain believes that if this was abnormal, the police would have been here a long time ago, because someone is looking all the time.

So she assumes it is just a normal thing.

Thinking that, she went over to say hi.

"Hello teacher, hello miss." The miss was pleasantly surprise seeing her walk over.

Then, the lady starts waving her teacher's arms so that it would smear blood on Sylvain. However, seeing Sylvain's perfectly normal reaction, she was even more delighted.

"Hello there, are you this guy's student? You seem perfectly fine to join him." the lady says.

"Haha, I'm busy after school. I got another class." Sylvain told her. She thought the blood that was on her face was a normal greeting in Germany. It doesn't bother her anyway. Also, she has class after school with the Director on how to control her ability so she can't be late.

"But I insists." The lady smiles wider, looking at her.

"Sorry miss. The Director is strict about my schedule." Sylvain shakes her head innocently, still curious about the situation.

She looks at her teacher getting weaker and weaker however his face was still in bliss, and asks the lady curiously.

"Does it hurt having your arms removed like that?"

Suddenly, the lady pauses, and looks up at Sylvain upon hearing that sentence.

However, Sylvain was still shaking her head innocently.

"I didn't mean to judge you, sorry miss. I am just curious."

Seeing Sylvain's nonchalant, suddenly the lady starts smiling.

"Oh, I didn't know that one of our people would be around here today." The lady laughs louder. "Of course it hurts, but that is what makes the pleasure worth it isn't it?" The lady says.

Sylvain shakes her head, still not knowing what the lady means. Apparently her teacher has a roleplaying thing. And in public too. Well...

That is his business!

Sylvain smiles at the lady afterward.

"Anyway, that is my curiosity sate, see you later miss. I'm going to class."

The lady was taken back by Sylvain's abruptness, however, she still believes Sylvain was one of her own. It is impossible for a normal people or one of those so called super heroes to not react to a situation like this.

"What class are you going to girl?" The lady asks.

"Oh I'm going to a class to help me control my ability better. Apparently, I lose myself whenever I use my ability."

"Oh but it is so much more FUN to lose yourself in your ability." The lady sighs "However, I understand the need for some clarity at time." She sighs, again.

"Anyway, go to class on time girl. Perhaps in the future, you can be like me."

"I will lady." Sylvain says, and walks away.

As she was walking away, the lady was looking at her back.

"What a good kid. I don't know who she is learning from, but it seems to be a good thing."

Subconsciously, she fears Sylvain. However, she can't feel any fear in Sylvain. It is a good seedling for the future.

"Anyway, back to business, my love." She turns toward the teacher and starts kissing him.

After she was done, she headed toward another man. No one reacts to her actions.
This story happened a long time ago.

A long time ago, she was created. Her creator however was a capricious one.

She was created to punish someone who she has long since forgotten.

Because the sinner committed a crime that her Creator has decided upon, her existence manifested into reality. She along with her plane that doesn't exist was created to punish that one specific sinner.

She knows what she is. She is the manifestation of her creator's thoughts about demon, more specifically, the succubus. She doesn't have her own thought at first. Her duty, along with the new plane that was created was simple.

Punish the sinner.

The concept of time doesn't exist within the plane. So the time of punishment is eternity.

Aeons pass as the sinner is punished again and again until they have long forgotten who they are. However, the punishment continues.

One day, she was drawn out of her plane by a "succubus" summoning ritual performed by one of those her Creator called "ability user".

Apparently, her Creator lost to something in the 'real' world, and so the ability holders who were always under pressure of "punishment" was embolden by this defeat.

The succubus didn't have any feeling on the sequence of event because she wasn't made to think about her Creator, her only mission is to Punish.

The situation is that the Ability Users want to lash out. They want the world to fall into chaos and this was one of their actions. They only want to hurt someone.

And this time, they have a target.


Apparently, the nation has been cracking down on ability holder with their psychic network, monitoring the nation for crimes constantly. The ability holders feel repressed by the authority, and wanted to lash out now that her Creator has proven to be fallible.

And what is a better way to punish a nation than summoning a demon?

And so the organization that was planning to summon her has been preparing sacrifices so that she can manifest in the plane of reality where her Creator is.

In the organization, there are one female ability holder with the ability to distort space, creating a 'zone' that is under her control, inside of which none of the people in the outside world will notice anything happening inside. Also, the female ability holder has been infected with her succubus demonic influence, subtly turning into a succubus herself.

It is because the ability user didn't notice that the moment they attempted to summon her, they have already been corrupted believing it is their free will performing these actions. It is a feedback loop.

"She" isn't aware of her action, it is just a rule that her Creator subconsciously created. And the ability users summoning her aren't aware of what they are doing either. They don't understand the magnitude of what they are summoning and are slowly losing her mind.

At the end of this, she is taking their souls back to the plane her Creator has created for eternal punishment.

Ever since the moment they attempted to have bad thoughts against her Creator in vicinity of one of his "creation", their existence has already been marked.

They can't escape the circle and she can't either.

Sylvain was on her way to one of the portal the Director has created for her again. Today, her teacher was absent from school. However, strangely, none of the people notice his absence.

She goes to class just fine, however in his class, there was no lecturer or teacher. The other students also came in, however it seems none of them notice anything strange. They all zoned out as if nothing happened.

Even though there aren't a teacher in class, they were all in class and acting like normal, even though there weren't a lesson.

Sylvain feels like it wasn't conductive to her education.

Also she feels that it was strange.

Today, the street of Munich seems a bit empty.

So she called the Director and told her concern.

And the voice on the other line came back to her.

"Oh, the missing people? They probably got snatched up by some abilities that warp perception. Judging by the number of people you say are missing, probably it is a widescale ability. Anyway, here is what you should do. You should talk to someone, anyone in the class will do about the missing people. However, you should probably use another form than your normal form to talk to them, or the psychic guy in Berlin will be very annoying. Anyway, just tell them and let them take care of the rest."

And so Sylvain did.

She turns invisible for a moment, transforming into air, before leaving, and returning as a different person. Then, she grabs a random person in school and asks them

"Hey, did you notice that nearly half of our school is missing?"

The person was confused, however ,according to the Director, the ability user who is monitoring the psychic network in Berlin would understand and would send people to deal with it soon.
Something is wrong. Something is really, really wrong.

It is not just a Germany problem either. Everywhere around the world, alarms for a potential dangerous situation are triggered. However, no one could figure what the cause is, they only know the symptoms. The future was completely blinded to them. Even to the 'most powerful' ability holders, they cannot see what is happening... Well "most powerful" is relative of course.

It is on that day that the ability holders of the world is reminded again that it is impossible to control the situation and that the world is bigger than they thought.

Where do their power come from?

Why did the advance alien civilization became extinct overnight?

Is there a higher supernatural force?

Those who know will know of course. But for those who don't, they are unnaturally fearful.

They are fearful as extremely bizarre case of death continue to happen around them.

At that moment, 10 million life around the world committed suicide at once. And for every minutes that passes, the number is climbing.

A small incident has quickly spiraled into something uncontrollable.

However, Sylvain knows nothing of this.

Currently she is visiting the old site where she last met her teacher hoping to help if she can. She has no idea why the supposed elite army coordinated by a German psychic hasn't come yet, however Sylvain didn't want to find out. She wants to help people. And even though the Director told her to return, she still wanted to go out. The Director decided to let her go anyway.

When she arrived at the location of the cafe where she last met her teacher, she didn't meet her teacher. However, the one she met was familiar. It was her teacher's girlfriend of course!

However, this time, it was different.

The woman looks like she was in extreme agony, trying to resist something.

Two long appendages grow out of her armpit. Her skin has turned pink. And on the top of her head two horns are slowly growing. Meanwhile on her back, a pair of wings were also growing.

However the situation was extremely strange.

The horns that are growing are constantly eroded by the environment down to molecular level. However, their tenacity cannot be stopped and they continue to regrow even as the environment around them constantly attempt to make it so that they stop existing.

The same applies to the pair of wings on her back.

Space warps and distorts around where her back should be. It is folded constantly, changing from one state to another making it impossible for anything to exist there.

However, against all senses, the wings are still growing.

All the while, the woman's flesh are melted.

Seeing all of this, as the shapeshifter who has turned into stranger things, Sylvain was still nonplussed. However, she was starting to get concern.

"Miss, are you alright?"

The woman was crying blood as her pink flesh melted. It is unknown if her hearing even works anymore. However because of the air vibration causes by Sylvain's voice affecting the environment, the woman manages to detect Sylvain.

Her vocal cord has long turned into nothingness, however she still struggles.

The air shakes with her voice.

"R-run. G-get somebody. A-anybody. P-please, I-I can't hold it anymore. S-she wants to drag all of us to eternal damnation. It was just supposed to be a joke. Killing several thousand German and releasing a "demon" to terrorize several cities to make a statement. H-however, i-it is a trap. T-that terrible guy Ylin lied about what he created. He is evil. He is more evil than even the worst of us. I understand now. Please, get someone. S-she wants to plunge the world into eternal purgatory. She will descend soon after all that sacrifice. I can't hold on any longer. Even all of my abilities, m-my invincible a-ability... Even though I'm supposed to be God in this space, all of my ability is useless in holding her back. Please get someone."

The woman begs.

However, Sylvain didn't understand any of that, except for one thing. However that one thing causes Sylvain to say something that breaks the camel's back.

"Ylin isn't evil. H-he is just misunderstood, okay? He is my mentor."

The woman trembles upon hearing her words, and her mind completely broke.

However, it makes complete sense to her. Only an utter monster like Ylin can train a teenager into being completely unfazed by scene of massacre and gore. However, with that self-realization comes anger.

"Is that so? My soul may be heading for something worse than than my most horrible nightmare for the rest of eternity, however, I'm going to kill you."

Space distort. Every single gust of wind turn into a blade. The air is poisonous. The environment has become Sylvain's enemies.

And nothing happens.

It is because everything cedes upon colliding with a transparent spatial shield surrounding Sylvain.

The so-called "translation space" that the director worked on in his youth.

It is a region of space that automatically translate any sound that Sylvain hears and every written language into English in real time. At least that is what the Director told Sylvain. In truth, it is more complex than that. Any sound that passes through the translation space is transformed into simple English, that is to say, any sound wave can be intercept and change.

At the same time, "any written language in a foreign language will be changed into English" means that the light particle that contains the information about a foreign language will be intercept and change.

Despite nominally acting as a translation tool for Sylvain, in fact it is also a defensive mechanism the Director has left for Sylvain. The only hypothetical danger the woman can pose to Sylvain in this situation is her ability to distort space.

However the Director is better at her at playing with space.

So it is impossible for her to hurt Sylvain no matter how much she tries.

In that final moment of despair, the former terrorist turned victim completely lost it and went limp.

With her death and her soul acting as the final sacrifice to lead the succubus to this universe, something terrible descended onto her body in front of Sylvain's gaze.

At that moment, the world turns into hell.

And Sylvain's "translation space" shatters in front of the succubus's gaze.

At that moment, sudden primordial fear struck Sylvain.

Something deep inside her awoken and is screaming at her to get away. She has only felt this one time before when she was facing... the Director.

Outside of those situations, Sylvain has lived life without a care. Even in dangerous situation such as meeting an ability holder like the previous terrorist woman, Sylvain has never felt fear or discomfort. Because Sylvain belongs to a different breed, none of them poses a threat to her, none of them can hurt her. In this world, except for a number of individuals, nothing can hurt her.

However, this one can.

At that moment the eyes of every single human on earth exploded. Including Sylvain's.

It was because even potentially being able to see the succubus's figure in a hypothetical future is too stimulation for mortal eyes.

The only reason this didn't happen sooner was because the succubus didn't exist in this reality previously.

For Sylvain, it is normal of course, she can just regrow her eyes.

However, no matter what kind of eyes she regrows, it keeps exploding.

And she can't heal her sight.

The more she tries to perceive the succubus, the harder she will be hit.

Meanwhile, several minutes after the succubus has descended, the world has devolved into an orgy of lust and murder. Some will weep, some will despair at what they are doing, they will certainly regret this, their rationality tells them so, however, this isn't a world ruled by rationality, but by basic desire.

The situation got worse with the presence of the ability holders.

In several minutes, civilization has fallen.

The succubus however, didn't care for any of this.

All she cares for is her duty.

Her creator has dictated that her purpose for existence is to "punish" for eternity. So, she is only following her nature.

For those who are caught under her spells, death are not the end.

For her nature is eternal punishment. All those who have perished will rise again to experience "hell" all again. Will they be forced to commit unspeakable deeds against their loved ones? Or will they be forced to experience unimaginable horror under the hand of their loved ones?

She cares not as everything is meaningless in eternity, so is their suffering.

No, what she cares about is making sure everything is punished equally.

And in front of her is something that hasn't been punished fully yet.

The demon raises her hand and approaches Sylvain.

Just one touch, one small physical contact, and Sylvain will fall for eternity. It would become a mark that cannot be deleted even if time is rewind, the universe won't forget.

At the last moment however, something compels her to stop.

It wasn't Sylvain, it was another will that wants to protect Sylvain's innocence. That will dictates the succubus action.

And so she stops, and left, leaving Sylvain constantly changing shapes while holding her 'eyes'
Currently the Director is staring at a mirror admiring his new body.

This is his or more accurately 'her' new body after entering the main universe. Then he steps back, the wall between universes disconnects any lingering connections with the old universe. He is a man again.

Then, he steps through the threshold and looks at the mirror again. He is now a 'she'.

Then, he steps back, and he is a 'he' again.

Now isn't that curious.

It seems something is permanently wrong with the main universe after Ylin lost.

Suddenly he notices something while crossing forward and backward between universes. He notices the people of the world crying out. Then he notices the whole circus that is the Ability User Liberation Front in regard to summoning the succubus. Before anything can escalate any further, he ruthlessly suppresses all abilities on Earth. Turning off their ability for a milisecond.

Then, in that milisecond, he scoops Sylvain out from that mess and decides to put her in a coma in regard to possible mental damage exposure to something Ylin's created could have caused. However, to his surprise, outside of her eyes which she tries to perceive the 'succubus' with, Sylvain was fine, and nothing laid a hand on her.

He looks back at earth with a complicated emotions understanding exactly why it happens, however he doesn't understand why Ylin can order he succubus to not hurt Sylvain and yet he can't stop this from happening at all.

Sighing, he took out a book. The book was old, and worn. However, it will not grow older nor will it be destroyed by time. Each of the pages have countless marks. And the book is nearly full.

He doesn't need to do this because everything can be found in his mind, however the Director prefers a personal touch. The Director withdraws his influence from the universe.

And instantly, in North America, a billowing flesh thing instantly consumes the continent. Elsewhere, there was meteors, storm and explosion raging. Soon enough the entire planet was destroyed, torn apart by a certain mad ability holder maybe. It probably only need one of them with sufficient power to tear the Earth apart.

Because of it being a product of his mind, every thing that Ylin created has an 'absolute' attribute to it.

He believes that the succubus will ALWAYS be able to seduce even the strongest will man, and so it is. While she isn't necessarily stronger than some of the ability holders down there right now, however her ability to influence their mental state is absolute, even though some of them are mentalist themselves.

The end result is that the world will be ruined faster.

And you know what will be the result of that.

The lid is finally opened, and all restraints are left.

The fleshy growth grows chaotically until its mass has consumed the entire solar system. Chaos was still happening in the stars. And it is gradually growing stronger. Without restraint, the most powerful ability holders are the most powerful tools of mass destruction.

Soon, without seeing any ways out, the Director shakes his head and snaps his finger.

He collapses the universe, kicks offending members that resists existence failure to another reality for a time out, before finally dragging Ylin out.

"Ylin, all of this is your mess." He finally says.

"I'm going to restart time because it is impossible to fix the universe from this point anymore. And you, tell your 'thing' to go back, you are the only one who can control them. I can only juggle them between locked reality, but not permanently locked them out. Do something about it."

Still in a daze, Ylin nods.

He steps out into the non-existent reality that is the other side, and gestures to something like he was gesturing to his child.

An incomparably beautiful woman appears, so beautiful that the Director erases his memories of that moment in case something funny happens. However, Ylin was fine. As always, nothing COULD happen to Ylin. Ylin will always be there after they are all gone.

"You should go back" Ylin told the woman emotionlessly.

The woman on the other hand is regarding her creator silently.

The trouble all starts with Ylin's power being shaken, and cracks are starting to show. A 'succubus' being summoned is just one sign of the trouble time.

The 'succubus' is fading slowly from existence because she didn't immediately leave when Ylin asks, so this is the only way she is going to leave Ylin's presence now.

"If you continue to be like this, and the problem aren't fixed in time, something really big is coming. Something that everyone believes to be history, but you know better. And they come in pair, and they are coming, soon."

With those final word, the succubus finally disappears and the Director can breathe a sigh of relief.

He takes Ylin back and recreates the universe.

From the Big Bang to the cosmic expansion, to the ancient war between the eldritch force. The Director accelerates the rate of timeflow between the two universes so that billions of years can pass by until it reaches modern time.

Then, he tosses Ylin and Sylvain back because it is still a school day for Sylvain
The many crimes of the Director
"Is someone out there? Anyone?" A group of people was walking in the darkness, carrying a strange device.The image is strange, a woman was carrying the gigantic device overhead while 3 men are shining light in the the darkness.

They are ability holders, and not just any ability holders, they are ability holders from an Institute of Science that studies the supernatural abilities of ability holders.

The device they are carrying is one of the strange new product of the institute. Despite its simple appearance, it weighs over several tons and contain a very awesome ability.

It is what the old director of the institute called a "Reality Displacement Safety Device".

It is unknown what inspires this to be made, however after a certain classified incident in the past, an unknown female ability came despite all the security at the institute and forcibly had a long talk with the director.

Afterward, the director has the technology to make the machine, he also killed himself afterward. The only thing he wrote in his diary is that it was too much.

...Also he listed the name of several high profile ability holders and wrote that they were evil.

...Until now, nothing has been done about those baffling events.

However, yesterday, the machine turns on on its own while the maintenance workers were out, and they, the glorified security guards with abilities was lucky enough to be in the range of the thing when it turns on.

The RDSD only has one function, upon the detection of reality interference, the device would immediately displace the local region into another layer of reality next to the original dimension they were in. However, from inside the region that was displaced, they can still interact with the "outside world", even if nothing in the outside world would have an effect on them because they are in another dimension.

The RDSD turning on means one thing...

Afterward, the female ability holder has been carrying the RDSD so that they can traverse the landscape.

Despite this, they have been traveling for a day and there was nothing.

No one. No sign of life.

Logically, according to the function of the device, only they will be displaced, however they can still perceive the scenery outside and interact with the outside in their absolute safety zone.

But for one whole day, they found nothing. No one.

"Why is this happening?" One of the guard asks.

The female ability holder finally puts down the device and says "I'm tired."

The thing weighs several hundred tons.

"I have always had a bad feeling about this thing. Reality displacement, it already sounds extremely dangerous. How does it ensures that we won't end up somewhere 'bad'." One of them says.

He was quick to anger, has a short fuse and has an ability related to speed. Even in normal situation, he was quick to anger, and quick to act, often leading to regrettable circumstances... It is why he was reduced to working as a security guard.

Before anyone can say anything, he was quick to act,

"Thisdamnthingmustbemalfunctioning SuckforyousuckerbutI'mouttahere."

He crosses the border.

Two thing happens.

The moment his arm crosses the border, he was screaming horribly.

The female ability holder reacts and tries to drag him back, however, she was surprised to find she was being dragged with him, and if she exerts more force, his body would be gone.

So she lets go.

The screams end in an instant, when he crosses the border of the device.

The last three people couldn't react fast enough.

There was panic.

One of them finally says

"I believe that even though the RDSD allows us to perceive the outside world, the original purpose of the device was for safety. So, in the case that the scenery from the outside "threatens our safety", nothing would be transmitted."

His voice was a casual explanation, however it sent chill down the other two spines.

"Hahah, don't joke at this moment. We have been traveling for a day, do you really mean that all the scenery that we pass through since yesterday isn't "safe" anymore? That is nearly the entire city."

The other male ability holder laughs, like it was the biggest joke in the world. He couldn't believe it.

The strongest in the sphere, the female ability holder was silent hearing their discussion.

It is unknown what she was thinking at that moment.

"You don't need to think." At that moment, a strange voice reverberates inside the RDSD, freezing the three ability holders.

An unfamiliar, familiar face appears inside the sphere, looking at the three of them.

"Ah, found you. The method is a bit crude, shuffling to another layer dimension instead of an alternate dimension entirely. You should have learned from the previous guy and went all in to escape. It takes some work to find him."

A stranger that all three know appears inside the sphere at that moment. The reason all of them know is because once upon a time, when they were young, he and Ylin would appear on the television speaking in talk show, and promoting ability holder right.

Another reason is because the previous director of the institute has written down his name as one of the evil that has to be eliminated when he built the RDSD.

"W-why are you here?" Finally, the female ability holder manages to resist long enough to say.

"Why I am here isn't important, but if you must know, I am fixing the mess outside right now. The mental scars left by one of Ylin's creation are serious stuff, and I can't have you guy returning and triggering some secret taboo that was not known before. All traces about it must be erased."

They understand, but that understanding horrifies them.

Is he here to silent them?

Try as they might, now they completely cannot resist. It appears the previous resistance that allows the female ability holder to speak was just a grace from him.

The Director of the Foundation for the Education of Young Abilities Holder.

The Director's eyes soften seeing their fear.

"Don't worry, you will have place in the new world. I will take special care of your souls and put them right back where it was in the new world just like everyone outside. Soon everything will just be a bad dream no one remembers."

And so he did. He took their souls.

The souls of the one who escape. The souls of the one who aren't currently in reality. He finds all of them and hunted them down, all so that the new world will be perfect.

It takes a moment, because it was not the Director who was doing it.

They are just endless copies in different dimension.

And then, every thing restarted, and the soul was put back into their rightful vessel.

A new universe was born.

He doesn't think much of it.

In fact he is doing a good thing, but it is a bad thing in some people's view.

And, in an alternate dimension, where someone has escaped to, and where the Director has taken action, someone left a secret message, encoded and left behind in the molecule displaced into the timestream of that universe believing that it would reappear again someday.

The message says

"Remember him. Remember what he did."

The Director glances over and sneers.

Ridiculous. He was doing it for their own good.

With a glance, he snuff out that message from the timestream.

The world needs to function again

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