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The Invasion of Humanity

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In 1971 Humanity made first contact.

The insectoid race called the Yxgrkt had conquered large...

Master of Squirrel-fu

The Original
Feb 14, 2013
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In 1971 Humanity made first contact.

The insectoid race called the Yxgrkt had conquered large amounts galaxy. They had turned their attention on a small out of the way planet called earth that they not noticed before. They had initially believed it to hold no life, they had never actually encountered a planet similar to it before that held any. Moons yes but not a planet and especially not one so close to their sun. They detected no signs of what they considered an advanced race from their observations namely Warp and Grav Technology. They expected easy conquest.

They arrived in mass in their colossal vessels. Colosal constructs of odd black chitinous looking material stretching miles across. Floating cities in effect. Humanity had been both awed and terrified by them. And then the invasion happened. Millions of ships disengaged. Billions of little ships where spat out and began to fire upon earth cities and soldiers landed.

They were... Pitiful. Their weapons cumbersome, slow, fragile, They were simply an extension of Warp and Grav tech. In theory they were terrifying capable of warping space or creating small localized singularities in practice they were little more effective than an advanced Rocket Launcher. They're bodies were worse, They were insectoid, or at least so at first glance. They had a chitinous shell but organs similar to more advanced life. They had no head, and eight legs. They wore no armor more than to breath their native gasses believing their natural bodies enough. How wrong they were. They were physically weak too, likely the effect of so long in the emptiness of space.

Even their ships were horrible, many were destroyed simply by surface guns even without air support. The ships were slow, unable to maneuver effectively, and made of ridiculously weak armor. The first two were because they were piloted by the Yx themselves the second was discovered later to be that they were made from organic material, synthesized from their own carapaces.

It's not to say Humanity suffered no casualties, no ridiculous amounts of life were lost in the first hours of Zero Date (First Contact.) Almost all civilian and later in many hit and run tactics when hunting down all the Yx that had landed. While weak individually they had come in ludicrous mass and was hampered in eradication of the hostile creatures in no small part by humanity as well, usually nations not cooperating, or even out right attacking each other opportunely, occasionally by Yx sympathizers. In the end though after 26 hours of open combat and 3 years of clean up the invaders had been completely halted. The survivors had been rounded up and interrogated and the mysteries of the war were finally revealed.

The Yx method of Warp and Grav tech, along with those of other space fairing species were the effects of an exotic materiel common though out most of the universe, except of course in the Sol System. And the method to use it was simple, comparable to early flintlock pistols. Most civilizations had discovered flight long before Steel and occasionally before even Bronze! For the most part Conquest turned out to be a more valuable investment than invention and as such new technology virtually halted for the Yx. If they found other space fairing worlds battles usually ended largely in their favor, as they had never encounter nonwarp weapons more effective than Slings and Arrows which were no match for their hides and Numbers. And anything that hadn't found Warp yet were still barely learning how to chuck spears.

Having found such a lucrative career as bandits development ground to a halt very early, there was no analog to the industrial or information revolutions or even a Renascence. it was characteristic of most space fairing races as each had found it much easier to just enslave primitive races to produce for them. Except the Yx which simply exterminated to expand for it's large numbers.

In contrast, humanity somehow missed developing technology due to a quirk of not having the exotic material needed to produce the effects, and its unfocused expenditure of creativity and resources thus resulted in less immediately rewarding and ultimately more versatile applications and development of a very wide range of knowledge - medicine, heavy industry, electric motors, computers, nuclear power, etc. But without warp grav tech, they were restricted to a single solar system, and until recently a single planet.


The captured Yx ships reveal their secrets to any moderately trained eye. They were broken down, rebuilt, re-engineered, improved with modern human knowledge. The Yx, once feared by everything known for their extermination of many races had introduce a far more threatening thing upon the galaxy.

The impact of "Zero Date" echoed though the universe, starting with humanity. What had risen out of the ashes of the world was DISGAEA, the new name humans decided to refer to their planet as. The Yx had badly damaged society, what arose were more military governments, mostly individual but marginally cooperative, yet another quirk of earth's alone, the surviving Nations The Democratic American Common Wealth, The New EuroSoviet Alliance, Indochina, and oddly the Allied Australian Axis came into being. Earth could not harbor them together, they had united against a threat, and a threat there had to be to keep peace between super powers. The Yx were deemed a threat to humanity and Exterminatus was ordered upon the species near unanimously, the detractors being Australia who had favored rebuilding first and Indochina for unknown reasons.

DISGAEA had attempted to find the Yx homeworld to learn they had no concept of such a thing, each planet was only a hive and there was no need for a 'home world' like there is no 'home nest' of all wasps. It was deemed fit to simply attack and conquer of the nearest Yx nest as a stepping stone to take the rest as a means to procure more MANA stones, as had been dubbed the substance responsible for the Warp and Grav tech.

Humans were seen as an aberration by just about every species, either good or ill or even both due to the factions. They introduced the concept of Vengeance to the Yx, who could not see why they would wish to attack them. They had lost and would not make another attempt, why would the species they tried to conquer and lost to seek them out? Luckily for them they were more a match in space combat, as they had relatively equal terms of weapons and tech plus Millennia of experience. Also numbers. Humans were quite surprised to learn just how large the universe truly was especially now with their much lower numbers.

The auyouuoae, a powerful humanoid race (think technicolor hobbits) focused on trading found them abominations. Physically strong, Kinetic weapons, violent behavior, and capable of matching or even beating Yx. Their physical similarities only made it worse.

The Clicks (not their name but humans don't have letters to spell it anyway.) had an odd relationship with them. The Americans distrusted them along with Soviets while the Aussies had allied with them as it had appeared the rogue elements of the race had been fucking around with humans in the past for sh its a giggles thinking they were just a race of primitives. They had initially been terrified they they would visit this 'vengeance' upon them but were glad to learn a simple explanation actually did work despite the common idea of humans almost psychologically needed to kill everything for the slightest reasons. It helped that confirmed Click abductions in the past were none harmful and rarely involved actual probing.

Humans: Seem for the most part as near Eldritch abominations by the galaxy at large, tech to the point of near magic to most, physical monsters, and violently insane psychomurderers who lust for death. Seriously they destroy what they want to take simply to keep their opponents from having it, Worship an insane sociopath gods that commits all kinds of atrocities like killing their own children and yet they consider this god to be loving and merciful, In fact they routinely thank these gods for allowing them to sacrifice children to him, THEY THEN NAILED ONE OF THEIR OWN FRAKKING GOD TO A STICK AND WORSHIP DEPICTIONS OF IT'S CORPSE!
They are mostly hampered by their low numbers, but have recently started to try developing these new 'computer' things to hopefully substitute their relatively meager numbers. For the most part tech is still stuck in the 80s but some things we know from the nineties have emerged in the military sector (albeit most of that is military now) such as laser disks, desktops, digital tech. Medicine Chemistry and Physics though are about equal or even farther ahead then they are to us.

America: Still mostly democratic but far more militant than before. Comprised of more than 157 states, having absorbed many defeated countries into itself, included most of south America, and Africa and all of Mexico and Canada. It's similar to how it was back in the 50-60s as the men that went to war expanded their favored culture around. They had allied with the Soviets early on much to everyone's surprise and an odd osmosis of their governments occurred, America becoming more strict and socialized while Soviets began to adopt western ideas in the private sectors. In the end the alliance that was tentative became iron hard. Benevolent in extraterrestrial interests, mostly. Their main goals are the spread of humanity to the rest of the universe to ensure longevity and the defense of the homelands.

Soviets: Russia, Mongolia, Europe, iceland, Japan. Pretty similar to modern day Russia as westernism and trade with the Americas has started to improve the quality of life for the average citizen along side less resources squandered on competition with the west. Their markets are still controlled by the governments but capitalism is spreading inch by inch. The sharing of tech and culture has left both super powers far ahead. Efficiency in extraterrestrial interests, to absorb anything to help as well as the complete eradication of anything that posses a threat to humanity or the Manifest Destiny of humanity. They are very aggressive for the most part leave things alone that they don't think would be a threat or asset.

Indochina: China, most of the middle east, India, parts of Africa and the Philippines. China had taken the most opportunities to take new land during the invasion, most of the time not even waiting for the aliens to weaken the ruling government first. They once took control of the weakened Japan but had lost it to Soviets along with many middle Eastern contries. They eventually simply consolidated their powerbase after about 2 years after most of the modern territories formed not wanting to take on the combined might of the new Allies. They restrict access from other nations into their borders and only accept strict communism and absolute loyalty to their new Emperor. They are the most aggressive extraterrestrially seeking to focus on conquest of the rest of the species rather than focusing on eradicating a proved no threat.

The Aussies: Came out of nowhere. Australia and all of the Atlantic islands including Hawaii as well as the Philopines and parts of Africa (all islands). Made up of all the parts that the other superpowers just abandoned as lost causes, either to hard to defend, too infested, or just simply not worth the effort to save/defend. They seriously hate Indochina and America, especially the Philippines and Hawaii who were abandoned as being though of as too heavily infested. They had mostly all individually come to Australia for protection and formed a loose alliance similar to the confederacy. Most of the other nations view it as the new third world or just a place to go for debauchery. It's the most free nation yet valuing individual freedom above all and it's states rights. It's the weakest nation but still a force to be reckoned with as they still managed to do what everyone else thought was impossible of taking on the aliens while fighting off Indochina. Consider it the new 'America' with Russia's reputation for just not giving a fuck. They have a relatively positive reputation through the rest of the galaxy though no less feared, most even think them a separate breed of human.


Yxgrkt: Buglike. modeus operandi; infest a planet and take over, usually killing and eating the native lifeforms or simply stripping it of resources. Exist in swarms beyond humans ability to really understand and work with a pseudo Hive Mind. They have no head, 4 arms and legs, about 12 feet high, breath very concentrated oxygen. They can also naturally fly but not on large planets like earth. They were once considered the nightmares of the universe, uncountable numbers, tough exoskeletons, Warp and grav Weapons, violent, strong. They are still a large threat but the fear has now moved onto humanity for being able to actually turn the tide on them.

auyouuoae (Aoyuue): Look like bald doglike hobbits with technicolor skin and focus on trade. Live in similar conditions as humans though under much less gravity. Very peaceful and happy almost childlike. They focus most of their Warp tech on escape and evasion, things like bending light, barriers, and such for the individual.

Clicks: The most advanced with the Warp and Grav techs. Look like the Greys, and in fact are the greys. They tend to just meander around and explore the galaxy looking for interesting things to fuck around with. Some had found earth and decided to fuckaround with and study the humans covertly. They had no idea of human civilization or tech as they just took some people at random to look at without really studying the culture, thinking them like cave men since they lacked warp tech. They are pretty much a non threat and don't have a collective government or society, mostly seeming like nomads.

It is now 2013. What is happening in this new world?

So basically everyone can just write up their own little snippets here. Consider it a thought experiment.
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I don't get the humans being only equal to the Yx in space combat. Guided missiles are a real gamechanger.

I'd say in this new, more threatening, world human experimentation has been taken up to determine how our brains and intelligence work to be able to improve the human worker drones.

dragonwarz said:
This sounds strangely familiar.
I believe the original idea came from a book where humanity is invaded by aliens with flintlock weapons.
GoC said:
I don't get the humans being only equal to the Yx in space combat. Guided missiles are a real gamechanger.

I'd say in this new, more threatening, world human experimentation has been taken up to determine how our brains and intelligence work to be able to improve the human worker drones.
I believe the original idea came from a book where humanity is invaded by aliens with flintlock weapons.

This is because Grav and Warp weapons are much better suited for combat between ships rather than infantry. Like I said, it's like a bazooka only rather than blowing you up it either rips it apart or crushes it into a singularity, and the armor doesn't help in the slightest. It's like putting a guy with a pistol against a guy with a rocket launcher in melee vs putting an army of each against each other at a mile away. Grav and Warp tech are just more efficient than what Humanity has in terms of space battle tech. And They are still very limited in numbers, in fact Humans only number in at 2 billion (A remark able recovery given large amounts civilian casualties in the initial invasion) at the moment which is pitiful compered to every other space fairing race, especially the Yx.

So it's more like 10 guy with a reloading RPGs vs 10000 guys with single shot bazooka in nearly every battle between the two.

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