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The Fourth Impact (FI ft LackOfUpdates)

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A/N: Friend Insert is similar to a DnD campaign, only there is no dice, the GM plays it as...
Chapter 1


Well worn.
Dec 10, 2017
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A/N: Friend Insert is similar to a DnD campaign, only there is no dice, the GM plays it as straight or crazy as he needs to be fair as possible to the other person that's inserted.

LackOfUpdates: I know a little of Honkai
Tobi: Yo I'm the writer.

An endless blue sea was all Roy could see. The young man could do nothing but be dragged along the invisible currents. He had no idea how he was able to breathe, or what was happening. All he remembered was a blue portal opening then being dragged into it.

He had no idea how much time had passed since he had been dragged along this unknown plane. Minutes? Hours?

Along the way, he had seen many bizarre sights. Portals like the one that dragged him into this realm, on the other side of the portals were strange worlds. Through one of them, he saw a white-haired girl wearing a coat with bunny ears summon blue drones to fight off a kunoichi in black futuristic armor. The two battled in what seems to be a futuristic vault of a sci-fi world.

In another, he saw a giant purple robot fighting against a black and white behemoth in the middle of a city. The tremors from the blows the two threw against each other rang out of the portal.

Then he saw two blonde twins with golden wings fight against a glowing white-haired woman in a cloudy sky.

Each portal depicted a world so different from his own mundane one.

'What the utter sh- what's happening!?' he exclaimed, 'One moment I'm chilling having a meal and the next I'm hallucinating?' He didn't have time to consider each world long enough to judge whether it was a dream or not before he felt himself start to accelerate as if his destination was rapidly approaching.

A strange hum could be heard and Roy's body was dragged in a new direction. Turning to look at where he was being pulled, he caught a glimpse of a new portal being formed.

Before he had time to brace himself, his body was accelerated towards the portal. The sight of a snowy landscape greeted him followed by the chilling temperature.

Flying through the portal he landed face first in a patch of fresh snow.

'Ow,' while his landing was surprisingly soft and it was still solid ground, he took a moment before his dizziness left him and slowly got to his feet, putting a hand to his face he groaned, 'That felt way too real to be a hallucination.'

A roar interrupted his thoughts and a wave of killing intent was directed at Roy. A large brown bear was charging towards him. Its eyes glowing red and lines of energy the same color as it's eyes ran throughout the beast's body.

Steam rose from the snow with each step the beast took.

'What the f-!' His thoughts a mess Roy nearly froze, his instincts took over, 'There's no cover, no trees nearby except in the distance, except for this weird battle-scarred bear- no wait those are glowing lines, wonderful as if a normal bear wasn't enough this thing looks to have been mutated into a worse murder machine.' Roy doubted he would have the ability to outrun it but it was his only chance, he dodged into its blindspot and attempted to jump on the bear's back before realizing, 'This was likely a bad idea.'.


The animal reached Roy within seconds, with unnatural speed and it's right hand blurred. Smacking the man's chest, razor-sharp claws sank into Roy's chest and he was sent flying off the ground.

A burning sensation invaded his body spreading throughout it. As he flew over the air, Roy could see blood gushing out of his torso along with the same red energy that was coming off the bear. His body felt as if it was burning yet oddly enough he felt rejuvenated. The pain dulled slightly when he landed.

'I wish I had a...' Roy's hand twitched and the snow gathered into a sword, '...Weapon.' Roy crushed his surprise at the floating sword in front of him. Since the sword had appeared telekinetically he simply willed it to move to the boar hadn't paused to comment about his construction like some anime character and launched the sword. not even bothering to wield it as he knew he had no skill in blade works.

The hastily constructed snow sword flew.

The white sword buried itself in the surprised bear's shoulder. Enraged, it let out another roar, a wave of energy rippled off the bear. The sword vaporized from the energy wave but the wound it left behind was visible. Blood freely flows out as the wound quickly healed.

As the bear charged once more, the red energy appeared near its hands, causing its claws to grow.

'Snow normally wouldn't stand up to some hard wind much less three-quarter-ton of muscle and rage…' he needed range, so instead of a weapon he willed for two constructs, one for a platform to shoot him back and into the air to keep him there, and the other to smash into the bear to see if it had been a fluke.

The bear and the rapidly forming pillar collided, sending snow fluttering from the sheer force of the impact. The sound of flesh and bone being pulverized rang out.

Roy's hope of the battle being ended there was dashed as glowing red eyes glared right into his own. The beast's right limb up to the shoulder was mangled. Bent at an unnatural angle and yet it did not stop attacking. Using its other hand it was trying to push itself up the pillar.

Roy's eyes widened in shock, 'How is it still moving…' before he blanked, 'Ah, right it was mutated.' He didn't have time to feel embarrassed as the mutated monster was halfway to him in its mad rush to kill him.

Roy wondered if he could create something more complex and almost immediately his mind produced the most comprehensive blueprints he had ever thought of, 'This has to be that weird energy,' where normally he couldn't remember twenty things his mind held an entire weapon in his mind all the way from its conception to the materials and its construction.

Orange outlines of the material appeared as a large cannon landed on the platform and he fired upon the bear.
As the light from the canon's beam died down. All that remained of the bear's existence were patches of its blood on the snow and a crater of heated Earth and steaming snow where it died.

With the threat gone, the adrenaline rush started to die down and the fatigue of everything caught up to Roy. The burning sensation of his body was growing weaker but it was still present and a thin sheen of sweat had formed.

Catching his breath, Roy finally had the time to start internalizing the messed-up situation he had found himself in.

Roy looked around it really was ice and snow in every direction, he would've thought he was in Antarctica if it weren't for the trees, 'Either I'm in Canada or this is Russia,' Staring at the steaming pile of snow and broken debris from the battle, 'I wonder if…' he considered his newfound abilities once more designing something he could fly on.

An airplane- no, a fully outfitted jet. The name streamed into his mind, Heavily Classified GOA HyperBorea 7. Perhaps whatever was mutating that bear had aerial reach, if so he'd be facing a dog fight with giant birds breathing laser fire.

At that thought, a mild headache enough to cause Roy to stagger a bit struck his head. Information on how to build an aircraft appeared in his head.

Sunset lines traced themselves into the various material and parts of a machine capable of breaking the sound barrier, large twin engines revving up as it formed in front of him, 'It actually worked?!' Roy had only considered it possible in the vaguest of terms, whatever his power was, it was beautifully intuitive.

It was even giving him instructions on how to fly it as an ace fighter would. He hopped inside and the HUD booted up much more advanced than most military armaments in his world.

Immediately alarms were ringing on the HUD. On the map, there were multiple targets and all of them were rushing to his location.

The unknown system Roy had created under the guidance of the information appearing in his head had divided the potential enemies into two categories.

Biological lifeforms that were similar to the bear that attacked him and mechanical enemies. How the system detected and differentiate them he was not completely sure but what he did know from the map was that. The two groups were fighting against each other in a location to the south of him a few miles away. While the targets that split off from the fighting were making a beeline towards him.

Luckily he had designed this thing with the intent it would be versatile, one of which was VTOL with the blast of strange power the machine took off, regardless of whether they were similar in nature to the bear until they attacked him he didn't think it was right to simply shoot first and ask questions never. With a boom, he broke the sound barrier achieving Mach speeds, 'Where even is this energy coming from?' He was nervous that whatever he was about to face was leagues above the bear.

If someone like him who wasn't even an engineer could get something this broken right off the bat what would something that was initially a threat infused with this energy be able to do.

As he neared the target he kept a finger on the trigger.

Alerts appeared once more as two aircraft got close enough that they were visible. Futuristic-looking black jets, they were easily keeping up.

On Roy's interface, he received a ping from one of the unknown aircraft.

"-you are in danger, please follow us."

"Identify yourselves," his tone commanding as if he hadn't just made the plane seconds ago, "What danger?" He hadn't let go off his trigger, either the jets were going to be his problem or if they were friendly then his targets would be whatever it is they were warning him about.

"Greetings, we are of Schicksal and my name is Rit-"

The aircraft were forced to dodge as a giant laser fired upon them. The source of the projectile was a mecha on the ground a few miles away from them. It was surrounded by more robots of similar design fighting against weird white creatures leaking pink energy.


The robot was looking at them, then it was blown away as it was tackled by a girl in white armor carrying a large lance. Riding on a large alien-like armored horse, the girl's charge broke through the robots protecting the laser-firing robot and skewered it with her pink glowing weapon.

Roy put on his best thinking cap as he tried to figure out what was happening right now, 'I'm going to have to severely stress my suspension of disbelief for the next few hours. There are three factions, the robots and whoever they represent, the white alien creatures leaking pink energy, and the aircraft flying beside me. They looked like the game I had heard my friends play and I had played a little of. But the main cast was the only thing I was familiar with. None of this looked like them, and I had been told there was more than one place in the timeline the story took place in.

The Robots were Anti-Entropy, the bad guys(?), Schicksal was likely the one flying the airplane and the creatures were the basic honkai- wait' Roy realized something odd, 'Men weren't resistant to Honkai energy, the pink energy, how did I even survive?'

He shook his head, 'Not the time, the creatures were out, so was Anti-Entropy, thus that left me with Schicksal. I'd have to play along.'

Another communication line opened up on his HUD. This time the image of a blonde woman in a green military-like outfit was visible.

"My name is Cocolia of Anti Entropy, you are in danger. Do not listen to Schicksal."

Roy tried not to let it show how she was doing a terrible job trying to seem like the good guy, 'She's giving off supervillain vibes,' Roy raised an eyebrow, "Didn't you shoot a laser at me?"

"You were not the target. Our targt was Rita Rossweisse. Schicksal's loyal lapdog." Images were then sent next of Rita fighting through hoards of mechs, those strange white beasts which Roy recognized as Honkai beasts, and… humans.

"As you see she's a dangerous person and we could not let her and that organization Schicksal get their hands on you. Once they do, you will become a lab rat."

'Even if I hadn't vaguely recalled her being bad, she's doing a terrible attempt at recruiting people, it's only a little more obvious than the US military funding movies to recruit people for the military. Sucked when I realized Avengers and Transformers were basically military ads.'

He had his answer.

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Chapter 2
Chapter 2

A/N: This story has been posted by Lack of Updates on his Fanfiction account. I'm just posting in here as well.

R: Thanks for reading lads. Review if you want more, lets us know how to improve it and useful for motivation. Timing it so we're both on at the same time is rather hard. Let us know if there are any grammar or spelling fixes, going over it multiple times until your eyes glaze over you tend to miss things

T: Sorry if it's too much of an info dump in some places. Wrote it in a way for people who do not know the lore of Honkai Impact.

Roy stalled as he checked his power to design something with hacking capabilities, "And if I joined you… I am assuming I'd have wealth, women and fast cars," Roy asked sarcastically. As if his ability wouldn't make it easy to get fast cars.

"Yes, we can provide such things within limits. Your power is very important and we need you to save the world so please head towards these coordinates." A series of coordinates could be seen in Roy's screen along with the picture of a high tech spaceship.

"Please head towards it-"

The communication line was cut off and Rita's voice came through once more.

"Apologies for the earlier rudeness."

One of the previous aircraft was flying above Roy's own upside down. Somehow accelerating to close in the distance between them. At the cockpit, a short-haired woman with light brown hair could be seen smiling at him. She was clad in a black and green battlesuit with glowing green lines.

"I am not sure what that woman, Cocolia has told you about us but I solemnly swear that you will be unharmed if you come with us."

Her red eyes appeared sincere as she gazed at Roy's own.

"My master, Otto Apocalypse, simply wants to meet you. Afterward, you are free to do what you wish."

His power let him be aware that it was possible but it wasn't aware of either Anti-Entropy's capabilities or Cocolia's. 'This was a dilemma… two beautiful ladies fighting over me and I can't pick both… kidding. Though it would be a wonder to have both sides play each other, triple spy answering to myself. But that's too much to ask for. On one hand, I'd be within the reach of what feels like the final boss. On the other hand, someone that seems weaker but is more blatantly morally bankrupt. Decisions, decisions…'

Roy didn't have hours much fewer minutes so he made his choice.

Instead of choosing either. He checked his ability telling him he had fuel to do so and booked it for the nearest peaceful civilization. He was going to go to China when he was notified it was very different from what he remembered and decided instead of dealing with a superpower with the high-level tech he went for Japan. It was unlikely it had anything anyways.

He pulled down bringing his plane down low tracing a missile that would capture the honkai. His ability ran on Honkai energy, and those were Honkai beasts. One plus one equals two. Afterward he headed for his destination.

Time passed by as Roy passed the border of Russia.

Nursing the mind-numbing headache of using his powers, he was glad the aircraft he made had an autopilot feature.

From the interface screen, Roy watched satellite footage of the cluster fuck of a three-way battle he escaped from. The snow-covered landscape was ripped asunder in different patches.

Rita, the playable maid character from the game, was making minced meat of the Honkai beasts. A truce seemed to have been reached between the two organizations and they avoided attacking each other.

With her green scythe she gracefully made her way throughout the battlefield. Alongside two green and black mechanical dogs, the three dodged laser fire and bombs as they tore apart the Honkai beasts with coordinated attacks. Painting the white snow with pink honkai blood.

His hacking device was working well… a bit too well. With all the high-tech mechs, battlesuits, and super soldiers being created through genetic manipulations. Roy would have thought they knew he shot a hacking device at them during the battle.

From it, he was able to gain a lot of information about this world. It was the year 2014, the world had experienced the awakening of three Herrschers.

It had been only three days since the awakening of the Third Herrscher. Mei Raiden, designated as the Herrscher of THUNDER, was currently under Schicksal's protection.

A Herrscher, a person who was able to gain a large amount of Honkai energy and evolve into a herald of the Honkai. They possessed near unparalleled power on this planet, someone akin to a tailed beast from Naruto.

The amount of destruction they could cause was astronomical. Compared to the previous two eruptions, the thousands of people that died at Nagazora were minor compared to the previous two eruptions.

From the files he had accessed, the girl was considered not a threat despite the destruction caused upon her awakening. The files marked Mei as a potential asset to humanity. A bomb had been placed in her chest with her consent in case she turned against humanity.

Studying at St Freya academy, the girl appears to be training to become a Valkyrie alongside the two other survivors of Nagazora . The city where she awakened as a Herrscher.

The data he could access on the second Herrsccher however was scarce. The servers he needed to access to learn details about her were too secure.

The image of a purple-haired girl with golden eyes appeared on his screen.

Sirin, that was the name of the Herrscher of the VOID. A person that declared war on the world and launched large amounts of rocks from the moon as missiles.

A surprising thing to learn about the second Herrscher was that she had access to multiple Herrscher gems. When a Herrscher was created, the mass amount of Honkai energy becomes a Herrscher core. The source of the Herrscher's power within their body.

Unlike the other two Herrschers, Sirin was aided directly by what she called the pinnacle of the Honkai. Who had granted her four cores in addition to her own core of Void.

Gems, while they were not on the same level of power as a fully realized core was a level below them and with enough energy and a compatible host. Schicksal firmly believed that they could give birth to new Herrschers.

After her defeat, the cores were extracted from her body. Four of the cores were in Schicksal's hands. The core of lighting was listed as lost when it was on loan to a company, ME corp that worked for Anti Entropy.

Ryoma Raiden, the image of a man with a resemblance to Mei appeared. He was the head of the M E corporation and Mei's father. Schicksal's records speculated that the man was framed by Cocolia. There was not enough evidence for Schicksal to press charges.

Afterward, the blonde Russian took over the company.

There was a detailed speculated report of how she ostracised events to prompt Raiden Mei into despair by causing her to become a pariah. Turned away from all her friends, teachers, former employees, and so on with having a criminal father.

Mei had lost everything. Then when the girl was at her worst state of mind by being bullied. A honkai energy reaction was detected at M E corporation's head building. The same frequency as the missing gem of conquest.

Dot's connected in Roy's mind about the fate of the missing gem.

He needed to look more into it, turning away from the files concerning the Third Herrscher. He finally looked through the files of the First Herrscher.

The reason why the two organizations were so eager to get him on their side. Welt, the Herrscher of Reason. The missing leader of Anti Entropy, the self-proclaimed guardian of humanity.

Roy accessed a recording of the confrontation between the first and second Herrschers.

Welt created an entire army of tanks, aircrafts, battleships, and robots to combat Sirin.

Their abilities were identical.

'That's some utter bolshevik… is what I want to say but something more ridiculous has happened. My arrival here from another world. After that even this seems like a small time,' But he knew it wasn't. It was reaffirmed by the soft leather of his seat as he flew through the air on what would normally be a millionaire dollar military project.

The fact he could understand most of this was very strange to him, it was like understanding the world had a continent called Asia. Simple fact.

'I doubt I have the First Herrscher's power, that bear attack was just too sudden,' having studied the files more he had gleaned that besides the fact he was insanely blessed, it went double due to gaining strong abilities. Men really didn't survive Honkai energy… like at all.

The only exceptions were if they had special protagonist hair, and of course bloodline traits, 'As if this couldn't be more anime.'

An emergency message was picked up on Roy's systems.

"Potential Herrscher awakening at Nagazora ."

Roy checked and double-checked the location coming from Japan, 'I was joking.' Then his eyes widened as he reread the file, 'That… might either be Wendy or Mei.' Both were feasible though it was likely Mei Raiden.

An emergency distress signal had been intercepted. It was from Schicksal's Japanese branch asking for immediate aid. A zoomed-in satellite image of the city came with the broadcast.

It depicted a school with vines covering the entire building. On top of it was a long gray-haired girl with a dead-looking green eyed girl smiling maniacally. Around her were corpses of various students and teachers captured in vines.

Their bodies were bent at unnatural angles and trails of red smoke were emerging off the girl and the corpses.


'The f- that's not Mei or Wendy,' as Roy looked at the image bewildered, he quickly tapped through the various holographic images floating around him trying to match the images and double-checking the data just to be sure.

'Well, I haven't been duped, that's not either of the other potential Herrschers, who in the world is this chick.'

Schicksal's database of the city's database designated the location as Chiba Academy. Roy ran a face-scanning program through the school's database and soon he got a name for the girl.

Hanayama Yuna.

Then the distress signal stopped.

A signal from a place called Saint Freya answered. "I, Theresa Apocalypse shall personally deal with it. All forces resume their normal routines, the newly assumed task forces are to continue the search for the target, Void walker."

'I knew Japan was a breeding ground for weirdos!' Roy snapped his fingers in getting the answer right, 'Well if it wasn't Japan I could've always gone elsewhere but it was a likely place to start at.'

"All forces in Japan are to form a containment zone. Prevent any honkai monster from getting out of the city."

Theresa Apocalypse, one of Schicksal's S rank valkyries.

An image of a young girl with white hair and blue eyes appeared. Her current location was in Germany.

Roy stared at the information on the screen, ' Theresa huh…' Roy vaguely remembered a midget white-haired girl that was a principal and had a giant cross as a weapon but not much else. 'Otto's granddaughter? From what I've read about that guy it doesn't sound right for him to have ever been married… but it's not impossible.'

'Alright, my power's telling me I can just barely make it, though I'll be completely drained by the time I get there…' Roy considered his problem for a moment, getting there before the others would give him some prep time but he'd be too exhausted to do anything, then he remembered, 'Ah, yes the Jet Stream.'

In the sky there were large rivers of air current that moved at speeds of 100-400kmph helping airplanes speed across the planet.

It'd help him save on some of that non-existent gas money.

With the sheer speed Roy was traveling at, nearly breaking the sound barrier had the coast of Japan come into view then the scenery became a blur. The sheer speed was needed not only to beat Schicksal to the location but for the GOA HyperBorea 7, the name he gave his ship to refuel.

Just like before, the moment he neared the Honkai contaminated zone of Nagazora. The HyperBorea's engines took in the energy and refueled itself.


Air exploded as the aircraft came to a stop slowly setting down on top of the skyscraper. Roy stepped outside his vehicle. The view was incredible, he was sure the last vestige of that shot of the girl showed her in a normal school environment, whatever happened must've had something to do with the trees.

The skyscrapers were covered in green and there were large craters that went into the subway stations and basements of the buildings below. Water flooded some of the streets, leading down into the craters like a natural waterfall. Almost as if people hadn't been living here for a century.

Roy could see dried-up corpses wrapped in vines and strange plants with limbs at odd angles sometimes not even attached. He forced himself not to linger as he noted they were all dead.

Then the door to the rooftop's door opened. A dehydrated corpse of a man could be seen with vines quickly growing over it. Consuming the body till it was no longer visible.

'The people are… gone.' Roy felt numb that they were essentially all dead. 'Seeing someone just evaporate like that was…'

Roy took a breath and exhaled.

Normally those without Honkai resistance became something akin to zombies when exposed to high density honkai energy. The Herrscher likely had power over plants or something related to it.

But in this case, whoever was spreading the vines killed everyone.

An explosion rang out, smoke and fire became visible a few blocks away.

He fashioned himself a basic Iron Man Suit but much more streamlined leaving out all the complex weapon systems and the high-tech software.

From what he had hacked beforehand from the two factions he gained enough from the Schicksal Battlesuits and the Anti-Entropy Mechs to create an in between of the two, even as downgraded as it was.

Roy was glad it worked but didn't spend time on it, instead used the scanning systems to figure out what the explosion was as he flew towards it.


His HUD informed him of an entity that looked like a person and a writhing mass which were likely the plants.

Flying hundreds of meters in less than a minute he had visual.

A short red-haired girl with amber eyes was kneeling on the ground in the middle of a deserted street. The blood from her wounds stained her brown and white uniform red.

In front of her were several vines. Sharp teeth like appendages surrounded them and as one they lashed out.

Despite being short of breath, the girl had a look of concentration on her face. The blue circuit-like veins on the right side of her body glowed a bit brighter. The metal pole she gripped in her hands started changing, gaining a blade.

In a single swing, she slashed through the first wave of vines leaving behind a trail of blue light.

'A Valkyrie- No wait, that girl looks like if Shirou Emiya had a sister. Well whatever the case, she's resistant, has powers, and can tell me what happened.'

Roy blasted the rest of the plants using the suit's lasers, it wasn't quite repulsor tech but it got the job done. He slammed down carefully from bruising his spine in Iron Man's classic hero landing.

Instead of talking, the girl just took a stance and gazed at Roy in a warning.


"Never heard of Iron Man? The Avengers?" Roy considered he might be in the wrong timeline for most of the world to know about that.

The girl gained a surprised look then shifted into an uncertain expression.

"Ah…" She struggled as she spoke each word. "I can't speak English"
