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[ " Speech ]
[ ' thoughts ]

(Earth -Year 2023)
( 3rd pov )

On a snowy night, the cold wind...
The beginning


Getting out there.
Aug 19, 2023
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[ " Speech ]
[ ' thoughts ]

(Earth -Year 2023)
( 3rd pov )

On a snowy night, the cold wind blew through the city, the lights illuminated the snow like fireflies.

In a busy street, a young person can be seen walking among a crowd of people. He has short black hair, and deep brown eyes, wearing a Gray hoodie that covers him from the falling snowflake, with a white t-shirt underneath and long black pants. The outfit made him look boring.

The young man was contemplating what to have for dinner that night, The idea of chicken soup seemed appealing.

As he walked along the frozen footpath, a distant roar of an engine reached his ears, the thunderous engine noise, coupled with the abrupt screeching of tires, startled him. He quickly turned toward the source of the commotion and saw a truck hurtling in his direction.

As the truck hurtled forward, the other people in the way got away quickly, but an icy grip of terror seized him, rendering his body motionless, time seemed to slow down.

but the impending doom remained inevitable, the impact was a brutal collision of metal and flesh.

The body of the young man was grievously destroyed by the impact of the truck, and not a single word escaped his lips before the darkness consumed him.

( Kevin Albrecht )
( In a void )
( 1st pov )

I found myself surrounded by a vast expanse of emptiness adorned with stars of various hues, resembling a clear night sky with reduced obscurity. This was my newfound vision, an improvement from the utter darkness that was before.

As I ponder my arrival here, recalling that I was simply walking back home, However the memory suddenly shifts to a truck, and from that point onward, my memory grows hazy. There's a discomfort gap at that point, an uncomfortable feeling.

But here I am alone, with nothing but my thoughts, Is this a form of torture for me?

Time keeps moving forward, yet I lost track of it after two days. The solitude in this place makes me feel like I'm on the brink of insanity.

I needed something to prevent myself from losing my mind. After giving it considerable thought, I devised a plan. I will meticulously revisit my memories repeatedly, to retain my identity and prevent succumbing to madness.

The first thing to remember about my time in this place is my name, Kevin Albrecht. With that, my identity is tied to it, even if I forget some things I will still remember my name.

After diligently practicing this process for an unknown time, I find myself able to vividly recollect my memories at will. However, a daunting question remains, How much time has truly elapsed? Could it be a mere decade, or perhaps even a century? The relentless passage of time in this place makes tracking it an impossible task.

As I delved into my memories, moments of panic occasionally gripped me. However, as time passed, those panic episodes began to lessen. They proved unproductive and exhausting, leaving me drained and weary of the relentless onslaught of negative thoughts.

Alone with nothing but my thoughts for company, I came to a sobering realization. I haven't accomplished much in my life. My days were consumed by work, spending money on food, and acquiring possessions that brought me fleeting moments of happiness.

Things like games.

' Ah... I missed my daily log-in. I wanted to get enough to get Bronya, the Herrscher of Truth.'

He just wanted to complete a set of three Herrschers, He didn't fail when they first came out, and now was his chance.

To get all three of them. Only Bronya was left.

As I wallowed in misery.

A B̴̡͛̊͘l̴͉̫̂u̷̘͐̍ê̷̺̰ ̷̙͒l̴̼̰͈͋i̴̼̞̩͐g̵̮͉̻͑͂h̷͎͎͋t̸̖̝̭͌̚͝ appeared, in front of him in the starry void, It was almost blinding, the B̵̧̟̝̙̘̘̣̼͎̄͒͜l̶̖͎͗̐͋ủ̸̡̠̮̝̜͎̕͜é̶̠͖͈̑͛̀̿̈́̒̀̕̚ light. Then pain, a searing invasive pain invaded his soul.

"What's going on?" I exclaimed to myself, a sense of anticipation rising within me. Intriguingly, I found myself able to draw closer to the unfolding event, despite lacking a physical form to interact.

It all B̴̡͛̊͘l̴͉̫̂u̷̘͐̍ê̷̺̰ that he sees now.

( 3rd pov )
(Marvel multiverse)
[Universe 199999]
(Earth-new York /Year- 2012)
-Chitauri Invasion-

Amid the ruins of the streets, a badly wounded teenage boy's body lay sprawled.

Yet, an unforeseen transformation began to unfold. A soft, ethereal blue glow enveloped his form, initiating a miraculous process of healing.

His injuries were repaired, and his body underwent a profound change, his attire restoring itself.

His once blonde hair darkened to a silverish white, and his complexion turned paler. Gradually, the radiant light subsided, unveiling his open eyes.

Within them, a brilliant blue radiance emanated, a remnant of the transformation.

The teen boy blinked a few times, causing the light to dim, but keen observers could still detect its faint presence concealed within his gaze.

(1st pov)
( Kevin POV )

Waking up in this strange and familiar environment, He can feel it all around him, the deaths and knowledge that comes from them, which is seen familiar.

"Feels like a scene straight out of Marvel's Avengers." I mused, a touch of irony coloring my voice. The unveiling failed to spark astonishment; the extended time spent within the starry void of an unknown time frame had given me a heightened control over my thoughts and emotions, This saved me from spiraling into madness.

I found myself bombarded by torrents of additional information streaming from a core, understanding that I now possessed it.

The knowledge he was being imparted included blueprints and insights from the world of Honkai Impact.

Which made him happy, that he played the game and enjoyed everything, but he is not too knowledgeable about most things in it.

Now with details about mech suits, battleships like the Hyperion, and other resources, this newfound information amplified his prospects for survival in this world.

"I have a blueprint of even divine keys which are just herrscher cores crafted into weapons, but that will take a heavy toll on my new body to build it, I should start small for my safety."

He murmured and noted with a sense of realization. The accumulation of knowledge from the deceased, the enigmatic light within the void, and the knowledge of the Honkai blueprint all contributed to a clearer understanding.

'I'm a herrscher'

Now possessing the mantle of the Herrscher of Reason, though it should technically be "True," I comprehend the nature of my abilities. With this newfound understanding, I believe I've unraveled the explanation behind why I'm not the Herrscher of True.

I don't have full mastery of my ability and the souls of all that are dying in this place, are coming towards the core of reason, which is messing up my knowledge by adding random bits with the core own database, but I will need to sort this through later, now is not the time.

And the souls are coming too fast towards my core. They should have moved on or is it that they had an unfulfilled desire they stayed behind for a bit and that is when I was revived they all were pulled into my core of reason.

This made sense in this event, now that I focus on my core, I can feel a stream of souls coming toward the core of reason,


What's happening?



Mama! Mama save me!!!


The girl in black tights looks good

Voices resounded from within my body, it is slowly making my head hurt, and it increasing my honkai energy which is the destruction incarnation

And I can feel that by letting loose all of this energy, I can destroy the entirety of this City, and the soul voice, which is not good for my mind in the long run, but thanks to my extended time within the void, I've gained considerable self-control, and with that, I will remain in control,

But this is not good for my core. In the future, to have this much energy stored in excess, my mind is not strong enough to suppress all the individual minds in my core.

Perhaps the mind stone can help, but it will not be easy to acquire. I will have to show them that I'm powerful enough to keep it.

Very well then, It seems I'll need to intervene in this war to avoid detrimental consequences for both my power and my well-being.

I got up from lying down on the street that his body was on and looked up into the sky at Stark Tower on top of it. Where an energy-like beam shot up towards the sky, opening a portal that was spitting out the Chitauri army on Earth.

(3rd pov)

"So much destruction from these things, very well then let's take care of these Invaders." Kevin said and with that a smile began to appear on his face, Reality around him waved like waters in small ripples, as 5 cannon like weapons began to appear around him,

Proto Pulse Cannon was in Kevin's possession. Its mechanism involved a single shot upon the first activation, doubling in power on the second, and tripling on the third before resetting to its initial state, which he got from the blueprints.

Observing the massive cannons surrounding him, a group of Chitauri soldiers diverted their attention toward Kevin. The sight of the formidable weapons prompted them to approach him, using a flying chariot as their means of transportation.

The cannons in Kevin's vicinity began to accumulate luminous particles around their tips, indicating a process of charging. Adjusted slightly in alignment, they awaited his command.

As the Chitauri drew nearer, Kevin gave the order to fire. Five shots were discharged in rapid succession, converging toward the enemy group's projected location. The culmination of these shots produced a colossal sphere of radiant white light in the sky. The sphere eradicated the Chitauri group, causing fragments of their metallic remnants to rain down from the point of impact.

With that display, Kevin laughed happily.

His thoughts echoed, 'This is just a taste of the Herrscher power, merely scratching the surface of what I'm capable of. The saying about violence is true – if it's not enough, it is simply not being used enough. In my case, it's all about my capacity to understand and make. If what I create isn't enough, I'll create more until I attain success. '

With that thought, he begins to walk forward, toward the center of this mess, which is Stark Tower and he unleashes his cannons, obliterating any Chitauri soldiers that dare to cross his path.

During his path, Kevin made a concerted effort to rescue individuals and mend those who could be healed. His power allowed him to efficiently repair the human body by replacing damaged parts. Once these repairs were made, the body's natural healing processes would seamlessly take over.

Understanding that minimizing casualties would alleviate the strain on his core, Kevin continued his efforts to save lives. As he approached Stark Tower, a massive surge of energy radiated from the Space stone, which is trapped in the universal cube, as it broke open a space portal on Earth.

(First POV)

An infinity stone is so powerful, it is only one of 6. I wonder what will happen if I try to understand it. That feels foolish. I don't have my full potential, perhaps in the future when I reach the TRUTH.
Now that I'm here, it's time to focus on what I'm skilled at—creating.

Encircling the tower, more than 200 Proto Pulse Cannons were strategically positioned from the base to the apex.

With meticulous precision, they were aligned to target the portal from which the Chitauri emerged.

The intention was to draw attention, and I couldn't help but realize that while this display of power was enough, it might not be my full capability. Nonetheless, for the moment, it felt like an adequate measure.

" fire!!" I say as the plasma pulse begins to bombard the portal. (Boom boom boom)

As I did that a royal blue aura intensified around my body, And this has announced my arrival, the presence of the Herrscher of Reason into this world.


Starry void