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The Kingdom Beyond the Wall [HP x ASOIAF Crossover]

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Summary: Harriet Potter as a Master of Death has been traveling dimensions for thousands of...


Prolific Writer - Moodboards Maker
Sep 5, 2019
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Summary: Harriet Potter as a Master of Death has been traveling dimensions for thousands of years. She has built many kingdoms and has been gathering resources and magic and technology in each world. Now, she discovers the world called Planetos where she intends to create another magical community like in her previous journeys.[Fem Harry x Surprise Pairing] [Kingdom Building]

Sometime in 121st Century
The Potter Fortress, Isle of Death, Mars


Without looking up from the magi-tab she is reading, Harriet Potter says to the small creature that has appeared before her.

"Hello, Wimpsy. How was the scouting mission? Did you find a great place where we can build a community?"

"Yes, Mistress Potter! The scouting went well! Wimpsy found the right place for Mistress Potter to build the community!" The house elf replies in obvious excitement.

"Where is it going to be then?" She asks the house elf as she continues to scroll through her magi-tab.

"It is place Beyond the Wall, where the wildling people are," is the house elf's response.

"And I assume that these wildlings will be the first people to become the magical community in Planetos? Do you think they will agree to it?"

"The wildlings are desperate people, Mistress Potter. They live a harsh life beyond the wall. Wimpsy is certain that they will agree to become part of the magical community if given the opportunity."

"Hmn," Harriet mumbles as she looks up to gaze at the little elf. "How about the survey of the land? Did they find something beyond the wall?"

"Yes, the survey team found a lot of iron deposits, gold, silver, copper and many more beyond the wall. There's a huge amount of it. But some has to be brought closer to the surface for an easy extraction."

"I see. And where do you think we should place the first castle and other buildings?"

"Wimpsy thinks the best place to start is the wildling city called Hardhome. It is located in Storrold's Point. It's close to the Shivering Sea. A port can be built there. Although the city is quite haunted."

"Haunted you say? Hmn…I will personally deal with the lingering souls and send them to the afterlife when I go there then…Is there anything you wish to report Wimpsy?"

"Yes, Mistress. The scouting team have also discovered a powerful Necromancer in the far north. In a place the locals call the Land of Always Winter. The locals call these beings the Others or White Walkers and they have an army of undead at their beck and call. They might pose a threat to your goals in the future, Mistress Potter."

Harriet looks contemplative at the news right before she smiles at the house elf.

"Don't worry Wimpsy. I will deal with them first before I start anything in Planetos. Either I eradicate them entirely or they have to submit to me and my rule," She assures the elf.

"I understand, Mistress Potter." The elf says, smiling in return.

Three days later…
The Land of Always Winter, Westeros, Planetos


A dark clad figure appears amongst the whiteness of the cold wasteland, where thousands upon thousands of unmoving undead in all manner of decomposition are standing.

At her sudden appearance, a few of the undead turn towards her with their glowing blue eyes.

Harriet Potter meets their eyes head on where she immediately latches onto the consciousness behind the undead and speaks to the one currently controlling the decomposing body.

"I need to speak to you, Night King," She says calmly in the Old Tongue, which she learned yesterday after absorbing the language from the old scrolls that her scouting party had found.

She faces the Necromancer in her mind's eye, who looks surprised to sense her through the connection with his undead puppet.

She senses the Night King recoil from her presence while Harriet watches as the undead in front of her lets out a rattling sound that draws the rest of the surrounding undead towards her.

"It's really important that I speak to you," She tells the Night King firmly.

The undead around her start shuffling in her direction while she remains unfazed.

There is a short pause as Harriet allows the Night King to ruminate on her words.

After a while, the undead near her finally nod their decomposing heads, nearly severing some of it, right before the army of undead parted to allow her entry into their lands.

Harriet smiles and says, "Thank you."

Then, she strides forward towards an odd structure made of ice in the distance with the intent to confront the Night King regarding the army of the undead at his doorstep and to ask about his goals for the future.

She deeply hopes that they will come to an accord. If not, then she has no choice but to exterminate the Night King and his minions.

AN: This fic is really self-indulgent. I made Harriet overpowered. So expect it. Don't complain to me about it because I've already warned you. Please tell me what you think!
Deal with the Night King
There are ten tall figures waiting for her at the entrance in what she assumes as their fortress. The ten figures have pale white skin and white hair with bright blue eyes. She also notes their armor and weapons made of ice.
The ten white walkers simply watch her in silence as she walks towards them. Upon closer inspection, the white walkers look like the Sidhe in her old world.

One white walker steps forward and gestures for her to follow him.

Harriet allows the white walker to lead the way as they enter the fortress. She is soon followed by the rest of the white walkers. The walls on either side of her are made of ice with some strange runic etchings covering it. Harriet might need to study them to better understand the runes. If only the Night King let her. She might have to inquire about them soon.

She continues to walk through the icy hallways for two minutes until they finally reach a cavernous room, where she immediately sees the Night King sitting on a throne. She also notes that there are more of the white walkers gathered around here.

"Greetings, Night King," She says in the Old Tongue, her voice echoing around the cavernous hall.

"Greetings Lady Potter. What is your intent for coming here?" The Night King asks coldly.

Straight to the point, she thinks in amusement.

"I have come to your domain to make a deal with you," She replies just as cool.

"What kind of deal?" The being asks almost curiously.

"I intend to make a magical community out of the Wildlings Beyond the Wall. All I ask is that you stop harvesting the dead bodies for your army. I also don't want you and yours to harm anyone in my future community," She tells him.

There is a brief pause while the Night King contemplates her request.

"And in exchange for what?" The Night King inquires.

"Anything you want," comes Harriet's nonchalant reply.

There's another pause while the being regards her thoughtfully.

"I can sense great power in you. What are you?" The Night King suddenly asks.

"I've been given many titles and names. But most know me as the Mistress of Death," is Harriet's honest reply.

"Yes, I can sense Death surrounding you," the Night King nods his head. "As for what I want, I have decided something after seeing your power for myself."

The Night King stares at her for a moment before resuming, "Here is my proposition. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and bearing my children? And in exchange, we will no longer add your future people to my army and we will not harm them so long as you uphold the end of the deal."

Harriet suddenly realizes that Night King was far too ambitious. He must have sensed her immense power and that's why he proposes to take her as his wife and bears him his children. The Night King wants her for himself.

Well, she doesn't have a problem with his proposal. It's been a while since she has taken a husband, and her children and her descendants were all dead many, many years ago. Perhaps marrying the Night King isn't such a terrible idea. He already has a standing army just waiting to be deployed. If war breaks out or the south intends to invade the far north, then she'll just ask her future husband to send his undead army down south while the magical community remains uninvolved with the war.

She also doesn't care about moral dilemmas and striking a deal with a powerful Necromancer. She has lived for thousands of years and she no longer has any care about what is right and wrong so long as she gets her main objective. This is not her first time working or even marrying a morally reprehensible character.

Moreover, her future husband is immortal and isn't bad-looking either. He looks exactly like the King of the Sidhe or Fae in her old world with flowing white hair and bright blue eyes and porcelain skin. For certain, she will bear beautiful children with him.

"Then, we have a deal," Harriet replies, smiling.

AN: Were you expecting something different to happen? I bet you weren't expecting that. *insert evil laughter* Anyway, I've taken the book description of the Others instead of describing them as depicted from the show. I've read from somewhere that the Others look like the Sidhe or Fae of our world.

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rational Night King,fem Harry,why not?

Only problem is - she is so overpowered,that nobody here could fight her with chance of victory.
So,instead of writing about battles,i suggest slices -of-life with some uplifting chapters,you could add from time to time "X tried fight and get crushed" without writing anything more.

And,reactions from Westeros characters,and how they try to use her.
rational Night King,fem Harry,why not?

Only problem is - she is so overpowered,that nobody here could fight her with chance of victory.
So,instead of writing about battles,i suggest slices -of-life with some uplifting chapters,you could add from time to time "X tried fight and get crushed" without writing anything more.

And,reactions from Westeros characters,and how they try to use her.
Thanks for the suggestion. Already going to focus on uplifting and the reaction from other people. Well, that's the plan at least. Thanks so much for commenting!
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Thanks for the suggestion. Already going to focus on uplifting and the reaction from other people. Well, that's the plan at least. Thanks so much for commenting!

It was only logical - i like overpowered MC,but once you made them,writing about battles is pointless.But,reactions of Tywin,Varys,Ned and especially Baelish would be fun to watch - especially how his "Chaos is ladder" meme would work on MC !/
The Plan
Harriet carefully watches through the magical binoculars the proceedings of placing down the ready-made infrastructures within the trunk which she bought. The trunk is the result of more than thousand years of research and development in which the magical community has produced to be used in many places. She bought the trunk for millions of galleons, which she already expected to be expensive. She knows that the contents of the trunk were built for more than ten years, but is ready to be expanded to the real world today.

"Ok, Demsy," She turns towards the elf beside her. "You can now reveal the contents of the trunk. All we need is for the contents to extend over Hardhome and perhaps the Haunted Forest."

"Yes, Mistress!" The elf says excitedly right before disappearing with a pop and appearing in the distance where the other elves had placed the trunk at the center of Hardhome.

"So there's a city in that trunk you brought here?"

Harriet hears her local companion say.

She turns to look at the Night King standing next to her. Her future husband.

"Yes, there is," she replies.

"How does it work?" The Night King asks in obvious curiosity.

"It's a combination of an extension charm, preservation charm, transfiguration, rune arrays and some other spells to make it work," she explains to him. "And the entire trunk contains a castle and acres and acres of land with greenhouses, orchards, paddocks, animal pens and other structures for useful magical and mundane flora and fauna. Other than that, it also features different styles of houses for future residents and other buildings for the government. The trunk is actually called a Trunk City, which is usually used for certain dimensional-traveling magical organizations who want to build a kingdom somewhere. Although there are not many organizations like that in my world."

"Are you part of an organization?" The Night King inquires.

"Yes, my own," She replies, smiling at him.

And before the Night King can ask her more, Harriet's attention is drawn towards the place the elves have set the trunk.

She watches through her magical binoculars as the elves activate the reality expansion of the trunk. And within moments, the contents of the trunk starts encroaching on the outside world. The first to appear and spread out over the area are acres upon acres of land with the green houses, paddocks, orchards and other farmlands. This is soon followed by lines upon lines of well-built houses and other buildings, which culminates with a huge castle with outer and inner walls at the center.

It takes minutes for the entire thing to expand into the real world while the trunk containing all of it disappears into nothing. Now, there is an entire city in Hardhome that appeared in minutes. All Harriet needs to do is buy a few more of the trunks for certain areas like the harbor and then find the people to run the city.

And her future husband will be able to help her with the latter.

"All I need is the people to occupy the city," she tells the Night King. "Are you able to help me with that?"

"Yes, I can…You want me to send my undead army to the wildlings as a scare tactic correct?" The Night King says.

"Yes, I want you to scare them into taking desperate measures. Harry them and then I will swoop in to save the day, where I will propose a solution to them. I will tell them that I will convince you to give up on attacking them and in exchange they will have to join my community and be under my protection," Harriet informs him.

"And how are you certain that the wildlings will agree to your proposal?" The Night King asks her.

"I am confident that they will. A little Confundus - or even an Imperio - here and there on the leaders can resolve some of the hurdles that I will face," she can't help but smirk at him.

"I don't know what those are but I trust that you will be able to achieve your goal," her future husband replies. "When do you want me to send my undead army?"

"Tonight," she tells him. "I want the wildlings to join my community as soon as possible. So please don't delay the process."

"As you wish," is the Night King's response.

"Just so you know…you will be losing a part of your undead army once you attack. I won't hesitate to use fire to destroy them to save the wildlings," she warns the Night King.

"I understand," he replies. "And I am not worried about losing a part of my undead army. I still have plenty of corpses under my thrall. Your attack won't probably even make a dent on my army because I still have some army reserves after all."

"That's good to hear," she sighs in relief. She still needs his army in the future after all. "And please make sure not to kill any of my future people. You can injure the wildlings but not kill."

"Of course," is her future husband's smooth response.

There is a short pause as they look at the new city in front of them.

"How will you turn the wildlings into magical people?" The Night King inquires all of a sudden.

Harriet turns to look at him and meets his bright blue eyes.

"I have a serum that I invented thousands of years ago that turns ordinary people into magical people," she informs him. "The main ingredient to make the serum is a drop of my blood, which is powerful enough to alter a person's essence."

She doesn't say DNA because she is certain that the Night King will not understand. So she simply says 'essence' and hopes that it is enough for her future husband to understand.

"And how do you make these wildlings run your city when they are farther from civilized people?"

"I've got that handled too," is her swift response. "In my world, someone invented potions called Bottled Skills and Bottled Knowledge. These potions when ingested allows the person the skills and knowledge of the potion they drink for specific magical professions. If I give this to the wildlings, they will easily gain knowledge and skills of the magical profession they chose from. Other than that, there are also the Basic Bottled Repertoire Potions for easily learning everything from mathematics, sciences, laws, the social norms and other things as expected to become an upstanding magical citizen in my community. All of these potions are possible after thousands of years of development."

"I see…" the Night King mutters. "So you mean that all these wildlings will become civilized and educated magical people once they drink this potion?"

"Not all of them perhaps. It really depends on how they adapt to the skills and knowledge they obtain from the potion," Harriet informs him. "But I won't have to worry about that because I'm certain they will follow my lead."

"How can you be sure about that?" He asks her.

"Because one of the side effects of my magical serum is that people who drink it will become loyal to me so I'm sure that the wildlings will do their best to be on my good side," she tells him.

"That's good to know that you made certain that your future people won't betray you," he says. "As will I. I will not betray your trust, my lady. Of that I can assure you."

"Yes, I know you won't because the Unbreakable Vow has made sure of that," comes her response. "Now, when do you want the wedding?"

The Night King looks at her for a moment before he answers.

"Perhaps after you have secured your people and informed them of our nuptials... Isn't that what you will propose to them to keep my army from attacking the wildlings? A marriage between us?"

"Yes, that's the plan and I hope nothing will derail it from happening."

"I am sure everything will go as planned. And if not, I am always here to help you if something untoward happens," the Night King assures her.

"Thanks," Harriet says, smiling at her future husband.

There is another short pause, which is soon broken by the loud popping sound when three house elves appear in front of the pair.

"Mistress Harriet, the expansion is done!" One of the house elves - Demsy - reports happily.

"Good work everyone! Now, you can go through the Portal and inform the others about the news," she tells the house elves.

"Yes, Mistress!" The three house elves say right before they disappear with another loud pop.

"Now, do you want to see the entire city?" Harriet asks the Night King.

"Of course, my lady. I will accompany you in touring this new city of yours," is his response.

"Then, let's go!" Then with a large grin, she grabs a hold of the Night King's hand and swiftly apparates towards the city in the distance.

Now, they will enjoy their time exploring what the new city holds before they face the wildlings that night.

Hopefully everything goes as planned.

AN: I am so sorry for the really late update! I was focusing on my other stories for the last few weeks and neglect to update this one. And yes, you just read that right. A Trunk City. I love reading about overpowered characters so expect to see it in this story.
Well,seems logical,BUT - she is so overpovered,that Westeros is no danger to her,so there is no meaning in writing about future battles there - she arleady win them.
Maybe Drowned God,Yellow Emperor,or whatever lurks in Stygoi and Kadath could be reliable opponents ?

If not,slices-of -life would be good,too.
Or building cyvilization.
Well,seems logical,BUT - she is so overpovered,that Westeros is no danger to her,so there is no meaning in writing about future battles there - she arleady win them.
Maybe Drowned God,Yellow Emperor,or whatever lurks in Stygoi and Kadath could be reliable opponents ?

If not,slices-of -life would be good,too.
Or building cyvilization.
Thanks for the suggestion! I will keep it mind. Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate it!
Thanks for the suggestion! I will keep it mind. Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate it!
GRRM never told us what really lurk in Stygoi or Kadath,ot how strong Yellow Emperor or Drowned god are - so,if you need real opponent,you could made them as strong as your story need.
..... yeah I'm not sure about this story. I realize the first few chapters are busy set up, but the charcters so far just seem shallow and sociopathic. And the plot is advancing more by author mandate than organically, or even believably. Frankly you could replace Harriet with stereotypical powerful ancient wizard faffing about because they're bored, and the story wouldn't change at all. May be more believable with Aniz or some of the people of Nazerack as the main charcter(s), as they do have a history of dominating a new world. I also see A LOT of Mary Sue flags here.

Unless plot gets depth to it in the next chapter or two, I would write this off as yet another power fantasy with some cosmetic similarities to Harry Potter just to get popularity.

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