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Mai finds herself burdened with a unique task: aiding powerful men in achieving...
2. Unlocking the Little Finger

The entrance to the city loomed ahead, a grand gate flanked by a towering, somber brick wall that enveloped it, shielding the populace from external threats. Clad in black cloaks reminiscent of Mai's own, men stood sentinel, their attire ranging from crimson leather armor to spear-bearing guards. This duty was reserved solely for men, deemed unfit for the delicate sensibilities of women. They vigilantly oversaw the ebb and flow of individuals traversing the city's threshold from their perches atop numerous lookout towers. An aura of menace enveloped them, yet they remained inert unless provoked by transgressions against the city's laws.

Approaching the entrance, Mai encountered a sizable contingent of guards, their gaze inquisitive as they scrutinized her. She half-expected to be detained, fearing their scrutiny of her canine companion might lead to accusations of harboring contagion. Yet, to her astonishment, they delved into her background, peppering her with questions about her origins and identity. Their keen interest unsettled her, bordering on intrusive. Mai felt discomfited, unease gnawing at her as she struggled to evade their inquiries, mindful of her father's admonition against divulging too much in unfamiliar environs. Attempting to disengage from their scrutiny proved futile; their unwavering gaze felt like an oppressive weight upon her.

Suddenly, one guard closed the distance, his proximity disconcerting as his breath assaulted her senses. Trapped in his gaze, Mai's discomfort heightened, averting her eyes to avoid his penetrating stare.

His words cut through the tension. "Miss, welcome to Sunny City. You don't seem to be from around here. There's an entrance fee to enter the city."

Panic gripped Mai; devoid of coinage, she fumbled nervously, her fingers slick with perspiration.
Before she could respond, another guard intervened, observing her distress, and proposing an alternative: accompanying them to bypass the queue.

Surveying the lengthy procession of camels snaking towards the city, Mai acquiesced reluctantly, wary of their ulterior motives.

"May I inquire, gentlemen, as to the nature of 'company' in this context?" Mai ventured, her curiosity piqued.

A guard bestowed upon her a benevolent smile, his tone gentle as he explained, "It simply entails joining us for tea at the Lotus Garden."

His reassurance resonated with Mai, prompting her to graciously accept the invitation. As they proceeded towards the city, she noted the presence of nine guards accompanying her, prompting speculation as to the reason for such numbers. Perhaps they sought camaraderie in their solitude, she mused empathetically.

Welcomed by a melange of spices and the tantalizing aroma of exotic fruits, Mai's senses were assailed by the sizzle of a wok, the fragrance of sautéed spring onions and garlic wafting through the air.

The guards momentarily left her to attend to their duties, granting her a moment to marvel at the towering edifices that adorned the cityscape, their majestic presence illuminated by the radiant sunlight. Horse-drawn carts, varying in design from simple to ornate, traversed the bustling streets, while men, women, and children garbed in vibrant robes bustled about. Persistent offers of dinner and city tours peppered Mai's surroundings, all of which she declined in deference to her prior engagement with the guards, mindful of the consequences of transgression.
Lost in observation, Mai was suddenly jolted by the appearance of bold golden script before her. Casting a wary glance around, she realized that the text remained unnoticed by others, their attention solely fixated upon her. Relief washed over her as she scrutinized the words, furrowing her brows at their significance.

"Help the Military Strategist's son, Li Sheng, achieve breakthrough."

In the realm of Xianxia, cultivators sought ascension through breakthroughs akin to surmounting impenetrable barriers. Qi, the mystical energy permeating the world, served as their conduit to strength and enlightenment, manifesting in the wind's caress, the sun's warmth, and the harmonious laughter of nature. Mastery of qi required adeptness in martial arts or the arcane arts, both paths promising empowerment through discipline and skill.

As cultivators honed their skills and ascended in strength, they traversed distinct stages of cultivation akin to nurturing a seed into a thriving plant. They laid the groundwork, akin to sowing the seed, then cultivated an inner core, a radiant beacon illuminating their path.

With each stage achieved, cultivators unlocked new abilities and profound insights. They moved with the swiftness of deer, struck with the fury of thunderstorms, and possessed the healing touch to mend wounds. Yet, paramount to their growth was their attunement to the natural world, safeguarding its balance and aiding those in need.

Despite poring over the text repeatedly, Mai realized her inability to cultivate, though her desire to learn remained fervent.

"Could the guards impart such knowledge?" she pondered.

Kind and inviting, the guards had extended an invitation for tea at the Lotus Garden, a prospect Mai eagerly anticipated. Fond of lotuses for their purity and innocence, though partial to lilies herself, she harbored excitement at the thought.

Upon their return, the guards donned pristine white robes, a stark departure from their earlier attire. Their collective allure exuded an aura of innocence and power, their unwavering gazes unsettling Mai, whose hunger manifested audibly. Though a succulent steak beckoned, the guards' offer extended only to tea, eliciting a resigned sigh as they embarked for the Lotus Garden.

One guard, sporting a charming smile, addressed her with a tinge of melancholy.

"Miss, you neglected to share your name earlier." he lamented.

Mai hesitated, wary of divulging her identity to strangers, recalling her badminton teacher's advice: names were earned, not freely given.

"Gentlemen, you may call me Ming if it is imperative." she replied, extending a genial smile.

Unbeknownst to her, this name would bear unforeseen consequences in the future.

In the guards' eyes, she embodied a fairytale princess—petite and winsome, radiating innocence and maturity simultaneously and enthralled, they found themselves unable to avert their gaze.

The Lotus Garden unfolded before them, a verdant pavilion nestled amidst a serene pond adorned with blooming lotuses. Resplendent flowers adorned every corner, their fragrant perfume permeating the air. Cherry trees, adorned with colossal blossoms resembling roses in a vibrant shade of pink tinged with purple, captivated Mai's gaze. Bewildered by their untimely bloom—reserved for spring—she pondered this anomaly, recalling the summer blooms of dandelions and poppies in the enchanted forest.

"This is truly enchanting, gentlemen." She remarked as they crossed the threshold into a grand red wooden edifice crowned with a sweeping black Chinese roof.

The interior boasted spacious chambers, each accommodating numerous guests ensconced in their own conversations, their laughter mingling with the ambient buzz. It was evidently a favored haunt for revelry, heightening Mai's anticipation for the forthcoming tea experience.
Seated in a lavishly adorned room, Mai found herself at a large round wooden table adorned with an array of intricately crafted pastries resembling delicate flowers—daisies, lotuses, and roses. A sizable black teapot accompanied by dainty porcelain cups adorned with lotus motifs awaited her touch. As she cradled a cup, she couldn't shake the sensation of holding a lotus, eliciting a smile of wonder.
Amidst casual conversation, the guards probed about Mai's background, though she skirted around divulging detailed information.

Amidst their inquiries, Mai's mind echoed with her mission: aiding Li Sheng in his breakthrough.

"Do any of you know a man named Li Sheng?" she ventured.

A guard's brow furrowed, casting a momentary hush over the room.

Mai's nerves intensified, her hand trembling as she inadvertently grasped her teacup, the scalding liquid searing her skin.

"There is but one Li Sheng among us. Master Li Sheng is renowned by all. Why do you inquire about him?" the guard queried, prompting Mai's attempt to alleviate suspicion by commenting on his reputed prowess.

As she set down her teacup, the sting of the scald persisted, her reddened hands betraying her discomfort.

A pang of longing for Kenta tugged at Mai's heart, his absence keenly felt in this moment of unease. Requesting a moment alone to collect herself, she hurriedly excused herself. Though met with skepticism, her plea was accepted, affording her a swift departure from the Lotus Garden.

Unbeknownst to her, she brushed past Li Sheng, who sat in a secluded alcove with his companions. His gaze lingered on her retreating form, a flicker of intrigue igniting within him.

Li Sheng, a striking and unmarried young man, dedicated his life to achieving unparalleled strength, driven by his singular ambition to claim the title of the world's strongest. His upbringing under the stern tutelage of his father instilled in him a sense of duty towards inheriting his father's esteemed position, a prospect he anticipated with fervor. Immersed in relentless training, he had long forsaken the allure of feminine beauty, until Mai's fleeting presence reignited his awareness.

Observing Mai's hurried passage, her perspiration glistening against fair skin flushed with exertion, Li Sheng found himself drawn to her aura of nervous excitement. A radiant smile graced his lips as he admired the subtle curve of her neck, noting the presence of a prominent mole—a distinctive feature reminiscent of a blossoming lotus, his favored flower.

Engrossed in his reverie, Li Sheng's best friend Yao interrupted, "Brother Sheng, are you even following our conversation?"

With a resigned sigh, Li Sheng gestured to summon a servant, intending to settle their bill. His friends, typically frugal, insisted on covering the expense, a departure from their usual behavior that piqued Li Sheng's curiosity. Accepting their generosity with a playful grin, he promised to reciprocate on their next visit to the Lotus Garden, a daily ritual they shared.

As Li Sheng hastened towards the exit, his friends exchanged knowing glances, their lips curling mischievously.

"Brother Yao, did you notice how Brother Sheng couldn't tear his eyes away from her?" one friend remarked, his tone laced with amusement.

Yao, however, remained contemplative, dismissing Mai's allure as inconsequential to Li Sheng's preferences.

"Brother Sheng finds amusement only in subservience. Pity for the woman." he mused, shaking his head before returning his attention to his tea.

Yet, his gaze lingered on the departing figure of Li Sheng, a wry smile playing on his lips.
"Will the cat chase the mouse?" he mused, chuckling softly at the thought.

In Hanzhong, the central continent, only one woman had managed to captivate Brother Sheng's attention—a fact that intrigued Yao as he contemplated the dynamics unfolding in the southern continent. Anticipation stirred within him as he awaited the outcome of this unexpected encounter.

"Perhaps the mouse will outwit the cat. Now that would be entertaining." He mused aloud, his gaze drifting to his friends as an idea took shape in his mind.

A mischievous gleam danced in his eyes as he proposed a wager.

"Brothers. Let's make a bet. The winner gets my best artifact. The loser gives me double."

His companions, drawn by the allure of competition, readily accepted the challenge, eager to test their fortunes.

Meanwhile, Mai found herself navigating the unfamiliar streets, her discomfort palpable amidst the curious gazes of onlookers. Struggling to comprehend their scrutiny, she questioned the source of their fascination—her attire, her perspiration, or perhaps both. A quick self-assessment revealed the source of her embarrassment: the pungent odor of sour sweat emanating from her underarm.

"I smell worse than a pig. Perhaps a bath is in order." she lamented, keenly aware of her predicament.
Armed only with her dagger, Kenta, and her Finger System, she attempted to conjure wealth to no avail, her fear of the dark further complicating matters.

Desperate for shelter, Mai canvassed the town for opportunities to lend her assistance, only to face rejection after rejection. Curiously, it was the women who spurned her aid, leaving Mai perplexed by their aversion. Struggling to understand the dynamics of this unfamiliar society, she resolved to avoid male-dominated environments, recognizing her discomfort in the presence of numerous guards.
Traditional occupations abounded, from blacksmiths to woodcarvers, each steeped in antiquity and shunning modernity. Despite possessing talents in creativity, music, and culinary arts, Mai encountered barriers to entry, thwarted by the prerequisite of recommendations or experience.
Undeterred by her setbacks, Mai persevered until the oppressive heat of the late afternoon weighed heavily upon her. With no refuge in sight, she contemplated the prospect of seeking shelter with the guards—an option she fervently hoped to avoid. Yet, her quest also entailed locating Li Sheng, a task she deemed feasible given his prominence in the community.

Entering a quaint street kitchen, Mai encountered immediate rejection from the proprietor, who dismissed her without a second thought. However, her fortunes shifted when the woman's husband intervened, extending a warm welcome and acknowledging the need for additional help in managing their bustling household.

Grateful for the opportunity despite her aversion to children, Mai agreed to assist with cooking, securing lodging in a secluded room on the premises. Though she opted to keep Kenta confined due to his apprehension around children, the secluded garden setting provided a sanctuary for both Mai and her faithful companion.

As dusk descended, Mai found herself contemplating her next steps in the garden. Suddenly, a golden hologram materialized before her, revealing a pouch containing intriguing green and white glass stones. Upon touching them, she discovered their true nature: jade stones imbued with mystical properties.

Fascinated by her discovery, Mai delved deeper, uncovering the essence of each stone—the Ying Stone, associated with vitality and healing, and its counterpart, the Yang Stone, renowned for enhancing martial prowess and cultivation techniques. Recognizing the inherent duality of Yin and Yang in Chinese culture, Mai pondered the implications of these newfound artifacts.

Experimenting with the stones, Mai harnessed their power to augment her magical staff, manipulating her Life Points with precision. Curiosity piqued, she entertained the notion of combining the Yin and Yang stones, eager to unlock their full potential and discern their applicability to her unique circumstances as a woman in a realm dominated by traditional gender roles.

Taking a Yang stone into her right hand, Mai marveled at its clarity and warmth, its surface reflecting her own image—a phenomenon she found perplexing yet captivating. As she rubbed the stone, it liquefied and permeated her palm, suffusing her with a comforting sensation that enveloped her entire being. Encouraged by this experience, she repeated the process with a Ying stone, eliciting a similar response.

A bold golden text materialized over her hand, detailing newfound abilities granted by the stones.

Skill: Clear Mind
Detoxify Activated: Can detoxify poison and impurities

Mai's excitement surged, her heart racing as she emptied the pouch, revealing a total of 97 stones. However, her elation was short-lived as the pouch inexplicably vanished, leaving her perplexed about how to transport the stones.

Undeterred, Mai entertained the notion of absorbing more stones to unlock additional skills.

Skill: Clear Mind
Detoxify Activated: Can detoxify poison and impurities
Purify Activated: Can purify malevolent spirits
Heal Activated: Can heal wounds

Yet, her enthusiasm quickly waned as she experienced sudden chest pain and difficulty breathing upon squeezing another pair of stones. Recoiling in fear, she released the stones, relieved as the pain subsided.

Haunted by the prospect of the stones posing a lethal threat, Mai grappled with fear and uncertainty. Wrapping the stones in layers of silk, she contemplated her next move, her little finger adorned with newfound abilities but overshadowed by trepidation.

Little finger:
Skill: Clear Mind
Detoxify Activated
Purify Activated
Heal Activated

Resolute yet wary, Mai acknowledged the gravity of her situation, realizing that the stones, once perceived as a blessing, now harbored potential danger. With a heavy heart, she confronted the unsettling reality that not all gifts were benevolent, leaving her to navigate the complexities of her newfound powers with caution and apprehension.
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3. Becoming a White Cultivator
* I went back to mature writing style!*

In the following days, Mai dedicated herself to acquainting with the city and its surroundings, preparing herself for future solitary ventures. The owners of the restaurant, Qingtseya and Quetseya, presented a naming challenge, thus Mai bestowed upon them the monikers Q and M. Their twin children, burdened with similarly convoluted names, became B1 and B2, reminiscent of Bananas in Pyjamas.
Throughout the day, Mai assisted in the kitchen and served during busy periods, drawing crowds to the restaurant, a fortuitous turn that left Mai pondering if fortune had smiled upon them. Amidst the patrons, particularly the women, Mai found herself under intense scrutiny, yet remained oblivious to certain gazes, including a gentleman's subtle gesture in helping her retrieve fallen chopsticks. Some women exchanged flirtatious glances, while others glowered with displeasure. Mai was taken aback by the boldness exhibited here, where the motto at Q and M's was "pay and eat," flipping the conventional order.

Reluctant to tempt fate with the Ying-Yang stones, Mai instead delved into exploring the capabilities of her magic staff. To her surprise, it proved more versatile than anticipated. During one evening's contemplation, recalling the incident with the chopsticks, her staff transformed into one, sparking reflections on its potential forms.

Attempts at spellcasting, however, yielded only feeble sparks of red and orange, leaving Mai feeling inadequate and self-conscious.

That evening, she sought solace in the garden, grappling with her perceived incompetence.

"Am I truly so inept that my staff has forsaken me?"

A gentle breeze brushed against her, eliciting laughter as it teased her hair. An epiphany dawned upon Mai—her focus on fire-related spells had been limiting. With renewed determination, she explored other elemental avenues, discovering a connection with the element of water. Closing her eyes, she delved deep into her consciousness, embracing the tranquility of a distant memory, a warm summer's day in Denmark.

"A small spell. What constitutes as small here?"

She pondered, eyeing the magic staff, struck by an idea. Fetching a cup of tea and a candle, she traced a delicate circle with the staff, mimicking the fairy's movements, then aimed it at the tea cup.

"Splash the water." she gently commanded, mindful not to evoke a sinister tone.

In an instant, white smoke billowed from the circle, descending upon the tea. The cup teetered, spilling some contents, but only water, not tea.

Mai marveled as the magic staff adhered to her precise words.

"So, it can distinguish between water and tea. Interesting."

Abruptly, a resounding alarm reminiscent of tolling tower bells shattered the tranquility, accompanied by bold golden text.

Warning Life Point: 57/100

Mai furrowed her brows at the sight, realizing she had neglected to monitor her remaining Life Points. Hastily, she retrieved Yin-Yang stones and inserted the magic staff into the silk cloth as it emitted a faint clink.
The staff's Life Points were restored to 100, yet Mai now possessed only 8 Ying-Yang stones.

"In the Hanzhong continent, one can find them, but the journey is long." She contemplated her right pinky finger. "It's time to find Li Sheng."

The following day, a holiday, Mai ventured to the Li mansion situated in the city's southern reaches. Despite multiple attempts, she was rebuffed at the entrance. Undeterred, she resolved to return the next day, devoting the remainder of the day to cultivation.

Endowed with a spirit pearl, or core, individuals like Mai could cultivate, a conviction reinforced by her magical constitution. To initiate the beginner level, one must bathe in spiritual herbs, a process growing increasingly intricate thereafter. In the southern expanse, a vast forest teeming with such herbs awaited, known intimately by B1 and B2. Before setting out, they advised Mai to obscure her elegance, citing encounters with potentially sensitive animals. Obliging, Mai amassed an abundance of herbs, stuffing her basket to overflowing, inadvertently leaving a trail behind as some spilled on the journey home.

Unbeknownst to Mai, Yao and his companions roamed the same forest, in search of elusive herbs that appeared sporadically.

They settled by a grassy mound, their gaze fixed upon the flat expanse of light green grass before them.

A companion glanced up at Yao, prompting him to rise and inquire, "Brother Yao, are you certain it's today? There's a reason it's random."

Yao affirmed with unwavering certainty, "I can feel it in my bones. Can't you? I consulted the astrologer today, and they said that according to my birth animal sign, luck is on my side exactly at this time."

His companion furrowed his brows, recalling that Brother Yao was born in the Year of the Pig, symbolizing prosperity, abundance, and luck. Yet, luck had eluded him thus far, especially in matters of the heart.

Skepticism crept into his mind. "Brother Yao, are you truly born in the Year of the Pig and not..."

"I was born in the year 128 during Emperor Wu's reign." Yao interjected, irritation evident at his friend's doubt.

"Associates" would be a more apt term for them, mere aides in Yao's schemes. Their presence afforded him leisure, a luxury he did not spurn, particularly when orchestrated by Brother Sheng. While Yao was astute enough to embrace their assistance, his true allegiance lay elsewhere.

Suddenly, a dazzling white streak shot forth from the grass, akin to the brilliance of celestial stars. They watched in anticipation as a large white rose, resembling a tulip's head, emerged, swaying mysteriously before them as if offering obeisance.

Yao's smile widened at the sight. The spiritual rose held the key to the breakthrough he had pursued for three years. With a hearty laugh, he anticipated the long night ahead.

"Assist me in setting the final pieces before midnight." he instructed, carefully plucking the rose with a white silk handkerchief.

The highest-ranking spiritual herbs demanded precise water temperatures, but spiritual flowers thrived solely at midnight, drawing sustenance from the cosmos. A single bloom held the power to catalyze his advancement.

On their journey homeward, the men noticed a trail of herbs, prompting furrowed brows. Aware of herbivorous animals, Yao and his companions hastened to gather them, their spirits buoyed and they hummed a merry tune on their way home.

Li Sheng had been tirelessly traversing the city in recent days, his efforts focused on uncovering clues about the mysterious woman he had glimpsed in Lotus Garden. Despite his exhaustive search, she remained elusive, leaving him no choice but to relinquish his pursuit. He had scoured every corner of the city, yet it seemed as though she were a figment of his imagination. But Li Sheng knew better—he had seen her with his own eyes, a fact corroborated by Yao.

Upon returning home one afternoon, he inquired about any developments, only to be met with disappointment. Among the updates was the unsettling incident of a street beggar attempting to breach his mansion's defenses—a persistent admirer who had crossed the line. Frustration etched his features as he issued a decisive command to his servants.

"I've had enough. If she dares to bother me again, resort to violence or even decapitation." he declared, his tone laced with simmering anger.

Tasked by his father to assess potential candidates from the Hanzhong continent, Li Sheng found his interest waning, particularly in the woman who had once captured his heart. He saw through her newfound attention, spurred by Crown Prince Xiao Lin's rejection, dismissing her advances as mere gamesmanship.

Gone was the naiveté of youth; Li Sheng now possessed the discernment of a mature man. Yet, he harbored desires, clandestine and potent, reserved for the enigmatic woman from Lotus Garden. Her flushed countenance stirred inexplicable sensations within him, an allure he found irresistible.

"The nervous and tense demeanor is truly captivating. So endearing." he mused, his thoughts drifting to the mundane prospect of marriage proposals awaiting him in his office. Rejecting the notion of a compliant spouse, he sought depth and intrigue, drawn to those who concealed their true selves.

Meanwhile, in her chamber, Mai poured the last tub of hot water into the bamboo bathtub, liberally adding the herbs for maximum effect. To her surprise, the water bubbled and sizzled like live lava, enveloping the room in swirling steam.

Furrowing her brows in concern, she questioned, "Have I erred?"

Though the water emitted a pleasing herbal aroma, its intense heat caused her to recoil upon dipping her toe. Despite the discomfort, Mai resolved not to retreat, determined to prove her worthiness in this unfamiliar world.
Her sister's words echoed in her mind, urging her to either commit fully or not at all. With a hesitant bite of her lip, she momentarily hesitated. Yet, she reasoned that the scalding water would eventually cool. Steeling herself, Mai gingerly submerged into the searing depths, enveloping her legs in a fiery embrace. Every inch of her skin prickled and burned, as though being stripped away layer by layer. Fear of scalds gripped her, yet she repeated a mantra of resolve.

"I can do this. I can do this."

Agony surged through her bones, heart, and mind, assaulting her senses. Inhaling the suffocating steam, Mai persevered.

Minutes stretched into eternity, the intensity of the pain gradually waning until it became bearable. Assuming a lotus position, she closed her eyes, delving into meditation.

Every individual possessed a core, but those capable of cultivation harbored a luminous core, a conduit to connect with. Within the darkness of her mind's eye, a radiant orb materialized, drawing near. Tenderly, Mai reached out, and a comforting warmth suffused her being. A crimson wave of energy surged forth, rippling through the surroundings, and disrupting the tranquility of the garden.

Simultaneously, Q and M sat within the main building's living room, engrossed in discussion, when a gentle warmth enveloped them, tousling their hair and garments. Momentarily disoriented, Q glanced at M, mistaking the sensation for an early onset of summer, while M prattled on, oblivious to the anomaly.

B1 and B2 felt a fluttering sensation in their stomachs, compelled to chase after the elusive warmth, but it vanished as swiftly as it had arrived.

"That was fleeting." B1 lamented, exchanging a disappointed glance with his confused mother.

"It was someone opening their core for cultivation. Must be nearby, considering how warm the qi was." B2 exclaimed, excitement evident in his wide grin and rosy cheeks.

Q, reminded of the prevalence of beginners in cultivation, dismissed the notion, attributing it to Ming's dog. However, a sudden flutter in her stomach prompted a delightful realization, igniting her maternal instincts.

"Should we have another one?" She proposed, her husband's stunned expression betraying his unpreparedness for the prospect of expanding their family. Despite his reservations, he acquiesced, his forced smile belying his inner turmoil.

"Of course, dear, we should have another child." M agreed, though his surprise lingered palpably.

Mai, invigorated by the familial exchange, felt a surge of vitality coursing through her veins and she envisioned herself running freely across the fields where the crows gathered—a testament to her newfound vigor.

"This is just the first step. The next ones will be harder."

In this realm of cultivation, progression was delineated by colors: White, green, blue, purple, red, and black. Beyond the realm of Black Cultivation lay the coveted rank of Mythic Cultivators, a rare breed so scarce they could be counted on one's fingers.

Contemplating the prospect, Mai scrutinized her hands, pondering whether a Mythic Cultivator could withstand her Finger System. While her index finger seemed feasible, doubts lingered regarding her thumb's prowess. Nevertheless, she harbored aspirations of exploring the Hanzhong continent once her current quest was fulfilled.

Mai currently resided in the white category, the starting point for all cultivators. Advancement to the green category necessitated the creation of pearls—mental constructs rather than tangible objects.
Sensing warmth emanating from her core, Mai recognized it as the epicenter of all energy flow within this world.

Determined to hone her skills, she decided to explore the manipulation of qi. With focused intent, she visualized a gentle breeze wafting across the room to extinguish a nearby candle and aligning her breath with her qi, she gradually allowed her energy to manifest as a subtle, cooling breeze. With a decisive exhale, she directed her qi towards the candle flame eliciting a buzz in the surrounding air. As the flame flickered and faded, Mai's joy knew no bounds, she had successfully manipulated the forces of nature to her will.

"This feels amazing!" she exclaimed, exhilarated by her newfound ability.

The extinguished candle served as tangible proof of her rapid cultivation progress, yet she remained cognizant that this was merely the beginning.

With diligence, she continued her training, refining her control over qi throughout the evening.

Satisfied with her efforts, Mai retired to bed with a contented smile, drifting into a peaceful slumber.

What adventures awaited her come morning?

The answer awaited in the next chapter.
4. How to Conquer a Sadist

Warning This chapter contains mature and traumatizing content!

Mai woke up with a pleasant sensation coursing through her body, instilling her with a sense of readiness to face any challenge, even the daunting prospect of meeting Li Sheng. Leaving a note behind, she explained she had an urgent errand, hoping Q and M wouldn't hold it against her. Little did she know, Q and M were preoccupied "making babies" and had overslept that morning.

On her journey to Li Sheng's mansion, Mai noticed a man tailing her and attempting to shake him off, she weaved through a labyrinth of side streets and alleys, yet he persisted, shadowing her every move.

Fearful of human trafficking or worse - being sold into a pleasure house - she muttered anxiously, "My body isn't yours to claim yet. Come back when I'm old and gray."

Her attempts to evade him proved futile as she attempted to dart down the next side street, only to find it was a dead end. Panic seized her as the sound of echoing footsteps on the dark cobblestones alerted her to the direness of her situation. Slowly turning around, heart pounding in her chest and sweat coating her palms, Mai braced herself for confrontation.

Unbeknownst to her, the man trailing her was none other than Li Sheng himself.

Determined to find her, he had scoured every corner of the city, convinced of her existence, and now his search had borne fruit.

Li Sheng cut a striking figure, possessing a slender frame and masculine features, clad in a robe reminiscent of fresh spring grass and despite his charming smile, there was a hint of danger in his demeanor.

"Miss, it appears you've encountered a stumbling block." His voice reverberated through the alley.

Mai's nerves flared, her heart leaping into her throat, yet she stood her ground, her brow furrowed as she retorted, "Sir, it seems you're facing a challenge of your own if you feel compelled to warn me."

As Li Sheng advanced, Mai instinctively retreated, her back meeting the cold stone wall. Observing him, she noticed a resemblance between him and her pursuer, causing her to recoil in shock.

Pointing a trembling finger, she demanded, "Stay back! What do you want from me?"

At her words, Li Sheng halted, a smirk playing on his lips. Humming a cheerful tune, he appraised her with a predatory gaze, his desires simmering beneath the surface.

Extending his hand, he offered, "Come with me, and I shall ensure your safety."

Mai couldn't decipher if he was truly clueless or merely feigning ignorance, as she certainly didn't require protection from a wall. Her brow furrowed in frustration as she shook her head, attempting once more to verbally fend him off, yet he persisted in his advance.

In a defensive move, Mai activated her index finger, expecting a burst of power, but all she got was a shower of golden sparks, leaving her bewildered. Trying her thumb next yielded no results, and as she attempted to activate her left hand, Li Sheng closed the distance between them, his presence nearly overwhelming. Feeling his warm breath against her skin, infused with the scent of wildflowers, Mai's anxiety surged.
Thrusting her left index finger into his chest, she felt the warmth of his body beneath her touch, yet her attempts to activate her powers proved futile. Frustration mounted as she poked at him with all her fingers, her nerves fraying and panic setting in. While Mai wasn't fearful of Li Sheng causing her harm, she found herself in a state of genuine panic.

Her futile attempts to repel him merely amused Li Sheng, the sensation akin to a light tickle on his skin. Captivated by her frustrated expression, he felt an inexplicable desire stir within him. Before Mai could react, he gagged her with a white silk scarf, bound her hands together, and hoisted her onto his back.

Mai grunted and struggled against him, landing a hard blow to his chest, but he remained resolute. With her mouth muffled, thoughts raced through her mind, her frustration mounting as she lamented her failed attempts to activate her powers. Her dagger lay forgotten in her pocket, a realization that only added to her dismay.

As they approached the entrance to Li Sheng's mansion, the guards gawked at Mai, one of them remarking incredulously, "Master Sheng, we're astonished you located the beggar from yesterday so swiftly. Shall we dispatch her now?"

Mai recoiled at the suggestion, grunting in protest, and attempting to voice her objections, but her efforts were stifled by Li Sheng's firm grip.

Irritated by the guard's words, he scowled and chastised them, "What nonsense are you spouting? I never instructed you to execute her."

With a huff of frustration, he carried Mai inside, leaving the guards bewildered and silent.

One guard exchanged a puzzled glance with the others, remarking, "Didn't Master Sheng explicitly order us yesterday to execute the beggar if she returned? Yet now, he brings her back himself."

"It's evident he intends to handle her personally. After all, she caused quite a commotion yesterday." another guard mused, shaking his head.

Their master's unpredictable temperament was not to be underestimated.

Before Mai was carried into Li Sheng's bedroom, he instructed his people not to disturb him, then proceeded to enter the room and lock the door behind him.

To Mai's astonishment, she was unceremoniously tossed onto the floor instead of the bed, causing her to bump her nose against the dark wooden floor, wrinkling it in discomfort.

As Li Sheng removed the silk scarf from her mouth, she found relief in being able to breathe freely once more.

"Finally, I can breathe without hindrance. It's about time." she grumbled, shooting a disgruntled glare at the innocent bed frame.

Suddenly, the sound of clattering tools filled the air, followed by a loud bang near Mai's right ear, causing her ears to ring. Startled, she turned her head, only to be met with another bang near her left ear. The cacophony of repeated
bangs reverberated around her, and Mai realized they were the sound of objects hitting the floor. Attempting to sit up, she was thwarted by yet another bang in front of her face, narrowly avoiding a collision with her nose.

"Why not just end it and kill me? This is absurd." She questioned, her voice tinged with frustration.

Looking down at her, Li Sheng, brandishing a black golden whip, asserted, "I'm the one asking questions here. You will obey."

With a sharp crack of the whip, Mai recoiled, pondering how many others had endured its sting at his hand and whether it brought him any pleasure.

An idea sparked in her mind.

"Um, could you perhaps whip my buttocks?" she suggested, feigning enthusiasm.

Li Sheng furrowed his brow, his skepticism evident. "Really? Is that your desire?"

"Yes, I love it. Give me a good thrashing there!" Mai exclaimed, adding a touch of fake moaning for effect.

Feeling a shift within him, Li Sheng tightened his grip on the whip, taking aim at Mai's buttocks. The fiery sting of the first strike elicited a pained cry from Mai, fueling Li Sheng's arousal. With each subsequent strike, Mai endured the burning pain, gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, finding solace in the warmth of the floor beneath her.

"Harder!" she urged, her voice laden with false arousal, encouraging Li Sheng to deliver another blow.

With a resounding crack, the whip struck her back, prompting a piercing scream from Mai as the pain seared through her. Refusing to relent, she persisted, determined not to let Li Sheng triumph over her.
Li Sheng initially doubted Mai's request, but when his gaze wandered beneath her dress and caught a glimpse of something glistening, a mischievous grin spread across his face. Without hesitation, he unleashed a flurry of punishing blows upon Mai's body, sparing only her face from his wrath.

Mai, closing her eyes, attempted to numb herself to the pain through meditation, but Li Sheng seemed to strike whenever she least expected it, as if anticipating her thoughts. Despite the agony, she found solace in the fact that enduring the whipping was preferable to facing the executioner's blade.

After what felt like an eternity, Li Sheng ceased his assault, yet Mai remained motionless, her senses dulled, devoid of energy or strength to even make a sound.

"Are you still aroused by my punishment?" Li Sheng's voice, surprisingly gentle, broke the silence as he leaned over her.

Refusing to respond, Mai turned away with great effort, sensing his presence above her, his floral scent mingling with his breath. Slowly, a sly smile crept across her lips as she began to feign arousal, hoping to manipulate him into a lapse of judgment.

Li Sheng, intrigued by Mai's response, noticed the blood trickling between her legs and seized upon an idea. As he disrobed completely, Mai, unable to gesture due to her bound hands, found herself in a precarious position.

Suddenly, a woman's voice echoed in Mai's mind.

"Warning. Your Quest expires at midnight."

Shocked and frustrated by the untimely message, Mai furrowed her brow, her annoyance mounting.

Observing her reaction, Li Sheng's arousal waned, evident in his deflating demeanor.

Sensing his approach, Mai acted quickly, blurting out, "I can assist you in achieving a breakthrough."

Taken aback, Li Sheng scrutinized her with skepticism.

"Dual cultivation, you suggest? You're too weak for such a venture."

Aware of the risks, Mai remained undeterred.

"My techniques are potent." she muttered cryptically, careful not to divulge too much.

Li Sheng, intrigued, loosened the bindings around her hands, kneeling beside her. As he pressed something soft, hard, and warm into her hands, Mai immediately recognized it.

"You speak the truth. They are indeed potent." Li Sheng acknowledged, his arousal reignited by her unexpected proposition.

Mai's brow furrowed as she wracked her brain for an escape plan, only to realize that the door was securely locked, and her fingers remained unresponsive.

Her absorption of Ying-Yang energy had not been in vain.

"If I cannot assist you in achieving a breakthrough, you may do as you wish with me. I give you my word." she offered, her voice tinged with resignation.

Her words caused Li Sheng to cease his actions and rise to his feet and with a cold demeanor, he strode to the bed and reclined upon it, fixing his gaze upon Mai.

"Complete your task using your feet." he commanded tersely.